#cylindrical shaped ufo
sergioguymanproust · 2 years
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The cylindrical shaped UFOs is one the first to appear on our skies back in the late 40s, but their presence all over the world was already part of many cultures.The utter shock and denial by our government is notoriously dangerous to the common folks,many were killed to silence and still are if coming forward with sightings,abductions and sharing of extraterrestrials technology.Well ,no secret there .The fear of being silenced by the CIA is a very real one ,So ,it is unfortunate that we actually be more afraid of one of our own humans than these extraterrestrial beings .So in truth when the government,the Pentagon ,the CIA ,claim that we couldn’t handle meeting with aliens ,the fact is that they are more dangerous ,hostile and ready to kill than aliens. But you know these facts already. Never forget that the government will go any extreme to smear,discredit ,lie silence the common citizens in order to keep the secrecy on this subject. Well, just last year an American Airlines pilot sighted a cylindrical shaped UFO flying over his plane in New Mexico skies ,well ,here we go again folks The FBI can’t confirm or deny such event. The truth is that these crafts do whatever they want in any skies .Most countries by now have acknowledged the extraterrestrial presence over their skies ,the US is the only country in the world that still denies everything. Makes you wonder doesn’t it? Well , enough of my ranting .Words and sketch by Sergio GuymanProust.
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stroebe2 · 1 year
triangle is easily the best ufo shape
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gravityofforteana · 1 year
*Operation Trojan Horse*
Keel: Whatever "it" is, it is often inimical (tending to obstruct or harm. ~Joe) to the human race, & the manifestations range from childish mischief to acts of horrifying destruction. The phenomenon has driven many people mad; but it has also produced miraculous cures.
A cosmic system of checks & balances seems to be an actual fact. There are now well-documented cases of people being seriously injured, even killed, by flying saucers. But there are equally well-documented events in which the mysterious objects and their enterprising occupants have interceded directly in human affairs and thwarted disaster. Many flying saucers seem to be nothing more than a disguise for some hidden phenomenon. They are like Trojan horses descending into our forests & farm fields, promising salvation and offering us the splendor of some great super-civilization in the sky.
But while the statuesque long-haired “Venusians” have been chatting benignly with isolated traveling salesmen and farm wives, a multitude of shimmering lights & metallic disks have been silently busying themselves in the forests of Canada, the Outback country of Australia, and the swamps of Michigan. Before we can find any answers, we must first find the right questions to ask. We must understand the exact nature of these visitors, and of ourselves.
I also believe that this same phenomenon is flexible to an unbelievable degree. It can create and manipulate matter through electromagnetic fields above and below the range of our perceptions and our own technical equipment. The phenomenon is mostly invisible to us because it consists of energy rather than solid earthly matter. It is guided by a great intelligence and has concentrated itself in the areas of magnetic faults throughout history. It makes itself visible to us from time to time by manipulating patterns of frequency. It can take any form it desires, ranging from the shapes of airplanes to gigantic cylindrical spaceships. It can manifest itself into seemingly living entities ranging from little green men to awesome one-eyed giants. But none of these configurations is its true form. The UFO sighting data confirm this theory, but we lack the necessary technology to prove it conclusively.
There are thousands of microscopic life forms in a drop of water. You can’t see them, feel them, or taste them because they are too small. A teenaged boy with a cheap microscope can peer into that drop of water and invade the privacy of those microbes. But the microbes don’t know he is there. They swim about in their liquid environment totally unaware that their tiny world is actually an insignificant part of a much larger, and very different, whole. Our world may also be part of something bigger, something beyond our senses and abilities to comprehend. That bigger something is undoubtedly made of energies, too. But energies of a different frequency, forming atoms radically different from the atoms of our own world. These energies could coexist with us and even share the same space without our becoming acutely aware of them. The evidence we have outlined in this book does clearly point to this unperceived coexistence, and now we must come to terms with "it" or "them" or the Great Whatzit in the sky.
This intelligence is able to manipulate energy. It can, quite literally, manipulate any kind of object into existence on our plane.
Let us assume that UFOs exist at frequencies beyond visible light but that they can adjust their frequency and descend the electromagnetic spectrum - just as you can turn the dial of your radio and move a variable condenser up and down the scale of radio frequencies.
When a UFO’s frequency nears that of visible light, it would first appear as a purplish blob of violet. As it moves farther down the scale, it would seem to change to blue, and then to cyan (bluish green). In our chapter on meteors we note that they most often appear as bluish-green objects. I have therefore classified that section of the color spectrum as the UFO entry field. When the objects begin to move into our spatial and time coordinates, they gear down from the higher frequencies, passing progressively from ultraviolet to violet to bluish green. When they stabilize within our dimensions, they radiate energy on all frequencies and become a glaring white.
In the white condition the object can traverse distances visibly, but radical maneuvers of ascent or descent require it to alter its frequencies again, and this process produces new color changes. In the majority of all landing reports, the objects were said to have turned orange (red and yellow) or red before descending. When they settle to the ground they "solidify," and the light dims or goes out altogether. On takeoff, they begin to glow red again. Sometimes they reportedly turn a brilliant red and vanish. Other times they shift through all of the colors of the spectrum, turn white, and fly off into the night sky until they look like just another star.
Because the color red is so closely associated with the landing and takeoff processes, I term this end of the color spectrum the UFO departure field. The great mass of observational data fully supports these hypotheses. Our glowing objects change color, size, and form, and this fact indicates that they are comprised of energy which can be manipulated to temporarily simulate terrestrial matter. Such energies must be somehow collected together at the invisible frequencies, and then frequency changes are brought about to 'lower' them into the visible spectrum. Once they become visible, they can then organize themselves into atoms and produce any desired form. Barney and Betty Hill, the couple who were allegedly taken aboard a UFO in New Hampshire in 1961, first observed a brilliant moving “star.” As it drew closer, the brilliance faded and it became a seemingly material flying saucer occupied by small men in uniforms. Brazil’s Villa-Boas, who claimed he was taken aboard a UFO in 1957, first saw a reddish object which then became a grounded saucer. When it took off again, the object first surrounded itself with a red glow. The glow intensified, and the reddish object sailed off into the stars.
Those who have tried to investigate the UFO phenomenon in purely physical terms have speculated on the possible mechanics of such objects. The general consensus has been that the UFOs utilize an antigravity device which surrounds them with a magnetic field, and this magnetism ionizes the nitrogen in the air around the object, causing it to glow. On the surface, this has seemed like a plausible theory. But in reality it is not workable.
A tremendous amount of magnetism would be required to produce the magnetic effects blamed on the objects, such as the stalling of automobiles. The Ford Motor Company, working with the UFO-investigating group @ Colorado U., discovered that simple magnetism could not stall an auto engine encased in the protective steel body of a car. A field strong enough to accomplish this would also be strong enough to bend the car itself & possibly affect the passengers as well.
There have been many bewildering accounts of shell-like objects with no visible means of propulsion, no signs of any kinds of technology. Contactee Reinhold Schmidt’s German-speaking ufonauts, who invited him aboard their saucer in Nebraska in 1957, didn’t walk but glided across the floor of their spaceship as if they were on roller skates. Other sober and baffled witnesses have described how the UFO occupants seemed to fly from the ground to their waiting saucers. Still others have claimed that the ufonauts simply walked through the sides of their craft like ghosts.
In story after story we have testimonial proof that the objects and their occupants are not made of normal substances. The hard (seemingly solid) objects are another problem. Bullets have been fired at them and have ricocheted off. They sometimes leave imprints on the ground where they land. If they are the product of a superior intelligence with an advanced technology, they seem to be suffering from faulty workmanship.
Since 1896 there have been hundreds of reports in which lone witnesses have stumbled onto grounded hard objects being repaired by their pilots. In flight, they have an astounding habit of losing pieces of metal. They seem to be ill-made, always falling apart, frequently exploding in midair. There are so many of these incidents that we must wonder if they aren’t really deliberate. Maybe they are meant to foster the belief that the objects are real and mechanical.
In the foregoing I have tried to demonstrate how the soft objects seem to be directly related to the electromagnetic spectrum. This is hardly a new theory. Not only have the occultists, spiritualists, and religionists been telling us about frequencies, vibrations, and the color spectrum for centuries, but modern researchers such as Dr. Meade Layne worked all of this out years ago.
Dr. Layne evolved a theory of mat' and 'demat; (materialization and dematerialization) of extradimensional objects. His findings were privately published and not very widely circulated. Others, such as British ufologist Harold T. Wilkins, also worked this out and published books about it in the early 1950s. But the spectrum theory lacks the strong emotional appeal of the extraterrestrial thesis.
There is a rather curious entry in Project Blue Book Report No. 14 (1955) on page 295. In the section showing how various sightings are classified, "number 8 in Code 79-80 Final Identification is "Electromagnetic Phenomenon." This is crossed out (the report was reproduced by photo offset), and the now well-known classification of "Unknown" was substituted."
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ufosightingsfootage · 2 years
2 Amazing UFOs Filmed Yesterday 13th February 2023 Santiago Chile
2 UFOs filmed just yesterday over Santiago in Chile. These look like Cylindrical shaped UFOs and they're definitely moving towards the mountain.
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Easy, Cute, and Totally Doable: 12 Things to Draw Right Now
Everyone loves doodling—whether you're a seasoned artist or just starting out, it's a fun and creative way to relax and express yourself. The best part? You don’t need to be a pro to create something adorable. Whether you’re looking to fill up your sketchbook or just want a quick creative break, here are 12 cute and easy things to draw right now, no matter your skill level.
Fluffy Cats Cats are undeniably cute, and they’re surprisingly easy to draw! Start with a simple oval shape for the body, add triangle ears, and whiskers for a classic, fluffy look. You can play around with their poses too—perhaps lounging in a sunbeam or playfully chasing a yarn ball. Experiment with different fur patterns and expressions to give each kitty its own personality.
Smiling Cacti Succulents and cacti are trendy and adorable—plus, their simple geometric shapes make them a breeze to draw. To make your cactus extra cute, add a tiny face! Start with a cylindrical body, and don’t forget the little spikes. Finish it off with a cheeky smile or a pair of wide eyes to give it a little extra charm.
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Balloon Animals Balloon animals aren’t just for clowns—they’re fun to draw too! Start by sketching simple, rounded shapes to form the segments of the balloon animal. A balloon dog or a giraffe can be completed in just a few strokes, and their playful, exaggerated features are a perfect subject for beginner artists.
Tiny Houses Whether you’re dreaming of a cozy cottage or a mini treehouse, drawing a tiny house is a great way to practice architectural elements. Start with a basic box structure and add a pointed roof, chimney, and windows. You can even create your own tiny village by drawing a few houses side by side, each with unique details like flower boxes, curtains, or quirky door shapes.
Cartoon Fruits Fruits are not only healthy snacks but also cute drawing subjects! Pick your favorite, whether it’s a smiling strawberry, a grinning banana, or a proud pineapple. Cartoon fruits are fun to experiment with—just add big eyes, rosy cheeks, and playful smiles to turn a simple piece of fruit into an adorable character. Click here to know more information about Things To Draw.
Flying UFOs A cute little UFO is quicEasy Things to Draw for Relaxationk to draw and lets your imagination take off! Start with a simple oval for the saucer, then add a little dome on top. For extra fun, draw beams of light shooting down or add tiny, alien antennas poking out from the top. It’s a playful subject that lets you get creative with colors and patterns.
Friendly Ghosts Ghosts don’t have to be scary—turn them into cute and friendly little spirits instead. Begin with a rounded shape, and add little waving arms. The key to a cute ghost is in the facial expression: wide, bright eyes, and a big, happy smile will give it a friendly vibe. You can even dress them up with bow ties, hats, or holding tiny objects for extra cuteness.
Baby Animals Nothing screams "adorable" more than baby animals. Whether it’s a baby bunny, puppy, or elephant, you can simplify these creatures into basic shapes—round heads, big eyes, and small bodies. Make the eyes large and sparkly to emphasize their cuteness. With a little practice, you’ll have a whole menagerie of lovable baby animals in your sketchbook.
Kawaii Ice Cream Cones Kawaii-style art is all about adding big eyes and a cute smile to otherwise ordinary objects. An ice cream cone is the perfect subject for this! Draw a simple cone shape, then add a scoop or two of ice cream. The more scoops, the more fun you can have with flavors and colors. Finally, draw that signature kawaii face, and maybe add sprinkles or a cherry on top!
Adorable Robots Create your own cute robot by mixing geometric shapes like squares, rectangles, and circles. Start with a square body, then add round eyes, tiny arms, and legs. The charm comes from adding small details, like a heart-shaped button or a quirky antenna. You can get creative with colors and accessories, making your robot as cute and unique as you like.
Pandas Eating Bamboo Pandas are already cute, and they're pretty simple to sketch too. Start with a round head and add two black ears, followed by an oval-shaped body. Draw two black patches around the eyes and give it a piece of bamboo to munch on. Pandas’ chunky, laid-back demeanor makes them the perfect relaxed subject.
Little Dinosaurs Dinosaurs don’t always have to be fierce—they can be cute too! A mini dinosaur with a round body, stubby legs, and big eyes is both easy and fun to draw. Start with a basic oval for the body, add a long neck if you're drawing a brontosaurus, or tiny arms for a T-rex. Add some spines or spots for texture and personality.
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WTNV quick rundown - 142 - UFO Sighting Report
Read the rest here!
As above, so below. As for the middle…well, who knows? Welcome to Night Vale.
UFO sightings are apparently fairly common as Cecil states he often starts his day talking about recent ones.
The staff of the Desert Springs Tuberculosis Research Center and Meditation Retreat reported a luminous object out over the neighborhood across the highway. It is shaped with a straw hat, moved at 150mph and perfectly illuminated the ground 2000ft below it.
Leann Hart sees a UFO that resembles a bus in most ways, except that it is moving overhead at an altitude of 500ft and making no sound at all.
Janice is up early because it's finally time to take the Pre-SAT and she didn't want to feel 'behind herself' by rushing anything. Going outside for air she sees a red ellipsoidal object roughly the size of a table rise up from behind a row of houses and then retreat.
Dana, out driving aimlessly and thinking about her future, spots three sparkling objects in an equilateral formation, roughly 20ft apart from each other at an altitude of 100ft.
Sarah Sultan was driving to work when she saw a spherical object in the sky at an altitude of 1000ft. It was 12cms across and whirled around in a small circle of 30ft in diameter before rising up into the clouds.
Nilanjana Sikdar is at the hospital for a minor procedure she is nonetheless nervous about because she dislikes hospitals. She seems two flying objects which fly west by north to north by east, radiant blue in the center and red around the edges.
Josh Crayton, HS senior, is showing off to his friends in the Ralph's parking lot by turning into any tree they name when he sees a luminous flying object that’s upper half was covered in a curling mist or smoke. It was 40 degrees in elevation above the horizon and approximately the brightness of a new moon on a cloudless night.
Lorelei Alvarez is called to work and as she's getting ready sees an object leaving a multi-coloured trail moving slowly west and then disappearing.
Tamika Flynn is visiting a boy called Gerald Sanders who injured himself in teen militia camp when she sees a silver star, shining conspicuously in the day-lit sky, moving from east to west, passing in and out of clouds and changing altitude constantly.
Deb, coming out from a meeting in which she demanded to be able to advertise products that were more dangerous to humans, saw she saw a cylindrical UFO, a greenish bronze with a 3:1 ratio of length to thickness.
Amber Akinyi has got a new job at a recently opened funeral home owned and named after quintuplets all named Diego. She sees a golden colored oblong at a high altitude in the sky above, moving at a steady speed in a 5 degree upward climb.
Lieutenant Regis of Unit 7 of the local National Guard Station and KFC combo store saw an egg shaped ring of light to the southwest, at an apparent altitude of 200 feet.
Janice Rio is eating at the Moonlite All-nite when she sees a yellow ball of light with a diameter of more than 20 inches hanging in the sky. It hung silently for two minutes and then disappeared.
Weather: "Color TV” by Answering Machine
Leah Shapiro's story is interlaced through the UFO sightings. She has lost someone who was sick in hospital and then funeral is in two days. She is processing her grief, or lack of it right now, in the desert when she sees a silver craft descend from the sky. It rotates above her, brilliant multi-colored lights coming from windows on all sides. She watches it hover then rise back up into the sky.
There is a very quick sign off today.
Proverb: In Europe, instead of cell phone, they say mobile. Instead of arugula, they say rocket. Instead of letting you die because of lack of health insurance, they take care of you when you’re sick. It’s a weird place.
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3lub · 3 months
Read "Mysterious Cylindrical UFO Caught on Military Grade Camera" on SmartNews: https://l.smartnews.com/p-TZLEa/AlHM7U
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reels-music-videos · 4 months
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blipform · 5 months
Cylindrical UFO - Animation
(sound on)
A short animation about a cylinder shaped UFO, now known as UAP.
Subscribe on YouTube :)
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whitepolaris · 7 months
Astronauts and the Sacred Sites
From Eugene Croy, an investigator of the paranormal phenomena and author of the book Spooks, comes these strange stories.
During the winter of 1976, J. C. Gazaway hiked to the highest part of the Sawnee Mountain, where he found an ancient stone tablet laying atop to the dead leaves. This was obviously a message, so he placed his divining rod over it and was psychically informed that UFOs were related to the ceremonial grounds.
One night Gazaway's wife, Velma, woke to find lights flashing around the museum of artifacts that Gazaway maintains. She woke him up, and they went outside to find a UFO traveling back and forth between his museum and Sawnee Mountain. The cigar-shaped craft was 100 feet long and covered with bright lights.
Phil Bramblett constructed his house with a good view of Sawnee Mountain. One night at bedtime, around 1970, he and his wife observed a cylindrical object with rotating lights hovering over the mountain for two hours.
Nothing else happened until late one night in 1974 when Bramblett's neighbor knocked at the door to report UFOs maneuvering around the mountain. He had seen four or five silent disks with bright glowing lights passing through the valley at the height of 150 feet. Two additional UFOs appeared and occasionally stopped to bob up and down. One stopped over a small Indian mound and disappeared behind the trees, then the others, circling the mountain before departing through a gap. Bramblett also had investigated the local ceremonial grounds, leading Croy to wonder, "Maybe UFOs are guided by some intelligence from the spirit world."
Croy's daughter, Janice, lived in the shadowy of the Sawnee Mountain. In the mid-1970s, her young son had difficulty sleeping. Late at night, she would rock him in a room that faced the elevation. One night she saw a UFO through the window. The object was so bright that no details were distinguishable. It made a second nocturnal visit several nights later. "It came near the house, then went up over the mountain and hovered several minutes before disappearing."
Lake Lanier is a modern Corps of Engineers creation near Sawnee Mountain. Unfortunately, the damming of the Chattahoochee River inundated a number of Native American sites. Two men were fishing on the lake late one afternoon when a UFO floated above them. Alarmed, they made for shore. Other fishermen have witnessed UFOs entering and exiting the waters of the lake.
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pablolarah · 11 months
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Museum of Contemporary Art in Niteroi
The MAC-Niterói was designed by Oscar Niemeyer with the assistance of structural engineer Bruno Contarini, who had worked with Niemeyer on earlier projects. The structure is 16 meters high; its cupola has a diameter of 50 meters with three floors. The museum has a collection of 1,217 works from the art collector João Sattamini. The collection was assembled since the 1950s by Sattamini, constituting the second largest collection of contemporary art in Brazil.
The museum projects itself over Boa Viagem (“Bon Voyage,” “Good Journey”) beach and also a neighborhood, the 817 square metres (8,790 sq ft) reflecting pool that surrounds the cylindrical base “like a flower,” in the words of Niemeyer.
A wide access slope leads to a Hall of Expositions, which has a capacity for sixty people. Two doors lead to the viewing gallery, through which can be seen Guanabara Bay, Rio de Janeiro, and Sugarloaf Mountain. The saucer-shaped modernist structure, which has been likened to a UFO, is set on a cliffside, at the bottom of which is a beach. In the film Oscar Niemeyer, an architect committed to his century, Niemeyer is seen flying over Rio de Janeiro in a UFO which then lands on the site, suggesting this to be the origin of the museum.
Made with ❤️ and Photoshop
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ainews · 1 year
A UFO Sighting in Arizona Creates a Stir
Residents of Arizona were in for a surprise when a mysterious, glowing object was spotted in the sky over the desert. Reports of the UFO sighting were received from multiple locations, leading many to believe that what they saw was an alien spacecraft.
Witnesses described the object as a long and cylindrical shape with bright lights that moved rapidly across the night sky. Some claimed to have seen it for up to 30 minutes, while others said it was gone in just a few seconds.
The UFO sighting was reported to the local police department, who dispatched an officer to investigate. But by the time the officer arrived, the mysterious craft was gone.
In addition to the UFO sighting, there have been reports of a “lively car” driving around in the area. Witnesses claim to have seen a small, brightly colored car with no headlights. The car was moving erratically, and some said it appeared to be chasing the UFO.
The police are still looking into the UFO sighting and the mysterious car. In the meantime, locals are abuzz with speculation about what they saw and who – or what – was behind it.
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jingszo · 1 year
During the afternoon of 6th May 1978, at around 4:30 pm, a shiny cylindrical-shaped object came screaming out of the skies over Bolivia’s Tarija Department near the border with Argentina’s Salta Province and crashed into a remote mountain, El Zaire, near the Bermejo River.
Before it slammed into the mountainside, the many witnesses who saw the event recalled how thick, dark smoke “spewed” from the object as it tore through the sky.
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bb-kawa · 3 years
UFOs and Cookies
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Repost from old blog in honor of 4/20. I did not re-read this so I honestly can’t remember if it’s good or not.
Pairing: Female!Reader x Oikawa x Iwaizumi x Hanamaki x Matsukawa
Summary: Basically all of them with Y/n getting high together.
Warnings: weed. cuddling. getting high. slight nsfw? maybe? This is almost a crack fic. Since all I write are borderline crack fics.
Like usual all characters are 18+ and fictional. Idk the setting for this but somewhere... where weed is legal. They’re all in Iwa’s California apartment.
Also constructive criticism is fine. Especially in my inbox on anon. Just don’t make me cry. I really only write for fun and don’t necessarily care for notes but I would like to improve.
Do not re-post my stuff. Also don’t rec my stuff on any other sites (tiktok) (not that my writing is good enough for that but still needs to be said nowadays. Dont rec people’s stuff without their permission. Especially on tiktok.) 
Ao3 link
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“Oh my god! Oh my god!” you heard Oikawa’s voice echo throughout the room as he slammed the front door of the apartment open. Matsukawa flinched next to you, being awoken from his midday nap on the couch. Iwaizumi just looked annoyed as he muted the television, preparing himself for whatever chaotic mess Oikawa surely brought into the apartment.
“You guys will never believe what I got.” he yelled, running into the room and jumping up and down in front of the tv, waving a bag in front of everyone.
“No! Tell me you didn’t! Oikawa, tell me you didn’t buy it.” Hanamaki questioned appearing out of the kitchen looking rather cute in a pink apron. His face looked more amused than anything, despite the slight disapproving tone he had.
“You can’t blame me! It was on sale, I couldn’t resist.” He countered with a cute little pout appearing on his face. Now your interest was really peaked. What crazy thing did Oikawa buy this time?
“Just show us already Shittykawa.” Iwaizumi demanded. Though he was only half paying attention with part of his focus still residing on the Tv.
Slowly Oikawa laid the bag on the coffee table reaching down inside and pulling out said object. Your eyes widened at what appeared before you. In Oikawa’s hands was a bong, but not just any bong. Towards the top, instead of a normal cylindrical shape that your typical bong had, this one appeared to be formed into a UFO. On the clear siding was a painted cow that appeared to be floating up.
“Oh my god.” you gasped out.
“I can’t believe you bought that. First of all Matsukawa has like 20 bongs already. And you just wasted money on another one." Iwaizumi said. Though there was a smile on his face.
Matsukawa had a lazy smile on his face but didn’t comment and hanamaki was too busy laughing. You stood up approaching Oikawa staring at the bong.
"This….is actually pretty cool. We have to use this. Immediately!" You exclaimed! Mustering up the most serious but impressed look you had.
*30 minutes later*
The 5 of you were now about as high as a kite.
You gazed about the room, your focus going in and out. Time seemed to slow with the fuzzy feeling blending your thoughts together. You tried to figure out what was playing on the TV but you honestly had no idea.
Eventually you realized that Oikawa was no longer lounging on the couch next to you. You stood up, stumbling your way to his room.  
As you entered you saw his form laying on his bed, his very expensive star projector shooting lights onto the ceiling.
"Y/n-chan come lay with me. Come watch the stars." He said motioning with his hand for you to join. You hopped onto the bed laying on your back next to him. He instantly turned onto this side. Wiggling his arms around you and nuzzling into your neck. His lilith fingers trailed up your side, kneading your skin.
"You know y/n-chan you're the 3rd prettiest thing in this room. Behind me and the stars." He mumbled out with a slight giggle. You felt his smile growing against your neck.
You couldn't help giggling back with one of your hands gripping onto this arm.
"You're an idiot. You're such an idiot. But yes Tooru, you're the prettiest thing on earth." You continued to giggle out. At this point both of you were laughing.
Weed always gave you and Oikawa the giggles and you could feel your heart hammering against your chest. It felt like it was going to beat right out of your body.
"Oh God. We need to stop laughing. We need to stop laughing or I'm going to die." You babbled out. You tried to stop but everytime you thought you had calmed down, you felt the laughter bubbling up in your chest again.
"I'm gonna throw up my heart y/n. It's gonna fall out of my mouth." Oikawa huffed out. He was practically half on top of you at this point laughing into your neck. His lips were tickling your skin which was a bit counter productive to your goal of keeping your heart inside you.
"Oh my god! Oikawa's gonna throw up his heart. I'll save you both!" you heard Matsukawa say as he flopped his body onto the bed face first with a leg and an arm draped over you and Oikawa.
"Shhhhhh no laughing. No laughing or you'll lose your stomach too." Mattsun whispered as he pressed himself into your side, his breath tickled your ribcage.
He continued to coos soft whispers slowly bringing Oikawa and you back down. He trailed soft touches along your guy’s forearms.
It may have been a few minutes or a few hours but the three of you laying there, cuddling, felt like heaven.
"How could you guys leave me behind to cuddle." You heard a pout from the door. "I was all alone and you all left me."
The three of you glanced up to see Iwa frowning and shuffling his body by the door. A cute little frown adored his face and for half a second you thought he was Oikawa instead.
"Aw come on Iwa-chan we didn't mean to leave you. Come cuddle." Oikawa said and he lifted his arm and moved slightly to allow a space for Iwa to join himself between the two of you. Iwa shuffled forward laying his head on your stomach and body on your legs. He wrapped his arms around Oikawa's waist pulling him back in.
Oikawa carded his fingers through Iwa's hair and placed his face back into your neck. He leaned closer, placing a few small, cute kisses and licks along your skin.
You felt Mattsun nearly copy Oikawa's actions with his lips ghosting along your side. His nose pressing into you.
Iwa looked like he was falling asleep relaxing into Oikawa's touch.
The stars were shining onto the ceiling and it almost felt like you really were floating amongst the stars for a moment as you relaxed against the 3 guys cuddling you on the bed.
"GUYS! I made cookies." Hanamaki yelled and he burst through the room carrying a plate of delicious looking chocolate chip cookies. How he managed to make cookies while high was beyond you but you were glad the smoke alarms never went off.  
Hanamaki stepped onto the bed, setting himself down on Iwa's butt.
"Get up losers and eat theses with me." He said and he grabbed a cookie and stuffed it into your mouth. It tasted amazing as you chewed and mumbled out a thanks.
"Makki feed me too." Oikawa said facing forward, holding his mouth open. Makki placed one onto his tongue tracing his fingers along his lips before Oikawa closed his mouth and began chewing.
"I can hear y/n's tummy making noises." Iwa said as he pressed his ear down.
"Hiro, cookie." Mattsun said, turning his head slightly and opening his mouth.
"Alright but don't choke." Makki responded, placing a cooking into Mattsun's mouth and then trailing his fingers down to his throat waiting to feel the subsequent swallowing.
The 5 of you spent the next few hours eating cookies, cuddling, laughing and watching the stars float by, existing in your own personal little heaven.
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delimeful · 5 years
WIBAR Intermission: Making Adjustments (1)
welcome to the first chapter of the intermission! if you’re new to this AU, you can find the first chapter here and the ao3 story here! 
warnings: tension, blood, fear, nightmares, medical torture, needle mention
Virgil’s first impression of their ship was that it looked a lot less futuristic than Star Wars would have had him believe. 
It was less ‘fighter jet’ and more ‘classic UFO’ in style, cylindrical and all curves instead of edges. The panels on it seemed to be made of some obsidian-like metal, glinting in the storm’s light. He didn’t know how it compared with other ships, seeing as he’d spent most of his time in space stuck in a cell on one, and thus didn’t have many references.
Oh his shoulder, Patton shook, spraying water from his ruff of feathers like a dog after a bath. Virgil squinted as a few droplets hit his face, and ignored the odd staring that the thin, willowy alien- Logan?- was doing. If Patton’s friend had something to say to him, he could say it outright, because Virgil wasn’t a mind reader.
... Were there aliens that could read minds? 
Patton tapped his shoulder with a clawed finger, pointing at a slight imprint in the ship. “There’s the door! Luckily, we’ve got one of the bigger models since Roman is on the larger end of the alien size scale! You’ll fit just fine.” 
“Lucky isn't the word I would use.” Virgil’s shoulders rose slightly as he caught the grumble from a few feet behind him, unheard by Patton’s duller ears. If he wasn’t so on edge, he’d be annoyed. If Roman was going to shit-talk him, he could at least do it in something other than Common so Virgil didn’t have to listen to it. 
It was already difficult enough just letting the Crav’on walk behind him; everything in Virgil screamed danger at even the smallest movement from the bulky alien. At a squat five foot, Roman wasn’t able to loom over Virgil, but his spike-like scales were all fully extended, making him look like a mix between an angry cat and a porcupine. His rigid, shell-like ears kept twitching, and frankly, Virgil was expecting to get one of those scales through his spine any minute now. 
Patton shifted eagerly, his feathers fluffing in a way that meant he wanted down, and Virgil swiftly crouched to allow the Ampen an easier trip to the ground. Both of the others twitched at the fast movement, and he barely repressed the urge to flinch in response. Showing his nerves would only make them more anxious. Conceal, don’t feel, ect.
As promised, he only had to duck his head slightly to get through the ship’s main entry door, and the hallways were luckily tall enough that he could pass through in his customary slouch. He couldn’t help but stare like an idiot as Patton led him through the ship’s passages, getting glimpses of other rooms full of the alien versions of furniture and books. Such normal, everyday objects, but for a while he’d never thought he’d get to see them again.
Roman and Logan accompanied them, as though the moment they let Patton out of their sight, he’d vanish. Though he suspected this in large had to do with the Ampen dragging around an entire Human, he could understand it. He’d also do just about anything to keep Patton safe, after all. He couldn’t blame them for it when he himself had a panic attack nearly every time the Ampen had left for a town to get supplies without him.
“Here!” Patton announced, guiding him into what was probably a bathroom. The Ampen leapt up onto the counter, pulling a white cylindrical container from one of the shelves. “We’ve got plenty of bandages for when Roman gets himself into trouble. Can you rinse that scratch off for me?”
Virgil nodded and spent a moment fiddling with the sink while Roman protested loudly, something about defending his honor and trouble finding him. Once he managed to get the water running, he carefully peeled his sleeve away from his cheek, wincing when the fibers pulled at the newly clotted blood. Logan appeared at his side and offered him a dark cloth towel, making him jump in surprise. “Uh, thanks.” 
After a fair amount of delicate washing and applying some basic disinfectant spray, Patton gestured for him to crouch. His eyes flickered to the other two, who were watching him with fascination and disgust, respectively. He… didn’t particularly want to be more exposed than he already was in front of them, Roman especially, but it was Patton asking, and what right did he have to deny Patton anything? He folded down into range of his little clawed hands, trying not to shiver at the cool air on the back of his neck.  
Patton carefully applied gauze and tape all along the injury, making him feel like an underdressed mummy. “There! They’re pretty shallow, so they should heal up in no time with your healing rate!” 
“Thanks, Pat.” He quickly rose back to a standing position, shoulders slouched.  
The Ampen beamed at him, and Virgil felt more than saw the other two aliens stiffen. He let the edge of his mouth curl up in response, but carefully didn’t show any teeth. Never let it be said that he didn’t learn.
“Patton.” Logan reached out with one of his upper arms, settling crystalline fingers onto Patton’s shoulder. The Ampen leaned into the touch with a melodic hum. “Perhaps we could settle in the living quarters. We have a lot to catch up on.”
Virgil glanced between them, remembering that they were Patton’s real friends, and they’d been looking for Patton for ages, and had somehow managed to track them down where a huge smuggling organization had failed. Patton no doubt missed them just as much, his antennae fluffed out the way they were when he was truly happy.
He wasn’t about to ruin their happy reunion by making the others uncomfortable or worse, afraid. He couldn’t do that to Patton, even if his chest ached with the certainty that his welcome would only be temporary. Maybe the less he intruded, the longer they’d let him stay?
He cleared his throat awkwardly, drawing their attention. “I’m tired. Is it okay if I…?” 
Patton frowned in worry and Roman sneered, but Logan was the one to speak, extra arms tucked behind his back politely. “Of course. We have a guest room, though it’s not particularly furnished at the moment.” 
Virgil’s shoulders dropped a little at the idea of having some space to himself to breathe. “Yeah, that works perfect. Thank you.” 
Once they reached the room, Patton was beckoning him down into a crouch again so he could check his head for ‘human illnesses’. Virgil chuckled quietly, still all-too-aware of the foreign eyes on him.
“No fever, Pat. I’m a little… too-much, right now.” He carefully moved Patton’s hand from his forehead and patted it like he was handling precious glass. “I’ll be okay. You said… they’re safe, yeah?” 
Patton nodded exuberantly. “I would trust them with my life, Vee.” He paused, antennae flicking back and forth in uncertainty. “I… can I come check in later?”
Virgil felt himself soften further, well aware of Patton’s nerves at separating. He felt the same way, after all. “Always.” 
Patton nodded again, gently bumping his head against the underside of Virgil’s chin before finally withdrawing. He watched as the three of them began to walk down the hall, Patton waving with a tiny hand and Roman shooting him a glare, and then ducked into the guest room, making sure to leave the sliding door partially open.
It was plain but had all the necessities, which was all Virgil really cared about, considering he’d been sleeping on the dirt ground for the past month. He checked the perimeter of the room carefully, exploring every corner and door. 
Rationally, he knew there shouldn’t be any danger hidden away here, but he was too used to making sure his and Patton’s campsite wouldn’t be found by any stray locals. Habits that kept one alive were hard to break.
Eventually the paranoid itch in the back of his mind was satisfied, and he crawled into the bed, which was more of a hollow egg-shape, stuffed full of mounds of soft bedding. It was easily large enough for him, thankfully, and he settled in to sleep. 
Sleep didn’t come. 
Ridiculously enough, it was because he was too comfortable. The room was cool and quiet and dark, with no weather or local insects to worry about hurting Patton, but it was also wide and exposed to anyone who walked past his door. The bedding was soft and smooth, but clean enough that he felt bad for sprawling his dirty body across it. 
He wondered vaguely if he could maybe shower, and then dismissed the thought. He didn’t even know what the supplies or facilities were like on this ship, and he really didn’t want to be without his clothes until he was sure one of the others weren’t going to attack him.  
After what seemed like hours of tossing and turning, he gave in and dragged a thin blanket along to one of the odd circular storage cabinets in the room. It had a flat bottom, and it was hard and enclosed from any passerby, and that was enough for him. He had to fold his body slightly to fit in it fully, but he’d slept in worse conditions. Much worse. 
Within moments, his eyelids drooped, and he was out. 
He woke up strapped to a table, which was never a very pleasant way to wake. Above him, aliens in full-body protective suits muttered and babbled clinically in Common that was too complex for him to understand. He couldn’t struggle, stuck in his body looking out as he was stuck with needles and tubes. 
At least this time whatever drug they had used to paralyze him was keeping him from feeling the pain. 
His vision blurred in and out of focus, mind drifting as he watched bits and pieces of himself be cut away. 
Suddenly, all the harvesters seemed to vanish, stepping back out of sight. He wished he could turn his head to see them, make sure they weren’t doing anything without him knowing, but what difference did it make? It wasn’t like he could do anything about it. 
The horror of the situation only began to settle in fully when the Machine appeared at his side. His eyes locked onto its glossy surface immediately, his breaths coming quicker and quicker as gloved hands strapped cold bands around his forehead and wrists. 
They flipped him over, and even though all he could see was the table, he knew the moment they’d attached the barbed metallic strip to his back, right along his spinal cord. His nerves jumped, feeling jolting through them again, minutes too late. 
He had already been dumped in the arena, a room with cold white walls and windows set into the ceiling for harvesters to look down on him and whatever unlucky bastard they threw in with him today. 
His gaze was drawn back down to the door lifting on the other side of the chamber. Speak of the devil. 
Virgil rolled to his feet, ignoring the ache of his body to prepare himself. Almost all of the aliens they paired him with came out of the door ready to maul him, be it from anger, or drugs, or simple terror. He’d gotten enough scars trying to talk them down, enough to know the futility of it. 
When the door rose, however, he knew the face behind it. Patton? 
It was as though the past months had never happened, like they were meeting in that cell for the first time again. Patton shook and trembled, scrambling back against the door as it swung shut after him. Virgil felt something in him ache at the sight. 
He opened his mouth to reassure him, tried to kneel and reduce the difference in height between them, to look as nonthreatening as possible. Patton, I would never hurt you.
His body was silent. It took a step forward without Virgil’s input. And then another. And then he was suddenly there, inches away from the Ampen, hand reaching out for his throat and Patton let out a desperate wail, the one he’d only heard once, just before their escape—
Virgil jerked awake like he’d been electrocuted by a guard taser, choking on his own spit as he struggled to breathe. 
Just a dream. Just a dream. 
He tried to concentrate, reaching out with a feather-light (never careless, never harmful) touch for the reassuring, fluffy weight of his friend against him. All he found was air, and his fear levels shot up into panic attack territory. Where was Patton? Patton wasn’t there, Patton was gone, Patton was-
Patton was home. Patton was safely bundled into bed with his real family, the ones that didn’t have violent, horrifying nightmares. 
The memories of the past however many hours hit him, then, and his hands fell limp back to his sides. He shouldn’t be feeling this way, he knew, because Patton was safe and happy here, and that was what the Ampen deserved. That was what mattered, not his stupid little hurt feelings over the fact that Patton’s friends definitely hated him. He dragged a hand over his face tiredly, mouth sour with the knowledge that he was a bad friend. 
All intent to sleep gone, he attempted to reach for the cabinet door, only to find empty air. He blinked, squinting in the dark, and found it easily enough. He’d apparently kicked out in his nightmare, because his right foot was stuck in the detached cabinet door, driven through the white material like it was cheap plaster. Oops. 
This made it considerably more difficult to maneuver his body out of the cabinet, but he managed without driving the splintered door into his ankle too much. Still stung terribly when he pulled it off though, leaving several fresh new scrapes. Hopefully those wouldn’t get infected. 
The door to his temporary room was still partially open, thankfully, and he quietly nudged it further to slip out into the hallway. The lights had been dimmed partially, probably to simulate night and keep them on a routine sleep schedule. The smugglers hadn’t bothered with light cycles for his cell, leaving one corner of the room darkened at all times for whenever he got exhausted enough to sleep. It was a nice change.
Aimless beyond an urge to ascertain Patton’s safety, he wandered the ship near-silently, glancing at any open doors he passed and attempting to figure out what the purpose of them was from what little he could see in the rooms. There were helpful labels on some of the doors, but he still didn’t know how to read the written form of Common. Patton had offered to teach him, but there wasn’t much time to waste writing in the dirt while they were on the run.
Still slightly out of it from his nightmare, Virgil almost walked right into one of Roman’s sharp-edged scales before realizing he was there. He froze, breath catching in his lungs as he waited for the bulky alien to notice him there at his side. The alien turned his head slowly, the horns atop it forming a distinct crown silhouette. 
Roman’s red eyes were just light enough in color to be picked out from the rest of his face, and Virgil watched in disbelief as they passed over him without a second glance. The alien shuddered slightly, the movement making his scales rattle and shift, and then turned away to tromp back down the hall. 
Night vision, Virgil suddenly recalled, thinking about how often he’d had to guide Patton through terrain in the dark. He’d thought it might have just been an Ampen thing, but it looked like Roman’s species didn’t see into shadows too well either. He let out a slow breath, watching as Roman began his circuit anew. He could only assume that the area he was patrolling was where the others were resting. Of course Roman would be up to guard them from the human.
Guess he wouldn’t be able to check on Patton after all. 
Suddenly more tired than before, he waited until Roman’s back was turned and then bolted back the way he’d come on silent feet. 
Well. It wasn’t like he hadn’t spent sleepless nights alone before now. A few more on a new ship wouldn’t hurt, since he couldn’t imagine it would be long before he was back to sleeping out on hostile planets.
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