#dad bud
amalepregnancyworld · 8 months
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cobaltfluff · 1 year
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rei papa...
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astronomodome · 4 months
You know what that comment from impulse on one of the imp n skizz podcasts about how fanartists draw his character vs. skizz’s character is actually pretty funny like if the fanartists drew my equally old mannish buddy as a tall ripped angel with bright shining blue eyes and luscious raven black hair and huge boobs and then drew me in basic bitch t-shirt and khakis with a dad bod (assuming i had not yet unlearnt the cultural assumption that being fat makes you less attractive) i would be pissed too. Like to a certain extent with his skin he does it to himself but cmon man
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yvtro · 2 years
yeah they reconstructed your image in grief so severely that it's barely recognisible. your fate aligns with the distorted reality they produced now btw. sorry about that
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sleepyjuice · 4 months
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jj is 100% a dog person. he was laying in the hammock outside the chateau one day, beer in his hand and his hat resting low on his face, covering his eyes as he was enjoying the calm weather that had come the day after a pretty nasty storm hit the island when he heard movement nearby, causing him to sit up and pull his hat back up properly on his head.
“hey who-“ he called out, looking towards the direction of the sound, expecting human company, but was met with a timid looking dog slowly making its way towards him.
“ohhh, hey… hey little guy. c’mere, it’s okay.” he stood up slowly, his voice soft as he gently kneeled down to the dogs level as it fully approached him. the dog was apprehensive but eventually stopped once it was stood in front of jj, the two at eye level now.
“what happened to you, huh? where’s your owner?” he looked over the dog, which he now knew to be a boy, eyes scanning his neck as he searched for a collar, but there was none. he moved his head to fully inspect him, looking for any signs of injuries. the dog didn’t look injured though, just scared. he must have ran away or gotten loose during the storm somehow.
after a while, the dog realized he wasn’t in immediate danger around the tall man he had found, even letting jj pet his neck softly. so he followed jj inside when he ushered him in to get him a bowl of water and search for any kind of food that would be suitable for a dog.
he ended up finding a few slices of cheese and some deli meat, which he deemed good enough for the time being. the dog was quick to eat it all up and finish the bowl of water jj had gotten him, soft curious eyes full of gratitude and adoration looking up at the kind man who had just fed him.
“ahh fuck, what am i gonna do with you?”
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budsnbiceps · 11 months
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An absolute beauty. This fine lady produced some of the most gorgeous leaves and flowers I’ve ever seen.. smoke wasn’t half bad either 😉
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nonsenseexistence · 6 months
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It gave me the vibes, so I had to do something about it.
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luobingmeis · 1 year
anyways thinking abt the amount of people involved in jin zixuan’s death is gonna make me a little insane. like u have wen ning who physically did it. wei wuxian who lost control. jin zixun who planned the ambush. jin guangshan who gave the fucking order to kill wei wuxian in the first place because his son *checks notes* wanted his wife to be happy. the many other people in jinlintai who knew that the ambush was going to happen. and then jin guangyao. oh boy. jin guangyao knowing about the ambush, being involved with the hundred holes curse, hating jin zixun, and then sending jin zixuan to the site of the ambush like. buddy how many birds did u kill with that stone.
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four-eyed-floozy · 2 months
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Are we going to acknowledge that there's a timeline where gideon probably murders dipper??????
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livwritesstuff · 10 months
Just to be clear, when I say steddie dads
I mean Eddie is the dad who is gentle and loving in his support for his girls, because he was raised by Wayne, and Wayne was all of those things to him. He’s the one who cuddles with them when they have nightmares, soothing them back to sleep and reassuring them it was just a dream. He’s the one putting notes in their lunch boxes and worrying if kids might be mean to them that day and feeling his heart drop into his stomach when they fall and scrape their knees.
Steve, on the other hand, had to fight for his life with a pack of feral teenagers in the midst of a horror movie, and he learned that kids are resilient and tough and all that shit, so, yeah, when his five-year-old who's like 90% of the way to being able to swim independently wants to be hurled headfirst into the pool, he's the one catapulting her into the deep end, and if his kid wants to be held upside down by the ankles and swung back and forth like a pendulum, he's her guy.
He’s the one saying, “if you ever see a kid sitting alone at lunch, you go sit with them. got it?”
He’s the one who found out that Moe had trash-talked a little too close to the sun during a basketball game and had the coach bench her for a month.
He’s the one calling the girls on their bullshit when it’s needed (and as they start to hit middle school, they need it all. the. time).
Granted, this DOES NOT HOLD when the girls are babies. Steve was terrified of his daughters when they were babies – he barely slept his first six years of parenthood because of how worried he was that something might happen while he’s asleep. Eddie was the one who's like "What is she gonna do? Cry forever? No. Eventually she'll start talking and can yell this shit at us instead."
And the thing is, he's totally right.
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cobaltfluff · 1 year
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household dynamic
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parvuls · 1 year
my favorite headcanon: the only season in jack's whole entire career where he isn't 110% focused on getting to and winning the cup is the one leading up to their wedding. bitty and he did plan around the playoffs, and are getting married later in the summer, but still - for the first time ever, some part of jack thinks it won't be so bad if the falcs get eliminated and he has more time to participate in the wedding preparations with bitty.
so of course, that is exactly the season the falcs win the cup again. bitty can't decide if he's more proud/overjoyed or angry about it.
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hellolulu · 1 month
The fam @ dick out of work hours: bullying, ribbing, "he's just a sopping wet loser", he fumbles every charisma check because he loves his baby birds and bats so very much and they walk all over him
The fam @ dick during work hours: afraid. So afraid. Don't let him find out if you got shot because you might unleash a beast into Gotham worse than most villains. Give your reports and don't show fear. Follow instructions and don't let him down or else Disappoint Gotham's Best Man.
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stevesbipanic · 2 years
Wayne wrangling Eddie into being more responsible and independent because “if you want to date a single parent of six, you’re gonna need to be there for the kids, son.”
Wayne sitting Eddie down and giving him the dad talk.
"Son, when you were ten and showed up on my doorstep, head shaved, skinny little fella, I promised myself I was going to be there for you no matter what, and I think I have been."
"Wayne, you're the best honestly I–"
"You've got a whole pack of kids on your doorstep now Ed and a frankly knackered mother, using protection isn't going to get you out of this one I'm afraid."
"Wayne they're fourteen! Steve's not even their legal guardian! Well Max maybe but that's up in the ai–"
"You gotta get a job and provide for your kids, boy, Steve can't be the only one bringing home to bacon for all your mouths to feed, you gotta step up for your kids."
Eddie knows there's no use fighting this, Wayne had already adopted Steve as his new son in law and the party as his grandkids, he'll start looking for a job in the morning.
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beaconfeels · 8 months
@like-lazarus kindly tagged me in a “Messy Draft Monday” and even though I’ve been too stressed to be actively working on anything right now, I wanted to share something. So have a little bit of one of the random steter stories floating around in my brain:
Peter finishes loading the last bag into his car and leans against the trunk for a minute. Overall, he feels satisfied. His revenge is complete, plus he’s an alpha, which is a nice little perk.
It’s a little galling to have to leave the Hale territory instead of ruling it, but if he stays here his nephew and that merry little band of budding psychopaths will kill him eventually. He’s lucky, but he’s not that lucky.
The sound of rapidly approaching footsteps catches his ear first, then a quick heartbeat. He knows that heartbeat. He memorized that heartbeat one night that seems so long ago, but really wasn’t that long ago at all.
He turns around.
“Stiles,” he says, low, dangerous. Because he likes Stiles, but Stiles is most likely to come up with a murder plot that will actually work, so he’s not to be trifled with.
The boy pulls up short, staying well back from Peter. He’s breathing hard, and those pretty pink lips are parted, his cheeks flushed. He really is very lovely, Peter thinks.
Stiles has a large duffle bag weighing down one shoulder, his grip on it white-knuckled. “Take me with you,” he says.
Peter blinks. He thought he was beyond being surprised.
“You want me, right?” Stiles goes on. “You wanted to turn me. I can’t let you bite me, but I can be pack. Just take me with you. Let me stay with you and I’ll be pack. I’ll cook too, and clean.”
“Can’t let me bite you?” Peter asks. It’s not the only question he has, but it’s the one that sticks out the most in what Stiles has just laid on him.
“I don’t think so. Maybe? But right now it’s a no.” He bites his lip, taps his fingers on his leg. “Yeah. Definitely a no right now. Maybe forever. But humans can be pack, right?”
Peter doesn’t know why he’s even still standing here. Of course he’s not going to take Stiles with him. “You don’t even know where I’m going,” he says instead of what he should be saying, which is obviously no. It’s definitely not happening.
“I don’t fucking care,” Stiles says, and he sounds suddenly weary. “As long as it’s not here, I’m cool.”
Peter tilts his head. Stiles is such a mix of scents it’s always been hard to get a read on him, but Peter has noticed the anguish that radiates off the boy in waves. It’s a layer that runs under everything else— a steady, overwhelming sadness. “And what would your father have to say about that?” He still doesn’t know why he’s even engaging in it, why he’s giving the boy any hope.
Stiles snorts. “I left him a note that he’ll find whenever he finally realizes I’m gone. He won’t come after me.” He looks down and to the side, his hand clenching into a fist.
“Listen,” Stiles says, and he raises those big brown eyes to look right at Peter, “I can’t stay here anymore. Please. Just please, take me with you. I know I can’t promise not to be any trouble, you’d never believe that, but I can be useful. I can be good for you. I can be pack.”
He’s desperate, and that shouldn’t matter. If it were anyone else it wouldn’t matter, but this is Stiles. Stiles is unusual. He’s interesting. Now that he’s had his revenge, Peter is at a bit of a loose end. Not without plans, never without plans, but the future already looks a little boring. Stiles is many things, but boring isn’t one of them.
Plus, Stiles is the Sheriff’s son, and absconding with the son of the sheriff sounds like a delightfully mischievous, if misguided, end to his run in Beacon Hills. “Alright, you can come along.”
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lilacthebooklover · 8 months
i was in the middle of a lucifer doodle when my little sister decided to "borrow" my drawing tablet. she was kind enough to finish the legs for me :)
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luci wishes he was this tall
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