#dangerousfellows x reader
anxietysslave · 1 year
Can I request dangerous fellows with fem!R!reader
R is from warm bodies
R has a romantic, withdrawn personality. He imagines the world as it once was, and likes to picture the lives his fellow Dead once lived. His thoughts are deep and ironic, but because he is Dead, he has trouble expressing himself. He wants to be more than a simple-minded zombie, but only manages to fulfill his desire when he meets Julie, a strong and witty living girl. He quickly becomes protective of her. His feelings eventually transform into love.
Despite R's status as a zombie, he exhibits many human qualities through his behavior, and actions. R seems to have an active love for music, and is rather intelligent. He enjoys collecting vinyl music tracks because of their superior quality, which indicates he may or might have been an audiophile (someone who loves high definition sound/music). R's residence in the aircraft give many clues to his character traits. Of all, however, his kindness, caring, and protectiveness seem to be his most defining qualities as he is able to rise above his viscous tenancies as a zombie.
I took this from the wiki page
If you read this I want to say THANK YOU
I am so happy you requested this- I've watched Warm Bodies before, and I love R- He's a sweetheart- He is the best
F/N: Female Name Backstory: You were roaming the streets of the city, when you run into an... Interesting group of survivors XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX You were walking through the desolate city, once full of life.. You had no idea how you were able to even stand, let alone control your actions.. You remembered very vividly the zombie that had attacked you, and the god awful pain you had felt. Then, it felt like you were in some dream of darkness... You couldn't move, couldn't see, nothing. And out of nowhere... You awoke. To what you were now. A brain eating zombie. Although the thought of eating brains still disgusted you, and you really had no plans to try and eat brains...
Suddenly, you heard a loud crash from an old store around the corner. Could someone possibly be alive? Or could it be a zombie like you? You couldn't help yourself as you started to walk to that direction. If it was a human, how would you approach them? Wouldn't they kill you? Well... Truthfully, you didn't care. The chance of finding an alive human who could perhaps help you get out of this state was an overwhelming thought... You had to find out, and that was final.
HAILEY: As you approached the store, a young girl came running down the sidewalk and knocked you over. You groaned in pain, and as you looked down.. You saw a girl starring at you in fear. You tilted your head. "How... You alive?" Your voice sounded so raspy... It sounded like you hadn't spoken in so long. Hailey was too stunned to speak... She fell back, looking at you in shock.
"W-What?... H-How are you speaking...?" She whispered. "D-Don't know... Woke up like this..." Your language was very broken, but it was hard to form sentences. You were doing the best you could. You watched as Hailey stumbled back. "W-Why aren't you attacking me??" She inquired fearfully.
"F-Friend. Not food." You shook your head. "Brains, very disgusting." You added on. Her eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "Hey! Hailey what ar-HOLY SHIT!" Zion exclaimed. He got his weapon ready to attack you. You flinched away, expecting to be hit, but the hit never came... You slowly looked up to see Hailey was covering you.
"W-Wait! This zombie's different!" Hailey exclaimed. "What do you mean different!? They're all the same!" Zion exclaimed. "J-Just hear me out... Please.. I-I'll prove it to you, okay??" Hailey inquired. Zion sighed, but nodded. "Fine. But if you're wrong... I am killing this... Monster right here and now." Zion threatened.
Your eyebrows furrowed. "M-Monster? I-I'm monster?" Your voice cracked as you looked down. Zion's eyes filled with shock. Hailey turned towards you, and kneeled in front of you. "C-Can y-you please tell us your name?" She inquired softly. "M-My name? F-F/N..." You spoke quietly.
"See? She can speak just like us... She told me the thought of eating brains disgust her." Hailey explained as she stood up. "She could just be saying that to have a better to chance to eat your brains!" Zion exclaimed. "That's very unlikely. All zombies do not talk, nor do they get mentally hurt." Lawrence's voice rang out.
You looked over, and tilted your head. "M-More survivors?" You inquired curiously. "Yes. There's more of us." Lawrence nodded. "H-Hey! Why would you tell her that!? Now it's more food for her!" Eugene exclaimed. "How can you guys all trust this... Monster?" Scarlett interfered.
"How did you end up in this position??" Harry inquired as he kneeled in front of you. You flinched away slightly, not liking all the attention. "M-Mother... Zombie. Infected me." You struggled to speak. "Guys, come o-on.. Let's not ask her so many questions..." Hailey spoke up. She kneeled in front of you.
"It's okay... I-I'm sorry they asked you so many qu-questions..." Hailey stuttered nervously. You tilted your head. "W-Why... Care about me?" You spoke up. "Y-You were forced into this predicament.. I believe you don't want to harm any of u-us, and are just stuck like this..." She whispered.
"I-I can't even imagine what you're going through..." She added on softly. Your eyes widened in surprise as you stared at her. You found her... Very pretty. She was being so kind to you, despite what you were... She was clearly very shy, and yet, here she was defending you...
"T-Thank...You." You managed to get out. "Well... If she isn't going to eat us, she could help us get supplies. No zombies have interest in her." Sue suddenly spoke up. "Hm. You make a good point..." Lawrence mumbled. "Alright. Get up. We're heading back." Lawrence decided. "W-What!? We can't just bring a ZOMBIE with us!" Zion exclaimed. "You do not question my authority. She could be a great asset." Lawrence pointed out as he started to walk. "C-Come on. Let's go." Hailey gently grabbed your hand, and gave you a shy smile. "O-Okay..." Maybe things wouldn't be so bad for you Afterall...
ETHAN: You were walking over to the shop, when you noticed a bag of chips fall in front of you. You tilted your head, as you picked them up. You felt someone staring at you, so you looked up. Your eyes widened as you noticed a male standing before you. His eyes were wide, and he was gripping the baseball bat tight in his hands.
You held the chips out. "You... Seemed... Drop this." You spoke brokenly. He didn't say anything, staring at you in shock. "No... Harm. I mean... No harm..." You managed to get out as you continued to hold the chips out for him to grab. He continued to stare for a moment, before hesitantly grabbing the bag of chips.
"...Thanks." He thanked quietly. You looked over him, and noticed how he was having a hard time carrying all the supplies. You looked around, and noticed a bag. You gently grabbed it, and held it out for him. "Here... Help carry things." You suggested. He hesitantly grabbed that too, and put the supplies in there.
"How are you able to talk...?" He inquired softly. "Don't know. Woke up this." you admitted as you stood up. "Do you remember your name?" He inquired curiously. "Mhm. F/N." You clarified. "Well... Thanks I suppose... I have no idea how you came to be sentient, but... I suppose that's partially a good thing..." He mumbled.
You shook your head. "Not good thing. Alone." You admitted. "You're alone...?" He questioned softly. You nodded. "Mother turned me." You explained. "Don't want this. Want human again." You tried to explain. His eyes widened. "You want to be human again?" He inquired. You nodded again.
"Don't want people scared of me. Want live normally. Friends. More." You explained. He stood there for a moment, seeming to think about what he should do next... "Alright... This whole situation is new... I... Are you interested in eating brains or...?" He inquired. You shook your head as your pale face scrunched up.
"No. Nasty." You admitted. He stared at you again. "I don't know why I feel bad for you... How about we... Take you to Lawrence, and decide our next plan of action. You'll be okay." He suggested. Your eyes widened. "You... Do that for me?" You inquired curiously. He nodded. "I would. You're innocent." He explained. You couldn't help but feel happy... Did he really want to help you? Why though? It couldn't be just because you were innocent... Either way, you felt yourself swoon over him.. He was being so... Kind. "Okay." You nodded. You decided that you had nothing to lose, so you set on your journey with him to find these other survivors... Maybe you could make it out of this...
You noticed a girl who was on the ground struggling to escape the grasp of another zombie. "G-Get off me! Help! Help! Please! I don't want to die!" She cried out. You felt pity for the women, and angry at this zombie... How dare this zombie try and eat her brains!? You charged at the zombie, grabbing it by the head and slamming it's head into the ground until it was nothing more but little pieces of rotten flesh, and a rotten brain. You looked over at the girl, who was staring at you fearfully and in shock.
"W-What??... Hey! You don't come closer to me!" She exclaimed as you took a step near her. You stopped. "Are... Hurt?" You inquired. Her eyes went wider. "W-What?" She stuttered nervously. "Are... You... Hurt?" You managed to get out. "N-No! What gave you that idea?!" She screeched.
You looked down at her bleeding leg, and yours eyes widened. "B-Bleeding. You bleeding!" You exclaimed. You looked around frantically before noticing a first aid kit. Your clumsy hands struggled to grab it, but once you did you rushed over to her. "Get away, freak!" She exclaimed as she pushed you away.
You looked at her in shock and hurt. "I... Wanted help you..." You whispered. "Not kill... No eat brains. Brains disgusting." You tried to explain. "I want human again... Not zombie... I don't like this..." You whispered as you looked down sadly. She was silent for a moment. "Fine... Fix up my wound. But if you try and harm me, I swear I will kill you... Got it?!" She exclaimed.
You perked up, and nodded. "Of course. I help!" You spent the next few minutes struggling to help her, but you managed to get the wound in better condition. "I do good?" You inquired. "Mmm... You could've done better. But I suppose your a bit... Brain dead." She sighed.
"Do you have a name? I'd rather call you something other than zombie... Unless you don't remember..." She grumbled. "I remember! I f/N!" You exclaimed. You seemed to be in a better mood... "Will you help get me human?? Or not alone??" You inquired. "Ugh! Try and speak better, please!? I can't understand gibberish!" She explained.
"O-Oh.. Sorry..." You apologized softly. "Can... You help me turn human? Or at.. L-Least not leave alone?" You inquired. "I don't want be here. Please." You begged softly. She looked at you. "You don't want to be alone anymore?? Or be a zombie?" She inquired in shock. You nodded. "I hate... This. Awful way life." You explained. She sighed. "Well... Since you saved me, I suppose I could help you..." She decided as she stood up. You smiled happily as you got up. You hugged her, which caused her to yelp in shock. "T-Thank... You! Thank you!" You managed to get through.
ZION: You noticed a guy struggling to run away. You pulled him into a nearby abandoned building, and covered his mouth. You winced slightly as you felt him try and kick you. "S-Sh... Other zombies.. Eat you if not quiet. Hide out." You tried to explain. He froze in shock, and ended up staying still as the brainless zombies moved past. You let him go.
"Sorry... I save you.." You apologized. "W-What the fuck!? How are you speaking right now!?" He spoke loudly. You winced at the loudness. "T-Too loud... Ears hurt." You spoke softly. He sighed. "I'm sorry... I just... I don't understand this... Why would you save me? Don't you just want my brains?" He inquired curiously.
You shook your head. "No. Brains nasty." You explained. His eyes widened. "W-Wait.. Let me get this straight. You find... Brains gross??" He inquired. "You nodded. "Thought of eating them... Makes me sick." You explained. "Well... Thank you. I suppose..." He mumbled. "I have to go meet up with the ot-" He started.
Your eyes widened, and you shook your head rapidly. "W-Wait! No leave! Please! I can't alone!" You exclaimed fearfully. "What?? I don't understand that!" He exclaimed in frustration. "Please... I can't... Be alone again!" You begged as your eyes managed to tear up... "I-I do anything you need! Just don't me alone! Please!" You begged quickly.
He stared at you for a moment. "...You know you risk my friends killing you if you come with me, right?" He inquired. You nodded rapidly. "I-I know! But... I rather die than alone!" You exclaimed. He sighed in frustration. "Why am I always the one who ends up in these weird situations..?" He grumbled to himself.
"Alright. First, tell me your name. You can't just be called zombie." He decided. "F-F/N." You explained. "Okay... Uh... I'm Zion." He introduced. "Now, how in the hell did you turn into... This?" He inquired as he looked you up at down. "Mother turned me." You whispered. "I hate zombie. I hate being monster." You added on. "Okay, I see... Uhm... Well.. I suppose I can... Let you come with me. Just on the condition that you help me find food on the way.. We're low as is." He sighed. "And don't think I won't hesitate to kill you if you fuck up! You got it??" He exclaimed. You nodded rapidly. "Yes! Understand!" You nodded quickly. "I do anything to stay with people!" You decided. "We'll need to work on your English too..." He mumbled. EUGENE: "WHAT THE HELL!?" A sudden voice boomed. You jumped, and looked over to see an orange haired male staring at you. You yelped in pain as he tossed something at you, knocking you to the ground. "O-Ow... Hurt... Why?" You whispered sadly as you looked at him. "I not monster..." She added on softly.
"No want your brains... Want to be human again.." She whispered. "What... Why the hell can you talk!? Why are you..." He continued to stare at you with wide eyes. "Shit, what do I do!?" He started to pace. "Should I kill, or.. Dammit..." He stopped to look at you. "That's it... I'll just... Kill you." He grabbed his weapon.
Your eyes went wide as you backed away. "P-Please! No! I good! I good! I get food, I get supplies, just no kill!" You begged pitifully. He stopped. "...You'll get food for us?" He inquired. You nodded rapdily. "I do it! Just... No kill.. I don't want die for good... I want out of this curse.." You whispered.
He sighed. "Fine. You go get some food from that store over there. If you can do that, I'll think about it." He decided. You looked where he was pointing, and saw a bunch of zombies crowding it. You nodded quickly as you got up. "Understood!" You rushed over there, and managed to get past all the zombies.
You felt butterflies in your undead stomach. Could this be your chance to find someone to stay with?? Not be alone anymore? You had no idea what to think... What if he still killed you?... No, you could prove it! He was hesitant to give you a chance, sure. But if you did this.. He may like you more!
You grabbed as many supplies as your undead hands could carry, before pushing through all the zombies. You got to Eugene, and held out the supplies. "Here!" You exclaimed. His eyes went wide as he saw the nice snacks and supplies you got. He hesitantly took them, looking over them. "Well.. I guess I can make an expectation..." He mumbled. "Be grateful I'm in a good mood!" He exclaimed. "Come with me. We need to get more supplies on our way back. Do good, and I'll get Lawrence to allow you to stay with us. Got it?" He offered. You nodded rapidly. "Yes! Get it! Let go!" You decided as you followed this kind man. You were so happy to finally find someone nice to you... This was a nice change.
HARRY: You approached slowly, noticing a white haired male siting outside a store. His face was clenched up in pain as he held his head. You felt worried for the man, and hesitantly walked up. "Excuse... Me." You spoke softly. His pained eyes looked up, and widened. He tried to scramble back, but all that resulted in way a yelp of pain. You put your hands up.
"N-No! I mean no harm! Don't hurt yourself!" You exclaimed in worry. "I want help! Let me know how I help!" You exclaimed. His eyes looked frantically over you, but stopped after a moment. "...You want... To help me? Am I dreaming?" He spoke softly. You shook your head. "No. Not dreaming. I'm here... I think." You admitted.
"I don't harm you. No harm to anyone." You explained. "You in pain. How can help?" You inquired. He stared at you for a moment more. "...Could you... Find me some pain medication?" He inquired. You nodded quickly. "Drug store corner. I be back! Be careful!" You exclaimed as you turned away.
You limped to the nearby pharmacy, where zombies were everywhere. You got inside, and looked frantically. You found many different pain medications, so you got them all. You left the drug store, and quickly limped back to Harry. You held the medication out. "Here. Found. Water too." You held out water after he took the bottle of pain medication.
He looked so surprised. But he didn't seem to dwell on the strangeness of this whole situation, so he quickly took some pain medication and downed the water bottle. He leaned his head back. "Scared of me?" You inquired nervously. He shook his head, which caused you to feel surprised.
You smiled softly, as you limped over to him. You gently started to massage his scalp, which caused him to look at you in shock. "S-Sorry.. Try to help." You apologized as you got ready to pull your hand away. He gently grabbed it. "No... It's okay. Please continue.." He spoke softly.
He gave you a very gentle smile, which caused you to feel butterflies. You nodded as you gently massaged his scalp. After a few minutes of silence, he looked up at you again. "Thank you Ms...?" He inquired. "I... Don't remember name." You looked down sadly. "Y-You don't?... I see..." He spoke softly.
"How about... I call you F/N?" He suggested. You seemed surprised. "I-I like that." You nodded. He gave you another soft smile. "Thank you.. For helping me. I have no idea how you can talk, but it seems like you don't know either... So thank you again." He smiled. "You have no interest in brains, do you?" He inquired. You shook your head. "No. Brains gross." You explained. "Well... That's good." He continued to look at you in awe. "You know what? Let's go meet with the others. You showed me compassion, and I want to do the same." He decided. Your eyes widened, but you felt happy. Was this your chance to be around such a kind man..? And, why did it feel like your heart was beating rapidly? Your heart was gone... Maybe.. It was because you were mistaking the feeling of love for it. Either way, you were going with him.
SUE: You didn't see anyone, so you walked into another store. You saw a pretty girl with glasses looking through the coffee section. You tilted your head, wondering what she was looking for. "Dammit.. Where did I drop it?" She mumbled to herself. You looked down and noticed a coffee container on the ground near you feet.
You gently reached down, and picked it up. "Looking this?" You spoke curiously as you held it out for her. She looked confused, as she looked at you. Her eyes widened slightly, but she didn't seme freaked out, which intrigued you. "Oh my... I never expected to run into a zombie who could speak." She admitted.
"I... Not expect to speak either. Not expect to turn zombie, or control body." You explained. She took the coffee container. "Well, I suppose that makes two of us now." She stated. "Say, what brought you over here?" She inquired. "Heard bang. Thought it humans." You explained. She rose an eyebrow.
"And why are you looking for humans? To eat their brain?" She inquired. You shook your head rapidly. "N-No! Of course not! I not want to be alone." You explained. "I figured sound meant humans, humans meant friends, or death." You explained. "Well, I suppose you're right with that one." She admitted.
"Say, what's your name?" She inquired. "F/N." You responded. "F/N? Well that's a pretty name." She complimented. Your eyes widened. "P-Pretty? Thank you." You thanked softly. "What your name?" You tilted your head. "I'm Sue." She responded. "Y-You pretty name too." You complimented. She smiled.
"Thank you." She walked over to you. "You know, I like you. You have many possibilities, as you could help us get supplies. Zombies wouldn't attack you." She pointed out. "What do you say you come back with me to the base? It may be hard to convince the others to let you in, but it's worth a shot. Afterall, you could be quite useful to us, and you could not be alone in return. How does that sound?" She inquired. Your eyes brightened. "R-Really? Yes!" You nodded rapidly. She chuckled, as she took your hand gently. "Then let's head back." She stated as she started walking with you. You felt so excited to maybe start a new life... A better life. JAY: You rushed past the zombies, and noticed a guy trying to escape zombies grasp. He was crying, and looked terrified. You looked around frantically, and noticed a bat. You picked it up, and started to smash the zombies heads around you. You showed them no mercy, and when you were done, none were left.
You looked over at the man, who was staring at you in fear. "Escape. Lots of noise. Zombies follow." You explained as you grabbed his hand. He shook it off. "Get off me! I don't want to die b-by a monster!" He exclaimed. your eyes filled with hurt, as you looked down. "Sorry... I get going now... Good luck..." You spoke sadly as you turned away.
"W-Wait! No! Please don't leave me! i don't know how to f-fight I-I.. I can't turn into one of them! i don't want to die!" He cried softly. You stopped walking, and turned towards him. "Then trust me." You explained.
You heard the hisses of other zombies approaching, so you picked up Jay easily, and carried him out of the store. He yelped out in surprise, but didn't protest. You ran through the destroyed streets till you made it far enough away. You gently sat him down. "You good?" You inquired as you looked at his pale face.
He moved away from you as he started to throw up. Your eyes widened, and you gently walked over. "H-How I help!?" You exclaimed in a worried tone. He looked back at you in surprise, fear, and confusion. "W-Why do you care about helping me s-so much? Aren't you a zombie?" Stuttered. "Yes. I zombie. But protect humans is my goal." You explained. "They friend, not food." You added on. "H-How... How are you thinking like this? No other zombie has thought like this??" He inquired. You shrugged. "No idea. Woke up like this, here we are now." You explained. "You need help getting back to your base? I help!" You exclaimed. He stared at you for a moment, and sighed. "Fine... But I don't trust you yet, so don't push my buttons!" He huffed out as he started to walk. You smiled. "Understood!" You exclaimed.
JUDY: You heard sobs coming from the store, so you rushed inside to see a girl struggling to fight back. You looked down the street, and saw a women and a man running away.. You felt anger as you realized they ditched this girl, but you had no time to pay attention. You ripped the zombies away, and killed them quickly.
You looked at the girl. "You okay??" You inquired in a worried tone as you rushed over to her. You kneeled near her, and gently grabbed her hand, looking over for injuries. She just stared at you in shock, not being able to comprehend what just happened... "Y-You... You saved me...?" She whispered.
You looked up at her. "Did, yes." You nodded. "Friends ditch you?" You inquired softly. She looked down, as she nodded. "Y-Yeah.. I can't believe they did that to me..." She whispered as her eyes teared up. You felt so angry at these friends, but had to hold back. You stared at her for a moment, trying to decide what to do, before you gasped in shock as she hugged you tightly.
"Thank you, thank you, thank you!!" She cried softly. You stayed still for a moment, as you were confused to why she was hugging you. You smiled softly as you hugged her back. "No... Problem. Help humans, my goal." You explained. "Don't wanna be alone anymore... Scary, sad, confusing..." You whispered.
She broke apart from the hug and looked at you. "I see... Well, I suppose... I can tag along with you. We can find a good base, and we can help each other out of this!" She exclaimed as she smiled. "What do you say??" She inquired. Your eyes brightened. "Yes! Please! I like that!" You exclaimed. She hugged you again.
"What's your name, by the way?" She questioned. "I... No remember. Blank memory..." You admitted. "Oh... Poor thing..." She whispered as she broke apart, cupping your pale face. "Until we figure it out... I'll call you... F/N!" She exclaimed. Your eyes widened. "F-F/N? I like..." You nodded happily. "What's first step??" You questioned. "I do anything help!" You added on. She smiled again as she stood up, helping you up. "Let's go get some supplies, then we set out for a new base! We don't need anyone!" She decided. You smiled, as you nodded. "Okay! Let's do!" You followed her around the store. It was a crappy situation of what happened to this nice women, but... At least something good came from it.
LAWRENCE: You tried to rush over, but gasped as you bumped into someone. "Sorry..." You spoke softly. You heard a familiar gasp. "F-F/N...?" He whispered. You looked up, and saw a familiar guy. But you couldn't remember where you saw him. "I-I know you?" You inquired. He nodded quickly.
"We were classmates. You gave me your umbrella on a rainy day..." He whispered. You tilted your head, as you racked your brain to try and remember. "I-I sorry... Memory shot, cloudy mostly..." You whispered. A slightly sad look crossed his face, but it was quickly replaced with a reassuring one.
"It's alright... I'll help you get your memory back. I just... Can't believe I couldn't protect you before this happened." He sighed. "Who turned you?" He inquired. "My... Mother.." You admitted. He sighed. "Of course it had to be someone close to you... This world is cruel, but I promise I will protect you now, alright?" He reassured as he gently cupped your cheek.
You flinched slightly, not expecting the touch. "Hey, it's alright. Let's get you back to the base, and I will do everything in my power to take care of you, and help you turn back into a human." He reassured. Your eyes brightened. "Y-You'll help me turn human again!? Yes! please!" You spoke happily.
You nodded quickly, excited. "Of course. You're special to me. And, I even have a few... People that could give up their brains for you." He spoke as a smirk formed. You felt a bit uneasy as he offered this with no hesitation. "Oh.. No... I eat no brains." You explained as you shook your head. "I want be human, eat brain won't turn me human." You explained.
"But... Thank you for offer." You thanked. He chuckled. "I suppose that's expected... You've always been so kind, and even now you're being kind." He smiled. "Come, let's get you back. I need to get you back before the other survivors return. They cannot know I'm taking you back, or else they'll throw a hissy fit..." He sighed. You tilted your head. "Where you take me?" You inquired. "Well... Let's just say, I cleaned out a basement of some old school, and you'll be perfectly safe there." He smirked. A bit of a dark look in his eyes. It kind of scared you, but you figured this was the only chance at feeling better... So you nodded. "O-Okay. Trust you." You explained as you followed him. Was this... The right choice?
(Thank you for reading this, and thanks for suggesting! It was really fun to write! If you'd like to request anything else, my inbox is always open! Have a good rest of your day, or night!)
Masterlist: https://www.tumblr.com/anxietysslave/708212002841083904/masterlist?source=share&ref=_tumblr
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headcanon-cafe · 4 years
Your Guys’ First Fight// DangerousFellows
Warning: Cussing and an angry almost make-out session. I usually don't put a warning and just hope you know but ehhhh...
This wasn't good at all... okay so today was going great it was sunny and people were laughing and joking as they ate dinner. No one would have thought that there was a zombie apocalypse going on right now. It wasn't until the middle of the night you were awake (which is no surprise) when some Zombies got through the gate which meant someone had to go close the gate and kill the what looked like only two so far got in.
So what to do...
Now usually if this happened Lawrence and Ethan would deal with this but everyone was asleep Ethan was sick so waking him up was out of the question and Lawrence needed his sleep or else he would be grumpy in the morning, so you thought 'Hey it's only two zombies, I can deal with this myself' and you actually listened to yourself...
You are now outside and had just closed the gate and is now looking for the Zombies "Now let us see, where could my most favorite creatures in the world have gone..." you whispered carefully walking both in fear of the zombies and waking up someone up. You held the crowbar close to you as you walked around outside and it was a good couple of minutes until you actually found them both at an okay enough distance where you could take one down and not worry about the other one killing you within those seconds. You easily took them both down but right when you turned around there was a Zombie right in front of you. You were so shocked that you couldn't move.
Right as you thought you were going to die the zombie just fell to the ground, and right there was Lawrence... looking more pissed than ever.
You were now inside sitting in the conference room, outside the sun had just started going up so by your calculations it is about 5 in the morning, with Lawrence yelling at you and you trying to hold back tears.
"WHAT THE FUCK WERE YOU THINKING!??? You could have gotten hurt or worse killed! What made you think that doing this in the MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT all by YOURSELF WAS SMART?! In case you've forgotten this is a ZOMBIE INFESTED WORLD we are living in and doing stupid things are NOT going to help you!" This is the most he has ever held at you and not only were you scared, tired and feeling guilty you were also feeling embarrassed cause some of the guys started waking up and were just awkwardly looking at you two. "I'm sorry Lawrence I really am I guess I wasn't thinking correctly at that moment in time... it needed to be done and I felt as if I needed to..." Your voice started out strong but somehow ended weak and just above a whisper.
"Yeah well, that was some stupid shit you just did. The worst part is you didn't tell anyone, you didn't tell ME. I'm your boyfriend, I'm the group leader and I care for you but how the HELL am I supposed to protect you if you're running from me and to the danger instead of away." Your voice now way below a whisper "I'm really sorry Lawrence..." he looks at you, his face scarier than ever and his voice stern "Yeah well say I haven't woken up... Sorry wouldn't have brought you back now would it."
You were now in your room trying to sleep since Lawrence sent you to your room since you didn't sleep a lot. The worst part is, is that the small argument was still lingering in your head and it would for a while.
(Sorry this one was so long but hopefully y, you enjoyed???👌👌)
You have never seen Ethan so pissed. Of course, you kinda deserved getting yelled at right now and you really thought he would but oh no. Countless times he's told you not to wander the halls alone, so what did you do?? Wonder the halls alone at night without telling anyone and without a weapon. Of course, nothing happened for you to get hurt other than you slipped but still. But usually, when Ethan's mad he'd give a few words of how to avoid a situation or maybe fix it or maybe even a long stern lecture of why not to set things on fire outside... yeah that happened *coughs*.
But now he's giving you the silent treatment. He's always so quiet especially in front of everyone but no it's so bad that he won't talk to you or give you any physical attention at all he is fully ignoring you!!
"Ethan..." Nothing. He doesn't respond his eyes are closed so you figured hey maybe he's asleep. You run his fingers through his hair and quietly said his name again. He then pushed your hand away and turned away from you. Now, he had you flabbergasted.
past tense: flabbergasted;
surprise (someone) greatly; astonish. "this news has left me totally flabbergasted")
"Ethan I know your mad at me but please talk to me." Nothing, no response, no movement, nothing. "Ethan! Look at me, please!" After a bit of silence, he turns over to look at you yet as he stares at you yet keeps silent. For a while, he kept looking at you without saying anything and you didn't say anything either. "Ethan...would you please talk to me?" You say in the verge of tears. You then hear him sigh and felt a strong grip on your wrist and him pulling you into his lap. You hug his arms and he squeezes you. He puts his head into the crook of your neck and speaks softly "Don't get me wrong... Just because I hug you doesn't mean I forgive you... I'm still very pissed." And then he hugs you tighter never letting go that night.
He said he was okay he's talking calmly, trying to make you understand what you did was wrong. But yet you didn't understand, and even worse he was putting on a brave face but is obviously about to break into tears. It broke your heart. You're trying to understand, you're trying to fix what you did but you can't and he's breaking because of it... you just don't understand. The stress of this was getting to you. You too felt like you were about to cry, you felt like holding him, you felt the need of his comfort but your head was filled with thoughts...
'He's the one needed comforting, not you... he's mad at you and you did something to make him mad you don't deserve his love right now. Don't you dare cry, don't you dare cry just try to understand." And between your thoughts, not understanding, and Harry sounding like he was gonna break down anytime, it was all too much. Your voice coming out is broken pieces "I'm- I'm really trying to understand Harry, I really am but I just don't." This time instead of the somewhat comforting voice you were hoping for but knew you wouldn't get his voice almost, like I said, almost angry. Tears starting to come down. "How do you not understand?! You hurt me! How is that hard to understand?!" You voice quivering as you try to form words tears starting to form.
"I mean I don't understand how I hurt you..." he grabs your wrist and looks straight into your eyes. Your tears falling at an uncontrollable rate and getting more anxious with time. His anger now obviously there shown by words but every other aspect of his body, his body language, his eyes, how gently he held your wrist, it all held sadness to them. "You put yourself out there for all zombies, those people infected with the disease from hell, to see. You put yourself in danger when there were a hundred different options to avoid that exact scenario. Yet you put yourself in danger... How do you not understand how hurt I am! How do you not understand how I, honest to god, not return here if something happened to you! I had to imagine a world without you!! And do you know what that looked like (Y/n)!? Nothing, absolutely nothing. Cause I couldn't live without you and yet you keep putting yourself in danger?? How can you do that...??" Your sobs being the only thing heard in the room once he was done. Feeling so heartbroken from his words. You quickly hugged him, trying to silence your sobs, trying to comfort him, trying to comfort yourself, trying to get the relief of knowing he's okay. But you knew he wasn't, anyone could figure that out. "I just- I just want you to stop putting yourself in danger.... please (Y/n)"
At this moment Zion was pissed at you, and technically you had no reason to be mad but you easily 'copy' feelings. Not on purpose but if someone's sad you'll easily be sad. If someone's happy you'll be happy. If Zions pissed you'll find a reason to be pissed, which let's just say that doesn't mix well with Zion's personality. So right now you were both screaming at each other finally finished the main reason for the argument which was you put yourself in danger, which isn't something new you guy fight a lot about that. But know it's about how you are mad at him for no reason. "JESUS CHRIST (Y/n)!! I keep getting mad at you because I keep thinking I'm gonna lose the love of my life! Why the hell are you mad at me?!?" He screams making hand motions as he talks emphasizing to you how mad he actually is. "Because this is a fucking ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE!! YEAH NO SHIT I'M IN DANGER ZION!! WHEN YOU LIVE IN A WORLD LIKE WE DO NOW WE ARE ALL IN DANGER 24/7!!!" You scream back. Right when Zion was about to retort there was a soft knock at the door and you could see Lawrence's head popped in.
He pushes up his glasses and coughs awkwardly. "Hey uh I get you guys need to work this out but uh could you quiet down by any chance?? You're gonna attract Zombies plus you're scaring Eugene and literally everyone else... but mostly Eugene." You then cough awkwardly yourself and apologize asking Lawrence to apologize for you to everyone else. "Sure thing (Y/n) and uh sorry to bother you guys..." you mumble a quick it's alright and shoo him out. Right when he leaves you glare at Zion. "Wow way to go, you scared the kid." he scoffs and reply's "Okay 1 your younger than him and 2 you were the one screaming like a banshee. Maybe if you learned to shut up we wouldn't have to of had that awkward conversation with Lawrence." You scoff back at him "If I learned to shut up! I can be as loud as I fucking want to be!" His glare sharpening "You need to seriously shut up..." trying to make you glare as sharp as his you then said the one thing you knew you shouldn't of which was "Make me." You then felt a big force push you to the wall making you gasp from the impact. Realized Zion just pushed you against the wall and there is no escape. Your body trapped between the wall and his body, his knee pushed up between your legs, not touching anything yet but if you were to move at all it would. While his mouth is right next to your ear. "You should think about what you say before you sat it, sweetheart, it could get you in a whole lot of trouble before you know it.
Of course, you guys never got into an argument for a real reason. You two fought over the stupidest shit. Like today, for instance, you guys were fighting about the difference between a Pun and a Pickup line. You say there is a fine line between the two and they are totally different but he says that there is a grey area and that sometimes they can go into the same category. The thing was, none of you were laughing. You guys were seriously arguing about it which is strange since most of the time it was playful banter. "A pun is a a joke that uses play on words! A pickup line is a bad way to pick up chicks! Sometimes you can you a pun to pick up chicks!" He yells. Oh did I mention that the whole group was here watching this exchange between you two.
"That's not true! What do you guys think!?" You turn to ask the guys but they quickly put there hands up saying they weren't apart of it. Grumbling angrily you turn back to Eugene "Fine then! Give me a Pickup Pun!" Just as quickly as you said that he quickly responds "Do you like raisins?" Baffled you stand there in silence "Uh...what?" He looks you dead in the eyes and again ask "Do you like raisins?" 'Is he ignoring the argument we just had...? Fine...' "They're okay I guess... Why?" "What about dates?" As soon as he said that you had to try your hardest not to smile. You guys were looking each other in the eyes not one of you cracking a smile. You could hear the guys giggling in the back ground. After a while of this you knew you lost so you just smiled goofily held up your middle finger and retort with a 'Fuck you' he smiles goofily also and replied "Wondering how long you were going to hold that smile. It was was so hard to not."
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leehonun · 3 years
Review Dangerous Fellows !!
I like MC who is a character also has time passes.
Something that I noticed a lot is that MC is like an opposite of Lawrance. In other words, she also has a too demanding life since she pushed herself a lot to study even if she did not want to and did very strenuous activities. The difference is that in the words of MC is that despite getting tired she does it for her mother so that she is proud but Lawrence, his parents forced and manipulated him to deprive him of things that he really liked so that he could have a successful life .
Apparently MC did a lot of extra-curricular activities such as playing soccer or how it is revealed here she also practiced Taekwondo although she only managed to reach a red belt (which is a good position). This is not a surprise since both in chats and in some other moment of the game the characters emphasize that MC is fast running although not as fast as Zion, Ethan or Eugene, at least in " Memory 2 of Lawrence" it is mentioned that she is faster than Lawrence because when Lawrence runs he is unable to reach her !!
She has also been shown to be able to defend herself as in the dangerous ones (the scenes where you need to buy the suits) where she knows how to use anything as weapon around or in the true ending when she goes into OP mode to protect Judy and shows that she has the strength to fight against the zombies.In fact, this is also demonstrated at the beginning when they mention that they see her as fragile and she herself says that she has been able to survive alone.
Another thing is that she has very varied tastes such as that she likes romantic movies, she loves to have tea, to go out with her friends like Judy, she likes to read fantasy books, she loves to make lists of things to do, organize her ideas by writing, sing, adores dogs and children, it is also said that she is fearful so it is common that she is easily shocked although she tends to arm herself with courage when it comes to protecting someone as in the true ending, it is also mentioned that to relieve her stress MC needs Judy to reassure her as MC can easily panic so it is common for her to mention that when someone shows her security she calms down.
It is also shown that she is exaggeratedly overprotective with those she wants and does not want. This is shown even when she goes for Scarlett when she sees her leave , although MC dislikes her but prefers a thousand times to protect her than to let her go. MC in the chat with Harry mentions that she does not tolerate many things (like the attitude of Jay and Scarlett) but if she is good people, it is because the situation requires it. Other traits of her personality is that MC is very joking since at least she always makes comments that end up trolling others, she is understanding when understanding situations such as understanding that Scarlett hates her and considered to be very respectful to everyone.
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rosesandfandoms · 4 years
Dfel Ethan: School Au Crush and Confessions.
Dangerous Fellows Ethan: School AU *requested*
Request from Anonymous on Tumblr. thank you for requesting!
Ethan was the star of the baseball team, much so that there were a lot of colleges already lining up to want him on their baseball teams. No matter how amazing Ethan was at the sport, he didn't really have many friends because of his quiet nature. Girls did think he was handsome but would get intimidated by his head nods and silence. Now for Y/n, also a quiet one and doesn't have many friends, always felt bad when she saw him in the back of the cafeteria by himself, or in the back of classrooms by himself, she was confused that even his teammates didn't really sit by him. So she thought, she would be that friend Ethan needed.
"Can I sit here?" she asked one day in the cafeteria after gaining the courage.
Ethan looked up from his phone, his sea-green eyes meet with Y/n's e/c eyes. He looked confused for a couple of seconds before he nodded. Y/n smiled at him before sitting down and taking out her lunch from her bag.
Before long, the two of them would start talking, a little bit at a time, seeing how they are both shy. Since Y/n didn't know much about baseball and had a lot of questions, Ethan would gently explain it to her, loving to talk about baseball anyway.
"It sounds fun, I'll have to catch a game someday." Y/n smiled as she and Ethan walked to class.
"We have one this weekend, I can get you in." Ethan requested as he sat his folder down.
"Really?" Y/n asked.
"Yeah, and maybe we can hang out after." Ethan blushed looking down.
"That would be fun. When and where is the game.?" Y/n also blushed, over time she began to develop for the quiet baseball player, behind his quiet exterior, Ethan was very kind and thoughtful. He just was afraid of voicing his opinions and being heard.
"It's a home game at 1 pm, on Saturday," Ethan told her, "I'll bring you a ticket tomorrow."
"You don't have to do that," Y/n responded, she always felt guilty when someone would get her something
"No, I don't mind." Ethan insisted, "spend your money at the snack bar, they have good food there and I know you like to eat."
"Well, okay," Y/n said.
For the rest of the week. Y/n looked forward to Saturday, excited to see her first baseball game and to see and hang out with her crush after. As she watched, she tried to remember everything Ethan told her and would cheer when the rest of the home side bleachers would cheer, just to make sure she doesn't cheer at the wrong time, or even for the wrong team.
Her heart warmed every time she saw Ethan looking for her from where he was on the field and would smile when he saw her. And after the game, when Ethan's team had won, Y/n met Ethan as the spot they agreed to meet.
"Congrats," Y/n smiled when Ethan came up to her.
"Thanks," Ethan blushed, "so how was your first baseball game?"
"I loved it." Y/n explained, "I defiantly want to go to more."
"And I look forward to seeing you at my games," Ethan whispered low enough for Y/n not to hear.
"What was that?" Y/n asked.
"Oh, I'm just hungry, let's go get something to eat." Ethan lied.
They agreed on a new pizza place down the road from their school. As they walked to the restaurant, Ethan and Y/n held a small conversation. And while they ate, they were in comfortable silence, every so often the two of them would talk about their childhood and each other. Making Y/n wishing it was a date.
"I can pay." Ethan offered as Y/n took out her wallet.
"You got me a ticket to your game, and your team one. let me pay." Y/n insisted.
"What kind of man would I be if I made you pay?" Ethan asked.
"It's not a date, so it's fine," Y/n argued.
"But what if it was?" Ethan mumbled.
"Huh?" Y/n asked.
"I'm sorry." Ethan apologized as he put the money on the table, with a tip, and stood up to leave.
"Ethan?" Y/n got up after him, which was a little hard since he is a human giant, when she caught up to him, she laid a hand on his shoulder, "it's okay."
"It's just..." Ethan paused and looked down, cheeks turning red.
"Do you want it to be a date?" Y/n questioned shyly.
Within those few seconds, Y/n hoped that Ethan would say yes and that maybe, just maybe, he felt the same as she did. That she was the person he always looked for in a crowd, as she did him, that he would always smile whenever he got a notification from her, did his heart beat faster when she smiled at him, the way Y/n's did?
"Yes." Ethan responded quietly as he looked at her, "I like you, like...a lot."
"Me too." Y/n smiled brightly.
She wouldn't have to stay up late now, wondering if he felt the same. Or hoping for something that may never happen. Ethan told confessed to her, something Y/n never thought would happen, even on her end.
"I wish I could have told you differently than this," Ethan began, "it's just hard for me to voice what's on my mind."
"I know what you mean." Y/n grabbed his hand, "but that's okay."
"Since we both feel the same. Will you be my girlfriend?" Ethan blushed.
"I would happily be your girlfriend." Y/n also blushed.
"Want to go watch movies at my place?" Ethan asked, "make it a better date, a least a little bit?".
"Yeah, that sounds fun." Y/n smiled at her now-boyfriend.
When they walked back to the school to get Ethan's car, they walked closer than before, their hands were brushing against each other a little bit before Ethan gained the confidence and held his girlfriend's hand. Once they were finally at Ethan's place, they said a quick hello to his mom as they went into the living room, Y/n also texted her parents telling them where she was.
"Sorry I couldn't go to your game today." Ethan's mom came in, still wearing her work uniform, "I had to go in and had errands to run after, but I'll make it up to you."
"That's fine mom, you work hard, we won." Ethan looked over to his mom.
"Congratulations, honey, I'm so proud of you, especially that you talked enough to get a girlfriend." Ethan's mom smiled.
"Mom!" Ethan groaned laying his head back on the couch.
"There's snacks and drinks if you two want anything, I'll be in my room so that you can have some space." Ethan's mom walked away.
For the rest of the day, until Y/n had to go home, the new couple watched a new movie that came out. Ethan's mom came out of her room after the movie and suggested that Y/n stay for dinner since she wanted to get to know the girl who stole her son's heart better.
"She's a keeper." Ethan's mom told him after he came home from dropping Y/n off.
"I know." Ethan beamed as he remembers the day's past events.  
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dfel-writer-l · 3 years
wanna write a somewhat angsty fic with zion but idk anything but the regular old “he’s jealous bc he likes mc” trope 
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I loooovvveee your content and u was wonder if you could make a Lawrence POV of smut if you can thanks ( this is embarrassing for me I'm sorry;-;)
Hellooo, Lovely! Thought I’d start by saying that I’m not very good at writing POV. LOLs I still give it a go, anyway in a different kind of format than my usual. I kept this one short, simple... and 🥵🌶. It might be a little messy because I was half sleepy writing this. Hope you still enjoy it ❤️ Bambi
p.s. There’s no judgement or shame here, my dear fawn. Our blog is a safe space to thirst over your favourite DFel boi 😘 Kiss and Huggles 😘
Taste - Lawrence POV x Reader
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* image from Lucydream, Dangerous Fellows
Word Count: 753
Warnings: Smut . Profanity (18+)
I rubbed my hands over my arms, hoping to gain some warmth from the chill.
The air does tend to become quite bitter at this time of the night.
I peered over to where (Y/N) was resting.
She must be cold.
Why didn’t she use the blanket that I had given her?
I knelt down beside her and gently covered her body with the fleecy material.
That should help her get a more peaceful sleep.
I watched her longingly, in awe of her beauty before leaning down to kiss her on the forehead.
Her lips parted, and she was breathing softly. Her chest, rising and falling, steadily.
I couldn’t help but trace my thumb over the curves of her lips.
Such soft, supple lips.
So inviting.
How much I loved her. It makes me elated to know that she also feels the same way.
Will it be ok if I…
I pressed my lips upon hers, kissing her tenderly.
(Y/N) sighed softly, and I pulled away just enough to see her reaction.
A sleepy gaze stared back at me.
I felt my cheeks heat up, embarrassed that I had been caught.
“I don’t mind if you continued, Lawrence?” She murmured, combing her fingers through my dishevelled mane before cupping my cheeks with her delicate hands.
“Kiss me again… Please…”
Her breathy plea sent me into a frenzy, and I began my journey down her body.
I grazed my lips over the soft skin of her neck before pushing her tee up to expose her breasts.
Her nipple was firm in my mouth as I sucked gently.
I felt her arch her back, quivering with pleasure.
Pleasure that I was giving her.
I felt (Y/N)’s hand nudge my head to go further down.
She lifted her hips up from the floor and snapped the waistband of her skirt.
“Take them off.”
Her command had me piqued with arousal.
I felt my cock ache beneath my trousers.
However, I must refrain from giving in to my own cravings.
Tonight, I wanted it to be about her and her needs.
I hooked my fingers over both the hems of her stocking and panties before sliding them off her legs.
(Y/N) was wet.
Her pussy was glistening under the dim light of the basement.
I needed to taste her.
The alluring scent coming from sex was driving me insane.
I HAVE to taste her.
I positioned my body and lowered my face between her thighs.
I shifted her legs towards her chest before burying my face into her heat.
“Oooh… Fuck! Yeeesss!”
Her lust-filled mewl was like a sonnet to my ears.
I couldn’t help but groan in response.
Her essence was delectable. Divine.
More. I need MORE.
I anchored my arms around her thighs and devoured her clitoris — swirling my tongue all over the sensitive bud.
(Y/N) bucked and moaned as I sucked, licked and fucked her pussy.
I could feel her walls clench around my probing tongue.
She must be close.
“Don’t stop, Lawrence… Don’t stop!”
I lapped my tongue along the side of her labia before latching onto her clit once more.
Releasing one arm, I plunged two fingers into her slick cunt.
Pumping vigorously.
Cum, my love… Cum for me.
Her wetness splattered on my chin as I continued to finger-fuck her pussy — my tongue, dancing circles on her swollen bud.
I gave (Y/N) one last, hard thrust, and she finally came undone.
My beautiful woman writhed in ecstasy as she cried out her climax — panting breathlessly.
I sat up from between her legs, adjusting my glasses up my nose.
I gazed down at the glorious woman before me, wiping her essence off my mouth with the top of my sleeve.
How lucky am I to have her in my life.
(Y/N) was huffing, coming down from her blissful high.
Her sparkling (e/c) eyes captured mine as she held her thighs up towards her chest once more — spreading them wide.
Exposing herself in all her lascivious glory.
No longer can I abstain from my own desires.
I felt the relentless throb of my dick as I subconsciously unzipped it free from its confinement.
Oh, how much I wanted to feel her tightness wrap around my shaft.
Her wetness dripping off my cock as I would slide in and out of her delicious pussy.
As my trousers fell from my hips, (Y/N) moaned her next command.
“Now fuck me, Lawrence.”
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dangerousfellows-hc · 4 years
Could you do a one shot for after the all survive ending where Lawrence's parents are actually alive in the safe zone and they start being controlling over him again and the mc sees it one day and tells them off and just encourages him to break free and follow his dreams?
Lawrence x Fem. Reader ~ Follow Your Dreams
Word Count: 1362
Warning: None
Kicking a pebble across the street, I huffed, tugging on the backpack straps that wrapped around my shoulders. Today was surprisingly warm out, causing everyone to sweat as they all wore hoodies or jackets. Today is the day we’re all heading to the safe zone. Lawrence was in front of the group, holding out a map as Harry helped with directions. 
Clearing my throat, I felt my saliva slowly slide down my dry esophagus, causing me to shiver in discomfort. Sighing, I raked my fingers through my hair before picking up my pace to keep up with the group. 
“Are we almost there, Lawrence?” Eugene whined, digging through his backpack for his water bottle. Glancing over at the brown-haired male, he shook his head, pushing his glasses back up.
“No, but we should be there within an hour.” Sighing, my eyes wandered over to Ethan, to which I gave him a tiny smile when we obtained eye contact. Fiddling with my thumbs once more, I flinched when a water bottle appeared in my vision. 
“Here, it seems like your throat is dry… besides, you could use it more than me,” Eugene utters under his breath, rubbing the back of his neck. Giving him a smile, I carefully took the water bottle out of his hand, muttering a thank you before drinking the remaining liquid.
Welcoming the, somewhat, warm water down my throat, I trembled in delight, feeling more energized and attentive. Pulling off one strap of my backpack, I swiftly shoved the empty bottle inside before carrying on with the group. 
Sighing through my nose, I observed the empty houses around us. Many houses had their windows shattered and their doors wide open, allowing anyone to enter. Lawrence thought it would be a good idea to travel through a neighborhood, but I have an unsettling feeling about it. Everyone was silent, afraid to talk so we don’t attract unwanted attention. 
“We’re almost there,” Lawrence whispers, glancing over his shoulder to make eye contact with the group. 
“Can we just take a break!? My feet are killing me!” Scarlett whined, leaning up against Jay as they walked behind me. Rolling my eyes at the annoying female, I winced at how loud her question was. Scanning the area around us, I didn’t notice any sudden movement, but you can never be so sure.
As I continued to look around, I ran into a firm chest, causing me to stumble backwards. Before I could fall to the ground, Zion quickly helped me regain my posture.
“Thank you, Zion.”
“Anytime, kiddo.”
Glancing up, I noticed Lawrence stopped walking and was sending daggers at Scarlett. His hands were on his hips and his foot was quietly tapping the pavement of the road.
“I’m sorry, do you want to get to the safe zone before dark? If so, please just keep your mouth shut and continue walking. Like I say, we’re almost there.”
Lawrence held eye contact with Scarlett as he turned back around, letting how a sigh before talking to Harry again.
Everyone was silent from the sudden outburst, afraid we were going to get yelled at if we even uttered a word.
We continued to walk for about ten minutes before I noticed a large building up ahead.
“Guys! The safe zone!” I pointed, bouncing on my tippytoes. Before I could let out any more happy sounds, Eugene covered my mouth, glaring at me as he lifted his finger to his lips.
“Be quiet, we still don’t know if there’s any zombies around!” He whispers, taking his hand away from my mouth and ruffling my hair.
Clenching my teeth, I gave him an apologetic smile before sticking by Ethan’s side. Even though we haven’t talked much, we had an instant connection when we meet and became friends.
“Halt! Have any of you been bitten or came in
contact with the infected?” Jumping from the sudden voice, I gazed up to see two tall soldiers standing in front of us, their guns at their side.
“No, we’re safe. I even checked them before we left to go here.” Lawrence stated, glancing around at the group.
“You may have checked them, but we would also like to check them just in case. Before we do that, you may go inside and go find a spot you all would like to camp at.” 
Moving to the side, the soldiers started to talk through a walkie talkie before the large gate in front of us opened.
Turning to face us, Lawrence all gave us a smile before leading us into the building. “We did it you guys!” Eugene cheers, giving my arm a tight hug before punching Zion’s arm, causing the taller male to growl down at him.
“Finally! A bed!” Scarlett sighed, plopping down onto an air mattress before falling asleep. Jay just sighed before laying down next to her, getting some shut eye as well.
As everyone was getting situated on their air beds, I began to take off my jacket before I heard two voices coming over to us. Raising a brow, I glanced over my shoulder to see two older people making their way to Lawrence.
“His parents? At least he found them.” I started to think about my mother, hoping to find her somewhere in this large building. 
Before I could turn back around to finish what I was doing, I overheard their conversation.
“Lawrence! Look at you, you’ve really let yourself go! And you even made friends? Wow, at least you were doing something during the apocalypse.” His father pinches the bridge of his nose, letting out a disappointing sigh.
“I agree with your father, like man, you need a haircut and some clean clothes! You smell! How did your group stay with you this entire time?” The female plugs her nose, waving the air in front of her.
Not believing my eyes, I stepped into their conversation, not caring if I seem rude.
“Excuse me! Hi, I’m (Y/n) and I’m friends with Lawrence. Not to be rude or anything but we all survived because of Lawrence leadership and how devoted he was to get us somewhere safe. And it’s the apocalypse! Of course he’s going to smell because the water didn’t run where we were staying! Not only that, who thinks about their hair while you’re trying to fight for survival?”
I questioned, wrapping my arms around Lawrence and giving him a gentle hug. Before Lawrence could utter a word, his parents stepped in, giving me a death glare.
“Listen here, we are his parents and he will listen to what we say! We raised him to care for himself and not some nosy little thing like you!” His mother spat at me, leaning dangerously close to my face.
“Yeah! He was supposed to go to college and become a lawyer, but now look at him! He wasted his time fighting for you guys and you could have gotten him killed! This is your fault!” His father stabbed a finger at my chest, causing me to stumble backwards a little, but thankfully I was still holding onto Lawrence’s arm. 
“Hey! He’s a grown man and can do whatever he wants! He doesn’t need to pushing him around and controlling what he can do and can not! That’s not your choice anymore! So just leave him alone!” I growled, catching the attention of nearby soldiers.
His parents noticed the soldiers watching them, ready to take them away if need be.
“Don’t think this is over with you little brat.” His mother snarled, flipping her hair before walking away next to his father.
“Damn, those are your parents? I’m sorry. Remember what I said, you can do whatever your little heart wants to. Break free and follow your dreams. You’re the reason we are all alive and safe. Thank you, Lawrence.” I smiled up at the taller male, noticing tears streaming down his cheeks.
“Thank you, that’s the nicest thing someone has ever told me. And thank you for also helping me against my parents.” Kneeling down to my height, he wraps his arms around me before giving me a tight hug.
“I’ll always be right by your side, Lawrence. Forever and always.”
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dfelgang · 4 years
lawrence x reader: bittersweet tragedy
warnings. none. just a lot of kissing and tasty metaphors.
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The threshold of the night was redolent and mild. Squeamish stars that slowly emerged in the sky condensed with the sparkling gleam produced by the waning moonlight, which, when deflected in the translucent basement windows, allowed a perfect view of every corner of that cold and vast room.
Sitting on some blankets that kept the chilly floor under you, you had a sleepy, reflective expression on your face. And it was no wonder: after taking all your precautions, you had spent two nights without resting, which made you feel your body give way, as if slowly sliding towards unconsciousness. But anyway, the harsh cold of the room and your insistence on staying awake were some factors that prevented you from shearing; not letting go of your swollen eyes from the edema, the chills that ran the entire length of your body and the chicken skin that you had even in places that you did not imagine possible to react. Maybe, just maybe, you had exaggerated. The thought of possible pneumonia comforted you. Especially since you were sure that dying ill would be more worthy than staying another second in that sullen place in the presence of the boy, who roasted all your senses with his sharp cynicism and concealment.
You narrowed your eyes to take a panoramic view of the world outside those rigid glass windows. Looking at it like that, superficially, everything seemed absolutely peaceful, which indicated that Lawrence would return soon. The young man, who since the day of the ambush had shown himself to be increasingly kind and affectionate to you, was absent because he had gone in search of antipyretics and a moisturizing lipstick to take care of the damage that was on your lips, highly dry and cracked. And for you, that was the congruous opportunity that you so badly needed to plot your escape from that den of hell, once and for all. Not as if you came up with a plan that required meticulous prior planning, but that at least coincided with a time when the boy was inattentive. Even if everything went wrong, you were a great runner and that gave you some advantages, especially in terms of buying time; furthermore, there was a variety of places you could be in, if he insisted on looking for you — and he would. All you had to do was believe in yourself, and use and abuse the maneuverable art of improvisation.
[8:23PM] This was the very moment when you heard the soft clinking noise in the basement door lock, and you woke up from your contemplative state. Before the unlocking noise resonated, you stood up. You caught a glimpse of the strange, taciturn environment for the last time. You sighed, anxious, and in that instant, the door opened. Your tumescent eyes only caught a small flash the man's effusive and smiling face before you gave him a strong push, which made him lose his balance and saved you time to run as fast as you could, without looking back.
— Hey, come back here! It's too dangerous for you to get by yourself! — Lawrence cried out, prostrated, as you ran through the long corridors. Perhaps, you had underestimated him. He was fast, so much so that he recovered quickly and, as you ran towards the main gates, you saw his figure chasing you greedily and trying to reach you. But you didn't hesitate. You stepped up the speed, thus reaching the main gate and passing the first corner. Your heart was tight, your breath was unruly and your hair was flying in the air as you ran off. You have crossed several alleys, one after the other, without even bumping into a zombie or Lawrence. There was no sign of danger, apparently. Until, suddenly, when you reached a convenience store, you had the strange feeling that you were being watched and escorted. Refuting your instincts, you decided not to turn around, thinking it was in your head, which being quite sincere, lately has not been responding well. Terrible idea. You ignored it and went on quietly when, abruptly, you felt a cold touch on your ankle. Only then did you turn around. You expected a rat or other crawling animals, but no. What you found was much worse than that. It was, in fact, a lame zombie, with one leg shattered, followed by another, intact and intimidating. The vision was to cause aversion even to those with strong stomachs. You took off running across the middle street, deciding to take a narrow alley as a shortcut. However, what didn't count was that the lane you would use as a gimmick to buy time was a dead end, metaphorically and literally: summarizing for the most hurried ones, you were screwed for the thousandth time of the day since you left that apparently cursed place.
Although the first was compromised, the second zombie was not. He still seemed to have some of his old cognitive abilities, and therefore he was very light. According to Lawrence, those with a trail of intellectuality were those whose had recently been transformed. So, what you faced was not an ordinary zombie, but a beast still changing. Beast whose you had no chance to confront in the situation you were in, unarmed and weak.
When you saw the lepid monster and its crippled little fellow approaching, you felt the tears cooing your face, while you were unsuccessfully trying to break down the door of one of the houses in that narrow alley. There was nothing to do but wait for death. You cringed, almost sobbing; the red and irascible eyes of those catatonic beings seemed to drain the rest of the energy that was left in your soul. Your upper eyelids then met your lower eyelids; in a very frightened and fearful closing of eyes. You waited, flustered, for bites or laceration. But none of that happened. Only a resounding thudding noise echoed through the hedge, over and over again. You opened your eyes, slowly and fearfully, and then you came across a scene very different from the one you had imagined. There was no scratch on your body; unlike the zombies in front of you, whose ones had been shattered. Or, who knows, crushed. With the mixed feeling of surprise and dread that filled your heart, you couldn't even describe it for sure. On the right side of what was once the injured zombie, a steel tube, albeit soaked in blood, flickered, giving the perfect reverberation of a lanky and thin figure whose, while stepping firmly on the head of the most astute monster, stretched you out the hand, with an unnatural smile, but doing his best to comfort you. It was Lawrence, imposing under the splendid moonlight, eager to hold you in his arms and protect you from harm. Despite your resentments towards Lawrence, you allowed youself to be lifted up by him, feeling a trail of gratitude welling up in your heart. After all, in spite of anything, he had saved your skin.
[LATER THAT NIGHT, 4:53AM] At dawn that night, you woke up, with a start, from your shearing. Even though it was all over, a terrible nightmare had made you relive all the hardships you had gone through before the guy saved you. Lawrence, however awake, was astonished at your abrupt reaction. He tried to calm you down, but you vociferated with a choked voice, hitting any attempt at speech from him.
— The zombies! Where the hell did they go? Are they still looking for me? — You asked him, noticeably terrified.
— Calm down your heart. Everything is fine now. They're gone, and it had all been a nightmare. You are protected here, with me. Drink some this to calm your nerves. — He said in a soothing voice, handing you a bottle of water. Desirous of the coolness that the liquid provided in your throat, you eagerly took the bottle, thus quenching your thirst. The calming result in you had been almost instantaneous. You gave the bottle back to him.
— You could have been hurt by saving me, Lawrence. Are you really okay, or have you been biten? — You asked him austerely, still panting by the sip of water you had taken.
— I'm in perfect condition, and completely willing to risk everything for you. Don't even ask me why, because you already know it — you just refuse to admit it. You are very special to me, and as a promise is debt, I could not abandon you and let you be in danger — He spoke in a smiling and suggestive way that made your blood boil.
—Well then, what will you say now, you petulant disqualified? That not only what you did today, but what you did before, was everything to show your tenderness towards me? Spare me your vile tricks. Come on, end this psychological suspense and tell me what do you want from me, at once! Why do you remain complacent with me, after all the ingratitude I showed you when fleeing this melancholy and enclosing place? — The phrases left your mouth in an immediate and hostile rush. The boy's face, then, took on counterfeit features to your words, which when seen by you, made your bold posture disappear in less than two seconds. Knowing how unpredictable he could be, you stood there, static, as if avoiding further fanning his strands. Anyway, you didn't even spent two minutes spying on Lawrence's sour and stunned look when he abruptly grabbed your wrists, making you maintain eye contact with him. A mischievous little smile slowly grew on the outline of the boy's lips; as opposed to distance between you both, which was becoming almost nonexistent. And inopportune.
— Know this is the real reason why. — He said in a fascinating way, attacking your lips and making you experience a tender, greedy and sweetened kiss, which you did not return, since you were paralyzed by fear. It was terrifying the way he looked really warm to you, and how harmonious the fit of their lips was on yours. Amid the voracious pecks, it wasn't long before the boy got excited and then planted his hot and scarlet tongue in your mouth, enjoying its taste while you struggled not to show any feeling, just lukewarmness. You proved a wrapping and unexpected touch, followed by large hands which carressed your waist; set which you would not hesitate do classify as a citrine tenderness, grapefuit flavor. After the long blandishiment, with great care, Lawrence positionated his thumb on your lower lip, noticing the tears that flowed down your face like subtle pearls. While he wiped them away, he spoke to you in an obsequious way.
— Everything I did and do is out of love for you. Stay by my side, and never leave me. Your eyes, your gestures, your flattering lips... Everything that concerns you is like a blessing to me. Believe me, because I speak to you honestly, in the same instance that I beg you to never look at me with that hostility again.
— If that is how you truly feel..." — You mumbled, almost inaudibly, with a conspicuous hopeless tone in your voice.
Leaning towards you, he kissed your forehead in a serene manner, realizing that scenario of dramatic passion, of biting acrimony. In those circumstances, you only had him, and he had you. It would be madness to continue with pertinence. You stretched your neck to look right in the boy's eyes, and, as you stared at him, you realized that, although you were thin and fatigued, he saw you as if you had the most bewitching beauty of all. A feeling of sickness filled your lungs as your hands rested on his chest. There was then the accomplishment of what you called a bittersweet tragedy, a softness branded by resentment, such as the taste of marzipan candy that smears the lips, but which then causes boredom. A sensation of chimeric exordium, but with an undeniable touch of dismay.
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allisonlovesyouowo · 5 years
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mxdnightlvers · 5 years
could you do a lawrence x female reader where she makes him flustered by flirting or something like with him? I always see a very... innocent reader so it’d be cool to see a little change :)
Hope you enjoy 😂💕
Playful- Lawrence x Reader
I ruffled my hands through my hair and slumped down onto my chair. I was quite tired from my patrol with Zion and his constant teasing. I closed my eyes and people chattered around me in classroom 1-C.
"What's wrong?" I looked up and saw Lawrence patting my head. I shook my head, not wanting to worry him. He smiled and sat down next to me and I closed my eyes once more.
I woke up in my classroom, confusingly looking around at my surroundings. My eyes took time to adjust in the dark classroom. My eyes then focused outside the window. The moon was out with a few clouds hiding it. The moonlight illuminated a small part of the classroom and the open the window allowed the cold, crisp air to enter. I then realized something wierd, my blanket seemed smaller than usual. I then looked beside me and saw a sleeping Lawrence.
"What the-" I almost screamed out as I slid away from him. He looked so peaceful sleeping, his brown hair draping over his face and his glasses barely staying on. I did him a favor of removing his glasses and set it beside me. He started to fiddle around before finally waking up. His tired eyes met with mines and I smiled at him.
"Morning love, how'd you sleep?" I greeted teasingly.
"Wait wha-?" He replied, blushing a red color. I laughed at his cute flustered expression. He then proceeded to push what's supposed to be his glasses up on the bride of his nose. Lawerence surprisingly pulled away and glared at me, I only gave him a playful smirk in return.
"Missing something?" I sang my words playfully. He pouted and I grabbed his glasses from behind me and hooked it in the middle of my shirt collar.
"Come on Y/N give it back... I need those and they're my only pair." He said reaching for his glasses but I swatted his hand away. I giggled and started to walk away when Lawrence grabbed my hand and suddenly pulled me back down. The brown haired figure was now towering over me, with a stern look in his beautiful brown eyes. I didn't bother to say anything playfully back and we silently laid there for a while before coming to our senses. He looked surprised at what he had just done and I looked away, a rosy color staining my cheeks. He removed his glasses from my shirt and fixed it onto his face. He got off me and I sat up, still not wanting to make eye contact. He got up to leave but I stopped him, also standing up.
"Wait Lawrence!"
"Yeah Y/N?" He replied as he spun around. I walked up to him, placing my hands on his collar, fixing it. This made him quite flustered by my unexpected gesture, face even more red.
"I'm sorry." I stated finally making eye contact with him. He opened his mouth to say something but I flashed him a smile which made him even more flustered. He then ruffled my hair and proceeded to leave.
I made my way back to my blanket and curled up. Jeez what a wierd night, I wonder how he even ended up in my room anyways. I tried to sleep but I couldn't so I went to the one place that always calmed me down, the rooftop. The air was even colder up here but the stars and the beautiful night had even a better view from here. The cold air gently blew against my skin as I looked up and closed my eyes. I was then interrupted by my thoughts when someone tapped my shoulder. My eyes shot open and I immediately spun around. It was Lawrence. A pink blush appeared on my cheeks as I tried to maintain eye contact.
"You know... I never actually told you how I ended up sleeping next to you." He hesitantly said, also blushing. I nodded for him to continue and apparently I fell asleep in classroom 1-C and he carried my to my classroom only to accidentally fall asleep next to me. I giggled at the kind affectionate gesture and thanked him.
"Hehe, did you know you're really cute when you're asleep." I playfully said poking the tip of his nose. He swatted my hand away and looked away, embarrassed. He tried to reply but kept on stuttering. I chuckled and proceeded to walk away but he strongly gripped my hand and spun me around.
His eyes were different, I dont know where he got this unexpected confidence but it was very interesting. His grip on my hand was strong, not allowing me to let go. He towered over me, a hint of dominance in his brown eyes that were fixated on mines. His lips slowly curved into a smirk and there was nothing I could do or say, I stuttered unable to form any words and he chuckled at my reaction as I did a few minutes earlier.
"Y/N I..."
You can imagine what happens after :)
Written by: Dangerousfellowshoe
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tartagilicious · 6 years
MC: [crying]
Lawrence: I will destroy every aspect of the known universe and burn whatever remains to ash in order to be sore I eradicated whatever hurt you
MC: …I’d rather have a hug
Lawrence: okay sweetheart
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leehonun · 3 years
I really like Harry and want to know more details about him such as what he likes or dislikes, his favorite color, fashion, music,... I find it difficult to get enough information about him
Harry --- Mr.Positive
1. Sport he likes : Volleyball ( He play very well! I knew from DMS) and he is also good at playing basketball.
2. Favorite drink : green tea, espresso, bitter stuff...
3. He can cook ! That awesome! He could be a man who did the dishes right, after finishing eating.
4. He loves his mom very much and has a daddy issue.
5. He used to do a part-time job at coffee shop
6. Favorite food : Strawberry
7. Instrument : He can play violin
8. Subjects : He is good at Math !
9. He had ex
10. He is good at lying but he is always honest with MC
11 His birthday : 9/5
12. When MC asked Harry who he hated first, Harry said sometimes he felt uncomfortable with Lawrence
13. He is very strong ! ( of course Ethan too) He caught MC jumped from 3rd floor hospital
14. In DMS, he said he wanted to be a cop because :
"Actually I wanted to go to a police academy. Cops haven't helped our family.But that was all the more reason I wanted to become a cop " said Harry
15 He is the first person who said MC's name was beautiful :D
16. I think his favorite colors : blue, white, purple, green...
17. Harry is a bookworm!
18. He play True or Dare very well :D and this is the first guy of dangerousfellows boys who can kiss MC directly ! (Lip x lip)
19. He likes fiction books, detective stories or games. In DMS, Harry said he should study but Agatha's novel griped him.
20. Nickname Harry used to call MC is : Master
21. Although he is always kind, but sometimes He look like a "villain" - MC said
22. Actually, He also the first person who had a picture of MC :D when they were in noraebang.
23. Harry : "Ah, you asked me for my help. Come to my classroom, I will teach you. You have to pay me later~"
-demon Harry :D
24. The ring his mother gave him is the thing he treasures and considers it is a luck
25. He likes smell of books, rainy,...
26. When he was late to school, he would jump over walls
27. He doesn't snack when he watches movies
28. In Episode Card Package ( buy cards :) ), Harry was in the council student, other students were afraid of him because he gave full of penalty marks to them. But when MC got caught by jumping over the walls , he don't gave any marks for her.
"because she is my crush " - Harry
29. In ECP ( buy cards ) , Harry likes banana milk.
30. He love kids and work at kindergarten.
P/s : help me find more , plz .. I'm already dead...
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rosesandfandoms · 4 years
Dfel Eugene: Nightmare.
“You’ll regret this,” growled the shadow figure as Y/n ran out.
Y/n didn’t know what that meant until two days later everyone she cared about died, forcing her and Eugene to go to the Safe Zone themselves. During the journey, Y/n kept internally screaming at herself, that all of them should be making the journey together, they were too young to die.
“Eugene!” Y/n screamed as she saw the other survivor being dragged away by the monsters that plagued the world.
She then felt teeth sinking into her skin before memories of everyone she ever cared about and loved flashed in her mind.
Y/n shot out of her bed with a scream. Beads of sweat drenched her forehead. Her chest heaved up and down as she tried to catch her breath. The nightmare felt so real. Ever since the accident at the school, Y/n’s sleep was overrun by nightmares. It was the same nightmare over and over again, the beginning of the outbreak, the fear of not knowing if her family and friends were okay, meeting the guys, Judy going missing, then Sue, and just when everything seemed like it was going fine as they were heading to the Safe Zone, music blasted through the school halls and a crowd of zombies came through, and one by one, Harry, Zion, Zion, and Hailey were taken from the world. And as Eugene was escaping with her, the blonde boy was bitten, compelling Y/n to go to the Safe Zone by herself. No matter how many times she tried to change the outcome of the dream, she still lost everyone, Y/n felt hopeless.
And when she would wake up, the pain of reality came back. Y/n became depressed, after a while of putting two and two together, she knew it was Lawrence. Maybe if she would have said or did something, they all would have survived?
“Y/n.?” Eugene came into her room, rubbing his eyes tiredly, “I heard a scream. Another nightmare?”
Y/n broke down in tears, hugging herself with her arms. She felt the bed dip beside her, and Eugene wrapped his arms around her, rubbing her back gently. He took awhile before he spoke, wanting to find the right words.
“It’s not your fault, no matter how many times you tell yourself it is, it’s not.” Eugene spoke softly, “I know it hurts, but they wouldn’t want you to be like this. Heck, ZIon would be making one of his sarcastic comments about now, and Harry would yell at him.”
“That’s what hurts, never seeing them again,” Y/n choked out, “I miss everything about them.”
“I know, me too.” Eugene sighed, trying to hold back his own tears, “but we have to survive for them, they’d want us to.”
“The nightmares won’t stop.” Y/n argued, “I’m losing everyone, please don’t leave me too.”
“I won’t, I promise,” Eugene was silent for a moment, thinking of a way to comfort her, then he remembered what his mom would do for him when he was a kid and had nightmares, “Do you want me to sing to you?”
Y/n nodded. Eugene helped her lay down before making sure she was covered up. As he got more comfortable, Y/n cuddled up against him, begging for him to stay with her for the night. Eugene ran his fingers through her hair while he began to sing. It was a song he was writing before the zombie outbreak, the song he sang to Y/n during the patrol when they ventured into the music room.
After Eugene finished his song, that he promised himself to always sing just for the girl in his arms, he saw that Y/n was asleep, she looked peaceful, and beautiful, Eugene though, even as she had dark bags under eyes from not sleeping. She has always been beautiful to him, and always will be. For a while now, Eugene has been wanting to confess his feelings to her, to tell her that she makes his heart beat faster, that all he wants to do is love and protect her until the day he dies, which he’ll make sure it’s when he’s old and grey.
Eugene kissed the top of her head before telling himself that he’ll declare his feelings to her in the morning when she wakes up, however, he did whisper an “I love you” before falling asleep himself.
And when he had woken up by the bright sun making its way through the window, Y/n was already up, having a much better sleep and dreams, she was looking up to the heavens before facing him and smiling,
“I love you too.”
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sunsiac · 6 years
Fantasy [DangerousFellows]
pairing: zion x reader
game: DangerousFellows (#DFel_creation) 
word count: 3.7k
basic summary: i got to the normal ending first, but after completing zion’s ending, i was pretty heartbroken that the rest of the guys didn't make it out. but, then i discovered that there was this contest, and i figured it would be the perfect opportunity to give everyone their happy ending. [chapter 25 x Zion’s ending] also,, it was actually so hard to morph these two?? like wow, It was actually really complicated at some points. 
note: this is a oneshot for the #DFel_creation contest, and doesn’t have anything to do with my usual feed. requests will be back after this is uploaded. this also follows most of the 25th chapter, with my own written parts scattered in.
“I think we’re all set,”
After arguing about the possibilities of the safe zone for quite a while, we had finally seemed to come to an agreement. I could tell that everyone was eager for this opportunity, for the chance of surviving. And I mean, so was I. The image of going back to living a normal life with everyone seemed like a fantasy, but I knew I couldn't get too far ahead of myself. 
There was still the chance of running into zombies on our way there. Plus, I still couldn’t help but be suspicious of Lawrence. What Sue had said to me still stuck sharply in my mind, and everything Lawrence had since done to try to convince us to stay wasn’t helping his case much, either. 
Harry nodded, agreeing with Lawrence. “Uh-huh. Good job, you guys,”
What Harry had said brought my attention back to everyone else. They all looked relieved, and I was glad that at least everyone else didn’t have any worries putting them down. 
“Let’s all set out before sunrise,” Lawrence suggested. “How about we all spend the night in the auditorium?” 
I didn’t see why not.
“That doesn’t sound like a bad idea,” Eugene nodded, voicing my thoughts before I could.  
Hailey still seemed slightly nervous about everything, though, not giving more than a soft agreement. 
Soon, Zion finished everyone’s side conversations with a muffled clap, getting the room’s attention. “Then let’s wrap up and go. We need to get some sleep before the big day tomorrow,”
Lawrence picked up the map we’d been huddled around from the table in front of him and folded it into a small rectangle, sticking it in his pocket. I couldn’t make out his expression, but it still sent a weird feeling to my gut, nonetheless.
Ah, I seriously don’t know what to do.
My thoughts were racing until I felt a hand land softly on my shoulder. Then my attention was brought to Zion, who was looking down at me, slightly concerned.
“Worried about tomorrow, ___?”
I shook my head, disregarding his question with a faint smile as I lied, “I’m fine,”
He obviously didn’t believe me, but he didn’t try to push any further. 
“Just get packing then, and don’t bother yourself too much.” He told me, picking up on my uncertainty anyway as he added faintly, “I’ll be beside you the whole night,”
I gave him a grateful smile. 
As we stood there, everyone else took Lawrence's action as a sign to get moving, each person leaving to go to their individual rooms to pack up their stuff. And I was moving to leave as well after Zion had bid me goodbye, until I noticed that Lawrence still hadn’t moved from his spot by the table.
Even amidst everything, I still felt sort of bad for Lawrence. I was sticking all of my suspicions on him when I didn’t even know if he had anything to with the disappearances for sure in the first place. Maybe Sue had been wrong. Maybe he has his own reasons for not wanting to go to the safe zone. 
“I want you to know, that if something happens to me, it has something to do with Lawrence.”
I bit my lip. 
“Lawrence?” I piped up quietly before I could decide against it. His attention turned towards me, and his eyes widened slightly, as if he hadn't realised I was still there.
“Oh, ___” He smiled softly and let out a faint sigh. “Is something wrong?”
I won’t ever know what to believe unless I try to find out for myself.
“Do you think we’ll all make it to the safe zone?” I asked quietly, watching his eyes soften. I asked this partly because I was still worried about it, but also because I wanted to see his reaction to it.
“I think so,” He gave me a tight smile, as if he was holding something back. “Why? Are you scared?”
“No, It’s just,” I shook my head, avoiding his eyes as I said, “I wanna be with everyone in the end, you know?”
He gave me a small smile, warmth flooding his eyes as he nodded. “I know. Hopefully, we will be,”
It must have hurt to lie to me like that.
Everyone was busy packing their things. We divide up the food in the storage, and place the finishing touches on our belongings that we’re taking with us. Although no one’s sure of anything, we’re still a little excited about moving to a new place. 
“Is everybody all packed up?”
Lawrence asked this as he stands in front of everyone, getting simultaneous nods. 
“There’s nothing much to pack, really-” Eugene shrugs.
“I’m finished but it feels like I forgot something,” 
“I’m sure you have everything you need, Hailey,” Lawrence smiles at Hailey, then he turns to me and his eyes meet with mine. 
“Are you good to go?” He asked. 
I smile faintly. We haven’t talked nearly this much since the day we were out. I haven’t been able to stop thinking about the way he struck the man to death-
But, maybe that was just an accident. Maybe he didn’t mean it. Even if I can’t justify my suspicion towards him, everyone makes mistakes. 
Only when he started to say something again did I realise that I never answered. 
“___, do you need more time to pack or something?”
“...No, I’m good. All packed,”
He smiled. “I knew you were all set. Let me know if you need any help,”
“Okay, thanks,” I nodded. 
He turns around and then walks away, sending a chill down my spine. It made me uncomfortable seeing him walk out like that. But, I couldn’t do anything but stand there and watch him disappear. As for now, I didn’t have much to do otherwise. So, I decided to try and talk to Zion. 
Zion catches me off guard by calling my name first. How did he know I wanted to talk to him? 
“Are you all ready for tomorrow?”
I smiled and nodded. “Yup, I’m all set. You?”
“I finished packing way before you did. I just really hope that there’s enough food in the safe zone, though,”
I couldn’t help a small sigh. “I’m not really counting on that, but I’m sure whatever they have there is much better than what we have here. The food, the place–– just everything,”
Zion grins. “And, ___, before I forget, you do know you still owe me big time, right?”
I gave him a sheepish smile. “Geez-”
“Don’t you think about giving up before you pay me back! I’ll make sure to protect you so we both get our time’s worth,”
“And when we get to the safe zone, you’d better get to the food first. Don’t forget to stash some meat for me as well, okay?”
I smiled, grateful that he was still able to make me laugh, even now. 
“Oh, Zion...” I sighed. “I’ll be just as thankful to even make it there,”
“I hope there will be more things to be thankful for than that,” He says, smiling as he messes up my hair with his hand. “..So don’t you get hurt, okay?”
“And get some sleep, too,” He said, taking a few steps backwards. 
“But it’s not even dark yet,” I said, looking out the window to the setting sun.
He just shook his head, disregarding my statement. “I’m going to bed now. So come around soon, because I’ll be waiting!”
I smiled as he turned around and walked away, my heart thumping wildly at his reference to earlier.
“I’ll be beside you the whole night.”
I guess he really meant it.
On the way to auditorium later, I pass through the second floor. It’s where we spend most of our time in this building. I don’t know why I suddenly feel sentimental. It’s probably because it’s our last night here. 
But I can’t let my sentiments steer my focus. 
It’s getting dark and I have to be on alert. But, I didn’t know if anyone was in their classroom still, and I didn’t want to bother them if they were. So, I just decided to go down to the first floor alone. 
Thankfully, Harry had told me about a safe route to get to the auditorium earlier, so I didn’t think I had to worry much about running into any zombies for now. It was one thing less to worry about, at least. 
“Go down the back staircase and through that hall straight down to the auditorium. There’s only one exit there, and it’s by the main hall. So, you shouldn’t have to worry about zombies from there,”
The auditorium was a big room, filled with wrap around cheap movie-theater style chairs all facing a stage. And on the stage, was everyone that had come down already. 
Ethan and Eugene looked up when I came up the steps on the side of the stage, sending me a quiet greeting as they went back to playing with what looked like a stage prop. Harry was also there, but he was almost already half asleep, so I didn’t bother him.
Zion on the other hand, who I had been looking for, was true to his word and was fast asleep under some thick blankets a few feet away. I found my spot next to him, settling down on the wood floor as quietly as I could. 
With nothing else to do, I decide to lie down as well and organise my thoughts. Lots of things have happened since I came here. But, I’m just glad I met these guys.
I feel more determined to live. 
My eyes wander over to Zion, who's still asleep next to me. And, I can’t help a smile. 
thank you.
My last night in the school passes peacefully thanks to Zion. Had he not been there, who knows how my night would have gone. And the next morning, we’re finally all ready to set off to the safe zone. 
“Is everyone ready?” Lawrence asks, looking over the tired crowd.
“Let’s move,”
Zion looks back at the auditorium as we’re leaving, turning to me and admitting, “It feel a little weird to leave the school,”
“Then why don’t you stay and live here by yourself?” Eugene suggests, earning a scoff from Zion.
“Shut up!” 
Harry looks back at the pair and shushes them. “Shh, let’s keep it down, you guys,”
We all walk down the hallway towards the staircase in silence. I hope we can all make it to the gate safely, at least. And, there hasn’t been any signs of zombies for far, which is also good, but I don’t want to jinx myself. 
I follow the guys quietly, and just then, music starts to blare.
A musical melody. I recognize it almost immediately as the school bell. 
Zion looks up at the speakers on the ceiling and furrows his eyebrows. “What–– what is that?”
“There’s no power in the building. How is this even possible?” I ask, my mind racing for answers until I finally found one. My heart dropped in my chest.
He had dipped out from the group some time ago, but I assumed that he had just gone back to his classroom to get something. He must have gone to the broadcasting room instead, to do this.
but, why?
The bell was only getting louder. And, then the zombies started appearing. The sounds of footsteps only got closer, the groans and growling chilling everyone to the bone. 
“Oh my gosh!’ Hailey screamed at the impending creatures that lurked outside the windows and the doors. And, for a moment, everyone was at a loss for what to do.
Then the windows and doors began to break open, and in a flash, the hallway flood with zombies. All the while, the music is just getting louder.
“Run!” Harry yells, pushing everyone back.
And this time, nobody argues with him. We keep running. We run until we’re out of breath, but things only start to look more hopeless then.
I start to pray –– to help us all out of this misery, and to keep us together until the very end. 
Zion breaks me out of my thoughts, yelling, “Come on, you guys! Run!”
Hailey looked terrified, stuttering, “Wh –– where?”
We’re all in panic. None of us ever suspected that we would have to face them in here. Though there may be the occasional spotting of one or two lurking outside, there has never been any signs of immediate threats from them. 
That’s how safe this place has been.
A zombie slightly quicker than the rest begins to walk towards Hailey, causing the girl to freeze and stare aimlessly at the monster. Unable to move, she screams as the creature grabs at her arm.
“Hailey!” I yell, my voice almost cracking with surprise. I go to take a step forward until someone holds me back by grabbing my arm. 
Quickly, I turn around and see Zion gritting his teeth.
“Zion!’ I whisper, giving him a wide-eyed look as I try to get my arm free. But he just grits his teeth harder as he watches behind me. And suddenly, I hear another grunt, but it wasn’t zombie-like this time.
I turn my head to look back, and Ethan stands there, his bat in his hand and the zombie that had been grabbing at Hailey laying decapitated on the floor. 
“Don’t try anything, ___, we’re this close,” He warns me harshly, letting out an irritated sigh as he quickly tightens his grip on my arm.
I turn around, and now Ethan and Harry are both fending off the zombies. Ethan with his bat, and Harry with a stray wooden plank. It’s working well for now, but as more of them keep flooding in, we all realise that this won’t work for much for much longer. 
“Let’s run!” Ethan yells, a desperate look on his face as he slams the hilt of his bat into a zombie’s chest. We all quickly glance at each other and simultaneously decide that the zombies have lessened in number enough for everyone to run.
Ethan and Harry are the first to run, gathering everyone in front of them and helping by pushing them along. But I can’t help but look back, feeling woozy at the sight of all the zombies chasing us. 
And Zion must have felt it, because he pulled at my arm so that I was running stably again.
“Come on! You gotta stay focused!”
I feel tears prick the back of my eyes, but I nod, focusing on trying to run. But the zombies all seem to be coming from nowhere, and suddenly, I feel slammed with fear.
please, please let everyone make it out. 
Zion peeks over his shoulder one last time as we round the corner to the doors, cursing. “Dammit! There’s too many of them!”
“Stop!” I snapped, surprising him as we all neared the doors. “We’re gonna make it!”
I say this, but I don’t know if it’s true. The music is still playing, and the zombies just seem to keep coming. But I don’t want to give up hope just yet. 
“That’s it!” Harry encouraged me with a smile as we finally got to the doors, all of us using all of our strength to push them open. Then, all we can do is run as fast as we can to the gate. 
The zombies try to follow us out, but with the numerous steps outside the door, most of them can’t make it down without falling. That gave us enough time to all get past the gate and jam it shut using the board Harry had been using. 
Once we did, everyone stopped. We were all heaving for breath and sputtering out relieved words, all while glancing back at the zombies loitering around by the doors of the school. Most of them had dialed back by now, though some of them were still walking around as if wondering where we had gone.
“Look’s like there’s no zombies here,” Ethan says, taking a quick glance around as he still tries to catch his breath. 
In the quiet, even over our heavy breathing, we can still hear the growling moans of the undead. 
“I can’t believe they did this to us. God, if I ever even see another zombie I’m gonna kick its ass!” “Calm down, Eugene,” Harry sighs.
“I can’t believe this happened,” Zion says, looking at the school with furrowed brows. “How did this happen anyway? Doesn’t the school have no power? How did the bell go off?”
My lips parted, and I considered telling them what I thought. But, then I noticed Ethan, still glancing silently back at the school. I know he’s going to ask, but I can’t interrupt in time to avoid it.
“Where’s Lawrence?” He asks, getting everyone’s attention. I couldn’t help it as I let out a soft sigh and shut my eyes. 
I decide that I don’t want to tell them. I feel too guilty, and I don’t want to put that on them. They’ve handled enough. 
But, I notice Harry quickly catch my eye. Then, we have a brief exchange of looks that make my heart drop. 
He knows.
‘I’m suspicious of someone, but, ___, I don’t want to be. Suspicion breaks people apart.’
“He was probably caught up. There’s nothing we can do now,” Harry says. Everyone is quiet at that, and Harry just sends me a silent nod. 
“Let’s go. There’s no telling when the zombies will notice us again,” I say, trying to break the silence. 
When I get no response, my brows furrow. “Please, don’t you guys get it? You remember what Lawrence always said?”
No response.
“We need to all try our best to survive,” I say, quoting the man directly. “Please, he didn’t want all of us to die! He wanted us to live!”
No response. 
“Don’t get me wrong, I’m devastated. But–– just standing here in sorrow is not gonna bring him back,”
Lawrence may have betrayed us, but whether they knew that or not, he was still a leader to all of us. He helped us all in our worst times, and I still had to acknowledge that part of him. 
“___..” Zion trails off, but I don’t give him a chance to finish. 
“Come on. The safe zone isn’t far from here,” I say.
From that, everyone starts to pick themselves up. 
“Let’s go. This isn’t over yet.”
Zion grabs my hand, and the warmth of his hand is felt in mine. Then, we start off in the opposite direction of the school.  
The school building is getting further away in my sight. And eventually, we all stop hearing the zombies.
Hailey is pretty relieved at this, but I’m happy we’ve finally gotten past at least one obstacle. So with that in mind, we all continue to the safe zone. We walk without breaks, occasionally running with random sounds through the city, and we do it until our lugs burn. But the pain doesn't stop us. 
In about an hour, we’re finally close to the safe zone. 
“Hang on, we’re almost there,” Zion says to me, noticing that I’m slightly out of breath.
“I’m okay––”
I grip his hand even tighter as everyone continues walking around us, oblivious. I tell myself repeatedly, that I’ll never let go. But then, I think I might have to. 
Ahead of us, is the first group of zombies we’ve encountered since leaving the school. At this point, everyone’s tired. We’re all done, and I doubt even Ethan has the strength to fight anymore. 
There are zombies ahead, looking at us with their milky, diseased, eyes. 
“Oh, shoot! Not now––!” Harry says, voicing all of our thoughts as we stop. No one says anything, just staring at them as they make their way towards us. I feel utterly hopeless again.
But, Zion wastes no time in stepping in front of me, doing what I assume is trying to protect me.
“No, Zion!” I whisper, fear flooding me once again. 
“...You all run while I stall them, okay?” He says, getting everyone’s attention. But, when no one says anything, he repeats himself, “Run!”
Harry takes a few steps back, looking back at the zombies in fear. “But, Zion––”
“I said just go!” He snaps.
But I shake my head before anyone else can say anything. “No, no, no. I won’t let you do that. Never!” 
“There’s no other way.”
“Stop trying to play hero, Zion, “ I insisted, feeling tears again. “We can all make it, just, please! We’re so close!”
“You gotta live,” He told me, putting his hands on my shoulders. I looked around. At this point, everyone had decided to believe Zion for the fear of their own safety and were numerous steps behind us. 
“Zion..” I trailed off, tears finally pricking my eyes.
“Sorry I was never really nice to you. But –– I never meant for it to be that way,” He assured me, giving me a small smile. 
I didn’t know what to say.
“I think –– I didn’t wanna let my feelings show ––”
Zion holds my hand tight, and at that point, the zombies have finally caught up. I finally understood why everyone was so far away. I just didn’t know why Zion had to stay. 
“Run!” He shouts.
As they finally began to near us, he pushes me back. 
oh gosh.. please, somebody help us
As I barely pull myself back up, a shot rings through the air. I stumble back in surprise, unsure where the noise has come from. More sudden gunshots are heard, and the bullets pierce straight through the zombies’ heads. 
I’m in Zion’s arms before I know it. 
“Dammit, what was that?” He whispers, out of breath as he grips me tighter. 
We both look around as the other hesitantly come back over, smiles on their faces that reassured at least me. 
“Six survivors confirmed. We’ll check for infections before admitting them into the safe zone.”
Could he be from the safe zone? I’m filled with relief when I spot his uniform. 
I start off hesitantly, “Are we..?”
“Yes,” Zion sighs. “We’re here. It’s the safe zone. I’m glad you stuck it out and made it here,”
He wraps his arms around me even tighter. I feel like I could stay like this forever until I feel a tap on my shoulder. Begrudgingly, I separate from Zion to see Harry, smiling his usual friendly smile. 
Finally, I’m here. And now, I’ll be able to live out my fantasy.
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Ok um IM A HUGE DANGEROUS FELLOWS FAN AAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!! (Fan girling so hard) soooooo i really like your writing and i would love if you could do eugene (i love him so much) or harry (my second favorite he's such an angel) like there trying to have some quality time with reader but keep getting interrupted by the other guys but finally get to be alone and turns saucy i would love this owo
This ended up being saucy throughout the whole fic LOL We have a thirsty MC/Reader for this one 😉Enjoy, gorgeous and thank you for the request x
Alone at Last - Eugene x Reader
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* image from LucyDreams
Word Count: 1,407
Warning: Smut . Profanity (18+)
Finding comfort on Eugene’s shoulder, you had your eyes closed; listening peacefully to the beautiful melody resonating from the piano. It had been a while since you were able to spend quality time together and as the days went by, you began to crave for it… for him… all of him. So of course, you were ecstatic when your boyfriend had suggested meeting in the music room, your private oasis, for a much-needed break.
“That was amazing, Eugene.” You exclaimed sensuously, eager for his talented fingers to be caressing you instead of the monochromatic keys.
Chuffed, the golden-haired male smiled proudly before gazing into your lustrous (e/c) eyes, “Well, obviously!”
Impatient desire kindled within the depths of your core as you admired his boyishly handsome face, biting your lip subconsciously. It took a lot of willpower for you to resist pouncing on him right then and there.
Impulsively, you placed a hand on his thigh, rubbing gently as your eyelids dropped in a sultry manner. You beamed at him seductively, inching further up the inside of his leg. Longing for intimacy, you didn’t want this rare alone time to go to waste.
Eugene blushed vibrantly and froze, caught off guard by your forwardness. His placid cock began to twitch, growing with excitement beneath his now tight trousers.
Giggling at his reaction, you pecked him on his nose cheekily; maintaining a soft caress between his thighs.
“Did you miss this~?” You cooed against his lips, tantalising his skin with your warm breath.
Snapping out of his daze, Eugene glared at you; a hint of mischief in his blazing amber irises. Keeping his eyes locked onto yours, he guided your hand to his hardened bulge over his pants. Wrapping your fingers around his shaft, you gripped onto him firmly; causing him to gasp lightly.
“What do you think?” He panted breathlessly, leaning in to brush his lips upon your expectant ones - waiting for his embrace.
Startled, you both spun around; letting go of each other in the process as you both gawked at the two men standing between the doorway.
Harry remained by the entrance; face flushed with embarrassment from intruding on your moment of intimacy as Ethan stood next to him, straight-faced as always.
“Ahh… Sorry for interrupting but… umm… Lawrence has called for a meeting.” A flustered Harry stammered, rubbing the back of his neck as he avoided your owl-like gaze – wide-eyed and stunned.
Ethan stared at the both of you, nonchalant about the situation and simply nodded before walking back down the hallway. Sending you off with an awkward smile, Harry followed closely behind his athletic friend.
Eugene let out an exasperated sigh before standing up from the piano, lacing his fingers around your own.
“Maybe we’ll get some privacy later.”
Pouting, you rose beside him and cuddled up against his arm, “Hopefully.”
Tranquil silence surrounded the atmosphere as both you and Eugene patrolled the rooftop that evening. The city beyond the heavy fencing seemed peaceful and the stars above glittered the vast cloudless sky. It was a breathtaking sight and you turned towards your boyfriend, twining your fingers with his.
“Everything looks fine… No signs of zombies lurking near the gate or the schoolyard.” Pulling you into his arms, Eugene gazed hungrily at your parted lips, “Shall we continue where we left off?”
Without hesitation, you threw yourself onto him; grasping the collar of his jacket. Eugene stumbled against the wired fence from your urgency – pinned by your sex-driven form. Your tongues instantly tangled erotically as your lips connected, passionate and greedy.
Together, you slid down to the floor.
Straddling your boyfriend’s lap, you began to grind against his already hardened cock. The head of his length rubbed against your clit; the friction causing your pussy to become wet, aching for penetration. Eugene gripped onto the flesh of your hips, rocking you back and forth in a steady rhythm. You mewled into his mouth as your hands ravished through his light-coloured mane.
Eugene flung you off him as you yelped from the sudden noise coming from the rooftop door.
“I swear… this chick is so damn annoying and clingy! Why do I have to be paired up with her?! She’s such a pain in my…”
Zion had slammed the door open and casually strolled through the entrance looking extremely perturbed. His golden orbs soon fell upon your frozen body lying on the floor before landing on his bewildered friend. He noticed the obvious bulge in Eugene’s pants and frowned.
Frustrated at getting caught in the act for the second time today, Eugene blasted at the redhead.
“For crying out loud, Zion! Ever heard of knocking?” He quickly yanked his jacket down to cover his crotch.
“The fuck? This is a public area, dude! There’s a time and place, you know?!”
As the two friends bickered, you stood up gingerly and briskly dusted the dirt off your clothes. Your face was burning crimson and you made haste towards the door – slinking away, embarrassed once more.
After the last meeting and dinner had ended, you trudged back to the comfort of your room – disappointingly alone. Riddled with sexual tension, you wondered whether to sneak your way towards your Eugene’s room or force yourself to stay put and deal with your pent-up frustration on your own.
Deciding on the latter, not wanting to risk bumping into the others again, you changed out of your daily attire and slipped under your knitted blanket in nothing but your panties and tee. Closing your eyes, you slipped your hand down past the cotton trim of your underwear and began to tease your clitoris; all the while fantasising about Eugene’s tongue lapping at every crevice of your sex. You could imagine his soft hair tickling the insides of your thighs as you bucked your pelvis into his gorgeous face; his tongue darting in and out of your slit.
Soft moans escaped your o-shaped lips as you skimmed your fingers down to your slick hole and then up again, coating yourself with your essence. You fastened your pace, stimulating your swollen bud – attempting to relieve yourself before bed.
“Mmm… Eugene…”
Your eyes sprung open towards the cocky voice, and there stood the blonde; leaning his shoulder against the door frame with his arms folded over his chest - a smug devilish grin on his face.
“Oh my goodness, Eugene! Don’t scare me like that!” A rosy tint crept upon your cheeks as you glared at him, your hand still hidden within your panties.
Closing the door behind him, he made his way towards you; taking his clothes off in the process. His unzipped pants hanging off his hips, Eugene knelt down before you and gave you a small nod of his head, gesturing for you to sit up.
Smirking at your lover, you threw the blanket off to the side – revealing yourself to him. Eugene hooked his fingers on either side of your panties and slowly peeled them off your legs. His breath hitched as he watched you continue to pleasure yourself with fiery carnal eyes; his cock throbbing under the constraints of his slacks.
He hovered over your provocative form and ran his tongue along the curves of your lips. You gasped softly as yours tangled with his own in a dirty, salacious dance.
A string of saliva bridged between your lips as Eugene pulled away, stripping the rest of his clothing off.
“Just so you know, we’re not sleeping tonight.”
You smiled lasciviously at his words and your lips met once more in a heated and desperate kiss – no longer able to contain the desires that had been building up throughout the day. Moments later, he had your legs out wide. His hands grasped both your knees drawing them to your shoulders as he sheathed his shaft inside of your warm supple cunt; grinding himself at the hilt and stretching your pussy walls with his girth. You let out a breathless sigh as he pumped his cock in and out of you vigorously – the sound of your wetness filling the midnight air.
Eugene fucked you over and over, allowing your inhibitions to run free until dawn - making up for lost time. As the morning rays warmed your heaving forms, you cuddled happily together under the comfort of your blanket – completely spent, satisfied and overwhelmingly relaxed.
x mod bambi
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dangerousfellows-hc · 4 years
“I’m okay, you’re okay, we’re okay.” for Lawrence, please?
Angst Lawrence Imagine -
Reader: Gender Neutral
Word Count: 510
Warning: Slight gore.
The growling of nearby zombies caused you to freeze as you turned the corner. It was midnight, so you had to be very careful as you tried to find safety. Thankfully they haven’t found you yet, so you were safe.
The smell of rotting flesh made your nose crinkle in disgust. The most you could do was cover your nose with your hand. Your clothes were soaked with water as the thunderstorm continued on.
Lighting flashed across the sky, allowing you to see in front of you. Since it was around midnight, it was hard to see anything around you, only going off your hearing and touch.
The first thing your eyes landed on was the three zombies kneeling with their backs turned towards you. Before you could back away from them, you noticed what they were kneeling in front of.
The dead bodies of your friends.
Zion, Harry, Ethan, Eugene, Jay, everyone you knew, all dead by the zombies.
Chunks of flesh were ripped off their bones as blood painted their, used to be, soft skin.
Their eyes were wide open from shock, staring up at the dark sky. It didn’t help that Ethan was staring right at you, but you knew he was already to far gone.
Hovering a hand over your mouth, you let out a sob. You couldn’t even tell if you were crying since the rain was dripping off your skin.
Taking a step backwards, you were about to turn around and run, but a chest kept you in place.
Two firm hands were placed onto your shoulders, turning you around to stare into the eyes of Lawrence, the one that was supposed to protect your friends.
“Hey, what are you doing out here? You’re supposed to be inside where it’s safe.” He smiles, his glasses were covered in raindrops, making you wonder how he can see.
“You were supposed to keep the others safe! You lied to me!” I screeched, smacking his hands away from me.
“Oh, but (Y/n), they are safe. No one can hurt them anymore. I’m okay, you’re okay, they’re okay, we’re okay.” Lawrence growls the last part under his breath, grabbing ahold of my wrist.
His grip was tight, so tight that pain shot up throughout your body. You knew that you were going to have some bruises, but at the moment, you didn’t care.
“Lawrence! Get off me! You’re hurting me!” I whined, digging my nails into his flesh, hoping he’ll loosen his grip on me.
“I’m hurting you? No, (Y/n), I’m trying to save you. But if you wanna act like that, why should I waste my time on you?” Lawrence hissed, shoving me into a puddle of water on the ground.
Gasping from the cold water, I stared up at Lawrence, watching as he smirked at me before walking away.
Before I could call out for him, I felt a limp hand on my shoulder. The sound of growling next to my ears caused me to panic before I felt more hands come in contact with my body.
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