aurora-light-blog · 6 months
The species in which the Dathomirans would spawn from. While most Dathomirans clans are matriarchal, the Paecian were a patriarchal society. Females weren’t allowed to be fighters nor leaders. Their clan leaders were called Dasan. The arrival of former Jedi Knight Allya and their forced settlement on Dathomir started the shift.
Since the Paecian females have an insanely high Midi-chlorians count, Allya trained many to wield the Force. The Paecian allowed this because the Living Force adhered to their philosophy. They believed in the purity of nature and keeping the harmony of the environment. Still, female Force wielders were supposed only be healers and use Force taming on creatures. They weren’t supposed to use the Force in combat.
Under Paecian law, no Paecian was to engage in combat against another Paecian. This would be shattered when female Paecian warred against male Paecian for domination and won. Thus, the Dathomiran civilization was born. They would keep some Paecian features though such as their language, respect for nature, festivals, love of music, and certain laws.
The Dasan had a group of men who helped him govern and provided counsel. It was called the Council of Elders. This would be adopted by most of the Dathomiran clan such as Nightsister elders and Singing Mountain Clan's councilwomen.
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jazaesis · 4 days
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The Kite Flyer
My entry for @chewbaccawithouthan brethren challenge
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pawsimses · 1 year
Brainrot Trash Idea about Shin and Baylan
So I've been seeing a fair amount of stuff about Baylan and Shin, and bc I'm a Sucker for Father-Daughter characters, decided to play with a few headcanons. None of which are remotely close to Canon and a few AUs bc I can.
General HC Rambling
* Shin is Baylan's actual daughter. Yeah, I know she's (99%) not in canon but look. The idea of Baylan having and then training his own daughter to be something greater than the Jedi lives rent-free in my head.
* He got Shin from a young age to refer to him as "Master" instead of "Father" for both their sakes. Smother the risk of attachment and keep them both safer should the Empire catch on. (Jokes on him, because both of them are very attached to each other).
(For Shin, there actually isn't a real difference between terms; for her, calling him "Master" is her just saying "Father". He is her father, not her mentor, in her POV. She just uses a different word is all. (Help them, plz)).
* On that not of terminology, been thinking and I know it's probably just a harmless/unimportant honorific, but the fact Baylan has the title of Lord makes my brain go "what if Baylan was actually of noble origins?". Which then shifts into "Shin having a separate last name from her father is due to Baylan gifting her his mother's maiden name, for the same reasons he has her refer to him as her mentor instead of parent". It's also a way, in his twisted mind, to honor his family nobility when he himself failed it (by being a Jedi).
(Also imagine the Skoll/Hati family coat of arms being *wolves*)
* I even got genealogy HC worked out cause- "well Shin doesn't look like Baylan". And yes but hear me out: she takes after another relative of his (sister, mom, aunt, grandmother, etc.). Maybe she reminds him of his mom, idk. But if so, maybe that's why he gives her the surname Hati? As a quiet honoring? Either way, she takes after his family members, just not him strictly lol.
* (I'll be honest, her hair looked dyed and frankly speaking, I do HC Baylan as being a dark brunette before he went full Grey, so not a far stretch to also consider her inheriting his hair at least.)
* Back on the Hati surname, thinking more also led to "its a family name but farther back in lineage before it got changed to Skoll somewhere down the line". Kinda like how the Bakarn family in SWTOR used to be the Bakvalens before it got changed to a more common surname. Either way, the name Skoll puts a target on Shin's back and Baylan isn't taking that risk.
* (Ngl, part of me now wants to play w the idea of Baylan actually being a descendant of the Bakarn family. Idk if he'd be related to Syo tho, for obvious reasons.)
*Regarding upbringing, Baylan was a single dad front day 1, raising Shin on the run. Who the other parent is or if she even has one, no one knows. (Mostly bc I'm lazy and single dad Baylan lives rent free in my head). They mostly drifted from place to place, never really calling somewhere home. Hence another reason why Shin is very attached to Baylan; he's her only source of stability. He is "home".
*Leaving Shin was hard for her, but it was also hard for Baylan. It's not that he doesn't love his daughter. He absolutely does. But he's driven by personal ambition to seek this unknown power on this strange world and that takes priority. And truthfully, it's dangerous. He knows it's dangerous. But it calls to him in a way he can't ignore. In a way Shin can't hear. And if For her sake. Even if tearing away from her rips him in pieces; it's dangerous what he's doing and he won't drag her into it.
(Mentally he tells himself he's doing this all for her. For a better future, for her.)
(Shin, of course, is too attached to her father to actually leave the planet.)
On another hand, been seeing a fair amount of Baylan/Morgan content lately and THAT got me thinking of "Shin is a Baylan/Morgan child". Which...
-Half-Dathomiran Shin. Half-Dathomiran Shin with Morgan's markings.
-Shin whose been raised by a human most of her life, who isn't at all attuned to her Nightsister half. Who doesn't really know Morgan and probably is unaware she's her parent.
-Shin who isn't attuned to her Nightsister heritage, suddenly experiencing summons of green fire and magic when her parents leave her behind for their own paths.
Nightsister-Dark Jedi hybrid class Shin Hati.
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jedimasterbailey · 5 months
Tales of the Empire Thoughts (Mostly About Barriss)
I know I’m a little late to the party in terms of laying out my thoughts on Tales of the Empire but honestly I needed a few days to process and digest what happened (not to mention being on vacation delayed that process as well). Obviously as a Barriss stan/fanfic writer/blogger y’all know that those episodes were the upmost priority for me and I will be rewatching those episodes on repeat like no other since it’s been far too long since Barriss has had her time to shine. 
The majority of this post will be centered around those specific episodes because I’m just gonna just go ahead and say that the Morgan Elsbeth episodes were boring and didn’t tell me anything I didn’t already know about the character. Also the bullshit reasoning as to why Morgan doesn’t obviously look Dathomiran is so dumb in that my brain will malfunction if I think about it too much. If the “magic going away” thing was true then how do you explain Merrin and Ventress who still have power and retain their clear Dathomiran appearance? Either way, there is no way Darth Felonious could explain his “logic” to me there because it is all too clear that Morgan was never meant to be Dathomiran in the first place. She was just a bad lady with a spear and that’s that. Love the actress, but the character is just lame. Furthermore, it is so clear that the hat man knows absolutely nothing about Thrawn and I’m not even a Thrawn stan but why even if the guy involved if he just says a few words and leaves? Now before y’all come for me, yes I’m aware these episodes are shorts and the time is precious but to me they could have dedicated more time into explaining to me why Morgan is so loyal to Thrawn. Her reasoning for wanting to join the Empire is empty too in that the Separatists that annihilated her race is now the Empire so…to me that’s not enough reasoning for Morgan to be so dedicated. The only parts that had me engaged were the Grevious bits which were both beautiful and frightening at the same time.
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Now onto the meat which is the Barriss arc which has me both elated and frustrated at the same time. Let’s begin with the stuff I absolutely love.
1.) Barriss proving herself to not be committed to the Dark Side/Empire is a huge win for me and other Barriss super fans who have been preaching this for over a decade. We knew from the moment the trailer came out that Barriss was just going to do what it took to survive and even though she was forced into doing things she really did not want to do, she stayed true to herself and escaped before it was too late. The light in her never left nor did it ever leave her and I just know that Luminara would have been so proud of her. Barriss constantly questioning the Grand Inquisitor and the Fourth Sister had me smiling because that is just Barriss. She will always question things that seem off and will defend her beliefs and values no matter what the danger to herself may be. The line of reclaiming her position of a Jedi is my absolute favorite line and gave me all the feels I get whenever Luke tells Palpatine that he is a Jedi like his father. On a final note, I loved that she showed genuine concern/fear for what was happening to the Jedi when Order 66 was happening and demanded an answer. 
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2.) Barriss being a healer and a protector. It is so satisfying to see it canon on screen that Barriss remains to be a healer after years of being obsessed with the Legends Medstar lore. I absolutely loved that Barriss took off her mask to the terrified boy in the village and protected him against the Fourth Sister’s unnecessary wrath only to save the non-binary (yay representation!) Jedi from death later that day. It all just makes me so happy to get that validation that Barriss has always had a big heart which makes her stand out from other Jedi in my opinion. 
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3.) Barriss sporting that lesbian pixie cut with the adorable laugh/smile lines and being a healer in the mountains helping Force sensitive and the sick/injured just makes my day. It warms my heart to see Barriss be at peace and doing so much good after so much pain and trauma from her past. Though I do miss her hood and would like to see a head covering on her again. Also doing the math, Barriss should be in her thirties during the third episodes so why did they age her up so much? I’ve heard the theory of the Force healing taking her life force but damn Luminara was in her late thirties during the Clone Wars and she had like nothing 😅 One other note that makes me smile is that Barriss is referred to as a “wise mother” and that’s just everything.  Also she looks and acts like just like Luminara they truly could be mother and daughter it’s so sweet 💚💙
4.) Barriss defeating an Inquisitor without a weapon of her own and catching a blade with the Force is so fucking badass, I could re-watch that sequence on repeat forever. 
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5.)The vague Ahsoka mention had my Barrissoka heart exploding. I demand an animated Barrissoka show immediately. 
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Now here are the bits that have me frustrated and I demand that Darth Felonious fixes them later.
1.) The lack of closure between Barriss and Ahsoka/Luminara. Barriss hurt a lot of people from her actions but at the very least it would be nice to see her repair the damage she inflicted on the people closest to her. We never saw anything in regards to Luminara’s reaction to the bombing and knowing what gruesome fate awaits her in Rebels, I was so hoping the two would meet again, make amends before Luminara inevitably sacrificed herself as a final act of love and forgiveness for her Padawan. As for Ahsoka…if the two are able to work together in the future, could we at least see how exactly that came to be? I’m personally growing tired of major developments happening off-screen and we as an audience are just expected to roll with it. Again I’m aware these are shorts, but why do they have to be shorts? Why can’t we just delete the boring Morgan episodes and get like a movie or limited series on this exact journey? 
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2.) The return of yet another ambiguous ending for Barriss. I am a firm believer that Barriss is alive granted that people seem to get stabbed all the time in Star Wars and they get to live so why not Barriss? I understand what they’re doing with Barriss getting through to the Fourth Sister to show us that Barriss has come full circle in her journey from dark to light, however since I’m forced to believe that Barriss had some sort of relationship with this random Inquisitor pre-Empire instead of someone who did have a significant relationship to her, it falls flat for me and it enrages me that if Barriss were to die from this….well I just don’t have words for that. So now I’m wondering if I’m going to have to wait another 10 years to get answers. Thank the Force for fanfic and fanart to get me through. 
3.) Does Barriss even know what the Empire did her Master? Because… I feel that’s another huge story thats being missed here. Ahsoka was able to get some closure with Anakin, why can’t Barriss have the same with Luminara? 
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4.) Never getting anything in terms of what pushed Barriss to bomb the Jedi temple in the first place. That’s my biggest beef with the original Clone Wars series since we see no development as to how Barriss goes from a kind gifted Padawan healer to mastermind of a terror plot. That could a book or show on its own. 
5.) Star Wars continuing to miss what a satisfying redemption arc is. Not only do we need to understand what got a character to do the crime(s) but we need to see the growth that comes from it. That’s what makes the Obi-Wan Kenobi show so good to me is that I now know how Obi-Wan grew from RotS to where we meet him in ANH. I would love to see the same for Barriss, because you just know she’s been on very spiritual/emotional journey to get to where she was at the end of the show. 
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6.) Why was Vader even in this? Given the history Barriss and Anakin share, it is incredible that nothing happened between them post ROTS. And this is like fresh Vader still full of grief and anger by what’s happened so I doubt seeing Barriss even as an Inquisitor initiate would be anymore soothing. I just don’t understand…what a waste. Something more epic and cathartic could have come out of that interaction.
Well I’m done ranting for now, I’m curious to know what your guy’s thoughts are. Otherwise my brain is buzzing with fanfic story ideas and I’ll be getting back on the writing horse as I re-Watch the Barriss episodes into oblivion. 
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So, the premiere of the Ahsoka series inspired me to do fanart for @nightfall-1409 's (Re)convene!
Additonal thoughts below!
Also titled: Local Jedi can not stop taking on queer Mandos* as her apprentices
*Maul subject to scrutiny
I just... it's funny how the poses ended up to me, it's like, everyone looks some level of dignified or refined, but then it's just:
Omega's POV: You see Alpha Fett, Jango Fett, Pre Vizsla, Cad Bane, Lama Su, Kal Skirata when he teaches your children Mandalorian swear words, Bo Katan Kryze...
More on Omega, her armor is comprised of pieces from both Echo's kit (pauldrons, undershirt, kamas) and Tech's kit (vambraces, belt, chest plate), painted to fit with the classic Batch Batch gray-and-red theme (as a homage to Hunter) with a shirt that's more traditional for Mandalorian flight suits!
Maul himself, I went into thinking, "Well, what if the Jedi gave him clothes?" and here we are!
I asked Nightfall about Maul's lightsaber, and they answered white for the purification, but also green as a call to the Dathomiran magick. But he's known for a double-staff, so I was like, "Why not both?"
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absolxguardian · 5 months
The idea of there being other clans of non-nightsister witches on Dathomir actually first originated in the short story in the 2020 anthology The Clone Wars Stories of Light and Dark "Bug" by E. Anne Convery. Now originally my next sentence was going to be "wow, Filoni actually expanding upon and clarifying an idea first presented in a book, maybe he can read", but Convery is actually Filoni's wife. Don't get the wrong idea, the story is actually good, but it's similar to Katie Lucas writing some of the best episodes of TCW, she doesn't have any other published writing.
The story is about an abused girl on a nowhere planet meeting Faltha, a Dathomiran witch of no clan (guess now we can't even say she's a Zabrak for certain), looking for the daughter she created through magic, which was stolen by Mother Talzin. Talzin sent the daughter away during the massacre, so now she's searching nearby planets for her. Here are all the references she makes to other clans.
[Faltha] held Rank’s gaze an uncomfortably long time until she broke the silence abruptly. “But! Your news, like the bread you serve here, is old. The Nightsisters’ fortress fell months ago. Other clans will take it over. There are more witches in that world and this than you know. Find me if you come across any news of Dathomir worth telling, or when your wife comes to her senses and gives me the access I’ve requested.”
“Not so very long ago, nor so very far away, there lived on the bloodred planet of Dathomir a woman named Falta. She was a small magick maker whose home lay on the far side of the marshes from the fortress of the Nightsisters, most warlike and merciless of the witch clans. Their leader, ruthless and calculating, was one they called Mother Talzin, or simply Mother. [...] She traded with the Nightsisters for such things as she could not forage or grow or make for herself.” [she is telling Bug her own life story as a fairy tale, hence the third person]
"She traded for colorful shells with a traveling witch from the Blue Coral Divers Clan."
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mxescargot · 8 months
OC masterlist
misc/multiple universes
garv (fishboy)
prima (tropey good guy)
vindicta (tropey bad guy)
ursa (dark magic bounty hunter)
ari (light magic bounty hunter)
urban fantasy/superhero
premise: a timeline that diverges several years before ours where a significant minority of the population across the world contracted strange illnesses that led to various magical powers; focuses on the Eastern United States (aka what im familiar with). themes of disabled justice and solidarity.
micheal (he/they): friendly college kid who always puts others before himself, teleportation powers
jem (any pronouns): an old self-insert, shapeshifting powers
ayaan (he/they): kid with unique powers that mess with the fabric of reality, of particular interest to the villain
emilia (she/her): sociologist studying how superpowered people interact with a society built for non-superpowered people, recently gained fire/energy/plasma powers of her own in an accident
saiorse (any pronouns): software developer and emilia's spouse. he does not have superpowers
alison (he/him): evil CEO (maybe also politician?) looking to take advantage of superpowered people for his own gain. especially young, powerful superpowered people. i do not know how to write villains tbh
eren (she/her): micheal's classmate.
haru (they/she/it): your average edgy 14 year old.
high fantasy: the world of An
premise: weird mix of some of the history i'm interested in, with a technological level of around the 1840s to 1860s? focuses on a governmental transition from absolute monarchy to parliamentary democracy and the greater inclusion of ethnic minorities in the political system and society as a whole. the people are sorta kemonomimi-hobbits with mammalian and insectoid features. also has eldritch shit going on in its magic system.
these are some of my oldest characters and have changed a lot, their original concept was a "five elements" thing and that still shows through.
the names are based on my conlang :> i didnt try to make the romanizations look pretty, just functional, so uhh ⟨v⟩ is a schwa and most letters correspond with IPA values but idk if thats accessible. here ill replace j with y and v with whatever letter looks best, you can see the mess of the "official" spellings in the tags. they dont exactly have a gender system like ours so pronouns are what i imagine they'd use if raised in our culture and language yk
baa'oni (they/she): activist reviving the long-suppressed/erased (idk what the right word is) life-related magic practices of their ancestors. name translates to "sundew"
lausa (she/her): noble who uses her position of power to help incite change, eventually becomes prime minister. romantically involved with baa’oni, causing suspicion and controversy. name translates to "shadower"
laanya (they/them): self insert. former water magic student reconnecting to it after trauma, also tries to get involved in activism. name translates to "river delta"
treyii (they/she/he): young and uncertain, pressure is put on him to achieve great things and they don't know where to belong. name translates to "sparks"
unnamed character referred to as "wind guy" (they/he): a vengeful prince with command over the weather.
star wars
premise: focuses on jedi fighting in the clone wars. i mostly made these characters in quarantine lol
aiya (they/xe): twi'lek anakin skywalker on a budget. padawan during the clone wars, becomes an inquisitor.
rakiss (she/they): mirialan; Aiya's fellow padawan and very close to xem. killed in O66
haalas (he/him): togruta; aiya's strict master, very loyal to the light side of the force itself and scared of losing another padawan to the dark side. survives O66, but is eventually killed by aiya, who blames him for rakiss's death.
malice (they/she/it): dathomiran zabrak who was the first padawan of haalas. left the order and turned to the dark side, but isn't with the Sith.
ekiv (she/her): rakiss's master, also a mirialan, and longtime friend of haalas. mom friend, but only because she's a people pleaser with massive gifted kid burnout. survives O66; assumes a new identity and learns how to heal.
hizta (any pronouns): tusken ex-bounty hunter who now runs a droid repair shop on coruscant. acquainted with aiya before and during the Clone Wars, aids the Rebellion.
penelope (she/they): human; old colleague of Hizta's. generally fairly cold and professional until you get to know them; actually very affectionate.
i also have some underdeveloped clone trooper OCs
hollow knight
cornu (they/them): HKsona. void-corrupted snail shaman capable of harnessing both soul and void magic.
unnamed fairyfly OC
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justalittletomato · 1 year
Of Fat Pots and Home
The tomato babies have grown up and are leaving home....not al crosses to adulthood are joyful or what we imagined.
@storm89 @patchiefrog @pixiestookourstardust @eyecandyeoz @by-the-primes @stardustbee @apocalypticwafflekitten @gran-maul-seizure
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It is traditional among the Dathomiri to have fat pots, the remnants from cookery scooped up into a vessel to aid in the betterment of the meal. For the carnivorous species it is a mainstay in the kitchens, even the shared ones where large roasts took place. When a Dathomiran took their own residence it was also custom for the family to provide a starter for the fat pot from their store, a small bit of home to take with them as they started on their own. 
This would continue to be the case even with the Oppress clan, the plain pot sitting atop the counter brought forward next to a bright red counterpart. It has been a small joke, that Cress’s fat pot should resemble the namesake of the red Zabraks, a tomato. A tearful Cress accepted the gesture with a smile and a promise the first meal would be made using a bit of home. 
Aster’s parting gift was in a decorative pot, resembling a scaled fish that made her laugh and then cry realizing that she was leaving home truly this time. Her first meal on Lothal is heartily cooked with home and a few more tears for salt. 
Lastly there was Danica, the pot rounder than the others, pitted slightly to resemble an orange heavy in hand. Coruscant was a long ways off so extra was provided. Danica gave a tearful smile and held onto the pot with care. A bit of home. 
Maybe some bantha stew, maybe some nydak steaks, something bittersweet but wonderful to open up her new home with. 
“You aren't going to really use that are you?” her husband peered over her shoulder. Danica blinked in confusion, “ My Buir and Father always give one as a parting gift its tradition” 
“It's archaic, come on Dani this is the city, civilization and I doubt any fat pots are used in any modern home. Come on, we will go out for our first night.” He closes up the fat pot. Danica opens her mouth to protest but finds her fight done. 
“ You can use it another day, but for right now put it away” 
The fat pot is placed in the cupboard behind the mugs and left. 
Another day does not come and Danica is kindly reminded that the fat pot should be left alone. A gnawing feeling in her belly each time. 
She wanted a bit of home. 
That man had long left her behind, Danica had lost track of the weeks turned months. She was not his ideal no matter all his efforts and so he left. Danica huddled into herself and wanted to go home. 
She smiled at the holovid at her buir and Father, and waved off another visit. She was too busy! It was not a good time, maybe the next time? 
How was her studies? 
A smile, at the top of her class of course…
A sour taste of the lie on her tongue. 
Seilos reached into the cabinet for a set of mugs. Confused by the surface of one, he pulled out an orange pot.  “Danica is this tea?” 
The Zabrak rushed over to her lover’s side. A wave of joy overtaken by worry, “It’s nothing, just something my family gave me. A fat pot” 
Seilos nodded, “ Oh I read up on those, since Zabraks are carnivorous the fat from cooking is used to help the dishes, makes them a real treat.” 
Danica smiled at that, “ They do,  you should taste how wonderful it is to add some to nydak.” Hope, small but shining bloomed, “ I can make us some so you can truly have some Dathormian cooking” 
Her dear Seilos smiles, “I would love that.” 
In her elation and joy the reality did not settle as she opened the jar. 
A sourness in the air and both wrinkling their noses. 
‘Another day’ had long passed due.  The fat soured from disuse and with it the taste of home. 
“Oh that’s unfortunate, I am sure we can…” it was all Seilos was able to express before Danica broke into sobs. 
Home. She just wanted to taste a bit of home! 
“It’s ruined! It’s all ruined!” she sobbed. She wanted to hurl the pot to the ground. Her parting gift into her new life that had brought her misery and aches to her hearts. 
She settled down some time after, hiccuping in Seilos’s arms as he held her. 
“I miss my buir, I miss my dad…I miss…”
She bit her tongue.
“Ava…”Seilos answers for her. No malice in his voice nor jealousy. Seilos knew his love for Danica would always be unmatched to the one she had for the boy she loved since childhood. 
Home. Buir. Father and Ava…
“You should go see them…” He helped her pack, putting away clothes and a set of books for her to read on the shuttle. 
“But then…” His heart was breaking but it was worse to see hers in shambles. 
“They will be so happy to see you. Everyone….” he gives her a sad smile, “I think it's time to visit home..” 
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Come to think of it, I think Dagan might be part Dathomiran and human. His skin resembles that of the Night Sisters as well. He even has silver hair just like them too.
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adakechi · 1 year
kinda interested in valor, any more info?
Anon, this is a marriage proposal I hope you know that. If anyone ever asks about my Star Wars OC we are getting married and I am on the floor in tears.
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You opened this can of worms:
Major spoilers for Jedi: Survivor, obviously!
CW: Implied major character death, drug & alcohol abuse.
Vaalor Kestis was born in 5 BBY, to Cal Kestis and the Nightsister Merrin on Tanalorr. Originally, it was thought that humans and zabrak were incapable of crossbreeding*, or at the least extremely unlikely.
(*I know in Legends that zabrak/human hybrids exist, but I'm a silly little Canon writer.)
When Merrin had discovered that she was pregnant, there was a lot of conflict over whether or not it was a good idea to carry the child to term. The obvious fact that they were currently fighting a war, also paired with the unknown of having hybrid child were the major points of contention between the crew of the Mantis. They had been rebuilding Tanalorr as a safe haven for refugees for several years now, and while they were stable enough, Cal and Merrin didn't know if it was a good time for them or their future child.
Kata Akuna, who had become a somewhat surrgogate child/sibling to the couple had been helping out with the Path at just 7, reminded them lightly of her own childhood and circumstances, that if they wanted a child, hardships would come no matter what time they had them. Eventually, Merrin and Cal decided to keep their child.
Vaalor, named after the galactic basic word valor, meaning courage, and the Dathomiran word v'aayr,* meaning soft steps, was raised in the refuge community of Tanalorr, mostly spending her time with Kata and the other children. She was close to her parents, although they were frequently busy. When she was older, they began bringing her aboard the Mantis to see the galaxy. Even though the universe was still ravaged by war, she found great pleasure in exploring and learning new things about the planets around her.
(*this is just me making up Dathomiran words.)
Due to her lineage, Vaalor was incredibly force sensitive, along with inheriting her father's force psychometry. Because of the amplified concentration of midichlorians in her blood, it made encounters with these echoes incredibly intense and overwhelming, causing her frequent distress.
Both her mother and father showed interest in teaching her both Nightsister magicks and Jedi force training, but even with her strength in the force, Vaalor never took particularly well to either paths, to her parents mild concern.
When Vaalor was 5, the news broke that the Empirical superweapon, the Death Star, had been destroyed by the Rebel Alliance. The refugees of Tanalorr celebrated, and Vaalor spent the night in jovial festivity with her friends and family.
As the war progressed, she began to see less and less of her family, and put less time into her training. She followed her father's interest in tinkering and scavenging, often making makeshift droids and models. Although she knew her parents admired her intelligence, she sensed that they wanted her to utilize her abilities in the force more, but didn't wish to push her.
At 7, a tragedy strikes, causing Kata, now 18, to leave the crew of the Mantis and the Path, seemingly cutting off all communication. Kata's leaving, paired with the devastating loss in their family, Vaalor begins to question her own purpose in the war.
4 ABY, the Death Star II is destroyed, marking the beginning of the end of the Empire. For years, Vaalor sinks into a depression, unsure of what to do with her life. At 17, she decides to leaves her mother and the rest of the crew, opting to figure out her place in the universe, in a similar fashion to her father before her.
For about a decade, she finds odd jobs in spaceship engineering and mechanical planning. Eventually, she finds a more permanent job in a Corellian scrapyard and trading depot, still estranged from her mother, only keeping in touch rarely through Greez, so she knows that she's still alive. In this time, Vaalor becomes more dependent on alcohol and the occasional narcotic to both distract her from her own thoughts and the intense visions of the past she encounters.
Ashamed of abandoning her family and her fractured connection to the force, Vaalor spends her time working and keeping herself occupied, battling with thoughts to visit her mother, or find her surrogate-sister.
Her weapon of choice is a modified handheld type H railgun, with the standard battery replaced with one of her father's kyber crystals. The other is still in his other lightsaber, which her mother is in possession of. The minimal training from her parents allows her to conjure magick fireballs and force push and pull objects, but this is a great strain on her, and she prefers to fight without the use of the force.
Her closest friend is Gev Haruche, a human cargo pilot she meets on a supply run to Nevarro. She also meets an assasian by the name of Neon Noctura, a mysterious near-human who is hired to capture Vaalor by an unknown benefactor.
If you read all of this, I am kissing you right on the mouth.
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hellonoblesky · 1 year
Explaining my swtors is so funny bc we start off with the trio and I’m like “Ok so Mirnakan is adopted into Tirrgan’s family, bc they’re Dathomiran Zabraks yeah and they’re super matriarchal so they see a little girl and they’re like “Oh shit what the fuck hey lil lady let’s get you safe” and so Mirna lives with them until she’s. Give or take 6 (Tirr is 4) until a critical gas line bursts under their apartment slowly filling their home with gas until they go to cook dinner and the whole thing fuckinng explodes. Mirna ans Tirr are playing outside while this is happening. Got that? Ok. So in the Legends canon, the Chiss Ascendancy-“ AND I HAVENT EVEN GOTTEN TO THE MAIN THREE’S FIUND FAMILY DYNAMIC UET I HAVE TO GO ON FOR LIKE 20 MIN TO EXPLAIN CHA’VANI. I DIDNT EVEN EXPLAIN MIRNA’S ABANDONMENT
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aurora-light-blog · 7 months
Unexpected Treasures Part 1 of 3
                Luthen Rael scoured the galaxy for rare items and artifacts for his planned antiquities shop on Coruscant. Both searching and the shop were covers for his Rebel activities. Regardless, the items in his shop had to be genuine. The hardest items to procure were force artifacts. He was lucky to purchase a Jedi holocron from the Jedi Temple ruins on Coruscant in a silent auction.
                Having one lone holocron wasn’t enough. His shop needed a Sith holocron. The problem was finding one. He tried three times already with supposed Dark art sellers, which all turned out to be fakes. Luthen had almost given up on it until Rishi. He wasn’t even looking for it at the time.
                Rishi had been off and on a pirate outlaw haven for thousands of years. The place was an ideal location for smuggling. The Rebellion could use more and better arms, so he drank with an arm dealer slash spice dealer at a local cantina. Again, he used a cover story to protect his secret agenda. The Empire punished spice dealers, but they executed Rebel weapons deals.
                The guy seemed to be on the level, though too relaxed. He constantly got distracted and flirted with the waitress. There was a lot to be distracted by in the cantina with the loud music, revelry, and advertisements. One small dull poster caught Luthen’s attention.
“’Smuggling and tracking,’” he read off and pointed. “They’re not even trying to get customers.”
The arms dealer stopped his flirting and shooed the waitress away. His voice became low and grim. “That’s because they work on referrals only. They don’t give out their name.”
Secretive groups tended to be deadly and occasionally very skilled at their trade. Luthen sipped his ale. “Are they any good at tracking?”
“According to the rumors, they can find anything or anyone. However, they’re very picky about their clients. Don’t get on their bad side.”
“How long have they been in business for?”
The dealer leaned back in his chair. “Hundreds of years or longer if you believe the rumors.”
“Do you believe the rumors?”
“They’ve worked with Mandalorians and scared the Hutts, so yeah, I believe them.”
It was still a long-shot. “Could they procure rare Dark Side artifacts?”
“Don’t know, but probably.”
“Where are they located?”
“Not far, on Trader’s Causeway building 505.”
“You piqued my interest. I might give them a look.” Luthen figured it was nearby and on his way back.
“Just remember to be polite. These guys aren’t afraid to mess with Hutts.”
Luthen chugged the last of his drink and left. He went to pop his head into the shop for a quick glimpse.
Building 505 was a clothing shop with high quality silks and polished leathers for surprisingly low prices. As he purchased six garments, he smiled at the cashier. “I heard that a person could hire tracker here to locate certain items.”
“Depends on what you want found.” He accepted the credits.
“A holocron.”
“Oh.” The cashier signaled to the owner. “He wants a holocron.”
“We have those downstairs as long as he has the credits.” The Mirialan owner called out.
Luthen stepped forward. “I can pay.”
“Good. Follow me.” The owner escorted him downstairs.
This could be a ploy to kill him and steal all his credits, so Luthen kept a grip his blaster. Once they made it downstairs, a large bookcase with four holocrons floored him. Luthen couldn’t believe it. “What kind of holocrons do you have there?”
“These three are datacrons.” The male Mirialan passed Luthen’s test by knowing this. “This is a holocron made by former Jedi Knight Allya, and it isn’t for sell. What kind of holocron are looking to buy?”
“A Sith one?”
“We have those too, but you must speak with Lady Rubina. She’s in charge of Force artifacts. If you don’t mind waiting for her, she’ll be here in about ten to fifteen minutes.” He gestured to the wooden chairs.
“Of course not.” Luthen sat down.
The owner joined him. “May I ask if this holocron is for your personal collection or not?”
“It’s for my future antique shop on Coruscant. Now, may I inquire about this former Jedi Knight? I haven’t heard of her.” Luthen didn’t recall her name among the Lost Twenty.
“Would you like to hear the tale of Alllya?”
“Sure.” It should pass the time for Luthen.
*** Story will be posted on Archive of Our Own on March 1 under Darthchocolate entitled Allya
“You expect me to believe that Allya who the Nightsisters were founded by existed four thousands year ago instead of six hundred years ago.” Luthen rose from his seat. “I’m not some ignorant mark.”
The stairs creaked. A gray skinned woman appeared in front of them. “No one accused you of this.” She removed her hood and revealed her long black hair. “The misunderstanding derived from a miscommunication. Nightsister Allya who was named after our founder had revised the Book of Laws six hundred years ago.”
“You’re a …” Luthen knew them to be all extinct, yet here she stood. “A Nightsister?”
“No, I’m from Ashen Travelers Clan of Dathomir. I am Rubina.” She rubbed the Mirialan man’s shoulder. He bowed to her and left.
“My apologies.” Luthen didn’t want to risk irking her.
“There is no need to apology. The Nightsisters have left the shadows, while we still maintain our presence as a secret. This is something that you understand, Luthen Rael. What are you searching for?”
“A Sith holocron. Credits aren’t issue if you have one.”
“We have one, but credits are an issue for us. We only trade items such as those. Bring five Varpeline crystals for the holocron. You might wish to bring some Thontiin crystals or Dantari crystals as well when you come to Dathomir. We have other things that might interest you.”
“But Dathomir was devastated during the war.”
“The Nightsisters were. They aren’t the only Dathomiran clan nor are they the oldest.” She handed him a datapad. “Go to this precise coordinate. Dathomir is deadly place for visitors.”
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clipperandhisadike · 1 year
The  perils of raising Jetti’ade when you are as force-sensitive as a brick.
Raising three force sensitive empaths, Clipper realized, was a lot more difficult than life as an assistant creche-master had made it out to be. He was starting to respect Crechemaster Leeta's eternal optimism and ability to handle anything thrown at xem, and xir ability to deal with... Well. Three force sensitive empaths. Except xey had had over twenty force sensitive empaths to take care of, and a minimum of staff to help because of the war. All xey had had was a crippled clone trooper who should have been decommed, four nanny droids - what Clipper wouldn't give for one of those right now - and the Temple guardians, all of whom had come to the infant creche between shifts to cuddle the babies and spot Leeta long enough for xem to take a nap and hop in the fresher.
Clipper had exactly zero help on that front, severe battle shock, a janky leg that barely held up in his broken brace most days, and debilitating migraines.
And the kids had picked up on his misery already and were all wailing in unison. It was going to be a long day.
He picked up the oldest, a little Dathomiran Zabrak he'd named Yuula - he wasn't sure if that was actually a Dathomirian name or even a Zabraki name, but he'd done his best so sue him - and cuddled her - them? How did natborns even pick a gender anyways if they weren't assigned one? - to his chest until Yuula stopped crying and snuffled into his chest, sucking her - their? his? Kriffing natborn banthashit - thumb. That meant it was safe to put Yuula back in the crate he was using as a large cradle, and Hero had to be picked up next because otherwise Leeti would start screeching, the little menace.
Yuula knew what to do, though, and flopped onto her belly to crawl over to Leeti to cuddle him while Clipper soothed Hero. Leeti was a valiant little protector for Hero, and Clipper hated to admit it, but Hero was the one most in danger, even if Clipper could teach all three of them to hide their Force signatures - however the sith hells he was supposed to do that - and not use their abilities where an Imp could see them. Twi'lek were regarded as too attractive by the galaxy at large for anyone to leave a Twi'lek ad'ika alone. Kark.
He was going to need to teach Hero how to fight to get away as soon as the little Twi'lek could stand up and toddle around.
Hero went limp in sleep and Clipper sighed, kissing his ad'ika between the stubby little lekku before putting the baby back in the cradle and finally, finally picking Leeti up. Leeti flopped against his chest and clung like a tooka kit, content to be held while Clipper hummed an old drinking song they'd always used at 79s. ...Kriff. His brothers.
 His brothers, who were the reason he was looking after three orphaned jetti'ade. What had happened? And more importantly, how did he protect his ik'aad when he couldn't even tell if he would soon be marching far away while his body continued on without him?
New order of business, he decided as he put Leeti back down with his siblings for their third nap of the day. He'd have to find some way to hide them, and preferably within a group that was known for taking on small children at the slightest hint that they might be free to a good home.
Well. Buir - Prime - had been a Mandalorian, even if he was a shabuir to the end....
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tragedybunny · 2 years
14 and 23 for the Star Wars ask! 🌌💙
14. what is your favorite alien species? Dathomiran Zabraks for sure, hands down. Given what I've been able to parse of the new canon that includes Nightbrothers and Nightsisters. I saw Merrin and I fell in love. Fun fact is I also never watched the entire Clone Wars series until this year, so I got even more Dathomir content then.
23. what’s your favorite star wars musical piece or theme?
Battle of Heroes. This is one of the most pivotal emotional moments in Star Wars and the theme really delivers. I almost said Duel of Fates because it is so iconic, but this one gets me in the feels.
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tvsotherworlds · 1 year
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xenadreamer · 4 years
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Junith “Nydak” Niitalz, Dathomiran Nightsister & Assassin for the Rebellion! She’s my latest tabletop character & I’m excited to mess around with her!
Timelapse available on Twitter: https://twitter.com/XenoDrone_Art/status/1347331884666261504?s=20
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