#cw forced cannibalism
okscallion-4221 · 2 months
Uh. Self and forced cannibalism. TW. Don’t say I didn’t warn you.
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toxicdykecocaine · 9 months
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Beware the swallowing homoerotic cannibalism in Yellowjackets! /ref
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sunshiline-writes · 8 months
Cannibalism | Sliced | Impaled 
CW: gore, cannbalism, impaled with a branch, creepy lady (idk), monsters, non-human monsters, bleeding out, fear of death, forced autocannbalism, nonconsensual turning into a fellow monster thing let me know if I missed anything
A cough is what woke him up. His own, spasming, throbbing cough that ripped through him with such intensity he almost passed out again. The man grabbed the piece of bark that was stuck through his stomach. Blood dripped from it. He groaned, trying to sit up, but was hit with another wave of agony as he moved even a little bit. He screamed and the sound echoed in his ears. It may have echoed in the pit that he had fallen into. But that wasn’t how sound worked. As he looked up at the trees, the stars behind them, everything there was a stillness in the world. Like not even the wind dared to sing. The birds were silent, the leaves didn’t even rustle. He thought about how he got here. There was a noise, a deep growl, and he was running so hard and so fast. Then he was falling. Something ripped straight through his gut and he was sure that he was dead. If he didn’t know any better,  he would have said this was a trap. But the hole wasn’t perfect. It wasn’t dug with a shovel, it was almost like a cavern in the ground. The branches of the tree’s overhead must have fallen between the cracks. Now he had also fallen between the cracks and was stuck on one of those branches. Literally impaled on a stick. 
His roommate would have made a kebab joke by now. That was how he felt. Meat on a stick, too weak to pull himself off. He forced himself to look at the piece of bark coming from his body. The dark red that had started to dry, the red creeping around his shirt. There were pieces of flesh and something else, (he prayed that it was not what he thought it was). They dripped from the dark bark, soaking in his blood, drinking it into the wood. He grabbed the bark again, cringing at the stickiness of it. Again he tried to pull himself off it. Groaning and screaming with pain as he managed to get himself halfway up, feeling the pieces of bark ripping through more layers of skin, organ, muscles, everything. He let go and fell back to the ground with a thud and another scream. 
“Need some help there sugar?” came a voice from on top of the place where he fell. Face barely peeking through over the edge. A woman, face pale and gaunt. She looked more fragile than he felt. 
“Call for help!” he cried out, wincing and coughing again, blood spewing from his lips. Dribbling down his chin. “It went straight through me, I think it's the only thing keeping me together.” A slight laugh went through him, making him wince and spasm around the intrusion. When he looked up again, she was standing over him. 
“What’s your name, sugar?” the thick, nasally accent was right above him, staring him in the face. 
“I-I how did..” 
“You don’t look so well. I have to call the police, but I need your name for that, sugar.” 
“Vinnie.. Vincenceo.” 
“Vinnie,” she said, tasting his name on her tongue. She crouched lower to him. Finger touching the bark covered in blood. The blood came away on her finger tip and she slowly licked it away, eyes closed, savoring it. 
“Oh jesus,” he said, shaking his head and groaning. “No no no, I’ve gotta be hallucinating you did not just do that. Jesus christ. What the fuck.”   
“It’s just a little something to keep me going, something to sustain me. I can help you.. I can, I just need,” there was a chunk of something on the bark, she grabbed it between her index finger and thumb, rolling it around a bit before popping it in her mouth. Like it was a piece of popcorn or a normal snack. 
“Oh god. Oh god. Stop. Stop. Just get me out of here! Get me out. Please help me. Stop it please.” 
She continued to wrap her hands on the tree bark, then licking his blood off her hands. Hungry, ravaging, a personification of gluttony. He watched her in horror as she cleaned the bark so much so that he could see the original grey-brown color it was before he was impaled on it. Whimpering and blubbering for this woman, this thing, to stop. It went on forever and he could hear his own blood dripping onto the ground. The world silent except for the sounds of her licking her lips and chewing greedily on what she could. 
She kneeled beside him. “Would you like a taste?” 
Vinnie clamped his mouth firmly shut and shook his head. The woman laughed and sat down on her knees, carding a hand through his hair. Tangled with sweat, sticking to his forehead. “It’s sweet, you’re a sweet person. I can tell from the way you taste. You didn’t deserve this did you? It’s such a shame you’re already dead.” 
“Mmhmm poor thing. You poor, poor thing.” 
Something about this woman had changed since she’d.. indulged. Her face was less pale and gaunt. As if she had gotten healthier just from the small amount of feeding. Vinnie sobbed softly, eyes screwed tightly shut. 
“You’re already dying, sugar,” she said softly, “I can save you. All you have to do have a taste of something. Do you want to taste, sugar?” 
Vinnie thought about it for a moment, sobbing and agony spread through him again as he threw his head back and screamed. She caught his hand on her wrist, grip ice cold. Actually it was more of the grip, she was cold. It went straight through his wrist. Her grip tightened. The woman grinned and her teeth sharpened, her face elongated and everything seemed to warp around him as she bit into his wrist. Pain, agonizing pain spreading through his arm as he felt her teeth crunch into his skin, into tendons, into the veins and pulling away, taking a chunk of him with her. “GOD PLEASE,” he screamed and blood dripped to the ground as she chewed, everything about her changing as she then let his hand go and bit into her own wrist. She pulled away a chunk of her skin as well and began to chew. Vinnie’s world was fading in and out. Too much blood, he’d lost far too much blood, especially with the new wound on his wrist, dripping unceremoniously on the forest floor. 
“Please. Please. Go away. Go aw-” 
Her mouth closed over his and he gasped and his hands were on her shoulders trying to push her away. A mixture of blood, soggy chewed flesh was pushed into his mouth. His hair was gripped and forced his head back, and he was forced to swallow as she only used her tongue to push the mixture further down his throat. He coughed and fought the wave of nausea as he turned his face to the side when she let him go. Then she grinned down at him, moving to stand over him. She moved her hand’s underneath his shoulders and pulled, releasing him from the bark that had went through him and throwing Vinnie roughly on the ground next to the tree. 
His world went white as he screamed, convulsing and pressing his face deeper into the mud that was mixed with his own blood. 
He should be dead. Bled out, on the floor. Gone. Dead. Those were the words that should have described him. But instead he was sitting upright, the woman had made a fire in this little cavern with the tree that had impaled him. And he was hungry. 
The woman sat across from him on the other side of the fire. A pot of soup hanging over it. How did that even get here? How was he not only.. Not dead but.. There was not a hole through his stomach, there was not a chunk missing from his wrist. He was… alive, and he was so hungry.  
“The soup is ready, sugar,” she said softly. 
“What’s in it?” Vincent asked. 
He was only met with a smile as she poured him a bowl and handed it to him. Vinnie ignored the way the chunks of meat tasted awfully similar to his earlier encounter. He ignored the eyeball that floated to the top when he mixed it. He ignored the way he was still hungry when he finished. 
“Yes please.” 
-- taglist : @coyotehusk @burntcoffeewhump @whumpbees @just-a-silly-little-whumper @lektricwhump ask if you'd like to be added or removed.
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fili-oeuvre · 11 days
before you continue, I wanted to give a quick warning to please read the content warnings listed in the tags, if anything listed there disturbs you or makes you uncomfortable, please do not read this
{ within the Containment Labs, in a hallway }
Cosmos said nothing as he was led through the hallway by Proctor.
He wanted to keep as much distance between him and this strange tailed one as possible, but he feared what would happen if the tailed one thought he was trying to escape.
This one called Proctor had come to his room that morning saying something about how he was “perfect” for answering a question that he had. Cosmos wasn’t sure that question was, but he didn’t really want to ask for fear of it being something dreadful.
Though, he tried not to get his hopes up.
He looked down at the ground for the rest of the walk, but he couldn’t help but look at the long tail that swayed behind the person in front of him.
He wondered about why none of the other ones seemed to have one.
Guess he’ll add that to the growing list of questions about this strange furless species.
After a while of walking, they came to a large set of doors that opened down the middle.
It looked like a completely different part of the lab that he hadn’t seen before. It had numerous black doors stacked on top of each other and seemed to extend at least five squares up.
He figured that these must be other rooms, since that’s the only thing that he could think of.
Proctor stepped onto a section in between one of the room and Cosmos followed suit. Almost immediately, the part of the floor underneath them started to float up.
Once it reached the fourth floor, the platform stopped and Proctor stepped off, with Cosmos doing the same. They walked down the elevated walkway until Proctor stopped at a room with the label: “Menagerie B: 454”. Proctor looked at the door and within a moment, the black door parted to reveal the captive inside.
What he saw almost made him gasp from shock and fright.
Inside the room was a large creature. It….it looked like a member of the Kin of the Bear. Only it was missing various parts of its fur. Mange came to mind, but he had seen mange and this didn’t look like mange.
Though that wasn’t what drew his attention. There were five thick “vines” attached to the wall beside it that looked similar to the ones that Samantha had put on him before, but these ones were a dark black and were much thicker. They even appeared to be pumping something into the bear as a soft “thudding” sound came from them along with an eerie dark magenta glow where it was attached to the skin.
The skin looked a sickly color, like this creature was both a moment away from death but was for some reason still alive. Scars were littered across its body, some looked like claw marks while others looked like whole pieces of its flesh were torn out and healed but didn’t replace the missing flesh.
The stomach of the bear looked bloated and unnatural, as if it had eaten too much. It was completely furless, having dark magenta vein-like markings stretching across it like thin roots from around the stomach where some fur still remained. One area was completely without fur, showing a trail of dark veins stretching up from the stomach to the neck and across the face of the bear.
Both of its ears were torn as if something had tried to rip them off. He could see the metallic chip on its right ear, just like the one that they had given him.
The legs and arms of the bear were chained to the floor with those same transparent bindings that had been used on him before. Not that it seemed like the bear could even attempt to escape. The claws on all limbs seemed to have completely torn out as if they’d been removed completely. Saliva dripped from its maw as its mouth hung open from its cries.
It sounded like every labored breath it took was excruciating.
This thing. It smelled like rot and blood. He could practically feel its pain radiating off of its tortured mass of a body. The fur on his body stood on end as he could only stare at the writhing creature as it let out soft cries of pure agony. A wave of nausea crept up from his stomach to the back of his throat, adding to the sense of sheer discomfort and fear he was already feeling.
A small trail of purplish-red liquid trickled down its face from one of its bloodshot eyes. Almost as if it was crying.
From where he was, he could see that the bear’s teeth had all been made flat or were completely missing.
Beside him, Proctor looked down at the pitiful sight.
Proctor: This one was quite a disappointment. *he walked closer to the creature* *his tail flicked dismissively at the creature’s soft pained cries* But, even the disappointments have their uses. Its mind may be insufficient, but its body and blood has proven quite useful. *he kneeled down and in one shift motion, cut with his claw-like finger into the side of the creature, causing a slightly louder cry of pain to emit from it* *a small stream of dark magenta blood flowed from the wound* *he pulled his finger away and looked at the blood before his mouth seemed to slightly open just enough for what looked like a black tongue to slip out and lick the blood away* *he stuck his finger into his mouth and even seem to make a sound of enjoyment like when someone is trying their favorite food* Delicious. *there was a hint of something like sheer pleasure in his voice*
Proctor turned his head to look at the horrified fox.
Proctor: Come here.
Cosmos didn’t move.
Proctor: Did you not hear me? Come here. *he sounded like an annoyed parent trying to make his kid behave*
Cosmos still couldn’t move. His body felt like it was locked in place.
Proctor: *expression changed to what looked like a scowl* Move now, or next time I won’t bother to knock you out before cutting open that little body of yours.
That snapped Cosmos out of the freeze state of mind, bringing his attention back to the human who was eyeing him down now.
With shaky legs, he began to walk over to where the tailed scientist was.
Proctor’s scowl turned to a neutral expression once again upon seeing that Cosmos was doing what he said now. His tail flicked slightly as if beckoning Cosmos closer.
In spite of the waves of discomfort and fear that rested on him like an unwanted heavy blanket, Cosmos couldn’t take his eyes off of the creature before him. He stopped a few feet away from the scientist, he didn’t want to get any closer to… it.
Proctor: This one gave us quite a hard time, you see. *he patted the side the creature* Killed quite a few of my workers before we got him under control. Normally, I would’ve simply terminated him and be done with it, but that would be such a waste. It’s not often that we manage to get our hands on this big of a specimen. *his face contorted into an imitation of a smile* So, I thought I’d test his limitations. *his eyes filled with what looked like pride* And it turned out better than I could have ever hoped.
Cosmos watched with wide horrified eyes as Proctor casually jabbed his hand back onto the small cut he had made. The creature let out half a shriek as its vocal cords sounded like they were straining to make noise any louder than a soft cry. When he pulled his hand back, it was covered in blood that didn’t look quite right as it looked to be a dark shade of red than normal.
He wasn’t sure why, but he couldn’t pull his gaze away from the no-fur as Proctor licked the blood from his hand. Repulsion and disgust welled up in his stomach at the sight.
Proctor: *quickly finished licking the blood before a sound almost like the purr of a satisfied cat emitted from the two black holes on his face* Delicious indeed~. *he turned to look at the fox yet again* I want to know what you think of it.
Cosmos: what? *his voice was no more than a whisper*
Proctor: Try some. *he said it so casually like he was just offering him an apple*
Cosmos’s breathing began to quicken and he looked between the two figures in the room. His full body went stiff as he once again froze in place.
Was he seriously asking him to… eat that?
Without even meaning to, he took a step back. His heart felt like it was trying to break through his ribs and run away from this awful room. He shook his head in disbelief.
Proctor didn’t like that.
Before he could even blink, a mechanical hand shot out from Proctor’s lower back, grabbing Cosmos’s around his stomach and forcefully bringing him closer. The hand covered the entirely of his stomach and lower back where it had grabbed him. Its grip was tight and unyielding, the cold metal of it sending shivers across his body. Or that could’ve just been the fear.
Proctor stared down at him with those cold gray eyes.
Proctor: And, what makes you think you have a choice? *another mechanical hand came around to hold down one of Cosmos’s arms, leaving only one of them free*
With his main hands, Proctor grabbed Cosmos’s other arm with a bruising grip, before securely holding his wrist in his other hand. He then moved the hand towards the bleeding wound.
Cosmos’s mind screamed at him to stop what was happening, but all he could do was kick his feet in a futile attempt to escape the vice grip of the hands. He could do nothing as his hand was forced closer and closer to the wound.
Warm blood met his hand as it was pressed on top of the wound. He wanted to throw up. He had had blood on his hands before, but never like this. This was nothing like the quick kills he had done when hunting. That was out of necessity, and he always made sure to kill them quickly. But this? This is was just…. cruel.
When Proctor pulled his hand away, a few drops of blood dripped from it onto the skin of the creature. He then brought his hand back to show him his blood-soaked palm and fingers.
Proctor looked at him expectantly.
Cosmos looked with terrified eyes at his hand. He felt like he was shaking, but he wasn’t sure if that was really him shaking or the hands maybe. He couldn’t tell.
Proctor made a sound like an annoyed sigh. A hand roughly grabbed his face, angling his chin up and cold fingers forcibly opened his mouth.
Without a moment of hesitation, Proctor shoved Cosmos’s hand into his mouth.
The metallic taste of blood coated his tongue. His sharp teeth poked at his hand, but luckily didn’t seem to break the skin. He wanted to gag, but he couldn’t. His widened eyes stared to look at Proctor’s cold unblinking eyes.
He knew what Proctor wanted him to do.
Nausea became to climb up from his stomach as he licked the blood from his own hand. He didn’t stop until it felt like his palm was clean.
After a few more moments, Proctor pulled the hand from Cosmos’s mouth, who gasped in barely hidden relief. Blood was still smeared around his mouth, but he paid no mind to it at that moment. His hand was covered in small traces of blood as well as his own saliva, but he was too shocked to even feel disgusted by it.
Proctor: Well?
Cosmos looked down at the ground, his vision was blurry from the welled up tears. He coughed indignantly as he breathed heavily.
He composed himself enough to speak as to not anger the tailed one further.
Cosmos: It’s *his voice sounded rough* ….fine. *shame and nausea whirled inside his stomach and mind like a whole school of fish fresh out of water* *he felt so ashamed and sick and disgusting and he just wanted to leave and never return to this cursed room*
Proctor hummed at his answer.
Proctor: Good enough.
A little while later, Cosmos was thrown back into his cell. He had barely registered anything the whole way back, his mind still reeling from what he had been forced to do.
He was sure that he had vomited at some point, he couldn’t recall. Though, he could taste the bile in his mouth, the only real proof that that had happened.
He weakly crawled over to the corner of the room opposite of the bed and curled into a little ball.
Part 8 :1
Cosmos: This is the worst day of my life.
Proctor: The worst day of your life so far.
Previous: Part 7
Next: TBA
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scp-10000 · 11 months
I was thinking of the popular convex headcanon about them eating people when I thought up this stupid variation.
Cub and Scars’ teeth aren’t sharp enough, and they do not have the bite force needed to break human skin.  They bite someone and that someone just looks at them and goes “Okay?  What’s your plan now geniuses?”  In order to actually eat a human they have to mince their meat up or grind it.  They cannot just pin someone down and start biting(even if we are being fair and throwing in my lack of physical strength headcanon on top of this one).
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trooperst-3v3 · 8 months
Got into another Force argument discussion with Ben Solo in the break room today. He said the Force "Definitely isn't like a bacterial infection" because midichlorians don't jump from person to person. So I asked how one gets midichlorians in the first place.
"I don't know," he said. "They're just sort of there. I think you're born with them. Snoke didn't really focus his teachings on that area."
"Could a person acquire some?"
"How would you acquire midichlorians? They're just. . .in your body."
"What if I ate it?"
". . . What?"
"What if I ate your body. Could I get your midichlorians then? Would they become my midichlorians? Hypothetically, of course."
"ST-3V3. . .Do you have my body?"
"No, not me, personally."
". . . Does Hux?"
"What? I don't know. I wasn't there when you died. I don't even know where you d. . ."
"Can I have it?"
"My body."
"First of all, gross. Second of all, what would you even do with it?"
"I don't know. Maybe I could possess it. You know, feel like I have a physical form again?"
"You know what? Even if someone from the First Order did somehow reclaim your body and bring it aboard the Finalizer - which is HIGHLY improbable - I would personally find it and eat it if that was what I had to do to spare myself having to witness you walking around the ship in a decaying meat suit every day."
Someone come get this man. He is worse than I am.
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ha I like good father Kenneth, but it kinda makes me question, why isn't he nice in public? Like, theres a reason they thought Travis was being aboosed!
Me thinks it’s an image upkeep.
If more people are concerned and stressed because they can’t get proof, more negativity grows and more happily fed demons. They could try to be nice but then things like Sals incident would occur (in this au a demon took over the dog and in a panic Kenneth tried to put the dog down and killed a woman by accident. The trauma still sits with Kenneth and he desperately devoted himself to never hurting someone again.
They have no idea the cult is taking people and killing them, as they are seen as above dirty work. They were never informed of the cults body count. In fact, Travis happily introduces Sal and Larry to the members thinking they were also actors.
Sal and Larry hate to inform the two blissfully unaware of the world they live in. It’s upsetting to see two innocent people in a shitty situation have to understand the gravity of their situation. They didn’t have a choice but to tell. Travis passed out after hearing he was fed meat from unsafe sources.
I know Kenneth hates when Travis hurts himself so they can have a valid bruise. Kenneth refuses to raise a hand at him. The pressure does get too much for both of them. Travis has already been caught crying in a bathroom stall and Kenneth accidentally breaks character in front of people very rarely.
Cause you can anger people easily with three things: unnecessary hate, child abuse and animal abuse. Those garner the quickest negative emotions. And regrettably Kenneth and Travis are tasked with garnering enough to keep the demons at bay.
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skitzo-kero · 2 years
🖊🖊🖊🖊 (you don't actually have to do this many i just love your ocs v much)
<333 and I love you, but fuck you I take these four pens and give equal amount of ocs <3 Gonna put them under the cut <3
Okay!! since it is so many, I will be nice to myself and do ones I don't have as much to gush about over due to development:
Cota: Little Mushroom OC and God-killer Rabbit: Oc based on Forest gameplay, serial killer cannibal Evander: My Oc Quinten's work partner and fellow attorney Primal: A new Anthro OC I've been thinking about based on a Utahraptor mixed with draconic DNA Cota Warnings: None, sweet baby mushy Rabbit Warnings: Cannibalism, murder Evander Warnings: None, its a prick, but its chill for the most part Primal Warnings: Human experimentation, child solider mindset, forced murder
Cota!! My baby Cota!!! I need to really dive back into Mushroom Mythos, I still have one more lineage to design and all of the guardians and other creatures in the world. An important note, all residence of this world use non-binary or neopronouns. He/she pronouns are rarely used, but more gendered titles (such as Mother or Father) are still used in talking about certain figures (i.e. the main deity, Mother Mycelline)
So Mushroom Mythos is basically a world inhabited by sentient mushroom people whose deities actively roam the world and can be interacted with.
Cota is the protagonist of this story, an Anae who wandered away from their city as they followed a voice. They found a small crack in a wall, they barely fit through and that's where they met Mother Mycelline.
I'm not sure if this is gonna be its own story about Cota or I might turn it into a campaign! Or both!! But Cota's mission is to kill all of Mycelline's children (the four other deities of the world) and then kill Mycelline. Regardless of if this is a campaign or not, Cota will obtain allies and the group will gain power over time and ascend to be the new deities of the world.
Rabbit!! My unhinged wild child. I put Rabbit (obviously not the real name) as a more feminine figure, but not sure of the gender or pronouns.
Long story short, Rabbit's plane home crashed on an island and nearly everyone in the plane crashed save them and a few others. Over time things were going well. The small group had a base put together that had plenty of animals around to keep them fed or as pets. Rabbit even had a habit of keeping many rabbits on their personal property.
Time went on and Rabbit got curious as it became clear the inhabitants of the island were cannibals. So they tried eating some people and whatever is causing the horrible mutated creatures of the place kinda got to them.
They started using a lot of human remains in their decor to start, but then built a basement to keep their secret pantry of human meats, a chair to the side to watch whatever captive they had at the time.
Despite this, Rabbit still cares deeply about their other companions and wouldn't dare hurt them. Actually, they're quite protective of them and would sacrifice themselves in order to keep them safe.
Evander!! Little Bitch Baby!! Okay I know I've talked to you about it before but still!! I've decided that Evander uses It/Its pronouns!! Its an ambiguous figure who presents itself with a saber skull for a head, a floating crown, and very non-human traits (tail, clawed paw feet).
In this world, the existence of all Alternate Universes are very well known. In fact the world's council (the Eye) decide on which universes are "valid", so Quinten and Evander are "Defense Reformers". They go into these alternate universes, changing their forms to match, and do studies to see how the au works vs the core inspiration. Working hard to ensure that every universe has a chance to survive and sustain itself so it won't have to be destroyed.
I need to redesign Evander, I want them to be bulkier to contrast more with Quinten's smaller size.
Evander seems much more emotional and engaged, but it honestly can't feel much of anything. This is due to its upbringing, the cracked gem on their crown reflecting this about itself.
Its also from the upperclass of this world, which does encourage emotional detachment unfortunately. So Evander often misses social cues and comes off as a prick.
Primal! Okay ngl, this oc was made with the intention of MHA usage. I love that anime l i s t e n.
Primal (pro-name) is a commission experiment. Taking DNA from other heroes and splicing them together to create a dedicated solider.
In their normal form, Primal has the large clawed and bird like feet of a Utahraptor, the long muscular tail, feathers in their hair and on their elbows, the sharp teeth, and clawed hands. Oh and a pair or large red wings (only good for gliding in this form or a good jump).
They can transform, it's their primary ability. This form has the basic structure of a Utahraptor, but the arms have melded with the wings giving the raptor a more wyvern like appearance, complete with projectile quills on the tail.
They were trained since childhood on how to follow commission orders, even to kill on command. This makes a transition into society very difficult, as they have a harder time holding back. Which is why I'm thinking of putting them into UA during the main series so that they have some good role models and people who would take the time to sit with them and talk out why their behavior is a problem.
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[ @throughxthexmist LIKED For A Starter || Tino ]
[ Ozzy ]
To be fair, he kind of knew that he was getting in over his head when he’d tried that. Usually, people weren’t too happy when you charmed their lovers away from them in order to eat them. One would think he’d know better, but he was tired of being hungry.
Of course, that meant that he had to book it out of there, because the fucker had started him enough that he had just about pissed his pants. He could have taken them, but they looked enough like Michael with the dark hair that he didn’t want to chance it.
Catching sight of Tino up ahead, he crossed his fingers before bounding over, carefully climbing into his lap, and kissing him suddenly. He wasn’t about to get caught in this bullshit, and so he decided it would be easier to deal with Tino that someone else. At least he hoped so.
His hand slid against the back of his neck, then into his hair, and he closed his eyes, hoping to hide his face entirely.
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ickadori · 6 months
[summary] uraume doesn’t like you, but sukuna has taken an interest in you, and there isn’t a thing in this world that they wouldn’t tolerate for lot sukuna, even if it is you.
[cws] fem reader. uraume hates you! they want to cook you, and mention it quite a lot -> mentions of cannibalism, but no one is actually eaten…yet. true form sukuna for the win. uraume very much has the hots for sukuna. team effort oral -> sukuna receiving. fingering -> reader receiving. threesome.
[an] inspired by this -> link. sosososososos happy this was planted in my head m going insane actually.
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Uraume hates you, indubitably.
You were a human, a sturdy one to be able to withstand Sukuna’s affection, but a human nonetheless. While their views on humans weren’t as grandiose as the likes of Geto, they still deemed them as beneath them, and anyone beneath Uraume had no business being in the presence of Sukuna, and yet you had been kept around.
They hadn’t known what Sukuna wanted with you at first — they had originally intended to cook you into a meal fitting for their king. You had plenty meat on you, and the king was often… hoggish when it came to his appetite, so you would have done a good job in being a filling meal, the only things humans were good for in Uraume’s eyes.
Sukuna had nearly beheaded them the moment a knife had been pointed in your direction. For whatever reason, you were special. It baffled them, entirely, completely, it still does. They had spent so much time watching you, observing all the things you did; the way you walked, the way your eyes nervously flitted about, never venturing past someone’s collar bones, the way you brushed your hair, the way fed yourself, how your fingers held the fork and knife (quite clumsily, may they add. You were clearly due for a lesson in etiquette.), how you tried and failed to properly tie your kimono, forcing them to fix it for you lest you both be on the receiving end of Sukuna’s wrath. Appearance is everything, didn’t you know that?
Speaking of appearances… you were pleasant enough to look at, but Sukuna had an endless sea of pleasant faces to pick from, ones that came with a bit of training, so what had drawn him to you specifically?
They couldn’t put their finger on it, and they guessed that it ultimately didn’t matter. You made their master happy, and they could tolerate you until you inevitably landed in his bad graces, and then they’d serve you up to him on a silver platter.
On the day that Sukuna had angrily called for them, they had thought you had finally done it, and had quickly come to his call with a pep in their step and a glint in their eye.
Uraume didn’t find extreme amounts of pleasure in killing others, it was simply a part of their job, but they can’t deny that the thought of being rid of you elicited a response similar to ones they got whenever Sukuna bestowed his praise unto them, something that hadn’t happened since you had wormed your way into their kingdom.
Yes, as humans say, Uraume was jealous. They were envious of the attention Sukuna gave you—and you were so greedy. You took it all and held onto it with an iron fist, scared out of your wits that he’d grow bored of you if you loosened your grip even the slightest bit, because then you’d be up for the pickings.
When Uraume finally made it to Sukuna’s quarters, the sight they were greeted with wasn’t a foreign one. He was sat on the bed, kimono pooled around him, while you kneeled between his legs, your own clothing nowhere in sight. His cocks were hard and twitching, fat dollops of pre-cum sliding down the shafts, coupled with the remnants of your saliva, or perhaps your slick.
So you had failed to please him, as many often did. One cock of that size was too much for most to handle, let alone two, and you were human, after all.
“Lord Sukuna.” Uraume drops into a deep bow, their head touching the cool floor and staying until they’re given permission to stand. “How can I assist you?” Would Sukuna have them dice you up and turn you into a nice stew? Or perhaps he’d like something a little more raw… Human meat and muscle tended to be tough and dry, if not properly prepared, but Uraume had done this for centuries, and was kept around for a reason.
They’d make you into a meal worthy of being consumed by—
“Train her on how to take me.”
“You.. don’t wish for me to dispose of her?” That fiery flame flickers in his eyes, and Uraume rushes out a thousand apologies, hand placed over their heart as they lower their gaze. “Forgive me for speaking out of turn, my Lord. I shall do as you ask.”
This task has never before been requested of them, and they find themself at a momentary loss as they lower themself to kneel beside you, eyes scrutinizing you while you avoid their gaze. They quickly gain their bearings.
“Do I have permission to touch her, my Lord?”
“You do.”
“Open your mouth.” You look to Sukuna for confirmation, and Uraume bristles. As if you’re so high above them that you don’t immediately do as they say, tuh. With a nod from Sukuna, you’re hesitantly opening your mouth, and they insert two fingers, the pads of them pressing down on your tongue. They ignore the way that you gag and tears spring to your eyes, your clenched fists shaking on your bare thighs.
They push their fingers in deeper, making you violently gag as your throat constricts and you quickly jerk your head back. “I see what the problem is.” Their fingers are slick with your saliva, and they just barely resist the urge to wipe it clean on their clothing, figuring that Sukuna would take it as an insult. “You’re not relaxing your throat and jaw when you take him - allow me to demonstrate.”
Uraume turns to Sukuna, a flutter in their stomach as they direct a question his way. “Permission to pleasure you, my Lord?”
“Do as you please.”
They fall into habit easily enough - hands bracing against the thick meat of his thighs, tongue swiping out to wet their lips before moving to trail up the underside of his cock before placing a wet, gentle kiss on the head, quickly giving the other the same treatment. His scent is heady, strong, and Uraume breathes him in deep before their lips are wrapping around the dark, uncut tip, jaw and throat relaxing as they take him all the way in, nose pushed into a set of wiry curls.
Uraume cuts their eyes at you, lips stretched wide around the cock in their mouth, and find that you’re watching with apt interest, thighs not so subtly rubbing together as rock back onto your heel that’s positioned underneath you.
Greedy — putting your own pleasure before Sukuna’s. It’s unacceptable, and they rectify it with a swift snatch of your hair. You’re pushed towards his neglected cock, and you’re given a moment to prepare before it’s pushed into your mouth, Uraume’s hand on the back of your neck forcing you to take him all in.
You choke and gag, the action bringing forth a deep, guttural groan from Sukuna, and Uraume watches as he brings a hand down to grip your hair at the roots, his other holding the side of your face. Uraume’s nails bite into your skin before they can stop it, and you cry out as best you can, hands pushing at Sukuna’s stomach as your tears flow freely.
You’re flailing now, and Uraume has half a mind to let you fail again, not caring if they’re on the chopping block as well, but Sukuna comes before everyone else, first and foremost.
They pull their mouth off of his cock with a wet sound, strings of saliva and pre-cum stretching from their lips to the dribbling tip, and quickly lick it away as they place their hand around your throat, right where they can see the bulge formed. “You have to calm down.” Their thumb gently rubs against your skin, voice low and as soothing as it can get as their free hand smooths down the expanse of your back and over the curve of your ass. “Breathe through your nose - yes, just like that.”
Their fingers find your cunt, wet and plump, and two easily slip inside, walls eagerly sucking them in. “Move your tongue against him, he likes it.” You make a noise of complaint, and they tighten the hand around your throat. “You now live to please him, so please him. Move your tongue or I’ll—” A violent shiver wracks their body as Sukuna’s energy spikes, and Uraume softens their voice again, fingers twisting and rubbing as they search for that special spot that always renders the most skittish, stiff women into malleable, pliant dolls.
You finally do as they say, judging by Sukuna’s reaction, and Uraume keeps up their ministrations on your cunt, fingers plunging in and out, resulting in a lewd squelch, the sound barely audible over the way you occasionally gag and moan. Their gaze trails over to Sukuna’s neglected cock, and deciding that you’re doing a decent enough job now, they move to take him back into their mouth, fingers still moving inside you.
With your previous resistance gone, Sukuna takes it upon himself to move you back and forth on his cock, veins on the back of his hand bulging as he ruts into your mouth. Uraume does well enough on their own to be exempt from the treatment, head bobbing and hand fondling at heavy, full sacs as they suck, tongue gliding along the underside of his shaft, even occasionally mushing against his tip and pushing into the slit there.
Knowing him as well as they do, Uraume knows that Sukuna will come soon, and they suck in earnest, messily slurping and swallowing as his thighs tense under their touch. You suddenly tighten around their fingers, and a glance to the side shows your lashes fluttering, your jaw slack as Sukuna pulls out of your mouth, only to push right back in and bury himself to the hilt. Uraume does the same, welcoming the spurts of cum that trail down their throat as they eagerly swallow.
Your name is on Sukuna’s tongue as he pulls out of your mouth, and Uraume watches in distaste as you cough and splutter, wasting the cum that he had so graciously shared with you, and they find themselves leaning forward before they can help themself.
Their lips collide with yours, tongue licking into your mouth as they collect the remnants of cum inside, and they ignore the way you arch into them and grab ahold of their haori, fully focused on getting every drop they can. With a gentle suck of your tongue they finally pull away, and they blink at the way you follow them, eyes lidded and hazy as you try to go for another kiss.
They let you, not wanting to incur Sukuna’s anger for denying you, and you messily kiss them, although it’s more of a mash of lips and teeth as you moan against them and pant into their mouth.
Sukuna laughs, and a warmth spreads throughout Uraume when one of four hands comes to rest atop their head. “It seems as though you’ve gained her affection - you should be honored.” Hardly.
Sukuna hauls you up into his lap, and Uraume thinks their presence is no longer needed and begins to stand, only for the hand on their head to tangle in their hair and force them to their feet. “You’re not done yet.”
Confusion swims in their eyes, but it’s quickly sated when they see that Sukuna is ready to go again, one of his cocks nestled between your folds as you pathetically hump against it, hands grasping at his shoulders as you tip your head back, moans and cries bouncing off the walls. “As you can see, she’s quite greedy.” His hand roughly gropes at your ass, and he lifts you with little effort before placing you back down on his cock. He only gets the tip in before you’re gasping and clawing at his shoulders, head fruitlessly shaking back and forth as you babble out nonsensical words. “And inexperienced. I trust that you can fix this.”
“Of course, my Lord.”
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diejager · 6 months
Ok but like what about Wendigo reader? Maybe the team knows she's not exactly human but maybe in her file it just marked n/a and leaves it at that so they just assume that their sweet little medic is just a helpful spirit of some kind. Humans tend to give her a very wide birth since they seem to notice her as something they should leave the fuck alone, the boys just assume it's because of them always being near her and leave it at that. Till they're all on a mission and it all goes to shit, they're pinned down and then one of them ends up taking a bullet and reader just straight up fuckin losses it and next thing they know their is a 10 ft tall fuckin deer monster shredding bitches like their made of PAPER MACHE and EATING THEM, once the dust settles it moves towards them and slowly it shifts into their sweet medic but she is covered in blood and she just casually starts treating their wounds and the team is just like "Well mark me down as scared and horny" (if this makes no sense feel free to ignore)
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Pairing: Monster 141 + Horangi & König x Wendigo!reader
Cw: cannibalism, human eating, greed, blood, canon-typical violence, tell me if I missed any. Wc: 2k (A/N): I felt a bit burnt out so I’m sorry if it’s bad, I reread it just in case, but it still feels bad.
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They say that human greed is the source of evil, the all-consuming hunger for more —more than they need. Hunger drives humans to do the unspeakable, to break the line humanity had drawn and commit the taboo. Despite it being carved so deeply into the human psyche, passed down from generation to generation and the propaganda of humanism and equality, it doesn’t take much to make someone tip over, cross the edge nobody dared to and perform the unspeakable. Possession causes needs and needs cause greed.
That’s why people called to him for help, to carry out a clandestine mission to do their dirty work, his duty was to stop whatever men in power started, whatever men in power lost control —he was the one sent when they were scared. Fear was as coercive as power was. That was the reason Task Force 141 was first founded, to stop dangerous men like Hassan (Gaz remembered hearing from Soap that Ghost shot Hassan through the head, straight through him before he slumped down.) and Makarov, a man they were still searching for while signing a liaison contract with KorTac. Price, with Laswell’s help, managed to put the best of the best together: a wraith, a werewolf, a dragon, a harpy, a nagual and a cadejos vessel, all decorated with various medals for their work, and then there was you.
You were a mystery, even to Price who usually had clearance for anyone who joined them. Gaz knew, from a single glance, that you were far from human, you were a monster like Ghost was, turned after an occasion, or a hybrid like him. Surprisingly, Ghost seemed to welcome you warmly, albeit standoffish, having worked with you in the past, seeing that you both preferred working alone. Gaz wanted to show you the same heartwarming welcome as Ghost had, but there was something about you, an uneasiness he felt when he was around you. The others felt it as well, the innate need to keep their distance from you and the instinctual fear that had the hairs on their arms raised. Gaz could feel your eyes whenever you stared at him, like the eyes of a predator stalking its prey —it made him feel perturbed.   
You seemed so human, yet so inhuman-like, your dull, thousand-yard stare, your inability to feel temperature (either cold or warm, you always wore the same clothes), your odd habits and your unusual calmness in every situation. Gaz had caught you staring at a private for much longer than what people considered normal, eyes glazed over and dilated as if you were seeing something else, daydreaming while being aware of your surroundings. Those were your moments, you were usually bubbly, always smiling at him whenever his eyes met yours or treating him with gentleness and always eager to help him. You had a softness to your being despite the eerie feel to you and your unique tendencies, you didn’t discriminate, nor did you show an ounce of hate towards hybrids and humans, treating everyone fairly. 
Although you tried to fit in as best as you could, there were things that Gaz and the others just couldn’t shake off without questioning things. There was the lingering scent of blood on you, a metallic tang that stuck on his tongue after you walked by. König and Soap had confessed that they had a feeling that blood was a part of your scent, unwashable and impossible to hide, it clung to you like a second skin. They chalked it up to you being the Task Force’s medic, having brought people back from the brink of death and stitching men back together, you were practically bathed in the smell of blood and death every day. 
Another thought was that they never saw you in the Mess hall for food, perhaps a cup of tea or a hot mug of coffee to boost you through a long shift in the infirmary as the base’s main medic if you weren’t deployed with them. Gaz never saw you eat, not once had he seen you hold a plate or bowl with substance for yourself. You would bring either of them a plate, caring for them whenever they were under your watch, giving them soup or anything that they could easily digest. 
Gaz, Soap, Rudy and Horangi would chatter about you, throwing speculations on your breed, to see what hybrid or monster fit all your characteristics. You couldn’t be a wraith, your hands weren’t painted with death, a dark miasma that clung to you. You weren’t a werewolf, Soap would know, wolves were able to smell and recognize each other, it was an instinctual aspect of him. You weren’t any shifting hybrid either, there would be signs, little cues if you were one, and your classification wouldn’t be classified, painted over with a red line. 
All they could was wonder and amble around with curiosity dripping from their tongues. Gaz was sure that he’d find out soon enough, whether it was an accident or your choice.
This wasn’t what Gaz meant by eventually, he didn’t mean being set up by Konni, a trap planted for them in the small Belgium town. It was the best set to box them in, a broken and ransacked ghost town that people fled from, walls greyed and cracked, the paint peeling off street lights and rusted metal poles, lost, forgotten and open. There didn’t have any cover, even if they ran and hid behind the crumbling walls, Konni had them surrounded on every end, concealed behind concrete walls and using the shadows to hide from sight. 
It was chaotic, Konni had pushed them into an open area of the town, the centrepiece of it with a dilapidated, Greek fountain, chipped on the sides and green with mould, Gaz would’ve admired the architecture and the beauty it must’ve been in the past when it was still being cared for. They were backed up in a corner, Gaz couldn’t even stretch his wings out with how tightly they were packed together, the uncomfortable pull of his trapezius and the strain in his limbs kept him grounded. The tension was thick, palpable, Gaz could taste it in the air as much as anyone could, their shoulders tense, fingers tapping the trigger of their rifles. All they could do was wait for Konni to act first, to see where they would appear from and work their way out of this open area from there. 
He had his back towards you, he couldn’t see you but he could feel you shake. It might’ve been from the adrenaline pumping through your veins or the nerve of being lied to, of falling into a trap when Ghost had voiced his suspicions about the lack of clearer intel. They were paying for their amateurism. He felt you shudder, breath stuttering, near panting with exhaustion. Gaz wanted to turn to you, words soothing your nerves and twitchy appearance, he acted letting drown in your mind, whatever it was, he hated it. His finger twitched on the trigger, jolting at the sudden crack of bones, an ugly and painful sound that made him wince. It shocked everyone, even the ever so silent and stoic Ghost who had a hard time hearing these cracks coming from you.
Damn this mission; damn the trap; damn this situation, Gaz needed to look at you, to see why your bones were breaking and limbs rattling. Instinctively, his wings shifted to cover you, the ends widening to cover your sides to protect you from whatever pained you, yet you didn’t let out a single squeak, no moan of pain or the grunt of suffering, you were silent. A part of his mind nagged at him to move, he could fly and try to outrun Konni mercenaries to find a way out, but then he’d leave your back open. He cursed lowly, teeth sinking into his lower lip in frustration, he was-
A loud screech thundered through the air, and screams and squelches followed it. You were missing. 
You were shaking just a second ago, body wracked with some unknown ailment and the next, you were missing, your sack, attire, rifle and helmet were scattered on the ground, with a bony creature tearing through Konni ranks. The hair on his neck rose, an uneasy feeling overtaking him as he watched the creature rip men in half, tines stabbing through their torso like a buck fighting another, head lowered and antlers pointed forward. He watched the tall and thin monster move around, its face was one of a deer’s skull, eaten clean of skin and flesh, any muscle or fibre gone with whatever transformation it took. A crown of antler adorned its head, tall and imposing, as pale as its skull, a coat of black fur was wrapped around the neck, draping down the back like a ridge of fur. 
“Fuck,” Gaz hissed, his body moving along the chaos the being created and your disappearance, he aimed his rifle and shot at the Russians who ran out of their hiding, fearful of the monster’s sudden arrival behind their ranks. “Captain! Is that-?”
“Don’t know anymore!” Price seemed to be as lost as Gaz was, reining in his confusion to focus on taking Konni out. “Keep your head in the game, Gaz; ask questions later.”
Gaz knew Price was right, the town was brimming with Russian ultranationalists, hiding and waiting for their time to jump at them. The situation was still chaotic, but it was better than being without cover. Gaz followed Horangi behind a wall, watching his back while they worked through the humans.
Somehow, Konni either retreated or were all dead, swallowed down by the beast that stood before them. Now that Gaz was standing so close to it - to you, after a few minutes of talking back and forth, they concluded that this was you from the pants that hung from your slim hips - he could see that the deer skull was just a mask covering your face, black and unidentifiable with those bright, gleaming eyes that stared down at him. Despite your curved back, bent to look at them, you towered over everyone, even König seemed small beside you, limbs almost as long as you, fingers tipped with blood that you were still licking off, a long tongue wrapped around your digit to clean yourself from blood, muscle and guts. 
You were casually cleaning yourself up like a cat washing, even in the aircraft, you were gorging on the body of a man you picked up, jaw opening to show them the dozen of teeth before you clamped down on the forearm, tearing into the muscle with famished intent. None of them could take their eyes off you, their sweet, smiley medic who sometimes had their moments, devouring a man without batting an eye, obliviously uncaring of their staring. Gaz wasn’t sure if he knew how he felt, a warmth building up in his chest, a heat that seared into the fibres of his beings like an infectious thing. All they did was watch you eat, no one speaking until you finished your meal.
“Mind tell us what happened, Hunter?” 
You perked up, blinking at Price owlishly, tongue lolling out to lick up the stray drop of blood that stuck on your skull’s teeth. Your chest rumbled, a soft growl rolling off your body while you tilted your head, you acted so much like a feline, grooming, reacting and moving like a curious cat, dangerous, yet so appealing. 
“Wendigo,” you rasped, voice breathy and weak, you spoke in broken English, unable to speak fluently after turning, “Curse, eat human.”
Your little mannerism, the small tilt of your head and your fumbling hands, seemingly embarrassed or ashamed after your show of ruthless hunger and savagery was… eye-opening. Something stewed inside him, your being creating a ripple in his heart, pulling at the hunger in the depth of his gut. He was torn by the fear of having you as the potential enemy and the arousal of seeing you break men in half, painting the ground in crimson and guts, and satiating your hunger - craving - with human and monster flesh. 
Gaz was fucked, both in the head and the situation. 
Taglist: @craxy-person @crowbird @dead-cipher @iwannabealocalcryptid @iizx7y @mxtokko @yeetusspagheetus @capricorn-anon @perfectus-in-morte @sae1kie @yeoldedumbslut @tallmanlover @distracteddragoness @vxnilla-hxrddrugs @konigsblog @havoc973 @angelcakes-22 @cassiecasluciluce @ramadiiiisme @ramblingsofachaoticthinker @ki-cant-spel @im-making-an-effort @love-dove-noora @jinxxangel13 @daisychainsinknots @0alk0msan @mul-pi @danielle143 @virginalsacrifice
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bakugoushotwife · 3 months
𝖘𝖔𝖚𝖑 𝖇𝖔𝖚𝖓𝖉 // 𝖘𝖚𝖐𝖚𝖓𝖆 𝖝 𝖋𝖊𝖒!𝖗𝖊𝖆𝖉𝖊𝖗 𝖒𝖆𝖘𝖙𝖊𝖗𝖑𝖎𝖘𝖙
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↪↪↪ cw: minors dni, dark content ahead. each chapter will come with its own set of specific warnings. true form sukuna, yuujikuna, timeskip/reincarnation themed. heian era into the modern storyline. gore, murder, cannibalism, weapons, blood, slight blood/knife play, reader is lowkey crazy, made up technique for you, very selfship coded at that, pregnancy, death of characters including reader but we come back, miscarriage/infant loss, i'm just making up sukuna lore, smut, uh he's sukuna please be serious, proceed with caution!
↪↪↪ summary: you welcome the feared sorcerer ryomen sukuna into your settlement, hoping he'll spare your village from his conquering streak. what you—and he—did not expect was a wedding two weeks later. sukuna never does anything halfway, and marrying you is no exception. he is a doting husband and then expecting father, until you unexpectedly pass away...the grief turns him from a raging sorcerer into a scheming and scorned widower. he can't stand the idea of anyone living if he doesn't have you. he comes up with the idea of turning himself into a curse on his war for revenge, and patiently waits for his time to return—to burn the world down forever. one thousand years later, his energy sings to life again, in a miserable excuse of a sorcerer—a boy named yuuji itadori. sukuna is ready to enact his plan, to exterminate everyone and hopefully find you somewhere on the other side of things when it's all over. what he didn't account for was you; again. he doesn't believe it at first—but yuuji's best friend was...you?
↪↪↪ notes from the author: hi hi!! i have been dreaming this dream for a while now, and i get to live it every day thanks to my beautiful and amazing roleplay partner and overall wifey extraordinaire, @suguru-getos . we've played with this idea when we wanted to figure out a way to give sukuna and myself something to stand on because in all reality he'd likely squash me like a gnat if he met me so this was something fun we came up with. i love the idea of sukuna the human having some redeeming moments and knowing love and pure happiness and for that to be a driving force for him to become a curse! once again this will have dark content so proceed at your own risks and read the individualized content warnings for each chapter!!
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𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖍𝖊𝖎𝖆𝖓 𝖊𝖗𝖆
⇝ 𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝖔𝖓𝖊: 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖖𝖚𝖊𝖊𝖓
⇝ 𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝖙𝖜𝖔: 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖍𝖊𝖎𝖗
⇝ 𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝖙𝖍𝖗𝖊𝖊: 𝖈𝖔𝖒𝖎𝖓𝖌 𝖘𝖔𝖔𝖓…
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𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖒𝖔𝖉𝖊𝖗𝖓 𝖊𝖗𝖆
⇝ 𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝖋𝖔𝖚𝖗: 𝖈𝖔𝖒𝖎𝖓𝖌 𝖘𝖔𝖔𝖓...
⇝ 𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝖋𝖎𝖛𝖊: 𝖈𝖔𝖒𝖎𝖓𝖌 𝖘𝖔𝖔𝖓...
⇝ 𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝖘𝖎𝖝: 𝖈𝖔𝖒𝖎𝖓𝖌 𝖘𝖔𝖔𝖓...
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↯↯↯ comment to be tagged!! banners are by @/cafekitsune
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obsessivevoidkitten · 10 months
Have His Cake And Eat It Too
Male Serial Killer Yandere x Gender Neutral Immortal Reader (CW: Noncon, blood, violence, murder, death, cannibalism and reader forced into cannibalism, kidnapping, general yandere behavior, Dead Dove: Do Not Eat, cursed immortal reader) Word Count: 500 (This is really bloody and dark compared to what I normally write, but it is also a drabble and does not contain the usual level of detail my other fics do, if you have played boyfriend to death and its sequel you may recognize some similarities between those characters and my Serial Killer Yandere, he is a bit of a mix between Strade, Ren, and Lawrence, though I still feel he is unique.)
Imagine there is a serial killer loose in your area. He finds people that meet his criteria, the specific personality and aesthetic that he desires in a partner, and he falls head over heels in love with them. He kidnaps them, doting on them, feeding them, clothing them, bathing them. But his love for them grows and grows. Serial Killer Yandere rapes them, forcing himself inside so he can feel them surround his cock. Serial Killer Yandere starts to cut them more and more, enjoying the sight of beautiful red blood on their otherwise flawless skin. But Serial Killer Yandere needs them to be a part of them. Serial Killer Yandere needs to be closer to them. Serial Killer Yandere really can’t help it, his love is just so strong. Serial Killer Yandere cuts them open and grips their heart, feeling it beat in his hand as they slowly bleed out. He consumes it, he held their very life in his hands and made it a part of him. But now he is alone again and needs a new darling. Serial Killer Yandere meets you for a date. You are exactly what he wants, even better than the ones that came before you. He kidnaps you like all the others after drugging your drink. You wake up with a chain on your ankle, dressed in delicate clothing. He dotes on you. He bathes you. He feeds you. He soothes you. He fucks you so hard just to see those beautiful tears stream down your face, the prettiest tears he has ever seen. Serial Killer Yandere loves you more and more, very quickly. Serial Killer Yandere can’t help himself, he knows he will miss you but he must be closer. His hand is in your chest, gripping your heart. Your blood leaves you as everything fades. You die. While you are dying he has never felt more in love, but once you are gone the familiar emptiness is quick to fill him. But you are not like the others. You don’t stay dead. In the morning when he comes to take care of your corpse and appreciate your beauty one last time before burying you with all the rest of his loves he sees that you are fine. You aren’t human. Not anymore. You were cursed to never be allowed to die hundreds of years ago. Serial Killer Yandere is shocked. He thinks he is losing it. Serial Killer Yandere kills you over and over, taking your heart for himself each time. You’re always back the next morning. Serial Killer Yandere becomes thrilled. Serial Killer Yandere force feeds you your own heart and shares it with you sometimes the day after he has killed you again. The curse transfers to him, and he discovers after dying due to an accident one day that he is unable to die. Now Serial Killer Yandere can have his cake and eat it too~ Forever <3
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strugglingbigtimw · 2 months
“I will eat you slowly.”
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Summary: Toji loves you a little too much. Genre: Yandere Toji x reader, dark fic, dead dove do not eat?
cw: Smut, facesitting, choking, lowkey extreme toxic masochism, descriptions of gore, mutilation, and cannibalism
a/n: the parasites in me told me to do it 🙃
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Toji Fushiguro is greedy. 
A man forced to fast will turn to gluttony at the first sight of a buffet. 
That’s exactly how Toji feels about you. 
You once jokingly called him a parasite. He wholeheartedly agrees.
It’s not enough for Toji to have your love, he needs to consume it. By that extension, he needs to consume you. 
He technically knows that you contain the same organs as most people. Heart, liver, intestines, the usual. However, yours have always seemed more delectable. 
He’s aware that gorging himself on you would lead to both of your demise. He can’t exactly replace you as easily as certain meals. 
However, that doesn’t stop his appetizing ideas. 
When he lays himself on your stomach, he resists the urge to sink his teeth into you. To feel your skin between his teeth, forcibly removing it from the muscles and tendons it kept safe. To lap on the blood that will pour out of you as he continues his assault. He wants to chew his way through those muscles until he reaches the delicate meat of your stomach. That is the real feast. 
Still, if there’s anything Toji learned from you it was compromise. 
Instead of getting the most savory experience by biting your fingers off, he’ll suck on them. However, the wedding ring he gave you, which adorns your hand when he acts on his impulses only intensifies this urge. 
He’ll playfully bite your wrist, as a joke. Something small you can laugh at as compared to the scream of horror that would bubble in your throat if he knawed and sucked at the marrow beneath your flesh as he wanted to. 
He loves to eat you out. Specifically, when you sit on his face. The feeling of your plush thighs occasionally squeezing the side of his head while he is overwhelmed by your scent, makes him dizzy. 
He wants more. He needs more 
He wants you to cave his skull in. To suffocate him so much that his neck breaks as he turns red from the lack of oxygen. If he can��t have that, he at least wants the imprint of your legs to leave dents in his head. When he walks around with you, he wants people to look at his disfigurement so they can know you caused it. 
People have always told him his scar is his most interesting feature, so why not have more? 
Additionally, Toji is fucking gross. 
Some masochistic part of him shivers when he’s put back in his place. When you beat down him like he’s scum. 
Old habits die hard. 
He wants you to slap him hard enough to leave red hand prints. When you’re riding him, he wants you to choke him. His breathless squeals of “harder, fuck…Harder” as his blood rushes to his face and his eyes force themselves shut worry you. He hopes that when he wakes up the next morning, he’ll still have the phantom feel of you strangling him. After long nights of being intimate with you, he wants his whole body black and blue. He needs you to mark him. To taint him so much that he can’t go anywhere without him and everyone else knowing that he’s yours. 
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lillithhearts · 3 months
Ooohhjj Alastor with a Fem!s/o that is a wendigo demon!?? Like she has the skull head(can come off to show her face but that is super rare) and all, taller the he is, good at hiding in the trees especially in Al's room with the forest part! Most likely a cannibal as well. She also collects souls and demon contracts. She is powerful but isn't interested in becoming a demon lord.
Alastor x Reader ⋅.˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥
ׂׂૢ pairing : Alastor x Reader
ׂׂૢ cw : not Proofread
ׂׂૢ Reader is Female
𝐍𝐨𝐰 𝐥𝐨𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠. . .
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♪ surprisingly he's very into you hiding in his Forrest, you'll make it a little game of him trying to find you while you dash and hide in the shadows of his territory. It's thrilling for him, especially when you get the upper hand, his smile twitching while shivers run up his spine
♪ love hate relationship with your height honestly, sure he loves you in all your glory but— he's supposed to be the main one here why do you tower over him? Bend down please.
♪ Alastor is extremely into your skull head, it's grotesque, freaky and he adores it. He, however does not at all mind the face under it; he's absolutely content with whichever one you grace him with
♪ Doesn't quite understand your whole thing of collecting souls and making contracts with pathetic sinners yet you have no desire of being an Overlord? He consistently tells you how terrifying you'd be, a force to be reckoned with— "a bunch of flattery" is what you always wave him off with. It's not your loss if he doesn't understand not everyone wants so much power
♪ his favorite thing is to bring you to cannibal Town with him since you both frequent it, a nice cup of tea and a few pinky fingers with Rosie is always a delight! You three get along great.
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Author's note : ahh! This was really short but I just wanted to get this out there :3 hope it's good enough pookies
Taglist : @anni1600 @ihavetoomanyfictionalcrushes @k1y0yo @d0nutsaur
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blackgirl0nline · 2 months
Feyd Rautha- “Warrior Sexuality”
Exploring the intimate effects of culture through a focused analysis of Dune Part Two
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CW: discussion of Feyd Rautha’s abuse at the hands of his uncle 
In “Ur-Fascism” (Eternal Fascism) by Umberto Eco there is a paragraph on fascist sexuality that I think applies to Feyd Rautha
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First, a minor note that I’m not exactly saying the Harkonens are fascistic only that this comparison came about because of the black sun that the Harkonen homeworld (Geidi Prime) orbits, which produces a black-and-white world of harsh politics where only those cruel enough to grasp power are rewarded.
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This is a world where you are either powerful or weak- and to gain that power you must be harshly cruel. Additionally, this is a slave culture with a clear and degraded underclass whose lives are on the line every second of their existence in the Harkonen sphere. This is a warrior culture with cruelty at its heart. So how is Feyd Rautha’s sexuality informed by this setting? 
Eco says, “since both permanent war and heroism are difficult games to play, the Ur-Fascist transfers his will to power to sexual matters,” So, Eco is focusing on the transfer of cruelty from the political to the most intimate realm. From the most public sphere to the private. 
He goes on to say “This is the origin of machismo (which implies both disdain for women and intolerance and condemnation of nonstandard sexual habits, from chastity to homosexuality).” Notice this disdain is why Reverend Mother Gaius Helen Mohiam even sends Margot Fenring in the first place. Mohaim is a motherly figure. That Feyd murdered his mother (with seemingly no consequences) implies a very degraded place for women in this society
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Consider there are no non-slave Harkonen women we can see. No wives, mothers, sisters. Only the Benegesserit- with their independent power are unharmed. Feyd still holds a knife to Lady Fenring’s neck, she still has to prove herself powerful enough to overtake him.
This is the only way normative sex happens on Geidi Prime- one partner must overpower the other. Love cannot exist here- as it necessitates an interpersonal equality of partners. Even a parent-child love is not possible. Feyd must kill his mother, the same way he almost kills his brother and threatens to kill his uncle.
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This is also the reason for his “sexual vulnerability” from the books due to his uncle abusing him. The kiss he forces on his uncle should not be seen as loving. All Harkonen sexuality is domination. Attempting to gain power over his uncle in the same way he abused Feyd.
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Eco finishes with “Since even sex is a difficult game to play, the Ur-Fascist hero tends to play with weapons — doing so becomes an ersatz phallic exercise.” 
Here I bring your focus on Feyd's knives and his seeming ecstasy in fighting. He caresses his knives and licks them. There is something almost overtly sexual about his relationship with them. They’re introduced in the same scene as his cannibal harpies.
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Off topic but are the cannibal harpies also sexually involved with Feyd? He calls them his “darlings” offers them gruesome gifts, and they seem to lounge in a sort of happiness?
They still take on the position of pets, they’re dressed the same, look the same, and never speak like the other slaves. But they seem prized in a sense. They eat human flesh- and so perhaps possess their own deadliness - and from that earn Feyd’s… adoration? Food for thought.
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But the “ersatz phallic exercise” is first practiced in the scene when he offers his "darlings" flesh. There are many coital details before the battle. Consider the black paint across his naked body. Showing off his form as a vehicle for war. Nothing carnal is far from brutality.
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Even his seduction by Margot Fenring- that he threatens her with that phallic object- that she says he “craves pain” right after he faces the Gom Jabar. There is some sort of sadomasochistic itch. Lastly, consider the intimacy of battle. When he fights the “last Atreides.” Seeing that his opponent is not drugged, he removes his shield. He makes himself vulnerable (also notice the slightly vulvic entrance to the arena like he’s participating in something vital/ sexual).
Perhaps because he craves pain, and the threat of an equal opponent is made more exciting if that equal opponent can equally harm him (note at the end how close the two are as Feyd holds him to his chest- the smile and wink in at his opponent the refusal of outside interference).
In conclusion, Feyd participates in Umberto Eco’s “ersatz phallic exercise,” as a natural extension of Harkonen cruelty infecting every sphere. That’s also why I found this post especially true to the character there is something very inherently sexual about Feyd’s relation to fighting.
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Thanks to my Twitter mutuals who asked me to put this in a more readable format, so I got to clear up some spelling and punctuation errors in the original thread.
If you enjoyed this piece consider buying me a coffee here: https://ko-fi.com/bakhita
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