#crying throwing up pooing
syrva · 1 year
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My bf got me a master sword from a blacksmith for my birthday 😭🥹
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crtter · 2 years
List of New Spamton Lore
This post contains all the new information about Spamton revealed on September 17th and 18th 2022 through the Spamton Sweepstakes and the Twitter Q&A, ranging from the most important reveals to small details, in no particular order!
Spamton might be dual typed, with his two elements being Puppet and Cat. It could also be, however, that he merely meant that the Puppet and the Cat elements share the same elemental weaknesses and that his sole element is Puppet.
Spamton once considered Swatch a close friend who always listened to him and was a shoulder for him to cry on.
Spamton seems to be especially fond of the Mike person he mentions in the game, citing him as the only one he’d spare if he got revenge on all of those who he feels have wronged him and declining to give people any information about him in order to protect him from “THAT [Cathode]’S CREW”.
Spamton is aware “haters” want to inflict bodily damage onto him (especially cover him in milk and throw him against a wall) and his official stance on the subject is “[Cool down with a]!!! WHAT IF ONE DAY, YOU ENDED UP [Killed] ME!?” and “WE DON’T DO THAT WITHOUT [A 72 hour paid Appointment]!!”
Spamton met Noelle before her arrival to Cyber World through her replying to his spam e-mails (implied to be about a supposedly “friend finder” website she tried to find her sister through). She was the only one to ever reply to one of his e-mails and, in return, he sent her a code that, when input into the Cat Petterz 2 game, produced a pipis reminiscent to the Bad Egg glitch from the Pokémon games.
The Pipis Spamton sent Noelle is implied to be the only gift he ever gave someone, since he seems unable to give people goods without trading them for money, even symbolically, either because of his corruption or as a trait of his species.
Spamton is aware people find him attractive and attributes it to his “MASSIVE [Ass]”.
Spamton doesn’t know what his Spamton EX form would have looked like.
Spamton claims that first three letters of the hidden, garbled lyrics hidden in BIG SHOT and as a voice line in the Spamton plush are “F I N”.
Spamton recognizes that his speech contains “[Brackets]“ and “[Random sp4m quotes]” to someone who’s looking at it in text form.
Spamton can repeat pieces of phrases he reads or is told, something he does in four different occasions between the Sweepstakes and the Q&A, which implies some of the things he says might be fully copied and pasted together from other sources.
Spamton claims his favorite food is Mexican food, but very specifically from the Pipis “The Original” restaurant, which is a reference present in the original game.
When answering this particular question, he answered it by repeating phrases taken directly from the restaurant’s Facebook page almost word for word.
Spamton considers himself handsome.
Spamton might know about Jockington and thinks he’d disapprove of his “Pipis Big Shot Fantasyship Ring” product, maybe because Pipis isn’t a real sport.
Spamton is in a certain amount of denial about his downfall.
Spamton made two separate references to being willing to be in a three-way relationship.
Spamton doesn’t like people that aren’t very well acquainted with them referring to his Pipis as eggs and calls them “[The boys]”. He considers the idea of them being used as a food source as pretty barbaric but admits it’d look “DELICIS” and “[Cheap]”.
Spamton knows a certain man is responsible for handing white eggs to people.
Spamton doesn’t seem to remember the Knight (or is pretending not to).
Spamton claims the Cungadero is the “[Nation’s Most Popular Car]”.
Spamton has always been shorter than the other Addisons.
Spamton seems to find non-digital painting an interesting concept and dubbed The Mona Spamton as “[History's First Fully Authentic] PAINTING��.
Spamton describes what happened to him as being made “INTO YOUR [living puppet] AND [enslave me] WITH [visions of glory]”.
Spamton implies that, at one point, he was pushed inside the Queen’s pool and given a swirlie in the mansion’s toilets.
Spamton seems to believe he has “died” in the past in some way.
When asked about his sexual orientation, Spamton claims to “LIKE [anyone and anything] THAT GIVE ME [Money]!!” and to be a “[Business Loving Businessman]”.
The little animated sprite of Spamton dancing borrows some moves from the famous Dancing Baby, a CGI animation from 1996 that’s widely considered to be the first meme.
Spamton finds Queen attractive. More specifically, that she has a “[smoking hot a$$]”, something he mentions in two separate occasions when referring to her.
Spamton appreciates his fans, calling them [Fellow Freaks].
Spamton considers Ralsei a “[scringley]”.
Spamton knows what memes are (he spells them as “m3m3”) and referenced around 11 different memes in both the Sweepstakes and the Q&A.
He specifically referenced the everyteenagers4free hot dog husband post when talking about Jevil, which could imply they’re exes.
Spamton considers Berdly’s statue as the best thing he has ever found in the trash.
Spamton seems to have frequent flashbacks about being evicted from Queen’s mansion.
Spamton thinks the Addisons were never his real friends and were embarrassed to be seen with him because he was “bad for business”.
Spamton knows what Neopets are.
Spamton stuck his nose inside a Cungadero’s auxiliary power outlet at least once.
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(Flowers part II)
Part I | Part II | Part III | Part IV
Azriel x ex!reader, Rhysand x sister!reader, future Helion x reader
Warnings: angst, brotherly fluff (love u rhysie poo), swearing, elain and azriel slander (minor)
warnings & summary will be updated at every part.
Prompts: N/A
Summary: Nesta and Feyre had taken your wedding dress from Elain and handed it back to you. With the help of Rhysand, you burn it. Rhys suggests for you to go to Day Court and take some time, while he sorts things out with Azriel. What happens when a certain High Lord catches your eye?
a/n there’s going to be so much angst in this series😭 if you ever feel like killing me just know i love you guys, the names of this series are gonna be based off flowers this one is called moonflower as a homage to the night court
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I had gone upto my room, not wanting to see the pitying looks of my friends.
Growing up as a High Lord’s daughter made me detached from the world, forced me to hide my emotions. Which is why, I didn’t shed a single tear until I was in the safety of my bedroom.
Shrinking down against my door, I finally allowed the thoughts to catch up.
Every single time he told me he made love to me, he really meant “I’m fucking your brother’s sister in law right under your nose,”.
I don’t even think I can call it making love anymore.
When he told me he loved me, he really meant “I love Elain, not you”.
All of a sudden all his words had double meanings.
“I’m going out,” meant “I’m going to Elain’s”.
“I already ate,” equaled “I ate at Elain’s”.
And at the very end of it all, “I have a mission” was actually “I’m going to get married to Elain,”.
Elain, Elain, Elain. What did she have that I didn’t? I had known him for centuries, been there for him through nightmares, defended him from others, hell I had given my everything to him.
And instead of returning them properly, he had broken them, trampled on my poor heart, fed my mind lies and broken my every being.
Sobs wracked my body as I hunched over myself. My hair was sticking to my face by the tears. Crying quietly, I twisted the ring off my finger, chucking it somewhere in the dark.
Hearing the soft clang of the metal landing made me sob even more. It was a beautiful ring, truly. A silver ring with diamonds encrusted on the top, 3 beautiful gems the colour of Azriel’s siphons. A blue so dark it could pass as black.
My ears were ringing, I could hear a knock on the door, but it was just some background noise compared to the noise of rushing water in my ears.
A talon of power scraped against my walls gently. Getting up, I open the door.
Rhysand stands there with my dress in his hands.
“I said I didn’t want it,” I state, stubborn as ever.
“I know that’s why I came to ask if you wanted to burn it with me,” he says hesitantly.
My eyes flick between Rhysand and the dress, a silent war forging in my violet eyes.
“Fuck it, let’s go”
My meltdown dazed mind didn’t seem to realise that Rhysand hadn’t taken me out through the main hall, but through the back entrances. Too tired to comprehend anything, I didn’t ask even when I realised it.
As if waiting for me a bonfire pit had formed.
Before we had left the room, I had grabbed a box filled with Azriel’s things that I wanted to burn.
With a flick of Rhys’ wrist the dress was positioned on the stand. A stick with fire was commissioned and he handed it to me.
“Would you like to do the honours, little star?” He says waving the stick towards me. I smile slightly at the use of the old nickname.
I grab the stick and throw it at the dress, revelling in the way it burnt.
One by one I added the items from the box.
A human polaroid of the two of us. His comfy grey shirt. All his letters. Flowers he had given me 2 days ago. A glass rose, funny really because my favourite flower isn’t a rose, it’s a moonflower. A promise ring he had got me. The prototype wedding invitation.
Rhysand watched me as I threw object after object into the endless pit of fire. Once the box was empty, I lunged the box into the fire as well.
That’s when he finally spoke up, “Little star, do you want to go visit Day Court for a while, Helion said any one from our court could visit his,”.
I nodded, the anger I had grown from the objects fading into sadness. Rhys held me close wiping my wet, tear stained cheeks. “It’ll be alright” he soothingly whispers.
I had packed my bags the night of the burning and had prepare for going to Day Court the next day.
“Rhys I can winnow myself,” I huffed as he dragged me along.
“I know, I know I just wanted to make sure you got there safe,” he sighs. Understanding, I let him take me there.
If Day Court was beautiful then they’re High Lord was gorgeous.
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a/n i need sleep
taglist: @esposadomd @impossibelle @acotarfics-mharmie009 @stqrgirlies-blog @balam-sen @cumuluscranium @witchymomfrien (striked out means i couldn’t tag you)
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theyanderespecialist · 10 months
Base Yandere Lord Dimitrescu Headcanons (Genderbent Lady Dimitrescu) (Resident Evil Village)
[Hello, My Sexy Muffins! Welcome back to another chapter! In this chapter it is Lord Daddy Dimitrescu as a yandere, he is the genderbent of Lady Dimitrescu. The Artwork I have for this is on Tumblr, wattpad, youtube, etc. I own it as I commissioned it. I hope you all enjoy this chapter here!]
(Disclaimer: Lord Daddy Dimitrescu is the genderbent version of Lady Dimitrescu, and he is not yandere in canon as her. This is just for fun and not to be taken seriously at all. Simping for fictional characters is fine, just do not be gross or illegal about it. Also, rule 63 is if there is a female character on the internet it has a male version and vice versa. Also, Also, remember to separate fiction from reality and headcanon from canon! Yanderes are not ideal partners to have in real life. NO MATTER HOW MUCH THEY ARE MOMMIES AND DADDIES AND OR HOT LOL)
But let's be honest if Daddy D was yandere for me I would DROP EVERYTHING For this man!
Still, yanderes are not ideal… poo…
(Once Again, Enjoy this!)
-Base Yandere Lord Dimitrescu Headcanons-
.Lord Daddy D (yes that is what I am going to call him in this and you cannot stop me XD) is one of the four lords.
.You are the child of the local tavern owner in the village.
.You were to take Lord Dimitrescu's wine from him to transport out of town, this is how you met the lord.
.Instantly he wanted you, and he would have you.
.You would be a good partner and parent to his daughters.
.He wanted to keep you and he will.
.He now would come down to the tavern very often. Where he would see you working as a waiter at your father's tavern.
.You were a dutiful child and he could not wait to have you. To taste you in more than one way~
.He obviously has an excitement for how large he is compared to you.
.His sheer size, he could use you like a toy on his manhood.
.The idea alone excites him.
.Also he could make love to you standing up lifting you up and down on him.
.Almost wrapping a hand around half of your waist.
. Your size to him is something he likes very much.
.It makes him the more dominant one and is able to make you his easily.
.As a yandere he is very possessive and controlling and demanding.
.You belong to him and you should do as he says when he says it.
.You will be his nice little spouse for him.
.He has a daddy kink
.So he would be fatherly to you and guide you as a caretaker a lot of the time.
.He is also the type of yandere that will love to worship your body over and over making love to you until you pass out.
.To make you feel like you might shatter upon him.
.He is also very rough with you in the bedroom.
.able to make you cry out in delight and come undone upon him.
.He can be also a bit of a jealous yandere.
.He wants to be your one and only.
.If any other man or woman defiled you then they will be killed.
.If you were with anyone else besides him he would punish you.
.You should have none better and been a good future spouse and waited for him. Even though you did not know he would want you.
.Once he does punish you and kills all that have been with you.
.He will claim you, marking you as his and his alone, so no one will ever be able to have a claim on you again.
.He will most likely brand you with his house crest and carve his name into your collarbone.
.So everyone knows that you are his and belong to him and him alone.
.You will be moved to the castle to be his bed warmer and future spouse.
.Only his daughters and him could speak to you.
.If you tried to run the villagers are more than willing to capture you again and to bring you back to him.
.Where you would be punished by him for daring to leave then he will make love with you for days on end until you know your place with your future husband.
.He deals with rivals by torturing them and throwing them into the dungeon.
.You will be a good partner for him, he will make sure of it.
.He confesses to you by having a candlelit dinner.
.It is beyond romantic, if you say yes, you will be expected to marry him in post haste.
.If you say no, well he will threaten your family.
.He was a lord, what would your father do if he tavern was closed.
.If you still say no he will just have your father give him your hand that way you cannot say no.
.In the end you will marry him, it is just better for you if you are willing.
.He will hold your family over your head and you will be forced to marry him.
.To become his spouse and to warm his bed. If possible to carry his seed and give him more children.
.He will not stop until you are his mark his words.
.You belong to house Dimitrescu, you belong to Lord Daddy D.
(Now should there a mini-series of Vampire lord Daddy D >:3
[YASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS I hope that you all enjoyed this and stay sexy all of my sexy muffins!]
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Pregnant w/Matt's Baby (Headcanons)
Warnings: Smut this time my boos, lots of fluffy, breeding kink, and a tiny bit of cussing.
A/n: This is dedicated to my lovely @riowritesitall and i appreciate u so muccchhh for helping come up with these ideas my boo😘
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- It was so exciting to see your first ever ultrasound of your baby, you just couldn’t wait! Sitting in the waiting room with Matt was so nerve racking you never thought you’d survive the teasingly short wait.
Once in the room and laying down you held onto Matt's hand while waiting for the sonographer to come in. “I feel the need to just run away Matty.” You tried to joke around and laughed a bit. Matt smiled softly at you and chuckled replying, “It’s alright baby, don’t be too nervous. We’ll finally see our little bean.”
The comment made your nerves calm down a bit as you breathed in and out slowly to regulate your heart. Soon after the sonographer finally came in and got the machines ready you were ready for the gel to be applied.
“Alright mama, are you ready to see your baby?” The doctor asked with an encouraging smile on her face. “Yep! Can’t wait.” You nervously laugh and Matt squeezes your hand to remind you he’s there for you.
“This will be a bit cold so don’t freak too much haha” She chuckled and went ahead and took the gel from the holder squeezing it at the bottom of your stomach. You flinch a bit at the sudden coldness and watch as she gets the camera stick thing to put on the gel. She spreads the gel while looking at the screen showing you where everything is.
You gasp loud when you see the little bean baby. “That’s my baby?” You whisper to Matt with a little wavering voice. Matt leans his arm around you in a slight hug(standing beside your bed) while both of you are staring at the screen.
“Yeah baby, aren’t they the cutest?” He whispers in your ear with a small sniffle. You hum in recognition, turning your face into his chest crying silently from seeing your baby. He rests his head on yours and smiles while continuing to stare at the screen.
- Telling the other 2 about the baby a day after the ultrasound^. You’re currently sitting the closest you can be to Matt without sitting ON him. You and Matt made Nick and Chris sit on their couch for a ‘family’ meeting.
The ultrasound photos in an envelope are clutched tightly in your hands. You know you had nothing to worry about the two boys would never have a bad reaction from the way they’ve talked about kids in the past.
“Well, are we just gonna sit here and collect dust or are you guys actually gonna say something.” Nick throws his hands up in desperation. Chris agrees with him making you sigh in exasperation and plunge the envelope into Chris’ arms which were the closest to you.
Nick goes silent with some suspicion written on his face side eyeing you two and watches Chris open the paper. Chris’ mouth drops open in shock and his eyes go straight to your stomach where you seemed to have moved your hands to in the meantime.
You and Matt both give him a nod with a sweet tight lipped smile in anticipation. Nick got antsy and felt a little left out there and ripped the envelope and what seemed to be pictures(?) out of his brother's hand.
“Oh my God..” One of Nick’s hands flew up to his mouth real quick. “This is amazing guys!!” Chris cut through the silence easily and jumped up to hug you tight. Which knocked Nick out of his shock and looked at you both with such admiration and a bit of disgust.
“Although I'm really happy about this, I just can't get that you two actually HAVE sex in this house out of my head to make this little turd in your tummy.” The joke made you sigh and laugh after he finally got up to pull you in a hug.
“Well thanks Nicky-poo I appreciate that.” You hug him back just a bit tighter than usual. You laid your head on his chest while he pat your head once then rubbed your back.
“You do know all the shit I'm gonna get you now right?” He said, making you laugh again.
- The first weird food cravings you get is when you’re in the second month of your first trimester. When your cravings began they started with small little things like adding in foods you’ve never liked and definitely worked their way up to the weirdest combinations fast.
The first time Matt saw you eat something you hated it was with mayonnaise. It was just a normal day hanging out with the triplets in their living room when you suddenly had the urge to eat a ham sandwich with mayonnaise. You’ve never eaten a single thing with just straight up mayo before around him.
So when Matt looked over at you when you said you were hungry and went to make something to eat he never once in his life expected you to whip out the mayo from the fridge.
He was so flabbergasted as he said “Babe? I thought you hated mayo?” with the cutest and most confused face and voice ever. It made you laugh quite a bit as you were a bit confused too until you realized what was happening.
The first weird combination you had was definitely the first of the worst if it was Matt's opinion. When Matt came into the kitchen to see you spreading some peanut butter on a piece of bread he thought you were making a pb&j, so he was pretty cool about it.
Until he saw the pickles next to the plate of bread. “Pickles too!?” He said in a disgusted voice with a crinkled nose. You giggled facing him with the knife in your hand, “Yeah baby, just got the craving.” And went back to making your peanut butter and pickle sandwich. Matt just made an ‘ugh’ sound with a dramatic shiver of his body and went to get in the fridge.
- You never noticed your little bump before, but one day when you were changing Matt saw it! It was early in the afternoon and you had decided to finally change out of your pajamas. Matt was currently playing fornite with his brothers on the computer, so you chose to sneak in quietly.
Of course you weren’t too quiet getting your clothes out of the closet as he asked what you were doing and if you were okay. “Yeah babe, just changing into actual clothes.” You reply with a snort. You hear him hum in response as you leave the closet with the clothes in hand.
Obviously this far into the relationship you were comfortable enough to change without turning your back to him. So when you started taking off your pants and shirt Matt glanced at you, sticking his eyes just a little longer on your stomach.
You pick up the shirt you chose off the bed pulling it over your head as you hear a small gasp from your lover. You look at Matt and see his mouth agape with aw.
“What is it?” You ask in confusion. He got up, placing his headphones on the desk and walking towards you. “Baby, have you not noticed yet?” He relished in his excitement. “No? What’s it Matty? Tell me.” You stamp your foot pulling your shirt down with a small whine.
Matt grabs your shirt and pulls it up with a contagious smile on his face, clearly excited for some reason you have no idea. He held one of your hands with his other to your tummy telling you to look down.
Your face lit up in happiness, see the tiniest of bumps right there on you. You gasp softly and smile brightly, “Oh my fucking God, this is so cute! My first ever baby bump coming in.”
“Yep my sweet baby girl. Both of my babies are so precious and pretty.” Matt chuckles and kisses you softly as you kiss back.
- It was a pretty chill day when you first felt the slight kick in your bladder. The swift kick made you jolt in place startling Matt who was next to you on the couch.
It all happened so quickly and forcefully you almost peed yourself and had to run to the bathroom. Mat called out for you asking if you were okay or needed anything, but all you were focused on was to see if it would happen again.
After finishing up wiping you stood in front of the mirror holding up your shirt intensely watching your tummy bump. A few seconds went by and they kicked again! 
When Matt never got a reply he got worried and set his phone down speed walking to his bathroom. “Babe? You okay in there?” His gentle knock on the door snapped you out of your stare, sounding so worried you felt a bit guilty.
You left one hand holding your shirt up and used the other to open the door to face the cutest furrowed eyebrows ever. “I felt a kick, Matty!” You tell him excitement clearly in your voice. His eyebrows shot to the ceiling, “What?! Lemme feel.” He couldn’t hide his own excitement at all making you laugh a bit grabbing his hand quickly placing it on your bump.
“It’ll happen just wait a bit baby.” You say after a while of nothing. When they do kick again a few minutes later Matt feels it on his hand. “Oh my God, this is amazing baby.” He whispers with the largest smile on his face you’ve ever seen.
- Gender reveal party beginning of 3rd trimester. You had let Nick(and a little bit of Chris) plan everything for the gender reveal. The little rascal chose to make a small cookout with some fun games to play.
Since the baby was due in October he decided to make the theme halloween-y and bought a cute pumpkin cake with the color of the baby inside. You were so happy to see your closest best friend make such big plans for you. You had such a great time playing all the baby dedicated games and seeing all the stuff matts and your family got you for the baby.
Your favorite part(of course) was the big reveal! When Nick took the cake out of the fridge and sat it in front of you at the patio table. “It’s so cute Nick, thanks bro. We really appreciate it all, for real.” Matt squeezes your hand with his smiling at your equally bright grin.
“Yep! It’s all so adorable!” You squeal giving Nick a kiss on the cheek before he goes to sit beside Chris who was right next to Matt. “You better be! It was real hard work!” Nick points at you while failing to hold back his smile telling you it was one of his jokes.
“Alright! Let’s cut this bad boy open huh mama?” Matt holds the knife up for you to grab it with him. You place your hand on top of his and start to cut through the pumpkins eye.
After cutting the piece in a triangle you get antsy and wiggle in your seat. The knife went under the cake slice slowly pulling it out and onto the plate. Everyone starts clapping and shouting in happiness and congratulating you for the new baby boy!!
You squeal and jump up bringing Matt with you hugging him real tight. “I can’t believe it Matty! We’re gonna have a baby boy..” You sniffle into him, tightening your hands on his shirt holding him fit against you.
You felt his hand on your waist with the other rubbing the back of your head. “I know baby, isn’t it so exciting.” He places a kiss on your head as you hear a little sniffle too. “I know..” He whispers into your head resting his on yours while swaying you both side to side.
- Getting off the flight from Boston was definitely tiring to say the least. For your feet specifically. After all the standing around at Matt’s family house for your gender reveal, you were sure to feel it for days. They were hurting practically the whole flight, but you being you, never told Matt anything the entire way back.
Though when you did tell him in the car on the way to their house he’d made a big deal about it to you telling you he’d make sure to rub them when home. You were eternally grateful for said massage when finally home in Matt’s bed.
- More often than not these days you’ve been hornier than usual. So when one early morning Matt unsurprisingly awoke to you rubbing your ass on him. You heard him groan and grip onto your hips rutting his growing erection into your ass.
You bit your lip trying to keep quiet since you were currently in Matt’s bed at the triplets house. “You love making it difficult for me, don’t you baby” Matt whispered huskily into your ear while running his hand down your stomach to where your aching folds rest under your pink panties.
You hum in response and bring your own hand back towards his hips to his aching member pulsing in his boxers. It’s pretty amazing to you that in such little time you can make Matt’s dick hard as a rock.
You squeeze him and start teasingly rubbing him while he rubs between your lips to reach your clit. You turn your face to press your lips against his and moan into his mouth when he speeds up his fingers on your bud.
A few seconds go by and Matt starts to get fed up with the teasing and decides to get to it. He takes his mouth off yours and pulls off your hand only to take off his boxers along with your panties. You rest one of your hands under your pillow and the other on Matt’s hips to help line him up with your glistening hole.
He lifted up your leg to really get in there and to bring you impossibly closer to him. “You ready baby?” he gently asks you. When he sees you nod that’s all he needs to know before he pushes his dick head in slowly.
You moan softly, sounding like a sigh, at the full feeling when he’s fully settled inside. You hear him groan lowly from behind you still holding your leg up with a tight grip on your thigh. He rests his forehead on your nape and you feel his shaky warm breath against your hot skin.
“You can move now.” You whisper, squeezing his hip as a signal to keep going. You feel him move his head off your nape just to press gentle kisses to your shoulder as he starts moving his hips back.
You clench around him and get a stuttered hip in response. Once his tip is back at your entrance he waits a few seconds then sharply slams his hips in at full speed. You squeak loud and gasp at the pressure inside as your boyfriend continues to thrust in and out quickly.
You feel Matt let go of your thigh and instead put his hand around your stomach. He uses his other arm that was under your shoulder to put his hand over your mouth.
“You don’t want the guys to hear you, do you? Unless you wanna be heard by the whole world then I think you’d best be quiet huh?” Matt groans by your ear making you clench around him and moan in response opening your mouth to accompany his fingers.
He slows his hips as soon as he feels that tug in his stomach, pushing his fingers deeper in your throat. “Don’t you just look so pretty, all plump and round with our baby. Makes me wanna keep you pumped full of my cum everyday just to get you all big again.” He moves his hand from your mouth to clutch one of your boobs and reach his hand that wrapped around your bump to your clit once more.
You start rutting your hips up into his hand whining for more. Matt’s hips increase in speed like before as he bites into your shoulder. Your climax comes up fast and quick as you feel him penetrate in deep spots you’ve never felt and your legs begin to shake from the pleasure.
“Ohhh Mattyyyy, I’m coming~.” you gasp in between speaking as you feel him pull back from your shoulder. “Oh fuck babygirl. I’m coming too.” He breathes whispering loud enough for only you to hear.
His climax finally bursting inside you, squirting your insides with his creamy liquid. He halts deep in you and slowly pulls his member out, seeing all the cum seep out from your abused hole. All you could hear in the room was the heavy breathing from both of you.
You turn around to him to kiss him and lay your head on his chest. “I love you Matty.” You feel his chuckle from the movement and feel one hand rest around your wait and the other scratch your scalp.
“I love you too baby, now go to sleep, pretty lady.”
TAGLIST: @riowritesitall
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rosyjn · 8 months
Rough seggs with jakey poo duh! for @pandoraslxna’s kinktober prompt 24!
“Get on the fucking ground, now,” he growls, untying his loincloth and shoving the back of your head.
“Why?” you tease, pushing his hand away and turning to face him.
“Don’t fuckin’ play with me unless you wanna be limping for days. On all fours, now.” he hisses, pushing you away. You reluctantly follow his instructions, getting onto the crinkly forest floor. Your tail swooshes uneasily as you turn to watch Jake, who’s still ripping off all of his accessories and throwing them to the ground. “You won’t fuck around after this, undress.” he kneels down behind you as you reach for any skimpy garment that covered your body. Small beads from your top clink together as you lift it off of yourself. With no warning- a small, warm, mushroom tip teases your folds. You’re already dripping.
“Fuck, Jake,” you sigh, eyes clenching shut as you press your face into the forest floor. “Hurry,”
“Why? You can’t wait? Can’t wait for this cock, hmm?” he torments, his broad body dwarfing you. He continues to rub his tip on your lips, you’re slick creating a sheen on his cock. “Color?” he simply asks.
“…green…” you roll your eyes, before being met with a sudden, lonely pounding sensation. Jake quickly shoves his entire length into you, forcing your walls open. Your pussy is forced to oblige, his hips pressing into your ass. You grip the grass below you. A burning sensation tingles your insides before transforming into overwhelming pleasure. The stretch leaves your legs trembling, and the arch in your back threatening to give out. He lets out a muffled grunting noise, feeling his tip hit your cervix.
He slowly pulls out a couple inches, before rutting back into you again. You bite down onto your hand, trying to suppress your inevitable noises of pleasure. Your pussy squelches, sucking him in.
“Gonna fuck you real hard now, you got that?” he whispers, pulling your hair up so he can say it in your ear. You whimper a small “yes”, nodding your head as you feel your braids get held taut. “Alright..” he tilts his head and begins to fuck you again.
It’s been about… maybe 30 minutes? You don’t know, all you can do is hiccup and focus on arching your back. Your ass is littered with slap marks. Air rips through your chest as tears cascade down your face and litter the ground. Jake’s hips pound into your poor ass. Your tits are swollen and bounce with every single rut of his. You know your pussy might bleed later, from how he’s bruising your cervix mercilessly. The air is no longer chilly on your naked heat like it was when you first stripped for him. Now, it’s sore and hot.
“Fuck, oh fuck!” you cry out. He’s using you, using you to get off. Right now, you’re his personal little fucktoy. His doll, that he can just cum in as much as he wants. But, you’re so much better than any real toy. You clench and clamp around him when he shows his instinctive dominance, or when he pulls your hair. You react when he bottoms out, you squeal when he pulls your hair and hopelessly nod to his degrading comments.
You take his rough cock, even though you sob and fall limp. He’s rendered you dumb, and he’s not stopping. His cum leaks out of you even though he’s not finished. He can get a couple more out of you, out of your sweet little pussy. He leans down, his strained breath teasing your ear.
“You like that?” he grunts. Quick, shallow breaths leave his mouth in between words. “Y’know, I don’t give a fuck. You’re gonna take it. Take it until I’m done wit ya,” he tugs at your hair, smirking as your head flies backwards and you flinch. At a great, constant pace, he continues to fuck you. You’re cock-drunk, no thoughts run through your head. The world is a blur and the only thing that exists is Jake. Jake: who’s currently muttering curses under his breath and abusing your tight cunt. Vulgar thoughts rush through his head. He wants to use you until you can’t do anything anymore. Until you’re screaming and cumming all over his dick. He achieved his goal. It’s been achieved for a while.
“Daddy!” you yelp as he bucks into you again, a slapping noise coming from the collision of your bodies. “Daddy, daddy, daddy!” an endless chant. Pathetic whines. Pleads and begs. Sloppy, wet slapping and moaning.
“That’s right, yeah. Call me daddy,” he hisses. “Louder.”
“Daddy! I’m gonna cum!” you moan, burying your face into the ground.
“Nuh uh, not yet you won’t. Hold it,” he spanks your ass, keeping the pace as he watches you struggle to suppress your pleasure. How? How can you not cum? He’s been ruthlessly pleasuring you for.. who knows how long. Tears stream down your face and into the soil below you. Fuck, you don’t know if you’ll be able to hold it. As per Jake, he knows you can’t. He loves the way you struggle. He loves to watch you squirm under him, leaving you powerless as you try to protest the inevitable. He pushes your orgasm closer and closer, while telling you that you can’t have it.
“Please, please..” you beg. He can feel his member throbbing in anticipation. Anticipation, even though he’s had you in all your glory, he still wants more. He wants to cum with you.
“You’re gonna cum with me, okay?” he groans, his thrusts becoming erratic and desperate. He chases his climax inside of you, brows furrowing at the motions. Bubbles of arousal crowd in your stomach. You let out needy, incoherent babbles. “Now, fucking cum now!” he hisses, coming to the hilt of your sore cunt and stopping, releasing his load into you. You topple over the edge, squeezing his cock in rhythmic pulsating motions. By now, Jake already knows how it feels. It’s a familiar sensation, your tight little pussy and the way it throbs.
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tomssexdoll · 2 months
bill's being extra mean to us, like during sex, and he forces you to ride him while he's just degrading you like crazy baba
omg fancy seeing you here
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PAIRINGS: Bill 2010 x Female reader CONTENT: SMUT + FLUFF AT END SYPNOSIS: Bill has always been gentle and kind during sex, sometimes degrading you, but this time it was different. You had asked him to be really mean and degrade you till you cried, and he delivered it PERFECTLY A/N: hi alaiah my pookie poo WARNINGS: dom!bill, sub!reader, p in v (rough missionary and riding), overstimulation, making the reader cry, hair pulling, nipple play, rough kissing, pain kink
"Bill.." I called out, walking softly towards him and resting my hand on his shoulder, he turned around "yes baby?" smiling and kissing my hand softly.
"I wanted to try something, I know you always say no to this in fear of hurting me but.." I sighed "I want you to degrade me and be super rough, I know you're worried but I want it so badly, please?"
He sighed deeply, "fine, but promise me you'll let me take care of you after", I nodded and grabbed his hand, leading him to the bed.
"Take your clothes off, now" he said sternly, I complied with a smirk, slowly removing my clothes, revealing my perky tits and hard nipples and my wet pussy. He groaned and pushed me onto the bed, grabbing my legs and dragging me towards him.
"You're going to do every fucking thing I say, if you disobey I will punish you so fucking hard" he wrapped a hand around my head, grabbing a fistful of my hair and tugging it, exposing my neck to him.
"okay.." I bit my lip, I felt his lips crash into my neck and roughly suck on it, leaving marks everywhere. I felt my pussy getting wetter every time he nibbled onto my neck.
"Please...Bill..fuck me" I whimpered, reaching out to undo his belt, he slapped my hand roughly and tugged my hair tighter "shut the fuck up, I fuck you when I want to so be patient" he growled lowly. This new side to him was turning me on so much, I could cum from him just degrading me.
After 5 minutes of roughly marking my neck and breasts he undid his belt, shoving his pants off and exposing his hard, vieny cock. I winced at the sight of it, pressing my legs together for some relief. He grabbed my legs and roughly spread them again, "don't you fucking dare, I told you, if you don't listen I will punish you" he whispered aggresively in my ear. I nodded and moaned as he rubbed his tip against my clit, teasing me.
He allinged himself with my entrance and slammed himself in, I groaned, digging my nails into his back, enjoying the pain. "Such a fucking slut, enjoying the pain hm?" he taunted, slamming his cock into my pussy over and over again. I moaned loudly and nodded, holding onto his arms as he pounded into me roughly. "Bill! Fuck!" I cried out as he roughly thrusted into my pussy, hitting my sweet spot so harshly. "So tight..fuck.." he groaned, throwing his head back. The sounds of skin slapping filled the room, his moans filling my ears.
He grabbed my hips roughly, letting out strings of degrading words "schlampe" "fucking desperate bitch" "mein eigentum", slamming his cock so hard into me I thought that I was going to break into a million pieces. He leaned down and started to suck roughly on my hard nipples, teasing them. I winced as grazed his teeth over them, making them sensitive.
He let go of my hips to grab my face and smash his lips into mine, with that I wrapped my legs around his waist roughly and dragged him in, passionately moving my lips with his, locking in a rough embrace.
His cock was so deep inside me I was convinced it could come out of my mouth, "you're a fucking whore huh? So desperate, wanting my cock so bad" he chuckled, I felt tears prick at my eyes, his mean words getting to me.
"Yeah, cry like the little bitch you are" he taunted again, ramming his cock so deep into me, fucking me mercilessly. I felt a tight knot forming in my stomach, coiling down to my core. "G'nna cum.." I moaned, rolling my eyes back.
"Yeah cum for me baby, cum like the desperate fucking slut you are" he grabbed my hair and tugged it, tears falling down my cheeks. My thighs shook as my orgasm crashed down, cumming all over his cock. My pussy clenching tightly around his cock caused him to cum as well, shooting his thick cum into my pussy.
He panted, fucking his cum deep into me. "I'm not done with you yet, ride me, now" he demanded, I whimpered as he sat beside me, I crawled into his lap, he shoved his cock back into my pussy, I gasped and tried to stable myself, my legs weak.
"Cmon, I don't have all day" he yelled, slapping my ass cruely. I choked out a sob and started to move my hips, bouncing up and down on his cock, he grabbed my tits roughly and sucked on them as I rode him.
"Mm! Fuck!" I moaned loudly, moving my hips faster, creating a fast pace. He groaned on my tits, licking and kissing them roughly.
My knees became weak and my movements faltered, he noticed and smacked my ass roughly, leaving a prominent red mark on it. I cried out as he pulled my hair again "don't fucking stop, keep going" he snapped bitterly. I nodded and sobbed, slamming my hips into his.
"Cmon schlampe, go faster" he growled lowly, pulling on my hair tighter. My scalp ached from all the tugging, I winced and tried to pick up my pace but I was just too tired and weak, starting to get overstimulated. "Hurts.." I frowned, looking up at him.
"I don't fucking care, you know what? Since you can't do it let me" he groaned "can't even do one fucking thing properly" he grabbed my hips and started to slam his cock into me, I cried out, he started to rub my clit roughly, the overstimulation really starting to show.
I softly sobbed into his shoulder as he pounded into me, tears rolling down his back. "Ow..fuck.." I whimpered, biting down onto his shoulder as his cock painfully stabbed into my g spot. "Shut up, take it" he spat back, slapping my ass harshly. I felt the tension of his cock in my pussy, knowing he was about to cum soon, I felt so weak and destroyed, he continued to slam his cock into me, my thighs trembling and my lip quivering.
"Mm..such a good slut" he slapped my ass again, gaining a yelp out of me. He chuckled and slammed his cock in deep, coating my walls with his thick cum.
He kissed my neck roughly and pounded into me, "cmon baby cum for me.." he started to get softer, I moaned softly and dug my nails into his back, cumming and coating my juices all over his cock once again.
He pulled out and layed me on the bed, seeing the red marks and bruises, he winced and spooned me, rubbing my wounds softly. "I'm sorry baby.." he kissed me softly. "It's fine.." I sniffed, wiping my tears. He turned me around and saw my red, puffy eyes. He frowned and kissed me softly on my forehead "this is why I didn't want to go rough, you're upset" I looked up at him, he was slightly right but I did love it, the way he degraded me made me so wet.
"It's fine..maybe next time we can be less rough" I smiled softly, he nodded and held me close, caressing me sweetle and whispering sweet nothings into my ear. E/N: OK GUYS THIS IS THE ROUGHEST I THINK I'VE EVER WRITTEN HOPE YOU ENJOYED!!
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ayu-stuff · 4 months
Fank you for ur posts... I been weading dem alll mornin an gettin so fussy an tingly an blushy... they are suuuuuuper good an I hope my cargivers don get any ideas >.<
What ideas are you afraid of, baby?? I think I'm only giving caregivers some insight on how to treat sexless wittle babies like you.
I'm only encouraging your caregivers to keep you nakey-nakey more regularly. I know there's some inherent risk―all in all, you could make a wee-wee or a poo-poo and they'd have to deal with a messy carpet or couch―, but wouldn't they loove the humiliating comparison? You running around in your birthday suit would make any visitor burst into laugh. Because it's just natural for babies not to be ashamed of their nude little bodies. Wouldn't you like to prance around at the beach, feeling the breeze in your babyish princess parts? Any college-aged girl would look down at you then, and their condescending smile would make you feel all tingly down there. You can be 29, but everyone would see you like a baby. A 29-month-old, chaste little toddler.
Besides, you should get rid of that stupid modesty of yours asap. You're just a baby. You're supposed to be stinky, noisy, stupid, drooly, hairless, chubby, and cranky. You're supposed to throw a tantrum anytime you feel your tushy getting aaaall messy. You're supposed to get looong, boring naps in your crib, in the very same room the adults are loudly fucking in. And what should you do if they wake you up??? That's right: cry, stomp, shout. It'll turn them on even more.
Btw, I shouldn't have said inherent a few lines before. Do you even know what that grown-up word means?? Hear me out now. You're going to read aaaall my blushy answer again. But I want you to do it with a toe in your mouth, just like a wittle baby would. I would be so proud if you do it while in poopy pampies too. Or all nakey-nakey. Your choice, sweetie.
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busy-bee23 · 15 days
The demons of Saint Cathedral
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You wake up to feeling a cold, wet sucking feeling on your toes. You gasp quietly, pulling back your foot and looking to see who the culprit is. “Frollo!” You gasp, seeing your beloved husband gently suckling on your toes. “Toes are not for sucking on!” You scold him.
Frollo’s face crumples. “But I want the BIDDY!” He shrieks.
You look at him sternly. Where are his manners?! “You want the biddy what?” You coax.
“Want biddy please.” Frollo says, pouting innocently.
“Okay. You can have biddy.” You say, taking off your shirt exposing your pillowy breasts. He stares at your nipples with wide eyes and suddenly howls in excitement.
“AWooooooO!OOOO” He howls, leaping forwards and greedily beginning to suckle on your teat like he has been starved for years. You gasp as his teeth dig in, he can’t get enough of the biddy! “MORE MOMMY, MORE.” He growls, ferociously draining your breast of its sweet nectar. Before switching sides he throws his head back and howls again. “AWOOOOoowoooooOOWWO!!!” And then he sucks your other boob dry.
When he realises he has drank all of the delicious substance his eyes darken. “Me want more biddy.” “T-There’s no more Frollo.” You say fearfully as he starts to convulse and foam at the mouth.
“BIDDY.” “No there’s no-” Before you can finish your sentence Frollo pounces, biting down hard on your nipple. Then… he bites your nipple OFF!! You scream in fear and shove him off the bed, your nipple spurting blood everywhere. Frollo chews on it violently like a piece of pepperoni. “That is very naughty Frollo! GO IN TIME OUT!!!” You yell at him. 
He starts whimpering, knowing he has been a bad Frollo. He starts to go into timeout when you get an idea…
“Actually, I have a better punishment in mind…” You smirk deviously, pulling a box out from behind you. Frollo starts cowering and whimpering like a puppy who has been caught pissing on the floor. (Which he has done before.) You open the box… There’s…. A HOLE…. You then command and shout and scream and yell and whip “Get your dick in that hole NOW!”
You then spank his soft and supple asscheeks, staining them red. Frollo obediently puts his dick inside the box, feeling excruciating pain. “WHAT IS IN THIS GOD FORSAKEN BOX?” He asks.
A dark cloud forms over your face…. “Thorns and crabs…”
“You wouldn’t..” Frollo says. You open the box revealing….
The crabs nibbling at his dick, which is red and bleeding, looking like a pepperami from how much flesh the crabs have consumed. They are performing a blood ritual with his penis blood and the thorns, and they are chanting the lyrics to “Butter” by BTS. Then Frollo realises they are calling to Cthulu….
And then Frollo starts panicking and breathing heavily. “What have you done to me? I thought you loved me?!” He cries.
You then shed your skinsuit and reveal your true form…
You attach a collar to his neck and his feet. “You’re my crab now…”
“NOOOO WHY!!!” Frollo screams, but his screams get cut off as he begins to transform into a crab. He then scuttles away into the box. “You were always my favourite, dear Frollo,” You say, and then you look down at your bloodied nipple hole. “But that nipple was my most favourite.” You take a dump into the box and shove it away.
But then Frollo grabs the poo with his claw, beginning to write ‘i love you’ with the rancid turd. You notice and start to cry and cut yourself. You squeeze the blood onto the crabs which transforms Frollo into a human again.. But he is a half crab mutation. He still has his claws.
“I have an idea of where you can put those claws..” You say seductively, spreading your legs.
Frollo winks and polishes his claw with his nearby cumsock. He salivates on it to make sure it is nice and wet, then he shoves it up your pussyhole. He opens and closes his massive girthy claw.
“Pwahhhh, FISHY!” You say through a moan.
“Yum yum yum in my tum!” Frollo says as he takes out his claw and sucks off all your liquids. Then.. Frollo grimaces at a sudden irony taste. “Babe.. I think you are on your period.. You look down and see that he is RIGHT. “Oh dear.” You say. “I have no pads left Frollo, you will have to keep me clean throughout my week of bleeding.”
“This will be the week of your life..” Frollo says, before swirling his tongue in your hole to get ALL of the blood and juicy yummy clots.
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oneatlatime · 10 months
Return to Omashu
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Fire nation priorities. Yes, there's a war to win, but first! We must make our colonies aesthetically consistent. Couple of gates, some gold trim, and some spiky bits! Can't forget the gold spiky bits!
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Fulfilling the beat up Sokka quota this episode is raw sewage.
That sewer trek must have been long. They went in during the day and it's night now.
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I spoke too soon! The quota is in fact filled by tribbles.
"it's so awful I'm dying." I get the feeling that Sokka has been waiting years to use that line. I love how quickly everyone in the Gaang supports each others' spontaneous plans. It's a sign of a good team if you can ream off fake names without blinking and fake the plague without being asked. They all work so well together. Zuko could take some lessons from these guys on lying.
Well this episode's going to land differently post-Covid.
Looks like Zuko Jr.'s going to be in this episode. Bummer. Although tweedledee and tweedledum are intriguing. Who'd ever think to give a teenage girl villain a pair of eighty year old poetry twins? One of the great things so far about this show is how they consistently choose to go with the most out-there option and always make it work. In a show about defeating the firelord, they chose to kill the moon for the finale. And it worked. The plot point, not the killing.
So I'm thinking that orange and yellow must be an acknowledged fashion choice among the four nations outside of an airbending context, because of the number of times fire nation guards have looked right at Aang and not seen him. Also I think his tattoos must have selective invisibility.
It's a crying shame that Hot Topic doesn't exist in the Avatar universe, because this May girl just passed their employment interview with flying colours. I'm siding with what I'm guessing is her mom on this one. Just chill for a bit.
Ok maybe don't chill for a bit. Yeah my bad. This is not a good time to chill.
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Reusing the same Naruto run shot literally two seconds later.
How many projectiles can you fit in one pair of sleeves? She's got a whole armoury up there.
Seriously I know she's bored and all but no teenage girl should have access to that many weapons. If I'd had access to an armoury when I was a teenager, people absolutely would have died.
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So cute. I'll take 12 please.
Every sentence that Zuko Jr. is saying to this pink girl is some kind of veiled insult or threat. I'd adopt Pink Girl's wilful obliviousness too if I had to deal with that.
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Smart Bumi. He knows his people and his element. We've seen more than enough times already that something about being an earthbender makes you too stubborn to quit and unable to change plans even when your original plan is obviously not working (looking at you, Fong). So, knowing that his people are unable to change course, he prevents them from entering on to that course in the first place.
And Aang picks up on this too! Actually, since Bumi knew Aang growing up, do you think he picked up the concept of strategic retreat from airbending?
Tribbles to the rescue! Given that these are sewer dwelling creatures, this fake plague might turn real.
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I love how casual Sokka is about touching other people.
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Every street in Omashu seems to have a couple of bundles of twigs propped up against a wall somewhere. It's probably an animation trick to fill up the background.
Love the one guy really committing to the bit who just flops on the ground.
"Pentapox! I'm pretty sure I've heard of that." Humans are so suggestible.
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I love that Flopsy remembers him. Aang's propensity to make friends wherever he goes paying off again. Also, exactly how much metal to the fire nation have access to? They're doing the floor, walls, ceilings, of the whole city. There must be some crazy budget surpluses that need using up.
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This baby has an absurd throwing arm.
Machine gun Momo!
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This is what happens when you don't feed your lemur AANG.
I know cartoon physics is a thing, but can this baby secretly fly or something?
Poor Momo didn't ask for any of this. Guy just wanted some berries. Now he's getting his tail pulled and bitten (hopefully no teeth yet).
Add absurd grip strength to this baby's list of other superhuman characteristics.
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Baby apparently weighs quite a bit too.
Flying lemur unintentionally kidnaps baby. Did not see that coming.
Tiny nitpick: the circus master introduces Zuko jr. as "the firelord's daughter" rather than as Princess Zuko jr. Does she not have a title?
Nope. He's calling her princess now. Maybe there are a bunch of princesses in the fire nation and he was just being specific?
Thus begins the bullying of pink girl. Imagine going to school with a bunch of fire nation noble girls? There must have been casualties.
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I love Sokka so much. Expert hug administrator.
"everything so clever. So tricky." Actually the avatar forgot to feed his lemur and it kind of snowballed from there. Hands down one of my favourite tropes is when one side in a conflict assumes their enemies are master manipulators, then we learn that actually they're just failing upwards through shenanigans. Love that.
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Poor pink girl. The only viable strategy, both for her own safety and the safety of the whole circus, is appeasement.
"The universe is giving me strong hints that it's time for a career change." No blame cast, no fingers pointed, but also not giving Zuko jr. credit for influencing her. That's some fancy talking.
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And now they're reusing the campsite shot too?
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Poor Momo. That's about the face I make around babies.
I spoke too soon again. This episode's beat up Sokka quota is actually fulfilled by Katara's backhand. Because apparently it's a cardinal sin to prevent a baby from chewing on a potentially bladed weapon? Priorities girl.
Well that accidental kidnapping had some unintended positive consequences. Don't you love it when problems fix themselves?
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She even paints her nails black and wears fingerless gloves. Seriously. Hot Topic. STAT.
"Well, Asula called a little louder." Hell of a lot of information in that sentence.
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How long is her neck?
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Ego much?
Zhao was an asshole and unpleasant, but at least he had some good banter. Zuko jr. is just mean. I hope I see less of her going forward.
Bumi! Hi Bumi! I love Bumi.
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Pink girl's loyalty was tested with burning nets and released beasts. Now May's loyalty is tested with her brother's life. Zuko jr. is so good to her friends.
Why is no one able to recognise Aang? He's dressed like an airbender. The only one of those left is the avatar. It's not that hard.
Pink girl is lucky that Sokka is quite prone to friction.
More wood bundles. I guess it's for scaffolding?
Gotta give it to Zuko jr., she has excellent balance.
May has leg knives as well as arm knives?
And shirt knives. How does she not stab herself every time she sits down? And if this place is so boring, why does she feel the need to carry 8 billion knives?
Love the Appa tail slap. Underrated and underused move.
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So Bumi has no spine left.
Facebending. Neat.
Neutral Jing is a neat concept, but I'll be damned if any earthbender we've seen apart from Bumi ever bothers with it.
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Suddenly the 100 year gap between Aang and Bumi can no longer be ignored. Bumi is still Aang's friend, but he's got a century of learning and a city to protect. This is kind of a sad moment.
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Do May and Zuko have some history? Is that's what's being implied here?
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Wouldn't expect any less. I wonder how these two are going to explain the return of their son without painting the resistance in a really good light.
Zuko jr. is spelled with a Z.
Final Thoughts
Zuko Jr. gets a girl squad, the Gaang gets a reason to spend a season gallivanting all over the Earth Kingdom, and the audience gets to see Superslide part 2. A weird mix of establishing groundwork and having fun this episode.
I totally buy that the fire nation guards and governor fell for the plague thing. Anyone remember "that lemur! He's earthbending!" These guys are not smart.
The plague thing did not bother me at all. I thought it would, since the anti-science idiots in the Fortuneteller really annoyed me. I think since the fake plague was treated as a joke the whole way through, and never actually endangered anyone, it didn't bring up Covid memories.
I think Flopsy's pupils are sideways hourglasses, which contributes nicely to his uncanniness.
I think the stuffy that the baby was throwing is the same animal as the beaver bear thing at the circus.
I love Momo the machine gun. I think those are the same berries as the ones Iroh was going to double poison himself with.
Sokka getting to plan the plague and getting to save the day with boomerang was fun. That's two episodes in a row where he's been the plan guy. Katara got to use some of her new and improved waterbending as well, but she was really pushed to the background otherwise.
I think pink Girl, whose name I still haven't caught, is quite good at reading people. I caught more than one 'shallow-on-the-surface-but-actually-way-deep' statement from her. Also she can Vulcan pinch people's bending? I'm guessing it's temporary or else Katara would be really freaking out.
May was just too much. Too overdone. Yes, there are teenage girls like that, but it felt a bit on the nose. Actually, way too much on the nose. I get that she can't show any emotion in front of Zuko jr. for her own safety, but "can I offer you an egg fireflakes in this trying time?" is not exactly an appropriate response to your little brother's disappearance.
I'm still not liking Zuko jr. But I'm someone who never likes the villain anyway, at least not when our heroes are this likeable.
This episode was not easy on Aang. It was an interesting mix of bringing home the reality of the war and the reality of the time passed. Even when he seemingly got to save his friend in the end, he actually didn't because things are more complicated now. He untied the damsel from the railroad track and she tied herself right back on.
Further evidence for my 'entire fire nation is colourblind' theory this episode. Aang was not disguised apart from a hat made from a very incriminating colour. He had a giant blue stripe down the back of his head! Come on!
No Zuko this episode. He was last seen stealing a perfectly nice lady's bird horse, and it'll be a while before I forgive him for that, so good call by the writers to not have him around.
Now that I think about it, there was a lot going on this episode. Sewer break & enter, assassination attempt, fake plague, hostage exchange, water v. knife fight, fire v. air fight, vulcan pinch v. bending fight, Boomerang & bison v. knife fight, earthbending philosophy, girl squad assembly, lemur harassment, and baby restoration. This episode felt long in a good way.
How about, instead of learning the elements, Aang learns pink girl's vulcan pinch and just does that to the fire lord?
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thatlovinfeelin · 2 years
Flightless Bird | one | Bradley Rooster Bradshaw X OC
Synopsis: Josephine Wilson Miller is alone for the first time in her life. She got married after her first year of college and became a housewife, but that life is gone now. So she runs to San Diego, to her childhood best friend Jake, where she meets the man who could very well be her salvation.
A/N: The short first part to the beginning of what will hopefully be a long series. No Rooster in this first part, mainly just setting up the relationship with Hangman and Jose. Hopefully you guys will enjoy it as much as I already am.
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“Well shit,” The young girl hissed, holding several pieces of paper in her hand, “Damnit.”
She looked up at everyone running around her in the airport, slipping by her as if she was nothing but a leaf in the breeze. She felt like nothing other than a leaf, blowing aimlessly with no control over her destination. Even on her shaky legs, she found her way to a nearby bench before she pulled out her phone. 
“Okay,” She blew out a breath, “Okay, you can do this.” 
She glanced at one of the papers and started to type the number into her phone. Her hands were shaking so badly she had to try a few times before getting the right numbers in. Her body ached and her stomach turned. She wasn’t even sure if she had anything left in her body to throw up, but she felt like she was going to start heaving again. 
After a few more minutes of trying to force herself to press the call button, she finally managed it, slowly bringing the phone to her ear. Her body shook like she could break into sobs at any moment, truth was she might. 
“Hello?” a female voice rang out from the other end of the phone. 
“Oh, um, I’m sorry. I’m looking for Lieutenant Jake Seresin. Do I- do I have the right number?”
“Oh, yeah sorry, one second.”
There was some white noise from the other end, followed by quiet voices, “Hey, wake up. You have a phone call.”
“What? Who’s calling this early when we have leave?” He was obviously asleep two seconds earlier, voice thick and groggy. 
“I don’t know, some girl.”
“I promise I know nothing about-”
“I’m not worried, Bagman. Take the phone, I’ll order room service.”
She heard a long sigh, before the sound of the man clearing his throat. Suddenly she was even more nervous, yet somehow strangely calm. Because she knew he would make sure she was okay, he would take care of her and protect her like he always had before. 
“Hello?” His old southern draw wasn’t nearly as thick as it once was, but the sound of it still brought her peace. 
“Well, hello Jakey Poo, it’s been a long while, hasn’t it?” She forced herself to sound normal, even if she was ready to break.
“Jose? What’s going on, why are you calling?” 
“I need you to come get me, Jakey. Please.”
She could almost imagine him sitting straight up in the bed, flinging the covers off at the sound of that. He was undoubtedly ready to spring into action, just like he always was. She wanted to cry, she wanted him to hold her and somehow make her believe everything could be okay again. 
“Jose, where are you? Where’s your husband?” He frantically asked her. 
“It’s a long story. I’m at the airport here in San Diego, I got your number from some of our old friends. Just… please Jake, I’ll explain it all later, just please. I need you to-” She took a deep breath and forced herself to calm down, she wouldn’t cry in the middle of an airport, not again, “I need you to come get me, Jake, please.”
“Shit, okay, give me a few minutes alright,” He said quickly. 
She could hear him moving around on the other end of the line. Explaining to the woman he was with that he had to go, but would be back as soon as he could. It made her heart ache, hearing how sweet and gentle he was with her, hearing him say that he loved her before walking out. It was everything she didn’t have anymore, but that didn’t stop her from being happy for him. Jake deserved the very best that life had to offer, he always did. 
“Alright, I’m on my way Jose, just stay put. Okay darlin, can you do that?” 
“I’m not sure if I could move even if I wanted to,” She admitted, “It’s been a long few days.”
“Okay, I’ll call you the second I’m close,” He promised, “I’m coming sweetheart, I promise.”
And so she waited for him to come rescue her once again, just like he did throughout their childhood. From her parents, from boys that mistreated her and petty girls in the school hallways. This time wouldn’t be so simple though, this wasn’t a simple rumor or a group of boys he could just fight off. This was bigger than all of that, because now this was her life.
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The theme park
I held aunt Nora’s hand as we scuffled hurriedly through the theme park .my butt padded thickly ,enough that it was showing through the outlines of my shorts . I was never accustomed to wearing diapers ,I had never needed them since before I could remember. Though for some odd reason ,my aunt saw to it that I was diapered .I had given my rightful protests but was given the short exudes of,” the last time I saw you ,you wore diapers.” Which was true ,I had never grown up with her in my life mainly do to family drama.after a while the family was repaired and I was sent to go see my aunt over summers . So ,ever since I had been here since day one I have been diapered ,i took no pleasure in this but it was what I had to be subjected to. I snapped out of my monotonous gaze I held at the ground as my tummy began to churn . I couldn’t believe the time had come .I had staved off this moment for 3 days ,”you know I keep track of what kind of diapers I change from you,” aunt nora said to me this morning while buckling me in the car seat.she had purposefully stopped for greasy gas station breakfast food before we had shown up to the park ,I was already groaning.”auntie.” I said quietly and painfully.”what is it hon?” I gestured to her by tugging her shirt whispering “I have to poop” a smile appeared across her face followed by a devious grin . “I’ve noticed most of the bathrooms have been closed since we got here at the least the ones we’ve seen.let’s try to find one” I just gulped and looked up at the sun as it started to beat down ,I wiped the sweat dripping onto my eyebrows . She realized the look of discomfort on my face.”you know ,sometimes when I think I have to poop ,I really just have to fart .maybe just try to fart a little honey.”I couldn’t believe my ears ,I was mentally preparing myself for what could be 50/50 chance of me completely embarrassing myself .I began to follow behind aunt Norah along at a slowish pace before we were stopped by an in park train passing through. I tapped my foot impatiently as I began to resort to my last option . I began to push slightly trying to release some gas .no luck.I push again with slightly more force .still no luck .I spread my feet apart more slightly and then pushed .I could feel a small toot quickly followed by a thick log making it’s way out.I panicked ,legs still spread apart I half waddled along trying to do what I could to contain the mess.every step only pushed it out more slightly .I eventually gave in and just let it fall the back of my diaper.I couldn’t believe what I had done ,my pants were sure to start smelling soon if I didn’t do anything .”no “I assured myself it was nothing to worry about and I could find a restroom soon .but the more we passed the restrooms we saw a mixture of closed signs ,or viciously long lines .I would begin to feel pent up every other 20 minutes so I would have to “fart” again .what that really meant was filling the back of my diaper up slowly ,load by load . Or as aunt Norah so graciously called it “ making a poo poo “ .by the end of the day i miserably waddled my way back to the car with my aunt with my full diaper in tow . As we got to the car she picked me up to put me in the seat when she noticed how thick my pants were .a look of shock shot straight through her face .”oh..my god honey .I am so sorry ..I forgot you had to poo poo oh my baby.”she said rubbing my tummy .I could only cry and nod along with her .she just cooed at me and prepared me for my diaper change .as she slowly cleaned me up she would press her pelvis directly up against the back of my diaper my legs completely hitting her arms .she just giggled along with me while she told me sweet nothings . She exclaimed at me and complimented me for all I ate and how good of a boy I had been for her .she held up the fully wrapped up diaper and just looked at it with pride .she patted my tummy as she strapped me back in .instead of throwing out the diaper she took a picture of it and threw it in her front seat
.it was a strange ride home
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eashmo · 10 months
Bloodlust part 4
-family reunion-
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Warnings: fluff and small smut scene because vamp eddie is forever a horny mf.
A/n: bit longer chapter. picture by me also Max is present, but she's blind (might later write her having hidden abilities as well)
The smut scenes have been making me pass away a little because vampires in general are 🥵😅...... I need a boyfriend.
“Dusty-bun to you copy? It’s Hellfire. '' I snickered in my walkie. As Eddie was nuzzling my neck, i could feel him smile against my skin from hearing my codename. he gave me that codename.
“Baby you're acting like a giant cat. Are you sure you're a vampire?” I giggled when he playfully bit my earlobe. “You smell good, I can't help it.” he chuckles, inhaling my scent. 
“y/n, i told you not to ever call me that.” a voice on the other side of the walkie sighed.
“I'm sure Suzie-poo will understand. We sort of have a situation.” 
“What kind of situation?” Dustin sounded worried. 
“Just a situation, bring everyone to my house. Over and out.” I said quickly. I'm throwing my walkie on my dresser. Turning towards Eddie, one hand grabs my waist, and the other pulls my chin up, giving me a desprate kiss. I grabbed his bottom lip with my teeth, causing him to make a low growl. 
~you're such a horny monster~ I say in my mind. He flashes his fangs in a wide grin “told you i can't help it, especially when you are standing there looking like a 5 course meal.”
I scoffed while looking down at what I was wearing, his hellfire shirt,  and short sleep shorts. My hair looks like a rat's nest…. I look like a hobo. 
“A very sexy hobo.” he chuckles. 
“Eddie,” I whined.
“Baby” he mimics my whining. He grabs my arms as he falls on top of my bed, taking me with him. I straddle his waist. “We have time for a little quickie.” he says with a smirk. He pulled me down for a kiss, but I stopped him. He looks at me with worry. I gave him a mischievous grin. ~your going to have to catch me first.~ i said in my mind when i got up and started to run out the bedroom door. I looked back quickly to see him stunned, but he quickly ran after me with a grin. 
Of course, it didn't take him long to just appear in front of me because of his vampire speed. I couldn't even make it to the last step on the stairs. He scoops me up in his arms “You’re so cute. Thinking you can outrun me,” his comment made me pout with a huff. 
He lays us on the coach. His body hovered over mine. I was still pouting. “Now we can't have that pout, can we.” he says before he starts tickling without mercy. I was screaming and laughing so loudly that we didn't notice a group of people breaking down our front door. Then voices made us freeze.
“ What the hell!” the group shouted.
I looked over Eddie's shoulder with wide eyes. ~it's time for the family reunion, baby~ i told him. He gets up and pulls me up with him. His back was still facing them. I walked around him to stand in front of the group.
“Guys why the hell are you armed?” I chuckled.
“Well Dustin said you were in trouble, and we heard screaming.” Steve says, trying to see the so-called threat that was behind me.
“First off Dustin, really?, I told you it was a situation, not a code red, and second, the situation is actually a surprise.”  I said to them,
~ Eddie, you can turn around now~
Eddie turns around, and everyone drops their weapons in shock.
“Eddie’s back,” I giggled. 
“I'm back, guys.” he grins with fangs and all. 
The kids instantly tackled him. And I was right, Dustin was crying. Steve, Robin, and Nancy still stood there in shock. I laughed at them and pushed them into the group hug.
"H-how," Dustin asked. i got up and kissed Eddie on the forehead, allowing him and the group to catch up privately.
"demobat Venom," Eddie replies with a small smile.
"DUDE! you're just like Kas." Mike yells.
this caused Eddie to give a full body laugh. which i haven't heard in so long it made my tear up a little.
"i guess i am." he says.
"When did you get back?" Lucas asks.
"Last night."
"This is freaky." Steve says.
"Speaking of venom, why isn't Steve a vampire?, he got bit as well." Nancy questioned.
"Don't know. I guess I was more compatible." Eddie shrugged.
"this fucking fascinating, what abilites do you have? can you turn people?" Dustin yells.
"Dustin language." i screamed from the kitchen. i can hear him huff.
"Well, so far i can walk in sunlight, control my age, i'm faster, stronger, can move between this world and the upside down freely, i can only read y/n mind and my saliva can heal wounds so i guess my blood can as well."
"i don't wanna know how you discovered that part." Robbin smirked. i laughed at her from the kitchen. confirming her suspicion more.
"and no i cant" Eddie says.
"Why can you only read y/n's mind?" Max asks. she looked at him with pale eyes. which caused Eddie to frown.
"soulmate thing." he casually tells her. both me and her smile at this.
"Max, did vecna do this to your eyes?" he asks her.
with a cough, she replied with a "yes"
"i promise if he ever comes back, I'll make sure he pays." he tells her as he gently touches her hands. She flinched slightly due to the sudden contact, but she relaxed instantly when she realized it was him.
"Thank you." she whispered.
"Is anyone hungry? i can call for pizza, and does anyone want a movie night tonight?" i shouted as i finished up cleaning the dirty from Eddie's Pancake extravaganza this morning.
a bunch of "im starving" and "im down for a movie" could be heard from the living room, causing me to smile and shake my head
I might have gone overboard with the ordering, but it's a good thing i did because the little gremlins shared 4 whole pizzas. Steve, Nancy, and robin scarfed down 3. geez guys, do you even eat at home? i said to myself, causing Eddie to chuckle. Me and Eddie shared a pizza. Steve picked it out back to the future. “I still don't get this movie,” he says.
Snuggling up to Eddie on the couch, I looked around and sighed happily seeing my “family” was back together again. The only ones missing were the Byers, El and Hopper. They still live in California. I need to call them tomorrow and tell them the news. 
~when they leave wanna take a bath with me?~ i asked Eddie in my mind. The light from the screen illuminated his face, allowing me to see him smirk.  “I would love to.” he whispers in my ear, causing me to shiver. After the movie, everyone did a big group hug and departed. 
“Ready?” I grinned as I ran up the stairs to my bathroom.
“Most definitely.” with a matching smirk running after me. 
dull fingernails grazed the insides of my thick thighs, his lips trailed my shoulder up to the crook of my neck. I bit my lip to stop a moan. My head falls back onto his shoulder, allowing more excess to my neck. His fingers reach the  soft hair between my legs. His fingers teased my entrance, making me squirm. 
“B-baby please.'' I whined. getting impatient. He plunges two ringed fingers into me instantly, making me gasp. I start to grind on his fingers. Desperate to have them go deeper. His other hand grabs my left tit, rolling my nipple between his fingers. My arms fall back around his head, gripping his hair. 
~bite me~ I moan in my mind. He licks a spot on my neck and then plunges his fangs into my skin, causing me to scream his name in pleasure. His fingers thrust faster within me as he fed off me. “I'm about to cum.” i moaned 
“Cum for me kitten.” he said as he licked the blood that had fallen down my shoulder. I felt like I was losing control of my body. I didn't have the energy to fight it. I gave in. Letting out a shaky breath, my whole body became tense. whimpering at the sensation. The Aftershocks made me twitch against his body.  
“Fffuck...” I groaned, coming down from the ecstasy. one last moan fell from my lips when I felt his tongue healing his bite while he removed his fingers from me.
I turned to face him. My blood in his mouth and down his chin. My legs now straddle his waist. Kissing him, tasting my blood as we intertwined our tongue. I slowly moved my hands occasionally digging my nails into his skin down his chest to his rock hard cock. I gripped his cock causing him to make a low moan. But he stopped me from doing anything else.
“Tonight was all about you, kitten.”
“But I want to return the favor.” I pouted.
He chuckles “next time, baby girl” one hand pulls me into a passionate kiss. his other hand pulls the tab to drain the tub. He helps me out of the tub and wraps me in a big fluffy towel, giving my nose a quick kiss before wrapping a towel around his waist. After we brushed our teeth and got in our sleepwear, i started to yawn uncontrollably. 
“Tired, baby?” he cooed.
“Let's get you into bed.” he pulled back the covers, allowing me to slip into bed he then followed after me. Bring me to his chest once we settled. 
~i love you~
He smiled down at me to say it back, but I was already asleep. He grinned as sleep overtook him quickly.
Previous Chapter
Part 5
Taglist: @ali-r3n @gvf23
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pettyrevenge-base · 1 year
Treat Your Employee Like Crap? OK, I'll Hire Her...
My bookkeeper reminded me of this now that she's retiring, I'd forgot how she came to work for us... She's been our 'Mother Hen' and office fixture so long I forgot...
Close to 25 years ago, I was estimating and quoting a metal working job, factory expansion job, about 100 miles from my home/shop.
The owner was berating a fairly young bookkeeper about how a computer glitch was her fault, and using completely inappropriate language.
When we went to the job site, he explained how she 'ONLY' had a local collage degree in bookkeeping & business, and if he didn't keep her on the back foot she would want a raise & benefits, and mentioned she had to keep the job because she was a single mother.
We cut steel, installed it, so I saw this girl cry, work through lunch, be the last one to leave her department, etc.
I talked it over with my then girlfriend (now wife) about poaching this trained girl since we desperately needed a resident bookkeeper/comptroller... Like needed one 5 years ago... But if I did it would burn bridges with a customer.
Don't think I did anything that wasn't goal oriented for me/my business, we had SERIOUS issues with taxes/compliance at the time...
My girlfriend went to the job site with me, sit with this girl (young lady) and slipped her a business card not knowing if she would want to move from a city to the country... Etc.
She had worked there 5 years, got no raises or benefits in 5 years, desperately wanted another job, but knew the boss/owner would kill her job reference since she saw him do it before.
My wife rented her a little place for cheap, she started with us, and untangled the last 3 years of mess in about 3 months, for the first time ever the monthy reports were on time and the tax paperwork was done on time...
Even managed to talk the IRS/state revenue out of most of the fines/penalties.
She QUICKLY became "My Girl Friday" since she killed problems in minutes that had plagued me for years... (actual education AND experience, along with being sharp as a tack)
She met her husband here, had her wedding lakeside here, they built a house here, had two more kids here, and spent 25 years working here (High-Grand poo-bah of the office! Killer of paperwork dragons!).
She and my wife have become great friends since they both lived 'City' lives at one point and we are all country folks.
Although I kept a professional distance, so I was quite surprised when she broke down in tears at her retirement get-together saying she owed her entire life to us...
Well, no she doesn't, I was more than willing to throw money at the paperwork monsters to get the tax/compliance people off my ass!, She saved the company!
MODEL Employee, Wonderful Wife, Great Mom, and all around good person.
She doesn't 'Owe' us anything, she EARNED everything she worked HARD to get it. It's my good fortune to have been in the right place at the right time, and the right time in her life. I'm sure with her intellegence, willingness to work and learn she would have done well once she got away from that A-hole...
The Revenge.
I knew the customer I poached her from got into all kinds of tax, employee pay, and state/federal regulation problems about 6 months after she left... But I just found out when working with the state/federal tax people she leaked about his shady dealings, when we dealt with labor relations people she leaked about his shady dealings, and so on... She knew EXACTLY where to point the investigators and they didn't disappoint...
I've seen her use the innocent, "My LAST employer did this this way" or "My boss is going to be VERY ANGRY I messed this up" when talking the people out of fines or penalties from back when she didn't even work here! So thinking about it I know how she worked it into conversation without actually 'Snitching'... and they ran off, foaming at the mouth and left us alone... Sly girl! But OUR sly girl!
He lost the company inside of 18 months of her being here, it's still there and producing, just under entirely new owners & managment.
Don't screw with the people cooking your books!
She, by the way, got us through every audit from everybody/agency. Even a super audit from the IRS about 7 years ago and got complemented from the auditors about how organized and efficient she was, and how pleasant she was to work with.
She said it was 'Easy' when we followed the rules (you know, the rules I didn't know about or understand). My eyes bulge at the mention of Taxes & Easy in the same sentence...
Source: reddit.com/r/pettyrevenge
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(Updated) Base Yandere Lord Dimitrescu Headcanons (Genderbent Lady Dimitrescu) (Resident Evil 8: Village)
[Hello, My Sexy Muffins! Welcome back to another chapter! In this chapter it is Lord Daddy Dimitrescu as a yandere, he is the genderbent of Lady Dimitrescu. The Artwork I have for this is on Tumblr, wattpad, youtube, etc. I own it as I commissioned it. I hope you all enjoy this chapter here!] 
(Disclaimer: Lord Daddy Dimitrescu is the genderbent version of Lady Dimitrescu, and he is not yandere in canon as her. This is just for fun and not to be taken seriously at all. Simping for fictional characters is fine, just do not be gross or illegal about it. Also, rule 63 is if there is a female character on the internet it has a male version and vice versa. Also, Also, remember to separate fiction from reality and headcanon from canon! Yanderes are not ideal partners to have in real life. NO MATTER HOW MUCH THEY ARE MOMMIES AND DADDIES AND OR HOT LOL)
But let's be honest if Daddy D was yandere for me I would DROP EVERYTHING For this man! 
Still, yanderes are not ideal... poo... 
(Once Again, Enjoy this!) 
-Base Yandere Lord Dimitrescu Headcanons- 
.Lord Daddy D (yes that is what I am going to call him in this and you cannot stop me XD) is one of the four lords. 
.You are the child of the local tavern owner in the village. 
.You were to take Lord Dimitrescu's wine from him to transport out of town, this is how you met the lord. 
.Instantly he wanted you, and he would have you. 
.You would be a good partner and parent to his daughters. 
.He wanted to keep you and he will. 
.He now would come down to the tavern very often. Where he would see you working as a waiter at your father's tavern. 
.You were a dutiful child and he could not wait to have you. To taste you in more than one way~ 
.He obviously has an excitement for how large he is compared to you. 
.His sheer size, he could use you like a toy on his manhood. 
.The idea alone excites him. 
.Also he could make love to you standing up lifting you up and down on him. 
.Almost wrapping a hand around half of your waist. 
. Your size to him is something he likes very much. 
.It makes him the more dominant one and is able to make you his easily. 
.As a yandere he is very possessive and controlling and demanding. 
.You belong to him and you should do as he says when he says it. 
.You will be his nice little spouse for him. 
.He has a daddy kink 
.So he would be fatherly to you and guide you as a caretaker a lot of the time. 
.He is also the type of yandere that will love to worship your body over and over making love to you until you pass out. 
.To make you feel like you might shatter upon him.
.He is also very rough with you in the bedroom. 
.able to make you cry out in delight and come undone upon him. 
.He can be also a bit of a jealous yandere. 
.He wants to be your one and only. 
.If any other man or woman defiled you then they will be killed. 
.If you were with anyone else besides him he would punish you. 
.You should have none better and been a good future spouse and waited for him. Even though you did not know he would want you. 
.Once he does punish you and kills all that have been with you. 
.He will claim you, marking you as his and his alone, so no one will ever be able to have a claim on you again. 
.He will most likely brand you with his house crest and carve his name into your collarbone. 
.So everyone knows that you are his and belong to him and him alone. 
.You will be moved to the castle to be his bed warmer and future spouse. 
.Only his daughters and him could speak to you. 
.If you tried to run the villagers are more than willing to capture you again and to bring you back to him. 
.Where you would be punished by him for daring to leave then he will make love with you for days on end until you know your place with your future husband. 
.He deals with rivals by torturing them and throwing them into the dungeon. 
.You will be a good partner for him, he will make sure of it. 
.He confesses to you by having a candlelit dinner. 
.It is beyond romantic, if you say yes, you will be expected to marry him in post haste. 
.If you say no, well he will threaten your family. 
.He was a lord, what would your father do if he tavern was closed.
.If you still say no he will just have your father give him your hand that way you cannot say no. 
.In the end you will marry him, it is just better for you if you are willing. 
.He will hold your family over your head and you will be forced to marry him. 
.To become his spouse and to warm his bed. If possible to carry his seed and give him more children. 
.He will not stop until you are his mark his words. 
.You belong to house Dimitrescu, you belong to Lord Daddy D. 
(Now should there a mini-series of Vampire lord Daddy D >:3 
[YASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS I hope that you all enjoyed this and stay sexy all of my sexy muffins!] 
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beepbeepdespair · 4 months
ok. ok i just came out of the jungle bunch 2 in cinemas. please, please watch it. trust me on this one. it's fantastic. gonna do a bit of excited rambling under the cut so don't open it if you intend to watch the film lmao
ok so the ONE thing i wanted from this film was some cute gilbert and batricia and MY GOD did we get it. i see you clinging to her when the airship's going down gil. i see you 👁👁 and DID I HEAR HER CALL HIM SOMETHING ALONG THE LINES OF GILLY-POO? i fucking can't. she is his weakness. he can be vain and he can obsess over his machinery and he can throw out as much sass as he wants but as soon as the situation involves batricia he melts. i want to cry
talking of cute couples. i did not expect to get as attached to maurice and camelia as i did. and can i just say the disability representation in this film was fucking on point??? now im not an amputee (i am disabled, undiagnosed for fuck-the-government reasons but it's pretty certain) but i was so pleased with the way they handled camelia
of course they showed compassion for how it happened but it didn't feel like she was treated as different or wrong, they found clever ways for it to give her an advantage (for example the stun dart hitting it and when they installed a firing mechanism in it), it didn't feel like box ticking and it really felt like maurice loved all of her, including her disability, not despite of it. when he put his flipper in her wooden hand. fucking beautiful
and the jokes. the humour. the kraftwerk reference. arnold schwarzenegger as a beaver. france taking the piss out of itself. almost swearing. perfect
and finally. uh, girl power??? camelia the girlboss, being a strong and independent woman but not being depicted as cold or rude because of it. her saving maurice and batricia saving gilbert a couple times. gilbert fucking begging batricia on his knees. the film making it VERY clear that sexism is not okay. just *chef's kiss* all of it
god i hope they make a third one. and also i need to find the first one and the tv show in english because when i discovered the show in france i did not understand a word lmao
edit: ok no actually i have more to say sorry. for a kids film the way camelia lost her arm was fucking brutal??? you're telling me that in a robbery gone wrong her arm was blown off, leading to her father abandoning her because he felt like he didn't deserve her anymore, leaving her with little but a new arm..... my god. and "i felt like i didn't deserve to look after you" i am on the floor sobbing
another edit: OH GOD ONE MORE THING. im sorry the LOOK on gilbert's face when he realised he'd been used via those competitions to help finish the formula. send this tarsier to therapy jesus fuckin christ. tragedy enjoyers eating well today
also i thought it was very clever how subtly social and political commentary was slipped in there. a showcasing of the dangers of swallowing capitalist ideology, and the whole 'evacuating your home because it's been blown up, with someone trying to charge you for the tents you will then have to live in' is just........ yeah.
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