#curly hair monkey king
dez-ku · 4 months
Made a sketch before sleeping haha. I was inspired 🧍‍♂️🕺
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//this is not really my HC, I only copied/inspired by the person's hc design of SWK :^]
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acewithapaintbrush · 1 year
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I need to learn how to draw him with the live action hair because I'm OBSESSED
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starrclown · 18 days
☆ LMK headcannons before I go to sleep ☆
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Ao Lie has a BIG smile because of him being a horse. He also has super sharp teeth because he's a dragon as well. This results in a HUGE smiled with razor sharp teeth that most people don't like.
Mei has a smaller smile with duller teeth because of how far down the generational line she is. She also has smaller horns and very few scales.
Tang is SUPER competitive in games. Like HARD core competitive.
Macaque has SERIOUS resting bitch face. He looks made all the time besides when he's with Wukong or the monkies.
Mk didn't know what kind of relationship Wukong and the monkeys had so when the little ones called him "Dad" and "Grandpa" instead of "King", it confused the hell out of him.
Mk also didn't know that Redson was Wukong uncle till Wukong casually dropped it in a training session.
Wukong is Redsons godfather.
Macaque hates having long hair because it makes him too hot for his liking. Hell cut it if it gets past the bottom of his neck.
Sandy has a fluffy orange cat and named him "Wukong". He has also done this with Mk, Mei, Tang, Pigsy, and recently, Redson.
Redson loves ice cream but he has to eat it super quick or it will melt.
Wukong is SEVERELY claustrophobic for obvious reasons. DBK is also claustrophobic, but to a lighter sense.
Macaque uses corny jokes and flirts on Wukong and somehow Wukong finds it charming.
In the battlefield Wukong is elegant and precise, in his normal life he slams his hip into ever corner possible.
Chang'e is NOT a lightweight. She could drink for hours and only be buzzed.
Wukong hides under Chang'es counter so that way he can still be on the show but not be on camera. He likes to luck bowls she's not using anymore or hand her ingredients. He's her "special tester" to make sure the foods good. If you look closely enough you can see his hand popping up.
Wukong likes to compare hand sizes alot because of how diffrent all his friends are. Most of the time his friends hands swallow him because obviously he's alot smaller, but Macaque's and Mk's hands aren't much bigger than his.
Mei would dox you if she felt like you deserve it.
Wukong found the camera Mei placed on him and got rid of it immediately. Redson copied this.
Both Wukong and Redson have curly hair but they straighten it.
Pigsy is the smallest in his family. His mom, dad, grandma, Tang, and Mk are all bigger than him.
Tang has a older sister. He also has a few cousins. His family is LOADED.
Tangs mom was disapproving of Pigsy. Tangs dad LOVES him and Mk. Opposite on Pigsys side. His dad HATES tang but his mom loves him.
Sandy is a active reader and has many favorite books. He likes to talk to Wukong or Tang about them.
Mk has to have braces until he was about 20.
Mei international dyed her hair to make her parents mad but she atcually ended up liking it so she kept it.
Pigsy is Mks favorite parent. He is not shy about this fact and will say it when asked.
Redson is very blunt. He's not always trying to hurt your feelings, sometimes it's just hit tone making him sound meaner than what he's trying to convey.
Sandy is still looking for Hunstman.
Wukong does nit care what gender is. He doenst care if you think he's a boy, girl, or anything else. As far as he's concerned he's just a monkey and that's all that matters.
Wukong is extremely warm so the monkeys (and Macaque when Wukong kets him in his bed) snuggles up to him and grabs him so they can feel the warmth.
Mayor bits ice cream. He also bites jawbreakers.
Azure eats like he just got out of prison. Wukong is a slower eater and makes fun of him for his quick pace.
Yellow Tusk needs glasses but he won't wear them.
Peng is the kinda gut where THEY can make a joke insulting their friends but will get PISSED if you try and do it too.
Nezha has a HORRENDOUS sleep squedule that he picked up from both his job and Wukong.
Pif snaps more than she'd like. Things make her frustrated quickly and she snaps because of it. She's yelled at Redson more than she'd like to because of it. Redaon never knows what to expect feom her so he's very careful not to make her angry. DBK isn't much better.
Macaque makes jokes about Wukongs weight and him getting bigger but he doenst like it when he can hear Wukong critize his body. He likes how soft Wukong is.
Wukong has always been chubby exept when he was on the journey and starving. That kinda skinny wasn't okay.
Wukong likes to mess up Tangs hair cause he finds it funny that Tang looks exactly like his master just with hair. Tang let's him do it cause he know it makes him feel better.
Nezha crashes at Wukong's place when he's tired of work. Wukong offers him a room but he normally falls asleep to quickly on the couch.
I'm so sleepy yall but at least I got motzeralla sticks today.
These are always so fun to make.
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tourturestarradio · 23 days
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Pairing: Luffy, Zoro, Sanji (more added later) x Mermaid reader!
Prompt: After your family jewels were stolen you were determined to get them back joining you closest friend Monkey D. Luffy on his adventure to become the king of the pirates.
Warnings: none, this follows the live action!!
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⋆。°✩ ┊         ┊       ┊   ┊    ┊        ┊               ┊         ┊       ┊   ┊   ˚★⋆。˚  ⋆ ┊         ┊       ┊   ⋆                                                                                                         ┊         ┊       ★⋆ ┊ ◦ ★⋆      ┊ .  ˚            ˚★
𝐌𝐘 𝐅𝐀𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐑 was very strict about who I placed myself around, who I befriend, what part of the sea I'm on. It was so stressful sometimes, all the rules and regulations were annoying. I just wanted to swim around the ocean and make friends.
But I had none. Not a single one until today. One of the biggest rules was to never. EVER. Go to the surface, under any circumstances. But being the air head I was I went up anyway, I wanted to see what it was like!
Seeing the sunlight peel through the seawater I gulped nervously hearing loud voices, I carefully and slowly peeked up out of the water, the first thing I noticed was the odd smell, it was like nothing like what I smelled before.
I looked around hearing laughing "Luffy for the last time you aren't prepared enough to be a pirate yet." I looked at the two humans who talked, one was a tall man with red hair, a straw hat, and three scars on his eye.
There was a shorter boy with curly black hair and brown skin "yes I am!" I watched the two talk. well more like argue...
Until I saw the shorter boy turn and walk towards me I jumped and ducked my head under the water as the boy stormed over sitting down with a pout and his arms crossed.
Fun fact about me, my fins tend to glow when I'm flustered, shy, or scared/nervous. So even if i'm hiding most likely you'll still be able to spot me, so you can guess to my surprise when I peeked through my webbed fingers and saw the black haired boy staring dead at me.
I jumped and swam away. A human boy saw me! I'm so done for! He had called out to me "hey wait up!" I guess my fins were still glowing because he followed me down the dock.
I stopped and looked back poking my head out the water "how did you swim that fast!" I was too nervous to speak "u-um...I-I..." I gulped out of nervousness.
His eyes sparkled with curiosity "hey why are you glowing so bright?" I glanced at my fins "I..don't know" he backed up as bit pointing his thumb at his chest "wait. wait. wait let me introduce myself! I'm Monkey D. Luffy! And i'm gonna be king of the pirates!"
I giggled a bit at his behavior "I-I'm Y/n L/n...nice to meet you Luffy!" I smiled at him, his face to turn pink "h-hey you glow like me!" I smiled wider lightly pulling myself up out of the water "wah! you have gills!" He pointed out.
I nodded my head excitedly "mhm!"
I liked this boy Luffy he was very fun. And he didn't seem weirded out by my fish-like appearance. I mean if I hid my gills and covered my fins people wouldn't be able to tell I was half fish.
Well the way my eyes blinked would probably give it away and my (f/c) skin would look odd...and my tail. If only I had legs...
I stayed talking to Luffy for a long while "so what's your dream?" he asked me, staring at me with unblinking eyes and a big smile. I thought for a moment "hmm...maybe...no...ah!...uh no..." I shrugged "I don't know..." Luffy laid on his stomach his legs kicked up behind him.
"Well maybe you'll think of something" he hummed.
"Hm maybe you'll figure it out later..." I nodded in agreement, Luffy stared at me for a moment "so what are you?" he asked, "I'm a mermaid" Luffy peeked his head over into the water. I lifted my tail high enough for him to see it.
"Oo wah~ so cool!" he reached his hands out and touched it gliding his fingers along my scales. I shivered and pulled my tail back into the water "m'sorry my tail is sensitive" I stated.
Looking out at the sky Y/n noticed how it was now sundown "o-oh I gotta go! It was great talking to you Luffy!" ducking my head under the water I swam away hearing Luffy yelling out a loud "Goodbye!! I hope we see each other again!"
A smile grew on my face as I swam home.
The black haired boy ran over "Shanks! Shanks!" a red haired male looked over at Luffy with a raised brow "what's got you all pumped up huh?" Luffy pointed behind himself at the docks "there wassa girl! she-she had gills! and-and fins! she had a really cool tail!" one of Shanks crew mates heard him.
He laughed "does little Luffy got a crush?" Luffy lightly blushed while yelling "No! I-I've just never seen something like her before!" Shanks took a mental note of her description.
Shanks crew mates teased Luffy about the girl for the next couple of days, but he didn't care he still decided to visit his new friend. Y/n would swim to the surface both becoming close with each other.
A friendship blooming between the two.
Asking each other about their lives on land and in the sea, "so would you ever be able to come on land?" he asked.
Y/n's tail swayed back and forth "hm..well probably not for a long time." Y/n stated tapping her chin, Luffy frowned "why not?" Y/n rested her head on her palms "well there is a special necklace that merfolk are gifted. and it lets tails turn to legs or in some rare cases some merfolk can just turn their tail to legs on their own"
Luffy smiled "so cool!" Y/n tilted her head "so who was that red haired guy with the scars" Luffy glanced back at the girl "That's Shanks! He's a pirate too! and he's the captain" speak of the devil, the red haired male came over "Luffy! who're you chatting with?"
Luffy smiled and pointed to where his new fish friend was supposed to be, "to Y/n!" Y/n quickly ducked her head under the water out of fright, but sadly her fins began to glow. Shanks smirked "oi no need to be frightened" he stated, squatting down to where the mermaid was.
Y/n slowly peeked her head up muttering a small "hi..." Shanks smiled at her "hello so you're this Y/n Luffy has been yapping on about" her fins started to glow brighter, she nodded her head.
Suddenly she remembered she had a gift for Luffy, "oh Luffy! I got you a gift, m-my grandpa said it's always good to give a friend a gift."
Luffy perked up "is it food?" he asked, Y/n frowned "did you...did you want food?" "yeah!-" "he'll take the gift" Shanks interrupted Luffy.
Lifting her hand out of the water Y/n placed a closed oyster next to Luffy who eagarly snatched it up opening it.
Y/n grew nervous as Luffy didn't say anything, quickly she spoke "i-it's a b-bracelet. i-if you don't l-like it I can take it back. u-unless you do like it! I mean i-it's not all that g-great. ya'know what nevermind.I-" the rambling girl was hushed when she felt the boy hug her tightly while laughing.
His body almost fell into the water by how far he was leaning off the edge, Shanks picked up the gorgeous bracelet staring at it.
Luffy yanked it back putting it on excitedly, he lightly shook it around the soft clinks of the charms and sea glass making his smile grow wider.
Y/n looked up at the two "so do you like it?" he nodded his head "I love it!"
Shanks smiled at the two "looks like someone has a crush..." he laughed loudly, Y/n glowed "o-oh look at the time!" Luffy cheeks grew pink as he denied what Shanks said.
Y/n pulled herself up enough to sit on the docks most of her tail still in the water, she hugged the black haired boy "bye Luffy" he hugged her back his arms around her torso squeezing her tightly. Letting go Luffy waved goodbye "bye bye Y/n!" she sent one last smile to him and swam away.
✰ ✰ ✰
Swimming past other sea creatures I saw a shark swimming by, I giggled and swam over to it circling around it. It nudged me I smiled and swam away the shark following me. As I went deeper into the water the shark swam away, I saw my siblings swim up to me quickly "where have you been?" they asked me.
I blinked "um just swimming around, ya'know" my oldest brother swam up to me eyeing me his arms crossed,  gulped feel my fins glow.
I started to sweat. Even if you couldn't tell. My other siblings swam closer looking at me with curiosity, "I-I...was just-"
Without thinking I blurted out "I went to the surface!" all of them froze in place "you. did. What?!" my oldest brother shouted, I gulped "I-I went to the surface..." he pitched the bridge of his nose.
"Is that why you've been gone all those hours?" I slowly nodded, my other brothers smiled "so cool! I've never been to the surface!"
"I heard it was scary!"
"I heard the people smell weird"
"I heard-"
"Enough! If father finds out about this"
"Finds out about what?"
All of us hushed turning around to see our father, he looked at us with a raised brow. Thinking quickly one of my brothers spoke "your surprise gift!" all of us sighed with fake disappointment "oops..."
My father shook his head "alright, Y/n come follow me." I gulped nervously and followed after him. I tried to keep my fins from glowing, "is there something you need father?" he nodded but didn't say a word.
I followed him through our home far past any of our rooms. He put his hand up to the door a light purple glow emitting from his palm, I 'awed' at the sight the door opened. The room we entered was softly "Y/n i've never told your older brothers about this but....i'm trust you with this Y/n." pulling open a clam mouth he grabbed something.
Turning around I saw a beautiful light green necklace I reached out to touch it but my father pulled it away. "All of your brothers have one but they aren't to use them until they are ready." he stated I tilted my head in confusion "this necklace holds the power to turn your tail to legs" my eyes lit up as I smiled "r-really I thought-" "once you are old enough you may wear it as you please."
I was so giddy about wearing the necklace I started to space out but my father snapped his fingers in front of my face "Y/n listen to me. This necklace is important, it was your mothers. It is very important to our family" I frowned at the mention of the woman.
"One day you will get to wear it just as she did. she would be proud" I smiled and looked down "alright let's go, I don't want the boys getting suspicious about their gifts" I giggled and swam out the room my father follow close behind me before seemingly locking it again.
As the night went on I stayed awake wanting to go to that room again. An idea popping into my mind, maybe I could surprise Luffy tomorrow. Closing my eyes I fell asleep a warm feeling wrapping around my body.
☆ ★ ✮ ★ ☆☆ ★ ✮ ★ ☆☆ ★ ✮ ★ ☆☆ ★ ✮
A/n: this uploaded from my account on Wattpad/quotev!
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megapocalypse · 2 months
CW: Mpreg
I think if Bingqiu/Bingyuan had children that they'd have a dozen or so more of them. Not exactly by choice, it just happened one day when Shen Qingqiu woke up feeling sick and lightheaded, even with the blood mites and his cultivation body for some reason his Qi felt off.
He goes to Mu Qingfan who does an inspection on him (to Binghe's dismay 🥺😤) and it turns out Shen Qingqiu's got like 10 of those fuckers in his belly.
Shen Qingqiu thinks to himself 'flush it' but then reconsiders, he has to consider how Luo Binghe would feel...
Binghe certainly has a lot of baggage with that sort of thing doesn't he, and Shen Qingqiu thinks that maybe, well, he certainly is fond of children. And if he's carrying Binghe's children well-
"Flush it" Binghe says.
Welp, that settles that.
"You can't" Mu Qingfan chimes in. "You're already 3 months pregnant"
So that's why Shen Qingqiu's belly was getting fuller recently, he just thought he was getting chubbier.
But how exactly did Shen Qingqiu get pregnant in the first place?
"Did you have protected sex?"
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They end up keeping the baby (not much choice in the matter with how fast heavenly demons grow in the womb). Luo Binghe makes sure to take care of Shizun and make sure he's resting properly and eating right, while Shen Qingqiu knits the babies their heavenly demon robes with little mittens and gloves to boot. Of course, he makes a matching set for Binghe too.
They set up a baby shower at the palace to celebrate. Shang Qinghua is the chaperone of course, leading the guests (a begrudging Liu Qingge, the sect leader, and Mu Qingfan) towards the backyard. Yes, Binghe's palace has a backyard and Shen Qingqiu likes to garden there.
Shen Qingqiu sees that they walk by, appreciating the gifts in their hands. Mu Qingfan had brought the snack platter by Shen Qingqiu's instruction, and he's admiring the assortment of food decorating the board, he advised Mu Qingfan to specifically design it like a charcuterie.
"What's a charcuterie?"
He asked him to have a plate and to make it look nice.
At some point he has to kick Shang Qinghua in the shins for trying to hog all the snacks, after all Shen Qingqiu called dibs- well, it's for the guests, of course. Yes.
He opens the presents, starting with Liu Qingge's first he finds a bloody bag inside the box, Shen Qingqiu is really getting "dead dove do not eat" vibes.. he finds the heart of a three headed monkey spider.
"Mm, I'll keep it in my collection Shidi." He gives him a smile.
Liu Qingge only grunts.
Luo Binghe tries to give him the death stare, but it almost looks comical when he's wearing the knock-off burger king hat that Shang Qinghua made out paper for him, the word "Daddy" scribbled on it.
He opens up Shang Qinghua's gift next, and it's ten tiny shirts that spell out "Pride Month" that slowly spells out "demon". And at the bottom of the box is a parenting pamphlet... written by Airplane Shooting Towards the Sky...
Shen Qingqiu only gives him a pointed stare.
Shen Qingqiu opens up gift after gift, with each one accompanying awkward clapping from the crowd.
Yue Qingyuan got him toys for the babies, Mu Qingfan brought the necessary toiletries. Liu Mingyan gave them some clothes, Sha Hualing gave them tiny knives (he'll just throw those out later).
A month or so passes by and Shen Qingqiu had finally gone through the terrifying ordeal of childbirth, as in he didn't, really. He was asleep for most of it actually, score for him! Go cultivation setting!
Mu Qingfan was the one to deliver, he handed him one kid after another to the passed out drooling Shen Qingqiu, while Luo Binghe stood by his side sobbing like a mess. Each baby had an assortment of their features, one had a cute button nose that looked like Binghe's, another had curly black hair and brown eyes, another one had the shape of Shen Qingqiu's sharp eyes.
As expected of the protagonists babies, they were so cute!!! It's like holding a bunch of white lotuses in his arms, so many fluffy small heads he can pat! Shen Qingqiu nearly had hearts in his eyes over how cute they were.
"What will you name them, Shizun?"
"They're yours too, don't you want to name them?"
Luo Binghe only shakes his head, "You have the honor to name our children Shizun," he gripped his hand and gave him a bright smile. "That would make me the happiest man alive."
And so Shen Qingqiu thought to himself long and hard about their names. He considered, they are Binghe's children so they should carry the "Luo" surname. Yes, he's got it:
Luo Bingye, Luo Bingfei, Luo Bingyue, Luo Bingren, Luo Binghan, Luo Bingluan, Luo Bingliang, Luo Bingbing, Luo Bingfu, and Luo Bingchun.
Shen Qingqiu smiled to himself very proud of his naming choices "welcome to this world," he said. Luo Binghe looked in awe and adoration.
And Mu Qingfan nearly passed out.
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heartgazing · 11 months
The Desire for Freedom
Chapter 2 || OPLA!Zoro x GN!Reader
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(chapter 1 can be found here)
Finally reaching the docks, you stare in awe as you come face to an elegant ship with a goat head...
"What are you waiting for? Come on" Zoro states as hes about to board the ships. Quickly running up to him.
"Hey Zoro what to you so long hmm got lost?" A guy teased with a grin on his face.
"Shut it Usopp" Zoro replies calmly "Where's Luffy?"
"He's in the kitchen trying to find anything to eat eh--who's that behind you?" Usopp states looking at you in bewilderment, causing you to shrink under his gaze.
"None of your business, come on let's go" Zoro motions his head to a door. Must be the kitchen, who's this Luffy guy? He pushes the door open and to your surprise you see a boy the same age as you with dark curly hair.
"Zoro! Where have you been I want to leave this island already!!" Luffy whines.
"I need to talk to you about something."
"Eh okay!"
Zoro and Luffy move to the corner of the kitchen to talk.
You didn't want to be rude and eardrop, instead deciding to look around.
"Zoro who is the person over there?" Luffy asks Zoro his head tilting in curiosity.
"Found the person enslaved, I made eye contact, and I was going to leave, but they wanted help, so I brought them to you. I freed all of the others, yet they were the only one brave enough to leave." Zoro states with a sigh.
"Huh! Must have serious guts it must have been hard to follow some guy like you and leave" Luffy exclaims jumping and running to you.
Classic Luffy, Zoro thinks, as he watches with a small smile ignoring the small insult.
"HEYY WANT TO JOIN MY CREW?! WE COULD USE A BRAVE PERSON LIKE YOU" Luffy shouts smiling at you causing you to look at him wide-eyed.
You suddenly chuckle and grin, "Yes".
"That settles it welcome to the straw-hat crew! I'm your captain, the name is Monkey D. Luffy, and I will become king of the pirates!" Luffy states with a grin pointing to you.
A/n: Don't worry guys! I promise you will see more of Zoro x Reader soon :3 Hope you enjoyed!
Tag List: @smoochesfromlevi @jesssssmaybankk
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cottoncandyclown123 · 5 months
Hello everyone! I know it has been a very VERY long while since I’ve posted 😅 I’ve just been busy with my personal life and my motivation declined a lot for the past months.. but it has come back! And I missed posting here!
While I was away I made a few illustration of the main characters (and one villain)! I redesign a few of them and i am much more happier with there new designs! I hope you love them as much as I do!
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First is my jttw oc, Tao Huwang! I changed is hairstyle to make it more accurate to Chinese culture (his previous hair didn’t make any sense idk what I was thinking) and made his clothes more fighting style but still classy! I saturated his colours a bit more to make him less grayish and made his face/expression more fox like. It’s not a HUGE redesign but still a much better one
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Next is, Sun Wukong! I completely redesign his outfit because his old one was ugly as shit. I was mainly inspired by the Reborn version of Sun Wukong from the movie: Monkey King Reborn, but I guess if you know that movie it’s pretty obvious that I was inspired by him (I love that movie). I changed his eye color to a orange red to indicate more the furnace he was trapped in the beginning of story and made him have some battle scars! So yeah, big redesign from him!
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Next is, Tripitaka! For Tripitaka I didn’t change anything major, just a few different details but not a very noticeable (ex: His hat, his staff, slightly colour change). But I did make his face lean more on the softer side to make him more friendly! So, no big difference.
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Next is, Sandy! Just like Tao, I didn’t change anything major except his hairstyle. I made it longer and more curly, I also change his eyes to be more round than pointy. So yeah, just a few changes nothing to major!
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Next is, Pigsy! For Pigsy, I changed nothing! Except, I changed his eyebrows a bit and put a tiny scar on one of them. But other than that, there is nothing to change!
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Next is, Ao Lie! Again, like Tao and Sandy, I changed his hairstyle! I made it into a two ponytails because I think it would be funny to see a horse with two ponytails (plus it fits him), and I made his tail shorter to make him more horse like but still dragon-y. As for the rest, nothing as changed!
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And finally, last one, Macaque! This one is actually not a redesign. I decided since I was redesign the others, that I should probably design one of the villains, and who could it be better to make a design than the fan favorite! I absolutely LOVE how I did him and tried to make his designs the opposite of Wukong, by making his colour the opposite (white for black, purple for red, grayish white fur for bright brown), making his “hair” longer, his outfit looser instead of tighter, his eyes more orange than red and giving him a hat (because I think it works on him)!
So yeah, that’s all of them (for now)! Thank you so much for being patient and I hope I can post more drawings soon! If you have any questions for the characters or any requests for the next character, than feel free to ask! Have a amazing day!
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miss-conner3 · 1 year
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En Español: Aquí
This was not scheduled XD But I wanted to draw something, so here are some cute MK interactions with the kids and a Wukong feeling a bit left out. Here is some context:
Dishi, at the sweet age of 5, wanted to be the same as MK and imitated him in almost everything, even the way he tied up his hair. Fun times until the kid decided to jump off the roof to see if he could fly... I'll just say he broke a few bones that day. Luckily, he is fine now.
DingBang grew up with a taste for jackets that began when, at the age of 4, MK wrapped him in his Monkey King jacket. He spent all day wearing the garment until he fell asleep, taking care not to soil it or step on it with his feet. MK got a nice photo of that moment, as you can see.
Hao is usually not as attached to MK as his other siblings, at least not like his younger brother Mao, but there are times when he shyly asks for some attention, and MK, like a loving father, gives it to him. Although it is sometimes difficult for MK to spread the same amount of attention among his five children, he does his best not to leave anyone out.
Mao didn't have an interaction with MK in this drawing, and maybe that's why his patience with Wukong isn't too much, sorry. He's usually not that bad, but when he feels left out or ignored, his mood becomes irritable, and sometimes his temper clashes with the first person he meets, and unfortunately, most of the time that person is Wukong. Ha ha ha...
BaoBao usually has her hair tied up most of the time in two buns, but when it's time to sleep, the curly mane on her head is released. So we could say that her beautiful hair was inherited from MK, although his is somewhat more curly.
I decided to be messy with this because otherwise, MK Dad AU posts will be sooo slow XP
I hope you like it!
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doodlebat33 · 1 year
Monkey King X Reader Masterpost
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Going to be writing these and any Y/n interactions in a more modern au/sort of Isekai take (Monkey King wakes up from mediation in a completely new cave somewhere in america. Y/n finds him there and takes him home. And due to the power of ✨magic✨ they can understand each other) Because I am a sucker for the fish-out-of-water trope. That's the good stuff!
How the relationship develops
Opposites attract - snuggles
Big Monkey King 1
Big Monkey King 2
Audience of one
Opposites attract - Calm and Chaotic
Movie night - 1
Movie night 2
Curly hair Y/N
Bad hair day
Sleep deprived
"Excuse me, I have a permit"
Doodling a doofus
Sugar rush
Setting boundaries
First kiss
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stray-kaz · 1 year
Monkey in the Air : a Nikolai Lantsov x f!reader drabble
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Summary: Nikolai’s children are just like him.
A/N: This came about due to a conversation @writingmysanity​ and I had last night. Sorry, we are suckers for babies. This was supposed to be a blurb.
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You leaned against the side of the airship, another in the long and distinguished line of Volkvolny craft. Nikolai stood at the ship’s wheel, giving patient instructions to your eight year old son on how to command and steer a ship. Mikhail listened attentively, his curly head leaning against his father’s arm, his expression serious.
Your daughter, fiend that she was, danced and skipped around them, pulling faces. The second she gained her father’s attention, she dove into a forward somersault and came up on her feet, grinning. Nikolai shook his head at her, but he was grinning, too, and he reached out to ruffle her hair, flopping a blonde mess into her eyes, as blue as his were.
“Was that good? Was that good?” she chimed, hopping from foot to foot in front of him.
“Yes, Tania” he assured her warmly. “It was very good. Go show your mama.”
Tania sprinted across the ship to reach you, rocketing into your arms, face buried in your skirt.
“Mama, Mama, watch!” she squealed, and didn’t hesitate to launch into another forward roll, her head tucking below her shoulders in perfect form.
You clapped, smiling wryly.
“Beautiful, little sobachka” you told her. “Who taught you that?”
“Nobody! I teach myself!” she hollered over her shoulder as she raced back to her father and brother.
You shook your head and folded your arms over your chest, heart warming behind your ribs. A happy family was all you had ever wanted and it was right here, now, in front of your eyes.
Nikolai looked over at you, sun shining softly on your face, your chin tipped up towards it and eyes half closed. His chest loosened a little at the sight. Being king was never simple, but you stood with him always, your hand in his, and shouldered some of the burden for him.
And then he saw your eyes flash open and your mouth round on a shout.
“Nikolai!” you yelled at him, already moving. “Tania!”
He whirled around, eyes searching. What was that girl doing now? He felt a sharp tug on his sleeve and glanced down to see Mikhail pointing, his blue eyes wide. Nikolai followed his gaze to find the small form of his five year old daughter scampering about in the Volkvolny’s rigging.
“Saints” he muttered under his breath, already climbing.
He felt your burning gaze on his back as he ascended, a mother’s fear pouring off you in waves he could almost feel.
“Tania Marie Lantsov!” he called up to the little girl. “Just what in Saints’ name do you think you’re doing?”
She paused to peer down at him, her little elfin face a pale triangle so high up.
“Come here, you little monkey!”
He glimpsed her mouth widen into a grin and knew without a doubt he had said the wrong thing.
“Okay, Daddy!”
His heart sank to the pit of his stomach as she jumped, leaping out of the rigging and starting to fall. He heard your scream tear at the fabric of the sky and wished for the first time in years that he could still fly.
Nikolai watched his baby plummet, and timed himself to the last possible second, before he made his leap, reaching out to snag her from the air with one arm, the other wrenching slightly as he slammed back into the rigging, one giggling child grasped tightly against his chest.
His heart hammered fit to give out as he climbed slowly back down to the deck, Tania clinging around his neck and beaming. You rushed to take her, simultaneously scolding and kissing her face before she escaped and ran off to be with her brother.
You stood close to Nikolai, saw the still frantic rise and fall of his chest, his ocean eyes wild. You stretched up on tiptoes and hugged him hard, your lips brushing his ear as you whispered your thanks. He embraced you back and felt you relax into him, your chest and stomach pressing his. Suddenly, he pulled back and stared at you, eyes widening. You smiled shyly as he lowered a hand to your belly, tightening the material over it and following the smooth, easy curve. 
“My love, is there something you need to tell me?” he murmured.
“You’ve been away a while, husband” you replied. “There was no way to tell you.”
Nikolai sighed and pulled you in close again, propping his chin on top of your head. You smiled against his collarbone, closing your eyes in comfort.
Nikolai gazed up to the sky his daughter was just freefalling through.
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quitealotofsodapop · 10 months
I actually adore the idea of Wukong disguising himself as a mortal and working at Pigsy's while also discovering his own interests outside of being the Monkey King. Dude's been stuck in one job and one position for like, 2000 years, a job he presumably had since he was a KID if you think about how old he must have been when he became the Monkey King. And his responsibilities only increased as he grew older and suddenly he wasn't just the Monkey King, he was Sun Wukong, the Sage Equal to Heaven. The Prisoner of the Golden Hoop. The Eldest of Tripitaka's Pilgrims. The Hero of the Mortal Realm. All these titles and responsibilities just piled up onto this one monkey man who honestly just wanted to be able to live peacefully with his subjects and eat peaches all day.
That's not even getting into the trauma of the war against Heaven, his punishment in the furnace, the 500 years in the mountain, prejudice and abuse from both mortals and celestial beings and other demons, the Journey, and the I weren't trauma of being immortal and having to watch all your lov3d ones die.
Throughout his life; Sun Wukong is used to having so many names. There's an entire research article about it.
Branded with the birthname "Tianchan Shihou" in the Ledger of the Dead - now a literal deadname since he's crossed it out. The word "Shihou" being a privilege only his dearest moonlight is allowed to utter as a petname. He's been The Monkey King, he's been the Bimawen, The Great Sage Equal to Heaven, The Youngest Brother of the Brotherhood, Taiyi Sanxian/"Leisurely Immortal of the Great Monad" or the "Bogus Immortal" in his time as a celestial layabout. Sun Xingzhe/"Pilgrim Sun" during his Journey, and granted the titles "The Great Sage Steel Muscles and Iron Bones", and the "Victorious Fighting Buddha" by the Tang Emperor and the Buddha respectively when his Journey was done.
But after a long, long, long life with all those names, they start to feel more like filler than substance in his life. And certain names that actually meant something died with his friends or his mate many centuries ago.
But now in this "secret identity" he's adapted?
He's just Qi Wu.
Qi Wu; kitchen assistant and delivery driver for Pigsy's Noodles. Owner of an art history degree he worked day and night to achieve at the University.
Qi Wu; mate/husband to Mihou ("maiden" surname Xingjun), the most beautiful and talented theatre preformer in all of China (in Wu's opinion).
Qi Wu; father to a boundless gaggle of demons and alike. The eldest a tall scaly adoptee with lotus flowers in his hair. Firstborn a boy with a wild grin like his own. A firey girl brought in from a tragedy. A little stray shadow taken in from the cold. An impulsive former student turned dutiful son. A pair of twins the visual clone of their Bama but with their father's endless mischief. And Wu's mate tells predictions of more children, of both blood and adoption, in the future.
Qi Wu; baker of the best peach buns, and teller of the worst jokes according to his kids. Most insufferable, but impossible to live without according to his mate/husband. Most trusted employee to his boss/father-figure. An untapped well of knowledge to his teacher/other father-figure. Needs to get more sleep and to keep up attending counseling for his ptsd according to his buff fishy best friend.
Qi Wu; recognised by many as someone who is of importance but unable to place whenever he delivers to the village of monkey demons outside of the city. Only very few trusted stalwarts given the knowledge of just who the delivery man is to them all.
Qi Wu; golden red-brown curly fur littered with old scars and burns. Eyes a deep red and gold not uncommon to demonkind, but a rarity to primates. A pink heart-shaped face marking fractured by a long pressure scar that encircles his forehead, hidden from view either his untamable ginger mane or with a headkerchief he uses while in the kitchen.
Qi Wu; somehow knows many infamous demons and celestial-types alike from his mysterious past. Fears dogs, being on stage, and repetitive chanting.
Qi Wu, a man/monkey yao happy to go home and spend time with his family at the end if the day.
Qi Wu; someone Sun Wukong has never felt like before.
A person.
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cal-writes · 2 months
In Zoro&Nami au, will they get to meet Luffy? If they will, how it will go?
the first idea i had was them meeting luffy and gang on the baratie! might change if i work on it more but itd go something like this
“I was looking for you on Shellstown but I just missed ya!” The guy says, bright smile on his face and hands on his hips. His curly haired friend tries to tug him away to no avail.
Zoro blinks, then frowns and looks over to her with raised brow in silent question.
“Captain Morgan. Dude with the axe hand and the metal jaw.” She explains.
“Ah, right.” He says, then looks back at the guy. “Do you want to get revenge or something?”
“Nah, why’d I do that? I want to recruit you.” The guy explains and Nami squints. Her heart squeezes painfully in her chest and her fingers curl on the tablecloth marginally.
Zoro leans back in his chair. “And who are you?”
“Monkey D. Luffy.” Luffy says, smile as bright as his face. “And I’m going to become pirate king.” He declares, ignoring his friend trying to stop him.
Nami immediately feels stupid for feeling worried.
Zoro throws his head back and laughs. “Do you know who I am?”
“Yeah, the pirate hunter!” Luffy says.
“And you don’t see a problem with that?” Nami asks exasperated. If this guy was just going to waste their time she’d have tried to get rid of him earlier. She does become acutely aware that they came into a restaurant frequented by pirates and specifically tried to disguise Zoro so nobody would recognize him.
Now the casual conversation of the restaurant floor has screeched to a halt, uncomfortable stares aimed at them.
She sits up a little straighter to keep a better eye on the room. Her hand curls around the steak knife by her hand.
When she glances at Zoro he sees him lazily glance around as well and feels marginally better. It’s easy to forget sometimes, that Zoro is reliable.
“Rika told me all about you two. What you did for her and her mom.” Luffy says unperturbed by the tension in the air, pulling a chair out to sit at their table. “You sound like people I’d want on my crew.”
Zoro snorts into his glass. There is foam clinging to the corner of his mouth as he gives a sharp smirk that dimples his cheek. “Sorry, I only come in a pair and I don’t think my partner would work with you.” He says, head leaning in her direction.
And for a moment Nami forgets why she’s doing this. Why she sought out Zoro. For a moment she can pretend they are both late teenagers, adrift and meandering about the ocean to fend for themselves. Adventurers, out to make names of themselves.
Then the tattoo on her shoulder starts to itch as if Arlong herself were breathing down her neck.
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Headcanons for my One Piece hotties: Describing their shirtless chests (spicy edition🌶️)
Kizaru ✨
He has a nice sized chest which is hairy (curly too) which goes down his abs and he’s likes it that way. So does all his partners because it is sexy. He has light brown nips that small and cute. A 9 out 10 for face smothering.
He has quite sizable pecs (more than a handful😉) with fine hair between them that goes down his abs. He has dark pink nips that in proportion to his chest size. A 100 out of 10 for face smothering.
Ryokugyu 🌱
His pecs are real firm and he can even more them just to get the ladies attention. He definitely shaves his chest and has dark brown nips...his nips are pierced too. 9 out of 10 for face smothering.
Fujitora 🐅
He isn't very muscular but he does have some definition to his tiddies. He has some fine hair around the tiddies and all over his belly. He has dark pink nips that are proportionate to his frame. 8 out of 10 for face smothering but I feel like he would be shy about it.
Sir Crocodile 🐊
He has a nice handful of tiddies with little to no hair on his chest. He does have some scarring from past battles. His nips are dark pink. Definitely a 1000 out of 10 for face smothering, biting, licking, sucking...I could go on for days.
Doflamingo Donquixote 🦩
His tiddies were meant for the world to see because they're so beautiful. He has fine hair on his chest and he doesn't bother to get rid of it and thinks its sexy. His nips are pink and he totally has them pierced. 10 out of 10 for face smothering.
Benn Beckman 🔫
His pecs aren't what they used to be when he was younger but they're still pretty firm. He has a bit of grey hair on his chest and he has a secret tattoo on one of his pecs. 8 out of 10 for face smothering.
Katakuri Charlotte 🍡
Alright, so we all know what this bronze God looks like shirtless. He isn't really that hairy so his chest is quite hairless naturally too. His pecs are nice and firm and he can totally make them dance. 10000 out of 10 for face smothering, cuddling and keep donuts on.
His pecs got real big after the time skip and he doesn't wear much loose clothes anymore because he wants to show his tiddies to the world! He doesn't have any hair on his chest and has a few battle scars. He has pink nips and has one of them pierced. 9 out of 10 for face smothering.
He loves showing his fine ass body even for someone his age and likes being shirtless all the time. He likes the ladies resting on his tiddies so he keeps it smooth for them and even flexes more to keep them firm when they're around. His nips are dark pink and he wanted tiddie tattoos but couldn't find anyone brave enough after he became a yonko. 100 out of 10 for cuddling those dragon zaddy tiddies.
Oh this tall, dark and sexy god of a man, I wish to see him shirtless so bad but I’ll use my imagination. He’d have really strong and pronounced pecs that you could see really well if he wears a shirt, he has tattoos on his pecs and has a bit of hair between his tiddies and under his belly button. His nips are dark and cute. 10000000 out of 10 for face smothering.
Alright so Queen is gonna have man boobies and they might be even bigger than yours but hey tiddies are tiddies. He’d let you touch his tiddies all you like but you can’t bite them…he’s way too sensitive. 7 out of 10 for face smothering.
He has defined pecs but they aren’t over the top, they’re still manly but softer. He doesn’t have any hair on his chest by choice and his nips are pink. Ace convinced him to pierce his nips and Izou loves it. 10 out of 10 for face smothering.
Dragon D Monkey🐉🐒
He isn’t very bulky in terms of being muscular and has a similar lean but ripped body like Luffy. His pecs are defined but not over the top, he has tattoos that go from his face all the way down one side of his body in the tribal design he has. His nips are light brown and proportionate to his body. 10 out of 10 for this DILF.
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can you tell me everything you know about rova (jonah's old band), please??
hi anon-poppy 🩷 thank you for sending this 🩷
you want to know more about rova the band? ok, so let’s back to early 2010s, the prime time of tumblr dot com (ekhm…), the beginning of instagram and the rule of influencers and, also the glory days of soundcloud and its little indie artists. i want to stick a bit to the latter ones cause that’s the core part of your question. Rova the band, consisted of members Jonah Hauer-King, Rufus Gibbs, Tom Gould and Fergus Burnand, was one of many rock alternative/indie bands who were inspired/amazed by arctic monkeys, bombay bicycle club, suede, radiohead or jeff buckley, BUT! it has one distinguish feature other than others! Tall, skinny, curly-haired boy with bright eyes and adorable dimples who happened to be also the singer and the front man of the group! They not only played covers (another prominent mark of 2010s and start of many careers on youtube channels!) but also their own songs! They even released EP Strings in October 2012, which is still available to listen for free on soundcloud, and consists of tracks: Measured Motion (my personal faveee!), Mama Save Me, and album titled song - Strings. The band was named after the Turkish poet, and also frontman’s first soft toy, as they reported in the interview. (awwwww, Jonaaaaah! 😂☺️ mkay mkaaay back to my essay!) They played many gigs around North London and also Paris in 2011-2012, many videos of them performing are available on youtube, which I highly recommend to watch. Unfortunately, for reasons unknown, at least for me, the band didn’t last long. After all, Jonah pursued the dream of being an actor, which he successfully achieved! ✨ And, as we know, his music talent did not go to waste as he used it in The Little Mermaid, Postcards from London, RENT the musical (RIP ME, forever haunted by this, please someone send me the footage and end my suffering!!!!), World on Fire (a little bit but still?), or even the mockery of singing in Old Boys (Winch, you will be famous forever!) Once again, I highly recommend to check their songs, and leave you with my favourite one!
Measured Motion acoustic session 🎶🌿
Thank you for the ask and I’m always at your service! 🫡☺️🩷
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jinlizz-dragondrama · 10 months
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Chapter 2
A Hero is Born
18 years later
The sun shines through the purple curtains, groaning. I turn over and smother my face into my pillow, smiling to myself and slowly falling back to sleep. The peace and tranquility were disturbed by a loud alarm ringing in my ear. Lazily grabbing the phone, I look at it, and its bright bold rainbow-colored words it ready. "Birthday Time."
"Wait, what?" My eyes shoot open, and just in case I look over at my calendar and see a very boldly circled birthday date.
Quickly hopping into the shower, and jumping out to brush my teeth, I slide into my room with my wet feet, finding my clothes that I neatly pulled out last night for this occasion which include my signature pink crop top hoodie and purple workout pants, tying on my white sneakers. I brush my unruly curly hair, taming it as best as I can, I grab a little accessory, which is a small backpack purse with the Monkey King logo on it that I stitched
"Oh yeah, looking good," admiring myself in the mirror snapping a quick selfie and sending it to Mei.
Running out of my apartment door and sliding down the stairs railing, I run into a chaotic scene of Pigsy throwing a wooden spoon at MK for giving my dad free noodles. I found out pretty early on that Tang isn't my dad but that he loves me no matter what. MK and I were pretty much raised by both Pigsy and Tang. Once Mei joined, we became the three amigos. I moved into the spare apartment above Pigsy's restaurant since Tang's place was pretty small, and the rest is pretty much history.
"Ugh, Tang, not again. You're gonna get MK in trouble," I sigh as I stretch, I promised Pigsy that I'd do a quick shift with MK to get a little extra birthday money. Pigsy insisted that I didn't have to, but he gave up when I gave him my puppy dog eyes.
Grabbing MK and dragging him out the door with a handful of orders. Jumping into the tuk-tuk, MK starts the directions, and we're off. Each time he makes a stop we go in opposite directions to deliver, which makes it faster and a lot more fun as we time each other to see who delivers the fastest and gets back to the tuk-tuk.
We get to a stop at a construction site, and we go down several floors til we are at the ground level deep underground. I hear a woman's voice, which causes me to stop in my tracks, and MK bumps into me. Quickly grabbing MK we hide behind some rocks and look on there is a woman and young man staring pretty menacingly at a tree with beautiful orange leaves, surrounded by green grass and a staff of some sort impeded into the earth.
"Finally, after all this time, we have the means to lift Monkey King's legendary staff," the woman says
"Monkie King's Staff," we both say, shocked and look at each other in awe
A flashback goes through my head of Monkey King smiling at me while holding it, but as quickly as it came, it disappeared. I shake my head to clear my head, and when I've regained myself, I see MK climbing onto the ceiling and holding onto the pipes above. I freak out quietly to myself. He hangs from a pipe and prays that he doesn't fall. A bull-looking robot walks to the staff and tries to pull it out with no success, and its reward for attempting is losing its arms.
The man with flaming red hair mocks the poor robot and reveals that he has something more powerful to release the staff from its grassy prison. The man I now know called Red Son walks up to the staff and once he makes contact with it a great amount of energy is released pushing me back a bit but I hold firmly to the rock wall I'm hiding behind. It takes the man great effort to release the staff, his hair and eyes explode into flames, and screams out as he pulls. The woman watches on in delight, the vine that wrapped around the staff dies, and soon the staff is pulled from the ground.
But nothing happens, I look up at MK holding on for dear life as he looks down at the unknown people. 
"Mother, are you sure this is the right mountain?" Red Son asks
"No, maybe it was the other mountain with a magical staff sealing away my husband!" She says, annoyed
"Mother? Husband? Then that means..."
The ground starts to rumble and shake, and out from the earth emerges the Demon Bull King. My jaw drops so low that it is probably dislocated.
"Holy Bull..." I start to sweat profusely, and I look up to see a very cheeky bird peck at MK's hands. I move from side to side to try to catch him as he falls, but I miss entirely, and he lands on the daddy/mommy issues man.
"MK!" I stupidly yell, alarming the demon bulk king family of my presence.
"Do you know what you just did? You ruined my moment, " Red Son yells as his hair turns to flames as he throws MK
"Oh boy...." I awkwardly say
"Little eavesdroppers have fallen into our midst it seems a waste to crush something so insignificant as my first act as ruler of this new world. But so be it, " DBK says as he moves his large foot over us with the thought of crushing us like bugs. Thankfully, Red Boy decided to interrupt his father's squashing path.
"Uh, wait...father, waste not your energy on these PEASANTS. Please allow me to show you how powerful I have become in your absence, " He says triumphantly
"Peasants?" I repeat as my eye twitches
"Uh, Nuwa...." MK says while walking over to me
"Peasants!" I repeat as I roll my sleeves up and start marching towards him, but MK holds me back.
"Let me go, MK. I'll show him who the peasant is. He's got the right one on the right day today!" I shout, trying my hardest to reach the red-headed jerk.
"As you wish," DBK says
MK starts to pull me away and try to escape. We see the staff, and both grab it together and use it to block Red Son's punch successfully.
"No way!" We look at each other in awe, but the moment is short-lived when the Bull Bots start to attack us. But with a mighty swing, we send them flying back.
"That stuff doesn't belong to you, children. Hand it over, " PIF says
"Yeah, well, it doesn't belong to you, either." I challenged
The staff started to move, and it catapults us towards to exit. We get thrown into a construction elevator, and the staff punctures through the bottom of it and shoots us up to the surface. When we reach the top, we scramble to get into the tuk-tuk and speed off. Red Son is following closely behind.
"Hand it over, Noodle boy...and accomplice," he shouts
We throw noodles at him and crash through a poor soul's apartment. Crashing into the street, the tuk-tuk breaks down, so we take off on foot. I'm hoping to take a hoverboard we take from a kid while I toss some money at the guy. Red Son is on our tail, but we lose him in a tight alleyway, but that doesn't stop him for long as he deploys a motorcycle.
We zoom down the freeway, and Red Son catches up to us and destroys the hoverboard. We head toward an unfinished part of the freeway, and we scream as we fall off. Thankfully, Mei comes to the rescue, grabs MK, and tosses me my compact motorcycle I deploy into riding mode, we zoom past Red Son, and I stick my tongue out as we continue our escape.
"So long, Red Boy," I shout, taunting him
Once we finally stop and recover from our adrenaline high. Mei and I take a quick selfie after she transforms from her riding outfit.
"Nailed it," Mei says
"Mei!" MK says excitedly
"That was an intense game of tag. You guys looked like you were having so much fun! I wanted to join in, too!" Mei says giddy
"Actually, we almost died back there," MK says
"But you didn't, so let's celebrate with a round of Monkey Mech! You should invite your new edgy friend too" Mei counters
"Yeah, he was trying to kill us," MK says hesitantly
"Well, in that case, where does he live?" Mei says, going slightly psycho as she pulls out her phone with a destroy button on the ready
"Love the enthusiasm girl, but none of that on my birthday, please," I say while slowly pushing her phone down
"Oh yeah, Happy 23rd Birthday! Here's your present, but you can't open it yet," Mei says while handing me a box.
"Aw man," I say while pouting
Pigsy comes out and starts yelling at us about someone leaving a 0-star review. But MK grabs me and pulls me into the restaurant to look for Tang. After we explained what happened, we showed everyone the staff, which they didn't believe at first until we both touched it, and it extended itself and broke a table.
"Monkey King's Staff! I knew it all along. The legendary weapon that only he could wield to seal away evil. Wait a minute. WHT do you two have it? Tang says after realizing we have the real deal.
"All right, I'll bite. If the staff is here, then where is the demon punk now?" Pigsy says, still not believing us
"He's at the shoe store," Mei says
And sure enough, there are posts all over social media with DBK at a shoe store. We watch a video of them flexing to the camera while wearing the very expensive and limited edition shoes. Soon, DBK is rampaging through the city, destroying everything in his path. But we are driving in the Pigsy Food Truck trying to figure out how we're gonna get to Flower Fruit Mountain, and we come across a huge boat. We meet the infamous Sandy, who turns out to be a total teddy bear that loves tea.
I laugh my head off after hearing all the stories of how ruthless Sandy was but not being able to see it. But our puppy eyes work pretty effectively to persuade him to sail us to the mountain. We set sail and we just hung out on the deck while MK fooled around with the staff we stopped at a lava-filled volcanic path but our path was blocked by PIF, MK went in for the attack but PIF used her son's gauntlet she grabbed the staff as I run to try to help him. But she flings him away and he knocks himself into me and we get thrown far off course. Pigsy rushes with Mei back to safety. When they return everyone mourns our loss and thinks of a plan to get revenge on the DBK family.
I wake up feeling sand under my body, I groan as I sit up turning around to see Flower Fruit Mountain. Gasping loudly I shake MK to wake him up.
"Wake up, wake up MK!" I shout successfully waking him up.
"We made it, pinch me," MK says excitedly, i punch Jim in the shoulder
"I said pinch not punch," He says annoyed
"Eh minor details, let's go MK!" I shout while taking off into the brush and he follows after me.
As we made our way up the mountain I saw little monkeys along the way and couldn't resist I had to give them cuddles and neck scratches. We reach a beautiful waterfall, stepping close to it both of us reaching out to touch it a golden seal unlocks and reveals a pathway through a cave.
"This day just gets better and better!" We walk through and follow the pathway
Stopping at a very worn-down mural, we stare at it and all of a sudden everything turns golden and flashes of Monkey King's life. A projection of money king runs towards another opening in the cave which MK follows. I start to follow him but something catches my eye on the mural, I dust off some dirt and see a woman that has horns and her skin is red. Hearing MK call out for Monkey King I rush to see what's going on.
I see a small cozy hut on a hill, looking around for any sign of the Monkey King but to no avail. I put my hand on his shoulder and sighed. Sitting on the ground together a butterfly lands on MK and I look at its interesting wing design but before I can fully process the design it speaks.
We freak out slightly and I point at it with my finger quivering.
"T-That butterfly just spoke!"
"Yes, yes it is I Monkey...." The butterfly starts to talk but MK steps on it.
"Is it dead?" We both say while I peek over MK's shoulder.
The butterfly transforms into several creatures until it is revealed that it is THE MONKEY KING.
"Mo-Monkey King?" MK asks and I pass out.
"The one and only, so where's my staff?" monkey King asks and I quickly recover as we start crying about how we lost the staff. We find out that he's been keeping a very very close eye on us. Which makes my rye twitch just a bit.
He chuckles and says "Ha! The looks on your guy's face! You're perfect" he points at MK with a bamboo stick
"Uh perfect for what?" MK asks
"To be...my successor," Monkey King says
"Eh?" I look at MK then back at Monkey King
"Look kid not everyone can fight demons, survive, and lift my staff," He says nonchalantly
"Yeah barely survived" I whisper to myself as I scratch the back of my head awkwardly.
While MK and Monkey King gave a pep talk, I looked around, leaned against some vines, and fell through rolling down a hill I hit something that stopped my descent.
"Well, that was fun," I say while dusting myself off. Looking at what I rolled onto it was a small shrine of sorts that was very well taken care of. Some candles and incense were burning, and a folded worn piece of paper was placed in the center of it. Vines and flowers have grown around it which gives it a beautiful ambiance. Being the nosey person I am I opened it up and it was a painting of the same beautiful woman.
"Wow! Who is this person?"
"Nuwa, come on let's go save the world!" MK shouts
I jump a bit, quickly putting back the picture and rushing out of the cave with MK.
"All right now how do we get out of here?" I say while looking at the volcano that surrounds the island.
Some monkeys are jumping on a metal crate which causes it to open and reveal some sort of flying motorbike. We hop in MK starts up the engine and we're off.
"You better not let me die on my birthday MK!" I shout
We barrel straight into the city and crash into Red Son. Falling out onto the ground and wiping the sweat off my forehead I look at the limp body of Red Son and poke him with my foot.
"Oh good, he's not dead," I say sarcastically
Mk took off on a motorbike to fight DBK and was able to retrieve the staff. I summon my bike and drive to MK to help.
"Let's do this together!" I smile at him
"Right" He smiles back
He creates a Monkey Mech and I turn my bike into a small version of my own. We nod at each other and come at DBK from both sides. I dig underground get some momentum from my thrusters and shoot upwards and MK flies down from the heavens with his staff pointed towards DBK.
We shout together, "Here comes Monkie Kid!" And we punch DBK leaving a big dent in the ground
Red Son appears from the rubble next to me and I look at him surprised that he's able to stand. But after having a little tantrum he limply falls into the hole we created and passes out once more. Before we can do anything PIF takes her family and retreats for now.
I transform my Mech back into my bike and sit on it. High-five everyone and head back to Pigsy's noodle shop.
"Well, this was an interesting birthday!" I say while stuffing my face with a steaming bowl of noodles.
"Definitely one for the books" Mei replies while typing on her phone.
We party all night, MK, Mei and I go to the arcade and I beat some serious butt. Once we're done and exhausted MK carries all my prizes to my apartment which is right above his. Deciding to have a sleepover Mei and I get ready and hop into our PJs. I pop some popcorn, grab some snacks and pop, and get the movies ready for a marathon. Mei grabs the blankets and pillows for our fort. I set up the food on a table, MK returns to my apartment in his pjs, we fist bump and I start the movie. While the previews play I decide to put my hair in a ponytail so I go looking for a hair tie in my room. While putting my hair up there is a knock on my French door window, I push it open and see no one but there is a small wrapped box on the porch. I take it, close the door, and start to open it. A small silver comb is in the box, I gently take it out and examine it. It was beautifully made Definitely by someone very skilled.
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There is a note inside and it simply read "Happy Birthday from Monkey King"
"No way, he didn't have to get me something" I smile to myself and gently place the comb into my hair. Looking at myself in the mirror admiring what I saw. A quick flashback goes through my mind of someone handing the same comb to me. But it disappeared quickly. Shrugging it off, I return to my friends and start watching the movie.
Little did I know that Monkey King was watching and smiling down at my apartment.
"You've finally returned to me my peach," He says quietly and transforms into a bird and flies off into the now purple and blue night sky.
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msweebyness · 1 year
Theater Kids: New OC Class!!!
Here they are, at last! My class of OC's! Some basic background is that they all take part in the theater program at DuPont, and they're one of the largest classes! As always, @artzychic27 and @imsparky2002! Without further ado, I present, my babies!
(Additional note, Missy Rutherford and Jesse Ortega, my previously introduced OC's, are also in this class! Here's the link to their post: My OC's)
Ayesha Reynolds:
Appearance: Chestnut brown hair, neck-length and almost always tied up, medium tanned skin, has heterochromia, one eye hazel and the other dark green, short but curvy build. Dresses very comfy but with BRIGHT colors.
Bio: (She/Her) The captain of the spirit club, with enough positivity to combat an entire army of akumas. She hails from Burbank, California, and has a passion for animation. She has a YouTube channel and Tumblr where she makes videos and drawings of Disney, the Miraculous heroes, and OCs. She's got a series where she draws all of Paris' heroes (she's particularly fond of King Monkey and Pigella) taking part in adorable hijinks, with her style being anime-esque mixed with thick lines. She doesn't like being sad in public, as she fears it will make her seem less credible to be leading a club about positivity. Oh, and don't knock animation in front of her.
Dorothy "Dot" Waverly:
Appearance: Curly, shoulder-length black hair, medium dark skin, amber eyes, tall and curvy build. Dresses very preppy but with lots of accessories.
Bio: (She/Her) The dedicated secretary of the school's student council, Dot finds order and organization to be a source of peace. She labels all of her belongings and has an acute filing system for all her schoolwork. She's quite friendly and helpful, being rather close with Sabrina, but don't get within ten feet of her before she's had her morning coffee. She prides herself on having things under control and being able to solve problems for her friends, but can also admit when she's in over her head.
Petra Markov:
Appearance: Neck-length, straight blue-black hair, medium tanned skin, cloudy blue eyes with wire-rim glasses, short, plus-size and curvy. Dresses in decora kei fashion.
Bio: (She/They) The artist of her class, with a love of rubberhouse style and retro animation. They’re hypercritical of themselves, not wanting to be done with a work until it's perfection in her eyes. Petra is very passionate, and if she begins working on something, she REALLY gets into it. Their perfectionism doesn't apply to critiquing others. In fact, she's afraid to comment on pieces of art that come from her friends, in case they say the wrong thing and come off as rude.
Roxanne "Roxie" Richter:
Appearance: Choppy, neck-length, ash blonde hair, dark blue eyes, medium toned skin, wrists wrapped in bandages from fighting, husky but buff build. Dresses in alternative/punk fashion.
Bio: (They/Them) A hot-tempered member of the school's debate team, Roxie is always up to get into it with people. Despite their somewhat aggressive way of approaching things, they're a very caring and protective friend, who absolutely HATES liars. They have a tendency to handle tough situations with snarky comments, and have some issues with trust due to a terrible breakup in the past.
Anthony Mathis:
Appearance: Shaggy, black hair with blue-streaked bangs, bright blue eyes, medium pale skin, several facial piercings, lean build. Dresses in a mix of punk and goth.
Bio: (He/Him) A cool-headed goth with a penchant for making sarcastic comments no matter the situation, Anthony is a friend that can be counted on to tell it like it is. Literally nothing fazes him, no matter how strange. He bonds a lot with Eri over their love for Goth culture, and though he may not be the most social person, he is very sweet to his crush and later boyfriend, Jesse. He’s also a proud Brit with a passion for tea, of all kinds.
Candace Fletcher:
Appearance: Shoulder-length, wavy, strawberry blonde hair, tanned Caucasian skin, Sharp navy eyes, tall, slender and athletic build. Dresses in cheer gear, mixed with fashionable prep.
Bio: (She/Her) DuPont's head cheerleader who does NOT mess around when it comes to managing her squad. She's stern, something that comes with her job as the class mom. She's also the headstrong leader of her bestie group. Candace is a straight A student, and always worries about being seen as "just another dumb cheerleader." She also comes from a rich background, but is very modest about it, especially when compared to kids like Chloe Bourgeois.
Eri Tanaka:
Appearance: Waist-length, straight black hair, moderately pale skin, almond-shaped, brown eyes (though usually has colored contacts, which are violet), petite and slender build. Dresses as a full gothic lolita, lots of black and lace. Also carries a parasol.
Bio: (She/Her) Despite proudly bearing the label of "gothic Lolita", Eri is an incredibly perky and energetic girl. Very loud, very friendly, yet gothic all the same. Her usual manner of speaking is incredibly dramatic, which is great for theatre, not always the best for social interactions. She's Juleka's motivator alongside Rose, and helps the girl embrace her gothic self, affectionately calling her a "Queen of Darkness". Eri also has a joy for special effects, and wishes to get a job doing CGI when she's older.
Staci Kwan:
Appearance: Short, straight, dyed red hair, light olive skin, almond-shaped hazel eyes, star-like birthmark on the left side of forehead. Dresses in casual, athletic fashion.
Bio: (She/Her) A cheerleader who bucks the stereotype of being unceasingly perky, Staci is a cynical and wisecracking young lady who's not afraid to tell it like it is and be the voice of reason to her more...exuberant classmates in the most deadpan way possible. She may seem lackadaisical and uncaring on the outside, but she's a caring friend who'll always pull you back to earth. That is, until she gets any sort of caffeine in her system…
Margo Jorgensen:
Appearance: Tall, neck-length, platinum blonde hair, pulled into pigtails, large sky blue eyes, tanned skin, freckles on nose, slender but toned build. Dresses very winter cozy and loves to wear sweaters and gloves.
Bio: (She/Her) Despite hailing from the cold and icy Norway, Margo is as sunny as they come! The cheerleader who always goes to the bottom of the pyramid formation, Margo is a jolly girl who also loves to ship people in her school. She's got a collection of mugs and sweaters, and has an adorable Nordic accent. Despite being innocent, she's got loads of street smarts, and hates feeling like she's underestimated by others. She also has a great love for DIY and craft projects, especially home and furniture, which she often completes with her mom.
Brecken Sutcliffe:
Appearance: Mussed, short brown hair, Tanned Caucasian skin, warm brown eyes, freckles on cheeks, husky but muscular build. Country boy style but with jock elements.
Bio: (He/Him) A big-hearted and all-around friendly athlete, Brecken is as passionate about sports as he is about supporting and caring for his friends. Not always the sharpest tool in the shed, much like his buddy Kim, Brecken more than makes up for it with his good, affectionate nature and adorable southern drawl. He worries sometimes about falling behind in school and not being taken seriously, but his friends and girlfriend are always there to pick him back up when he needs it! He also loves animals and regularly volunteers at local shelters.
Soo-Yeon Park:
Appearance: Spiky, short black hair, almond-shaped, black eyes, medium olive skin, tall, lean but athletic build. Dresses very casual but sporty.
Bio: (He/Him) The certified dad of both his class and basketball team. He keeps track of everyone on class trips, and is a damn good cook. He's known as "The Sniper" in basketball for having extremely accurate range from long distances. His tall and lanky build is great for the sport, but he can be clumsy when it comes to moving around outside the court. He's a man who has no time for trash talking, and is cold and calculated when playing. Also a huge Kpop fan.
Parker Beauregard:
Appearance: Auburn pixie cut with long bangs, navy eyes, mild tanned skin, freckles along cheekbones, lean and athletic build. Dresses in a solider-esque style. (Think Axel from Total Drama)
Bio: (She/Her) Coming from a military background, Parker tends to take whatever she may be doing incredibly seriously. She makes sure all of her friends stay in line with her own brand of tough love, and values discipline in both school and athletics. She does have a caring side, which shows in her desire to motivate her friends and to protect them from harm. She also loves her three dogs very dearly.
Agnes "Aggie" Findlay:
Appearance: Wild, shoulder-length, rust red curls, electric green eyes, medium pale skin covered with freckles, prosthetic left leg, petite but athletic build. Dresses like a classic skater but with punk elements.
Bio: (She/Her) A savage shortie from Scotland who skateboards successfully while snarking. Her and Anthony love ragging on each other due to the goth being from England. Aggie happens to have been born without a left leg, and has a prosthetic one instead. She can't stand the feeling of being coddled, and feels no shame in being a congenital amputee. Aggie's got a friendly rivalry with Alix, and they like to give each other advice after parkour battles.
Mona Truffaut:
Appearance: Wavy, shoulder-length, dark brown hair, dark skin, dark amber eyes, chipped tooth in front, short but strong build. Dresses very comfy and casual, but loves to wear jewelry.
Bio: (She/They) A laidback and easygoing individual with a passion for photography and film-making, Mona is more often than not the peacemaker amongst her classmates…when they don’t accidentally say the wrong thing. Mona can sometimes have her head high in the clouds, not always making sense to her friends, but their big heart and skill in resolving arguments more than makes up for it. She also loves to decorate their wheelchair with stickers and ribbons.
Genevieve "Evie" Balthazar:
Appearance: Waist-length, silky brown hair; medium tanned skin, hazel eyes with flecks of gold, tall and very curvy. Dresses very classically ladylike.
Bio: (She/Her) A choir girl with one of the best singing voices in the entire school. She is a prim and proper young woman, well mannered and soft spoken. She comes from an old and important Mexican family, and has been called "Evie Poppins" by her friends since she babysits kids and has an umbrella. The singer fell for a country boy, Brecken, showing that sometimes opposites attract. She has a dislike for rude manners, and sometimes her pride keeps her from admitting when she's wrong about something. She likes to speak Spanish with Denise and Ondine.
Eloise Matuidi:
Appearance: Short black bob cut, sharp green eyes with thick glasses, medium pale skin, beauty mark on chin. Dresses very smart and sensible.
Bio: (She/Her) A mathematical genius with a rational and analytical mind to match, Eloise tends to stick to the more logical approach than some of her classmates. She sometimes has trouble when her sound reasoning is challenged, as she does with both expressing her own emotions and understanding those of others. She is however, a good friend who will always be a tutor when needed. She's also a highly skilled gamer.
Anais Ackerman:
Appearance: Short, wavy brown Hair, with streaks dyed a different color every week, medium toned skin, deep green eyes with glasses. Dresses in a casual nerd style.
Bio: (She/They/It) A brilliant chemist and child prodigy, Anais is undeniably one of the smartest kids in school. She has a great passion for science and discovery, which manifests itself as a great eccentricity whenever they conduct an experiment. It has a strained relationship with her parents, whose crushing expectations can give them great stress. Thankfully, her friends, like Eloise, always have it’s back.
I'm really proud to share these guys, so I hope you like them! Massive thanks to Sparky for helping with their bios! Leave your thoughts in the comments and reblogs!
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