#dandy lyon
merrigel · 2 years
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The ultimate indulgence... Is turning your characters into adorable little chibis
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bluepoodle7 · 2 years
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#Walmart #WalmartEasterCelebrateSmallBowtieLambPlush #EasterPlush #BowtiePlush #LambPlush #Plushies #DandyLyon #PlushPals
This is a Walmart Easter Celebrate Small Bowtie Lamb Plush and this little friend also caught my eye. There were two versions of this plush. One with its muzzle out and one with its muzzle pushed in. I choose the muzzle out since it looks more lamb like and cute. I also like the chicken feet hooves this plush has.
This plush can also wear the doll glasses.
This plush is very soft and cute. I will keep this plush and naming her DandyLyon.
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marauderingminnie · 5 months
anyone in the marauders fandom who has never heard of The Dandy Lyons Club on youtube I cannot recommend them enough!!!
they make both fun and angsty cosplay videos with a heavy focus on wolfstar and there are so many brilliant little details, their uploads are always the highlights of my day I adore them so very much
I would definitely check them out if you haven’t because I’m sure that y’all won’t regret it <333
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sofiaesther · 30 days
okay. i have to say this. i’m so obsessed with the dandy lyon club on youtube and their wolfstar content, because jack and robin are so soft & in love irl that their portrayal of wolfstar turns out to be the most sincere, pure and accurate thing, making my heart flutter every time :( the past few months of my life were no less than challenging, but finding their channel has helped enormously — just what the doctor ordered ❤️‍🩹 my comfort people ahh
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valentinetypewriter · 11 months
Marauders Fancast
to be completely honest, I've been watching so much of 'The Dandy Lyon Club' Marauders stuff that it's become increasingly hard to imagine the usual fancasts, now all I can imagine is them.
Which to be fair I think they play the characters very well, and if you don't know them I definitely recommend you do so. They have a lot of wolfstar content as well as some marauders and even quite the amount of regulus content.
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umihoshi · 1 year
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killing Peter was going to be their first act together as a married couple, the actors told me so themselves.
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I’m so obsessed with The Dandy Lyon Club cosplay videos on YouTube I’ve been binging their marauders/Wolfstar content it’s so good for no reason
I think my favorite one was Wolfstar Time of the Month vid
The channel is like perfection and serotonin
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metalxmind · 2 years
Charles: Come on, just let me see your costume.
Erik *from inside the bedroom*: I asked Raven if she had a costume I could borrow. I didn't look at it.
Charles: Just come out, love.
Erik *walks out dressed as a sexy cheerleader*: I wish I had at least realized it had Daddy written across the front and a skirt.
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Jim: Why did you drink that?! Seb: Rule number 5 is if you put something in my hand I'm going to put it in my mouth. You know if you hand me something I'm going to ingest it.
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Sean: Why did you drink that?! 
Geoffrey: Rule number 5 is if you put something in my hand I'm going to put it in my mouth. You know if you hand me something I'm going to ingest it.
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dick-helmet-magneto · 2 years
Charles: I want to be helpful. Erik: You're not. Charles: You sound just like mother.
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strawberry-s0ap · 1 year
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beau (acnh) stimboard for @dandy-lyon-soul !
x x x / x x x / x x x
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The Quiz
I've recently become obsessed with The Dandy Lyon Club, so have this stupid oneshot based on one of their videos
They're just sitting in James and Lily's house, the first time all together in months, when she says it.
Sirius is resting against Remus, Remus' arm around him, with his feet in James' lap. Lily glances away from her conversation with Marlene, catches the sight, and it seems to provoke a question.
"Hey, Sirius?" The three of them turn to her, mostly surprised that she's asking Sirius a question, not Remus. "Who d'you reckon knows you better? James or Remus?"
"Oh, uh..." Sirius considers it carefully for a moment, and Remus watches him with a smile. "You know, I have no clue. What do you guys think?" He glances between his best friend and his boyfriend, but they both shrug.
"I don't think I've ever thought about it," Remus says casually, half expecting that to be the end of it.
"No, wait, I'm curious now," Sirius says with a smile, and Remus can already feel the dregs of a scheme dawning on his boyfriend. A scheme he probably won't want to be a part of. "How can we figure it out?"
"A quiz," Marlene says without missing a beat. "A competition between Remus and James."
"Oh, we don't need to-" James starts, but it's already decided amongst the rest of their friends.
"That's a brilliant fucking idea!" Mary says brightly, and Remus wants to facepalm. He honestly doesn't care if James knows more about Sirius, because he loves Sirius. That's all he really cares about. Still, it's clearly not up to him or James.
That's how they find themselves still at the house at three in the morning, Remus and James sat either side of Sirius on a sofa. Peter, Mary, Lily and Dorcas are sat on the floor, Marlene in an armchair beside the sofa, parchment in hand. Apparently, she had written all of the questions, and Sirius just had to confirm who answered correctly. Lily's been put in charge of points, holding a quill and a journal. Remus still doesn't see the point in it, but at least his friends seem to be enjoying themselves. Besides, it could be fun. Maybe.
"Okay, I have ten questions. They're going to get progressively harder, and both of you have to give an answer before Sirius reveals what the correct answer is," Marlene explains. Remus and James both nod, and Marlene wastes no time in launching into her first question. "Number one: when is Sirius' birthday?" Remus breathes a disbelieving laugh.
"The third of November, everybody knows that," Remus says, and James nods in agreement.
"Yeah, the third."
"Marlene, that was a bit too easy," Sirius says with a chuckle.
"Don't worry, I'm just getting started," she answers with a smile.
Yeah, that doesn't exactly fill Remus with confidence.
The next few questions leave them tied because, again, who doesn't know basic shit like Sirius' middle name?
"Right, question five: who's Sirius' favourite relative? Not including Regulus," she adds quickly, and-
Okay, yeah, that's tricky.
"...Andy?" James tries, and Remus knows they have a better chance of figuring it out if they guess two different names.
"Er... Alphard."
"James is right, Andy's the best one," Sirius says, pointing briefly to James while he laces his fingers through Remus'.
"Finally! Okay, James is a point ahead. Question six: which Hogwarts Professor would Sirius shag?" Sirius snickers, and Remus just frowns, confused.
What the fuck are these questions? How can they get harder than a literal guessing game? He and James guess dutifully, though.
"Guys, come on," Sirius says disbelievingly. "Kettleburn, obviously!"
"Padfoot, that makes no sense!" James argues.
"Right, since Remus needs a chance to even the playing field again," Marlene interjects quickly, "sorry James, the next question is an easy one for Remus."
That doesn't exactly fill Remus with confidence.
"Alright! Question seven: when was the last time Sirius had sex?"
"Oh, that's not-" Sirius starts, but James doesn't waste a second in answering.
"Last week."
Hold on.
For a second, Remus is at a loss for words. Namely because James is right.
"...yeah. Yeah, last week. That was- James, that was a very quick answer," he says, more than a little concerned and having forgotten that most of his friends are present. "Why does he know that?" He asks Sirius, who just shrugs.
"I don't really think before I speak," he answers simply.
"I was just expressing concern," James says innocently, eyes meeting Remus'. "Y'know, a whole week-"
"Oh, fuck right off, you know full well why it's been a week! It was the full!" He argues, and he can see Sirius laughing beside him. "Can we move on?" Remus asks, turning to Marlene, who's clearly trying to avoid laughing herself. She nods, eyes flicking back down to her parchment.
"Okay, right, uh..."
She doesn't get the next question out before she dissolves into laughter, and before Remus even knows what has happened, they're all laughing with her. Sirius drops his face into Remus' shoulder for a moment, and Remus just wraps an arm around his waist.
Something tells him that the quiz is over.
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touslin · 6 days
Also I'm fucking knackered
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sun-stricken · 8 months
hey random head canon feel free to ignore. But imagine Gray’s a horrible single and Lyon is a freaking amazing singer. Only issue both will only sing when they’re drunk
i will not ignore this tyvm, youre giving me an excuse to talk abt how they are when intoxicated
Im adding onto this by saying neither of them are lightweights, Gray doesnt drink often but he was Canas favorite victim drinking partner for a long time, so he still maintains his ability to hold his liquor. Lyon just has a naturally high tolerance, and his body has gotten used to all the strong fancy shit he usually drinks
So to get them drunk and that theory out would take time. but man is it fun when it works
Lyon’s a bit of a romantic drunk, ‘flirting’ with everyone he sees for the fun of it, also with the bartender to try and get more drinks when hes been cut off (tbh hed probs be the type to try and text his ex when drunk)
Dude probably starts belting off love songs at random, hes loud with it bc, well, drunks tend to not be able to control their volume, but ppl around cant really tell him to stop because hes like really good?? like weirdly good. stupidly good for a guy who’ll probably blackout at any given moment
he probably bows at the end too
Gray is a giddy drunk, he only drinks when hes happy as to keep it that way, he gets touchy and affectionate and will express himself in the most expressive way possible, and thats all fine and dandy and honestly? good for him.
the bad part, however, is if theres music playing he will sing to it, any and all songs. hes an equal opportunist for drunken singing.
and hes not… particularly good at it, he doesn’t even try to to be good at it either, hes off key and breaks off to laugh and wont even attempt to follow the flow of the music.
picturing him singing off-key to random white girl music has made my day tbh
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olympic-paris · 1 month
based on: The White Crane Institute's 'Gay Wisdom', Gay Birthdays, Gay For Today, Famous GLBT, glbt-Gay Encylopedia, Today in Gay History, Wikipedia, and more …
August 12
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1642 – France: Henri Coiffier de Ruzé, Marquis of Cinq Mars is beheaded for treason at Lyon. Cardinal Richelieu introduced King Louis XIII to the Marquis. Louis took him as his lover. The Marquis plotted against the king and was executed when the king discovered his plans.
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1833 – Captain Henry Nichols hanged for "buggery." That was the actual British legal term for homosexual activity, and it was a capital offense until 1861, when the laws were finally relaxed to allow for life imprisonment. But that change came almost thirty years too late for Captain Henry Nichols. In 1833, the the London Courier printed the following account:"
Captain Henry Nicholas Nicholls, who was one of the unnatural gang to which the late Captain Beauclerk belonged, (and which latter gentleman put an end to his existence*), was convicted on the clearest evidence at Croydon, on Saturday last, of the capital offence of Sodomy; the prisoner was perfectly calm and unmoved throughout the trial, and even when sentence of death was passed upon him. In performing the duty of passing sentence of death upon the prisoner, Mr. Justice Park told him that it would be inconsistent with that duty if he held out the slightest hope that the law would not be allowed to take its severest course. At 9 o’clock in the morning the sentence was carried into effect. The culprit, who was fifty years of age, was a fine looking man, and had served in the Peninsular war. He was connected with a highly respectable family; but, since his apprehension not a single member of it visited him.
* Apparently, Captain Beauclerk suicided on being caught with Nichols at "buggery" of one "Boy Lawrence." Poor buggers!
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1882 – André Germain, aka Loïs Cendré, (d.1971) was a French journalist, essayist, poet and writer. He became known, among other things, through the novel Mephisto by Klaus Mann, in which he appears as Pierre Larue.
Germain was the son of a banker who had made considerable fortunes as the founder of the Crédit Lyonnais banking house. As heir to the family fortune, Germain owned several million francs as well as a famous villa above Florence, to which in later years he mainly invited German artists and intellectuals.
At a young age Germain married a daughter of Alphonse Daudet. The marriage, which is said to have been "gruesome", was annulled after fourteen months in 1908.
Germain made the various aspects of art and culture, but above all literature, the focus of his interests. Even before the First World War, he was a well-known personality on the cultural stage of his home country and later of Germany - for which he developed a special weakness - as well as the rest of Europe as a dandy and author of poems and texts.
After the First World War, André Germain was co-editor of the magazine Revue Européenne under Edmond Jaloux . At the time he was living in a splendid Hôtel in Paris behind the City Hall, with a view of the Notre Dame Cathedral.
From the 1920s, Germain, who spoke excellent German, often stayed for long periods in Berlin and other larger German cities. In the early 1930s he harbored sympathies for the National Socialist ideology and the Nazi state. So he wrote a book "Hitler or Moscow?", in which he indicated that, given the choice, he was more in favor of Hitler. However, during the Vichy regime in France, Germain kept a clear distance from the Germans.
In Germany in the 1920s and 1930s, Germain met numerous important exponents of the cultural life of the time, in particular, the siblings Klaus Mann and Erika Mann.
After a long period of friendship, Germain and Klaus Mann fell out as a result of personal insults: Germain called Mann, who had tried to borrow money from him, "Narcissus of the swamp". Mann retaliated by mocking Germain as "the latest craze for Crédit Lyonnais".
Because of Germain's closeness to and sympathy for the National Socialists, Mann took the opportunity to use Germain as a model for one of the rather negatively drawn figures in Mephisto, which was a parable of the panorama of theater and cultural life in the early Nazi state. Specifically, Germain appears there in poorly-disguised form as a French diplomat and saloon lion who seeks to be close to the National Socialists and ingratiate himself with them.
Germain has been described as "a man who is slender in appearance and not very steadfast". Georg Zivier called him "immensely homosexual" and "in love with the entire Hitler Youth".
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J.D. McClatchy and Chip Kidd
1945 – Poet J. D. McClatchy, Jr. (d.2018), was a master of traditional poetic forms, most notably the sonnet and sonnet sequence, and ranks as a significant voice in contemporary American letters. He was also a prolific anthologist, the editor of the prestigious Yale Review, and a noted librettist. McClatchy has written openly about gay desire and love, among other topics, combining the intelligence of W.H. Auden and the linguistic virtuosity of James Merrill with a unique ability to mine his memories and experiences to create emotional honesty.
McClatchy has also made some cogent remarks on gay poetry and the slippery notion of a "gay sensibility" in literature. As editor of the anthology Love Speaks Its Name: Gay and Lesbian Love Poems (2001), he states: "Over the centuries, the homosexual temperament has seemed especially suited to engaging the themes of bafflement, secret joys, private perspectives, forbidden paradises, hypocritical conventions, and ecstatic occasions. In fact, it would be fair to claim that our gay and lesbian poets are the wisest inquirers after love."McClatchy is the author of five original volumes of poetry. He is also author of two prose collections, Twenty Questions (Posed by Poems) (1998), a book of memoirs and critical essays, and White Paper: On Contemporary American Poetry (1989), another collection of essays that offers close readings of poets such as Elizabeth Bishop, Robert Lowell, Anthony Hecht, and Sylvia Plath.
Born Joseph Donald McClatchy in 1945 in Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania, the son of observant Catholics, McClatchy was raised in a wealthy suburb of Philadelphia and attended all-male Jesuit schools, where he received his introduction to classical literature.
McClatchy's sequence of three sonnets "My Old Idols" (Ten Commandments, 1998) remembers his childhood and teenage years. In one section, the speaker recalls a favorite Latin teacher, Father Moan, who made him "quiver" when "He'd slap the pointer against his thigh." In another, he looks back at his ten-year-old self and an initiation into sex with his friend's older brother in an ice rink's restroom. He writes, "I fumbled with small talk, pretending to be shy. / Looking past me, he slowly unzipped his fly."
Another section recalls McClatchy's teenage infatuation with opera legend Maria Callas. McClatchy's family was not literary, but it was musical. Not surprisingly, he has written several libretti for leading composers, including William Schuman.
McClatchy more fully realized a new focus in life in 1975 when he began living with fellow gay poet Alfred Corn, who he claims helped him clarify his sense of "vocation" as a poet. The romantic relationship of the two poets lasted thirteen years, during which time McClatchy showed Corn everything he wrote.
McClatchy, in a Lambda Book Report interview, states, "My sexuality itself is rarely the subject of my poems. Its consequences are." McClatchy adds, "The nature and formation of desires, the pleasures and anxieties of being gay--sure, these figure in my work. But I'm less interested in homosexuality as a subject than as a sensibility. Nowhere visible, but everywhere apparent."
McClatchy's other literary friendships over the years have included Robert Penn Warren, Anne Sexton, Robert Lowell, John Hollander, and Richard Howard, as well as Corn.
McClatchy's poetry has earned him praise as a writer of probing intellect and emotional acuity. In addition, he is a poet with deep insight into the nature of desire, especially the complexities of gay male desire.
He was in a longterm relationship with graphic designer, novelist, Batman expert, and vocalist Chip Kidd, nineteen years his junior. They were married in 2013.
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1987 – Mike Verschuur is a Dutch racing driver. He won the Eurocup Mégane Trophy series in 2009 and the Renault Clio Cup Netherlands in 2006. He has also competed in other such series as Porsche Supercup. He is openly gay
Verschuur was one of 27 sports personalities to come out publicly during the first half of 2011. Others in that group included Dutch gymnast Jeffrey Wammes and Swedish national footballer Anton Hysen.
He has stated:
"Many fellow drivers – not mentioning any names – have told me they are gay, too. But they dare not say so in public, which is a real pity, because there is nothing to fear. On the contrary, it has only made me stronger. It's made me a better driver."
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1988 – On this date the painter and graffiti artist Jean-michel Basquiat died of an overdose (b. 1960). In 1996 his story was made into a movie under the title Basquiat, with Jeffrey Wright as Basquiat and David Bowie as Andy Warhol.
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2007 – The American singer, actor, game show host and talk show host Merv Griffin died on this date (b. 1925). His tombstone reads: "I will NOT be right back after this message."
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