#dark moon theories
bookishtheories · 2 years
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In the latest update of Dark Moon: The Grey City with &TEAM they finally confirmed the names of the members of the pack. Some we already know, while others are completely new!
First off, we have the four original members that we already met in Dark Moon: The Blood Altar with ENHYPEN.
K = Khan Nicholas = Najak EJ = Enzy Taki = Tahel
We first met Khan and Enzy in ENHYPEN's Drunk-Dazed, but all four wolves are predominantly featured in both the Webtoon and the Wattpad of Dark Moon: The Blood Altar.
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Harua = Ruslan Jo = Camill Fuma = Mahan
While these three characters are so far absent from the Webtoon version, they do play an important role in the Wattpad of The Blood Altar.
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Yuma = Louis Maki = Luka
Louis and Luka are NEW Entries in the Dark Moon Universe!
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So far they haven't been mentioned in neither the Webtoon not the Wattpad, but this could change at any moment. We'll have to wait and see :D
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daportalpractitioner · 4 months
scorpio degrees in the natal chart (8°, 20°)
8° = emotionally strong. deals with loss at a young age. socially hyperaware. brings out the vulnerability in people. money savvy. financial magnet. childhood trauma significantly impacts outlook on life. a need to address fears in order to overcome them. fear passed down from the bloodline. holds grudges. betrayal is a common theme. wounded relationship with at least 1 parent from neglect. trust issues. grew up in poverty (or with poverty consciousness). a need to heal low self-esteem. other people recognize their innate power before they do. attracts competition. sensitive root + sacral chakras. unlocking your potential in this lifetime. embrace the shadow, don't run away from it.
20° = dark feminine energy. hypersexuality due to trauma. overcoming low self-esteem is a karmic lesson. must hit rock bottom to truly ascend. poor relationship with food. reproductive/sexual diseases (especially if placement is venus). billionaire potential. loneliness is a theme due to lack of trust. abusive relationships is a theme. needs to get comfortable with death. toxic attachments. addictions. very aware - if you know better, then do better. it's okay to be bougie. a need to constantly elevate the standards cause the price is always going up. miscarriages + infertility. sex can be used as a powerful tool. overcoming self-neglect. burns bridges easily.
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2000s-angell · 1 year
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raayllum · 24 days
I thought I'd made a post about it in the past (and it's probably buried somewhere in a deeper meta) but the 4x07 foreshadowing already made me feel Fucking Insane because they really had a scene explicitly in dialogue to link/associate Rayla with the Moon opal ("Moon ones are the prettiest" + S6 affirming this further with Rayla's kindness emotionally and her moon opal literally healing Esmeray's broken heart) only to immediately afterwards have Callum lose the moon opal (Rayla) on the Bridge of Darkness ("what if I'm on a path of darkness?") and then him picking it up causes the goddamn Key to light up and put their lives in danger and it felt like both such tangible foreshadowing and simultaneously such a reach for the structure of
Callum (almost) loses Rayla amid darkness
Saving / reuniting her causes the Aaravos' key to come into play
This action puts everyone's lives in danger
and yet??
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losing my mind truly
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llamaisllama777 · 1 month
You wanna know a kinda dumb theory I have about TSAMS and EAPS
(The EAPS' Sun IS Dark Sun from the past!)
Yes, dumb theory I know... BUT HEAR ME OUT!
This Sun appears to some knowledge when it comes to tech related things, seeing as how he juryrigged the lightswitch, to not turn off the lights. (Dark Sun is very smart)
He dislikes his Moon. (But to be fair, most Sundrops probably do. This isn't exclusively a Dark Sun thing.)
And it's no secret that Puppet and Eclipse have not made the best impression on him. (They did force him to make a life or death choice within the first couple of days of meeting him.)
And he's now being forced to share his body with Moon. (He may see this as them taking away his freedom)
This could all lead to Sunrise snapping and becoming Dark Sun. But I hear you. "Llama, They dimension traveled not time & dimension travel." And you are probably right. (I did say this was a dumb theory but also possible one.)
But we know very little about this universe as well as Dark Sun's universe. What if when Ruin did all this dimensional "purification" stuff, it cause a rift not just in dimensions but time! I mean, there is a possibility that happened too. dimensional stuff and time stuff are probably closely in-twine. What if this "new" dimension is actually Dark Sun's universe before he became Dark Sun and that Puppet and Eclipse's interference and influence will cause him to become Dark Sun!
It also kinda feeds into another theory I have that the TSAMS and ALL TSBS are stuck in a time-loop (This is based off something Dark Sun mentioned in the Monty and Foxy show in the episode where Dark Sun visited Foxy, and off a comment on that video)
Tl;DR Puppet and Eclipse not only dimensional traveled but time traveled into Dark Sun's universe and will cause Sunrise to snap and become Dark Sun.
Is it dumb theory? ... yes. Is it full of holes?... ya.
Does it feel like something the show would do? Also, YES!
But hey, that's just a theory...
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polaris-stuff · 3 months
Good morning, TSAMS fandom
What if the virus that is controlling Moon does is highlight the bad traits of the infected and everyone is infected except the Suns models because Dark Sun had to make sure not to infect himself? And that's why Earth says she feels more aggressive lately and that it's weird, and that's why Lunar is more apathetic and that's why Moon's insecurities consumed him more quickly?
And the Eclipses are not infected either (Eclipse and Ruin) because at the end of the day they are also part Sun and the virus only works on Moons and Earth models.
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twelverriver · 10 months
sorry but the way river literally always haunts both the narrative and the doctor??? like. she turns up and she dies. we could say she's a ghost for the rest of the show even though we know she's very much alive for the rest of the show. the way the question of how to save river is something the doctor thinks about all the time. the entire episode of the name of the doctor with river's LITERAL GHOST HAUNTING HIM AND CLARA. the minisode "date night" where she says "oh doctor, you and your secrets, you'll be the death of me." and he's looking like he's mourning her all over again. it's twelve hiding a key of the tardis in the book "the time traveler's wife" for me. the way river appears again in the husbands of river song and we know that afterwards, she's headed to the library and dies and gets uploaded to the library as a data ghost. the episode that follows that is literally the return of doctor mysterio, where the loss of river is SO PRESENT??? and he's mourning her the entire and HAS been mourning her. nardole's speech!!! after that is season ten and he mentions her to bill (even if its a deleted scene it is REAL TO ME) and her diary is shown and a passage is read from it to convince the doctor of something and nardole shows up again as a "wife-approved companion" and twelve has a picture of her next to susans on his desk!! and bill asks if someone's really gone do pictures help !!! LIKE. I'm connecting the dots!!
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ikamigami · 1 month
So it turned out that my first thought was true.. that Nexus doesn't want to hurt Sun..
He doesn't know that Creator tortures Sun.. I bet anyway..
I hope that cause soon Nexus will meet with Solar that it won't be pretty >:)c (I wonder what plans Dark Sun has for Solar)
But he definitely doesn't seem happy that Solar is back.. that Eclipse was right again lmao xD
And what Dark Sun was telling you, Nexus :D
Also Nexus can try to deny that he doesn't care about Sun.. but his obvious contempt shows that he indeed cares..
Also Nexus is interested in negative energy.. hmmm I have a feeling that he went cuckoo because of one of those negative beings.. like someone theorized but I don't remember who sorry 😅
Dark Sun really doesn't like unnecessary violence and murder.. which isn't that surprising tbh..
Ruin deserves the situation he's in.. cause maybe it'll give him a lot to think about..
And now here is my wild theory: Nexus is still doing whatever he's doing to protect Sun.. he said that they'll - celestial family - die anyway.. but I just find it to be a facade that he doesn't care anymore and all that stuff.. or maybe not facade but he might be in denial.. and this is my second theory:
Nexus wants to be powerful so he wouldn't fail anymore.. and it's still related with his obsession to keep Sun alive but he either just is blinded by the promises of power.. or he doesn't realize that this is what will kill Sun..
I still think that it's somewhat related to his obsession over Sun dying..
I might be wrong but other things wouldn't make much sense.. at least to me..
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sen-sational · 2 months
After seeing Lord eclipse again i remembered a theory that Lord eclipse's sun, Servant sun is possibly dark sun.
I see it.
Servant sun had access to a whole library so he'd have so much information. Lord eclipse told nexus (before he went cray cray) that his sun 'died' but maybe he faked his death and went to another dimension, killed that dimension's sun and took his place
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misinformedhuman · 3 days
(i have barely anything to back this one up so im extremely unconfident abt it 🥲)
(I've had this theory for a WHILE now but i was waiting for something to pop up so i could support it, however since i haven't found much I'm just gonna say it now)
So we all know how when Sun and moon went to D.Sun's dimension Sun kept falling into a trace when he saw the dragon wither storm, right?
and we also know that when Moon touched/was near the wither shard that he got from that one dimension with monty having the star, he felt nauseous and his head was hurting, but Sun felt completely fine around it
Considering all of those things, what if Sun is a wither storm? or at least has the potential to become one? (ik that sounds like absolute nonsense but lemmie pull my matpat card rn-)
Maybe Sun feels a connection to the wither shards and the wither dragon cuz he's meant to absorb said shards to reach his full power/potential, and the dragon is like his "brother in wither" or something of that sort
Regarding what D.Sun said about how his entire plan revolving around Sun to Ruin, i doubt that was a lie because D.Sun kept mumbling "all for you" to himself as he was leaving to go feed the dragon (this theory also kinda connects to my D.Sun theory i made a while ago)
I think D.Sun's plan with Sun is to get him to reach his full potential that he was unable to reach when he was our Sun's place beforehand
(sense i have basically nothing to back this up I don't think i can say much more abt this until more stuff pops up)
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bookishtheories · 2 years
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&TEAM's debut MV will be released in less than 24hrs (YAY! :D) so here are some of my thoughts on the latest teaser of Under the Skin!
So, the first thing that seems to be confirmed is that the debut track will be a part of The Grey City lore. In the video description they included the tagline DARK MOON: THE GREY CITY with &TEAM so it'll definitely be showing us bits and pieces of the storyline and introduce the focal themes that will be explored later on.
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This is also confirmed by what we see in the video itself because one of the dance scenes takes place in the gym of the Sunshine City School, the institute that the werewolves also attend in ENHYPEN's Dark Moon: The Blood Altar.
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Much like in that story, Teaser 3 also introduces the pack as the members of the Sunshine City Wolves, which is the Nightball Team of the school as well as the rival team of the Decelis Academy.
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Even just looking at the teaser, we can already notice great attention to detail. The emblem of the Sunshine City School matches the one we already saw back in Drunk-Dazed and the Webtoon, and even the colors of the uniform match the animations that are already available.
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On the uniforms, we can also spot the Sunshine City School motto:
Sol Lucet Omnibus
It is a Latin phrase that means "The sun shines for everyone". This saying is more profound than what is seems because in ancient times it was used to express the idea that everyone has the inherent right to their own ray of sunshine. The sun shines for everyone means that we're all equal under the sun, and no injustice or greed can take that light away from us. This concept also fits well with the "code of honor" that makes the pack so loyal and united.
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Another important detail of the teaser is the focus on dates, which hints at the idea that Under the Skin might not focus on a single event but rather give us a general overview of their upcoming story.
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As I already mentioned in my previous &TEAM post, so far we know that Dark Moon: The Grey City will be set in the port town of Greyville 20 years before them enrolling at the Sunshine City School.
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We already saw hints of this timeline in Teaser 1 with K and the other wolf, so the fact that in the video we'll also see them in Riverfield could mean that Under the Skin might summarise those 20 years that will lead them to become students of Sunshine City. I can't wait for this MV, I'm very curious to know more! :D
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usakofashion · 10 months
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Black is the strongest of the neutral colors. On the positive side, it’s commonly associated with power, elegance, and formality. On the negative side, it can be associated with evil, death, and mystery. Black is the traditional color of mourning in many Western countries. It’s also associated with rebellion in some cultures, and is associated with Halloween and the occult. - Cameron Chapman
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sourtomatola · 10 months
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Two jobs, for two bots.
This is for the Midsummer nightmare's boys! I had to draw this after that dream sequence ^^
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raayllum · 5 months
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I love you 6x05 and 6x06 I love you so much (meta here)
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sabrondabrainrot · 14 days
Random Idea but with what I know about current spoilers I have two ideas. One is that Sun will somehow becomes the Witherstorm (I AM BANKING ON THIS) or he's going to be relevant to the Witherstorm of their dimension and be scattered through dimensions.
One of my most favorite series of all time is "Tsubasa: Reservoir Chronicles" and the crux of that series is they need to put someone back together and to do so, they have to travel to various dimensions to find the missing pieces of the person's soul. I totally see that happening to our Sun? I don't know why.
Even to this day, Sun still hasn't quite opened up about himself. Not to Old Moon, New Moon, Solar, Earth, Lunar, etc etc. I think the most he's been open towards thus far is probably Dazzle ironically?
I'm still getting caught up but I can tell Dazzle actually wants to get to know him so she's asking about him and he's honestly telling her. (also loving how Sun is spending more and more time with the kids in the show, He spends so much time with FC, Dazzle, Jack, etc. It's so wholesome) I'd say Earth and Lunar are in second place of knowing him best but they also still sometimes are kept an arm's length away.
Solution to this? Scatter parts of his 'soul' into the multiverse and make it the family's responsibility to find him! Heck he could even be in a coma the entire time they do this! When they find a Sun fragment they get to see his memories or feel and hear his thoughts.
In Tsubasa the fragments are called 'feathers' and they can warp reality, break time and space, or even gain sentience. I think it'd be so neat if one of the fragments of Sun became Dark Sun but I know it's not likely.
"I am doing this for Sun, Because I am Sun" vibes
Just an Idea but it'd be so cool if it happens!
My second Idea, has to do with a sketch I did a bit ago (still working on more sketches for it) but basically I know Sun's currently gathering power. He's a fighter and wants to help! His family is still keeping him away from the action though. It's not malicious and comes from them wanting to protect him but it's going to ultimately leave him more vulnerable and a target.
Dark Sun I know is tampering with dark energies, he's raising a dragon? He's associating more and more with Witherstorm energy and he still hasn't quite confessed what his motive/plan is besides the fact this is "all for Sun"
So wouldn't this mean Sun is going to ultimately becomes a Witherstorm? It's what the creator studies and the one of the main dimension is different from others so who's to say our Sun and Moon aren't also built different with different fates?
Creator created something specifically just to torture and wear Sun down but when you think of it, that's also what Old Moon was until they split. I don't think that was the intention but the fact Old Moon just decided to point blank torture Sun? Sus, like it was meant to happen.
Dark Sun I think needs Sun to be his pet Witherstorm, and he's maybe planning to use Nexus to make that happen? I just got to the point in the series where he just picked up New Moon from space and took a chip out of his brain. Bruh...he needs him but won't say for what.
I love it. Dark Sun my beloved what are you evil little plans <3
Hoping Sun doesn't fall into a Coma but it'd be so sexy of him aha~
I really like when Sun spends time with Earth and Lunar too it'd be so cool if they have an adventure to save him.
BTW I've been listening to Aurora's song "The Seed" and it literally gave me a big brain AU idea for tsams but idk if I should try to write it.
I really hope Sun ascends to some kind of God-hood like being especially involving destructive energy like Witherstorm stuff. It'd be so neat and sad if one of the nicest people ever became the ultimate judge, jury, and executioner-like being. It's especially ironic since Nexus/New Moon can't decide what's real anymore and just decided to frick off and become God so it'd be realllyyyy funny if Sun was the one to become a reality altering being.
I'm just Madoka-ifying Sun at this point
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type1dragonwolf · 2 months
(Pretty Long) Nexus Rant
So I was listening to the song “Not A Lot, Just Forever” by Adrienne Walker (A sad but ABSOLUTELY STUNNING song by the way) and for some reason it made me think of Nexus and his life. And I realized he’s not the villain. He didn’t MAKE himself evil.
He was honestly just broken and chose to follow the evil voices in his head.
Let me explain.
So back when he was first… born? Created? I don’t know— he felt like he had to be like old him. Old him but BETTER. And he tried to be.
He yelled at Sun like old him, but out of protecting him from star power. (Also, he’s not okay with Sun using star power but perfectly fine with Lunar?? What??) He teased them but stopped if he felt it was going too far. Sure he did occasionally snap, but almost always apologized. But he still felt pressure.
to defeat Eclipse, fix Ruin, be the best sibling and DCA, and especially be a better Moon. Until Solar came along.
Solar never knew old him, and never put any pressure on him. He would help him out if he needed it, smooth him if he was stressed, and almost never argued back with him, unless he had his own opinion. Solar was Nexus’ Angel.
Until he died.
Nexus was struck down by that. He felt like his world had been crushed. He didn’t realize it, but Solar was helping him hold his head high, and keep him still through all the chaos. Now he felt like nothing.
He did everything he could to try and rebuild him. To make his siblings happy. But he couldn’t do it. He tried over and OVER again, but he just COULDN’T. I think that’s when he felt the most crushed under the weight of not being like old moon. Nexus felt like he could do NOTHING.
But he kept trying. And went insane from it. The voices in his head telling him he wasn’t good enough. He pushed all his siblings away, having drones watch them, and make sure they were safe, but he only had one goal in mind. Get Solar back.
And he tried. Until he got put in that cell. And then disowned. He only wanted what was best for his siblings, and while he did try to still care and protect them, they fully shoved him away. He did yell at them and threaten them though. But he was angry that they told him to not get Solar back. And he said he felt some regret and guilt.
Anyways, he escaped. And tried to blow up Ruin’s place. Until puppet stopped him and put him in space. Then Dark Sun (Soliace? Is that what is name is now?) arrived and told him he’d help him get revenge AND Solar back if he helped him. So he agreed.
But he kept protecting his siblings, even though they hated each other. And then he found out. They had replaced him. With old him. And when old him found his base, and basically border-line told him he was useless, that’s when I think he finally SNAP snapped.
If old Moon though he was useless, all his siblings though he was useless, and Solar might not even like him anymore, then he knew he was worthless. The voices told him so. So he went full-in on Dark Sun’s plan. And doesn’t seem like he’s gonna stop soon.
Ugh, sorry this is SO long. I just needed to vent this. I hope that if Solar comes back he will hear Nexus’ side of the story, and try to understand. I don’t think Nexus is EVIL evil, I just think he’s BROKEN to the point of… almost no return? Idk. Honestly, I feel kinda bad for him.
If MY family suddenly hated me for going “too far” in something, and they disowned me because I yelled about it, I would be pretty annoyed too.
Also, sorry if I got anything wrong with the Dark Sun or other stuff. I have a short attention span, and sometimes forget stuff, so sorry if I don’t remember anything from the newer episodes.
Also, Nexus’ new design looks COOL AS HECK.
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