#cut monitor milo
stupd000 · 9 months
Short Angel/David drabble bc i was bored and yk it’s Angel/David
CW//Pretty nsfw at one point, cursing, blueballed?😭 but make it cute
Today was a rough day at work for Angel. Their laptop stopped working halfway through the day, and they had to work on a chunky old monitor for the rest of it, which threw off their entire system. None of their stuff was where it was, none of their aesthetically pleasing backgrounds were there,
it just sucked
and then someone ate their lunch so they didn’t even get to enjoy their chicken crunch wrap after having to deal with a clunky, old, monitor.
Anyway, they got home from work, exhausted by just everything. Everything was just too much.
David, had a very different day.
David’s day was better than it usually was. No spats with Christian and Amanda, no jokes about Milo that he had to handle, none of the parents of the pack brought the babies to the meeting, so he didn’t have to deal with endless screaming, he forgot his lunch(that he wasn’t really excited to eat, it was cold meatloaf) so he ordered himself some Taco Bell and he ate that shit up.
So clearly, their moods were very different by the time they got home.
Angel gets home about 45 minutes before David, so once they got home they immediately got into pajamas and lied down.
They scrolled on their phone for most of the time that it took for David to get home, and once he did- their mood pretty much stayed the same.
Don’t get them wrong, they loved David more than anything, but seeing someone happy, and having a good day when yours was sucky..doesn’t feel too great.
Once David gave Angel a kiss and a hello, he went to their room to get unready.
The more David got unready, the more his thoughts turned to his Angel,
then the thoughts turned to..different ones
Anyway, now he’s walking out of their bedroom, half hard and craving his mate.
He walks up to the couch and plops down next to Angel, leaning on their shoulder as they scroll on their phone.
A-“Hi babe.”
David starts kissing their neck as he hums a quiet hello, his hand quickly travels to their inner thigh as Angel breaths in sharply,
David’s almost snaps up, looking at them worriedly, usually they’re not as hesitant, unless something wrong.
A-“‘M sorry, but I had a long day at work, a-and i don’t wanna throw a wrench in everyth-“
David stopped as soon as he heard the first sentence, moving his hand from between their thighs to around their shoulder, pulling them close to him.
A-“-and I know you had a good day and i’m fucking it all up an-“
Angel stopped and looked at him, now realizing that the both of them are curled into the corner of the couch, and their heads on his shoulder.
D-“It’s okay.”
A-“Are you sure..?”
D-“I swear.”
David kisses their forehead before resting his head atop theirs,
A-“were you already..y’know..?”
D-“No Angel, it’s okay I swear.”
A-“I just-..”
Angel cuts themselves off, and lets out a long, guttural sigh.
A-“I’m sorry.”
D-“Angel look at me,”
Angel looks at him without hesitation, before letting out another sigh.
D-“I don’t ever, want you to feel bad, or guilty about not being able to..’perform’ or whatever, for me. I want you to feel safe to express that with me, you know you can right?”
A-“I know, I know I can. It’s just that you were in such a good mood, and I..wasn’t. I just didn’t want to make you feel bad in anyway, and it just feels shitty when you’re in a bad mood and the others not and it’s just-“
Angel makes some sort of expression with their hands before leaning their head into david’s chest.
A-“I dunno.”
D-“I get that, let’s just..relax, alright?”
Angel nods before leaning burying their face into the crook of David’s neck, inhaling.
A-“You smell good, like baby powder.”
A-“Not in a bad way, like the scented baby powder, like vanilla baby powder, Oh my gosh so my friend who had a daughter, you remember Tiffany, right? well I told her she smelled good and she was like ‘omg really? i have vanilla baby powder all over me’ and I was like what? I love the smell of baby powder and now this? And so I was like-“
David smiled as he listened to them ramble on about baby powder, and their friends, and anything they wanted.
All he wanted was for them to feel loved
To feel safe.
Hey guys, Sooo i haven’t written anything in a while. I don’t gotta excuse bc i was being lazy but here ya go.
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allaboardthevespa · 2 years
I got bored, and I suddenly felt the urge to write some really sappy (with some angst) Milo Murphy’s Law fluff. I know who Melissa should end up with is a matter of debate, but I’m a proud Team Zalissa member so this fanfic will be about that. Milossa or Bradlissa fans, sorry, but hope you can enjoy this nonetheless. I wasn’t sure what to call this at first, but I listened to the Katy Perry song “Unconditionally” and my brain was like YES so here.
I’m not proud of how this ends, but eh, my brain sucks at ending things. Just hope y’all enjoy this bit of adorable sickfic fluff ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
WARNING: contains relatively graphic scenes of vomit…and becomes extremely tooth-rotting fluff
It was an ordinary day in Danville – or as ordinary as it could be with the Murphy family’s usual chaos. Milo and Zack’s walk to school had been a heck of a ride, as usual. Runaway concrete pipes, surfing on busted plumbing, falling off cliffs, the whole nine yards. But, as is the norm for Milo Murphy and his friends, everything worked out and they got to school in the nick of time.
 But of course, it didn’t take long for them to realize someone was missing.
 As the students sat in class waiting for Ms. Murawski, Milo looked between him and Zack and noticed a conspicuously empty seat. “Hey, wait a minute,” asked the jinx, “Where’s Melissa?” “I have no idea,” replied Zack, scratching the back of his head in confusion. The other students surrounding them began chattering among themselves, wondering what could’ve happened to the rough-and-tumble redhead. “Maybe she blocked one of her chakras?” Mort suggested with a shrug. Bradley facepalmed, “Mort, she’s not a hippie like you are. She doesn’t do chakras.” “MAYBE DRAKO GOT HER!” panicked Chad, shivering like a leaf and covering his head with his hands. “Don’t panic, everyone,” Amanda cut in, “Knowing what happens in this town, she’s probably caught up in time-travel shenanigans to save a cart of pistachios or something.”
 “Pipe down, class!” came an adult voice. The kids turned to see Ms. Murawski entering the room, just hanging up a phone. “I know you’ve all noticed that Melissa Chase is missing today. Well, it’s simple. She’s just come down with a stomach ache and can’t come in today. No matter, she’ll be able to catch up some other day.” She took out a pencil, “Now, turn your textbooks to page 421.”
 As the other students got to reading, Milo turned to look at Melissa’s empty chair. “That’s too bad,” he sighed, “I don’t even remember the last time she got sick.” He turned to look out the window. “Poor Melissa. She must be feeling pretty down right now.” “Yeah…” Zack agreed, looking crestfallen. “I wish I could help out.” “Well, if you want to, you could,” Amanda suddenly spoke up, “It’s just a little science work, you don’t need to worry about missing it. I think Melissa would be happy to have a little company today.” “Yeah,” Milo agreed with Amanda, “Besides…I’m sure you would love to have a little…” He cleared his throat sarcastically, before giving a smug grin, “Quality time with her.” “Oh, of course,” laughed Amanda, as snickers and ‘oooooh’s went up around the rest of the classroom. Zack flushed a beet-red, flustered by Milo’s joke. “Yes, yes, I’m aware of the, ahem, ‘chemistry’,” he chuckled bashfully, “Alrighty. If you think I should go hang out with her, I’ll go. She could use the company.” “You go, Zack!” cheered Milo, as Zack went to Murawski’s beloved front desk.
 “Excuse me, Ms…may I be excused? I need to use the restroom,” Zack innocently asked, hiding his lie expertly well. “Fine, very well,” Murawski huffed, “Just don’t get lost.” “Thanks, Ms,” he chirped, waving goodbye to the students as he left the room. The moment he slipped out, he scanned the halls for the arrow sign that was labeled “Way Out”, and the minute he saw it, he scampered in that direction. He heard hall monitors yelling at him to not run in the halls, but he couldn’t give less of a damn. Detention could wait. He had a friend to help.
 After a lot of running and following directions on his phone, Zack had arrived in the street where Melissa and her single father lived. Seeing Mr. Chase standing outside his house watering a bush, Zack got on his way to talk to him when he suddenly noticed a butterfly flitting in front of him. Zack watched it fly upwards and noticed it settle on a tree branch covered in wisteria flowers – and an idea registered in Zack’s mind. He reached up and grabbed a small branch covered in a healthy amount of the flowers, wrapped the wood in some tissue paper he brought with him, and wrapped a bow around the flowers to keep them straight. Holding tightly onto the bouquet, he soon made it to the house he was looking for.
 As Mr. Chase was minding his own business, watering that bush, he heard a familiar voice. “Hey, Mr. Chase!” He turned off the hose and whipped around to see Zack, politely standing at his gate with a bouquet of wisteria flowers in hand. “Oh, hello, Zack,” greeted the firefighter, “I imagine you heard about my daughter?” “Yeah, tough break,” Zack replied in a sympathetic tone. “When I heard, I thought I could come down and cheer her up.” “Oh, how nice,” Mr. Chase smiled, “Melissa doesn’t get sick often, but she’s always miserable when she does. I think she’ll be happy to have a friend with her.” “I thought so too,” Zack nodded, following his crush’s father to the door. “Thanks for letting me come around,” he thanked with a grateful wave. “No problem,” the older man replied, “Any friend of my daughter’s is a friend of mine. Hope you two have fun.” “Bye, Mr. Chase,” Zack waved at him as he walked up the stairs to his friend’s room.
 It had not been a fun morning for Melissa. When she awoke, the stomach pain had hit her in full force, and it didn’t take long for her father to realize how out of sorts she was. Neither of them liked when she got sick, but Melissa had a special hatred for the concept of illness. She was a real go-getter, and the thought of having to stay in bed for hours on end and not enjoy her usual hobbies made her feel even sicker than she was already.
 But the worst part of being sick in bed is that, without her mind being preoccupied by daily events caused by school and Murphy’s Law, it tended to wander to some uncomfortable places…and asked some tough questions she didn’t know if she had the answers to.
 Was Milo always gonna be able to keep himself prepared for every situation? 
Will his bad luck come to bite him in a way he can’t protect himself from?
Should she even be asking these questions?
Would Milo WANT her asking these questions?
 The internal crisis she was having made the stress she had grow all the more, and her stomach’s pain intensified with it.
 Melissa was holding her head in distress and shutting her eyes tightly, in a vain attempt to block out those awful questions, when she heard her door creak open. Reluctantly, she slowly opened one of her eyes…and suddenly her heart skipped a beat at who she saw waiting for her in the doorway. She gently pulled herself up from her hunched state as her eyes met his, and gently mumbled “Z-Zack? Is that…really you?” Zack let out a quiet laugh, “Of course it’s me, buddy. I heard you were sick, and I knew I had to be there for you. You are my best friend, after all.” Melissa didn’t notice it, but her cheeks were heating up with a bright red blush as the compliment warmed her heart and soul. “You…really mean that?” she asked, giving a genuine smile. Zack couldn’t help blushing himself at the sight of Melissa giving him a sweet, happy smile with her cheeks tinged red. It was completely adorable.
 To respond to her question, Zack revealed the bouquet of wisteria flowers he’d picked on his way. “If I didn’t mean it, would I get you these?” He approached her in her bed and gently knelt down to her level, “Milo’s told me you love flowers, so when I saw these in your neighborhood, I figured I’d get you a little something.” Melissa gave an adorably surprised gasp, then, as quickly as she could, reached over to grab the bouquet with a cute little giggle. “Wow, I…” she stammered, caressing some of the petals, “That’s really sweet of you.” “It’s the least I could do for you being such a great friend,” Zack responded, watching happily as his best friend held the wisteria bouquet to her chest and face and inhaled deeply. “I’m glad you like them.” “Thanks, Zack,” Melissa gave him the cutest smile ever, “I’m glad you’re here for me.” “Well,” responded the former boyband member, “What are best friends for?”
 From then on, in the following hours, the two best friends made the most of their time together. The two played all sorts of games, shared all sorts of stories, and just being two kids happy in one another’s company. Zack enjoyed every moment, yet throughout it all he couldn’t stop himself taking his eyes off his best friend. Her smile warmed his heart, her giggles were absolutely adorable, and every so often she’d briefly stop what she was doing, turn around and smell the flowers he’d brought her, now sat comfortably in a vase on her bedside table. That was another thing he found to be adorable. It wasn’t often that he saw the redhead able to just loosen up and be a goofball when they weren’t busy trying to stop Murphy’s Law from causing mayhem, but when they got the chance to just be kids, it was something both of them made the most of.
 It was during a quiet break from their fun that things began to take an unexpected turn.
 Zack was watching his best friend cuddled up in her bed, stroking her hair gently, when an uncomfortable-sounding groan emitted from her stomach, and she abruptly shot up and looked at him with a deer-in-the-headlights look. “What’s the matter?” asked Zack, gently grasping her hands. “I…I dunno,” Melissa panted, before she clutched her stomach out of instinct. “I…I’ve never felt l-like this…” She took a shaky breath, “But I feel like I…ugh!” She cringed, and without thinking raised a hand to her mouth. Zack connected the dots right away. He didn’t think they’d be able to make it to the bathroom fast enough at this point. Luckily, his eyes floated to a spare empty flower vase not yet filled with wysterias or whatever other flowers she liked. It wasn’t perfect, but it’d do. He scrambled over and grabbed it, before giving it to Melissa, and sat next to her once more.
 Melissa opened her mouth to say something, but abruptly, she hunched herself over and heaved unpleasantly. Zack couldn’t help cringing, but he knew he had to provide some semblance of comfort. It looked like this was a new experience for her. He gently rubbed her back as each painful retch came, making sure she knew he was there for her even in a time like this. Melissa’s mind didn’t register much else in that moment other than the horrible feeling of her throat and stomach expunging the nasty liquid from her body, and, in sharp contrast, the warm, soft, gentle touch of her best friend.
 In reality, it only took 30 seconds for the retching to stop. To Melissa, it felt like an eternity. Nonetheless, when she was sure she was done, she pulled her head back from the vase and wiped her brow as she set the now puke-filled vase aside. She breathed heavily in an attempt to clear her mind, as what just happened played itself over and over again in her head. She’d never experienced something like that before, and she never wanted to again. Luckily, though, she had her best friend right nearby. Getting a little closer to the sickly go-getter, Zack gently asked her “How do you feel?” Coughing a little, Melissa turned to Zack with a look of pure pain in her eyes. “I…I…” she wiped her brow again, “What…was that? T-that was horrible…” “Relax, Melissa,” Zack did his best to comfort her, “You just vomited. No big deal, it happens to you sometimes if you’re stomach-sick.” “B-But I…” the redhead whimpered, “Th-that hasn’t happened to me before…My dad told me about it when I was super young, and cuz I don’t get sick that often…I never THOUGHT it would happen…” She sighed, “Man, I feel like a dummy now.” Feeling his heart hurt for Melissa’s sorry state, Zack pulled her into a hug, “Hey…you’re no dummy. If this is your first time ever vomiting, no wonder your mind’s in a daze like this. You’ll be alright. You’re always alright, aren’t you?” He put a hand on one of her shoulders and comfortingly looked into her beautiful blue eyes.
 Until she said two words that threw him for a loop…
 “Not really.”
 Zack’s mind took a moment to register what Melissa had just said. Those two, little, mumbled words. “Not really.” What was she implying? Was it what Zack was thinking? No, there’s no way, Melissa was the toughest girl he’d ever known. But, why else would she say that? Gently, he got closer to her, and gently gazed into her eyes, ignoring the blush on his face, and asked “What do you mean by…’not really’?” Melissa flinched a little, not knowing where to begin. The questions in her mind were roaring to get out, and she had to let someone know. She was tired of suffering in silence.
 At that moment, Melissa gently grabbed Zack’s shoulders and began to speak, knowing he’d be there to listen.
 And all the words came flying out.
 “…Zack, I’m scared. I’ve always BEEN scared. Ever since I became Milo’s best friend, I’ve always been worrying myself like crazy about him, worrying that someday he’s gonna get caught in some insane Murphy’s Law accident that he’s not ready for and he’ll get hurt…or worse. And I know it’s really fucking stupid cause it’s goddamn Milo and he’s ALWAYS prepared, but I can’t help myself. And I just feel like a big jerk because Milo wouldn’t WANT me to be worried about him all the time. He’s…fine with the way things are and doesn’t want them to change…but…” She took a shaky breath, and sighed lowly, “I do.” Zack now reached up and rubbed her shoulders as she continued talking, “I don’t want Milo to be stuck with Murphy’s Law. I want him to live and be happy, without always having to look over his shoulder in case of stampeding bison or angry crossing guards or other shit like that. But Milo…he just doesn’t want that…and I feel like a selfish idiot who tries to act like she knows what’s best for everyone…but…” She glanced up, and Zack’s heart leapt at what he saw…
 The toughest, smartest kid he’d known in his life…strong, brave, a born leader with a near-permanent smile…
 She was crying.
 “I just…” she whimpered, not even bothering to wipe away the hot tears streaking down her face, “I feel like such a selfish jackass who doesn’t know what Milo or even you want in your lives…I just don’t want to lose him, or you, or anyone…” She shut her eyes tightly and let a fresh wave of tears out, “And I’ve been lying to you about how I’ve been feeling this whole time…because I just don’t want you guys to see what a fucking mess I really am!” “You’re not a mess-” Zack tried to interrupt, only for Melissa to cut him off. “No, don’t…don’t keep the lie going any longer than it has to…” she sobbed, “I act like I’m tough, but…I’m just a terrified wreck of a person who can’t stand the thought of losing the people she cares about…that’s me. That’s selfish, paranoid, obnoxious Melissa Lily Chase…”
 With that, the broken redhead turned away and started sobbing all-out into her hands, her limbs shaking with every loud sob echoing from her body. She could feel the burn of hot tears rushing down her face, dripping from the tip of her nose onto her bed. Between every choked sob, she tried to take some breaths as if to calm herself, but all attempts failed as the tears kept on coming.
 With every sob Melissa let out, Zack could feel his heart sink a little more. There was a part of him who still couldn’t believe this. How long had Melissa been keeping these feelings at bay? Did she really think that badly of herself just for being worried about Milo? His mind raced with questions, but he honestly couldn’t give less of a damn about getting the answers. All that mattered to him was giving support to someone who very badly needed it.
 Without hesitation, Zack gently put his arms around Melissa’s back, gently rubbing her side with one hand and stroking her hair with the other. It took a moment for Melissa to register what Zack was doing, but the moment she did, she felt her muscles gently ease up at the feeling of his warm embrace. She could still feel her cheeks and nose wet from all the crying she’d been doing, and flushed a little in embarrassment. “I, uh…” she tried to break the silence, “I’m sorry you had to see me like this.” “You don’t need to apologize,” Zack told her gently, “I just wonder why you hadn’t spoken up about your feelings before. Milo’s an understanding guy, he’d be happy to listen to your worries.” “I just…” she sniffled, “I just don’t want Milo to start worrying about what goes on in my head all the time…and I don’t wanna seem like a controlling bitch.” Without warning, Zack put a hand over her mouth the moment she said the word “bitch”. He turned Melissa around to look at him and looked intently into her eyes, and spoke his mind.
 “Listen to me, Melissa. You are not a ‘bitch’. You have never been a bitch. You’re worrying yourself that you’re a terrible person because you actually want what’s best for Milo! There’s nothing wrong with that. I know Milo is fine with the way things are but if you’re not, that’s completely okay. We may not be able to change Murphy’s Law, but we’ll always be able to help Milo throughout everything, and I know that cuz you’ve been doing that for seven years now, and I know you can keep doing that.” He gave her the warmest smile he could manage, despite the fact he now had tears of his own welling up in his eyes. “There’s nothing wrong with being scared, Melissa – as long as you don’t let it change who you are.”
 In that moment, both 13-year-olds found themselves gazing into one another’s tearful eyes. Then, without another word, Melissa got closer to Zack and collapsed into his arms, wrapping her arms around his back. It didn’t take long for Zack to return the embrace, rubbing her back gently to soothe her emotions. They stayed there, in silence, for what felt like hours. Neither of them said a word. They didn’t have to, not right now at least. All they needed right now was right in front of them.
 After so long of being locked in that embrace, Melissa pulled back a little, wiping one more tear from her face, before gently cupping her hands around Zack’s own face and tilted his head up so their eyes could lock once more. Both of them smiled tenderly as the tension that was in their minds evaporated.
Of course, there was just one more thing Melissa felt the need to say…
 “Hey,” she whispered, getting Zack’s full attention. She now moved her hands down to gently clasp his own, and gave him a soft smile, grateful for all of what he’d done for her, not just today but in all the time they’d spent together in the past. She took one more deep breath as if to mentally prepare herself, and spoke the three magic words.
 “I love you.”
 There was a brief moment where Zack felt surprised, but that quickly gave way to an indescribable feeling of happiness, and it didn’t take long for him to respond.
 “I love you too.”
 Without hesitating for a moment, the tomboyish nerd and the dorky jock soon embraced one another in a long, soft kiss, tears of joy now streaming down their faces. Zack brought a hand up to gently caress Melissa’s cheek while Melissa put her arms around his back, deepening the kiss further.
 Once they needed to break for oxygen, the two gently separated their lips, still having their noses touching. Suddenly a knock sounded at the door, and both of them flushed a bit before scrambling off each other – but they were still smiling widely after their passionate love display. The door opened and revealed Mr. Chase with a large cup of tea in hand. “Here you go, sweetie,” he spoke, bringing it over to his daughter, “I made you some tea. See if it helps your stomach.” “Thanks, Dad,” Melissa giggled a little in response. Zack couldn’t help blushing a little at how adorable he found that little laugh of hers. Mr. Chase now thought back to earlier and cringed a little, “I heard what sounded like vomiting earlier. Isn’t that your first time? I hope everything’s okay.” Melissa gave an awkward shrug, “It was scary at first, but…it wasn’t so bad. Especially since Zack was with me.” A sincere smile crossed her face, as she looked over at her best friend-turned-boyfriend, then at her loving father. “I know it sounds weird, but…this has been one of the happiest days I’ve had in a long time. Thank you both, so much. I’m so glad I have you both and Milo and everyone else in my life.” Zack and Mr. Chase now both brought Melissa into a group hug, and the former Lumberzack gently thanked her himself, “And thank you for being in ours.”
The End
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libertyreads · 1 year
May TBR--
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Thanks to my newly minted library card, this is not all of my TBR for the month of May. Just the books I currently physically own. I’m so excited for the reads for the month of May. I get to start my Murderbot Diaries reread and I get to check out some books that have caught my eye but not held enough interest for me to actually go out and purchase them for myself.
1. Daisy Darker by Alice Feeney (Library)-- This is a Murder Mystery set on an isolated island. Daisy Darker’s family has never been what one would call functional. After years of avoiding each other, the family is assembling for Nana’s 80th birthday at the crumbling gothic house on a tiny tidal island. When the tide comes in, they’ll be cut off from the rest of the world for eight hours. Each family member arrives while harboring secrets and then at the stroke of midnight, as a storm rages, Nana is found dead. And an hour later the next family member follows. This is a retelling of sorts of the Agatha Christie story ‘And Then There Were None.’
2. Rookie Move by Sarina Bowen (Library)-- Leo Trevi has spent the last six years trying to do two things: get over the girl who broke his heart and succeed in the NHL. But, on the first day he’s called up to the show, Leo gets checked on both sides. First, by the team’s coach who has a grudge; second, by the team’s sexy, icy publicist--his former girlfriend Georgia Worthington.
3. Greenglass House by Kate Milford (Library)-- This one seems to be a Middle Grade Mystery/Fantasy novel about a place called Greenglass House. It’s a creaky smuggler’s inn that’s always quiet during the wintertime. While Milo, the innkeepers’ adopted son, planned on relaxing during his holidays, things get thrown off course by the ring of the guest bell. It rings again and again. Soon, Milo’s home is bursting with odd and secretive guests who each bring a strange story that’s connected to the old house.
4. Demon in the Wood by Leigh Bardugo (Library)-- This one seems to be a graphic novel version of the Darkling’s history and backstory. I think it’s the only Grishaverse thing I have yet to read. I was never interested in buying it so I’m glad I finally have my library card and can read it for free.
5. Neverworld Wake by Marisha Pessl (Kindle)-- This is a YA Mystery following a group of friends a year after the death of their friend Jim. His girlfriend Beatrice has questions she wants answered and their meeting again gives her that chance. And then a mysterious man knocks on the door and announces the impossible: time for them has become stuck, snagged on a splinter that can only be removed if the former friends make the harshest of decisions.
6. A Study in Drowning by Ava Reid (NetGalley)-- A Fantastical Dark Academia novel that looks like it will be everything fans of Dark Academia could ever want. Since childhood, Effy Sayre has been haunted by visions of the Fairy King. She’s found solace only in the pages of Angharad--author Emrys Myrddin’s beloved epic about a mortal girl who falls in love with the Fairy King and then destroys him. Effy’s tattered copy is all that keeps her afloat through her stifling first term at Llyr’s prestigious architecture college. So when Myddin’s family announces a contest to design the late author’s house, Effy feels certain this is her destiny. 
7. The Marriage Act by John Marrs (New Release)-- From the author who brought us the insanity that was The One, comes a new Mystery/Thriller. What if marriage was the law? Dare you disobey? In near-future Britain, a right-wing government believes it has the answer to society’s ills--the Sanctity of Marriage Act, which actively encourages marriage and punishes those who choose to remain single. But four couples are about to discover just how impossible relationships can be when the government is monitoring every aspect of our personal lives and will use every tool in its arsenal to ensure everyone will love, honor, and obey.
8. All Systems Red by Martha Wells-- I’m finally starting my reread of The Murderbot Diaries! I cannot explain my excitement. I’ll just quote the GR synopsis since there’s so much I could just burst forth with already. “In a corporate-dominated space-faring future, planetary missions must be approved and supplied by the Company. For their own safety, exploratory teams are accompanied by Company-supplied security androids. But in a society where contracts are awarded to the lowest bidder, safety isn’t a primary concern. On a distant planet, a team of scientists is conduction surface tests, shadowed by their Company supplied ‘droid--a self-away SecUnit that has hacked its own governor module and refers to itself as ‘Murderbot.’ Scornful of humans, Murderbot wants to be left alone long enough to figure out who it is, but when a neighboring mission goes dark, it’s up to the scientists and Murderbot to get to the truth.”
9. The Beauty and the Beast (Minalima edition) by Gabrielle-Suzanne Barbot de Villeneuve-- I’m so excited to read this interactive, illustrated version of the original story. The epic love story follows a beautiful young girl imprisoned in the magical castle of a monstrous beast.
10. The American Roommate Experiment by Elena Armas-- This is a standalone romance novel that is set after The Spanish Love Deception. But I’ve been reassured that I don’t need to read that one first. In this novel, we follow aspiring romance author Rosie Graham whose life is a little up in the air following her quitting her well paying job. But through a misunderstanding Rosie and Lucas both end up staying at her friend Lina’s apartment. They end up trying to break Rosie’s writer’s block in some unexpected ways.
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milo-labshop · 16 days
Best Anabolic Steroids in Thailand: A Comprehensive Guide
In recent years, anabolic steroids have gained popularity among athletes and bodybuilders in Thailand for their ability to enhance muscle growth, strength, and overall performance. While the use of these substances can be controversial and comes with potential risks, it's essential to be informed about their effects and legality. Best anabolic steroids In Thailand This guide explores some of the best anabolic steroids available in Thailand and offers insights into safe use and legal considerations.
Understanding Anabolic Steroids
Anabolic steroids are synthetic derivatives of testosterone, a hormone that plays a key role in muscle growth and repair. These substances can help increase muscle mass, reduce body fat, and improve overall physical performance. However, they also come with potential side effects, including hormonal imbalances and cardiovascular issues. It's crucial to approach their use with caution and under medical supervision.
Top Anabolic Steroids in Thailand
1. Dianabol (Methandrostenolone)
Dianabol is one of the most well-known and widely used anabolic steroids. It's popular for its ability to promote significant muscle gains and strength improvements in a relatively short period. Users often report noticeable results in their physique and performance, making it a favored choice among bodybuilders.
2. Testosterone Enanthate
Testosterone Enanthate is a long-acting form of testosterone used to increase muscle mass and strength. It is commonly used in hormone replacement therapy and is also favored by athletes for its stable and sustained release of testosterone into the bloodstream.
3. Trenbolone Acetate
Trenbolone Acetate is renowned for its potent anabolic properties. It is used to enhance muscle growth and improve muscle density. However, due to its powerful effects, it is often recommended only for experienced users who can manage its side effects effectively.
4. Boldenone Undecylenate
Boldenone Undecylenate, also known as Equipoise, is known for its ability to increase muscle mass and strength while promoting a lean physique. It has a reputation for being less harsh on the liver compared to other steroids, making it a popular choice for those concerned about liver health.
5. Nandrolone Decanoate
Nandrolone Decanoate is another popular anabolic steroid known for its muscle-building properties. It is often used in cutting cycles to help preserve muscle mass while reducing body fat. Its longer half-life means fewer injections are needed compared to other steroids.
Legal Considerations and Safe Use
In Thailand, the use of anabolic steroids is regulated by law, and their sale and distribution are subject to strict controls. It is essential to ensure that any steroid use complies with local regulations and is obtained through legitimate and licensed sources.
Safety Tips:
Consult a Healthcare Professional: Always consult a healthcare provider before starting any steroid regimen. They can help you understand the potential risks and benefits.
Follow Dosage Guidelines: Adhere to recommended dosages to minimize the risk of side effects.
Monitor Your Health: Regularly check your health markers and be aware of any changes in your body.
Anabolic steroids can offer significant benefits for muscle growth and performance enhancement, but they come with potential risks and legal considerations. In Thailand, it's crucial to be informed about the best options available, adhere to safety guidelines, and ensure compliance with local laws. Best anabolic steroids In Thailand For more information on purchasing quality anabolic steroids in Thailand, you can visit Milo Labshop, a trusted source for quality supplements.
Disclaimer: The information provided in this article is for educational purposes only. The use of anabolic steroids should be approached with caution and under professional medical supervision.
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almahiphop · 1 year
Leaders of the New School - A Future Without a Past (30/07/1991)
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Leaders of the New School fue un grupo de hip hop estadounidense formado en Long Island, Nueva York, en 1989. El grupo estaba compuesto por cuatro miembros principales:
   James P. Jackson (Dinco D)
   Trevor George Smith Jr. (Busta Rhymes)
   Bryan Higgins (Charlie Brown)
   Sheldon Scott (DJ Cut Monitor Milo)
El grupo fue conocido por su estilo de rap energético, sus letras inteligentes y su habilidad para mantener la atención del público en el escenario. Lanzaron su álbum debut, "A Future Without A Past...", en 1991 bajo el sello discográfico Elektra Records. Conto con tres sencillos:
"Case of the P.T.A. lanzado el 13 de febrero de 1991
"Sobb Story" lanzado el 19 de julio de 1991
"The International Zone Coaster" lanzado en marzo de 1992
El álbum "A Future Without A Past..." recibió elogios de la crítica y se considera un clásico del hip hop de principios de los años 90. Contenía canciones icónicas como "Case of the P.T.A." y "Sobb Story", que demostraban la versatilidad y el talento lírico del grupo. El estilo único de Busta Rhymes en particular se destacó y le valió un reconocimiento adicional como uno de los raperos más talentosos de la época.
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El hip hop de Nueva York en 1991 cruzaba por un momento importante, sabiendo que esta ciudad es considerada seguía siendo un epicentro para la innovación y la evolución del género. En 1991, surgieron varios artistas influyentes y se lanzaron álbumes clásicos que dejaron una huella duradera en la historia del Hip Hop. 1991 también fue un año en el que se estaban gestando rivalidades entre artistas y grupos, lo que dio lugar a famosas batallas de rap y tensiones dentro del Hip Hop.
Entre los artistas notables de Nueva York en ese momento se encontraban A Tribe Called Quest, De La Soul, Gang Starr, Public Enemy y, por supuesto, Leaders of the New School. El rap consciente y político seguía siendo prominente, pero también se estaba gestando el surgimiento de un rap más duro y callejero que más tarde se convertiría en una parte importante del sonido del Hip Hop de la Costa Este. Fue un momento emocionante y dinámico en la historia del hip hop, con una amplia variedad de estilos y expresiones que contribuyeron a enriquecer aún más el género.
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Lamentablemente, Leaders of the New School se separaron poco después de su álbum debut debido a disputas internas, pero sus miembros continuaron sus carreras en la música, especialmente Busta Rhymes, quien se convirtió en uno de los raperos más exitosos y respetados de la industria. Su legado y su contribución al hip hop de los años 90 siguen siendo recordados y celebrados por los fanáticos del género. 
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gresonmilo · 1 year
Merkle Tree: Your non-fungible digital asset that opens up a whole new realm of possibilities.
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Merkle Tree Presentation
Merkle Tree is driven by the vision of making digital asset mining accessible and profitable for everyone. They leverage their expertise in designing and implementing state-of-the-art mining facilities to achieve this. By integrating industry-leading hardware, advanced cooling systems, and efficient power management solutions, Merkle Tree ensures optimal mining performance with maximum energy efficiency. While building state-of-the-art facilities is essential, the success of any mining operation depends on its ongoing management and maintenance.
Merkle Tree takes pride in offering comprehensive services to ensure smooth and efficient operations. Their experienced technicians and engineers are adept at monitoring the mining infrastructure, diagnosing and resolving issues, optimizing mining algorithms, and conducting regular maintenance to maximize hardware lifespan. By proactively managing the mining facilities, Merkle Tree enables clients to focus on their core business while enjoying the benefits of a reliable and secure mining operation.
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Here are some key benefits:
- Turnkey Solutions: Merkle Tree provides end-to-end solutions, handling everything from facility design and construction to ongoing operations, relieving clients of the complexities and challenges associated with mining.
- Cost Optimization: By leveraging their extensive industry knowledge, Merkle Tree optimizes energy consumption, reduces maintenance costs, and maximizes mining efficiency, thereby enhancing profitability for their clients.
- Scalability and Flexibility: Whether you are a small-scale miner or an institutional investor, Merkle Tree offers scalable solutions that can adapt to the evolving needs of your mining operation. Their expertise ensures efficient scaling and seamless integration of additional hardware as required.
- Cutting-Edge Technology: Merkle Tree stays at the forefront of technological advancements in the crypto mining industry. By deploying the latest hardware and software solutions, they enable clients to mine digital assets using the most efficient and profitable methods available.
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Merkle Tree provides scalable solutions that adapt to clients' needs. They seamlessly integrate additional hardware as required, accommodating small-scale miners and institutional investors alike. Our mission is to create a comprehensive banking system that serves the unbanked population. With operations in multiple Latin American countries. Merkle Tree offers innovative solutions in payments, banking, and digital assets. Merkle Tree, joining hands with top-tier companies, revolutionizing the client experience. Together, we're building seamless trust, transparency, and innovation.
Website: https://linktr.ee/merkletree.io Telegram group: https://t.me/merkletreetheeofficial Discord group: https://discord.gg/RzWFZyRZdr Official Twitter: https://twitter.com/Merkle__Tree Official Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/merkle_tree/ Medium: https://medium.com/@info_64307
Writer info
Bitcointalk name: Greson Milo Bitcointalk profile link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=3382083 Telegram Username: @GresonMilo Wallet address: 0xc9395C46a11385e0E0bDa33758D38f0c25261E73
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hiphopscriptures · 2 years
Leaders of the New School's A Future Without a Past Album Anniversary
The group's debut album, A Future Without a Past, was also released in 1991. It included the hits "Case of the P.T.A.", "Sobb Story", and "The International Zone Coaster". The group was praised for its light-hearted content and old-school call-and-response deliveries. Read more about Leaders of the New School here.
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dreadinnewyork · 4 years
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For this month while not able to shoot, I think I will share a daily pic from my collection
That will be my daily check in
In the spirit of Throwback Thursday, let’s gaze upon Leaders of the New School x DreadInNY circa 1991 for day 9
Charlie Brown Dinco D Busta Rhymes Cut Monitor Milo
Photo by Raheem DreadInNY
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asmrtist-brainrot · 3 years
Redacted Bois + 5 Senses
First proper post and I’m writing about what I associate with them, let’s gooo.
Order being:
I only got some of them but not all of them, lemme know if you’d like to see more? I guess??
Slight suggestiveness and blood mention(and nicotine) under the cut!
~ Dari
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Part Two
Those of Aria:
toasted marshmallows and crème brulee
the soft whirr of electronic fans
being swaddled in a well-loved sweater
the flickering glow of shadows caused by the tv
fruity cologne
soft, gaspy noises under one's breath
a tang of sweat upon flesh
the pressure of being rested atop of
wax melting down the sides of a candle
Students of D. A. M. N.:
cherry wood and cinnamon
the crackling pops of a bonfire
a sharp kick in spicy candy
being tucked under a comforter that went into the dryer
dancing, tamed flames as ash floats up to the dark sky
pine tress and wildflowers
crunching twigs under your feet
lingering aftertaste of mint
running a hand down the surface of a rock
the tops of trees overlooking dense woods
fresh air and clean linens
windchimes swaying on a lazy day
strongly spiced coffee
hanging arm outside of car window
rustling leaves warping the spots of sun on the ground
The Walkers:
laquered flooring and dirt
a soft twitter of a bat in a cave
lemon candies; sour and sweet all at once
eyes gazing upon your skin from an unknown place
a single light illuminating a dark, soundless beach
fresh water
a river from underneath the tide
swallowing the salt in tears
treading water as it pulls you along the current
watching the sky distort from under the water's surface
sleep smell and lavender
soft snoring under the city sounds
the morning staleness coating your tongue
cheek mushed up against a soft pillow
the light of night peeking through the blinds
The Solaire Clan:
energy drinks and vanilla
a ring of church bells somewhere in the distance
the metallic tang of blood in the back of your throat
a buzz of adrenaline under skin
red flashing lights of emergency
wood chips and smoke
the grating sound of metal on metal
the buzz of nicotine 'pon your tongue
resting upon a plush couch and surrounded by soft fabrics
a pale blue glow bouncing off of skin
dry desert air and roses
heartbeat pulsing through your temples
the dryness of wine
running nails over marble
a sliver of crescent moon on a dark night
The Shaw Pack:
leather and metal
a knife rhythmically hitting a cutting board
peppermint hot chocolate
running fingers over the fabric of a leather coat
a full moon hanging high in the sky
sugar cane and coffee
buttons clicking on a controller
sherbet floats
running fingers over a knit shirt
small rainbows running through a sprinkler
caramel and oak
the quiet, barely heard purrs rumbling through a cat
strawberry milkshakes with extra whipped cream
slipping fingers between one another's
warm glow at your finger tips
From the Office:
fresh sage and coffee creamer
the rolling boiling of the kettle
soft, fluffy pancakes
a hoarse throat from shouting
a weary smile of acceptance
chamomile tea and aloe
the clicking of game pieces on a board
a whipped vanilla latte
the light weight of fabric upon bare skin
the glow of a computer monitor in a dark room
rain touched forests and isopropyl alcohol
a voice mail from someone you miss
cherry suckers
rope burn
watching a plane disappear into the night sky among stars
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aviculor · 2 years
It's Morbing Time.
Right off the bat, vampire bats are claimed to be voracious predators who can kill an animal 10 times their size and an entire cave of them loses their shit in hunger when Jared Leto cuts his hand.
"Like the original Spartans, we are the few against the many"
"It took a team of scientists to build that machine, and you fixed it with a ballpoint pen?"
"His development of artificial blood has saved more lives than Penicillin"
"I can't believe you dissed the King of Sweden"
It's a fucking dramatic secret that Morbius is trying to splice human and vampire bat DNA but he has a big fucking diagram on his monitor of half a human skeleton and half a bat skeleton superimposed together. In addition to the "fishtank for flying mammals" that's 'hidden' in the middle of the room that is Morbius' personal mad science laboratory but also inside the hospital, easily accessible from the patient wing, which anyone can enter at any time.
Oh cool, the Eleventh Doctor is here.
"Let's go for a walk". Cut to Morbius and Milo, both of whom need mobility aids, going down an incredibly busy street.
Okay, so injecting a serum of stable hybrid cells gave him super powers. Yeah, it's a comic book movie. That much is expected. But he's not just drinking blood and showing off the standard superhuman physical enhancements- he's flying around in a cloud of smoke. This isn't even like a Jojo's Bizarre Adventure thing where there's a pseudoscientific explanation for vampire powers, we're talking just straight up supernatural shit. Because of gene therapy.
"How's your pain? On a one-to-ten?" "Eleven. 😏" HA HA YOU GET IT??? BECAUSE MATT SMITH WAS DOCTOR WHO??? AND HE WAS THE ELEVENTH ONE??? YOU GET IT???
"I have the constitution of an Olympic athlete. Increased strength and speed that can only be described as..." Morbificent, I know.
These detectives were incredibly quick to conclude and wholeheartedly believe that a vampire was responsible for the cargo ship massacre.
Okay, so the smoke effect is apparently supposed to be soundwaves or something, but it still looks awful and cheesy.
"Who the hell are you man?" "Me? I...am...Venom." Wow, I think it actually would have been less cringey if he said he was Morbius.
That climax and finale was just completely devoid of any actual drama or tension. It was not compelling whatsoever. Milo's motivation never went any deeper than he thought being a vampire kicked ass and he wanted Morbius to revel in it too. The heart-to-heart they had as Milo died went "You can't kill me! I'm me! You gave me my name, remember?" "I remember everything. *long pause* Lucien."
And the Eleventh Hour Superpower Morbius unlocked of bat-bending. Like, you know, maybe those bats were supernatural after all. I mean, they never need to eat or even stop flying. They were just a vortex in a tube like some sort of art installation.
...Adrian Toomes? As in the Spider-Man villain The Vulture? What does that have to do with anything? This is a movie about a scientist's experiment afflicting him with homicidal urges and a physical dependency on human blood!
Oh my fucking god there's another post-credit scene and Toomes has his goofy mecha bird suit (somehow) and he and Morbius are teaming up. I hate this. I'm so fucking done with this.
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wickedmilo · 3 years
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PLACE: Metzli’s apartment TIMING: 11:28 PM SUMMARY: Milo discovers he has been cut off from his blood supply, and Murphy makes no effort to hide her involvement WRITING PARTNER: @riseofmurphy CONTENT WARNINGS: Addiction (to blood)
In the days after that first fight, tension thick as a heavy fog lingered over the apartment. Murphy had not forgotten her anger. Her utter ire over the fact that he had managed to push her to the point of tears. Out of pure spite, she refused to let him get away with it. Consequences be damned. The first step in her plan had been easy enough. A spoof on her cellphone with a quickly placed call and phase one was complete. She had no idea when her ill-fated housemate would be home, but trusted her senses to alert her when he was close. All she needed was a matter of seconds for everything to start going down the drain. With that thought, a smirk quirked up her lips, the bottom of which was still scabbed over from her near-constant state of anxiety. Now not only was she awaiting the return of her friend, but forced to watch out for a child in a man-suit. Because if she didn’t, she was not sure who would. Not that the task was pleasant. In fact, it was the opposite. The next thing to join the ever elongating repair list was a mangled doorknob that lay in the middle of the room. Dented from where it had made contact with someone’s shoulder. Despite Metzli’s soothings about Milo simply being new, she had enough. Three days of constant fighting would be enough to do anyone’s head in, and despite what Milo accused her of, ‘having no control’, she knew that to injure him physically would be a mistake.  
Hours passed, and despite her irritation, she made herself useful. First, the hole in the wall was patched, an order of paint was placed online to match the shade currently on the wall. A new doorknob was screwed into place. Though she had wanted to wait for him to be on the verge of walking in when she put phase two of her plan into motion, she suddenly came up with a much better idea. Repairs complete she made her way into the kitchen, to the fridge that held the hospital bags of blood. One by one, she ripped them open and watched as the thick liquid flowed like molasses down the drain in the kitchen sink. By the time she was done, the bags littered the counter and floor, bright swatches of red staining the surfaces they rested on here and there. The sink itself was a horror. When Murphy heard the now-familiar sound of Milo’s tread approaching, she grabbed the one organ left under a warmer, the kidney, and shifted into wolf form. She laid on the tile of the kitchen floor and canines had just begun to tear into the soft flesh of the organ when his footsteps stopped.  
Milo didn’t enjoy feeling anxious, yet recently it seemed to be his permanent state of being. With Metzli gone, and a roommate he couldn’t stop clashing with, finding time to relax was proving all but impossible. Even tonight, attempting to drink himself into a stupor at the bar of the Bloody Stake, he had been interrupted by a phone call that set him on edge. Quite possibly more so than knowing Murphy would be waiting for him at home. Harsh had sounded resolute, insisting he could no longer supply bags of blood from the hospital due to an anonymous tip. The blood bags were being closely monitored, anybody trying to obtain blood without utilising the official avenues was going to be fired, and possibly reported to the Police. He couldn’t blame Harsh for dropping him, not when he had very nearly moved into Metzli’s apartment. Not when they had grown apart as his supernatural friends became his family. He had more than a few bags stored in the fridge, and if he could ration himself, maybe Metzli would be home before the issue needed his attention. Even if Harsh could no longer help him, Metzli would undoubtedly know what to do. With more than a couple of drinks in his system, the smell of dog should have been easy to ignore, he was begrudgingly growing used to it, but as he approached the door to his apartment, it was undeniably overwhelming. Fumbling with his key for far longer than he would ever care to admit, he eventually slid it into the lock, shoving the door open to reveal a large wolf curled up in the kitchen.  
Startled by the sight, but understanding immediately what was happening, he cursed under his breath and hurried to close the door behind himself, blocking Murphy from any neighbours who might decide to pass by. Kicking off his shoes, resting a hand against the wall for support, it was only after completing his task that he realised the scent of blood wasn’t just coming from whatever Murphy was chewing on. There was a different scent, the scent of bagged blood. Maybe she had heard about the hospital, maybe she had already counted his bags for him. It was an enjoyable thought, but not one he could take too seriously. As time passed, they only seemed to irritate each other. Finding new things to argue about, new ways to get under each other’s skin. “What the fuck is wrong with you?” He bit out, unable to help himself. “Is it so hard to sit on the couch with a bag of fucking Cheetos?” Shrugging out of his jacket, he balled it up and threw it at the wolf, curious to see whether he could taunt Murphy back into her human form. He vastly preferred it when she didn’t talk, but the opportunity to annoy her was too great. 
The she-wolf growled low in her throat. A sound much more menacing than any sound she could produce in her human form. It clearly told him to back off. To taunt a feeding Murphy was one thing, but to taunt the wolf with prey still in its jaws… Without warning she lunged, her aim clearly in Milo’s direction, but rather than digging her canines into him, she merely latched onto his jacket instead. The movement was over in seconds, his jacket now in shreds. One lip curled up over glistening canines as she went back to her meal. It was downed in seconds, strong jaw having made quick work of the muscle. Once finished she shifted back and make quick work of grabbing the t-shirt of Metzli’s that she had been wearing and tossed it on.  
“I don’t know what Li has taught you, but you never fuck with a wolf and its food. Most would kill you on the spot.” She picked up what was left of their jacket and tossed it at them. “I’m not replacing it, so don’t even ask.” Murphy could feel the blood stuck to her face from her meal, and went over to the sink to wash it. As she did so, she began to wash the dregs of blood from her earlier task down the drain. Once finished, she reached into a cabinet and pulled out a bag of Cheetos. Slowly she ripped open the bag and popped one into her mouth. As she chewed she took care to crunch loudly. “Well I know what I’m having for dinner,” she shook the bag, “Now the question is, what are you?” 
If Milo wasn’t on the right side of tipsy, he would have flinched as the wolf advanced on him. But he was feeling incredibly confident in the fact that Murphy would never physically cause him harm. Metzli had her under their control, as much as she would probably protest otherwise. That didn’t stop his eyes from flashing red as he watched the wolf tear apart his clothing. He wasn’t sure what he had been expecting, but he certainly hadn’t been prepared for the level of aggression on display. He barely had time to process what had happened before Murphy’s wolf shifted back into the human Murphy, the Murphy who made him want to shout, and scream, and break more of Metzli’s precious crystal glasses. Averting his gaze as she shrugged on a shirt he recognised as his belonging to his friend, he only looked back over to the werewolf when he knew she was dressed, disbelief written across his features. “I don’t know what Metzli has taught you, but you don’t do this shit in somebody’s living space.” He snapped back. The apartment was a place to be calm, and enjoy a sense of hard-earned normalcy. How could he do that when Murphy was hurting people, and shifting sporadically into her wolf? Catching the shreds of his jacket without thinking, he clenched the material in his fists. “I’ll settle for the forty dollars it cost me.” He wasn’t sure Murphy would ever hand over the money, but he could search for her wallet when she was distracted. He had a skill for lifting money. 
Letting out a huff of breath, he threw what was left of his jacket down to rest beside his shoes, following Murphy with his gaze as she moved to wash the blood from her face. Only as she began to run the taps did he realise where the scent of old blood was coming from. The blood separate from the fresh warmth of Murphy’s meat. Eying the sink, nervous, though he couldn’t say why, he took a hesitant step towards where Murphy was standing. Pointedly ignoring her as she opened a packet of Cheetos, her question cut through him like a knife. Far more powerful, and effective than the petty sound of her crunching. He froze, catching her eye as his frustration drained suddenly from his body. His anxiety was back, stronger than before as he asked himself how she could possibly know about Harsh. “I have blood bags.” He countered, hoping to assure her that he would be okay for another week. Quite possibly another two weeks if he was careful. But there was something about her tone that made him second guess his assumption. Maybe she wasn’t asking what he thought she was asking. “How do you know about the hospital?” He swallowed, unable to shake his growing feeling of unease. It was possible she didn’t know about the hospital, it was possible she was referencing something else entirely. A jolt running through him, he rushed to stand over the sink, pushing her out of the way so that he could see what was sitting in the basin. His blood bags were there, innocently piled up and resting in a shallow pool of water. But they were entirely devoid of their contents. Only a few dregs of blood remained, circling the drain as he watched on in horror. Too shocked to worry about his sweater getting wet, he reached into the sink, counting through the bags as he struggled to hide his panic. “No, no, no, no, no… What did you do?” He demanded, his breath coming in gasps as he called for an explanation. “Murphy, what the fuck did you do?”  
“Metzli hasn’t taught me anything, Milo.” Her voice is sharp, “I don’t need to be taught anything. Because I’m not a child.” Gosh, how he infuriated her, Murphy had never been one for children. Never held a desire to have her own child until the chance was thrust in front of her only to be taken away in the same instant. But this? His constant whining made her want to rip out her womb. “If I was still one, you’d be dead. You can piss around and yell and throw temper tantrums about my lack of control all that you want, but the person you’re truly angry at is yourself. It’s pitiful. It’s annoying, and I’ve fucking had enough!” That same tone crept into her voice as when she had commanded him to drink a few nights before. She was leading a pack of vampires. One of them was off to kill their master and the other couldn’t get a fucking grip. It was no wonder she was tired. “Oh, do you? Do you really?” She could not resist the taunt, eager to goad him to further anger despite herself. At his next question, couldn’t help but to laugh “I have my sources.” She snorts, not wanting to keep him in further suspense. “I work for the fucking fire department, dweeb. Any impropriety with blood is bound to be reported.” Murphy left the bait hang. It was so close, right there in front of his face. She was the one who did it. The one who cut off his supply. C’mon Milo. The taunt ran through her head.  
Whatever happy smirk marred her face was quickly replaced with a slight frown as she noticed his descent into what could only be described as panic. Roughly she grabbed his arm and lead him to the sofa, forcing him to sit upon it. “Breath, Mi. Relax.” Her eyes rolled. “No need to act as though I’m going to forget to feed you. You’ll have blood when you need it. It’ll just be blood actually worth drinking this time. It’s time you grow up, and Metzli is too kind to make you do it, so I’m going to.” There was genuine care laced under her irritation, visible in her green hues as they met his blue. “I won’t force you to kill, that choice is yours. But if you cannot learn to feed, to grow accustomed to human blood,” she held up a finger before he could protest about the blood in the bags being human, “Real human blood, and you insist on hanging around with humans, you are going to kill someone.” 
Milo stared at Murphy, trying to understand what she meant. Had she been more violent as a child? Was this Murphy the one who was supposedly in control? The thought would make him uneasy if he wasn’t so preoccupied. Flinching at the sudden shift in her tone, forced back into the present, he shook his head, reaching up with wet hands to tug at his hair. He felt like he was going insane, like this was some nightmare he was about to wake up from. “You can’t talk to me about control!” He insisted, his voice breathless as panic continued to shake him to his core. “Are you fucking serious? You just poured my way of staying in control down the drain, you-” He broke off, a whimper escaping him as he screwed his eyes shut, a vain attempt to block out his surroundings, and ground himself. Despite the fact that he didn’t need oxygen, his body was telling him he was desperate for it, and he wasn’t able to catch his breath. A growl of anger escaping him at Murphy’s taunts, he lowered his hands, opening his eyes again to watch her. His expression was a mix of fear, and frustration, his eyes making it clear just how helpless he felt. Where was he going to get his blood from? How had his world been altered so drastically over the course of a single evening? “So you couldn’t have hidden the files?” He asked, his mind working to try and process what she was telling him. “Found a way to make sure the vampires in this town were still able to…” He trailed off, a thought hitting him hard enough to make him falter, and he stumbled backwards to rest against the counter, his hands gripping at its edge until his knuckles turned white with the pressure. “No… you didn’t…” His voice was barely louder than a whisper as he held Murphy’s gaze. He willed her to tell him he was being ridiculous, that she would never do anything so manipulative, or selfish.  
Barely registering the contact when she grabbed the top of his arm, he allowed her to drag him into the living room without any form of protest. He stayed silent, too shocked, upset, and anxious to even begin forming coherent sentences. As he was told to relax, he became more tense, his hands balling into fists at his side. He rested them in his lap as Murphy encouraged him to take a seat, listening to her while she explained her actions. She told him she was going to take care of him, and find him fresh blood. It would be too easy to give in, part of him wanted to. At least he would have regular meals, and they would taste far superior to the meals he was used to. But taste wasn’t his main concern. He could treat himself to drinks mixed with blood, and plasma at any number of nightclubs in town. He could travel to the market if he ever wanted blood that could be considered a higher quality. What Murphy couldn’t guarantee him was a sated thirst. She couldn’t guarantee his ability to repress his instincts, or his ability to remain strong in the face of temptation. He drank a lot of bagged blood, suppressing a side of himself he liked to pretend wasn’t there. And Murphy wanted him to look it straight in the face. To welcome it as a part of his identity.  
“Why do you care?” He asked, surprising himself as the words escaped him. His voice shook, and he was forced to blink tears out of his eyes. He felt so small, sitting on the couch. He wanted to curl in on himself, to protect himself from his new vulnerability. “Why do you care what I drink? I didn’t ask for this- I didn’t ask for your help. I was fine, I was fine…” He choked back a sob, still asking himself the unanswerable questions. How long until he needed to drink? How long did he have to find an ethical source of blood? A source of blood where nobody got hurt, and he didn’t put the doner at risk? What was going to happen if he ran out of time? “Don’t act like this is for me.” He swallowed, lowering his gaze as he struggled to inhale. “Don’t- don’t do that. This is for you- this is to prove something about your fucked up view of- of how things should be, and how we should act. But I’m not like you. I don’t want your blood. I don’t want your help. I want- I want you to leave me alone. Just leave me alone...”  
"I did." If Murphy were to feel any shame over what she had done, it would be now. And she did. For a brief moment, it colored her cheeks. She had known how he felt about ethically sourced blood, but, she had not expected this visceral of a reaction. "Most of the vampires in this town know how to feed. The ones that don't will either learn or be killed. They are not my concern." It sounded cold, calloused, and she supposed that it was. But it was also the truth. Few people mattered to her enough for her to even bother to give a damn. In fact, until Metzli, that number had been zero. Now, thanks to them, it appeared that one had turned into two. Something within her softened as she watched him struggle. When she spoke again it was without malice, scorn, or accusations. It was simply calm. "You might not believe that this is for you right now, but it is. You're shattered now at the mere thought of hurting someone because what keeps you in check is gone. What would happen if that were to actually happen. If you were to allow your worst nightmare to come true?" Murphy had lived through hers. The loss of her mate and their unborn pup. It very nearly cost her what shred of humanity she had as a wolf. And though her method may be cruel, she did not want the same thing to happen to him.  
Murphy gave a soft chuckle. "Milo, I'm not trying to make you like me. I don't expect you to go out and kill your food." She sighed. "I do not even expect you to be okay with me going out and killing your food. It might seem like some cruel attempt at revenge from our last fight, but it was a lot more well thought out than that. I have blood on hand for you, should the need arise. Bagged blood. I know where it is and it will be easy to get it." In truth, all he would need to do is search her own refrigerator to find what he seemed to so desperately need. She was a lot of things, but stupid was not one of them. It would not be on her watch that he would go unfed enough to do something he would regret later. “There are ways for you to feed properly without harming someone. Just because I choose to not partake in those ways does not mean I don’t know what they are. It just means that I don’t like them for me.”  
Tentatively she sat down next to him, taking care to reach out as though she was about to tend to a wounded animal. In order for any of this to work, he needed to calm down. Gently she began to run her fingers through dark hair and allowed her nails to rake soothingly against his scalp with each pass through. “I know it is scary. I know it seems impossible. But you can do it. Take us fighting for instance. You’re young enough yet that with how angry you’ve gotten over the past couple of days you should have tried to tear me to pieces. Try being the operative word. Yet you didn’t, because you chose not to. Why? Because you have experience being angry and not lashing out. You can build the same tolerance with blood if you put your mind to it. Think of how much less of a danger you will be to your friends if you know how to control your thirst.” She sighed once more. “There’s flesh blood out in my truck. From a living donor. A very well-paid living donor now thanks to me. Do you want it?” 
Milo felt his heart sink when Murphy confirmed she had been the one to leave the anonymous tip. It showed him he didn’t know what she was capable of. She could be violent, sure, but apparently she could also be cunning. She was smarter than he gave her credit for, and now he was paying the price for underestimating her. “They’re my concern.” He insisted. “Murphy, you had no right to do that… you just took away a safe source of food for an entire town…” Maybe not every vampire in White Crest got their blood from the hospital, but the ones who did were making an effort to be safe, and Murphy had just robbed them of that. Of an easy, reliable option. Feeling her demeanour soften, he stifled his sobs, scrubbing at his tears with the sleeve of his sweater. The material was still damp from the water in the sink, and smelled faintly of diluted blood. Removing his glasses, the inside of the lenses were smudged, but he made no move to clean them. Instead, he folded and unfolded the frames, using the action as a way to distract himself. “But it was keeping me in check-” He pointed out, using Murphy’s own words against her. “Why are you doing this to me?” He shook his head, refusing to answer her question. He would deal with it if it happened, in the same way he was going to have to deal with what was happening right now. Eilidh would know of a new source. If not Eilidh, then Bex. Maybe even Silas would know somebody who could offer him a consistent supply of blood.  
Hesitantly glancing back up at Murphy, he was surprised to hear her say she knew he wouldn’t accept food from her. Not food that was the result of a person’s death. Once he had accepted her blood. Because it was there, and not drinking it wasn’t going to bring back whoever her victim had been. But he wasn’t about to give her more reason to continue killing, and apparently she understood that. “You- you do?” As quickly as anxiety had seized his chest, it was dampened, weakened by a sudden spark of hope. There was still blood nearby. It may not be blood from the hospital, but he wasn’t going to starve. “Murphy, I had a way-” He begged her to listen to him, spurred on by the knowledge that his situation wasn’t as dire as he had been led to believe. “I had a way of not harming people, and you just blocked me from it.” Tensing as the werewolf moved suddenly to sit beside him, he was reminded of her unpredictability. But as he eyed the hole she had left in the drywall a few days prior, the same hand responsible for the damage tangled in his hair. Her nails were gentle as they traced lines against his scalp, and he allowed himself to relax, taking a deep, unsteady breath instead of pulling away.  
“Because I don’t like hurting people… your first instinct is violence, Murphy. Mine isn’t.” He wasn’t sure she would ever be able to empathise, to see the world using his perspective. But he also wasn’t sure he would ever be able to see the world using hers. They just were too different, held together by a love of substances, and the vampire who owned the apartment they were sitting in. “I know how to control my thirst.” He added, a frown creasing his brow as he spoke. Maybe it wasn’t true, but he was learning. If he drank enough blood he could function, he could face cravings, and temptation without feeling overwhelmed by them. What made his method of control any worse than the one Murphy was suggesting? “Yes, I want it.” He didn’t hesitate, making it clear he was still angry and upset by what had transpired between them. He couldn’t trust Murphy, she had proven that to him. And it hurt. “Obviously, I want it.” He didn’t like the prospect of living donors. Without medical equipment, and a sufficient passing of time between donations, humans could get very sick, very quickly. Losing blood on a regular basis wasn’t something their bodies were designed to do, and he would tell Murphy that when he was ready. But for now, he wanted to quell what was left of his nerves, wanted to feel his panic as it was washed away by the blood he was being promised. 
“I am sure the town will survive. There are at least another dozen small shit-holes scattered around. All of which most likely have some understaffed hospital to nab blood from.” Murphy knew of at least that many from her various hunting trips; it wouldn’t do to let too many bodies start piling up in one place. It was not smart, especially in places so near where the monster itself lived. “Besides, the only person you need be concerned with right now is yourself.” The unmentioned other hung in the air. Though she had not said their name, it hung clear in the air as though her words had left the space for it. “This,” she waved her hand over Milo’s form as it shivered, “Is not handling anything.” For her it was frustration. Why could he just not accept? Embrace? It had saved her on countless occasions, having been able to so easily slip between skins. Between human and wolf. She was so connected she was no longer sure where one ended and the other began. The actions she took today with Milo were that of a she-wolf teaching her pups to hunt. If you missed a meal there were no second chances. Once it slipped away it was gone, out of your grasp.  
“I do. But it is limited, and I cannot get more. Like it or not you are going to need to learn. Really learn. Even if you could secure this source for yourself it would be something, but you can’t even do that. You are completely dependent upon others to take care of your needs. And it needs to stop. You were not a child when you were turned, and you certainly are not one now.” She eyed him with an air of almost loving exasperation. “Though you certainly do behave like one now.”  
Ire and frustration grew within her. When he said those next words, she snapped back. Murphy did not shout or yell, but green hues flashed dangerously and her tone was like ice. “So what if it is? Violence keeps you alive. And when you allow yourself to grow complacent, to learn a different way, things are taken from you,” her eyes glaze over, “A mate. A child.” She cut her words off abruptly and blinked back the water that suddenly threatened to spill over the rim of her eyes. “I’ll go grab it.” The walk from the apartment down to the truck calmed her somewhat, tense muscles loosened, and no longer was there the urge to rip her hair out by the root. For a few moments, she simply stood bathed in the moonlight, leaning against her truck, and wondered if she and Metzli were looking at the same star right now. With a soft sigh, she made her way back in, handed the blood to Milo, and slipped softly back onto the couch. “Pick a movie kid.” 
“That isn’t the point, and you know it.” Milo countered. It wasn’t just that she had taken away his food source, it was that she had done so to be petty, to prove something to him. And she had made life difficult for so many other people in the process. People he didn’t know, and would probably never meet. But somehow that only made things worse. Murphy could choose who she cared for, and even why she cared. Strangers were expendable, especially when she didn’t know them by name. It worried him, possibly more than it should. Possibly the exact right amount. “I am concerned.” He assured her, sniffling as he began to calm down. “I’m really fucking concerned.” He had until her stash ran out to find something new. He had time. He couldn’t go through that fear again, the desperation of knowing he had no idea where his next meal was going to be coming from. Ducking his head, drawing in on himself as she gestured to his body, the way he was still shaking from the severity of his reaction, he bit down on his bottom lip. He didn’t enjoy being made to feel small, and inadequate. But he would be lying if he said he wasn’t both of those things under the scrutiny of Mason Murphy.  
Staying quiet as she continued to berate him, her voice laced with a confusing amount of affection, he didn’t want to admit she was right. But ever since waking up as a vampire he had undeniably been reliant on Harsh, Eilidh, Bex, and Metzli. Even Orion once upon a time. What would he do if they were to disappear? Would he be able to take care of himself? Or would he spend his days scouring the woods for injured animals that were easy to to feed on? It was how he had spent his first terrifying month. Going back to that was not a viable option. “I don’t behave like anything.” He muttered petulantly, polishing the lenses of his glasses before slipping them back on. His body tensing at the shift in Murphy’s tone, he was becoming used to her sudden moods, and he was able to stop himself from flinching. He wanted to bite back, to tell her violence was the worst instinct to fall back on. As far as he was concerned, it should always be considered a last resort. But then she mentioned a mate, and a child, and he found himself holding back a hundred questions. It was clear she was speaking from experience, that she wasn’t cold, and callous because she wanted to be. Maybe it came naturally to her because her life had forced her to adapt. Even so, he wasn’t sure he would ever be able to forgive her for the position she had put him in, regardless of whether she claimed it was for his own good.  
Staying seated as she got up to leave, he listened to her footsteps retreat until he could no longer hear them. Taking solace in the time alone. He wasn’t sure how long she was gone, but as she made her way back to the apartment, he noticed her breaths were slow, and measured. She was still so confident in her choices. Still so, so sure she was right. Taking the blood from her, snatching it as though worried she might withdraw her offer if he wasn’t fast enough, he didn’t tear into the bag like he wanted to. He needed to ration himself if he wanted her supply to last. Instead, he pushed himself to stand, brushing her off as she told him to decide on a movie. “I’m good.” He insisted, his voice tired, and bitter, as he headed towards his bedroom. He wasn’t ready to leave the apartment, and he didn’t have anywhere to go. But he didn’t want to sit with Murphy and pretend everything was okay. It wasn’t. And he wasn’t sure if it ever would be. 
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penaltybox14 · 3 years
Writing is a valid therapeutic modality, thank you. 
Or, Emergency!: Bob Bellingham and Craig Brice discuss the finer points of starting an IV.
Bob is a known bloodletter.
He's not happy about it, but he's not shy.
"Bobby," Terry Malley told him once in exasperation, mincing away from the puddle on the ambulance floor, "for god's sake, next time keep the red, sticky stuff inside the body, ok?"
"I got the line, didn't I?"
He's got that going for him.  He can get a line on a statue, he could find a vein on the Venus de Milo, on Aphrodite with her arms gone centuries ago.  What's one more puddle on the floor, what's one more dribble down the arm, when you've got the line.  It ain't pretty, no one ever said it was, but it doesn't have to be.  Dixie says, Bob, you track blood on these floors one more time, you'll mop it yourself, but she tells the candy-stripers to take a look because that's how you do it, girls.
Mayfair's bone-boxes look like a devil's blown through.  He apologizes.  He shrugs.  He helps them clean up.
He sort of figures, what with his Ford-factory-assembly-line precision, Brice would be a natural.  But he isn't.  He's too textbook, he's too heavy on what he sees, and he tenses, he hesitates.  He blows the vein 7 times of 10, in the ambulance.  On scene, flat ground, smoke-sky, he's better.
They come off a call, a real mess, a cherry red mustang chewed up by a tractor trailer jack-knifing on the I-5 and a Chrysler clipped by the action and the trucker pale and puking on the roadside while a tanned and salt-dusted teen in cutoff jeans sobbed and his buddy's head lolled like a broken doll and another boy like a little brother curled in the backseat dusted with broken glass like a star had fallen on him.  They had surfboards in six pieces.  The traveling salesman in the Chrysler had run in a three-piece suit to the emergency box on the roadside a whole quarter-mile to call for help. 
He was sweating so.  His glasses slipped on his nose.  "They look like my sons," he said, by way of explanation, his arm bent wrong and his lips quite pale.  "They just look like my sons."
The safely star-crusted boy with cuts and bruises went with the salesman and Vincent Lackey in one ambulance, and him and Brice took the sobbing boy who was sickly under his tan. 
That other boy.  In the car.  Who had probably been laughing with his arm out the window.  He went to the county, in the white van with no lights.
He got the line gunning sixty, sweating his shirt a duskier blue, and kept his eye on the numbers game between the monitor and the pulse and BP, while Craig made an inventory of the boy and all his bruises and didn't lie.  Didn't say much, but didn't lie. 
It had been twenty minutes to Rampart, and every time he radioed, the numbers game got worse, the odds got longer.  That boy would need a surgeon.  That boy would need god. 
They came off the call to a blue sky that hove above them cloudless and insulting. 
"You've got blood on your shirt," Craig had fussed at him.  "We have to go out of service.  You have to change, it's in the personnel manual."
This was Craig's way of saying: that call was a bastard, wasn't it. 
"If I let it dry, Cap'll just think it's another chili stain."
This was his way of saying: I hear you. 
Back at quarters, Craig swung around in the kitchen with two cups of coffee and said "Bob, how do you do it?"
"What?  Spill shit on my uniform every day?"
"No.  Yes.  Well.  The line.  I've missed six of the last ten.  I can see the veins, it isn't that."
Bob puts the coffee on the table.  "Seeing'll trip you up.  C'mere."
Out in the bay, he sits in the passenger seat and takes a tourniquet out from the IV kit.  Snaps it tight around Craig's bicep.  His veins pop up nice; "But see?  They're just the same as the rest of you, you're not a vampire like Vinnie Lackey is.  You got to feel for them.  See."  He finds the soft, springy vein in the a/c, trails his fingers to the wrist, which is Jack Vaughn's favorite spot in a pinch, to the back of the hand between the tendons.  "Close your eyes.  Feel it?"
He snaps the tourniquet and a line of hair off and says, "You try."
Craig pulls the rubber taut and pulls the hair and lets a ghost of an expression cross his face.  Sorry it hurts.  It always hurts a little.  You wonder why the junkies don't mind. 
Bob has thicker arms.  His veins don't come up like fat autumn roots.  Craig lays his fingers there, at the crease of the elbow, crouches down and closes his eyes.  Here, and there.  He feels it.  The pulse-point, the old scar, the deep veins.  There is a calmness to him.  He doesn't see the blood.  It's only there. 
"This ain't some weird paramedic hazing thing, is it?"
Lenny Volente, master of ruining the moment, leans against his baby, his engine.   Cap, in the watch-officer's room, shouts, "I didn't hear paramedic and I didn't hear weird and I didn't hear hazing, Lenny Volente."
Craig snaps the tourniquet, and a cat's paw of hair, off, and he winces.  And he laughs, and Craig's lips pull into a smile.
"Change your shirt," he says.  "Before the tones drop again."
"What, he spill chili again?"
"Yeah, just like every day."  
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dailyrapfacts · 3 years
Busta Rhymes got his rap name from Chuck D
Busta Rhymes got his rap name from Chuck D
Public Enemy’s Chuck D gave Busta Rhymes his rap name. Before Brooklyn-born Busta Rhymes was known as the Busta Rhymes, he was Trevor George Smith Jr, who went to the same high school as Jay-Z and they once battled in the cafeteria. Busta Rhymes’ family would then move to Long Island where he would meet Uniondale locals, Charlie Brown, Dinco D, and Cut Monitor Milo. The four of them would then…
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megalony · 4 years
The Evans boys- Part 5
Here is the next part in my Chris Evans series, I hope everyone will like it, thank you all for the amazing feedback so far.
Taglist: @lunaticspoem @butlegendsneverdie @langdonzvoid @jennyggggrrr @rogmeddows @radiob-l-a-hblah @rogertaylorsbitontheside @chlobo6 @rogertaylors-lipgloss @sj-thefan @omgitsearly @luckytrashgooprebel @scarsout @deaky-with-a-c @killer-queen-ofrhye @bluutac @vousmemanqueez @jonesyaddiction @rogahs-drowse @milanosaurus @httpfandxms @saint-hardy @7-seas-of-fat-bottomed-girls @mrsalwayswritex @rogerina-owns-me @peterquillzsblog​
Series taglist: @ihearthockeyy​ @lizzyclifford13-blog​ @may-machin @tessa-bl @ifilosemyselfagain @shamelessfangirl-3 @boos-ramblings​
Series masterlist
Summary: Chris and (Y/n) have four boys together and are finally expecting a girl, but their family is hectic and things get harder when (Y/n) becomes ill.
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(Y/n) didn't need to open her eyes to know that it was Chris who had entered the room and who was now sitting beside her, one hand rubbing soothing circles into her lower back as he held her hair from her face with his other hand. He didn't say anything as he sat and waited for her to finish throwing up but (Y/n) could feel the worry radiating off of him.
Last week hadn't been such a good week for them both because (Y/n) hadn't gotten much better since being in the hospital and hadn't managed to eat very much at all. This led to (Y/n) having to stay in for another week but this week had been a lot better. (Y/n) had more energy and was eating better, she felt almost back to her old self, especially since the painkillers were taking away most of the pain from her slipped disc in her back.
With how much better she looked and felt, the doctor was sure she could go home tomorrow and that made (Y/n) overjoyed. She was desperate to go back home and be with her boys again and try to get back to a sense of normality.
"Are you alright?" Chris spoke quietly when (Y/n) sat back up from hunching over the sick bowl, feeling like she had emptied her stomach now.
"Yeah, I've been like this all day." Moving the sick bowl from the bed, (Y/n) leaned her head back and closed her eyes for a few moments. She was desperately hoping that this was just an uneasy feeling that would go away soon so she could still go home tomorrow. If the doctor saw (Y/n) like this and worried then she would make (Y/n) stay in for longer. "How are the boys?" (Y/n) turned her head to look at Chris, hoping he would oblige with the change of topic. She noticed the look in his eyes as he watched her for a few moments before relenting and giving in.
"They miss you, Milo's been sleeping with me and Luca sneaks in too at some point in the night. They're with mum today but they want to come down tomorrow to pick you up."
Chris couldn't help but smile as he spoke, it was normal for Milo to want to stay with (Y/n) and Chris but since (Y/n) wasn't at home he made it his mission to stay with Chris during the night since he claimed there was more room now. Luca on the other hand just wandered in when he thought Chris was asleep and there were the very rare occasions that Charlie and Levi would come into Chris and (Y/n)'s room but that was only to watch tv.
For the last two weeks, Chris had been coming to see (Y/n) everyday, splitting his time between being home with the boys and being at the hospital with (Y/n). He'd bring the boys with him to see (Y/n) every other day so they knew she was alright and could talk to her, especially for Milo's sake because he was only four and he didn't understand why (Y/n) wasn't at home like she always was. Chris knew that (Y/n) was desperate to come home, it had upset her a lot when she realised the hospital weren't going to send her home after a week of being here.
Now that (Y/n) could hopefully come home tomorrow if the doctor said it was alright, the boys were really excited and were all desperate to come down to the hospital tomorrow to pick (Y/n) up.
Moving around, (Y/n) pushed herself so she was sitting up straighter as opposed to laying at an angle which wasn't really helping her back very much.
"What's up?" Chris asked after a while, narrowing his eyes when he noticed (Y/n) kept moving and shifting like she had an itch that she couldn't scratch but her expression showed she was either very uncomfortable or she was in some kind of pain. He knew for a fact that the medication she was on was working for her slipped disc because she had been moving about a lot these past two weeks and she was able to sit and lie down and get up with no pain at all.
"My back hurts, I don't know how to sit." Leaning forward, (Y/n) moved her hand to add a little pressure to her back to see if it would relieve the pain she was beginning to feel but it didn't help. She didn't know how to sit or lay to try and relieve the pain that wasn't too bad but it was noticeable.
Just as Chris was going to say something, he cut himself short when (Y/n)'s hand scrunched up in the bed sheet and her eyes snapped closed. He could see her muscles tensing and pulling tight like elastic bands like she was trying to lock herself in place and become a statue. Chris himself froze, unsure what to do or what to say because he didn't know what was happening or what the sudden problem was.
"Doll, what's wrong?" Chris stood up as he rested his hand on her upper back, not daring to move his hand lower in case he touched any part of her back that was in pain.
"I-... I think my water just broke." (Y/n) didn't dare open her eyes as she spoke, afraid of what Chris' expression and reaction would be. They were only thirty four weeks, (Y/n) wanted to be at at least thirty six or thirty seven weeks before thinking about labour because it would be safer that way. Having their girl now when neither (Y/n) or the baby had been well wasn't the best idea.
Chris didn't think twice before he reached over and pressed the emergency button to get help as he sat down on the bed beside (Y/n) who looked beyond irritated as if the baby had planned this.
"I can't go home now." (Y/n) whispered the words under her breath but Chris managed to hear them. Even if this turned out to be a false alarm or they managed to stop the labour, (Y/n) would still have to be kept in for observation now so her chances of going home were gone.
(Y/n) just knew this wasn't a false alarm, she had done this four times now and that was definitely her water that had broken. With the last two labours they had been rather quick and swift so there was no doubt that it would be the same this time around. (Y/n) didn't want this to drag out like it had done with Levi where she'd been in labour for almost two days, she couldn't go through the pain for more than a day, not with how her back was already beginning to burn.
"Can't you give me something else to take the pain away, please?" (Y/n)'s watering eyes locked with the midwife who was perched on the edge of the bed but when she shook her head with a saddened look, (Y/n) let a sob bubble past her lips.
"You're already on a monitored dose of morphine-"
"Well it's not working." (Y/n) bit back in a volatile yet powerless tone before she let her head fall back against the pillow, looking like her neck had suddenly broken and snapped backwards. The pain never got lesser or was something that (Y/n) could get used to but it was always a little but easier to deal with each time. It was easier to push through the pain and know when to push and how to breathe and what position felt easier or more comfortable. It was always easier when the time of labour got shorter with each birth, the shorter it was the better (Y/n) felt.
But this time it did not feel easy and the pain was worse than what she remembered from when she had the boys. Her lower back was ignited with pain to the point (Y/n) couldn't even feel her legs, they didn't feel numb or full of pins and needles, they just felt like they weren't attached to her body anymore. The midwife could stab her leg with a needle and (Y/n) wouldn't have felt a thing.
(Y/n) could barely feel the contractions anymore from how much pain her back was in. The baby had to be pressing on (Y/n)'s slipped disc or be very close to it for the kind of pain that (Y/n) was feeling which the morphine couldn't take away. She was desperate to have any form of pain relief but the midwife wasn't allowing her to have anything else and it was physically crippling (Y/n).
"The head's almost born now, this will all be over soon and then we can give you something to make sure the pain stops." The midwife patted (Y/n)'s leg but she couldn't feel the touch and her words weren't as calming as the midwife seemed to think.
(Y/n) tried to straighten out her back but the moment she was lying flat on the bed her chest seemed to convulse and she had to push her back up so her back wasn't pressed against the mattress and to keep her spine curved rather than straight. Reaching a shaking hand up, (Y/n) covered her eyes to try and stop the tears from falling but she couldn't stop them from escaping, nor could she stop the sobs that wracked from her lips.
"Doll, lying down isn't gonna help, let's sit you up and get you comfy cause you're so close now. You know exactly what you're doing here, it'll be over in half an hour." Chris gently leaned his temple against the side of (Y/n)'s head as he hovered his lips over the shell of her ear. He felt to the point of tears himself because (Y/n)'s pain was crippling him when he knew there was nothing he could do to help.
"I can't... I n-need the pain to stop." (Y/n) didn't care anymore, she let the tears run down her face and her cries to break her words apart because the pain was excruciating. Her back was overpowering everything else to the point it wasn't the labour that was hurting anymore, she could have sailed through this labour with no problems if her slipped disc had recovered or never have happened in the first place.
Lowering her hand, (Y/n) dared to open her watering eyes and look over at Chris who was sitting on her left, his own eyes glossing with unshed tears.
"Yes you can, you're so close now doll." Moving his arms, Chris slowly wrapped his arms around (Y/n) before he eased her so she was sitting up instead of lying down which was only going to add more pressure onto her back which she didn't need. The moment he got (Y/n) sitting up, he moved so he was sitting on the bed just behind her, allowing her to lean back into him as he kept his arms around her.
A sob escaped (Y/n)'s lips as she snapped her eyes closed and leaned forward to try and see if it would help. She leaned her head to the side, burrowing her face into Chris' arm as she grabbed his hand tightly in hers. Every part of (Y/n) started to shake and she could feel the sweat sticking to her skin like a second layer that she wanted to scrub away.
When the head was born, Chris curled his frame around (Y/n)'s, pressing his head into her neck and kissing the skin as he held her a little bit tighter to try and calm her down. But he knew his touch wasn't going to be enough to make (Y/n) forget or come to grips with the pain that she shouldn't be going through.
"Almost there, doll."
"One last push for me (Y/n), and she's here."
(Y/n) felt like her mind was a tv and the signal was cutting out causing breaks and pauses in the audio that she was listening to. Chris and the midwife's voices seemed to cut out and turn to white noise like her ears had tuned out of the station as she focused on letting her body do what it had done four times before but she felt overwhelmed and controlled by the pain.
She didn't realise she'd started to cry rather badly until she heard Chris quietly humming in her ear to calm her down. (Y/n) dug her nails into Chris' hand to try and ground herself as she tried her best to hold her breath until her breathing calmed down and her heart no longer felt like it was going to combust or break free from her chest. When she managed to open her eyes and concentrate her blurring vision, (Y/n) realised another midwife had come into the room and was holding their girl in her arms.
"I- is she b-breathing?" (Y/n)'s voice was meek and quiet but her eyes were focused on watching the midwife who was stood close to the couple. Their baby on one of her arms as her other hand focused on rubbing the newborn's chest.
"She's breathing but not very well, she's in shock." The midwife began switching from rubbing the newborn's chest to rubbing forceful circles on her back to try and get her lungs to open up and take a proper breath.
When the newborn finally managed to take in a proper breath it was croaky and sounded very desperate like she was a fish gasping for breath out of water. Small coughs escaped her pale blue lips and she started to move, but Chris could clearly see the very small newborn was subtally shaking.
"I'm going to go and clean her up and let a doctor check her over since she's still in shock but I'll bring her back as soon as she's okay." It wasn't as if she was giving the parents very much choice before she slipped out of the room with their first girl in her arms. Chris felt (Y/n)'s chest quake and her breathing change like she was trying so hard not to scream or burst into a fit of sobs. She was in agony but she still wanted to hold her baby girl and take a first look at her. They always got to hold the boys before they were taken to get cleaned up and weighed.
"Alright (Y/n), if we can get you laying on your side I'll give you a steroid injection for your back."
(Y/n) felt like being rude and asking why she couldn't have had that an hour earlier when she had almost passed out from the pain but she didn't hold the energy to fight with the midwife or to even talk at all. Her tear stained face was full of pain and desperation to have her baby in her arms but her expression didn't change or show relief at the midwife's words.
Her eyes locked with Chris' for a few seconds before he slowly moved off the bed, keeping his arms around (Y/n) so he could help turn her gently so she was laying on her side before he eased her so she was laying down instead of laying on him. Chris bit his lip at the sharp intake of breath and the whimper (Y/n) let out when she was laid down and he watched the way her breathing increased and her eyes closed for a few seconds. But once her back stopped pulsing and seemed to relax, (Y/n) opened her eyes again to see Chris was sat down in the chair that was pulled as close to the bed as he could manage.
Chris took her hand in his own and pressed his temple up against hers, forcing a smile to try and keep (Y/n) calm.
"This won't hurt for too long and it should act fast." The midwife's voice was calm as she stood on the other side of the bed behind (Y/n) and slowly pushed the needle into her lower back. Both Chris and the midwife were surprised at how calm (Y/n) was considering the needle was going into her spine, (Y/n) didn't flinch or jerk or try to pull away and Chris saw how her expression hardly changed, if a little wince here and there.
When the midwife finished, she set the needle down before she looked at (Y/n)'s back again and started adding light pressure to the columns between her spine. "Do you feel any numbness in your lower back?"
"A little, it's more my legs that feel numb." (Y/n)'s voice was quiet and she clearly sounded tired and rather fed up. Her body couldn't stop shaking from both the shock and the blinding pain and she felt dizzy but she knew that was normal. (Y/n) had gone through this enough times to know what was a normal reaction and what wasn't.
"Is that bad?" Chris lifted his head up so he could lock eyes with the midwife, his eyes full of desperation for this not to be a sign of something else that was wrong. (Y/n) didn't need any more problems or pains or complications and he didn't think he could handle anything else.
"Not necessarily, the slipped disc might be pressing on a nerve or it could just be a reaction to the morphine and the labour. We'll monitor you every few hours just to be sure." Her voice didn't sound too concerned which was a relief to both of them. The slipped disc should be almost healed but the baby and the labour could have caused it to press on a nerve which was a bad thing. But it could just be because of the labour or the different medications (Y/n) had been on over the past two weeks that were reacting.
The midwife did a few more checks before she was satisfied and left the couple to have a few moments alone.
"You did it, doll. I'm so proud of you." Chris slowly and methodically carded his fingers through (Y/n)'s hair, brushing it out of her eyes before he leaned over and stole a quick kiss from her lips. (Y/n) managed to smile when he pulled back but her eyes were glossing with tears again.
"I want to see her."
"I know, they'll bring her to us soon, I promise."
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victory-cookies · 4 years
and my heart starts pumpin’
A/N: (EDIT: this didn’t go into any tags earlier so I’m posting it again in the hopes it will this time) based on the r/relationship_advice post “My roommate’s (both 24f) heart monitor speeds up when she sees me. Should I read into this?” It fit too well not to write about. Enjoy.
Zack opened the door to the Murphy Suite to see Milo lying on the hospital bed watching tv. It’s soft glow flickered across his face and the sound of it mingled with the steady beeping of the heart rate monitor beside him.
Hearing the door open, Milo turned, his face lighting up when he spotted his friend. “Zack!” he exclaimed, grinning.
“Hey there, Milo,” Zack said as he walked into the room. “How’re you doing?”
“As good as can be expected when you’ve got broken bones.” He shrugged. “Who knew a model train exhibition could be so dangerous?”
Zack snorted. “What’s the damage?”
“A broken leg and a fractured hip,” he said, gesturing to the cast on his left leg. “The hip’s the big thing keeping me here… they’re probably gonna have to do surgery on it.”
“Dang. That sucks.”
“You got that right.”
“Well, if it makes you feel any better, I brought your homework!” Zack walked over to the bed and plopped the books and papers on the bedside table. “Nothing like some algebra to help heal those bones!”
Milo laughed.
Zack placed a hand on Milo’s arm. “Anyway, I’m sorry for the short visit, but I’ve got practice in a few so I really gotta get going. I hope you get well soon, man.”
Milo smiled and thanked him, but Zack only half-heard, distracted as he noticed the heart rate monitor behind him had begun to beep faster when he touched Milo’s arm. Huh. Wonder why that was.
Zack startled, realizing he hadn’t spoken in a while. “Oh, uh, haha… bye!” he said.
Milo looked mildly confused for a second. “Yeah, uh… see ya!”
It was only as he left the room that he realized that that wasn’t even the first time he’d heard Milo’s heart rate increase; he was nearly positive it had happened when Milo had seen him walking in.
If it had been a one time thing, Zack would have written the increasing heart rate thing off as… well, he wasn’t sure, maybe some post-injury adrenaline or something. Or how you automatically look at someone when they make a noise. But it was consistent; every time he walked into the Murphy Suite to visit Milo, he’d hear the beeping of the heart monitor speed up. Not a ton, probably only a by a few beats per minute, but enough that it was clearly happening. And the way his eyes would light up every time made it seem more like excitement than a random response.
(It reminded him of how his heart felt whenever Milo was around him, to be honest. Not that he’d admit that to anyone.)
He mentioned the occurrences to Melissa the next time the two of them were on their way to visit.
“It’s cute how he’s excited to see us, don’t you think?” he finished.
Melissa looked at him funny. “Dude, I have no idea what you’re talking about. I’ve been visiting Milo in the hospital for years, and I have never once noticed anything like that.”
“Huh.” Zack looked down, confused. Was this something that only happened for him, then? But why? His mind drifted back to how the monitor had beeped faster when he’d touched Milo’s arm that first time, and he thought of how his own heart would flutter in a similar situation. His face heated up as he realized the implications of that comparison. That couldn’t be it, right? That was just wishful thinking.
Still, he figured it couldn’t hurt to do a few tests to see, just to make sure he was wrong…
“Hey, guys!”
“Hey, Milo!” Zack and Melissa chorused as they entered the Murphy Suite.
And there it is, Zack thought, hearing the beeping of the heart monitor start to speed up. He sat down in the seat beside Milo’s bed.
“How’s it going?” Melissa asked, pulling up a chair next to Zack.
“Good!” he replied. “There’s been a Dr. Zone marathon on all day, so I’ve just been chilling. Not that I could do much else, y'know, fractured hip and all…” He chuckled.
“Ooh, a marathon? Exciting!”
As Milo began to talk about the latest episode he had watched and the new theory he had concocted, Zack let himself reach a hand out a brush Milo’s arm.
“…so what I’m thinking is that Dr. Zone’s clone was actually in league with the Trashcandroids the whole time, and…” he trailed off. “Uh, Zack?”
“Oh, sorry.” Zack pulled his hand away, but he had heard it plain as day: the heart monitor had sped up right on cue.
And so it began; every so often, Zack would gently touch Milo, and without fail, the beeping of the monitor would get faster. When he complimented Milo on his theory, he couldn’t deny the increase in his pulse (or the slight blush that had spread across Milo’s face). Even when he had smiled at him before they left, there it was. For goodness sake, it was like clockwork!
Zack wasn’t quite sure what to think.  
"Hi, Zack.”
Zack shut the door and walked over to Milo. “Hi!” He paused, noticing that his friend was looking a little less cheery than normal. “Hey, are you alright?”
Milo sighed, forcing a smile. “Yeah, I’m okay. I’m going in for surgery on my hip tomorrow morning.”
“You nervous about it?”
“A little,” he admitted, turning away. He bit his lip. “It’s just… I really don’t like surgery.”
Zack rubbed his shoulder, noting the beeping behind him speeding up. “I’m sure you’ll be fine. You’ve been operated on before, right? And you’re still kicking.”
“Yeah… I…” Milo sighed and rubbed the back of his neck. “Normally, with Murphy’s Law, I can be prepared to deal with it, y'know? I have my backpack and I’ve made sure that when something goes wrong, I’m ready and able to combat it. But going in for surgery… everything is out of my hands. So if something goes wrong…?” He didn’t continue.
Zack picked up Milo’s hand and held it between his own. “I’m sure things’ll work out just fine. They have so far, and—” He smiled. “—as a very wise and brave person once told me, if things have worked out in the past, why shouldn’t they now?”
A slight blush rose to Milo’s cheeks, and the heart monitor began to beep even faster than it already had been. Zack looked behind him at the machine and then turned back to his friend.
“Hey, uh, do you have any idea what that’s all about? Why the heart monitor speeds up whenever I come in? At first I thought it was just you being excited to see your friends but I’ve asked Melissa and she says it never happens when she comes to visit, and…”
He trailed off, realized that Milo looked like a deer in the headlights, face completely flushed now.
“Oh, um, well, Zack, you see… I, uh…” Milo laughed nervously. “You… it might be because I, uh… well—”
He was cut off as Zack leaned down and placed a quick kiss on his lips.
“Oh. Oh.”
The heart monitor was beeping more wildly than ever as Zack pulled away, a smile playing at the edge of his lips.
“Guess you solved that mystery,” Milo breathed, face bright red. He looked up at Zack. “Could you… could you do that again?”
“Of course.”
He cupped Milo’s cheek and kissed him again.
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thewriterofkpop · 5 years
GOT7 with a Y/N who practices to do hair because she got the notice that she will have a daughter
,,I‘m going… keep me updated, okay?“ your husband told you and tried to make sure that you would keep him updated on your baby’s well being.
You nodded and kissed him, walking him to the door.
,,I‘m sorry that I can’t come along…“ he mumbled again.
,,It’s okay, you have a comeback. I understand that,“ you said.
After all, you were married to GOT7‘s leader.
He smiled and kissed you again before closing the door.
A few hours later, you took your purse, walked out, and took a taxi, ready to see your doctor.
,,Is it okay that you’re here today?“ Jinyoung asked JB, almost whispering.
,,She completely understood it, but you know, I still feel guilty,“ JB laughed in irony.
Just a few minutes later the door opened and even though the boys were just taking a break, everyone jumped up.
You entered the room with a bag full of pink glitter and a doll with long hair.
,,Jagiya, come here and let me test something out!“ you blabbered and quickly put some flowers in his hair.
,,HAHAHAHA!“ Yugyeom began to laugh while he clapped his hands while Jinyoung took pictures.
,,What are you planning to do?“ JB asked you, trying hard to not say it in an annoyed way.
,,I‘m practicing,“ you simply replied.
Everyone stayed silent to think about your words. 
Suddenly, your husband jumped up and looked at you. 
You suddenly began to cry and that’s when he finally understood.
,,A girl?“ he asked you while everyone around you guys laughed happily about the notice.
,,Huh?“ Mark and Youngjae wondered when they came home.
,,What happened to Milo…?“ Youngjae asked.
,,I wonder too…“ he laughed while he saw his dog.
When he entered the living room, there was even more.
Not only was his dog decorated like a Christmas tree with blue and pink hair clips, but all over the table you had brushes and papers with instructions on how to do girlish hair.
Somehow, you suddenly had a big doll with long hair and a few wings.
,,Do you want to become a hair stylist?“ Mark asked and approached you, kissing you deeply and stroking your belly.
,,No, I just went to the doctor and-”
,,Doctor? Why?“ he quickly cut you off.
Panic was written in his eyes, but you didn’t even look up.
Usually Mark managed to come along to every appointment.
,,I felt sick and some kind of pressure, but that’s not the point-”
,,Pressure? Sick?“ Mark shockingly asked you.
His voice suddenly trembled.
,,Why didn’t you call me?“ he asked you.
You were perplexed.
,,Your comeback…“ you guilty mumbled.
,,Yes! But I‘m your husband first!“ he whined and kneeled down.
,,How are you now?“ he asked you, feeling pretty bad that you felt sick without telling him.
,,Could you first let me finish?“ you chuckled and touched his cheeks.
,,It‘s a girl, Mark. A girl,“ you began to sob in happiness.
,,Yes, I will be careful… yes… I know,“ you giggled over the phone as you looked to the monitor that was actually monitoring your heart frequency.
You cut the call and laid your head back as you pulled out a journal and read through it.
You wanted to know how to make hair look beautiful. After all, you just got the news that you would be giving birth to a girl.
,,You lied!“ the door suddenly opened and all the members of GOT7 stood behind him, your husband.
,,You fainted!“ he argued.
Apologetic, you closed the journal and stopped to tie your hair.
Jackson Wang, the most emotional man you ever saw, looked at you.
Your big belly, your hands on it on a hospital bed.
,,Why? What’s wrong?“ he asked you.
You smiled and explained that you just fainted.
,,I just felt sick and suddenly I laid here. Nothing is wrong! You can even ask the doctor! I just didn’t want you to be worried over something so trivial,“ you laughed.
All the boys turned away when they saw Jackson’s face.
,,Trivial?? IT'S YOUR AND OUR BOY’S LIFE!“ he complained.
,,Nope,“ you simply answered.
,,It’s a girl,“ you laughed and showed him the sonogram.
,,Oh, JB! Lend me your long hair!“ you began to laugh when suddenly Jackson hugged you and sobbed into your arms.
,,Don’t hide things like that from me, Y/N…“
Jackson begged one last time before he smiled brightly at you with teary eyes.
,,Ahh…“ Jinyoung sighed as he left for work.
,,Come on, it will be funny!“ you tried to make him feel better.
,,Yes, but it’s also funny with you,“ he complained and packed his things.
He had to leave for three days while you were pregnant.
He hated to leave you alone and now that you were pregnant, he hated it even more.
You gave him a last kiss before he closed the door.
These last three days you spent watching YouTube videos about how to insert hair clips and how to put flowers in hair.
,,Let’s visit them!“ you laughed, something you actually planned.
You wanted to pick up Jinyoung on his last day and actually tell him that your baby was a girl.
You put together everything you needed: a brush, flowers, and some clips.
,,Oh, Y/N!“ JB greeted you as he opened the door for you.
,,Oh, I need you for a moment!“ you laughed which made him nod.
,,Why did you come? It’s dangerous alone…“ your love told you and kissed your forehead after you greeted everyone.
Jinyoung observed you with worried eyes as you began to style JB‘s long hair.
,,Y/N, what are you doing?“ Mark laughed when he saw the yellow and orange clips in his leader‘s hair.
You looked at Jinyoung.
,,Practicing. Jinyoung, you should do the same,“ you told him.
He widely opened his eyes before he came to you and lightly hugged you.
Afterwards the members made you teach them on Jb how to do hair. 
All uncles needed to learn, after all.
,,Oh, sister-in-law, hello!“ Youngjae greeted his sister in law when he came home.
,,Hi, Youngjae!“ she laughed and stayed silent again after you pulled her hair.
,,I need to do this correctly!“ you laughed.
,,What for?“ Youngjae laughed as he kissed you.
But instead of you answering him, he immediately asked you where his brother was.
,,Oppa went out to buy food,“ you quickly told him.
,,Hello, Coco!“ Youngjae laughed when he saw his white dog finally approaching him.
,,Yes, I missed you too!“ he laughed and let his dog lick his face.
Indeed, half an hour later the long awaited brother returned home.
Bags were filled with all kinds of dishes.
,,Oh, Y/N, this looks so good!“ he said when he saw that his wife‘s hair was braided.
,,But I think Youngjae needs more practice,“ he laughed and looked at his brother who looked at him.
,,What for?“ he asked him before he realized.
,,Wait, you know the baby‘s sex?! You went without me??!“ he whined.
,,No, the doctor mistook something and called me and told me,“ you quickly told him.
,,Oh dear! A girl!“ he smiled and kissed you happily.
And since then, both of you spent your days watching hair styling videos on YouTube.
,,Oh, I didn‘t expect this, haha!“ you laughed when you looked at all the dolls your husband bought you.
,,Let’s practice together from now on!“ he laughed and kissed you.
Bambam was excited to have a girl.
You one day joked and told him that now you needed to practice to style hair, but suddenly a few days later your living room seemed as if you were a professional hair stylist.
,,Okay first, you need to brush them,“ you explained and both of you began to brush hair.
,,Then, you need to part the hair…“ you mumbled.
Both of you worked hard to make sure that you would be able to style hair well.
Bambam even began to practice with your hair.
,,So that I can take a matching mother-daughter picture?“ you asked him, overly happy.
BamBam laughed.
,,Ah, so jealous! Maybe I should let my hair grow too?“ he asked you and went on with styling.
,,Good morning… feeling better?“ he asked you.
The day before you went to sleep early because of dizziness.
You nodded and kissed him.
,,Today‘s my appointment, right?“ you asked him sheepishly.
Yugyeom nodded and nuzzled his head against your skin.
Slowly but safely, you guys started to get ready to go to your appointment.
,,I‘m so nervous… we’ll be able to find out the baby’s sex today…“ you chuckled and took Yugyeom‘s hand.
He laughed and helped you to walk up.
The wait was painful, but worth it.
Two hours later, you both stood in a toy store, looking for dolls for the nursery and bought a lot of hair clips.
,,Ohh, a girl! I can dress her beautifully!“ you laughed excited and looked through all the pictures where they explained how you could use the hair clips.
The boys, who came to visit in the evening, were then dammed to stay with pink clips, especially JB whose hair was braided beautifully with a lot of flowers.
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