#cuz I can't tell where any of the fucking spaces are!!
#i hate that i'm like this but the girl we're hosting used my mug and it makes me irrationally angry#like#i didn't ever tell her ''hey don't use this mug because i have my own stuff and i don't like cross contaminating''#so i KNOW i have no right to be angry#and it coooouuld have been one of my family members who used it but i doubt it because they know i don't like sharing mugs and glasses etc#but either way this is just a symptom of how chaotic i feel in my own house and i hate myself for being like this#i never say anything because i KNOW its crazy people talk to be like ''hey that's my seat. why? because i always sit there and like it?''#and i know it doesn't affect anyone how the spoons are organized and how the plates are stacked and where the pots are stored#but its just infuriating to see things in places where (in my mind system) they don't go#i know it's the autism but that has never found me any sort of sympathy in my family (diagnosis or no diagnosis) so i can't say that#and if i skirt around it and say ''i like things a certain way and not having them like that causes me severe emotional distress''#it makes me seem controlling and abusive (which are things my mom has implied i am when i explain these things to her)#i know the real reason for these issues isn't our guest but also at this point she isn't our fucking guest because SHE'S BEEN HERE A MONTH#and she is clearly overstaying her welcome imo#i don't say anything because i'm not a mean person but i'm sure everyone around me can tell i'm stressed about something#i just need my space back but i don't even feel like i have a claim over that cuz mexican families are full of the ''my house my rules'' bs#which is untrue because a) the house isn't even owned by my parents anymore#(they made some stupid financial choices years ago and my uncle had to buy the house from them or risk foreclosure)#and b) we're all adults (except my brother obviously) and we all contribute however we can#so i should have some say in how i feel if i'm living here imo#and i am trying to make money however i can so i can move out soon#but just going out twice a week has me like this i can't imagine working a traditional job atm#(i did apply for a grant for autistic people of color so hopefully something will come of that)#anyways that was my rant i'm just really stressed and constantly on the brink of a meltdown#it's not this random girls fault#she just happens to be the final drop in my very very small bucket very often these days#(y'know because she's a fucking stranger in my house and i hate having to mask in my own home idk i'm awful i probably won't post this)
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nerves-nebula · 3 months
I fucking adore your comic panelling, any advice on how to do it? Like specific ratios or ways to divide the page?
god there's so much advice i COULD give but i really dont wanna end up writing a book here. so I guess I'll say this: however you divide the page you should be CONSISTENT with it, i literally just learned/internalized this but it's made comic paneling soo much easier. when you break that consistency it will be more impactful. hold up lemme grab some pages.
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so i recently started making loose stitches a 4 tier comic. it's not the exact same for each page cuz i'm lazy but i think it's made legibility way better. before i think it was kinda uhhhhh a little all over the place. not BAD but a little difficult to tell where your eyes supposed to go sometimes. which isnt great for a commic.
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the page on the left in particular has always bothered me cuz i always read the top panels incorrectly and it's like. fuck man what is the paneling here why is it in two columns ????? that's so hard to understand. but the page on the right can be more or less easily understood (by someone who knows how to read comics) even without panel borders because it's just a simple 4 panel square.
one thing my comic professor really stressed was that he didn't like weird paneling or weird borders. for the most part, a square is fine. AND HE'S RIGHT. weird paneling is fun and cool but should be used sparingly or with intention, cuz if you do it too much then like. how tf are ppl gonna read your comic.
that being said there are a lot of cool ways to cut up panels even if they're just squares hold on lemme grab some examples
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so the panels here are all square but the image in the one at the bottom is almost like a mural. one thing i really like to using is a lot of heavy BLACK, what can i say silhouette's have my entire heart.
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in my fable comic, I used a 3 tier system. it wasn't the same exact size across all pages but all pages had 3 tiers of paneling. that way i can be a little more flexible with the SIZE of the panels to emphasize the more important things, without it feeling like it's all over the place
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meanwhile in my comic final i used a 4 tier system where each tier was nearly the same across every page, but you can collapse tiers together for establishing shots and big reveals so that they're more impactful. it's still fully within the grid system I set up so it doesn't feel like it's messing with shit either.
ok i just spent a lot of time rambling about this one particular concept and it's probably not even what you wanted to hear about :') i didnt even go into ratios or anythinggg guhhhh sowwy
other than all that i'd just say you gotta keep looking at what comic artists have written and take note of how they use space and cut things up. there's this book called How To Read Nancy and it has all these exercises for understanding the building blocks of nancy. for real the author is OBSESSIVE and goes through everything of a 3 panel nancy strip from body language to spot blacks to the minutia of the background. we used this book in my class and did some of the exercises in the back and i think it's really good at getting you to THINK about what you're drawing. and you can easily pirate it if you're broke.
also try to make sure things dont get stagnant on a page. zoom out if you're only doing close ups (i try to make sure every page of loose stitches has at least one full body shot even tho I'm lazy and wanna just do talking heads- talking heads arent interesting!!)
also, take advantage of the fact you're drawing a COMIC. you can do shit in comics that you can't do in other mediums, try to implement them when u can! ALSO PRACTICE. you're not gonna get better just by reading and watching. you gotta do it lol. ok ok that's enough and you didn't even ask for that stuff you asked about PANELING sfdasfsd byeee
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cxhleel108 · 10 months
S7 Thots for this week: I’ve had enough…
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• Here go this bitch🙄🙄🙄
• The new bed outfits were kinda meh but that purple and gold number was cuuuuuute.
• Lame ass sex scene on the daybeds yayyyy.
• Yes Willow we had a VERY nice evening. Did you have fun with the “him-shaped space” in your bed?😁
• Aw Bonnie and Vicky are sad that I made love with Bryson? That’s awful, I really don’t give a fuck tho.
• Snog, Marry, Pie day is here😍😍😍
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• Oh don’t worry bitch I got somebody in mind too!
• Daphne immediately going to snog Evan like she’s so real I’m sorry.
• The fact we get to dodge the pie getting thrown at us LMAOOOOO Willow you’re never gonna win bookie.
• The fact everyone wants to marry Tanya (my MC for clarification) oooohhh she’s mother!
• Bryson you really coulda just snogged me babe but Imma look past it cuz you still made sure to put a ring on it😁
• Willow I know YOU of all people are not tryna call ME predictable.
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• Not Rafael coming to kiss us??? Sorry Daph🤷🏽‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️
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• Why I actually got upset cuz he ain’t choose us?
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• Oh ok nvm I’m good now🤭
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• 🫵🏽🤣
• Why did Vicky emphasize that she had to tell us stuff about our LI and the other boys and then we proceeded to pay 29 gems just for her to not tell us anything about our LI…Fusebox somebody is gon sue y’all niggas one day while y’all keep playing.
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• Oh Bryson you are so shady for saying last to come should be the first to go, aka Vicky and Travis needa pack they mf bags. I’ve taught him so well🤩
• I don’t wanna go talk to these people about “where their heads are at” I DON'T CAREEE.
• Evan asking me who I think the most annoying couple is omg? Why are y’all so messssyyyyy??? (I love it)
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• Oh that's cool, we really don't give a fuck tho!
• Oop it's date time so you know what that means girlies...outfit reviews🤩🤩🤩
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• Don't get me wrong these are both cute but there are certain details on both of the tops that's fucking them up.
• The date was cute. Not much else to comment on.
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• OH-
• I'm crying how #Raphne get destroyed just after they was pledging to leave the villa for each other😭😭😭
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• Honestly real asf.
• Ok my whole thing is...Uma...If y'all just made up and had a wonderful lil freak session then why after a very small, I mean MINISCULE, disagreement about not talking so quickly about the future are you gonna just go out and try to make a move on another bitch's man? Niece I can only keep defending you for so long like...
• But at the same time Alex lowkey deserve it cuz he pissing me off with all this hypocritical whiny ass lil baby shit.
• Omg Bryson finna ask us to be his girlfriend soon oooo #Raphne watch out cuz #Tyson is gonna take your spot😘
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• Uma you may be immature and a lil slow at times but you still a real ass bitch, I can't hate you💯
• Outfit time again🤩
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• Omg omg omg these both eat thank god I was so scared.
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• Don’t say what I think you're about to say...
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• Oh ok you did it anyway lol🙂
• Willow if you know what's good for you, you will keep your mouth SHUT!
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• So Willow gets to stay and now Evan's gone...ok.
• So what I'm gathering from this confession about Raf (I literally couldn't be any less shocked) is that every man that has met Tanya in here has wanted her...she's literally queen of the villa like all you hoes are peasants at this point🤣🤣🤣
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• Willow...don't get fucked up😄
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• Willow...don't. get. fucked. UP.
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• ...
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skopostheorie · 9 months
Anyway I've been here for six days now (basically a naturalised citizen) so here is what I have to say about China
Shit is CHEAP. Worryingly cheap. Don't think about it too much.
Their hourly minimum wage is the equiv of about $5AUD but that's reasonably proportionate to how much a meal is. Rent seems a bit more difficult though so I don't know how people manage that (cheap as dirt places go for 4000yuan a month or so)
People are REALLY nice, even security guards and cops and other people you'd assume would kind of give you a hard time. They'll have a laugh with you about stuff.
The country kind of feels like it's encased in a giant metaphorical glass dome - everything functions using their own special apps, special ways of doing things, etc etc. Breaking into it is difficult, but once you're "in", so to speak, it's very easy.
Public spaces including trains and buses are a bit of an "every man for himself" vibe. People will play their phone videos out loud and no one even gives a shit. Once a security guard on shift was just sitting there playing his 抖音 videos out loud with little concern for anything or anyone. It's not mayhem, but it's certainly no polite affair.
Your phone loses battery very quickly and unless you're just going for a walk it's impossible to leave home without it as any purchase is via WeChat, Alipay et al. Many times I had considered going for a phone free outing before realising it just couldn't be done.
China is beautiful and just about every place has something to offer. There are streets that are clearly just a result of a LOT of urban development being done very quickly but in terms of actual sites, it's hard to find a city that doesn't have something incredible in it.
Their coffee is top notch. Seriously approaching Melbourne level. I'm flabbergasted and slightly concerned because frankly Australia is bullied by China on the daily and our coffee is the only thing I knew for certain we had over them. Now I don't know what the fuck we're meant to do
Trains tend to be in English, even if it's not particularly big with foreigners, though I haven't gone to any suuuuper remote locations so I don't know about those. They're very well maintained; they're more or less indistinguishable from those in Japan, Korea etc.
Bikes and motorbikes don't have to follow traffic lights which will make you shit yourself the first couple times they ride right past you as you cross the road.
There is not as much propaganda around as I was expecting. My uni has a big statue of Mao but as it happens that's just cuz he has a history with this particular university. I haven't seen any pictures of Mao anywhere else that's not, like, a dedicated Spot for that sort of thing (think Tiananmen square etc). I saw one pic of Xi in a museum. Most propaganda is just asking people to become soldiers and cops and stuff. I was expecting it to be like Vietnam or something but it's basically non-existent.
No the social credit memes are not true unless everyone else can see mine and is just not telling me
Those world statistics weren't lying that country really can heavily populayed
People love taking photos of themselves but selfies are not too popular, so dedicated individuals will bring whole stands with lights and shit like that, as though they were dedicated cosplayers. Yesterday we saw a middle aged woman doing a sort of VR anime idol stream (I can't remember what they're called but the one where your face is overlayed with an anime avatar) in the middle of the bridge haha
^ and people will take these sorts of photos in front of ANYTHING. Even if it's... Slightly inappropriate by some standards. It's kind of funny.
People are generally quite chill and don't take themselves too seriously
I'll add more if I think of more
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rainbowonice · 5 months
I'm barely hanging by a thread with this show.
The amount of PR that Oliver has done about Bucks storyline and Buddie has been overkill. To the point, where of Buddie doesn't happen after talking about it so much that headlines and clickbait have been created, they're going to look like they've just been shipbaiting to pull in the viewers!
Tommy and the homophobe/transphobe need to go. Lou's weird "thriving" video gives me the impression they're deffo not thriving! And the other one needs to go for obvious fucking reasons!
The whole Bi storyline would've been better coming from Eddie. They could've had Buck single and Eddie discovering himself like it was originally going to be. It would've been so much more interesting to watch!
But I do think the fact that the season only has 10 episodes has put a damper on things, too!
oh i agree with everything!!! it's definitely giving shipbait (for now) i feel like Oliver is saying unhinged Buddie stuff because, in his prospective, they can't really call him out for queerbaiting anymore, since Buck is canon bi now. But I really hope I'm wrong and that he actually knows that Buddie is endgame or something!
I'm still conflicted about Lou video to be honest, I'd rather if he wasn't there at all lmao but if he's there just to make things awkward and they are really NOT thriving then i Could be ok with it. for the Edy situation... idk how she even got in s7 to begin with, i know it's because Natalia actress wasn't available and Tim didn't want both of them to start off as single but they could have just went with a replacement and no one would have noticed 💀 big hope is that she will be bones before the season finale tho! No one likes her and the foreshadowing about them breaking up has been crazy (never date someone you met on a call, bobby convo etc)
Anon you have no idea I've been terrorizing my bestie about EddieTommy for WEEKS i still wouldn't like Tommy as a character but it would have made so much more sense and it would have been way more groundbreaking than BuckTommy! if episode 100 have zero haters I'm dead I REALLY HATE the whole execution and how they switched characters and keep making Buck and Eddie interchangeable cuz that will never be right and it will never sit well with me for various reasons (racism is the racism). And I've been wanting Buck to be single for the longest time let the man be alone and get to know himself for the love of God!
This season worst problem is that they are writing it as they go and they are really rushing things and you can really tell that they have no idea where the plot is going and the season being only 10 episodes make it so much worse :( hope season 8 will save us from this hell but if the last 5 episodes of the season don't get any better idk if i will survive to watch season 8 they are really making it hard for me and I've been watching the show since 2019!
Also i want to thank you for sending me your thoughts! I got so excited when i saw an ask in my inbox 🥰 this is a safe space for hating! I'm a yapper and a hater!!
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gimmethatagustd · 2 years
Ohhhh how I’ve always wanted to participate in one of these, you are one of my favorite writers & ummm I’m ot7, but but but any member of the Hyung line that’s completely up to you 😮‍💨🥵💜💜 also also number 23 🤍🤍🫣 
Can I, tell you what I think my biggest flaw is, baby? / I try to be consistent, but I can't / Can I, have an honest moment with you right now, baby? / Tell me who the fuck you wanna be
» pairing: yoongi x reader
» genre: BTS | 18+ | drabble | exes | angst
» wc/date: 747 | December 2022
» warnings: emotional manipulation/gaslighting | marking | making out~
» notes: stoppp you're so sweet!! thank you for sending in a request 🥺 i realllly tried not to write yoongi for this one cuz i have multiple yoongi requests BUT I COULD NOT STOP MYSELF so i hope you enjoy. sorry it's ~angsty~ this song really puts me in a mood
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You never realized how much space Yoongi had taken up in your life until you packed your belongings into a single suitcase. Four years of life condensed into a small rectangle. 
It didn’t even bulge at the seams. Your clothes were neatly folded inside, along with shoes, accessories, and makeup you hadn’t already brought to your mom’s house. Your electronics were already at home, except for your Switch. You left that on the coffee table in Yoongi’s apartment; he’d bought it for you. It didn’t bother you much to return it. You’d used those games to cope with an emptiness you would no longer need to suffer. 
At least not by the hands of Yoongi. 
“Is this permanent?” 
He watched you answer his question by sliding the key to his apartment off your keychain. It clattered onto the kitchen counter where you’d spent hours making kimchi with Yoongi and Hoseok, back when the two friends still spoke to each other and Yoongi had light in his eyes. They’d always twinkled with mischief like he knew something you didn’t. 
Just wait, his eyes once seemed to say, and you always held onto the edge of your seat. 
Now he stared at you with an empty darkness that made your skin prickle. 
“Don’t. Yoongi, please. Don’t.” Your protest was weak. You were weak. 
He slipped his finger beneath your chin and lifted your face to look up at his. Leaning down, he placed a chaste kiss on your lips. When was the last time he’d touched you so gently? His lips were warm and soft. They always were. They molded against yours, locking together like the last two pieces of a puzzle. That was the problem with Yoongi: everything fell into place so easily. 
It started with silly things. He hated crunchy french fries, while you hated the mushy ones. He liked putting away clean dishes, and you preferred to be the one to wash them. You were scared of conflict, and he loved taking care of you. Where one of you was lacking, the other filled in the gaps. 
Until Yoongi was the one taking from you. He took and took and took until you had too many empty gaps you scrambled to fill. 
He pulled back slowly to look you in the eyes. A bit of color was brushed across his cheeks, and his lips were parted slightly. He didn’t look as upset as you expected, but Yoongi had never been predictable. The confidence with which he carried himself was part of the reason why you were drawn to him. It was a quiet confidence, a feeling simmering deep in his soul rather than something boisterous and assaulting. It was an inner strength you’d never had until he taught it to you.  
“We always pull through, baby. Me and you against the world, right? It’s always been me and you.” His smooth voice was a familiar lullaby, but your dreams had turned into nightmares long ago. 
“It’s not me and you anymore, though…” You wanted your voice to be strong and sure, but it wavered as Yoongi slipped his hand beneath your sweater. His cool fingers gripped your hip, and you felt your entire body shiver. 
“Yes, it is.” 
“It’s you and your music. You and your friends. You and everyone else but me.” 
He leaned his forehead against yours, face tilted slightly to whisper against your lips. “You know that’s not true.” 
“Yoongi.” Your heart fluttered despite the weight that pressed into your chest. You wanted him to kiss you again so badly you felt tears burn in the corners of your eyes. He made everything so hard. 
“I love you. It’s always gonna be me and you, jagi. Always.” 
It was wrong to melt into the kiss he gifted you. It was wrong to let your mouth fall open, a soft moan escaping your lips when you felt his tongue swirl against yours. It was wrong to let him pull you flush against his chest and walk you backward until your body pressed against the kitchen counter. It was wrong to open your legs and throw your arms around his neck when he lifted you onto the counter and slotted himself between your thighs. It was wrong to rip your sweater over your head and let it fall onto the tiled floor. 
“Be gentle with me, Yoongi,” you whispered into his dark hair as he decorated your neck with marks sucked into your skin.  
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all rights reserved © gimmethatagustd on tumblr & ao3
do not copy, repost, modify, or translate any of my work
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lollytea · 2 years
You must check out the storyboards for the montage for Thanks to Them!
The final cut made the huntlow haircut scene MORE overtly shippy than the boards did. Finally it's the reverse
Also Hunter isn't getting attacked by bees in his picture with Willow, he was smiling and posing with her! And we almost didn't get Willow sleeping like a gremlin based on these boards
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God she really is a huntlow menace lmao. This isn't the first time her boards with those two were way too obviously shippy and had to be toned down a bit in the final product.
The original version of the haircut would have been soooo sweet tho. Like he was so horrified by what he saw in the mirror that he had a fucking panic attack. But then once Willow arrives on the scene it cuts to him looking all soft and smiley, really hammering in the influence she has over his emotions and what a calming presence she has in his life. In the final version he still looks a little uneasy and we know this is cuz Willow Park is cutting his hair rather than any angsty reason but still. The contrast between angst panic and smitten smiling would have been fantastic. Oh and if he still glanced down to the witch hunter book and his smile immediately dropped before pushing it away. Oh that would have hurt so good.
I love Hunter being rendered a speechless mess whenever Willow is around but I think adding a big stupid smile to his face at the same time is what really makes it. I adore the idea that if she makes him nervous, it's in a way that he likes. She makes him foolishly giddy.
(Oh no. Hope this doesn't sound like I'm bashing the final product. I would never. Huntlow haircut scene my beloved.)
ANYWAY the original garden picture is adorable!!! It's so wholesome. I can almost imagine somebody deciding it's too wholesome. Spice it up a bit. Which resulted in the bees. But man, they were spending time alone together 🥺 He's probably never tended to a garden before so she was teaching him how 🥺 They both looked so happy. The way Hunter would have kept that picture by his bedside. Can't complain tho. The fact that the picture he ended up keeping was him getting chased by bees could not make any more obvious that he kept it just because Willow was in it. Idk what to tell you, that is love.
I feel like Willow's sleeping position was probably added in the later stages of development so they changed one of the boards last minute to match. I like to think the crew was as entertained by it as we are.
Another thing I've noticed is that one scene from the shack where you can see the kids' drawings of their parents. Luz has also pinned up a drawing of Eda and it kinda makes you wonder why they cut that out of the final version. I like to think it plays into her current tendency to isolate herself because of guilt and downplay her own loss and put the families of her friends as what they should be concerned with right now. So instead, her longing to see her own Boiling Isles families is confined to her own personal space (like her desk, notebooks, locker.) while the parents of Willow, Gus and Amity are considered the "important" stuff.
Also Hunter seems to have pinned up a drawing of the Golden Guard mask??? Hmm. Hmmmmm. What is to be said about that? I don't really know but it's very interesting
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simpjaes · 2 months
I finally got a chance to read one of the damned ones (I wanted to read it in one sitting but it’s p long) and I just wanted to say whoever’s complaining abt Jungwon can go f themselves cuz personally the fluff with jw mixed with sunghoon smut was adorable and hot — as always your writing is 🤌🤌 so sorry for the long rant
i also go on a rant lmfao
well!!! no one was really complaining about jungwon but a lot of people kept saying they wanted him to get end game or kept telling me they wanted me to write alternate endings where reader went with jaywon instead and it's like.......damn, i get it but can't some of y'all just enjoy the fic as it's intended instead of trying to convince me to write it how they want it? ;o;
jungwon is the platonic soulmate in that fic and there isn't any real sexual feelings they share. they are intimately in love with each other but not on a romantic level. Just on a level where they are comfortable in each other's spaces without the need to shove something in a hole ;o; I'M SO GLAD YOU ENJOY THE DYNAMIC AS IS AS MUCH AS I DO!!!!!!!!! i wish ppl enjoyed the idea of being in love with someone on a level that's deeper than romance. i have relationships like that irl and i love writing it in fics but every goddamn time ppl are like "THEY SHOULD FUCK!!!" and it's like NO. THEY DON'T NEED TO DO THAT!!!!!
sorry for my long rant too lmfao, like i guess i can't entirely blame people for wanting reader to go for jungwon but like......if u rly think about it-- their relationship wouldn't truly translate in a boyfriend/girlfriend dynamic. it would lose sooooo much meaning to me if jungwon and reader had sex. :( plus, sunghoon deserves his blood queen plus it's literally a sunghoon vampy fic sdjkhfksdjhfksd
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xamaxenta · 11 months
Sabo bites his lip till it starts bleeding and he's shaking so hard he can barely stand cuz he's ANGRY and he's DESPERATE to hold Marco (to be held) but he hadn't earned it, he has no right, what a disgusting man he is to think he can take comfort from Marco, he's clearly manipulating this kind man.
Which is why Ace needs to be there to knock some sense into him, because all Ace has to do is grab him by the back of his neck to keep him from looking away and point blank "I thought I told you years ago it doesn't matter" and Sabo remembers that day where he confesses he's a noble and Ace and Luffy still accepted him.
So he melts and wobbles over to Marco and just holds him SO tight and damn if Marco can't admit yeah, he does kinda feel safer when he's being hugged like that.
Ace eagerly joins in the hug fest cuz hmmmm yes these are HIS men, must comfort them both.
I just love the idea of Ace grabbing Sabo in by the nape, knocking their foreheads together, invades his space like shut the fuck up dumbshit you absolute fool the voice you keep telling me to shutdown? Yeah gonna have to remind you yours isnt any different it doesnt matter it never did blood doesnt mean fucking shit
Marco doesnt recall being hugged like THIS, he’s surrounded by a loving family hes grateful, lucky overjoyed to be a part of it, to have the chance to, but Sabo hugs HIT DIFFERENT!!!
Sabo def hugs with with whole body, octopus grip, powerful fingers digging in and they might leave bruises that Marco will refuse to let the phoenix heal because theyre proof that someone like this loves him
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fricc-darn · 7 months
This post is just gonna be me spitballing and yapping fr😭 If any of you guys catch my drift pls lemme know :"D
This isn't supposed to be a doomer post (cuz I don't like doomerism) BUT it may come off that way sooo yeah-
Looking back to when I was like a young kid, I was always so fascinated with the internet and fandom spaces especially! I do think the early 2000s and like early to mid 2010s of the net and online spaces where so whimsical. Esp as a kid from my background and what not. I thought it was cool to see people be authentic and sort of free in a way online? Obviously not to a crazy extent but much more than irl and stuff.
And I would read fandom posts and enjoy all the yummy content. At the time I couldn't really read very well (cuz like yk kids really can't read-) but I KNEW I wanted to be in fandom actively SAUUURRR BAD!! I looked forward to it. Despite the horrors of it all! Despite my ass lacking some social skills online as well (telling tone and vibes is kinda hard over text).
Now I got what I want (hurray :3!). Though sometimes I can't help but wonder if I belived in a fantasy. It feels diffrent than I expected? I wonder if it's because I'm not very active or talkative? Sometimes it still feels a bit lonesome? (IF ANYONE GETS THIS FEELING AS WELL P L E A SE TELL ME😭)
Then I really start to wonder. I'm soon reminded that no I didn't make up a fantasy of what being online would be. This is how it was to some degree! Yes, there menaces still existed, along with bigots (Racism and shit was DEF more...obvious? I don't like saying that either because it still is so easy to find). But when it came to just being chill and talking it was different. I just can't explain it. I feel like now people are a bit more antsy and upset :(. People argue about shit that genuinely doesn't matter. Or they ignore real problems in fandom (racism and bigotry again). Or the refusal to understand others and their exprinces, and genuinely try to relax.
And of course this ties into a greater social issues because none of these things exsist in a vacuum. A lot of negativity, moral superiority, hatred, and hypocrisy is a relection of how things have changed. It's a result of people being calcified by the systems at play. Everyone is struggling and things are actively deteriorating (not to be an alarmist). But look at how everything is fucking monetized or a commodity! Look at all the apps and sites everything is becoming centralized man. What about the people?
Kids don't have 3rd spaces, the myth of the digital native is RAMPANT, they're not being taught useful internet skills, they're not being taught basic literary skills. They don't even know where to get resources to start learning. This doesn't even include it all! So, where do they have to go? Now many of them are in spaces where they shouldn't be and talking about stuff they shouldn't be worried about at all. Stuff that most people shouldn't care about.
Same with older folk some people don't have those skills either. This plus adult responsibilities and ughh. No wonder why people act so nasty online sometimes. It's a sense of trying to have a little control in this life. A sense of venting. Or even an attempt at trying to build a better world (admirable yes but the way some people go about this is so backwards and not helpful).
This capitalist hellscape is ruining every single aspect of our lives. And I know what I'm saying isn't new. Everyone knows this. Everyone sees this. But it makes me wonder do people really care about eachother online? Do people really care about eachother at all? I know the answer is yes and I've seen some amazing things. Though sometimes it doesn't feel real?
How do people claim to care about disabled people and be all left leaning and not wear a mask or take proper covid precautions? Or constantly leave us out of discussions?
How do people claim to claim to support marginalized people and victims but also partake in hate bandwagons or other acts that can put them at risk of being hurt irl?
How do people claim to be pro mental health and still do the other things I mentioned. Or again disregarding the exprince of others and how it can affect them in more ways than one?
Who does benefit? This just isolates us further and it really benefits big corps in the end. Eating each other alive to make their jobs easier.
This whole thing reminds me why I joined tumblr. Like the vibe on here is different. Much better than other apps where you essentially become a brand instead of a person. Tumblr has weird mfs and I fw that hard.
I miss when people were freely weird and cringe. I miss when social media wasn't a fucking panopticon. I miss miss an old internet that we will never get back. And it makes me worry for the future of everything. Give people grace PLEASE😭!
I want people to be as authentic as they can be 😩 and that's why I'm yapping.
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nine-blessed-hero · 1 year
Night Exercises
Universe: TESIV: Oblivion, Modern AU (post-Crisis) Warnings: Description of a mild panic attack Words: 2,400 Context: Written for the TES Summer Fest prompt "Starlit". Or read on AO3 Taglist (ask +/-): @tes-summer-fest @mishkakagehishka @arcane-elder-scrolls​ @bread-of-death @writeblrsupport
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Aderyn shivers as the night breeze brings the acerbic scent of pine down from the ridge on their right, mingling with the bog-brown smells of the heath. Behind her, Fortis slams the car door shut. "First lesson," he says, pulling a green beanie over crew-cut dark hair, "in addition to everything else I've told you to put in it, always carry a torch in your go-bag, along with a map of your locality." Aderyn hefts her bag. "Got my torch." "And here's your map." Fortis hands her a pink Ordnance Survey.
"I don't get why we're out here in the middle of the night. It's fucking brass monkeys." "Finish the test, and you get to drink cocoa in your jammies at the end." Fortis's teeth flash as he grins. "We're out here, Rookie, because there's no telling what shit you'll end up in while out with a principal. Kidnappings and assassinations don't happen much during daylight and fair weather." He turns to gesture at the road, pale skin ghostly in the moonlight. "Single-track, rural – it's easy to force someone off a road like that. We work for a corporation, Rook, and corporate bigwigs like to hobnob in fancy stately homes, most of which can only be accessed by single-track roads in the arse-end of nowhere." "That's my scenario?" Aderyn wraps her arms around herself, to stave off the chill and quell the sick feeling that rises at the thought of being out here with Martin, pursued by a faceless enemy. "Yep. You're being followed on the way back from a party. They come alongside and force you off the road." "Can't I fight 'em?" Fortis scratches the beard on his jawline, sounding amused, "You think you could take eight goons by yourself, and stop them getting to your principal?" "Being the Hero of Kvatch's gotta count for sumint." "C'mon kid, we both know you're a lousy fighter. No, that's not gonna work. What's the golden rule?" Aderyn rolls her eyes. "Get the fuck outta Dodge, ASA." "Right. Find us a place to hole up while you check where you are and where you're going."
Aderyn looks around. She's lucky Fortis has chosen a clear night with a nearly-full moon – the landscape is painted in tones of silvery-blue and dark shadows. Mounds of gorse and stunted birch rise and fall away like a tide, rabbit-paths of fine ash-coloured sand lit up like quicksilver. Aderyn points towards a clump of gorse, close by and angled such they're obscured from the road. "There." She ushers Fortis ahead of her – in this scenario, he's her principal – and hopes to whoever is listening that she can remember enough survival craft so there aren't any accidents.
"Alright. This is a good choice," Fortis says, looking around the hollow Aderyn has led them to. "You've got about five minutes of breathing space here. Time to call it in, then figure out where you're going next. What code are you sending?" Aderyn takes a breath. "Code gold, cuz it's Martin. Uh. It's not 'actual', cuz no one's directly tried to harm us yet… Shit, what's the word…? Impending. Then I give the location: Northbound B6721. And a description: forced off road, fleeing on foot." She looks at Fortis who nods. "And all together?" "Code gold, impending. Forced off road, Northbound B6721, fleeing on foot." "Good. Now, where are we going?" Aderyn unfolds the map, pointing with the penlight to a grid square. "We're here? Ish?" "That's fine. You can give a 6-figure reference when you're more certain." "There's a," she squints at the map, "Scout hut here. That's where we're aiming for." "Okay. What direction?"
Aderyn folds the map down to just that page, puts the penlight in her teeth and pulls out her phone. Fortis plucks it from her grip. She spits out the penlight. "What the fuck?" "Phone broke in the crash. There's no GPS." "Then how did I send the SMS to call it in?" Fortis rubs the back of his neck. "C'mon, Rook. I need to know you can do without." "Fine." Aderyn rummages in her bag and pulls out a compass. Fortis blinks. "It's good to see you're prepared, but…" "You're really gonna tell me my compass is bust too?" "No," Fortis sighs, "but the point of this is to check you can navigate by starlight."
Aderyn gives him a long look and, with a small huff, clicks the torch off, turning her attention upwards. Her gaze rakes the heavens, spangled with glittering points like specks of feldspar in the polished basalt firmament. "There's the Plough," she tracks the constellation with her finger, "and the Little Bear, so that's Polaris. That means…" Aderyn flicks her gaze from the map to the sky, orientating herself and the map, then points towards the open heath, "…we're going that way? I think?" "Little tip, Rook – always sound certain, even if you're not. Your principal is likely scared, they're trusting you to look after them. Don't make them doubt your capabilities." "Right." Aderyn takes a breath, slides the map into her pocket and turns on the charm. "Yeah, we're all good. We're going this way."
They tromp across the heath, Aderyn steering Forti's path from behind with one eye on the knotted ground and one on the north star, all the while he's quizzing her on procedure. "What's the code colour for both Mr Septim and Baurus?" Aderyn grins. "Electrum." "Another Blade?" "Black." "Top five things for your go-bag?" "Water, medkit, torch, penknife, lockpicks." "Wrong go-bag." "Lockpicks are always useful." Fortis huffs out a laugh. "You planning on taking your principal on an infil job?" Aderyn starts to laugh but cuts off, a hand clamping on Fortis's shoulder. "Stop!" He freezes. "What's wrong?" "Back up."
Fortis backs up the path they've trod and turns to find Aderyn pulling out the map and torch. "I know the pink ones are broader," she says of the map, "but right now the orange one would have been better." "Talk to me, Rook." "See that fluffy shit?" Fortis looks. From around them have started to sprout what looks like cotton wool tufted on a stick, as bright against the dark heath as the stars above. "Yeah?" "That's bog cotton. If we keep going that way, we're going to end up in a drink. Or down to our hips in mud, if we're unlucky. The orange map would have shown boggy ground." Aderyn shines the torch around her and takes a moment to orientate herself again. "If we go that way, we should be able to skirt it." Fortis cants his head. "That's a good catch, Griffiths."
They fall silent then, navigating the tussocks and gullies. If she squints, Aderyn thinks she can see the lights of the Scout hut through the trees in the distance. They're tantalisingly, frustratingly close. If only it wasn't for the bog between it and them, they'd be home-free by now. They've come dressed for the hike – walking boots, waterproofs and technical gear – but it doesn't stop her feet from soaking through as the water rises calf-level in places. The cold water saps her heat, makes her shiver and ache. Leaping the tussocks, keeping her balance, plotting the route – it all takes effort and concentration, draining even her high energy reserves.
Aderyn's mind wanders, body running on autopilot as it settles into the rhythm of the hike. She thinks about having to do this for real. Martin in his dress shoes and tux, tired already from a party. Thinks about how he'd struggle to jump, tussock to tussock; about how he'd soon be shivering with the cold water and night air, maybe going hypothermic. Thinks about having to do all this with antagonistic gunmen on their tail. Even though he's not even there, her chest constricts. It's only a test, Aderyn reminds herself. But it doesn't stop her legs from wobbling as she leaps. She stumbles, lands knee-deep in the mire, vision spinning. "Anson!" It comes out as a breathless squeak, too soft to carry. Her breathing is laboured, heart racing, fast even for the exercise. The grass is coarse under her hand, the rattle of reeds sinister as they move in the wind. "Rookie?" Fortis is back. Shadows enfold his face, turning his brown eyes to wool-black and highlighting his pinched brow. "Listen to me. If you're injured, I can have med-evac here in twenty." "No. I- Just need a moment," Aderyn says around the pressure on her chest. His fingers find the pulse point on her neck, and his lips move soundlessly as he counts the beats. "I need you to take a nice deep breath for me. Can you do that?" Aderyn nods, heaves in a breath. "Good. Another." The pressure binding her chest lifts, the fog that had settled over her thoughts scattering like a cloud of midges in a strong breeze. A bird trills somewhere. Aderyn tastes salt and sediment on her lips, becoming acutely aware of how uncomfortable her position is, of the water creeping up her thigh. "Ready to carry on?" Fortis asks. Aderyn nods, and he helps her stand on legs that tremble still. "Okay?" "I'm good."
Finally, they reach firmer ground. A small rise peppered with some kind of sparse, deciduous tree snakes along the edge of the damp lowlands. They stop, taking a drink of water. From here, Aderyn can definitely see the Scout hut. At its back is a boardwalk over the bog, chicken wire grip rimmed by starlight. Aderyn puts her water away. "Not much further. We follow this ridge, then we'll be home free."
The boardwalk is rickety when they get there. The water below is still and black and fathomless as only a heathland pond can be, an obsidian mirror showing only the speckled night above. "It's alright," Aderyn says, as much for her own confidence as anything, and steps gingerly onto the dark planks. They sag but don't give way. She takes a few more steps, then beckons Fortis out. "Just stay to the sides, yeah?" "Quick question, Rook – you do know how to swim, right?" "Yeah, I'm good," she replies, heart in her throat.
When the creaking boards finally give way to solid ground again, Aderyn's relief is palpable. A quick glance at Fortis shows he feels the same, head tipped back, snatching some deep breaths, hand wrapped around his shark tooth necklace. He grins when he realises she's watching him. "I think we need to talk to Mr Septim about a donation to the Scouts here, eh, Rook?" Aderyn grins back, as they start walking towards the gate at the back of the property. "Also about some decent security," she adds, popping the padlock with a shim and a quick flex of the wrist.
Ferrum meets them at the door of the hut. He looks them over in the blasting white lights of the security spots, and says, "Wait there." When he returns, it's with two black bin bags. "You're not coming in like that. Clothes," he says, holding the bin bags out. They stand on the concrete porch and strip to their undies, every sopping item going in the bags to be washed later. Which is fair, Aderyn thinks as she peels off her trousers and drops them, thudding wetly, into the bag.
There're clean sweats in the bathroom, and mugs of hot chocolate in the kitchen. "That one is yours, Rook," Ferrum says, pointing to the one with a mountain of whipped cream. Aderyn pulls out the chair and sits. "Sprinkles. You fucking serious?" "I'll swap you," Fortis says, making grabby hands. Aderyn baps him with the spoon. Ferrum leans against the counter. "It's a reward for a job well done. I assume," he looks at Fortis, "she did well?" Fortis kicks his bare feet up onto the table. "There was a little wobble. But yeah, our Little Bird did good." "Wobble?" Ferrum loosens his crossed arms, shoulders tilting towards Aderyn. "Panic attack. Just a baby one-" "Can we not?" Aderyn interrupts, shoulders hunched.
"Hey." Fortis drops his legs and twists in his chair, leaning in. "Aderyn, look at me. Everyone has a moment they go off-axis." Aderyn makes a noise of disbelief. "It's true, Rook," Ferrum rumbles out. "I panicked during an exercise and shot my SO. Blanks, but still." "Caroline was so nervous when she met Ariella Septim, she forgot every English word she knew," Fortis says. "They carried their conversations in French, if I recall," Ferrum says. Aderyn uncurls, easing back in her chair. "What about you?" Fortis rubs the back of his neck. "Me? Ah, can I tell you Pel's instead? Or Baurus?" Ferrum laughs, a low rolling thing. "Christ, was it that bad?" Aderyn asks. "He fainted," Ferrum says. "During little Kintyra's wedding to that milk-water sop, Amiel." Aderyn grins, lopsided. "Wow." "Ah, hush – it was emotional. My point, Rook," Fortis says, "is that compared to some, a little panic attack is nothing to be ashamed or embarrassed by. You were with me, during basic training in a somewhat controlled environment. Not on your own, in a far more dangerous situation, like the Crisis. Quite frankly, I'm impressed it's taken until now." Aderyn plays with a loose threat on her jumper. "Crisis was easy. Well, I mean – y'know. I only had me to worry about. Not B or Gramps. Or Martin." Ferrum murmurs in understanding. Fortis lifts his chin. "Ah." "I don't think I'm cut out for a Blade," Aderyn says, pressing a hand to her forehead. "Hey, it's late." Fortis squeezes her shoulder. "Drink your cocoa, get some sleep, and you can think about this later when you've got a fresh brain. Okay?" "Yeah, alright." Aderyn picks up the spoon, rescuing melted cream dribbling down the side of the mug.
Fortis watches her a moment longer, then glances at Ferrum. "You got any more squirty cream and sprinkles?" Ferrum huffs out a laugh. "What have you done to deserve sprinkles?" "Being my awesome self." "That's not enough for sprinkles." "So rude. Jena'd give me sprinkles." "Jena isn't here." Aderyn relaxes into her seat as the two men bicker. Fortis is right – now is not the time to contemplate such matters. Outside, the wheel of stars is fading into the advance of dawn. She's warm and drowsy from the hot chocolate, secure in the hut. Ruminations on her future as a Blade can be saved for later.
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twilightofthe · 1 year
okay i put all my cranky thoughts into a separate post that's now drafted and it made me feel better so i'll be able to watch this episode now lol but if it gets me worked up again i'm posting the rant i'm sorry i cannot be helped or changed or saved <3
also i forgot to say so last episode but kevin kiner my ABSOLUTE BELOVED the return of the king is real so happy to have you here my dude the ending and full theme was absolutely gorgeous
anywayyyyyy so i am guessing sabine did not make like satine and survived her shish kabobing
well there's ahsoka
oh yeah there's bean she's fine she'll be fine xD
damn filoni really gave more handwaving to having a character survive a major impalement vs me twisting myself into fucking knots writing anakin getting run through lmao
ahsoka sorry but actually i'm gonna blame u for this you still kinda seem like a mess and i don't think you were a very good teacher to sabine and now ur dropping back in on her when she's convenient to you?
well at least we know why she's so adamant against training baby yoda lol
ope here's goth girl and the fuuuuck is his NAME again i keep calling him fucking bryan
i like the fancy sithy-looking sundial tho
pfff second ep is "toil and trouble" guess we're getting witchy!
yea ahsoka what happened to showing up in the nick of time and saving kanan and ezra from inquisitors in rebels u were slowwww girlie
that's all that matters
ope one more droid hanging around ezra's place
we do love the mechanic girl of my heart
sabine does love her explosions
no huyang hera just likes explosions
sabine works best under explosive pressure we LOVE HER
ope back to corellia i guess? we can reuse the old solo sets?
you were just
"but she's not the one who needs to hear it right now" ahhh there's the sabine and hera dialogue. ugh but i'm still not used to natasha and mary i can just hear tiya and vanessa doing it instead :(
"ancient ppl from a distant galaxy" waaaaaaait are they bringing in those eu dudes
no wait i think i remember something about these guys that was mention as the big bad in the canceled animated rebels sequel
or it could just be the chiss lmao
that could be it too, makes sense why they'd want thrawn
ok that is some real cool galactic map visuals i am an absolute sucker for a good starmap
ok but wait how the fuck did y'all get a map to thrawn anyway did the space whales write it
also sorry morgan but i don't personally think thrawn would go for u nothing personal you are hot but you don't quite seem his type
waaaait is fucking thrawn gonna have force sensitivity now THAT would be absolutely hilarious and he'd hate it so much
who's marrok i have no memory
y'all you can't just make thrawn work for you didn't he only work with the empire cuz he had to because it would advantage his people somehow (has read zero thrawn novels and only seen rebels)
please tell me sabine is in the fucking vents of ahsoka's ship
okay so i think my issue with Mary is she doesn't have any of the same authority and purpose Hera's meant to hav
oh yeah harping in that the new republic is a total fustercluck
ew a capitalist
bro you know hera used to steal from people like you for the rebellion
sdlkfjsdk omg sabine's mom needs to talk to the teacher to keep her from getting expelled
but also y'all sabine is like 25-30 right now she's not a kid
@ ahsoka bitch you have no fuckin clue what you're doing doooon't talk about readiness
y'know maybe the imperial era just advanced medicine so later impalements don't kill people
oh oh so it IS ezra's!
sabine go find luke he'd love to have you
ok so yeah she likely doesn't have force sensitvity
goddammit huyang neverMIND
so sabine IS force sensitive :) and kanan and ezra just never brought it up :) great :)
hera my beautiful ship nerd ily
bitch do NOT fuck with hera she has more presence than anyone ever
hera my dude you know better than anyone that if a ship wants to take off you gotta go try and stop it in person
ah i have been waiting like 5 long years to watch hera best pilot there was kick aerial ass
oh yeah ahsoka's fighting an inquisitor too lmao
ok this hera and chopper banter is perfect i do love it
oh and good job ahsoka lol
aghhh sabine and her therapy cat i'm ;_;
theeeeere's sabine's mando armor
okay it seems like mary's kinda on and off for hera so far, she has her moments but she can't hold them
rosario keeps losing me i'm sorryyyyyyyy
natasha is doing GREAT
aaaaaand we redoing the end of the rebels epilogue!
god this makes me miss zeb
and kanan obvs but i've come to accept his death
zeb's still hanging around where is he!!!!!
ah all is right
sabine has her gay haircut back
here we go gay roadtrip to find ezra time
alright so i'm still not really vibing with jedi!sabine at All but i have concluded that this show is watchable but honestly not that good, writing-wise, sorry dave, so i think i'll be able to watch it with my brain turned off
goddammit first i thought the holograms visiting morgan were nightsister witch ghosts xD
morgan stop simping for thrawn i guaranTEE he's not your type
we are through with the two episodes! it is very late for me so i'm gonna sit and think on what i've seen so far and shitpost a little. i did really like seeing my rebels blorbos again even if the live action actors don't quite have their groove yet. obviously very excited to retrieve ezra <3 so yeah that was that and i'll be back for more next week!
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losergendered · 7 months
Guess who watched Re-Animator for the first time last night? Me!! :D
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Dude, mikey, I can't believe I was procrastinating on this tasty stuff! I remembered you loving the movie, including some other stuff, but I got around to watch the trilogy series on Tubi and FUCKN HELL (/pos)!! *slams hands down* First off, one of my favorite fictional blorbos is voiced by Jeffery Combs, and he also voiced Scarecrow from "Batman: The Animated Series" (ik jonathan was voiced by a different guy, but I'm mostly talking about his third final design in the show where he looked like a goddamned corpse) my second favorite blorbo whom I'm not fixated on rn, but you get the idea.
Secondly, I had NO idea that Re-Animator was based on a book created by H.P. Lovecraft (one of my fave authors + BIG ass fan of fourth dimensional eldritch octopi from space lmao) cuz I love his work. But lastly but not least, THE FUCKING GORE AND BODY HORROR AND BRUTALITY AND GROTESQUE SCENES 💜 If you know me, I am A LITERAL FREAK for brutal gore and I also adore the medical science in Herbert's area. I love how the first movie is a normal level of brutal, but the SECOND MOVIE amps it up to fucked up creations of Dr. West's work and showing meat and organs galore.
Speaking of Dr. Herbert West - I already love him. Plus I love Jeffery Combs as his actor (i also know he is also famous for playing Star Trek characters, buuuuuuut 😬 I am a VERY VERY VERY VERY picky person for any sci-fi movies/series, and I only love him for the horror [I don't love Star Trek and Star Wars; sorry]). Also, you can clearly tell Herbert and Dan are very much fags in love - like, cmon, are you telling me yall live together for eight months in the same house with your weird lil' scientist bf who goes into a basement stealing body parts and reanimating them for God-knows-what experiments AND YOU SURE YOU TWO AINT KISSIN??? /silly /joke
Anyway, short summary: I love Re-Animator, Herbert West is a transsexual fag-coded short king imo, aaaaaand I might spam ya w/ "Re-Animator" related stuff /autism
YAY OMG IM SO GLAD YOU LIKED IT!!! its for real one of my fave horror movies, the gore is SO COOL and theyre SUCH CODEPENDENT FAGGOTS UGH. anyway you're so soso right about transsexual herbert + i would be HYPED for any reanimator spam!!!
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shi-daisy · 8 months
Hello! Just wanted to drop by and say I love your ACOTAR fic you've fixed so much of what I hated in the series and made Rhysand actually be the villain it's so healing to see.
Small question, what is your stance on Elain? Given what happens at the end of Threads & Daisies I'm inclined to think you dislike her but can you tell me why? I'm very curious, also where do you stand on the Gwyinriel/Elriel/Elucien drama? Is it the same as in your fic or do you multiship?
Hi anon! Happy to hear you like my fic! So, Elain...Unpopular opinion but I cannot for the life of me stand Elain, and I am an anti E/lucien and pro Lucien. Yes we exist.
Elain is very surface level as a character, unlike Nesta who had a distinct personality from the start, Elain is the 'kind girly one' which is not a bad personality to have but all through the books we are only told she's kind, what we see however makes her come across as two faced and using her crocodile tears and cuteness to get her way.
Okay so to start I didn't care much for Feyre's sisters in book 1 until she came back and had her scenes with Nesta in Acotar (which SJM seems dead set on ignoring) Nesta had a nice reconciliation moment with her but Elain didn't. In fact she seemed mad that Nesta was morose beacuse it could affect her social circle which...Babe what? I get you just got back the life you missed and wanted but for someone who's supposed to be the kind uwu baby one you seem to care little of your sister's feelings.
But whatever that's fine, Feyre is going back to Prythian, there are more books, so I held out hope that Elain would get her moment. In books 2 and 3 I felt bad that she lost out on her dream life and a good husband and everything she wanted. She gets mated and is scared about that, she gets put through a lot of danger, naturally she gets traumatized and yes she deserved healing and care but then came book 4 and I went from Elain neutral/sympathetic to wanting to drop kick her.
So she's better, not fully healed but getting there however the one falling apart now is Nesta. Does she try to help? Does she tell Nesta she's there for her while giving her space? Does she defend the sister that stood by her as she fell apart catatonic? Fuck no! Girl does nothing to help and it's pretty telling. Like obviously you can't fix a person so easily but just try to be there for her, deal with a few card games at the tavern and just sit by her side, show her you care, but no. Place is icky so no ball.
Fine, how the romance going? She's still missing Graysen so no romance for now. Okay that's fine, so does she say that to Lucien when he comes to visit? Does she tell him 'Hey you seem like a nice fella but this isn't what I want or need right now, so please don't come see me until I ask?' Once again, fuck no. She ignores him like a five year old and Feyre is the one who has to talk to Lucien.
I want to leave it clear that yes, Elain owes him nothing cuz they're mates. She didn't ask for this, she had her fiance and life set out before being forcefully turned, she isn't faeborn and cares nothing for mating bonds, and she has every right to not like Lucien and turn him down. The problem I have it's that she doesn't have the ovaries to speak clearly to him. Fucking take the L and tell him no. Turn him down properly and unlike the Incel bats, Lucien would actually respect her wishes. He has done so before! So why not be honest with him now?
Hell, after the party when Feyre tries to talk to her about Lucien, she says he doesn't know her, that he only likes her cuz bond. Again, valid reason to say no thx and break it off or put it on hold if she's not sure of what to do. Welp, Feyre tells her this exactly, that you know he's trying and she could just explain herself to him but girl just whines that she wants no bond or any of this. Okay, then say it! Don't act like a toddler and tell Lucien to fuck off! She doesn't.
Then comes book 5 and my hate grew. Elain stabs Nesta in the back by siding with the others, crosses her boundaries by trying to pry info out of her and mentioning their dad (along with subtly slut shaming her) and when Nesta snaps back she cries and pouts and uses her tears to fuck shit up some more. During the party she has the gall to go and tell her still depressed recovering sister 'Did you get paid to attend this one too?' And at this point I wanted to throw hands with her myself. Bitch do you want her to recover or not? This woman is being mistreated by everyone around her and you the person who's back she's had this whole series decides to pile on as well?! Nesta is only being used to protect you from being the one tossed around with the troves and at this point I wanted her to choke Elain out and let the ic use her instead.
After this, I've lost hope. If she ends up with Luce he'll have to grovel for her, maybe even cut Tamlin off (if he does I'm jumping off the Lucien train cuz broooo totally not worth it) and he will have to give up everything else to be with her and the idiots, and be the man she wants. I sure as hell don't want that for Lucien. I'd rather he gets a partner who loves and sees him for who he is and still wants him rather than having these two forced together cuz bond.
Same thing with Gwyn, I want her to be more than a second option to the dude who would take his anger out on her if she's a Vanserra or just ignore her up until the bonds snaps and they have kinky sex as therapy.
That's why I prefer Elain and Azriel together. They have the set up, they don't drag better characters down with them in other ships, they're both surface level, and it'd be fun to see a story where the characters end up with people they're not mated to. Feels more earned that way, plus it would piss Rhysand off to be wrong and that's always a plus.
As it stands I really dislike Elain and that's why she ended up getting tossed into the black hole with the others at the end of Threads & Daisies. Maybe her solo book could fix her, and make me change my mind but as it stands I don't see myself liking her canon version again.
Hope this answers your question, anon!
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alectoperdita · 1 year
aughghghhg i need to draw but i have too many questions to ask!!
It's literally going to be too long so I put it under keep reading HAHAHA
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Have you thought of a few scenarios yet...? 👀
from this post
Mitsurugi would probably be suspicious that Kaiba has gotten involved with something shady. Jou's not exactly subtle in his signifiers about being in the yakuza. As for Naruhodo, that likely depends on the context in which they meet? If it's in a social setting, like both pairs just ran into each other on the street and made introductions, Naruhodo might just think Jou's a friendly guy. I mean his best friend is Larry, so not like Naruhodo doesn't already have friends that act kinda shady. 😅
Ohh yeahh! Actually I thought regardless of what scenario Naruhodo meets mob joey, his first impression would be like a mix between Larry (friendliness?) and Klavier (because Jou oozes that charisma + suaveness and flashiness).
Also I think (hmm, maybe you think otherwise) but Naruhodo would be able to tell that they're dating(?) if he notices Kaiba's body language, such as looking more relaxed and not as much tense, and letting Jou like, let's say put a hand on Kaiba's shoulder for example.
this one you posted
Seto's a complete simp for Jou. It's only going to get worse as time passes. 😂
How so.... 👀👀👀 I would like to know... or will it be shown later in the fic?
Seto is intensely possessive and jealous, and he's terrible at hiding it. Does his best not to think of what other people Jounouchi might be fooling around with when he's not around (Jounouchi is not sleeping with other people but God forbid they actually communicate), but knows he can't begrudge them because they never agreed to be in a relationship.
What examples do you have in mind where he shows his jealousy without Jou in presence? 👀 Maybe for example, he's sitting at his desk typing out and suddenly he recalls his image of Jou in his douchey jacket from Ch 3 and sitting next to the hostesses?
I think the main hesitation with doing the "Jou kills Gozaburo and Seto helps him cover it up" is that it would have immense impact on the tone of the story. I could do it as part of a series, so that this earlier reconnection stuff is somewhat separated from a more serious murder cover-up plot.
In general, I don't think Jounouchi would do this lightly/in cold blood. It would have to be in defense of Seto, as in Seto is in immediate grave danger unless Jounouchi stepped in. There's also the possibility of Jounouchi doing it in revenge of some great wrong Gozaburo might have done to Seto. That said, I can't come up with any reason I like that doesn't feel overdramatic.
But it's still a fun scenario to consider.
Oooo I had forgotten about Klavier. I haven't played the Apollo Justice games yet. But yeah, I can see how Naruhodo would recognize a bit of that showy/flashy vibe from Klavier.
It's true, though. Jounouchi is a tactile guy. And it's in character for him as a gangster to be touchy and close, like slinging an arm over Seto's shoulders. In this case, he's not doing it to intimidate or unsettle Seto. He just wants to be close to Seto cuz he likes him and he understands what he can get away with with the persona he plays in public. What is most telling to Naruhodo is tglhat Seto allows Jounouchi to do that and hover in his personal space.
Seto is very thirsty for Jounouchi. His mind can't help but go in the gutter/right to sex when he's near Jounouchi. He gets so irrationally angry about Jounouchi's fashion sense sometimes, yet he can't get him alone and fuck him fast enough. And then there are the times when Jounouchi's clothing doesn't offend him, he's just kinda weak for him. Jounouchi in a leather jacket is his ultimate weakness. 🤣
He and Jounouchi text a lot. So I imagine that Jounouchi also likes telling Seto about the stuff happening around him, like other employees at the club. In fact, I think a lot of the times they're texting is later at night so Jounouchi is usually at the club. Might occasionally take selfies and send them to Seto, sometimes with other employees or club goers/regulars. That's guaranteed to drive Seto a little batty. Especially if he's writing late-night documents/emails, and then all he can think about is Jounouchi dancing and drinking with other people in the club. Has half a mind to slam his work laptop shut and go down to the club himself. Jounouchi's always trying to convince him to go...
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lecliss · 1 year
If you want OC questions, tell me the favorite food of the first OC that pops into your head 👀
Hhhhhhhhhhh aweeome awesome awesome can always rely on you buddy youre the best 💕💕💕
Okay first one that popped into my head is my edgy boy Eblis, who Ive never talked about on here so this is just gonna sound like nonsense but whatever.
So he grew up in a port town where his dad was a fisherman so he ate lots of fish and seafood in general and thats like definitely a comfort food for him throughout his life. And his favorite of that is actually grilled squid and the way his mom makes it is like, perfection. He'll eat that all day man. But he's also too embarrassed to admit that to his companions. God forbid he express positive emotions ya know?
But later on when he has to move away from home he mostly eats junk food and snacks cuz he's a 14yo edgy gamer boy with too much freedom(technically). He has a stockpile of this very specific brand's octopus flavor chips and he refuses to let anyone see him eat them so he just eats normal flavors in front of others cuz again, god forbid he express positive emotions and actually like things, ya know?
But there is this really chef guy in the group and whenever he asks Eblis if he's interested in eating anything specific he's like "idk man fuck if I care. I guess seafood would be fine tho...." Cuz again, GOD FORBID and he's really going through it, but he misses seafood from home and will take any opportunity he can to have it.
And years later when he travels the world alone, definitely not because he's a wanted criminal, he's still mostly eating junk and snacks, but if the place he's passing through has a seafood restaurant he will absolutely stop there and eat and while that's great and all it also gives him a little depression moment cuz he misses home(really he just misses his parents) but he definitely can't go back so he's like "this is the last time I eat this stuff" but its never the last time. It never is. And along the way he eventually learns to catch fish and cook it himself cuz sometimes no money ya know. But that part gets fixed when he reunites with an old friend and a former enemy.
And then when he's living on the base in space with them and some other allies he actually becomes the best cook in the group but hes kind of an ass about it like "you will eat what I make and you will like it" cuz STILL, god forbid he express he likes these people's company and likes cooking and admits that he gives a shit if they eat well or not. So anyway obviously he makes seafood a lot when they have the resources but like half of them don't like seafood but ya know, you better eat what he makes. But also a lot of the time he doesnt actually wanna cook so he just eats junk and snacks again. He will eat the octopus chips in front of people now tho. They found out and they dont care so he doesnt feel weird about it anymore.
Also after he reconnects with his mom and she moves somewhere better on an island he visits a lot and eats her grilled squid and he's okay with showing that hes super happy about it. He is no longer in his God Forbid Era.
Thank you buddy, thank you. Im actually starving myself. I have not eaten at all and Ive been up for like five hours so Imma go make me some choccy milk, MY favorite. If that counts as food since its a drink. I mean. You consume it. Yeah, fuck it. Thats food. Thank you buddy lol
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