#cuz she said a lot during the last episode
neoarchipelago · 8 months
So I got to reading some facts about red pandas cuz y'all got me back on the redpanda!reader AU!
They sleep like 2/3 of the day and they sleep with their tails snuggled around their bodies like a blanket.
So like. Hybrid reader gets a lot sleepy during the day. Don't get me wrong, she's extremely efficient when she's awake but she'll often nap, anytime anywhere. On the plane back on the evac. While finishing a report, on the couch after a training and sometimes in the gym behind some training mats.
Random places anytime. When the boys don't know where you are they know you're probably sleeping. But the awful stress they got the first few times as they didn't know where you had decided to fall asleep this time was too much to bear.
"what's this..?" You ask with a raised eyebrow.
"it's a chipped tag." Price said. The man standing around, arms crossed.
"what?" You frowned.
"it'll track you at all times. In case we need to find you." Ghost said.
"you're gps tracking me??" You let out, now feeling slightly annoyed.
"don't get on the table... Calm down" Gaz reassured.
You felt your cheeks burn in embarrassment.
"listen bonnie. We spent 2 hours looking for you last time. You fell asleep in a tank!" Soap argued.
You opened your mouth but Price was faster.
"no. No discussion. Either that or your start sleeping in the dorms. Everytime."
"but... I don't control it... I get sleepy... And then I just nap."
"then I don't want to hear it."
Now you just keep it on you all the time. If it isn't a member of the base notifying Price of your new sleeping spot, they knew where you were.
Now the thing about all these little sleeping episodes. Is that what they started to understand. You needed those power naps. Being in the military didn't let you sleep as much as your hybrid body wanted to. So they often indulge you. You get cranky but mostly overworked. Tiredness eating at you if you go a full day without at least two power naps.
Compared to your kind, it's almost as if you didn't sleep at all!
Now they let you sleep in their arms, against their shoulders. You had been incredibly touched one day, as you were trying to focus through the blurriness of your tired eyes on an incident report, seeing the boys walk in with a blanket.
"You took a nap this afternoon?" Gaz questioned.
"on the couch lass! Nap nap!" Soap chimed.
Another thing is the way you sleep. You had first hid yourself away when you met the boys. Sleeping spots into dark corners or only your dorm. But the first time Gaz found you sleeping on an old office couch, he couldn't stop smiling. How you found this abandoned office was a mystery. But the way you were curled on the cushion, tail in between your legs as you held it like a pillow against you, face on the tip.
He bit his tongue, trying not to let a sound out at how cute he found you. He had left, only texting the team to let them know where you were.
Then it was on a particularly hard mission. The first time you had actually slept near the boys, nothing separating you. The small one room safehouse not giving anyone any privacy.
The boys had noticed your sleepy eyes closing themselves as they tried to chat about what they'd do once they'd be home, evac fishing them up the next morning.
You were eventually lulled to sleep by their deep voice, talking in a low tone. Wrapping yourself up again, tail around your curled body, ear twitching at the lack of their voices as they noticed it. The boys were in awe. Gaz admitted he had already witnessed it before. Soap immediately took a picture, Ghost smacking the back of his head before grunting.
"Send it to me..."
You were standing on a humvee three days later, having found out their phone wallpapers was a picture of you sleeping. Your red face as you scolded them from your high ground, the four men standing arms crossed looking up at you, too amused for your own taste.
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cocogum · 6 months
The unconventional marriage between Yugo and Amalia.
Before I jump into it, I’m going to first talk about my personal thoughts on this moment:
💖💖💖❤️‍🔥❤️❤️‍🔥💕💕❤️💖💖❤️❤️❤️WE WON, WE GOT FED OMG THEY’RE SO CUTE TOGETHER, KISS MORE‼️‼️‼️‼️I’VE BEEN WAITING FOR THIS MOMENT MY WHOLE LIFE I’VE WATCHED YOU GUYS GROW UP FUCK‼️‼️‼️❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥✨✨❤️‍🔥💖💖❤️‍🔥😭❤️❤️💕😭😭😭😭😭✨💖✨🥰🥰✨💖✨❤️‍🔥
Now that we got that out of my system, let’s begin explaining what happened.
The scene starts with Yugo and Amalia, holding a bouquet of flowers, walking side by side together.
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At first, I thought she was carrying the flowers for Armand’s grave but it turns out that they were both walking together TO THEIR WEDDING.
(now that I think about it, it actually makes sense that Amalia won’t be carrying flowers for Armand’s tree grave cuz like…she’s a sadida. Giving flowers to another sadida, especially a DEAD ONE sounds very disrespectful lol)
I’m guessing there was a slight time skip between the necrome war and the wedding because we can see Armand’s tree, which had been just a bud in Amalia’s hands during the fight, look like it grew up a bit underneath his parents’ tree shades.
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Once the two walk up to the altar, they stand side by side and hold hands while facing the others who have come for them. We can see the Percedal family with Poo, Cleophee with Black Ink and Elaine, Dathura, Renate and Canar (Amalia’s two closest servants), Alibert with Grougal, Chibi, Adamaï, and Ruel. As well as Kerubim and Atcham (Joris doesn’t seem to be there though or maybe he’s just too short that we can’t see him 😭😭).
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Not to mention that we can also see the elite eliatropes standing in the back and the sadidas too!
However, as soon as the two face the crowd together, Yugo decides to teleport him and Amalia away from the ceremony, causing the people to gasp at that sudden choice.
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This was obviously not a planned decision that had been added to the occasion which is why even Amalia had been caught off guard by the act.
But once she takes a second to realize her surroundings, she knows she shouldn’t be afraid and so, she simply smiles back at Yugo knowing it’s just the two of them now, way up high in the skies.
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They hold onto each other without the need to say anything, knowing full well that the other is just as happy to be together like this. To feel like for once, in a speck of a minute, there’s no danger to fight. There’s no big evil they need to defeat, no psychopath trying to eradicate the gods for vengeance, no big demon coming to have some fun, and no lost soul trying to live like in the old days.
They can finally enjoy the moment they’ve been waiting for so long, after so many challenges, unspoken words that needed to be said but couldn’t be told, and the many foes they faced.
For once, it’s just them up in the skies.
And that’s when they truly kiss without any regrets or doubts. They’re not thinking about anything else.
They can just think about themselves for now.
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Here they are omg!! My babies are finally together!! 😩❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️❤️❤️❤️💖💖💖
Can you believe that? It’s been a lot more than six years that we’ve been waiting for this very moment and here they are finally married and happy to be with each other like this!! 😭😭
I actually DID NOT expect to see these two getting married in the last episode but I’m so glad I did cuz my heart literally jumped out of its place and made me choke on my soda (i chose pineapple flavor for some reason).
Now that we’ve got our feelings out of the way, it’s time we analyze this wedding scene much more closely.
At first glance, Yugo and Amalia’s wedding was very sweet and beautiful, something that was deserved for the two after being apart and filled with problems on their respective sides.
It’s so sweet in fact that it stands out from any other weddings we’ve seen in Wakfu (yes, even the attempted one with Count Harebourg and Amalia) but I’ll use Dally and Eva’s wedding as the main example.
Usually, when there’s a marriage in the World of Twelve, we’ve seen the white dresses and suits, and especially the glowing happy vibes that the wedding is giving. We’ve seen it with Dally and Eva’s wedding back in the OVAs.
Evangelyne was wearing a white dress while Dally was wearing a good suit that properly dressed him up completely. They had the Sadida ruler, King Oakheart, acting as the priest in charge of the wedding. They then exchanged their wedding rings and waited for the king to end the ceremony so they could seal it with a kiss.
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That is what you call a proper wedding, a classic one to be more specific.
So when we compare their marriage with Yugo and Amalia’s, one can’t help but distinguish the differences in what happened during their ceremony.
And boy is it different.
First detail we can notice is the clothing. Amalia may be wearing the royal white cape but that is just what Armand wore. So the cape cannot count as classic clothing for the wedding because it is a common piece of clothing that the Sadida ruler(s) wear while on the job. It may not look very clear at first but if you zoom in on what Amalia is wearing, she seems to have put on the same usual clothing we see her wear at all times except that it now has the white color and the leaf is green, the color symbolizing how a new age came and the kingdom now has proper rulers.
We can technically say that Amalia’s choice of clothing for the wedding would be somewhat acceptable but since she has only changed the color of the same clothes she wears every day, we cannot count this as classic wedding attire.
As for Yugo, his clothes are much easier to declare that they are not fit to be worn for a proper wedding. He’s been wearing his hood and combat suit this whole time and even on this special day, he hasn’t taken them off.
It’s clear to say that these two did not respect the clothing rule for their own wedding.
Second detail we can notice are the rings. Usually, lovers often use wedding rings to symbolize their union as well as their commitment to one another. Dally and Eva perfectly demonstrated that rule by exchanging their rings with each other (despite how they’re actually brass knuckle rings but that still counts since that’s the iop way for ya lol).
Notice how neither Yugo nor Amalia has a ring for each other. Instead, they hold hands, symbolizing the union they have made between their people.
Third detail we can notice, there’s no priest. Unlike Dally and Eva who had the king for that, Yugo and Amalia did not choose anyone to begin the ceremony. They simply addressed their union by themselves.
Fourth detail we can notice is the audience. Compared to Dally and Eva’s wedding, the audience for Yugo and Amalia mainly consists of their friends and family. The others are the elite eliatropes and some sadidas.
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Because of those stark differences, it’s clear to see that the ambiance in Yugo and Amalia’s wedding is far calmer and more private compared to Dally and Eva’s which is more public and much louder.
So now that we’ve got all the points that differentiate these two marriages, we’ve only got one question left:
Why are they different in the first place?
Dally and Eva are not royals and yet they seem to have filled all the boxes for having a perfect-looking wedding.
How did Yugo and Amalia, a god-king and a princess, manage to get a much simpler and calmer wedding compared to these two?
This wasn’t a coincidence. This wedding looks much smaller than what Dally and Eva had. According to Armand’s tree grave, which seemed to have grown up a bit, this suggests that Yugo and Amalia did have the time to prepare a bit more for their wedding but they simply chose not to.
In the special episodes, just right before Dally and Eva’s wedding had even been planned, Eva had specifically stated that no one bothers Dally for a week which implies that after that week of rest, these two must’ve gotten help from the sadidas to organize this whole event for them.
This means that Yugo and Amalia could’ve done the same thing and asked for something just as good, or better since they’re royals after all. But compared to Dally and Eva, they definitely had more time to ask since we know that trees don’t grow fast (I’m talking about Armand’s tree grave) and yet, it feels like they’ve just kept it simple.
But why?
My take on the matter is this:
Because Yugo and Amalia are not supposed to have a normal relationship. Therefore, everything they do usually strays away from anything remotely expected of them to have in a relationship.
For god’s sake, Yugo literally teleported him and Amalia AWAY FROM EVERYONE DURING WHAT SEEMED LIKE THE MIDDLE OF THE CEREMONY.
Their public wedding was specifically a political one. Which is why it would explain the lack of rings.
It was a happy political wedding however since Yugo and Amalia do harbor feelings for each other (suppressed feelings that they are now free to let out of course). But that’s when Yugo completely surprises Amalia, along with the others, when he brings her up in the skies, taking her away from everyone.
That sly dummy wanted her all to himself.
The wedding was so unconventional and they knew it. But they did not care. As long as they are together, they’ll be fine. After waiting for so long and finally having each other, properly planning their wedding doesn't seem as important anymore.
That’s why the ceremony was so different compared to the Percedals.
Note: Eva and Dally’s marriage was such a classic that Eva even had to wait for Dally to propose to her when she could’ve just been the one to initiate the first move. She even knew that Dally had been planning on asking for her hand and she deliberately waited. The only thing that isn’t considered classic in their marriage was getting children before the wedding lol
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The last installment of The Reluctant Male Bridgerton Re-watch.
We sat down and binged the last 3 episodes as he was busy on Thursday evening and leaving on Friday morning. So here's the recap until season 3 (in no particular order)
1) "these two have the best chemistry. Much better than the first couple. But i think cuz one doesn't look so young. I have no idea how anyone will beat them." Kanthony for the win!
2) "they tease each other like brothers, they did great casting." A/B/C
3) "ooh, someone is scheming the other one. Is he playing her or is she playing him?" Lord Featherington and Portia
4) "I think Edwina has the right to be pissed. But how are they gonna fix it so those two can marry?"
5) "uhh, Eloise keeps going back to this guy. Remember when I thought it was gonna be the Footman? Oops, got that one wrong!"
6) "so Colin is starting to like Penelope now heh? it's good to see that cuz he was so hung up on the other one, I couldn't figure how he was gonna start liking Penelope but I can sort of see it happening now." Said after the cake-purpose scene. But he unfortunately changes his tune at the end of the episode.
7) "the acting is much better this season. Like everyone is good. I think the Bridgerton mom is really good. And the Queen is good too."
8) "I predict Portia kills Lord Featherington during the ball." Haha! What a scandal that would have been!
9) "I like that there are so many unresolved storylines going into season 3. Like the art guy and Penelope and Eloise. Like it's not just gonna be about a couple, other things are happening. Season 2 was better than season 1 for that too."
10) "not gonna lie, I like this over Pride and Prejudice. It has funny moments and more drama. I'm not as bored. I'll watch season 3 when it comes out." So another Bridgerton fan was made in less than a month, nice!
11) "I like that those two fought. Like it made them interesting, but I think they'll make up, before Colin and Penelope at least." Gosh, I really hope Peneloise are back in season 3.
12) "ouch, she's had a rough night. I thought he was supposed to be kind to Penelope? But I guess that's the way guys are, all talk and everything is for laughs. But the way he says it, I mean, damn!" He actually read the scene as Colin making fun of Pen. I wont post what he actually said cuz I vehemently disagreed that THAT is how the show meant for Colin to perceive Penelope. And I was a bit shocked he viewed it that way. Anyway, he thinks Penelope shouldn't forgive and move on. I spoiled him about the books and showed him the Season 3 pics in hopes to turn the tide. It's interesting to note that his view of Colin hasn't been overly favorable whereas I think Colin is a great character. More impassioned and impulsive than the books but overly a good guy. His views on Penelope aren't as clear. He loves her reactions mostly. Although he says she's a better character in season 2 over season 1.
13) "geez, this show sure likes to show the guys going downtown on the ladies. Its like the Bridgerton sex trademark!" OMG, 🤣
14) "Okay, is everyone just watching these two make out? The moms are right there!" Epilogue, haha
So that's it. It's been a lot of fun watching through the eyes of a non-Bridgerton fan. Kept me more honest. Both Colin and Penelope are not perfect, but I can't wait to see them grow and develop as individual characters and as a couple. Season 3 cannot come soon enough.
Thanks for sticking around! I encourage everyone who can, find a reluctant male (it doesn't have to be your spouse, mine was my ex) and do your own re-watch. We could start a series, lol!
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phantomlemon348 · 6 months
Ok, I've only just watched Broadchurch and haven't even finished it yet but I said this from the first episode.
Ellie and Alec's relationship. It is very divided, a lot of people ship them, then again a lot of people don't.
But this is my theory: Since the first episode, when they started working together, you could see they don't stand eachother but at the same time get along great, but never would either think to admit it. A sassy duo, inseparable but can't stand eachother. Always fighting and throwing around pointed spiky comments. But you see how much they actually care for eachother.
Especially in the last episode of season 1, when he directed the phone signals to his mobile. Ellie just thought he was being a dick, like he always is, and I missed it at first too... But he directed the signals to his phone because he already had a suspicion who it was, he was quite certain and he wanted to be the one to tell her.
In season 2 as well, he tries to warm up for her.
When he offers her a hug, Alec is not a huggy person, we all know that, he will go out of his comfort zone for her.
But Ellie said no and it made him more cautious I find. In several scenes you can see the look he gives her. You can see it makes him unhappy to see her sad, but all he does is ask if she's ok and nothing more because she rejected him last time and doesn't want to make it awkward again.
Ok but I just want to say, I don't ship them too hard, romantically. They are best friends, Ellie's a person he trusts completely, someone who shows some fondness and affection for him. And she's grateful for him being there, especially during the trial in season 2, when Beth, who she would have usually talked to, turned on her, she had someone to talk to -(who wouldn't always listen and be a bit of an arsehole but generally, he was halfway understanding).
And aaaaaaarrrrrggh, the last episode of season 2. I think we can all agree here the "I'm not hugging you" hit hard. You could see he wanted a little bit more, maybe...? We all know our man Hardy is awkwardly affectionate, it's not exactly his strong point now, is it? But y'know, if he's leaving Broadchurch, maybe never to return (we know that he does, or at least they meet again. There wouldn't be a season 3 otherwise but we're thinking in-character here) he might want something more because she does mean more to him. She helped him find himself again, showed him some affection or fondness when he needed it most and nobody else would. She helped him back onto the path when he was alone aimlessly wandering through the foggy woods.
And when Ellie said: "Don't be kind to me, that's not how it works." That was cute how she didn't want to leave yet, wanted to wait for the taxi. Yes, that is what friends do. But my theory (could be just a hope cuz I ship them a bit and they need to be fucking fluffy or I will not survive) at the moment is: Ellie is used to him being an arse and she won't admit it, at least not to him but she will miss him. And I think she doesn't want him to be nice because she's trying not to show how much it means to her. Cuz that's I dunno, how them two are. Slightly confused, huh? Oh ye, can say that again. But he has been nice to her in subtle ways that she hasn't noticed and vice versa.
I'm sorry to all the non-shippers but I do think there have maybe been a few sparks between them. You can't deny it.
Alec is touchstarved. He loved Tess you could see that. They still care for eachother and he wanted to go back and tried to fix it. Stitch it up because he wanted someone to love and someone to love him. He fell for Tess and was happy falling. Would've loved to fall forever. But Sandbrook brought by some turbulence on the way. And it was like Tess smashed the ground into him. It came too soon. He wasn't looking. He wasn't expecting it. And it left a bloody mess on the floor and a broken man recovering from it.
But this accident leaves him scarred and he's scared of falling again. He is literally dying of a broken heart.
But I see him wandering towards the edge for Ellie. He's close, I think. But not wanting to, not letting himself make the same mistake again.
I see them as being fluffily awkward and sassy to eachother. But maybe - just maybe - in one scene where Alec says: Oh, Miller, I could kiss you. Yes. I admit, I was hoping for something.
They would kiss like once or twice but find it fucking awkward and never do it again.
As in besties but a slight bit more? But not too romantic?
I don't know if that makes sense but that's how I would describe their relationship.
My sister and I have come up with a simple way to put it: platonic romantic.
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lonesplashy · 1 year
Ok I see ppl on Tumblr talking Abt how much they liked the final episodes but honestly I was severely underwhelmed by the fionna and cake ending. If you don't want to see me just list out everything I like and dislike and why according to my arbitrary personal preferences scroll now.
The second half of the fight with scabby was meh and repetitive. At least the gumlee was cute. Fionna is still the bestest even if her final fight kinda sucked. I love her dearly and I hope she is living her best life.
The lack of Ooo Marceline in the end was literally so disappointing too I wish we could've seen her again at SOME point.
And just in general the ending felt really rushed, I feel like if they had some more episodes to work with it would've been a lot smoother.
Simons pov was just so severely underwhelming, it just felt like filler to me.
I literally didn't care if it was going to be happy or sad ending for Simon as long as it made me feel things like the last couple of episodes did but it just felt totally flat. It didn't really feel like an ending at all. I wouldn't even mind the breakup angle they took under normal circumstances if it wasn't for the fact he like. Literally spent 12 years basically being in a constant mental breakdown, and a thousand years before that subconsciously searching for her, and her literally driving herself to insanity and becoming golb to keep him safe, but wow suddenly everything's chill cuz he played a video game. Ok. Simon just realized that whoops he didn't always take Betty's feelings into account and they parted ways.
I liked the golbetty in the bus and the golbetty statue. I could bs something about them going their separate ways on a journey the other can't go on and insert trigun quote here about how the ticket to the future is always blank but I just really like golbetty. She's great shes monsterous she's perfect.
Just in general Simon and Betty felt off to me during the final episodes, I can't really put my finger on it but they just felt weird. I'm sure Betty's been doing a lot of thinking in the void and all but it still fell to the left of them I think. The whole time I was watching I was just like. Hm.
Edit: got it. Betty has always been wanting to keep Simon thinking about her. Always. With AI Betty head she flat out said "I knew it would drive you crazy but at least you'd always be thinking about me" and it's like a core thing she does stuff for the Dramatics. While you can argue she's been doing a lot of thinking in the void and matured because of it she's also been a goddess of CHAOS. If anything she's gonna go more loony rather than more mature.
Not to sound like a doomed crazy yuri enthusiast but there are literally no normal or healthy actions you can take after literally becoming a god for someone.
Maybe I'm just too committed to the bit but I'm a solid believer that if you start a weird fucked up path you gotta end on a weird fucked up note. Although the severe disappointment of nothing happening is probably the most fucked up thing they could do to me.
Ik it's supposed to be some sometimes life doesn't give you a tidy ending stuff but also this is fiction I get enough fuck yous like this from reality and ignored job applications I want my fuck yous from fiction to be not sadly vague. Or at least better written.
At least Simon's in therapy. About time.
And the little emoticons he's using in his phone. :)
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Do feel free to put your own opinions in on whether you liked or disliked the ending just play nice 🤙
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bullet-prooflove · 5 months
OMG "Kelnon, Prompter of Matthew Keller" I love that! It makes me feel like a knight of the round table lol. Thank you for bestowing me the honor of being knighted, I'm glad I could make your morning better! And yes, I agree ol' Matty boy certainly does have a long way to go since he tends to keep all of his emotions locked away far down in the deep hole of his mind. It's like what Neal said to him during the last episode of the show.
Matthew is once again giving Neal shit for being "too trusting," and Neal hits him where it hurts by saying that yeah, maybe he is very trusting but he also has many people in his life who truly care about him. Whereas Matthew is all alone in the world. And Ross McCall is such an amazing actor cuz you can see for a split second that Matthew was indeed hurt by what he said! There's this flash of pain in his eyes that slips away just ad quickly as you see him put on his "bad boy" persona again to protect himself. And then only minutes later have Peter shoot him dead, and the camera pans out to show him all alone with no one to mourn him??? So poetically tragic, I love it. One of the best TV villains!
Sorry for the long ramble lmao has it been made very apparent yet that I love him? Is it starting to become clear? Anywho, I'd also be curious to know what the "meet-cute" was for the reader and Matthew and at what point did both of them realize "oh shit, I might feel something for this person!?" But that's not an official request or anything! Only you get to choose what you write and don't write, and I totally respect that. I hope you're doing well! 💗
- Kelnon
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I have always felt that Matt is very aware of his status as a 'Blue Collar Criminal'. Neal describes him as such in one of the ep. I feel like Matt is very working class, he knows what it's like to have to fight to survive, I imagine he suffered an abusive childhood with his father in a criminal gang and he had to 'work' otherwise he didn't eat or was punished. He learned the family business in a brutal way. He is ridiculously practical because he was never allowed to have the same moral opportunities as Neal. Emotions are weakness is a lesson he learned from a very young age and it's made him hard.
I think he had a very traumtic event in his youth regarding a woman betraying him. I imagine he fell in love, considered going straight and his father killed her so he would learn that love is a weakness and because he wanted to keep him close. I believe in return Matt killed his father before disappearing and making a name for himself. I don't think he has ever had a person who actually cared about him. Even the girl he was associated with was on his father's payroll, she was set up as a learning experiance. He felt genuinely for her but she did not for him. His father still killed her anyway because he could see the depth of Matt's feelings and thought he needed to learn that lesson.
I think Avery is a naturally warm, empathetic person but she's very coveted in their world. I think a lot of criminals playing at their level struggle to form relationships outside of other criminals because it means hiding those aspects of yourself. You can't tell your partner you're stealing a Monet because if you're caught they will become an accomplice so you have to have a secret life and that fractures a relationship. Also their world is very male dominated so the ratio of attractive women is very limited so Avery is used to getting hit on ALOT by the men she works with which makes her guarded. She has walls but she isn't afraid to be herself, she knows who she is and she doesn't try to hide it and that's what Matt finds attractive. She's the most direct and upfront person he knows, she cuts through all the bullshit and she sees through his bullshit.
I imagine they met through a joint assignment possibly through Neal. Game recongised game, afterwards they worked a few ops on their own. I think Matt loved the way she made him laugh, I think it's been a long time since he's allowed himself to relax. I think he fell in love with her ability to be open when he's so closed off. I think the moment he realised he was in love was when he found himself telling her about his history because she asked him to tell her something real about himself.
I think for her it started off very much as sex. Matt's attractive, intelligent, dangerious but he's emotionally unavailable, which originally made her feel safe as there was no danger of attachments. They had similar tastes and became very attuned to each other as lovers. I think it was very on and off, usually when they were in each other's orbit by accident and then I think for Matt it started becoming less accidental. I think for her she realised she enjoyed spending time with him outside of the bedroom. I have this image that once when they were casing a place as couple they both sat down in front of a painting they had no interest in stealing and he told her how he felt when he looked at it. Not from a technical stand point but from an emotional one and it really resonated for her because he was describing real feelings in that moment, something she had never seen from him before and she realised there was incredible emotional depth under the surface. Afterwards I think she took him for gelato and it became more like a real date, her arm linked through his as they walked through the park. They started doing more couple like things after that, dinner, wine tastings, art showings, things that weren't related to jobs they were pulling, things they actually enjoyed doing together.
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thegeminisage · 1 month
STAR TREK UPDATE TIME. last night we watched voy's "scorpion part i" and "the gift." I HAVE FINALLY MET SEVEN OF NINE
scorpion part ii:
ABSOLUTELY loved this one. idk why i was so surprised when seven turned out to be their borg liaison like i had no idea how they encountered her...i guess i was picturing them picking her up like a lost puppy because of hugh in tng
seven hot it must be said. we haven't gotten into the meat of it yet but i do like her. i was a little worried that after all this i wouldn't!
janeway dealing with the borg was sooo fun. literally her no-nonsense take-no-shit mode
i loved also that chakotay was the one to essentially borg meld with seven since he'd had the prior experience...mwah. give him a little borg trauma as a treat
i also really enjoyed janeway and chakotay realizing that seven was right - their fighting and going against each other is why they were losing. what if our future third reminded us that we needed to renew our wedding vows and we were both lost in space?
ESPECIALLY BECAUSE. like on what could have been her deathbed while she was slurring her words she made chakotay promise to do the thing. and immediately he decided to do the opposite even though it broke his heart. like SO TRUE they needed the reminder mom and dad were literally fighting
i have mixed feelings about janeway sort of forcing the detransition from borg onto seven. like yeah no human person wants to be borg especially not the little girl she was when she was assimilated but it's very hard to hear and ignore her wishes NOW when she's stating them so clearly, and when she's so obviously suffering. like i don't think she could have done any different or that i would have done any different but whew! rough
i also think chakotay was SICK with jealousy that tuvok got to go into the cube with janeway and he had to stay out on voyager. i bet tuvcok was so smug about it. idk why but it brings me so much joy to imagine them hating each other and as an extent maybe also fighting over janeway's affection, be it platonic or not
also, i can't remember if this was in this episode or the next one but the bit where seven was in her cell fucking SCREAMING na janeway was behind her grabbing her...sincerely hoping the dyke energy only gets better from here cuz that was gay as hell
the gift:
rip kes...i'll miss you
ik kes left bc they were having difficulties with the actress, but it still sucks that her exit was so dumb. like oh no her powers are going out of control and even though we fixed it every other time this time we can't! anyway bye!
i do appreciate the actresses crying for what felt like...you know, for real, during the goodbye. i almost welled up with them. and ten years closer to home!!! that's 13 years down, 57 to go...
kes is such a rare person in the voyager cast because she has so many connections. she's good friends with tom, she's gort tuvok and the emh as her mentors, janeway as like her fake mom, neelix as her romantic interest...she's connected to so many people. if you name anybody from the rest of the cast you'd get 2-3 connections at most. so it's sad to see her go
and like i hated neelix when he was with kes but their goodbye conversation was so lame. i still can't believe that's all we ever got about their breakup. fucking crazy
on the other hand, seven in this episode was so good, especially with like, b'elanna - her disdain and her sarcasm are useless against b'elanna who can dish it back out just as well and does not give one shit about seven's deal so long as she gets the ship working again. also? lots of women on screen during that scene. let's lez out.
and seven at the end remembering her favorite color :( i was surprised she relented in her willingness to be aboard so quickly - but it just shows that janeway genuinely did get through to her somehow. WOMEN!!!
TONIGHT: ds9's "a time to stand" and "rocks and shoals"
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raspbeyes · 1 year
My speculation on motives (all possibilties)
Gonna be doing my take on the motives cuz i sure got a lot of thoughts!!
Also ofc content warning for topics of suic*de and self-h@rm, please click off if these topics are triggering for you
Now most have been revealed, here's the most updated scoreboard from episode 11
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(srry if it's low quality) Anywayyy we are now down to five secrets yet to be revealed. However, the reason i mentioned "possibilities" is not just cuz the secrets we have left can apply to multiple people, there is also the consideration that david could have lied about his motive.
David goes out of his way to answer last, choosing to collect everyone's secret beforehand. The story goes out of its way to show David's hesitance, which means it is signficant. Moreover, he chose xander, someone who cannot defend themselves. It is very possible he wanted to check if anyone would reveal xander's motive before he can say xander. Finally, with the reveal of his manipulator motive, the possibility of him lying has increased.
Ofc that is speculation, but i do feel there is reason to doubt david's claim of xander having the "mastermind-y" secret. So i will go down the list under the assumption that the current scoreboard is correct AND if the current scoreboard is incorrect (as monotv said, these aren't correct, just what is agreed upon)
(edit from later, if you just want my conclusions, then just scroll to the end lol)
David Didn't Lie, The Scoreboard Is Correct:
To recap, people's secret we DONT have rn are: Teruko, Hu, Levi, Min, and Veronika
The people who refused to reveal the secrets they have are Hu and Veronika, while Xander, Min, and Arei are incapable of doing so (Idk why ughhhhh how uncooperative)
Secret In Min's Possession - The owner of the secret blames themselves for the death of the siblings and parents, feeling survivor's guilt
Teruko: Not possible. They are an orphan, and they seem to have only one sibling, which is the brother who left them. Teruko already divulged their family situation, so this does not line up
Hu: Unlikely ... Though we have not heard of anything of Hu having siblings (as far as I am aware). We do know of her parents, which is where she gets her butterfly motif from, but again, with no mention of siblings, it is unlikely
Levi: Likely. Out of the five, this can be the most likely. Levi has spoken of a mother, father, and brothers. He claims to be disowned , which can work as a cover for hiding the fact they might be dead, explaining why he lives alone
Min: Unlikely, since we have heard nothing of her having siblings, only her parents during the bonus ep.
Veronika: Possible. I don't believe we learned anything about Veronika's family, so the possibility is always there.
Secret in Xander's Possession - The owner of the secret is highly competative, going so far to poison their rivals
Teruko: Not possible. She's a lucky student, so she does not have a talent to compete against others. And from her personality, she doesn't seem to be a very competitive person
Hu: Possible. Her talent is something that can be put up against others, so competition may be something she faced. However, like Teruko, she does not seem to be a competative person at the moment, quite the opposite it seems
Levi: Not possible. Levi mentions that his talent is something he has taken up recently. Moreover, he's a personal stylist, so his field of work probably won't require competitions
Min: Likely. Her talent is of her being the best academically, which is a competative field (can school be considered a field???) Though we don't see her being competative, unlike Hu, she doesn't seem incapable of it
Veronika: Not possible. Her talent is being a horror fanatic, so unless it's her having some sort of "nerd-off" at a horror convention, I can't imagine her dealing with competition for her talent
Secret in Hu's Possession - The owner of the secret feels the need to self harm for fun, taking on the talent as a distraction. Since this belongs to someone alive, we also need to consider why Hu would want to keep it to herself.
Teruko: Possible, as she is wounded and has numerous bandages covering her arms and legs, which could be to hide s*lf-h@rm scars. With her previous life situation being so miserable, she has a good reason to take up talent as a distraction. The only issue is the phrase "for fun", and Teruko doesn't seem like she enjoys any of the wounds and injuries she's gotten, since she does try to avoid being injured when possible.
Hu: Not possible. I cannot imagine Hu doing something like that for fun. Moreover, Hu says during the first episode of chapter 2 that she has received someone else's secret, so she could not have recieved her own secret
Levi: Unlikely. He did take his talent recently, and he does have a dangerous past. However, he's described to have a "serious" nature, so for him to do something like that "for fun" is very low.
Min: Unlikely. Similar to Levi, Min has a very serious personality, who always seems focused on studying to go do something for fun. Procrastinate, maybe, but not for her amusement.
Veronika: Likely. Veronika mentions that her main motivation in life is not morals or ethics, but just pure entertainment and excitement. Out of the five, she is the least serious character, which lines up with the description with "fun".
I wonder why Hu would keep this a secret. All I can think of is that she is disturbed by it?? We see in episode 11 that she agreed to David's plan of sharing secrets and yet she refuses to disclose Veronika's (or whoever it may be). But Hu does say she wants to get through the trial without revealing hers, thinking it may not be needed. To me, kinda like Whit's refusal, Hu just doesn't want to expose someone.
Secret in Veronika's Possession - The owner of the secret is suicid@l, having been exposed to death before, and then attempted three times after. This secret belongs to Veronika, and honestly, there's not need for speculation. She's keeping it hidden because she thinks it is exciting.
Teruko: Likely, as Teruko has spoken of methods of hanging previously, making comments that imply she has experience. Her inability to be killed as she mentioned to Xander in ch 1 due to her extreme luck can explain "dying once" as Teruko having a near-death expereience and miraculously making it out alive . Coupled with her outlook that bad luck is ineviteble, she has likely been in the mindset to make several attempts
Hu: Not possible. Due to the broadness of this secret, it can be anyone who has experienced something like this, even someone as responsible as Hu could be ashamed of something like this. BUT, it cannot be hers if her hidden quote is related to her secret. It emphasizes Hu's will to live, meaning the opposite of this secret.
Levi: Possible. He does have a past he does not want to talk about, meaning whatever it is is negative, and he could have wanted to escape it.
Min: Possible, as it is broad and u never know when it comes to a secret of this nature
Veronika: Unlikely. I am only saying this since this is the one she possesses, and as far as I am aware, nobody received their own secret.
Secret in Arei's Possession - The owner of the secret is a killer without remorse.
Teruko: Possible. Teruko mentions that she has numerous shameful secrets. Though she does claim to have the knife armed in self defense, it still shows she has the capability of being violent. Another thing to mention about this motive is that it says nothing about the vicitm, who could have been maybe far less innocent than we might think
Hu: Possible. Judging by Min's unwillingness to reveal her secret (Even David questions if it is worse than his in ep 11), Hu's being something such as killing could be recontextualize her action. Again, it is possible this supposed vicitim isn't all too innocent themselves. Moreover, in her hidden quote, Hu (supposedly) affirms what she "did" by saying she wants to live, which can line up to having no remorse. Though, hidden quotes don't always parallel the secrets (I actually stumbled on another piece of evidence that i think is major later on but just scroll down to the next section to read abt it)
Levi: Unlikely. I'm only saying it is unlikely due to Levi telling Eden at the start of ch 2 that he wants to be a "good person" from his past, which could potentially be showing remorse. If that is the case, then Levi may not fit the description of "no remorse". Then again, in his hidden quote, Levi refers to his past actions as "heartless", so I'm not too sure
Min: Not possible. Judging by how she acted during trial 1, I can definitively say that Min cannot be a cold-blooded killer. She has expressed a lot of regret on killing Xander, so to have her somehow do something like that in her past makes no sense.
Veronika: Possible. Though I think Veronika is more to watch a murder without shame than to commit one herself. But that's just from my understanding.
David Did Lie, The Scoreboard is Incorrect:
If David did lie about Xander's secret, then I think it's pretty obvious what Xander's actual motive is, which is the motive Min has. Since this whole possibility hinges on David lying, then if someone alive had Xander's motive, they would have said something if David had claimed he had Xander's motive.
That leaves two possibilities of Xander's actual secret, either Arei's or Min's, since both are dead. And Arei's can immediately be excluded, as we see first hand in ch 1 how Xander reacts to killing Teruko, aplogizing right away and saying he not only hates murderers, but that he also hates the smell of blood. While that is somewhat shakey ground to argue on, since we don't know if he only regrets killing Teruko, there is also stronger evidence that min's secret is his. His hidden quote is "survivor guilt", which lines up perfectly with the description of the secret min has. His bonus episode also matches up with that description.
So Xander's secret is the one Min got. Working backwards, Min's is probably Xander's. If you look back up on the possibilities I made, the only two that could work for Min are the "poison" and "hopeless". While hopeless can be possible since we dont have proof saying otherwise, the poison one is the only one min can logically have.
Tho i also speculated it could be Hu. However, min doesn't match any others while Hu could, so I'm giving it to Min.
That leaves four more now: Teruko, Veronika, Levi, and Hu. I'm going to just say that Veronika's is the one about taking on a talent. Like I said previously, none of the other three seem to do something like that "for fun" and Veronika is the least "serious" of the group, so only that secret can fit Veronika.
So that leaves Teruko, Levi, and Hu with the secrets of "murderer without remorse" (Arei's), "hopeless child" (Veronika's), and "the reason for the killing game" (David's).
I'll start with the murderer one. Arei only mentions it once during the flashback in ep 11, saying it's none of david's business what secret what she got. Which ... isn't too helpful. Going over hidden quotes, Teruko's seems to refer to more to her mindset rather than secret, Hu speaks about not regretting a choice she made, citing it as a life or death situation, and levi speaks about his heartlessness. Again ... not too much help.
I decided to scan ch 2 of arei's interactions with these three, if she had any. She does speak to teruko during ep 4, and seems just as abrasive as always to teruko, calling her dumb. And in episode 5, she scoffs when eden and teruko walk into the playground. So I'm going to say that teruko is going to be marked off this list.
Though, she didnt have any interaction with levi or hu, i'll mention one thing. During her last appearance in episode 7, i remember finding it weird that arei gets her silent line of "..." here right after ace says to hu, "Oh, okay, taking sides with the murderer, I see! How admirable of you, Hu!". Now levi is also in the cafeteria at this time, so i could be wrong BUT ... for the creator to finally bring up arei right here should make whatever ace said about hu being important.
So i'm going to now say that hu in fact has the murderer secret. It could make david's line of saying that hu's secret being worse than his be foreshadowing. It also can explain why Hu, as david pointed out, agreed to the idea of sharing secrets but hypocritically doesn't speak about hers. It adds to her defending nico, as perhaps the person hu supposedly killed was cruel to her and may have threatened her life, so she feels no remorse for killing in self defense. she likely sees nico's attempt on ace's life to be similar to her case.
BUT! I'm not saying that hu is the killer in this case. MAYBE. But just cuz she has this secret doesn't inherently mean she manipulated nico into killing or that she killed arei.
Okay so that leaves Levi and Teruko with the secret veronika has and the secret david has.
Now teruko can have either reasonably, though I'm not too sure about Levi's. While mastermind Levi does sound cool, i just dont think he will have something like that narratively (but u never know). So I'm going to say that Levi has the hopeless child one and teruko has the "reason of killing game" one.
There is some good reason to think it is teruko's since the first scene we get is of an unknown figure wanting teruko dead. She has connections to Mai Akasaki, a mysterious figure connected to the killing game somehow. In ep 11, David tells teruko to spill his secret, possibly implying he knows (but he can also just want to have something over teruko or just distract others). Again ... it's shakey evidence.
Though, I don't want to call this the mastermind secret, as it only says the owner of the secret is the catalyst, not actively monitoring, the killing game
Levi is mentioned having a "dangerous past", which could refer to a near-death experience. It is clear his family life was not healthy, so that adds to the descriptor of being a "hopeless child". His hidden quote is
I always believed that a person is defined by their actions alone. But maybe that’s just a poor excuse for my heartlessness.
Heartlessness could be in refrence to making an attempt, where he could potentially be feeling guilt for not thinking of others?? It's definetely an enigmatic quote, as he is claiming his actions that will define him are an "excuse". So are these actions good or bad?? I'm not sure.
If David is not lying:
Dead Family [Min?] -> Levi
Poisoned Competition [Xander?] -> Min
Talent For Distraction [Hu?] -> Veronika
Hopeless Child [Veronika?] -> Teruko
Murderer W/O Remorse [Arei?] -> Hu
If David is lying:
Reason For Killing Game [David?] -> Teruko
Dead Family [Min?] -> Xander
Poisoned Competition [Xander?] -> Min
Talent For Distraction [Hu?] -> Veronika
Hopeless Child [Veronika?] -> Levi
Murderer W/O Remorse [Arei?] -> Hu
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stellariders · 4 months
Last night’s episode rlly wasn’t bad for a filler episode. I did enjoy watching Violet and Novak do some kickboxing. For some reason at the beginning I didn’t even realize that engine wasn’t there. Then I realized and was like “damn how did I not see that”. At the beginning I was kinda wondering how and why Cruz and Chloe have been having relationship problems cuz for all I know they’ve been doing good and love each other a lot, but once the issue was revealed it made sense. I was like “they can’t have them divorce! What about little Otis and Javi?” Also can’t forget to mention Violet and Kelly’s friendship in this episode. Love how supportive he is of her! Overall a good episode considering how many of them were gone. Still curious to see what happens in the finale, since like you said, we still know VERY LITTLE on what will happen. Other than the firehouse saying their goodbyes to Boden and figuring out what’s going on with Damon. That’s about it tho.
i love the kickboxing scene with violet and novak too! i love their friendship so much. kelly being jealous of them working out was funny to me 😂
i was kind of on chloe’s side during the argument. just because she knew the dangers of marrying a firefighter doesn’t means she’s not allowed to have the fear of losing cruz, especially after mouch. it kind of felt like he put his career above his marriage.
yeah i’m so clueless going into this finale and i’m dressed tf out too
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superwholockian93 · 6 months
It's crazy that I'm saying this but I actually started 911 ABC (Fox?) today and watched the entire s1 at a stretch. I kid you not. Like yeah Buck Eddie thing over the years was a long time coming but I think I saw clips recently of the show that looked fun and that one tweet that said it was a comedy and had some trauma inducing moments. Plus, I saw a clip of that Eddie actor in a pink (peach?) suit and my brain went *Pretty* Then, I realised I am currently not watching any American show why the hell not so I started the show and
* Buff people (I think they get more buff by the season or ?) in a blue coloured uniform
* Angela Bassett is a police officer !! not firefighter or whatever the others are!
* Oliver Stark really has a lot of role. Like honestly idk why I thought he would graduate to being one of the main characters in the later seasons
*I like Hen
*What is Oliver Stark's accent supposed to be? Do American guys really talk like that? (genuine question)
*Somehow everybody on this looks good and I'm not mad about it. The men, the women
*I'm not always sure about the acting (last show I watched non-MCU or non-SW was Succession)
*I am ENJoying the show
*There's too much cheese
*Angela Bassett is married to a gay man? Wth She's not with Bobby??
*Wtf was my reaction to the initial reveal about their relationship but as it progressed I kinda liked it
*There's no Eddie? :( (Though I'm sure he's supposed to look more butch and less pretty or I guess that's my impression from other shows)
* 1/3rd through Abby and Eddie's developing relationship I realized I was rooting for them and then my brain went like no no it's Ed and Buck, stop
*I liked the 2 episodes in the middle a lot. One around the full moon and one before that
*LoTs of Cheesy lines. I was not prepared for that
*2 moments that really surprised me: the guy who falls off his own home during Valentine's Day and Hen cheating on her wife
*Anyway back to cheering for Buck and Abby (they really chose an actress who has a great calm steady voice. I really liked her maybe cuz a lot of it was relatable in way)
*Was a bit freaked out when the mother kept saying she saw a reflection on the glass who wouldn't talk to her (and that the guy was actually inside)
*Angela Bassett and her new person getting handcuffed/stuck on the bed and Hen laughing. That whole scene was funny.
*I love Bobby and Hen's friendship. Hen and Buck's. Bobby and Chim's. Bobby and him sort of father figure to Buck? I also like Hen and her wife (not sure what I feel about her wife letting her back in post cheating; will see how that goes) Hen and Angela Bassett. I love their scenes.
*I like a lot of casual what is it called where it is like world building but more in terms of the characters and with each other rather than just the world they live in. I missed that in a lot of new shows in recent years. Or maybe cuz I haven't watched much as such
*I really like how they concluded Abby's storyline (I have no idea if she's coming back but kinda felt like it ended?)
*I liked Clara
*I really liked whene'er Angela Bassett was on screen but sometimes felt a little idk about the cop stuff ngl
*I liked Chim too but there wasn't a whole lot that I can recall. Doesn't he like ends up with Buck's sister? That rebar though woah and that cake xD
*Buck talks and sometimes these random facts and he's a nice guy so yeah he's nice but like I like all of them in that uniform
*Oh that guy who got torn into half gnarly
*Hehe Bobby and Angela Bassett do go out together on a date in the end :D
PS: I saw the posts on the tapeworm guy. I'm genuinely confused why that was the one moment picked for Buck from his "season 1 days". Can somebody explain? Also that scene where he tugs out that worm that comes out with a pop? Gross but funny
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destinyc1020 · 1 year
TCR Review: Episode 9 - "Family"
Sorry I've been busy with a lot lately, but I'm finally able to post some more of my reviews for TCR.
Here's my review for Episode 9 of TCR....
Ep 9 Review:
Overall, I really enjoyed Ep9! 😃 I was glad to finally get to the legal drama aspect of this case. As you all know, I loooove legal dramas lol. 😅 I was glad to finally see Danny's case getting to the courtroom.
Where do I even begin? First of all....WHEW!! That DA on the prosecution's side came out swinging with a vengeance in her opening statement to the jury boy..... 😲😳 I was scared lol... Cuz yea, if you just look at the "facts", it would appear that Danny is immediately GUILTY. I mean, c'mon...he was caught on TAPE shooting at his stepfather. 👀 Keep in mind too, that this was during an era when DID (or, what was formerly called "Multiple Personality Disorder") wasn't really recognized as a real, classified, mental disorder...at least, not in the justice system.
I have to admit, the prosecution's side came out hard-hitting and swinging left and right, so I was very curious about how the defense side of the team was going to be able to de-escalate this, and help the jury to see that Danny has a certifiable mental illness. 😊 You can already tell that the defense side has a HUGE uphill climb with this case, and it was definitely looking very hopeless for Danny (even though we all already knew that the outcome would be positive for Danny in the end). It was very intense.
The acting was very well-done in this episode. I have to hand it to Emmy... She did an amazing job in this episode. She did so well in this episode that by the end of the episode, I literally LEGIT hated her character lol. 😅🤣
I just couldn't with her.... I'm sorry.... I also felt really awful for Danny too. It seems like aside from Rya, Jerome was probably the only other person who REALLY cared for him. His own mother doesn't seem trustworthy at this point in the series🙄.....Just the very fact that she would even stay with a man for that long, knowing GOOD and well that he was molesting her son? Oh no no way could that be me.😡
I know it was a different era back then for women, but still! It's not like they were living on the streets! She had a house, she had a job, they had shelter.... I don't see why she had to drag that man into their lives, and (even worse) STAY with him when she knows that he was abusing her son as a little kid. 😭
What made it even WORSE was that Danny's mother Candy had ample chances to turn things around for Danny by testifying the truth. Rya and Stan were practically BEGGING her to please testify and help Danny out in his case, and she kept refusing. Only to later on then testify and LIE on the stand!!
The way she just remained silent and even LIED on the stand in the court scene (Ep 9) was just.... 😤 Smh!! I'm sorry I couldn't. I understand why she did what she did, but I still think that was a pretty low blow to do to your own son who's obviously suffering smh. 😔
I literally sat there with my mouth agape towards the end of the episode as she blatantly LIED on the stand. She basically committed perjury in front of that whole courtroom. SMH...
And then, the last few minutes of the episode where we see Danny (TW) attempting to slit his wrists is just.... Ugh.... it's just SOOOO heartbreaking to me! 😭 I literally teared up, and my heart ached for him! Just soo much paaain! 🥺 It was so depressing after I watched this episode. Tom played that whole part beautifully.👏🏾
I think it's also remarkable to note that throughout most of the episode (if not the ENTIRE episode), Tom's character Danny doesn't really say a word. Tom is acting with his facial expressions and with this eyes pretty much the ENTIRE time during this episode. And yet, we all know what he's thinking and feeling just through his EYES alone. I've always said that Tom is a very good expressive actor with his EYES. He can convey things w/out even speaking just through his eyes alone. I thought that was very interesting. He barely had any lines in this episode.
Sorry for this long dissertation guys, but I had to convey my thoughts.
I will post my review of E10 soon!
Hope you all enjoyed the series! 😁
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lastlight1221 · 3 months
I want to work. I am in it I should get an it job. I am a student so obviously a part time job. Probably not going to find anything in it in close range. But I need an it job so I get experience. But wait I don't want to spend my summer break working. I want to do stuff. Can't really do stuff without money.
I hate my brain. It's just this on repeat and it almost brings me to tears how useless I am. Everyone around me is more of an adult then I am.
And maybe worse of it all is that a lot of people see me as the responsible smart one, but in reality I am just a sad piece of shit. The only reason they don't know that is because the one thing I am good at is hiding it.
Summer break is almost here and during the last few months I was constantly thinking of all the things I will do. But slowly the realistically thinking part of my brain reminded me that I probably will throw all that away just like I always do. I will probably do nothing and then be sad about it as per always.
Part of my brain also can't stop thinking about relationships. How great it would be if I had a partner. But then I remember that I am in no shape to be in a relationship. I am a ruin, a looser, and if I ever wanted to be in a relationship I would have to hide this, which isn't optimal. But the thought that a gf would surely set me straight is there. And it might be kinda right, cuz I tend to perform much better when I am doing something for some else but myself. However I am "smart" enough to recognize that a "she will fix me " relationship is a stupid idea.
The worst part of this is that I can't blame anyone but myself. I am the reason my life has no future.
And it's not like I am not trying to fix myself, atleast sometimes. But my laziness is just stronger than my will. Not like it's hard to beat that.
I said that I am constantly hiding parts of myself so that I seem as a normal person and the only place I ever talk about the other stuff is here. And I want to keep being honest to myself atleast here, and since no one that knows me personally will ever read this, I can.
One of my problems, potentially the worst and definitely my biggest secret is my porn addiction. Not just regular porn but the worst part of it, R34. Trying to get rid of it is really hard. I managed like two or three weeks few months ago but I relapsed. Now I tried it again after like 3months and I am on approximately 3.5 days rn. I created a phone app that counts up to track my progress. I hope I can do it, because I am a piece of shit without it and if I want to be atleast somewhat of a Normal person that can have a normal relationship.
If someone that knows me ever reads this it's either way into the future when it got better or it's when I have another depressive episode and I can't keep this secret anymore. There is probably only one person I would ever show this to in the near future and I hope that it won't change how you look at me too much.
0 notes
celeryshin · 2 years
Grandma’s Comments from Hannibal Season Two Part 1
I had to split her comments into two parts
“But he’s so damn cute! ”
“He’s a maniac animal.”
“What are you gonna do now Mr. Lecter?” Said mockingly.
“He’s having a little dinner party? For all those who love him?”
“Oh that damn animal.”
My mom saying that I have to cosplay fishing outfit Will, and my grandma agreeing.
“I miss him” mocking Hannibal.
Hannibal: “Will is my friend.”
Grandma: “And your lover you wish.”
“Why is he even cute in that?!?!” About the murder suit.
“Hannibal is handsome. Will is cute. They’re both hot.”
“Ha! Checkin out his own butt!!” The mirror scene.
“He looks like a little boy there”
“Well how’s he gonna get out of this pickle??” - About when Mathew was trying to kill Hannibal.
“Hads-” Mads + Hannibal. She said this a few times.
“He’s already eaten some why doesn’t he eat some more?“ about Jack going to Hannibal’s party.
Grandma: “He’s not gonna kill Alana?”
Me: “Wouldn’t you like to know.”
Grandma: “if he does I will be furious, I may
even not like him anymore.”
“I may never look at food the same.”
“Oh these look yummy, have you tried this yet Dori?” mocking dinner party guests.
“Look at Jack watching them eat”
“Oh I’m gonna puke” in a cheery voice.
“Did he wink at him? Oh good grief.”
“Don’t tell me they’re gonna kiss.”
“No Alana, oh no.”
“Poor Alana.”
“Good night I’ll be right back after I murder someone.” Mocking Hannibal, yet again.
“She’s sleeping with The Ripper.”
“That music bothers me.”
“Oh it’s you, that’s just you” When Will showed up in episode 6.
“Oh my gosh if you don’t think he looks like you you’re blind” For context my grandma and mom both agree I look kinda like Will.
“Kelly look doesn’t he look like him?” Asking my mom if she agrees. She did.
“You really look like him in this episode-“ This went on for a little bit.
“He’ll be happy to know she’s sleeping with Hannibal.”
“Would you kill me if I told you I love you?” Impersonating Hannibal when Will was pointing the gun at Hannibal.
“They’re gonna blame him before they blame Hannibal” In regards to Chilton.
“Especially when Alana is in love with him. Fool.”
“Did she really kill him?”
“Oh he’s horrible.”
“A BIRD??? WHAT THE FUCK?!?!” Yknow what scene. Also my grandma does not use the fuck word often.
“See you should wear something like that” Back to telling me I look like Will and should dress more like him, specifically his outfit in Su-zakana.
“Handsome dude.” About Randal Tiers corpse display.
“It’s hard to call him horrible when he’s so cute.”
“They eat people, just like you Hannibal.” Comparing Mason’s Pigs to Hannibal.
“Should have stuck with Will.” Once again about Alana.
“Do you know anyone else who would look cute in a murder suit?”
“Aww how romantic.” About Hannibal and Will cooking together after Will “kills” Freddie.
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khentkawes · 4 years
Tony Stark-antis need to learn some chill and basic narrative comprehension skills. Like really? Again with this bullshit?
Dude, we are ONE episode into Falcon and the Winter Solider and people are already using it as an excuse to resurrect anti-Tony Stark bad takes. Like... WTF fandom? Do we really have to go through this with every single post-Endgame mcu project? Really? When are ya all gonna learn some comprehension skills and actually pick up on what the narrative is trying to say?
Say it with me: the bank loan scene was a not-very-subtle jab at systemic racism and the way black veterans have been treated in American for decades. It’s not an excuse to anti on about how “tOnY sTaRk DiDnT pAy ThE aVeNgErS CuZ hE’s A eVIL bILLIonAiRe!”
Are you all so afraid of talking about systemic racism that you have to blame Tony Stark for Sam not getting a bank loan? Really? After a year of BLM protests and extensive awareness-raising for systemic racism, and y’all still don’t get it?
That’s the real world issue that the narrative was trying to lay out, and it’s the in-universe explanation for that scene, which is trying to address out-of-universe real-world issues. But now let me be petty and go back to the in-universe issues of whether Sam got paid... because this whole take is just pissing me off and I have to rant. So...
Sam hasn’t had a paying job in seven years, and he chose to leave the Avengers when he defied the Sokovia Accords because he blindly follows everything Cap says without ever thinking for himself. He’s been badly written ever since he showed up at the end of Age of Ultron. And that bad writing means he’s just been playing as Cap’s lackey, and in doing so, he CHOSE to leave the Avengers, to reject a government paycheck, and take his chances on the run for two years as a fugitive. So yeah. Two years, no job, no pay. And as far as we can tell, he didn’t do a whole lot of awesome saving-the-world in those two years either. He was just hiding out with Cap and maybe punching a couple of low-level terrorists or something .There certainly weren’t any alien invasions that he stopped in that time. And after that, he was dust for five years. That’s not his fault, obviously, but no one can expect to collect a paycheck while they don’t exist. That’s why the post-Blip economy is probably a bit wonky at the moment. So in total... seven years. No job. No paycheck. Part of that is consequences of Sam’s actions and part of it was through no fault of his own. But yeah, after seven years with no paycheck, there’s a good chance he’s got money issues. Did banks seize assets of those who were blipped? Totally possible.
But now, in-universe, let’s remember that all this bullshit that antis are spewing about “Tony Stark should have set aside money for his friends and teammates” and “Sam saved the world from aliens so many times, so he deserves a pension” and “Tony could set up a trust fund for all of the avengers because they’re his friends!” Yeah. That’s all 100% BS.
First off, Sam Wilson and Tony Stark are not friends in the MCU. Never have been. In Civil War, Tony said, “I know we don’t know each other very well” because they don’t! They’ve NEVER FOUGHT TOGETHER ON THE SAME TEAM! Think about that. Tony wasn’t an active duty avenger between Age of Ultron and Civil War, and that’s the only time period where Sam was an active avenger. So they were never really “teammates” and they weren't friends. They were, at best, acquaintances or coworkers who never worked closely together.
And during that time, when Tony appears to have had little contact with the avengers, he was bankrolling the team. He says, “what, am I doing here? Running a bed and breakfast for a biker gang?” He made the compound and supplied all of the avengers’ tech. He gave them free room and board. It sure looks like they had everything they needed, so it’s entirely possible (even likely) that Tony was paying the Avengers during this time. But that’s all it was. Two years when Sam was an active avenger, Tony wasn’t, but Tony was still bankrolling the team. After that... Sam was a fugitive and then he was dust. So he spent 7 years with no job, and two of those years were by choice, because of Sam’s rejection of being an avenger and refusal to accept a government paycheck. He chose to be a vigilante with Cap, and vigilantism doesn’t supply a paycheck on its own.
And finally... Sam has never saved the world! And he’s only fought aliens during Infinity War and Endgame. So where are people getting this whole, “but Sam should be paid because hE sAvEd tHe wOrLd!”? Uh, no. Not really. He helped in Endgame. He tried to help in Infinity War. And that’s good. That’s important. It’s not nothing. But it’s also not saving the world. In this first episode of TFATWS, Sam literally accepted thanks from a guy who said “you brought my wife back,” when Sam had nothing to do with that. Bruce snapped and brought back all the dusted. Sam had no role in helping for that. Now I get that Sam was probably just being polite. But it’s contributing to this narrative that Sam did more then he actually did. Naw, man. Marvel never cared about Sam Wilson until five minutes ago. So they’ve never actually shown him doing anything that was, well, important. And that’s a fail on Marvel, but if we’re looking at it from a purely in-universe perspective... Sam Wilson doesn’t deserve any more or less than any other government/military contractor. Because that’s what he is now (he’s not an Avengers because the Avengers no longer exist), and that’s what he was up until the last scene of Age of Ultron. Most of his existence, he’s been a solider. He’s a military guy. So if he’s not been getting paid, that’s on the military. Tony, at most, would have paid him for two years of his time and work. The rest is all on the military, including Sam’s current finances.
Which means, you want to blame someone for Sam’s finances and his inability to get a loan? Well, there are three reasons. 1. Sam chose to leave the Avengers to become a fugitive with Cap, which means he had no job and no paycheck for two years. That’s the consequences of his actions. 2. the military either stopped paying him at some point, or hasn’t been paying him enough/quick enough in the past six months since the Blip. Military pay for veterans and veterans’ access to benefits is a real problem, but it’s a military problem. And it’s possible that any back-pay or pension that Sam is owed is tied up in red tape, which is probably only exacerbated by his time as a fugitive (which might mean he was made ineligible for any pension). And finally 3. systemic racism. His sister was pretty clear on the fact that “people like us” are the ones who always seems to be denied loans. She was saying that there is money available for loans, but it always go to white folks first. Maybe try listening to the black character explain why they believe they aren’t getting paid. Sam (when not on the run or blipped) was living a pretty cushy life as a supporting avenger for two years. He apparently didn’t have to think about how systemic racism could affect his family because he was temporarily insulated from it. Now that layer of protection is gone because he’s not living in a cushy compound away from the real world (which, for the record, is probably a good thing. I think the Avengers being so isolated from the real world is probably partially what led to the problems in Civil War). So now Sam is going to be confronted with the reality that systemic racism is real and can affect anybody, regardless of your fame or your job. And after the past year of discussions on race, the fandom shouldn’t be surprised by this narrative.
I am so sick of every single MCU project post-Endgame being twisted by antis who just want to use it to hate Tony Stark. I mean, seriously. Give it a rest, people! Try reading the narrative the way it was intended and stop twisting it for your hate-Tony-Stark obsession.
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low-budget-korra · 3 years
Euphoria meet it's flaw
Tree episodes in season 3 and I can say for sure, as a writer and a fan, that the Rue -Elliott-Jules plot is the worst of the season.
You know when writers put a love triangle outta nowhere, when they create a character that has just one mission : be the third wheel? That's exactly how I feel about Elliott
Just to compare with the other love triangle of the season, I can't wait to see scenes about Maddy - Cassie - Nate because I am invested in those tree, we get not only to know them but we know they exist outside the love triangle. All of them have struggles and their own arc per season, the love triangle is just a tool to their arc and not them being a tool to the love triangle. Get it?
A lot of people are problematizing Cassie's nudity this season, some people even spreading online that the director is exploring Sydney, even tho Sydney already said more than once that she is the one that have the last words on those scenes that the director let her choose and she feels safe and comfortable on doing those scene. But I haven't seen much problematizing the fact that Sam (the creator) put a male character in between two woman just for the sake of it.
Again, Rue and Jules relationship is already complicated af, don't need a man to bring drama. Especially a man that doesn't even have his own plot. If they wanted a man to mess their relationship, they should put Nate since Nate already have a story with them, that didn't have a proper end in s1 and they kinda forgot until now.
Maybe cuz I'm a lesbian and I don't fall for every man I saw on the show, Fezco and Lexi in s1 with their limited screen time had more charisma and importance to the show as a whole than Elliott. I think a lot of people is giving his character a pass just because think he is cute or something.
Oh, and speaking of Lexi, if she was the one in the love triangle instead of Elliott it would make more sense. Seriously, the among of times that she just stare at Rue and Jules during s1 and the way she reacted when Gia tell her Rue was in love with Jules... I don't say Lexi should be in love with Rue but she could be the person who said "Rue, it's not fair putting your sobriety on Jules shoulders" or stuff like that, like, be the one that brings the reality of things to Rules relationship. And that is another plot they kinda of forgot, because those stares don't led to anywhere.
And Lexi and Fezco are a proff that plots coming outta nowhere can be nice when we already know and care about the characters.
Oh, and I know it can be early to say but that plot with the weird stranger seeing Kat, back when she was being a camgirl, was also abandoned. Is it Cal? Is it Ethan? Who knows.
I dunno man It sucks cuz o love Rue and Jules (especially after their especial episodes) but I just can bring myself to enjoy their arc this season
Oh and about Rue being assexual, I don't know much about assexuality but for me this came outta nowhere. I think this low sex drive of her is more about her being a addict than her being assexual, just compare her sexual behavior now that she is full back on drugs with her in s1 when she at least she wasn't doing the amount of drugs she is doing this.
And lastly, this plot of Elliott, Rue and Jules is making the straights be mad at Jules BECAUSE OF ELLIOTT, A MAN. This alone is a reason for me to hate this shitty love triangle
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kung-fu-headcanons · 3 years
haii! love your headcanons! (I dare you to find out who I am nyehehe >:3) sorry if this sounds odd but do you have any headcanons on my furious 5 + Po ships, Tigress x Po (of course lol-), Monkey x Crane, and Viper x Mantis? thank yew UwU
👀 I have a strong feeling you're yarart4ever
Also dang I expected for me to have a ton of headcanons for each but it turns out I didn't even have that many qwq meh whatever-
Tigress x Po
Tigress is not one for emotional words, much less emotional actions (you can really see how she takes from Shifu here lol), so she could be all head over heels for Po but he would have no idea until she tells him
Po is aware that Tigress doesn't seem interested (hint: SEEM), I mean she doesn't even seem to be buying into their friendship but she does care a lot for him, it shows if he's severely injured, she's just really,, sophisticated.
Po is always trying to get her to loosen up and also to spend some more time with her and Tigress is always unhappy with it and she pretends that she hates it, but as more and more time goes on it's getting harder and harder to hide the fact that she really does enjoy these outdoor trips
Tigress: Would you all stop accusing me of having a favorite. I like Po and all of you non-Pos equally.
Po: wow thanks Tigress
I kinda feel, Tigress confessing to Po would be a total accident, and while she's bewildered at what she's done Po just kinda.. laughs it off and reassures her that she's completely fine, and that he feels the same way back
Tigress is always the first to get up in the morning, Po always sleeps in. He does the cooking for the house tho lol cuz Tigress kinda can't cook.
I really wanna call Po a simp cuz he kinda does simp a lot for Tigress but I'm not too sure if I, someone that's not in the franchise anymore, should determine that-
Po is really loud and open about their relationship while Tigress just wants him to pls be quiet about it for once cuz for her it's a bit of a private thing
The thing is everybody knew that even though she claimed to not have a liking for him, she did, so when they announced they were a couple the gang wasn't too surprised
Crane x Monkey
Tbh, a lot of stuff that can be said for this ship, can come from Prane, since Po and Monkey kind of have similar personalities.
Only difference is, Crane has (obviously) known Monkey longer, and he's more used to his antics
Crane is chewing on the last piece of gum from a really good pack, Monkey pulls him into a kiss so he can lowkey steal it out of his mouth 😂😭🖐️
Would fight over blankets in bed
Crane would sometimes ask Monkey to do a pose or something so he can draw him, cuz he does art, and he's darn good at it too xD
The most likely to get lost during a road trip. Like they suddenly realize they're out in the middle of nowhere and are like "oh well" and cuddle in the backseats
Monkey uses all his bad pickup lines on Crane and Crane laughs cuz it's funny and it's also really cute too
Monkey is good at puzzle games and stuff that requires strategy like chess, checkers, etc, Crane on the other hand isn't good at them at all. So Monkey will teach him to be good at it and use correct strategy
Monkey comes up with the stupidest sh/t and makes Crane watch him, because he refuses to join him. There was that one episode of Legends of Awesomeness where Monkey and Po where spinning in the turtle shell thing in the Training Hall and then where dizzy as frick and trying to kung fu- yeah that's what I'm talking about LOL
Viper x Mantis
Pretty unexpected, but ngl, they go together really well 👀
Sometimes Mantis will get really flustered at how kind and loving Viper is to him lol
Viper loves to go shopping and sometimes she'll drag Mantis along with her-
Mantis: Are we done yet? I wanna go back.
Viper: Yes, we're done...
Mantis: Woohoo, finally!
Viper: ...with this half of the shopping list :).
Mantis: ...
Mantis: Why must you be so cruel to me?
PLEASE I HEARD THAT IN THEIR VOICES 😭😭😭 anyways- Viper knows that Mantis doesn't like shopping (he actually doesn't mind it it's just Viper shops for HOURS on end and that's what he can't stand) so she'll only take him with her if she really wants the company
Mantis will on the occasion pick out some flowers and make them into headpins for Viper to wear. He'll also make flower crowns for her.
Both of them are really good at picking out gifts for the other.
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