#cuz hot damn that art was UGLY
evitamylove · 8 months
do i block ppl whose art i dont like cuz it wont stop showing up on my fyp? yeah yeah i do
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hellaversity · 5 months
At first I had a hard time understanding why Stolas is so attracted to Blitzø until I saw this scene for the first time :
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Like, hot damn. That voice tho. It also made me understand the appeal of the daddy kink, which I didn't think was ever possible. Then there's that scene in The Circus where they reunite at the Not Divorced Yet party and Blitzø seduces Stolas with all that rizz and talking in a low, sexy sounding voice and whispering. And like :
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This man can look legitimately attractive as long as the animation and art style will allow him to be. It's just that most of the time, it sadly doesn't. Though keep in mind this isn't even all the screenshots where Blitzø looks good.
Exes and Oohs made me understand Stolas even more, cuz goddamn, Blitzø rocks that jacket better than Chaz does. Let's not forget all the official merchandise where Blitzø is barely covered up in seductive poses with bedroom eyes, yet the writers of this show are trying to make me think that this man is ugly because Moxxie says so?
Looks aside tho, Blitzø got that "no fucks given" attitude and that confidence which is attractive on it's own. This man has more rizz than most Hollywood actors, and if Stolas' lewd comments are anything to go by he's got a really big dong and is great at sex too. So, even if Blitzø doesn't LOOK conventionally "hot" by most people's standards, his bad boy aura, sexual energy and sheer, unadulterated badassery cancels that out makes him still hot regardless of what he looks like.
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shurisasthmaticgf · 2 years
Dating Shuri and Riri: Shuri x Riri x Black! Queen Fem! Reader
warnings: spoilers, mentions of scars, incorrect translations (pls politely lmk if im wrong)
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🤎 You met Shuri and Riri at the same time
🤎 Somehow you'd managed to get your kingdom roped into the entire mess of Riri and her vibranium detector
🤎 Shuri had reached out to your for help because she knew you lived in America for some years with a distant relative until you were coronated queen of your family's kingdom
🤎 Honestly the only reason you said yes was cuz she was fine as a mf
🤎 Then you and her were sent to find this Riri chick and you found yourself drooling over both of them
🤎 At first there was obvious competition between the three of you for one another's affection until all of you realized the feelings were completely mutual
🤎 Pet names were a given: To Riri you were Baby Girl and to Shuri you were Sithandwa. While you often called Riri '‘Ìfẹ́ mi’ and Shuri Àyànfẹ́mi or interchangeably used ma/mama or babe
🤎 You had never had one girlfriend before let alone two so things were a little complicated at times
🤎 So many small miscommunications and petty arguments happened which made you wonder if this was the type of relationship you wanted
🤎 But then Namor damn near killed both Shuri and Riri in front of you at the same time and you realized you couldn't imagine not having both of them
🤎 After everything you did have to return to your kingdom which was known as the Highlands: a little farther than Jabariland
🤎 The distance is bearable when you can take a flyer to see Shuri and when Riri goes between both the Golden City and the Highlands
🤎 Unlike Riri and Shuri you aren't a technology genius or scientist of any kind
🤎 The last science-ish thing you did was accidentally microwave a plate that had silver on it
🤎 It was nearly three in the morning and you wanted a snack so you went to heat up something and the microwave literally exploded. Which triggered an entire palace lockdown and a dozen Dora Milaje to arrive in less than 15 seconds. All while you stood there in your bonnet and that ugly ass leopard print house dress that Riri swore made you look like her grandma wore when she was a kid. And all you wanted was a Hot Pocket.
🤎 Riri and Shuri spend hours on end holed up in their labs so most nights you end up going to get them or blowing up their notifications until they cave and come to bed
🤎 You love listening to them talk about whatever they are working on even though you don't get it
🤎 It's not like you haven't TRIED to understand their computer-techy- big brain stuff. You tried having them teach you and it literally sounded like they were speaking Simlish in reverse to you
🤎 But despite science and math not being your thing, you were fantastic at humanties and liberal arts related things
🤎 So while they understood computers and things, you were busy teaching Wakandan translators
🤎 You'd learned Yoruba as a young child which was spoken in your kingdom as well as in the nearby Jabariland. Then you'd learned Xhosa some time in grade school per your father's request. You learned English and Spanish while living in America and attending school there. Some other miscellaneous ones you picked up through other things. You jumped to the opportunity to learn Yucatec Maya to help relations with Wakanda and Talokan.
🤎 There were times you got tongue tied as that happens with being a polyglot. But you managed to keep things straight unless on of your girlfriends was messing with you
🤎 They knew exactly how to tease you too which didn't help when you were trying to work. Like they'd purposely enter the room wearing the most distracting fucking outfit while you're trying to meet a deadline.
🤎 For that exact reason you made it clear as day that if they're going to pull something they better at least have clothes on. It went unsaid but they knew full and well it was because your clumsy-grandma using technology ass would accidentally turn the camera around at the worst possible moment
🤎 Although you and your girlfriends work day and night, you all prioritize spending time with one another, especially for dates
🤎 You three go on dates together and other times it might just be two of you. Hell you even started doing dates by yourself just for self care which Shuri also picked up and made a habit for herself
🤎 There was a time Riri went off on her own without telling you or Shuri where she went. She left everything including her phone which only freaked you and Shuri out more. Come to find out she was trying to do a self care weekend and went back to Chicago. She didn't realize how bad she fucked up til she came back and saw how distraught you and Shuri were. Somehow you managed to keep yourself together...ish. But Shuri on the other hand was a fucking mess.
🤎 Both you and Riri noticed that there were some parts of Shuri that had yet to heal from the pain and trauma she'd endured in a short period of time. She had her moments which you both waited out and let her deal with herself unless she asked for it. And when she did ask you were both there to love and support her in any way she needed. Mostly ends in cuddles.
🤎 You're a blanket stealer. Riri is a kicker. Shuri is the sleep talker.
🤎 The two of them fall asleep before you do nearly every single night without fail and sometimes you just look over their sleeping forms in absolute awe at how uniquely perfect they both are.
🤎 The way that Riri subconsciously bites the very left corner of her bottom lip as she sleeps. How her small and calloused hands with nails trimmed down to the edge fit so perfectly in yours. The way that one scar on the bottom of her chin lines up with the one on the top of her head from jumping out of a tree when she was six. How a smile tugs on the corners of her lips when she's having a good dream...and not that kind of dream but the ones where she's genuinely happy with whoever she meets there.
🤎 The way that Shuri's brow furrows while she sleeps until you smooth it over with your thumb. How her tattooed palm always remains face up so you can lace your fingers over hers while she sleeps. How that scar on her stomach that matches the one on her back, the one's she refuses to show you and Riri to this day, feels underneath your hand and overtop her shirt, that raises and falls with every breath she takes. And how she calms so easily when you place your hand over her cheek after hearing her let out the faintest whimper in her sleep.
🤎 Those are your girls, only yours.
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Objection(denial) to ur point that Rollo doesn’t have a toned figure. Until I see the twst team crank out more official art of him, I’m of the belief that he at least AT LEAST had a toned figure. Ur telling me this man who had not problem walking up those stairs bc he be walking up those stairs on the (probable) regular. He a clean freak so you already know he’s cleaning in his free time, and idk about you but dusting, sweeping, mopping etc is tiring and this man probably does chores as a hobby. If nothing else I know he at least rocking with athlete legs cause ain’t no way my dude walking up flights of stairs as his leg day routine without gaining anything. And if twst taught us anything is that the ones who r the most covered usually got something to hide. But in all seriousness I imagine him to probably have a build that’s similar to Vil, on the skinnier side but toned. Also I desperately need his confirmed height, love, a Rollo enthusiast (I cannot lie his haircut is atrocious but u gotta admit he has a nice face )
[Referencing this post!]
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Denial 🤨
I mean, I wouldn’t call Rollo “out of shape” either 😂 He definitely seems more physically fit than the Board Game Club noodles boys, who were both struggling to make it up the bell tower. (Azul kind of gets a pass on this, being that he normally doesn’t have legs.) Rollo has probably built up pretty solid legs due to his diligence in tending to the Bell of Salvation, always going up every day and no matter what the weather to polish it.
I don’t know about those chores translating into also having buff arm as well though 😅 (only because I personally know “clean freaks” that still have noodle arms). I’d think you’d have to be pretty rigorous about cleaning to actually develop muscles from it. The little peeks we see of his figure seems to imply a more slender frame…? Then again, maybe this isn’t entirely accurate given that Silver and Sebek’s arms got nerfed in their live 2D models compared to their card art… I don’t know, Rollo still looks pretty skinny in his official artwork (though it’s a little hard to tell because his sleeves become puffy at some point). The whole outfit gives the illusion of size and volume because of how much fabric there is.
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“The ones who are the most covered usually have something to hide” 🫣 Damn, you’ve got me cuz that’s totally my type cbjsbsjsjss I guess that’s true of characters like Jade and Rook, but I’ve always interpreted that as like them wanting to hide their true nature and intentions rather than wanting to literally hide their bodies from view. I think the same is true of Rollo; he wants to conceal his pain and his crimson flower plot. (… This is me saying I don’t want to have another confused breakdown if TWST ever reveals that Rollo is secretly muscular because I already had enough distress when I learned that about Rook—)
About Rollo’s height 🤔 if we compare his model to those of other characters, he seems to be around the same height as… Rook (177cm or 5’8”)??? So he’s definitely decently tall. bcjsbsksnxks This is actually kind of a funny because someone I know said they’re shocked Rollo isn’t short. According to them, he has “short energy” because of all his rage which sounds like a mild jab at Riddle.
All jokes and Rollo bullying aside, I think he’s probably on the skinny/slim side but is also decently fit, just not to the extent of a super athletic character or a character that regularly goes out of their way to plan workouts. When I think of the word “toned”, I picture well defined muscles, which I think is definitely more true of his legs than of his upper body.
… Yes, his haircut is hella ugly but that’s okay because he makes up for it with the variety of facial expressions he makes 😌 Look at this face. Does this look like the face of a liar to you? The answer is yes it is and it’s hot
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TWST devs, give us more Rollo art to hyperanalyze 👁 👄 👁 and his official height as well, per favore 🙏 I’m really hoping that they release another art book that touches on these details, as the first Magical Archives does tell us some information about NPCs like Cheka and Chenya’s official heights. I would like Rollo plushies too, please—
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cherryphobe · 10 months
I wish gortash fuckers would please just draw him fat & (conventionally) ugly because thats what he is!!! & thats okay!!! He can be hot that way!!! Just stip drawing him like a god damn final fantasy character cuz thats NOT what he looks like! My mans does not shower!!!!! & his nose bump is enormous you must emulate this in your art!!! Stop drawing him as a tall skinny fuckable anime antagonist & just make him a fat nasty fuckable old uncle coded man I guess!!!
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theskyblog · 4 months
My favorite song from every album I've listened to as of 12/1/2023
Alapalooza Weird one to start with, it's hard to form a concrete opinion on a project I listened to with little to no care haha. I'm hesitant to call it my favorite but I really do like Young, Dumb & Ugly. It's kind of like a Good & Evil situation where my favorite song down the line ends up being the one I listened to the least when I initially discovered the album (Who You Are)
Scorpion Queen Your Name is one of my favorite songs ever made no questions asked. Still has some amateur-ish singing, but I empathize with that too much to get mad at it lol. I love this song, other songs are also great but this is the highlight. Also works well on the album that it got inserted into
Twin Fantasy Beach Life-in-Death is so damn good. What a track man, instantly quotable in so many ways, the song is a journey within itself. I remember when I had that week long phase of being super into this album, this song was the main catalyst. Drawing the cover and writing down the lyrics in my sophomore year art class on the tablets
The Big Day lol. Hot Shower is obviously super fun and quotable, but I don't like DaBaby's verse, which I know is backwards from what most people think. Do You Remember is also great, but All Day Long is my favorite. Cuz I listen to the big day all day long!!
Cojum Dip Nowadays it's probably Cell, but I have to go with Moon Waltz. My most listened to song last year, it's a perfect ballad that really deserves its spot of the album. I wish people didn't think it was the only good song though
Jinx The whole reason I love this album is because I listen to it in full, and thus blur the lines between tracks, making this a pretty tricky one. Maybe Ghostride
Ice Melt This album isn't as much as just one long song for me so this feels more fair. Trophy, probably. I think the one kid I hung out with freshman year liked that one, and we stopped talking because he got banned off discord. Anyway this one goes out to him
i think you think too much of me the only song I ever cared about was XO lol. it's a 10/10 song, regardless of it being on a 3/10 album
Aim and Ignite While kind of the black sheep of the album, it has to be The Gambler right? I would never put it on in a playlist, but what it does for me can't be done by anything else. Everyone always has a bias towards media that currently suits where they are in life, and the fact that this song is able to do so much for me while having literally nothing to do with me, is awesome. Not to say I don't like stuff that doesn't relate to me, but usually it needs to in order to hit quite this close to home
Now, Not Yet it's ARROW BABYYYY I love this song to death. Where would we be without arrowI discovered this song from it being used in an old Geometry Dash level https://youtu.be/tqhHj77kN2o?si=uePJzqrmzPyl-9Uw and really wanted to listen to the album. It might've been the first thing I listened to on my own, so it's important to me, even if I don't love the actual album lol
Sports If This Is It is an expertly crafted song. This is where Huey Lewis' 80's style music is at its best, sprawling vocals, slightly cheesey, and about love. Thank you huey
theskyblog was then shot dead, unable to finish this list.
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silktherambler · 1 year
I'm going to say it and I'm going to sound like a hater but I really don't care
As a person, who identifies as a poet, as a spoken word artist, as a lyricist
I truly despise when some of you really pretty women, really handsome men, and really good looking non-binary folks, think that you can write poetry because you are undeniably attractive
Are you hot? Very much so
Is wordplay your strong suit? No bro
If I was ugly maybe I wouldn't say nothing but it's the fact that I am also not ugly and I'm a poet and I am tired of y'all getting on stage to be like y'all do poetry and it's some of the most mediocre rhymes I've ever heard
And also, while we're on this topic, can y'all talk about something other than love or heartbreak or getting cheated on
Cuz that's usually what the poem is about it's usually about somebody that did them wrong or people that betrayed them or them going through heartbreak or something to do around the topic of romance
These are the people that hardly make poems about the corruption that they see, how it feels to be a bad friend, being less fortunate than others, understanding the topic of influence and how it works, it's like you don't want to expand your brains to talk about anything other than love and betrayal
The truth is, I want better for y'all. I want you to go to a damn poetry workshop and actually work on getting your words up. Work on your vocabulary, growing knowledge about different words you can use. Understand and get to know different forms of poetry, utilize different literary elements, make your art indifferent to what's outside and more personable so it matches your heart. Your art matches your soul. And I think y'all probably have some really cool souls but it's buried a lot of vain
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new-message-4-u · 3 years
-Gender neutral-
Characters: Kuroo, kenma, daichi, and aran.
A/N : Tell me if I made any mistakes or smth I was tempted to put Sugawara in it but I chose not to Lmao enjoy
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If you wake my man up earlier than his schedule say, he'll ignore you untill you apologize
If you're hungry he'll go to the fridge and get the most healthy lookin shit to share with you
Plz don't wear his clothes he will genuinely be upset that he has to wash it
If he buys some food and you eat it first he'll take something you bought and hide it
Open his shit, (Food, soap, moisturizer, ect) and he will have WORDS for you
Make him a lil snacky snack, and he'll most likely feel bad and make you something.
Don't make him a bath. He likes it SINFULLY HOT. It could like, literally boil a human
Make sure not to text to much on date night or you're phone will be confiscated.
HORROR MOVIES. AT THE THEATER. EVERY DATE NIGHT. Then he'll say stuff during the ride home.
"SHIT WHATS THAT IN THE ROAD?" "Oh wow, is that a person? Let's pull over." "IS THAT A DEAD BODY?"
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You were probably his first ever SO. He was just to busy to bother
Will buy EVERYTHING for you. He just wants to be a movie boyfriend ngl
Gets scared when you fight and calls his support (Sugawara) in the middle of the fight
If you do something he doesn't like, he probably won't tell you unless it's gonna impact you both.
Is picky when something he makes isn't perfect and throws it away (Like his kids)
Buys food that he hates because you make it taste good. Like avacados, he hates the shit but likes it when you make guacamole.
Can make bomb ass mexican style soft tacos. Ya know the dry ass ones with the chicken, and the lime, and cilantro? YEAHHHHH BUDDY
If you make somethin his ass is gonna eat it. Like it could be nasty as fuck and he'll shove it down like its good
He'll even have the audacity to SAY it's good. The only was you'll know that it's bad is if he a.) Gags, or b.) Says a big word
"Oh..... Wow.... *Gag* This is.... *Gag* good...." "HUMPH..... How.... How scrumptious....."
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His hair is crunchy as fuck. Just touch it before he washes it one night. I SAID TOUC-
*Ahem*, he injoys chugging sprite and munching sweet spicy doritos while he watches demon slayer.
Probs ignores you when he's gaming unless it's a special day like date night
If you like to game too then he lets you unless it's with his usual squad. Then, he'll kick you.
FORCES you to reach AR 16 so you can co op with his lonely ass in genshin
Makes you fuckin rich in gta and gets mad when you spend to much
You. Get. No. Love. EVAHHHHHHHH. Unless it's a special day. But other than that, EVAHHHHHHHH.
When you sleep, he'll sometimes watch you creepily. Just because.
Weekly dance time. You both get together and dance to the song you find during the week and ridicule each other's choices.
"You seriously listen to this dude?" "This song sucks, my turn." "OH I KNOW A BETTER SONG BY THIS GUY"
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Kuroo tetsurou
You've woken up to a foggy room before. You just opened you're eyes and it B U R N E D.
He wakes you up every morning to shower with him just because he can
Insults you all the damn time and he knows you don't mind cuz you insult his dumb ass back
If he thinks your upset with him he annoys you and tells you jokes until you laugh
Makes you wear his jacket to every game so nobody flirts with you
He hangs out with the team, ALOT. You join him whenever he does though
Makes you terrible art that your meant to love. It's just so..... So..... Ugly
He's a BIG Otaku. He makes you binge watch Demon Slayer with him along with Jujutsu Kaisen
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ladykissingfish · 3 years
Under the Mistletoe with the Akatsuki // Part Six // Hidan
“Ah; you fucking lucky bastards! I should charge you all for this; to kiss an elite follower of the mighty Jashin is a privilege you assholes don’t deserve. Except you, Konan. In fact if you want to move the mistletoe to my bedroom then — ow! OW!! Kakuzu let go!! I was only kidding; can none of you take a fucking joke?!”
She sighs before she goes to him. He’s made a big deal all day about kissing her in particular, although she doesn’t get why. She feels nothing other than friendship for him, and, despite his ramblings, she doesn’t think he feels anything stronger either. Nevertheless, it’s her turn. She steps up to him and he reaches out and takes her small hands, giving them a surprisingly gentle squeeze. “You ready for this, gorgeous?” But something about that, about the word “gorgeous”, sets off the normally calm Konan. She yanks her hands out of his and plants them on her hips. “Gorgeous, beautiful, sexy — that’s literally all you ever say to me. I’m more than a pair of tits; I have a fucking brain in this head!” Hidan blinks, startled. “That’s - the first time I ever heard ya curse, Konan.” He grabs her hands again. He speaks in a soft voice and apologizes, and tells her that he has nothing but respect for her. “I only wanna kiss you so bad ‘cuz you’re beautiful INSIDE and out, and you bring lots of light to my shitty darkness.” She blushes and thanks him, and he takes the opportunity to lean in and kiss her lips. Just a soft touch, but both of them are smiling afterwards.
Both of them are hesitant to do this, to say the least. Hidan won’t ever admit this, but he’s held a small physical attraction to Deidara since the day they met. Very small, and *purely* physical, but still. He doesn’t like thinking about it, because to do so would be him admitting to himself that his own sexuality isn’t as black and white as he’d thought it to be. He tells himself that if he likes Deidara at all, it’s simply because the guy looks ridiculously similar to a woman. Deidara doesn’t wish to kiss Hidan because, although HE will never admit to it, Hidan scares him. The man’s proven immortality throws a wrench into Deidara’s long-held ideals of what life (and art) are ultimately about: beauty made greater by virtue of being fleeting. But Hidan being able to live forever — could it be that Deidara’s partner Sasori has been right this whole time? That art really is eternal? Still, everyone is watching, so the two shake off their feelings, and Deidara approaches him. “Keep your tongue in your mouth, okay?” “Same goes for you, blondie.” Hidan gives himself very quick peck to the lips, but both men are blushing quite hard regardless. And even as brief as that was — Hidan makes note to ask Deidara what kind of shampoo he used later, because he smelled absolutely incredible.
After the last kiss between them, when it was Kisame’s turn, Hidan is hesitant to get close to this guy again. But Kisame is grinning, and appears to be in a good mood. “Ah, come now, Hidan; surely we can let bygones be bygones?” Hidan starts to curse at him, but catches himself just in time: after all, his mouth was what got him into trouble last time. So he merely nods and stands still, while Kisame approaches him. “Are you afraid, Hidan?” “Ah? Why would I be —“ “I can smell the fear coming from you.” Hidan folds his arms in front of his chest and demands to know who wouldn’t be afraid at the thought of possible dismemberment. Kisame just laughs and promises he’ll behave himself. He leans in, locks eyes with Hidan, and flashes his teeth — before giving Hidan a closed-mouth kiss on the forehead. Hidan let’s out a shaky sigh of relief, and Kisame walks away, laughing.
Like Deidara, Hidan has a bit of a grudge against the raven-haired Uchiha. He’s fallen victim before to the power of Itachi’s sharingan, and the calm, quiet way that Itachi reacts to Hidan’s jabs and wheedles always serve to irritate. But even so — Hidan has to admit that the guy isn’t all THAT bad (certainly not the hell-spawn that Deidara makes him out to be, anyway). There was a time once when Hidan caught a cold, and Itachi braved going into his room to bring him a cup of sinus-clearing tea. Itachi steps up to him and nods, and Hidan leans forward and kisses him on the cheek. An oddly sweet gesture, and one that Itachi seems to like, as he actually smiles before he leaves. Hidan watches him go, thinking (and not for the first time) that having a talent like the sharingan is completely wasted in someone who isn’t immortal. Maybe he should talk to him later about joining the Jashinist movement ...
Pein (Nagato)
If the Akatsuki is a family, and everybody (save Konan) are Pein’s children, then Hidan is undoubtedly the problem child of the group. The loudest, the most foul-mouthed, definitely the most violent ... but still. When Hidan could find an ounce of maturity, and focus, he was one of the best members of the team. And Nagato finds his regenerative abilities to be amazing, and, if there was ever the time and opportunity for it, would love to study Hidan in-depth. Pein approaches him and Hidan bows his head, an act of respect he gives to the Leader ... and ONLY the Leader. Pein delivers a light kiss to the forehead and walks away. He can hear Hidan mumbling behind him about “those damn piercings could kill somebody” but chooses to ignore it.
Oh, God. Hidan smells like human blood most of the time (thanks to his many gory sacrifices), and Zetsu is attracted to this scent like a bee is to a flower. He’d hang around this guy all day if he could, if not for the smell then to act as clean-up for the bits and pieces of his victims that he leaves behind. But Hidan doesn’t quite care for the plant man, to say the least. He didn’t sign up for the Akatsuki to be made to work alongside non-human freaks of nature. When Zetsu walks up to Hidan, the gray-haired jashin lover is nervous, to say the least. Zetsu puts his hand on Hidan’s face, leans in, and kisses his nose. It should only take a second, but Zetsu lingers over the spot for an abnormal amount of time ... and Hidan realizes it’s because he’s sniffing him, like an animal. “Okay, freak; get the hell away from me!” But Zetsu doesn’t move, in fact tightening his grip on Hidan’s face. Hidan is surprised; Zetsu is quite a bit stronger than he’d realized. His surprise turns to fear when the expression in Zetsu’s eyes shifts, and Hidan hears a very noticeable stomach-growl come from him. Hidan is seconds away from fight or flight (he hasn’t quite decided yet) when Tobi comes into the room, seemingly breaking the trance Zetsu had been in. Hidan breathes out a sigh of relief as zetsu keaves, giving silent thanks to the moron in the mask.
After “scaring” Zetsu away, Tobi gleefully announces that its his turn with Hidan. “Ohh boy, Hidan-san! You and Tobi are gonna have fun!” Hidan is actually quite eager for this; not so much for the kiss itself, but for his chance to see this freak up close and unmasked. Tobi looks behind him; nobody else is around. He turns back to Hidan and slides his mash halfway off his face, revealing his pale skin, dark, long-lashed eyes, and full lips, pursed into a grin. Getting closer, Hidan can detect faded, jagged lines extending from the right side of his forehead to the bottom of his mouth. Still, even with them — “Fucking hot”, Hidan mutters, the words slipping out before he can stop them. Tobi grins and cups Hidan’s face, staring into his eyes. “So are you,” he murmurs, and is it Hidan’s imagination or is his voice ... different, somehow? Well, no time to think about it; suddenly Tobi’s (unbelievably soft) lips are on his own, and for the first time since this encounter started, Hidan feels a feather-touch of unease. The way Tobi’s kissing him ... this isn’t how an idiot kisses. What in the name of Jashin — and then just as quickly as it began, it ends. Tobi slides his mask back into place, and skips off to the kitchen. Hidan has to take a few moments to collect himself, and in the way-back of his mind is a small voice urging him to warn Deidara to watch himself around Tobi. About what? Hidan doesn’t know the specifics. All he knows is those two are alone a LOT for missions, and if Tobi really is more than he seems, then — But then again, why should he care what happens with the blonde jerk, anyway?
Another person that annoys Hidan. He was in the Akatsuki for almost an entire year before he’d realized that the ugly body that he was in, wasn’t even his own. His surprise when he witnessed a hatch open and a childlike-looking redhead step out was unprecedented. Learning that he was in his 30’s meant that Hidan should have shown him the proper respect, but Hidan just couldn’t take orders from somebody with the face of a young boy. Sasori seems to know this, and therefore avoids interactions with him as much as possible. Now, however, contact is unavoidable. “Can you even reach my face, shorty?” Sasori tilts his head and seems to really be considering Hidan’s question. Suddenly, without warning, Sasori’s wooden arm detaches itself from Sasori’s body, and hits Hidan full-force in the center of his stomach. Hidan curses and doubles over, and while he’s bent Sasori takes the opportunity to go to Hidan and kiss his forehead. “I can reach you just fine, brat,” he murmurs, before leaving. Hidan has a quick recovery time to all forms of pain, and he’s quickly back on his feet, staring after Sasori with anger — and a tiny bit of admiration.
“Hey old fucker; you’ve been waiting all day to get a taste of this, eh?” Kakuzu just rolls his eyes at Hidan’s comment. He’s not sure what he did, either in this life or another one, to be partnered with a creature as odious as Hidan. Normally with people that Kakuzu finds no value in, he kills, plain and simple. But Hidan is neither plain nor simple; no matter what Kakuzu hits him with, he keeps getting back up, just as loud and irritating as ever. But ... even someone as gruff as Kakuzu has to admit that Hidan isn’t all that bad. It’s actually a bit lovely, to have found another person (besides Sasori, who has made it clear that when everyone else expires, his complete solitude is something he’s looking forward to) to be with to share the blessing (and curse) of immortality. He walks up to Hidan and grabs him by the forearms, forcing him into stillness. “What the hell, old man?! Let go of me before —“ but Kakuzu interrupts him by inclining his neck and kissing his lips. Hidan’s mouth is soft, and he has a taste to him, something akin to cinnamon or pumpkin. Kakuzu let’s go of him and starts to walk away, when suddenly Hidan reaches out grabs him, pulling him into another kiss. Kakuzu is surprised, but he makes no attempt to break Hidan’s hold on him because ... this is nice. This feels good, this feels natural. Almost like — and then a sudden explosion makes them both jump; Tobi comes running past them, with Deidara (and his bombs) on his heels. “Get back here you little shit!!” Kakuzu sighs, and this time when he turns to go, Hidan doesn’t stop him. But Kakuzu can feels Hidan’s eyes on him, following him all the way to his room.
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astrologysvt · 4 years
Vernon’s Ideal Type - Natal Chart Reading
For ideal types, I’m not going to be doing specific placements of their ideal partner. Instead, I’m gonna be listing personality traits I think would mesh well with them, as well as focus on their needs and the kind of person who could meet them. I’m looking at all of their placements, specifically their moon, venus, mars, and any aspects related to those planets.
such an interesting mix with all of that water, aqua, and then that cap venus. 
i definitely see him as being someone who is focused on finding someone who he feels he has a very intimate and personal connection with, above all else
like he has so many placements that bring such a strong emphasis towards non-physical values 
his aqua placements that value individuality, intellect, and authenticity.
then his scorpio that craves that emotional depth and connection 
and his pisces mars that comes in and brings in this kinda of spiritual influence in valuing that kind of intrinsic compatibility and bond. 
and so he’s really out there looking for a soulmate in the most simplest terms 
i do think that he is a realistic person because of his logical aqua and cap, so he may not see it as a “soulmate” situation as in “fate”
but he wants to feel that intellectual, emotional, and spiritual harmony with his s/o in ways that may be hard to define and aren’t super tangible
where they can connect with each other, value each other’s minds, and feed each other’s energies and passions 
where there is that very “soulmate” esque understanding of each other where they balance each other out and read each other well 
so with all of that being said, i def think his s/o should be someone with similar values 
someone who isn’t so focused on immediacy, on the material, and on the concrete aspects of the relationship.
someone he can feel connected to, and not just attracted to or committed to. 
someone who appreciates the simpler, more meaningful things in life. 
also to a great degree, i think his s/o should be someone who is able to relax and enjoy silent moments and the little details 
i think someone with too antsy an energy, who is too mentally active and can’t slow down to appreciate each other’s company and ambiance and — I’LL SAY IT —  vibes 
would probably frustrate him and feel like they weren’t really on the same wavelength
his pisces mars especially is such a feeling and observant placement, and can often times get overwhelmed by those who are too excitable or fidgety 
he has such a calm energy about him between all of that water and his super harmonious aspects with his moon — and he is so sensitive to those energies 
so much so to the point that i think he’d easily pick up on that restlessness and would make him uneasy in turn. 
so yeah someone super chill lolol 
because honestly he probs wouldn’t be able to keep up with a super energetic partner either
he also wants someone who is super open-minded 
i think especially with all of that aqua that he’d be very adverse to someone who was more judging, or wasn’t open to viewing things from other perspectives, or wasn’t open to discussion 
i imagine too he’d be very frustrated with someone who was so convinced in their opinions that it came across oppressive
the fun of opinions for him through that aqua is in the potential for discussion, and so that door always needs to be open for him
and with that i imagine he’d find someone who is open, accepting, and progressive very attractive. 
and so then returning to this whole concept of focused more on non-physical values as a whole
this also more than likely means he isn’t super concerned with looks
i highly doubt he has a type, and if he does it’s probably either vague or pretty consistently broken or changing.
i also think this gives him a very unorthodox appreciation of beauty
and so he probably is either drawn to someone with very unusual or thought provoking looks/style, or he just generally pays little mind to those things when it comes to attraction 
i also think that aqua influences comes in and points that attraction specifically towards his value of individuality 
so he’s more than likely going to associate beauty to specific traits as he gets to know them and understands them as their own person 
but then his cap venus comes in, and this is a very literal and very material influence which is a huge contrast to the rest of his chart
he wants someone competent 
someone reliable, and someone put together 
so while he may not care TOO MUCH about looks or appearance, whatever style his s/o has got going on should at least be presentable to a degree lol 
cap influences (or really earth influences in general and especially in venus) usually point towards a strong attraction to those with a career, goals, and ambition 
so that’s something he finds very attractive 
as well knowing that they’re very driven, are able to make plans and stick to them, and are super hard working
i also think with that mix of aqua and cap that he probs thinks it’s SUPER hot if his s/o has a very specific interest they are passionate about 
like an expertise/art they’re very proficient in 
and would love being able to pick their brain and collaborate in that sense. 
this cap influence can also make him drawn to those older than him
someone who has a great deal of experience, and someone who he respects and looks up to.
loyalty and consistency are huge factors for him, especially between all of the fixed energies he’s got going on and then that cap venus 
he needs someone he feels he can trust
not only to be present in the relationship, but to also take the commitment seriously and be very dependable. 
there is so much in his chart that is both very committed, and also super all-or-nothing 
once he knows for certain that that relationship IS IT, he is there for the long haul 
and he more than likely has complete tunnel vision on his s/o 
like doesn’t even have a single thought in his noggin to look elsewhere 
and so he’d feel really assured if his s/o thought very similarly
and if they were someone who could lean into that emotional intensity and attachment 
cuz that scorpio moon can GET ATTACHED. 
i think he’d be frustrated if his s/o were super flighty, who struggled to commit, who he felt he couldn’t pin down
he really needs to feel secure in the relationship
and with his pisces mars especially, he’s the type to be very giving and committed even if the object of his affection isn’t reciprocating 
which can lead to him getting lost in the relationship and losing track of his priorities. 
at its worst it can even create a dynamic where he keeps on giving and giving with the hopes that he’ll then “earn” that commitment and affection
and so he needs someone solid he can lean on who is very open and upfront with where they stand to ensure he doesn’t get completely absorbed/lost in that manner. 
as that is a super, super common occurrence with pisces influences regardless of how logical the rest of the placements are 
and i feel like i need to say that: i know aqua placements are known for their need for independence and freedom 
but between the fact both his moon and mars are in water signs, i think that this aquarian desire for freedom is going to be more concentrated to his desire for intellectual freedom 
where as romantically i think his placements crave too much a sense of exclusivity, intimacy, and loyalty that they kind of overpower that aqua need.
beyond that general sense of commitment however, he also wants to feel he can trust his s/o in confiding in them 
someone he feels he can communicate both his playful hypotheticals and his more intense thoughts to 
scorpio influences in general bring such a strong emphasis to both privacy and control 
and he is very selective with what he lets others see and know about him 
and to a degree a huge desire that he may have because of that, is in feeling as though he can trust his s/o enough to kind of break down that damn and let the floods loose 
the scorpio influence also brings a great deal of possession 
and he wants someone who will let him feel like they are his person 
and that he’s let them into his inner circle and vise versa
and so someone who respects but also kind of cultivates that dynamic where they’re both very open and receptive to each other’s thoughts, no matter how crazy
and also very protective of each other would be great 
someone who he can be his authentic self around with no filter
where there is confidence that his s/o wont judge him if he divulges them in his more out-there thoughts, or when he decides to be vulnerable and communicates darker parts of himself 
he really wants to feel like there is a limitlessness in the relationship 
with that, too, he wants someone who is simultaneously realistic 
someone who can dream up and play along with his creative ideas and thoughts, but also someone who is clearly down-to-earth and rational 
like as much as he wants his s/o to appreciate him and all the weird stuff involved, he also doesn’t want them to be completely out of touch with reality 
which circles back to that cap venus need for someone who is reliable and competent. 
and with all of this talk about him wanting to be with someone he can be himself around — all the good, bad, beautiful, ugly, and weird — he really wants someone who is also very open and honest about themselves. 
his aqua placements and pisces mars really make him drawn to super unique individuals which i touched on before 
but he really vibes when someone is clearly walking to the beat of their own drum 
and he loves the confidence that’s associated with that 
which i think is emphasized by his cap venus 
and even though this placement is often associated with conventionality and tradition — i think mixed with the rest of his odd ball placements, this influence really just means he’s looking for someone who has direction, acts with purpose, and can be a very rational person while also sticking true to their individuality and values
and by all means, with everything else, the weirder the better 
and that weirdness plays into his scorpio moon and that “circle” i mentioned where he feels that camaraderie with his s/o where they respect and appreciate each other’s oddities and perspectives and bounce off each other in that sense 
which again backs ALL THE WAY up and plays off this concept of him being more focused on those non-physical attributes/values. 
finally i really want to touch on the importance of emotional intelligence for him 
i think i’ve honestly mentioned it for every single reading because i do think it is an important influence just for the sake of a healthy relationship 
but for vernon i really think it’s an absolute pillar in terms of his relationships 
between his scorpio moon and pisces mars — and especially since he has these two planets trine each other — he is a very emotionally intuitive, feeling, and sensitive person 
yet that trine aspect brings a great deal of emotional control and harmony as well
he would really struggle with someone who had a temper, or was overly fast to react and resort to confrontation 
someone who couldn’t think objectively in the heat of the moment, or who couldn’t read themselves well and understand when they’re upset and not thinking rationally
and that is because that trine aspect makes it so that he is a very introspective and composed person when it comes to turbulent emotions, and he’d really need a similar mindset in his s/o where they both can approach disagreements and emotions with a very level head 
i also think emotional intelligence is super important in terms of how feeling he is 
i think his s/o should be very good at reading him and at reading energies
i think his reserved and thoughtful nature can make him a bit of a loner (which we know and i’ve talked about before in his chart first impressions) but because of this i think it’s good if his s/o is very understanding of this sensitive and fluctuating nature in him 
he has waves and phases, and is a very dynamic person
and so someone who understands and respects this aspect of him is great who can read him and act accordingly 
either giving him space, amplifying his energies, encouraging his enthusiasm, straight chilling, or giving him that emotional stability
i think it’s always super surprising to look at nonie’s chart cuz he has such a hard to pin energy about him 
he’s so hard to read and i feel like his common perception is very contradictory to the energies of his placements, especially in terms of romance 
but behind all of that he’s definitely a very committed, loyal, and protective person 
and craves that emotional closeness and intimacy regardless of floaty and vibey his energies are normally 
such a genuinely sweet boy. 
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katsukis-sad-angel · 5 years
Love Yourself (please)
Ok, so I’m not the skinniest person but I wouldn’t say I’m fat either
I’m about 135 lbs and about 5’5” ~ above average weight and height for my age
This fic is for people like me who suffer from ‘every other girl that exists has visible tits and can wear tank tops and leggings and I’m just tryna eat my salad and cover up my armpit fat at the same time’ disease
This fic was a fat mood for ya boi, so I feel u
Pairing: Eijirou Kirishima x Insecure!Reader
Summary: Kirishima wants to take you to the pool (bc your dating and we wants to spend time with his pretty girl (you)) but you keep telling him no cuz ur rly insecure and you don’t want him or anyone else to see what you view as disgusting and ugly. Kirishima comes to get you but you don’t answer the door, so he comes into your house. Hearing your voice upstairs he peeks into your room to find you crying. He finally understands why you didn’t want to go to the pool.
Contains: Mentions of nudity, kiri being shirtless, angst, language? cursing? not really...
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Texting POV
💞🌠Manly Red Riot Man🌠💞
Hey baby!
It’s kinda warm today!
How about we go to the pool?
🌠💘🥰💐Beautiful Baby Girl🌠💘🥰💐
Ummmmmmmmmm I don’t think so
You can go with your squad
You’ll pave plenty of fun
💞🌠Manly Red Riot Man🌠💞
That’s why I want you to be there
The whole Bakusquad wants to meet you!
I kinda already told them I’d be there in an hour
Sorry babe
🌠💘🥰💐Beautiful Baby Girl🌠💘🥰💐
It’s ok Ei
I guess I’ll come, I don’t really feel like swimming though
💞🌠Manly Red Riot Man🌠💞
Awwww! Come on!
My friends are gonna love you!
I’ll be over in a few to help you pick out a suit ok?
See u in a minute😘😘😘
Regular POV
You groaned tilting your head back into the cushions of the couch.
You really didn’t want to go to the pool.
The other day, after taking a nice, long, hot shower, you got on your mother’s bathroom scale to see how much you weighed.
You were stunned at the number.
It was then you realized, looking in the mirror, that you weren’t as cute as you thought you were.
Every time you looked into that stupid piece of glass, all you saw was a disgusting, overweight oaf who didn’t deserve such a hardworking and perfect boyfriend.
You stood in front of the full-length mirror that hung on your wall, turning around and around, touching the places you saw imperfect, tears of exasperation dripping off your chin and down to splatter your pretty much non-existent chest.
Your hand came down and squeezed the flesh of your thigh, the soft skin bulging upon pressure.
You cried even more.
Plopping down on your ass, you fell backward on the floor where you waited for something to happen.
Little did you know, your silent soap opera had an audience.
Kirishima had entered your house after knocking for several minutes without an answer.
Now he stood peeking into your room through your door.
There you lay, naked except for figure-shaping panties, on your floor, crying.
Kirishima knew it wasn’t manly to peep in on a girl, even though you were his girlfriend, and it wasn’t manly to just watch a girl cry.
He had seen the way your beautiful face contorted with disgust as you scanned your figure.
Kiri couldn’t understand why though.
What did you see that he didn’t?
He thought your soft tummy, arms, and thighs were cute!
Plus, you didn’t need big boobs, he liked your adorable little ones. He hadn’t gotten to touch them yet, but still…
“Hey, hey Y/n?” He asked softly, knocking on your bedroom door, “You ok?”
You sat up quickly, large, frightened eyes landing on your shirtless man.
You yelped and dove under your bed, cowering into a trembling little ball.
Kirishima lifted the bed skirt.
“Baby, come out! What’s the matter?”
“Nothing!” You whimpered in a muffled voice, “Go to the pool and have fun! I… I can’t go!”
“Look at me.”
Kirishima lay on his stomach and lay his head sideways on his hands with the bed skirt held back by his spiky locks.
“Y/nnnnnnnnnn. Let me see you, pretty girl.”
“Don’t call me that!”
“Y/n, I’m gonna pull you out of there kicking and screaming. Look at Eijirou.”
You turned your head begrudgingly, settling your darkened (e/c) orbs on his crimson ones.
“Come out.”
It was a simple command, but more easily said than done.
Blushing, you crawled out from under your bed and quickly covered yourself up.
Kirishima led you to stand and guided you to the mirror.
You turned your head in distaste.
Kirishima tugged at your wrists, “Come on, move your hands sweetie. I’m not gonna do anything, ok? I promise.”
Your hands fell to your sides.
Kirishima exhaled.
“You’re so beautiful, you know that?” He breathed, resting his head on your shoulder.
“I… I said d-don’t say that.” You whispered, hanging your head.
“Why not? Look at you!”
“I’ll go blind. Either that or break the damn mirror.”
“No no no!”
One of his warm hands came to rest on your side and the other touched your stomach.
Your (s/c) skin was supple and velvety, pleasing to the touch.
His warm digits moved to your plush thigh.
He paused.
“Why’re you crying sweetheart?”
Kirishima turned you around to face him, but you refused to meet his eyes.
“You deserve better.” You murmured, wiping your eyes, “You need a pretty, skinny 11/10 girlfriend that will impress your friends. I’m sure there’s plenty of them at your hero school.”
“You are my 11/10 girlfriend! Why the hell do you think you’re not?”
“Are you blind?” You yelled, stomping your foot, “Just look at me, idiot! I’m… I’m disgusting.”
The tears returned to sting your eyes and flush your skin.
You sighed.
Turning to face the mirror again, you pointed first to your face.
Then to your armpit fat.
Then your padded torso.
Then to your thighs and ass.
“And yuck.”
“I don’t see anything.” Kirishima whistled, trying not to stare at your cute pink nipples, “All I see is my cute girl. Why don’t you see that?”
“Cuz it’s not there.”
“Yes, it is.”
“No, it’s not.”
“Yes Y/n, it is. You don’t need big tits or what you think is a ‘perfect body’ for me to love you. As your boyfriend, only my opinion matters, so if I say you are beyond perfect, you are. If some bastard says you’re not, come tell me so I can kill him.”
“You’re j-just saying that.”
“Whenever I put my hands on you while we’re in public, it’s usually because I wanna show off my pretty girl.” He turned you around so faced him once again, lifting your damp chin so you were forced to look him in the eye, “If I had a choice between a room of bimbos and a room with just you, I’d pick you.”
“Really. No one could replace you, ok?”
He wrapped you in a tight hug.
“Do you still wanna go to the pool? We don’t have to.”
“N-No. I’ll go. I… I need to make sure no one tries to take you from me.”
Kirishima smiled, “I said I’d pick out your suit right? Where do you keep them?”
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lustingtc · 5 years
22nd January 2020
I’m parents evening helping 😳😳😳
So 😎 have I got sum content 4 u 👉🏻🤪👉🏻
BuT zrcyvuctvbiv
T @ break 😰😰😰 he saw me ugly laugh,,,
Um 😔😔✋ I understand if he never wanna look me in the eyes. EVER again
🥴now it’s work time bby
N ����😵😵
I am,,
@ all the lowkey hot dads there ngl😏😏💅🏻
Not as many as I hoped for 😔😔 F in chat
There was this guy?? He was visiting for sum reason
i have 0 clue who he is but smthing to do w maths?? He was talking to a lot of math ppl
Anyways 🥴🥴🥰🥰
Not even funny. He was lit ro my dream man (srry T💀)
N Miss was like
“K could you please walk Sir to reception”
Yes. Yes I fucking can.
So I walked this fine ass man to reception😌😌💝💞💓💗💖💘💕
HE SAID THANK U🥺🥺💝💞💓💗💖💘💕
N I was rly awkward n said thank u back n also messed up how the door opens ohmygod,,,
But damn 😞😞✌🏻 destiny right there.
Yo tho...
Stop the mfing music.
We lesbianing rn
Cuz AAAAAAA 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
When we took the stuff up n was abt to leave
P walked past me on the stairs (she was leaving as well) and she went
“Oh! Hi!!”🥺🥺🥺💝💞💓💗💖💘💕🥰🥰🥰🥰
But we said “Hi!” Back as we crossed paths😔
That’s not all. 😳
Finally. All done.
We bumped into art Miss n we where chatting to her, then P came out of her block 😳😳😳
She had a kids lunchbox 🥺🥺💝💞💓💗💖💘💕 fukin dork omg,,,
It had a dinosaur going rawr on it and she fucking😭😭😭 she fukin went
“Yeah! My lunch is rawralicious!!”
I... im cutting all ties 🤧🤧 #Cringey #CringeCultureIsBack
Lmao jokes but,,,,,, xrcunircin,,😵😵😵😵
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people really out here drawing will roland's characters to be more conventionally attractive. like huh? like they think he's not as likable if he's not up to perfect eurocentric beauty standards. draw his nose and glasses and muffin top you cowards! and then they claim it's just their "style" when they're really just refusing to practice variety. and also that's one reason i like your art, you have a nice style that's specific to you while staying true to character design and expressing variety
yeah really like we were just talking about how even when ppl seem to be basing their jared largely on will, it’s relatively rare to see those versions of jared that like....really particularly resemble him or any other actors and don’t change up his features so much that it’s basically just like....sort of nondescript white guy with brown hair and glasses like. whomst.
i mean, there’s the disclaimers like how really there’s no requirement to be basing your design on any actual actor and nothing that says you can’t use actors as just Loose Inspiration and change things up however (though even that’s like, probably you need to use some judgment, i.e. for characters where some aspect of their appearance affects the story/character, and also if you’re gonna do something like make a character played by actors of color white: why) and like a lot of the time you could even invent the appearance entirely from your own imagination if you want
but still most people are obviously basing how they draw jared in the way he appears as the play and like, since will roland did it first and for years and basically the whole costume is just right from his own outfits it’s like........yeah nobody can pretend he’s not gonna impact anybody’s ideas of What Jared Looks Like and, even if they went off and uh Reinterpret the look of the character in another way, he was probably also plenty of other people’s Starting Point in terms of how they imagine jared to look......And Yet so often like. the way people draw jared makes it seem like it might as well have been someone totally different. like yknow feel free to make changes but a) it’s weird that this one character can be sort of detached from any particular Visual Source and also b) okay why is like, everyone deciding to make changes so that Jareds That Look All That Much Like William are definitely in the minority and c) why are the changes being made all like.......towards being Nondescript Conventional Attractiveness
like, the time i tweeted out “is the character sympathetic or do you just consider the actor to be hot” i was entirely thinking of will playing jared and how like, despite all the seniors being super similar and really at least as sympathetic as evan, jared and alana kind of get ignored or even treated as antagonistic to evan and/or less important/complex/sympathetic and like......okay so people don’t think jared’s cute if he looks like will roland and alana is played by a black actress and i’m just taking notes is all....just taking notes.....mm......
and yknow at least with will originating the role like, people seem to be more aware that they owe him their entire lives, but now that he’s taking over a role from a guy that plenty of people Considered More Attractive......suddenly he can’t act or sing and was alone hired for clout which, yknow, we’ve been through dismantling this wild idea lmao but like. if it had been will roland in 1.0 and wconn in 2.0/3.0 we KNOW that there wouldn’t be this contempt over the change lmao we knowwww this
and like seriously there is No Such Thing as any sort of person’s physical features not “fitting” with an artist’s Style or Aesthetic or whatever...it just means they’re unwilling to draw features that look like that. like yeah sure, it’s a factor that you might be more used to / practiced drawing [physical trait] a certain specific “default” way and so if you try something else it won’t be as Good, but that’s like, not an excuse to refuse to draw a certain kind of appearance, Especially if you’re gonna be drawing a specific person/character and then really change up parts of their appearance in a way that just so happens to be more Conventionally Attractive according to the standards of racism and fatphobia and the general shittiness that dictates what’s attractive or not because that’s an entirely subjective thing and the Standards Of Beauty vary a lot from culture to culture and like. changing up traits because you think it’s too ugly as-is is always a crap idea is the point
like, i saw fanart for deh before i actually saw content from the show, and as soon as i hit on some fanart that draw jared as Not actually being all thin i was like oh man this means the actor isn’t actually thin doesn’t it lol....cuz even if it’s just like 5-10% of the fanart depicting him that way it’s like, yeah, okay, that’s the kind of proportion you might expect to see. because like, okay plenty of people are like ugh i don’t wanna draw fat people, but drawing a body type like will roland’s as jared is Really not asking a lot. which like, clearly yknow, plenty of people are like eh it’s not that big of a difference if I Draw Him Lean...which like! yeah exactly it’s not that much of a difference so you might as well draw him with that muffin top 8 times a week spillin outta some fancy emily rebholz-chosen shorts!! i’m sure some people just like, may truly have not been aware of said all-important muffin top because you know. it’s overlookable? but i’m not letting Most Others get away with their conscious slimming down of the character. which nobody has any good excuse for wanting to do
meanwhile his nose gets changed almost as often as in, god it is a beautiful occasion where i see someone draw it at all like william’s like. please. really like this is something that comes up so often where even if people are drawing like, the equivalent of stick figures, i.e. just drawing a Neutral Abstract Person, it’s probably not all that neutral, in terms of like oh everyone has the exact same shape and thickness to their body, and if they’re drawing noses it tends to be like.....the Default is generally this concave-ridged, narrow, pointed deal and it’s like mmmmm. the idea that noses can’t be too wide or long or rounded or anything is definitely Standards Of Whiteness and then how you have the pervasive idea that a downturned nose w/ a convex profile is Ugly and signifies that the person is Bad is a specifically deeply anti-semitic one.....like god that feels like the truly rarest thing off all to see when people draw jared. it’s definitely not that damn hard. why does everyone ever feel the need to change his nose completely!! this is not rhetorical b/c the answer is Known. we knowwww
and then P.S. it’s like hey bastards..........you wanna draw a skinny jared look who’s right over there......why it’s actor sky lakota-lynch!!! Feel Free Anytime
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finsterhund · 5 years
This con is big but not too nice.
I like the accessible washroom of the building
I like how spaced the artist tables are. But geez.
Artists are upset about the crappy wooden tables, people are talking about the artists who got banned for complaining about getting scammed out of their second table.
The artists here are great though. I wish the con cared more about them. Lots of people I know here. Many I already commissioned. I'm not going to get a second commission from someone if I haven't scanned and uploaded the one I got from them previously. Doesn't seem right.
I commissioned an artist who it was their first con, and I have an artist I want to commission online later.
I had to pay extra money for the sky train to refill my card. Would have been nice if the one lording it over us about having a car would actually have helped us today with said car but I think maybe we need to give those poor cyclists a break (okay, maybe I'm being a bit too petty with this now)
The pain medicine keeps me feeling okay. I love cosplaying as Andy again. Maybe in the winter months I'll get new converse so they're not hurting my legs and back. I need them up one size that's a big reason why cosplaying as Andy hurts.
I wish I wasn't so hot I hate sweating. I wish I was healthy and that I could finally finish my cosplay. Someday. I finally get to see a specialist soon. Hoping that puts me on the road to finally having normalcy and a body that at least tries to work properly.
My friend reminded me that we first made my cosplay when I was still ten pounds underweight so the fact that my shorts are tighter on me than usual shouldn't be too unexpected. My back flaring up definitely contributes to it too. I think a big chunk of me thinking I'm an ugly lump is not because of things like diet and more just my body being the unfortunate way it is. Thanks to bad genetics and scar tissue I'm bottom-heavy and no amount of fixing my diet is going to change that. I'm the Danny Devito of Andys. But admittedly the bad situation of July likely made it more noticable. I hate being a thicc boy. I meme about being the designated "fat kid who dies first" but I'm actually sensitive about it.
For how expensive it is to buy a single pass and a falling apart table here, this con has no internet for artists. But that's consistent. Was that way the last few years too. Funny how the cons that cost less and come with the right number of badges and a clean table also have free internet for the artist alley.
To be honest as much as I love all the artists and attendees here and being more likely to be recognized as Andy I really do not like this con.
The art of Andy I got from the first convention attendee artist is very cute. Crisp black and white inks so it'll scan well and I can't wait to share. But no internet!
There's an artist who does custom buttons but they're unlike any buttons I've ever seen. They are wrapped in an acrylic casing instead of punched around a metal piece. I want to get an Andy button from them. That reminds me I haven't scanned any of my custom Andy buttons.
Someone offered the take a photo of me against a banner but I didn't feel good enough. I probably should have taken them up on the offer but I just felt yuck.
The only video game sellers did not have PS1 games which actually angered me lmao.
Sales aren't good I think.
I'm sweating real bad. So glad I got a bath last night and brought my deodorant. Good god. Where's the AC? It's days like these I wish Andy ran around the Darkland barefoot so I could get out of wearing socks. I expell so much heat through my feet and hands I don't want to eat my chocolate snacks I brought for fear they will melt all over my fingers.
I went outside to bring my friend back a coffee (I can do this all by myself because of how close it is hurray!) But as soon as I went back in I started to sweat again.
I found a friend lined up in front of the ATM. We talked. It was nice to see them again. I found another friend elsewhere and also the first friend came around later. Was fun.
WHY DOES NO ONE KNOW HOW TO USE DEODERANT? I WANT TO DIE. I have had to walk behind people who smell like absolute death and it's made me feel really gross. Here I am concerned about a little sweat and there's people who you'd think are UNDEAD because of how the scent of ?????? trails behind them for like ten feet. You can smell when they pass behind you. I want to throw up.
I got some more art. The Andy button I was interested in, found someone else to commission something digital. The Andy button is AMAZING. I LOVE IT SO MUCH. it's hard to clip it closed but it's so cool and it opens so I can scan the art inside.
I got stickers from my friends I wanted to get, and a secret gift for Fishy made by my friend Sam. I intend to make a care box (is that the word?) cuz I know your birthday is coming up this month.
My stickers already got scuffed on my new folder so I'm sad. I hate being a bumbler who bumps things.
There was an artist who drew dogs but I couldn't find them again :(
I think I made a new friend. He is super cool and does panels at vancoufur. His fursona also wears a bandanna.
I feel a lot better about pain medicine. My friend says I could be able to take it every day and I just need to be careful not to take too much. I know people like me run the risk of becoming immune to them and having a sick liver but he says as long as I don't take too many it's fine.
Is this why I'm so miserable all the damn time!?
Legit what if that's the problem?
So I'm feeling pretty good about that. You guys might see a brand new Finsterhund. I'm so excited to have energy and feel comfy again. I was raised with fear mongering of "only using pain medicine when it was worse than usual. Because it'd kill you." But all that is untrue and I've been suffering needlessly this whole time.
So yeah. Now I'm going to start taking them bi daily. As well as the ones to help me sleep.
Genuinely feeling good about this. Andy cosplaying! Pain relief! It's all here! Things finally looking up for lil ol me.
I'm budgeting this con better too. Half of that is because I'm getting lost and can't find artists i wanted to commission again but that's a side effect of my worsening memory. I want to get a small ocarana but I might not be able to afford it by the end. It'd be nice to play Andy's Mission on. That way it won't annoy my friend like a kazoo would. Even though he said my kazoo is fine and he wouldn't have given it to me if it wasn't.
There's more artists I wish I could commission but I'm trying to be careful.
I was very hungry and they had hotdog rollers right outside the con and I really wanted one and they were SIX DOLLARS AND FIFTY CENTS. That's awful. But I got one because I was so hungry. It tasted good at least.
There's an hour and a half left of the day. I don't know what we will do after. I don't want to socialize except with my friends and if I go to bed early I'll be up at 4AM again.
There's now a little under an hour left and I'm tired. Wanting to go back to the hotel room and relax. I'm disappointed in myself for buying the expensive hotdog.
Whisky has been shedding since I brushed him and part of me is all AAAAAAAAAA but the other part is all "this would definitely have been canon."
My friend left his table under my care for the last twenty minutes of the day and I'm kinda anxious. I'm scared that ex roommate "took revenge" on my stuff back at the hotel room. He's never done stuff like that before, but he has threatened to. I also have that sense of emptyness inside that I get sometimes. The one where you just feel bad, no reason to, just emotionally hurt.
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transboygenius · 6 years
SE4SON: Chapter 1
Our story begins with Retroville's monarch of all things cool, Nick Dean, shutting himself in his bedroom, with the door locked. He sat at his desk, writing on a piece of paper with light hovering over. Every word he wrote down was in cursive. He was trying to complete a romantic letter to an unknown kid he wants to confess his true feelings for, but that kid should never know who their secret admirer is. That kid already has a partner of their own, or at least he thinks so. Not only has Nick disguised his handwriting for an identity seal, but also the note never included any pronouns or references to the writer's gender. Why go through all that trouble? Because, young reader, that kid he's writing to is a boy. Not a girl, a boy. A boy that left the young man's heart throbbing. The boy, probably straight, would freak out if Nick introduced himself as another boy in the letter. It's best if Nick didn't give the boy any hints of the writer being male, but he doesn't have to give any hints that he's female either.
This boy; He was short, arrogant, serious, nerdy, somewhat of a prick, he's the fault of all the calamity he saves us from, but Nick couldn't help but still adore him. Said boy has gotten on his nerves occasionally, but he always forgave him in the end. He can't stay mad at someone he's deeply fond with. He was talented, brave, and spirited, something that aroused Nick. While others find him annoying, Nick finds him cute. Of course, nobody should know that, so he plays along with the crowd. They wouldn't mind Nick being attracted to a nerd, but they would since this nerd is a boy like him. Nick would treat him like any other kid would, but inside, he apologizes afterwards. In all truth, he sympathized with the boy, but he's not allowed to be opened about it. Everything this boy did impressed him, as well as inspired him too. Luckily, nobody has ever caught Nick with any signs of him having a crush on said boy, because they are unaware of the young man's talent. He's a pretty good damn actor, one of the best you might say. He hasn't gotten all those main leads in school plays just by sitting around. However, what they don't know is that Nick also acts offstage, in real life. He's afraid people are not ready to know the real him, especially who he's in love with. Not even his own mom could see through his acting performances.
Boy and boy don't belong together, everyone says. They can be brothers, or friends, but not lovers. The same implies for girl and girl. In fairytales, the prince will only get a happy ending with a princess. In television and movies, two boys and two girls aren't allowed to show affection towards each other, so either will only end up with their intended opposite-gender love interest. Nick has seen it all, and it makes him sick to the core. These hetero romances in fiction are always so boring, forced, and unrealistic. Who falls in love in the middle of a battlefield? Why are love-hate (or abusive) relationships considered cute? That character could've had a much more healthier relationship with their same-sex bud. When queer characters are featured in media, which can only be aimed towards older audiences, they are portrayed as villains, then killed off in the end. And when not playing the villains' role, they are still killed off. All Nick asks for is positive representation of people like him, so he can actually love himself for once. Male and female romances are what people describe as "normal love." Meaning, you're only normal if you're heterosexual.
As for his feelings for said boy, he hasn't felt this way for another boy since preschool. During those early years, he had a crush on a boy, who loved to play dress-up and make macaroni art. Nick even drew a picture of them holding hands together. He didn't know anything about sexual orientation at that time, or what was considered right/wrong, he just believed in love. That afternoon, before Nick's mom came to pick him up, he walked up to that boy with a flower in hand. The boy freaked out and backed away in the corner, throwing building blocks towards him while saying Go away! Nick was just confused. Maybe he picked the wrong flower, he thought. When the children's parents finally arrived, the boy ran to his dad for comfort, and told him everything that happened today with a "scary boy."
This stirred up conflict between the boy's father, and his father, each one of them trying to put the blame on whose fault is it for Nick being into boys. When his emotional abusive father returned, he set Nick down on a chair, and yelled at him for two whole hours, cursing while hitting him with degrading words that stung his brain like needles. His father then showed him some old newspaper articles on the ugly truth, with graphic imagery, about how society treats minorities like him. He even threatened to boil him alive if he ever catches him being lovey-dovey to another boy again. Not really, but he knew how to scare his son straight. Daniel Dean didn't have any concern for Nick, he just didn't want to live under the same roof with a f*gget. After their man-to-man talk, Daniel restricted Nick of TV and his toys for two months. His mother was never angry, but she solely took his attraction in boys as a phase. He's currently 12 now, and he still hasn't grown out of this so-called phase.
Although Daniel walked out on his family a year later, part of him still remained with Nick. He's not here to hurt him, but that doesn't mean anyone else won't. He scared he might get shot in the head just for winking at a boy. Two male friends can't hug each other without being called sissies. If a boy takes interest in feminine things, such as glitter or Bonnie dolls, he is deemed a circus freak. No doubt, being openly gay in this society is dangerous. His kind is subjected to crude jokes and violence. Gay people are often visualized as explicit beings, and grown-ups fear children will start engaging into sexual activities if they're ever exposed to a same-sex pair kissing or holding hands. Most folks just find their way of love repulsive. Worse, Nick's a gay minor. Parents think they have the right to presume sexuality for their kids, looking upon homosexuality as for adults. He could grow up into a professional athlete, he could have muscles bigger than on any man alive, he could even take down a whole war by himself, but none of that will matter if he's gay. No amount of macho will save him from being dehumanized. Ever since he moved to first grade, he changed his image, took on a new personality, and lived as Retroville's new bad boy. He flirted with multiple girls, and kissed them on the cheeks. This was not who he really was, but people liked him that way. He has been living his entire life behind a mask. It can be tiresome pretending to be someone you're not, but it's what he does to protect his identity, even from who he loved. Nick Dean is the most popular kid in school, and if his true self ever came out, his social life would plummet.
As he reached fourth grade, he stopped all the kissing and flirting, for his own relief. Successfully convincing everybody he's straight, there's no need to try no more. However, he still lets his groupies get all over him. He doesn't have to persuade girls anymore, because now he can ignore them if he wants. Those poor empty headed broads; always fawning over him and trying to touch him. The other day, one of them stole his shorts from his gym bag. Sometimes, they will even fight each other for his love. Friendships were even ruined over sheer jealousy, just for talking to Nick. They'll take anything from the most gorgeous boy in town, whether he wears it or it came out of his mouth. While Nick respects them, and appreciates the fandom they built around him, he'd love them more if they all just leave him alone. He doesn't want any of those girls, nor do those girls have any chance of winning his heart. The only girl in his life is Betty, and she's his best friend.
...find me...
His eyes only set on one person, and that's the said boy. However, like the girls on him, Nick isn't likely to win the love of this boy, cuz he's probably straight. The boy used to hate girls, but it was only a phase most little boys go through: The cootie-phase. Nick never had a cootie phase, he had been gay all his life. This boy hit on multiple girls. Some were older than him. Said boy was head over heels for Betty Quinlan, tried to sweep this rodeo chick off her feet, and is possibly romantically involved with that Cindy Vortex. How? They hated each other. All the boys hate Cindy. Yet, Nick watched them as they slowly grow closer to each other. Things are changing, and so are they. The way those two suddenly turn nervous for one another, speak sweetly, and almost kiss. He once caught them playing footsie under the table, when he dropped to pick up his pencil. Their relationship is a hot and cold mess, yet they still don't part. One day, they're at one another's throats. The next, they're back to sweethearts. Day one, she strangles him to a near death, but then day two, they are going out to lunch hand in hand as if nothing happened.
The pairing was distastefully dysfunctioned, but why doesn't the boy see it? One thing for sure. Him and Cindy are both smart. Nick gets C's and B's. She always participated with him during missions. Nick's the one to only watch the events happen before him, maybe because said boy never asked him to tag along. The boy had more potential with Cindy than any other girl. She's always there for him, not Nick, despite her bratty and violent behavior. Nick does absolutely nothing about this, however. How could he even compete with that? Cindy used to be infatuated with Nick, but she was probably using him to make said boy jealous. Good thing Nick sought no interest in her. He hated seeing Cindy and the boy together. The way they hold hands and flirt twisted his stomach in knots. He could be a better lover to that boy than Cindy, and give him whatever he wants, but Nick knows he had no right to interfere.
This was the life of said boy, and he should do whatever makes him happy. Those two are together because they love each other. Nick's love is merely unrequited. What's the use of trying to win over a boy who doesn't love him back, especially if he's possibly straight? It's better if Nick just stayed out of the way, as usual. People think Nick is strong as he is, but they don't know he's mentally weak. Everyday, he's walking down that sidewalk, with an expression all relaxed and a sly grin upon his face. He may look like he's fine, and he's done a great job fooling the others too, but as he reaches home, he locks himself in his room, then lets out the tears he's been holding back. This boy is always on his mind, and Nick can't help but think about him, even while skateboarding through town. That could explain his numerous leg breaking accidents. If he truly loves this said boy, then he should respect who this boy really loves, even if it leaves him unhappy and lonely.
Every night, he puts all his energy into writing a full page letter, under an anonymous name. He wants that boy to know how much he means to him. He can't tell that boy up front and in person. If he is straight, then there's a good chance he might be homophobic, too. No way he could afford to live another preschool trauma. Just because they can't be together, doesn't mean Nick can't share how he feels. The boy can love whoever he wants, and whoever he chooses to be with is up to him, but Nick fears he will never get this angst off his chest unless this boy hears out his treasured secret. Every word is written by heart, and taken out of his head. Writing these letters always left his face glowing crimson red. His heart raced a beat. Cindy may have won the battle, but that boy deserves to know there is somebody else out there who loves him more than any other girl alive.
"Hi. We've interacted plenty of times before. Not sure if we're friends, and not sure if we're acquaintances either. You probably have no idea who's writing this. Well, it's best for the both of us. You may be unaware of this, but you don't know how loved you are. All those disasters that happen from your little cyber toys, I know they weren't your fault. From what I see, you were only trying to prove something. Hey, little man, it's okay. You still have a long way to go. Try being positive about yourself, because you being positive brings a smile on my face. You are creative, talented, and much more stronger than I am. Not physically strong, but strong in the real way. You make me proud. People say you are arrogant and show-offy, but that doesn't bother me. I've met guys far worse than that. I have been within those crowds of your peers, laughing at you, taunting you, but to be honest, I did that only as a cover up. Nobody would ever let me live it down if they knew how I really felt. I don't think they'd let me sympathize with you either. It can hurt me, just as it hurts you. These boundaries are the reason why we're separate. 
Listen, and listen good: I love you. There, I said it. I really needed to say something. No human being has ever made me feel this way in a long time. To me, you are worth more than anything valuable in the world, and no way I'd sell you. You play a much important part in my life than you think. I see you already have a significant other of your own. Cindy is her name, isn't it? Look, it says so on fate that we were never meant to be. I'm clearly not worthy enough for you, since I've mostly been absent in your presence. You're allowed to be with anyone you wish, and I have no intention of convincing you out of it. I'm only writing this to you because I feel I won't get any satisfaction unless you hear me out. If you were my sweetheart, I'd give you anything you want, just to make you happy. I wouldn't lay a single finger on you without your consent first. If you're ever in need for comfort, or a shoulder to cry on, I'll be there when you need me. Want me to get lost forever? I can do that! Please, you don't have to consider my love. I hope you understand."
Nick looked down on the letter. He seems to put more effort into creativity than his actual schoolwork/homework. The letter isn't quite finished yet. All he needs to do now is seal it into an envelope, ask for a hall pass during class, and slip it into the boy's locker without getting caught. It's time to set the record straight. He loves that boy, and damn right, he's gonna tell him he loves him before Vortex does. 
Rage broke out for no reason. He took the letter and tore it to shreds. He never tears the envelope though, with said boy's name written on it. It happens every night after completing a note. Based on his opinion, none of them come out right the way he wants them to sound. He's been doing this for a year and two months already. He might as well give up. Laying his chin down on his desk, he picked up a small picture frame besides his lamp, looking eye to eye contact with it. It was a picture of the boy he loved. Why does he bother to continue looking at it when all it brings him is pain? He can't keep wasting his time and energy on a boy he knows he can never have. He can live with being gay. It's the perception of falling in love he never asked for.
...somebody to love!
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sexxlaws · 7 years
GET TO KNOW MEME Tagged by @tariah23 😎💕
One insecurity: It’s tied between my height or my face. 10000% can’t be convinced otherwise. Gonna take this moment to make a request. Pls stop joking about my height or comparing me to small things or calling me “smol” . It dont make me feel any better OTL.
Two fears: Not being able to do what I love for a living T__T and. Open water. 🗣
Three turn-ons: Goofiness, good hygiene, and like social awareness. 🐥 or like park, choong, and Jae. A man like that my ass been ready to just 🏃🏻‍♀️🏃🏻‍♀️🏃🏻‍♀️👰🏻🎉
Four life goals: 1.) “Being able to make monies with my art…” - this is @tariah23’s answer but I too want to make monies with my art. ;___; 2.) study abroad 🏋🏻 3.) go to Shinhwa’s 20th anniversary. 4.) I want to lose 15 pounds before I leave for Japan 📢🗣
Five things I like: 1.) I like cooking. 2.) I like…dancing. 3.) I like….👁 Your Name. It was good. 4.) i like but don’t love East Asian food. 5.) I like going to concerts. Just like not love no more cuz I’m burnt out. All I did from the ages of 11-17 was go to shows. From the antlers to avenged sevenfold to snoop dog. I’ve seen everything.
Six weaknesses: 1.) 1000% if I don’t get like a certain amount of likes or notes on my art. I always end up jumping to the conclusion that it’s because my art sucks. It shouldn’t matter but it does and I am weak. 2.) comparing my self to other artist then jumping to the conclusion my art sucks some more. Can’t help it. :‘l 3.) clothes. I got too much and keep buying like I got money. 4.) I’m ugly. 👁 5.) meat especially pork. It’s so bad for my skin OTL. 6.) my dog. I do everything and anything for her. She’s getting surgery tomorrow! Wish her luck 😭
Seven things I love: 1.) clothes. I have so much and I buy so much 💸💸💸💸🚑🚑🚑T__T 2.) meat and alcohol together OTL also bad for my skin. And extra hot Cheetos. Damn get me some NOW!!! 3.) Manga and anime!!! Especially works from Hirohiko Araki, Satoshi Kon, and Masaaki Yuasa >:0 4.) shinhwa 🍊💕Junjin is my ideal type. 🐲 5.) my pets 🐈🐈🐩🐠🐟 6.) hanging out with my friends T__T 7.) the Bay Area. Especially east bay. Born and raised in Richmond yawdamean 🗣🗣🗣🗣🗣🗣🗣🗣💪🏻🏋🏻🏋🏻 WAIT. I fcking love money too shit. 7.5 on the list.
I tag…I don’t know because most of my mutuals are inactive on their personal blogs or already been tagged 👴🏻 plus like if I tag people and miss someone I don’t want them to feel bad. (;_;)so anyone who wants to do it, tag ur it 👴🏻👴🏻👴🏻
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