#dark!eris x oc
readychilledwine · 1 year
Death of Peace of Mind - Part 1
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Summary - We all believe Eris has a cabin hidden in the Autumn woods that he keeps his mate in, but what if she wasn't there willingly?
Warnings - technically kidnapping, sighs of setting in Stockholm Syndrome, technically signs of abuse/neglect towards a partner, inferred smut
A/N - this part is fairly mild, but the ending should tell you all what's coming. This is a pretty big time jump between this part and the little preview *link coming soon.* at this point our "unnamed" oc has been trapped in Eris's cabin for 7 months now
Ps- do we think Eris and Lucien need their own foxboy dividers? (I low-key do)
Part two
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*6 months into her entrapment*
Eris had left his mate alone in his cabin for a  month now. Warding her within the 20 foot radius he gave her for exploration. 
It had taken time to tame her. More time than he had wanted it to, but he still knew it was what was best for her. 
He leaned back in his chair, listening to the advisor his father was allowing to drag on speak about how they need to tax the lesser fae harder. It wasn't a sentiment he argued with despite his face showing neutrality towards the idea of continuing to rob the poor and hungry, but he knew better than to start an argument.
An argument would mean he'd be there longer, or have to deal with his father's wrath and whatever punishment he felt fit. Being quiet meant getting back to his mate sooner. It meant seeing if his isolation plan had worked sooner. And when it did, it meant in a few more hours, he'd be buried inside of her. 
She knew he was coming home soon and tucked her legs into her chest. The silence had been welcomed. Wanted even if she was honest with herself. But she was lonely. He'd left her with one hound instead of the usual 3, and not even a hound who wanted to be with her.
She was confused by him. Her body begging and pleading to bend to his every wish and want, to be his, but er mind screaming to run, to fight. Her heart stood tore in the middle. She'd always wanted a mate, she just have never wanted this isolation.
She jumped as the door opened and familiar claws ran across the wood floor rushing to come greet her. She turned to pet little fluffy heads, one hound in each hand as he took off his jacket and shoes.
"You told me it'd only be a few days," her heart tightened. "You were gone for a month."
Eris quickly hid the tugging smile. "Did you miss me then?"
"No." Yes. She realized she had answered too quickly. His brow raised indicated he didn't believe her. And who could blame him when she didn't believe herself. "It just isn't something a proper mate would do." 
Eris felt his shoulders grow stiff, his head turned to the side slightly as if he were assessing her. "So a month of loneliness is all it took for you to acknowledge the bond? To acknowledge you are mine?"
She felt the weight of his questions hit her. That had been his plan all along, to force loneliness so deep it cut through her sanity. He moved to her, hands falling to her hips and gripping tightly. He was waiting for an answer. "Speak, fox." He said to her, "Tell me of your nights without my body and magic keeping the sheets warm, of how cold the cabin grew without me keeping the fires lit. Tell me how desperate you were for me. For my touch."
His gaze was serpentine. Staring her down as if she were no more than a wounded animal. "I didn't mean it that way," her voice was weak.
"You know better than to lie, little fox," one hand moved up her body. "Now greet me like a proper mate who missed her other half." She shook her head, refusing to give him that one carnal desire. Eris clicked his tongue. "Maybe I was mistaken in thinking you were ready for time apart. I thought we were past this." His hands on her hips grew tighter and warmer. She felt her lip tremble. "Do you need a reminder of who this body belongs to? Of who makes it sing?" His right hand moved up her body. "Not a single day went by where I did not miss and think of you. Of the good girl I left at home."
His words were a soft confession and opening. His Amber eyes met her doe ones. The offer shining brightly. If she gave him this one thing, he would be gentle with her tonight. "Well, little love," his hand tilted her face to his. "Will you give me a welcome home kiss?"
Her mind screamed for her to fight longer, to fight more. Her heart begged to cave to this new gentleness he was offering. Her body screamed for it as well. It screamed to be reunited with her mate, despite his isolation methods, despite his cruelty.
She caved, hands finding his chest, her soul, and heart, singing from finally having contact and socialization again. She began kissing him deeply despite the dimming protests in her mind.
Eris knew of her independence when he ripped her from her parents home. He had begun to use it as a reward against her.
If she behaved, he allowed her a taste of freedom, of what they would have when his father was gone. And last night had behaved beautifully. 
She had allowed him to take her, the way he truly wanted, with soft caresses and whispered words of adoration and worship. She had cried and begged for him as if he was her savior and salvation all in one. 
So today, he took her to Spring. Allowing her to explore the once destroyed but now flourishing market.
"Good girls get rewards," he had murmured into her naked skin as he took her again this morning. 
He didn't even notice her plotting. He only finally noticed when they had reached an area that was more lively than others and she was no longer at his side. 
But if she wanted a game of chase, if she wanted to ruin this beautiful day the two of them were having. He was more than happy to oblige and trap her back in that cabin until she understood one simple fact.
She wasn't going to go home. 
Her heart was racing as she pulled the scarf further over her hair and weaved between bodies. 
She didn't bother looking at anyone. Didn't return their joyful good mornings. She had to focus on her escape. On crossing that border into Autumn and getting home.
She quickly made it to that odd edge between courts, were bright green grass contrasted deep golden orange and burning red hues. 
She took off running when the bond warned her he was close. Her home was a 3 days journey by horseback from Spring. She had no clue if she'd make it there, or how long it could take, but this kiss of freedom was worth it.
She was near the cabin when nightfall came giving away to cold air. She was starving, exhausted, and her body felt as if she had been laying on hot pokers all day.
Every step to keep herself warm was tedious as her legs grew heavier. Every rustle of leaves had her on edge.
She stood at the small clearing, knowing a right would take her back to the cabin, to somewhere safe and warm. A left would take her towards the border of Winter. Continuing straight would take her home. 
She knew these woods weren't safe. That she was not safe. I was safe in the cabin, her mind whispered. He may be cruel, but I was always safe.
Eris watched her from up in the trees unknown to her. He had found her hours ago with the 9 hounds that were also stalking her like prey. 
One of them paused, ears folding back and his body going low to the ground as he growled. Eris smelled the beast before he heard it or saw in. He gave the signal for his hounds to hold and waited, a bow and arrow notched. 
Soulless black eyes stared at his mate, long claws emerged from its hands as it stalked around her and she stood there frozen in fear. "The dark mother has brought me a blessing," the creature hissed to her. "A treat wandering into the forest all by herself." 
Eris kept his arrow lined and true with the beast but never released it. The hounds were growing restless, itching to destroy the monster, threatening the female they considered their mother. She didn't even move as it raised a clawed hand to brush her cheek, only whimpered out of fear. "Your screams will be delicious." 
It's other clawed hand raised and Eris took the opening, shooting the beast in the ribs and heart before it could harm his little mate and giving the hounds the signal to attack.
He jumped down, and she looked at him, eyes welled with tears before running into his arms.
"I'm sorry," she kept whispering. "I'm so sorry. Take me home. Please. Please don't make me stay out here." 
Eris put her at an arm's length, faking a look of indifference. "I offered you my love, my safety, my protection. I gave you a treat for your good behavior, and you repay me by running away?" Her lips trembled as her tears fell faster. "You truly expect me to take you back to the cabin you seem to hate so much?" He whistled for his hounds, signaling them to stop the attack and head home. "Why shouldn't I leave you in these woods, alone and cold?"
Her body shook with sobs. "Eris please. I'm so scared."
"And you could have been home safe. If you would have played your part, had you been a good little mate. A night out here would be the consequences of your own actions." 
A whimper ripped through her. "I'll give you anything, please. Please take me back."
Eris cocked his head at her, "Anything?" He purred in delight. Holding his hand out. "If I bring you home, you never run again, you will serve me a meal, and you will move into my chambers when I place as high lord with no further arguments."
It was a slap in the face. Her mind was reeling instantly, pleading with her to just leave. To turn towards winter, to turn towards anywhere and leave. "You can shake my hand and seal the bargain, or you can stay in these woods. Cold, afraid, and alone. Thousands of females would slaughter each other with no hesitation for your spot at my side."
The mating bond growled in possession inside of her, her heart shattered at the idea of him with someone else. Her body moved on its own choice, her hand slowly raising and holding his. 
Eris growled in satisfaction. "I expect my dinner tomorrow night, little fox." He picked her up, warming her freezing body with his own as he walked to the cabin. "Let's get you inside and safe."
He tucked her naked body into the bed. Warming the sheets to fight the chill that had sunk into her bones. She was covered in evidence of his love for her. He grinned with male satisfaction before moving to the living room and checking over the 9 sleeping hounds who had been treated to her love and treats. 
He walked out of the door, whistling three times for the last three to come in. They jogged to the door happily, little scraps of her clothing still attached to their collars. He took the clothing off of them, throwing it into the hearth where the rest of the dress had burned early, and he patted them each gently.
"Good hounds," he spoke softly. "You lead it straight to her."
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littlest-w01f · 15 days
Eris Vanserra x his (and Rhea's) daughter
For @erisweekofficial
Eris Week 2024 Masterlist
Day 2: Childhood/Legacy
Summary: Eris takes a step towards not being like his father while putting firm boundaries with his daughter.
Cw: Fluff, a lil angst
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"Dalia Cersei Vanserra." Eris crossed his arms over his chest, watching his daughter sitting in the middle of the kitchen, chocolate cakes on the floor, his daughter's chubby cheeks and lips covered in the desert. "Why are you up at this hour?"
The little girl gasps and looks up at him, her violet eyes wide like a deer caught in headlights, "Da!" Dalia giggles, her small hands trying to wipe off some of the chocolate from her face but only smearing it further. "Da! Hi Da!" She says again, looking at her father with bright eyes full of excitement.
He chuckles softly, reaching down to scoop her up into his strong arms, feeling her tiny body squirming against him as he holds her close. "What are you doing awake, sweetheart? It's the middle of the night."
Her eyes light up even more at the sound of his voice, she starts babbling something about cakes and rolls and milk while pointing towards the open door leading out to the kitchen.
Dalia was always full of energy, especially when there was food involved, anything sweet had the girl on a roll. Dalia's tiny hands flew up to her mouth as she tried to stifle a giggle, her body shaking with suppressed laughter. The sight of her father's stern look, only made the situation more comical in her innocent mind. She couldn't help but let out a snort.
Eris raised an eyebrow, his expression unchanging despite the adorable scene before him. He held Dalia closer as he walked, his bare feet thudding against the tile floor. "Did you hear me, young lady?" he asked firmly, trying to maintain his authoritative tone amidst the chaos of his daughter's antics, refusing to smile and let her get away with being way past her sleep time and sending herself into a sugar rush.
He tried to recall what his mate had said, that if he wouldn't even try to discipline their daughter he might end up at the other extreme opposite to his father, he sighed softly, looking at the precious girl he had made with his lovely Rheana, the said girl was happily licking her fingers to clean the chocolate. He would explain to her how what she did was wrong, make sure she understood it, it should be easy enough, instead of whatever his father would've done, which was strike at him in different ways. Eris' eyes darkened at the thought of any harm like that coming to the precious bundle in his arms.
He felt the darkness shifting in the room, his love was watching, there for him if he needed help, but Eris refused to call upon her, determined to handle this situation himself. he set his girl down in her bed in her cosy room.
Eris sat down in front of Dalia, his large frame towering over her yet maintaining eye contact, ensuring he had her full attention. He took one of her small, sticky hands in his own, giving it a gentle squeeze. His voice softened, yet remained firm, "Little one, what you're doing is called sneaking out of your bed in the middle of the night, remember? We decided it wasn't a good thing, right?"
Dalia nodded, her eyes still wide but filled with curiosity rather than fear. She tilted her head slightly, her braided red hair swaying gently behind her. "But… I just wanted a treat, dada."
Eris smiled warmly at her honesty, then explained, "It's not about wanting a treat, sweetheart. It's about following rules. You see, your Mama and I work hard to keep you safe and healthy."
His words were calm, as he looked at her, he couldn't understand how his father had done what he did while looking into the eyes on his daughter, if he too had looked up this innocently at his father for answers and was met with torture instead, "And part of keeping you safe means making sure you're sleeping soundly in your bed."
He stroked her chocolate-covered hands. "This," he emphasized, pointing at the sweet desert remains, "Is delicious, yes? But we need to be careful when we eat things like these because they give us energy, and too much energy all at once could make our bodies sick."
As he spoke, he waved his hand, his magic cleaning his daughter fully. "So, while having a taste is okay sometimes, we shouldn’t fill ourselves up so late at night. That’s why bedtime snacks aren’t allowed, okay?"
Dalia's eyes squinted a little in confusion, "But you and Mama say I can get anything I want in life if I try hard enough... And I really wanted some chocolate cake."
Eris let out a hearty laugh at his daughter's innocent bewilderment, "Well, my love, you still have a sleep time, don't you? If you don't sleep at night, you will be tired in the morning and miss the sparrows." He then only noticed the door of her room, scorch marks on the handle, she had used her budding power to open the door to her room, like mother like daughter for sure.
Dalia gasped at the thought of missing her sparrows, setting herself back in bed and closing her eyes, mumbling something about the birdies. After a moment she opened a single eye to see Eris still standing there, then closed them again, pretending to be asleep.
His heart melted at the sight of his little girl faking sleep, another trick she'd learned from her mother. He gave her a tender kiss on the forehead, murmuring, "Goodnight, princess."
"I'm sorry, Da." Dalia called out as Eris stood at the door to her room, "I'll be good and rest... Can we play together in the morning with the sparrows?"
Eris turned around, a warm smile spreading across his face as he gazed lovingly at his daughter. "Of course we can, sweetheart. In fact, after breakfast, we'll go outside and build a special feeder just for those feathered friends of yours. But first, you must promise to stay in bed until the sun rises. No sneaking out for midnight treats, deal?"
Dalia's eyelids fluttered open, her violet eyes sparkling with excitement at the prospect of spending time with her father. "Deal, Da! I promise!"
With that, Eris quietly exited the room, leaving a contented and sleepy little girl to drift off into slumber, dreaming of sparrow-filled mornings ahead.
With one last lingering glance at his babe, he left the room quietly, shutting the door behind him with a soft click. As he walked back to his bedroom, he found his Rheana waiting for him. "Everything alright?" She asked, concern etched on her beautiful features.
He smiled reassuringly at his mate, pulling her close and planting a soft kiss on her forehead. "Everything's fine, my love. Our little troublemaker is fast asleep now, dreaming of birds and chocolate cake."
Rheana let out a soft sigh, her body relaxing against his touch. "I wasn't worried for a moment. You handled that beautifully."
Eris tensed slightly as he remembered his childhood, memories of his abusive upbringing threatening to resurface. However, he quickly pushed them aside, focusing instead on the warmth and comfort of his mate's embrace. "Yes, well… I refuse to repeat history. Our children will know nothing but love and understanding under our roof."
Eris snuggled into Rheana's arms, his head resting under her chin, arms wrapped around her muscular form, he couldn't help his memories as they threatened to drown him.
"Hey..." Rheana whispered softly, feeling his distress, "Would you like to talk about it?" She asked, wrapping her arms around him, knowing his needed to be held without even asking.
"No," He finally answered, "Let's leave it where it belongs, in the past. There's no point dwelling on the mistakes of our fathers."
But still, as he said, he couldn't help but think of his own childhood, how he enjoyed nature, the red falling leaves, jumping on them to see how hard they would crunch, but his father had not liked it, that he was having fun. The first time Beron had raised his hand on him, he had beaten him bloody for having fun with his brothers on the autumn leaves
Memories flooded Eris' mind, each one a painful reminder of the cruelty he endured growing up. He recalled the countless times his father's fists had connected with his skin, whips, knives, the blood dripping down his face, the searing pain that never seemed to subside. Even now, centuries later, the scars ran deep, both physical and emotional.
As he lay there, lost in the darkness of his past, Rheana's soothing presence brought him back to the present. Her gentle strokes along his back and the comforting weight of her body against his own served as a balm to his troubled soul.
"I remember when you first told me about your childhood," Rheana murmured, her breath warm against his ear. "It broke my heart to know you suffered through such torment. But you're strong, Eris."
"You're worth so much, my love." Rheana kissed his cheek and neck, "My precious fire. Beron is dead. Our children have an advantage of never knowing him. Yes, we'll make mistakes, it's inevitable to, but what's most important is for her to have her safe place with us, the rest we'll figure out as we go."
Her words, laced with love and affection, worked their magic, slowly drawing him out of the depths of despair. The sensation of her lips against his skin sent a tingling sensation coursing through his veins, reminding him of the warmth and safety he found in her arms. "I love you, Rhea."
Slowly, the shadows of his past receded, replaced by the bright glow of his future with Rheana. He knew he could overcome any hardship as long as he had her by his side.
"I love you too," Rheana smiled softly, cupping his cheeks, planting kisses all over his face, "For anything you might need from me. Forever."
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{General Taglist - @nox-ceur @lilah-asteria @paleidiot @dee-writes-smut @adalia-jaycee @anarchiii @alwayshave-faith @velarisnightsky444 @minnieoo}
{Eris Taglist- @fxckmiup @slut4acotar @secret-third-thing @shadowsingers-mate @fieldofdaisiies @st4r-girl-official}
{Flames and Darkness Taglist - @anuttellaa @tuggboatfishin @inloveallthetime}
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yourlittlebunnyy · 2 months
a court of shadows and darkness
masterlist - previous chapter - next chapter
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chapter three
summary: Selaene, Rhysand's sister, Azriel's mate runs away after the High Lord of Spring tries to kill her.
warnings: death
enjoy! <3
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"Mother! Selaene! Father!" Rhysand's voice echoes through the mountains, but the Illyrian Steppes remain silent before his prayers. With his hands in his hair, his grip so tight it tears them apart, the male's knees give way, and at this point, he does not care who sees him. Sobs shake his entire body as he slumps to the ground, and he does not even feel the frozen snow soaking his clothes. He feels nothing but the pain of that loss. All he can do is think, after his family was killed, that it was all his fault. His sister had tried to call him, but he did not arrive in time, and now they are all dead. He opens his eyes just wide enough to look at the patch of his mother's blood mixed with Selaene's blood smearing the white snow. The sight is almost poetic. He will get his revenge, whoever was the bastard who killed two of the most important people in his life. And his father.
He hears footsteps behind him but he doesn't compose himself, not caring who might see the future High Lord of the Night Court in that state.
"Brother...," it's Cassian, he realizes. He lays a hand on his shoulder, trying to comfort him.
"Get the fuck away." And as he has arrived, he leaves, silent. Around him, a gentle breeze caresses his face, the only uncovered part of him. It should be icy but tepid, as if it were a last goodbye, a last cuddle from his family before they leave forever. More sobs make his body shake. He takes off his gloves and slips his hands into the snow, the pain in his scalp fades and he immediately regrets it. But it's quickly replaced by the snow that is so cold it burns his palms. He deserves it, he thinks, he deserves it after failing to protect those he loves.
He stays there an indefinite time. His clothes are soaked and the sun is setting, now the air is so cold it freezes his bones, and Rhysand stands up shivering like a small child.
Before he leaves he makes a promise to himself. It doesn't matter how, only that no one he loves will ever die from his lack of attention again. He will never again fail in his task. With one last look at the blood-stained snow, an action he is not ready to do-but must, he leaves, leaving his mother, father, and sister for one last time. When he returns to the Wind House, he does not find Azriel. He enters and each step seems heavier than the last. He does not bother not to drag his wings, does not care about appearances. Even breathing becomes too strenuous. He finds Cassian sitting at the table, his cheeks streaked with tears. At the sight of his brother so grief-stricken Rhysand cannot hold them back himself. He sits at the table with him, the house so cold and empty without the laughter of the two females. He wonders if one day he will forget even the sound of their voices.
"Azriel?" he asks after what seems like infinity. The broken voice reaches Cassian's ears distantly. When he answers, his voice is a reflection of his brother's. "He... he's gone mad, Rhys."
A heavy silence fills the air with tension.
"I'm going to kill him, Cassian."
"I know, Rhys. I know. But Azriel may already be thinking about it."
Cassian looks at his brother in the eyes. His gaze dull, his eyes red and puffy. They make him look centuries older. The warrior believes that he himself is in the same condition as Rhysand. Selaene and her mother have also been his family, have been the only family.
"Do you know where he is?"
"No. He woke me up at dawn after he heard-he heard Selaene die from the bond. Goddamn, Rhysand." The brother's voice cracks so hard. They have never cried like this in the nearly seventy years they have known each other. Rhysand watches the Illyrian warrior, his brother, fall apart before him. Something in his gaze changes.
"Find Azriel. I'll take care of the bastard." At the change in his brother's tone, Cassian lifts his face in surprise. "Do you-do you know who-?"
"Who could it have been but Tamlin'." He points this out in a voice so distant that the warrior wonders how he can plan a murder under these conditions. "Brother, I don't think-"
"No, Cassian. Find Azriel and let me have my revenge."
The warrior can do nothing but nod. Before he goes, he takes one last look at his brother. The icy voice is not reflected in his expression, still heartbroken. When he is about to leave the room, he turns a small bow to him. Now, Rhysand is a High Lord.
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"NO!", Azriel's screams wake Cassian. His brother did not scream, ever. Not even when he had nightmares, not even when he was being tortured did he ever scream.
He can do nothing but grab the dagger hidden under the mattress and run to his room. What he certainly did not expect was to see his brother kneeling, sobs wracking his entire body, hands clutching his chest at heart level. When he heard his brother enter the room and looked up, Azriel's eyes are of pure pain.
"Azriel... what's going on?" He approaches him and kneels before him, the dagger forgotten on the ground at the doorframe, two strong hands rest on his shoulders to give him support.
Azriel rises hastily, trembling knees not offering him too much stability causing him to stagger slightly. Cassian is worried-he has never seen his brother in such a condition.
"Selaene..." he manages to gasp and a pain expands in the warrior's chest. "Azriel. Speak, Selaene what? What has happened?"
"The bond. I don't... I can't hear it anymore, Cassian. It's empty." His brother's cracked voice shatters him.
"I-I thought you wanted to accept the bond."
"No, Cassian. I don't..." Azriel takes a short pause, a long breath, and Cassian has never been more agitated. If he is not suffering because he was rejected, what else could have happened that is so terrible? "I don't feel her anymore. She is..." But Azriel cannot finish the sentence. He can't. The sobbing that beats him is so violent that the warrior has to hold him up as the ShadowSinger cries on his shoulder. He himself cannot stop the tears. The situation is so surreal.
"Azriel." His voice is broken, like when he was a baby is crying in Rhysand's mother's arms. "I swear if this is a joke-"
" Fucking hell, Cassian. It's not a fucking joke." His brother's voice is so harsh that he feels guilty for even thinking it.
"I have to go." He suddenly breaks away from the comforting grip.
"Azriel, brother..."
But before he can even finish the sentence, Azriel disappears into his shadows.
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463 years later
"I have never entered your room, Azriel. It is an honor." Feyre's voice and her little comment make Azriel smile slightly.
"I like to ... keep my own space." The Fae smiles at her words, and the Illyrian notices the female's gaze wandering around the room. Too much for his liking.
Her eyes land on a romantic book, one that Nesta has recommended to him and he is far too kind to tell her he will never read. The Fae picks it up and lifts it to show him, a feline smile breaks across her bright face. "Uh-huh. I didn't know the much-feared Spymaster read such impurities!"
An amused snort escapes his throat, but he doesn't respond further. He lets Feyre take a closer look at the room and comment on every single thing in it-not that he has many, fortunately. This is exactly why he does not like it when people enter his room.
As the young Fae continues to browse through his things, he heads to the real reason he brought Feyre to his room. The damned paperwork that his High lord desperately need for some reason.
"Fey. You're supposed to be looking for the reports, not the dirty books your sister lends me."
"Ah! But look at you going all defensive," she chuckles, and Azriel struggles to hide the smirk that lights up his face, "there's nothing wrong with wanting to read a little pepper every now and then." She laughs again after seeing the Shadowsinger roll his eyes.
"Oh...," Azriel pays no mind to whatever caught the Fae's attention, probably another piece of junk. "Az?"
"Who-who is it?"
The Illyrian warrior's entire body stiffens at such words, somehow knowing full well what, who he is referring to.
"She is... it's gorgeous." The tone suggests to him that she is speaking more to herself than to him. But Selaene is still an open wound for him, and he is not ready to talk about it, and perhaps never will be.
After her death he simply ignored the pain, doing nothing about it. Rhysand became High Lord and he was made Spymaster, he begged his brother to send him on so many missions that he forgot about Selaene. Of course, he did not succeed. But at least he was busy and time made things better. But every time she is mentioned ... he still feels that unbearable emptiness in his chest, and it would hurt less if his heart was ripped out of his chest alive.
"Is that Rhys's sister?" Feyre's question brings him back to reality. He stares at her for a long time, and the Fae cannot help but notice the pain that flashes in his eyes, pain so fiery and burning. His eyes blur, as if inside his head he is replaying memories. When he does not respond, she speaks again.
"Rhys told me about her. But I didn't know you were related."
Azriel still does not answer, and Feyre realizes that he will probably never answer. She feels like a bad person for asking such intrusive questions, and feels the need to make up for it.
"I'm sorry, Az. I didn't mean to bring back bad memories."
Azriel wanted to yell at her, to get out, to not speak about her.
He wanted to scream that she was not a bad memory, but he could not. It had been decades since anyone had mentioned Selaene.
It had been decades since anyone had mentioned Selaene. Sure, above his bed there is a painting of her that he stares at every morning as soon as he wakes up and every night before he goes to sleep. Gods, there are days when he sits on his desk and stares at her for hours, unable to look away. But this is different. Someone talking about his dead mate in front of him is different. He is not ready to voice his thoughts, and perhaps never will be.
"Maybe ... maybe I should go. Don't... forget about the papers, I'm sure Rhysand doesn't need them that much."
Azriel watches her leave her room, and hates the look he receives. Compassion. The look he gets from his brothers whenever they see him alone at a ball, or the look he gets whenever a bond is mentioned.
He stares again at the painting of his beloved, and lets the memories he has of her calm his mind and the shadows obscure his vision, as if to put a wall between him and reality.
He wonders when was the last time he heard her voice, her laugh, her name on his lips. And when he tries to remember the sound of it, he can't. He has forgotten Selaene's laughter.
After almost a century of it not happening, Azriel lets tears flow freely down his face and sobs fill the room, careless of who might hear. The shadows themselves, who loved his female as much as he did, cry and call her name, as if at any moment, she might return. As if she simply went out on an errand.
He wonders how his brothers would look at him now, weeping for a lover lost almost five centuries ago. Who knows how much compassion he would find in their looks.
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next chapter
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jessiemeows · 21 days
Underdark Trysts
A/N: Hello! Although I am holding off on my long fic. I decided I want to write more little drabbles that I believe I'll eventually add to my long fic. I want to let everyone know I never really written anything with smut so this is my first time lol. I hope it's at least decent enough. I made this in Astarion's POV because throughout my upcoming fic I want it to be divided from Eris' prespective and Astarion's :)
R: E for explicit!!
Content Warning: fingering, PIV, cum inside without protection, hints of him maybe becoming overly jealous?? a little too dominant at one point
Word Count: 1300
Pairing: Spawn Astarion x F! Dark Urge Tiefling, My OC Eris, Selunite Cleric/Paladin
Summary: After completing the Soverign Spaw's quest to rid the rot of duergar that killed his young, Eris and Astarion are looting a small hut together. Astarion gets turned on and wants to have a quickie. His simple plan fell apart weeks ago (even before the tiefling party) but he's refusing to realize it and keeps blaming his tadpole for any feelings he gets.
Eris scrunched up her face, nose twitching in distaste. "Ugh, do these duergar eat anything but mushrooms?" She rummaged through wicker baskets and rotted crates, her eyes scanning for anything of use. Astarion stood with his arms crossed, his lean frame leaning casually against the rough-hewn wooden planks, a small smile playing on his lips as he watched her and her furry friend, Scratch search the hut. A short respite after he and his companions had just finished defeating a group of Absolute-worshiping duergar who had slain the young myconid followers of Sovereign Spaw, and were forced to kill the rogue myconid Sovereign Glut, who had sought to overthrow Spaw. 
Astarion chuckled, shaking his head. "I don't know, darling, we are in the Underdark. I'm pretty sure that's all they eat."
Eris spun around, a pouty look on her face. "Well, it's gross. I don't think I've ever liked mushrooms and that's saying something since I don't remember much. One of these days I hope we can find a nice dessert. Maybe a chocolate fudge cake!"
Astarion's smile grew. "Hmmm, I'm not sure that will happen, my sweet but maybe." He couldn't help but find her pout adorable.
Eris turned back to face a couple of shelves, but they were just out of her reach. "A little help?" she pleaded, looking back at Astarion. He snorted and sauntered over, pulling down the book and holding it just out of her reach. "Go on, take it."
Eris glared at him. "Astarion, I swear by the moonmaiden’s grace I will smite you if you don't give it to me." He laughed and relented, handing her the book. "thank you" she muttered, rolling her eyes and stashing the book in her bag of holding. Scratch followed her as she moved to the next area of the small hut.
Astarion's breath caught as he drank in the sight of her. The warm glow of the mushrooms illuminated her freckled now blood-stained skin and fiery red eyes. Her blood soaked low-cut armor and form-fitting corset accentuated the swell of her breasts, just staring at her he could feel his trousers begin to tighten as his arousal grew... He needed her. Now. Straining to listen, he heard the others down by the Ebonlake. Lae'zel and Shadowheart were arguing about the artifact yet again, while Karlach, Wyll, and Gale discussed what they suspected lay across the lake - likely more Absolute cultists. This was wonderful because no one was paying any attention to the two of them.
He turned to her, trying to sound casual. "Darling, turn around I found something." Eris spun around, curiosity in her eyes. And then his lips were on hers, needy and demanding. Without hesitation, he let his hands wander down her waist and firmly grasped her ass, giving it a gentle squeeze. He could tell she was startled, but she leaned into the kiss, letting out a little giggle at his eagerness. 
"Astarion," she warned, but he deepened the kiss. "They are all busy, no one will know," he muttered against her lips. He trailed kisses down her neck, feeling the slight bumps of the bite scars he had left the previous night during their nightly trysts, when he drank her blood. Gods, she was so sweet, allowing him to drink from her each night. He was fortunate she was a cleric, and that he gifted her the amulet of Silvanus back at the grove or she would have been left exhausted every day. A soft moan escaped her as he kissed her collarbone, his hands squeezing her breasts.
"Shhh, pet, as much as I adore your sweet moans, those sounds are meant for my ears alone. But, do you want more?" he whispered against her skin. She nodded and he pulled back, looking at her. "hmmm what was that? I'll need words, little love."
Astarion smiled as Eris whispered, "Yes, please, Starry, I want more." He pressed his lips against her skin, then murmured, "Good girl."
Astarion swiftly scooped up Eris and placed her on a somewhat stable, broken desk. He shooed away Scratch without delay. With deft fingers, Astarion quickly unlaced and pulled down Eris' trousers and pink laced underwear. Eris was already so wet, but Astarion wanted her to beg just a little more. His icy fingers found their way into her folds, pumping slowly inside her, moving rhythmically. As he kissed her neck he quickened his pace. Hearing her quiet whimpers, he paused the kisses to see Eris concentrating on not being too loud.
Astarion placed his free hand over Eris' mouth. "Moan for me, my little moon. I'll make sure no one hears you," he whispered smugly. He savored watching the writhing tiefling submit to his dominance, reveling in her willing surrender. Only he was allowed to do this, no one else- not Gale, not Wyll, not Lae'zel, no other tiefling that had hit on her back at the grove, only him. His simple plan was succeeding tremendously.
"A-Astarion," Eris mumbled through his fingers. 
"Yes, love?" Astarion cooed. "I need you to use your words. You know how dearly I adore your sweet voice."
Eris struggled to force out the words, "P-please.". 
"Love, I don't know what you want," Astarion teased. Eris pleaded, "I want you, Starry. Please, I need you."
He wasted no time unlacing his own trousers and pulling Eris close. With a covetous murmur, "Only because you asked so sweetly," he plunged his hard, aching cock into her folds. Eris squealed, but Astarion quickly covered her mouth to stifle the sound. He began thrusting slowly, allowing her to adjust to his length, before gradually picking up the pace, pounding into her harder. Eris' tail curled around his leg as her long nails gripped the collar of his jacket.
Astarion could feel Eris's body tightening around him as they neared climax. Her fingers were now wrapped his curls. "Fuck, you feel so good," he muttered breathlessly. His thrusts grew sloppy and ragged as he reached his release inside her.
Both breathing heavily he rested his head against her shoulder, still inside her. She played with his curls, then gave him a small but sweet kiss on his forehead, just as she had done back at the tiefling party. That simple gesture grounded him, keeping his mind from wandering as it had then. He didn't want to wander; he wanted to savor this time with her, for he truly enjoyed it. Cazador wouldn't whisk away this sweet, lost, murderous fool of a selunite. They were both safe. 
Astarions ears perked up when he heard soft foot steps moving closer to them, giving Eris a nervous look the two quickly jumped apart, hurriedly pulling their pants back up and trying to look nonchalant. Shadowheart entered the doorway, saying, "Hey, are you guys almost done looking around in here? The rest of us are ready to head back to camp. I don't know about you, but I need a bath after that Mushroom got his guts all over me."
"Haha! Yes, we're done. Just give me a minute to organize my bag, and we'll be out," Eris replied quickly, her face flushed with embarrassment. Astarion chuckled to himself, amused by her discomfort.
"Okay, I'll be out here with Gale. The other three have already started making their way back," Shadowheart said, her confused expression clearly indicating she didn't want to know what had just happened. With that, she left the doorframe.
Astarion looked at Eris smugly, teasing, "Look at you, you little minx of a Selunite, lying to your best friend. Maybe the Sharran and I are bad influences on you."
Eris lightly punched his arm. "I really don't think she wants to know what just happened," she teased back.
"Probably not. Alright, let's go, before you make me want to go for another round," Astarion said, his voice low and seductive.
Eris walked through the doors ahead of him, and Astarion paused for a moment, his stomach filled with butterflies. He quickly shook off the feeling and followed Eris, muttering, "Stupid tadpole is playing tricks again."
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linmandoade · 3 months
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Do you love my insides? The parts you can't see?
Eyeballs to entrails, my sweet...
More of Eris, my durge, and Astarion based on this pic and quote of Spike and Drusilla from buffy tvs. in my mind they have a very similar vibe.
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bluerose5 · 5 months
The little star.
I wish to call him mine, yet I wish not to bind him.
Rather, I want to watch him flourish in his newfound freedom. I want to see what he does with it.
He thought that he was keeping his nature a secret, but I knew. Oh, I knew all along.
I could sense it anywhere after all. The cold chill of his undead body. That sickeningly sweet stench of decay, buried beneath his precious perfumes.
How I would love to roll around in it. To coat myself in him.
He bit me last night.
Without my memories, I did not know ecstasy until that moment.
All he did was sink his fangs into my neck, teeth into flesh, and I was his.
He claimed that I gave him a gift, but no.
It was him who blessed me with one.
He brought me to the brink. There, I balanced on the precipice between life and death. I gave him life until I could spare no more.
I hated to push him away.
I want to give him everything.
It was then that I realized two things. A vague recollection that resonated with understanding.
First, I am a creature of devotion. Whoever claims my attention, they have it in its entirety at the expense of all else.
I said that I will bow to no master, but Astarion makes me want to.
He is worthy of a reverence befitting Faerûn's so-called gods.
To experience the pleasure of being on my knees in worship of him...
In prayer, of course.
Speaking of, the second thing I realized is this.
Apparently, I am a sucker for a pretty face.
And he is the prettiest star indeed.
—The words are laid out on a cleaner page with less blood to obscure the writing. The words 'I am his' are circled several times over. The script is more legible compared to before, bolder, as if the writer had taken great care and time to record his thoughts.
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isabeauwolf · 4 months
Damn, I'm having another Dabi brainrot this morning...
No matter how much Dabi acting uncaring and aloof, he doesn't care about the lives he's taken, but somehow in my head as he gets closer to his Yakuza Princess Mary.
He will develop a soft spot for Eri, being gentle and kind. The little sweetheart will grow attached to him quicker than Kai, Dabi's appearance might freak her out at first, but compared to Overhaul in her mind, he's not that scary.
The more time he spends at the Shie Hassaikai base with Mary and Eri as a "temp" for the yakuza in the place of Toga(I switched them in my story to give him and Mary more time together, and more tension between him and Kai, haha!). He can't help thinking about his past with his old family and the part of himself that died, slowly resurfacing.
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Dabi will play barbies, dress-up or pretend with her while Mary and "Overbeak" are busy with work, or sneak her outside to play in the garden and snacks, read to her and nap together. She get's to see his more mischievous and playful side, giving piggy back rides and air plane! Letting her be the Princess and him the Villain or Dragon waiting for their brave female knight to save her (Mary) from the wicked evil alchemist (Kai).
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The first time she asks her mommy, if he's going to be her new daddy. He's taken back, then smirks eyes glowing more heavy-lidded and predatory at his Princess, smirk growing on his scared lips. Dabi got upgraded from boy toy to "daddy," oh, you bet he's going to tease his firebrand about it mercilessly.
Of course, Kai is going to be irritated and pissed off that Dabi is using Eri to get closer to his angel! Trying to shove his way into their home life, and it's working!
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Tell me what ya'll think? It's been circling in my head since late last night til I finally starting writing Dabi's interactions with Eri. Before finally calling it quiets and forcing myself to go to bed. XD
Writing Eri asking, if Mary was going to have babies with Kai or Dabi first wrote itself, and then she asked if Dabi was going to be her new daddy! I had to, it was so cute! Her excitement about not only having a new mommy, but two daddies was adorable!
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refractionofspace · 2 years
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An aged animator artist met his first love, a composer stuck at the age of 23
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acourtofrue · 5 months
A Court of Mask and Life
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Title: A Court of Masks and Life
Rating: Explicit
Relationships: Tamlin x Female OC, Tamlin x Female OC x Other OC(s), Tamlin x Male OC, Male OC x Trans Male OC, The Inner Circle (Relationship), Feyre x Rhysand, Mor x Emorie, Azriel x Gwyn, Lucien x Elain, Nesta x Cassian, Azriel x Eris
Tags: Bisexual Awakening, Tamlin Redemption, War, Romance, LGBTQ+ , Drama
Tamlin once almost had everything until he lost it to his anger and vanity, and most of all, his obsession with keeping a memory of what once was alive. Now, he has nothing. No Feyre. No stability in his court. No will to see himself as anything other than a beast, for despite his actions during the war with Hybern, he remains painted as the one who caused the mess.
Haunted by the voice of his deceased mate, one day, while roaming the woods, he comes upon a bright light beckoning him. And within the blink of an eye, he finds himself somewhere foreign, loud, and full of weird gadgets -- weirder than Lucien's glass eye. In other words, he finds himself in our world, specifically in the United States, Wisconsin, where a fearless woman named Ziva Schroeder finds Tamlin and takes him in. Our world is run by faeries, of which Ziva is half, and angels, which Ziva also carries in her blood.
While Tamlin gets to experience modernness through the help of Ziva and her inner circle, the tug to return to Prythian soon becomes a warning because a familiar foe plans to resurface, more potent than ever, worse than ever, and only Tamlin has such knowledge of the plans. However, he also must choose between our world and Prythian.
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mischiefmanagers · 1 year
Azriel Fic Rec Library 🦇💙
In no particular order, here's an extensive list of Azriel x Reader or Azriel x OC fics that I've compiled for those who can't get enough of him. I literally maxed out the number of tags/links you can include on a post for this 😂
🌼 personal favorite 🥀 angst 💞 fluff 🔥 smut
by @acourtofmenandthirst
You Called 🥀💞
by @moonlightazriel
Before you 🔥🥀
The truth about you 🥀💞🔥
The family we choose 💞
by @thelov3lybookworm
I Didn't Ask For This 🌼🥀
Finally Safe 🌼🥀
My brother. 💞
by @writingsbychlo
false confessions 🌼🥀
how we survive 🥀
by @readychilledwine
Slow Hands 🌼💞🔥
Bound by Fate 🌼🥀💞🔥
Little Bat, Big Dreams 💞
Beauty in Pain 🥀
Devotion 💞
by @leafsandstarlight
Forced Revelations
by @lalacliffthorne
the basic rules of friendship 💞🔥
motorcycle 💞
by @bubbles-for-all-of-us
Hear the lonely cry out 🥀
Can you love me most? 🥀
Baby daddy 💞
by @draemgal
master of disguise 💞
by @azsazz
Nightlight 🥀
Wrong Side of the Right Coin Azriel x Reader x Eris 🥀
Just Hold On 🥀💞
What Lies Ahead
Bleed for Me
by @xoxonyxx
What Should've Been 💞
by @illyrian-dreamer
Spin the bottle 💞🥀
Our girl Azriel x Cassian x Reader 🥀
by @acourtofwhatthefuck
Practice On Me 💞🔥
by @danikamariewrites
Sixth Sense 💞
Shell 💞
Fever Dreams 🥀💞
Please Don't Go 🥀💞
Pointless Fights 🥀
Perfect Princess 💞
by @lidiasloca
more than this 🥀
by @tadpolesonalgae
please... 🌼🥀
washing his wings 💞
Can't Bring Myself To Hate You 🌼🥀🔥
His Personal Assistant
by @mother-above
The Golden Warrior 🌼
by @aquanova99
The Shadow and the Seraphim
by @fieldofdaisiies
Oh Those Romance Novels 🔥
Love's A Burden 🥀
by @ellievickstar
Between Two worlds
by @florence-end
Worst kept secret 💞
Stitch up
by @redheadspark
Reunited 💞🥀
Hold 🥀💞
by @acourtofmarvels
Miracle 🥀
by @bookish-whore
Haunted 🥀
by @honeybeefae
7 Minutes In Heaven 🔥🔥
Shadows of Fire Azriel x Reader x Eris 🔥🔥
by @reverie-verse
Ooops Mating Bond 🌼💞
by @cassiefromhell
Unexpected Azriel x Reader x Eris 💞🥀
by @ladylokilaufeyson5
A Little Helping Hand 🌼💞
I Will Always Find You 💞🥀
by @azrielhours
Soft Spot 🌼🔥💞
I want you to rest 💞🥀
Kiss Thief 💞
Soul Song 💞
Restless Dreams 🥀
Stolen Away 💞
Waiting for You 💞🥀
by @liahaslosthermind
Swarming children and elbows to the face 💞
by @itsphoenix0724
Tickle My Strings 🔥
by @jeannineee
Apology 💞
Umbra et Ventus
Blue and Red Azriel x Cassian x Reader
Stubble 💞
Illyrian Babies Azriel x Cassian x Reader 💞
Closure 🥀🔥
by @violette-hue
Fated 🔥
by @angelshadowsinger
Supposed to Be Together 🥀🔥
Prized Possession 🥀💞
by @callmeblaire
little friends 💞
by @fairydustblossom
tied to you 🥀💞
losing control🥀💞
pre relationship fluff 💞
by @throneofsapphics
up all night Azriel x Reader x Cassian 💞
by @arrantsnowdrop
Starlight 💞
Wrongly Accused 🥀🔥💞
by @clairebear08
Hide and Seek 💞
Betrayal 🥀
by @starlightandsouls
My Angel 💞
Yours To Keep And Cherish 💞
Bookshop Brawls 💞
by @azrielscrown
the secret of seduction 💞🔥
wake me up. 💞
by @glittergelpensblog
Shadow and Song
In the Dark
by @azriels-shadowsinger
brother's best friend 💞
by @xreaderbooks
Two sides 🥀
by @vacant--body
stay with me 🥀🔥
by @whisperingmidnights
We Shall Become Monsters 🌼
by @wishfulwithwine
You Belong With Me 🥀
by @queen--of--shadows
Healing Shadows 🌼
by @ochiolism
winter's frost
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erisweekofficial · 14 days
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One Year Later (OC x Eris) by @afandomangel 👑
Until I see you again (OC x Eris) by @mika-no-sekai-blog
Protection (Eris x Reader) by @littlest-w01f 👑
All’s well that ends well to end up with you (Eris x Reader) by @daycourtofficial 👑
yea, though i walk (Azris) by @brunetterebel010 👑
What Could Have Been (Eris x Elain) by @nocasdatsgay
Suffering his Scent (Azris) by @neciebee 👑
Falling For You (Eris x Reader) by @bubybubsters
Hold Me While You Wait (Eris x OC) by @fieldofdaisiies
Bedroom manners (Eris x Reader) by @lady-of-tearshed 👑
Pinky Promise (Eris x Reader) by @pit-and-the-pen👑
Still Beautiful Things by @climbthemountain2020 👑
Pull Me in Deeper Ch 17 (Eris x OC) by @zenkindoflove 👑
Ensnaring Marks (Eris x Reader) by @surielstea 👑
A Bond of Song & Flames Ch 1 (Eris x OC) by @sadiegirl2021 👑
Under the Weeping Beech (Azris) by @chunkypossum
Waiting for You (Eris x Reader) by @mcuamerica 👑
Day 1 - Bonds | Bargains by @clockwork-ashes 👑
A Wound So Deep (Azris) by @acourtofladydeath
An Unconventional Bargain by @hellcat8908 👑
Just Enough Light to Cast Shadows Ch 22 (Azris) by @jules-writes-stories 👑
Of Our Own Devices (Eris x Reader) by @illyrianbitch 👑
Gone Through Enough (Eris x Reader) by @thelov3lybookworm
The Uncertainty of Spring (Eris x OC) by @daycourtofficial 👑
Tomorrow Can Wait (Azris) by @myromanempiree 👑
By Turns by @jon-snows-man-bun 👑
Roots In My Dreamland (Eris x OC) by @lucienarcheron
Always An Angel, Never A God (Eris x OC) by @chairofchaos 👑
Your Scars on My Pulse (Azris) by @shadowsandlint 👑
To Dust or To Gold Ch 2 (Neris) by @queercontrarian
An Exchange in Etiquette (Eris x Reader) by @qwimblenorrisstan 👑
Into the Dark (Eris x Reader) by @prythianpages 👑
Lady Luck (Eris x OC) by @ginandtobacco 👑
Bond (Azris) by @thomasisaslut 👑
Being Seen (Eris x Elain) by @vague-shadows 👑
The Crushing Burden of Those Before Us (Eris x Reader) by @dee-writes-smut 👑
A Page From Another's Book (Eris x Reader) by @readychilledwine
Autumn Leaves (Eris x Reader) by @mirandasidefics
Eris' bond with Autumn by @elleybug 👑
Eris x Alexius by @zenkindoflove (artist: @luciensdefenseattorney)👑
Neris Art by @rosesncarnations
Worried Eris by @secret-third-thing
Eris and his mate by @/artbyellat (on instagram)
Azris Art by @moonpatroclus & @cauldronblssd (@lucychanart)
Eris Week, Day 1: Bonds (Azris) by @the-darkestminds 👑
day one : bonds ( m o t h e r ) by @spore-loser 👑
Eris Week Moodboard by @fieldofdaisiies
Chopin by @chairofchaos 👑
Vanserra brothers in a modern AU by @wishfulimaginings 👑
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Thank you for all your contributions! It’s incredible and almost unbelievable how many stories and creative ideas you’ve brought to life on just the first day!
There was a bit of confusions about the crowns- so sorry for that. If it's your first eris week, let us know! If we missed giving you a 👑, please let us know so we can add it to the masterlist. We'll make sure that all masterlists are up to date before the full event masterlist is released 🧡
(divider by @tsunami-of-tears)
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littlest-w01f · 2 months
Eris x Rheana (See Rheana here)
For @acotar-omegaverse-week
Omegaverse week 2024 Masterlist
Day 2: Turning Up The Heat
Summary: Eris had kept this side of him a secret for so long that he didn't think he'd get so desperate for his mate when his heat hit
Cw: Heat, pegging, Alpha!Rheana, Omega!Eris, FxM, mentions of B*ron's abuse of Eris at the end, Smut 18+ MDNI
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A/n: I would like to really thank the week mods for giving me an excuse for writing Rheana pegging Eris cause I've been dreaming about this moment since day one
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Rheana walked the halls of the Autumn palace, looking for Eris, she could sense his distress through their bond, and should've known something was wrong with him when he excused himself from a very important meeting, something he normally wouldn't do, she found him in their shared chambers.
Eris lay on the bed, gasping for breath, as Rheana entered the chamber, her keen senses immediately picked up on the change in Eris's scent. The normal aroma was now laced with a heady sweetness, unmistakable evidence of his heat. His body glistened with sweat, each muscle taut and quivering as he struggled to catch his breath.
She reached out a hand, gently brushing back a strand of damp hair from his forehead. "Eris," she whispered softly, her voice a soothing balm to his frayed nerves. "It's okay, my love. I'm here for you."
"Rhea..." Eris whined, chest rising as her skilled hands worked his tunic off, "I... I don't... I don't know what's wrong with me."
Rheana's eyes softened, "Oh baby, nothing is wrong with you... You've just gone into heat."
Eris groaned at Rheana's words, his body writhing under her touch. He tried to speak but all that came out were guttural sounds of need and desire. His eyes fluttered open, revealing dark eyes clouded with lust, reflecting the burning fire within him.
Rheana's fingers deftly removed his tunic, exposing his chiselled torso. Every inch of him seemed to burn hotter than usual, every nerve ending screaming for relief. His cock twitched against his pants, straining.
"Rhea," he moaned again, reaching out for her. "Please… help me."
Rheana nodded, her fingers deftly working at Eris's pants, freeing his hard cock. His clothes fell away, and he lay bare, body burning with arousal, the scent of his slick thick in the air.
"I know it must seem overwhelming," Rheana continued, her voice low and comforting. "But we'll get through this. Just remember how good it feels once we're through, alright?"
Eris nodded weakly, unable to form coherent thoughts anymore. All he could focus on was the throbbing ache between his legs, begging for release. His cock sprang free, standing proud and eager, dripping precum wherever it could reach.
Rheana's hands were gentle yet firm as they caressed his thighs, spreading them wide to give her better access. Her touch sent sparks shooting through his veins, making him buck his hips upwards instinctively as she gave his cock a few strokes before leaning in to lick at the head, sucking softly.
"Oh-" he breathed out, watching as Rheana leaned down to take him into her mouth.
Eris's back arched off the bed as Rheana's warm, wet mouth enveloped his throbbing cock. Her tongue swirled around the sensitive head, teasing and coaxing out more precum. She took him deeper, her mouth massaging his cock as she bobbed up and down.
"E-ahh! Rhea!" Eris cried out, his hands tangling in her hair to have some semblance of hold. His hips rocked in time with her strokes, trying to fuck her face with desperate abandon, but she moved at her own pace. The sensation was intense, bordering on pain, but he couldn't stop, didn't want to stop. Not until he exploded down her throat and from the scent of his pheromones, Rheana knew he wouldn't last long at all.
The pleasure coursing through Eris's body was unlike anything he'd ever experienced. Each stroke of Rheana's talented tongue sent waves of ecstasy crashing over him. He pulled her closer, his cock hitting the back of her throat with every thrust.
His breathing grew ragged, his moans turning into pleas for release. "Rhea… I'm close," he panted out, feeling the coil inside him tightening rapidly.
Rheana hummed around his cock, her hand moving to the curve of his ass, fingers trailing till they found his hole wet with slick, watching his reaction she plunged a single finger in.
The unexpected intrusion made Eris cry out loudly, his entire body tensing up. But the shock quickly turned into pleasure as Rheana's finger began to move inside him, stretching and preparing him for what was to come and he exploded down her throat. He bucked wildly against her mouth as Rheana drank his release, licking him clean, the dual sensations of her lips working his cock and her finger probing his ass nearly too much to bear in his aftershock, twitching slightly. "Fuck! Rheana… please…"
She pulled off his cock, giving the underside a few long licks, "Please what, my sweet omega?" She teased, her finger still moving in his ass.
Eris's mind was foggy with lust, his thoughts fragmented and incoherent. All he knew was that he needed more, needed Rheana to fill him completely. "Please… fuck me," he begged, his voice strained and desperate. "I need you inside me, now."
"Aww, look at you, you've leaned to beg so sweet," Rheana cooed, using her free hand to stroke his cock as she added another finger in his ass, stretching him
The addition of a second finger sent Eris spiralling even further into madness. He screamed out loud, his body shaking violently under Rheana's relentless assault. His cock throbbed in her hand, slowly growing hard again.
"Cauldron… yes!" he roared, feeling her fingers curl inside him, stroking that sweet spot that drove him insane. "I'm…!"
The second orgasm hit Eris like a sudden tidal wave, sweeping him off his feet and carrying him away on its crest. His cock pulsed violently in Rheana's hand, his seed spurting forth in thick ropes that landed on his own chest and stomach. His cries echoed throughout the room, raw and primal, as he rode out the waves of pleasure that racked his body.
As the spasms finally subsided, leaving him panting heavily, Eris managed to open his eyes. He looked down at himself, covered in his own cum, and then at Rheana who was still there between his spread legs. A lazy smile crept onto his lips, satisfaction painting his features.
"Feeling better, my darling?" Rheana cooed, asking softly, still stroking him in his after-shock, "Do you want more?"
Eris let out a content sigh, feeling utterly spent but also incredibly sated. His muscles relaxed, the tension seeping out of him slowly. "Yes," he admitted breathlessly, looking into Rheana's eyes. "I always want more when it comes to you."
Rheana stood up to her full height, pulling her fingers out of his ass, he didn't know when, but she had removed her clothes, his eyes wide as he sees her wearing her strap, deep purple in colour and fit her taste perfectly, "Well then, hope you're prepared." She smiled sweetly.
Eris watched, captivated, as Rheana stood up. His gaze drifted lower, taking in the sight of her naked body, curves highlighted in the dim lighting of their bedroom. His eyes widened further when he saw the strap hanging from her hips. He swallowed hard, anticipation coursing through his veins.
"I'm ready," he murmured, his voice barely above a whisper. "For whatever you want to do to me."
She smiled, getting on top of him to position herself on him, Eris gasped as he felt the tip of the strap against his ass, she pushed in fully, stretching his ass completely he groaned sharply as Rheana impaled him on her strap-on, the thick shaft stretching his ass to its limits. He felt every inch of her penetrate him, filling him completely. The pressure was intense, almost painful, but it was a good kind of pain, one that only served to heighten his arousal.
His hands flew to her hips, gripping tightly as he tried to adjust to the sudden invasion. Rheana started to move, her hips rolling in a slow, deliberate rhythm that had Eris moaning in ecstasy. With each thrust, he felt himself being driven deeper into the mattress, his body submitting completely to hers.
The sound of flesh slapping against flesh filled the room as Rheana pumped her hips, driving the glass strap in and out of Eris's stretched asshole. The slickness of his own fluids provided the perfect lubrication, allowing her to move with ease.
Eris's moans grew louder, more desperate, as he surrendered to the pleasure. His hands gripped her hips harder, urging her on, pleading silently for more. The sensation of being filled so completely, of having his ass pounded by Rheana's strap, hitting the sweet spot inside him with every stroke, was intoxicating, driving him closer and closer to the brink of another orgasm.
Eris loved every moment of being pegged by Rheana, relishing in the way her hips ground against his ass, the way her strap filled him completely. He could feel every ridge and bump of the glass toy, each movement sending sparks of pleasure shooting through his body.
His moans were constant, his body writhing beneath hers as he gave himself over to the pleasure entirely. His cock throbbed with need, precum leaking steadily from the tip. He was so close, teetering on the edge of another powerful orgasm, pain and pleasure twisting in his belly.
Eris' eyes filled with tears as Rheana leaned forward to kiss his eyes, kissing all over his face, his eyes rolled back in pleasure as Rheana leaned forward to claim his lips in a hard kiss, his legs locked around her as she claimed him with every thrust, "Shhh... Baby, just feel me."
The kiss was hard and passionate, matching the intensity of their lovemaking. As Rheana continued to pound into him, her movements became more erratic, less controlled. Her grip on his hips tightened, her nails digging into his skin slightly.
Eris tried to meet her every thrust, his legs locking around her waist to pull her even closer. The sensation of her strap plunging into him, coupled with the taste of her lips on his, the taste of his cum on her lips and tongue, was enough to send him spiralling towards climax once again.
After several more minutes of relentless pounding, Eris's body finally succumbed to the overwhelming pleasure. He cried out loudly, his orgasm hitting him like a freight train. His cock twitched and spasmed, releasing yet another load of cum onto his stomach.
He went limp underneath Rheana, completely spent and satisfied. His body was covered in a layer of his own sticky fluid, making him look like a work of art. But despite his exhaustion, he couldn't help but reach out for her, wanting to hold onto her as he both came down from his high.
Rheana gently touched his cheeks bringing a small smile to Eris's lips, despite the exhaustion clouding his mind. As she slowly pulled out of him, he let out a low groan, feeling the stretch of his ass as she withdrew.
She took care not to hurt him, her movements slow and measured. She slid off to the side, waving her strap away the way she had done with her clothes, cleaning him fully with the same motion, laying beside him and pulling him into a tender embrace. Her arms wrapped around him, holding him close as they both caught their breath.
Eris clung to Rheana's muscular arms, his fingers digging into her flesh as he held onto her tightly. Soft tears left his eyes, trickling down over the bridge of his nose, his temples and onto the pillow beneath him. He wasn't sure why he was crying, maybe it was just relief from the intense session they'd just had.
Regardless of the reason, he buried his face into the crook of her neck, inhaling deeply. The scent of her, mixed with the lingering smell of sweat and sex, was comforting.
"Eris, you never have to be embarrassed about your needs ever again." Rheana sighed, holding her omega close to her, still sensing his heat, stroking his back gently, "I know you were never allowed to feel your urges fully, but now you can..." She knew, his father had forced him on supplements after whipping him through his heats to try to force him to control his pheromones, but he had failed, because no omega could hold their urges during their heat forever, it wasn't natural to.
He snuggled closer to her, enjoying the warmth of her body and the steady beat of her heart. Despite everything, he felt safe and loved in her arms, something he hadn't experienced in a long time. "You didn't get to cum..." He whispered, his eyes heavy.
"We can worry about me late," Rheana kissed his temple, sending him off to sleep. "Rest well, my love,"
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{General Taglist - @nox-ceur @lilah-asteria @paleidiot @dee-writes-smut @adalia-jaycee @anarchiii @alwayshave-faith}
{Eris Taglist - @fxckmiup @slut4acotar @secret-third-thing @shadowsingers-mate @fieldofdaisiies}
{Flames and Darkness Taglist - @anuttellaa @tuggboatfishin @inloveallthetime}
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yourlittlebunnyy · 2 months
a court of shadows and darkness
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chapter two
masterlist - previous chapter - next chapter
summary: Selaene, Rhysand's sister, Azriel's mate runs away after the High Lord of Spring tries to kill her.
warnings: none
enjoy! <3
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"How much longer do we have to stay here?" The young Fae asked exasperatedly. By now they had both lost count of the days, impossible to keep track without the sun or a watch. 
Selaene was furious: not only had Vanessa driven her away from the place where she had fallen, causing her to miss the chance to find the rift between the two worlds from which she herself had passed, but she also continued to remain silent and explain nothing to her. 
She reminded her of her brother. The one who wanted to protect her by not telling her things. She used to get angry, but she understood him and the thing ended in a hug and an explanation. She wonders if Vanessa also keeps her mouth shut to protect her from whatever they are waiting for, or to protect her heart from vain hope.
"The necessary." The tiger answers annoyed, also exasperated by all the times she has been asked the same question and accusation by the Fae. Vanessa cannot see Selaene's eyes, but she is certain she is rolling them up to the sky at the moment. Or to the darkness. She wonders what color her eyes are. She shrugs her shoulders, as much as that form allows her to. She should just have faith, thinks the white-coated female, some trust, since they are both stuck in the same situation.
Vanessa had heard her that night. She had awakened with the sound in the inevitably younger Fae's stifled sobs, but had kept her breath controlled by giving her her space. She too had initially reacted that way, if not worse, and she understood Selaene's anger very well. And she thought she understood her as well, given the similarity of their fates, but instead she had created a wall around her and her thoughts and shut the tiger out. She does not know what is worse: to be alone with her own thoughts or to be in the company of a stranger who is so selfish. She wants to leave as much as the Fae does, so why so much distrust and meanness toward her?
Selaene on the other hand had no other choice: the wound left where the bond once was, the emptiness...the silence between the two mates and everything around them was too strong and was driving her crazy.
More days pass, by the Fae's reckoning.
Days in which the same conversation happened over and over again, in which the silence was ripping her ears and the darkness was tearing her eyes. If she wasn't staring above her, staring at nothingness, she was asleep. At first she was hopeful that sleep would help her, that it would help close the bleeding wound in her heart, but her sleep was as dark as where she was and offered her no comfort except freedom from her thoughts. Which was still better than having to hear them. Maybe, she thought, it was even better than dreaming about her family, her old life, so she wouldn't have to deal with reality once she woke up. 
But-sometimes it happened that she and her brothers, or she and her mate communicated through dreams. She does not tell the tiger, but nothing has appeared yet, and she doubts it will ever happen. She is more likely to be able to warn the three males with her mind than whatever the other female has in mind. Although she can sense it, from the tone and how stubborn Vanessa is remaining, how much the tiger cares. 
And that is why she will never do her such a tort: force her to leave with her to go back to where she came from. She will go alone instead. Seven days of walking and she will be back under the Illyrian Steppes. 
She knows Vanessa is sleeping, and it is just now that she gets up and with a sigh-the only sound she has allowed herself to let escape-she leaves.
Doesn't she ever sleep?
Obviously, the Fae thinks bitterly, she can't have a second of peace; she can't even leave without the tiger getting in the way.
Selaene thinks of an answer so vulgar that it makes herself blush, the kind her brothers and her mate often exchanged, and she would have even said it except that lightning-no, not lightning, someone, rips through the sky of the UnderWorld. A light illuminates the void and the figure of a man appears for less than a second. 
Around her, however, there is nothing. 
Absolute emptiness.
Vanessa's laughter, which the Fae managed to see for that instant when that kind of lightning radiated the place, echoes joyously everywhere. It didn't last long, just long enough for that someone to step into the UnderWorld to get to his destination, but for Selaene everything changes. She too laughs with the tiger, a rich giggle that leaves her with a happy aftertaste.
"I told you so!" The tiger exclaims joyfully. Now, she can finally put a face to that voice.
"It's beautiful." Says the Fae still amazed. She will never admit it out loud, but Vanessa was right: a small spark ignites in her heart, and maybe, she allows herself to think just for a moment, maybe there is a way.
The tiger speaks again. 
They exchanged more words now than in all the time they had been there waiting. "While I was here, I thought that if we can grab someone, wherever they are going, they can get us back to the world above."
"And how long will that take?"
"It will take as long as it takes." 
In spite of the tiger's usual vague words, Selaene could not bring herself to get angry, not when such an opportunity was offered in front of her. She was right about one thing, however: Vanessa and Rhysand are more alike than expected. Her brother would have done the same, told her nothing so as not to create false hope and waited to show her the facts. To protect her, to protect her very delicate heart. 
Perhaps Mother took away a brother to give her a sister.
Now all they have to do is sit and wait for the moment when they and someone above are lined up so they can hold on and be taken out. 
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masterlist - previous chapter - next chapter
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jessiemeows · 28 days
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bbys are so in love and are praying to the Moonmaiden they survive to finally live their free lives
Astarion has always been the hopeful one in the relationship when it comes to their loom and doom. And here you can tell with how he’s smiling at her so she doesn’t lose any hope.
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readychilledwine · 11 months
Azriel Masterlist
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Azriel x Lyria Vanserra
After a mission leaves Az sore, Madja and Rhys suggest he sees Lyria, a healer who specializes in massage therapy
Bound By Fate Series Masterlist
When Kaylee Archeron meets Azriel, her world turns upside down. Between balancing her trauma, new powers, a mating bond, and war looming over her new home, Kaylee learns that everything is not as little as it once seemed.
Beauty in Pain - Request - A failed mission leads to our reader losing her wings (Azriel x Illyrian Reader)
Surprises ** - Azriel has wanted to touch his high lady for a long time (Azriel x Tamlin's Sister OC x Rhysand)
Part 2
Devotion - Request - Based on the quote prompt "I can hold the world in my two hands" (Azriel x Reader)
Replacement - Based *loosely* on a Request - After Azriel's son calls his mate, "mommy", reader is out in a situation where all three of them are healing from trauma
Losing Forever - Request - After his mate heads home to care for her sick father and brother, Azriel is faced with the consequences.
Whispers in The Dark ** - Request - Azriel is ever the opportunist when it comes to using a recently discovered fetish against you.
Cat and Mouse
Request - After reports of Illyrian males torturing females and children hit Rhysand's desk, he, Cassian, and Azriel bring you to the camps for the first time in search of answers.
Lollipop ** After being silenced during the High Lord's meeting with her favorite candy. Seraphina finds herself the center of a certain shadowsingers attention
Part 2 **
For Science ** Request - Azriel and Eris finally agree on one thing, your bratty behavior can't continue to go unpunished
Small World Mini Series
20 years away from the Inner Circle was exactly what Azriel needed to heal. It was exactly what he needed to bring him to you, but the world has a funny way of bringing everything full circle.
The Breakfast Club - After missing breakfast unexpectedly, a hidden relationship is revealed to Azriel's family, who can't tell if they're more surprised by you or his cat.
Oath - Y/n was taken in by Feyre as a small child, and now lives with her in the Night Court, but her favorite person is and will always be Azriel
When I'm Gone - You always had the perfect answer, even when you weren't there to give it anymore
Odd One Out - After 500 years of friendship, the last thing you ever expected was the Inner circle to miss one of your symphonies. But you know what they say, time changes people.
Part 1
Part 2
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bluerose5 · 11 months
Ever since he awakened without his memories, Erys thought himself incapable of feeling affection towards another, let alone for multiple people, but his companions certainly proved him wrong. Even more surprising still was how much he had come to care for Astarion in particular. Where there was once this dark, empty void inside of him, sated only by power and death, he found it quite ironic that it was Astarion —a creature of the night— that filled that void with light.
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