#d then the paper rips.
lucky-draws · 2 years
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im just thinking......about ballet ocie........
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saelique · 3 months
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inspired by :
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james-p-sullivan · 4 months
i managed to write about 1.4 k words yesterday and i am over the moon about this
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cursed-anduknowit · 2 months
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I had a bit of one piece brain rot and created this dirty spread. 😂
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bunnyb34r · 11 months
Hermit crabs will see a fresh paper towel tube in their tank and be like "is anyone gonna eat that? 👀"
and not wait for an answer
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skitskatdacat63 · 1 year
I think I mentioned it here before but I wrote some paper for a class where I used F1 interviews(like the post-race press pen) as examples, right? My prof asked if she could use it as a sample work for future classes omg!!! But mostly I'm cackling evilly over the fact that F1 is forever memorialized in that paper, I hope someone in the future reads it and is like "...wait a minute" 😭
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fakeoutbf · 2 years
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Drew thumbnails for an oc comic let's goooo!!!!
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erwinsvow · 2 months
Do you think rafe would wear necklace with his girl’s initial?? Like his girl bought it as a present and i’m curious on how rafe would react 😃
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"so what i'm hearin' is you got me somethin' with my own money?" rafe asks, looking down at the neatly wrapped box, a pretty white ribbon looped around it. your fingers play with the satin bow, anxious for rafe to open it.
"rafe!" you start with a whine but stop yourself. "it's the thought that counts, okay?" he laughs, taking the gift from your hands.
"sure, kid. whatever you say." he undoes the bow, setting it aside since he knows you'll want to keep it. the wrapping paper gets ripped up and off, while you protest that it could have been reused. he opens the box, looking down at a thin silver chain. there's a little pendant hanging down, the shape of your initial.
he looks up from the chain at you, waiting for his response with big eyes and parted lips. you're playing with your R necklace, the way you always do when you're nervous.
"d-do you like it? i thought we could match," you say quietly, biting you lower lip in anticipation.
"yeah?" he questions, taking the jewelry out of the box and into his hand, feeling the weight of it in his palm.
"only if you like it. you don't have to wear it, i just-"
"just what?" he looks you right in the eyes, wanting your real answer, not just you bouncing around his question from nerves.
"i just wanted to make sure everyone knows you're mine." you lip stings from where you're biting down, rafe look into your eyes.
he opens his arms, and you crawl into his lap, taking the chain from his palm and putting it around his neck, clipping it into place. you smile, pressing a kiss to rafe's cheek, his hands tight on your waist.
"got that right, kid."
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genderqueer-karma · 1 year
i can't believe my gift wrapping is being judged so hard by my mother and my community
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Photoshop of my WoL!Cole’s Blasphemy form...
...I said Blasphemy but really he just become a MadoMagi Witch should he succumb to despair because he’s already Witch himself albeit from a different franchise (WoL timeline only, RP timeline he’s just your run o’ the mill adventurer). The difference is that he wont make a territory, sorta kinda like Walpurgisnacht on that matter. His size would tower over Eitherys and Ultima Thule, though I imagine he’s still on par with Endsinger.
Dunno what to name him but his working name right now is Andresen.
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popquizhot-shot · 1 year
Movie Posters- Miguel O’Hara x teen!spider!reader
The awaited Father’s Day fic :D love all of you, and I hope you like this<3333
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“What the hell is this?”
“It’s a cake, dumbass.”
“Yeah I know, dipshit. Why is it on my desk?”
“How should I know?” The AI shrugs, “maybe check the icing? Dumbass.”
The perpetually tired old spider rolls his eyes and opens the box to reveal a red and blue cake with his logo iced onto it. There’s a chocolate piece with writing on it.
“Get an empanada at exactly 11:26 am today for your next hint.” Miguel reads out, “I mean- sure I guess?”
From somewhere above, another spider in a purple suit smiles and disappears.
At exactly 11:26 am, Miguel is at taking the empanada from the spider behind the counter who also hands him a small box.Nodding in thanks, he looks at the post it on the plate.
“Good job, open the box after eating the food.”
He doesn’t waste time in scarfing the food down before opening the box.
A battery. And another note.
“Good job, at exactly 1:30 pm, go to Jessica’s quarters.”
“What?” He says out loud, attracting the attention of some of the other spiders, “nothing to see here.” He snarls and they all go back to eating in silence.
He internally groans, because he knows you’re behind this.
At one thirty, he glares as Jess smirks and hands him a paper bag filled with confetti.
Amongst the confetti, he finds another box.
Another battery, another note.
‘Almost done, now at five, go to the main hall of spider society to find the last part of your gift.’
“I’m going to kill that kid.” He swears as he carefully folds the paper and holds it as if it made of glass
“You’d kill yourself before letting anything harm her.” Jessica replies.
He doesn’t answer, only clenching his jaw in response to his colleague’s words.
Because nothing has ever been truer.
At five sharp, he opens the doors to the main hall to find a single spotlight shining onto a table with the last box on it.
He rips the ribbon wrapped around it and opens it to find a remote with a single bright red button and another note.
‘Two batteries and one remote. You know what to do, wiseguy.
Also, happy Father’s Day ;)’
He has never assembled something faster, as he quickly puts the batteries in the remote. And hesitantly presses the button.
The spotlight switches off and the momentary darkness in the hall is then replaced by a single hologram of a butterfly flying around him.
It rests on his nose and flies around him, as if wanting him to follow it. In front of him, a portal opens and the butterfly flies through it, expecting him to follow.
On the other side is what is supposed to be a media room. Complete with wooden panelling and a projector and speakers. He sees posters of what used to be his favourite movies and songs. Photos of his favourite soccer players. His hand moves to over his mouth at the photo of him and Gabriella.
“Don’t be mad.” Your voice reaches his ears and he whirls to see you look at him nervously, “i wanted to make this special.”
He clenched his jaw and scoffs, looking around the room once more, he eyes the empanadas and the movie, his favourite, ready to be watched.
He then looks you in the eye, and for the first time in entire time you’ve known him, you feel nervous.
He stalks towards you and after a few seconds of painful silence, he wraps his arms around you and hugs you.
“Oh honey, why would I be mad?” He whisper into your hair.
You let out a sigh of relief, “i know how much she meant to you, she needed to be here today. I..know I’m not your real daughter or anything, but you’re my dad.” You hug him tighter, hiding your face in the crook of his neck, and he gingerly picks you up.
“You’re my kid. Understand?” His voice is shaky.
You nod and he puts you down, a small smile on his face.
You giggle, “wanna watch the movie?”
His smile turns into a smirk, “come on what are we waiting for?”
Your smile disappears, “wait, shit! I forgot my glasses!”
“I thought spiders had 10/10 vision?” He raises an eyebrow.
“Sorry that your spider is a blind bat.” You snark.
“You’re hilarious.” He munches on the popcorn you’d made for him.
“Yeah I know.” You grin and open a portal to get your glasses.
A few minutes nts later, you emerge, a frown on your face. You go to stand in front of him and he looks up at you, “What?”
“They were on my head the whole time.”
“Oh were they?” He hums, “must’ve missed em. I have horrible eyesight.”
“Asshole.” You roll your eyes and adjust your glasses as you plop down next to him and start the movie.
He throws popcorn into your open mouth, “don’t talk to your father that way.”
“Shut up.”
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intoxicated-chan · 4 months
❜𝐓𝐢𝐥 𝐈 𝐊𝐧𝐨𝐰 𝐘𝐨𝐮❜𝐫𝐞 𝐌𝐢𝐧𝐞
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Summary ➳ Daryl never liked it when the neighborhood cop Shane came around. You, oblivious to Shane’s attempts to flirt with you and don’t see the fuming Daryl.
(A/n) ➳ Inspired by “You” by Ari Abdul. Those who are waiting for the first chapter of JUDAS, it’s almost done. I’m just finishing the final touches before it’s uploaded. This is also very rushed, I’m sorry.
Word Count ➳ 900
Content Warnings ➳ Female reader, MODERN AU/NO OUTBREAK, DUB-CON, SHANE, jealous Daryl, sexual content, p-in-v, protected sex, phone sex, hair pulling, pet names (baby, darlin’), overstimulation, little dacryphilia…
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“Goddammit Daryl!” You clutched the sheets under you as Daryl pulled your head back by your hair. “S-Slow down!” You cried out.
Daryl seemed to ignore your plea, his eyes remained on your ass and how it jiggled by each hard thrust. He continuously slammed into your g-spot, doing so without mercy.
You had no idea what’s gotten into him, he was perfectly fine this morning…
But Daryl knew what was wrong, he was angry, maybe at you but most of his anger was focused on that shitty cop.
Shane Walsh.
Daryl never believed Shane’s bullshit excuses whenever he came around your neighborhood. It was like he knew when Daryl was around, he knew of his record and his brother’s which is why he always stood back and remained silent.
Daryl was out on your driveway working on your beat-up car. He used his arm to wipe away the layer of sweat on his forehead. You had brought out a glass of ice-cold water for him, you went back inside to retrieve a rag as he asked.
Daryl froze at that voice, he cursed Shane under his breath. He turned his head slightly, enough to get a view of Shane who exited his car and walked up to him.
“(Y/n) home?” He asked, his hands on his belt as a shit-eating grin was plastered on his face.
“Busy.” He grunted in response, going back to your car.
“Mind if check?” He took a couple of steps towards your door before Daryl stood in his way.
“I’ll get ‘er.” He didn’t bother taking a second glance at him because he knew Shane had won… Yet fucking again.
You had come down the stairs, a couple of rags in hand. “I didn’t think one would be enough-“
“Cop ‘ere.” He told you, taking the rags. “Lookin’ for ya.”
“Shane? Again?” You lifted an eyebrow and peered through your window to see Shane standing there, giving you a wave. “What’s he here for?”
“The hell should I know.”
You made your way outside, seeing Shane leaning up against his patrol car. “Hey, Shane, what brings you here?”
“Just checkin’ in, makin’ sure you’re alright. Y’know, keepin’ the neighborhood safe.” Shane’s eyes lingered down your neck, he fixed his posture, getting himself a better look at your cleavage.
“Well, everythin’ is fine here. Nothin’ to report.” You let out an awkward chuckle, fixing your shirt.
Back in the house, Daryl stayed by the window, jaw clenched as his hands formed into fists.
Shane leaned in, way too close for comfort. “You free tonight?”
“I- What?” It took you a couple of seconds before his words sunk in. “No, no. I’ll be here… with my boyfriend.”
“Boyfriend?” Shane mocked. “Hard to believe a redneck like Daryl Dixon could be your boyfriend.”
“You don’t know shit, Shane. Find some other woman to ask out.” You sighed, growing frustrated.
Shane pulled out his pen and notepad, writing something. “It’s only a matter of time before he disappoints you. Call me when he’s gone or you want somethin’ better.” Ripping the paper, took your hand, and pushed into it.
Shane Walsh had crossed a line…
Daryl remembered snatching the number out of your hands and nearly ran out of the house just to punch him. You dragged him back to the room just to get him to call him.
“D-Daryl!” You mewled, shutting your eyes as you felt your hot tears slip.
“That’s it, baby, say my name.” He growled. He didn’t stop, even when you tightened around his cock, another orgasm coming down on you.
He released his hold on your hair, letting your head fall onto the pillow. He picked up his phone and began to dial the number. He left it by your head and on speaker.
“C’mon baby, let ‘im hear you.” He turned you over onto your back and shoved a pillow under your hips, letting him go deeper inside of you.
It felt like you were screaming, you couldn’t focus anymore. Not on Daryl, not on the sound of the headboard slamming into the wall… It’s a surprise that nobody had called to complain.
“Keep ya eyes on me darlin’.” He said, his hands coming to your wrists to keep them from covering your face when you tried to. “Look at me.” He demanded.
You opened your eyes to meet his blue ones, he licked his lips as his eyes were clouded.
Your nails dug into your hands. “Daryl! Daryl! Daryl!” You chanted his name over and over again, your legs coming around his hips to pull him closer.
That’s when you felt the pit again. “Daryl-!”
“C’mon, cum ‘round my cock. Let ‘im know who’s makin’ you feel like this, scream like this.” Daryl let out one final grunt as he came.
Your eyes shut instinctively as your back arched from the bed. Everything became white noise as you were sure you screamed louder than you could, waves and ripples.
Daryl slummed over your body, too tired to push him off or say anything.
He picked up the phone and smirked when he saw the call’s duration, he could hear panting on the other side. He hung up the phone and tossed it across the room, hearing it hit something.
“Stay with me darlin’.” Daryl sneered at your fucked out face. “I ain’t gonna be done with ya for a long time.”
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© Intoxicated-Chan 2024, I do not allow my work to be copied, translated, modified, adapted, or put on any other platform without my permission.
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iliketangerines · 4 months
let me show you off
pairing: dom!bi han x afab!reader
warnings: nsfw (MDNI), possessive sex, exhibition kink, voyeurism, fingering, slight breeding kink, brief mentions of deepthroating and blowjobs
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Bi Han needed to claim you, show the others that you were his and only his
he wasn’t a fool, he had noticed the other ninjas staring at you, taking in your curves and looking for too long at your tits or your ass
he had retaliated by leaving a dark purple hickey on your neck as he came deep into your needy cunt, showing the world you were spoken for, claimed by the Grandmaster
and yet, the others still stared and stared, he had walked by the shower rooms one night and overheard them talking about how they had wanted to take you for themselves, perhaps when the Grandmaster was out
Bi Han had almost ripped the doors open and killed the foot soldiers for even thinking about fucking his wife
but he calmed himself, letting the ice dagger in his hand melt as he stalked back to your shared room and fucked into you roughly, making sure your moans echoed throughout the base
still, he could hear the lewd comments from that night about your body when you had walked into the meeting room and the foot soldiers all immediately turned to look at you
you were dressed in Bi Han’s shirt, and it draped to your thighs, making it look like you had nothing else on
rather than letting you just deliver the drink and snacks and leave, he dragged you into his lap, your back flush to his chest and your legs forced to hang over his spread thighs and exposing your floral patterned panties
one of his thick arms are enough trap your arms to your sides and your torso against him
you go to protest but can only whimper when he uses his free hand to rip his mask off and start sucking hickeys into your neck
he stares the others down as he does this, challenging them to do anything about this, challenging them to try and touch his wife
one of them goes to leave and he hisses at them to sit their ass down because they weren’t done going over the plans
he uses his other hand to start rubbing slow circles on your panties, a wet patch slowly appearing as you whimper and squirm, but he ignores you and starts going over the papers spread out over the table
when you get too loud, begging him to give you a bit more friction, he slaps the inside of your thigh roughly and whispers you to behave or he’s not letting you cum
it gets you to quiet down to little whimpers and whines, and Bi Han relishes in the way the others can barely articulate their thoughts when he asks for their opinion about the plans
he finally rubs at your clit through your panties, and you moan loudly in surprise
Bi Han rips your panties off of you in quick motion and stuffs them into your mouth for a makeshift gag
he pinches your clit, making you let out a muffled yelp at the contact, and then starts roughly fucking you on his fingers
you can’t do anything but take it, head lolling back and face burning red as the foot soldiers openly stare at your exposed pussy and how your wetness pools and smears over Bi Han’s pants
your legs twitch as a small warning, and you cum over his fingers, the sweetness coating his hand and dripping onto the floor
the foot soldiers are quiet, but Bi Han can see the way they’re all trying to ignore their own boners and hide their blushing faces
some openly stare at Bi Han’s fingerfucking, and he stares at them right back, daring them to try and make a move at his wife
he was the only one who got to touch you like this, to have you moaning and begging like a whore for his dick
he makes you cum on his fingers a few more times, the makeshift gag in your mouth now fully soaked and the drool starting to drip down your chin
you’re compliant, letting Bi Han maneuver you to kneel before his spread legs
he admires your far-away look and the red flush on your cheeks before he takes your panties out of your mouth and stuffs them into his pocket and motions for you to take out his cock
you do so happily, fingers trembling as you take out his flushed dick and use your hand to spread the pre-cum all over the shaft
you give him a sloppy handjob while sucking on his balls, and it takes everything within Bi Han to keep a straight face
he continues to go over the plans on the table, but everyone finds it hard to concentrate with the sound of your wet mouth loudly slurping on his dick
when you finally lick the the tip of his cock and then suddenly deepthroat him, he lets out a small grunt, the only sign that he’s affected at all
he uses one of his hands to grip onto your head and move your mouth up and down his cock
at some point, he keeps your nose buried into his base, forcing you to breathe through your nose and concentrate on not gagging
drool pools at the corner of your lips and drips down onto the floor and you can only whine around his dick
he lets you hump his foot like a dog in heat but doesn’t acknowledge you at all and just keeps going over the papers on the table
when he’s finally finished discussing the papers, he doesn’t dismiss the foot soldiers
rather, he keeps them there as he pulls your mouth off his dick, a spit string connecting your red lips to his flushed dick
he turns you around so your back is pressed against his clothed chest and hooks your legs over his arms
he enters you without warning, fucking into you roughly, and whispers into your ear to moan as load as you want
and you do so, begging and whining and moaning for him to please please please make you cum
he reaches up with his hands to lift the edge of your shirt and exposes your bra, and he makes you hold the edge of the shirt with your teeth
Bi Han then moved the bra aside and grips at your tits and squeezes them, pinching and rolling your nipples between his cold fingers
he tells you to touch yourself, and your hand shoots down to rub at your own clit
your face is red as the foot soldiers watch you, frozen in their spot because their Grandmaster hasn’t dismissed them yet, but you lose all inhibitions as you rub at your own clit
he dirty talks you, telling you how well you’re doing, how you’re taking him so well, how you’re such a dirty whore getting off to this and that you’re such a needy slut for letting him do this in front of everyone
his deep and raspy voice makes you whine and clench around his cock
he also says that he’s the only one who can make you feel like this, the only one who can fuck you so good, the only one who can touch you like this
although you get the feeling he isn’t really talking to you, you nod dumbly at his words, not really able to process them as his dick keeps hitting that sweet spot inside of you
the sound of wet slapping and breathy whimpers from you and low grunts from Bi Han fill the room as the both of you near your orgasm
his hips start to stutter, and he takes one of his hands from your tits to remove your hand from your pussy and starts slapping at your clit
the sensation of his cold fingers slapping at the bundle of nerves has you keening loudly, and you clench down onto his cock and squirt all over the table and floor
he grunts at the sight of your release splattering the papers and finally cums, fucking the both of you through your orgasms
when he’s done cumming, he stays inside of you, plugging his seed inside of you and finally releases the foot soldiers to go back to their quarters
the both of you stay in the meeting room as you feel his cock start to harden again inside of you
a few months later, you’re rubbing your pregnant belly and Bi Han is holding you close and staring down the other Lin Kuei members
now everyone knows you’re his and only his
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Hey! First off, I absolutely ADORE your theo nott & slytherin boys writing, its just like WOW. Second, i was wondering if you could take my *very* complicated request for theodore :). What if, after the wizarding war the ministry comes after all the death eaters, and theo is scared that they'll do something to the reader, so he fakes his own death. A year later, the reader is still in a dark place and she comes over to Mattheo's place (he somehow escaped going to azkaban) without notice and sees theo. Sorry if this was too long or complicated I just needed to get that out of my head :D.
Lost And Found
pairing -theodore nott x gn!reader
warnings - angsty with a happy ending, faked death, mention of y/n
a/n - omg thank you that's so sweet I love you 💕 and I love this request so much, sorry I'm responding to this so late 💕
wordcount - 1.4k
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The smell of rain clung to the night air as you stood on the doorstep of Mattheo’s small, dimly-lit flat. The cold, grey drizzle of London had become a familiar companion over the past year, a fitting backdrop to the constant ache in your chest. You hadn't planned on coming here, but tonight, the weight of your grief was unbearable. With a deep breath, you knocked, hoping for solace.
The door creaked open, revealing Mattheo’s tired face. His dark eyes widened slightly in surprise, but he quickly masked it with a smirk. “Y/n, what a surprise,” he drawled, stepping aside to let you in. “To what do I owe the pleasure?”
You forced a small smile, the first in days, and stepped inside. The warmth of the flat contrasted sharply with the chill outside, but it did little to thaw the ice around your heart. “I just…needed to see a familiar face,” you admitted, your voice barely above a whisper.
Mattheo nodded, closing the door behind you. “I get it,” he said softly. “It’s been a rough year.”
Rough didn’t begin to cover it. After the war, the Ministry had been relentless, hunting down every last Death Eater and their associates. You’d been lucky, your connections and actions during the war protecting you from suspicion. But Theodore Nott hadn’t been so fortunate.
You’d mourned him deeply, the memory of his warm smile and steady presence haunting your every step. Theo had been your anchor, the one bright spot in the chaos of your world. And then he was gone, ripped away in a cruel twist of fate that left you reeling.
Mattheo led you to the living room, where a fire crackled softly in the hearth. The room was cozy, filled with mismatched furniture and remnants of the life he had built away from his dark past. You sank into the worn sofa, exhaustion seeping into your bones.
“Can I get you something? Tea? Firewhisky?” Mattheo offered.
“Tea would be nice,” you replied, your eyes drifting to the flickering flames. The silence that settled over the room was heavy, filled with unspoken words and shared pain.
As Mattheo moved to the kitchen, you glanced around, taking in the scattered books and papers, the signs of a life still moving forward. It was then that you heard it—a soft rustling, like the whisper of a ghost. You turned, your heart pounding in your chest.
There, standing in the doorway, was a figure you thought you’d never see again. Theodore Nott, alive and very much real, his eyes wide with shock and something else—fear, perhaps—mirroring your own.
For a moment, the world stopped. The crackle of the fire, the distant hum of the city, even the sound of your own heartbeat faded into the background. All you could do was stare, disbelief warring with the desperate hope that this wasn’t some cruel illusion.
“Theo?” you breathed, your voice trembling with a mix of emotions you couldn’t begin to untangle.
He took a step forward, his expression torn between relief and guilt. “Y/n,” he whispered, his voice breaking on your name.
In that instant, a thousand questions flooded your mind, but only one made it past your lips. “Why?” The single word carried the weight of your pain, your loss, and the aching emptiness of the past year.
Theo’s eyes softened, and he took another step closer. “I had to,” he said, his voice raw. “For you. They were coming for all of us, and I couldn’t risk them using you to get to me. I had to make sure you were safe.”
The room seemed to close in around you, the walls pressing in with the weight of his words. You wanted to scream, to cry, to throw yourself into his arms and never let go. Instead, you stood frozen, your mind racing to catch up with your heart.
Before you could speak, Mattheo returned with a tray of tea, his eyes flicking between you and Theo. “I see you two have found each other,” he said quietly, setting the tray down and stepping back, giving you the space you needed.
Theo took another step forward, closing the distance between you. “I’m so sorry, love,” he whispered, his voice thick with emotion. “I never wanted to hurt you. But I couldn’t bear the thought of you being dragged into this because of me.”
Tears welled in your eyes, and you took a shaky breath. “I thought I lost you,” you said, your voice barely audible.
Theo reached out, his hand trembling as it touched your cheek. “You didn’t,” he murmured. “I’m here. I’m right here.”
Your knees buckled as the floodgates of your emotions burst open, and you collapsed into Theo’s arms. He held you tightly, his warmth enveloping you as sobs wracked your body. Every tear that fell was a release, a letting go of the pain and loneliness that had consumed you.
Theo’s voice was a soothing murmur in your ear, his words blending into a litany of apologies and reassurances. “I never wanted to leave you,” he whispered. “I thought about you every day. I dreamt of this moment, praying you’d find it in your heart to forgive me.”
You pulled back slightly, looking up into his eyes. The pain and regret etched into his features mirrored your own, and you knew that, despite everything, you couldn’t hate him. “I missed you so much,” you choked out, your voice breaking.
Theo’s thumb brushed away your tears, his touch gentle and tender. “I missed you too, more than words can say,” he said, his eyes shining with unshed tears. “I’m here now, and I promise, I’ll never leave you again.”
The sincerity in his voice, the raw emotion in his eyes, broke down the last of your defenses. You leaned into him, burying your face in his chest as you clung to him, desperate to believe in this second chance. The warmth of his embrace and the familiar scent of him enveloped you, bringing back memories of happier times.
The minutes ticked by as Theo held you, his arms a sanctuary from the storm of emotions swirling within you. Gradually, the sobs subsided, leaving a heavy silence filled only by the crackling of the fire and the rhythmic beating of his heart.
Mattheo reappeared silently, a hint of a smile playing on his lips as he watched the two of you. “I’ll leave you two alone,” he said quietly, retreating to his room and closing the door behind him.
The absence of Mattheo’s presence made the room feel even more intimate, the fire casting a soft glow on your tear-streaked face as you pulled back slightly to look up at Theo. “Why didn’t you tell me?” you asked, your voice breaking the silence. “I spent a whole year thinking you were dead, mourning you.”
Theo’s face contorted with pain and regret. “I didn’t want to put you in danger,” he whispered. “I thought if they believed I was gone, they’d leave you alone. It was the only way I could protect you.”
“But I needed you,” you said, the raw truth of your words cutting through the air. “You were my everything, Theo. Losing you… it broke me.”
“I know,” he murmured, his voice thick with emotion. “And I’m so, so sorry. I thought I was doing the right thing, but I see now how much I hurt you. I never wanted that.”
The tears welled up again, but this time they were mixed with relief. “You’re here now,” you said, your voice soft but resolute. “That’s what matters.”
Theo nodded, his fingers gentle on your skin. “I’m here,” he repeated, a promise in his eyes. “And I’m not going anywhere.”
The weight of the past year began to lift, replaced by a fragile hope that maybe, just maybe, things could be okay again. “We have so much to talk about,” you said, a small, tentative smile breaking through the clouds of your grief.
“We do,” Theo agreed, his own smile mirroring yours. “But we have time. All the time in the world.”
As you sat together in the warm glow of the fire, the night’s chill seemed to melt away, replaced by the warmth of love and the promise of a new beginning. And for the first time in a long time, you felt a glimmer of hope that the future could hold happiness once more. With Theo’s hand in yours and the soft murmur of his voice grounding you, the darkness of the past year began to fade, replaced by the light of your rekindled love.
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cumtastiics · 4 months
I'd like to request a yandere mean ceo x g/n worker y/n. Perhaps how he'd react if y/n tried to resign?
yan!mean!ceo x g/n!worker!reader
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a/n: guess who is back chat
tw: yandere, manipulation, implied stalking.
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"i'd like to resign," you spoke quickly, your eyes barely meeting his out of fear. "here's my resignation letter," the envelope fell on the desk with a soft sound, easy to hear with the silence.
you turned around, and walked to the door, only for your name to be called as you touched the door handle.
"(y/n)," he said, his voice suspiciously calm. you turned to look at him, watching him holding the paper. "you really think i can accept a torn paper?"
you blinked, looking at him confused. "sir, i d-"
you were interrupted by the loud tearing of the paper, looking at him equally shocked and hurt.
his voice, once calm, now laced with a touch of arrogance, slicing through the tension. "you cannot simply abandon your responsibilities, (y/n)," he said, his tone dripping with condescension. "you're an imporant part of this company."
"you- you can't just do that!" you tried to argue without sounding desperate. "it's my choice whether i want to quit or not."
he stood up from his chair, walking closer in front of you. "sure, it is. but if you don't submit a letter two weeks before, every other employer is going to think you left with no notice."
"i'm sure someone would hire me."
he was right. without a proper resignation letter and two weeks' notice, your professional reputation would crumble to dust.
"really? are you sure about that, (y/n)? the only experience you have is this company. i doubt any good place is going to want to hire you."
"i'll say that you ripped my letter."
"what proof do you have?" he grabbed a lighter from his hand, and the papers on his desk, lighting the paper up as he threw it on the ground, stepping on it.
"you can clean my floor as an apology."
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want more? request.
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