symptomfinder · 1 year
🧀🤢🚨 Are you a cheese lover? Beware of tyrotoxism, a foodborne illness caused by consuming dairy products contaminated with toxins produced by bacteria. In this guide, we will help you identify the symptoms of tyrotoxism and take the necessary actions to prevent it. 👀👃🏻👅 The symptoms of tyrotoxism can vary from person to person and depend on the severity of the contamination. Some common symptoms include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, and fever. In severe cases, it can cause paralysis, respiratory failure, and even death. 👨‍⚕️🧑‍🔬📈 If you suspect you have tyrotoxism, seek medical attention immediately. Early diagnosis and treatment can prevent complications. This guide will equip you with the knowledge to identify tyrotoxism symptoms and take the necessary steps to protect yourself and your loved ones from this dangerous illness.1. Understanding Tyrotoxism: Definition and CausesTyrotoxism is a condition caused by consuming contaminated dairy products. Symptoms include nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. 🔴 The main cause of tyrotoxism is the presence of bacteria such as Staphylococcus aureus in dairy products. 🔬 Other factors that can contribute to tyrotoxism include poor hygiene during milk production and processing, as well as inadequate refrigeration. 🧼 Prevention of tyrotoxism involves proper handling and storage of dairy products, as well as ensuring that milk is pasteurized. 🥛 In severe cases, tyrotoxism can lead to hospitalization and even death. It is important to seek medical attention if symptoms persist or worsen. 💊 Overall, understanding the causes and prevention of tyrotoxism is crucial for ensuring the safety of dairy product consumption. 🐄2. Common Tyrotoxism Symptoms to Look Out For 🤢 Nausea and vomiting 🤕 Headache and dizziness 🤒 Fever and chills 🤮 Diarrhea and abdominal pain 🤢 Loss of appetite and fatigue Symptoms of tyrotoxism can vary, but the most common ones are nausea, vomiting, headache, and dizziness. These symptoms can occur within a few hours of consuming contaminated dairy products. Fever and chills are also common symptoms of tyrotoxism. These can occur along with other symptoms or on their own. If you experience these symptoms after consuming dairy products, seek medical attention. Diarrhea and abdominal pain are also common symptoms of tyrotoxism. These symptoms can range from mild to severe and can last for several days. It is important to stay hydrated if you experience these symptoms. Loss of appetite and fatigue are also common symptoms of tyrotoxism. These symptoms can occur along with other symptoms or on their own. If you experience these symptoms after consuming dairy products, seek medical attention. In conclusion, if you experience any of these symptoms after consuming dairy products, seek medical attention immediately. It is important to take precautions when consuming dairy products to prevent tyrotoxism.3. Physical Signs of Tyrotoxism: Skin, Hair, and NailsWhen experiencing tyrotoxism, physical signs can manifest in the skin, hair, and nails. These symptoms can be alarming and uncomfortable. Here are some of the most common physical signs: Skin: Rashes, hives, and itching can occur due to the body's reaction to the toxins in dairy products. Hair: Hair loss and brittle hair can be a result of tyrotoxism. This is due to the lack of nutrients that the body needs to maintain healthy hair. Nails: Brittle and weak nails can be a sign of tyrotoxism. This is because the body is not getting the necessary nutrients to maintain healthy nails. It's important to note that these physical signs can vary from person to person. Some individuals may experience all of these symptoms, while others may only experience one or two. If you suspect that you may be experiencing tyrotoxism, it's important to consult with a healthcare professional. It's also important to remember that prevention is key. Avoiding dairy products or consuming them in moderation can help prevent tyrotoxism from occurring. Additionally, consuming a well-balanced diet that includes all necessary nutrients can help keep the body healthy and prevent physical signs from occurring. 👀 Did you know that physical signs of tyrotoxism can manifest in the skin, hair, and nails? Keep an eye out for rashes, hair loss, and brittle nails!4. Gastrointestinal Symptoms of Tyrotoxism include: Nausea and vomiting Abdominal pain and cramping Diarrhea Loss of appetite These symptoms typically occur within hours of consuming contaminated dairy products. Severe cases may lead to dehydration and electrolyte imbalances. It is important to seek medical attention if symptoms persist or worsen. Prevention includes proper storage and handling of dairy products, as well as avoiding consumption of unpasteurized milk and cheese. 🧀🚫=😊5. Psychological Symptoms of Tyrotoxism: Mood and Behavior ChangesWhen experiencing tyrotoxism, mood and behavior changes are common psychological symptoms. These changes can range from mild to severe and can affect a person's daily life. Increased anxiety and nervousness Irritability and mood swings Agitation and restlessness Difficulty sleeping or insomnia Depression and feelings of sadness These symptoms can be caused by an overactive thyroid gland, which can lead to an increase in the production of certain hormones. This hormonal imbalance can affect a person's mood and behavior, causing them to feel more anxious, irritable, or depressed than usual. If left untreated, these symptoms can worsen over time and may lead to more serious mental health issues. It's important to seek medical attention if you're experiencing any of these symptoms. Speak to a doctor about treatment options Practice stress-reducing activities like yoga or meditation Get enough sleep and exercise regularly Make healthy dietary choices Take time to relax and unwind By taking steps to manage tyrotoxism and its psychological symptoms, you can improve your overall well-being and quality of life. Don't hesitate to reach out for help if you need it. 👍🏼6. Diagnosing Tyrotoxism: Tests and ExamsDiagnosing tyrotoxism involves various tests and exams. The following are some of the most common: Thyroid function tests measure hormone levels in the blood. Radioactive iodine uptake test measures how much iodine the thyroid gland absorbs. Ultrasound imaging can detect any abnormalities in the thyroid gland. CT or MRI scans can provide detailed images of the thyroid gland and surrounding structures. Other tests may include a physical exam, medical history, and antibody tests to rule out other conditions. Treatment options depend on the severity of the condition and may include medication, surgery, or radioactive iodine therapy. Early diagnosis is crucial to prevent complications such as heart problems, osteoporosis, and infertility. If you experience symptoms such as weight loss, tremors, or anxiety, consult your doctor immediately. Don't ignore the warning signs! Remember, tyrotoxism is a serious condition that requires prompt medical attention. With the right diagnosis and treatment, you can manage your symptoms and live a healthy, happy life. 🙌7. Treatment Options for Tyrotoxism: Medications and Lifestyle ChangesThere are several treatment options available for tyrotoxism, including medications and lifestyle changes. Antithyroid medications, such as methimazole, can help reduce thyroid hormone production. Beta-blockers, like propranolol, can alleviate symptoms like rapid heartbeat and tremors. Radioactive iodine therapy can destroy the thyroid gland, but it may lead to hypothyroidism. Lifestyle changes can also help manage tyrotoxism: Avoiding foods high in iodine, such as seaweed and iodized salt, can reduce thyroid hormone production. Reducing stress and getting enough sleep can improve overall health and reduce symptoms. Quitting smoking can improve cardiovascular health and reduce the risk of complications. It's important to work with a healthcare provider to determine the best treatment plan for tyrotoxism. 👩‍⚕️💊🥦💤🚭 In conclusion, identifying tyrotoxism symptoms is crucial to prevent severe health complications. 🚨 Early detection and treatment can save lives. 🏥 Remember to pay attention to your body and seek medical attention if you experience any of the symptoms mentioned in this guide. 💪 Stay informed and stay healthy! 🌟 https://symptomfinder.com/identifying-tyrotoxism-symptoms-a-guide/?_unique_id=649b5a3d2e606
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dairyfreefoodie · 10 months
Hooray - im back as i've found another amazing 10 dairy free/Vegan* snacks to write my 3rd blog post on!!
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Not all are Vegan but not sure what's in them to make them not plant based🤷‍♀️ sorry!)
Let's go:
11. Aldi 52% salted dark chocolate🍫
This chocolate is just the best (along with number 12 but this one wins as its cheaper🤷‍♀️). I used to HATE dark chocolate before I was dairy free but grown to love it - I think being salted helps and its in little bars which helps me not to eat the whole lot in one sitting 👍
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12. Tony's almond sea salt dark chocolate🍫
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It's pretty pricy but occasionally on offer and found in most supermarkets. It's chunky and delicious. The texture is quite nutty but it doesn't taste too almondy which I wouldnt like personally- just very rich salty dark chocolate.
13. Vegan Kitkats 🍫
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These are amazing as they pretty much taste like a normal milk chocolate kitkat. Bad thing is I can't seem to ever find them anywhere except in a tesco meal deal which I now buy a lot more of for this reason. I've also asked my local convenience store to stock them haha 😄
14. Asda apple pies 🍏 🥧
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So good - and not dry like I thought they may be being also gluten free. I mean its kind of healthy having apple in right? Starting to realise how unhealthy all my snack recommendations are lol...oh well yolo (and maybe for less time with all this cholesterol lol...dw I've joined a gym finally!)
15. Tesco Pesto 🍃
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Alright this isn't a snack...but i just love Pesto so much. I am so glad there are quite a few dairy free Pestos in the supermarket and this one is probably my fav so far I've tried. I add half a jar with a little low fat mayo or dairy free yoghurt/cream to add to pasta (usually with mushrooms, chicken, bacon lardons or chorizo, sweetcorn and rocket). I even took 2 jars to Italy with me as thought it may be a struggle to get vegan food out there (turns out I was right!). See below my Italian michelangelo inspired version lol
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16. Nomo caramel chocolate 🍫
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More chocolate. I told you in my first post I'm a chocolaholic and woohoo for now having 3 favourite dairy free ones. This is my 3rd favourite and found in most supermarkets now!
17. ASDA vegan lemon muffins 🍋
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These taste just like my old homemade Lemon drizzle cake (which used to be packed with dairy butter) - crunchy sugary top and soft crumbly cake, sooo good. The chocolate ones were okay too...but not as good as the Lemon. We need a break on this post from chocolate too haha!!
18. Vegan butter
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Talking of butter - this one I find tasty for cooking/toast (which can be a snack before you comment lol - or with crumpets/butter biscuits - without butter obv haha) and it apparently lowers your cholesterol too 🤷‍♀️ win win!! Sorry for the photo bombing foot😅
19. Applewood vegan burger cheese 🧀 🍔
The app is saying there is a limit of 10 photos. Boooo! This is my favourite sliced cheese for burgers (normal cheese favourite on 2nd post). Applewood was literally my favourite cheese before last year and this isn't a bad dairy free version at all - just has to be a little melted! Okay no defence here, this is not a snack
20. Turns out I don't have any more, I lied.. - just 9 for this post folks!! Hope it's helpful😁🥰
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stelliumastrology · 4 years
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This statement sums Virgo season up so well. . . For me it’s about the mind–body connection. . . If we don’t pay attention to our inner-compass and recognise whether we‘re at ease or dis-ease with a situation, then the body will tell us with subtle clues. . . Problem is we can misdiagnose our ailments and label individual symptoms without recognising the root cause. . . During the Sun‘s cruise through discerning Virgo (the only mutable earth sign of the zodiac) sensitivities connected with the body and habitual behaviour can be identified more easily, and changed. . . Personally, I realised dairy was causing me a few problems, and since I’ve eliminated it from my diet I’ve noticed some huge benefits and no longer feel crappy most of the time! . . Admittedly it was easier eating what I wanted and not paying attention to what my body was trying to tell me. . . But it wasn’t intentional: it was as though I was operating on autopilot, and then wondering why I felt so icky! . . But Now I’ve finally made the connection I have clarity and I feel well! . . And just like that, my mind and body are working in harmony and I‘m able to make wise choices which help promote my wellness, rather than illness. . . ➡️ Have you made any clarifying-connections during Virgo season? . . . #virgoseason #mindbodyspirit #eurikamoment #eurika #dairyfree #dairyintolerance #pcosawareness #casein #mercuryinvirgo #suninvirgo #evilcheese #bodyandmind #healthandwellness #illness #eliminationdiet #swinsta #swinstafam #swmafia #mealplanning #stellium #stelliumastrology #astrology #thestelliumastrologypodcast #astrologypodcast #awakeningmoment #teamvirgo #virgoseason #virgoszn #foodandmood #illnessandwellness (at Virgo Villa) https://www.instagram.com/p/CEw0gmFphVj/?igshid=zbu8x7jjxzey
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Definitely Friday and definitely running low on things to pack.... Both have strawberries & vitamins M’s box has animal crackers, pink goldfish, & a GFB (apparently I let them get stale bc she came home and was appalled that her cookie ball was “a rock”) H has cheese crackers and a cheese stick 😜. Since I’m limiting M’s dairy intake, I’ve been giving H more cheese in his snack box when she won’t know he’s getting it...he’s loving it. He could eat cheese and crackers happily every day, no matter the type. Everyone headed out of town for a night to celebrate Christmas with extended family so I am solo with the baby. I know they will have so much fun and I am super excited to just lay on the couch for 24 hours soaking up the newborn snuggles...! #yumbox #yumboxmini #yumboxminisnack #preschoolsnacks #snackideas #dairyintolerance #tgif #babysnugglesarethebest https://www.instagram.com/p/B5v132jFR-q/?igshid=1q2t9om1vyn1y
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martisanne · 5 years
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These epipen inside pouches are proving popular this week ,available in 3 sizes ,just click on the Redbubble link in my profile or pop straight over to Martisanne.co.uk #tmtinsta #dairyallergy #milkallergy #dairyintolerance #lactoseintolerance #lactoseintolerant #lactosefree #dairyfree #anaphylaxis #kidsallergies #intolerance #foodallergy #peanutallergy #nutallergy #treenutallergy #epipen #freefromnuts #freefromdairy #foodallergies https://www.instagram.com/p/B3pf8aXBWBU/?igshid=govmvgp430nd
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littlecitycharmlove · 5 years
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Happy Saturday my friends • • • These Nut Pods are seriously my favorite for my coffee in the morning ... unsweetened and dairy free !!! I love that they don’t have sugar in them ♥️ and now they have the pumpkin spice 🎃 Yes please !! • • For those of you that have a dairy intolerance like my daughter does ... you will love these !!!! . . . . . #nutpods #coffee #coffeecreamer #dairyfree #sugarfree #sugarfreefood #healthyfood #foodie #foodblogger #dairyintolerance #healthyproducts #healthylife #healthylifestyle #bettercreamer #enjoy #instagood #love #weekendvibes #littlecitycharm #instacoffee ##caffeine #drink #coffeegram (at Portage, Michigan) https://www.instagram.com/p/B2ZMCLJluhU/?igshid=17zghb8092sy3
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valeriemudry · 5 years
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À tous les amoureux du chocolat ! Nous lançons un nouveau projet INNOVANT, pour régaler TOUS LES FONDUS DE CHOCOLAT. Pour arriver à le finaliser, nous avons besoin de tous vos soutiens. Devenez fans et/ou parrainez-nous, pour le faire, cliquez sur lien dans notre bio #👆🏼. Nous vous invitons aussi à partager largement avec toutes et tous vos amis (es), et sur tous vos réseaux, afin de pouvoir réaliser ce projet qui nous tient tant à cœur, au plus vite. Merci d’avance, et à très vite. #boutiquedugoutgeneve #poncionichocolatiers #exclusiveshop #swissbrand #swisschocolate #gourmet #innovation #project #geneva #artisanal #delicious #sugarfree #vegan #handmade  #healthy #lifestyle #diabetes #allergy #dairyintolerance #dairyfree #glutenfree #exclusivity #chocolate  #chocolatelovers (à Geneva, Switzerland) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bxud9LHIOzL/?igshid=1lqadqn7tu5ff
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dis-ass-ter-comics · 5 years
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They can still hear me... Even when they're wearing headphones!
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iamabax · 5 years
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This time of the year is somewhat difficult for those of us with food allergies, I’m lucky enough to have families that understand and are mindful and even prepare extra side dishes just for me. There are people that still won’t understand why or what it feels like to be at a family gathering and have to watch others eat something that you were able to eat for years and are actually hungry for as well, but knowing that if you eat it could be detrimental for your health for days and sometimes weeks to come. The best way I could explain it is think of a drug addict around their drug of choice all day long, watching people do it in front of them, seeing the commercials on tv advertising for it, going places with your family and passing by places of business and smelling it. It really is hard being around it all day, everyday. I’m not asking people to be sympathetic, just mindful. Put yourself in our shoes for once. Much love to all💜 this post was not meant to offend, only to help others to understand what it feels like. So please nothing negative.
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shasharishi · 6 years
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Gratuitous food shot... vegan cacao and cherry ice cream made with banana 🍌 , @alpro ‘yoghurt’, cacao powder, garnish with frozen cherries 🍒 and cacao nibs 🍫😍 too good not to share. #vegan #veganicecream #dairyintolerant #vegansofig #cacao
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Do you have digestion issues? Is your gut health in check? We have a selection of digestive enzymes to fit your digestive and gut health needs! @enzymedica @nordicnaturals @arthurandrewmed --- --- --- --- --- --- #digestivehealth #digestiveenzymes #digestion #digestionproblems #digestionissues #enzymes #gihealth #gluten #glutenfree #glutenintolerance #nordicnaturals #arthurandrewmedical #fastfood #fastfoodlife #fastfoodbinge #caseinintolerance #dairyintolerant #vegetarian #vegetarianenzymes #foodintolerance #foodintolerances (at Central Valley Nutrition) https://www.instagram.com/p/CEe6XVNnrAd/?igshid=oubpxdf3davv
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stylemakerz · 4 years
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psychlone · 5 years
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Allergy alert.. #dairyintolerant #glutenintolerance #soyintolerant #negativityintolerant #bullshitintolerant #allergictobullshit #fucknegativity (at Brooklyn, New York) https://www.instagram.com/p/B3nTvSmhaqH/?igshid=cw1wvvo5tw0
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martisanne · 5 years
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Soya allergy stickers ,kids babygrows and tees , phone cases and what not just click on the Redbubble link in my profile or go to Martisanne.co.uk #tmtinsta #soyallergy #soyaallergy #anaphylaxis #dairyallergy #milkallergy #dairyintolerance #lactoseintolerance #lactoseintolerant #lactosefree #dairyfree #anaphylaxis #kidsallergies #intolerance #foodallergy #peanutallergy #nutallergy #treenutallergy #epipen #freefromnuts #freefromdairy https://www.instagram.com/p/Bw-GPYjhqIk/?igshid=1a96trzj7awq0
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no-buns · 7 years
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Summer Bowl with White Miso Mustard Dressing Tempeh. Buckwheat. Carrot. Courgette. Lettuce. Reddish. Black Sesame. White Miso. Mustered Powder. #glutenfree #dairyfree #homemade #food #foodie #foodporn #glutenfreeporn #glutenfreefoodie #coeliac #glutenintolerant #dairyintolerant #theartofeatingwell #nutrition #wholefoods #foodincolour #nobuns #nobiggie #nobunsnobiggie
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