#curious traveler
isawken · 1 month
was recently having talks about saving up for a several-week vacation with my partner and he said something that i seriously cannot stop thinking about and i need to Ask The Audience
this is not cumulative, you must have spent over 14 calendar days outside of your hometown in one stretch to be able to hit Yes
i’ve never asked for this before but if you could rb for reach that’d be cool, this is a straight up potential worldview-shattering revelation right here and i need data if im gonna shatter my dang worldview
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thetravelauthority · 1 year
Louisville KY Travel: Unveiling the Urban Bourbon Experience
In this guest post, we delve into the vibrant world of "Louisville KY Travel," spotlighting the city's iconic Urban Bourbon Experience. Louisville, renowned for its rich heritage in horse racing and baseball, has recently seen bourbon emerge as a central attraction. The city, which is the birthplace of this exquisite spirit, now offers a plethora of bourbon-themed activities. From the historic Urban Bourbon Trail and specialized bourbon tastings to unique accommodations and a modern bar scene, Louisville celebrates bourbon in all its glory. The post further explores bourbon's influence on the city's music, culinary delights, shopping, and even eco-tourism. Additionally, it emphasizes the importance of responsible bourbon tourism and gives a glimpse into the future of this ever-evolving industry. Whether a connoisseur or a curious traveler, Louisville promises a multi-sensory bourbon experience like no other.
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cinary · 1 year
I'm curious how many times an avarage person (or as close as a tumblr user can get to being one) has been on a plane so tell me
A trip one way counts as 1 time, so if you flew somewhere and then came back (for example to and from a different country on a holiday) then that counts as two trips because you boarded the plane twice. I have decided to do it this way because I have traveled one way by plane and came back by train a few times and I guess some of you probably did that too.
Also! If you can tell me in the tags how many times you traveled by plane and which country you're from I'd be very grateful! I'm curious if there is any difference depending on a size of a country/continent you're from.
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jvlianbashir · 1 year
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important discovery and musings from the father tonight
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fawn-tongues · 28 days
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Safe Bet
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rhys-ravenfeather · 4 months
Time travel is a reality! However, it's still in the early stages, and you can only go as far back as seventy-something years.
Feel free to explain your reasons in the tags :P
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semiotomatics · 4 months
*note: im only talking abt delivery people, AKA ppl who had nothing to do with making/collecting whatever you ordered. their only job is getting it to your door.
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currant-owo · 1 year
Awkward meetings
Pretty much the same things happen as in canon, but Danny almost constantly bumps into Ra's in his time travel (where dc and dp can exist together or as separate/parallel alternate universes). After an indeterminate number of meetings, the contents of which I won't reveal, both came to an unspoken agreement to ignore each other no matter what.
Remarkably, the order of encounters for Ra's and Danny is chronologically confusing, as is their timeline relative to each other. How strong. No one knows at what segment of their meetings the other is. It's so damn confusing that Ra's and Danny keep logs of meetings, in a futile attempt to sort this shit out one day without potentially destabilizing the current time stream, the Flash's bullshit is more than enough, thanks.
And out of a desire to avoid all this headache, they most often just walk by and report their subjective meeting number. On rare occasions, they warn each other about how their next meeting might go, or simply ask the other to remind them of something.
Their awkward meetings/attempts to avoid prolonged interaction will look quite funny from the outside.
It seemed that the League always had its own "Cryptid". At truly random intervals (day, week, month, years), the same child quickly appeared in front of the Demon Head and just as quickly disappeared. Most often they exchanged some numbers, less often he uttered some phrases. Neither of them will even look at the other, eager to leave as soon as possible (the longer they are around, the higher the chance that something unpleasant will happen, strange, but together they often attract any kind of trouble from an earthquake to level threats end of the world).
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nervousdemeanor7 · 6 months
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petewentzisblack1312 · 2 months
hi my name is dils, im a black multiply neurodivergent and mentally ill disabled butch lesbian from the caribbean island of st lucia. i dont want to really sing a sad song for my supper and divulge all the reasons why im asking but my family and i need help right now so id appreciate some assistance.
paypal @ dilsdoes or dilsdoes(@)gmail(.)com (parentheses to avoid spam)
i dont have venmo or cashapp because im not american sorry
you can also buy something from my shop or sub to my ko-fi if you'd like something in return or like my work. in the future i plan on offering animated pixel art favicons and allowing ko-fi subscribers to suggest, sponsor or commission them, and also pixel art wallpapers for phones and pc. ko-fi subscribers will also be able to suggest what i do for those too.
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sinful-lanterns · 3 months
While Suspect R is a Doppelganger and can therefore copy the appearances of others, she is unable to copy the powers of other monsters, at least to a certain extent.
For example, when she copies Slime! Kelvin’s appearance, she does get Slime! Kelvin’s abilities as her abilities tie in to her own physical appearance. However, Doppelganger! Suspect R is unable to copy Mindflayer! Chameleon’s mind control powers, as that is something not tied to her physical appearance.
Also, fun fact: Eldritch! Deren (and Eldritch beings in general) are one of the only monsters that Doppelgangers can’t copy the appearance of, due to their true appearance being too dangerous to look at. As for Gorgon! Chelsea, Suspect R is also unable to copy her appearance fully because of her statue curse.
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ploppythespaceship · 3 months
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briebysabs · 6 months
I’m kinda surprised we didn’t go the identity crisis route with cxs. He has possessed so many people and really connected with all of their lives, I thought he might start questioning his sense of self.
How much of himself may be comprised of other people? Which memories are his? I think it’s been brought up a bit in the earlier episodes but I hope we have some time to explore that more. For instance, does he remember what his parents look like? Or when CXS thinks of them he sees the parents of their clients? In the earthquake episode, it didn’t matter that he was in a stranger’s body. To CXS, this was his mom dying.
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happyk44 · 1 year
A doctor rushing to a small town on horseback, praying diligently to Hermes for safe and speedy travel so that they may make it before the patient is too sick to help. Hermes hearing this - and curious by it. People often ask for safety from thieves. Thieves ask for luck amongst the roads, potential targets to snag and steal. Merchants request shortcuts so they may sell their wares quicker. Rarely does he ever hear prayers for safety, for speed, for luck so that someone may help another.
So he follows silently, a little sparrow soaring above. Slips down from the air to the ground, as tiny as a mouse, and darts rapidly behind running boots. Watches from the corner of a room as a child weakly breathes and a doctor patiently attends to them.
It's interesting to him, the care. He's not yet seen it much in travelers - seen it in families, of course, in friends. But never in strangers. People are wary of those they meet on roads. Strangers on hidden paths, far away from helpful eyes and warrior swords, prickle with potential danger.
And yet...
It's interesting to watch the colour rise back to a pale face, cheeks flushed, lungs drained of fluid and now breathing clearer. A medicinal paste is rubbed into a lanced wound. Clear words, clear instructions.
The doctor stays for a few more days, attending to small ailments, checking in on the child. And then they're off to the next town, praying for safety and speed so they may help those who need it before it's too late.
He follows. He watches. He learns.
It fascinates him. Healing, helping. Traveling roads endlessly to take care of others. Even at cost, it's baffling. The effort, the drive - how do they manage it? Aren't they tired?
All travelers settle down eventually. Nomadic lifestyles run thin as age impacts movement. Energy. And yet on and on this doctor roams. And others soon follow.
Please, Lord Hermes, they whisper into rushing wind, please let me make it in time. Before someone falls prey to Death's cold scythe. I just want to help.
Okay, he whispers back, inaudible to their ears but not to their growing spirit. Run, my child. You will make it. You will help.
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thanksvideogames · 2 years
for research purposes, here is every character doing the the ‘stimulate’ dancer ability
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