#dannymay strange
dannymayevent · 1 year
Dannymay 2023
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Alright, that was fun, but now it's time for the real calendar!
Welcome everyone to Dannymay 2023, aka a long held tradition in May where creatives challenge themselves with a 31 day calendar of fun prompts!
You can draw, write, create music, make a video, craft something cool, really whatever you want! Crossovers and OC's are allowed, so the sky's the limit!
Whether you just wanna do one prompt or all of them, everyone's welcome to join! This is a fun event first and foremost, so go at your own pace. Once you're done with your creation, post it to Tumblr with the #Dannymay2023 tag so we can see it!
We will have an ao3 collection available under Dannymay 2023, and we also have an event Discord link which can be found at the bottom of our faq.
Click under the readmore for a full list as well as the AUs/Challenges descriptions!
Fantasy AU: Bring all your fantastical favorites into DP!
10 minutes vs 1 hour: Make a fic/art piece in 10 minutes, and then try to make it again in an hour!
Electric Core AU: What if instead of having an "ice core," he has an electrical one?
Ghost Zone
Traditional Media: Electronics don't exist! Time to break out the paper, pencils, pens—whatever you got!
Full Hazmat AU: In which Danny went into the portal wearing a real hazmat suit.
No Control Z/Backspace: Try to make a piece without erasing anything!
Nasty Burger
Cryptid AU: Phantom's a bit strange, a bit creepier, doesn't quite look/feel right...
Rogue Gallery
Art/Fic Switch: Everyone switches mediums for the day! Artists are now writers, writers are now artists! If you do both, go with your weakest. If you're not an artist/writer, then choose one to try!
Ghost Speak AU: Where all ghosts speak the Language Of The Dead
Free Day: Congrats, it's the last day! Choose whatever you want to make for the day!
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Dannymay 2023.Day 11. Underwater
The Fentons are absolutely convinced that the sirens are monsters who enjoy killing people. In one of family’s expeditions to the open ocean, their son was dragged under the water by one of these creatures. 
They vowed revenge for their loss. And now Maddie and Jack have a chance. 
The siren that protects the waters around Amity Park as its territory from incursions by others seems to have a long game plan. But they’re not fooled. Even if the beast has suppressed its lust for flesh, it is only for getting victims to let their guard down.
When Maddie manages to catch the monster in the net and drag it aboard a ship Jack does not expect the creature to be so..young and helpless. as a child. Great disguise. 
Well, Jack doesn’t have time to consider it.  It’ll give the creature a chance to attack. Whether it be fangs with claws or a siren’s song, he will have little chance of winning again near the water.
Mer: No! Please!You’re making a mistake! Listen to me!
..Such a strange...mystical but at the same time painfully familiar voice.
..And a burn on its..his? hand
and bunches of freckles on mer's cheeks which look so similar to his son’s favorite constellation.
He may be making a grave mistake, but..
Jack: ..Danny?
Next thing they know, the siren’s over the side of the boat.
Was it a mirage inspired by the creature’s song? Was it a cruel coincidence? Jack doesn’t know. 
But until he does, maybe he should come to the ocean more often and look into the waves with hope rather than with the usual anger and despair.
Even after all these years, he doesn’t know...
What’s what else is hidden underwater?
And can the ocean that takes things so easily return them and..forgive?
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unlocked-doors-verse · 4 months
Origins: Heroes of New
So, we're back at it again! I had originally planned for this to be solely Secret Trio (Danny Phantom, American Dragon: Jake Long, and Randy Cunningham: 9th Grade Ninja), but I decided to change my plan of trajectory! (All of the following information is unofficial for the time being, as I've yet to finish my DannyMay prompts and my life is a whirlwind lately)
・❥・Under-the-Cut Information
I'll be covering a few short stories, (or one-shots, lol) featuring how the main set of characters are going to meet.
The story will begin in Amity Park sometime during the late season two stage possibly; Vlad suddenly invites the Fentons to an international trip- apparently due to some sort of event happening in the area which, of course, Danny finds suspicious. Happening over the course of the summer, he and the rest of the Fentons are sent over on this vacation.
Deciding to leave any ghostly attacks in the hands of Sam and Tucker, Danny feels a little more at ease but of course- nothing is as it seems.
Though it hardly does anything to quench any of Danny's suspicions on Vlad. I mean who would possibly take a trip this far out?
Once arriving however, he's admittedly in awe of everything but something strange is going on- especially when the first incident happens and suddenly, he's thrust into an unsuspecting battle featuring... non-ghosts? Danny had never faced something like this before, but if his day couldn't get any worse- he's mistaken for...
"What in the ghosts' zone is an Akuma?"
He finds himself meeting another superhero, only this time it's a young girl clad in a ladybug-themed costume and her also animal-themed partner, Chat Noir.
(Though, he also has to clear up exactly who he is- since they've never heard of Danny Phantom; not that he was planning on revealing himself as Fenton)
Things of course, somehow manage to get worse which leads to the trio now uncovering a devious plot happening behind the seams... and it seems this threat is much bigger than they thought.
The rest of course, is for you to read and find out...
This project, alongside the Unlocked Doors AU, will take time and I still have other smaller writing ideas to work on but fear not! I do plan on finishing them- just be patient with me, please.
For now, the one-shots covering the characters' meeting one another will be a series called Origins! [The main series will likely gain a different title, though I have no idea what that will be just yet!]
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kimerawrt · 4 months
Dannymay 2024, now with kitty paws!
Prompts from my AU, also in AO3
Day 15: Field trip
The bus full of teenagers reached its destination and released the young people plus a teacher from its insides. The crowd of teens, guided by the teacher, walked with little motivation towards the huge building in which they would learn more about the wonders of space with some physics mixed in it.
Well, one teen was not bored at all.
“Oh man! I can't wait to see the planet's exhibition. I heard they will tell us about the winds on Jupiter” Danny was so excited that he was practically vibrating.
“Danny dude, if you hadn't rambled about this exact topic three times already, I would be impressed by the super destructive winds” Tucker said before yawning. 
They had stayed up until very late last night because the Box Ghost decided to be his annoying self and slip away every time he saw Danny incoming. Of course, anyone would run away if they saw a lion skeleton on fire running at them. The halfa was disappointed that there were no fun boxes to play with.
“Heh. Sorry, I just want to know if they will mention that sharks, as a species, are older than Saturn’s rings” Danny tried to be less excited but was unsuccessful.
“That makes sharks sound even cooler” Sam mumbled before taking a sip from her black thermos filled with coffee.
“Sharks are cool and smooth” Tucker nodded.
“Sharks are not smooth Tuck” Sam groaned but let it go. She didn't have the energy to start their usual debates over useless things.
“Do you think there could be alien sharks in Europa?” Danny speculated.
“Like, the continent?” Tucker was not really awake enough to follow Danny’s usual space rambles.
“The ice moon Tuck” Sam remained him after sipping on her coffee.
“Hmm? Oh yea! Totally, alien smooth sharks” Tucker nodded.
“That would be so cool” Danny's excitement only grew at that statement.
The halfa was thinking if he could take a little trip using the Infi-map to see if there are smooth alien sharks in Europa. He was getting so excited about it that he was really starting to vibrate now.
“Danny you are purring again” Sam mumbled.
“Can't help it” Danny did not even try to stop it.
“Good thing I brought this thing with me” Tucker then put out from his backpack a strange gadget that looked like a pair of homemade speakers. The gadget did nothing at all, but they pretended to prank Danny to explain the sound of purring coming from him from time to time.
A few minutes later, the class started their field trip to the observatory, purring halfa included.
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narcissus-dot-png · 1 year
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DANNYMAY '23 DAY 22: Cryptid AU(kinda?)
"Don't you guys ever think he acts lil bit too...strange?"
A prequel/serious ver of this drawing!(dannymay '22 videotape)
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the-oaken-muse · 1 year
Betelgeuse, Betelgeuse, Betelgeuse
Dannymay Day 24: NASA
Read it on AO3, if you dare.
Of all the places in the Infinite Realms Juno could have sent him for community service, it had to be the fucking Ghost Zone. He never thought he’d miss the Netherworld, but at least there he didn’t have to deal with Warden Pasty Face and the stick up his entire ass.
He banked a hard left, bobbing and weaving through the zero gravity obstacle course provided by the ectoplasmic landscape. Behind him, the thud of armor against rock let him know he was down a pursuer, as one of the guards collided with an island of floating debris.
God, this place was a dump.
He dove through a thick patch of green fog before ducking behind one of the many floating doors littering the not-air; grateful that he didn’t have breath to catch. Walker’s goons zoomed past his hiding place, following his previous trajectory on a trail that didn’t exist.
Ha! Suckers!
He may have evaded them for now, but he would have to keep moving. When they realized that he’d lost them, they would fan out and search, leaving no stone unturned until they eventually found him and dragged him squirming back to that hell hole of a prison to be crushed under Walker’s boot once more. He needed to put as much distance between himself and this part of the Zone as possible. Or better yet, find a way to the human realm.
He looked to his left, green. He looked to his right, green. He looked down, an endless abyss of green stared back at him.
Looks like he was going to have to ask for directions. Great.
The next door he came across was a deep shade of plum with intricate panels of solid mahogany and a crystal knob. He yanked it open.
“Hey! Anybody home? Hello? I’m lookin’ for—”
A sopping wet sponge splashed against his face. It lingered there for a moment before slowly sliding down, down, down and falling into the chasm below, leaving his face dripping suds. “…the ...nearest portal to Earth.”
The door slammed shut.
“Ugh, soap.” He wiped his face with his sleeve, smearing it with fresh grime.
He floated over to another door, this one a dark weathered indigo with a heavy iron latch. He pulled it open with a loud creak, “Wazzup!”
A burly, tattooed arm emerged from the dark interior and slapped him across the face with a dead fish before slamming the door shut.
Jesus, the ghosts here were rude. At least it wasn’t soap this time.
Next, he spun the wheel on a silvery lavender hatch until it popped up with a hiss.
“Hullo down there!” his voice echoed back. “I’m lookin’ for a human portal! Can ya help a brother out?”
A thick tentacle, in a green so dark it was almost black, snaked out of the hole. In a blink, the tentacle lashed itself around his neck, crushing his useless windpipe.
“Look, I’m a hugger as much as the next guy, but this is a little forward, don’tcha think?” he wheezed.
In response, it whipped him back and flung him into the infinite green like a pitcher throwing a fastball.
He soared, eyes watering, hair whipping, and jowls flapping, for what felt like an eternity, but the five watches on his arm all agreed was only a few minutes.
His flight ended abruptly when he splatted against a strange metal structure. Its surface hummed with energy, vibrating his entire being. He peeled himself off, smoothing out the dents its rivets left in his skin, and took a look. A swirling vortex brighter than the surrounding ectoplasm filled its patchwork steel frame. Unlike the other doors, it remained fixed in place rather than floating up and down gently in a sea of green; it was anchored to something, to another dimension.
He stood on the edge of the portal, plugged his nose, and dove into the pool of light.
The portal spat him out in a large room made of the same patchwork metal as the doorway. Though the scent of death was strong here, in the glowing green of the machinery and in the air, it was mixed through with the unmistakable vitality of the living.
Perfect. Now he just needed to… find a way to get his powers back again…
He slumped forward and groaned.
Living people with The Sight were one in a million, and of those, the ones that were dumb teenagers were even fewer. There was no way Lydia was going to help him out again after the whole fiasco with their wedding either. He needed a new plan, a new pawn… well, there was no time like the present to start looking.
He floated up, poking his head through the ceiling into a modest kitchen. There was a table for four in the middle of the room, but only one chair was occupied. A pair of faded blue jeans and beat up red sneakers bounced impatiently and he could hear the scratch of pencil on paper. Sounded like homework. Bo-ring!
Like a shark fin cutting through the waves, the top half of his head glided across the floor to the fridge. Maybe they had beer.
A small pile of brown crumbs just under the door caught his attention. He sniffed at them, chocolatey. He floated a little higher so that his mouth breached the tile and licked up the remains of someone else’s fridge raid.
“Mmm, fudge.”
The kid at the table startled and looked over in his direction. He could almost believe they were making eye contact right now.
It couldn’t be that easy, could it?
“Who the heck are you?”
Looks like it could. He cracked a rotten grin and rose fully out of the floor.
“I’m the Ghost with the Most, pleasure to meet ya, kid.”
He held out a hand to shake, a centipede skittered down his arm and around his dirt-crusted knuckles before heading back into his sleeve. The boy just stared at the proffered digit in disgust.
“The most what? Grease stains on your shirt?”
“That and so much more! You name it, I’ve got it. Charm, good looks, STDs—”
“Modesty.” The boy deadpanned.
“Hey! I’ll have you know I wear pants at least…” he began counting the fingers on one hand, “thirty percent of the time!”
“That’s not what I— You know what? Give me one good reason I shouldn’t soup you right now.” The boy snatched a thermos off the table and waved it threateningly.
Jeez, tough crowd.
He wasn’t sure what kind of soup was in there, but something told him he didn’t want to find out.
“Beeecauuuuse…” His eyes darted around for something he could use to turn the situation to his favor. Math worksheet? No. Half eaten sandwich? Maybe later. NASA t-shirt? Perfect. “I’m a star, kid.”
“Oh yeah? What kind of star?” The boy narrowed his eyes skeptically.
“Red supergiant, Orion constellation… I’m sure you’ve heard of me…”
He crossed his fingers behind his back. Please work, please work.
“Got it in one, kid.” He swallowed his relief and winked. “You’re even quicker on the uptake than Lydia!”
“Uhh, no one! Hey, what’s that?”
Betelgeuse darted over to a group of photos on a shelf and picked one up.
“Who’s the chick in the tight blue suit?” He whistled, letting the back of the frame fall open and the picture to unfold. “Really doesn’t leave much to the imagination does it?”
“Um, ew! That’s my mom!” The kid snatched the photo out of his hands and inspected the back of it. “How did you even do that?”
“I’d let her be my mommy any time.”
“…I will literally do anything for you to never talk about my mom ever again.”
“Like, within reason. I’m not gonna, you know, kill anybody or anything.”
“Would you… be willing to… maybe… say my name three times in a row?” He bit his lip in anticipation.
The kid considered him suspiciously. “Is this like a kink thing?”
“What? No! Pshhh! No! Well maybe sometimes… Absolutely not, no. Cross my heart! See!” He drew an X on the right side of his chest.
“Yeah, no. Still don’t trust you.”
“C’mon kid!” He skidded to his knees in front of the boy. “Please, please, please! I’ll owe you one! I’m good for it! Promise!”
He clutched at the NASA shirt desperately. He couldn’t let this kid slip through his fingers, it might be another hundred years before he found another living person who could see him. He’d tasted the blood of freedom and he wanted more.
The boy grimaced and tried to pull away, Betelgeuse scrabbled after him. “I’ll get out of your hair, promise! Just three little words! Just three!”
“Okay, jeez, fine. If it’ll get you leave,” the boy groaned.
“YES! I mean!” He cleared his throat, “Yes.”
“Betelgeuse, Betelgeuse, Betelgeuse. Now get out of my house.”
Power surged then fizzled within him.
“Wow. That was anticlimactic.” He deflated. “Ah well, a deal’s a deal! See ya kid!”
He flew up through the ceiling with a sloppy salute.
What a chump! That was almost too easy.
 That was definitely too easy.
Betelgeuse scowled as yet another hand reached through his head to grab a jug of milk.
His powers had been on the fritz ever since he got them back. One minute he was turning the floor into a writhing mass of roaches, the next, poof, they were gone! The unsuspecting sap he’d been about to scar for life left… unscarred.
He could tap someone on the shoulder, but when they turned around, they just looked straight through his carefully crafted horror show of a face; he’d hidden in dumpsters to jumpscare people taking out their trash, but they didn’t even see him; and his fruit fly cream pies went right through their targets.
Figures, it was just his luck that the one fucking human in this whole damn city who could see him was fucking defective.
Betelgeuse opened the glass door and stepped out of the grocery store refrigerator, he needed to find that kid.
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jus-a-lil-mouse · 4 months
Dark Skies
a warrior cats and danny phantom crossover
DannyMay 2024 Day 31: Free Day
Relevant Characters Allegiances
DannyMay Prompt Cats (and Lore Drops)
Book One: DUSK
Duskpaw, an AmityClan apprentice, introduces us to some notable Clan members, as well as the Clan camp, which is centered around an odd stone structure the audience can determine was once an ornate decorative fountain.
Duskpaw overhears Darkshade, a warrior that is close with his parents, tell the Clan’s deputy Coldridge about a potential Rogue den in a nearby building. Coldridge dismisses Darkshade’s concern, saying that he must be mistaken as Rogues wouldn’t den within Clan territory. Darkshade insists that there is a threat, and Coldridge should listen to him, but Coldridge refuses. Duskpaw wants to do his part to keep the Clan safe, so he sneaks off to investigate the Rogue den. Inside, he hears something strange upstairs and goes to investigate. However, much of the floor is rotted, and he falls through, landing on a large pile of metal, becoming injured and scratched. He is unable to leave, and falls unconscious.
Duskpaw slips in and out of consciousness, eventually being found by a frantic Sparktail, and then being cared for by Frostbite and Whiteflower. At one point, he encounters a glowing, transparent molly who promises him that everything will be okay. He later sees a terrifying Rogue who leaps to attack him, but he wakes before it touches him. He wakes fully, and sees Bumblebelly asleep next to him in the Healer’s Den. He falls asleep again, much more stable this time. 
He heals slowly but surely, and rejoins his apprentice group. His mentor, Redpelt, does everything he can to support his younger sibling. 
While Duskpaw, Timberpaw, and Sparrowpaw are on their own practicing hunting in the territory, Duskpaw begins to feel strange. He soon transforms into a glowing Rogue, startling Timberpaw and Sparrowpaw. Panicking, he runs back to camp, where he is attacked by the Clan’s warriors. He manages to escape back to the forest, and returns to his usual form, tired and battered. The group lies about how he was injured. 
Duskpaw begins learning to transform on purpose, and gain control over his new form. Sparrowpaw and Timberpaw work together to aid him. 
Rogues begin crossing the border again. The warriors of the Clan worry that they will lose more territory. Duskpaw learns that shortly after he was born, AmityClan lost a good hunting ground to the Rogues. 
At one point, Duskpaw worries that Darkshade may have seen him transform. Be soon believes he is mistaken, as Darkshade gives no indication of knowing. 
A group of Rogues attack the camp. Duskpaw sneaks away to transform, in hopes that it will help the Clan win the fight. As he is sneaking back into camp as a Rogue, he sees Darkshade corner Coldridge in a secluded area of camp, and kill him. Duskpaw is horrified by what he’s seen, but before he can confront Darkshade, he hears someone yell that the Rogues have gotten into the nursery. He races into the fight, saving Dawnkit from a Rogue. Working together, the Clan is able to drive away the Rogues. 
Amberflame, Shadekit, Flameburst, and a handful of others are killed in the attack. Darkshade is gravely injured, but Frostbite is able to save him. Duskpaw wants to tell the Clan of Darkshade’s betrayal, but Skystar appointed him deputy for his bravery in the fight, so Duskpaw feels as though he must have not seen what he thought he saw. Skystar makes the three oldest apprentices warriors: Brightwhisker, Lionstrike, and Sweetsnap.
Book Two: NIGHT
Following the Rogue attack, the Clan begins searching for a new camp. 
Duskpaw begins making nightly patrols in his Rogue form. Timberpaw and Sparrowpaw cover for him when his absence or tiredness is noticed. 
Dawnpaw is apprenticed to Sparktail.
Whiteflower becomes suspicious of Duskpaw’s injuries, and he tells her about his Rogue form and nightly patrols.
The Clan decides on moving their camp to The Valley. They begin preparing it, building dens and starting to move items over. Duskpaw and the other apprentices are kept very busy with the preparations.
Duskpaw, while working with Dawnpaw, learns that Darkshade brought Shadekit outside of camp the morning of the Rogue attack. Dawnpaw says that Shadekit hadn’t been feeling well, and was taken on a walk to help improve his health. Duskpaw reflects that he didn’t remember seeing Shadekit and Darkshade leaving, and doesn’t think Whiteflower would have let a sick patient leave camp. He also wonders why Darkshade would have put his son in danger like that, as Rogues are attracted to the young, old, and weak. Dawnpaw confesses that she followed them, and they walked almost all the way to the border before returning to camp.
Duskpaw tries to push away his suspicions about Darkshade, especially now that he knows the Rogues likely followed Shadekit’s scent back to AmityClan’s camp. The Clan continues preparing for the move. 
Skystar names the four oldest apprentices warriors during a day of preparation at the new camp, claiming it is a test of where he wants to make Clan announcements. They are named Timberstep, Badgerclaw, Eaglethorn, and Hawkshadow. 
Rogues are seen more often on the border. Duskpaw begins to become exhausted from chasing them away each night.
The final stage of the move is when the elders, caretakers, and kits will be moved. Darkshade, as deputy, is put in charge of the patrol, and Skystar is waiting at the new camp for the patrol to arrive. As they are traveling, the patrol is attacked by Rogues. Darkshade struggles to coordinate the warriors, both unable to come up with a plan and unable to communicate it well. After an elder is dragged off by Rogues, Sparktail takes charge and gets the rest of the Clan to the new camp safely.
Once they arrive, for their part in the fight, the final three older apprentices become warriors: Sparrowheart, Larkcall, and Dusksight.
Dawnpaw is badly injured in the attack, and is close to death.
Book Three: DAWN
Dusksight has a dream that he is facing the rising sun, which becomes a bright flower. He tells Whiteflower about the dream, who then has him tell Frostbite. Frostbite confirms that it is a vision, and that it is likely the herb that will save Dawnpaw’s life. 
Frostbite tells Skystar he would like to go retrieve the herb. Skystar is hesitant to send away the senior medicine cat with a warrior escort when the Clan is facing increased Rogue activity. Darkshade urges Skystar to do so, worried for his remaining kit.
Skystar sends Frostbite, Eaglethorn, and Dusksight to travel and retrieve the herb. Frostbite warns the younger warriors that the world beyond AmityClan boundaries is overrun by Rogues. 
They learn that this is not true. Something about AmityClan or its territory draws the Rogues in; it takes a few days to leave Rogue territory, but they eventually leave and meet cats who inform them that the Rogues are unique to that location, and they assumed that nobody was able to survive there. 
The group travels a few days more, and meets a colony of cats who recognize the flower from Dusksight’s description. However, the flower is spiritually important to the group, so they are reluctant to give it away to the Clan cats. The group proposes a trade: the Clan cats help the group to defeat a cougar that has moved into the area, and the group will give them the flower in return, as well as a pawful of seeds so that the Clan can grow more. 
The Clan cats agree. Eaglethorn excels at teaching, and both warriors enjoy spending time with the colony. They learn more about the colony’s beliefs: they place great importance on cycles within nature, especially the cycles of life and death. The Colony uses plants to help break down the bodies of cats who have passed away. This particular flower is used because they believe it helps release the cat’s spirit back into the world, allowing the cycle of life to continue. 
Dusksight isn’t sure how this will help Dawnpaw, but trusts Frostbite when he says it will save her. 
Finally, its time: the cougar is lured to an ambush, and led by Eaglethorn, the colony manages to drive it away. They give Frostbite the flower and seeds, and the Clan cats leave the colony behind. All three are somewhat reluctant to leave the peaceful group, but know that Dawnpaw is depending on them.
Their return home goes quickly. When they are close to the Clan, but still in Rogue territory, they are attacked by a group of Rogues. Dusksight slips away to transform, and is able to help win the fight. However, Frostbite is killed in the scuffle. Eaglethorn believes that Dusksight left her to be overrun. 
The two warriors carry Frostbite’s body back to camp. When they return, they learn that while they were gone, Skystar died, and Darkstar has risen to power. He has yet to name a deputy, but interrupts Frostbite’s vigil to give Eaglethorn an apprentice (Flickerkit) and names her deputy. The Clan is apprehensive about such a young cat becoming deputy so quickly, but nobody argues with her appointment. 
Whiteflower is able to stabilize Dawnpaw with the flower, and carefully plants the seeds near camp. She tells Dusksight that she suspects that Skystar’s death was likely a murder: Darkstar had said that he and Skystar went on a patrol and were attacked by Rogues, and that Skystar died saving him, but Skystar’s body didn’t indicate that there was a fight, just an attack. Dusksight realizes that he was right to be suspicious of Darkstar all along.
When they return to the medicine cat den, they see Dawnpaw briefly transform into a Rogue, similar to Dusksight.
Book Four: SHADE
Once Dawnpaw is cleared to return to her training, Dusksight begins teaching her to control her Rogue form. She joins him on his nightly patrols. 
Eaglethorn does her best as deputy. Sparktail often steps in to help, as Darkstar does little to nothing to help run the Clan. 
Eventually, Graysight confronts Darkstar about doing nothing. The leader insists that he is helping, and that they’ll need him to be ready to fight and defend the Clan from Rogues. Sparktail smooths everything over.
Dusksight and Dawnpaw realize that there are more and more Rogues near the border. They do their best to let others know so that the Clan is prepared, without revealing their nightly patrols.
A handful of Rogues attack camp; Darkstar leaps to the front of the group of defending warriors. Before a single blow is exchanged, he loudly orders the Rogues to leave AmityClan’s territory. The Rogues hesitate, and he repeats himself. To the disbelief of the gathered cats, the Rogues turn tail and run. The Clan immediately changes tune, and begins treating Darkstar with awe and respect.
Dusksight begins recognizing the same handful of Rogues that are always on the border. In his Rogue form, he follows them off of AmityClan territory. He sees a pair of Rogues together, one large and imposing and one very small, and can’t shake the idea that he recognizes them from somewhere.
Darkstar begins joining border patrols, and scaring off Rogues that are hanging near the border. Eaglethorn still struggles to fulfill her duties, as Darkstar continues not to help with leadership.
Darkstar makes Dawnpaw a warrior over a moon early, naming her Dawnstone. She grows close with Eaglethorn, as Darkstar now treats them both very preferentially.
Dusksight is sneaking around Rogue territory when he is confronted by a large gray Rogue. He is intimidated, and doesn’t immediately attack; the two stare at each other, and finally the Rogue struggles to say “Duskpaw”. Dusksight then realizes he is looking at the spirit of Skystar.
Book Five: LIGHT
Dusksight shares his discovery with his friends Timberstep and Sparrowheart, as well as with Whiteflower and Dawnstone. He begins recognizing other lost and dead Clanmates, including his brother Darkflame, and Dawnstone’s brother Shadekit. 
Whiteflower attempts to speak to StarClan about this, but is unable to learn anything. She confides in her brother that StarClan often communicates by dreams and signs, and she has never spoken directly with a StarClan warrior. She swears him to secrecy, as that knowledge is supposed to be only for medicine cats and leaders.
Darkstar continues to scare away Rogues. However, while Dusksight is on a border patrol with Darkstar, Lionstrike, Sweetsnap, and Quillstep, they encounter a massive Rogue that isn’t intimidated by the leader. Dusksight, who had been left behind to leave a border marker, transforms and chases the Rogue away. The patrol recognizes him as a Rogue who has been helpful in the past; they thank him and leave. Once they are gone, he returns to his normal form, pleased that his Clanmates seem to be coming around to his Rogue form.
Darkstar begins growing temperamental and paranoid. He often punishes cats harshly for “disrespecting” him, and the Clan becomes somewhat divided over his leadership. Sparktail and Eaglethorn attempt to keep the Clan running smoothly. 
Dusksight and company begin trying to figure out how to oust Darkstar. Dusksight keeps seeing Rogue Skystar near the territory, and tries to communicate with him.
Dusksight catches Darkstar plotting with some Rogues, and realizes the intimidations were all staged. 
One morning, Rogue Skystar appears near camp, and Dusksight tries to get him to leave. However, he realizes that the Rogue is focused on the flowers that had cured Dawnpaw. Skystar is attacked by a nearby patrol and chased off. 
Dusksight picks a flower and brings it to the edge of AmityClan territory. He calls for Skystar, and the former leader soon arrives. The Rogue eats the flower, and is able to speak more easily. He tells Dusksight that all Rogues were restless spirits unable to reach StarClan. Dusksight asks how he can help, but the flower’s effects seem to wane, and Skystar is unable to answer. Dusksight sees his brother again, and resolves to find a way to cure the Rogues.
After discussing it with Whiteflower, Dusksight comes up with a plan. Whiteflower will order the Clan not to attack, and Timberstep, Sparrowheart, and Dawnstone will ensure the Clan listens to her. Dusksight leads Skystar’s spirit to the center of camp. Darkstar tries to attack the Rogue, but Dawnstone is able to convince Eaglethorn to help her keep the leader subdued. Dusksight gives Skystar’s Rogue another of the flowers, and asks the Rogue to tell the Clan what happened to him. Skystar reveals Darkstar’s treachery. 
The Clan turns on their leader, who transforms into a Rogue, and attacks Dusksight. Dusksight transforms as well, and fights back; he is able to turn the tide of the fight, but accidentally kills the leader. Darkstar’s Rogue form rises from his body, and leaves the camp. 
Skystar’s spirit changes to reflect how he looked in life; he thanks Dusksight for bringing him peace, and warns the Clan that Darkstar has been plotting for months, and will not let the Clan oust him peacefully. He then ascends to StarClan. 
Book Six: AMITY
Eaglestar takes control of AmityClan, and appoints Sparktail her deputy. Dusksight and Dawnstone explain their abilities to the Clan. While some of their Clanmates are fearful, a majority treat them the same. Eaglestar confides in Dusksight and Whiteflower that she received all nine lives from StarClan, something that hasn’t happened in generations.
Rogues begin trespassing on AmityClan’s territory. Darkstar is seen prowling the border as well. However, some Rogues begin showing up near camp, peacefully sitting and waiting nearby. Dusksight goes to speak with the peaceful Rogues, and brings them one of the white flowers so that he can speak with them. 
Shadekit and Amberflame are two such Rogues; Amberflame says he wishes to remain nearby and help in the coming battle. Dawnstone speaks with Shadekit, and is able to bring him peace. He returns to how he looked in life, and ascends to StarClan.
The Clan prepares for battle. More Rogues come to aid them. Amberflame is eventually able to communicate without the aid of the flowers. 
Darkstar and his army attack. The battle is intense, and the Clan must deal with waves of Rogues arriving to replace the ones they’ve already defeated. Darkstar eventually appears and attacks Dusksight. The Rogue nearly wins, but Amberflame comes to his brother’s aid, giving Dusksight the opportunity to kill Darkstar and end the battle.
Amberflame and a handful of other Rogues ascend to StarClan, finding peace in being able to defend their Clan.
Eaglestar names Dusksight the Clan’s Ambassador, and Dawnstone his apprentice, putting them in charge of helping to bring the Rogues peace, and help to repair the boundary between the worlds of the living and dead.
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little-pondhead · 1 year
Day 4: Fractals
"Clockwork! I finished the mission!" Danny zoomed through his mentor's tower, avoiding mysterious doors and ticking clocks. He knew that if he lingered too long, it would be all too easy to get sucked into another time, lost to the whim of the cosmos.
And Danny didn't want that! He had a test Monday! He planned to use the next few hours for study right after his report to Clockwork.
A shudder ran through Danny's body as the time medallion in his chest buzzed. The timeline changed again. He didn't think much about it, as this was frequent. Once the Ancient of Time came into view, all thoughts of the timeline left his mind, and Danny quickly closed the gap between him and Clockwork.
"Thank you, Daniel." Clockwork seemed distracted, bent over and poking around the inner workings of a destroyed clock. Huh. Danny had never seen one of the clocks break in the tower before. Oh well. "I believe I promised you a weekend of rest. Please put the artifact over there, and I'll ensure none of your rogues leave the Realms for the time being."
Danny perked up, trilling in excitement. "Okay!" He emptied the contents of his utility belt onto the table Clockwork had summoned, noting with mild curiosity that the artifact was a small metal compass, with the needle pointing south rather than north. How strange.
Whatever. A small portal opened up to his left, presumably leading straight to his bedroom. "Bye, Clockwork! See you later!"
The ghost did not look up, but Danny could hear the smile in his voice. "Goodbye, Daniel. I'll see you tomorrow."
Tomorrow? Didn't he mean Monday? His mentor's demeanor and response seemed off, but Danny just shrugged and dove into the swirling green. He trusted Clockwork, but sometimes he couldn't help but wonder if the old ghost was losing it.
"Clockwork! I finished the mission!" Danny zoomed through his mentor's tower, avoiding mysterious doors and ticking clocks. He knew that if he lingered too long, it would be all too easy to get sucked into another time, lost to the whim of the cosmos.
And Danny didn't want that! He had a test Monday! He planned to use the next few hours for study right after his report to Clockwork.
A shudder ran through Danny's body as the time medallion in his chest buzzed. The timeline changed again. He didn't think much about it, as this was frequent. Once the Ancient of Time came into view, all thoughts of the timeline left his mind, and Danny quickly closed the gap between him and Clockwork.
"Thank you, Daniel." Clockwork seemed distracted, bent over and poking around the inner workings of a destroyed clock. Huh. Danny had never seen one of the clocks break in the tower before. Oh well. "I believe I promised you a weekend of rest. Please put the artifact over there, and I'll ensure none of your rogues leave the Realms for the time being."
Danny perked up, trilling in excitement. "Okay!" He emptied the contents of his utility belt onto the table Clockwork had summoned, noting with mild-huh? Danny paused, peering down at the little compass sitting in his hands. Why did this feel familiar? The needle was wobbling but was still pointing true south.
True south?
Whatever. A small portal opened up to his left, presumably leading straight to his bedroom. Danny forgot about his concerns. "Bye, Clockwork! See you later!"
The ghost did not look up, but Danny could hear the smile in his voice. "Goodbye, Daniel. I'll see you tomorrow."
Tomorrow? Didn't he mean Monday? His mentor's demeanor and response seemed off, but Danny just shrugged and dove into the swirling green. He trusted Clockwork, but sometimes he couldn't help but wonder if the old ghost was losing it.
"Clockwork! I finished the mission!" Danny zoomed through his mentor's tower, avoiding mysterious doors and ticking clocks. He knew that if he lingered too long, it would be all too easy to get sucked into another time, lost to the whim of the cosmos.
And Danny didn't want that! He had a test Monday! He planned to use the next few hours for study right after his report to Clockwork.
A shudder ran through Danny's body as the time medallion in his chest buzzed. The timeline changed again. He didn't think much about it, as this was frequent. Once the Ancient of Time came into view, all thoughts of the timeline left his mind, and Danny quickly closed the gap between him and Clockwork.
"Thank you, Daniel." Clockwork seemed distracted, bent over and poking around the inner workings of a destroyed clock. Huh. Danny had never seen one of the clocks break in the tower before. Oh well. "I believe I promised you a weekend of rest. Please put the artifact over there, and I'll ensure none of your rogues leave the Realms for the time being."
Danny stuttered to a halt, alarm bells going off in his head. Where had he heard that before? This whole meeting was giving him a strong sense of deja vu and not the fun kind. Carefully, with his eyes trained on Clockwork, Danny slipped his hand inside his utility belt. His clawed fingers brushed the small package he'd retrieved on his mission. It was the compass. He'd bet anything it was pointing south. Where Clockwork was sitting.
Come to think of it, what was his mission?
Danny didn't remember.
"Daniel? Is there something wrong?" Clockwork finally looked at him, and Danny felt a sense of wrong wash over his body.
"You're not Clockwork." He whispered, eyes wide.
Time seemed to freeze, and then reality warped. The being who wore Clockwork's face lunged forward, arms outstretched. Faster than he could blink, claws wrapped around his face and his vision went black-
"How's the young halfling doing?" One of the Observants asked, cold voice echoing throughout the tiny chamber he was in.
Another Observant leaned forward and tapped on the glass of a crystal compass. The mechanism had been cracked and tainted with green ectoplasm dripping from under the lid and onto the floor.
"He is resisting." The second Observant stated, straightening themselves. "But no matter, another turn of the needle, and he'll restart the day again. This is nothing more than a fluke."
"Yessss," The first Observant hissed. "I have faith in your capabilities, but remember the little Phantom is stronger than you might think. Keeping him locked in an Eternal Fractal won't hold him forever."
"We don't need forever. We just need him to End."
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hannahmanderr · 1 year
DannyMay Day 2 - Backpack
Words: 2,725
Summary: In which Dash becomes strangely invested in other people's personal belongings (FFN)
“It’s okay, man,” Kwan said, clapping Dash on the shoulder. “Lancer’s a nice guy! He’s had your back before.”
“Yeah, before,” Dash muttered. Before Lancer suddenly got all up in arms about student athletes’ academic performance and began cracking down on him and his buddies. 
It was all unfair, in Dash’s opinion. He was the star of the football team! He’d made the starting lineup as a freshman and led the team to their first playoff appearance in a decade. Who cared if he got a couple of lousy grades when he was 17 for 21 in completions at the last game? With no interceptions!
But no. Lancer had to play hardball with him just because he was sitting at a D- in his class. It was only October, there was still plenty of time to pull it up. And a D- was still a passing grade, right? So long as it wasn’t an F.
That hadn’t stopped Lancer from pulling him aside in class yesterday and telling him that until he could get up to at least a C in the class, he’d be prohibited from seeing any active play time. He’d gotten absolutely reamed by the coach over the whole thing at last night’s practice.
And so there he was, standing outside of Lancer’s classroom at the end of his study hall, right before his English class, trying to work up the guts to go in and ask (beg) for some sort of extra credit. They had one of the most important games of the season next week, there was no way he could miss that. Kwan had only come as moral support. And to offer his services as an English tutor, if necessary (Dash never would’ve guessed, but Kwan had a surprising knack for writing. Some of his friend’s poems and stuff weirded him out, but hey, if Kwan’s hidden talent could save his hide, he wouldn’t complain).
Dash groaned loudly and buried his face in his hands. “He’s not gonna give me anything. He’ll just tell me some teacher thing about, I don’t know, thinking about the consequences before I decided to flunk, or something.” Which wasn’t even a fair assessment. It’s not like he’d chosen to get bad grades. They just kind of… happened. He could only nag Mikey into ‘helping’ him with his homework so many times before it got suspicious.
Kwan, always the chipper one, grabbed Dash by the shoulders and steered him towards the door. “Nah, you don’t know he’ll say that!” he declared over Dash’s protests. “It’s like my mom always says: you won’t know until you try!”
“Kwan, wait-” Dash said, but it was too late. Kwan had pushed open the door and him inside. He panicked; he hadn’t worked out what to say or anything!
He was so focused on scrambling to come up with a reasonable plea that it took him longer than it should’ve to process the fact that Lancer wasn’t sitting at his desk. The teacher wasn’t in the classroom at all, actually. No one was.
“Huh,” Kwan said, echoing Dash’s thoughts. “I could’ve sworn he did lunch detentions this period.”
“He does,” Dash responded. “He gave one to Fenton for being late for, like, the billionth time yesterday. And he gave one to Dale for texting Tiffanie during class.”
Kwan stifled a laugh. “At this rate, Lancer’s gonna have the whole team benched!”
Dash didn’t find the joke funny. Partially because he didn’t appreciate the jab at his expense, but also because he’d just noticed that the classroom wasn’t completely empty.
“Hey, whose bag is that?” he asked, pointing at the ratty purple thing leaning against the leg of a desk in the second row.
The backpack had certainly seen better days; the straps were frayed, a variety of stains and dirt splotched the bag in an irregular pattern, and the canvas was completely torn in the very front pocket. It was the kind of bag Paulina would probably puke at if it got within ten feet of her.
“Umm…” Kwan hummed as he took a step closer to it. “Isn’t that Fenton’s?”
It was Dash’s turn to stifle a laugh. “Yeah, right,” he said. “Have you seen the way he’s been obsessing over his bag lately? No shot that loser just leaves without it.”
He watched as Kwan considered the argument, but he knew his point was airtight. Fenton had started keeping a death grip on his backpack out of the blue, a little more than a month ago. Other A-list members loved to guffaw over stories about how he would take the thing with him to the bathroom on his famous psychic bladder trips. Some of them thought maybe he was on to something - it was a miracle that so few personal belongings had been ruined during ghost attacks - but most of them used it as an excuse to poke more fun at him. To think Fenton would just leave his bag alone, even during a ghost attack, was dumb.
Still, Kwan looked skeptical. “I don’t know man,” he said. “Like I’m pretty sure that’s his. It’s the same color and stuff.”
An idea manifested itself so clearly in Dash’s head, he could practically feel the lightbulb going off (sue him, he liked watching old, cheesy cartoons with visual gags). He elbowed Kwan and, with a mischievous grin, said, “Only one way to find out.” He snatched the bag off the ground and hoisted it onto the desk, grabbing the zipper.
“Whoa whoa whoa,” Kwan said. He caught Dash’s wrist. “We can’t just go through someone’s stuff like this! What if Lancer comes back and sees us?”
Dash scoffed. “We’ll be quick. And besides, it’s not some random kid’s stuff, it’s Fenton’s.” He quirked an eyebrow and added, “Unless you’re admitting I’m right about it not being his.”
Kwan bit his lip. “I still don’t know, man…”
“Fine then, you can stand there and be a lookout. I still wanna check. And hey, if you’re right, then maybe we can score something juicy on that loser!”
Kwan sighed, still clearly unhappy with Dash, but he didn’t stop his friend from opening up the main pocket and sifting through the bag’s contents.
Algebra book, boring. A few folders stuffed with papers, boring, although the name scrawled across the top of one of them confirmed it was, in fact, Danny Fenton’s. Disheveled notebook, boring. Leftovers from a bagged lunch, gross. A handful of crappy pens and pencils, boring. A silver tube of lipstick, just plain weird.
He was starting to think that it’d been a stupid idea after all (of course it was, why wouldn’t it be? It was loser Fenton they were talking about here) when he saw, sitting innocuously in the bottom of the backpack, Phantom’s ghost catcher.
At least that’s what he thought it was. It looked like the same green and silver thing he always used to suck up the ghosts - it was definitely scratched and dented enough to be his - but it also looked like a soup thermos. A super techy soup thermos, but a soup thermos nonetheless.
Was Phantom’s ghost catcher thingy a thermos? Dash couldn’t really remember. He’d never seen it up close.
Kwan had noticed how Dash had paused so suddenly. “What? What’s in there?” he asked, craning his neck to see.
Carefully, Dash took the thermos out of the bag. “Check this.”
Kwan’s jaw dropped. “Holy crap,” he breathed. “Is that Phantom’s? No wonder Fenton’s been watching that bag like a hawk!”
“You sure it’s actually his? Like come on, why would someone as cool as Phantom give something so important to someone as lame as Fenton?”
“I dunno,” Kwan said, shrugging. “Maybe he found it or something? After one of Phantom’s fights? Or maybe it’s actually his, it’s got his parent’s logo on it.”
Sure enough, stamped into the lid was a stylized F, recognizable by just about every resident of Amity Park. Dash frowned down at it. “Why the heck would Phantom be using one of the Fenton’s dumb inventions?”
Kwan shrugged again. “Are we even sure it’s Phantom’s?”
Dash turned his frown toward his friend. “Dude, you’re the one who said it was Phantom’s first!” At least out loud, he added mentally. “Plus look at it, it’s so beat up and stuff, it’s gotta be his! Who else have we seen using one of these things?” He thrust the thermos at Kwan, but both boys were startled when they heard something clatter against its metal sides.
“Oh my gosh,” Kwan whispered. “There’s a ghost in there right now!”
Dash smacked the back of Kwan’s head. “Idiot, ghosts are, like, squishy! They don’t sound like that!” 
He grabbed the lid, fully intending to twist it off, but Kwan’s uncharacteristic squeak made him pause. “Don’t open it!” Kwan screeched. 
“Quit being such a wuss,” Dash said, twisting the lid again. It popped off easily and, when no ghost came flying out, he shook out its contents into his hand.
Kwan, who had covered his eyes with his hands when Dash opened the thermos, peeked out from between two fingers. When he saw the object in his friend’s hand, he slowly lowered his guard. “A ring?” he asked, bewildered.
Dash echoed the sentiments. It was, in fact, a ring resting in his palm, threaded with a plain silver chain. The ring itself was totally bizarre. The metal, which was freezing to the touch, seemed to radiate with a bright green color. The black onyx setting didn’t protrude too far from the body of the ring, but it had to be wide across in order to house the main stone - a large emerald, surrounded by tiny ruby studs. When Dash raised the ring in between two fingers and twisted it, he could see a pattern being formed in the stone’s facets. A face of some sort?
The whole ensemble reminded Dash of the class ring his mom had ordered for him last year. Somewhat bulky, very showy, and very unlike Fenton. Judging by its creep factor, it seemed more like Manson’s style than anything. It didn’t help that when he held it, he felt his heart seize up in a sudden sense of foreboding, as if he was being hunted. A cold breeze brushed against the hairs on the back of his neck despite the fact that the AC was definitely not running. Some sort of strange, inhuman beat thrummed in his chest, out of sync with his heart.
It was unpleasant. He shifted his hold onto the silver chain, and the feelings abated. Mostly, anyway.
Kwan whistled. “Wow. A rock like that’s gotta be worth some serious change.”
“You think?” Dash asked absently. He was still distracted trying to decide whether the flash of anxiety had actually been triggered by the ring or not, though he didn’t fail to notice the fact that Kwan made no move to touch it.
“Totally. Look at the size of that thing! It’s like, bigger than my thumbnail.”
Dash shot his friend a look. “Dude. I’ve told you, you gotta stop making weirdly specific comparisons.”
“Hey, I’ll have you know that Lancer was all over my ‘descriptive capabilities’ in that last creative writing assignment,” Kwan said, folding his arms across his chest. “Either way, though, I gotta wonder how on earth Fenton could get his hands on something that fancy. Unless if it’s like, a family heirloom or something. Don’t you remember how he had that pop-up garage sale just to afford those sweats for that one party you had?”
The gears in Dash’s head churned faster and faster as the pieces began to fall into place. “Yeah…” he admitted slowly. “And look at it. Fenton wouldn’t be caught dead wearing something like this.”
Kwan looked up at Dash from the ring. He raised an eyebrow; Dash could tell he recognized the look on his face. “What are you thinking?”
Dash grinned. “I’m thinking that we were right about that thing being Phantom’s ghost catcher,” he said, pointing to the thermos with his jaw. “Fenton probably saw him put the ring in there and stole it from him! Maybe he thinks the ring is valuable and he’s waiting for the chance to sell it!”
“Maybe,” Kwan mused. “How would he have stolen it from Phantom in the first place, though? And why would Phantom put a ring in his ghost catcher?”
“Bro, look at this thing and try and tell me it’s not some ghost thing. Don’t you feel that creepy vibe it’s giving off?”
Kwan shrugged noncommittally. “Okay, so we’ll say it’s Phantom’s. You wanna, what, try and return it?”
“Yeah, exactly!” Dash exclaimed. “Think about it! Even if the ring is worthless, Phantom’s gotta be wondering where his ghost catcher went. If we tell him we found it and we give it back to him, it’ll totally establish the three of us as bros! He’ll be so grateful, he’ll definitely want to hang with us.”
Kwan opened his mouth to respond, but he was cut off by the ringing of the bell. Dash let loose a string of swears that would absolutely earn him a detention if Lancer had heard him; he snatched the thermos off the desk and dropped the ring and chain back in it. He swung his own bag off his shoulder and, despite Kwan’s sputtering protests, shoved the thermos in.
Satisfied, he threw Fenton’s bag back onto the ground and pulled Kwan towards their usual seats on the other side of the classroom just as the first student walked in.
“What are you doing?” Kwan hissed at him. “Fenton’s totally gonna realize it’s gone! And how are we even supposed to find Phantom to give it back to him?”
A thought flashed across Dash’s mind, making him chuckle at how both of their roles had switched. “Oh, Kwan, dear pal of mine,” he said, “it’s like your mom says: we won’t know until we try.”
Kwan slid into his seat, but kept a glare trained on his friend. “Using my mom like that? Low blow, man.”
Dash watched as more students filed into the room. Mia was busy shooing away Ricky, who kept trying to insert himself between her and Sarah while she showed her something on her phone. Paulina perched herself in the chair in front of him, raving about some sort of girl drama he usually only pretended to pay attention to. Manson and Foley entered a minute later. Their heads were bent close together, and they were whispering furiously about something, even after they took their seats.
Strangely enough, Lancer and Dale were still missing from the room by the time the bell rang. Less strangely, Fenton was late as well.
Dash didn’t really notice. He was preoccupied with watching Manson and Foley, who apparently hadn’t noticed that their third member had left his precious backpack unattended. He scoffed. They were probably too wrapped up in one of their stupid arguments to notice, although the last time they’d gotten into a fight, freshmen were swearing up and down that the two of them could be heard all the way from the gym.
A full four minutes after the bell rang, students had begun muttering about leaving class if Lancer didn’t show. To their disappointment, including Dash’s, the teacher rushed in a moment later looking particularly frazzled. He was followed closely by Dale, who looked downright traumatized, and Fenton, who simply looked bored.
“I apologize for the delay, students,” Lancer said as he shuffled the papers on his desk. “Our lunch detention was rudely interrupted by a ghost who thought it funny to try and make us bungee jump off the school roof… sans bungee cords.”
Well that helped explain why Fenton had left his bag behind. And why Dale, who was deathly afraid of heights, looked like he was about to puke all over his desk.
Dash stole another glance at Fenton, who’d joined his loser friends in their whispering. Manson and Foley, he’d noticed, had relaxed significantly once they’d seen Fenton. More importantly, none of them had paid any attention to Fenton’s bag.
Dash grinned triumphantly. “See Kwan?” he whispered. “I’m telling you, this is gonna work out just fine.”
Kwan only shook his head and pulled out his notebook. “I hope you’re right, bro.”
To be continued in Day 27 - Rings
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laxyaklovesloz · 4 months
DannyMay 2024 #02 Wish
“You know, when I wished to go to school, I didn’t think about homework,” Chelsea complained. She sat at the kitchen table with Jacob by her side.
He groaned, “Yeah, homework sucks.”
“Don’t worry,” Eleanor said, “I’ll help you if you need it.”
“Thanks, Mom,” Chelsea said with a weary smile. “I think we’re good for now.”
“I’ll just leave you two alone, then,” Eleanor said and left the room.
Chelsea watched her go upstairs and sighed. “Finally, we’re alone.”
“Yeah, but we still have homework,” Jacob reminded her.
“I have something to tell you, and it’s way better than homework,” Chelsea whispered.
Jacob looked up, surprised by his cousin’s conspiratorial tone. “What’s up?” he asked.
Even though she had just watched her mom leave, Chelsea looked around the room for any spies. Seeing none, she leaned in close, Jacob copying her.
“Don’t you wish you could meet Phantom?” Chelsea asked.
“Who doesn’t?” Jacob said, perking up. “He’s the coolest guy in the world!”
“Not so loud!” Chelsea warned. They leaned in more. “Well, I’ve met him. Multiple times.”
“No way!” Jacob whisper-shouted.
Chelsea continued, “He has a secret that he’s letting me share with you, and only you.”
“Why would he share a secret with you?” Jacob asked. “You’re new in town.”
“Because I have the same secret,” Chelsea answered, grinning. “Now, don’t freak out. No one else can know about this.”
She backed up her wheelchair from the table and closed her eyes. “Ghost time!” she breathed. She felt the rings of light travel up and down her body as she transformed. The sensation was still strange. Once her transformation was complete, she opened her eyes and looked at Jacob. His mouth was hanging open.
Chelsea smirked. “What do you think?”
“Are you…” Jacob stammered. “Are you saying you’re a ghost?”
“Yup!” Chelsea said gleefully. “The term is ‘halfa.’ Half-a-ghost, half-a-human. I’m still getting used to my powers, but Danny is helping me. Ghost powers be gone,” she added under her breath. The transformation reversed and she was human again.
“So, wait, is Danny a… a halfa, too?” Jacob wondered.
“Yeah, that’s his secret. You can’t tell anyone, got it?” Chelsea replied.
“Who is he? As a human, I mean?”
“Can you guess?”
Jacob shook his head. “I’m too stunned to think. Just tell me.”
“His name is Danny,” Chelsea said, “and he looks the same as Phantom.”
“No, really, tell me,” Jacob whined.
“Danny Fenton,” Chelsea revealed. “Fenton, Phantom, the names sound alike. Just like my ghost name. Danny picked it out based on my middle initial and last name. Chelsea Ghost, like Chelsea G. Host.”
Jacob groaned, “That’s so obvious.”
“That’s what I said!” Chelsea agreed. “But he said no one would notice.” She shrugged. “I mean, no one has noticed who he is, why should they notice who I am?”
“Fair point,” Jacob said.
“Now let’s get back to homework,” Chelsea said, picking up her pencil.
“Really? After that bomb you just dropped on me?” Jacob complained. “Show me your powers!”
“I’ll show you tonight, if you want,” Chelsea said. “I’ll come get you from your house. You’ll get to meet Danny, too. Just remember, this is a super duper secret. Got it?”
“Got it,” Jacob said.
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canofspooks · 1 year
DannyMay Day 22 (Cryptid AU)
Summary: Wes gets too curious for his own good, trying to figure out what’s wrong with Amity Park.
Words: 644
Amity Park had been a quiet town, a year ago. Wes wasn't sure what had changed, or exactly when, but the sleepy town had become almost zombie-like. Strange weather, disappearances, lapses in memory, increased reports of paranormal activity… the list went on. Sometimes, Wes felt like he was the only one not overcome with the haze that had seemingly blanketed the people around him. Almost the only one.
Sam Manson, Tucker Foley, and the one they all seemed to be connected to: Danny Fenton.
He was convinced that there had to be some reason they were immune to whatever had possessed everyone else. He just needed to figure out what. So he followed them around. A lot.
It wasn't like he could just ask, "Hey, have you noticed Lancer's eyes have been looking particularly soulless lately?" to complete strangers. That was nuts! Waiting for the trio after school and tailing them on their way home was infinitely more reasonable, and involved less social interaction.
Wes kept a good distance between him and the trio while staying in earshot - not a particularly difficult feat, considering how loud Danny and his friends talked. He was hoping for any clue as to what made them different, but all they seemed interested in discussing was veganism, for some odd reason.
Were they spared from the clutches of whatever supernatural entity had gripped the town because they were vegans? Was the town's meat supply poisoned? The turkey sandwich Wes had eaten for his lunch suddenly had a very delayed, and very sour after-taste.
No, no. Couldn't be that. He would've felt the effects by now.
He picked apart the trio's appearances and tried to think of any shared traits between them. The trouble with that was how different they all were. Why were the three even friends to begin with? It felt like they spent all their time arguing more than anything.
It didn't take long for the group to disperse, leaving Wes to trail along behind Danny in a way he hoped was inconspicuous. He found a bench near Fenton's home and settled down for the long haul.
He wasn't stalking anyone, he was just trying to figure out what to do next. Yeah, that was it.
He just happened to have binoculars.
Danny didn't seem to understand the concept of blinds, so it was easy for Wes to pick out which room was his. The boy had hardly shut the door behind him when Wes could see him gripping his jaw tightly. Skin tore under the nails, but instead of blood there was a dark green ooze. Wes looked away for a moment, holding back a gag. When he turned back to look at the window, the thing that replaced Danny was gaunt, hunched. It looks more like a monster than the person who had stood there before.
Wes didn't waste time. He grabbed his bag, threw it over his shoulders, and left. No way in hell was he going to keep pressing to find out whatever that was. He was leaving town. Forever. Didn't know how, didn't know where he would go instead, but he would never feel safe taking a math test in the same room as that thing.
He stole nervous glances over his shoulder. The walk back home felt like it was miles long. When he finally reached his front door, Wes was flooded with relief.
He rushed up to his room, locked the bedroom door, and emptied his bag out onto the bed. What did he even need to bring? Food, clothes. Start with the basics, he figured. He gathered anything he could think of onto his bed and assessed how to cram it all into one highschooler's backpack.
As he passed by the mirror in the room, he froze.
There, in his reflection, the monster he'd seen in Danny's room. Staring.
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ghostly-penumbra · 1 year
DannyMay 2023. Day Eleven
Summary: A lot of people die at sea.
Part of my Reaper AU.
Warning: Graphic depictions of drowned corprses, mentions of violence, and contemplation of death.
- - -
Their business with the wayward soul finished, Vlad put a firm hand in Danny’s shoulder. “Walk with me, Daniel.” He said.
Danny rolled his eyes but followed easily enough towards the sea.
“What do you want now?” Danny huffed, irritated.
“Is it so strange and unsurmountable the idea that I may want to spend time with my apprentice? No,” he instructed, stopping Danny from wiping his face with a napkin the Fentons had gifted him, “don’t remove your painting just yet.”
Danny lifted an eyebrow and stared at Vlad with open incredulity. They were off the clock, Danny could take off his painting, go home with his foster family and eat mac’n’cheese whilst he did his homework, he didn’t have to stay with Vlad.
“We are going fishing.” Vlad smiled wide, predatory like a shark.
- - -
“Hold it firmly, don’t let them take you under. Souls in places like this one… can be desperate.”
Danny tightened his grip in Vlad’s scythe and did as told, pursing his lips in concentration with a creased frown.
They were standing in the middle of the ocean, with only water around them as far as the (human) eye could see. Beneath them, the Reapers could see thousands upon thousands of souls trapped in the water.
He submerged the tip of the scythe’s blade in the water; the promise of rest for these that had been unable to move on, that had rejected their Reapers and chosen to stay behind and paid the price by being stuck in the place of their demise if they couldn’t anchor themselves to something or someone. Whose only chance at moving on was to wait for another Reaper to take pity on them.
Danny saw them look up at him and gulped.
Most of them had swollen faces, drowning being the most common cause of death here, but he could see clearly the victims of violence there. Anyone not a Reaper would say it was too clearly.
“Steady, Daniel. Like I taught you.”
Danny breathed in deeply and finished submerging the blade in the water, feeling something pull, someone hold tightly with an awful mix of hope and despair. Danny held firm and unyielding.
“Monique Chapeau?” He asked the woman looking at them with hunger in her eyes.
“Your time is long overdue, miss.” He said in perfect French. “Will you finally come with us, or do you choose to stay here?” It may sound cruel to even make that question, but neither of them had been the one charged with Reaping her, if they wanted to do it now, they had to ask.
She looked at him with contained rage and incredulity. “Oui.”
Danny turned to Vlad and returned him his scythe. Calling souls was one thing, Danny still wasn’t allowed to do the actual Reaping.
“Then follow us.” The older Reaper said.
She followed them.
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this-is-z-art-blog · 1 year
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[ID: digital drawing of a human Ember McClain (black hair, tan skin, brown eyes), Harriet Chin, and Danielle in her human form sitting together on the floor, with a partially eaten pizza in a box before them. Ember is wearing a blue tank top, torn black shorts, and blue socks, and has a number of black earrings. Harriet is wearing a light green blouse, blue jeans, and green socks. Danielle is wearing a white shirt with a blue star emblem and blue sleeves, red shorts, and blue socks, and has a single silver earring. Harriet has her arms around the two girls, who are leaning in towards her, all smiling at each other.]
♪ I didn't listen to my mom but that's the thing when you're a kid you don't know what you don't know when you begin if I've learned anything that I can sing, that I can pass along be good and listen to your mom ♪
DannyMay 2023: Day 30, post-reveal
Last shugo phantom piece of the month! In this verse, Ember and Danielle are Vlad and Harriet’s children, and the only way to win a custody battle against a rich white man is to catch him (he’s a supervillain?) throwing your daughter off the roof of city hall (she’s fine she’s a superhero??). Harriet has a very strange time then gets to take her kids home, is the important thing, which you can read about in @jus-a-lil-mouse‘s incredible piece here
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kimerawrt · 4 months
Dannymay 2024, now with kitty paws!
Prompts from my AU, also in AO3
Day 14: Light
Ok, Danny had to admit it, this was one of the strangest forms he had ever taken. It wasn't that he had more limbs than normal or that his size was absurd, actually he was pretty sure he was the size of a normal cat.
What made this form strange was the thing he was made of. Normally, he was made of ectoplasm, sometimes rock, and that one time he was water, but this time he was made of light. Just light in the form of a cat.
Using his eyes in that state was weird. Because he was light, he could see light in a way, though it resembles a little like echolocation, one at super-speed of course.
That was the other weird thing, he was fast. Way too fast. But not in the way that he could run fast, more in that the world now moves too slow and he is the only one moving.
At first it was fun, he could go around the world faster than anything and see a lot of places in less than a minute. But after a while, it got boring. Danny was missing his friends and the normality of not being made of light.
Not wanting to be light anymore, Danny took care of the ghosts that had made him transform in the first place, got his homework done in the best way he could with cat paws, and got some food from a vending machine. Then he transformed back into his human form.
“Uh… Danny? Weren't you going to deal with the ghosts?” Tucker asked, confused. Wasn't Danny standing on the other side?
“Already done it” Danny said while opening a bag of chips.
“How? We just saw you transform” Sam inquired. It wasn’t even a minute ago that they saw the bright flash of light of Danny’s transformation.
“I was made of light” Danny shrugged as if that explained everything.
“Light?” Tucker had a look of awe. That was a new one and the techno-geek was extremely curious about it.
“Yup” Danny nodded while looking uninterested. Of course, he was just pretending as if he was a cat. In reality he was dying to tell his friends everything about it. These cat instincts were making him a tsundere.
“Fine, tell us about it” Sam said while snatching a bag of vegan chips for herself.
“You won't believe how weird it was” Danny started his tale, not noticing Tucker grabbing a bag of bacon savored chips.
The three friends made their way home while Danny rambled about everything he could remember when he was made of light.
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narcissus-dot-png · 1 year
[DANNYMAY23] DAY 26 + 31 Art/Fic Switch & FREE DAY
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"okay i don't think i could do day 26 lol-" say sike right now
tbh this year was busy year, like i had some ups and downs to keep my motivation, but now i made it! i didn't wanted to have same lack of energy had last year! f//king horray!!!
so this is art/fic switch mixed with FREE day yeah? so i forced myself write a fanfic(witch is rarely do) but there's twist:
also disclaimer here: sometimes mostly typo are awful it's because ofc...it's my first fanfic...
"ouch...my...head." said Danny, he opened his eyes in middle of forest,
It was barely dark, he stands up and looking around himself, he has no idea what happened in while ago, the fact he knows he was fighting with one of his ghost enemies earlier that, but that sudden flash makes it harder to remember the details.
He stands up little bit sloppy, his legs felt tired and....strange??..."I feel weird, but at least I'm alright-"
"AAAAAAH!" He jumped out of fear by that pink horse, that pink horse just spammed out of nowhere, "Hey HEY Calm down! are you alright?!" they asked,
"WHO ARE YOU?!" Danny was shocked for sec, he still have no idea what is going on.
"You must be lost don't ya?, no worries" said pink one.
"Follow me!" As she walks away,
"Uhh...wait!" He follows her.
"Can you tell me where am I?, what is this place??" Danny asked,
"Oh!, were in everfree forest!", "okay annndddd...what are you? Like are a mythical thing or?"
"No! I'm a pony just like you!" Pink answered,
"Alright then why you- wait..."
He started to check on himself, his hooves, tail, wings and any single details of himself.
"WHAT HAPPENED TO ME?!?!, HOLY SH-" he look at himself on lake, turns out he's not a human anymore(okay for short he's a pony now)
"I'M...I'M A HORSE!!!!" said freaked out
"Hey, are you...alright?" pink asked with curiosity
"...wait", turns out that flash he remembered was the explosion from one of his friend's laboratory caused this situation!.
"...godamit jimmy..."(yes nicktoons unite ref)
"Who's jimmy?" pink summoned, again.
"AH!!...can you stop doing this?!, I'm already freaking out."
"Oops sorry!" Said pink one, she was energetic and upbeat, is sounds it looks like they casually on sugar rush(that's my best to describe pinkie pie and I don’t say her name yet so we going to call her pink)
"*sigh* calm down danny, calm down..."Finally Danny calms down put himself together” I hope there's way to come back home." Said to himself.
"...so do you wanna come with me?" pink asked
"I said wanna come with me?"
"... I don't want stay In this dark forest so uhh yeah I guess."
"Great!, let's go!"
They walking around the town, it seems like everyone know pink, and sometime in middle on their way she takes some orders, some sort of pastries or cupcakes, “think she have some have a bakery or something” danny said to himself.
They started walking in forest for exit, sound of munching leafs under their hoofs and the sound of birds and little crickets was around the this dark forest.
Pink break the silence(wait didn’t I just pointed the sound of forest?)"So what are you doing here?, I surprised you didn't get affected by poison joke yet!"
"Uhhh what?...no I just ended up this place...for some reason."
"Oh! I bet that must be a big fall heh"
" heh yeah."
"so...you said we are ponies, yeah?" Danny asked
pink nodded, "yeah! I'm a earth pony and you're a Pegasus!, that means you can fly!"
"Uhh okay?” he looks at his wings for moment, it was bright white as his fur, something like swan “and second why are doing here in this dark forest?, are you finding something or?", pink answered "Nope!, I just came back from Zecora's home for some books and stuff for twilight!"
"Yup! My friend! Don't worry you gonna met her soon as we arrived in ponyville!"
"The only thing I want is com back to my universe."
"Your?...universe?" and she froze after min, "yeah the place I liv-" pink jumped on his words "NO WAY!!! YOU MUST BE CAME FROM THAT WORLD TWILIGHT TRAVELED THERE!!!!"
"Wait WHAT?!" danny has no idea what she talking about "what do you mean?, are telling me she did travelled to the human world??" he asked.
"Something something YES!!, maybe she knows about your problem!"
"Wait really?!, if it is so..."
"Here we are!!!" they finally arrived in ponyville!, seems like a peaceful town, every multi coloured ponies was there, in any types like some of them are unicorn, pegasus and some of them are simple like pink!,
“twilight! Were here!” they finally arrived to twi’s castle, it was shiny and crystals was in the walls, shiny and purple.
There you are! pinkie you late little bit…and who is this pony?” said twilight a purple alicorn with dark blue and pink and purple stripes, she comes close to them, pinkie give those books and tools she wanted and introduced danny to twilight “twilight!, I found this pony in middle of everfree!”
“uhh…hi? hehe..nice to meet y-”, “he comes from that world from the mirror!” pinkie jumped in danny’s words
“HEY!” danny added ”I was talking right there!”.
Pinkie’s words caught twilight‘s attention, she looks at danny ”wait?, you said what?”, pinkie said again shortly ”he came from another universe!”.
Twilight comes closer to danny ”you came from human world?!”, “uhh…yeah, I mean I was about to say that but yes I am!” danny answered.
“… pinkie pie, can you go for moment, I need to talk to this guy”
TO BE CONTINUED?(i hope not...)
look if you all liked it will nice but if not...GOOD.
cya next year!
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jupiterlandings · 1 year
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My friend Daniel’s been away on a Very Strange business trip; he’s been writing me about it but it’s been a few days since his last letter…
Dannymay day 1: Fantasy AU.
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