#robyn valentine
laidback-thrills · 1 month
❤️ Miss Robyn's the talk of the town! ❤️
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merrigel · 1 year
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Been updating my portfolios lately, which means these ladies have some reference slides!
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maeviuslynn · 11 months
I feel like too often mothers and topics involving children are left out of conversations in the occult/witchcraft/pagan community. It was an honor to add this topic and discussion to my YouTube channel.
In this interview I talk to Robyn Valentine, A Tired Witch, about witchcraft, parenting, and children's literature. Robyn is such a fun person to talk to with so much wisdom and perspective on this topic. She has an upcoming children's book on witchcraft called The Apprentice Witch. In this interview she also shares her perspective on parenting as a witch and her inspiration for writing this book.
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inyourbenevolence · 5 days
In your benevolence,
hear the Fledgling's plea for fair winds for the wing-trial.
Episode 3 of I Need A Miracle is out now. Search for I Need A Miracle in podcast apps or head to foggyoutline.com/ineedamiracle for all the ways to listen.
Starring Robyn Holdaway as Kelwinn, the Fledgling
Written by @merelymatt
Directed by Robert Valentine
Recorded by Stephen H at Jukebox Studios
With broadcast assistance from Teresa Milewski
Sound design by Sarah Buchynski
Music by Katharine Seaton
Produced by Sarah Golding for @wirelesstheatreco and @foggyoutline
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ouatnextgen · 7 months
But First, Let Me Take a Selfie: A Curious Archer fanfiction
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Part two! Robyn and Alice are out of character in this, mainly because they're teenagers for this AU, eighteen and seventeen. Image obviously isn't an edit, but a behind the scenes shot.
Alice frowned at the thing in her hands. What had Papa called it? A talking phone? She figured it must’ve been some sort of magic, if she could use it to speak to others miles away.
Using her index finger, she pressed the picture of an oddly shaped, banana-looking thing (Mum had told her that that was what talking phones used to look like, but don't anymore). It gave her a list of names, and a series of numbers attached to the names. Papa, Mum, Hope, and Robyn were the only names she had.
Unsure of exactly what to do, she pushed the ‘Robyn’ button, and waited for something to happen. A dull tone played four times, then she faintly heard Robyn’s voice. “Hello?”
“Hullo? Robyn? Can you hear me?” Alice raised her voice slightly, worried that something was wrong with the device.
“Alice? Alice, hold the phone up to your ear, with the screen facing your cheek!” Robyn’s voice continued faintly.
Alice did as she was told. “Hullo? Can you hear me now?”
“Yeah, I can hear you!” Alice winced at how loud Robyn’s voice sounded now. “Can you hear me?”
“Yup. Hi, hullo.”
“Good job figuring that out. According to Emma, it took Killian years to figure out how to work a phone.” 
“I mean, it’s actually not that hard once you figure it out.” Alice beamed at Robyn’s praise.
“Show-off.” Robyn teased.
Alice laughed. “Anywhatzit, I was just testing this thing out. Hope was telling me that it can do more than just the talking, but I haven’t figured that bit out yet.”
“I can help with that! Mom says I’m on my phone way too much anyway. Uh, I mean..if you wanted me too. If not, that’s totally fine.” Robyn babbled.
Alice grinned softly. Robyn was just too cute when she was flustered. “Of course I’d like your help! I’m at that place, Granny’s Diner, waitin’ on Alex, if you wanted to pop over.” She and Alex were supposed to go shopping after their shift, but Alice was sure that they wouldn’t mind if Robyn tagged along.
“Really!? Uh, I mean, okay. I’d love that! Lemme just grab my bike–I–I’ll uh, see you in a few. Love-uh, I mean, bye.” Alice heard a click, and she glanced at the screen, seeing that the used-to-be-a-talking-phone symbol had turned from green to red.
She giggled to herself, kicking her legs happily in her seat. PJ had been teasing her for the past few weeks about whether or not she was going to ask Robyn ‘out,’ which, as far as she could gather, meant start courting her. Alice would never admit it out loud, but she kind of wanted Robyn to ask her ‘out,’ like in the romance books she read as a child.
But Robyn, although Alice was 90% sure she liked her back, hadn’t said anything to her yet. And so, she waited.
Although, she didn’t think she’d have to wait for long.
A ringing bell caused Alice to look up from her phone, and she saw Robyn’s green bike pull up in front of Granny’s. Alice felt a warmth spread from her heart and into her veins. She had come all this way, just for her.
She waved Robyn over, and the other girl plopped herself in the seat next to her. “Hi. Sorry that took so long, I had to convince my mom that I was going to the library.”
“That’s alright, love. Thanks for showing up for me.”
Robyn turned her head to the side, dark blond hair covering her face, and Alice swore that she could see her blush. She waved at Alex through the diner window in greeting, then pulled out her own talking phone. “Okay! So, I was thinking we start with the basics. This little circle icon here is called ‘Google’, and you can use it to search whatever you want…”
Robyn continued talking, but Alice was only half listening. She couldn’t help but stare at the way her green eyes sparkled when she showed her how to work the ‘calculator,’ or her beautiful sounding laugh whenever Alice asked a question.
“And this is the camera! You can use it to…I guess ‘capture’ images, like a moment frozen in time.”
“Really?” Alice leaned over in her seat to look at Robyn’s phone. “Sounds a bit like magic, doesn’t it? How does it work?”
“...You know, I’m actually not sure. But watch!” Robyn tapped the image of the so-called camera, and suddenly, Alice could see the table underneath the phone. Robyn lifted the device up, and the screen showed the street. She pressed a circle in the middle, and the image of the street stayed on the screen when she put the phone down.
“Bloody hell. That’s incredible.” Her eyes widened.
“Yeah, it kinda is actually. And it gets better.”
Robyn tapped another button, and somehow, her and Alice’s faces became reflected in the screen.
Alice gasped. “That’s us!”
Robyn giggled. “Yup. Henry was telling me that this used to be called a ‘selfie’ when he was growing up; there was a song about it and everything.” She scooted closer to Alice. “Wanna take one? You can use it as my contact picture in your phone.”
Alice didn’t remember what a ‘contact picture’ was, but she didn’t really care. “Sounds brilliant.”
Robyn angled her phone so they both fit in the screen. “Let’s make funny faces!”
Alice widened her eyes and pouted, while Robyn stuck out her tongue. They took a few pictures, trying not to giggle.
Once they were done, they looked them over. “I like that first one we took.” Robyn pinched her fingers on the screen, zooming the image in. “Look at my dumb face.” Alice laughed. “Oi, well, look at my dumb face!”
“We both look kinda dumb.” Grinning, Robyn pressed a few buttons on her phone, then Alice’s made a buzzing noise. “I just sent it to you. I’ll help you make it my contact photo.”
“Thank you, Robyn. Really.” Alice felt herself getting rather emotional.
“Don’t mention it, Tower Girl.” Robyn didn’t bother to hide her blush as they stared at each other.
All too soon, the moment ended, and Robyn started talking about how to change people’s contact photos again.
But as Alice nodded along and smiled, she knew that she wouldn't have to wait too long now.
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nkogneatho · 7 months
happy valentine's day pasi 🖤💋🌹
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femmefataleart · 2 years
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Robyn Hood Valentine's Day by John Royle
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floofyboi57 · 8 months
“She was walkin’ around with a loaded shot gun..
…and she fired me a hot one
and it went
straight through my heart! <3”
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Valentine’s Day Ren Art! Gonna do a Raven piece next if I’m able to (and then Lovebirds Art with this color palette cause yes)
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nobody-is-evil · 2 years
Dream Receives a Letter
Summary: Instead of my name, I leave you my phone number. You should know that I am a guy. Please only call if you would date a guy as seriously as you have dated girls.
Your Nervous Admirer,
Dream reread the words over and over again. Would he? He didn’t know.
Written for the Dreamling Nation Valentine’s Week. This is will be reblogged with the link to this fic on ao3.
Warning for unhealthy attitude towards food from the paragraph starting with “Dream had gotten his breakfast” to the one starting with “Dream stayed safe in his room”.
February. Valentine’s season.
In past years, Hob often had a date for Valentine’s Day. They’d never been anything but childish flings, though. Somehow, he insulted his partner, or they insulted him, and the two of them broke it off soon after—sometimes on Valentine’s Day. He couldn’t remember most of their names.
Sophomore year, Hob had come very, very close to having a partner for Valentine’s Day—a long-term one, at that! But Eleanor moved away in early February, and by then they’d already broken up after she decided she wouldn’t be able to keep up their relationship long-distance.
He spent the day that year sadly tending to Robyn, the oak sapling they’d planted in Hob’s yard. Eleanor had been so excited to watch him grow...
Junior year was different. Last year, the pain of the hellhole he escaped (the less said about it, the better) was still fresh, even months later. Not exactly the best frame of mind to be dating.
Not that that was common knowledge—most people would’ve described him as a happy, optimistic golden retriever. Only one person had known differently: The first person to show him kindness after the hellhole and his best friend, Dream.
Who Hob might’ve, sort of, kind of had a massive crush on at the time. And who might’ve, sort of, kind of gotten a girlfriend soon after Hob and Dream became friends.
Hob still didn’t understand why Dream had been so infatuated with his girlfriend. Thessaly was—how to put this—more disinterested in men than Hob thought possible. She was a 7 on the Kinsey Scale. Had to be, in order to miss how gorgeous Dream was. How neither of them had seen it, Hob didn’t know. But then, Dream had always had bad luck with relationships.
6 girlfriends, and not a single relationship had ended without massively upsetting Dream. Hob couldn’t see the sense in most of them—who would leave Dream for another guy? Who could break up with him over an accident, no matter how tragic? Who could date him just to sleep with him? Who could fall out of love with him? Who could date him without realizing she was a lesbian?
(Answers, in order: Killala, Calliope, Titania, Alianora, and Thessaly.)
(Nada...was different. But Dream’d changed since then. He wouldn’t do that again.)
Okay, so maybe Hob thought about Dream’s past relationships a lot. It was only natural to be upset on Dream’s behalf. If Dream was Hob’s boyfriend—
Nope, nope, nope, he couldn’t think like that. Dream was straight.
The thing was, all he had to go off of for that was that Dream had just never told him otherwise. That didn’t actually mean Dream for sure didn’t like men.
But Hob didn’t want to risk ruining their friendship. It was a little selfish—after he’d had to leave all his friends behind at his old school, the only true friend he’d been able to make at this school was Dream.
It was also out of concern for Dream. The last time they’d seriously fought had been the worst. When Dream refused to speak to Hob, well, that didn’t mean Hob had stopped caring about him, and it had been easy to tell—to him, anyway—that it was eating at Dream. If calling them friends had gotten that reaction, what would Hob confessing his love do?
No. Just like last year, Hob couldn’t do anything to show Dream that Hob was in love with him.
And that was final.
No way around it.
But as the holiday drew closer and closer, as the dating talk became inescapable, Hob found that he couldn’t stop thinking of ways he could do it while avoiding most, if not all of the consequences he was afraid of.
So here he was, writing a letter that he didn’t plan on signing.
Handwriting a letter to his best friend that he wanted to be anonymous seemed like a bad idea at first glance, but not when Hob’s usual handwriting was rushed. If he took his time and slowly wrote every letter in every word so they were all nice and neat, it looked like it was written by a completely different person.
He did have to start over several times whenever he wanted to erase something. Would using an eraser change Dream’s answer, maybe not, but Hob had to start over anyway.
Most of it ended up being him waxing poetic about Dream. Even if Hob was able to confess to Dream without the poetry, it could only help to stroke Dream’s ego—especially in places it wasn’t usually stroked.
Moving on.
The last sentence contained Hob’s instructions for getting in contact with him. It may have also seemed silly for an anonymous letter, but in his opinion, it was sillier to send it without. If he got an anonymous love letter that asked him if he could love the author, well, he wouldn’t know. For all he knew, they could be catfishing him.
So in lieu of a name, Dream would be getting Hob’s phone number. Considering he already had this info, Hob had downloaded an app that gave him a different one, one with the area code of the town he now lived in rather than the one from when he got his phone. Dream would see a number that could be most of his classmates—but not Hob.
Of course, just leaving the number would still defeat the purpose. Dream would call, he would hear Hob’s voice, and Hob still wouldn’t know if Dream even liked men. Even if he asked Dream to text instead, they were still close enough that he couldn’t discount Dream figuring out it was him too quickly. No, there had to be a condition on it. He finished the letter.
Instead of my name, I leave you my phone number. You should know that I am a guy. Please only call if you would date a guy as seriously as you have dated girls.
Your Nervous Admirer,
There was a chance Dream would call anyway. He was curious like that. But more often than not, Dream followed instructions just because they were given, as long as they weren’t from one of his parents or a person he similarly disliked.
That didn’t always mean he would do as intended, though. Dream’s interpretation skills sometimes hit the mark and sometimes missed. Hob was as clear as he dared without using language Dream might not be familiar with.
This was all probably for nothing. Most likely, Dream would get to the part where his admirer was a man and discard it all on the basis of being 100% straight. He’d had six girlfriends before he was 18 that all left him devastated when they ended. He’d never said a word about being anything but straight even after Hob came out to him. He had to have thought about it. Dream had clearly just...decided he was straight, or to never tell anyone he wasn’t. He wouldn’t admit to liking men by answering a random love letter.
Hob stared at the completed letter.
No, that was the devil talking. He’d written the thing, and he was going to send it, for a reason—for he had a chance, and he wouldn’t stop being able to think about it if he didn’t take that chance.
—Line Break—
Dream woke suddenly, without knowing why.
Then he heard the excited squealing.
He rolled over and pressed the pillow against his ears, futilely. Ugh. Why was Desire so enthusiastic about Valentine’s Day when they weren’t even interested in romance?
Unfortunately, he knew the answer to that question: They were nosy, and this holiday was a great way to figure out what people wanted.
He let out a sigh, his morning already ruined, and got up for school.
Making himself presentable wasn’t high on his list of priorities. He tended to sleep in the clothes he planned to wear the next day, rather than change in the morning. He didn’t see the point in brushing his hair when it looked good as it was. As long as he wore deodorant and made sure his clothes were still reasonably clean, Dream thought he was decent enough to be seen in public (considering girls would inevitably find him attractive and guys would inevitably envy him anyway) and therefore decent enough to attend Family Breakfast.
Sometimes, he wished he could take longer so he could get to breakfast after his siblings had already left. It would make everyone happier...except Death. Death would only have to pout at him, and he’d go back to coming to breakfast on time the next day. It had happened before.
Dream had gotten his breakfast (coffee cake and a glass of chocolate milk, perfect for his sweet tooth) and sat down before he realized how quiet it was.
...why were all of his siblings staring at him?
“Is that food on your plate?” Desire asked. At Dream’s bewildered nod, they continued, “What have you done with our Dream? He would never eat breakfast without prodding.”
While Dream kept his face perfectly stony, he was an on-fire puddle of embarrassment. Further humiliation came from the fact that Death didn’t immediately step in—she was thinking the same thing!
He considered his words carefully, as always, before speaking: “Most days, I have no need for food beyond the basic necessities. Today, I do.” The former part was the reason he gave every day. Proof, not that he needed any more of it, that none of his siblings actually listened when he spoke. Why he bothered, he...well.
Now Death interjected to scold him, “Dream, you can’t just have chocolate from your valentines all day. You’ll make yourself sick.”
“I’m sure it won’t just be chocolate,” he acknowledged. He stood up with most of his meal unconsumed, “If you’ll excuse me,” without waiting to actually be excused.
He loudly scraped his meal in the trash and poured his drink down the drain. Or, at least, he hoped they thought he did (in reality he scarfed it down while he was out of their lines of sight, only leaving enough to provide the necessary noises). Maybe next time, Death would think twice about taking Desire’s side on his eating habits.
Dream stayed safe in his room until it was time for the next part of his awful morning: his parents’ call.
Even though they were out of the country, they always called on Valentine’s Day. Night and Time Endless only had one purpose in making this call. Not to make sure their kids were safe and happy, not to wish them a good day, not to tell them they’d be home from their trip soon.
No, his parents only wanted to ensure none of their kids had dates for Valentine’s Day.
Considering not a single one of his siblings had ever shown the least bit of interest in romance, let alone had a partner, it might as well have been a personal attack on Dream. It had been the last two years, when he’d been with Thessaly and before that, Calliope.
He informed them, “No, mother. I have not had a girlfriend since I broke up with Thessaly in August.”
“Good.” They hung up.
They wouldn’t have done anything drastic if he had a girlfriend—that would require a level of care he didn’t think they were capable of—but they would tell Destiny to pester him every day about why the rule existed: Because most relationships end in tragedy.
It was galling, but internally, he could admit that he was starting to think they were right. This was the longest he’d gone without a girlfriend in a while. Not for lack of contenders—the girls at his school were always trying to bag him, an Endless. No, he just didn’t see the point in dating a girl who held only that shallow interest in him. Not one of them could actually care about him.
Ugh. Why was he letting his parents further sink his mood? He had enough things to be upset about without making himself more upset because of a topic he’d already been thinking about for months.
Since he, Desire, Despair, and Delirium were all heading to the same place, it was better that they all take the same vehicle (logic that Dream despised) especially considering neither of his younger sisters could drive and Desire was perpetually on thin ice.
On good days, Death would drive them. However, as already established, today was not a good day. So Dream had to drive.
By the time he was finally able to part ways from his siblings and go to his locker, it felt like his mood was already at its lowest, and he hadn’t even had to deal with anything directly school-related yet.
At least his all-black attire and dour manner meant people made a wide berth around him. Dream reached his locker without any further trouble. He inputted his locker combination and was about to open it when he stopped.
His brain was telling him something was wrong—something undesirable would happen if he opened it. After giving his subconscious a moment to explain itself to his conscious self, he understood. In past years, he’d had a lot of valentines slipped into his locker, and that was while he had a girlfriend. There was sure to be a mountain of them this time, and some would fly out if he wasn’t careful.
Only now did he open it. As expected, letters threatened to scatter everywhere, how tiresome, but he didn’t let a single one slip away. He stacked them and set them to the side to deal with later—
Holy shit.
Despite himself, Dream felt a grin spread across his face. (He fought it down, of course—it wouldn’t do for the school’s gossip mill, of which he was unfortunately considered a celebrity, to see him and come up with any crazy ideas, like him having a secret girlfriend. If that made its way to Delirium, for example, she would tell the family and he’d never hear the end of it.)
Some girl had left a giant box of his favorite chocolates in his locker, far too big to have been slid through the slots. No, she knew his locker combination. As the only other person who should’ve been able to say that was Hob, and Hob would’ve just given them to him in person, that meant she broke in.
But how could he be mad, when she had such a good reason to?
Dream popped the lid off and was further surprised by a pristine white folded paper sitting on top of the chocolates. He hadn’t planned on reading any of the valentines, but this one earned it. While treating himself to one of the gifted sweets, he opened it and looked for a name at the bottom.
Hmm. No name, only a phone number. He flipped it over, scanned the (very neat) handwriting, but the only name he could find was his own. Who would send a love letter signed with a phone number? Intrigued, Dream actually read it now, starting from the greeting.
If he could live solely off of compliments, the letter would be enough to sustain him for likely hundreds of years. It was not just the sheer amount, nor the degree of flattery, but the kind—each one was actually characteristics he prided himself on, not just how others saw him.
His art was highly skilled and full of complex meanings. His hair and clothes were cool and did make him hotter, rather than hide it like so many other girls had bemoaned. He did put a lot of effort into his schoolwork, even though loathed doing most of it at all.
The author didn’t only heap praise on him. Interspersed were declarations of love. Dream had mixed feelings about them—he enjoyed them, but he wished she hadn’t sat on it for so long, if the amount of time she’d apparently harbored these feelings was to be believed.
He read to the end of the letter and froze. His...nervous admirer...was a guy?
Of course Dream knew his school had a not insignificant queer population, but he’d never had cause to think about it before. No guy had ever shown any interest in him before.
In addition to the author being a guy, he asked that Dream only use the phone number if he would date a guy.
Which, again, not something he’d ever had to consider before. Dream reread the words over and over again. Would he? He didn’t know.
At the minute warning bell, he quickly gathered his materials for his first class, leaving the chocolates and the letter behind, but not the thoughts they had caused.
What qualities were consistent with someone willing to date a guy? Well, probably the same qualities that made him willing to date a girl. She was interesting, she was hot, and she was willing to date him. Soon enough, Dream found that he cared about her, that his every waking moment was consumed by thoughts about her.
It was the first condition that no girl had met within the last several months. His heart had closed off. It had higher standards.
So someone who liked guys would find guys interesting and hot. Well, he was intrigued by the author of the letter, at least. Dream hadn’t found a guy attractive before, but then, it had never been an option before. He’d need a large sample size—after all, it wasn’t like he found every girl attractive.
He would take the rest of the school day, and if he didn’t find any of his male classmates hot before school ended, he probably didn’t like guys.
—Line Break—
By the time the passing period prior to lunch had started, Dream had found that the fact that he recognized people was interfering with the experiment, as he was dismissing guys he disliked straightaway.
Did he do the obvious thing, to change his sample from his classmates to pictures of men on Google or something? No, that took too much work. It was much faster to simply think flexibly and stop recognizing people. With just a little bit of concentration, the hallways became filled solely with strangers.
Hmm. Still hadn’t found any attractive guys at this school.
A flash of motion caught his eye. Dream’s eyes searched for it on instinct and landed on—
A hot guy. His search was over.
Now all he had to do was stop staring (and probably freaking the guy out, considering his stare had often been described as intimidating.) Dream blinked, letting his brain go back to its regularly scheduled programming.
Oh. That was. Hob. That he’d been staring at.
Naturally, Hob seemed concerned by his behavior. “Dream, are you okay?” By the way he asked, Dream could tell that this wasn’t the first time he’d done so.
“I’m fine. I just have a lot on my mind.” There, that was vague enough.
“Like what? Got a lot of valentines?” Hob teased as they found their way outside and to a quiet place.
The pieces fell together. Dream narrowed his eyes. Hadn’t he noted earlier that other than him, only Hob had access to his locker? And, as a guy who liked guys himself, Hob wouldn’t be opposed to other guys who did. “I found a large box of sweets in my locker this morning. Did you give the combination to someone or something?”
“Ah, yeah.” Hob looked down in embarrassment. “I figured you wouldn’t mind, considering what the gift was.”
Dream leaned in, unable to look away. “So you know who it’s from?”
He laughed, “I do, but I can’t tell you.”
No, Hob had principles. It would be useless to try to get him to break a promise like this. Instead, Dream tried to get other important information from him. “Is he attractive?”
“Umm...” Hob looked at him like a deer in the headlights. “I don’t know if you would think so or not, Dream.”
Ugh. As much as Dream wanted to know the answer, he didn’t want to make Hob uncomfortable. “I suppose I’ll just have to call him.” After all, he found at least one guy attractive, so there was possibility enough that he could date a guy.
He got his phone out and dialed the number he’d memorized without even trying, just from how much he’d stared at the letter. (Dream glanced up at Hob once, but he was laser-focused on Dream’s phone.) After the last number, he hit the green call button.
Hob’s phone rang.
Neither of them said anything as Hob got his phone out and accepted the call. Dream’s call connected when he did.
“Hey.” Hob’s voice came out of two speakers.
Dream ended the call with shaky hands. He was glad he was sitting down, because the revelation left him light-headed. “You...”
He must’ve sounded angry, because Hob’s next words came out in a rush, “Look, I know I’m probably not—”
“The letter-those were your words?” he had to confirm. “You feel that way about me?”
Hob stared at him with a familiar look that it now occurred to Dream was adoration. “Yes. Yes, I do.”
A lot of things were occurring to him, actually.
Hob was his best friend and most trusted confidant. Hob knew things about him nobody else did.
Spending time with him wasn’t exhausting like it was with other people—Dream had, on several occasions, initiated a hangout with him because he was thinking about Hob, and Hob never brushed him off.
Hob never raised his voice at Dream or called him weird, either, their first meeting notwithstanding. Hob listened to Dream’s advice.
Hob was always kind to him, even when Dream’s grief was hitting him hard or he was resistant to being called friends or he told him he began their relationship with bad intentions.
He held as much love for Hob as he did for Lucienne or Jessamy, except a distinctly different kind of love.
“I believe...I feel the same.”
“You do?” Hob breathed a sigh of relief. “I’d hoped so, but to hear you say as much...!”
The smile that Hob gave him was priceless. Dream would do anything to keep that smile on his face for the rest of eternity.
“We’re dating, then,” Hob said.
“Yes.” Just saying so set Dream’s heart aflutter.
“Then, maybe, sometime—” They were sitting close enough for Dream to tell that Hob’s gaze was drifting down to his lips. Hob noticed him noticing, “I’m sorry, I know you don’t really like kissing—”
“I’ve never kissed a guy before,” Dream countered as he leaned in.
They met in a chaste kiss. It didn’t take long for Dream to decide he was right—kissing a guy was different. The feeling of stubble against his chin was much better than his past girlfriends had made it seem. That couldn’t just be it, though. He’d never been this...giddy...to kiss his partner before. Perhaps it was something intrinsic to Hob.
Dream broke the kiss, and was treated to Hob smiling at him again.
Dream broke the kiss, and was treated to Hob smiling at him again.
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guardianscry · 7 months
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aerodynamicc · 2 years
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I'm done with you, Chucky! I'm done with your petty shit! And your massive ego! And your tiny fucking dick! Tell me something, Sweetface. Did you ever wonder how those cops found you that night in Chicago?
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siluscrow3ddump · 2 years
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Decided to do a cute little pic for Valentine’s Day with my favorite OC couple.
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merrigel · 2 years
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The ultimate indulgence... Is turning your characters into adorable little chibis
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etherealdemon · 2 years
B, T, V — robyn 💖
B — BOUQUET : does your muse like flowers? which ones are their favourite?
robyn adores flowers. she thinks they're absolutely beautiful and she's grown to realise that flowers just make her happy. the main reason why robyn applied for a job at opal cove's flower shop was because she wanted to learn more about flowers, especially their meanings. she's kind of obsessed with how flowers are like a language themselves, with different meanings for each type of flower. robyn's favourite flowers are buttercups. she likes them because of their bright yellow colour, but mostly because it was the first flower ollie ever gave her. she still vividly remembers how ollie sneakily plucked her a single buttercup from the neighbour's garden when they were kids.
T — TRUE LOVE : does your muse believe in true love?
robyn does believe in true love and that's primarily because of ollie. she really does believe that ollie is her soulmate, especially since they've been through so much together. she still kind of finds it fascinating how she fell in love with her best friend, even though it took them a while to reach this stage in their relationship. robyn can't think of anyone else that she would want to be with. ollie is truly the only one for her.
V — VALENTINE : how does your muse feel about valentine's day?
robyn loves valentines day! it's definitely one of her favourite days of the year, even if she knows how busy the flower shop will get. robyn is the type of person who will get valentine's day presents for all her friends as well. she usually makes a small bouquet of flowers for them, ollie getting the biggest and most special of them all obviously (even before they started dating), and a little box of chocolates. robyn also doesn't mind what she ends up doing on valentines day. she'll be happy as long as she's with ollie.
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robynochs · 7 months
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Happy Aromantic Spectrum Awareness Week! 💚🤍🖤 Celebrated the week after Valentine's Day, ASAW is a great time to learn more about aromantic identities and experiences, as well as the unique challenges aromantic individuals face.
Here's some basic information as well as links to further resources.
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What is 'Aromantic' (Aro)?
Aromantic describes people who experience little to no romantic attraction, or whose experience of romance is disconnected from normative societal expectations, due to feeling repulsed by romance, or being uninterested in romantic relationships.
They may or may not experience other types of attraction and many have any sexual orientation
Aro is a shorthand for aromantic that is also commonly used as an umbrella term for people on the aromantic spectrum
Aroace refers to someone who is on both the aromantic spectrum and the asexual spectrum
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The Aromantic Spectrum
While some aromantic people feel no romantic attraction at all, some people feel it rarely, experience it only under certain conditions, have trouble distinguishing between romantic and other types of attraction, or have some other pattern of attraction that doesn't fit the norm.
There are many different terms for these different patterns of attraction, but all fit under the broader term aromantic spectrum.
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Other Important Terms
Demiromantic - describes a person who only experiences romantic attraction after developing an emotional connection beforehand.
Grayromantic (gray aromantic) - describes a person who feels romantic attraction very rarely, weakly, unreliably or gains/loses attraction in unusual or unknown circumstances.
Queerplantonic Relationship (QPR) - relationships that don't fit into the categories of what is traditionally considered to be a friendship or a romantic relationship. They many or many not be sexual, involve living together, raising children, shared finances & life decisions, etc.
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About ASAW
Aromantic Spectrum Awareness Week (ASAW) is a week meant to spread awareness and acceptance of aromantic spectrum identities and the issues they face, as well as a chance for the community to celebrate its own experiences and existence.
ASAW generally occurs the first full week following Valentine's Day; it began in large part as a way for those in the aromantic community who had difficulty finding space for their experiences in such a universally romanticized event to come together and celebrate their own unique experiences.
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More Info & Resources
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Happy Aromantic Spectrum Awareness Week from Robyn Ochs and Alex Runion
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rwby-encrusted-blog · 7 months
Ruby: MMmm-MH! Goooood Morning Yang!
Yang: *Brushing Teeth* M'rn Rbs!
Ruby: You're up bright and early. What's up?
Yang: *Spits in sink* Me and Blakey got a whole day planned-*Gargling & Swishing Mouthwash, Spits* We're gonna go for a walk in the park to get some pictures taken and do a little window shopping, then we're meeting up with her parents for lunch!
Ruby: You've got a whole day planned, Huh! Is there something special about to ... day ...
Ruby checks the calender - wednesday, Febuary 14th.
Valentines day
Ruby: Nonono! Not now! I haven't prepared!
Yang: Sorry Rubes! I gotta get dressed, so unless you wanna see me naked again, you should-
Ruby: I'm going, I'm going!
Ruby: Hey Weiss! Blake and Yang are busy-
Weiss: I have Dates planned Ruby! I'm afraid I can't help you.
Ruby: With- I'm sorry did you say 'Dates' as in Dates Plural?
Weiss: Yes I did.
Ruby: Isn't that kind of-
Penny: Salutations Ruby! I am here to see My Valentines for the day!
Ruby: Penny? You're going out with Weiss?
Jaune: I am too! We're going to be switching on and off throughout the day!
Ruby: What.
Penny: Knowing that you identify as 'Asexual' I inquired what romance felt like to Weiss, who was on her way to ask Jaune on a 'date.' Jaune brought up how Polyamorous relationships were uncommon but plausible, so Weiss agreed to spend her time with us both!
Ruby: ... Oh.
Weiss: Yes, and I still need to finish readying up! Please leave so that I may Dress!
Loud Thumping and groaning may be heard behind Ren and Nora's Door, along with slapping sounds.
Ruby: I dunno why I thought they'd be doing anything else.
Oscar: Hey Ruby! What're you up to?
Ruby: Finding you! Everyone else is busy with Valentines, so I figured "hey, Oscar hasn't seemed interested in anyone, and he know what romance is" so I looked for you so we could have a Totally Platonic hangout. Which, for Valentines day would be weird-
Whitley: *Barging in* Hello my Evergreen~ I brought Cinnamon raisin Oatmeal cookies for my most sweet of sweets~
Oscar: Uuuhh ... Sorry Ruby, I'm kinda busy?
Ruby:  ̄へ ̄
Ruby: *Knocking on Door* HEY UNCLE QROW!
Robyn: *Wrapped in a towel* Sorry kid, He's busy in the Bathroom.
Ruby: ... i though him and Clover-
Clover: I'm here Too!
Qrow: I got a big heart Kid! Now leave and let me bathe with these guys, or I'll tell them about your seventh brithday!
Clover: Now that I wanna hear!
Ruby: You wouldn't!
Robyn: *Holding Qrow's hand* He Would.
Ruby: ... Got it. Have a nice time. Please leave a sock on your handle next time this happens!
Ruby: ...
Emerald: How do they feel now?
Mercury: *Rubbing his legs, crying Slightly* They feel Real. They feel like they're back.
Ruby: Well That's sweet.
Emerald: We're trying. I'd talk more but concentration-
Ruby: And Merc seems like he needs you, have a nice day.
Ruby: Hey Winter-
Winter: ...
Cinder: *On Winter's shoulder* ...
Ruby: ... I'll be going.
Ruby: Hey Miss Schnee-
Willow: *sweaty and Flushed* Hello Dear! I'm afraid I don't have much time-
Kali: Willow~ We have time for one more round before me and Ghira need to see our Kitten~
Ruby: Just go-
Willow: I can take a break if you need-
Ruby: I'll be fine, i get it-
Willow: Seriously, If you need something-
Ruby: Thank you, but I'm good, all good, go have your fun-
TaiYang: Hey! You've reached the Personal Scroll of Taiyang Xiao Long! At the moment I am pounding someone's ass right now, and Can't reach you! PLease leave a message at the Tone!
Ruby: *Hangs up* Safe to assume that's where Raven is.
Ruby: ... Hey? Hey Torchwick!
Roman: *Sitting at a table at a cafe* Little Red, I'm not in the mood for any of our games today.
Ruby: What do you mean?
Roman: Look, Neo's a free spirit, and on today of all days, she's reveling in Warm bodies rather than cold blood, leaving little ol' me out to dry, just cause the way I get down and Dirty is only ever stylish not sexy.
Ruby: ... yeah, I get that. Everyone I can think of is either being horny or romantic. It's annoying.
Roman: Oh-ho-ho! It seems the little nightmare for all the criminals in Vale is and Ace of Spades, huh?
Ruby: Well ... *Unfurling Crescent Rose as she takes a seat* Wrong Farm tool, but yeah, my flags fly white, gray, Green and Purple.
Roman: ... how about truce for today? I get the feeling if we stay out of each other's trouble our friends and family can have a nice day.
Ruby: No assault, theft from Mom and Pop shops, no murders, no trafficking and no destruction of property.
Roman: ... take off destruction of property.
Ruby: Hostile architecture only.
Roman: *Extending his hand* Deal.
Ruby: *shaking his hand* Sweet.
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