#crystal ronette and chiffon
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I couldn't believe how ridiculous and fun this movie was. It totally threw me for a loop. I was expecting a low-budget film that was the usual plot line for any film of this Era. Boy, was I wrong. Not only is this a musical with super catchy songs, but it throws the usual "protagonist saves the day" trope right out the window. In fact, none of the cast saves the day. The day is not saved at all. The plants take over, and we all die, and that is an ending that is so unusual, and I loved it so much. The was Audrey II moves was very life like to tye point I almost forgot she was just a puppet. The plot was super original, and there were so many funny moments. Not to mention, the 3 black ladies that sing killed it and every preformence and slayed while doing it. Seriously, who is their stylist? I need them in my personal life
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technicolor-dreamss · 2 years
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On the 23rd day of the month of September, in an early year of a decade not too long before our own…
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greenesmyfavcolor · 16 hours
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Ok I just got done with my audition which went really well imo. I got called back for the urchins and Audrey. So it’s looking like either of those. The director said that they’ll likely have the cast list ready by Monday so now we wait 😮‍💨
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Can’t believe Little Shop of Horrors 1986 made sure that Audrey II came to Earth on Bi Visibility Day.
This is your reminder that every single Little Shop of Horrors character is bisexual. This is canon.
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moog-enthusiast · 1 year
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little shop of horrors doodle page. can you guess who my favorite is from this. flutters eyelashes
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sincerelyyellingback · 8 months
60s girl groups were making BOPS!! Martha Reeves & The Vandellas, The Crystals, The Shirelles, The Ronettes, The Chiffons, The Supremes, The Marvelettes... they made some of the best songs ever, and they don't get nearly enough credit!! I wish more people were still listening to them.
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I took a crack at practicing some of the main cast! Mushnik is the hardest for me to draw.
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nevinslibrary · 5 months
Not A Book Friday
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Wait, wait, it does have a connection to an eclipse, I swear. The whole thing starts when a plant appears during a solar eclipse. So.... if there were any new plants that appeared out of nowhere on Monday.... definitely do NOT feed them your blood and then red meat, and then eventually dentists bodies that you don’t like and stuff. That would be bad. Oh, and they sing about all this.
Seymour is a worker at a flower shop who is a bit meek and had a crush on Audrey, who is going out with the brutish and abusive Dentist Scrivello. So, when the plant starts talking to Seymour and prodding him to start feeding him something other than animal meat…
The movie is based on the 1982 stage musical of the same name (kudos to that puppeteer and all those high school puppeteers who have done it since then), and the stage play itself is based on a 1960 non-musical movie which, if you want to watch it, a warning, is seriously dark. This movie though, has been just a bit ‘disnified’ (although it was put out by WB).
And, related to that, there is one part I have to say that I don't love about this movie, it's the theatrical ending. That is not the ending of the musical, and, the musical ending is most definitely *chef’s kiss*. (Although, I had watched this movie quite awhile ago, maybe even pre-2000s and definitely pre-2010s, and come to find out that in 2012 there was a director’s cut put out. Don’t know how I missed that).
Little Shop of Horrors (1986)
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Hi, I’m not sure if you take requests, but if so, could you please write a Little Shop fic based on this song? Thanks!
gosh, i think it’s genuinely been years since i’ve written a little shop fic. but just for you, anon, i’ll give it a shot. i love this fandom with all my heart, and i’d be lying if i said i didn’t miss writing for it. if you or anyone else has any more requests, please feel free to send them my way!i hope this fic is what you were looking for, but if it isn’t i hope you like it anyway. by the way, the only reason i have this specified as musical canon is because audrey finds out about orin’s death on-screen in the film, so setting it in the musical universe made the most sense in my mind.
The Chips are Down
words: 580
universe: musical canon (mid-musical)
characters: Audrey, Chiffon, Ronette, Crystal, Orin (mentioned), Seymour (mentioned)
pairings: Little Ship of Horrors
warnings: mentions of death and abuse
Audrey couldn’t tear her eyes away from the headline. It couldn’t be true. It couldn’t possibly be true. Local Dentist Found Dead in Office, Foul Play Suspected And underneath was a photo of the man that had brought Audrey so much pain and strife—Orin Scrivello.
She didn’t know how to feel. Feelings of guilt and confusion churned in her stomach, but most surprising to Audrey was the overwhelming sense of relief. He’s gone. He can’t hurt me anymore. I’m free. The feeling was immediately replaced by horror at her own thoughts. Why would you think that?! she scolded herself. You deserved Orin. He was the only person who could ever take care of you. You don’t deserve to be free. You don’t deserve him.
Audrey felt tears welling up in her eyes, though she couldn’t tell if they were tears of grief or tears of anger at herself. Just by hoping, just by dreaming for something better, Audrey was responsible for Orin’s death.
“So.” Her head snapped up from the newspaper at the source of the voice—Chiffon, accompanied as usual by Ronette and Crystal. Audrey hadn’t noticed the three of them take a seat beside her on the bench. “What are you gonna do now that the chips are down, hon?”
“Huh? About what?” Audrey probably knew what she meant, but she could never be sure with these three.
Ronette looked at her dumbfoundedly. “Y’know, about the whole Orin thing. He’s gone now, right?”
“I-I guess so. That’s what the news says. But what am I supposed to do about it? I can’t bring him back.”
“What they’re trying to say is,” Crystal piped in, “your weirdo lover’s gone now. What are you gonna do about that?”
“I still don’t unda’stand. What am I s’possed to do?”
“You’ve got a few options,” said Chiffon.
“You could find another creeper to provide for ya,” Ronette added. “But I don’t think ya should.”
“I’ve done it before.” Orin wasn’t Audrey’s first experience with men. Far from it. Of course she didn’t want to be in relationships with men like him her whole life, but what choice did she have? That was the only kind of man who wanted her.
“It ain’t good for ya, sweetie,” Crystal told her, shaking her head. “These fellas ain’t the ones for you. Not Orin, not any of the guys before him. They ain’t good enough for ya, girl.”
“The way I see it,” Chiffon added, “there’s only one man that’s good enough for ya.” She nodded her head toward the flower shop across the street before looking at Audrey, eyebrows raised significantly.
She shook her head vigorously. “Not a chance. I don’t deserve him and you know it.”
“I don’t think so,” disagreed Ronette. 
Crystal took Audrey’s hand in both of hers. “It’s your choice, honey. We can’t make ya do anything. But at least give it a thought, alright? This is the perfect time to make a change, ya know?”
She nodded slowly. “I think you guys are right.”
Chiffon smirked. “We’re always right, baby.”
Audrey couldn’t keep herself from smiling at that.
“Hand me that paper, honey.” Audrey obliged Ronette’s request. The young woman proceeded to tear the front page off the paper, shredding it into little tiny pieces. She handed the paper to Chiffon, who stood up and tossed them into a nearby trash can. Audrey barked out a laugh.
“You guys are great, you know that?”
Crystal beamed with pride. “We know.”
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princesssarisa · 2 years
Fictional Character Ask: Crystal, Ronette and Chiffon from the musical Little Shop of Horrors
Favorite thing about them: I love the great music they sing, their enthusiasm, their clever remarks, and their creative role as semi-interactive narrators who exist partly within the story and partly as outside commentators. They're very fun characters.
Least favorite thing about them: The fact that it's ambiguous whether they're on the side of humanity or the side of Audrey II, although that ambiguity makes them interesting.
Three things I have in common with them:
*I like to sing and dance.
*I root for Audrey to get away from Orin and get together with Seymour.
*I'm multi-talented, or at least I like to think I am.
Three things I don't have in common with them:
*I'm not black.
*I"m not part of a singing trio.
*I'm definitely human and part of the real world, no mysterious ambiguity.
Favorite line: The lyrics to the title song, "Little Shop of Horrors."
brOTP: Each other and Audrey.
OTP: None.
nOTP: Orin, Mr. Mushnik, or Audrey II.
Random headcanon: They're three of the Muses from Hercules, in disguise (as is typical of goddesses and gods) and using assumed 1960s names to tell a new mythic story. Alan Menken has openly admitted that he went back to the style of Little Shop of Horrors for the score of Hercules, and the Muses are clearly spiritual successors to the three girls from LSOH. So why shouldn't we imagine a stronger connection between them?
Unpopular opinion: I don't know if this is unpopular, but it's different than what some people have written on TV Tropes, so I'll use it. While I accept that it's ambiguous, I don't like to think they're villains. If they were, the racial implications, with the only three black characters plus the black-coded Audrey II as villains while the "good guys" are white, would be very unfortunate. (Although technically, Seymour and Audrey don't have to be white, they just traditionally are.) I'd rather think that they're simply outside of the story's world. Maybe it's all just a fictional story to them, just like it is to us, despite their ability to sometimes step into it and interact with the characters. They genuinely sympathize with Seymour and Audrey, and they want to warn the world to beware of Audrey II. But they already know the ending, they can't change it, and in the stage version and the director's cut of the movie, they know the tragedy will serve their message of "Don't Feed the Plants." Hence why they sometimes seem to urge Seymour to kill for Audrey II – it's not that they want him to, but they know he's going to anyway, and their job is to tell the story of how it happens to warn others not to repeat his mistakes.
Song I associate with them:
"Little Shop of Horrors."
'Ya Never Know"
"Some Fun Now"
"Finale (Don't Feed the Plants)"
Favorite picture of them:
Jennifer Leigh Warren, Sheila Kay Davis, and Leilani Jones in the original 1982 Off-Broadway production:
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Tichina Arnold, Michelle Weeks, and Tisha Cambell in the film version:
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Trisha Jeffrey, Carla J. Hargrove, and DeQuina Moore in the 2003 Broadway revival:
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Alexis Tidwell, Johari Nandi Mackey, and Ebony Blake in a US regional production:
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Tiffany Renee Thompson, Ari Groover, and Khadija Sankoh in the Off-Broadway revival, 2022:
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Watching Little Shop of Horrors the movie is a completely different experience after seeing the play. Ronette, Chiffon, and Crystal feel more real in the play, they behave just like all the other characters. But in the movie it's almost as if they're deities using the world of Little Shop of Horrors as a stage. The fantastic outfit changes, the way they're able to walk around and sing without the other characters noticing and acknowledging them, and how they know more about what's going on than everyone else. There's also this separation between the 'real world' them and the 'narrative assistance' them. The 'real world' version isn't developed nearly as well as it is in the play. It just reminds me of the trope where characters with god-like abilities use those powers to put on a play for their own entertainment. Like Ronette, Chiffon, and Crystal love to perform so much they've created a time loop complete with song and dance numbers to go through over and over until they get bored but not in a bad or malicious way. They seem like badass playful op characters like Q or Discord.
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glitterglxss · 9 months
Elton John's Kiss The Bride but it's Evelyn singing about Audrey and Seymour's wedding
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jodielandons · 1 year
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fireworkss-exe · 2 years
I'm watching Hercules again and the Muses are literally just the 2.0 version of the Urchins from lsoh. Love them
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romanticallyghosting · 3 months
@june-doe-2024 day 19! crossover
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so. sorry i gave up. june doe was pretty overwhelming tho lol and i didn’t want to keep doing all my art day of. i also didn’t want to just spend like 30 minutes and make the crappiest piece of art and then post it because TRUST ME my doodles are bad 😭
but i did the lineart for this before june doe even began in preparation for it- and i decided why not post it!! so i did. all the coloring today and here it is :)
anyways i did a little shop rtc cross over!! i only drew nischa because. i’m lazy. but in this au i imagine seymour as mischa, noel/monique as audrey (inspired by jinks monsoon playing her off broadway recently!!), penny, ocean, and connie as chiffon, ronette, and crystal (i think those are their names…), and karnak as mushnik. now you may notice that ricky is absent from this list, but there’s nowhere to put him really!!! either a crazed dentist or a capitalist plant and i’d never do that to him. so yk
also virgil is audrey II because i say so <3
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cressida-jayoungr · 1 year
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One Dress a Day Challenge
May: Purple Redux
Little Shop of Horrors / Tichina Arnold as Crystal, Tisha Campbell as Chiffon, and Michelle Weeks as Ronette
Crystal, Chiffon, and Ronette serve as the "Greek chorus" for this movie, wearing an array of classic 1960s chic outfits. Here they have matching lavender sheath dresses with high, ribbed waistbands, lilac gloves, and multi-strand pearl necklaces.
To highlight the fact that their commentary takes place in another dimension, so to speak, we also see these characters briefly as they appear in the "real world":
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