#culinary experts fear her
glazesunflower · 1 year
hiiii if it's not too much to ask, can you write some fluff hc with Raiden or Ayaka. I hope you have a nice day!!! <3
Fluff Headcanons with Raiden and Ayaka
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Characters: Ayaka and Raiden Shogun x GN!Reader.
Warnings: None that apply!
Notes: I love these two with my whole heart, they're very soft when they're in love <3
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You and Ayaka often enjoy strolling through the streets of Inazuma together, hand in hand, because Ayaka is always searching for more ways to be close to you. You savor the peaceful moments, relishing in each other's company and the beauty of the city's architecture while you walk down the paths, the breeze caressing your cheeks and you delight in the sounds of the bustling city around you, by the hand of the one you love the most.
During chilly evenings, you and Ayaka share warm cups of tea at the Kamisato Estate. You often find yourselves having deep and really interesting conversations about your dreams, fears, and aspirations for the future. Sharing personal stories and experiences always makes your bond with her bloom, and you feel safer and more comfortable with her as the time passes.
Ayaka loves to show you around Inazuma's stunning gardens and natural landscapes. Ayaka is very passionate when it comes to nature, given the little time she has to spend outside, and she treasures these stolen moments in time with you. You spend hours together, as many as Ayaka can spare, marveling at the beautiful flowers and the colorful and lively animals, making precious memories together neither of you will forget.
Sometimes, you and Ayaka indulge in light-hearted snowball fights during winter in Inazuma. Growing up, Ayaka didn’t really have the time to play like other kids when it was snowing outside, and you’ve made it your mission to have her experience as many wonderful and fun things as you can with her, winter included! Laughter fills the air as you playfully chase each other through the snow-covered streets, and she treasures these moments of fun with you.
Ayaka is an excellent chef, and she often surprises you with delightful homemade meals. You have private and little cooking competitions together, trying to outdo each other in the kitchen, but it always ends in giggles and shared delicious treats. Thoma sometimes joins as the culinary expert and judges your dishes, and you’re starting to suspect it’s a little strange how Ayaka seems to win more often than not. When Ayato joins the games though, the results tend to be more fair!
You teach Ayaka new customs and traditions from your homeland to her, she’s an avid learner and she always enjoys learning about you and your culture; and Ayaka introduces you to Inazuma's unique culture, her love and passion for her nation always manages to warm your heart. You both grow from the experience, deepening your understanding of each other's backgrounds and life stories, and you feel more connected to her than before.
You and Ayaka take breaks from your adventurous duties to lie on a grassy hill whenever Ayaka manages to steal the time from her busy schedule. You love to gaze at the stars, holding her hand softly in yours. You two talk about your wishes and hopes for the future, feeling the comfort of being understood and supported by the person you love the most in the entirety of the world.
Ayaka surprises you with impromptu picnics in picturesque spots around Inazuma when she can spare the time, always helped by Ayato to make the delicious treats she’ll share with you. You savor the serene moments together, cherishing the simple joys of life as the gentle breeze plays with your hair.
Sometimes, you and Ayaka participate in friendly sparring matches to stay in shape, an activity that she loves more than she says. You push each other to become stronger, all while having fun and cheering the other on. You learn so much from her, and she learns from your fighting technique too. And after sparring, you can always enjoy a comforting bath together.
If you and Ayaka happen to share a love for poetry, you often exchange heartfelt verses you've written for one another, writing down your affection through beautiful words and voicing them for the other’s ears only. It made you feel a bit embarrassing at first but you’ve grown to love the intimacy of these moments with her, simply sharing what’s in your heart and how loved she always makes you feel.
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Despite her stern and composed exterior, Ei secretly enjoys spending quiet and serene moments with you, finding solace in your presence. She’s used to being alone, having been so for quite some time now, more than you can comprehend. But you’ve managed to make yourself at home within the frozen chambers of her heart, and she finds comforting the moments she steals to be with you.
You often find Ei lost in her thoughts, contemplating the burdens of leadership and the responsibilities that come with her role, so you’re always ready to offer a listening ear and a comforting shoulder for her to lean on during these moments of vulnerability, and Ei appreciates your support, affection and understanding more than words can say.
Ei and you share a love for traditional music, especially for Inazuman cultural music, and sometimes you play soothing melodies together. It’s not often it happens, but whenever you find the time now, you love making a calming atmosphere together that lets Ei momentarily escape her duties and simply relax and be herself with you.
You bring little treats and snacks from other regions to her, knowing how much she loves sweets, introducing Ei to new flavors and culinary experiences! She deeply, deeply appreciates these thoughtful gestures and finds herself smiling more in your company. Is it yourself by her side or is it that you bring her sweets?
Ei and you engage in philosophical discussions about the nature of power and the importance of compassion in leadership, things that she struggles with after recent events. You want to be there to share your opinion, even if not as throughout as hers is, but you’ll always be there to offer the more humane side of the conversation so she can balance her decisions. Through these conversations, you both learn from each other's perspectives and grow together, and Ei always loves listening to you and sharing your opinions together.
Despite her disciplined nature, Ei is not immune to the joys of occasional playfulness, as one would think! You often catch her smiling softly at your lighthearted antics, her sharp eyes softening on yours only. You cherish these rare glimpses of her lighter side, knowing she only allows herself to be soft and gentle when it’s you around her, her safe place in this world.
Ei appreciates your sincerity and honesty above basically all else, and she appreciates too that you are unafraid to voice your true feelings and opinions to her. You’re not scared that she’s the lightning archon, you’ve grown past that and seen her for who she really is. This openness that you have with her blooms a deep trust she places on you only, making your relationship and bond to her stronger still.
You encourage Ei to take breaks from her duties and go on small excursions with you outside the realm of the Electro Archon's responsibilities, since she’s always stuck in the Plane of Euthymia and you know it’s good for her to take a break now and then. These moments let Ei experience life as a regular person, like another human (maybe not an ordinary one!), away from the weight of leadership. Ei appreciates these moments of easy life with you and secretly wishes it could be like that more often.
Ei and you enjoy stargazing together too, always finding peace and wonder in the night sky and the stars that color the vault above. You share stories about the stars, the galaxies, the constellations, the ancient stories buried behind them; and you create your own constellations too, drawing with your fingers in the sky the shape of the stars, measured only by the amount of love the bond between the two of you carries.
Sometimes, you leave small notes or poems for Ei to find throughout the day, especially on the days you know she’s going to be especially more tired or bothered by current events. These heartfelt gestures and lovely words of affection never fail to bring a soft smile to the Electro Archon's face, reminding her that she is cherished and cared for, no matter how busy she is, by someone who means the world to her.
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If you enjoyed this, please consider liking or reblogging it <3!
You can check more of my writing on (this link!). Thank you!
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wenclairly · 4 months
I will probably just write this myself someday but
A fic where the Stalker is revealed to be Yoko. Much like Rowan, she has convinced herself that Wednesday is dangerous, and wants to keep her bestie Enid from getting hurt again. Unlike Rowan, she was radicalized by MorningSong, whose "therapy" app actually exaggerates fear and doubt to dangerous extremes.
letters, knives, and second chances | wenclair
wednesday addams x enid sinclair
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description: wednesday and enid receive a note from wendesday's stalker, leading to revelations that they never could have expected.
tags/warnings: stalker, stalking, post-canon.
wc: 3.5k
a/n: thank you kbb306 for this amazing request, and our first one no less :) we apologize for a tiny delay! we've been trying to balance our own writing with this blog too. and we're very excited to share our first co-written req!! we do have another requested one shot in the works, and feel free to request more guys we LOVE when you do! enjoy this lil one ;) - jes & aly
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The metallic clang of the cafeteria doors echoed behind Wednesday as she emerged, the lingering taste of lukewarm gruel a bitter reminder of Nevermore’s culinary shortcomings. The midday sun was casting its usual shadows across the cobblestone courtyard; yet something felt amiss. The distorted patches of darkness seemed to cause an unease in Wednesday, one that had long taken root since her return to school.
Two months had passed since the harrowing events that had nearly torn Nevermore apart, and the scars were still visible. The manicured lawns bore the scorch marks of battle, the stone gargoyles seemed to leer with a newfound malevolence, and the whispers of students now carried an undercurrent of fear that hadn’t been there before.
Wednesday tugged her blazer tighter around her, a futile attempt to ward off the growing chill. Even her usually vibrant roommate had subdued, her infectious laughter now punctuated by moments of quiet introspection. It was as if the darkness that had threatened to consume them all had left a permanent stain.
As Wednesday made her way back to the dorm, her mind drifted to Enid’s therapy session. The new therapist, a chipper woman with a penchant for pastel sweaters and motivational posters, had arrived in the wake of the chaos, a self-proclaimed expert in trauma recovery. Enid had embraced the sessions with her usual enthusiasm, but Wednesday remained skeptical. Could a few platitudes and breathing exercises truly mend the wounds inflicted by a centuries-old monster?
Lost in her thoughts, Wednesday rounded the corner. Only to be jolted back to reality by an unexpected sight. Their door, usually firmly shut, stood slightly ajar. A frown tugged at her lips as she approached, her pace quickening with each step. Had Enid forgotten to close it before leaving? Or had someone else ventured into their shared space, disturbing the delicate balance they had carefully constructed?
The air hung heavy with an unfamiliar scent, a subtle blend of cedarwood and something floral, decidedly not Enid’s usual werewolf musk. A chill slithered down Wednesday’s spine. With a soft push, the door creaked open.
The room appeared undisturbed at first glance. Enid’s collection of stuffed animals were still perched on her bed, their wide eyes watching Wednesday with an unnerving intensity. And her overflowing bookshelf of romance novels and werewolf folklore remained untouched. Even Wednesday’s typewriter sat calmly on her desk, a half-finished poem visible in its carriage.
But as her eyes adjusted, a discordant detail pierced the illusion of normalcy. A crisp white envelope laying on the inky blackness of her bedspread. It was intrusion, a violation of her personal space that set her teeth on edge.
With a measured step, Wednesday approached the bed. Her eyes fixed on the envelope as she reached out to brush her fingers against the smooth paper. It was unsealed, an invitation to delve into its contents.
She swiftly slid her finger beneath the flap and tore it open. A single sheet of paper, thick and heavy, fell into her hand. The handwriting was an attempt at elegance, but held an obvious note of sloppiness. Yet it wasn’t how the letters were penned that unnerved her, but the words themselves.
“Dearest Wednesday,” the letter began, “Your darkness casts a long shadow, a blight on the innocence of Nevermore. I see the danger you pose, the poison you spread with your twisted words and morbid obsessions. Enid, my dear sweet Enid, deserves better than to be ensnared by your darkness.”
A cold fury ignited in Wednesday’s chest. But she read on, each word twisting the knot in her stomach tighter.
“I will not allow you to corrupt her any more than you have, to drag her further down your abyss. You will leave Nevermore, or I will ensure that Enid pays the price. Consider this a warning, a taste of a different darkness that awaits you, should you refuse to heed my words.”
The letter ended abruptly, the final sentence hanging venomously in the air. Wednesday’s grip tightened on the paper, her knuckles turning white as she fought to contain her rage. This was not a prank, not a childish attempt at intimidation. This was a declaration of war, a threat against the person she held most dear.
* * *
When Enid returned from therapy, she entered the dorm to see Wednesday furiously typing away, the familiar sound of the typewriter clacking aggressively. Enid’s eyebrow raised, though she didn’t question Wednesday’s anger. It could range from something serious to a minor inconvenience that had ruined her day. As logical as Wednesday was, Enid had to admit that sometimes she was quite brash.
It wasn’t the aggressive typing that worried Enid. Instead, it was the way Wednesday stood up and pulled the paper from the typewriter, crumpling it and flattening it down onto her desk. Thing was waiting there and kicked it into the waiting wastebasket. After that, the clacking sounds stopped. Wednesday sat at her desk and huffed a loud sigh.
“Everything okay?” Enid asked hesitantly. She’d beelined for her bed, laying down with her laptop resting on her legs. She had an essay due within the next few days, and she was terrible at getting them done on time. She had considered asking for help, but Wednesday’s apparent bad mood was enough to prevent her from doing so.
“I’m fine.” Wednesday answered briskly, not even bothering to turn around to face Enid. Instead she stared at her typewriter as if trying to burn a hole into it.
Enid hummed thoughtfully, then slid her laptop off her legs and onto the bed beside her. “You don’t seem fine.” Enid pointed out, much to Wednesday’s chagrin. The girl’s shoulders tensed and she turned, her permanent glare boring into Enid. “Yikes. Okay.” Enid immediately turned her attention back to her laptop, turning so her back was facing Wednesday.
Things were quiet for a moment, before she heard another long sigh. “I’m sorry. I’m simply frustrated. It seems my ability to write has conveniently decided to disappear.” There was a slight tremor in Wednesday’s voice. It was definitely more than that.
“Writer’s block?” Enid suggested, her gaze moving back to Wednesday. The raven was resting a hand on her temple, her elbow propped up on the desk.
“Absolutely not. I have never once been afflicted with writer’s block and I certainly will not begin to be now.” Wednesday drummed her fingers on her desk.
Enid’s sensitive hearing picked up on the drumming. Her eyebrow rose in a skeptical expression. “Maybe something else is bothering you?”
Wednesday froze at the remark. Enid tilted her head. That was an indication of her being correct. It seemed clear enough to her that something else was going on inside of Wednesday’s head. Something that was bothering her. “What’s wrong?”
Enid watched as her roommate looked at her, then averted her gaze, then looked at her again. She was unsure, nervous, even. “I received another message from my stalker.”
Enid perked up, sitting up straight in her bed upon hearing the news. “Really? What was it?”
“A threat.” Wednesday said ominously, opening the drawer at the side of her desk and pulling a letter out of it. Enid got on her feet, swiftly crossing the line between their two halves and taking the letter from Wednesday once it was offered to her. Her eyes scanned the piece of paper, and with each line she felt more nauseated.
“‘My dear sweet Enid’?” Enid quoted the letter, frowning. “Whoever wrote this clearly has no idea who you are.” She felt anger of her own festering in her chest, building up. Who did this person think they were? Insulting Wednesday and their friendship. As if Enid was too weak to be friends with someone like Wednesday.
Enid was tired of being seen as weak.
“I have a relatively good idea of who it might be.” Wednesday’s burning glare returned back to the paper loaded in her typewriter. “Who else would refer to you that way? It must be Ajax.” There was a sort of bitterness in her voice. It wasn’t aggressive enough to be anger, but it wasn’t placid enough to be just a simple dislike. It was deeper than that. Enid wondered if she was overthinking it, but if she didn’t know any better, she’d think Wednesday was jealous.
“That’s true.” Enid’s eyebrows furrowed. “But he’s never called me ‘dear’ or ‘sweet’.”
“A failure of a partner, if you ask me.” Wednesday grumbled under her breath.
Enid blinked. “That’s a little harsh.”
“Not harsh enough. I should have nailed his heart to a wall before you two reached whatever you define it to be now.” Wednesday looked up at Enid, who was staring down at her with a confused expression.
Enid sighed softly. “It’s complicated.” She quickly muttered, not particularly in the mood to detail how the best word she could use to describe what she and Ajax had was “situationship”.
“That’s what they all say.” Wednesday bit back, turning her gaze back to the blank piece of paper in front of her.
“Okay, well-” Enid started to argue, then paused and took a deep breath. “That’s besides the point. What are we supposed to do about this stalker?”
A smile tugged at the corner of Wednesday’s lips. “I could always build another makeshift guillotine.”
“Wednesday, no.” Enid huffed. “Something that doesn’t involve killing my…” She hesitated, “...him.” She finished, unsure once again how to describe Ajax.
Wednesday scoffed. “You’d be better off without him.”
Enid waved her off. “That’s besides the point.” She rubbed her temple with two fingers, starting to get a headache from Wednesday’s one-sided hatred of Ajax. “Why don’t we just talk to him?”
“I suppose. But I’m bringing a knife with me.”
Enid already knew that Wednesday wasn’t going to budge on that point, so she didn’t bother trying to fight it. “Fine.” She said lowly. Wednesday was already standing up and moving to her bed, kneeling down and reaching underneath it. “Wait, you mean right now?”
“Yes, right now. We need to get to the bottom of this immediately. These letters are unacceptable.” Wednesday pulled a small box out from under her bed, opening it to reveal an intricate dagger.
“You don’t-” Enid rolled her eyes. “Okay. Fine.” She agreed begrudgingly once again. “Let’s just get this over with, yeah?”
“Alright.” Wednesday stood up, hiding the dagger in her sleeve, and began walking towards the door, Enid in tow as usual. The two of them exited the dorm, bent on ending this “stalker” business right then and there.
The quad at Nevermore was a microcosm of the school’s social hierarchy. Flocks of sirens gossiped near the fountains, their scales shimmering in the afternoon light. A group of gorgons, their stony gazes fixed on chessboards, hurled under the shade of the outside trees. And nestled in the corner, at a small stony table, was Ajax Petropolus sitting beside Bianca Barclay.
Wednesday and Enid approached the pair. Enid’s usually bouncy gait was tempered by a hint of apprehension as she trailed behind Wednesday’s, whose stride remained as purposeful as ever. Her eyes were fixed on their target with the intensity of a predator stalking its prey.
Ajax, oblivious to their approach, was mid-sentence. Bianca, her eyes half-closed against the sun, seemed to be humoring him with a polite smile that didn’t quite reach her eyes.
“Petropolus,” Wednesday’s voice cut through the air like a knife.
Ajax’s head snapped up, his eyes widening in surprise as he took in the sight of Wednesday and Enid standing before him. A nervous smile flickered across his face before it was quickly replaced by a look of feigned nonchalance.
“Yo, Wednesday, Enid,” he greeted them with a casual nod of his head. “What’s up?”
Wednesday’s lips curled in disgust. “Don’t,” she snapped, the word dripping with venom. “We have a matter of grave importance to discuss with you.”
Enid, sensing the rising tension, stepped forward in an attempt to be a calming counterpoint to Wednesday’s iciness. “Ajax, we need to talk about the letters,” she said, her eyes searching his face.
Ajax blinked, a puzzled frown creasing his brow. “Letters?” he echoed, his voice tinged with genuine confusion. “What letters?”
Bianca tilted her head, even her expression betrayed a hint of bewilderment. “You mean fan mail, Enid?” she quipped, a playful lilt to her voice. “Saving Nevermore isn’t taken lightly. You’ve got quite the following now I see.”
Enid’s patience, already stretched thin, snapped. “Not fan mail, Bianca,” she retorted, her voice rising an octave. “Threatening letters. From Wednesday’s stalker.”
The word hung in the air. Ajax’s expression shifted from confusion to concern, while Bianca’s demeanor was replaced by a mask of guarded curiosity.
“A stalker?” Ajax repeated, his voice barely a whisper. “But who would…?”
Wednesday cut him off with a chillingly calm voice, her eyes narrowing to slits. “You tell us, Petropolus,” she hissed, her words dripping with accusation. “You seem awfully confused, perhaps suspiciously so.”
Ajax recoiled under Wednesday’s piercing gaze. “Woah, Wednesday,” he stammered slightly, raising his hands in a gesture of defense. “I don’t know anything about any stalker. What even makes you think that?”
That’s when Bianca stepped in, her voice sharp and defensive. “Back off, Wednesday,” she snapped. “Ajax is the last person who would do something like this. He’s been nothing but kind and supportive to Enid—”
Wednesday was quick to interrupt with a scoff. “Kind and supportive?” she echoed, a venomous edge to her voice. “Or perhaps he’s simply following a well-trodden path of deception, lulling us into a false sense of security while harboring sinister intentions.”
Ajax flinched as if struck, his face paling under the intensity of her accusation. Bianca bristled, her lips forming a thin line of displeasure.
Enid, however, had reached her limit. She stepped forward, her voice a low growl. “Enough, Wednesday,” she hissed. “You’re being unfair now. Ajax… isn’t him.” 
A tense silence descended upon them. Wednesday was momentarily taken aback by the outburst, remaining silent as the implications seeped into her. It stung. But there was a creeping sense that perhaps Enid was right.
After a beat, Ajax finally spoke, his voice a hesitant plea. “Enid, I don’t get it,” he said, his brow furrowing in confusion. “What did the letter even say? What kind of threats are we talking about?”
Enid’s breath hitched, the words of the letter had been a sour taste on her tongue. “It said,” she began, lowering her voice, “something about Wednesday being a ‘danger’... a ‘blight on the innocence of Nevermore’. It says that I… I deserve better than to be ‘ensnared by her darkness’.” She paused for a moment, tracing her mind back to what else the letter had said. A knot formed in her stomach as she remembered the rest, the threat to her own safety. Enid couldn’t bring herself to say it aloud.
Wednesday’s eyes narrowed. “Such theatrics,” she muttered, a hint of disgust lacing her tone. “One would think we were dealing with a Shakespearean villain, not some cowardly stalker hiding behind vague threats and flowery language.”
Bianca dismissively waved her hand. “Sounds like the kind of fear-mongering nonsense MorningSong’s ‘wellness app’ is always peddling,” she scoffed, the disdain evident. “All that talk of darkness and danger, it’s enough to make one paranoid.”
“MorningSong?” Wednesday echoed, deceptively calm. “Who here subscribes to that drivel?”
Ajax shifted uncomfortably on the bench, his eyes darting nervously towards Bianca. “Yoko,” he blurted out, the name a low mumble.
Enid’s eyes widened. “Yoko has that app?” Her voice was filled with incredulity.
“I told her not to get it.” Bianca hummed pensively, shaking her head. “But she said it was just a joke, that she wanted to see what all the fuss was about. I didn’t think she’d take it seriously.”
Wednesday’s expression darkened. “Well. I suppose we know who our stalker is. Good thing I brought a knife.”
“You brought a what?” Ajax blinked, watching closely as Wednesday gestured towards her sleeve. 
“It’s Wednesday. What were you expecting?” Bianca grumbled sarcastically. 
Enid waved them off. “Does it really matter? Let’s just go find Yoko and talk to her. I’m sure it’s just a misunderstanding. She knows what we’ve been through. It’s gotta be that stupid app.”
“Good luck.” Bianca called as they walked away, settling back down next to Ajax, who looked as confused as always.
“When I find that vampire, I’m going to shove a stake through her heart.” Wednesday hissed under her breath. The two of them made their way to Yoko’s dorm, Wednesday fuming and Enid feeling more unsure with each step.
When they finally arrived, Enid went to knock on the door, but Wednesday simply shoved it open with no regard of who might be on the other side or what they might be doing.
“Tanaka.” Wednesday practically growled, entering the room like an ominous storm cloud.
Yoko was sitting at her desk, her laptop open in front of her. She jolted, her shoulders tensing. She whipped around in her chair, staring directly at both Wednesday and Enid, a nervous smile flickering over her face. “Uh… Hey, Enid. Wednesday.” She greeted, her voice shaking slightly.
“Care to explain your pathetic letters?” Wednesday stormed over to Yoko, slamming her hand onto the desk and leaning over the vampire.
“Wednesday-” Enid started. She was promptly cut off by Yoko, who stood up. Given Wednesday’s small stature, Yoko stood a few inches taller than her, looking down at her with a glare. “I’ll explain it alright. Enid wouldn’t have been hurt by the Hyde if it wasn’t for you. She wouldn’t have come crying to my dorm if it wasn’t for you. All you do is hurt her, Wednesday. You’re dangerous and reckless.”
Wednesday was clearly ready to fight, but Enid crossed the room and put space between the two of them, holding her arm out in front of Wednesday. “Yoko, where is this all coming from? You were there the night we fought the Hyde. You were there the night she saved the school. You know what happened.”
Yoko hesitated, shoving her hands into her pockets. “This app I downloaded. It was telling me that something dark and foreboding was coming. I kept getting stuff like that, and the only thing I could think of… given she was the reason everything happened in the first place…”
“That app spews nonsense in exchange for popularity. You are a fool for taking anything it tells you to heart.” Wednesday snapped, barely able to hold back her anger. “You should have known better.”
Yoko seemed unsure of herself now, her shoulders slumping. “I… I just wanted what was best for Enid.”
Enid sighed softly. There wasn’t any anger in her expression, and her tone was gentle. “You don’t get to decide that for me, Yoko. I know you care, but Wednesday and I care about each other. And we’ve worked out our issues.” She looked back at Wednesday, whose demeanor had softened. “She would fight for me in a heartbeat. Even if she refuses to admit it.”
Wednesday grumbled something under her breath. Enid didn’t hear it, though she was sure that it was yet another empty threat.
“Come on, Yoko. You know better than this.” Enid chided quietly. “Delete the app, and all is forgiven.”
“Who says all is forgiven?” Wednesday asked, straightening her posture. Until Enid glared at her and she relented. “Fine.”
Yoko took her phone out of her pocket, scrolling through it and deleting MorningSong from it. “It’s gone.” She flipped her phone around, showing both Wednesday and Enid that it was completely gone. “I only got it as a joke, I wasn’t expecting it to be so effective.”
“It’s all about psychology. If you had any sense of logic, you would realize that.” Wednesday relaxed now that the threat was gone, her tone less abrasive.
“Now that that’s over with…” Enid started, a smirk tugging at the corners of her lips. “I think you two should have some bonding time! It’ll be great. My two besties, getting along!”
“Absolutely not-” Wednesday tried to object, but was immediately cut off by Enid.
“We should go get coffee at the Weathervane to celebrate! And Yoko, you should definitely bring Divina. We’ll become a gang, the four of us!” She raised her hands to her chest, balling them into fists. Excitement was radiating off of her. Excitement so genuine, that not even Wednesday could deny her wishes. “Alright, stop your incessant jabbering.” Wednesday turned to exit the dorm, glancing back at Yoko. “Meet us in the quad in fifteen minutes sharp, Tanaka.” She put an emphasis on the word “sharp”, wanting to be completely clear.
Yoko, who was stunned by the quick forgiveness, could only stand and nod as the two girls exited her dorm, Enid talking Wednesday’s ear off and Wednesday only able to listen grumpily as they walked side by side, shoulder to shoulder.
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waltwhitmansbeard · 1 year
Hewo <3
From the trust prompt list: remembering tiny things about the other.
May I ask for Vaxleth in MFL? You're the best 🥺👉👈
4. remembering tiny things about the other read what came before this.
turned my water into wine #33
Vax makes no secret of the fact that he is obsessed with his wife. His sister teases him about it, his encyclopedic cataloguing of every aspect of her personality, all of her whims and wants and fears and quirks. He fancies himself something of an expert in the subject of Keyleth, and it is both a point of pride and his way of making sure she is never unaware of exactly how much he adores her.
It is easy, then, for him to forget that she, too, has spent an inordinate amount of time with him, countless nights in hushed conversation behind a locked door, whiling away the midnight hours as they peeled apart each other's layers, both literal and metaphorical. At this point, over two years in, with a house and a baby and a ring on their hands, she knows him better than anyone does—even Vex, though she'd rend him limb from limb if he suggested such blasphemy in her presence—but he always forgets, always lets himself believe that he is the only one who notices, who remembers.
Which is why when he comes home on a night, head rattling with gods and prayers and the sobs of the grieving, he is surprised to find a bouquet of snowdrops, a cloud of white in a little glass vase, on their tiny dining table. He stops in the doorway, mind whirring in an attempt to remember if he's forgotten any important date—not her birthday, not his, not their anniversary—but before he can figure it out, there's a shriek of a giggle from the nursery, followed by his favorite laugh in the world and a quiet, "Don't think you can grin your way out of this one, baby bird."
Leaving the flowers, Vax crosses over to Vilya's bedroom door, leaning against the frame to watch his wife wrangle their wriggly-armed infant into her swaddle. Vilya seems largely uninterested in the effort, instead cooing loudly as one hand swings up, nearly knocking a fist right into Keyleth's face.
She just ducks out of the way and laughs again. "I'm blaming your Auntie Vex for that one." It's only then that Keyleth notices the presence in the doorway. "You're home!"
Oh, how her smile could melt the iciest of hearts. "What a thing to come home to."
She pouts. "You could help, you know."
"Please, I'm watching a master at work."
She rolls her eyes, but it takes her only a minute more get Vilya all wrapped up. She scoops her up and plops her right into Vax's arms. "Take your demon child. I've got to get dinner started."
Vax happily presses kisses all over his demon child's face, grinning from ear to ear as she cackles in delight. "And what is our culinary adventure tonight?"
Keyleth is pulling ingredients out from a large basket on the counter. "I'm trying my hand at that sausage stew Nel made two weekends ago. I figure it's mostly letting things boil together for a while, so I shouldn't make too big a mess of things."
Vax would eat poison if she gave it to him, but he figures that is not the most encouraging thing to say. "I'm sure it'll be wonderful."
"I hope so." She starts listing out the ingredients to make sure she has everything, and Vax is only half-listening, but as Keyleth starts to chop up the vegetables, he asks, "Hang on, did you say zucchini?"
Keyleth hums in assent. "What about it?"
"There was no zucchini in Nel's stew."
"Oh, well I'm replacing the asparagus."
"Why's that?"
"Because you didn't like it."
He blinks. He'd said no such thing. "How...?"
She shoots him a look over her shoulder. "You didn't eat any of it. And when you went back for seconds, I saw you carefully ladle your bowl so there weren't any spears in it. So I picked zucchini because I know you like it better."
For a moment, Vax forgets about the cooing baby in her arms, thoughts immediately consumed with taking his wife by the waist and pulling her away from her work and into the bedroom. But then he remembers himself, walks up behind her, and kisses her on the cheek instead. "You are something magical, you know that?"
She scoffs. "Magical? I need not wield my mysterious powers in order to see, Vax."
"And the flowers?"
The apples of her cheeks turn the color of sunset. "Well, yes. Those are your favorite."
"That they are."
"And I'd heard you were having a rough day."
"That I was."
"And I love you."
The way his heart swoops, low then high, circling around his chest like a bird in flight. "That you do." He shifts Vilya into one arm so that he can take the other hand, bring Keyleth's face around so that he may capture her lips in a kiss. "What can a man do to deserve a woman like you?" he murmurs against her mouth, parted and kiss-swollen.
"You can start by letting me chop the damn vegetables," she whispers back, and he throws his head back in a laugh. He acquiesces, getting out of her way with Vilya in his arms. He heads for the sofa, but stops on the way to dip down and bury his nose in the snowdrop bouquet. They smell of Byroden, of a little hut of wood and stone, of his mother's soap, of the sun, of Zephrah, of his wife's clothes, of home.
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A Haunting in Willow Creek Legacy
Generation Zero: The Haunted Historian
The Eerie Dawn of My First Investigation; Spring, day 5 & 6 of 7.
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The morning sun barely touched the horizon when I was plunged into a nightmare so vivid I could almost feel the sting of the sparks, the burn of the fire. Every appliance in my dilapidated manor rebelled against me, belching flames and spraying water. The scene crescendoed in a macabre symphony of chaos as I endeavored to mend the unyielding stove. Electrocution came swift, a brutal reminder of my own mortality, and as I lay on the soaked floor, I sensed a presence — robes swishing, chains clinking, the ominous whisper of a scythe slicing through the air.
I awoke drenched in sweat, heart pounding in rhythm with the echoes of the dream. Relief washed over me as I realized the appliances were untouched, mocking me with their functionality. I chose the coward’s breakfast, a slice of cold pizza, too apprehensive to trust the stove.
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Mid-bite, a green, floating mass materialized before me—a Specter. It was eerily cute, almost endearing in its translucence. I tried to communicate, but the Specter’s intentions were as unclear as its form. Nonetheless, its presence was a peculiar comfort amidst the lingering dread.
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The day's oddities continued as I prepared for my first paranormal investigation. The bathroom became a battleground as a swarm of bees launched an unprovoked assault. I fled, nursing a few stings and vowing to summon an exterminator. The bees, undoubtedly, had taken residence within the manor’s walls.
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As I gingerly applied ointment to my wounds, a voice behind me shattered the tenuous calm. I spun around to see a translucent figure — Guidry, he introduced himself, a ghostly expert offering his services. Before I could process his existence, let alone his offer, the clock reminded me of my impending appointment. With a hurried apology, I dashed out, the specter’s bemused expression lingering in my mind.
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San Myshuno awaited, and so did my first client, Salim Benali. He greeted me with a mix of relief and skepticism, recounting his recent supernatural encounters. As we entered his apartment, a loud clatter announced the presence of a spirit — an angry, glowing-red apparition. She bellowed her displeasure, but I managed with difficulty to coax her into leaving.
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In her place appeared a Specter like the one at my manor. I offered it a gift, which it accepted, leaving behind a smoking golden chalice. I sipped hesitantly, and an unexpected talent bloomed within me — a sudden, inexplicable mastery of the violin.
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Salim’s voice drew me back to the task at hand. Another green Specter hovered in the hallway, and another gift exchange ensued, this time resulting in a collection of black-flamed candles. As we lit them, the oppressive fear lifted slightly. The source of the haunting soon revealed itself—a sinister rag doll with button eyes, exuding malevolence. Destroying it brought a palpable sense of relief, but another, benign doll remained. This one, I decided, would accompany me back home.
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The apartment’s malevolent energies dissipated, and my first investigation was successfully concluded. I returned to my own haunted domain, placing the doll on a side table—a small trophy of my nascent career.
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The sixth day of Spring beckoned with unexpected levity. Home at last, I set up my chessboard and ordered a violin, eager to test my newfound skill. As I waited for its delivery, a message from Mortimer brought news of the Spice Festival.
Mortimer Goth invited me to the Spice Festival. We tackled the Curry Challenge, and I emerged victorious, crowned a Curry Champion. My reward, a red shirt emblazoned with the festival’s chili logo, was a whimsical reminder of simpler joys. We sampled an array of dishes and I procured spices — Curry, Chili, Wasabi, and Saffron — from a vendor, my mind abuzz with culinary possibilities. I returned home with a full belly and a buoyant spirit, riding a wave of good fortune.
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Tomorrow, the manor’s secrets will await once more, but tonight, I savor the fleeting peace. The future feels brighter, though shadows still lurk. And I, Ivy Blackwood, am ready to face whatever the spectral world throws my way.
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hexnslash · 1 year
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𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐄: Cathrina
𝐀𝐆𝐄: 600+
𝐆𝐄𝐍𝐃𝐄𝐑: Cisgender Female
𝐍𝐈𝐂𝐊𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐄 (𝐬): little luna
𝐀𝐋𝐈𝐀𝐒(es): The Shrine Witch
𝐃𝐀𝐓𝐄 𝐎𝐅 𝐁𝐈𝐑𝐓𝐇:  November 15th , 1411
𝐍𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍𝐀𝐋𝐈𝐓𝐘: Vigrid / European
𝐀𝐅𝐅𝐋𝐈𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍𝐒: The Umbran Clan
𝐎𝐂𝐂𝐔𝐏𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍: Shrine Guardian, Nun ( formerly )
☽ 𓁼 ☾
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𝐆𝐄𝐍𝐄𝐑𝐀𝐋 𝐀𝐏𝐏𝐄𝐀𝐑𝐀𝐍𝐂𝐄: She appears to be tall and slim yet a bit curvy around the hips, with olive skin, golden eyes and black hair that is at default rests at her kneecaps. Most of the time, she uses her hair as her clothing; usually wearing tight fitting outfit with a corset and back window. She also has detailed silver armor pieces along her shoulders and upon her high heel boots. But her outfit can change every once in awhile.
𝐇𝐄𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓: 6'8 ft - 203 cm
𝐖𝐄𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓: 203 lbs. - 92 kg
𝐉𝐄𝐖𝐄𝐋𝐑𝐘/𝐀𝐂𝐂𝐄𝐒𝐒𝐎𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐒: Wears an Umbran silver watch upon her chest, with a moonstone in the middle — as it is also critical in maintaining contract with the Inferno. She covers the top part of her face, mainly her eyes — with a silver engraved mask forming in a short beak like form.
☽ 𓁼 ☾
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𝐏𝐄𝐑𝐒𝐎𝐍𝐀𝐋𝐈𝐓𝐘: She is often very pragmatic and straightforward, both in battle and resting to regain. She is quite calm in how she interact with others, but is also very quick to help intervene when she needs to be. With certain displays of emotion, she regularly doesn't show much and it's usually a rear occurrence when she does show it [ usually opens up a little more to those more close to her ] She is also mellow,  equable and doesn't really get annoyed that easily.
Though she is still a fierce pursuer, using what she knows to get the task done efficiently.
𝐋𝐈𝐊𝐄𝐒: Indulging herself in angel hunting, traveling, possibly meeting new faces and learning to bake certain dishes. Also enjoys certain forms of ballet or any form of dancing. Being over 600 years old, she still has a lot to learn about the world around her and what has changed.
𝐃𝐈𝐒𝐋𝐈𝐊𝐄𝐒: Thieves, usually anyone that intentionally intervenes in her work. She's also not too fond of those who disrupt the peace, just about any toxic person does it.
𝐇𝐎𝐁𝐁𝐈𝐄𝐒/𝐈𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐄𝐒𝐓𝐒: Flute playing, Ballet Dancing, Baking [ currently getting into other culinary practices ]
𝐏𝐇𝐎𝐁𝐈𝐀𝐒/𝐅𝐄𝐀𝐑𝐒: Afraid of Commitment and Fear of Loss [ after losing so many loved ones, she doesn't want to relive more of the pain ]
𝐇𝐀𝐁𝐈𝐓𝐒/𝐐𝐔𝐈𝐑𝐊𝐒: Under eating, Meditating, Would sometimes spend hours observing nature.
Mastered Swordsman
Mastered in the Dark Arts
Expert Alchemist
Mastered in the Bullet Arts
Hand to Hand Combatant
☽ 𓁼 ☾
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𝐑𝐄𝐏𝐔𝐓𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍: She usually keeps herself low profile while traveling amongst others, most of the time she would go in Purgatorio mode so they won't notice her slipping by at all. Usually some others see her as a mysterious tall lady in black cloak roaming about.
𝐅𝐀𝐌𝐈𝐋𝐘: unnamed mother - umbran elder {deceased } unnamed father { umbran witch } { deceased }
𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 𝐈𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐄𝐒𝐓 (s): N/A { open for any }
Valentina [ her dearest companion and childhood friend ] { deceased }
{open for any }
𝐄𝐍𝐄𝐌𝐘(ies): Angels of Paradiso
☽ 𓁼 ☾
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『 ☽ 』 Superhuman Speed and Agility
『 ☽ 』 Superhuman Strength and Endurance
『 ☽ 』 Keen eye sight
『 ☽ 』 Longevity
『 ☽ 』 Wicked Weaves: Using her hair as a conduit, Cathrina can use it to summon forth various demons and can also summon their limbs to attack
『 ☽ 』 Witch Walk: Cathrina can use this technique, allowing her the power to defy gravity and walk on every vertical or horizontal surface during a full moon or through using a certain relic that has a long cooldown.
『 ☽ 』 Witch Time: Cathrina is capable of using Witch Time to speed herself up, causing her opponents to appear to move in slow-motion. This Technique of the Dark Arts is capable of allowing her to counter a Lumen Sage's Light Speed.
『 ☽ 』 Beast Within: A magic technique that allows her to transform into different animal forms
࿓Leopard Within
࿓Hawk Within
࿓Swallow Within
࿓Serpent Within
『 ☽ 』 Infernal Kiss : This allows her to indirectly to control various machines at will such as using her middle finger to shove into any machine key holes to take control.
『 ☽ 』 Infernal Weaves: An even more powerful variant using Umbran Climax. At the end of her arrangement of attacks, she summons a full demon as a large area-of-effect finisher.
『 ☽ 』 Torture Attacks : She is capable of using special attacks that deals great damage. Usually by enchanting in Enochian, she can summon a variety of objects to brutally finish off her enemies.
『 ☽ 』 Umbran Climax & Serious Mode : These techniques allow Cathrina to enter into an ascended state of power, both granting her to continually manifest the limbs of several infernal demons and increase her damage output. For Umbran Climax, she can be able to heal herself through using Infernal Weaves
𝐎𝐑𝐈𝐆𝐈𝐍 𝐎𝐅 𝐏𝐎𝐖𝐄𝐑𝐒: Born with the special gift, Cathrina was trained at a young age to further control her abilities
࿓ Very impact against a group of targets
࿓ Swift and agile
࿓ Very effective in close range combat
᛭ Cannot counter much against multiple targets that are equally as swift
᛭ Not much effective in long range combat
᛭ a bit vulnerable against high skilled light arts
Quadro Pistols : Two for the hands and the other two strapped to the heel of her boots. Can deal high damage with lower rank targets than with more powerful
War Scythe : The go to pole-arm weapon for her, has the curved crescent blade would be enough to give off a lot of damage output to many enemies.
Chain Scythe : A way for her to drag her opponents closer, in case she's having difficulty with long range combat.
Throwing Daggers : A tricky set of weaponry, mainly used to distract or stun the opponent.
☽ 𓁼 ☾
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Born and raised in Crescent Valley, Cathrina wasn't always the brightest child. As she learns the potential of her gifts, she starts to become more overboard with her confidence that she will become a strong witch. Throughout the training that every witch has to go through, she comes across another trainee Valentina. They started off as rivals, hardly competing to prove their worth — soon enough in their teenage years, they grew a close bond after they settle down after a fair duel.
When Cathrina was in her late teens, her mother started to become more involved as a mentor. The training trials has soon became more difficult, the one trial that made her truly accept the harshness of becoming a full fledged witch; witnessing her own friend almost get killed and she had to abandon the objective to save her friend.
As an adult, tensions start to break between the two clans because of an unfortunate birth. A war broke out, which she aided her mother within some of the missions. She had hoped that the conflict would settle for a long while, but it was far from over.
The Witch Hunts had purged through her sacred home, as she and Valentina did their best to kill off the invading forces of Paradiso. Soon enough, Valentina took a fatal hit which caused Cathrina to emotionally lash out to get her friend somewhere safe to heal; But it wasn't enough time to do so, as Valentina ordered her to go on without her. Soon, her mother intervened to bring Cathrina within the shrine. The rest of the Shrine Guardians have departed with the relics.
As there was only one relic left behind for Cathrina to look after. The gates to the temple were slowly getting breached, Cathrina argued with her mother that they needed to stick together — promising that they'll find a way out. Her mother firmly insists that she'll keep ahold of the relic. As the hoard of angels and humans finally breached through, her mother performs a spell that transfers Cathrina to a cave hidden within the mountains; She was sent in a long slumber that last through a few centuries.
Until she was finally awaken by the call of the stone relic that was sealed away with her, still remembering the last time she saw her mother and the brutal hunt that might still linger. Now, she travels through a world that has changed a lot since she was sealed away — now to retrieve what was lost to her long gone clan and family.
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nerdarena2 · 4 months
The Straw Hat Pirates: Exploring the Crew's Unique Dynamics!!
The world of One Piece, created by the brilliant Eiichiro Oda, is filled with colorful characters, thrilling adventures, and profound themes. At the heart of this epic saga are the Straw Hat Pirates, a crew of misfits and dreamers led by the indomitable Monkey D. Luffy. Each member of this crew brings their own unique personality, backstory, and skills to the table, creating a dynamic and compelling group that fans around the world have come to love. In this blog, we'll delve into the unique dynamics of the Straw Hat Pirates and explore what makes each member indispensable to the crew.
Monkey D. Luffy: The Unyielding Captain : At the helm of the Straw Hat Pirates is Monkey D. Luffy, a young man with a heart as vast as the Grand Line itself. Luffy’s dream is simple yet grand: to find the legendary One Piece and become the King of the Pirates. His boundless optimism, unwavering determination, and genuine care for his friends make him an inspiring leader. Luffy’s ability to bring out the best in his crew and his fearlessness in the face of danger are key to the crew's success. His rubbery body, a result of eating the Gum-Gum Fruit, gives him extraordinary abilities that often turn the tide in battles. If you are a true one piece fan and you wish to purchase these one piece action figures then you can find them at one piece india
Roronoa Zoro: The Stoic Swordsman : Roronoa Zoro, the crew’s swordsman, is a formidable warrior with a strict sense of honor and loyalty. His goal is to become the greatest swordsman in the world, a title currently held by Dracule Mihawk. Zoro's dedication to his training and his unwavering loyalty to Luffy make him a crucial part of the crew. His three-sword style (Santoryu) is both unique and deadly, showcasing his exceptional strength and skill. Zoro’s stoic demeanor and strong sense of justice often balance out Luffy’s impulsive nature. If you are a true one piece fan and you wish to purchase these one piece action figures then you can find them at one piece india
Nami: The Master Navigator : Nami, the crew’s navigator, is a brilliant cartographer with a dream of mapping the entire world. Her keen intellect, deep understanding of weather patterns, and sharp instincts make her indispensable to the crew’s journey across the treacherous seas. Nami’s backstory of overcoming her past as a thief and a victim of oppression adds depth to her character. Her skills with the Clima-Tact, a weapon she designed to manipulate weather, make her a formidable fighter in her own right. Nami's pragmatic approach often keeps the crew grounded and focused on their goals. If you are a true one piece fan and you wish to purchase these one piece action figures then you can find them at anime items online
Usopp: The Courageous Sniper : Usopp, the Straw Hat's sniper, is a storyteller and a sharpshooter with a heart of gold. Though he often struggles with fear and self-doubt, Usopp's bravery shines through when it matters most. His dream is to become a brave warrior of the sea, like his father Yasopp. Usopp’s creativity and ingenuity are reflected in his arsenal of gadgets and his expert marksmanship. His journey from a cowardly liar to a courageous and dependable crew member is one of the most compelling character arcs in One Piece.
Sanji: The Charismatic Cook : Sanji, the crew’s cook, is a culinary genius with a deep respect for food and a chivalrous nature towards women. His dream is to find the All Blue, a legendary sea where fish from all over the world can be found. Sanji’s fighting style, Black Leg Style, utilizes powerful kicks, keeping his hands free for cooking. His charm, wit, and fierce loyalty make him a beloved member of the crew. Sanji’s complex relationship with his past and his struggles with his family background add layers to his character.
Tony Chopper: The Doctor with a Heart : Tony Tony Chopper, the crew’s doctor, is a reindeer who gained human traits after eating the Human-Human Fruit. Chopper’s dream is to become a doctor capable of curing any disease. Despite his small stature and cute appearance, Chopper is a skilled physician and a courageous fighter. His ability to transform into various forms using Rumble Balls showcases his versatility in battle. Chopper’s innocence and kindness make him the heart of the crew, reminding them of the importance of compassion.
Nico Robin: The Knowledgeable Archaeologist : Nico Robin, the crew’s archaeologist, has a dark past marked by tragedy and loss. Her dream is to uncover the true history of the world by finding the Rio Poneglyph. Robin’s intelligence, resourcefulness, and her ability to read Poneglyphs are invaluable to the crew’s quest. Her Devil Fruit power, which allows her to sprout limbs on any surface, makes her a formidable opponent in battle. Robin’s calm demeanor and vast knowledge often provide the crew with crucial information and strategies.
The Straw Hat Pirates are more than just a crew; they are a family bound by dreams, loyalty, and mutual respect. Each member’s unique background, personality, and skills contribute to the crew’s dynamic and their success. Together, they face insurmountable odds, conquer their fears, and strive to achieve their dreams. The journey of the Straw Hat Pirates is a testament to the power of friendship, perseverance, and the unyielding spirit of adventure. As fans, we are privileged to witness their incredible journey and be inspired by their stories.
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udaipurtaxis-blog · 5 months
Unveiling Udaipur's Magic in a Day: A Whirlwind Adventure with Udaipur Cabs Service
Udaipur, the "City of Lakes," beckons with its captivating palaces, shimmering lakes, and vibrant culture. But what if you only have a day to explore this enchanting city? Fear not, with Udaipur Cabs Service, you can embark on a whirlwind day trip that captures the essence of Udaipur's magic.
Cabs service in udaipur
A Regal Beginning: Unveiling the City Palace
Our day begins bright and early. Your friendly driver from Udaipur Cabs Service picks you up from your hotel or the Maharana Pratap Airport. Settle into the comfort of your air-conditioned car and let our expert chauffeur navigate the bustling streets. Our first stop? The City Palace Complex, a sprawling marvel perched on the banks of Lake Pichola.
This majestic monument is a testament to Rajput architectural brilliance. As you walk through its courtyards, admire the intricate carvings on balconies, each whispering tales of royal life. Explore museums showcasing artifacts, weapons, and paintings that offer a glimpse into Udaipur's rich history. Don't miss the enthralling peacock mosaics adorning the Mor Chowk (Peacock Courtyard), a true visual masterpiece.
Sailing on Lake Pichola: A Fairytale Experience
Next, prepare to be captivated by the beauty of Lake Pichola. Your private boat awaits, ready to whisk you on a scenic tour across its tranquil waters. As you glide along, marvel at the City Palace Complex reflected in the water's glassy surface. Capture the iconic image of Lake Palace, a white marble edifice seemingly floating on the lake, a vision straight out of a fairytale. Breathe in the fresh air and let the gentle breeze carry the echoes of Udaipur's rich history.
Exploring Hidden Gems: Jag Mandir and Jagdish Temple
Following your idyllic boat ride, venture further into Lake Pichola to explore Jag Mandir, another island palace. Often referred to as the "Lake Garden Palace," this 17th-century marvel served as a royal summer retreat. Explore its lush gardens, serene courtyards, and captivating views of the surrounding lake and city.
From Jag Mandir, a short drive takes you to Jagdish Temple, a prominent landmark in the heart of Udaipur. Dedicated to Lord Vishnu, the temple's intricate carvings and beautiful architecture are a sight to behold. Take a moment to appreciate the peaceful ambiance within the temple and witness the vibrant Hindu rituals performed daily.
A Culinary Adventure: A Taste of Rajasthan
By now, the aroma of delicious Rajasthani cuisine might be tempting your taste buds. Our driver, familiar with the city's culinary scene, will recommend a selection of restaurants based on your preferences. Whether you seek authentic flavors at a local gem or a fine-dining experience with breathtaking lake views, we'll guide you to the perfect spot.
Indulge in traditional dishes like Dal Baati Churma, a hearty lentil stew with deep-fried breads, a local staple. For a fiery culinary experience, try Laal Maas, a fiery lamb curry that will tantalize your taste buds. Don't forget Ghewar, a disc-shaped sweet dripping with fragrant syrup, a local specialty that will leave you wanting more.
Bargaining Bliss: Hathi Pol Bazaar
After a satisfying meal, rejuvenate and dive into the vibrant world of Hathi Pol Bazaar, a haven for souvenir hunters. Here, you'll find an array of handcrafted items, vibrant textiles, and traditional Rajasthani paintings known as Pichhwais. Be sure to hone your bargaining skills and pick up some unique keepsakes to remind you of your Udaipur adventure. Glittering jewelry, intricate hand-embroidered scarves, and colorful puppets are just a few of the treasures waiting to be discovered.
A Serene Escape: Saheliyon Ki Bari
Next, immerse yourself in the beauty of Saheliyon Ki Bari, meaning "Garden of the Maids of Honour." Built by a Mughal emperor for his wife and her companions, this delightful garden complex boasts manicured lawns, cascading fountains, and intricately carved pavilions. Each section of the garden has a unique theme, creating a mesmerizing oasis in the heart of the city. Stroll hand-in-hand through the lush greenery and lose yourself in the tranquil atmosphere.
A Sunset Spectacle: Bidding Farewell to the City of Lakes
As the day draws to a close, we'll take you to a vantage point for a breathtaking finale. Watch the sky transform into a canvas of vibrant colors as the sun dips below the Aravalli Hills. The golden light bathes the City Palace Complex and Lake Pichola in a magical glow, creating a scene etched in your memory forever.
see more:-
Udaipur sightseeing tour
Udaipur cabs service
Cabs service in udaipur
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xasha777 · 6 months
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In the year 2047, the unlikely has become the ordinary. Guatemala, once a land known for its rich history and culture, had become a beacon of bioengineering and culinary marvels. It was here, in the lush rainforests turned high-tech groves, that Dr. Amaya Xitlali made her life's work known to the world. She had re-engineered the DNA of local flora and fauna to create the most sustainable food sources known to mankind. Her crowning achievement was the creation of the majestic "Owlflora."
The Owlflora, a creature of the old world wrapped in the fantastical threads of the new, stood as a symbol of the harmonious balance between nature and technological advancement. It had the grandeur of the great owls of the forest, yet it was not an animal. Its feathers were leaves that photosynthesized sunlight into energy, and its flesh was composed of layers akin to the finest sandwiches ever tasted by human palettes.
The day it was unveiled, the sun pierced the biolab's glass panes, illuminating the Owlflora perched atop an altar of wood and stone. Its eyes, deep and cognizant, followed the gathered crowd of investors, reporters, and culinary experts who had flown in from every corner of the world to witness the fusion of sustenance and spectacle.
"This," Dr. Xitlali announced, "is the future of food. A single Owlflora can feed a family for a month with the most nutritious, delectable layers of plant-based proteins, vegetables, and grains. And all it needs is sunlight and water."
As if on cue, the Owlflora spread its leafy wings, casting a glow of golden dust around the room. The crowd gasped as petals and seeds sprinkled down like confetti, each carrying the potential to grow into new, smaller edible creations.
However, not everyone was convinced. Skeptics argued about the ethics of such bioengineering, while traditionalists feared the loss of Guatemala's culinary heritage. It took time, but Dr. Xitlali’s creation gradually wove its way into the heart of the nation's culture.
The Owlflora became a symbol of hope, a provider for the undernourished, and a delicacy for those who could afford the experience. People came from all over the world not just to taste the marvel, but to learn about the fusion of science and nature. Guatemala thrived as a hub of eco-tourism and gastronomic innovation.
And so it was that the land which nurtured the Mayan civilization now cradled a new marvel of the world. The Owlflora, with its wings spread wide, stood not as a monument to excess, but as a testament to ingenuity and the ever-evolving dream of a world where hunger was just an ancient memory.
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stcaterinamanco · 1 year
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(  LAUREN COHAN  )     ⸻     new  york  is  home  to  many  people,     including     CATERINA MANCO,     the  forty one  year  old  museum curator,     some  people  say  that  she   reminds  them  of   worn mosaics, the fading scent of incense, and cracked marble  but  that  just  could  be  because  they  are  INTELLIGENT   &  AWKWARD.     cat   originally  hails  from  tuscany,    but  now  lives  in  brooklyn.  
ciao everyone! i'm coco, this here is cat, and this is her intro! just as a warning, cat's background involves intense religious trauma so if that triggers you, please be mindful and only read if you think you're in the right headspace!
cat had a pretty average upbringing in tuscany, and is an only child. their family are very devout catholics, and it was growing up in that environment that cat developed an intense fear of demons and falling prey to demonic possession. as a result, she started to read about demons to learn their weaknesses and how best to avoid being possessed.
unfortunately this was misinterpreted by the people around them as them falling prey to demons. it was also around this time that they started to show symptoms of bipolar disorder, which was again misinterpreted.
due to these misunderstandings, her family contacted their priest who in turn contacted the vatican in an attempt to perform an exorcism.
the whole event was extremely traumatic for cat, as she was tied to a bed at several points and her cries for help were ignored. it wasn't until a second priest arrived that the process was called off and cat was put in the hospital.
the ordeal was a nationwide media sensation and cat was the source of discussion all over italy, which they were mostly shielded from while they recovered.
after all of this cat returned home but her relationship with her family was irrevocably altered, however she became very close with the second priest who saved her. through him she developed an interest in medieval italy, as that was an interest of his.
after high school she went on to study medieval history with a focus on italy, and would further specialize in the occult beliefs and practices of the time, and would go on to write her thesis and dissertation on it.
after getting her phd, she relocated to new york to work at a museum as a curator for their medieval europe department
cat no longer practices catholicism
when the priest who saved cat died she attended his funeral and was distraught
she rarely speaks to her family
she is known as an expert on the occult in medieval italy. a little niche, but she likes it. she's even been published
she takes medication for her bipolar disorder and had to receive therapy for the ptsd she developed following the multiple attempted exorcisms
relatives of the second priest, i think it would be interesting to see cat interact with them as she does consider that priest to be family
any italian immigrants, especially if they would be familiar with cat's case
fellow museum workers, especially other medievalists, but anyone with a niche as obscure as hers (like say the culinary practices of 1930s korea) would be great
if anyone wants to do anything with cat please message me!
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love-bookrelease · 2 years
Intimate Food by Sree Durgambika
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About the Book
"A book that would be a treasure for generations to come that guides one to learn about nutrition outside the limits of carbohydrates, proteins and fats. The book focuses on clean nutrition, traditional and authentic methods of preparation, and simple, seasonal, local, and delicious recipes from Kerala. The recipes are vegetarian and suit all age groups. This book aims to bring you back home. An intimate journey to the roots of healthy and fear-free eating."
About the Author
"The author is a culinary enthusiast with five decades of experience in preparing and promoting forgotten holistic South Indian recipes and experimenting new ones. She is also a mathematician and sartorial expert who blends the magic of maths and authenticity of ancient Ayurvedic guidelines to her dishes. She resides in Bangalore with family. "
Shop now from Amazon, Flipkart, and BlueRose Online.
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melancholic-pigeon · 4 years
fic extras and tidbits I'm not sure I can find an excuse to shoehorn in:
Nico is a BEAST at guitar hero. He can play Don't Fear The Reaper by Blue Oyster Cult on expert, with his back turned, and still score >95%. Nobody's sure how he does it; the leading theory is that he has eyes in the back of his head.
His karaoke song is Only Happy When It Rains by Garbage.
Percy and Jason's karaoke duet is Total Eclipse Of The Heart by Bonnie Tyler, and has been since they were fifteen. Percy can falsetto the high part, but Jason has to drop the octave in a few places. They're Very Dramatic about it.
Jason has been known to court disaster by cooking with hot oil in an apron and nothing else.
Percy's potty mouth infects everyone around him. He owes Estelle a quarter every time he does it in front of her.
Will proposed first, but Nico proposed properly, and never lets him forget it.
Nico has a bug up his butt about culinary authenticity, but it's nothing compared to his feelings about coffee.
Jason is Umbrella by Rihanna feat. Jay-Z; Percy is the Travis Barker remix. Percy informed Jason of this and proved it by shoving his other earbud in Jason's ear.
Percy has made an embarrassing amount of mix CDs, and still has a copy of all of them, as well as a discman that is somehow miraculously still holding up.
(Jason does it too, now. A lot of things Percy does are catching.)
All four boys call Sally "mom", at her insistence. She had already figured it out by the time they told her, but politely pretended to be surprised before ushering Will and Nico into the same kids-by-extension folder Jason is in.
(Nico cried a little. Shut up.)
I may come back to this later. 👀
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dexmonheart · 3 years
TRIGGER WARNING: Mentions of violence, verbal assault, domestic abuse, child abandonment, death.
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[KATIE MCGRATH] — Have you seen REGINA NOVAK walking around? They’re a 38 year old CIS FEMALE with SHE/HER pronouns. They supposedly live in PRIMROSE GARDENS and currently work as an OWNER AND COOK AT HIGH CASTLE RESTAURANT. Rumor has it, Rosecastle PD says they’re A PERSON OF INTEREST when it comes to the case. I guess that makes sense, considering they’re INTELLIGENT, LOYAL. Though, if you ask around, some would say they’re also MYSTERIOUS, VENGEFUL. 
Baby #2 here! Love my angry lady please. 
Regina Novak was born into a very stable, normal household.. or so it seemed. The Czech Republic was where Camilla and Daniel Novak had grown up and built their livelihood - both being very wealthy and able to support Regina and her twin brother.
Regardless of their financial support, the two were never home. Regina and her brother were left to take care of themselves very young, almost to the point where it felt like they were completely alone. Regina never had completely gotten over that feeling of abandonment.
It was clear from a very young age that Regina was a protege in the kitchen. She was talented and understood flavors better than some of the top chefs in Europe.
Not only were her talents clear, but her love for control sure was too. She frequently had outbursts when things didn’t go her way and didn’t want to play sidekick to absolutely anyone. That aggression was never awknowlaged by anyone, which caused it to get worse.
Her ticket out of such an isolating home life was culinary school. Her talent got her to school in Paris without much effort, where she went on to study French fine dining and under culinary experts. After college, her career skyrocketed and her name was being dropped all over the world as one of the most talented people in the food industry.
While she still remained very temperamental, it was part of her charm. People loved how spunky and passionate she was and viewers ate it up.
In the height of her career, she faced her first scandal. She married young: to French chef Pierre Augustin. Both had very powerful reputations and it rocked the culinary world when they first announced their relationship. Everything seemed picture perfect at first but after a verbal altercation was caught on camera and Regina was seen in public with a black eye the public realized - Regina was in an abusive relationship. The woman didn’t know how to get out, or if she ever would.
That was, until about two years into her marriage. The two got into a horrible car crash. Pierre was dead at the scene, but Regina was able to be saved. When the nurses told her about Pierre’s state, she didn’t know what to do. She didn’t cry, she didn’t laugh.. she just remained neutral. She was free. The craziest part was, Regina was driving the car.
It all truly came crashing down about five or six years ago, however, when she was judging a culinary competition on live television. A contestant had been just skating through at the bottom of the heap for several episodes and Regina had grown tired of it. When she wasn’t satisfied with their food, without thinking, she flew into a rage. She tore him apart. Not only did she verbally destroy the man, but when he tried to walk away, she proceeded to pick up the nearest object and attempt to throw it at him.
While the contestant wasn’t seriously hurt, her career was. The whole world had seen what she was capable of and she was thrown into anger management immediately. The show was canceled soon after.
When she finished her anger management program, she just wanted a fresh start. So, she left Europe for the States and found herself in Rosecastle, where she bought out the previous owner of High Castle and has been cooking there ever since.
Since her career really took off, she hadn’t been in contact very much with her family in the Czech Republic. Little does she know, her twin brother has made his way to Rosecastle to reconnect with her after her father’s recent death.
People have been drawn to the restaurant not only by the food, but it is clear in interviews that she is making a true effort to change. The true question is, will any of it stick?
She often speaks very quickly and with a thick accent.
Regina is bisexual, but she has not felt comfortable around a man since her marriage and she isn’t sure if that will change. She has had several recent high-profile relationships with women, but none of them have lasted very long.
Regardless, she does have feelings for someone (WANTED CONNECTION) but she is still trying to express herself emotionally. This, like Hope, has spawned a strong fear of commitment.
Regina, while her career took a downturn is still a very wealthy woman. She is able to afford her place in Primrose Gardens and lives a very comfortable life there.
Regina became a person of interest because of her somewhat violent past. Once she was taken in for questioning, her reputation had started to crumble again.
She trusts very few people. If she does trust you, it’s like you have your own personal attack dog.
Very flexible with connections! I would love to do all the plots with this baby. Friends, lovers, whatever floats your boat.
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Hi babe i wanted to ask if u could do a james march fluffy imagine where him and the reader have a family i just think it would be so cute i love all your imagines💕
of course i can! i’m a huge sucker for soft!march, so i’d write for him any day. and thank you for the compliment, lovey!
pairing: james march x reader 
warnings: possibly ooc march, but ignore that because it’s SO fluffy
word count: 1046
  “Poppy! Poppy, wake up!” your son whispered. He shook James gently, just enough to rouse him from his sleep. 
  “Yes, darling, what is it?” Your husband asked, voice thick with sleep. Whatever it was, he wished it could have waited until later; he was having quite a wonderful dream about you that he wanted to remain in for as long as his subconscious would let him. 
  “It’s mother’s day! I want to make something for Mommy! Can we make her breakfast, Poppy?” He queried excitedly. James closed his eyes for a moment, his heart melting just a fraction. He looked over to you, in a deep sleep next to him, laying peacefully underneath the duvet. He feared he didn’t say it often enough, but James loved your little family to the moon and back. 
  “Of course we can, little one.” James said with a smile, swinging his legs out of bed. “Come here,” He scooped your boy up into his arms, carrying him into the kitchen of your suite at the Cortez. He set him down in front of the refrigerator, admiring him as he inspected the interior of the icebox with curiosity. 
  “Oooh! Can we make eggs? The kind that mommy makes with the spinny thing?” He flapped his arms anxiously. 
  “Splendid! That sounds like a delightful idea. How about you get the eggs and the milk, and I’ll procure the bowl and the whisk.” James explained. He reached for the highest shelf in the cabinet, pulling down a glass bowl. When he turned around to find the mixing tool, his boy had the eggs in his arms, beginning to lose his balance. He made a lunge for the kid, preventing the eggs from smashing to the floor and his son from toppling over. 
  “Thanks, Poppy!” He giggled, standing up straight again. James had somehow gotten stuck with the nickname soon after his son was born, claiming to others that he wished he could be called Daddy or Father instead, but it secretly grew on him. 
His child tried his hand at cracking the first egg, but he ended up crushing it in his palms, the yolk and shells clinging to his skin. 
  “Oh dear, that’s a mess, isn’t it? Can Poppy show you how to crack it?” He suggested, reaching his arms around the little one and grabbing an egg from the carton. “Take it in one hand and then tap it on the edge of the bowl, like so,” James lightly hit the center of the egg on the rim of the glass, a crack splintering from the hit. 
  “Woah! Can I try?” He jumped up and down eagerly, making grabby hands at the carton of eggs. A smile blossomed on James’ lips at his eagerness. He handed one to the boy, splitting it with expertise into the bowl. 
  “Fabulous job, love. Can you do one more?” The boy nodded, replicating his success from the first egg. He was a natural quick learner, a trait he clearly inherited from his mother. James poured a splash of milk into the bowl with the eggs and held the whisk in front of his son. 
  “Ah, do you think you can handle the responsibility of the whisk? It’s a very daunting task, one that has stumped even the most talented of culinary experts.” He exaggerated, smirking at the noble expression on the young lad’s face. 
  “I can do it, Poppy. I know I can!” He exclaimed, reaching out for the metal tool. 
  “I suppose I can give you a chance, since you seem like you’re up to it. Let Poppy know if you need any help, alright?” James advised, handing over the utensil to the kid. As much as he believed in himself, the boy didn’t possess nearly the same amount of prowess as he did while cracking the eggs, as yolk and milk began to fly from the bowl. 
  “Slow down, darling!” James cried out, grabbing the child’s wrist. He gently took it out of his hands, chuckling at the mess all over the both of them. “Mama won’t be too happy about this, huh?” 
  “It’s okay, Poppy, we’ll just clean it up before she sees.” He offered, handing James the whisk. “Can you show me how to do it?” 
James nodded, instructing the boy on the proper way to mix the ingredients together. They poured it into the sizzling pan, holding a spatula together to scramble the eggs. When it was finished cooking, James spooned it onto a plate, accompanied by two slices of toast and some orange juice. 
  “Would you like to carry it in, love?” The child nodded furiously, reaching for the tray with steady hands. James opened the door to the bedroom for him, gently shaking his wife awake. 
  “Surprise!” Your son shouted as your eyes blinked open. “We made breakfast for you! Happy mother’s day, Mommy!” The tray of food was placed on your lap, the boy crawling up next to you, nearly knocking the juice over. 
  “You did? Did you make this all by yourself?” You asked, carding your fingers through his jet black locks, an unmistakable March characteristic. 
  “No, Poppy helped some. He showed me how to do it, right Poppy?” The kid asked, looking up to his father. James selflessly shook his head, moving behind his wife to rub her shoulders. 
  “Ah, as much as I’d love to take the credit for this wondrous meal, I must say that our boy was the one who cracked the eggs and whisked it all together. He completed all the grunt work, and to the winner go the spoils, so he deserves all the praise, don’t you think, Mama?” James confessed, leaning down to kiss your shoulder gently as you began to eat. 
  “Mmm, if he made it this delicious, he most certainly does.” You placed a kiss on your son’s forehead, holding him close. You turned to James and placed a kiss on his lips, catching him by surprise, which he enjoyed wholeheartedly. “Thank you both very much. I love our little family so much!” You squealed, pulling both of them in for a hug. “My two favorite boys.” 
  “And to our favorite lady, dearest. We love you the most.” James smiled, pressing his lips to yours once more. 
it’s now 1:12 in the morning and i’ve finally finished this after spending so long on it kinda proud of myself  
TAGLIST: @lvngdvns @sojournmichael @life-rocked-me-like-motley @magicaljellydonut @exvanpeters @evandearest @groovyrascalcreatorweasel @justauthoring @psychobitchtess @imma-witch-bitch @gracebtw @cobainlover @heavymetalover @michael-langdon-baby
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magpie-scribbles · 5 years
Incarceration: Rappa x OC
Okay lovies this is 100% N//S//F//W please do not read if you are under 18.
I needed to write some good Rappa smut content because I’m starving so have some Rappa x OC FILTH!!
Rating: E
Warnings: Smut, size kink/difference, masturbation, public sex, mild daddy kink 
Pairing: Kendou Rappa x OC (Hoshi Sakuretsu)
2 weeks…It had been 2 weeks since he and the other bullets had been carted off to Tartarus. From what he could tell he wasn’t in the highest level of security; and at least he didn’t have to share a room with anyone; which was fine by him, the room was already damn small with just him in it. Probably would have used his roommate for a punching bag anyway by now, he was so pent up; his blood sang and his bones rumbled; body aching for something more than being held up in this dog pen.
3 weeks… he had heard that if he was on good behavior he might be able to go out in the yard and mingle, and take lunch in the dining hall. He thought they were stupid when he first heard that ‘cause he’d probably just go batshit at the first smell of freedom; fuck he was starting to grow crazy in here. He had already made a few decent sized holes in the wall on the far side of the room, his knuckles hardly bled and his attitude only soured when it did nothing to relieve him.
There honestly wasn’t much to do, until he got to wander on good behavior; just eat, sleep, shit, and jack off. And jacking off he did a lot of, and it only seemed to make it worse, fuck it wasn’t the same.
He put another hole in the wall after one particularly aggressive session that left his cock feeling raw; cum splattered across his stomach and chest in thick ropes. Still he was hard and aching, twitching in the stale air of his stupidly small cell. 
He fisted his own hand in his hair and tried again, trying to pretend the hand gripping at his mane was exceptionally smaller. It wasn’t the same…
This time his knuckles bled a little more when they bit into the wall but it wasn’t in the least bit satisfying. He wondered what Hoshi was doing, if she was going as crazy as he was…well if she was cooped up she’d probably be going even more crazy than him. The idea of her going feral in her own cell, tipping over the bed, ripping pillows and sheets out of sheer boredom and stir craziness had him pumping his cock again. He missed it, fuck , missed her near manic energy, her scrappiness; missed her nails digging trenches into his back and chest, missed her biting mouth and wild eyes. 
He missed the sounds she made; her sighs, her coos, her screams; he missed the way she could barely take him but would always ask for more, more, more. Missed the way she made him feel, what she made him do. He missed the way she owned him. 
He wondered if she was laying away on her cot, whimpering out, hands down her panties, fingers pressed into her tight, wet pussy. He wondered if she was calling out his name as she desperately tried to get herself off.
“Rappa, Rappa,…Kendou”
He snarled as he painted his chest again, this release a little more satisfying than the last but still no where near close to what he needed.
He grumbled into the quiet air, still unsatisfied, still pent up and now covered in his own mess. He could hear the material of the scratchy sheet around his knees strain when he tugged at it, balling it up, wiping himself down before throwing it on the floor. It didn’t fucking matter if he didn’t have a blanket anymore, this place ran too hot anyway; he hated that too. 
He settled back down, god these beds were comically small! At least the pillow still had some fluff in it as he folded it under his head. 
He decided to not even bother pulling his pants back up; the fuckers could have a nice view when wake up call came the next day. At least it would provide him some entertainment.  
4 weeks… 
Finally, FINALLY he was getting to stretch his legs, though he really wasn’t sure he had been on any good behavior at all; they had probably just gotten tired of him breaking shit and cleaning up his messes. Didn’t matter, finally he could walk more than a few yards without hitting a wall.
The restraints biting into his shoulders weren’t exactly pleasant, though he guessed it could be worse, at least his arms still had some mobility…If the were smart they would have bound his arms completely. Still he wasn’t completely stupid and he really wanted this brief moment of freedom even if it was just going to the dining hall to get some grub.
The two escorts at his side were armed with nothing more than rubber bullets and stun guns, he had laughed when he saw them. He had made a snarky comment on how “that’s all they give ya’? Fuck it’s like they want ya’ to get pummeled.” They didn’t say anything as he laughed at them and their puny defenses. They had tried to act all nonplussed about his statement but he could see the apprehension in their eyes; and maybe…a little fear. That definitely brightened his mood some.
He had tried to make small talk as he was escorted but the two guards wanted none of it and ignored him for the most part, not that he really minded, they were probably boring anyway. 
The dining hall was a lot bigger than he had expected, and certainly much brighter than his cell, it nearly hurt his eyes when he entered, despite the air being filled with the smell of prison food, it somehow smelled fresher and less stale than the cell-blocks. He found himself breathing deeply.
“Don’t cause a ruckus.” 
He turned to the escort to his left giving him a hard sideways glance.
“Wouldn’t dream of it.” he rumbled, flashing his teeth.
By the quick retreat and bristled expression of the guard, he knew he had scared him off; good.
“What’s his problem yah?” he turned to the other guard, his grin widening when the other man turned and left much the same way as the other. That’s right, fuck right off.
It was nice to finally move around, even though he knew he was being watched like a damn hawk, at least they weren’t all up in his face about it now. He struggled, the restraints becoming mildly irritating and moved to get a tray for some grub; the food was shit here but he’d had worse before, and it wasn’t like he was some sort of culinary expert. He just need calories, and a lot. When he got out of here there was going to be a lot of bulking he’d need to take care of.
For the most part people moved out of his way when they saw him coming, the few that didn’t see his approach to the line ended up on the ground; it wasn’t even like he body checked them, just elbowed them out of the way. His size and strength of his stride being enough to knock people over. 
At least the line wasn’t awful when he joined it, he wouldn’t have to wait too long to get some grub. 
“Woah you’re mega tall.” 
He looked in front of him and down. A woman stared back up at him apprehensively, grip on her tray trembling.
She wasn’t short, normal height, if anything maybe a little on the tall side, but he was a behemoth; he grinned menacingly.
“Ate my vegetables as a kid.” he replied snarkily.
“Ah…” she gave him a nervous smile and turned back around, clutching her tray closer to her chest. 
Fearful after just talking to him, pathetic, was he really stuck in here with such cowards?? 
A light bulb suddenly went off in his head and he glanced back down to the woman in front of him; puzzled for a second before looking around. It seemed like this was a co-ed dining hall; After the moment of curiosity he shrugged and supposed it didn’t matter, with everyone having some sort of quirk they were all on somewhat even ground.
He turned back to face the front of the line, bored now that his curiosity was satisfied. 
Then a flash of pink caught his eye, exiting the line ahead. All his attention zeroed in and his blood ran hot.
He hardly even registered the sound of pain as he dropped his tray directly on the head of the woman in front of him before making long strides towards the petite woman exiting with her food.
“Hey dude! No cutting!” someone grabbed his shirt. 
“Wait in line like everyone else h-” the fucker didn’t even finish his sentence before he was grabbed by the back of the head. He brought his knee forcefully up into the man’s face, a sickening crunch as the his nose caved like a house of cards, blood pouring out over his face and onto his pants. 
He felt his blood pump even hotter as he watched the now unconscious man crumple to the cafeteria floor.
Around him there were soft gasps, a few groans and ‘ew gross’ but once again all his attention was on the woman, who was now looking straight at him, eyes bright and face glowing with a smile.
“PUMPKIN!!” she screamed, throwing her tray and all the contents over her head in her excitement.
And he’s running to her, bulldozing anyone that got in his path, even pushing a few dining tables out of the way in his mad rush. 
She reached out to him, bouncing on her toes as he closes in.
By now security is probably trying to figure out what the hell is going on but fuck she’s right there, and he’ll be as bad as he wants to be. 
She jumped in anticipation and he scooped her up, hauling her up into his arms, grip most likely bruising as he squeezed her thigh in one hand and roughly cupped the back of her head. He stumbled, taking a few more steps before falling onto one of the dining tables; knees connecting uncomfortably with the attached metal bench, it didn’t fucking matter, nothing fucking mattered. She was already clawing at him.
He crashed his lips against her, growling loudly as he shoved his tongue into her mouth, his teeth clacking against her own in an animalistic display of dominance. She’s already making such pretty sounds for him and they’d barely done anything, she’s missed him and fuck he’s already so fucking hard.
He budged her further up the table, fully kneeling on the bench, which groaned under his weight. 
She bit his lips and pulled at his hair, and he can hardly stand it, it’d been a fucking month; he could feel himself leaking, the taught fabric over his dick becoming painful. He couldn’t stop himself, his hips already subconsciously humping the air, clothed dick rubbing against the cool metal table.
He doesn’t want to stop gripping the soft flesh of her thigh, but he wanted to know how much she missed him, just how sopping she already was for him. He removed his grip and pressed two fingers roughly against the crotch of her prison pants; she’s already soaking through them and he groans lowly.
“Fuck, lil’ sparkler, ya miss me? You’re fuckin’ soaked .” he growled against her mouth, before backing up a bit to see her expression. He’s embarrassed to admit he almost came right then and there when she looked back up at him, lips bruised and slightly bloody, pupils blown wide with lust. 
Her hand moved to his wild mane and she wound a chunk around her fist before yanking, bringing a lustful whine from him as she viciously tugged him back down.
“Don’t be so meeaannn. Rappa, please, no teasin’ be faaiirrrr.” she arched into him. 
God, she’s practically delirious for him, his cock twitched, and he humped against the table a few more times. 
He smashed his lips against hers again, drinking in her squeals as he ripped her pants from her hips and shoved a large hand into her panties. She practically screamed into his mouth when he pressed a finger into her tight heat.
“Fuuuuccckkk, dunno how ya can still be so tight aftr’ I’ve wrecked ya so many times.” he snarled against her lips, shoving a second finger into her and her back bowed in a pretty arch. “Look at ya take it.” 
He began to piston his fingers in and out of her, swallowing up her wails as she coated his hand in her slick. He knew he was going to have to be quick about this, to be honest he was surprised no one had done anything yet to to stop them, probably too scared, or maybe they’re getting off on this too. He growled at the idea, wanting to stake his claim even more.   
Hoshi scrabbled against his chest at the crook of his fingers and he felt her clamping down like a vice, he couldn’t help but let out a shaky laugh; fuck he missed that feeling.
Barely allowing her to come down from her first high he pulled her closer, further beneath his huge form; using the hand that was already covered in her essence he ripped her ruined panties down her thighs before pushing his pants down (pleased that he had decided not to wear boxers this morning) just enough for his cock to spring free.
He looked down at her small trembling form, her bright eyes honed in completely to his dick that was now bobbing between them.
“Yesyesyesyes pleasepleaspleaseplease.” he heard her chanting under her breath, fuck she was practically drooling at the sight of him; his head swam and he grabbed her hips harshly.    
“Fuck, sparkler, you’re gagging for it ain’t ya?” he pressed the tip of his dick up against her. 
“Rappaaaa, Kendou.” she squirmed in his hold, trying to impale herself on him, and it takes all his remaining brainpower to not just shove inside her.
He leaned in further, lips brushing against her ear almost tenderly. 
“Have ya been a good girl?” he rumbled, lustful grin splitting his face.
He felt her turn and then she whispered back.
The sound that broke free from his chest was a feral laugh as he leaned back slightly and plunged his cock into her completely.      
She screamed in delight, and probably a little pain, but fuck he knew she loved it, and he quickly started a brutal pace, pleasure and heat zipping up and down his spine nearly immediately.
“Fuck, missed ya Hoshi; missed your mouth.” he gave her a biting kiss. “Missed your fucking tits.” he tweaked her nipples harshly. “Missed your pretty. little. pussy.” each word punctuated with a harsh snap of his hips. “Missed watching ya barely being able to take me.” he watched how her stomach bulged each time he bottomed out in her heat.
He leaned close again, one hand fisting in her hair, the other reaching up to grip the lip of the table; he yanked her head back sharply, causing her to arch and show her pretty neck.
“Missed everything about ya.” he growled licking a wide tongue up the expanse of her throat. 
The sound she made, he promised to burn into the back of his brain for the rest of his life; and then she was coming around his thick cock, soaking him and milking him for all he was worth. At this point he’d lost all control and he savagely pounded into her, using her as his personal cock sleeve, chasing the pleasure building and crackling along his spine.
Three more harsh thrusts and he’s coming, holding her down, balls deep inside her, as he throbs. The sound that bubbles up from his chest is more the sound of a beast than a man.
He can hear her moaning and giggling as he filled her to the brim, pulse after pulse of his hot seed until it’s dripping out of her and onto the table. 
His body hummed, flushed in utter pleasure, but he already knew it wouldn’t be enough, even before he came off his high.
“More.” he growls lowly and fuck if Hoshi didn’t wiggle excitedly on his still hard cock. 
He huffed, exasperated and in absolute adoration of her eagerness; ready to flip her over and mount her like an animal. But he was suddenly being restrained, thick cables slingshotting around his biceps, forcing his arms to his sides. Even in his lust filled mindset he could figure out what was happening and he couldn’t help but laugh; the cable tightening, he could hear what he assumes are the guards finally getting their shit together with a few ‘what the fucks’ and ‘fucking christs’. The cables tug at him and he took a step back, slipping out of the petite woman, he’d rather remove himself from her; it would be gentler than being forcibly pulled away. 
“Looks like our fun is over Hoshi.” He grinned. 
Two guards appeared at his sides and he sensed there are more behind him. Two more guards and a few nurses round the table and bundle up next to Hoshi. He bristled at the idea that they thought they’d need to bring medical support; he’d never hurt her, not in anyway she didn’t want.
“Oh but daddy we were just getting started.” she whined, coy smile on her lips, she was still laying on the table completely ravaged by him. He can see the nurses recoil for a moment, unsure of how to respond to this tiny woman who had just been fucked an inch within her life, asking for more. He knows how.
He laughed straining against his bonds, the guards at his side, readying for him to struggle.
“Well kitten, are ya going to be good for next time or bad?” one of the nurses is helping her to a sitting position while the other is wrapping a blanket around her. The look she pinned him with was enough to make his cock jump again.
“Definitely bad.” she licked her lips, gaze smoldering. 
“Enough! Jesus CHRIST!” one of the guards cursed beside him, trying to shove him into turning around and marching. 
He was in a good mood now, so he turned to face the much smaller man.
“Ya gonna help me pull my pants up, cause…ya know” he flexed his biceps against the cables. “Unless ya like looking at my dick then carry on.” 
He reveled in the man’s sputtering and watched as Hoshi was ushered on shaky legs passed him.
One thing was for certain, he wouldn’t be spending another month in here, and neither would she. 
Besides prison break would be fun.
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bedlamgames · 4 years
No Haven 0.945
Highlights for this one include new assignments, a new race,  training being overhauled, new Ensnared Rose intro with various options, and more
Download links can be found on the No Haven page. Update notes can be found under the break.
If you don’t have RAGS and you need a copy to run it there’s one on the help page here or the one pinned on the patreon you can find a link to in the attached read me which is more up to date. If RAGS has never worked on your system despite the help page suggestions then it might be worth trying with one of the alternate players. There’s also improvements on there to the RAGS player that can also help with performance.
Change log under the break:
-Miscellaneous additions: ---Upgraded the Lago'mae trait package which was Slutty - Sex Addict - Seductive - Bimbo - Emotional to have Insatiable instead. ---Adjusted the Bimbo, Sissy, restraints, Obsessed Over, and Pariah penalties so overthrows should be not quite so instantaneous with those. Starting with Unproven as a Bimbo or Sissy could result in a day 1 loss. ---Made the favoured magic/elementalist trait in Full Custom wording less ambiguous.
-Bug fixes: ---Fix for Advanced Anal Training giving Obedient again. ---Fix for too many people having the dolled up ass. ---Fix for Nymph's not having a value. Which also fixed them getting increasingly valuable each time you estimated or examined them. ---Fix for the other reason why Nymph's weren't dominating slavers. ---Fix for Barbarous Bargains having an issue with having the wrong goals available when lacking in gold which could lead to getting stuck. ---Fix for an issue where part of the slave intros which you get before doing biomancy, corruption, making use of, etc. would be missing. While I was there I noticed that the recall bits don't really work if the slave came pre-trained like with the pirate booty so I've used some alternate wording to account for that which I've also used as a variation to the existing ones. I've also added some more text there for slaves who had previously not had specific ones like the cheerleaders.
-Miscellaneous additions: ---Added some new combined gender options for the slaver recruitment General Order. I also made 'Easy' for that more likely. ---No idea how but sometime before release the original intro that I remember being pretty good to arriving at the Marshlands following the letter got replaced by the ambush version. Also rather annoyingly it's apparently the one bit of text in the update that I didn't copy into docs for posterity, and I also can't find it in any of the backups, so I've had to rewrite it. ---Artful Whore is now an Exceptional on Corner and Pillow Talk. ---Anal Slut is now an Exceptional on Corner, Pillow Talk, Ponygirl Training, and both Anal Trainings. I've also made it so that if Anal Slut is an Exceptional on an assignment you'll get a Critical bonus for having Pleasure Enhancement-Ass or Dolled Up from the Neck Down. You don't need Anal Slut to get those bonuses but they do stack if you do. ---Added some extra ass examine description For Dolled Up Neck Down to reflect this. ---Added Crafter: Culinary (C:Cu) as a Success of Forage Supplies. ---If Dominated/Obedient will not count Submissive as a penalty on assignments. ---Sudden Betrayal and Whore Makers are no perma remove assignments with no chance of an unexpected return. ---Witches will always be permanently removed with no chance of return. ---Added an explanation of what Head Slaves do in Help. ---Added a note to Green Soul to confirm the time reduction stacking does work by having more than one. ---Despoiler's 'Reward' should now correctly count as chastity in all respects. It will also count as the belt from Quick as you Like apart from not having the morale loss. Added a chance to gain morale from that belt too, and added a bit of extra text to both results to reflect exactly why the morale is going up or down. ---Oozes will be less likely to inflict full gender transformation. Updated the Gathering Tide aspect to prevent it for all oozes entirely. ---Made it impossible to convince a golem to become a bed warmer or camp bitch. ---Slavers with slave training should now get the value estimate bonuses for having done that training.
-Bug fixes: ---Fix for the 'Say you'll handle it in private and do' dilemma choice. ---Fix for Corner of your Own incorrectly saying you can't send a female slaver when you always could. ---Fix for not being able to send a slave on the second role on Shuffled Deck. ---Fix for the slaver return piercings having the wrong spacing. ---Fix for realizing your slaver's worst fears not actually doing anything. ---Fix for succubi missing their flying mounts. While I was there I added a chance for those races with set flying mounts to be able to get a different mount. ---Fix for the Drider or Ooze skipping Catastrophic and instead getting a bonus not working like it does for Disasters. ---Fix for Centre of Attention, Gloryhole Box and Marshlands Survival not being listed in Assignment Overview. ---Fix for Unstable Change time reduction not working. ---Fix for Slaving Assignments repicking not clearing everything it should likely causing a myriad of issues. ---Fix for Scout the Deep Mountains time reduction for Flying being four days rather than the correct two. ---Fix for not being able to send a slaver-in-training on Halt Slaver Caravan or Halt Draenei Caravan. ---Fix for an issue where some traits may not have been checked specifically on certain assignments. ---Fix for Shadriel's aspect not taking up an aspect slot. ---Fix for Treachery Most Foul being listed twice in Overview Assignments. ---Fix for getting the burning crown corruption having the same text regardless of whether the character had spiritual/faith. I've also added some specific text if you get it as previously it only read right for someone else getting it. ---Fix for the Depraved trait abbreviation on Retribution for Arrogance and Arrogance Subjugated. ---Fix for Johanna von Knittlingen not getting the value bonus from her tongue. ---Fix for Elementalist: Air (E:Ai) not having a value bonus. ---Fix for missing/repeated text in Glimpse of Paradise if you get one of the hidden bonuses on the Critical Success. ---Fix for Cocksucking Natural being applied twice. ---Fix for the Aspect Green Soul not correctly giving the fully favoured bonus to being in the Ever Forest. ---Fix for Lago'Mae not always coming with Insatiable by default. ---Fix for the eight day version of Barbarous Bargains instead adding an Ample Distractions. ---Fix for Alice and Bles not showing anal training. Also not getting them Insatiable on Advanced Bimbo Training if they have Resilient. ---Fix for Dominated Slavers not showing the status effect like Slaves do. ---Some text fixes.
v0.943: New Assignments: ---The third and final part of Thornspire with a commission generously funded by a patron. Has some truly crazy potential rewards given all you need to do to get there.
-Miscellaneous additions: ---Got a comment about the lack of variety, length, and facials. After checking there were two causes for this. Facials were mainly a thing for titfucks only while most of the lengthier blowjob texts required training, obedience, or other factors so often they were defaulting to the basic result. Due to this I've adapted the titfuck facials so they can now occur during blowjobs. I've also added alternate options for when the blowjob result would normally change to the default one. Some of these are different enough they'll appear as an alternative to what would normally have been the result if the requirements were met. Also there's some other touch ups and more minor additions in there which don't just apply to blowjobs. ---Added a notification if a trait is boosted by Arcane Winds on assignments. ---Added some better formatting to highlight when getting a new assignment from an assignment. Also corrected some where it said a plural assignments when you were just going one. ---No more getting out of the Meddling Fools region debuff by just removing the assignment. ---Expert Fellatrix will no longer remove Dominant/Switch, and if so will not grant Obedient on the Critical or Submissive on the Success. So now you can put a slave through Advanced Dominance Training and then still get them to be really good at blowjobs without losing their dominance. ---For consistency you'll get the blonde demi-angel examine and not the black hair one if you're playing a demi-angel yourself.
-Bug fixes: ---Fix for the second part of Thornspire having the wrong display name. ---Fix for the first of Thornspire applying too much Xp to individual slavers on the Critical Success ---Fix for the Ensnared Rose letter turning up or the Shuffled Deck starting if you're away on an assignment. ---Fix for the slaver from the Ensnared Rose letter options having the same identifier as the last character generated resulting in duplication. ---Fix for Severina's art if playing as her yourself. ---Fix for Shuffled Deck where no one could be assigned to that one. ---Fix for the Featured Patrons text appearing when you change nicknaming. ---Fix for some total mind breaks such as from Domination not also removing Learning related traits like Educated or Folklorist. ---Fix for an issue where forced not male slavers could be generated as males anyway. ---Fix for tails being fondled twice. ---Fix for Scavenging rank up giving you Infiltration specialized slavers instead of Scavenging ones. ---Fix for everything to do with dreams being turned off. That affected the later parts of Quick as you Like, Heavenly Debauchery, Puppet Leader enforced sexy times, and being Possessed Nightly Activities. ---Fix for the no one else around check if choosing to ambush on the letter encounter. ---Fix for not getting a rare race when choosing the hardest option on Slaver Caravan. ---Fix for Keeping an eye on the slave on Price of Freedom overwriting the odds. ---Fix for Fel Tide not generating a Hold Back the Dark assignment. ---Fix for Alice not getting her training options if you get her from the letter rather than by Full Custom. ---Fix for Alice and Bles missing some training options along with adding some checks to ensure things don't go wrong if they become a slave. ---Experimental fix for armour tracking issues. Not 100% certain, but I couldn't replicate it. I also ran a tracker for pretty much everything that adds or subtracts armour and it all seemed to work properly. ---Some text fixes.
New Assignments: ---A special assignment for one of the uniques you can either start as or find on an assignment. You'll need to do something, or more specifically have something not happen, but if you can do that long enough this will become available. Has two commissions both funded by a patron and has one of the most unique uniques yet. The unique or you can gain an upgraded version of an existing aspect with a bunch more power and text. ---Advanced Anal Training. Will make the slave more likely to be used for anal and will again reduce the effects during sexy times.
Legion: ---Has a new commission for their examine which also has a version so they can now be Futanari as well as Males. This will be used for an assignment down the line so they won't be quite so tricky to find. ---Updated all the specific Legion text when they're refusing to do things. ---Updated their dialogue titles and swears. ---Significantly improved Legion starting traits to reflect their power. ---Expanded their lore page with another paragraph. ---Updated their skin colours. ---Updated their physical description which includes losing their tails.
Sable Masquerade: ---Thanks to a generous patron there's a new commission with a whopping five different variations. Specifically the assignment itself, the unique you can get on it as slaver and as a slave, a crop for the precursor to that assignment which is Treachery Most Foul. That crop is used for the unique as a slaver you can get on that assignment, and there's another version of that crop where she is a slave.
-Miscellaneous additions: ---Reworded Land Piracy Success to correct some unclear wording and to flesh it out a bit more. ---Updated the Ensnared Rose Letter Ambush text if you don't have anyone else around when you go. ---The Ensnared Rose Letter won't turn up if you're not currently able to follow the instructions such as due to being wounded. ---Lasciel Oathbreaker now gets a value bonus from both of her races rather than neither of them. ---Updated the Ooze racial to reflect the unpredictable effects of their touches on non-Oozes. During sexy times they now have a chance (increased by low condition and/or willpower) to apply one of the Blessings of Perversion corruptions (not including some of the more full on corrupting themed ones) to their partner. This can also happen on the new Special Ever Forest assignment and also on the Deluge of Oozes disaster.
-Bug fixes: ---Critical fix for the slave disappearing issues and other serious wonkiness resulting in following the Ensnared Rose letter. ---Fix for Nymph's gender limiter. ---Fix for getting more than one slaver if you find the unique on Adversarial Affairs. ---Fix for Conjured Companion not turning off if you lose Magic: Summoner (M:Su) ---Fix for Basic Anal Training Fail saying it gives the training. ---Some text fixes.
Ensnared Rose Introduction: ---Rather than available from the start, the Ensnared Rose will now be introduced early on in the first month. This will also introduce as part of normal gameplay the concepts of the Town, Tavern, Mercenaries, and the Marshlands to new players who might otherwise have missed that option. ---You can ignore it and not have access for that playthrough, or you can get a new encounter which can provide a number of bonuses to starting off. ---You can either get no strings attached gold, more gold as a loan (which can kickstart the debt storyline), a slaver (potentially one of the existing recruitable uniques if you don't take her at the start), information on some better quality assignments in all regions, or a special outfit. ---Subs, and especially those with the Exhibitionist or Pretty Maid aspects will have a much harder time not taking the outfit.
-Miscellaneous additions: ---Sissies can now have their cock enhanced by Biomancy to a set limit. So you can correct them if you accidentally make them too small and are worried about the risk of making them a full woman, but they're also not going to be challenging even an average Futa anytime soon. ---Asanei slavers will now use the Adversarial Affairs commission for their examine until I can get something less specific for them.  
-Bug fixes: ---Fix for a potentially missing skill check for unchangable attire. ---Fix for the bisected now being counted as unchangeable attire for skill checks. ---Fix for being able to get out of Ettersilk or the corrupted armour by trading outfits. ---Fix for Bimboborn still being an option on level up. ---Fix for Weald Autonomy rejecting slaves in the third slot. ---Fix for the Amazons on Barbarous Bargains nicking a big chunk of your supplies if you trade by Other Means. It also no longer takes supplies to go on. ---Fix for the drow tattooist going over the top on guys at the Tavern. She's pouting, but has promised at last to knock it off. ---Fix for the updated Advanced Obedience Training getting the races the wrong way round. ---Fix for Adversarial Affairs getting mixed up with The Elvish Art.
New Race: ---Thornheart Nymphs have been added with a new Rare assignment in the Ever Forest. Can be Female or Futanari with commissioned art for both. ---With their racial will be very powerful though they do have some definite drawbacks making them quite the double edged sword. ---Has specific text to reflect their alternate way of inflicting Domination. ---Once found via the assignment will then start appearing rarely like any other character can as both slavers and slaves. ---Can be playable if one takes over the encampment after an overthrow event, or you can start as one as one of the Promoted Slaver options (TF Edition only). If you start as one then Nymphs will be in the generator from the start without you needing to do their assignment.
New Assignments (not counting the Nymphs one): ---An Uncommon Trading Amazon themed assignment in the Ever Forest. Has four goals where it can work similarly to the standard Great Plains Trading assignment including options for an alternate payment plan other than gold or supplies. Includes special text for Submissive playthroughs even if you don't go as the alternate payment plan though there is a different special Disaster if you do. Also includes alternate text in some of the results for being Insatiable, being a wright, or having other ways to have limitless sexual energy, along with if you take  a pair of slavers who won't ask questions about what you get up to on this one. ---A reduced rarity Marauding legal themed assignment in the City of Aversol. Thank you to the patron who funded the two commissions used for this one. Includes the possibility of recruiting the hidden unique recruitable slaver featured in the art.
New Commissions: ---Decadence Like No Other. Features a new race of beastkin who will be added in a later update. Has non-female variants that will be used if you don't send a female on that assignment and will be used as slave Examines down the line. ---Zharr females. Plan is to use it for a Zharr themed assignment on the Dreadsea Coast down the line. ---Nest of Vipers, also used for Fel Tainted Lamia slavers. Has alternate versions used for Fel Tainted Lamia futanari, and Fel Tainted Lamia slaves. Also has a crop for non-Fel Tainted Lamia that I'll use for now until I can get something more suitable. Will be used down the line as a follow up to A Brief Foray. ---Drow female slavers, with a less dressed version used for Drow female slaves. Plan is to use her for a new start, and thank you to the patron who submitted this commission. ---Driders. Will be used for a new Deep Mountains assignment eventually, and does come with a zoomed version. I've also kept the Scout the City version as an Examine for Driders with Submissive. ---Fallen female slavers, with a less dressed versions used for Fallen female slaves. Also has alternate versions to replace the Demi-Angel female slaver and slavers examine to distinguish her from the unique that used the same commission. Thank you to the patron who submitted these new variations on that commission. I've kept the old Fallen placeholder art for now until I can get a commission featuring Futanari. ---Double Dicked Golems. Also has a variant for Golems doing punishment, and a zoomed in version that will alternate with the other Human Noble slaves. That version will also be used for any futanari doing double dicking.
Slave Training Review: ---Extended and improved the intro text for Basic Dominance Training, Basic Obedience Training, Orc Cum Addict, Basic Sissification Training, Advanced Sissification Training, Advanced Lesbian Training, Basic Blowjob Training, Advanced Blowjob Training, and Exquisite Fellatrix Training. Touched up some of the others to a more minor degree. ---Extended and improved the Critical Success result text for Advanced Bimbo Training, Basic Bimbo Training, Advanced Dominance Training, Exquisite Fellatrix Training, Basic Dominance Training, Advanced Lesbian Training, Advanced Blowjob Training, Basic Lesbian Training, Basic Anal Training, Advanced Sissification Training, Advanced Obedience Training, Basic Sissification Training, Heal Slut Training, and Basic Obedience Training. ---Extended and improved the Success result text for Advanced Titfuck Training, Basic Titfuck Training, Advanced Bimbo Training, Basic Bimbo Training, Heal Slut Training, Endurance Training, Advanced Dominance Training, Orc Cum Addict (including all orc, no orc, and shakko versions), Exquisite Fellatrix Training, Basic Dominance Training, Advanced Lesbian Training, Advanced Blowjob Training, Basic Lesbian Training, Advanced Sissification Training, Advanced Obedience Training, Basic Blowjob Training, and Basic Obedience Training (including Stubborn and Defiant removal versions). There's a few of the redone Successes which are now longer than the Critical Success results which I don't think I've done before, and if I have, it's definitely pretty rare for them to be so. ---Extended and improved the Failure result text for Advanced Bimbo Training, Advanced Titfuck Training, Basic Titfuck Training, Basic Bimbo Training, Ponygirl Training, Endurance Training (including adding the previously missed You version), Advanced Dominance Training (mainly the You Sub version), Orc Cum Addict (again including all orc, no orc, and shakko versions), Exquisite Fellatrix Training, Advanced Lesbian Training, Advanced Blowjob Training, Basic Lesbian Training, Advanced Sissification Training (as a bit of an experiment added some dialogue from you here), Advanced Obedience Training, Basic Blowjob Training, Basic Sissification Training, and Basic Obedience Training. ---Extended and improved the Disaster result text for Orc Cum Addict (again including all versions with the Shakko version in my opinion being the highlight), Endurance Training, Heal Slut Training, Basic Bimbo Training (Includes the alternate Obedient version for those two, the otherwise unchanged Anal Training Disaster result also uses that updated version if applicable), the generic 'Be Gentle' options (now includes versions for your doing it and for them being Obedient), the generic 'Be Brutal'/Sadist/Aggressive/Brutal/Unscrupulous options (also now includes versions for your doing it and for them being Obedient), and Exquisite Fellatrix Training where it's not either of the previous two generic options. ---Added extra morale losses for the Disaster results for Orc Cum Addict (with the all orc version being by far the heaviest) ---Being Obedient now blocks the generic nothing else applies 'more ready and willing to resist the shackles of slavery' Disaster result where the slave got a Willpower boost and there was a -10 Morale Hit. Uses the same text as the Heal Slut Training, Basic Bimbo Training, and Anal Training. ---Bimbos can now do bimbo training so you can bimbo your bimbos to an even greater degree. ---Advanced Dominance Training now has an alternate result text for slavers with Dominant (Dom), including Switch and hidden Dominants, on the Critical Success. If they don't the slaver can now pick up Submissive (Sub) along with a damaged reputation. ---Basic Bimbo Critical Success now gives Sex Addict (Sex) instead of Insatiable (Sex+) ---Advanced Bimbo Critical Success only applies Insatiable (Sex+) with Resilient (Res) and 80+ Condition. This is to make that trait more of a specific thing for Trollops and Lago'Mae rather than being quite so easy to maintain. ---Advanced Obedience Training now as text on the Critical Success if already Obedient (Sub+). I don't think that's possible given the training paths, but it's there now just in case. ---Advanced Obedience Training Critical Success only applies Obedient (Sub+) with 80+ Willpower along with Submissive (Sub) which it need before to make it trickier to get so relatively early on in a slave's training, and to make the other sources of getting that trait more desirable. There's alternate text to both versions based on Willpower if they have Submissive (Sub) going into the assignment. ---Advanced Lesbian Critical Success can give Lesbian Desires if the slave doesn't get it on Basic version. Added a estimate value bonus to Lesbian Desires. ---Advanced Blowjob Training also now can give Cocksucking Natural on the Critical Success if they didn't get it on the basic version. ---Advanced Dominance Training now removes Sympathetic (Sym) on both Critical Success and Success results. ---To replace the aspect Bimboborn which Advanced Bimbo Critical Success used to give I've added a new aspect to that result called Ditzy Doll. This aspect will also replace Bimboborn as a Level Up option so that aspect will only be available from Corruption for now to reflect the nature of that aspect being about having one of the naughtier powers watching over them no matter the trouble that they might get into. Ditzy Doll is the first aspect to scale in power with the character's experience which is an idea I like and one that I'll revisit when I get round to adding more aspects. Like with slaver gear upgrades you'll use assignment ranks up instead, and yes you can take this aspect on a Level Up unlike Bimboborn. ---To expand on the mechanic where mantras could be embedded by having someone with Hypnotic (Hyp), Dominator (Dtr), Magic: Corruption (M:Co) (also Corrupter), or Malevolence (Mal) twenty four new Critical and Success results now have the potential to ad the relevant mantras at various stages from Light all the way to Fully Embedded. ---Added a small chance for a mantra to be applied during those specific training Critical Success results even without the usually needed traits to represent an especially powerful breakthrough. ---Heal Slut Training will no longer give Lay on Hands if they already have the usual maximum of five aspects. ---Heal Slut Training, Basic Titfuck Training, Advanced Titfuck Training, and Ponygirl Training are now all counted as Obedience Training assignments for the purpose of getting a bonus from the Obedience Mantra. ---Ponygirl Training now adds Resilient (Res) on both Success results. ---Removed the feminine pronouns on the various Blowjob results that assumed the trainee was a 'her' to reflect it can be done by males too. Exquisite Fellatrix Training Critical Success now has specific male slave text so you can now have a Prince of Blowjobs to go with the Queen. ---Exquisite Fellatrix Training on a Disaster now sets the slave back to Basic Blowjob Training, though not if you treat then gently or they are Obedient. ---Updated some formatting for better visibility, and some other more minor text additions not mentioned above.
-Miscellaneous additions: ---Due to adding Thornheart Nymphs more than doubled the number of Horned One female first names and surnames for both genders in the generator including some specific ones just for Nymphs. ---Added Kitsune, Lago'Mae, Shadow Outcasts, and Asanei to the rare races table so they'll be slightly more common than before where they only had a very low chance to be found on their usual tables, and will now have a better chance to be found as higher quality characters. ---To make the Golem Commander unique commission more specific I've changed the Wastelander slave commission that uses the same art to a closer crop than before. ---Increased the Will/Condition loss for slaves if they'd get that instead of getting Shattered/Exhausted ---Adjusted the Shattered/Exhaustion calculations so the risk has more of an effect each way, if it's not for wounding/removal then being Aggressive will no longer make things worse while Fleet or Flying can no longer help avoiding being overly tired. So no longer will being able to ride a pegasus help you out in the glorybox. ---Asanei have lost their crest in favour of the hair-tentacles in the commissions, and the come in three variations. ---Updated the lamia lore page to expand it, and to ditch some obsolete information about their race. ---Made a change so Ecstatica should stack better with Fae Flying, Size Queen'd, and Sapphic High. ---Replaced Sapphic High on the Fully Embedded Sissy mantra (which they weren't getting anyway) with a new effect that allows a slaver using them to count as Dominant if it would be a positive on the next assignment. ---Changed the wording of Fully Embedded Bimbo mantra to represent they can get extra mantras later via training. ---Lesbian Hypnotic Mantra is now available to Non-Males with a different version with the same effects to reflect that. Also includes some alternate dialogue lines during sex text for when slaves have this mantra. ---Added a new Glossary page for Hypnotic Mantras. ---Standardised how extra morale loss works on assignments with a more consistent formatting display. Also removed an odd inconsistency where the third position on Hold Back the Dark was losing 10 morale less than the others. ---Added some checks at the end of corruption to prevent anyone going over 100 morale. ---By request Golems may no longer purchase the rank III Slaver Upgrades. ---Legacy Decim-Vex has sorted out her unconventional hairstyle and has gained some height in the process. ---Sea Elves and Golems will now be unable to have a secret desire to be the Spiritual Leader, and will not have a faith that they've been keeping quiet about. The new Nymphs will work the same way. ---Krystal has had a visit from the boob reduction fairy. ---Removed the deeply inappropriate witchy-looking outfit for Magic: Nature users for a new look. Also Hedge-Witch is now Wise-Woman. ---Added skin colour variation for Asanei.
-Bug fixes: ---Fix for the Best Left Sealed Asanei popping up during end of day sexy times instead of what should have been there. ---Fix for the extra Diplomacy XP not applying on Glimpse of Paradise. ---Fix for the Tavern Drow having such an obsession for a specific tattoo for the guys. ---Fix for Persuasive (Per) check only working in the suggestions for Listening to Whispers. ---Fix for Scout the Deep Mountains being claimed to only last six days rather than seven. ---Fix for High Elf not being checked correctly on assignments. Might just be Imperial Muses, but if there's others, it would have not worked for those too. ---Some text fixes.
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tsunflowers · 4 years
Pripara characters as college students?
laala will take over the family restaurant as the chef so she will probably go to culinary school. once she gets her gen-eds out of the way and gets to learn about things she’s actually interested in she’ll probably be a pretty good student
mirei goes to law school and is super focused and everyone’s afraid of her. on weekends she goes to pripara or to real life karaoke as stress release like aggretsuko
sophie I can’t imagine going to college but I can’t explain why. well maybe she could study marine biology so she can have a career involving jellyfish
shion would be the classmate who always debates the professor for no reason. actually mirei does that too. if they were in the same class the prof would have to give up on their lecture as it would become shion vs mirei debate power hour
dorothy parties all the time and skips class and does all her papers in a caffeinated rush the night before they’re due
reona might become a nurse for real or an elementary school teacher. i think she’s the type who’s friendly with everyone in her program and comfortable in the buildings associated with the program but when she has to take a required math class shes shaking like a leaf walking into the math building bc there are math people in there
mikan and aroma I can’t imagine as adults lmao. they will always be like this. aroma will have a career writing and illustrating spooky picture books so I guess she could get a creative writing degree. you walk into creative writing class already fearing the worst and aroma is there wearing a hoodie with devil horns
fuwari goes to ag school even though she’s already an animal expert and amazes everyone with her ability to calm even the angriest of animals 
hibiki would establish a new university named after herself and give herself an honorary degree from it after doing zero actual work
falulu isn’t real so she can’t go to college :( same with garuru
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