#crps flare
I trying more than anyone knows
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Chronic pain problems •
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rose-tinted-wings · 2 years
The pain
I want to scream
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arunreadingbooks · 6 months
Julius Caesar - easier to find men who will volunteer to die, than to find who are willing to endure pain with patience
What will you chose if life is crumbling/exhausting every moment of every day.
Life shouldn't feel like a sisyphean task.
What's the breaking up point anyway?
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dabnyfantown · 2 years
i feel really unwell lately.. its really scary dealing with chronic illnesses even if the symptoms are “normal” for you it can be so hard to deal with sometimes
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luvevee · 2 years
Having chronic pain while also having the ability to walk is a fine line of "oh my god my body feels like it's gonna implode from invisible knives" and "I can still walk so I'm not in enough pain to say anything about it."
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snowjemmer · 6 months
When I recover from whatever flare up is happening rn I'm becoming a dog. Fuck being a puppyboy nah I'm a full puppy. No school. I'm smoking bowls and laying on mt back and wagging my tail and sitting in my bed and nothing else I was not made to exist as a human person
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marsdeathdefiances · 9 months
Friendly reminder: please don’t grab, touch, move, etc. a disabled person’s mobility aid without asking (and take no for an answer if that’s the answer you get)! I had to run to the store today and since I’m in a nasty crps flare I used one of the wheelchairs they have (I don’t have my own- I only have a walker and forearm crutches but I use wheelchairs on bad pain days or if I will be standing for a long time or going a long distance if one is available) and when I was looking at something someone pushed me a bit out of the way. And I apologized for being in their way but also asked them to just…ask me to move if I’m in their way. And thankfully they were cool about it, and didn’t get angry at me or anything. But still. Please don’t do that. I can’t imagine you’d just pick somebody up and move them if they were in your way, so don’t do that to us! Just ask!
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cpunkwitch · 10 months
happy disability pride month
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[id: image on the right is a flag with a dark grey background, a dusty rainbow diagonally going across it from the bottom left corner going up to the right and two dark grey circles in the middle of the image one smaller in the middle of the other. the mage in the middle is a green uerbox with the flag on the right and white text reading "this user wants people to understand that living with a physical disability in this world today is a waking nightmare". the image on the left is the same flag as on the right. :end id]
i want to talk about chronic pain. might make more posts similar to this one for other things but right now lets discuss chronic pain.
Chronic Pain Syndrome, aka Chronic Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS), is a broad classification of prolonged pain typically outside injuries or outside the usual timeframe for pain caused by injuries.
there are plenty of things listed under chronic pain like arthritis, back pain, fibromyalgia and more, however not everyone realizes what they have is chronic pain.
chronic pain is not about how bad the pain is, how much it hurts nor about how consistent it is, its about how long it goes on for.
if youre feeling pain for days on end in some area, thats chronic pain if youre feeling pain for a while after every time you try to do something with a limb (ex. lifting causes pain that stays all day and even the next day, getting up in the morning causes pain that lasts etc), thats chronic pain
if the pain goes on and off but still lasts a while when its there thats still chronic pain, it doesnt have to be consistent with how it lasts but pain that lasts longer than it should is chronic pain.
i always have pain in my spine when i get up in the morning, stand too long, walk or just be on my feet too long, lift heavy things etc and that pain lasts at least till the next day but usually much longer. strained muscles and exhaustion, soreness and aches are normal after activities but if they last longer than a day that isnt normal.
if someone tells you prolonged pain after doing something even mildly strenuous on your body is normal pain, they dont know what they're talking about and likely experience chronic pain themselves and no ones told them.
chronic pain can be caused by injuries, by conditions you were born with or gained over time. i was born with a defect in my spine thats caused me back pain, jaw pain, headaches and more for years and i only found out about it rather recently.
chronic pain can cause exhaustion and even be accompanied by chronic fatigue more often than not. it can cause you to need longer breaks and rest and avoid usage of your arms or legs or avoid further strenuous activity more than an abled person would need.
often any pain that causes you to avoid usage of your body isnt normal. pain that flares up after you move, be active or arent active enough isnt normal
pain that lasts longer than it should and pain that is always there after doing something is not normal and more likely than not, a sign of chronic pain.
a lot of people wont realize they have chronic pain unless they discuss their symptoms with someone who knows about chronic pain or understands that those symptoms arent normal pain. its okay to not realize or know something about your body, thinking it was normal then being told it isnt, its better to learn these things about your body, listen to your body and accommodate it than remaining ignorant and not doing any of that.
everyone's experience of chronic pain is different, not one experience will be the same as another or fit in a box, but they all have the similarity of their pain lasting longer than it should, however that presents.
the pain doesnt have to be excrutiating, there are days where it can just be dull and manageable, times where its just sharp and stabbing meaning you need to take it easy and so on. any manner of pain no matter how manageable or fierce, lasting longer than it should, is counted for chronic pain.
your knee pain flares up and stays in pain (regardless if its gone from fire to a dull ache) for the next few days or longer? chronic pain. your wrist has been in pain for a week and this happens often? chronic pain.
it doesnt matter where on your body, pain is pain and prolonged pain is chronic.
theres ways to make it more manageable, so long as you listen to your body and care for it. ice packs or hot showers/baths and anti-inflammatory meds can bring down swelling and relax the muscles, for example. you might find different things work for you and different pain you have, thats fine! not everything suggested might work for everyone.
not everyone has the ability to see a doctor but its important to try and talk to one if you can. and its okay to change doctors if you have any issues with your current one, especially if they arent listening to you.
its important to know your bodies limits as well, and to try not to push yourself past them unless you absolutely have to. dont let anyone pressure you into doing so. pain becomes more manageable once you understand your limitations.
feel free to add on tips and stuff about your experience with chronic pain! but please note im not a doctor and cannot diagnose you all i can tell you is what your symptoms sound like to me and suggest things for you to look into.
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[ID: banner reading "dni if... proship, transx/id, syscourse/discourse blog, anti-mspec lesbians/gays, anti-lesboy/turigirl more in pinned rentry. this blog is protected by the addams family, the de rolo family and co." in all black lowercase text. It has a grey cloud background. On the left is the De Rolo coat of arms with a cobweb in the top corner and symmetrically flipped on the right is the symbol of Vox Machina with the same cobweb in the bottom corner :End ID]
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Will y’all please pray for my mom? She had an ankle fusion a couple decades ago and two of the three fusions have failed. On top of that, she’s having a really bad CRPS flare up.
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tyanis · 1 month
What is CRPS??? What do you mean flare ups???
Ah... I see my queue popped out a post where I reference that.
Ok so... I've been sitting here wondering about the best way to explain my condition without just telling you to just go Google it. But honestly anon... and I mean this in the kindest way possible...
Please just go Google it.
I know you're curious and I'm the one who mentioned it in a past post... but Ive spent nearly 25 years having to explain my illness to people. Including my own doctors. It's draining.
The short of it is... everything hurts. A lot.
Won't kill me. Is incurable. Affects every aspect of my life.
Full name is Complex Regional Pain Syndrome. I have type 1 (RSD).
Uhm... if you do Google it, consider this a trigger warning for the disease's nickname. Just proceed with caution.
So... yeah.
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Chronic pain problems •
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ashleyhlovestay · 2 months
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I've said it before, and I'll say it again: @taylorswift has truly changed my life.
I have multiple chronic illnesses that are painful and extremely debilitating. They include: Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy/Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (RSD/CRPS), Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS), and Rheumatoid Arthritis. Because of these diseases, I had to give up my dream of going to nursing school to become a nurse; I wanted to help people like they've helped me.
I have listened to Taylor's music since she first debuted in country music. Through all of the pain flare-ups over the years, the only thing that has gotten me through it (other than my parents and sister @nhett ) has been Taylor and her music. There have been so many times that I've wanted to give up, but listening to Taylor gives me a temporary release from the pain and motivates me to keep going.
Despite my disabilities, I refused to miss seeing Taylor in concert. I have been to most of her concerts in St. Louis, sometimes going in a wheelchair. POTS, in particular, makes you faint easily, and being in big crowds doesn't help. But seeing Taylor live was always something I could look forward to.
My dream is to someday be able to tell Taylor my story and thank her for giving me the strength to get through each day. I love you, Taylor! Forever and always! Thank you for all you do for your fans! 🫶
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trashbirdthoughts · 9 months
I get a little frustrated at myself a lot. I want to get back into the gym, but due to health issues flaring up between POTS, CRPS, CFS, etc. It makes it so hard to.
Flaring up means having to start over sometimes like right now. I was going 5 times a week when suddenly a flare hits either because I over exert or weather. And suddenly I'm back at square one. I'm struggling to walk 10 minutes on a treadmill at 1.5 mph. It's taken me awhile to not be so fucking down on myself about it. It's hard because I want to be angry and upset and frustrated. It shouldn't be this fucking hard to want to exercise and do things.
But the reality is, that it is okay. It's okay to not be able to do things correctly or able bodied all the time. It's okay that progress isn't linear. It's okay to fail and try again.
You are not a failure. The lack of progress doesn't mean you are inherently failing. Progress and ability especially when it comes to disabled body's is complicated. Continuing to try, I think is the most important bit. Even when it's really hard.
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jennamoreci · 1 year
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Buttercup is here to give a cyborg family update: Cliff has been going through a severe CRPS flare up since Wednesday. The worst of it seems to be over, but the symptoms in all their painful glory are still going on. The experience has been torturous for Cliff, exhausting for me, and scary for Butters. It’s very apparent she’s worried about her daddy. This isn’t his first flare up and it won’t be his last, so we will get through it. I just wanted to provide a heads up in case my platform activity is sluggish. I’ve only just begun to resume working today, and it’s been a struggle to say the least. I’m hoping that as Cliff improves, we can get back to our version of normal ♥️ I’m just looking forward to a happy cyborg king (and princess pup 👑) https://www.instagram.com/p/CqPsginguTQ/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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walleyedfoca · 7 months
Not gonna lie. The ol' mental health has taken a little bit of a nosedive lately.
Septembers are... bad for me. Since I can't remember the exact date, the whole month acts as a bit of an anniversary to me developing an illness that has drastically altered my life. It's not necessarily life threatening or anything, but man... it sucks big time.
Basically, when I was twelve, I jumped out of a tree and hurt my right foot a little bit. I was more embarrassed than hurt and ended up just walking it off... not knowing that something had gone catastrophically wrong.
So... that small injury caused me to develop an illness (disease? disorder? condition? nobody seems to know what to refer to this fucking thing as) called CRPS (Complex Regional Pain Syndrome / Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy).
What does that mean?
That means that my dumb brain sometimes thinks I'm on fire. Or that I've severed a finger. Or are currently being flayed alive.
In other words, my nervous system/pain receptors don't work right and I get "flares" of intense pain on a regular basis, even without injury. Explaining all my symptoms is lengthy and quite frankly, very draining as I've spent too much of my life having to educate people on my illness. Feel free to google CRPS if you're curious.
Once I was finally diagnosed with CRPS, my doctors hoped that it would go away within five years. At the time, that seemed like such an astronomically long time for little pre-teen me...
That was twenty-four years ago.
Two-thirds of my life.
Still sick.
Yeah, turns out it might be incurable.
Like, it is what it is. I'm surviving. Not necessarily thriving... but I'm still here.
It's something.
Guess I just needed to vent about it. The realization that it has been two-thirds of my life was mainly what took a toll on me this month. Plus, I've been having more flare ups than normal lately. Gonna blame that on stress and the weather.
And yeah, this is one of the main reasons my fic has been seeing slower updates the past few months. I'm used to powering through pain but the chronic exhaustion and mental fog have been kicking my ass lately.
Kind of a funny side effect of having an illness like this is that I don't really know how much things are supposed to hurt now? Like, all of my injuries are agonizingly painful... but it's now my only frame of reference and I'm used to it?
Couple years back I didn't realize I had a dislocated shoulder for two whole days until I popped that sucker back in myself while lifting it with the other arm to stretch it. Thought I just had muscle weakness from heat exhaustion. Whoops!
Also had a botched CT scan once where all the liquid got injected into the muscle in my arm and I guess it was supposed to be a bad burning sensation if that happened but like... my arm already kinda felt like that so I didn't even notice. Scared the nurses pretty good lol.
Hmm... same arm. Ol' lefty is a little unlucky.
But yeah... the struggle is real and I'm trying to not beat myself up about slow updates and taking days or weeks off from writing. The fic will get done eventually.
And like... I'm gonna be fine.
I know CRPS has a scary nickname that I will not be repeating here, but I've survived this long. So please... don't worry about THAT.
If you have like, questions or whatever, maybe direct them to my @tyanis account as I'm rarely on this one. I still may not answer much, but still.
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