#danny phantom adapting
ectospacecadet · 1 year
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Of course I was going to draw them together as their Phantom selves!
Canon!Danny and Retold!Danny are having fun partying it up, woot woot!
Aaand then there’s Dan and Damien, having a friendly sparring session. I’m sure they’ll be fine ^^
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finemeal · 8 months
DP x DC Prompt #3
Danny was sent to the DC universe to save him from the GIW and the Fenton's by Clockwork
Doesn't know what to do here, but as an Experienced Vigilante:tm: he takes note of all the INexperienced vigilante's causing more danger than they realize.
Danny takes it upon himself to act as a low level villain so he can secretly train these vigilante's to be stronger. One day, a Bigger Villain decides to Fuck Around and Find Out.
All his "enemies" realize Danny could've folded them anytime he wanted when he effortlessly defeats the Big Bad.
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mikami1992 · 3 months
Supernatural Cops
The fandom has come to the conclusion that all kinds of supernatural or unusual things happen in Amity Park and people take it like any other Tuesday.
Still, I wouldn't be surprised if this place is the only place in the country (not to say the world) that has a police division in charge of handling Cults…
Yes, in Amity Park there is a group of police (not to say half of all the police in the city) that are dedicated to controlling cults and their peculiarities, because we must remember that, despite the reputation of being a tourist trap, this town in the middle of nowhere has the reputation of being the most haunted place in the country (or the world), so it wouldn't be crazy to say that on certain dates of the year many "tourists" (cough cultists cough) arrive who come in order to do "events" (cough rites cough), so whether they want it or not, someone has to control that the limits on how they are "celebrating" are not broken… and to top it off, the limits of what the city considers acceptable is a greater margin than other places, so it has become common for some groups to come back later.
So yes, Amity Park has one of the most effective police departments in dealing with cults and supernatural beliefs, not only are they effective in identifying participants, most of the time they know what kind of cultist they are dealing with, whether they are just playing a game or are the real magic business and how dangerous/troublesome they will be in the end.
What's more, this group is so good at what they do, that many times the inhabitants of Amity Park prefer to call them instead of the GIW (they are too destructive and there is still no 100% reliable insurance that will pay for the damages they cause), when it comes to a problem with a ghost and the ghost child is not around.
and that competition is more noticeable when other cities in the country begin to ask for help with some unknown cults that are appearing rap
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deadsetobsessions · 7 months
Headmaster Dumbledore is sure that the ghosts of Hogwarts were hiding something. He’d be the first to admit that he’s nosy when it came to things like these, but he simply doesn’t have the time. Whatever that lingered these halls, he’s sure does not mean Hogwarts any harm. The ghosts would not protect it if it did.
Albus Dumbledore Hummer around a lemon drop as his quill scratched over endless parchment paper.
His wand glowed green for a brief second, an acknowledgement, and settled down into its current owner’s hold.
Danny Phantom hadn’t thought the castle he found during the summer months in this universe would be… so full of life. Not when there were ghosts, floating around like the castle were their own home.
They were ghosts made of magic.
His core struggled, at first, to survive. Then, it took the magic and thrived.
He floated, invisible amongst the glittering candles beneath the imitated night sky, and watched students file in.
Quite different, from his own entrance.
He had floated into the tower, having felt a hint of resistance that he knew now were the castle wards. The ghosts, what he thought were ghosts before he realized ectoplasmic ghosts existed, stopped dead. Hah.
The shades dancing and whirling and conversing froze as he entered the tower. Life and death, and the beings that walked the line, stopped at the arrival of the One Who is the Line. The boy king wreathed in black and green glanced around.
“Hello. I’m Phantom.”
“The High King,” a ghost whispered. “Our king.”
“He’s an American?” Another one asked, scandalized. Danny, surrounded by those who he recognized as his, cracked the first smile he’s had in a while.
“Who cares? He’s…” The knight sunk to his knees, bowing with his ghostly sword in front of him.
The ghosts bowed. Danny floated in further. “Can you tell me where I am?”
“Of course.”
Now… he’s watching the children get Sorted. Weird, for a hat to decide your classmates, but whatever.
Harry Potter’s name is called, and the whispers broke out. He doesn’t know why, but Danny couldn’t ask the ghosts. They barely know the current headmaster, as the dead generally care only for their own times.
Danny decides to visit the lake octopus. Lake squid? Something like that. The mer people beneath the waters liked him, the last time he went. The Sorting is put out of Danny’s mind. He’s dead now, too. The only thing he cares about now is to explore the vast halls of Hogwarts and the occasional visit to the kitchen to steal some food for his living body.
(Thank the Ancients he found a house elf who knew what seasoning was.)
(Sometimes, Danny flew to where his home would have been and gets comfort food at the nearest town. He missed it, but he can’t go back.)
The ghosts know by now to call for Phantom should they need something (“I’m American,” he joked at the ghost. “We’re not big on kings. You can just call me Phantom.”)
The third year he’s there, Danny feels the effects of Clockwork’s power. When he investigates, it’s the red headed girl he once saw leaving the library, paper clutched in her hand.
She helped save one of his subjects, so he owes her. Plus, if she’s using Clockwork’s powers, this Hermione has potential.
And… she’s using it to study.
She reminds him of Jazz.
A wave of ice crackled and froze the fleeing rat and the feral wolf man.
“What?!” Harry screeched to a stop, eyes wide at the ghost child in front of him.
Danny turned, and landed gently on the ground. Snape snarled at him in suspicion. Danny allowed himself to become living again, black hair and blue eyes and tan skin replacing the white, green, black thing his dead form had.
“Who’re you?” The red-headed boy, Ron?, asked him through gritted teeth.
Danny smiled at them, dimples appearing. “A friend.”
Before the trio and co. could say anything, Danny whips his head around, palm coming up.
“Stop.” He orders. The creeping sense of cold and dread shuttered to a stop. “Go over there,” he said, and the dementors, hovering at the edge of his periphery obeyed. Danny turned back to the mildly terrified and flummoxed group.
“Let’s go. You’re all going to catch a cold, if you don’t move it. Especially you, scrawny and greasy.” He pointed at the godfather and Snape.
“Hey, Danny?”
“What, Harry?”
“Why’d you help us? I mean, you said you didn’t want to involve yourself in stuff like that.”
Danny hummed, wisped tail curling up against him as he soaked in the sun’s rays. “Because you reminded me of myself. And in the end, you died.”
“You literally brought me back,” Harry deadpanned, remembering the place between life and death, and how the angry Danny was when he stormed onto that train platform. The King had taken him by the scruff of his shirt collar like a particularly incensed mother cat, and dragged him off away from a puzzled Dumbledore.
“You were being stupid. You’re too young to die.”
“Like you?”
Danny snorted. “Nah. I didn’t have a choice.”
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legowerewolf · 7 months
Nickolodeon/Butch Hartman's Danny Phantom is a poor adaptation of the life story of the real, actual hero Danny Phantom.
They softened the fact that he actually died and got resurrected in that portal because you can't talk about death in childrens' cartoons
They just completely dropped notable pain-in-the-ass Wes Weston
They turned his boyfriend, Dash, into his bully for extra Drama™️
They seriously downplayed just how much of a furry Tucker was
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awesome-normal-heroes · 11 months
Shout Out to the Awesome Cartoon Villains that don't go through a Redemption Arc!
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a-living-cartoon · 6 months
A very special Dannypocalypse is coming up!
We will be celebrating 20 YEARS of Danny Phantom this April 3rd! WHO IS READY??
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Putting Flaming Hot Abs & Jojo's pose in the same minute is a tactical nuke on my neurons
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ectoplasmbender · 8 months
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This is not a 14 yr old Butch.....
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lolottes · 1 year
so I'm starting to get fed up with people asking not to use the "danny phantom" tag. I'll continue if I find it relevant because of an argument against it: companies use filters for their studies. They will use the "danny phantom" tag data, they will never take into account the specific crossover tags. it is the same logic as selling tools specific to the disabled (physical; invisible or not, or the various ways of being neuroatypical) to the non-disabled to help their development At the same time, I'm the type to use a lot of variants of tags to express that they're crossovers and I put them first so that they're very visible, even if it means making my tags "interesting" unseen by most people. so yes in the hope of more (good) canon content danny phantom i will continue to use his tags if it is relevant in my post or reblog and here I'm curious if we're like me who thinks the effort to block is worth sending a message of interest to the industry
afterwards it must be said that since the name of a fandom is also that of one of the characters, this does not make things any easier
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ectospacecadet · 1 year
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Danny Phantom: Adapting  Prequel Comic Part 1
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currentlylurking · 1 year
AGIT: Clockwork is the embodiment of the time stream itself, and his staff is part of it!
Me, with 10 years of worldbuilding fanon I'm very attached to: okay but actually just the position is :) not Clockwork himself :) and the staff is passed down to signify it :) you can't take this away from me I'll cry :)
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descendant-of-truth · 2 years
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I always thought the rim lighting on Danny's ghost form looked pretty neat
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void-writing · 2 years
Fair! Even with purely Ice-Core Danny, the boy's shown to adapt to live-threatening situations and pulling out powers for the situation to survive. (And isn't that something to chew on. He adapts to survive.) Which would be a lot already for CIM.
Invasive species Danny in DC who can out-adapt anyone who could be a treat to him is one of my favorite tropes, too!!
In any case, we'll be getting to see Danny in combat next chapter :)
Victor has been grasping for the abyss. Now it is going to clap back.
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benvoliotheorphan · 8 months
What's that?? Reports/rumors about a live action Danny Phantom movie are floating around?? Guess now is as good a time as any for me to write out my ideal movie series for the show that I have been thinking on for years now.
This is just a super rough outline/idea. And I highly doubt it's gonna turn out like this if they do end up making a movie. This is just for fun!
Okay, so in my head the movie series would be four movies long. More could be done afterwards or shoved between the four I have in mind so that more of the show's lore and characters could be included, but I think it's best to end a movie series before it gets stretched too thin and I think with this rough outline there's a nice enough arc throughout that it'll be satisfying to end it there.
Movie 1: So, first thing's first, the primary antagonists in movie one will be the ghosts. It'll focus on Danny getting a hang of his powers while fighting off a few ghosts that escape from the Ghost Zone, with the primary antagonist being Skulker. While I'm not sure how, I think it would be cool if the final battle with Skulker to be the movie's version of Public Enemies, where ghosts become common knowledge to the town and Danny is labeled a villain. While Danny would be dodging his parents throughout the movie, Phantom doesn't really get on Jack and Maddie's radar until this moment, setting up further conflict for future movies. Could also be a good time to set up Valerie, introducing her and having her hate Phantom as a result of the battle (maybe her house is destroyed in the fight?). Vlad could also be introduced here, or at least hinted at, but he's not revealed to be half-ghost like Danny, nor is he antagonist yet.
Movie 2: The one where humans are the antagonists. Vlad, of course, is the primary antagonist, though I think him being part ghost won't be revealed until at least halfway through the movie? I think the first half should focus on Danny's relationship with his parents deteriorating and setting up Vlad as a mentor figure before it's revealed that Vlad is pulling the strings. One of those strings being Valerie. I think it would be interesting if Danny doesn't know her identity right away, have it so her wanting to learn more about ghosts brings them together during school hours and then they unknowingly are trying to kill each other after. Could be a nice one-two punch to have her reveal happen not too long before Vlad's. Movie will end similarly to Bitter Reunions where Danny realizes he can't beat Vlad, so they come up with the truce of not revealing each other's identity to Jack and Maddie.
Movie 3: Reign Storm. I think Reign Storm is one of the strongest episodes of the show, so it just makes sense for it to be adapted to a movie. It'll serve as a nice cumulation of the relationships set up before, with Danny teaming up with his various antagonists to fight off against the Ghost King. And with a longer run time, the lore behind the Ghost King and the Ghost Zone can really be expanded upon. He'll be seen as a hero after saving the day, and since this is a movie series and they can change the status quo, it could also serve as a turning point with his relationship with his parents. They see this good deed and their opinion on him (and perhaps ghosts in general) could be swayed. Likewise with Valerie, whose relationship with Danny will be rocky starting out due to what happened in the last movie. TBH this would serve as a good conclusion to the movie series and it could possibly end here, BUT!!!
Movie 4: The Ultimate Enemy. Because this is also one of the strongest episodes of the show, it would allow for even more exploration on Ghost Zone Lore, and it could serve as a good character study for Danny as a whole. If they allow for Danny to age a few years so that he's in college (something I imagine they would need to do if they go the live action route), then it could serve as a cool parallel to Vlad getting his powers since Danny in the movie would be close to the same age Vlad was when his accident occurred. Also, I did not mention in the previous summary's when Jazz finds out about Danny, because I'm not sure where it would fit, but I always loved how The Ultimate Enemy resolved the plotline of him not knowing she knows, and I think it would be a nice way to tie things up. Heck, it could also serve as an interesting way to reveal his ghostly status to his parents. And with the longer movie runtime, I think they could really explore how that kind of future would mess someone up. I just really like this episode and would love to see it adapted somehow, and I feel it being the finale to the film series would work best if it were to be adapted.
Some random notes:
Ideally the movies would be animated, but the reports say live action which... I mean, it could work if done right. With the live action route (though it could also work if animated), I think the movies should span Danny's entire high school career and we would see him graduate sometime during one of the movies (perhaps at the beginning of movie 4 and have his anxieties of getting into college take the place of the CAT test?). This will allow for the actors aging and also allow for the movies to get more mature with its audience as it goes along.
If there is a romantic subplot, then Danny/Valerie would be endgame. I do enjoy Danny/Sam but I think adding the love triangle would complicate things too much and of the two relationships, Danny/Valerie would just more interesting to explore.
I did not mention Tucker and Sam throughout this but that's not because they wouldn't be there! They totally would!!! I just am not sure what their individual arcs would be between each movie. I mean in movies 3 and 4 it would be akin to how it is in Reign Storm and The Ultimate Enemy, but I'm not too sure beyond that.
Honestly, with this outline a lot of characters would be left out, which is a shame. But a movie series cannot support the same cast as a TV series and ya gotta pick and choose. I think several ghosts could cameo though if they don't play a major role.
In an ideal world the movies would aim for a slightly older audience than the show, especially the later ones, and thus the movies could explore the horror aspects that the show just hinted at/glossed over. This includes more exploring of the fact that Danny is literally part ghost. I think Movie 1 and 2 could really focus on the existential crisis this would cause Danny, with Movie 3 having him come to terms with it, only for Movie 4 to throw a wrench in this acceptance.
(Honestly, with how many horror-related things are popular among kids these days, I think it would be well within reason to expect the movies to lean a bit more into it. They'd ultimately be PG at the highest rating, but with some creativity I think it could work with that rating.)
I think it would be fun if some fanon things get a shout out. Things like Valerie being the Red Huntress, or maybe a Wes cameo. Just background stuff though, because I think too much could take away focus from the story.
Butch Hartman has no involvement.
Anyway. That's my very very very rough outline for how I imagine a Danny Phantom movie series would playout. I am not a screenwriter (I'm barely a fanfic writer lol), so I'm sure there are better/more interesting ways for this to be done, but I think it could be neat if the movies took this sort of route. I'm ultimately excited and hopeful for a Danny Phantom movie, but if it turns out to be less than good I'm not gonna be too heartbroken. I doubt it'll be any worse than some of the worst episodes in the show (coughcoughPhantomPlanetcoughcough), and as someone who dislikes basically all but one episode in the third season, I have been cherry picking canon for like 17 years now and am prepared to do it some more.
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