#dark scisaac
wolfboy88 · 6 months
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Dark Scisaac AU
There is darkness around your heart and it will hunt you down.
Season 3B divergent: where Scott transforms into a demon wolf with a thirst for bloodlust under the guidance of Isaac who has been possessed by the Nogitsune.
For Scisaac Day 2024
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scisaacweek · 2 months
Scisaac week 2024 - Prompts
Hi! I've put together a few prompts that you can follow as guidelines and inspiration (if you want) for each of the days (18-24 November).
Day 1 (18 Nov): Alternative beginnings - different meets
Day 2 (19 Nov): Hurt/Comfort
Day 3 (20 Nov): Established relationship, an alpha and his beta
Day 4 (21 Nov): Fluff, domestic or else
Day 5 (22 Nov): Wolves' nights out - Scott and Isaac have a date in town!
Day 6 (23 Nov): 5 + 1 - a classic format!
Day 7 (24 Nov): Scisaac crossover - who else are they going to meet?
Day 1 (18 Nov): Favourite scene
Day 2 (19 Nov): Parallels
Day 3 (20 Nov): Alternate Universe
Day 4 (21 Nov): Lyrics/poetry
Day 5 (22 Nov): Dark scisaac
Day 6 (23 Nov): A future together
Day 7 (24 Nov): Travel AU - Where in the world are Scott and Isaac?
Also, remember the rules:
We're getting together to celebrate Scott and Isaac! Anything that focuses on them goes. Fics, gifs, edits, art, playlists, etc. Whatever you want!
Whatever you create, tag your contributions with #scisaacweek2024. You can also tag @scisaacweek to improve the chances your post is found.
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ksbbb · 10 months
ur okay to answer all of the questions? 🤭😅😆
😂😂😂 for you? I will 🫂
list 3 positive things about your current fandom(s)? A lot of material to work with considering we have to fill in gaps. Multiple characters to use. Lost of works to explore and plus there’s so many head canons that you can get lost and have a whole day to fill. 😂 they finished the show too. I will add that. Some shows get canceled.
A head cannon you weren’t sure about at first but you have come to like?
Liam not being able to cook. It sounds silly but at first I wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt and I enjoy the thought of Theo being the cook and perfectionist with it.
a character that fandom has helped you appreciate?
Derek Hale. LISTEN. Don’t come for me. Originally I didn’t like Derek because he was mean to Scott at first and I didn’t like how he threw Isaac out of the loft with no place to go. 😤 however, I’ve come to the conclusion through the fandom that he has grown and he went through a lot. He also did come back to help Scott.
say something nice about a ship you don't ship (it can be another ship in your fandom, a mutual's OTP, etc)
Stalia. Stiles helping Malia and them looking out for each other was always really sweet to me.
Something you see in fics a lot and love
Theo moving in with Liam. I think we have established this happened for real in our teen wolf world.
Something you see in art a lot and love
Theo and Liam in Theo’s truck driving around.
your favorite tropes to read/write/draw
Enemies to lovers
Sharing a bed
Reluctant friends/allies
you hope more people will come to appreciate ___ (a ship, a trope, an episode, etc)
Season 5 . Yes it was a little rough and a lot of holes, but we got Theo and the chimera pack. It also gave a horror type vibe which I loved .
Plus plus… we were introduced to
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A ship that isn’t your OTP but you enjoy
Scisaac. I don’t think anything else needs to be said.
a blog (mutual or one you follow) that has made your fandom experience brighter
@thiamsxbitch @wolfboy88
If you’re a writer or an artist what work are you proud of making? 
Hmmm. I think I always come back to this but
your favorite type of fandom event (gift exchange, ship week, secret santa, prompt meme, etc)
Thiam gift exchange was fun. I also liked the thiam reverse big bang and seeing all the artwork
Compliment someone else in your fandom
Well… that’s hard fjfjfj. I like everyone but I will say that green zone is the best written fic I’ve read in a long time. @chasing-chimeras
A ship that always makes you smile 
Scira . 💙💙 so wholesome
A character that always makes you smile
A thing in canon that everyone loves that you also love
Morey. I mean, Jeff didn’t screw that up in in the show. The movie we won’t discuss .
tiny detail in canon that you want more people to appreciate
The development of Derek and Scott’s relationship from angry stand offish allies to brothers. I think it’s cute and now that I like Derek I love it. 😂
Your first fandom
Vampire diaries but I wasn’t a writer or artist for it
Your current fandom
Teen wolf
All American
Shadow and bone
a fandom you're not active in anymore but that you still really like
Vampire diaries
A fandom friend you have known the longest
@waterloou 🫂
the fandom you're curious about because of a mutual
Hmm 🤔 idk. I’d have to think but one tree hill has been on my mind to watch because of you @thiamsxbitch
how has fandom positively impacted your life?
I met some fantastic people and for that I will be eternally thankful
A piece of advice for taking care of yourself in fandom spaces?
Take breaks and don’t look at numbers. It’s easy to get lost in it but what’s important is that you enjoy what you’re doing. If you don’t like it and it becomes a constant stress for more likes or comments, then it’s time to step away.
It should be fun
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domesticated-feral · 2 years
Oh oh, could you do something with Scott + Isaac + canoeing in the wilderness, pretty please?
I've only gone canoeing in the sea...since the seas all there is here. but it's fun! I went canoeing around a while before new years, although I didn't get to canoe at all... :')
anyways, here you go a tiny little ficlet of Scisaac canoeing!
“Stop rocking the boat!” Scott shrieked, dropping the oar he held into the water as he grips onto the boat's edges.
“I’m not trying to!”
Scott reaches down for the oar and the canoe tips alarmingly close to the water. Isaac pulls Scott back up in fear of the boat tipping over and pushing both of them into the water that may or may not have alligators.
“Dude, the boat’s gonna tip over! The alligators could get to us!”
“Isaac, there are no alligators in this river, the guy told us that earlier.”
“I don’t trust him, I don’t trust this murky water either,” he said, “ and I don’t want to lose a limb to some oversized lizard.” He added a while later.
Scott takes Isaac’s oar and uses it to push the boat toward the one floating in the river. Isaac picks it up, wasting no time at all to put it back on the canoe and his hands back to his side.
“Didn’t hear anything about this when we were at the dock,” Scott teases, “it was all ‘oh babe look, they offer canoeing at this campsite.’, ‘Why don’t we take a ride down the river on a canoe.’, and ‘We don’t need a guide, the water looks fine.’”
Isaac tries his best to look confused, “really? I don’t remember… are you sure the alligators didn’t get you?”
“Not as long as you’re with me.”
Isaac smiles, “yeah, I’d wack them with my oar if they tried to get you.”
“Yeah,” he said as his eyes flitted up and down.
Isaac huddles closer and Scott does too. Isaac pulls his body closer and they share a kiss. If the canoe would stop rocking the kiss would’ve lasted longer except both the oars slide over as the boat tips too far into the right and Scott in an attempt to stop the oars from falling pulls both he and Isaac into the water.
The last thing Isaac said before the water turned the words into air bubbles and muffles was ‘Scott’. He rises up to the surface to find Scott laughing, eyes crinkling at the edges, completely soaked. His bangs stuck to his forehead and the oars wafted between them.
Both he and Isaac bobbed on the surface without any trouble because of the life jackets they wore but Isaac couldn’t help but try his best not to look down as he tried to push himself back onto the canoe. He leans onto it, most of his torso now spanning across the canoe’s seat.
Scott grabs onto the two oars and watches as Isaac climbs onto the canoe like a turtle on a beach.
“Scott, the alligators, c’mon!” Isaac said.
Scott kicks his feet up, splashing at Isaac. “Y’know, the water is actually pretty nice, like you said.”
Isaac reaches for Scott’s left leg and pulls him closer to the canoe. “I’m not kidding, get on the boat!”
Scott looks over his shoulder to see a flick of muddy-dark-green-something between the waves. He quickly pushes himself up into the canoe before looking down into the water inches below him.
A small alligator emerges from the depths, not more than the length of his forearm. It’s staring at them as they do the same to it before the canoe bumps into its snout, sending it diving back down and disappearing into the water.
“Aww,” Scott couldn’t help but say.
“What do you mean ‘aww’? It could’ve ripped your limb off!”
“It was a baby one, that alone deserves an ‘aww’.”
Isaac looks at the water, scanning the waves warily before sighing. “Yeah…you’re right, it is very ‘aww’.”
Scott smiles.
“And that is very ‘aww’ too,” Isaac said. It only makes Scott smile even more with a blush heating up his cheeks.
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tw-anchor-down · 1 year
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3 Days...
Until the 1st round of TW Anchor Down officially begins! If you’re still scrambling or need to additional inspiration to get those creative juices flowing, you can always combine TWAD prompts with other challenges or events from this handy events directory. Some challenges and events to highlight that are happening between July, August and September of 2023 are: >> July Break Bingo (request cards by July 13th) >> Scisaac Week (July 2-8) >> Teen Wolf Rarepair Week (July 10-17) >> Steter Week (July 23-29) >> Theo Week (Aug 10-16) >> Lydia Martin Appreciation Week (September 18-24) >> Sciles Week (September 24-30) >> Sterek Bingo (ongoing) >> Sterek Weekly (ongoing) >> Sterek Prompt Meme (ongoing) >> Steter-Stackson Bingo (ongoing) >> AU-gust (multi-fandom Aug. daily prompts themed around AUs) >> The Reverse Prompt Challenge (updated quarterly) >> Horrific Bingo (ongoing) >> Warm and Fluffy Bingo Cards (ongoing for all the fluff) >> Sapphic September (multi-fandom WLW Sept. daily prompts) >> Sicktember (multi-fandom Sept. daily prompts themed around hurt/comfort) >> Sintember (multi-fandom Sept. daily prompts for everything dark and sinful) >> Smutember (multi-fandom Sept. daily prompts themed around smut) >> Spanktember (multi-fandom Sept. daily prompts themed around spanking or discipline) If you know about other challenges that should be added to this list, send an ask. :) Get excited, like Allison!
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scribeoffate · 2 years
For the scottuary fics, could I ask Dreams + AU + Scott/Brett/Isaac pls?
So this switched to Dreams+scott+anger because au had been taken. And from scott/brett/isaac to scisaac because i can't read, apparently <3 hopefully you still enjoy it!
“So, not good news?”
Scott’s fists are clenched, resting on the table surrounded by shredded white pieces of paper, stark against their dark wood table.
“Dear Mr. McCall,” Scott growls, “we regret to inform you…”
Isaac leans against the wall with his arms crossed. “That sucks.”
Scott stares across the room, eyes glazed over. “This was the last school.”
Isaac shifts his weight from one foot to the other. He has no idea what to say. It isn’t fair. But life never really is.
“It’s so unfair,” Scott spits, echoing his thoughts. “I’ve worked just as hard as anyone. But every letter is some variation of 'we don’t think a werewolf is a good fit for vet school.'"
“You do have that missing semester.”
Scott slams a fist against the table. The wood cracks down the middle. Scott winces and pulls his hand away.
“I was being held captive by Monroe. That semester was supposed to…” Scott traces a finger along the crack in the table, visibly deflating. “It doesn’t matter. I don’t know why I ever thought it did.”
“Hey…” Isaac uncrosses his arms. The anger made more sense. Anger is easier than whatever this is. “It’s just a table.”
The table takes that moment to finish breaking, splitting down the crack, each piece crashing to the floor. The shredded envelope paper floats to the ground in slow motion as Isaac steps closer to Scott.
Scott drops his head into his hands. “I’m sorry.”
Isaac suppresses the urge to growl. He kneels next to the chair Scott still sits in, the remains of the table and later surrounding them. He lifts a hand to cup Scott’s chin and tilt his face toward himself.
“You matter. You matter so much to me.”
Isaac wants to kick himself for how cheesy that sounds.
Then Scott smiles softly at him. It doesn’t quite reach his eyes. And it’s not Isaac’s favorite goofy grin, but it’s something. It’s progress.
Scott moves one of his hands and runs it through Isaac’s hair.
They sit like that for an eternity that can never last long enough, breathing quietly. Issac presses their lips together in a brief kiss before rising and offering Scott a hand.
For a minute, he thinks Scott won’t take it.
Scott does, his palm warm against Isaac’s skin. “I really am sorry, about the table.”
“We can get a new one.”
“I suppose we’ll save a lot of money, since I won’t be going to school.”
He tries to say it lightly, but Isaac hears the way it sticks in his throat.
“It’s okay, you know?”
Scott sighs, glancing at the table.
“Being angry,” Isaac clarifies. “It’s really not fair and you’ve given so much to protect people. And being a vet is… it’s what you’ve always wanted. Since that day you showed me how to take pain, I’ve known it was your dream to help animals. So. It’s okay, you know?”
Scott’s smile is a little less strained. “Thank you.”
Isaac shrugs. “I’m not really good at motivational speeches.”
Scott leans in and kisses him, a brief brush of lips. His grin is just a little goofy as he pulls away.
“Sounded pretty good to me.”
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anonymous--weirdo · 1 year
seven~scott mccall x isaac lahey
Ship: scisaac
Genre: major angst
Warnings: Character Death, Child Abuse, Violence
Scott sat down in the swivel chair by his desk, his pen to the paper, and watched as the blue hue spread into a small circle on the page, yet no words were written. Scott didn’t have them. He wanted to write about the color blue, the ocean, how deep and mysterious it was, and the beauty of swimming in it until you were lost and struggling to find your way back. He wanted to write about melodies that soared through the air and took you to safety and happiness.  Thoughts of true love flooded his mind, the way it makes you feel alive and real. Like you're invincible, and nothing could ever hurt you. He threw the pen onto the desk and placed his head in his hands, tears welling into his eyes in frustration. Then he felt a gentle hand on his back, causing him to flinch away. 
“Scott come on, your mom is downstairs waiting on us. We have to leave man,” Stiles said softly and helped his best friend up from the chair, frowning seeing the state of him. 
Scott didn’t reply as he made his way to the car. He ignored the pitiful looks he got as he sat in the backseat. He looked down and on the floorboard he saw a balled up hoodie with Lahey 14 printed in vinyl on the back. He scooped it up from the floor and cradled it in his arms. He laid his head on the window, soft tears fell down his face as he closed his eyes and got lost in his thoughts. 
   The look on Isaac’s face was ingrained into Scott’s mind when he suggested he should run away and move in with him. The soft shock and almost terror sent chills through Scott’s spine. However, Scott felt he had no other choice. The bruises never stopped, the whimpering and wincing at each little touch didn’t stop and Scott couldn’t take it anymore. He wanted his boyfriend to be safe and so they planned it out, they would leave three nights from then. During the week Isaac would inconspicuously take all of the things he loved and wanted to keep out of the house and move it into Scott’s. The plan was flawless. 
Two days before Isaac was said to move in completely and Scott hadn’t seen Isaac at all. He let his thoughts get the best of him and shot him a text. He was trying to limit the amount of messages they sent each other or how often they talked in the halls of the school. The worry however, was too much for Scott to bear, especially when the situation was so delicate. 
[ Hey, checking in. I haven’t seen you all day and I am worried about you < 3 ] he sent with his bottom lip tucked into his teeth and the phone hidden slightly under the desk. 
[I’m okay darling, just a bit under the weather today. The plan is still a go I promise < 3 I love you] 
Scott read over the message and smiled to himself. He should have known there was nothing to worry about.   
The day had come and Isaac still hadn’t been at school. The worry came back despite the constant texts he received from his boyfriend. The ticking of the clock seemed neverending as he waited for class to end. When the shrill bell rang he exited class and walked down the dreary hallway, rain was never a good thing in Beacon Hills, it made the atmosphere of the entire town eerie and sad. He checked the time and for any new messages from Isaac. He glanced toward Coach Lahey’s office and saw the lights off which was unusual for this time of day, the pool was indoors and it made sense for practice to still be on despite the rain. Being the nosey boy he was, he approached the office and peeked inside, it appeared as if no one had been in it all day and his blood ran ice cold. 
Scott arrived at the Lahey household, the rain pelted against the window of his car. The rough pelting of the rain on his car only made his anxiety increase, his foot pressed the pedal harder as he sped to the Lahey residence. The street lamps passed in a blur as the dark clouds loomed overhead. He almost missed the house due to how fast he was going, he slammed his foot onto the brakes skidding into the driveway as he shoved the gear shift into park. He slung the door open, not bothering to shut the door or even take the keys from the ignition.
He sprinted to the door banging on it, “Isaac!” He screamed and banged harder, “Isaac, baby, open the door! Come on let me in!” he begged and knocked, despite hearing movement in the house no one came to answer the door, “come on Isaac!” he couldn’t take not knowing where his partner was or if he was okay. He kicked right above the door handle and under the dead bolt watching as the door kicked in. 
His eyes were locked on the mess, if Scott wasn’t the forced entry it would have looked like a robbery took place. Each step he took made the floor attempt to whisper a silenced secret, he thought of what the walls would tell him if they could talk. The tragedies they could write would outdo anything Shakespeare ever did. He rounded a corner and saw a large dent in the wall, it looked as if something was slammed into over and over again. As he crept through the house, kicking something, hearing a clink, he looked down and saw broken glass scattered on the floor, a small puddle of blood with it. Then he heard it, a loud groan from the tired floorboards and looked up. That was when he saw him, a grotesque looking man, with dark beady eyes and an animalistic smile. He looked like a boogeyman of sorts, and for Isaac he always had been. 
“If you're looking for Isaac you best be going,” the man smirked, “the brat is long gone. This is your fault, should have just left him alone.” he let out a laugh.
“What did you do to him? You sick son of a bitch! Where is he?” Scott growled at the man. Rage coursed through his veins as he stared at the monster in front of him. This creature  had caused Isaac so much pain and had never once had to face a consequence for it. That ended today. 
Scott lunged at the man causing him to stumble back into the table. Scott’s vision blurred as his fist drew blood from the man’s face. He couldn’t stop himself. With each punch his anger didn’t seize. He shoved him to the ground, the adrenaline fueling his strength and he landed harsh bone cracking kicks to the man's side. 
“Isaac came downstairs!” he called out assuming his boyfriend was hiding in his room, the feeling of the things hands clawing trying to force itself free from his violent clutches did nothing. He glared down into the man's eyes. He rammed his shoe into the other’s chin and watched as his eyes went closed effectively knocking him out. He glanced at the stairs and ran up them into Isaac’s room, it was almost empty. The one thing left was a shattered picture frame of a blonde woman and a four year old Isaac. Scott frowned not seeing Isaac though. 
He sprinted back down the steps and looked around before he saw a door he could have sworn was a portal to hell, he glanced back making sure the monster was still knocked out. He made his way down the steps and saw a deep freezer with a padlock chain on it and the fear set in, he knew where his boyfriend was. Scott ripped the chain lock off the freezer and opened the lid, the top had his name scratched into it alongside it desparte claw marks aching to be let out. He scooped the blonde boy from the freezer, his heartbeat was vacant and Scott screamed. The anguished cries rang down the street as he held Isaac’s body close to his chest placing isaac’s hand over his chest begging for five more minutes as he looked at the other’s fingertips. The blood under his nails was long dried and the soft purple that stained his lips had properly set in. Dark black and blue bruises were littered over his skin and the mark on his back showed what had been thrown into the living room wall repeatedly. The fear in the other’s ocean blue eyes was still evident behind the peace it seemed death had brought them, Scott gently closed his lovers eyes. 
“I should have been here faster, I love you Isaac. I love you so much” he whispered softly and buried his face in the other’s soft blonde curls. Tears dripped onto Isaac’s pale cold skin. He held him closer to his chest refusing to move. Why should he move? Isaac was never going to move again, Scott could spare 10 minutes of the rest of his lifetime to just hold Isaac in a gentle way. 
Scott felt a hand on his back and it forced him to flinch away, he looked up seeing Stiles, his best friend. The thoughts ran through his head. How could he not get there faster?  How could he have let it get this bad? He should have saved him, that was his thing he saved people. And the one person he needed to save the most he couldn’t. 
“Scott, you have to set him down. My dad will be down here in a little bit, this is being treated as a homicide.” Stiles said, “you're lucky you didn’t kill his dad or else you would be in the back of that cop car not him.” 
“He was supposed to move in with me tonight, Stiles. Almost all of his stuff is at my house,” Scott whispered and refused to let his lover go, he couldn't. “Now what am I supposed to do, Stiles? I was supposed to save him!” Scott growled looking up at Stiles. 
Stiles sat next to Scott and looked at him “come stay with me for a few nights. Being around his things isn’t good for you right now.” Stiles said and tried to convince the boy, “I can call your mom. I'm sure she won't mind. Just don't let yourself be alone with the thoughts.” he begged his best friend and slowly helped him lay Isaac on the basement floor. He tugged Scott off the floor and helped him up the stairs. 
Scott watched the trees pass by as they made their way to the funeral. He thought of the late night phone call they got from the coroner, Isaac died two days before Scott showed up. He kept replaying the text messages in his head. They sounded like Isaac. But that’s the thing with psychopaths, they're good liars. Scott wished he could have noticed a difference in the text, one little thing to show that he was texting the devilish man rather than his lover. But he couldn’t other than the solid timeline from the coroner he would have still thought he texted Isaac those two days. He wanted Isaac back so bad, he wanted to hold the other male in his arms, run his fingers through the soft curls. He wanted to hear Isaac’s gentle whines about Scott messing up his hair but never once stopping him. He just wanted Isaac back. Instead he was left with memories. Memories of the sweetest boy to ever grace the earth. 
Scott thought of the eulogy he didn’t write. He was supposed to give it in less than five minutes. Stiles wrote him one to speak if he couldn’t write it, and it was placed in Scott’s suit jacket pocket. If Scott would have been in the right state of mind he would have thanked Stiles, hugged his best friend tight and never let go. But he was distant, he barely ate, barely slept or left his room. He hadn’t been to school since the incident. He just stayed in bed Isaac’s favorite scarf held close to his face as he took in the now fading smell of his partner. 
They arrived at the funeral and looks of pity followed Scott’s footsteps. It was the smallest funeral ever held in Beacon Hills and it pissed Scott off. Isaac deserved something, he deserved more than the nine people who showed up. He remembered the first funeral he ever went to, it was his mom’s friend. He watched as a woman went up in from the crowd, tears in her eyes barely able to speak a single word through her sobs. He remembered thinking ‘It can't be that hard, no one could be that sad.’ and it’s so easy to think that when you're seven years old. He suddenly understood that woman at seventeen, as he made his way up in front of the small group of people who showed up for his boyfriend. 
  He placed a shaky hand on the coffin in front of him and looked over the lavender flowers on top, they represented calmness and he hoped that is what Isaac had now. He let out a choked sob and shook his head, he couldn’t do this. His knees buckled beneath him and he fell to the ground. He wanted to beg, he wanted to join Isaac. He felt someone crouch down and arms wrap around his body, he glanced back expecting his mother from the way he was being held but it was Stiles. He turned around hugging Stiles. Sobbing into his best friend’s chest. Stiles didn’t pull him back to his chair in the very small crowd. He let his best friend cry into his chest. 
“It’s okay, you’re allowed to cry Scott. You're allowed to feel sad and angry. Let it go,”he whispered and placed his chin on top of Scott’s head as he held him. They had nowhere to be and the people in the crowd would wait until Scott was okay, even if they had to sit there forever. 
“I miss him Stiles and he’s barely been gone a week,” Scott sobbed out “how am i supposed to do the rest of my life without him?” He asked sadly and clung tighter to the boy. “I was supposed to love him for eternity.” he sniffled. 
“And you will Scott, nothing will stop the love you feel for him. It will never end. You may not believe in soulmates but I do Scott, and he was yours. However much like the sad playwrights and poets say, fate is a cruel mistress. But you can’t give her that much power. Let Isaac live on through you Scott. It’s what he what have wanted, and that is cheesy bullshit and what you're supposed to say but it's true. “ he said and pulled his best friend up from the ground, “now, get your ass on front of this crowd and deliver the best goddamn eulogy they have ever heard.” He said and patted his shoulder, “and I will stand by your side the entire time. I will always stand by you Scott.” he promised. 
With Stiles by his side, he cleared his throat, “I was supposed to pre-prepare something, and I couldn’t. I don’t know how to write about Isaac in the past tense because he was supposed to be my future. And I suppose if you believe in the afterlife, he might still be. But right now, I want him to be the present. And I want to stand up here and tell you all the beautiful things about him and his life. But to be honest, his life was a nightmare. But I don’t want to dwell on that. Isaac Lahey is the definition of beautiful in my book. He is so sweet inside and out and never would never wish harm upon anyone. He likes scarves and overplayed ABBA songs. The night he asked me out, we were listening to Honey Honey. And he laughed softly; it was the prettiest sound I have ever heard. He told me he loved me before he asked me out. I think that describes him well. He loves to jump headfirst into things. I love him, and I will love him forever. Until my heart stops beating, and I will think of him every time I hear the disco tones of ABBA, even if I will forever argue with him that the Mama Mia Soundtrack is better." Scott let out a small laugh and glanced at his best friend, “he will always be my forever. Even if he isn’t here I won’t let him die. “ he promised the small crowd and walked to his seat with Stiles, who kept a grounding hand on his arms the whole time. 
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fangirl-writes · 3 years
Who/What I Write & Masterlists
Hi, I’m the writer here at fangirl-writes and this is a little masterpost/list for the fandoms and ships and people I write for. Some of them don’t have any content yet, but if you want to request a fic for said ship or person, feel free.
Requests Are Always Open, how fast I get to your request depends on how inspired I am by it and how much time I have in my personal life.
I write: X Readers, Poly Relationship X Readers, Ship Fics, Ot3 fics, Ot4 fics, etc. Friendship Fics, Fluff, Angst.
I WILL NOT WRITE: Smut (can get a little suggestive), Self-Harm, Suicide, Gore, Mental Illnesses (I don’t feel comfortable writing about what I don’t experience), Abuse, Dark Fics, Sexual Assault, Rape, Pedophilia
All X Readers Female Unless Otherwise Stated Or Requested.
I don’t do transgender reader because I do not feel I could do that justice, as I am not trans. Thank you!
If you don’t see a ship or character you want me to write for, shoot me an ask and I’ll let you know if I feel I can write for them or not!
Who/What I Will Write For:
MBAV: Masterlist
- No Longer Writing For This Series
Outer Banks: Masterlist (not yet)
X Readers -
Boys: John B. Routledge, JJ Maybank, Pope Hayward
Girls: Kiara Carrera, Sarah Cameron
Jarah, JJPope, KieSarah, CleoPope, KieCleo
Maybe others if requested
Cloak and Dagger: Masterlist
- No Longer Writing For This Series
Stranger Things: Masterlist (not yet)
X Readers -
Boys: Steve Harrington, Johnathan Byers, Eddie Munson, Argyle
Girls: Nancy Wheeler, Robin Buckley
Ships -
Joncy, Stonathan, Stoncy, Ronance, Steddie, Jargyle, Buckingham
Mileven, Lumax, Byler, Greatwise
Teen Wolf: Masterlist (not yet)
X Readers - 
Boys: Scott McCall, Stiles Stilinski, Isaac Lahey, Liam Dunbar, Theo Raken
Girls: Lydia Martin, Allison Argent, Kira Yukimira, Malia Tate
Scallison, Stydia, Sciles, Scira, Scisaac, Malira, Allydia, Thiam
Twilight: Masterlist (not yet)
NOTE: Movie or Fanon verse only because we hate Stephanie Meyer
X Readers -
Boys: Edward Cullen, Jacob Black, Jasper Hale, Emmett Cullen, Seth Clearwater, Embry Call, Quil Ateara, Jared Cameron, Paul Lahote
Girls: Bella Swan, Alice Cullen, Rosalie Hale, Leah Clearwater
Bedward, Jella, Jalice, Rosemett, Carlesme, Blackwater, Rosella, Jaspella, Balice, Jakeward, Belliciper, Jacobelaward
Dead Poets Society: Masterlist (not yet)
X Readers - 
Neil Perry, Todd Anderson, Charlie Dalton, Knox Overstreet, Steven Meeks, Gerard Pitts
Anderperry, Cheeks, Knarlie, Mitts, Daltonperry
The Outsiders: Masterlist (not yet)
X Reader -
Darry Curtis, Sodapop Curtis, Keith “Two-Bit” Matthews, Steve Randle, Dallas Winston
The Breakfast Club: Masterlist (not yet)
X Readers -
John Bender, Claire Standish, Andrew “Andy” Clark, Allison Reynolds, Brian Johnson
Any pairing between the main five or maybe a crossover ship if you’re into that.
Footloose: Masterlist (nah)
Note: Not really a fan of the remake but I’ll do it. Requests for the original are much appreciated though 🥰
X Readers -
Ren McCormack, Ariel Moore, Willard Hewitt, Rusty Rodriguez, Woody (no last name for this guy, apparently)
Any within the canon or a crossover if you’re into that
Hunger Games: Masterlist (not yet)
X Readers -
Katniss Everdeen, Peeta Mellark, Finnick Odair, Johanna Mason, Annie Cresta
Everlark, Gadge, Odesta, Hayffie
The Maze Runner: Masterlist (not yet)
X Readers -
Thomas, Newt, Minho, Frypan, Winston, Gally, Teresa, Brenda, Aris
Newtmas, Thominho, Minewt, Thominewt, Brederesa
Descendants: Masterlist
- No Longer Writing For This Series
Merlin: Masterlist (not yet)
X Readers -
Merlin, Arthur Pendragon, Gwaine, Lancelot, Guinevere, Leon, Eleon, Percival, Morgana, Mordred
Merthur, Arwen, Mergwen, Gwencelot, Morgwen, Perwaine
Julie and the Phantoms: Masterlist (not yet)
X Readers -
Julie Molina, Luke Patterson (pansexual king 👑), Reggie Peters
Male Reader or Platonic only: Alex Mercer, Willie
Juke, Willex, Ruke, Lalex, Julie x Nick
Request others and we’ll see 
Avatar the Last Airbender: Masterlist (not yet)
X Readers -
Boys: Aang, Sokka, Zuko, Jet, Haru, Teo
Girls: Katara, Toph, Suki, Mai, Ty Lee, Azula
Zutara, Taang, Sukka, Yukka, Mailee , Yueki, Teoaang, On jaang, Jinko, Yuetara, Yueko, Ty Luko
Maybe others if you request them
Big Hero 6: Masterlist (not yet)
X Readers:
Hiro Hamada, Tadashi Hamada, Gogo Tomago, Honey Lemon, Wasabi No-Ginger, Fred Frederickson
Tadahoney, Gogodashi, Gogozilla (Fred x Gogo), Honeysabi, Honeyfred, Fredsabi, Honeygogo, Gogosabi
Hiro x his age appropriate love interests
Crossovers if that’s something you’re into.
5 Seconds Of Summer: Masterlist (not yet)
X Readers
Luke Hemmings, Michael Clifford, Calum Hood, Ashton Irwin
Ships: Real People. No shipping.
Queen/BoRhap: Masterlist
- No Longer Writing For This Series
Smosh: Masterlist (nope)
X Readers -
Boys: Anthony Padilla, Ian Hecox, Shayne Topp, Damien Haas, Keith Leak Jr., Noah Grossman, Chanse McCrary, Spencer Agnew
Girls: Courtney Miller, Angela Giarratana, Arasha Lalani
Ships: Real People. No shipping.
X Readers - 
Tom Holland, Andrew Garfield, Ben Barnes, Harry Styles, Niall Horan, Timothee Chalamet, Indiana Jones, Trevor Spengler (Ghostbusters: Afterlife), Jack Frost (Rise of the Guardians), Howl Pendragon (Howl’s Moving Castle)
Maybe other actors/musicians/characters if you request them
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adrianfridge · 2 years
WIP ask meme
tagged by @clotpolesonly
Rules: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it! And then tag as many  people as you have wips. I have deemed that this isn’t just for writing either. Sketch titles? Comics? Dnd campaigns? If you have an unfinished project, it counts!!
Prepare to be awed and amazed by my fic WIP naming skillz
dark & horny steter
sterek cyoa pwp
stackson vampire au
stackson grudge
sciles a/b/o
stackson inception
jacksterek nlfang
(art) scisaac bed
(art) dread doctors in anime
Who is still active in fandom that hasn’t been tagged yet?
@nyxelestia @illbeintheend @softranswolves @teenwerewoofs @scribeoffate @wolfflock @split-syllables @smalls2233 @tarvera @just-another-busy-fangirl @lucky-bishop
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tom-at-the-farm · 3 years
Isaac Lahey was the most tragic character of all! Like not to get too invested in MTV programming about teenage lycanthropy, but Jeff Davis went to my alma mater so it's fitting I'm on a similar wavelength wrt teens who are wolves.
But anyway, I'm not even going to touch the whole "Derek preyed on a vulnerable At Risk Youth(TM) and replicated his father's abuse to control him" thing, because that's a bit dark even for me. But also the way his trauma was consistently played for laughs? What was up with that? Like I think one of the more heartbreaking scenes was when he knew Scott was angry at him over Allison and was like, "Do you want to hit me? You should hit me" because obviously this character's emotional repertoire for the most part consists of expecting and accepting abuse when people are mad at him. And then Scott does fucking hit him and it's supposed to be a comedic moment! What the fuck! A dark moment for Scisaac indeed.
And then, of course, Stiles telling him he's "milking" his trauma and just the fact that there doesn't seem to be a single social worker in the Teen Woof Cinematic Universe. If they could have thrown in just one line like, "Yes Chris Argent abandoned him in France but then he was adopted by a nice French family and he's happy and eats baguettes in the idyllic French countryside every day." I would have accepted that
Thanks for reading don't forget to like and subscribe
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scisaacweek · 1 year
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Scisaac Week 2023 (July 2nd to 8th)
Scisaac Week is the celebration of everything Scott/Isaac!
This is a week dedicated to creating and supporting Scisaac content. All types of contributions are accepted, whether they be fics, art, gifs, playlists, edits, or whatever else you can come up with.
The following prompts are merely suggestions that you can use or remix to your heart’s content:
Writing Prompts
DAY 1: Missing Scenes or Alternate Canon || Things that should have been
DAY 2: Future fic or College AU || Building a future together
DAY 3: Road Trip/Vacation or Bed Sharing || Bound by situational proximity
DAY 4: Alpha/Beta or Established Relationship || Cherishing solid foundations
DAY 5: Hurt/Comfort or 5 + 1 Things || Circumstances require solutions
DAY 6: Friends-to-Lovers or First Date || Deciding to finally make it happen
DAY 7: Fairytale/Mythology or Magic || A life even more fantastical
Graphics Prompts
DAY 1: Favorite moments(s) or Lacrosse || Going through memory lane
DAY 2: Emotions or Things unsaid || Exploring all the feels
DAY 3: Parallels or Favorite AUs || Matching patterns
DAY 4: Canon re-draw/fix-it or Scars || Digging into wounds
DAY 5: Body Parts or Lyrics/poetry || A sum of their parts
DAY 6: Contrasts or Nightmares || The darkness and the light
DAY 7: Power/Vulnerability or Fantasies || Unlocking the mind
PLEASE NOTE: If you end up inspired to make a graphic from a writing prompt, or vice versa, that’s allowed! You can post multiple works per day, or just pick and choose which days to contribute to. The more Scisaac feels, the better!
Please tag your contributions with #scisaacweek2023. You can also tag @scisaacweek to improve the chances your post is found.
Ask box is open if you have any questions.
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domesticated-feral · 3 years
it's 12 am (almost), im supposed to go to sleep but i'm going to assign each tw character a song from my playlist on spotify.
Scott McCall - Something Real by Lameboysharp Why? The beat just really reminds me of Scott, especially the last bit. Usually I don’t really tune in to the lyrics and that was the case with this song so the lyrics got nothing to do with this song being associated with Scott.
Stiles Stilinski - Freaks by Surf Curse Why? The freaking guitar thing. It’s Stiles, I cannot argue with my brain, it will not change its mind? Anyways, Stiles is an alt-kid at heart, that is my hc about him. Yes, the lyrics are pretty dark, but it reminds me of s3b stiles so I guess it relates? Idk it was the lyric tune out case for me here as well.
Derek Hale - WHY AM I STILL IN LA by Joji (ft. Shlohmo & D33J) Why? The somber notes and Joji’s vocals just give me Derek vibes. And don’t get me started on the sick guitar and drums bit, it’s so strong and loud compared to the rest of the song I love to think it would be Derek’s internal turmoil since the poor dude has so much trauma. :(
Lydia Martin - Trigger Of Love by JAWNY Why? Cause she got the gun and the trigger is of love. Also because, almost everytime this song plays, I think of her. The chorus is the only part where the lyrics have been thought of, so the rest of the song lyrics would not particularly match her, but shhh, it’s the vibe that counts.
Jackson Whittemore - sex money feelings die (slowed) by Lykke Li Why? I have absolutely no idea, but my brain decided it and I find it reasonable as well.
Isaac Lahey - The Loser by Zach Farache Why? Someone used this in a scisaac edit on instagram and ever since then I’ve associated the song to Isaac. The ukulele and lyrics (there are only 2) but they give me Isaac vibes sooo yeah.
Vernon Boyd - Kids by Current Joys Why? Reminds me of him and his introduced but deeply unvalued and unused storyline of him and his sister. #Boyd Deserved Better!!! The very simple instrumental of it just gives the right calm but steady vibes of the Boyd we see on the screen. (if you know what i mean that)
Malia Tate - I Can’t Handle Change by R.O.A.R. Why? The instrumental. Another horribly depressing song, that’s a common trope? genre? in my playlist for some reason. But the instrumental is what got me thinking about Malia. And then the ascending tone after the bridge? I think, it's weirdly giving me Malia vibes. And the whole instrumental thing at the start and end too.
Theo Raeken - striptease by carwash Why? I. Watched. One. (1). Edit. Of. Cute. Sleepy. Theo. With. This. Song. As. The. Audio. And. Now. This. Song. Is. Theo’s. Song. Period. alsothesongslaps.
Corey Bryant - welcome and goodbye by Dream, Ivory Why? The guitar that plays through the song, bam Corey vibes. And I’m not sure if the lyrics give me Corey vibes or not, so take that as a yes?
Yes, send me an ask of any character you want my “songinion” (song-opinion) on and I will probably do it.
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Could you update the love confessions tag? Ideally explicit fics lol. Thank you!
Sure. Here’s some new love confessions.  All explicit.
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death by katana by curlsinthewind
(1/1 I 1,672 I Thiam)
“You want to scare Theo?” “Yes.” “Dude, it’s impossible, I already tried." “But this time, Liam, we will use his greatest weakness.” “Which is?” “You.”
Confessions by Ambear9
(1/1 I 2,647 I Sterek)
What should have happened when Derek evolved
What A Birdbrain! by VenusVellichor
(1/1 I 3,292 I Scisaac)
Beacon Hills has always been a strange town, never more so than now, as Scott and his pack unravel the mysteries they had dragged back home. As Scott learns about his supernatural family history and Lydia unravels the mysteries that her great-aunt left her, Allison and Stiles up the ante and decide to hunt down magic artifacts. Derek and Jackson learn to express their feelings, and Isaac finally comes into his own when he opens an apothecary in town. Now that the pack is back together, can they still share their inner lives, or are some heritages too precious to tell?
love came in on time by CerinityKS
(1/1 I 3,554 I Scott/Theo)
Theo choked, eyes wide, and watched as Scott licked his hand clean. “Fuck dude,” he whispered, cock twitching valiantly again at the site. Scott shot him a grin.
“Not bad,” he shrugged, and they stared at each other for a moment before they collapsed in laughter once more.
“I, I c-can’t beli-lieve you,” Theo gasped.
“Shut up,” Scott laughed and reached out to smack him gently.
“Pull your shorts up, oh my god, we’re in public!” Theo laughed harder.
“Says the guy that dropped them to suck my dick!” Scott pointed out. They collapsed in laughter again as Scott reached down to pull them up. Theo adjusted himself in his shorts, underwear sticky and uncomfortable, and walked over to grab their boards as they calmed down. When he turned back the soft look was back in Scott’s eyes and he felt his own expression soften in response.
(or theo and scott have been mutually pining, scott finally makes a move, they get a little inappropriate in the skate park, and then go home to be soft and cuddle like the ridiculously in love boys they are)
Rain Wet Kisses by zero4life
(1/1 I 4,696 I Isaac/OMC)
Isaac has a claustrophobia induced panic attack. Nick goes after him to help him calm down and make him feel safe. The two realize that this is about more then just safety and protection.
Keep Me Warm by emotionssuck
(1/1 I 5,703 I Sciles)
After the sacrifice at the end of season 3a, Stiles has to deal with the fallout. The darkness isn't the only consequence that he must bear and Scott won't let him suffer alone.
Calculated Risk by sparkandwolf (thatnerdemilyj)
(1/1 I 6,013 I Sterek)
“Will I survive?” Derek whined behind him, his grip on Stiles' wrist tightening. Stiles couldn’t look at him, knowing one glance might change his mind.
The Queen considered his question, tilting her head at him. “You will survive if you’re in love.”
shepherd said come in, come in, shut the door by eneiryu
(1/1 I 8,960 I Thiam/Leo/Hayden)
In hindsight, they probably should have given Liam a heads-up about the fevers.
Speak, Memory by RavenAurelieChoiseau
(6/10 I 13,842 I Klaus/Stiles)
‘Have you ever seen a wolf in the throes of change, Stiles?’ Klaus asked. Stiles gave a curt nod, his shoulders stiffening in memory. Scott had been near uncontrollable that first night. Since then, he’d seen more than his share of shifts. More than he’d have ever liked to admit. ‘Yes, I see from your eyes you have. Well, Henrik and I were caught in the middle of it.' _ Klaus invites Stiles to New Orleans to play at his funeral. Such an odd request brings the two strangers together. The vampire is overcome when he meets the young musician and his suspicions are confirmed: Klaus had once been a lover of one of Stiles' ancestors- and Stiles is his doppelganger. One memory in exchange for every piece executed- Stiles decides to extend his stay and play for his employer. Klaus regales him with tales about his past. Romance is not lacking as Klaus tries to woo his new friend, taking him on dates. They ride an imaginary line between history and a need for connection and affection in the now. Neither imagines how easy it will be for them to fall in love.
To bushwhacked and back again. by DropsOfAddiction
(1/1 I 29,291 I Sterek)
“So... that’s it. You’re all done here?” Stiles had tried to keep his voice neutral as he leant his back onto the wall, placing one foot on it to balance him.
“Yeah. I sent all my stuff ahead. I doubt Cora will unpack for me though,” Derek told him.
“No, I doubt it. She’s probably too busy running naked through the woods,” Stiles shuddered.
“Oh my god, do you have to?” Derek had grimaced. “That’s my sister.”
“Sorry! I’m not thinking about her naked I swear,” Stiles protested, holding his hands up.
Derek had cocked an eyebrow at him.
“I’m not lying! Feel!” Stiles yanked on Derek’s arm until his hand popped out of his pocket and he’d dragged him closer, placing Derek’s palm over his heart.
Derek had made a soft sound of surprise, but he’d allowed the manhandling and he crowded in closer to Stiles.
Stiles hadn’t thought it through because the second Derek’s hips were inches from his and Derek’s stupid, lovely face was all up in his, his heart had begun pounding erratically.
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isaac-lahey-14 · 4 years
I’m Used To It || Scisaac
Isaac had been back in Beacon Hills for almost a week. He knew that his friends needed help and he wanted to do what he could, which meant he would sacrifice everything he had..including his pack back in France. But being a part of that ‘pack’ just meant that he was another person that his alpha could use as a toy, he didn’t matter to him. And Isaac was okay with that, right? Having some time to himself, he decided to go for a walk for some air and to just think. Because a strong part of him wanted to stay here, to stay with Scott and the people he was sure he could call friends. But how could he leave his pack? Was that even an option? He was quickly pulled from his thoughts when he heard some leaves rustling behind him, growling softly he quickly turned around almost instantly regretting everything, “So I knew you would end up here..” Walking out from the darkness was his alpha and safe to say..Nicolai was angry.
This was his fault. Like always. Feeling the blood drip down his cheek, Isaac found a bench and had been sitting on it for awhile. His wounds not healing since they took longer when they were given by his alpha. Also..why should he heal? This was his punishment. Closing his eyes, he feels the wind against his face and doesn’t notice the tears mixing in with the blood. Tomorrow. He has to go home tomorrow.
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remember2breathe · 4 years
Hello everyone, I’m still on a bit of a hiatus but I want to let everyone know what’s going on so I don’t leave you all in the dark! I am okay, I’m safe and I’m healthy! My Twitter account has been suspended so for right now I will be mostly active on Wattpad, Ko-fi, and here on Tumblr. Tumblr will continue to be as it is and Wattpad will be solely for my original works from now on. I know there are some instances where AO3 doesn’t send out emails so I will be using Ko-fi and Tumblr as a way to announce fic updates as well. If you love what I do then please consider supporting me on Ko-fi!
- Nique
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peninkwrites · 3 years
Thank you sm @rhyslahey for the tag! I don't normally do these but it seemed fun :)
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
3. How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
A surprising amount– 6! Teen Wolf, Z Nation, Criminal Minds, Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency, The Umbrella Academy, and Dream SMP. so, so much Dream SMP.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
My first ever dsmp fic– Techno Comes Home, my only Umbrella Academy fic, He Got Seven (and what he deserved), A Talk Long Overdue (therapy fics seem to be my specialty), Thomas. Not 10k, but not Tommy either, my only Z Nation fic, this one surprises me, it's dark horror written for a comedic show with a tiny fandom, and The Storm (or: he should know better by now, but somehow he has no doubts), a Teen Wolf oneshot.
5. What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
Oh, this is hard. I have a trilogy, In Which Things go Awry and the Good Guys Lose, and I cannot decide what's the worst of the trio, maybe the second one, In Which Punz Never Shows, just because it's worse than grief?
6. What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending?
Other than the aforementioned tragedies, I try to always have at least hopeful endings? But still, the ending of my 4 year long series, In Which Isaac Lahey Finally Gets some Fucking Therapy, is definitely the happiest, I may be biased because I'm just so fond of that series and how much work I put into it <3
7. Do you write crossovers? If so, what is the craziest one you’ve written?
Never have, don't think I ever will, not my niche. Have considered writing some AUs, but not crossovers.
8. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
No, cannot, will not. Any romance is a challenge for me to write, not even touching all that. You do you, not my cup of tea.
9. Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
I try and respond to every comment just because they bring me so much joy, but I also try to make myself only reply when I have an update to post, sort of a reward for getting some writing done, but that means sometimes I don't reply until a month later... (or worse forget entirely)
10. Have you ever received hate on a fic?
Thankfully no! At 'worst' sometimes people have disagreed with my characterization or corrected something they think I interpreted wrong, which, they've always been polite about it so fair enough!
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I don't think so, although one time I was reading a fic that was uncannily similar to my own, not word for word, but it felt almost like a retelling or a parallel version? Probably just a popular interpretation of the premise, but it was a surreal read.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Nope! I don't have the language skills to attempt it myself.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Not really, although I have done a beginner bang and got to collaborate with a great artist, which is just as fun.
14. What’s your all time favorite ship?
Romance isn't my forte, I still have a soft spot for Scisaac just because I adore the characters. My current favorite is Awesamponk, just because tragedy has been calling me lately.
15. What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
I have never given up on a fic and hopefully never will! That I've posted at least, if I've posted it I have to finish, otherwise I let my 2.5 readers down lol, I've had an unposted draft for a fic about the DSMP Raccooninnit arc that I've been sitting on Since That Arc, which was, what, back in January?
16. What are your writing strengths?
Dialogue! Dialogue has always been my strong suit, or at least these past few years. Copying people's way of talking is always really fun.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Is saying everything else a fair answer? Describing stuff. I can write character feelings, not settings. The characters are Talking- where? Doing what? Good question! Love to find out some day.
18. What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
I had to do a lot of this for my last two isaac fics, one taking place in France and one in Russia and if I’m being honest, Google translate. That’s all I can manage. I apologize to any French or Russian readers.
19. What was the first fandom you wrote for?
I am not going to say, but I was 12, and it was on Wattpad. That should be horrifying enough.
20. What’s your favorite fic you’ve written?
This is unjust. It’s like picking a favorite child. My favorite fic is probably one of the ones I’ve just been vividly planning in my head and have yet to write let alone post :/
I have no idea who to tag, if it takes any other writer's fancy, I recommend! It's fun to look back on stuff!
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