#custom j
tyuhhhyyjgd · 2 months
Kirin Jewelry produces 14K&18K gold, 925 sterling silver, and brass jewelry in a variety of designs including bracelets, rings, pendants, earrings, necklaces, bangles with semi-precious gemstones, synthetic stone, and cubic zircon, as well as fashion silver brooch. Fine finish with silver, rhodium, or gold plated and rose gold plating. We have our own design department and 3D machine. Welcome wholesalers and dealers to contact and purchase.
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luigi-is-ace · 3 months
My two obsessions have crossed, furbys and Good Omens!
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Say hello to Aziraphale and Crowley!
I have no idea if I'm the first to do this, but maybe so. This was so fun, and a long time coming! Been working on them since season 2 😅 So hyped for season 3!
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dantelionwishes · 4 months
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gf introduced them to me like a new torture method
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original by @/EggyDaxy !
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kapi-tanka · 1 year
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jawny — anything you want me, every time i meet a cute companion\npc: unapologetic simp mode activated (yeah 'cade ofc we'll direct the power to freemont and westside. and uh.. you want vegas to be indepedent? consider it done yea)
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kreinvulon · 8 months
skyrim custom voiced follower enjoyers. who do you think would’ve got peas stuck up their nose as a kid. discuss 🫵
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destinysquared · 19 days
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Sketches for anonymous who wanted a bunch of Murder Drones characters (and their MD OC) boxing each other, lol. Ty again!
Sketch Comm Prices/Info Here
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lunnare-leroy · 10 days
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voila good omens avec les deux personnage principaux ce n'est pas parfais mais moi sa me plait .
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lunathejediknight · 2 months
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this is a stupid post but I wanted to show you some shelves me and my brother made, he's really good with tools and he had some leftover wood so we made these!
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beatriz-lioness · 1 month
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My biggest art piece so far!! After 3 months, blaming it on the procrastination, 3 week sickness and art block, and almost 40 working hours, I've finally finished the redraw of the Ultimate Custom Night, or FNAF 7. In fact, I'm proud I finished it even after so long. I normally give up on drawings that take me more than a week lol
I'll be working on a speedpaint video soon! I'll reblog it later with the link :3
You can see old version under the cut! (Done with Sony Sketch)
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I know its probably unrealistic for such a small pet shop, but I like to think that in addition to Baji being a vet, Chifuyu or Kazutora are also pet groomers.
Like they have a whole seperate part of the pet store which is in the back and the back is divided into a grooming and a healthcare section.
Especially since we know for sure they are the kind of people to pick up strays. That means theyd have to have a history of getting matts out of fur.
Plus, if your pet has fleas, Baji would be able to treat them and Kazutora (who I've decided is doing the grooming) would be able to help ensure the fur is properly maintained and the pet is washed in defleaing stuff.
Baji is the vet (canonically).
Chifuyu who works out front and deals with the customers and sells all the food, treats, beds, toys, ect.
And Kazutora, who doesn't want to deal with stressful customers and so instead he stays in the back and grooms animals.
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messoremxvi · 2 months
So, the other month, I found this video of these amazing custom pops, and well... I had to have one
So I found the maker and ordered my own customed Arnie
✨️And I've finally got my hands on him✨️
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Hes absolutley amazing!!!
He's now become my pride and joy. And just to make it that bit better, I'm meeting Chris Barrie this weekend at the Liverpool comic con! So this little guy is about to become a one of a kind and HES ALLLL MINEE
If you want one or any other custom pops (I've just ordered a Del Boy from Only Fools and Horses), then you can find the creator on Facebook by the name: nothinghalo custom pops & art
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cerise-on-top · 4 months
Hank, Sanford and Deimos with a Reader who does Handcrafts
Gonna post my old MadCom stuff since people seem interested in it! I didn't write too much back then, but I'll post it anyway and hope for some MadCom requests as well! What the title says! Reader knits, crochets and embroiders in this! The format is different from how I usually write, but that's because I wrote this months ago, if not in 2022! I don't remember when, but it's been a while since I wrote this!
If you get his attention while doing one of your crafts, expect him to just stare at you for a while. He knows what knitting is, since you can use those needles to stab someone with enough force, but he never really cared much for any of it. So, seeing you do those small, but precise movements has him somewhat curious. If you beckon him closer to check out what you’re doing, he will approach you, taking your piece from your hands and gently examining it, before returning it to you.
While he won’t join you that often due to his occupation, Hank will lie down next to you from time to time, watching you work until he falls asleep eventually. Doing so next to you, especially when you’re knitting or doing embroidery, takes a lot of trust on his behalf, so it’s a rather rare occurrence, but it might happen. Still, sometimes even Nevada’s most wanted can’t resist getting some sleep in.
If you give him a scarf or anything of the likes it might seem like he doesn’t like it at first. As he only grunts in acknowledgement and doesn’t wear it, it might seem disheartening at first glance. But rest assured, he’s well aware that him wearing it would only get it covered in blood, and he wouldn’t want your creation, that you put so much love into, to get sullied like that. Hank does keep it somewhere hidden where only he can find it so that it won’t get stolen as well, he truly does treasure anything you give him.
He has helped his mother crocheting every once in a while when he was young by holding her wool for her. Sanford always thought it to be really cool how you can make something so beautiful out of something as simple as wool and yarn. Much like he did when he was younger, he’ll hold your yarn for you, making it more comfortable to knit or crochet for you. Unlike Hank and Deimos, he will try to learn it as well. It seems relaxing, so why not? But by no means is he a master. Due to his strength, he will likely rip the yarn and wool apart from time to time and come to you for help.
In order to relax and unwind a bit, he’ll likely come to you and ask if you would like to practise your craft for and with him. Having you around in and of itself already makes Sanford happy, but just getting to spend time with you without having to worry about being killed by the enemy makes it all the better. If you let him, he will hold you close, lean into you, put you on his lap, anything you’re comfortable with.
Please give him a sweater. Because he’s never wearing a shirt he gets cold fairly easily. He’ll cherish it dearly and wear it whenever he can, and whenever he knows it won’t get ripped. Another thing he’d be very happy with would be a piece of embroidery. It reminds him of better times and gives him hope, especially when your piece of art is something pleasant and sweet to look at. Because of that, he will put it up somewhere in his room where he can always see it. Even if Deimos makes fun of him for it, he will simply lightly jab at the smoker, all the while smiling at it.
He’ll lovingly call you a grandma for having hobbies like these. Even while doing embroidery, where you stab things thousands of times, he will snicker at you whenever he catches you doing any of these things. Though, he doesn’t mind that sort of thing at all since that means you’ll be sitting still for a while, meaning you’ll give him a chance to unwind with him. Deimos will wrap his arms around you, leaning onto you or just cuddle into you in general. No fighting, no getting hurt, just watching you do the same movements over and over again.
Despite possibly calling you boring, he does have great respect for your craft, since he can’t do any of it. It’s too tedious and he can’t sit around for long enough doing something like this. It’s simply not exciting enough. But the moment you give him his first sweater, he will think it’s the most awesome thing to ever exist. Proud as a peacock, he will flaunt and taunt his new piece of clothing, especially to Sanford and Hank, declaring just what a great lover he has.
Present him with a plushie and his mind will be blown. He always thought knitting and crocheting are just for woolly hats and sweaters and scarves and all. If he sees you made him a tiny grunt, he will simply lose it, run around the Status Quo base and show everyone what you’re capable of. It doesn’t even matter to him whether or not it looks good. Your hands are magical to him and absolutely everyone has to know just how cool and epic you are.
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madam-kumo · 8 months
J-Street Fashion Banners/Moodboards
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Kogal Gyaru A street fashion very influenced by 80's - Y2k fashion in the west. This fashion involves bright tans, blonde hair, and doll-like eyes. This specific substyles of Gyaru is extremely common with teens in Japan as it allows them to wear Gyaru but still wear their uniforms. There are many more exaggerated form of Gyaru like Agejo, Tropical Gyaru, and Hime. This style is most commonly known for being the exact opposite to Japanese beauty standards at the time.
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Sweet Lollita
A Japanese street fashion most commonly associated with Rococo and Victorian clothing. Its most well known for its very lacy and ruffled trims and extremely ornate patterns (usually ranging from sweets to cute animals). Also, please note that the fashion has no association with the novel of the same name and the same name is merely a coincidence. Other substyles of Lollita includes, from goth to punk to the very ornate Hime Lollita. This fashion style is all about the desexualization of femininity and appealing to your inner fancy princess.
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Visual Kei Visual Kei or V-Kei is most well known for its music because of their association and similarities to western goth music. Visual Kei is actually referred to as a branch of the umbrella term "Goth" and its most popular influences are bands like Malice Mizer and Dadaroma. Visual Kei, like Gyaru, has seen a boom in popularity because of the comebacks of 2000's fashion and the acceptance of alternative styles. Visual Kei is most noticeable by the multiple black layers along side dramatic hairstyles and makeup. The most popular substyles of V-Kei are Eroguro-Kei, Tanbi Kei, and Angura Kei. This style is all about visual dramaticism, hence the name, and creative expression.
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Decora fashion is most well known for its visually bright and very colored style. This style involves kid-like fashion but times ten. Most Decora wear extremely bright or bold colors and eye catching clothing and multiple accessories. Many Decora's describe themselves as "Straight out of a Lisa Frank coloring book" and they show that influence in their extremely bold and flashy style. Decora's generally wear bright tennis shoes or platforms with multiple pieces of jewelry and hairpieces. Common themes are kid's shows, hello kitty, and rainbows. This style is meant to appeal to appeal to your inner child and be as eye catching as possible.
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Menhera (Trigger Warning for mentions of Self-harm, suicide, mental illness, and general gore themes.)
Menhera is mostly well known for its art work and media that slowly influenced into a fashion type. Menhera's are usually wear medical related things like bandages, pill themes, and paying a bit of homage to nurse or school girl uniforms. This style is usually colored with hot pinks, pastel colors, white, and lavender. The most noticeable part of this fashion is the implications of self-harm with bandages on the wrists and thighs and a boxcutter; this is seen a lot on a popular character named Menhera Chan. This style's purpose is to bring awareness to mental health and the importance of it because of Japan's high suicide rate.
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Mori Kei
Mori Kei is a street fashion centered around cottage living and as if living in a forest. Mori Kei consists of blouses, green ruffled skirts, and general "nature-like" fashion. This style is most commonly associated with "Cottage-Core", which is a western subtype of this fashion as Mori Kei really took off in 2009 while Cottage-Core became popular in mostly the 2020's. Mori Kei focuses on naturality, like a lack of overly expressive makeup and more toned down clothing that less visually eye-catching but no less beautiful. Mori Kei is also centered around hobbies from sewing, to reading, to even photography.
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A Japanese style that got incredibly popular in the 70's when a movement started to stop the overly strict school systems for women. Girls began to do the same as males, sitting "unladylike" and making ugly faces in pictures, and began to intimidate teachers. These women first began changing their uniforms, making them longer and wearing unauthorized accessories, as a form of protest. This style was very looked down upon and still is today because of its association with gangs and violence. However, this style has slowly but surely grown in popularity due to social media, manga, and a popular Japanese movie called Sukeban Deka. This style is centered around the empowerment of women and to fight back against social and gender norms.
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lunathejediknight · 2 months
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An LPS photo shoot! I haven't done this in awhile but it was a nice day so I decided to do some springtime photos
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shaisimz · 2 months
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Feyre, Lucien and Tamlin
“Stay with the highlord, he will keep you safe”
My acotar sims are now available on paetron for download. These three are part 1 of my acotar series, I may make more as I continue the books
A huge thank you to all the cc creators
TOU: please do not claim or steal my sims
Download: https://www.patreon.com/posts/102785749?utm_campaign=postshare_creator
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AceSpec Hank Emojis
AceSpec - Asexual - Demisexual
Aceflux - AlloAce - Apothisexual
Greysexual - Aegosexual - AceVague
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