#dannymay videotape
narcissus-dot-png · 1 year
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DANNYMAY '23 DAY 22: Cryptid AU(kinda?)
"Don't you guys ever think he acts lil bit too...strange?"
A prequel/serious ver of this drawing!(dannymay '22 videotape)
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angelic-ish-phantom · 2 years
- When his parents start actively shooting at him, Danny decides now is probably a good time to let them know he’s actually Phantom so that they’ll stop doing that
- Only they are still shooting at him and keep talking about dissecting him and ghosts in general so, like a coward and a clown, he takes the procrastinators route
- He decides that telling them through a recording will allow him to create the perfect iteration of confession
- He does the first with Tucker and Sam and all three of them are terrible at communicating the details
- (“…And I know you think I robbed those stores but—and stay with me on this—there was actually an evil ringmaster that mind controlled and kidnapped me into his crime circus-“)
- (“…If you think about it since you built the portal, it’s lowkey your fault he died-“)
- (“…He actually fights more ghost than you and his sure he’s failing all of his classes because of it but-“)
- (“Ghosts aren’t actually evil! It’s just that only criminals ever actually want to come through the portal. And I know the odds of that are low, but you’ve just got to trust me when I say 90% of the information you’ve put together through your entire lives studying ecto-sciences… is wrong. And that’s okay-“
- They shelf this method of telling his parents. Until Jazz finds out…
- (“I don’t need to have studied psychology to know that if this is the only way you feel you can safely tell our parents then your relationship with mom and dad isn’t okay!!!!”)
- Jazz tries to help him compose his explanation only to get derailed several times as she also learns the ludicrous explanations to half the shit that happens in Amity Park
- Sadder vibes, as Danny just got done TUE-ing, and tries to record a new confession for the first time in a whiiiile, only to immediately cut himself off, because surely things are good as they are now. He doesn’t want to loose his parents again, especially not because they chose to abandon him. He doesn’t want to risk that pain, especially knowing what it might turn him into.
- Some secrets are worth a little consistency right…?
- Fuck bad vibes; Danny opens the next recording immediately jumping into an explanation on why his parents now have an entire other child.
- (“So this is Dani—with an i—your new daughter and my twin although we’re… I’m gonna say 3 years apart??? Now I know what you’re thinking! We didn’t have a third kid! If u aren’t thinking that, I have questions, but you can just stop watching now. Gone? No? Okay so I got cloned-“)
- (“And that is how your other four sons died-“)
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ifyoufindthishi · 2 years
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He really needs to watch where he transforms.
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theleslistuff · 2 years
Dannymay day 3 and 4 college years/videotape
The girl has been walking around the ghost town for a long time, she´s just trying to find a shelter before nightfall.
Strangely enough, despite not knowing anything about combat, just having a wooden stick and being in the middle of a dense fog, she has not found a single monster or anything trying to hurt her...
Almost as if an angel is taking care of her... She stopped at that thought... Turned around... And found that angel... -Danny!- She exclaimed as she saw him hitting a monster with a pipe... -Just..., keep walking...- She smiled as she got closer. -I thought you didn´t want me near Mr. monster-
She said in a strangely happy tone for this situation.
-Don´t call me that...- He left the corpse on the ground. -Couldn´t bear the idea of someone totally defenseless walking around this town..., what are you looking for anyways?- He asked, finally giving up in trying to be sneaky. -I knew you were my friend!, well, I´m just trying to find my dad!- He looked kinda worried -Why would he come here?- She shruged -I don´t know, he just said he worked here, but now... I fear he´s involved into this stuff- Danny pulled out a map from his pocket. -Don´t give up that easily, maybe he´s hiding in the school- He pointed it in the map. -Some people from the outside hide there because... I can´t get in there too...- He gave her the map, she took his arm. -Please... don´t..., the school is just two buildings away, I´ll come to get you two out of there tomorrow, ok?- She let go... -You promise?- He smiled... -I promise...- She got in there with great ease since the monsters looked like they respect the area, once she got through the door a tall man with silver hair and blue eyes appeared in front of her, she screamed. -Don´t you worry miss, you´re safe here, welcome to my sanctuary...- She knew this guy was trying to be kind, but... she had a bad feeling about this, something felt off unlike Danny despite dangerous at night this guy looked like if he was hiding something...
Time passed by...
She tried to look around for other survivors, she could find none, until... she found an old TV in a classroom that she accidentally turned on...
The video had two teenagers looking around the place, exploring until they found a symbol on the floor. -I´m not sure about this Jack...- Said the thin boy with a green, white and yellow shirt with a lab coat to his friend who was wearing an orange and black hazmat suit too. -Come on V- man, just touch it and we can head out, ok?!- The other one tried to complain, but his pleads went unheard as he accidentally step on it, the TV went static..., the sirens now going off, the girl went into the nearest closet, she could see the man getting in... he looked kinda sick... Just like Danny before the last nightfall...
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snedic · 2 years
Dannymay Day 4 - Videotape
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They caught something extraordinary that night...
Once again I'm tossing around the idea of Danny having ectoplasm like in Victorian era photos of mediums. This is supposed to be like the gang having a fun night messing around when they decide to have a seance, and something really connects with Danny...
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floating-pisces · 2 years
Gore TW, Dissection TW
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Dannymay Day 4: Videotape
A good scientist always properly records her findings.
ngjeksbn I read phantom of truth by Haiju when I was 13 and it has shaped how I see maddie since.
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five-rivers · 2 years
When You Wake part 2
For Dannymay Day 4: Videotape.
“Alright,” said Tucker, jumping off the stepladder.  “One video camera installed and ready to catch your freaky sleep disappearing act.”
Danny sat on his bed, and rubbed the sole of his right foot.  “Do you really think it’ll work?  I mean, it’ll only show me getting up and leaving, not why or where I go or anything.”
Tucker shrugged.  “I don’t know, but if we can get you getting up on tape at least we can be sure you aren’t being kidnapped by ghosts.  I understand that’s a big concern.”
“Ugh,” said Danny, collapsing back onto his bed.  “Don’t talk about that as if it’s an actual possibility.  I get enough of it from my parents.”  It would be good to ‘rule it out,’ though.  Maybe then they’d be able to start looking for the real problem.  
Tucker’s lips twisted.  “Yeah, haha.  Sorry.”  He sat down on the bed next to Danny, who promptly threw a pillow at him.  “Hey!  Show some respect, I’m helping you out here.”
“I knowwww,” said Danny, rolling onto his front.  
Tucker patted him on the back.  “Man, you know what would be great?  If we could stick, like, a camera to you, too.”
“Don’t those exist?”
“Not that I can afford,” said Tucker.
“Mom and Dad paid for this camera.”
“Yeah, well, I have no idea what they think is reasonably priced.  But it’d be great to figure out your blackouts in general, not just the sleepwalking thing.”
“I wish.”
Tucker was quiet for a long moment.  Then he sighed with a note of… relief?  
Danny looked up, but Tucker wasn’t doing anything odd, just looking at Danny’s ceiling with a slight frown on his face.  “Is your ceiling different, by the way?”
“Oh,” said Danny, brightening and sitting back up.  “Yeah.  I kind of revamped my constellations!  I wanted to make them more realistic, you know?”  He shrugged.  “It’s a work in progress.”  He was pretty proud of it, even if it wasn’t perfect.  It reflected the night sky much better like this.  
“It looks pretty elaborate.  You’re not doing this instead of sleeping, are you?”
Danny winced.  “At first, I guess, but that didn’t help any, I’d still black out, so…”  
Tucker put an arm around his shoulders and gave him a quick squeeze.  “You’ll get through this, man.”
“Thanks,” said Danny.  “And I can just pop the tape out?”  
“Yeah.  Here, there’s a remote.  Just turn it on before you go to bed, okay?”
Danny stumbled back into his room and glared at the camera, its red recording light staring at him.  
He limped over to his nightstand to dig the camera remote out of the avalanche of volunteer opportunity brochures and hit the button to pop out the tape, then realized that he didn’t have the stepladder, so he was too short to actually pull it out.  There was no way he was jumping for it tonight. Something had happened to his leg.  It felt bruised all up and down its length, as if a giant had grabbed and squeezed it.  
Which was just great.  A mysterious injury was definitely a thing he needed on top of everything else.  Maybe it wasn’t the first mysterious injury, but it definitely hurt.  He hated this.  He hated this so much.  
“Dad?” he called.  “Can you come get the tape?  I want to see what happened!”
It was like unleashing a stampede.  When Jack burst into the room, it evolved that he’d brought the entire TV and the VCR with him.  
“Um,” said Danny, as Jack set the TV down in the center of the room with a clunk.  
“So you don’t have to do the stairs, Danno!  We noticed you were having some trouble on the way up!”
“Oh, thanks,” said Danny.  
Maddie followed while Jack was trying to plug the TV in, and sat down next to Danny on the bed.  
“Can I see your leg?” she asked.  
With a wince, Danny pulled the leg of his pajama pants up.  Maddie frowned, the expression pulling on lines that Danny could swear she hadn’t had earlier this year, before his accident.
“Those are some bruises,” said Maddie.  “But I think they are just bruises.  We have some cream.”  She held up a small tube.  
“Store bought?” 
“Yes, it came with the first-aid kit.”
“No added ectoplasm?”
“Not this tube,” said Maddie, with the grace to look embarrassed.
“Okay, then,” said Danny, reaching for it.  She didn’t give it to him, but unscrewed the cap herself and started applying it.  “Mom,” he said, not really complaining, but still.  
“You aren’t hurt anywhere else, are you?”
“I don’t think so,” said Danny.  “I’m just tired.”
“Alright!” exclaimed Jack.  “Let’s find out what ghost keeps taking Danny.”
Danny rolled his eyes very deliberately.  “Come on, give me the VCR remote.  It’ll be hours before anything happens.  I turned it on at like, nine.”
“I can do it, I can do it!” said Jack, who did indeed fast forward… straight into the part where Danny was gone and his bed empty.  
It took a bit of finingling to get it only a few minutes before Danny left.  
He leaned forward.  Even if this was going to be an underwhelming example of him wandering around like a zombie until he made it out the door, it was still something.  
Danny watched his image on the screen breathe in and out, smoothly, dead asleep, apparently unaware of anything about to happen.  But then he shuddered, a full-body tremor, and went completely still.  
Then, slowly, he sat up, turned and… 
“What,” Danny whispered, his hand creeping up to his eyes.  “What is that?”
“I knew it!” shouted Jack.  “You were overshadowed, Danny-boy!  This is great!  We can fix this!”
“What?  No, no, that has to be… It has to be a– a– I don’t know, a weird red eye effect.”
He knew it wasn’t.  
“Danny,” said Maddie, gripping his shoulders.  “Calm down.  Breathe.”
“Those aren’t–”
The Danny on the screen vanished into thin air.  
The next thing Danny knew, he was in the park and the sun was up.  
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ghostly-penumbra · 2 years
DannyMay 2022. Day Four
Summary: In the cursed school of Casper High, a box is unearthed, within it, a ray of hope shines.
Crossover with the anime Another. Contains BIG, HEAVY spoilers for the anime, namely the origin of the curse, the way it works, and how to stop it. No actual character spoilers tho.
WARNING: For descriptions of death and murder. And some swearing.
- - -
Transcript from the video found in an unmarked USB drive, sealed in a Ziploc bag and buried in a metal box next to Casper High's memorial.
The video starts by showing the face of a girl in her teen years, with black hair and violet eyes. Here eyeliner was smudged, running down her cheeks following the path of dry tears, her eyes are red.
GIRL: This is Sam Manson, second year Casper High student from class C.
Sam stops talking and purses her lips in a bitter smile.
SAM: Yeah, the cursed class. So you probably know how this is going to go.
She stands up and steps back from the camera, sitting down in what becomes clear is a classroom.
SAM: [Sigh] I- I'm recording this because- [Sob] because I can't really tell anyone what happened. What I did. Because they won't actually care; their memories already changed, and even now I can feel mine do the same.
SAM: Besides... I don't wanna face what I did. What it cost to break- to pause the curse.
She looks intensely at the camera.
SAM: So if you are watching this, if you went through the trouble of digging this up, it means you're desperate. And you have to be desperate enough to... to go through with it.
SAM sniffles and looks to the side.
SAM: I guess I should start from the very beginning, with how our curse started.
There is a pause, where SAM breathes in and slowly lets it out.
SAM: It all started twenty years ago, with a trio of friends. Jack, Maddie and Vlad. They were the best of friends, a trio of weird, unpopular kids that only each other liked. They were weirdly obsessed with death and ghosts —as in, "I'll study this when I grow up"—, so it's no wonder things ended up like they did.
She sighs heavily and rubs her face with both hands, tired.
SAM: There was an accident. They were working on a science project, I don't really know the details, but I think they were in their second year, right here in Casper. It went awfully bad, that thing blew up in Vlad's face, and I mean that literally, it exploded right in the moment Vlad was doing maintenance, it scarred his face, put him in a comma, and he died a few weeks later. Lancer —the professor that told this to us— had just started teaching when this happened, and he said that Vlad's death affected the whole school, specially his class, but the Fen- Jack and Maddie more than anyone. So much that they didn't even move on from the denial stage of grief.
The recording glitches for a second, but then goes on as if nothing.
SAM: They refused to accept their friend was dead, and pretended he was still there with them, going to classes, having lunch, hanging out... goes to show the need for therapy, but anyway. Lancer said, that the other students felt pity for them, or they disliked the way the school felt after Vlad died, but whatever the reason, soon the whole class had joined in, and pretended everything was alright, to the point that Lancer himself joined them.
SAM pauses for a second, looking tired, and sighs.
SAM: That's really fucked up, man. Nothing happened to them, that year or their next, but once their generation graduated and another one came in, the curse set in, and students or their relatives began dying. The reigning theory is that after the Vlad incident, our class was... marked... as one that welcomes the dead, and every year, there is a student that is a ghost, someone that died before classes started, but no one remembers... not even the ghost themselves. Reality gets warped, school records change, pictures, videos... honestly, I don't know if this thing will be complete or coherent when you find it. I sure hope so, for your sake; I'll put it in a... special container, in any case.
The video glitches again.
SAM: No one remembers who died, and that's the thing, not even Death remembers who died, so it kills us at random until it hits the mark.
There is bitterness in her voice and her lips curl up in a sneer.
SAM: Fucking idiot can't do its one fucking job right and we get fucked over for it.
There is a crash as something breaks off-camera, but SAM doesn't flinch, only glares towards it with the fury of a thousand suns, and after a moment where nothing happens, she continues.
SAM: And now comes the worst part, for me, at least. If you have been paying attention, you know where this is going. It sucked for me and it will suck for you.
SAM's eyes begin to water, and she takes deep breaths. She carries on.
SAM: The only way to... to pause the curse for your class, not to stop it, because a freshman died a few days ago, is by returning the dead to Death. You have to find out who is the ghost in your class, and kill them.
SAM's lips tremble, and her shoulders shake.
SAM: I know this because that's what I did, two weeks ago.
A tear runs down her cheek. The video glitches.
SAM: Our curse was getting worse; the deaths were happening more often, they were bloodier, and the "ignore one kid" method had stopped working when Mikey —our "kid—, died... we still don't know if that was because of the curse, or just another unfortunate death... we were running out of time, and had no more ideas, so we just tried our luck and went to this old church outside Elmerton. It's just a fucking tourist trap, but we needed anything to hope; fuck, I'm Jewish and I went anyway.
She closes and opens her fists where they rest in the hem of her skirt.
SAM: We were praying and shit, when Tucker —my friend who knows a lot about technology— said he had found a weird wifi signal, with a name he recognized, so we went to check it out...
SAM: That church we went to, it has this stupid statue of a Saint or something, and its eyes are supposed to shine really bright in a certain way when something divine happened- I don't know! But lo and be-fucking-hold, there was a fucking panel of control, connected to the lightning system in the statue and... and stuck there, was mister Lancer, choked by several cords, dead... we didn't know how he ended up like that, or when did he get separated from us, but there he was... we freaked out, Tucker ran to alert the others, and Danny- [Sob] our... our other friend, stayed behind with me. He wanted to get Lancer out of there, show respect for him. I told him we should just leave and run away... we started arguing, started yelling at each other... we were very fucking stressed, and taking out on each other, and when push came to shove—
SAM's voice breaks, and she starts crying openly now.
SAM: I pushed him! Right towards Lancer and that fucking hazard of a panel and- and it killed him! Electrocuted him to death...
SAM sobs, and tries to stop the flow of tears with her hands, but only smears more her eyeliner.
SAM: I killed Danny. I killed my best friend. And then I remembered, it wasn't the first time I had done that...
SAM: The summer before our freshman year, Danny's parents, Jack and Maddie Fenton, had built this... thing, they wanted it to be a portal to the afterlife, they wanted to find ghosts, still. But it didn't work, because of course it didn't. So we went to check it out, because I wanted to. I convinced Danny to get inside it to take him a picture, and I don't know why or how... it turned on, with Danny inside. The portal electrocuted him to death, and I didn't remember until it happened again, until I killed him for a second time.
Tears keep running down her face, but SAM is no longer sobbing. She just has a resigned expression on her face as she stares off into the distance.
SAM: I ran to find Tucker, and found the class getting ready to go. Scared. I told him what had happened, how I killed Danny again but... he didn't remember. He only remembered Danny as some kid we used to hang out with when we were little, not as our best friend we had seen die on his basement, or the classmate that had been with us since our first year. So I took him to see his body... but it wasn't there anymore, only Lancer's.
SAM: He- he thinks I've gone crazy from everything, but I know I'm not because since that day, no one else has died, neither a student nor a relative. It's all as it should be... and I hate it.
SAM: So there you have it. To break the curse, you have to kill the extra student. No matter who it is... not matter how much they deserve to live... more than you, or your classmates. Look for someone with gaps in their memory, try finding any records... don't fall into panic... and try not to die.
SAM stands up tiredly and walks towards the camera, presumably to turn it off, but before she can reach it, the video glitches once again, and the dark figure of a boy with his whole body burnt and covered in Lichtenberg figures appears behind her, icy blue eyes staring right at her.
SAM's hand reaches the camera, and the video ends.
Holly fuck that’s probably the longest fic I’ve written yet. When I finally finish this (which will be in a long while) I’m probs gonna ask for someone to beta it so it’s better.
Some thoughts:
This portal is still a safety hazard and that’s why it kills Danny. It doesn’t actually work and that’s why Danny doesn’t come back. Danny died because Jazz’s was in the cursed class and Death got to him.
SPOILER: I had other ideas on how this could go down, with a counselor Vlad being the Another to parallel better the anime, and having the OG ghost back again. Or maybe Jazz.
Mikey did die in a normal, non-cursed way. It was a tragedy not only because he was so young, but because it unleashed the curse again.
Lancer died in that church in Elmerton even though they were outside Amity at the time because in my head, a long time ago Elmerton actually used to be part of Amity Park, but it became its own city/town at some point, but the curse doesn’t care.
Should I tag as ambiguous ending?
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Dannymay 12,022, Anthropocine Era, ao3
“Mom, Dad, we need to talk.”  That’s what Danny had said to them that afternoon, Jazz and his friends behind him.  He looked and sounded so serious, so nervous, that both Fentons dropped the blueprints they had been working on in the living room and Maddie cupped Danny’s cheeks and Jack pulled Jazz into a tight embrace.  They asked what was wrong and Danny shuffled his feet in place when Tucker spoke up instead.
“Does your lab have a security camera, by any chance?  It may be easier to show than tell.”
Jack arched a brow and frowned.  “What happened in the lab?”  
Danny shrugged and took a deep breath.  “Yeah that… you need to promise that you’ll listen, alright?  Not hear what I’m saying then throw it back without even thinking about what was said so that I’ll do what you say faster, I mean you need to actually listen and process what we say after we show you the video, ok?”
“Sweetie, we always listen to you!”
“No, Mom, you don’t.  We need you to actively pay attention to what Danny has to share with you today.  It’s beyond important to him!”
“I’ve been keeping something to myself for a while now, cause I don’t know how you’ll react.  But you’re my parents, and I love you, and I know you love me too.  When I told you that I’m a boy you said you’d love me no matter what I am, right?”
“My baby boy, of course!  Nothing could make us stop loving you, Danny!”
“You’re our son, Danny, and on my name, as a Fenton, I swear that whatever this secret is, we’ll always love you because you’ll always be our son.”
They hugged, and Danny already had tears in his eyes - something they hadn’t seen in ages now that Maddie thought about it.  Still, Danny lead them all downstairs and Jazz logged into the system they’d made specifically for Fentonworks.   She scrolled back to the day that Danny was shocked in the lab and had to go to the hospital, the day the portal started working while they were out.  Jazz rose from the seat after bringing the security footage to a frame where the lights had been turned on with the switch at the stairs, and gestured for either parent to sit, which Maddie accepted with some trepidation.   What could possibly have happened that Danny couldn’t just tell them about it?  That had been going on all that time?
Maddie pressed play on the video and wished desperately that she hadn’t.
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cookietastic · 2 years
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Dannymay Day 4: Videotape
Think it would be cool if Danny’s Hair and Eyes doing things when a lot of ghost are near
Bonus Quick Doodle
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kostektyw · 2 years
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Dannymay 2022 Day 4: videotape
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dannymayevent · 2 years
Dannymay 2022
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Anddd we're BACK for Dannymay 2022! This year we're switching it up a little bit and decided to include AU Monday where we're featuring a new popular AU each week (plus a bonus day on the 28th). As always for these prompts. you can draw, write, create music, make a video, craft something cool, really whatever you want! Crossovers and OC's are allowed for all prompts!
Whether you just wanna do one prompt or all of them, everyone's welcome to join! This is a fun event first and foremost, so go at your own pace. Once you're done with your creation, post it to Tumblr with the #Dannymay2022 tag so we can see it!
Below the cut, I will give a brief explanation for the 6 AU/HC's included, as well as a few other prompts that need an explanation. I will also put a text list of all of the prompts. If you have any other questions, feel free to send an ask!
AUs/Other Prompts Explained
New Genre/Style: This is a day for you to either draw DP in a new art style, or write a fic in a "genre" that you typically don't write in (example: If you're like me and tend to gravitate towards writing all angst and hurt/comfort fics, then maybe try fluff or crack!).
No One Knows AU: A "what if?" scenario exploring a universe where Danny was alone on the accident (aka no Sam and Tucker). As you can imagine, this has great potential for angst.
Ghost King AU: This is a scenario where Danny becomes the ghost king after defeating Pariah Dark.
Portal AU: -First AU: This is a situation where Danny becomes the portal in the accident. He essentially throws up ghosts. -Second AU: The portal is sentient.
Disabled Danny AU: In this AU, Danny is disabled. Whether he was born that way, as a result of the portal accident or something else. He can be autistic, paralyzed, dyslexic, need a prosthetic limb, etc.
Inverse/Reverse Trio: Role reversal! -Reverse Trio: ghost Sam, nerd Danny, goth Tucker. -Inverse Trio: ghost Tucker, nerd Sam, goth Danny.
Corpse AU: A scenario where when halfas die, they leave behind a body. Maybe Danny/the trio need to hide or bury the body, or someone/the cops find the body, or something else!
Free Day: Including this because we get questions every year about it. This day is a free for all! Write/draw whatever your heart desires so long as it relates to DP!
Full List of Prompts
New genre/style
No One Knows AU
College years
Lab safety
Stained glass
Ghost King AU
Blood blossom
Ghost biology
Portal AU
Disabled Danny AU
Inverse/Reverse Trio
Corpse AU
Free Day
See you on May 1st!
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chasingrabbits-art · 2 years
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DannyMay day 4: videotape
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theghostlykat · 2 years
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I have the impression that Tucker always records these two lovers to rub it in later
tengo la impresion de que tucker siempre graba a estos dos enamorados para restregarlo mas tarde
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danidump · 2 years
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Dannymay Day 4: Videotape
I had a cute story idea where Jazz is going through old tapes looking for baby videos of her and Danny, lamenting that all she can find are Jack and Maddie’s “haunted house” videos from their early days of ghost research, but I’m not much of a fic writer. So instead have Technus getting tricked into possessing a TV and getting recorded onto a VHS tape (much like he got trapped in DOOMED)
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themaxmess · 2 years
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ghost zone shenanigans
dannymay day 4: videotape
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