#dark s1 e1
providence-park · 4 months
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S1-E1 | The Long Bright Dark
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toxicanonymity · 6 months
the narrative.
4.7k, darkish!Javi Gutierrez x f!reader
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"Control the narrative. You probably say that when you cum." - Roman Roy, Succession, s1 e1. PREMISE: Javi is in the middle of a publicity disaster due to his illegal activities and big mouth. Enter you (and he will). Penthouse vibe and attire inspired by Justified City Primeval. WARNINGS: I8+ ONE SHOT, dark(ish?) Javi, canon-typical lack of realism, drug references, gratuitous bulge, alcohol, praise, mention of someone sucking Javi's dick in the past, unprofessional behavior, power dynamics, pressure, DUBCON unsafe p in v (etc.), mild gun play, romance. A/N: Dedicated to @noxturnalpascal 🖤 Never thought I'd start the year with this guy, but thots happened. I only have one other Javi G. fic.
When you show up to Javi's home in the Hollywood hills, you're mildly surprised the car is stopping. It looks like any other skyrise. It's not his main residence, but he has the whole top floor to himself. You’ve refreshed yourself on the task during the ride – Javi Gutierrez is a PR nightmare lately, and he needs to be reminded how to handle press, especially questions about his recent run-ins with the law and ties to his family business. You'll run through a few practice questions with him, refresh him on the way to his event, and say goodbye. It should be simple. 
On your way into Javi’s building, the concierge greets you, then makes polite conversation as he escorts you to the penthouse. 
"Mr. Gutierrez already has company," he mentions as he uses a key card then holds the door open for you. 
You step into Javi’s apartment and the door closes behind you. It feels intrusive, just showing up in his personal space without someone to introduce you.  It's quiet for a moment, and you take in the opulence -- the sky high ceilings, the glittery floor sparkling under your modest wedge heels. You adjust your little black dress and fix your hair, then stand and wait with your bag.
You take a deep, calming breath. At least this isn’t a celebrity you have a crush on. He isn’t necessarily your type. He seems like such a teddy bear. He’ll be cool. He’s down to earth, you tell yourself, but can’t think of any evidence to support that claim. What kind of company does he have, you wonder. Is it a woman?
"One more, one more," Javi begs out of view, and your breath hitches at his voice. It's not the pitch or measured cadence you hear in the movies or even interviews. It's deep, gruff, and unpolished. "One more, Nick." 
Your heart jumps at the name. 
Nick sighs. "Alright, what are we drinking to?"
"Balas y drogas," Javi booms. (Bullets and drugs). "Brindemos" (cheers). 
"As always," Nick monotones, and you hear their glasses clink. A few seconds later, boots begin to click and echo, and they're coming in your direction. 
Entranced by the sparkle of the floor, you see a pair of snakeskin boots cross in front of you first. The boots pause, and your gaze pans up over his unexpectedly bare legs, which are muscular and only slightly hairy. Your eyes continue up over the swell of his thighs, and then–by the time you see it, it’s too late not to look right at it--a generous bulge under a blue striped swimsuit. You yank your eyes upward so fast, you almost don't see the gold pistol he’s holding at his side. Javi raises an empty highball glass, gestures it toward you, and you're studying the rings his hand when he complains, "You are early." He taps a ring on the glass and looks around behind you. “They sent you alone?”
“Yes, Mr. Gutierrez.” You introduce yourself. When you speak, he holds surprisingly warm eye contact, given his opening line. It feels like he’s really seeing you, maybe even connecting with you. 
“Please, call me Javi.” He walks around the counter and makes no effort to close his silk robe, trailing behind him.  "Make yourself a drink," he nods toward a wet bar behind him as he puts his glass in the sink. His curls are a mess, but he doesn't look bad. His strong chest glistens under his gold chain.  "Make Nick something, too. NICK--" 
"I'm right here, Javi. I really have to go." Nick greets you with an unenthused nod, "Hi,” then his phone rings and he quickly bids farewell to Javi: "I'll see ya later bud." Nick slowly staggers toward the door as he answers the phone. 
As the door closes behind Nick, Javi watches your face. "He has a key, you know. He'll be back," then he again urges you toward the wet bar, slightly more politely this time.  "Please, help yourself.  Why did they send you so early?"
"I'm an hour late," you tell him. His security team stalled you because he wasn’t ready.
He looks at his gold watch. "Mierda" (Shit). He meets your gaze again with apologetic eyes. "An hour late. . . maybe I do like you. . ."  The third time he refers you to the bar, you go around the counter and at least browse his liquor selection. 
A few minutes later, you're mindlessly reading the liquor bottles when you see a reflection in a bottle of mezcal. Something moves behind you.
"Tequila," Javi murmurs a few inches from your ear. “If you cannot decide.” You stiffen but manage not to jump, or so you think. "Relax, mamacita.” A large, warm hand comes to your bare shoulder, making your chest get hot. Javi’s lips brush the shell of your ear. “Relax,” he repeats. “It is only Javi.” He smells faintly of pipe or hookah smoke.
He lingers for a moment, smells your hair, then his hand trails down your bicep, and butterflies rush through your body so fast you have to step away.  He looks only slightly bemused. He checks you out even more obviously this time, then silently walks backwards through the kitchen, and you forget not to stare. You follow the way the light highlights his little belly. His happy trail leads you right to the slight swing and jiggle of the massive lump precariously contained by that swimsuit. How much of it is balls, you wonder. And at that moment, he reaches down to adjust himself before turning around and heading to his bedroom. 
Your face is on fire, and you’re tingling down South. You pour yourself a drink. You need one. The floor-to-ceiling windows offer quite a view of the city. It feels like Javi is taking a long time. In the distance, he begins to sing. You didn’t expect to be attracted to him, but now you have this feeling in your chest, like you’re waiting for a date with someone you like. Someone you’re still getting to know. You try to brush it off and not read too much into the look in his eyes. He’s an actor. He probably knows how to make people feel special, you remind yourself, but you can’t help but feel a little giddy as you wait. 
You take a seat on his velvet sectional. You sip your drink and begin to feel more confident. When you go to put your drink down on the nearest coffee table, there isn't much space amid the array of empty bottles and glasses, and a hookah. You set your drink on a silver tray, and only then do you realize you've disrupted the geometric residue of tiny white lines. “Shit,” you whisper. 
While Javi gets ready, you read some of his past quotes to the press. It messes with your head. Sure, he was rude to you at first, but then so warm. There’s one particular quote you’re stuck on. It isn’t too hard to imagine him saying something like this. You catch yourself feeling sad about it, not because it was so rude of him, but because of the insinuation of him with another woman.  In your mind, you know this feeling is irrational after having only interacted with Javi for only a moment. You have to compose yourself into professional mode again. 
Javi returns freshly showered, wearing slacks and a patterned, long-sleeve, button-up shirt that hugs his biceps. He checks you out as he fastens his last cuff link. Then he sucks in his stomach and tucks in his shirt by shoving his hands all the way into his pants. He keeps eye contact with you as he tucks in the front, and finishes it off with a subtle cup of his balls. Then he stands normally again, and the curve of his little belly presses against the shirt above his pants. He doesn't put on a belt. He gestures for you to walk in front of him. 
Javi stays close on the way downstairs. On the elevator, you can feel his breath on your cheek. When the doors open, his hand on your back ushers you out. The soft padding of his stomach grazes your arm.
Back outside Javi’s apartment, the car you arrived in – the one that picked you up at the Dobis PR office – is gone. You’ll ride in Javi’s car. His security team wants to accompany the two of you in the vehicle, and it’s clear they normally ride with Javi. But Javi convinces them to follow in another car this time. Just this once. You get into a black Mercedes sprinter outfitted with a raised roof, big leather bench seat, and a bar. 
As you settle into the van, Javi is making sure you’re comfortable, making small talk, and you just want to chat with him, but you do have a job to do. He’s sitting in the corner of the bench in the very back of the van, and you’re next to him, with your body mostly facing him. You begin to broach the topic at hand, distracted by his closeness and the aftershave molecules wafting into your nostrils. “Okay Javi, so, I’m familiar with your, uh, difficulties with law enforcement recently, and my role here is to kinda help you help yourself with that in the press.”  
He nods. 
“So let’s start where we are. Do you remember what you said when Page Six asked for a comment?”
He briefly leans in the opposite direction from you to open the minifridge. He pulls out a bottle of champagne. “Page Six, remind me which one is that.”
Is he going to make you say it? Fine. “You don't remember telling the writer her lips were made to suck your dick?” 
“That was out of context,” he mutters. You search his face for whether it‘s a joke, but he’s not laughing, and he’s not meeting your eyes.  
You ask, “Is there a context where that’s a good comment to make?” And you hope it lands softer than it sounds to your own ears. 
“Yes,” Javi nods and brushes a curl out of his forehead. He shifts in the seat and wrings his hand around the neck of the champagne bottle in his lap. “With a cock in her mouth.” Hearing the word cock in his voice gives you a zing of arousal. 
You’re at a loss for words. “Are you saying you weren't answering a question when you said that?”
“The conversation was over,” Javi nods. 
“--And she had your–”
“My cock, yes,” he confirms. “In her mouth.” He reads your face, then shrugs. “She wanted a taste of Javi, and I am afraid I could not resist.” Your mind is going places - How did that happen, you wonder. Did she just drop to her knees? Does it happen all the time? Could you have a taste of Javi? Do you want one? No, you don’t want to be just another girl.
You and Javi look at each other for a moment, neither of you completely focused, then you say the only thing you can think to say, “Fair enough,” as you close your folio. Then you can’t help but add, “Optimally, it's not the best idea to sleep with. . . certain people . . .who can make you look bad.” The thought falls apart as you watch his face, and you wonder if you're overstepping. 
“It was only a mouth,” Javi clarifies, then lowers his voice. “I would never make the love to her.” 
Now his eyes are fixed on your lips. His mind is going places. You watch him salivate over the shape of your mouth and don’t dare to interrupt his filthy train of thought. But that bulge in his swim trunks is seared in your mind. The subtle way it moved with each step. You have to stare at anything else to keep your eyes off his pants. You look at the bits of silver in his beard and the sparkle in his eyes
“Hm?” he asks and you snap out of your trance. 
“We need to control the narrative,” you mumble, as if you're thinking about work. 
“I don’t have a narrative, I have the truth. And the truth is too dangerous, mami.” He extends an arm behind you. 
The intrigue shakes you from your dirty thoughts. You shouldn’t pry, so you try not to, but having heard his explanation for the Page Six comment, you’re wondering if there really is a good explanation for how he got caught riding dirty with both narcotics and unregistered weapons.
He scoots closer, so he’s mostly on your bench rather than in the corner, and he extends an arm behind you. “I have to say, you are a smart girl.” He brushes your shoulder with his thumb. “Very pretty, too,” he adds quietly. “And very smart not to ask.”
“Thanks,” you mumble. What else can you say?
He looks you over, and his face hardens in an instant. “You should fire them,” he says. “They put a pretty girl like you in a van with me.” He scoffs. “They don’t respect you, I’m sorry to say.” 
What is that supposed to mean? You stare at him blankly, then say, “I can’t fire them, I work for them.”
“Well then you should fire your job. Quit it, the job.” You suppose he’s that out of touch. He probably doesn’t even know how much rent is in LA. Increasingly incredulous, he asks, “They sent you here alone?” 
Your mouth feels dry. You nod and try to swallow. 
His face softens. “No, please do not be scared,” he tries to recover, cupping your shoulder warmly with his palm. “But they should care more about you. You are precious.” 
“Well. . . Thanks, I think I’ll be okay,” you stammer.
Javi chuckles and locks all the doors to the van. Your upper body quickly goes cold as he settles in again next to you, his knee touching yours. How did he even do that?
He smiles darkly. “You felt that, right? In your spine?” His thumb brushes the nape of your neck, then the top of your spine.
You nod, otherwise paralyzed. 
“Fire them,” he repeats in a whisper.
You stand up just an inch to smooth your dress, and before you can sit back down, the van lurches out of nowhere.  You’re propelled face-first into Javi’s arms. The unopened bottle of champagne rolls away. Your faces are only a few inches apart. His shirt is soft, his body is warm, and you’re breathing his minty breath. The van lurches again and he hugs you into him, protectively. 
“I apologize, sir,” the driver announces through a speaker. 
You slowly begin to sit up from him. His arms are slow to release you. As you sit up, he lays a hand on your thigh. “Are you okay?”
“I should warn you,” he murmurs. “Traffic is very bad here.” 
You sit there with Javi’s arm behind you and his other hand on your thigh, and neither of you speaks. He’s practically enveloping you with his whole body.
“You are thinking about it, right?”  
The pitch of his voice and a nod toward your skirt tells you what he’s talking about, and you don’t answer.  He takes his hand off your thigh only to adjust himself, and your face heats up. 
He sighs. “So, if you are the press, what should I say right now?”
After a loaded beat of silence, you snap out of it and begin to ramble, “Well, I haven't asked you a question, so you don't have to say anything, in fact, unless they ask–”
He reaches for your face. He rests four fingers on the side of your face, then brushes his thumb over your lips. “Shh. I won't say it,” he whispers. “That this press is the most beautiful girl. . .” Your lips part and let his thumb into your mouth, but your tongue pulls back.
“That I need her. . .in a way I cannot explain.” You gasp and look down. He takes his thumb  out of your mouth, then his hand drifts to his pants. “That I want to twist her legs around me like a pretzel.” The glint of his rings catches your eye, slowly moving atop his pants. His eyelids are heavy. “I should not say it, right?” 
You look at his mouth then meet his eyes again and shake your head no, ever so slightly. 
“But I can think it,” he whispers with a nod. “I can feel it,” he nods with a raise of his eyebrows. “Dios mio. . . I can have it.” 
He hugs you, slides a hand under your opposite thigh, and swiftly pulls you into straddling him with your knees on the seat and your skirt hanging loosely in his lap. You aren’t wearing stockings, but you’re wearing modest boy shorts. His hips lift up to meet you as he pulls you down with a sigh. His warm package feels even bigger than it looked. He closes his eyes and runs his hands over your back as your loins throb against each other. 
He holds your body firmly in place for a few gentle little thrusts that make you gush with each push of his bulge. Then, satisfied that you're not going anywhere, he pulls your face in for a long, steamy kiss, with his rings pressed against your cheek. As he feeds you his tongue, his hips keep moving, slowly pressing himself against you.
He pulls his face away and asks, “Do we have to go to this thing?” 
“No,” you say, pleased at this turn of events. He cups your head, and you explain, “Not at all. We wanted you to lay low. But you insisted-”
“I want to lay low with you,” he murmurs against your cheek. “Let me lay with you.”  Your insides are throbbing and swelling. His lips and the slightest hint of his teeth drag down your neck while his thick manhood hardens more against the crotch of your boy shorts. “I'll give you more than a taste, Mamacita. We're going to lay together.”  
He asks the driver to take you back to his place. Then he latches onto your neck, and you let out a little moan.  The van turns around to head back to his place. 
“I just need to text the team,” you tell him and get off his lap. You straighten your dress and begin to text your manager.  While you're on your phone, he keeps kissing and nibbling at you. 
Your manager calls, and you clear your throat. Javi occupies himself by popping open the bottle of champagne. You receive accolades for talking him out of the event. 
When you're off the phone, Javi has somewhat composed himself. “Now we have all night.” He hands you a flute of champagne. A voice comes over the intercom saying there's a security matter Mr. Gutierrez needs to be briefed on. The van pulls over and Rafael, Javi’s head of security, joins you. 
“Your brother is back,” Rafael tells him. “And he's not happy about what you took.”
“Puta Madre,” Javi grumbles. “You know what he would have done with it.” 
“I know,” Rafi nods. 
“I have plans tonight, Rafi.” Javi looks at you adoringly. “The most important plans of my life.” He turns back to Rafi.  “Do you see this beautiful woman? We have plans.” 
“You have to stay with me,” Javi tells you. “I’ll keep you safe.” 
When you arrive back at Javi’s place, Rafi insists on escorting the two of you up to the penthouse. The place has already been cleaned up, and a maid is on her way out. 
“Thank you, Sandy,” Javi says as she passes by. She nods. 
You excuse yourself to freshen up while Javi rants to Rafael. There's a crashing noise and you take your time coming back from the restroom, unsure what awaits. 
You come back to the main room and put your bag on a stool at the counter. Rafael is on his way out to stand guard by the door. Javi is sitting on the sofa with his pants off and his shirt unbuttoned, holding his gold pistol against his thigh. 
“I asked Rafi to give us some privacy,” Javi says. “We will not let this ruin our night.” He looks at you hungrily. “Come. Sit.” He makes space in his lap and looks down at himself. He’s wearing black boxer briefs.
You straddle him but don't sit yet. His free hand slides up the back of your thigh and he grabs a handful of ass. “You are the most beautiful woman,” he sighs. “And you feel so good in my hands.”
With his other hand, Javi nudges the golden gun under your skirt, and the metal on your bare thigh makes you flinch. “Shhh.”  He slowly slides the barrel along your inner thigh where the hem of your underwear is. He slides it lightly back and forth, breathing deeply through his nose. Then, his lips part as he rubs it along the damp crotch of your boy shorts. Your whole body erupts in goosebumps. He watches your face as he rubs you with the barrel of his pistol. He angles it upward each time he reaches your front. 
He palms your ass at the same rhythm as he massages you with the gun, as if encouraging you to ride it. Then he holds it still between his legs, pulls you closer against it, and your hips move on their own, seeking more pressure against the barrel. You twitch and gasp and he sucks in a deep breath through his nose. He moves you on the gun and you grind against the barrel until you’re almost at the edge and your thighs are trembling. 
“Good girl,” he sighs. He brings the side of the barrel to his nose and sniffs. Then he makes eye contact with you as he presses his lips to the side of the barrel and dips his tongue onto the metal.  He kisses the gun goodbye, then puts it aside. “I will keep you safe,” he reassures you again. 
Javi takes your hand in his and puts it on the hard bulge and you almost come. He’s so big, and so hard, the seams of his boxer briefs must be ready to burst. He uses your hand to massage himself. At the same time, he grabs the back of your head and pulls you into him for a passionate kiss. Your palm begins to massage his shaft. Feeling the hard shape of him, you can tell how thick he is, and it's more than a handful. Your fingers cradle his balls as you massage the lower part of his shaft. He pulls his underwear down and your skin meets his bare cock.
Both his palms engulf your ass cheeks and he lifts your dress all the way up over your ass so he can see your hips before desperately pulling you fully onto him. He smacks your ass, then kneads it again and licks into your mouth as he grinds up against you. 
He gropes your breasts and pulls your dress all the way up, taking it over your head. His hands find your bra clasp, and he frees your breasts, taking one to his mouth right away. He reaches into your smooth, stretchy boy shorts and gasps at the feeling of your bare, dripping cunt. He holds his cock in his hand and brings the tip to the bottom seam of your underwear. He wedges his cock into the garment, resting against your inner thigh, then a little further, and the bare skin of his tip nudging between your slippery folds makes you weak in the knees. He puts his cock all the way into your underwear from the bottom, wet from your slick, and pulls you tight against him. You grind together and his shaft massages your clit. The pressure builds and quickly boils over, and you moan as you begin to pulse against him. 
“Oh, my love,” Javi sighs, then moans as you grind and come against his cock in your panties. “Such a pretty sight and sound.”
With pleasure still washing over you, he wraps an arm tight around you, turns and lays you down on your back as your orgasm wanes. 
His cock slides out of your underwear as he makes space to finish undressing you both. He tears your underwear down in a frenzy and can't get out of his own soon enough. Within seconds, you're both nude on the sofa in the dimly lit room.
Javi sits on his knees between your legs and pumps himself slowly, belly pushing out, eyes dancing across your body. His cock is so stiff and thick, you can't take your eyes off it. You throb and ache for it. He runs his flattened fingers through your dripping seam and moans at your wetness. 
“I cannot wait another moment to feel you, my love.” 
Javi gets on top of you, his belly pressing into you as he positions himself then notches at your entrance. His gold chain hangs and grazes your chest. He hikes your leg up and you wrap it around him. 
“Good,” he whispers.
Javi shoves into you, punching the air out of your lungs with a brief burn at the stretch. He groans as he fills you with his flesh as fast as your body will allow. “Javi,” you gasp as his girth spreads you apart. His dick twitches at the sound of his name on your lips. He sighs your name and you're almost flattered he knows it, giving you a brief twinge of uncertainty that's quickly replaced by pleasure as he withdraws a few inches then slams into you. 
“You are so beautiful,” he pants as he begins to fuck you steadily. He kisses your chest and your neck. “It was fate that you came here to me.” 
He moans and grunts as he buries his cock in you. You wrap your other leg around him. His body is solid and soft against yours.  So much skin on skin and it all feels right. You feel safe, and you feel adored. The way he looks at you, the way he feels you, moves on you, it’s like he’s been waiting for you forever. He hooks a hand under your shoulder for more leverage, and the force of each punch of his hips jiggles your breasts. He slows down and fucks you more tenderly, but still with power. The movement of his hips is fluid and smooth. 
After a few minutes, he moans, “Ohh, my love,” then sighs your name. “I have to give you my cum, I have to give it to you.” You aren’t sure, but you can’t bring yourself to say anything to disrupt this moment. You’ve never had someone make love to you this way. “I’m going to explode,” he warns.
He buries his mouth in the crook of your neck, bottoms out, and groans as he erupts deep in your core, sending you for another climax of your own. Then his lips scramble up your neck and jaw to find your lips and he kisses you passionately as warm bursts of his cum fill you up. “Mmm,” he moans into your mouth as you clench around his cock. 
When you’re both finished coming, he stays inside for a moment. “We will be joined again,” he assures you as he pulls out.
He lays half on his side, with a bit of his weight on you for a moment. He strokes your face and admires you tenderly. You excuse yourself to the restroom, and he goes with you, escorting you to his master bath instead of the guest room you used earlier. He shows you his bedroom on the other side and says, “you will stay here with me.” 
When you come out of the restroom to Javi’s bed, you approach hesitantly. “Are you sure?” you ask. 
“I would not dream of letting you leave,” he assures you. 
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The Ineffable Detective Agency presents more Ineffable Discontinuity and Suspicious Moments: Hawaiian Shirt / Pub Table Guy
Introducing... the extra/background character who makes Aziraphale do THIS, and then immediately has his table at the pub miracled away:
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Jon Dan Duncan's imdb profile doesn't list Good Omens, not even as "uncredited" - which seems strange, because his profile does include the above photo of him. Since the actor isn't credited in GO, we don't have a character name or know anything more than what we can see onscreen. So, what DO we see?
First of all, when Aziraphale sees this person, he definitely has A Reaction. We were probably all too distracted by Azi stroking the thin dark duke to notice (as an aside, IS Crowley a Duke? Of what? Hell? Something else??), but after the 90th rewatch, it gets a bit easier to focus on these background details that are probably critically important to the story in ways we just don't understand yet. Look at this:
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Did he mouth "stop" when he's supposed to be saying "sherry"? Maybe. These LOOKS, though:
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We all know that Michael Sheen's expressions, no matter how tiny or fleeting, are very intentional. Who IS this mystery person??! Immediately after taking his table:
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After whoever-he-is loses his pub table, he lingers nearby, and there's an interesting "ineffable discontinuity" - what he's holding in his right hand abruptly changes twice between camera cuts (sound on, if you want context for this small zoomed-in part of the screen, and try watching from your browser if the Tumblr app is cutting off the right edge of the image):
So far, our best explanation for the "ineffable discontinuities" - things that inexplicably and improbably change, like which hand is holding his drink or (coming up next) when he's behind Gabriel and then suddenly in front of him - is that we're seeing multiple timelines that are being knitted together in production to make them look seamless - but who knows? We'd love to hear your ideas! (Also, see the appearing Honolulu Roast sign in the coffeeshop, or Crowley's tattoo and sideburns, or the fandom's newest discovery (from @kimberleyjean and @bbbitchvibbbez) about Gabriel visiting his statue with "both" s1 and s2 Beelzebubs, plus the way the statue's cross is sometimes missing - just to name a few!)
Was the point in this scene with Hawaiian shirt/pub guy's right hand to draw our attention to this page of his newspaper?
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"Unearthed mysteries of sealed library basement" - when Crowley told Shax that Aziraphale was "stock taking in the basement", was it true that there IS a basement in the bookshop? Basements apparently aren't that common in most of the UK, but London is famous for having "iceberg" buildings (where the basements are actually bigger than what's above-ground).
"Government approves funding for citywide charging stations" - We don't know, but it makes us think of all the electric cars used in s2 (it was an indoor set) and of Crowley throwing lightning in the street.
And the smaller headline on the right ... Hmmm. Can you read it? 😅 Maybe "Neighbor says New ------ park gate is ' too --- ' "
And it's not just the pub during episode 2! This mystery character is everywhere!
E1: He somehow starts out behind Gabriel, and then ends up in front of Gabriel with another extra on his arm:
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E2: In addition to his appearance in the pub, he's also watching when Saraqael, Uriel, and Michael arrive:
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E3: Our mystery character is there again when Crowley makes it rain, wearing his e1 shirt:
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E4: We didn't spot him in this episode, but there are only a few minutes of present-day SoHo. Did anyone else see him?
E5: He has a doppelganger in a different Hawaiian print shirt! (Notice the different facial hair, among other things.)
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Later in e5 he does actually make an appearance in the bookshop window for a quarter of a second (!!), wearing his e2 pub outfit, and maybe it's his presence that elicits this similar-to-the-pub reaction from Aziraphale?
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E6: And back again to his black e1 and e3 shirt with the red flowers, while in line behind The Metatron, and then sitting at a table on the sidewalk, where he remains with the person in the turban who was in line behind him (and who also shows up quite a lot during s2) right up until Crowley drives away:
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So, why have him wear such a noticable black shirt with red flowers on what are supposed to be three different days? Is he connected, with his Hawaiian print shirt, to the appearing Honolulu Roast sign? Why does he get a doppelganger in e5 - to distract us from his presence outside the bookshop before the ball? Why does Aziraphale react like this - TWICE - upon seeing this person?? (Much to Crowley's great confusion!)
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And why does it seem that Aziraphale is keeping this person's presence/ identity/ importance a secret from Crowley?
As always, we'd love to hear your ideas!
Also, here's an earlier post from @theastrophysicistnextdoor about him, with gratitude for the inspiration to write all this up.
With appreciation for contributions from @noneorother, @thebluestgreen, and @embracing-the-ineffable at the @ineffable-detective-agency
Want to see more interesting posts, plus Good Omens clues and metas from all over the fandom? There's a huge collection here!
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queerfandomtrifecta · 7 months
S2 is driving me nuts like anytime I try and find any sort of semblance of a tangible theme it’s just not there.
I thought it was gonna be learning how to heal from trauma correctly, because Ed’s whole Kraken era is a bad coping mechanism and we got what felt like this massive narrative plant in e1 with Frenchie saying there’s a box in his mind where he puts all the awful things and he never opens it.
Nope. Not that. Never addressed and everyone just gets over everything because “not moving on is worse”.
I thought it was gonna be atonement/apology/forgiveness, because of Stede’s “I think I hurt him pretty bad” and Izzy’s “you and me did this to him” and all the messed up ways Ed tortured the crew and everything he did to Izzy.
Nope. Ed forgives Stede after one(1) conversation and watching Buttons turn into a seagull. Influencer non-apology from Ed to the crew is just accepted by most of them. No apology to Izzy that takes accountability, but somehow a massive apology from Izzy, who has a long track record of already apologizing correctly so it’s not an arc, on his deathbed for something that had been resolved several episodes back in multiple ways and was barely even believable to begin with.
Identity in terms of being what you’re expected to be vs being happy was a massive theme in s1 but that was such a mess in s2. Like we sort of have that with Ed but not really. He threw away his leathers, then got them back. Stede is apparently trying to become a more effective captain, and aside from the fact that s1 already established his different way of doing things was what made him that already and that I’d never have known it if I hadn’t read it in an interview, he leaves piracy completely at the end of s2 so that very very forced arc for him doesn’t even play out.
The only actual arc that happened in s2 was for Izzy. He got a redemption arc, he suffered, he saved everyone, he was accepted seemingly as the leader of his new found family. It was done so well in episodes 1-4 for him. It gets hazy after that and ends in a way that doesn’t even make basic storytelling sense. He had to die for Ed to be truly free?? We wrapped that up multiple episodes ago. Ed hasn’t struggled with the “consequences” of Izzy pushing him to be Blackbeard since the end of s2e3, and we don’t even see that happening anymore in s2 at all. Izzy isn’t “feeding the darkness”. He actively tries to stop it in e1 and DOES in e2. If Jenkins hadn’t said in interviews what Izzy’s death was supposed to represent, it wouldn’t have been interpreted that way at all. And if you’re having to explain it because it’s not clear in the text, you’ve done a bad job conveying your story.
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thatonelesbianfander · 5 months
Full Sanders Sides Recap and Timeline as of the start of 2024
I’m bored so here is a full timeline recap of the Sanders Sides episodes (as well as a few important off-camera events and the more episodic Sanders ASides) before the season 2 finale!
Recap under the cutoff
Season 1- 17 Episodes (October 19, 2016 - July 15, 2017)
S1 E1- My True Identity
October 19, 2016
Lore revealed: Creativity/Prince, Logic/Teach, and Morality/Dad are introduced
Episode summary: C!Thomas and the sides talk about different aspects of Thomas’s personality
November 21, 2016
Stove is introduced and then never seen again :(
C!Thomas and Morality discuss ways of becoming an adult and independent
S1 E3- Taking on ANXIETY with Lilly Singh!!
December 19, 2016
Anxiety is introduced
C!Thomas and C!Lilly Singh talk about the different ways to cope and deal with anxiety
S1 E4- A New Year of Lying to Myself… In Song!!
January 2, 2017
First song of the series, Lies, is sung
C1Thomas and the sides talk about goals for the New Year
S1 E5- The Dark Side of Disney!
January 9, 2017
No important lore discoveries or reveals
C!Thomas, Creativity, and Anxiety talk about the different messages Disney movies provide
EVENT- Vine shuts down, C!Thomas moves to making content on YouTube
January 17, 2017
January 23, 2017
No important lore discoveries or reveals
C!Thomas accounts his experiences being on a Disney show with the sides
S1 E7- The MIND vs. The HEART!
January 30, 2017
No important lore discoveries or reveals
C!Thomas, Logic, and Morality come up with compromises for past arguments
S1 E8- Alone on VALENTINE’S DAY!
February 13, 2017
C!Valerie is introduced
C!Thomas and the sides discuss how to ask someone out on a date using C!Valerie as an example
S1 E9- Losing My Motivation
Feb 28, 2017
Logic’s name is revealed to be Logan
C!Thomas, Logic, and Morality investigate to find out why C!Thomas is procrastinating on working on a new video
S1 E10- Sanders Sides Q&A!
March 7, 2017
No important lore discoveries or reveals
C!Thomas and the sides answer questions from the viewers
March 22, 2017
Prince’s name is revealed to be Roman
C!Thomas and the sides discuss different ideas trying to get an original idea
S1 E12- My NEGATIVE Thinking
April 4, 2017
No important lore discoveries or reveals
Logan and Anxiety have a debate after C!Thomas flunked an audition earlier that day
EVENT- First birthday of C!Thomas since the start of the series
April 24, 2017
S1 E13- Growing Up
May 1, 2017
Morality’s name is revealed to be Patton and the mind palace is introduced
C!Thomas and the sides discuss the proper steps to adulthood
S1 E14- Making Some Changes!
May 23, 2017
The sides are revealed to be able to shape shift
The sides shape shift into C!Thomas’s friends, C!Joan, C!Talyn, C!Terrence, and C!Valerie
S1 E15- Becoming a CARTOON!
June 9, 2017
No important lore discoveries or reveals
C!Thomas breaks into C!Butch Hartman’s office in an attempt to become a cartoon, and him and the sides become cartoons for a day
S1 E16- ACCEPTING ANXIETY, Part 1/2: Excepting Anxiety!
June 10, 2017
Anxiety ducks out, and the concept of the sides having their own rooms is introduced
C!Thomas and the sides find out that Thomas doesn’t have any anxiety and come up with a plan to go to his room to find out why
S1 E17- ACCEPTING ANXIETY, Part 2/2: Can Anxiety Be Good?
June 10, 2017 (Posted IRL on July 15, 2017)
Anxiety’s room Anxiety’s name is revealed to be Virgil, and Anxiety gets a redemption arc
C!Thomas and the sides discuss the positives of anxiety
EVENT- C!Thomas and C!Thomas’s ex break up (C!Thomas’s ex’s name unknown, but is referred to as an “Old lover” in the Wes Anderson Sanders ASides)
July 15, 2017
Season 2- 15 Episodes (September 1, 2017 - Present)
S2 E1- Fitting In (Hogwarts Houses!)
September 1, 2017
The sides get costume updates
C!Thomas and the sides discuss the idea of fitting in using the idea of Hogwarts houses from Harry Potter
S2 E2- MOVING ON, Part 1/2: Exploring Nostalgia
October 3, 2017
Patton’s room is revealed
C!Thomas and the sides go to Patton’s room so Thomas can cope with a recent breakup
S2 E3- MOVING ON, Part 2/2: Dealing With a Breakup
October 2, 2017 (Posted IRL on October 25, 2017)
Patton gets his iconic cat hoodie from Logan
The plot of the first part continues as C!Thomas and the sides discuss the negative sides to nostalgia after Logan leaves
S2 E4- The Sanders Sides 12 DAYS OF CHRISTMAS!
December 24, 2017
No important lore discoveries or reveals
The sides sing their rendition of the Christmas carol, The 12 Days of Christmas, with several different antics
EVENT- C!Thomas misses a reading of C!Joan’s play
February 2, 2018
S2 E5- Can LYING Be Good??
February 3, 2018
Deceit is introduced and it’s revealed that the sides can only be seen by C!Thomas
C!Thomas and the sides discuss the many different forms of lies through stage theatre after C!Thomas misses a reading of C!Joan’s play
S2 E6- Why Do We Get Out of Bed in the Morning?
April 12, 2018
No important lore discoveries or reveals
Logan and Roman have a debate about why C!Thomas does everything that he does
S2 E7- Crofters - The MUSICAL!
April 19, 2018
No important lore discoveries or reveals
C!Thomas, Logan, and Roman sing a song about jelly after getting a sponsorship from Crofter’s Organic and Logan gets his own jelly flavor
EVENT- Thomas is told about Lee and Mary Lee’s wedding
September 26, 2018 (date revealed by Logan in SvS)
S2 E8- Learning New Things About Ourselves
October 29, 2018
No important lore discoveries or reveals
C!Thomas and the sides discuss learning new things about themselves while using puppets
S2 E9- EMBARRASSING PHASES: The Nightmare Instead of Christmas!
December 24, 2018
No important lore discoveries or reveals
C!Thomas and the sides discuss the concept of phases using Halloween costumes
S2 E10- Selfishness v. Selflessness
March 31, 2019
No important lore discoveries or reveals
C!Thomas and the sides discuss selfishness and selflessness in a mock court room setting after Thomas gets a callback scheduled for the same day as a wedding for his two friends, Lee and Mary Lee
April 2, 2019 (Posted IRL on June 25, 2019)
The Duke is introduced and name is revealed to be Remus
C!Thomas and the sides discuss the topic of intrusive thoughts after Thomas couldn’t get to sleep due to a really bad nightmare
S2 E12- Are There Healthy Distractions?
April 10, 2019 (Posted IRL on November 22, 2019)
No important lore discoveries or reveals
C!Thomas and the sides discuss different kinds of distractions while watching Disney’s Frozen
S2 E13- Putting Others First - Selfishness v. Selflessness Redux
April 13, 2019 (Posted IRL on May 1 2020)
Deceit’s name is revealed to be Janus
C!Thomas, Roman, and Patton discuss the concept of putting other people before yourself
EVENT- POF endcard scene
April 30, 2019
S2 E14- Flirting with Social Anxiety
October 10, 2020
Nico Flores is introduced
C!Thomas, Roman, and Virgil work out a way to try and talk to a guy in the food court of a mall
EVENT- The Return of the Jam!- The sides all get their own jelly flavors
February 19, 2021
S2 E15- Working THROUGH Intrusive Thoughts
April 20, 2021 (Posted IRL on July 31, 2021) (using the date that can be seen on C!Thomas’s phone in episode)
The orange side is teased for the first time through Logan’s outburst
C!Thomas and Logan discuss different kinds of intrusive thoughts while C!Thomas stresses about cleaning up his apartment
EVENT- Have I Grown? - Five Years Later (Sanders Sides 5 year anniversary special)
Posted: November 14, 2021
S2 E16- Can Plushies Improve Our Health? (Sanders ASides)
August 26, 2022
No important lore discoveries or reveals
C!Thomas and the sides discuss the many ways plushies can be helpful
EVENT- “Into the Unknown” - Over the Garden Wall Cover (Sanders ASides)
October 31, 2022
Janus sings for the first time in the series
EVENT- If Wes Anderson Directed the Sanders Sides… (Sanders ASides)
June 23, 2023
EVENT- The Sides Need a Nice Day (Sanders ASides)
July 16, 2023
S2 E17- Virgil Reacts to Anxiety from Inside Out 2 (Sanders ASides)
November 19, 2023
No important lore discoveries or reveals
C!Thomas and the sides discuss the different ways anxiety can present in other people after Virgil reacts negatively to the Anxiety character that was revealed in the trailer for Inside Out 2
S2 E18- What Makes the Perfect Gift? (Sanders ASides)
December 23, 2023
No important lore discoveries or reveals
C!Thomas and the sides discuss the many different types of gifts through a secret Santa type of activity when Thomas can’t think of a gift to give Nico
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hayleythecannibal · 3 months
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NBC Hannibal S1:E1 - S3:E13
Will’s first on screen kill vs his ‘last’ on screen kill. They both are very significant in the way that Will Fundamentally Transformed from who he started as to who he had became.
When you think about it the sheer ruthlessness and bloodshed and hands on between the two kills is overwhelmingly interesting. When in the beginning he had feared of himself becoming what he chased down- what he essentially hunted. A Killer of the most brutal kind.
But then Hannibal came along…and Gave Will the opportunity to unleash his uttermost desires no matter how dark they were. In a sense it wasn’t Hannibal who corrupted Will.
No. Will always Had the urges to hurt those who did bad. In a justice sort of way in the beginning but then he got a taste for it. He enjoyed killing those who did bad things. He said it so himself.
So the way he started to let go- to satisfy the urge. He had kept it bottled up for so long and then someone came along and encouraged him. Said that it was okay. It took his morals for a spin. It popped the bottle open.
Essentially turning him morally grey. He not only enjoyed his kills but in a way relished in it.
*gifs are not mine made by @hughdancybabyface
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k-s-morgan · 4 months
Hello! Could you please talk about Bedelia’s feelings regarding hannibal and her dynamic with him? it’s not just professional curiosity and we know she has some darkness but not like him or Will. So why is she so invested in hannibal? Going willingly with him to Europe, presumably sleeping with him and even goading him into killing and eating Will. She had already skipped town once and acknowledge he was dangerous, so why not stay as far away as possible?
Hi - sure!
I think Bedelia has a very high self-esteem and a painfully strong sense of curiosity, plus some darkness that she prefers to keep dormant. She always knew that Hannibal is dangerous, but she still continued therapy with him, genuinely trying to understand him, too fascinated to back off. She says she tried to refer him to another doctor, but based on their interactions, she truly enjoys sessions with him, likely because she feels in control. In S1, when Hannibal reaches out, she backs away, never letting him close but keeping him interested enough to keep him coming to see her. It's like she's playing a game of her own, getting to know this unique man in a person suit, understanding she's the only one he can more or less confide in, and enjoying her power. But the balance begins to shift when Will appears and when Bedelia realizes she underestimated the depth of Hannibal's depravity. Hannibal is focused on Will entirely now, he doesn't need Bedelia all that much, and she doesn't like it because losing Hannibal's interest means becoming disposable. As she sees more and more of the real Hannibal, she freaks out and runs.
Another shift comes when she sees him after Mizumono and agrees to escape with him. Bedelia thinks she holds control again: Will is gone, Hannibal is a wreck who desperately needs council, and she feels confident about her own importance. Hannibal tells her, "I never found you to be lacking," which she likely takes as a certainty that she's never been disposable, after all. In that shower scene, it's obvious how she gradually relaxes and becomes lazily arrogant. She thinks she can step forward now, getting to know Hannibal even better, behind the veil, being the one who'll gather the pieces of him, and also satisfying her curiosity along with a morbid and mostly latent fascination with darkness, as well as basking in knowledge that someone as dangerous and unique as Hannibal needs her.
All these motivations are gone as soon as she understands that Hannibal is not only not over Will but that he's also casually planning to kill her (in E1 of S3). She didn't expect it, based on her reaction, at least not this soon. That's where Bedelia starts another game with the aim to survive. Trying to get Hannibal to focus entirely on Will is the strategy she considers winning because Will is the only thing she can genuinely distract him with from his plans about her. If Hannibal is busy hunting Will, probably killing him and then destroying himself over it, she will have more chances of escaping to safety unnoticed.
Here is another post about Bedelia and her dynamic with Hannibal that you might be interested in. It focuses more on S3.
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brief crosshunt thoughts because @wolveria has turned me to the dark side into a crosshunt girlie
so like i think that crosshair and hunter were a thing all throughout their time in the field. maybe it took a few weeks or months to make it official, but there was always something there and the entire squad knew it
then order 66 happened.
crosshair and hunter went to find caleb together, each believing that the other was on their side. hunter saw crosshair take the shot and realized, for the first time in their lives, something had shifted between them.
he tried to brush it off. ignore the feeling. but crosshair kept pushing. “you sure that padawan died when he fell?” “Hunter let that jedi kid escape. or do you want to keep lying to us?”
then they were sent to onderon and hunter knew that the two of them couldn’t go back to the way they were. he remembered the young clone the squad found on kamino and knew he had to save her.
we all know what happened when they went back to kamino. the batch got detained and crosshair got taken away to enhance his chip.
hunter had to have wanted to go find him and get his love back. he probably felt so betrayed when he saw crosshair in the imperial armor. he wanted crosshair to come with them, but in the moment, the best decision for his squad was to leave as soon as possible.
when hunter got taken by the empire towards the end of season one, i wonder if crosshair was hoping they could return to being lovers, just under the empire instead of the republic. they had missed each other more than words could describe. as much as they missed each other, there was a hurt that was just a bit stronger than the loneliness.
at the end of season one, when crosshair once again chose the empire over his squad, his batch mates, his hunter, he probably never expected that he’d see his (now former) love again. hunter probably felt the same way.
they both went their separate ways and had their own adventures.
crosshair thought he might’ve fallen in love again, only to have that comfort brutally ripped from his hands.
hunter focused on finding a place that he (and his squad) belonged in the galaxy.
they had accepted the fact that they’d never see each other again.
until tech found out that crosshair had been taken to tantiss.
after the failed mission to eriadu, tech was killed, omega was taken, and crosshair was seemingly lost as well. all of these factors very obviously took a heavy toll on hunter between seasons 2 and 3.
imagine the shock when crosshair stepped off of the ship that hunter’s daughter omega had just come off of. imagine all of the rage, betrayal, mourning, excitement, everything that came rushing to both of them.
it would take a while, but they were finally given another chance with each other, and they were going to take full advantage of it.
tl;dr: s1 e1 was kinda a crosshunt breakup, s1 e16 was a PROPER crosshunt breakup, s3 e4 they finally got a chance to be together again but really had to work to overcome everything that had separated them
….theres a reason i’m not a fanfic author lol, take my poorly structured word vomit over these gays
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notachair · 11 days
ANALYSIS: On Armand's Dubai (interview) outfits
I don't know if this has been done before, but I'm doing it regardless. I have been thinking about the way Armand's been clothed compared to Louis in the Dubai setting through S1 and now in S2. So here's an attempt at an analysis of the fits Armand's been wearing throughout the series in these scenes... In comparison to Armand, who goes between black-white-maroon(-navy blue), Louis is always in full black during Dubai*, it's his color in Dubai. I find it interesting how the outfits interplay and visually sets a role for Armand during this timeline, within the setting of the interview. Btw, mind that this analysis is done within the now established dynamic they've got going on.
*Though there was one shot where he throws a glass on a painting where I thought the shirt might have looked more maroon like Armand's E3 shirt but… I'm uncertain about that.
Season 1
In S1, in his role as Rashid, he constantly wore his black fits, all the way up to and through the moment in the finale where he rids himself of the gloves and brown-coloured lenses. There is some variety to what shirts and robes he wears on top. He starts with something more similar to the other servants of the household, though unbuttoned somewhat at the neck. There's also of course the iconic deep V-neck, a display of the chest we continue to see consistently in S2 Dubai. Also, we cannot forget his key accessory; the ipad <3
My overall thought around the full black fits, is that they work as a visual representation and conformity to the Louis household and to Louis himself. Or rather a reverence, a subservient role at Louis' service. A visual "I'm at Louis' side and at his service". Louis and Armand's true relationship, and the tension in it from the disagreement over the interview, does leak through his clad self. But I wouldn't say it discounts the representation, as he functions within the stretched boundaries of his disguise, of (fake) Rashid. Perhaps one could also note on the double layers.
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S2. Episode 1
Interestingly enough, the next time we see him- he's in stark white on top (gray white-striped slacks) (do iron your shirts though richlings). This color arrives together with an open disagreeable snarkiness towards the progress of the interview- we are told Armand didn't want Louis to do the interview. They're checkered, white to Louis' black, at odds (note that I say at odds, not enemies).
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Eventually, after Armand's left and Louis' proceeding little emotional breakdown in front of Daniel, we get a scene in their bedroom. I'm not so sure how far the bedroom outfits display the same function as the interview fits, but I'll just note that Louis is again in black, and Armand in a white shirt with stripes, additionally to red pants (with a pattern!). Here they proceed to form a bridge, through Armand giving in some by offering his help and support at Louis' side with the interview.
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After their bedroom conversation, they enter the room (and the interview) together as a united front- both wearing full black (black slacks). I see this as a visual representation of this unity they arrived at. I would add though, that Armand's shirt is just a tiny bit lighter than the full black which he'd worn previously in S1, one might say a dark gray. Though... it really may just be the fabric?
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S2. Episode 2
Same fit throughout the episode as the last one from E1. The E1 ending fit lay the groundwork for the changed mood for the rest of E2, even though it ends more tense at the end. Armand is continuously at Louis' side here, and whatever disagreement is had, appears playful, rehashed, or otherwise softened. They're affectionate and awfully sweet as they recount their first encounter and early flirting (lmao to that scene of their "young friends"), getting a little lost in the memory of each other even. (As a small note, I'd say Louis learns something new about Armand here too)
If the shirt really is a dark gray, one might consider it an in-betweener of Louis' black and Daniel's consistent grays. Having reeled in some of that Daniel antagonistation. Though Armand's at Louis' side here, he does gently restrain Louis' ire towards Daniel, and even offer some comfort, during that last scene where he was "put back into place", where they refound the young interviewer of the 70s which they could have say "what happened next?" in no time (✔️mission accomplished guys!👏)
S2. Episode 3
In ep 3 however? He's suddenly wearing a loose maroon shirt (black slacks) throughout the episode, both through his one-on-one with Daniel and together with Louis. It's a dark colour, but I find the colour here curious as I'm a little uncertain how I should place it (it looks quite good btw XD), but it's clearly its own colour here in a sense.
He enters the scene and the interview on his own this episode, and proceeds to share part of his own odyssey (his use of it is so curious, cut brashly short and adjusted a bit for simplification, there's a purpose here. Multiple I believe. It works as a context parallel to the continuation of the Loumand romance and of the covens fallout. I'm also lowkey thinking it works as a vague mini parallel to his earlier background with Marius. The cycles of uprooted ground for him...). This was done through no true prompting of Daniel ("The question was; how do vampires hide from google, not how did Lestat break his heart").
Louis and Armand still appear very much united, and almost lost in each other again as they recount more of their developing romance (and ect.), though Daniel's being distracted by Talamasca hacker files. I'd say we've gotten to an achy part of Armand in E3, his bleeding heart I suppose. From his history with his coven and the fumble with Lestat, as well as his new opened heart to Louis 150 years later in the recountings. ("I locked away those words (I love you) for another 150 years. And then he arrived... and shattered that lock. This is what frightens me the most about you" OH LOVERBOY).
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S2. Episode 4
In this episode he's wearing doubles layers, black on top of white (a nice fit again btw, he looks unreal), with dark gray striped slacks. Or, I noticed that the robe is actually a navy blue with black lapels at the front. And we see that's he's a little more disagreeable again during this part of the interview, where he's also actively contradicting Louis' own responses to Daniel's questions. They only truly butt heads until the moment with the pictures happen. Why this change again? I suppose... the upcoming event of what happens to Claudia might get them in a Mood. Though nevermind the Lestat shit, like... I suppose it parallels back to the troubles of their non-committed relationship in the recounts of the past, which is only "resolved" by their ending scene ("I want you. I want you more than anything in the world" "Are you sure about that, Arun?" "Yes, maitre" CRAZY BTW). It's sort of a more vulnerable appearance this episode, and the tensions/triggerpoints apparent in their relationship is on display again. But now it's with a greater context and awareness of its particulars. Much ouch.
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After the moment with the pictures, we only see Dubai loumand again as they're fighting in the bedroom (apparently a quite silly one, which I admit is a relief and funny XD), which is a stark contrast to the new agreed commitment in their relationship and dynamic in Paris (crossed in different directions there). Armand's quick to bite back on the passive-aggressive comment that slipped, something that had clearly been built up throughout the episode (if not longer *cough*). I wonder... Anyway, they're in the process of removing their shirts, Armand's already got the black outer robe off and is working off his white shirt. Meanwhile, Louis is fumbling with his black shirt. Again, uncertain about the bedroom scenes, but I'd note that Armand was reaching out towards a blood-red shirt, rather than the white shirt with stripes that we'd seen in E1 or the maroon shirt of E3. Might it be a little pointer to the role he'll pick up in the story for E5? In the 70s? Regardless of his actual appearance during the Dubai timeline next episode, and whether or not this is just bed clothes. Indicative of a more... passionate and bloody role, something of a... "dark, twisted tenderness", as said by Assad, in a recent interview talking about E5 (much recommended read!).
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Onwards & musings
I suspect for ep 5, Louis and Daniel will largely spend the interview focusing on whatever happened in the 70s on their own, and proceeding to build a united front between them against Armand as has been teased.
Talking about what's next though; ofc, it's... uncertain how much we have from the last few episodes, if... any actually. But from the glimpses we get of Dubai which has not been seen yet- he's again in full black, which I find interesting though not too surprising.
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I don't know, I'm just really excited for what's next XD I'm really curious what they'll be doing for the final episodes for this marriage of theirs, and the role Armand's had in this odyssey of recollection here. Their relationship and the shit they've got going on deeply intrigue me 😊
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kiteblue42 · 8 months
Part 3 of what the heck is happening with Mobius anyway?
S2e4- the one where everyone dies and Sylvie hates key lime pie
A very very busy episode with not much time for character work (and a lot of characters to work on too!). We have to rely heavily on what others say about Mobius and body language for this one.
Mobius & teamwork
Previously we have seen Mobius excel at the case work side of his job and we see a little of this here when he works out Victor Timely is in danger at the chocolate machine. But what’s more noticeable this episode is that part of Mobius that enables others to do their jobs - the person in the team keeping it glued together. Examples: calming Victor down at the start, encouraging OB & Casey, even just all the jokes and banter. This is the sort of person that keeps a team together when morale is low. The sort of person that notices if one of the team is troubled by something and tries to fix it - small point noticing Timely wants to go for cocoa and sorting it out. Ever worked in a high pressure environment and you’ll know these sorts of people are what keep the place going. A positive sign for me is that Mobius still kept up his positive attitude even after Sylvie’s rant. On the other hand there is no one keeping an eye on Mobius in the same way he keeps an eye on the team.
Mobius & Sylvie
Ok so this was uncomfortable viewing (not as bad as some of the horror scene ofc!) If you only watch it once it might not be so obvious but once Sylvie starts her rant Mobius is completely silent. (As ever with shout-y and accusatory people what they say probably tells you more about themselves than the person they are targeting it follows that it would be easier to use this little performance to tell us more about Sylvie than Mobius). So everything we get here re Mobius has to come from his body language - very on brand again.
(1) Mobius wasn’t expecting to be attacked. In fact (as above) suggesting they go for a treat break is exactly how he operates and raises morale in the tva team. This is usually well received and understood so at first he just looks slightly stunned & puzzled.
(2) Mobius feelings about “his past life” are very private. When Sylvie talks about the timeline he goes very still and looks down. We know he is sensitive about this because of s2e2 - and we (& Loki) know why but Sylvie doesn’t. So here Mobius looks away to hide.
(3) Mobius does care about the timeline deaths - and isn’t hiding from that. When Sylvie accuses him of not caring about the timeline he meets her gaze again and shakes his head. We (& Loki) know he does care about this as we saw this at the close of S2e2.
(4) Mobius hoped Loki would support him but isn’t surprised when he doesn’t. Sylvie then storms off and Mobius exchanges that first shocked baffled look with Loki. This is followed by Loki walking past him with one glance and not saying anything. Mobius looks down then up to the light and sighs almost with a roll of his eyes - like that hurt but I should have expected it. Later when Loki and Sylvie appear at he scene of D90’s pruning he greets them both with a pretty dark look.
Dox & Mobius
The most ominous piece of mirroring is Dox & Mobius. Dox is a TVA general “true believer” who has just (really this episode) had the realisation everything they did was wrong (speech to Renslayer - now I see the bigger picture etc). We know from s1.e1&2 that Mobius was a true believer too (the jet ski magazine - it reminds me what we are fighting for etc). Mobius says nothing in Sylvie rant scene - and it ends with Mobius sigh, eyes to heaven and head roll with X5s voice over (to Dox) “are you going to say anything?” It cuts to Dox who makes exactly the same eyes cast up then down and head roll body language mirroring Mobius. Dox also does not reply. Dox eventually choses to let Renslayer kill her and her team as she sees no future for them - either in the timeline or the TVA.
Loki comments on Mobius
I’ve said elsewhere (re S2e2) that Loki handles Mobius well - when he’s paying attention - but I’d say here his attention is not on Mobius but Sylvie- and he handled exit from the Sylvie rant badly. It also seems to indicate an expectation that Mobius will understand and roll with it. Nonetheless Loki does lead into his conversation with Sylvie by raising Mobius. Loki is careful what he says here and I think it is a sign that he knows that Mobius would not want him sharing any private information. What he says is interesting “he’s just trying to see in the dark like the rest of us.”
Because Mobius makes light of the situation very few people realise he is in a dark place but Loki recognises this. On a hopeful note (the rest of the conversation is about hope) Loki also reuses the “broken things” line from s1e2. Renslayer tells Mobius he has a “soft spot for broken things” and Loki says “Trying to fix what’s broken is hard”. So we know that (1) Mobius MO is to fix broken things - (2) something that is hard to do. A hopeful note follows then - Mobius is practiced in doing this hard thing and maybe Loki is right to assume Mobius can roll with the punches.
Themes that need to be paid off
- Making a hard choice & hope
- Order & chaos
- Partnerships & trust
It’s possible that the ending of Ep 4 which wiped out everyone means that this is the lowest ebb for these characters and we won’t see Mobius plunge into the level of despair that Dox displayed in this episode. I think that would be a bit of a cop out, but we’ll see. I still think there will be some angst ahead, but the themes seem to be pointing to an ultimately hopeful outcome (or maybe I have just been watching too much Lord of the Rings lately).
Given trailer footage (spoilers ahead if you’ve not seen them) I think:
(1) Loki will deliberately timeslip backwards before he gets hit by the radiation blast. He’ll then use the time loop theme to try to change the outcome. It will take a number of iterations and moving further back in time each time to start again. (There are clips in trailers of timeslipping we have not seen yet)
(2) It will involve him re-recruiting the team and a “we’ve got to get the band back together” - Blues Brothers style ending awaits (hooray). But this will involve some people having to give up good lives to join the team - and Loki will have to use all his powers, charm & mischief to get them back. (We have clips of Casey & B15 on the timeline we have not seen).
(3) Mobius will give up his good life (a pre-tva Mobius jet ski salesman) on the timeline to join the team. (We have clip of Loki timeslipping in front of jet ski store not yet seen). I’ve said before I don’t see a post TVA Mobius being content in this role (doing some jobs change you too much for a quiet life) but I could see him doing this before he ever became an agent - so I’m hoping that’s how this works. And we get a conscious decision to do the “hard thing” and join the team. (Foreshadowed by the “I’d like to thank the guy who bought me here … got me this pie” s2e2).
(4) There is still a risk that this may lead to Mobius death. However, given they killed everyone (except perhaps Loki & Sylvie) in this episode we may be spared further trauma and could get a happy ending for most of the team. I don’t think the explosion was a fake out so unless Loki changes something in the past they all are dead and will remain so and that gives us a better chance for more to survive in the end.
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blue-b-bro · 8 months
Colour’s meaning in ofmd:
First rule is that brighter = more intense, and lighter = more open a feeling is. I’ll say more below, but it already says something about Blackbeard’s crew being all black and only black :’)
Yellow is a colour of truth. Colour of following your dreams and passions. Before the break-up gown, Stede is wearing the yellow one.
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Basically it’s a sea colour. It means sea and freedom. In e4 Alma has teal dress, while playing pirates with Stede, which also shows she was closer with Stede than her brother. There’s a lot of teal-ish colours around Stede, but most are actually “hidden”, darker. He was keeping it a secret from others. When he’s on his boat in s1 he’s almost glowing teal.
It’s the colour of sea and freedom, but more like an idea of it, not a realistic one, witch may be the reason many crew members have some teal elements, usually very small, and Stede is all teal and then, in e10 he destroys this idealisation to start something real. After his first “kill” in e1 Stede’s teal's never that bright again.
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It’s a colour of rejection. Not sure why, but it is. The moment Stede leaves, Mary’s wearing light pink. When Ed becomes distant and then leaves him to go with Jack, when Stede left Ed, they are wearing the break-up gown, which is bright pink. I’d say the difference between those two intensities would say something about the intensity of the feeling. Mary was abandoned, but she wasn’t so hurt by it, they weren’t happy together. But Ed and Stede were hurt very much.
Also all of the non-white crew wears pink/pink-ish in e1, while in disguise (because you know, to show racism) + Lucius’s very bright scarf & Black Pete’s light pink… something (probably because homophobia, and Lucius is very loudly queer). All the things white colonisers reject.
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We all know, it’s a heart colour, Ed’s heart but not only. Ed hides his red, Lucius is wearing a lot of red, as someone who’s not ashamed of his love and usually helps with relationship’s problems, Stede, while destroying his teal is covering it in red and in s2 wears red scarf(?). At the end of e3 Stede is covered in red, even the background turns red, while meeting Ed for the first time. He's also wearing dark red when talking about his favorite horsie :")
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It’s a colour of insecurity, feeling inadequate or incompetent, unsure. Stede wears light salmon/orange when Ed says he’s not ready for a fuckery, then very dark (almost brown, but still salmon-ish to me) when he feared Ed’s going to leave, because Stede’s wasn’t fun enough. Ed wears dark salmon in e4, when trying this new persona/thinking he was expendable to this Blackbeard legend. Stede is deprived of his salmon vest in e2, when he got more confident.
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I think it’s the creativity and adventure colour. I’m also not sure if it’s important that what Ed was missing after leaving the Revenge was a lavender soap (something something he wanted to feel clean and with Jack he wasn’t again, it’s a colour meta, let’s not go there). I mean we say it’s Ed’s colour, but I’m not sure anyone here has “their” colour. If colours are feelings, no-one has their own. For example, other characters wearing purple is Stede in e2 (when he has to use his creativity), Lucius (art), Frenchie (music, crafts and cons) and sometimes Oluwande. Characters get more purple when they need to figure out a plan or scheming something, get creative.
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Stede is all white in e3. He’s like a blank canvas (Lucius is immediately covered in red again), inviting pirate world, willing to learn. It also makes him stick out like a sore thumb of course. White is supposed to mean empty, nothing, bare, open. Stede made his white crew wear mostly white, to not be seen as suspicious.
Beige, as some kind of darker white, is not knowing what you want, figuring thing out.
Ed and Stede are white when discovering their love for each other, entering something completely new for them. Stede, at the end of s1 is colourless, but in s2 he gets a red scarf and later gets green/dark teal shirt. Jim is all beige while hiding and figuring out their identity. When being afraid that he’s not enough fun, Stede choose all beige for their adventure, showing he doesn’t really know what he’s doing but he’s ready to do it.
Beige is temporary.
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Now, we have yellow&red-ish&teal ship, Stede’s dark red&dark teal at his wedding, Sted’s family portrait (everyone close and light yellow/orange, except Stede - dark blue/teal and distant):
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But the real kicker for me is Stede’s pitch black cravat Ed wears on his neck. His feelings for Stede while always with him, hidden very deep inside.
I also recommend those meta: x x x x x
Edit: I'm rereading metas and now I remember why purple is thought to be Ed's color (Ed's red heart + Stede's teal freedom he offers -> purple) Still fits 🤟
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actually-a-fish · 2 months
the best supernatural episodes
according to an autistic person with a special interest and the ability to make a list.
if youre really serious about supernatural spoilers then maybe stay away :)
None of the season one episodes made in on the list but I will give an honorable mention to S1 E2 Wendigo.
S2 E11 Playthings - A classic, creepy girls in a creepy hotel. Special call out to Sam getting SLOPPY
S2 E16 Roadkill - There's a ghost haunting the highway. the Boys help the spirit move on. This is an early example of monster empathy
S2 E18 Hollywood Babylon - Dean loves hollywood. I love dean. this episode makes me kick my feet like a little girl and i will not defend myself.
S2 EP 20 What Was Shall Never Be - all I have in my notes for this one is "Dean Djinn Dream" which was enough for me to remember the episode and get misty eyes. This is SEASON 2 my son will never know peace.
S3 E5 Bedtime Stories -I had to check the wiki on this one, I think i liked it cause it referenced classic fairytales
S3 E13 Ghostfacers! - Im a Facer through and through
S3 E16 No Rest for the Wicked - S3 finale and the Boys are facing consequences! Classic Dean, Sam and Bobby episode.
S4 E1 Lazerus Rising - First Cas Episode. That handprint makes me feel things.
S4 E6 Yellow Fever - What if Dean had anxiety (The Eye of the Tiger blooper is also at the end of the episode which gives it bonus points.
S4 E17 Wishful Thinking - Make a wish? was it for your teddy bear to be diagnosed with Major Depressive Disorder? Well thats what youre getting!
S4 E17 It's a Terrible Life - Sam ~ the sales rep. Dean ~ middle management.
S4 E18 The Monster at the End of the Book - There are books about Sam and Dean?! Written by this guy who loves self insert character? Surely the entire show isn't about to take a tone shift?
S5 E3 Free to be You and Me - Sam and Dean are fighting again, but this time Dean has a new heavenly boy toy to play with instead. (Cas has no rizz yet it's actually a little painful to watch)
S5 E5 Fallen Idol - Okay the Wax People episode is on here for one reason and one reason only. Paris Hilton.
S5 E7 The Curious Case of Dean Winchester - Old man Dean and old man Bobby. This is also the episode for HH Husk kinnies.
S5 E8 Changing Channels - Dr Sexy MD is that you?!
S5 E9 The Real Ghostbuster - *in a grizzly voice* "I'm Dean Winchester, this is my brother Sam. Have you experienced anything strange?" "Dude that was so good! Now we can go solve the puzzle" "Man you're breaking the immersion!"
S5 E10 Abandon All Hope - This is here for Crowley's first appearance and not because the end will make you cry.
S5 E12 Swap Meat - "uh... its Audi Nos". Freaky Friday starring Sam Winchester! An angsty teen and April Kepner from Grey/Sloan Memorial Hospital.
S5 E16 Dark Side of the Moon - The Boys lives flash before their eyes. Dean is pissed forever about Sams.
S5 E19 Hammer of the Gods - this is for all my pagans out there!
S6 E4 A Weekend at Bobby's - What do you think this episodes about idjit.
S6 E15 The French Mistake -  “For whatever reason, our life is a TV show.” “Why?” “I don't know.” “No, seriously. Why? Why would anybody want to watch our lives?” 
S7 E4 Defending your Life - consequences? for fucking people over? how about you stand trial.
S7 E20 The Girl with the Dungeons and Dragons Tattoo - The self insert character made for us :) Luv u 4ever Charlie XD
S8 E4 Bitten - found footage will always scare. this one reminds me that this show started as a psuedo horror.
S8 E8 hunteri heroci - Cas tries his hand at being a hunter
S8 E17 Goodbye Stranger - verbatim here are my notes for this episode "Cas chooses Dean, but the way he handles Meg... Fuck Naomi"
S8 E18 Clip Show - If you only want to watch just one episode of Supernatural this should be it. It's not actually a clip show, theres a broment, bonding time with favorite characters and crazy plots that only supernatural could get away with.
S9 E5 Dog Dean Afternoon - Dean is finally a dog person
S9 E11 First Born - Another bro fight leads to shipping <3 SamxCas + DeanxCrowley <3
S9 E15 #thinman - the slender episode feat. GHOSTFACERS. You come away from this episode thinking "supernatural is so fucking gay why wont the boys kiss"
S9 E21 King of the Damned - my favorite crowley era change my mind. Also the way the Boys interrogate an angel is so funny
S10 E5 Fan Fiction - I would unironically fuck w a supernatural musical and if helluva/hazbin taught me anything the rest of you would too
S10 E6 Ask Jeeves - The Clue episode. (Pay attention to the improvised weapons Dean chooses. It brings me joy)
S10 E9 The Things we Left Behind - Cas is suffering a midlife crisis and his besties are there to help him repair his relationship with his daughter. Funnily enough, Crowley is also getting some family bonding in.
Okay, I'm all caught up on my list. Should I have stayed up late transcribing this with an 8am class tommarow?
Probably not but it did bring me great joy. Tell me your favorite episode! I'll continue to add to my list as I continue my rewatch :)
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flowerfairyboi · 9 months
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Sabrina: I want freedom and power. Prudence: He will never give you that. The Dark Lord. The thought of you, of any of us, having both terrifies him. Sabrina: Why is that? Prudence: He’s a man, isn’t he?
Chapter Two: The Dark Baptism
Chilling Adventures of Sabrina (S1 E1) directed by Lee Toland Krieger and written by Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa
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thefirst3chapters · 5 months
There is so much going on with the parallels in this gifset (Rory and Jess's first kiss and Jess's infamous "I love you"). This got long so it's under the cut.
Both of these scenes happen after Rory or Jess's parent(s) announce a new relationship: For Rory, she just talked with Christopher and is happy about the prospect of her parents being together. This family reunion is seconds away from being over, but Rory is hopeful that it will last. For Jess, he just met TJ, was not impressed, and does not want to be a part of the situation at all. He is jaded from seeing Liz repeatedly getting involved in destructive relationships and is frustrated that Luke thinks they can change her mind. It is interesting that both Rory and Jess's history of abandonment is highlighted as they abandon each other. (Similar to how Jimmy showed up and ran out on Jess in the same episode that Jess left.)
Both of these scenes happen at an event that commemorates love: The kiss is at Sookie and Jackson's wedding, and the "I love you" is at the Firelight Festival, which celebrates a star-crossed love story from Stars Hollow's history. The wedding is joyful and marks a beginning while the festival has a more bittersweet undertone. This holiday is when Dean breaks up with Rory in S1 and when Rory is heartbroken by Logan's disinterest in S5, but the scene with Jess is the only one of the three that happens at the festival itself. (Rory really can't catch a break with this holiday.)
Both of these scenes have surrounding events that contrast their aesthetic: The scenery of Rory and Jess's first kiss is of course beautiful and is fit for an Austen-esque drama. It's springtime, and Rory and Jess are both wearing blue. The beauty is undercut by the impending Lorelai/Christopher fallout, Rory’s inner turmoil and disloyalty to Dean, and Jess’s pain as he moved back for Rory only to see her run away; the seeds of communication problems and abandonment that will plague their relationship have been sown among the blossoming flowers. The "I love you" scene happens on a cold, dark winter night. Rory and Jess are both wearing neutral colors, and it's clear from their facial expressions that despite what they both told Lorelai, they are emotionally torn up by their estrangement. The darkness is undercut by the Firelight Festival’s faith that love will eventually conquer its obstacles; among the twinkle lights, Luke and Lorelai find each other (it’s not their time, yet) and Liz tells Luke she is hopeful that Jess will be okay and TJ will be a good partner for her (the rest of the show proves that this faith was well-placed). Rory and Jess's obstacles of failed communication and abandonment remain, but so does hope.
Rory and Jess respectively reveal what they did to their parental figure when they return to town months later. The aesthetic contrast is interesting. Lorelai and Rory have this conversation in public and in broad daylight. Lorelai and Rory's "default setting" is being best friends, but this is something significant that Rory kept from her. Lorelai, who is still upset over what happened with Christopher, tells Rory that the situation isn't fair to Dean but ends up focusing more on Dean's feelings than anything else. Luke and Jess have this conversation alone and in the dark. It's their breakthrough moment where they realize how much they really care about each other, and Jess divulging something so personal is a big deal. Luke just had the revelation that he loves Lorelai, and his advice is more focused on trying to help Jess. The dialogue is so similar:
Lorelai and Rory in S3 E1: "Well, I thought it was over. I mean, you haven't talked with him since..." / "Sookie's wedding." / .... / "Okay, so he crashed Sookie's wedding, and..." / "And nothing. He told me he was back in town, that he'd moved back, and..." / "What, Rory? Come on." / "And we kissed, okay?"
Luke and Jess in S4 E21: "No. Rory, still? That's ancient history. You haven't seen her in a year." / "I saw her when I was here a few months ago." / "I didn't know that. So, what happened?" / "Nothing... I told her, uh..." / "What?" / "I told her I loved her."
Both of these reunions bookend a third Literati reunion (of sorts) at the End of Summer Madness Festival: In S3 E1, Rory just told Lorelai that she is joining her in not speaking with Christopher, which contrasts her talking with him at the wedding. Rory was surprised to find Jess under a tree at the wedding, and here she is surprised to find him under a tree kissing Shane. The setting here is also a stark contrast to the other two scenes. It is late summer, the music is loud and irritating, red is a prominent color, and lots of people are present. The body language of Jess and Rory's first kiss was so affectionate, but Jess and Shane appear far less emotionally invested. These contrasts all enrich the comparison of Rory’s clandestine enchantment at the wedding to her disappointed jealousy at the summer festival.
Looking at all three of these scenes together, there is this poetic sequence of Rory and Jess's relationship from a beautiful spring day to an overbearing summer afternoon to a bleak (but not entirely so) winter night, and it's really compelling.
It is notable that all three of these reunions happen outside, and so do a lot of their other scenes together. The idea that Rory and Jess find freedom to be themselves when they are together is brought up often, and the fact that so many of their scenes are outside could be reflective of that. Being outside gives them space to breathe and grow away from the confines of what other people expect of them, but it also leaves them more exposed to the elements and more at risk of being left out in the cold, which makes vulnerability frightening for both of them. They don't quite have the emotional skills to weather those challenges (yet).
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yeehawgeek · 2 months
ok i’ve been thinking about this for the past like hour and im gonna yap about it here
so wrecker is my favorite bad batch character right (i feel like this is well known lol) so here are some headcanons/just general thoughts about him
wrecker getting debilitating headaches in season one actually meant so much to me, not because i like seeing him in pain, but because i also have really frequent headaches that prevent me from doing anything (i don’t wanna call them chronic headaches because i’m not like diagnosed with anything regarding them) but i loved that (likely unintentional) representation
i also think that wrecker still has really bad headaches, but they’re not as bad or frequent since the chip got removed (like he still has to go lay down in a dark and quiet room to help get rid of them, but they don’t actually make him pass out anymore)
he has also learned how to manage them better
wrecker is also deaf in his left ear and has tinnitus, and because of this he knows gssl (galactic standard sign language) and is also why he talks so loud
that’s why he doesn’t know the hand signals like we see in s1 e1, he probably got some of the hand signals mixed up with actual signs and got frustrated and gave up trying to learn the signals
wrecker also likes cuddles, i will die on this hill
look at how huggable the man is
sometimes omega will get nightmares or flashbacks to tantiss or getting kidnapped by cad bane and she’ll climb into wreckers bunk to cuddle
same with crosshair but he’d never admit it
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shane-west · 1 year
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THE LAST OF US (HBO) S1.E1: When You're Lost in the Darkness
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