#cuz the bulb went out in the kitchen
1983nissanshitbox · 2 years
last lightbulb out of 6 in my 2 bathrooms just went out. rip. shitting in darkness from now on since having any1 including maintenance guys in my apt gives me hives
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sanjisblackasswife · 1 year
How OP Men Ask to Be Your Valentines (SFW/Fuff)
Some are short and some are long. Also they all read poems.
Sanji, Zoro, Luffy, Usopp, Ace
Black Fem Reader in Mind
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Wellll….he didn’t even know that day existed.
He seen Sanji decorate the deck the day before with heart shaped tapestries and making love theme foods and he explained.
When sanji realized that Luffy didn’t know he then asked if he asked you to be his Valentines and he obviously said no after a following “what is that.”🧍🏽
Needless to say after some yelling Luffy went to go find you
It wasn’t the most traditional way, but Lord help him he tried.
He stole some cupcakes and cookies and even a balloon Sanji had put up in the kitchen and rushed over to you.
Unfortunately none of the sweets survived except half a cookie, but you still had a balloon though!
“Y/N! Tomorrow be my Valentines! Okay?”
Before you could say yes or no he shoves the cookie in your mouth and hands you the balloon. He’s so proud of his declaration you couldn’t be upset.
“Oh wait! Sanji said i need to tell you a poem!”
“Violets are red, Roses are blue, please be my Valentines or else…”
“….or else what.”
He just chuckles at you while squishing your cheeks.
You don’t know if he was actually threatening you or didn’t remember the poem.
Honestly you haven’t been more warmed in your tummy to see the slight blush in his face when you nod in agreement and kiss his chubby cheeks
9/10 would love to see again.
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Only knows about it because of how much you talk about the special love day.
Still manages to nearly forget to ask you.
All day you been hinting on him asking
“Sanji asked all the girls to be his valentines…”
“…You don’t think it’s cute he asked them?…y’know…seems pretty cute.”
“He made a fool of himself.”
It irked you he didn’t even have a light bulb moment and just ask right then and there and ask. You would have appreciated it, but no.
It wasn’t until Robin and Sanji asked what did Zoro gift you to ask to be your Valentines and nearly smacked himself on the head for it.
Luckily Robin was going out to a floral shop and Zoro tagged along. She assisted him on what flowers to give you and even a card with a pretty gold necklace (he now is in debt from nami again)
You were in your room pouting up until you seen Zoro awkwardly walk towards you with something behind his back and plop the flowers and gifts on your side.
He then plops HIMSELF on your lap and buries himself in your tummy while wrapping his arms around you
“Read the card.”
And you do so
“Blood is red. My shirt is blue. Be my Valentines, but either way I’ll screw you.”
“I’mma beat yo ass, Zo.”
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Poor boy is a nervous wreck asking you (his crush) to be his Valentines.
All week he has been drawing you. You both took a picture together a few weeks prior and since then he has been struggling to draw you the perfect Valentines Day Card
Of course he draws you beautifully but that doesn’t stop him from being a little scardey cat about it
“Hey! Y/N! Uh…can i give you something!?”
You smile and nod. “Of course. You made a another contraption?”
He smiles timidly and shakes his head no before he got lost in thought.
You see a rose inside a pretty pink card and it says on the front “Please open!”
You do and its a small drawing of you, Usopp, and the Going Merry and it says:
“Just as I am brave and smart, you’re even more with your sweet, kind heart. It would be my honor to be your Valentines, and if that goes well will you eventually be mine(s)?”
It was written so funny so you chuckle a little, but you then gasp to see the art he done for you. It was so detailed and gorgeous in contrast to the tiny doodle he did inside the card
Poor boy ran before you could answer
Luckily you caught him and let him know of course you can be his Valentines
And a little more too…because you felt the same way about him.
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Genuinely surprised why his birthday isn’t on Valentines Day but we move
Obviously Mr. Prince wouldn’t dare NOT to ask you for your hand in being his Valentines, especially since you’re his girlfriend.
He plans out the entire 2 weeks of spoiling you (more than usual).
He acts like youre ganna say no somehow when everybody knows youre not
Zoro absolutely cannot stand him all two week
Everything is heart shaped
The food
The snacks
The desserts
Everything all for you and everybody has to endure it
You swear his eyes are a Crimson pink now this entire month.
And by February 13th he takes you on the deck after dinner and hands you MORE gifts
“Ji! You can’t keep giving me—“
“Just read it.”
The night was perfect, he was wearing a beautiful blue and black suit lighting up his cigarette with one hand as his other was still filled with another gift. He even got you the dress you’re wearing. You felt spoiled rotten. And you were. And Sanji knew that but he didn’t care.
He’d give you the world if you asked it
You open the pretty card and rose petals fall out and it says:
“My love for you cannot be compared. My love for you cannot be tested. My love for you cannot be measured. Even until the end of time my love for you shall never perish. You bring me light, you bring me joy, you are what I think about when I need remembrance of what I am fighting for. You are the calm in my chaos. You are my escape. My love. My Mademoiselle. I love you. -Your Prince, Sanji”
By the time you look up he is putting his hand out to you with warm cheeks and a smile,
“Yes! Sorry…i just..YES I wanna be your Valentines!”
You were overjoyed kissing your now bloodied nose man on the cheek and he hands you one last gift.
It’s a fake flower.
“I’ll stop loving you when that flower dies.”
Fuck he was corny but so romantic with it.
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blue-raven-universe · 2 years
"I missed you." Sorcerer!Sukuna x Reader
Credit: @alex-is-fruity
Prompt: Imagine u go to sit next to ur f/o, but then they grab u by the waist and pull u to sit in their lap, and then they wrap their arms around u and rest their head on ur shoulder with a little relaxed sigh
A/N: Originally, I had written this with another character in mind, but I decided to write another Sukuna drabble instead. So here's a cuddly Sorcerer! Sukuna cuz I love writing him like this so much. 💕 (Apologies if the writing in this one is a little dry and choppy. )
The past couple of weeks have been hectic for both of you. Sometimes, Sukuna would be called out for a mission and wouldn't be back for another week. By the time he had returned, you were called in for your own assignment. For awhile, neither of you seemed sure when you two were going to spend time with each other.
That is until today finally came. Just as you were getting some popcorn ready, you received a call from Ichiji about some possible curse activity in a remote town further up north in the country.
You gave it some thought and decided to give Gojo a call. You promised him that you would buy him all the kikufuku he wanted, if he would take over for you. Of course, He happily obliged.
After making sure Sukuna had no work of his own and everything was settled, you two decided to take the day off, making up for the lost time by spending time on the couch and catching up on any shows you both missed. 
The microwave went off, signaling that your popcorn was done. You quickly plucked the steaming bag from the machine and placed it in a bowl before leaving the kitchen, and heading down to the living room where Sukuna was waiting for you.
He snatched the remote off the coffee table as soon as he saw you walk in. You circled around the table before him and plopped down onto the couch. 
While Sukuna searched for one of your shows on your watch list, you glanced at the bowl. A light bulb went off in your head. You grabbed a handful of popcorn and began munching it. Suddenly, you felt the couch shift from under you, and a pair of hands grabbed your waist. Once your back hit his chest, his arms wrapped around his waist, and he leaned back into the cushion. 
“Geez, cuddle bug. Impatient much?” You said with a laugh. He blushed at the nickname.
“I could say the same about you. If I hadn’t done something, you would’ve eaten the entire thing before I even had any myself.”
“No, I wouldn’t. I’m not that greedy. There would have been at least half left over for you.”
He huffed and started the show. “Sure, whatever. I’ll just make me some more during the commercials.”
A few minutes into the show, he rested his head on your shoulders. Your heart swelled. Despite his kingly pride, he wouldn’t hesitate to put his arms around at any opportunity.  It was absolutely adorable seeing him like this. With a fond smile, you whispered his name and cupped his cheek with your hand, making him turn towards you. You planted a kiss on his soft cheek. Before you could turn away from him, his lips captured yours in a passionate kiss that said the words you two had meant to say all this time. 
 I missed you
Likes, reblogs, and feedback all appreciated!!!
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teribst · 10 months
A Weekend At The Lake part 4
A Weekend At the Lake 3
A story by
 Teri Best
Meeting the other woman
Teri’s cell buzzed 
Elaine “I’m bringing dessert. What kind of pie does Mike like? And is 2 too early?”
“2 is fine and Cherry.”
Elaine  “; ) see you at 2”
Elaine  “Wait, I’m in shorts and a halter ok?”
“Yes, it’s fine. I don’t wear much around here. I’m in a sheer bra and thong. Haa I’ll slip something on.” (.) (.)
Elaine  “Please not on my account. You know I love looking at you. :~”
Teri blushed
 Mike was sitting in his little office doing paperwork when Teri walked in. “Elaine will be here at 2.”
Mike looked up. It was like a light bulb went off in his head as he smiled. “ok babe.” He looked back down at his set of planes and saw nothing as the words “I have been approached.” came back to him. He stood up watching that beautiful ass unrestricted by any clothing move as she walked across the yard. Her already long legs looked even longer in her 3” wedge-style heels and he was glad she had started wearing them around for him. He leaned up against the door jamb “Hay.” she stopped turning back to him with a smile. “Is this going to be a fun thing, painfully fun thing, a girl thing or I should just set up shop out here tonight kind a thing?”
“He knows. How in the fuck can the man know?” she asked herself. “I’ll let you decide what you want to do. Look at two half-dressed beautiful women or paperwork.” She waved him off and walked into the kitchen. She was trembling inside because he had figured it out. She looked back out to his office thinking “I need to say something to him.” Her phone buzzed and she picked it up. It was Mike, she looked out the window to see him looking in at her. 
Mike “Have you?”
Mike “Do you want to?”
“I don’t know… maybe.” 
She looked up to see him looking at her “Come here.”
As she walked to him she could see he wasn’t upset and smiled to herself “Well that’s a plus.” She stopped a few feet away looking at him “I’m not going to lie to you. She has hinted around. Nothing too direct but direct enough to know she would like to. And I’m not going to say I haven’t flirted back because I have.” She shrugged her shoulders “You say no, what's the safe word,? PINK, and I quit.”
He pulled out a chair sitting down “Babe I don’t think it’s that simple. It’s like being with a guy. I mean the want to be with a person of the same sex comes from here.” He pointed to his head then his crotch. “Not here.” He ran his fingers through his hair looking at her. “I know that the biological want to be with her is different than the want to just fuck some guy. I also know that if I said hell no, well I think it would hurt you and I think that in the long run making you simply hurt because of that need would damage us.”
She was relieved he seemed to understand “If it happened and we are not anywhere near there yet and I asked you to be with us would you?”
“Yes but if your asking me if I would fuck her the answer is no. Teri just like that is my pussy you are setting on this is your cock. But you can bet I would fuck the liven shit out of you with her watching or you going down on her or whatever.”
“And what makes it so different between me having her and having a man?”
He smiled at her, “She can’t stick her dick in my pussy cuz she ain’t got one.”
She pressed her lips together as she walked to him and sat in his lap “Mike, it’s like I said, nothing has happened yet. Not so much as a touched finger. I would not, could not without you and I talking and you knowing about it first. Mike, that's just not something I would ever do to you or us.” She kissed him tenderly on the lips. “It’s almost 2 and I need to put on more clothes than this.”
He smiled “I keep thinking about you both plugged with a tail and walking around the fair.”
Smiling as she got up Teri said “Maybe since tomorrow is Sunday I could be talked into wearing it around for you.”
Mike smiled, “Bring me down a t-shirt to put on too please.”
When she knocked on the door he found a smiling Elaine standing there. She was tall, Mike guessed at least 5”9”. She had short dark hair, a beautiful face with brown eyes, a perfect smile, and cherry-red lips. “Mike?” She held out her hand to him.
“Yes, please come in.” He grinned. Terry just ran up to get me a shirt and should be right here. He looked without looking as she stepped past into the house. Her breasts were small in her hauler top, her tummy was flat going down to some big-legged shorts. Her legs were long, shapely, and on full display as she walked in wearing flat sandals.
She turned to hand him a bottle of wine just as Teri came into the room. “HAY!” Teri stepped in giving Elain a light kiss on each cheek “I’m so glad you made it!” She handed Mike His T-shirt smiling at him as she took Elaine by the arm “And welcome to our home.” Teri was wearing a four-button gingham dress that was very short just barely covering her butt cheeks. She had left the top button open so her full cleavage was showing that she wasn’t wearing a bra and was in her ever-present 3” wedge heels.
Over the next couple of hours, the two girls talked like MagPies and as Mike got to know Elaine more from their conversation he found her to be both funny and smart.
They had been sitting in the open living room when Mike saw it was time for him to start the BBQ. He smiled at Teri “I have to get the food going. Is it too hot outside for me to move us out onto the deck?”
Elaine smiled “Teri is always talking about your backyard. I’d love to set out there so I can see it.” 
Mike held up his hand “ She just lets me cut the grass. Everything else out there Teri has done.” They picked up their glasses as Mike went into the kitchen to grab another bottle of wine. He found the ladies were out walking through the garden with Teri pointing out this and that. Then soon enough they were back with Teri smiling as she opened the wine. Mike watched them laugh at something he could not hear as he started the fire in the BBQ. They were still giggling when he walked up and set down as the fire readied itself. Elaine smiled at him. “Teri tells me that men don’t seem to talk to each other about masturbation or sex toys.”
A lopsided grin came to his lips as he looked at Teri “Not quite what I said. I said, "I never once in my life have I ever talked to another man about the kind of sex toys I use or where and when I masturbate.”
“And do you use them?” He knew Elaine was baiting him and didn’t go for it.
He reached over taking Teri’s hand smiling at her as he spoke, “Yes and I try to make good use of her as often as she will let me.” 
Teri blushed as Mike looked back to Elaine “Tell me of this Renaissance Fair over in Elgin. I have been to the ones in Waxahachie and Palestine, but never the one here.”
“The crowd at this one is not nearly as adult as the other two. I mean topless is not a problem in Palestine or Waxahachie and I know it's not against the rules here but there are a lot more families.” She smiled at Teri then looked back at Mike “Still, there will be lots of titties to see.”
Mike put the meat on the BBQ sticking some potatoes in with it. He had turned and was watching Elaine as she crossed her legs with one opening long enough to let him see up in the leg of her shorts and she definitely was not wearing panties. She let her sandal fall off her foot as she moved in her chair, her right leg going over her left turning slightly more to Teri, who was already set with her legs crossed. Mike watched as the top of Elaine’s barefoot came to rest so it was underneath Teri’s so they were touching. It was very subtle but Mike had caught the look he got from Teri and smiled in answer. He saw it as Teri let her foot move just a little over the top of Elaine's.
 Teri leaned forward so her boobs moved in her dress, and her nipples grew hard as Elaine’s eyes were drawn to them. Mike who was only 10’ away asked “So then you’re a boob girl? He had watched from the BBQ.
Elaine's eyes danced over Teri's tits then down to her fully exposed thighs. “I’m kinda torn between liking boobs, and legs.”
 Mike was sitting down as Elaine spoke to Teri “You have so much of both it makes it hard to know where to look first.” Her cheeks flushed as she smiled looking at Mike “You have a very beautiful wife.”
Mike's chest filled up with pride as he looked at a blushing Teri “Yes, yes I do.” He watched Teri’s foot moving slowly over Elaine’s.
The two girls had set the table and with the food ready they had set and talked about their work some more as they ate, then as they were having dessert Teri set her fork down “I know he won’t ask because he is too polite. You really do have a tail?”
Elaine smiled. “3 of them, a silver fox that’s white, a gray fox, and a red fox.” Her cheek flushed “And a couple of rose buds.” She looked from Mike to Teri “I dated a girl for a while that wanted to try it and I found I like wearing them.” Now looking at Teri her face flushed as she asked “We are wearing them Saturday right?” 
Teri let her eyes run over Mike's face and saw a slight smile “Yes, I think it will be fun.” Mike watched as Teri, done with her dessert, turned in her chair facing slightly more to Elaine. As she crossed her legs both he and Elaine saw there was nothing under her dress but her. Teri’s foot went to the back of Elaine’s calf and moved slowly up then down as Teri looked at Mike “You know we could do the Ren fair on Saturday and then take the boat out and spend Sunday in the sun.” Her eyes went slowly back to Elaine “We like to go out and ride around on the boat but we also tie up and lay out naked at Hippy Hollow. Is that something you would like to do?”
“Sure,” Elaine smiled “I’m not shy.”
Not too much later Elane looked at the clock. “Shit I’m having fun so I hate to cut this short but I have an early day with my dad in the morning.” She smiled “He’s 88 and I try to have breakfast with him a couple of times a week.” They all stood as she got her bag. “This has been fun.” She looked at Teri and said, “We can plan next weekend at work.” Elaine started to the door and as Mike opened it and stopped and turned to Teri hooking one arm around her waist, she stepped in and kissed her very softly. “Goodnight and thank you both. I haven’t been this relaxed in some time.” She stepped away from Teri as she moved to Mike holding the door and leaned into him kissing him just as softly “So thank you for a wonderful afternoon.” She smiled and went out the door.
Mike and Teri were quiet as they cleaned up, then he stepped up behind her putting his arms around her “I love you.”
She quickly turned in his arm looking up at him “Oh mista I’s tinkin yous mad wid me!”
He frowned “Why?”
She took his hand from around her waist and pushed it up under her dress and between her legs, she was soaking wet! Cindy looked into his eyes as she ran her fingers over his lips where Elaine had kissed him. “I’ma tinkin she wanna fuck yous too.”
His eyebrows went up. “Well, I don’t know about all that but Cindy she for sure wants to fuck you.” She stepped back pulling her dress off her shoulders letting it fall puddling at her feet. She took a step sideways letting him devour her with his eyes.
“mista I’s on fire wid the need.” She reached for his hand pulling him “I’s so ready.” She pulled him upstairs.
Earlier when she had changed her clothes she had set the Sybian in the middle of the floor between the bedroom door and bed. It was all plugged in and ready when she led him into the bedroom. She was blushing as she picked up the remote and grinned as she handed it to him. It came with 4 different dildos, one was just a bump to work her clit, one was a smaller cock about 5” long, and one was about 9” long. But what she had on the machine was a cock about 8”s with another for her bottom that was about 6” long. 
Her chest was heaving, she was breathing so hard, her eyes were big as she stood looking at the thing “mista!” She moved over it, dropping down onto the carpeted floor on her knees. He watched her move over it and how her eyes came to his as she put the 8” cock just at her opening. She lowered onto it just a little as her hand went back behind her to the 6” cock and held it against her tight back ring.
 She gasped “Os fuck mista!” She slowly sank down taking the big dick into her womb as the smaller one filled her bowels. “Sheet!” She hissed as he watched the small cock sliding into her ass. Once passed the tight ring of her sphincter she moaned “Umm HUH” and sat down on it taking it all into her. She had both hands resting on the rounded front of the Sybian as with glazed eyes she looked at him. “mista plese be’s ecy.”
He turned it on at its lowest setting, her eyes flew open “FUCK!”
She was on it for about a minute when she sat up straight, putting all of her weight on it, embedding both cocks in her. He turned it up one more time.
“Aaaaa!” She looked at him, “I’s loves et in me’s ass!” He saw she was humping just a little and turned it up again, her head went back “umm Huh!” she shook her head “more!” one more click “OH YES!!” He took it up once again making her cry out “MIKE!” she humped herself hard on it “Cuminggggggg!”
He let her reach her peak and when she was just starting down he moved to her pulling her up. He quickly pushed his wife to the edge of the bed, bending her over! He placed the tip of his cock at her still twitching opening and pushed into her already stretched anus. It was wet and slippery as he pushed “Oh GOD O FUCK YES!” She cried and he could feel her climax as it came to her again. Now with her fully impaled on his dagger he went in, out slowly letting her ass hole open to his cock. She was still cumming and now she was leaking so much it was running down her legs. “Fuck!” he moved in her “OH FUCK YES!” She cried out FUCK MY ASS!” he pushed back as he started to move fucking himself into her tight back hole! “huh, huh, huh ooo huh,” Came from her with each stroke “Ohh god yesss!” He picked up speed feeling his own cum building “OYyesss!” She whimpered. When she felt the heat from his cock as his seed splashed violently out of it and into her waiting guts “Yuuussseeeeee!” She whimpered as he finished.
He held himself in her until he grew soft then slipped out. “Ummm.” She whimpered as he took his cell and shot a picture of his cum puddled up in her ass hole and showed it to her. “mista oh mista.”
 He didn’t know why but he bent licking the seed onto his tongue and took her head in his hands kissing her. His cum covered tongue slipped into her mouth and she moaned as she sucked his wet from it.”
After her time on the Sybian, the night before Sunday Teri was more than a little sore so she had asked if he would wait till later in the week to play with her tail. Of course, he said yes and they spent the day doing some shopping at the garden center with her in her booty shorts, a halter top, and wedges. Home again she again drew into herself as she made dinner.
“What's up? I can tell you’re someplace in your head.”
“I keep thinking about this weekend with Elaine. I wonder if you're not just doing this for me. I mean, crap I don’t know what I mean.” She looked at him “If it’s not something you want us to do then let's don’t do it.” he watched as her fingers went to her own lips and moved slowly across them as her eyes met his, “Mike she kissed you.”
“And you think what?”
“Do you remember telling me you could do one thing to me that she couldn’t?”
“Well she can do anything and everything to you that I can.” he watched as she put the food out on the table and sat. “That scares me.”
“I told you I wouldn’t fuck her. I told you that she was for you, not me.”
“I don’t know. I do know it’s like I told you. I don’t know if I’m truly BI or not because I can take it or leave it and before I would ever do anything to lose you well there would be no Elaine or anyone else…ever.”
And I told you I could not ask you to go against any desires you may have to be with a woman. If you choose to not be with her that has to be your choice. I would not want anything we do to come between us either and Teri I think if I said no you would resent me for it. All I know is I love you and will follow your lead where she is concerned. If you tell me not to touch her then I won’t.
Nothing more had been said and then Thursday evening at dinner Mike said “I have the boat all ready for Sunday and have some wine and a few beers already on ice. I was thinking we could just pick up some snacks on the way to the lake and maybe some KFC or something.”
“OK.” That was all she said.
Mike frowned “Cindy Robin.”
Teri looked at him with wide eyes “mista she no let me out. She afraid what I do if she lets me’s outs ta play.”
Saturday morning and right on time at 9 am the doorbell chimed, Mike was smiling as he opened the door to find Elaine smiling back up at him. She had on a denim skirt that was just a little shorter than mid-thigh, a bikini top with a button-down blouse tied like a halter top and she had on flat sandals. There was also a gray fox tail hanging down about 8”s below the hem of her skirt. “Hi. He waved her in.
She stepped up and kissed him softly “Hi.”
“You look beautiful.”
“Thanks.” she blushed.
He could see Teri was nervous as she came into the room with a couple of bags “Hey babe!” She sat the bags down and stepped to Elaine putting her hands on her shoulders as she leaned in kissing the other woman softly, her lips parted as her tongue slipped between lips and their tongues bumped. Stepping back she pointed to the bags “I’m crazy I know but are we going to need to take a bag with extra sunscreen or water or anything?”
Up until Elaine had got there Mike had not seen what Teri was going to wear and as both, he and Elaine looked at her as Teri's eyes went to Mike for his smile of approval. She had on her ever-present 3” wedges a plaid pleated skirt that was just shorter than mid-thigh and a halter top that was just off-white. She wasn’t wearing a bra so her nipples were showing clearly through her top. Her gray fox tail hung down a little more than Elaine's but not much and Mike had smiled and winked knowing she had put her plug in by herself. 
Mike reached over by the couch picking up his backpack. “I got 4 bottles of water, sunscreen, a big picnic towel to set on if we need to rest, and a thing full of hand wipes. Teri was putting on her big blue floppy hat as he looked at Elaine “Did you bring a hat?”
Teri smiled, “I got one.” she went into the hall coming back with another floppy hat but this one was green.
As they walked to the truck Mike stopped turning to face the women walking behind him. “I have to get this out of the way right now! I know you are both plugged so this is a stupid question but are either of you wearing panties?”
The two women looked at each other laughing and both said “NO” At the same time.
The day went very well. The two women interacted with each other more than with him, holding hands and laughing as they shopped but Teri made very sure he was involved in whatever they were doing and she was always holding his hand or arm. If she was going to buy something she would always show it to him asking what he thought and soon enough Elaine was also holding his other hand as they walked and was as showing him things.
Both Teri and Elaine had their faces painted and Mike was in heaven photographing them and the events of the fair. When they were hungry Mike put out a light picnic blanket he had in his backpack as Teri and Elaine went to the food trailer with turkey drumsticks. Coming back to him Teri carried 3 beers while Elaine brought the drumsticks.
Mike was ready with his camera and got some really great shots up their skirts as they sat down.
Elaine was blushing “Um I don’t really mind but tell me what you do with those. I mean, am I going to see myself on the internet in the morning?”
“No, you can ask Teri I seldom if ever show including her my pictures. No one will see anything that was taken today or tomorrow but us three.”
“pinky swear?”
Mike grinned “pinky swear.”
Teri leaned back putting her hands on the blanket resting on her straight arms. “I have seen 2 other women with tails and they both smiled and nodded at me with a knowing look.”
Elaine laughed and I have seen how much more attention those beautiful tits of yours get than these pancakes of mine.”
Teri smiled as she pulled her top up uncovering her boobs as Elaine and Mike looked on. “Do you really think they are beautiful?” She pinched her nipples and was slowly pulling her top back down. When she was done there were a few smiling men around.
“Yes well,” Elaine pulled her top up showing a small B-cup breast with light pink nipples that were drawn up tight and hard. “See the difference?”
Teri looked at him as Elaine pulled her top back into place. “What do you think Mike?”
“Well, that’s a loaded question because you know I love your boobs but Elaine yours are beautiful too and god woman I love those hard pink nipples.”
There was a light banter the rest of the afternoon until finally, Teri looked at Mike “mista I’s tird. taks me’s hme.”
Mike smiled, “OK.”
Elane got a funny look on her face at that exchange.
They walked to the truck again with one woman on each side of Mike and both holding his hands. At the truck, he opened the door and as Teri got in she stopped kissing him very softly “Thanks for a not-boring day mista.” She hopped up going in head first, and let her short skirt pull up in the back so that where her tail went in her bottom could be plainly seen as she moved to the center of the seat leaving room for Elaine.
The view had not been lost on Elaine because she had stepped up next to stand by Mike. As she watched Teri’s bottom her arm had gone around his waist pulling him tight against her hip. Now with Teri setting Elaine looked up at Mike “WOW! That was beautiful,” She leaned in and kissed him on the lips “She is right and that was for a fun day.” saying it loud enough that Teri was sure to hear. Then she kissed him again “And that was for giving me a day of not being judged. A day of letting me just be me. It means a lot.” 
She also stepped up into the truck head first and with Mike only a foot or so away she gave him a really good look at her womanhood and where her tail was plugged into it. She leaned in and kissed Teri “Thank you sweetheart for letting me use your man today.”
Mike watched as Elaine started to pull back but Teri held her in place kissing her a little deeper “Thank you for wanting to be with us.”
Mike had thought that the whole sex thing between Teri and Elaine was a given. They stopped on the way home for burgers at In & out and Elaine was shocked to find out that there was a secret menu. They laughed about the food with all three having burgers animal-style while splitting an animal fry with shakes. 
When they got home Teri went to her bedroom while Elaine went to the guest room and both their tails were gone when they came back. Teri in the long white gown that could almost be seen through. Elaine was in a thin t-shirt dress that left nothing to the imagination.
They played skip-boo laughing like little kids and Mike came to realize the two girls were kind of dating. And then as they played it became evident Elaine had now included him in her adventure. 
It was late and everyone was tired. “Come on.” Teri had taken Elaine's hand with his and they followed her to the bedroom. Teri pulled off her gown as Elaine and Mike watched, then as Mike pushed off his shorts, he and Teri watched Elaine take off her t-shirt dress.
He got in the middle of the bed as Elaine and Teri each got on a side. The two girls' hands came together resting on Mike's tummy as Teri turned out the lights.
Morning came to find Mike laying on his side facing Elaine while somehow Teri had turned so his hard cock was under her right leg. He started to move to get up when Elaine opened her eyes smiling at him. “Morning” she whispered and because she was awake he moved over her to get out of bed. As he started over her she pulled him down and kissed him, then as he was moving past her a hand went to his hard cock slipping down its shaft as he moved off the bed. Walking away he heard another morning as he went to pee and when he came out found the two women wrapped in each other's arms.
Teri smiled, patting the bed behind Elaine and Mike moved back to them hugging Elaine as Teri’s arm came out caressing his back. He had already been half hard and now felt himself growing at the feel of Elaine's bottom-up against him. “We were talking about breakfast. Do you want to eat here or pick up some donuts or sumpin?”
When Elaine felt him growing she pushed into him wiggling her bottom “He's getting quite hard back there.”
Teri smiled, raised up on her elbow and put her hand between him and Elaine “My goodness he is, isn’t he” he watched as Teri moved to lift higher, and suddenly her right breast was at Elan’s mouth. She quickly sicked in Teri’s nipple, “Mmmm.”
She had not meant for that to happen and quickly looked at Mike “Mista?”
He just smiled.
For the next few hours, the three of them kissed, licked and sucked each other with both women coming several times both at his hands and each other. Finally, Teri pushed him onto his back and as she mounted him Elaine sat on his face while both women kissed each other and fondled their tits. He did everything he knew how to do as he licked and sucked her pussy and soon enough she was gasping and moaning as her cum ran through her.
As she was coming Teri lifted, giving Mike room to move.
He began thrusting up into his wife as Elaine's fingers found Teri’s clit and their lips met “Oh fuck!” She gasped into Elaine's mouth as she came for the fourth time that morning. Mike feeling her cumming on him couldn’t hold it. He pushed up grunting and she felt his love as it splashed into her. It was then that she understood why he would not fuck Elaine. She moved off of him when he grew soft and got right down by his ear “Yous member dhat es mi’s dick Mista.”
“I remember Cindy, my love.”
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fanimesenseiwrites · 3 years
Things the MC would bring back to their demon bois from the mortal realm:
MC goes to second hand stores and vintage shops always on the look out for vinyl records that they think Lucifer would like.
Most of the time they try and bring back stuff he'd actually like, such as Tchaikovsky or Vivaldi
Once, they brought back Stravinsky's Firebird Suite and Lucifer wouldn't stop kissing them (once they were in the privacy of his room of course)
Sometimes the MC will bring back more modern music just because it makes them think of him
"I dunno, I just listen to Hozier and think of you"
Lucifer doesn't like all the modern music they bring back but he appreciates the sentiment just the same
Then there's the gag gifts...
Any kind of music that has a reference to the devil or Satan or hell is fair game
These gifts usually elicit an eye roll from the eldest brother but he keeps them all the same
This is why Lucifer owns a copy of "The Devil Went Down To Georgia"
So when MC brings back a copy of Giuseppe Tartini's Violin Sonata in G minor, they're a little surprised at Lucifer's delighted reaction
"You know, I was the one who visited Tartini in his dreams."
MC's mind = blown.
"Also, this copy is cursed. I know you know how much I enjoy cursed vinyls."
"I- wait... What?!"
MC is very upset that they had a cursed vinyl in their possession this whole time
This boy loves stuff, and he loves MC, so he's gonna love any gift really
But MC knows he loves treasure and jewels and as much as they'd love to just bring him back nice watches and jewelery...
So MC settles for semi-precious stones instead
They always find fun and beautiful stones at museums and those metaphysical stores and they always pick out one that reminds them of Mammon
They're really nervous when they give him his first gift
"Hey, I got this for you and I know it's not fancy or expensive but I saw it and thought of you and I just wanted you to have it."
Mammon will love them until they die. He is really just so touched that MC thought of him. He'll try and play it cool though
He totally fails. MC won't tell him that though
MC brings him Lapis Lazuli and tells him it reminded them of his eyes and Mammon is now a puddle of lovesick goo on the floor
Mammon puts more shelves in his room dedicated to all the gifts MC gives him
One time MC brings him back some fool's gold in a teeny little jar on a chain, so that he can wear it
"Fool's gold? Why cuz I'm a fool?" Mammon asks with a roll of his eyes.
"What? No, cuz I'm a fool for you."
Mammon only love MC until they die? WRONG.
He's gonna love them forever now
He was gonna do that anyways
C'mon, this boy is easy. Anime/manga stuff and TSL. Need I say more?
At first he'll be suspicious of MC wanting to give him gifts, but once they've convinced him that they're doing it out of the kindness of their heart he's really touched
The first thing the MC brings him is a pen with a little Ruri-Chan on the end of it
"I know it's not much, but I just happened to see it and I knew you'd like it"
Like it??????
He's never seen anything like this in the Devildom and he doesn't think about the small stuff usually because he's too busy trying to get the big collectors edition items. So he actually really loves this.
MC continues to bring him cute small stuff like buttons and keychains and Levi loves them all.
His favorite item(s) that MC brought him is a pair of Lord of Shadows and Henry BFF enamel pins
He definitely tackle hugged MC when he got them
He gives the Lord of Shadows pin back to MC so they can each have one and show off their BFF status with them
MC loves going to second-hand bookstores to shop for Satan.
Satan also appreciates new books, but there's something special about how his face lights up when he finds something old or rare. Anything with a little bit of history to it.
Of course, finding rare books for not a lot of money is a rare event in itself
So a safe bet is to bring Satan non-fiction, the boy loves to learn
But he really loves it when MC puts thought into finding fiction books that he would like
"I just really feel like you'd like Dean Koontz so I brought you one of my favorites by him."
Satan loves those gifts the most because he can talk to MC about the books afterwards
Satan's absolute favourite gift is a leather bound copy of Arabian Nights though
"I was thinking we could read this one together"
"Like you read it to me and pretend to be Scheherazade?" Satan suggests.
MC is flustered at the connotation of the suggestion but agrees anyways
The time they spend together reading that story will forever be one of Satan's favorite memories
He's a little harder to shop for than the MC had originally imagined
They tried bringing him make-up and skin care, which Asmo always graciously accepted, but he never seemed super excited about the gifts
But what else is to be expected from the guy who already uses only the best products?
MC suddenly gets an idea when they send Asmo a selfie of them at the park
- OMG! You're so cute! And the background is pretty too!-
MC starts dressing up and going to nice and beautiful places just with the intention of taking pictures
Botanical Gardens, museums, downtown skylines, anything that would make for a good picture
MC goes full on aesthetic art hoe just for Asmo
Only the best pictures get sent to Asmo
Asmo is LIVING for the looks their MC is serving up
- You are absolutely STUNNING! I'm in awe at these AMAZING pictures-
MC makes a scrapbook of the best pictures to give to Asmo the next time they see him
Asmo loves it and keeps it on display in his room always
Also, Asmo definitely makes MC their personal photographer after seeing the wonderful shots they took
Obviously, the boy loves food. He's always down to try new snacks from the mortal realm.
But MC wonders if there's something better that they could bring him
One day MC is at GNC for supplements for themself when they notice the workout supplements and get an idea
They grab some fun flavored protein powder and some BCAAs and a really nice shaker bottle just for Beel
Beel is actually really excited to get these gifts!
The Devildom doesn't have fun flavors of protein powder and the shaker bottle is such a great idea!
MC always brings new flavors of protein back for Beel, doing their best to find the weirdest flavors for him to try
Beel's favorite is definitely Birthday Cake.
MC starts bringing him new stuff to try too, protein bars, recovery supplements, collagen, and superfoods shakes
Beel tries everything and tells MC what their favorites are
"I love the BCAAs, I just wish the Devildom had them..." *sad Beel noises*
MC may or may not talk to Diavolo about researching BCAAs and getting them produced and sold in the Devildom
The supplements MC brings actually help Beel with his workouts and to control his hunger (a little)
Beel actually gets hotter??? Who knew that was possible???
MC definitely takes advantage of Beel's new 8-pack 😏😏😏
What do you get the boy who only wants to sleep?
MC has gotten him stuffed animals and blankets and even a couple of nice pillows, but nothing seems to excite him
... but maybe that's just his personality??
It's not until MC accidentally leaves a sweater in the Devildom, that they figure it out
- You left your sweater down here- Belphie texts MC.
- Oh no, I'll just get when I come to visit y'all again-
- That's fine. I like having something that smells like you-
And the light bulb went off in MC's head.
Every time MC goes to visit they leave a shirt or sweater behind for Belphie, so that he can have something that smells like them.
Belphie loves how MC smells, its like a sweet dream all the time. It helps him sleep better when they're gone.
Belphie starts to complain when MC is gone longer than the item they left smells like them
(Which is every time)
So MC will start leaving Belphie more than one item, packing them in airtight bags so he can use them one after another until they return
Belphie can and will fight anyone who tries to take MC's clothing
"Mammon, you have two seconds to put that sweater back or I will kill you."
And Lucifer probably won't stop him
He's honestly the easiest to please.
He's so fascinated with any thing that humans do that he'll enjoy any gift from the human world.
MC's first gift to him is a rubber duck.
"The duck is wearing a crown so it made me think of you and I just thought it was cute."
"I love it! What's its purpose?"
"Uh... to float around in the bathtub with you and look cute?"
"Isn't that what you're for?"
Diavolo loves the rubber duck so much it gets his own silk pillow to rest on when it's not taking a bath with Diavolo.
MC brings him cute pens, and keychains sometimes bottles of wine if the bottle is cute.
"The bottle is shaped like a cat! Isn't that delightful?!"
MC's proudest moment was when they found a full and intact tea set at the thrift store
Diavolo immediately fell in love with it.
He insists on only using that set when having tea with MC
But his favorite gift will always be the rubber duck.
He'll insist that he doesn't need any gifts but that won't stop the MC.
MC is with him in the kitchen in the Demon Lord's Palace when they get an idea.
Barbatos works so hard, he deserves some things to make his life easier and liven up the bland kitchen
MC's first gift is a vegetable spiralizer.
"You use it to turn zucchini and squash and the like into noodles so that you can do fun stuff with vegetables!"
Barbatos accepts it graciously, but he'll probably never use it.
MC brings him spices from the mortal realm and Barbatos actually really loves those.
When MC brings him a food processor, he offers to cook for them right then and there
Despite all the weird gadgets MC ends up bringing him, and there are plenty out there, Barbatos's favorite is a ladle that looks like a stegosaurus.
It's far more whimsical than anything he would've ever picked out, and he'll never use it, but only because he's afraid of ruining it, not because he doesn't love it.
At some point, Barbatos does ask MC to stop bringing him kitchen gadgets
"Why? Do you not like them?" MC asks with a pout.
"I appreciate all of them, but I have everything I need when you're in the kitchen with me."
If MC wasn't already in love with him they are now
Smooth bastard just doesn't want anymore shit in his kitchen
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iamknicole · 2 years
First Trip
Family Ties AU
Ardian, Haleigh and Mason made the two and a half hour drive to Siesta Key from Orlando together. Haleigh had made the choice to leave at 5am and let Mason stay up late than usual so he would sleep the whole way there. Her family and friends had gotten to the house the night before so they were all waiting on their arrival. Thankfully, they were able to have adult conversation with interruptions since he slept the entire ride and Haleigh was able to give Ardian the rundown of her family that would be there.
It was approaching 8:30 am when they pulled up to the house. Haleigh smiled seeing everyone's cars parked.
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Ardian pulled into the driveway then killed the engine and looked over at Haleigh.
"I was about to ask you if you were excited buuut," he drug out laughing softly, "The smile on your face tells me you are."
"Yees, I am. Haven't seen my brother and cousins since Christmas. You ready?"
"That's a few months. But yeah I'm as ready as I'm gonna be. Want me to get lil man or you want me to get the bags?"
Haleigh thought for a second. "We can leave the bags for right now. I'll get Mason out."
Ardian nodded taking the keys out the ignition. He removed his seat belt and hopped out, jogging to Haleigh's side to open her door. He helped her out then opened the backdoor for her. She thanked him softly then gently got Mason out of his seat holding him tight. She bumped the door with her hip.
"Ready, Hae."
They went to the front door and as Koda had told her the door was unlocked. As soon as they walked in they saw the men sitting on the sofa watching television.
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"Good morning yall," Haleigh greeted softly, "This is Ardian. Ardian, starting with the big one on the end, my big brother Koda, my cousin Milo, my cousin Eli. Nicey's boyfriend Luke and Morgan's boyfriend Elijah."
"Morgan told me your ass had a boyfriend. I ain't believe it!" Elijah laughed. "What's up man?"
Luke laughed, "Shit, neither did I. And I knew it wasn't you know who cause Nicey said she liked em."
Ardian nodded. "What's up? Nice to meet yall. Hae talks about yall a lot."
"What's up man? Uuh ... Lil cuz, you ain't tell us you had a boyfriend. Or that you was bringing him." Eli said staring at Haleigh.
"Technically I did tell yall that he was coming. I said I'm bringing someone. I wanted it to be a surprise," she smiled. "Be nice or I'm telling."
Milo offered Ardian a smile. "Nice to meet you man. If Hae like you then we like you. Right Ko?" Milo hit his cousin's chest, who was sitting silently watching.
"Right but we gotta get to know you. It's only right. You dating my baby sister."
Ardian scratched the back of his neck. "That's fine with me. I don't mind."
Eli shrugged a little chuckling, "I don't think he was asking you man. But thanks for that."
Haleigh offered Ardian a smile before bouncing Mason in her arms a little to wake him up. "Yall just ignoring your nephew. Any other time yall are fighting over who's gonna get him first. Bad uncles. Mason, baby, time to wake up."
It was as if a light bulb went off in their heads and they got up fighting over who was going to get him first. As usual, Koda got him first, tickling him a bit to wake him up. Mason's eyes opened slowly and a smile spread across his face.
"Uncle Koko! Me miss you!"
Koda grinned kissing his head, "Yeah? I miss you too, Mase."
Mason squeezed him tight then started to speak to his other uncles. Haleigh grabbed Ardian's hand.
"Come on. I'll introduce you to the ladies. You okay?"
Ardian followed closely behind her. "Yeah I'm okay. I'm good."
"Wait! Wait! Mr. Ardi, you leabing?"
Ardian turned back around smiling. "Of course not, lil man. I'm just gonna go with Mommy for a second."
"Otay! Me gonna play wif me uncles but don't leab!"
"I'm not," he laughed, "I promise."
Sucking her teeth, Haleigh pulled him along to the kitchen mumbling playfully under her breath. If she didn't do anything else on this trip she was gonna get and keep Ardian's attention.
"Ooooh it smell good in here! Yall in here coming for me?" Haleigh called out a they entered the kitchen.
They all came over to hug her and talk to her until they realized someone else was standing there. Nola raised a brow.
"Uuuuh who's that man, Hae?"
Tia smiled nudging her little sister in law. "Yes, who is he?"
Haleigh laughed softly. "He's the someone I told yall I was bringing."
"Well introduce us ... come on," Chenice laughed.
Haleigh grabbed his hand and pulled him closer to her. She smiled up at him briefly, he winked in return. "This is Ardian. Ardian, starting with curly, that's my sister in law Tia she's married to Koko, that's Nola she's Eli's girlfriend, Aunni and Mercedes they're Milo's girlfriends and you remember my best friends Morgan and Chenice from that night you came over."
Nola raised a brow smiling, "Night up came over? Having sleepovers and no one told us?"
Ardian chuckled hugging them all. "It wasn't a sleepover. I left at like 1 in the morning."
Haleigh laughed. "It was 2. I remember cause you said you had to be at work in 6 hours at 8."
Chenice and Morgan shared looks smirking at each other.
"Hmm might as well call it a sleepover," Tia shrugged playfully, "So um you two are a thing?"
Ardian looked Haleigh up and down as he spoke. "Trying to be. We're getting there. But it's nice to meet you ladies. Mason and Hae talked a lot about you."
Aunni chuckled, "And now she has to talk a lot about you to us."
Mercedes nodded in agreement. "Yes but after we go see our nephew. I missed that cute lil face."
The women left the kitchen calling for their nephew. Haleigh turned to Ardian holding on to the side of his shirt and stared up at him.
"Trying to be, huh? You wanna be my man, Ardian?"
Ardian blushed a little but nodded. "I am. And I do. But I'll wait on you, no pressure."
"Oh there's pressure but good pressure."
Taking a risk with her family in the next room, Ardian bent down to kiss her. Their lips lingered on one another's until they heard cooing. They pulled away laughing.
"Nicey, what? What do you want?" Haleigh asked still laughing.
"Nothing, nothing!" She smiled. "Just watching you two be all cute! Whenever you two are finish though, Koda and Tia wants to show you two to your room!"
Ardian waited for her to walk away to turn to Haleigh. "Is she always that loud? I feel like no one should be able to be that loud."
"You think that's something ... you should meet her mom, Auntie and grandma. But that's Nicey ... you'll get used to it," Haleigh shrugged playfully.
After they talked a little more, Koda gave them a tour of the house. He showed them the game room, the large den, the upstairs deck, the pool and patio, Mason's room and then theirs. He closed and locked the door once they were inside.
"Uuh, Koko, what are you doing?" Haleigh asked laughing a little.
"Just wanted to talk without any interruptions. That cool?" Both Ardian and Haleigh nodded. "Good. If you're happy and good with this then so am I. Ardian, I don't know you yet but I plan on it because it seems to me you're gonna be around for a while. Scrappy don't let us meet people unless she plans on keeping them."
"Scrappy?" Ardian asked genuinely confused.
Haleigh raised her hand smiling. "That's me."
Koda chuckled glancing at his sister. "That's what I call her. She's my baby. I've already trusted her with somebody that was my friend and that didn't go well. I'm trusting her with you, please don't make me regret it. Yeah?"
Ardian swallowed nervously but nodded anyway.
"Yeah, I got it. I'll take care of her for a long as she'll have me when and if we do decide to be together."
Koda laughed loudly smacking him on his back. "That's funny! You actually think you get to make that decision, lil uce. I don't know if you realized it or not yet but Scrappy is spoiled as hell by us all. Once she decides something or in this case someone is hers that's it."
Ardian rolled his shoulders frowning at the pain. His mind started to process what Koda had said and he was not sure how he felt.
Haleigh laughed seeing the look on Ardian's face. "Get out, Koko! You're scaring and hurting him! You know you heavy handed like Daddy!"
Koda laughed harder. "My bad, my bad. But ima leave yall to it. I don't care what yall do in here but I don't wanna hear it."
"Bye, Koko! Bye!"
Koda unlocked and opened the door. He stated to step out them came back in. "Oh and i didn't forget either. You're not Mommy, you're Haleigh. Do what you want. Go where you want. Sleep if you want."
With that, he closed the door.
Haleigh watched Ardian. "If it's too much, you can go back home, Ardian. I won't be upset."
"No ... no. I'm good. I promise. Why is he so damn heavy handed?'
She shrugged. "Genetics, I guess. Come sit."
"What's up?" He asked going to sit beside her on the bed.
"You okay with sleeping with me? I mean in the bed with me."
"I know what you meant," he chuckled, "And yes I'm okay with it. Are you?"
"I am. You told me that you sleep naked, I promise to only look twice," she laughed.
He threw his head back laughing. "Of course you remember that. Don't be tryna sneak extra peeks either."
Haleigh shrugged playfully, "No promises. I'll step out so you can call your mom and them. I know you want to."
Grinning Ardian leaned over to kiss her cheek and thank her then pulled out his phone. She left the room, going back up to the front of the house to talk to her family. Mainly the names to make sure they know to not threaten him and keep Koda from hitting him so much.
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Late Night Walks and Christmas Lights
((( Thank you @tinyboop for the ideas!!! Sorry it took 84 years to write it!!!! Love youuuuu!! Also, so sorry this isn't under a read more, on mobile. If i can go in on desktop and add one i will... if i remember! <3 )))
It was almost Christmas. The buildings in the city had been decorating all month. Office buildings leaving lights on in the shapes of trees and snowmen and stars, the smaller buildings had been decked out with lights and little trees of their own. The wind had begun to bite, and the weather man was calling for their first snow this weekend.
Bucky hadn't really done Christmas in awhile. "Awhile" being lenient. He hadn't done Christmas in almost 70 years. And he knew that he'd stared when he went out to shop with Sam. Sam had offered to help him with his Christmas shopping, because Sam was nice like that... and also very good at Christmas shopping.
But Bucky had been staring, at the lights, and the trees, and all the tinsle and gifts and toy sets. Everything was so different now. So big. So in your face and everywhere. It was overwhelming. Sam had swooped in right as Bucky's hands had begun to shake, right on time. Like always.
He'd guilded him through shop after shop, grounding him with a steady hand on his elbow when needed, or a hand placed to the small of Bucky's back. Bucky wasn't sure if Sam realized he was doing that, but he wasn't going to say anything that might make him stop. He'd helped him around the shops and they managed to get most of the gifts they needed.
They'd headed back to their apartment, they'd been living together for almost a year. Neither of them enjoying the hustle and bustle of so many bodies under one roof. Sam had offered to look for places, and Bucky, ever the talkative one, had nodded. Sam had found them a nice place in queens rather quickly. Suspiciously quickly. Bucky didn't mention it. They'd hid their gifts and moved on. Waiting to wrap them til closer to Christmas.
Bucky woke to Sam screaming.
In all honesty,  he hadn't been sleeping. Sam screams at the same time every night, every time it happens, Bucky had begun waking a few minutes before, naturally,  and would wait a few moments after, for the silence or the screaming. If there was silence, he'd drift back to sleep, happy that Sam was getting a goodnights sleep. If there were screams, well, it was different every time, but Bucky always tried to help. And Sam, Sam had actually begun to let him.
Bucky pulls on a pair of black sweats and his blue henley, shoves his feet into his boots and gets up, rubbing at his eyes as he walks down the hall to Sam's room. The screaming has stopped now, Bucky can hear Sam breathing heavily through his bedroom door. Awake then. He knocks twice, the sharp rap of his knuckle.
"Get dressed and meet me in the kitchen." Bucky says, not an order, not a request, something in-between, something that they both understand, however unspoken. Bucky waits by the table. Not five minutes later Sam stumbles into the room, his own boots loose on his feet as he yanks his shirt down over his head.
"Is it far?" Sam asks, his voice low and hoarse, either from screaming or from sleep. Bucky doesn't ask.
"Not too far. But it's cold." Bucky says, a small smile tugging at his lips when Sam groans but follows him to door, accepting the coat Bucky offers with a nod.
Bucky hadn't lied, it wasn't far. Just around the corner. But it had started snowing earlier in the night, the streets and cars all covered in a thin white sheet of sparkling flakes, and the cold air made the walk seem like miles.
Sam pressed into Bucky's side as they walked. Huddling for warmth, Bucky told himself, and he was grateful. He pulled the door of their destination open, Sam gave him a look, Bucky waved him inside and followed him into the warmth under the florescents inside.
"A gas station." Sam said, voice lacking any emotion.
"Yep." Bucky nodded.
"You brought me, to a gas station.  In the freezing cold. At 4 in the morning. " the lack of emotion was mostly for effect now, Bucky could see his lips twitching.
"Not just a gas station." Bucky said, walking toward the back of the small store, keeping his eyes on Sam.
"A gas station, with icees." He pointed his finger over his shoulder, Sam had been following him down the aisle he'd chosen.
"Icees." Sam echoed, voice dull.  Bucky nodded.
"Buck it's fuckin snowing outside and you brought me hear get an icee?" His hands were on his hips now, eyes incredulous.
Bucky stopped. He looked out the window. It was snowing. And he guessed most people probably wanted warm drinks in the winter. He hadn't really thought it through. He raked his eyes over the shop, looking for some way to recover.
"They have coffee too." He offered lamely, with a shrug. Sam stared at him, hands on his hips, not moving, for what seemed like ages. And then his body seemed to melt,  his face soften, arms dropped.  He smiled, wide and bright, and strode toward Bucky.
"I'm just fuckin with ya. Thanks Buck." He patted Bucky's chest as he walked past him to the drink machines. He began filling a cup with the cherry icee, the bright red reached about a quarter of the way up and he switched to coke. He went back and forth, layer by layer, til the cup was full. He popped his straw into the cup and took a sip, smiling around the bright red straw perched between his lips, motioning with his head for Bucky to get his.
Bucky grabbed a cup and started with cherry as well, but he layered his with blue raspberry before popping his staw in. He took too big gulps and then stopped, his eyes falling on Sam, who was staring at his mouth. Bucky involuntary let his lips part, his straw catching on his teeth. Sam gulped and licked his lips before shaking his head and looking away.
"They got anything else in here worth checkin out?" He asked as he walked away from Bucky up a different aisle, his eyes down.
"They uh..." he trailed off, mind wandering. He cleared his throat and tried again.
"They have a pretty good candy selection." Bucky said, finding himself again and pointing to the giant wall of candy behind Sam. Sam's eyes lit up when he spun around to look, Bucky smiled at his feet as he trailed behind him.
Sam kept them in the small gas station for almost two hours, looking at everything from drinks to novelty lighters. Sam bought one for both of them, so 'they could stay warm on the walk home'. Bucky had no problem staying warm on the way home, Sam pressed against him again and he could feel himself flushing from cheeks to toes.
They walked up the steps to their door and Bucky stopped, his hand on Sam's arm, staring at the door. Or rather the light shining underneath it.
"We didn't leave a light on." Bucky whispered. Sam covered Bucky's hand with his own and gave it a gentle squeeze.
"I know. But it's okay. Go on." He nodded toward the door and let Bucky walk in front of him.
He turned the knob. Pushed the door open, and felt his heart skip a beat. There were Christmas lights strug on the walls. White ones. Everything was a glowing white. There was garland draped around the kitchen. And in the corner of the room stood a tree. Dazzling in white lights, covered in bulbs of all different colors. Sam pressed into his side again, slowly, looking at him. Bucky knew he was trying to gage his reaction.
"How did you-"
"Did we do okay?" A small voice asked, Bucky knew that voice. He looked down the hall to see Peter's head poking out of Sam's room, his hair sleep tussled, baggy pajama shirt nearly falling off his shoulder.
"I think we did great for such short notice. Personally." Aunt May's head popped out right above her nephews, her hand resting on his shoulder as he smiled up at her, and then both of them, in synch, turned to smile at Sam and Bucky.
"You did great. Thanks." Sam said with a nod. Bucky turned to him and stared.
"What?" Sam asked, having the audacity to sound confused.
"How did you do this?" Bucky asked, staring at Sam and ignoring the muttering from down the hall, hearing a distinct "how did HE do this?", before managing to shut them out.
"Oh we've been planning this for awhile. I texted them when we got to the gas station." Sam said, like it was just that simple. Bucky could hear Peter and Aunt May gathering their things somewhere far behind him.
"It was 4 in the morning. Why didn't you just... wait til i got sent on a mission or something?" He wiped his palms on his thighs,  he could feel that flush creeping up on him again.
"It wouldn't havs been as surprising then." Sam shrugged. Bucky thought he might collapse right there. He didn't know what to say. Or how to say it.
"You two boys have a wonderful Christmas." Aunt May butted in, pulling them both in for a hug, side by side, kissing their cheeks.
"Now. There's two presents under that tree, one from me, and one from Peter. You're not to open them til Christmas." She pointed at them, giving them a stern look. She screwed her face up and seemed to change her mind.
"Or at least Christmas Eve." She smiled brightly, pulled them into another hug and then released them. Peter pounced on them not even seconds later.
"Aww Merry Christmas guys! I hope you like your gifts! Mine's better than Aunt May's but hers is really good too, we're super good at gift giving you're gonna love them! Aahh i wish you could just open them now so we could see your faces!!!" He was practically bouncing up and down. Aunt May detached her nephew and apologized.
"Sorry guys! It was so early when you texted so i made coffee and i made it waaaayyy too strong and it's kinda just now kicking in. Ultimately unfortunate but actually kind of okay cuz now i have the energy to do the rest of my shopping today! So thanks i guess! Bye! Merry Christmas!!" He waved as he walked backwards out the door, they heard him slide down the banister on the stairs and land perfectly.
"Nailed it!" His disembodied voiced called from the hall. Aunt May laughed, a happy, bubbly sound, and then her smile softened. She looked at them for a moment, her hand on the door knob.
"Really though. I hope your Christmas is wonderful you two." She closed the door a smidge and then popped back in.
"Oh! And before i forget, Peter left you a little something extra, for holiday cheer." She pointed toward the ceiling, grinning at them as she pulled the door shut.
Bucky looked at Sam.
Sam looked at Bucky.
Then they both looked to the ceiling together.
Above their heads. Stuck to the ceiling with webbing that was sparkling in the twinkling lights, was a small sprig of mistletoe.
Bucky felt his knees wobble, his eyes falling back to Sam, who was still staring at the ceiling. He looked so beautiful, his skin was practically glowing in the low light of the Christmas decorations. Sam finally lowered his gaze back to Bucky, eyes moving over his face, jumping between his eyes and his mouth in quick succession.
"Ya know. I might be in trouble." Sam said, voice low, his breath ghosting over Bucky's skin, making him shiver.
"What? Why?" His brain was malfunctioning, he could feel it. He was sure soon enough there'd be smoke coming out of his ears.
"Cuz i think Spiderboy might be much better at this Christmas thing than me." He was whispering now, and was he getting closer? Was it hot in here? Bucky was sure it hadn't been this hot a moment ago.
"I thou-" Bucky cleared his throat, his attempt at a whisper being more of a croak.
"I thought you were the best?" Bucky breathed. Sam's hand moved to Bucky's cheek, his thumb moving in a slow, warm, line across his cheekbone.
"He's better." It was less a whisper than a breath, breathed between them like a secret, before Sam closed the distance. His lips were warm, hot almost. They seemed to burn Bucky in the most delicious way. He grabbed at Sam's hips and pulled him closer, flush against him, moaning softly as Sam's tongue brushed his lips.
Sam pulled back first, not far, his head resting agaisnt Bucky's as they stood leaning into each other. He smiled at the small sound of disagreement Bucky made. Bucky's eyes were still closed but he could feel Sam nodding slowly.
"Yeah. He's way better."
Bucky opened his mouth, intending to agree but never getting the chance. Sam dove back in, pressing himself into Bucky until all he could feel was Sam. All he knew was Sam. His whole world was Sam. Sam, holding him tightly. Sam, kissing him deeply. Sam, pulling him closer in the glow of the dazzling Christmas lights.
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evien-stark · 4 years
✧I Need You✧ Chapter 113
Children were amazing, you realized later that evening after returning home from a late meeting. You wished you had Harley’s aptitude for simply, straight up, ignoring his problems. Namely that he’d thrown a giant tantrum (whether or not it had become understandable), had been rude to you (again, even though you understood it), and had caused a scene. It was remarkable, really, how quickly he seemed to forget. Like it had just never happened. Because he gave you a half-hearted greeting, glued to his video games, when you came in. 
Tony was making something for dinner. ...and you had to immediately stow thoughts that domestic boyfriend was a very good look on him. ...domestic… husband… did you dare? 
No. Now was not the time. You were getting sucked into this life. Having a child nearby. Fighting with but sort of growing used to his presence. Teaching him. Helping him grow. Waking up in the morning for a family breakfast. Working. Coming home for a family dinner…
It was scrambling your brains. And it had to stop. But, at the same time… it was making you realize how much you may have yearned for a life. If you could even imagine such things. A normal life. A home. A family. Would you ever be able to actually have such things? A recurring question. You knew the only reason Tony was being so attentive at home, in the kitchen was because he was following Harley around and trying to maintain a schedule. If not for that, he’d probably still be in the lab. ...but that only made your ache for some normality grow. 
After slipping off your heels and changing into something more comfortable, and in the middle of telling yourself to shut up about all of this, you came back into the kitchen, stealing a chopped piece of pepper from a bowl on the counter. “I think I have a plan.” Murmuring softly, as you laid your head on his shoulder. 
He was in the middle of what looked like sauteing some chicken and onions. “Always good.” 
“WHiH is following me around.” 
“You don’t say. Must be a day that ends in Y.” Hearing the roll of his eyes just by his tone. 
“They stopped, for a while, when I told Christine off. But suddenly they reappeared. Just like a little someone else who suddenly showed up.” 
Setting down his spoon he cast an uneasy glance down at you. “...they saw the kid.” 
To this you gave a nod. “I shouldn’t have stopped for that Stern question, that’s my fault.” Because that had to have been when it happened. You’d gotten greedy for good and petty press. And now… “But I think we can use them. ...and him.” 
Turning the burner off, he turned and settled a hand on his hip. “I’m listening.”
“I think we should go public with the internship program- and its pilot initiative. We can’t charge down to Tennessee and just remove the guy from the property- especially not now that the press is picking up on who Harley is.” What a mess that would make. Too many connecting threads now. “But if we bait his dad here…” 
Tony considered it, head tilting to the side. Thinking. “How can you be sure he’ll turn up?” A fantastic question, considering your idea here was to shove the kid out into the limelight whether he liked it or not. And if you couldn’t be certain his shitty father would come, it would be a waste of time. And it might have even hurt Harley. 
Not the most ideal outcome. “You said the guy suddenly came back after years of being gone- coincidentally after you revamped Harley’s garage with tech- that his dad then sold. Don’t you think that greed would manifest harder if he saw Team Stark parading his kid around?” 
His brows lifted and then just as quickly scrunched, lifting a hand to his chin for just a moment. “Sure. It’s a good plan- in theory. What’s your backup?” 
“Taking suggestions.” Giving him just a little bit of a dead-eyed stare. You were tired and now had sort of thought yourself into a melancholy over this fake glossy family life that a deep part of you knew you’d never have. 
A quiet sigh left him. “So. You don’t want the kid to know.” 
To this you gave a shake of your head. “Better he doesn’t know we’re using him- even if it’s to help him.” 
“So then how are you gonna get him to go along with it?” 
Reaching up you laid your hand over his heart with a little pat, leaning up to press a kiss to his cheek. “Don’t worry about that. You know me.” Smiling up at him then. “I’ve just got a way about me.” 
His warm grin was charming as ever. “Always have.” 
The following afternoon, after having picked out your dress with Pepper for Friday, you then left on your own to meet up with Tony and Harley at your usual tailored suit shop. Having it closed to the public (the part of the public that actually went in a shop like that) was probably not the smartest. It would draw eyes. But all the better to set up some prime circumstances for media intervention… and let them do the work for you. 
You both were also running short on time. And he just simply could not be caught dead in a suit that he’d already worn once. He also had to match. There were rules to these engagements, after all. 
Harley was sat in one of the resting chairs, playing his handheld game and occasionally sneaking cookies from the little snack tray on the coffee table in front of him, while you had Tony up on the little dressing dais. You’d settled on black flared suit slacks and that was about all. And you weren’t even decided on that, really. You had a black double-breasted suit jacket that you’d had him try on a few times now… sort of attached to it. But. Something was missing. 
Black button up shirt was a must- and you were thinking now- as you tied the third bow tie, dark red was definitely the choice. It matched with the theme of a Valentine’s gala, after all- and your dress, which was really the most important thing. “This one, I think…” Giving it a little tug and then standing back, hand to your chin with your other arm crossed. 
Harley groaned. “This is boring.” 
Tony half turned to him, small little grin in place. “You have no idea what you’re talking about. I’m having a blast.” He gave his freshly tied bow a little double tug on its corners and shook out the arms of his suit jacket. “Are we getting close, honey?” 
Breathing out a sigh, you undid the buttons on his jacket, smoothing your hands up his stomach and to his chest- perhaps touch too suggestively… unable to help yourself. “I think we need a waistcoat… and-...” Squinting at him with a step back to try and get a full picture. When the light bulb hit you turned. “Hey, Estie-” Your tried and true adviser on all things fashion. When she looked up from the fabric rack, “I know it’s short notice- do you think we can do the inside a wine color? And get a matching waistcoat… maybe with some black silk inlays?” 
After taking a moment to envision such a thing, framing her pointer and thumb on both hands, she then clapped them together. “Oh! I think that’ll look absolutely divine.” Coming over she snapped her fingers at Tony to get him to take the jacket off. “Let me do a quick mock up. Let’s see where we are.” 
Once Tony shrugged himself out of it and handed it over, he took a seat next to Harley. You weren’t entirely ready to call it quits, though, so you turned your back on them to look over the fabrics they had on display. One of them would be lovingly paired with the inside of his jacket, and the other would be used for his vest. Harley was not yet done complaining, though. “What’s the point of all this, anyway? You guys have like a million clothes. I’ve seen your closet.” 
While perhaps it would have been a good idea to ask why he had been inside of your closet (huge and outlandish though it was…), instead you took the opportunity where you saw it. Still searching with your back turned to them you answered, “These things are very delicate affairs. If you don’t look a certain way, papers will talk about it for months. It’s annoying. Just easier to do it right the first time and be done with it.” 
“What is it- it’s some stupid dance party, right?” 
Tony answered. “It is a charity gala, where the elite give up their Valentine’s day to prove that they’re good people. Cavorting with one another while spending a small fortune to help those with less fortune.” 
Your smile was hidden with your back still turned. “It’s terrible. We hate these things. They’re boring.” Perhaps not so subtly mocking him.
You sensed the flicker of his attention. “So why go then?” Before you could answer he quickly rebuffed, “-to any of them- I know you said this one you’re showing off at.” 
Raising a pointer finger you corrected him, “Showing up someone. Not showing off.” 
Even though you weren’t looking at him, you heard Harley shift around to gesture at probably everything around him. “Right. ‘Cuz this isn’t showing off.” 
Tony’s tiny breathy laughter really threatened to break you. The kid was a smartass, but he was smart. Buying out a long block of time in an impossibly expensive shop and having them do an entire suit in two days just to wear for one night… he had a point. “This all has a purpose. Before we can even get into the event, we’ll have to walk a long red carpet…” 
“Wouldn’t you know it.” Tony followed up and you could hear his continued grinning. “Showing off.” 
“Trust me.” Said with a sigh as you tugged a very dark shade of red off the rolling rack. “You’re lucky you don’t have to go.” Going over to Estie after making this purposefully vexed remark- 
Ignoring Harley’s sudden but quiet protests to Tony as you and Estie chatted about his wardrobe. But when Harley pointedly spoke up to get your attention- “They can’t be that bad.” Trying to bait you- Not realizing you were the one doing the baiting. You put the back of your hand on your hip to give him a little annoyed look. “Worse than you could ever imagine. I assure you.” 
“You guys fight monsters for a living and you can’t handle one night talking to other adults you don’t like?” Seemingly very unimpressed and underwhelmed by the two of you so suddenly. Kids thought they were so smart, didn’t they? 
“Consider it handled. We’re going, aren’t we?” Waving him off almost rudely as you turned back to talk with your designer. 
Feeling suddenly very annoyed that you’d dismissed him in such a way, he started barking at Tony. “She’s overreacting. I bet it’s not that bad.” Saying the same thing to him, just in case there was a chance he hadn’t heard it. Or maybe that he’d side with him. 
“Count your blessings, kid. You get another night of juice filled debauchery on my couch instead.” 
“Well what if I wanted to go?” 
Quickly (and purposefully) turning again you gave a stern warning, “Out of the question.” 
“Kid,” Tony warned him suddenly. “You’re barking up the wrong tree.” 
He stood, eyeing you up. “Why can’t I? I’m already here. So what? I wanna see what’s so bad about it.” Imagining he’d get one-up on you when the event wasn’t as terrible as the dumb adults were making it out to be with their whining. 
Pretending to square up with him, accepting his little staring match, and then sizing him up, you narrowed your eyes. “You really don’t know what you’re talking about.” 
Tony reached up to tug on the back of his sweater. “Really, kid, come sit down before you regret this.” 
Harley just shrugged him off. “You guys all act like the smallest things are the end of the world. It’s just a dumb party. I wanna see it.” You sensed that some of this upset was a little misdirected. But that was fine. It was working to your advantage. 
Taking your time making him sweat out your waiting, still going strong as you looked at him without blinking- it took you a full minute before breaking to turn to Estie. “What do you think? Can you get something together in his size?” 
She clapped her hands together. “Absolutely!” Then rounding her sewing table, she waved her hands at him. “Go go- on the dais- put your arms out-” Reaching into her apron to grab her measuring tape. “You’re going to be the handsomest little man at the ball, I guarantee it!”
Very quickly he paled. “Wait- I don’t wanna-” 
Tony grinned, patting his back with a little push. “Can’t say I didn’t warn you.” 
The planted paparazzi on the sidewalk were easy enough for Happy to deal with as the three of you got back in the car after your much longer than anticipated fitting. Harley was pretty annoyed but luckily, his happiness that he’d talked the two dumb adults into doing a thing he didn’t really want to do was winning out. You also happened to notice, as the car was pulling away, that a WHiH reporter, the same one from Tuesday evening, had been out front taking shots- which was good. Because that’s the reason you’d posted a crowd out front in the first place. 
...but come Friday evening, the fact that they had yet to put out a story about the mysterious kid that had shown up at Stark Industries and was now being chaperoned around by Team Stark made you nervous. They hadn’t accosted you on the sidewalk either, as they were known to do. They were clearly following on the story, so what were they waiting for? It wasn’t like they had any journalistic integrity. It wasn’t like they were checking sources… right? They never cared about that sort of thing before, if Christine Everhart’s methods were anything to go by. 
But their station was silent. What were they doing? 
Other news outlets (the shadier ones, at that) had started speculating, as you had hoped they would. But you’d really been counting on WHiH to try and blast the both of you with a story over it. To reach out to Harley’s parents for comment and set the whole scheme in motion. Without them… it was just a good thing you had a backup to the setup of plan A. Still no word on plan B, though… 
“All finished.” Your stylist chirping broke you out of your thoughts, finally looking past your mental fog to see yourself in the mirror. 
She’d done exactly what you’d asked her to. A soft romantic glowy look for the evening, hair done loosely, and a touch of heart and stars glitter across your eyes and temples to match the rest of your makeup. “Thanks. It’s perfect.” Reaching into your purse, gently nudging aside the Heart Reactor glowing faintly at the bottom of your bag, you retrieved a hefty tip for her. “Don’t let Tony bother you on the way out.” 
Grinning, she took her extra earnings and pocketed them quickly. “Never. By the way, cute kid.” 
A snort escaped you before you could help yourself. “Don’t stay long enough to hear him talk. You’ll change your mind very quickly.” 
Knowing better than to ask questions, she just serviced your joke with a giggle and then excused herself to be on her way. Once the door was shut you put on your entirely too-high heels with their too-high straps criss-crossing up to the knee. Fitting of your entirely too-much dress. An off the shoulder black into red ombre flowy piece with a long slit up the side, open diamond panel exposing your back, and long puffy black-sheer sleeves with the same ombre coloring tapering down. You finished off the look with a pair of chandelier heart earrings (ones that went with the cuffs you always wore) and the most important piece… 
That bejeweled heart necklace with the black metal shards lining the sides. You double and then triple checked yourself in the mirror and then grabbed your black faux fur stole and purse and headed into the living room. Though the elegant click of your heels signaled your arrival, the boys were caught up in talking about something- techy sounding- so you cleared your throat. “Are we ready to go?” 
You couldn’t help but mirror the admiring going on, as Tony turned to look at you. He looked terribly handsome, as always (thanks to you, too). But it was the dopey smile that emerged on his lips, the light of his eyes, the gentle lift of his brows. He could see you dress up a million times for a million different events, but it was always like he was seeing you for the first time all over again. “Yeah-” Clearing his throat right back at you, tugging on the sleeves of his jacket. “Yes, honey. Car’s waiting.” 
Stealing closer, you laid a hand on his chest and leaned up to press a soft kiss to the apple of his cheek. “Good.” 
His hand came over your hip, reluctant to let you go. “You look… uh- ...fantastic. You look fantastic.” Serving the word with a click of his tongue, when he finally remembered how to speak. Like he still couldn’t quite believe his luck. 
“So do you.” A little tip of your head, a pat to his chest. 
It was Harley, all too familiarly giving the both of you a little nudge. “Can we go?” He was nervous, though trying bravely to bury it. 
Turning to him you offered a sweet smile. “You clean up very nice. ...are we sure about the hat, though?” He was wearing a smaller version of Tony’s suit- although with a regular suit jacket instead of going with the double-breasted. He had insisted on a black fedora for the evening. Something you really wished Tony would have talked him out of. 
Putting his hands on both sides of the brim he readjusted it. “Yes.” Growling just a little. “Come on. Aren’t we late?” 
Tony readjusted his bow tie and then held his arm out for you, waiting until you’d slipped yours around him to speak. “First rule of invitational parties, kid. They don’t officially start until we show up.” 
As the three of you walked to the elevator he huffed and then grinned up at the two of you. “I thought they didn’t know you were coming.” 
“They don’t.” Tony too quickly got caught in that trap- something that had you raising your hand to hide a smile. What a pair, these two. To your sudden giggles he rolled his eyes, ushering you into the elevator. “Whose side are you on?” 
You gave him another small but consolatory pat on over the heart. “Yours, dear. Of course. Always. ...but he does have a point.” Tony made no great effort to hide the fondness of his smile accompanied with the roll of his eyes. “Yeah, yeah…” 
Just outside the venue, you took a look up the long red-carpeted stairs- and all the reporters and cameras lining the sides. Barred off, as per usual, but… these things were never easy. You just pretended they were. Tried to make everything look smooth and elegant. Tony slipped on a pair of his tinted sunglasses. Red, of course, for the occasion. 
Everyone had taken very sudden notice of the Stark car that was now on the sidewalk and were subsequently getting a little crazy. Turning, you put a firm hand on Harley’s shoulder. It spooked him immediately. “We’re going to have to stop to answer a few questions. And pose for a few pictures.” 
He pouted. “Do I have to talk?” Whining, just a little. Like he’d just realized what a mess he’d gotten himself into. 
Tony reached into his jacket. “Let us do all the talking.” Pulling out a smaller pair of slightly more heavily tinted lenses, he handed them over. “Otherwise just follow our lead. You’ll do great.” With that quick little powwow, he signaled Happy to open the door. Once out, he held his hand for you, and you ever so gracefully let yourself out of the car. Flashbulbs were going off a million miles a minute, calls of your name were getting deafening-
But it was nothing compared to when you stepped aside and a young boy stepped out in front of the three of you. After that, the screams for attention became practically wild. You thanked Happy for the ride in before allowing Harley to take up the front- just barely. For all his courage, and he was putting on a very brave front, he seemed to want to stay very close. This was good, though. That’s what you and Tony wanted, too. 
It made it easier to pose for pictures, which the three of you did. You and Tony were quite used to mugging for the camera by now. You were just grateful Harley was a little too shell-shocked by all the attention to do any actual posing. He just kept his hands in his pockets. And, you were sure, was grateful for his new pair of sunglasses. 
The first designated question of the night was a breeze- “We heard reports that you two weren’t coming tonight. What changed your minds?” Something you easily answered. “A small error that we’re glad to rectify- we’re here, after all, aren’t we? We’d never pass up an opportunity to give to a good cause.” 
Then of course came the usual who are you wearing. Trite. Meaningless stuff. It was one of the reporters near the front of the stairs who nudged the security ropes to test her luck. “Who have you brought with you this evening? He’s adorable! Did you two adopt while we weren’t looking??” Getting some of the other reporters to chuckle as they all listened in, microphones pointed your way. 
You settled a hand on his shoulder once more. “This is Harley. A bright young mind in our new Stark Industries Internship program. We’re in our initiation phase, but things are going quite well.” 
She held the microphone lower to him. “How do you feel about that, Harley? How are you doing?” 
Tony waved a hand in a circle, tuning attention back up to him, which the reporter heeded quickly. “Kid’s doing great. And ecstatic as you can imagine. After a week locked up in the lab we thought we’d give him some fresh air.” The crowd laughed at his joke, as they always did. Eager to be noticed. 
The reporter eyed Harley again, not taking the hint. “What do you think of the program so far? How are they treating you?” 
But this time you and Tony hung back, allowing him to answer, if he wanted. Harley crossed his arms. “Everything’s good. I guess.” “Are you learning a lot? Has this been a beneficial time for you?” 
“The lab exercises are fun. This is boring, though.” Trying to pretend he was above it all. 
At that the crowd really did laugh, and Tony drew their attention as he tipped Harley’s hat a little too far forward. “Seems like he’s learning a little too quickly. I’ll try to avoid handing him a scotch on the rocks. Good first lesson of dinner parties, if my dad taught me anything. Stay loose.” As the crowd broke into continued laughter, you waved off the press and took Tony by the arm again, nudging Harley to finish moving up the set of stairs and into the venue. 
Once inside you let one of the attendants take your stole, but purposefully held on to your purse. Not that anything at this gala needed to be paid for. But even with the, surely unnecessary, sensitive equipment inside, you didn’t want anyone else hanging on to it. As Tony slipped his glasses off and tucked them back into his inside jacket pocket, you noticed Harley mirroring him. 
Some couples were already enjoying the grand ballroom floor, some were sitting at tables eating, some were boozing at the open bar. But all eyes turned to your group as soon as you officially entered. Above the music you drew Harley’s attention. “That wasn’t so bad.” 
He shrugged. “I guess. What do we do now?” 
Tony put his arm around your waist. “Schmooze. Drink. Order whatever food you want. There’s a kid’s table full of rich brats who will look down their noses at you, if that’s your kind of thing.” 
You made a face. “Stay away from them.” Worried not only that they’d be mean to him (as all children were, especially those kinds), but worried even more that they wouldn’t. And would be just like their shitty parents. And try to get in good with him to use him. 
“Like I wanna hang out with them anyway.” Sounding entirely unenthused. 
Tony couldn’t seem to hold back a chuckle. “Now you’re getting the hang of it.” 
Spotting Mr. Smithfield himself- and he, you, with an excellent flash of shock and nervousness, you waved to him with an overly pleasant smile. Then you handed Tony your purse and gave him a pat on the arm. “Could you get me a drink, please? And find us a table. I’ll be back.” 
Harley seemed upset about the idea of your departure. “What are you doing?” 
But Tony put a hand on his shoulder and steered him towards the bar. “Her job. Don’t worry about her. She’s tougher than the both of us.” 
“Oh.” You could hear his grin then. “She’s gonna go make him look like shit.” 
Tony hung his head back with a very unimpressed look. “You teach him that?” 
“It must’ve slipped out.” Giving a very innocent shrug, and letting the sound of Harley’s delighted giggles keep your conscience clear. 
Halfway across the room Smithfield tried to find an exit, but you cut him off with a soft yet somehow steely grip on his arm. He turned to you, sweating. “It’s so nice to see you- I… I was sure your assistant told me you wouldn’t be here-” 
“I have no idea what you’re talking about.” You fancied the idea of smiling at him like a shark ready to strike. “We’re happy to come, of course. Just as I’m sure you’re happy to pocket seventy percent of the donations through your off shore shell account tonight, isn’t that right?” He tried to speak but you stopped him, curling your fingers. “We saw your newsletter about us. To all your wonderful donors here tonight. Would be a shame if Stark Industries released your earnings tomorrow morning in the same way. What header did you use? It was very lovely.” 
He’d gone practically white as a sheet at this point, eyes wide. Heart thumping. “A shame… it would be- that newsletter- you know- a miscommunication- sent out in error-” 
“I’m sure it was.” Holding on to him with that tough grip a few seconds longer, staring him down enough to make a point before finally letting him go with a little smooth of his jacket. “Well. In that case. I’m sure the percentage variable I saw was a miscommunication too, wasn’t it? You wouldn’t dream of spending Stark Industries’ charitable funds to line your pockets, would you?” 
“N-no… of course not…” 
“Good. We understand each other, then.” You gave him one more smooth of his shoulders. “The venue is beautiful. You did a wonderful job. Thanks for inviting us.” One last saccharine smile and then you turned on your heel. While you expected him to dart away- which he did immediately- it was that he still carried that sense of rampant anxiety with him all the way to the kitchen door that made you slightly hesitant. Usually these sorts of encounters ended with the person on the other end feeling some relief. 
And yet… 
“Excuse me, miss.” Tony’s warm voice got all of your other thoughts to surrender. As you turned to him, he offered you a half glass of wine, which you took gratefully. “If you’re done menacing the host…” Grinning at you. 
“All for a good cause, I assure you.” Teasingly, taking a sip after. Letting his laughter at your little joke warm you to your core. Looking over his shoulder, you arched your brow. “Where did you leave Harley?” 
“Got goo-goo-eye’d by a blonde at the bar.” 
“I mean, once upon a time. Seems like the exact sort of thing that I’d do.” Taking a pointed sip of his drink. But your continued stare broke him and he raised a hand. “Kid’s fine. He can handle himself. And she couldn’t have been more than twenty.” 
“That’s not funny, Tony.” 
“I disagree, I happen to think I’m hilarious.” Leaning over he set his now empty glass on a nearby table and pushed his finger at the bottom of your glass to get you to empty yours. “Really. He’s fine. She was probably … I’m not good with kid ages. Fourteen? Why not. He needs to live a little. Learn something.” 
Once your glass was finished you handed it to him and watched him dump it on the table next to his. “There’s no telling what these little gremlins will do to him.” 
“Nothing he can’t handle- like I said. He’s tough. And mouthy, in case you forgot.” He put an arm around your waist, drawing you away. “Anyway. We’re here. Let’s dance, shall we?” 
You allowed him to sweep you out onto the dance floor, where the sea of people parted for you as if you were royalty, as always. It was nice… to just pretend things were normal. To sway to overly romantic string music. Sliding your hands up his chest and laying your head on his shoulder as he held your hips carefully in his hands. One song bled into the next before you noticed. “How long are we staying here?” 
“You’re asking me?” His voice was warm and rumbly against your ear. “You know if it were up to me we’d be gone already. I think we made enough of an impression, don’t you?” 
While he did have a point… was that a good lesson to impart to Harley? Speaking of- you looked up and around, spying him sitting at a table with said young girl that Tony had let him wander off with. She was wearing his hat. And he looked very entranced. You couldn’t help a snort. “I thought all girls have cooties at that age.” 
Tony followed your line of sight and smiled once he saw the little scene. “Some girls just smile at you the right way and it’s all over after that.” As you locked eyes with him, and his smile prompted your own- even more so when he leaned in, nose brushing yours. “See- like that-” Being bold with the other bodies on the floor, rewarding you with a soft kiss. 
One you really would have liked to melt into. Except someone had stepped up very close to you very suddenly- someone full of that same panic. So much so that you broke from Tony with a murmur of a sound to see who it was- and then sharply inhaled when you felt something press deep into your back. 
“Let’s not make any mistakes here.” The voice was decidedly not Smithfield. And, from the way Tony was gauging your new guest, he didn’t know who it was either. 
He tried to turn you away. “Can I help you?” 
The man stepped closer in, holding your arm to keep you from moving fully. Just enough to show off. A hot flare of anger rose from Tony, but died quickly when you shook your head. Then his eyes fell- to presumably- from the feel- the gun being shoved into your spine. “Move. Now. Don’t make this a mess.” 
The two of you looked at each other, trying to figure out what the right move to make actually was. And you made the decision to step forward, so Tony fell in line. Ushered into the back kitchen- empty, not surprisingly. A few gunshots rang off in the main room and you heard a much bolder voice rise above the sudden screams. “Ladies and gentlemen, if you’d please-” 
Your abductor shoved you both aside, and raised the gun- trained on you- probably in an effort to keep Tony pinned. But not a smart move no matter which way it was looked at. The both of you still put your hands up, though. You couldn’t help but start in on the sass. The man had ruined your evening, after all. “What is this? Are you guys serious right now?” 
Though he was holding himself steady you still were tasting that terror. Drowning in it, almost. He was very frightened. “You weren’t supposed to be here.” 
At this your head lolled back. “Are you fucking kidding me right now- how much are you paying Smithfield?” You were going to kick that man’s ass to kingdom come for his involvement in this. 
In the other room you heard the direction- “Money in the bag- bleeding hearts of the world- jewelry, wallets, phones, I want it all!” 
“Petty thievery, really?” Tony was just as unimpressed. “You’re hijacking a charity event to steal from the rich? Robin Hood himself better be out there or-” 
He leveled the gun at Tony, “Just shut up!” 
Your mind started racing. How quick could you move- how quick could you disarm him? He wasn’t standing that far away, and he didn’t seem like he was ready to take both of you on. Shame your Reactor was in your purse- and seeing as Tony didn’t have it, who knew where it was regardless, now. If he fired on Tony, at this range, it would be lethal. You had to be very sure- 
The door to the kitchen opened just barely. “Time’s ticking. We’re rounding up for the speech. Bomb’ll go off in ten minutes. Hurry up back here.” 
“Bomb?!” The word ejected out of you and Tony simultaneously. 
“I’m almost finished!” Screeched so hard it nearly gave you a headache. The door pulled closed and his attention came back to you- thankfully- you weren’t as scared of having his gun pointed at you as you were Tony. ...Tony probably felt the same way. “Now- who goes first-” 
Tony sighed. “Is this your first time? Because, honestly, my villain bingo card is just about filled up.” 
“A real shame we’re missing the evil monologue in the other room. Might have gotten you all the way there.” Sassing a man with a gun pointed at both of you was probably a bad idea. But alas… how could either of you resist. 
“I said shut-” About to yell again when a little noise popped off just behind you. You thought for a second that security had come to save you- but were kind of mystified to see something bounce off his arm. “What-” 
But that was your open. Shifting back on one foot, you threw a half spin of momentum to stick one of your heels into his wrist with enough force to dislodge the weapon on the other side of the room. And then back on two feet, as Tony moved to grab the gun, you took a few quick steps, leading in with a punch to his gut that had him lurching forward. Which then made it easy for you to grab his arm and roll his whole weight forward in a twist to have him on his back. 
Your heel was at his throat after that. “Where’s the bomb?” 
He was already gurgling with the slight force you were using. “Ov- oven- it’s in the oven!” Finding a new threshold for that panic that had brought him to you. 
“I’m on it.” 
Looking up into the doorway you saw Harley just standing there- with some sort of half visor over his eye, (...remarkably familiar, actually…) it spooked you. Just a little, with a tiny start. “Harley-!” Then, glancing down to the … toy gun?- held in his trembling hands. “What is that?” 
He broke out of his daze, looking down and then shaking his head. “Why didn’t it work?” 
“Over here, kid.” Tony was on his hands and knees, pulling the bottom rack out of the oven to reveal an alarmingly sized and complicated looking bomb. “You’re a messy coder, I warned you. Some of the same lines you have running on your targeting stack build the gauge on your compression load. Probably hit a cascade failure before your peanut even left the barrel.” 
While you could listen to him talk like that all day, now was not the time. Laying more pressure on, you sent a steely-eyed gaze your attacker’s way. “What is this? Who do you work for?” 
It was almost impressive, his will to live was keeping him smart, while he struggled to draw breath, he managed to lay still and flat on the floor, perhaps nervous that if he moved you’d end him right there. “SHIELD- we- work for SHIELD-” 
You couldn’t help the dissatisfied scrunch of your face. “Bullshit.” 
“No we- we were… left out in the cold- called terrorists- so we’ll show the world what real terrorists are-” 
Leaning down in, you narrowed your eyes. “Stop lying to me.” Easy to sense immediately. Common sense would have told you that, though. “Your moments are numbered, so it would be a very nice time for you to feel some honesty, wouldn’t you say?” 
A clouded look took over his eyes. “I- I can’t.” 
“Sure you can. You feel like being honest with me. So talk. Now.” 
He swallowed hard. “We’re hired hands- by a deep subsection of Hydra-” 
A roll of disgust left you. “Of course you are. Un-fucking-believable.” That was really all you needed, and time was growing short. A well placed strike at the side of his temple knocked his lights clean out. After, you stood, hiking up your dress to tie it at the side. Looking over at Tony, “Can you disarm that?” 
“Yeah- no problem. Probably. I just need a minute to look at it.” 
Peering out the window, you saw hostages on their knees, being held ransom to a man on stage. “Where is my purse?” The silence was deafening. So much so that you couldn’t help an annoyed groan. “Alright- fine. Harley stay here. Tony I want that bomb gone.” 
Harley looked over at you. “What are you gonna do?” 
Tony answered for you, as he tossed the gun your way. “She’s about to save the party, kid.” 
You shared an intense look with him- only a few seconds long- but one full of understanding. No words needed to be said. Activating your visor with a press of your earrings, you sidled along the back wall. “LUNA lock down all targets.” 
“Scanning!” Taking a breath, using the cover of darkness to make your way closer to the action. The idiot on the main stage was going on and on and on… “Five left in the building, ma’am. Two- here-” Lighting their heat signatures up, luckily in the back. Crowd control. “Two- here-” Two manning the stage. “-and the man here.” On stage, of course. 
“Okay. Thank you.” Disengaging her after. Needing the cover of that darkness to sneak up on both beefy men in the back as silently as possible. Really less than they looked. The first you took down easily with a yank to his arm and a kick to the back of his knee to send him crumbling down and a heavy whack of your gun at his temple. Once down you motioned for silence at the people who had been held at bay on their knees and pointed to the door. Go now. Go quietly. The other goon didn’t put up much of a fight, either. But he was a little more prepared- or maybe a little more skittish. When you knocked the back of his legs, his itchy trigger finger sent off a shot that had people screaming and the big boss pausing in his speech. You did the best thing you could think of, holding the beefy tool at bay with a twist of his arm and your heel in his back, you raised your gun towards the stage and fired off a shot that went straight through his thigh. 
You then brought it down at the back of the other one’s head and dodged a return fire shot your way from one of the two up front. If given the chance, they’d start pulling hostages, so you knew you had to keep their eyes on you. It was why you serpentined the dance floor dodging their gunfire while other people wisely fled, ending in a forward slide that you boosted out of with your hands on the floor, spinning to knock one of the men to the ground. 
Chaos became a cloak as you punched his lights out- and then subsequently were grabbed from behind, dropping your gun. Strong arms wound around you, squeezing the life out of you and almost cracking your ribs. You bent forward in a jump, throwing him off balance, and then rocked back with a smash of your head to crack against his nose. When he dropped you to your feet you served a series of one-two punches to his gut and then bent down to push up into an uppercut that knocked him clean off his feet. 
Ducking down into a roll as you sensed the only other enemy in the room staggering close, you reclaimed a gun and then lifted off your crouch to stand fully- aiming it at him- 
And Harley. Whose neck he had his arm around. God fucking damn it. “Drop it. Now. Or I’ll kill him.” Pressing his own gun right at Harley’s temple. 
Immediately you put both hands up and away, held steady at the sides of your head. “Alright- hey- don’t do anything stupid-” 
“I said drop it!” 
“I heard you work for Hydra, is that right?” You felt that subtle out-of-body shift as that deeper part of you dropped somewhere below, lights blinding your second set of eyes. “Seems hilarious that they’d send you to a benefit where Team Iron was gonna be-” You broadcast just about every ounce of doubt and terror in tandem that you could muster. 
It shook him- but only enough to have him suddenly jerk his gun your way. “Shut up- you don’t know what you’re talking about-”
“Kinda seems like they wanted you to martyr yourselves for their cause.” Very slowly, by inches, you started creeping.
“I said shut up-”
Closer… “Don’t you feel strange- lied to?” 
“They said- they said you weren’t coming- this was our only chance-” 
“Come on now. Everyone knew we were coming. We had an RSVP in since December. I’m sure your boss knew that too.” Closer still, as you started to watch his foundation crumble. “But you knew that, didn’t you? You suspected Hydra was sending you here to die. Don’t you think that’s unfair? Aren’t you angry?”
His grip on Harley was loosening. “Did they- ...did they really know…?” 
“Of course they knew. You’re one rat in a long line. And if you-” 
You’d nearly had him. One more broadcast, one more sentence, one more anything- 
But Harley struggled very suddenly, bending in to take a bite out of the man’s arm. Which caused a chain reaction. He fired on you, sending a shot straight through your arm. Harley  dropped to the ground. After recoiling you rushed forward, but not in enough time as the man swerved and pointed his gun right at Harley who was on his hands and knees trying to scramble away.
 Instinct took over. In a quick flash you held the gun in both hands and fired off a killing shot. No time to think of doing anything else. There were no other options.
 In another quick unthinking move, you dropped to your knees, drawing Harley in and half around to block the newly dead body on the floor from his line of sight.
Energy fled in droves as you raised your free hand to grip over your arm now leaking blood. “Harley-” Not sure what you were going to say. But whatever it was, it died immediately as he practically collapsed into you. Shivering. Scared. “I’m sorry- I- I wanted to help-” Sniffles were just as easily heard as they were felt with him so close to you.
A twelve year old child- one that had bottled many things up for quite a long time now- had just had his life threatened very seriously. Had just had two guns fired right next to him. His ears were probably ringing. His heart was probably beating to burst. Breaking down was not the least bit surprising. It was why you held your arm tighter around him, wilting while you tried to hold him steady. “You’re alright. You did good.” Spying Tony, taking his suit jacket off, heading your way. “We’re alright. Right?” 
Tony knelt down, putting his jacket around Harley’s shoulders, and then laying a hand over one. If he hadn’t burst into tears, you were sensing there might have been a long stern talk about not listening when there are a bunch of men with guns around- given he’d slipped away and disobeyed you. But. Seeing as how he was crying… 
“We’re alright, kid.” 
With Tony close enough, you side shifted to just rest your head against him. “Bomb disarmed?” 
“Yeah. Terrorists all taken care of?” 
Tony gave Harley a little pat on the back, drawing his attention with a tired grin. “See? Exactly what I’d call alright.” It was just enough to get Harley to try and force a brave face with a nod, but he still couldn’t hide his shaking.
The front door of the ballroom busted open with the heavy steps of New York City’s finest. Many of which were uselessly shouting, “Police!” 
Both you and Tony were unable to stow your eye-rolls, but he was the one to get up. “Nothing to see here, officers. Everything’s already taken care of. Though if you’d like to look the other way on getting our paperwork done…” 
You suddenly had a much longer night ahead of you than you’d planned for. 
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killjoytigermom · 5 years
Chapter 5 - Pillars Of Sand
“A musical one, huh?” "Apparently," I replied to Jet's grinning stature at my wit's end as I shuffled through the now quickly cooling diner. The sun had set and the incoming darkness quickly covered the desert with a chilly wind. As the five of us began to hermetically close up the building, I started to realize how weird, hectic, and utterly tiring this day had been, with the Battery City trip and everything else.
Eventually I grabbed one of the blankets we had and walked around the bar of the diner, retreating into the old fashioned kitchen where I opened a few aligned cupboards, revealing the insides that I'd made into a makeshift bedroom over the past couple of years. I always kept the doors open, but liked the reclusiveness of it. I crawled in, on top of the few blankets that already laid there, and curled up underneath the one I'd just grabbed, sighing again and looking at the bread basket I'd put right next to the cupboards- there hadn't been any space left inside next to me. The nameless girl was still vast asleep after my karaoke session, and I was glad of it as I looked at her.
Before I could try and fall asleep myself however, one of the guys walked into the now quickly darkening kitchen. "Ty?," Party questioned quietly. I scoffed; "Yeah, what's up?" "I think we should go to Dr. D tomorrow, tell him the good news." "You think he'd be invested?" "Well, for one, he's a firm believer in the Phoenix Witch, so there's a start," the redhead said as he quietly slid down the drawer section I slept next to, before plopping down onto the tiled floor next to the basket with the girl. He stared at her solemnly before he spoke again. "If there's anyone who might maybe have some answers," he mumbled," it's him."
"I suppose you're right," I sighted, really not wanting to have this conversation at this time. "But I'm sleeping in tomorrow." "You're going to sleep through the morning cold?," Party chuckled, legitimately surprised. "Not just wait for the afternoon slur? Have a little siesta?" "Nope," I said, before shuffling myself further down my cupboard, hoping he'd pick up on my hints. “Not today.”
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“You think they’ll be okay out there?” I snorted as the guys walked out of Dr. Death’s radio station, laughing at something one of them had muttered on their way out. “Ah, they’ll be fine,” Death chuckled amusedly. “Show Pony knows how to keep people entertained alright,” he continued, turning his wheelchair to me and leaning back with a deep sigh. His build was reminiscent of my dad’s, whom I hadn’t been able to contact since the Analog Wars, and I wasn’t sure if I found it comforting or distressing.
His smile faded as his glare went down to the girl in my arms, sleeping soundly. “What to do with you…,” he said quietly, dragging out each word as if questioning himself. He quickly gathered himself however and faced me again. “Party said you wanted to talk to me specifically?” “Oh, uh, yeah,” I stumbled over my words awkwardly. “I always knew you were a spiritual one,” I continued, “but when Party mentioned you were invested in my suicide mission of getting her out of Battery City I was a bit surprised.”
“Well it’s not every day a Killjoy puts their life on the line by walking down Battery City’s streets,” the large man chuckled. “Party told me you had some vision or something, said that he thought it would be good if you and I sat down and had a talk.” “Oh, well…” I thought for a bit. “Then he and I had the same idea. ‘Cuz that’s why I wanted to talk to you alone.” He hummed and adjusted himself in his seat. When he didn’t speak up after that I decided to just rant and get it over with.
“You know how her mum and I were friends, right? Me and Bandit’s Grace? I mean I didn’t see her that much ‘cuz she operated in a different part of the Zones but when she got pregnant I was so ready to become the ‘aunt’ of this kid… And then our two groups met up and they had that ambush lying there, those Scarecrows? She was mere weeks away from delivery so when they’d shot her down instead of dusting her they put one of their Drac masks on her, and I saw them do that and as that happened, everything around me just sorta seemed to slow down, you know how they used to do that in movies? Like the sounds would be like you’re underwater and everything becomes slow motion? It was kinda like that and as they put that mask on her I feel these long, sharp nails in my shoulders, pinching, and I smelled birds - I know that sounds weird but birds DO have a smell, it��s kinda muffy and dusty? - anyway this raspy voice whispered in my ear and I knew I shouldn’t turn around to see who it was and I really didn’t need to ‘cuz when they started talking I knew who she was, and she goes and calls me by my real name and goes ‘you see what’s happening there’ as she points at Grace and as she’s pointing, Grace’s chest starts glowing but like, from the inside? It looked like when you take an old flashlight that had those yellow light bulbs and hold them against the palm of your hand and this little orb became smaller and smaller and moved from her chest to her stomach and the Witch just went ‘that’s what you’ve got to protect. At all costs. Tell them. There won’t be a next time’, and then everything just went back to normal.”
I was quiet for a moment and looked up at Dr. Death, who didn’t seem to have moved a muscle. “After that I got the worst headache and felt my knees shake and before I knew it I was lying in the dirt, limp.” Death remained silent. I waited for a bit but then plainly said: “That’s it, I’m done now.” Still nothing. He almost seemed lost in thought but the direct eye contact he was making suggested otherwise. “I don’t know why she chose me, honestly. Probably because she wanted someone to stand in for her mom, and she wanted to give me some good motivation for it instead of being all cryptic about it? I don’t know Doc., I truly don’t.” “And you didn’t tell anyone else besides the rest of the Fab Five,” Dr. Death suddenly asked. I shook my head, still holding the tiny human in my arms as it slept. “I didn’t feel comfortable telling anyone else.”
Death sighed once more and leaned back in his chair again. He was quiet for a moment before he spoke. “Y’know kid, I hate to admit this but even I don’t know all about the Phoenix Witch. I do know what she does: she helps those who got dusted in the fight to find some peace, and for that we should be thankful, but stuff like this?” He gestured with his hand and made a face. “This is beyond me too kiddo.” I sighed. “I know, and I don’t blame you, I just wish I could know why me? Or maybe there even isn’t a why, maybe it was just a roll of the dice….”
When we both remained silent I continued rambling. “And next to that it’s like, why is she being so cryptid about this kid,” I said while nodding at the baby in my arms. “I mean I’m not against getting as many people out of BL/ind.’s clutches as possible but why is THIS ONE so special? ‘Cuz she’s making it sound like this one is going to wake Destroya one day or something!” “Isn’t that android belief?” Death asked, an eyebrow raised. I shrugged annoyedly. “I don’t know what to believe at this point anymore man, but the Witch is sure making it sound like this is the new Messiah or something like that.”
Dr. Death chuckled at that. “Wouldn’t that be somethin’... then again, a Killjoy, born from someone who’s turned into a Draculoid? You never know,” he winked. I blinked a couple of times, registering what he’d said. “I mean yeah, when you put it like that…”
Then suddenly, Death briskly turned his wheelchair around and made his way to the minifridge across the room. “I’m sure the Phoenix Witch knows what she’s doing, I have faith in that. All advice I can give is follow her instructions,” he said as he opened the door and the blue light illuminated his face. “Soda?” “Sure.” He grabbed two brightly colored cans from the fridge and closed the door. “Well, either way, whatever happens, you know me and my crew are on your side. That includes Cherri and Pony,” he assured me as he handed me the can.
“If there’s ever something you need that you can’t get at Tommy’s, or just need someone to help out, you know where to find us,” he said with a smile before opening the sizzling can in his hands. “Which reminds me,” he said after taking a big swig, “how did you guys even manage to get that deep into Battery City? The place is sprawling with BL/ind. forces, they should’ve spotted you immediately!”
I opened my own can and took a small swig as well before explaining. “There’s a group called The Undead, they operate from within Battery City, even before it was called ‘Battery City’. While they’re not the biggest believers, they’ll support anything that can possibly help them bring back the city that they lost. Ghoul once got in touch when them when he needed materials for his explosives, that’s how we were able to get their help - Party probably mentioned it would help their cause if they helped us. They mainly operate from The Lobby, but have mastered making their way through town unnoticed.”
Dr. Death hummed approvingly. “Maybe Battery City’s built on more pillars of sand than we thought,” he mumbled with a small smile.
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Pt. 3
Now being the pretty innocent girl i was. I smoked weed very occasionally. Drank every now and then. But that was it really. I smoked cigs. Stupid choice i made at an even more stupid young age. I was 13 when i tried it. 15 when i started smoking every day. (My parents knew, they didn't care) my younger sister had been smoking for years. She partied a lot. Drank a lot. Smoked a lot. Took a lot of pills. Would steal my moms pain pills that she needed from the back surgeries. Mom would run out at the end of the month and would bawl... Literally wail in pain. And it never stopped my sister. I caught her several times. Id get pissed. Ask her wtf she was doing, or why... But she never stopped. I never told... I was drowning in depression. It started when i was 13. After my grandma passed. I changed... She was my world.
My parents partied ALOT!
Used LOTS of drugs...
Ranging from just weed, to coke, to meth...
The first half of my life... From birth till... 14? I think was when they quit all the hard shit for good. They were just... Mom and dad. I mean i loved them, i respected them, but... I didn't have anything to compare it to. It was normal for me to walk in and see light bulbs just randomly on the coffee table.
It was normal for me to wake my sis up in the morning, helping her get dressed, teeth brushed, food in her belly and out the door waiting on the bus. Every day. We lived in the country about 20 miles from town where our friends were. So all we had was each other. In the summer as soon as the sun started to show, 7:00ish. My parents would rush into our room. One would wake up me while the other would wake my sister. Rush us up and to get dressed and outside. We'd be outside alllllllllll day long in the summer in Oklahoma heat. They'd have friends over and lock the doors. We played. Sometimes the friends would bring their kids and we'd run around and play all day. I was a tom boy. I had scarred bloody knees almost daily from wrecking my bike. Would just walk around the property we lived on. Played with our dogs. Pissed off snakes that liked to live in the barn or chicken coop. I ran a lot. BUT IT WAS NORMAL TO ME. They started to quit when i was 12. Then grandma passed. They started again. Didn't stop for good until mom was hurt and dad was fired for pissing dirty for weed, coke, and meth. He was rehired 6 months later. But shit was rough at the time. So after losing my grandma. I went into myself. She loved me, took care of me. Gave me what i wanted and needed. I basically broke. I was never really an over joyous kid. I was raped and molested by my cousin. And so i always carried pain. But grandma was who made me happy. She passed. And from that point in my life from 13 to 18. I cut a lot. I was emotionless most days. But some days I'd break and cry for hours. For the longest time i thought i was depressed because of grandma. But i realized... Depression is a disease. And once you get a good dose of it, it stays. It twists and folds and wiggles its way into every fibre of your being and clings. And bad things that go on add to it and over time, you are eye level deep terrified you're gonna go under soon and no one will notice. Well over the years shit was added. Once I realised i could.... Not feel the pain and sadness... I latched on. Over time the occasional smoking weed went to every day several times a day. Drinking came up for awhile but i hated feeling like shit the next day so i quit. My ex gave me a pain pill one day.
I realised that not only could i get away from the pain and depression, i could feel fucking amazing while doing so. So it started out ya know. Once a week. Just one. To 2 a week to 4 a week to at least 1 every day. When we went up north. Pills were every where. Drugs in general. And i wanted to experience things. We had fun. Went lots of places. Did lots of things. Parties, festivals, fairs, amusement parks, museums, art museums, craft fairs, art stores, book stores, malls, movie theaters.. Just... it was great. I met her friends. They were like her. We partied a lot. I was soley living in the moment for once instead of striving to please everyone else. It was a stupid choice. But it was my choice. Over the years. The fun with it stopped... it became a nessecity. She got shitty and mean sober and i was just as miserable. I wanted happiness not that. Her dad would give us pain pills every day and muscle relaxers. If we did literally anything for him he'd pay us in pills. My ex was also prescribed pain pills too! We'd go through them so quick and then he'd give them to us so we didn't go through withdrawal. By year 3 (2015) I'm 21. I'm working a few months here a few months there. Living the same daily cycle. My day didn't start until pills were thrown down my throat. The habit got bad. I was to a point i was taking fucking handfulls of pills. Daily. And didn't feel ok until then. The few days i didn't have them, i literally slept all day and all night. I was burying my issues with a dark coping mechanism.
I started falling out of love. I left her once last year and we got back together the next day. I told her she couldn't keep stopping me from leaving because it was making me hate her. She wouldnt let go. We stayed together for 4 months. I broke up with her and moved back to oklahoma the beginning of this year. But she was my comfort. Pills were my comfort. After being here for 4 months i let her come back. It was bad. I got back into pills again and one day i told her i didn't want to be with her anyone. She was here for a month at that point. But she wasn't trying to work. She wouldn't do anything. But look for pills. I told her i was done. She gave me some pills. I didn't know what they were but she told me they were for anxiety. And i was really upset. So i took them. We kept arguing. She kept giving me more. My parents stopped by to drop something off, i guess i was wayyyyy out of it. They leave. The fight blows up. I tell her i want her gone. She kept refusing. Idk what happened. It was like a light switch went off. I went to the kitchen and grabbed a steak knife and sliced my wrist up for the first time ever... I only cut my stomach and thighs as a teen. She came around the corner and saw what i was doing and broke a glass vase i had. She ran over and grabbed the blade. Started yanking it from me. I guess we fought over it pretty hard cuz all i remember was it flying across the room and when i got back 6 days later it was soooo bent up.
She kept going and going and i grabbed a piece of glass and cut, she got it away and i just collapsed to the floor. She tried hugging me. I screamed at her for being toxic for me. To not touch me. To just call my mom. My mom shows up. Its like 11:30 at night at this point and she freaks out. My ex starts shit with her. They argue. I scream at them that they needed to stop and mom took me to the er. I guess by that point i was in and out of consciousness. One thing i do remember was seeing an old teacher that i had from yearrrrs ago when i went to a vocational school to become a certified nurse aid. I really looked up to her at 17. Admired her. She was a Dr there in the er. It was humialting. I cried. I guess i pissed in a cup for em or something. I don't remember. But they told my mom (which i didn't find out till almost a week later) that i was overdosing. That all of what i took hadn't caught up and that's why i was talking really crazy and blacking out. I don't remember. But the next morning i wake up. There was a cop sitting next to my bed. 20 mins later im being handcuffed and put in a cruiser and drove over a hr to a phych place. Guess the dr asked me the night before what would happen if i went home and i said i didn't know. So they legally put me there for 5 days so i couldn't be any harm to myself.
5 good things about being put there.
1. I had no access to pills, alcohol, even cigarettes. So i was very very clear headed. The first time in almost 6 years. Had time to think about where tf my life has landed me.
2. I realized how fucking truly bad our relationship was. And came to the conclusion that if we stayed together. One, if not both of us was gonna end up in a casket. Whether it be from pills or not. It was gonna happen.
3. I realized that i deserved wayyyy better. Relationship wise. Life wise. I deserved someone who could push me in the healthy direction. Make positive choices. I felt like instead of maturing, i was still trapped in an 18 yr olds mentality.
4. I ended it. And that time i meant it. There's nothing she could offer me. That would make me go back. Not a million dollars, not a billion, not even all the stars in the sky. I have nothing for her.
5. I met someone who treats me amazing now. Who pushes me. Keeps me away from the shit. I've been pain pill free for 5 months and its staying that way.
And for once... I'm starting to actually feel happy. Genuinely. I was prescribed anti depressants, anti anxiety, and a sleep disorder med. I stopped taking the anti depressants because they made it worse. But im to the point where the good days finally out weigh the bad. And when the bad come, i roll with it.
For the new year. I have a few goals.
1. Continue all the hard work ive put into myself. Keep eating healthy. Keep exercising. Keep pushing myself forward. No more settling for less what what i truly want.
2. Stay tf away from pain pills. 👍 keep fighting that demon in me who whispers how good I would feel or how one wouldn't hurt...
3. Quit smoking cigs. They're killing me. My lungs hurt all the time.
4. Continue bettering my life. I got away from her for 4 months and i had my own home, vehicle, and a high paying easy job. Brought her back for a month, had a suicidal moment. But she's gone and im in a great relationship. And I'm fucking HAPPY!
5. Quit being so fucking hard on myself. I hate the way i look, i hate my body. But they can be changed. Stress over things that need it but relax more. I'm 24. I still have time.
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lonedailydoodle · 6 years
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Daily Doodle 222 – November 24, 2018
What a nice meeting of friends! It went so well!
And before this, Pix and I cooked our first dish together, what a great day!
 Today I woke up early and was comfortable in bed but had to get ready. I got peanut butter and jelly as Pixie wanted to experiment on something and left
Got to Pixie’s and quickly made a PB and J breakfast sandwich.. with egg.. Pixie got inspired by a Verne Troyer video (RIP) and wanted to try it. It actually tasted very good! It was kinda unusual with the peanut butter but good
Left for Sears in Wilson to try and replace a tool Pixie had which had lifetime warranty, but they didn’t have it stocked. Pix also worked a bit on his turn signal wiring at the parking lot as it’s been bringing issues. Then left to a cheap stuff store on the other side of the city to get some bulbs and detergent, Pix also got some antlers for cars and put them on Wilson which looked really cute!
We later spent an hour or so at home just cuddling and waiting as the furry meet we had today was in the afternoon and it was still early
Left to get some groceries to make a gilbertini at home, a pasta Pixie loves a lot from Pizza Hut. We got most of them but forgot flour, so we dropped the ingredients at home, the pasta would start being made by his grandma and we left to get the flour nearby
After this, we realized we needed a baking pan. So we left to a nearby gas station but they didn’t have any, so we left to the Party City nearby and got one. My car had a little gear related episode where it got stuck between drive and neutral. Pixie drove it a bit without realizing until it shifted itself to neutral. The whole car stank like clutch, but it seemed to be working fine either way.. But that issue has happened before, ugh
We got home and quickly got to cutting up the ingredients and stirring everything. It was the first time we cooked something together for real, not just bake something premade and we were having loads of fun! After everything was done, we poured the pasta to the pan, topped it with cheese and baked it. We then served after some minutes and.. it tasted almost identical! It was a bit dry and the pasta was a bit more bland, but we nearly got the recipe right! Pixie was very satisfied and it was a very good first try to a dish he likes a lot, I was proud of us both too for doing this together!
We got ready and left to the meet in my car to not faint from the heat today. We arrived at the mall meet place and mostly all sat down to talk since we didn’t find a good table. I later got my sketchbook and we all sat down at a good table to draw, play some kalimbas two people brought and just have fun. It was a very nice and calm meet, the awesome beaver person hosting it was very young and it was their first time hosting a meet, and I gotta say it went very good! We also traded a few gift sketches which was rad, I loved the fact that every single one of us drew!
After a bit, some people left since they arrived with company. Pix and I later said our goodbyes and left too. We left to the nearby usual mall to try and replace that tool Pixie wanted to replace in the morning, but that didn’t work either cuz they didn’t have it stocked.. So, we left back to our city
On the way there, someone almost hit us but I was focused and swerved away. I got helped by Pixie gasping making me react faster, but I then reassured him to calm him down since he got a bit shaken up
We arrived at the city and got to the Fuddruckers where we ate some burgers. It’s been a while since we last ate here. After getting full, we left to a Home Depot to check if the tool could be replaced there but they don’t replace that brand.. So, we finally left home
We spent a long while there, trying to fix an issue with the Miata’s blinkers using solder and tying wires but Pix got very frustrated as he couldn’t manage to fix it. I saw it as hopeless but he eventually managed to find a way to fix it.. It’s a mess of short cables, loose wires and lots of electrical tape, but it holds up enough.. Pixie later apologized for acting a bit aggressive during this cuz I was quiet.. I didn’t wanted to say anything to frustrate him more, but I guess he knew
We then were about to take Wilson out to a friend’s house to drop off a movie, but the Miata started making some odd flapping sounds in the engine bay, so Pix parked it again and we took my car instead. He seemed frustrated again cuz of the aggressive driving he was now doing, which really concerned me, but I didn’t say anything again
We arrived, dropped off the movie and got some food at a nearby Burger King. I didn’t want any of it as I was tired of BK, so we left home where we just cuddled again, but this time sleepily. I did mess around with Pixie since my hands were cold and I love touching him to make him jump, it’s evil but we always do this kind of stuff to each other. I was also sadly dealing with some increasingly worsening ear pains, same as last time sorta.. But I believe it was just a bump or pimple growing in my ear
I kept almost falling asleep on the bed until we left to the kitchen. Pixie washed some dishes from earlier, but I was still tired. We eventually kissed goodbye and I left
I safely made it home, Pix went to bed and I went to shower. While there, I was starting to reconsider a stance I had regarding my doodles and next year.. But I don’t know yet, I might talk about it in a separate post
I then wrote the whole doodle with notes too and headed to bed. I’ll draw it tomorrow, I REALLY can’t tonight.. zzz
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ragnvdnir · 2 years
Hello i realized i havent dropped by these past few days 💀 i'll go reply to your ask game first (i realized i havent replied to your previous messages too 😰)
you 🤝 me caring about the meaning of the flowers more (but ngl i would be choosy in the appearance of it too 😭)
humble and shy ein 🧐 we want to see that💪 i might mistake you for another person if i were to witness that tbh 😭 therapist and mom friend ein 😳
me too i am so interested in psychology but then why everything involves math 😔💔 im literally guessing the answers in my math test dont do this to me 💔💔💔
Ein with dimples 😳 idk but that's cute 💪 (ok dw about not having to say smth about phys appearance i have a friend who i did this ask game with and they answered thighs for this xD while i just filled in the last spot with my other moles in other parts of my body 💀 if that's counted lmao) Loving the failure hime cut yass 😍😍😍
Baker ein 😳😳😳 maam lets go kitchen date now even tho i have no idea how to turn the stove on for my life— diluc move away im taking your spot setting things aside you literally just gave me an idea about painting dates with them. Just imagine Diluc trying his very best to draw but he's not really... Creative xD
Ok this is no offense but your comment abt me is so funny like 😭😭😭 why is it so awkward 🤨🤔 is this u 🤨 yeah this is u 😍 no cuz i can visualize you frozen on the spot like a tsundere spitting these words out it's like i forced you to say them 😭🤣 im glad it made u feel nice tho <33 cuz man throwing up is so concerning it aint a daily thing to happen 😟😰
Shoujo girls 💀 be that "villainess" and girlboss instead of being the lame ass main character who turns out to be the actual antagonist which caused me to have trust issues with angel looking bitches tbh 😭 i'm with u in this money loving personality 💗💗💗 we just happen to be luxurious and it's not our fault <3
the fact that you rlly want puppies gives so much wanting to adopt thoma vibes 💪 you can do it 💪💪💪
ALSO I DONT MIND LONG ANSWERS look at me doing asks that are so dam long but i still push it 😍😍😍 i also enjoy your enjoys so why not
— 🍰.
you dont have to reply to everything😭😭 its fine👹👹
nah bc i would care abt the appearance of the flower too😭😭
ofc i am humble and shy duh 🙄🙄 why do u sound offending🤬🤬⁉️i have to step up since i am the oldest in us😔😔 a single mom and a therapist 😔💔
ikr😭😭 why does it have those evil numbers and symbols 😭😭 i decided that ill take psychology bc i want to avoid those numbers but they wont just leave me alone😢😢 im really bad at math💔💔 i feel like im offended when ppl say math is easier than english like🤨🤨 you really gonna chose those wicked numbers over words?? not me though, i prefer english😩😩
idk but im starting to dislike my dimples bc they dont look good when i smile??😭😭 naurr bc even though i cant cut my hair for the hime cut, after a few days im starting loving it 🤨🤨⁉️⁉️
why did u think i can cook and bake😢😢 for the safety of everyone do not let me handle the kitchen, i am warning you😔😔 there was one time i was planning to cook fried rice so i open the stove, placed the pan and put the oil. so u have to wait for the oil to start working (?) right?? but i was impatient. what i did was i set the fire in the highest for the oil to work faster. i left the kitchen to grab my phone. but since i was bitch, the moment i held my phone, i forgot the pan, everything. so i continued using my phone but then minutes later, i smell something burning and my mom went out of her room to check what was that. she went to the kitchen and we saw the pan burning😭😭 like the fire was on its highest and it reached the oil inside the pan so the fire was really high😭😭 im just glad that the fire didn't reach the bulb on the ceiling or else😩😩 when my mom turned off the stove she faced me and was angry, she was scolding me but like she has the rights since i almost set our house on fire😭😭 then after she scolded me, she left and i didn't cook fried rice bc i was scared😗😗 i think she almost disowned me that day😔😔 but i understand 🧍‍♀️🧍‍♀️
damn why dont u believe me😭😭 am i that unbelievable 😔😔💔💔 maybe i was forced🤨🤨 who knows 🧐🧐 ikr😩😩 i hate the taste of throwing up🤧🤧 till this day i still remember what it taste like bc throwing up really traumatized me🤧🤧
nah bc why does those shoujo girls pull these fine men😭😭 and im like, suree??? please i dont plan to be those angel looking girls😭😭 bc i dont look like an angel, im more like a demon babes😭😭 maybe ill be just the iconic best friend or side character who pulls the finest man??😍😍 money would solve almost all of my problems tbh🙄⁉️
i am inlove with puppies 🤧🤧 i just really want to have one again but like mom wont allow since she had enough when my childhood dog died who i had since since i was maybe 3-4 years old😩😩 ive been with that dog for more than ten years so yeah😢😢 mom doesn't want to have a dog maybe bc she's scared that the dog will die soon👹👹 she got traumatized with my dog please 😭🙏
one of the reasons why i love thoma sm is bc he is close with pets which is a very very green flag to me. and he even knits them clothes?? thoma be real challenge go!🤧🤧
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Love Isn’t A Color; It’s An Emotion (Becca’s Growing Up)
Summary: Rebecca Charlene Rogers, a happy chubby cheeked toddler, loved spending time with her parents, Steve and Asha. Also, her ‘Nana.’ Outside of adults, she rarely had interaction with kids her age outside of the park playground.
Steve and Asha have a decision to make…..to daycare or not to daycare; that is the question.
Characters: Steve Rogers x WoC Asha Rogers
Word Count: 1,289
Warnings: None
Growing up as an only child has its advantages and drawbacks. Rebecca Charlene Rogers longed for a playmate. Sure, Steve, Asha and her grandmother were fine, but they weren’t always available.
Skipping into the kitchen, Becca fluttered her long lashes at Steve. “Daddy, I wanna pway house wif you.”
Folding his newspaper, her understanding father chuckled, “Peanut, daddy’s reading. Not right now. Maybe later?”
With a dejected expression, Becca sulked. “‘kay daddy. Bye.” Now, if there’s one thing Steven Grant Rogers can’t stand, it’s seeing his baby girl sad.
“C’mere sweetheart.” Reaching her little arms up, Steve lifted Becca in his lap. “I know’ya want daddy to play with ya and I will.”
“Awwight. I go pway wif toys in my woom.” By now, Becca’s beautiful eyes were glossed with unshed tears.
At that moment, Steve realized how lonely Becca was. She longed to interact with toddlers her age. The experience would be beneficial not only for her, but Asha and Steve as well.
“Peanut, tell ya what. Mommy and I will talk about you going to daycare.”
Confused, Becca asked, “Daddy, whut day cawr?”
“Well honey, at daycare, you meet other kids your age, learn your ABC’s, colors, shapes and listen to the teacher read. It’s really fun. Would you like that?’
“Uh huh. Tank you daddy. I wuv you.” Becca placed a kiss on his firm thigh and ran to her room.
Speaking to her stuffed ‘friends’, Becca announced, “I going to day cawr and pway wif fwiends.
Bye for now.”
She went down the line, kissing each bear and saying, “I wuv allllll my fwiends.”
Stark Industries boasts the best day care center in the world. Why? Because Edward Anthony Stark performed a stringent vetting for all employees; teachers, cafeteria cooks and servers, custodians and security!
Steve knew Becca would be safe, but he knew Asha would avoid the idea like a plague.
Fretting, Steve rubbed the back of his neck, giving a mental pep talk to himself. “Okay Rogers. You can do this.” At that moment a light bulb appeared over his head. Jazz, candles, and a bubble bath. Can’t forget flowers.
First, Steve ordered 2 dozen assorted flowers; 12 confetti mums and 12 stemmed Gerbera daisies.
Next, feeding and bathing Becca. That wasn’t a problem because his baby girl loved spaghetti and meat sauce. Yes, it was messy but Steve was prepared. After dinner, she watched Frozen for the umpteenth time.
He pan seared a couple T-bone steaks, roasted garlic potatoes, salad and rolls. For dessert,  chocolate mousse with whipped cream. Asha favored Riesling wine, so her attentive husband chilled a bottle, along with a 2 wine glasses.
Asha called and said she’d be home around 7 p.m. That was perfect timing for Steve. Looking at the clock he saw that it was 6:55 p.m.
As fate would have it, the case assigned to Asha demanded more of her time than previously thought. This was a blessing, more than a curse. More time to finish putting the final touches on ‘Operation Romance.’.
Checking on his daughter, Steve found Becca sound asleep on the sofa cuddling her Iron Man bear. Pulling the phone from his shorts, Steve snapped the precious moment, sharing it with Tony and Asha.
Tony, in return, typed a snide comment……….
See Capsicle, even Becca loves me more than her old man. #UncleTonyRocks
After putting Becca to bed, around 8:15 p.m., Steve heard the familiar sound of keys and heels.
Asha’s curiosity peaked, as she saw the gentle flicker of candles. “Babe, what’s going on?”
Standing before her was Steve, wearing a black Under Armour t-shirt, grey sweats and a huge smile.
“Welcome home Mrs. Rogers. I missed you.” Steve held her close to his chest, laying a hot kiss on her lips.
Trying to catch her breath, “Whoa, Mr. Rogers! You take my breath away. Is all of this for me?”
“Of course doll. Nothing’s too good for’ya.”
Steve pulled out her seat. “Why thank you kind sir.” He proceeded to serve her and sit down.
It was now or never. “Um doll?” In between bites, “Yes baby?” Swallowing hard, “How would’ya feel about Peanut going to day care?”
Laying her fork on the table and narrowing her grey eyes, “So, is this why you’re buttering me up?” Asha’s tone sound accusatory.
“Naw love. You deserve this. See, Peanut said she didn’t have any friends a-”
Brows furrowed, Asha inquired, “What? She said that?”
“Yeah. Becca wanted me to play and I had reports to do. It broke my heart.”
This is an all too familiar feeling Asha knows well. The last thing she wanted was Becca being a loner. She craved interaction with kids her age.
“Alright love,” Asha affirmed.
Kissing her hand, “We’ll do it tomorrow. Right now though, finish your dinner ‘cuz there’s a bubble bath waiting for ya. Afterwards, some mommy and daddy time.”
Asha quirked her eyebrow. “Mmmm sounds devine. You, my love, are just what the doctor ordered. I love you Steve.”
Pushing back from the table, Steve scooped Asha from the chair, carried her bridal style to the bedroom, gently kicking the door shut.
Asha, Steve and Becca attended open house at Stark Daycare Center. You could see the wonder in Becca’s eyes as she looked at bright tables, chairs, bookshelves, letters around the walls, pictures of animals. And the best part, there were other 3 year olds.
The class and parents were in awe of Captain America. Trying to deflect the attention from himself, Steve pulled Asha to his side, “I think Peanut’s gonna be just fine.” Turning her head, Asha wiped a tear from her face. “Where did time go babe?. Our baby’s in day care.”
Mrs. Nasserman, one of the instructors, asked the kids their names. When Becca’s turn came, she proudly stated, “Webecca Wogers. I’m fwree,” she said holding up 2 fingers on her left hand and 1 on her right.Steve and Asha beamed with pride.
For the next hour, while parents milled about looking over the room, the kids sang songs, played on the iPads and also snacks were served.
Running to her parents, Becca announced, “Mommy, daddy we ate fwoot and say ABC.”
Asha asked her baby girl to recite the alphabets. “‘Kay. ABCCGFGKLOP.” Steve thought it was the cutest thing ever. He even made a video to send to the team. Asha and Becca clapped.
“Yay Webecca big gurl,” Becca’s toothy grin spread from ear to ear.
In that moment, Steve and Asha knew daycare would was beneficial to Becca’s growth. Interacting with kids her age means she won’t be alone.
Tangled together on the sofa, Steve mused, “I’m so happy Becca’s going to daycare.” Gazing into his eyes, Asha whispered, “So am I. And just think, this time next year, she’ll have someone to play with at home.”
Steve’s eyes bulged. “D-d-doll are ya joking?” “No Mr. Rogers. I’m 8 weeks. I didn’t say anything because I wanted to be certain. SURPRISE!” Wiping his eyes, the overjoyed super soldier leaned in and kissed his wife. “You and Becca are my world. Now, there’s another Peanut on the way. Gosh doll, m’so happy.” “So am I sweetheart.”
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jamnstories · 7 years
MJ- Elemental Powers AU
Word count: 1,869
I’m sorry the ending is so cheesy >.< i felt like it was something MJ would do tho
Prologue/ Jin Jin/ MJ/ Eunwoo/ Rocky/ Moonbin/ Sanha/ Epilogue
k/d= kid’s name y/n- Snow MJ- light
He’s such a kid... But a good hyung too.
“Mmmmm the person I choose is…. Oh look! M-Shine just messaged me! Great minds think a like.” You laughed as your friend rolled her eyes “Well first give him your number so I can have my phone back.” You quickly greeted him and asked him to text you to your personal number.
“Hi! I’m M-shine! Well my real name is Myungjun but my friends call me MJ! Or you can call me 777 haha jk thats an inside joke. I’ll share the story with you one day :D”
“Well he sure likes to talk..” You threw a snow ball at her. This time she dodged it and ran to her room. You were happy he didn't seem awkward like he did in his picture.
“Hi MJ! My name’s y/n! It’s nice to meet you! I’m definitely interested to here about how you got the nickname 777 ^.^”
“Are you free tomorrow????? I would rather introduce myself properly in person sooner than later :)”
“Of course! I’d love to meet you in person!”
“YAY!!!!! Meet me at this address! [x address] I hope you like painting and going to the park! I’ll see you tomorrow 12pm!”
“I can't wait!”
You smiled. Even though the two of you had only been talking for a few minutes, his texts seemed so happy- you couldn’t help but smile. “I better get some rest because I have a feeling tomorrow is gonna be a thrilling day!” You stopped by your best friend’s room to tell her the news and get help picking an outfit for tomorrow.
Meanwhile... “MJ hyung! Your gonna blind us!” Rocky yelled as he covered his eyes. “Hyung, the neighbors are gonna think the sun is in our apartment if you keep glowing like that.” “See that’s why you guys need to be prepared and wear sunglasses.” the second oldest walked into the room casually. “Make sure not to blind her tomorrow.” He smiled and slowly let the light from his body fade.
You walked up to the building and outside waiting was a boy constantly looking around think like a meerkat. Finally, he saw you and quickly ran up to you... A little too close for comfort. He immediately smiled and you couldn’t help but smile back. Seeing his smile- it was almost like all you worries in life were gone. “I’m MJ! It’s nice to meet you in person, princess.” He said as he bowed and let out a giggle. You couldn’t help but giggle back as you curtsied. “I’m y/n. It’s nice to meet you too!” Suddenly, he grabbed your hand and started dragging you inside. “Come on! We’re gonna have so much fun today!”
Inside the building was: shelves and cabinets filled with blank plates, mugs, phone cases, vases, and clay figurines; a table with baskets filled with beads of all different colors, styles, shapes and sizes; and lines of tables in the middle filled with brushes, water bowls and paint. “Pick anything you want to do! My treat!” He smiled as he let go of your hand and went towards the mugs. Overwhelmed by all the choices, you followed him to the mugs. He looked at you and pouted “Do you not like it here? We can go somewhere else if you want!” “Oh! No I love it here! I’m just... overwhelmed... I don’t know what I want to do.” He suddenly smiled and you could feel a light bulb in his head go off. Mainly cuz he started to glow which shocked you lol 
“How about we both design a mug, but we make it for the other person!” You nodded and smiled which in turn caused MJ to glow brighter. “YAY!... Oh sorry..” He stopped glowing after noticing you covering your eyes and his smile disappear “When I get excited and happy I can’t help but glow... Usually girls..” You cut him off “I think its cute! I’ll remember to bring sunglasses next time” you giggled which made his smile come back. You knew what it was like to get rejected because of your powers, so you empathized with him, but unlike you who could hide your powers- it didn’t seem like it was possible for him to hide his very long.
He picked up two mugs of the same size and led you to a table. The two of you got to work painting the mugs in silence. Occasionally you would look up to watch him paint. He had the cutest face while working so seriously. His tongue slightly peeking out his lips and his brows burrowed. Unbeknownst to you, he would look up at you when you weren’t looking. He found the smile you made as you painted so sweet and cute.
After a while, MJ got up hiding his mug from your view and walked to the cashier. He handed her the mug and you hid yours from his view as he walked back. “I already payed for them. You can give her your mug to let it dry. We can come pick them up after we eat!” He started to clean up the table as you gave the cashier your mug.
As you walked down the street, everything seemed brighter. You weren’t sure if it was because MJ was making it brighter or because you were with him that the world seemed brighter. With a bounce to his walk, MJ walked a little bit ahead of you obviously excited for the next stop. He turned around, “Do you mind eating at the park?” You shook your head.
The two of you got to the park and bought food at the small food stand. The park was small but cute and had a playground. The two of you sat at a bench next to the playground; chatting and talking:
“And that’s why they call me 777!”... “Wait, so how did Chazoom mess up the room?” “Well, we were all dancing and then he got too excited and started spinning! SPINNING Y/N! So of course he started a tornado in our room!”
After finishing your food, a small group of preschoolers came to the playground. “Hyung!” “Oppa!” they all yelled and ran to MJ giving him a big group hug. The preschool teachers giggled and stood next to you.
“Hyung let’s play!” “Let’s play!” One by one they all started to yell excitedly. The teacher silenced them and said, “Kids, MJ oppa is with a friend right now. He can’t play today.” They looked so disappointed and sad. “It’s okay! Oppa can play with you for right now.” You smiled as the kids’ faces all lit up. MJ looked back with worry on his face as the kids dragged him to the playground. You gave him a reassuring nod to let him know it was fine.
“We always bring the kids here every tuesday and thursday. One day MJ was walking by and started playing with the kids.” The two teachers began to giggle. “At first we thought he was a kidnapper or something, but then we saw how pure hearted he seemed.” With your curiosity was peaked, you asked “How so?”
The three of you sat down on the bench facing the playground as the two teachers began to take turns telling the story. “The kids were playing and for the most part ignoring him since he was a stranger. One of the kids was new at the time. He was shy and didn’t have any friends yet. He never even smiled with us!” “k/n was sitting at the edge of the playground watching the other kids play.  We didn’t even notice until MJ-shi went up to him!” “I got up to go over and scare him away but then we saw his smile. It felt so pure and innocent and as soon as I got up to them, k/n was already laughing and playing with him.” 
“Mj-shi was doing a shadow show using his powers. Soon the other kids noticed and started watching too. k/n was so excited he kept explaining to them what the shadows were. He was suddenly so comfortable around everyone!” “MJ-shi even walked up to us when we were leaving and sincerely apologized for seeming sketchy. We told him our schedule and told him to stop by whenever.” “Ever since then, MJ-shi stops by and plays with the kids and they love him...” You didn’t notice, but throughout the story, you started to smile and watch MJ as he played with the kids. He was stopping two kid’s fight and lectured them. “He’s such a kid... But a good hyung too.” Accidentally saying it aloud, both teachers giggled at your comment and simultaneously said “Your a lucky girl y/n!”
They got up and called the children to fall in line. “It was nice to meet you y/n! Your always free to stop by.” They smiled and told the children to say their goodbyes. The two of you waved as they walked out of sight. MJ sighed and bowed “I’m sorry y/n! We’re supposed to be on a date but I ended up playing with the kids!” “It’s okay MJ! It was fun watching you play with them!” You paused, gave an innocent smile and in sing-song voice said, “Plus~ I was able to learn something about you~!” Shocked, MJ began to turn red from embarrassment. when I say turn red I mean he glowed red
You held the box with your mug in your hand and MJ held his as he walked you home. At the door, you exchanged boxes. “Today was a lot of fun y/n! The kids were really interested in you, so next time we go to the park I’ll be sure to introduce you! And then you can show them your powers too! They would love it!.. I mean if you want to...” He looked at you with hopeful eyes and a shy smile. “Of course!” He lit up at your smile and waved good bye as he ran home lighting the dark roads with his light.
Opening your gift you smiled at the mug he had made for you. He had painted a winter morning scene on the outside of the mug. On one side, there were two small figures standing next to each other: one was yellow and shining brightly; the other was the color of the top you had worn that day. Underneath the mug he painted “Your smile is brighter than any light I make :)” It was so cheesy but it made you smile, “Great minds truly think alike.”
As soon as MJ got home, he immediately ran to the kitchen and started to open the box carefully. He giggled at the sight of the mug. It was similar to the one he had made, the only difference being that the two figures were holding hands. Underneath read: “Your more unique than any snowflake I can ever make :)″ “Hyung! Turn down the light!” “The whole city is gonna think its morning already!” “That or he’ll blind the whole city” the youngest scoffed.
A few weeks later (through text): “JAGIYA! Do you want to meet the others this weekend????” “Haha sure! ^_^”  To be continued in epilogue…
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chaospenelope · 7 years
While They Were Gone
The World Beyond
The house didn't look any different after they left sooner than expected. The yard was free of any cars or large toys but it was mostly unchanged. It felt sad all the same. The FazBear kids would find themselves glancing at it every time they came home as did their friends. They weren't necessarily upset, they just expected something that wasn't there anymore. The twins called their cousins as often as they could, but since the parents were busy pulling double shifts until new staff was hired there hadn't been any planned visits just yet. As summer neared it's halfway point it slowed down enough for a two day trip. "I can't wait to see Faye, Victor, and Amelia again." Spring cheered as she hopped into her seat in very the back of the eight seated minivan. She pulled her stuffed dog, into a backpack and put that onto her lap. "Why are you bringing that thing with us?" Philip asked as he went into the passenger seat in front of them. "Because I wanna..." Her brother rolled his eyes but didn't ask her about it further. He had bigger problems than bothering his little sister. William and Robert sat on either side of him. "Wait a minute, who said I was going to be in the middle seat?" "Cuz your butt's the only one skinny enough to fit in the middle seat. Unless you wanna trade with Chelsea." He motioned toward the oldest sister who was crawling in the seat next to the twins. Philip looked at his mother in the front passenger seat whose shrug told him she wasn't going to help. "Did you remember to bring an extra set of clothes?" FredBear asked his little cub as he made sure the twins were buckled in properly. "Yes Papa." "Frederick?" "Yes, dad." "Alright, let's get outta here." He said as he closed the door. He pulled himself into the driver seat and started the van's engine.
"You have all your things?" Neda stood in the doorway of her daughter's now bare room. All that remained was light blue painted walls, dark blue ceilings with white specks where glow in the dark stars used to be and white carpet. "Yeah. Dad and the movers took the boxes." Penelope tucked her notebook into her black backpack before slinging it onto her shoulder. "Kind of strange seeing it this empty." She felt a conflicting mix of nostalgia, sadness, and joy as she looked at the shell of a house. "You're not actually going to miss this place, are you mom?" "I know the neighbors weren't the best, but this was our home. There were a lot of memories here. As much as I'm happy to leave there's still some things I'll miss." "Yeah, I've had this room a long time. I'll probably miss...Mm. I, can't really think of anything. The closet is nice?" "Your bedroom in the new house has a closet. And, to be honest, a better view." Her mother noted as she looked out the window through a parallel window at a woman who quickly acted like she wasn't just watching them. "What else is at the new house?" "Well, there's two bathrooms, a kitchen, three bedrooms, two stories, three if you count the attic, an office for your father, and hm...What am I forgetting? The living room? Oh, It's completely surrounded by woods." Her daughter perked up as she expected. The small cub loved to climb. "You ready to go?" Phineas walked up to the girls. The large black furred bear carried his son's green Hulk backpack. The boy lazily Leaned against the wall behind him. "The truck already left." "I am!" The little cub jumped up and ran to up to him. "Can't wait to see our new home!" Her father let out chuckle as he looked at his wife. "Told her about the trees, didn't you?" "She asked what the house was like." She said with a smirk, but it faded when she noticed the time on her husband's watch. "We better get going, we don't want the movers to be stuck there without a way to get in. If we make them wait too long they might just leave everything in the yard."
"Are we there yet?" The fox asked in a bored monotone. "Philip, are you serious?" William glared at his brother. "I expected that sort of thing from Spring, not you." "What?" The golden cub looked up from her game. "We're here." The new building was smaller than the last. Around it's yard was a well kept metal fence. The driveway was only wide enough for one car with the other in the garage. There was a stone path leading to a porch with bench swing hanging from the roof. "You're here early!" Faye's voice was a bit muffled by the window. She ran to the door to let them in. "Mom is out getting some light bulbs and dad is in the kitchen. Do you want me to go get him?" "That's alright Faye." FredBear grinned giving her a pat on the head. He headed to the back of the house. The inside was very welcoming. Mangle did a great job placing furniture and choosing colors that made the place feel comfortable and pleasing to the eye. Victor bolted out of his bedroom as the rest of the family settled down in the living room. "There you are guys! C'mon, lets go play outside! There's a swing and slide out there!" "Can we Mama?" "If Teddy says it's safe." "Can I watch TV instead?" Amelia asked shyly. Faye nodded and sat her up on the couch next to Plushy revealing her prosthetic hand. Then followed her cousins and brother. "Don't stick your paws through the fence again Victor." Theodore warned his son as the four kids pitter-pattered across the kitchen to the back door. "C'mon! We can play tag!" The fox poked Freddy. "You're it! No tail grabs!" Then ran off giggling like a madman. "Hey!" He shouted with his own giggles. The two girls split in different directions but he had a vendetta, bolting straight for his cousin. He ducked under the slide in an attempt to cut him off. Victor made a leaping dodge as he bolted back the other side. Frederick knew he couldn't catch up to him in a long distance run so he used in a full sprint. He was inches away when he reached out in a frantic grab. His paw latched on his shoulder as he cried 'it'. Then he quickly grabbed the ladder of the play set to hoist himself up. Victor was about to chase him but saw his sister. She fled once he noticed her. He followed her across the yard swerving around as she made sharp corners just before hitting the fence. He cut her off just at the small freshly planted garden huddled against the back of the house, or he would, if she hadn't tripped on someone. "Are you OK Faye?" Goldie asked as she stood up to offer her hand. Freddy ran up to them with the same amount of concern. "Yeah, I landed on the soft soil." She brushed the dirt off of her white fur and pink shirt. "What were you doing anyway Spring?" "I found a bug!" She knelt back down and pointed at her find. There was wriggling worm pulsating around the moist earth and a pair of pill bugs curled into balls at their presence. "Look, there's more now!" "There's another worm, or is it just the other end?" Freddy asked as he too became invested in the insects. "Guys! You have bugs at your house!" Victor crossed his arms and watched SpringBear pick up a roly poly. She examined it closely, and gently pushing it on it's side. "I love Rollie bugs. They're so cute." She got up and carefully ran to the backdoor still cradling the invertebrate. She ran inside after wiping her paws on the mat. "Papa!" She held her cupped hands up so the large yellow bear could see her new friend. "I found a Rollie bug! Can I keep him please? I'll fed him leaves and give him water everyday." He smiled and patted her head. "I'm not sure that's a good idea Honey Bear. He might miss his family and friends if you take him home. You can always visit him here." "Oh...OK." She hesitantly returned outside where Freddy and Faye were watching the worms race out the dirt. Victor was sitting against the fence pulling up blades of grass. She placed the critter on a bush's leaf. "I'll check on you later, ok Bailey?" "Hurry Goldie! The race is almost over." She huddled up to the patch of dirt that was the center of attention. The two bugs writhed and slithered into the soft ground. The cubs started to cheer them on giving them the names Tube and Segments. It was a close match but Segments had all five of his hearts in the race. "Can we play now?" Victor asked. Then hopped up when a spark of inspiration hit him. "Let's be superheroes!"
The dirt road widened to a clearing with two houses in the middle. The large moving truck was closed and the engine started up. Most of it's contents were placed roughly where they were assigned. "Hey, we might actually get this done before tonight." Neda happily admitted as she finished pushing the drier in place." "We should probably work on the beds next, just in case we lose track of time." "Right, I wish we didn't have to take the bed frames apart..." Their daughter poked her head into the room. "I put all the dishes in the cabinet, can I go outside?" "Sorry Penny, but I need to be able to see you if you want to play outside and your father and I still need to make sure we don't have to roll out the inflatable tonight...But we can have our lunch break under the trees." The breeze gently rustled the leafy branches. The sticks and leaves crunched under their paws as they selected a spot to spread out the freshly unpacked blanket. There was a faint, distant scuttle of life as they sat down. "Such a beautiful day today." Phineas looked up at the sun trickling through the gaps in shade. "Nice weather for a picnic. Bet it'll be even lovelier at night. You could look out the window and see the whole galaxy." Neda opened the shopping bag and passed out the containers of take out. "So how do you cubs like the house so far?" "It's big." "I really like the color of my room. One of my windows is still facing another window. It was covered with a blue curtain. Who lives next to us?" "We haven't really seen them yet. They weren't here when we looked at the house. As long as we stay on our side of the fence we should be fine." Penelope wasn't too sure but at least it was only one side of the house instead of surrounding them. She tried to push the thought away as she ate her lasagna. "The food's good." Nade added, not too sure if there was much else he needed to like this place. "There are a lot of nice places in town; a theater, some restaurants, an arcade. We're not too far from the city either." "Sounds great mom. Can I look around? I'm full." "You can play around the woods where we can see you, but when your mother and I have to go back inside you go in the back yard and stay in the fence, alright?" "Sure thing dad!" She put her leftovers back in the bag. After wiping her muzzle on a napkin she bolted for the foliage. She picked out a big, wide tree with low branches right at the edge of the forest. "Don't go up too high!" "I won't!" Penelope jumped up to grab a strong branch. She latched her arms around it. Then lifted her lower body to secure her legs around it. She pulled herself to the top of the branch and carefully stood up. Carefully walked to the trunk and pulled herself on a higher one. She held tightly on another as she looked at the view until she moved few branches and realized three of them were perfectly positioned to rest on. She noticed something scratched into the bark of the tree. It appeared as if it were supposed to be letters cut in crudely. She could make out a V but the rest of the bark was pulled off. It seemed like another person wanted to erase the mark. She pondered the scribble for a moment, wondering which house this person lived in when they did it and if they were still here.
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sharkysona · 6 years
Hello? Said a girl about 14 years old, she had her typical ponytail up and she looks like the type that always smiles. But jn this situation she's different, she's not smiling her hair is a bit unkept and loose and she looks like she's in a panic, although she was normally calm. She was in the middle of a thick crowd surrounded by friends, families and loved ones but no one appears to notice her. She tried to engage in a conversation but no one paid attention, she poked someone on the shoulder but they only got angry. She saw everyone talking and smiling that she couldnt help but try to fit in. So she laughed with them and smiled with them, she felt right in but her little fantasy slowly faded away as the reality kicked in. No ones talking to her, no one loves her. Deperate to find somewhere to fit in, she wandered into the void until she came across a kitchen with people having a great time enjoying a party. This made the pain in her chest feel painful than ever before. She frantically looked around until she saw a knife on top of a counter. She stared at it longingly as if she wanted to take it and slice her arms open but a light bulb went up, what if.. she killed everyone? No ones gonna notice right? After all she's been forgotten. So she picked up the knife and walked towards a person and stabbed them. It felt good as if each stab took the pain away but when the person was dead enough the pain went back, it struck her like lightning a million times faster. She shouted out of frustration, " WHY DO YOU TREAT ME LIKE THIS?!! I JUST WANT SOMEONE TO LOOK OUT FOR ME BUT WHY CANT I FIND THIS SOMEONE WHO WOULD CARE FOR ME, TO NOT BE AFRAID EVEN IF I CRAZY ONCE IN AWHILE??!!" She gasped "why?" The adrenaline fueled her hate and rage and decided she wanted more. More blood spilt and more happiness to give to herself. So she set out to find the happiest person to kill.
Here have some vent. I actually wrote this while i was taking my exam, i felt a bit sad that day cuz my mind kept telling me that the club members from my club at school hates me ;^; oof and i keep getting into fights with mah bestie. Send help. XD
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