#david is an assertive little shit do you really think he isn’t?
g0blintears · 4 months
[Yandere! Dead By Daylight x Reader]
Summary: You are a mystery to both the survivors and killers within the fog. A servant of darkness, a creature created by the entity itself, you are the shadow behind the scenes that provides the survivors with the necessities they need to survive, while also assisting killers with the weapons they need to sacrifice. You are a servant void of humanity, but not one that seeks out despair. An empty slate that perhaps just needs to be taught a little bit of hope and empathy to help the survivors escape once and for all.
Seven. Dark Sense
Time worked differently in the realm. Sunlight didn’t exist, and the sky was always painted a dark, inky black. Nothing was ever overgrown, and the survivors never knew when they were going to be summoned into a trial until they found themselves alone with only three other people in the middle of an abandoned campfire. If it wasn’t for the entity’s servant, who would often have a routine schedule for meal time, they wouldn’t have ever known when it was the appropriate time to eat and sleep.
Now having woken up from his rest, Felix, along with all the other survivors, found themselves sitting at various tables with their trays of plain bread and baked potatoes placed in front of them.
Currently, Felix sat in front of his childhood best friend, Élodie Rakoto. Wearing a loose fitted, long sleeve crop top that complimented the pendant wrapped around her neck, and dark black jeans that fitted for comfort, said woman with coily black hair and dark brown eyes was someone who usually carried herself with a smile of confidence and a face that always looked like she was coming up with mischief. However, as he whispered to her the current theories some of the other survivors had previously talked about, the woman couldn’t help but look at her blond friend in worry.
“You guys are planning to, what?” She asked in a whisper shout. Her eyes darted both left and right as she made sure to keep her voice low from wandering ears. “Are you guys actually doing this?”
“Well, the plan isn’t really in motion. We still want to gather more details and see if this is even worth working out. But, if they do show any signs of being capable to evolve, we will plan this out more thoroughly.” 
Élodie looked at Felix, dumbfounded before scoffing. With her fork, she dug into her potatoes. "You guys are crazy. So crazy." She muttered, her thick French accent seeping with each syllable. Stuffing her mouth with the unseasoned potatoes, she continued, "But if this plan of yours works, make sure the servant of darkness learns how to season. This shit tastes awful."
Felix sighed, “We’re being serious.”
“And so am I!” She exclaimed, pointing at Felix with her potato still attached to her fork. “Look at this! It’s not even cooked all the way! Last week Ace’s potato wasn’t even cooked! He and David ended up playing hackysack with it.”
Ignoring her words, Felix frowned. “I actually thought you’d be more optimistic about this.” 
Ever since he met Élodie on Dyer Island, Felix knew that she was someone who was stubborn and assertive. Élodie was always down for an adventure, someone who was willing to take risks. A troublemaker if you will. So imagine his surprise when his usually devious friend looked at him the way he usually looked at her whenever she had something crazy planned. 
Rolling her eyes, Élodie placed down her fork and sighed. “Look, we all want to escape, but trying to escape through the entity’s servant? That’s crazy! What if it backfires? We don’t know what happens to people that step out of line. It hasn’t been recorded. Hell, we don’t even know what happened to the people that were in this realm before us. All we have is that journal.” She then motioned to the book under Felix’s arm.
At her words, the man subconsciously gripped the leather binder. 
“And it hasn’t really been as helpful as we had hoped.”
Felix pursed his lips, “I know. But it’s a start, don’t you think?” The male’s grey eyes clashed with his friend’s dark brown eyes, his stare bored into her with desperation. “How long are we going to be here? How many more deaths are we all going to be forced to endure? If there is another way to escape this hell, why not take it? What exactly do we have to lose?” 
“We don’t know-” She began to answer, but was cut off by the blond.
“Exactly! We don’t know. Élodie, for as long as I’ve known you, you’ve always been one to never shy away from the unknown. Back in Dyer Island, you were the one to encourage us to step out of our comfort zone. You were the one to tell us to accept ourselves, but to also be open minded to chance. You lead us to grand adventures, and that in itself should show how incredibly clever and brave you are. So why not take one more risk?” Although desperate, Felix’s words held his truth as he reminded his friend of their days back in their youth.
As he looked at his friend expectantly, Élodie chose to ignore his last question and instead crossed her arms over her chest and rose an eyebrow at the male. “Trying to use your flattery skills on me to get on my good side now, huh? Very sneaky of you, Ritcher.” 
For a moment, the male didn’t know how to respond. But as soon as he caught a glimpse of her smile, the male shook his head and let out an airy chuckle, “But it’s working, right?” 
Élodie hummed, “Very tempting, but I still think it’s a bad idea.” She then looked at Felix with a grimace on her face. “Plus, I don’t know how I can be of any help. You should know better than anyone that my memories and yours aren’t all there.”
Felix’s brows furrowed, the once laid back attitude he had with his friend diminished as he mulled over her words. 
“I know, but I still think you could help me explain some things to the others better. Unlike everyone else here, we at least grew up knowing of the entity’s existence before arriving here- especially you. You have at least some knowledge of creatures similar to the entity and its servant. That’s why we wanted to let you know what was going on. You can give us some more insight from your own experiences.”
Élodie looked around once more. Speaking of you and the entity made her skin crawl, almost as if you were listening to the two of them speak at that very moment.
“I don’t know…” She trailed off. Although she was unsure, Felix was right. They couldn’t go on like this. The pain of dying was agonizing, especially in the most brutal ways. At this point, she wanted to die and just stay dead. But of course, that wasn’t an option. So if they had to resort to wild theories, maybe it could possibly lead to somewhere better than here.
But there’s still a chance that this could end badly, very badly. She couldn’t think of what could possibly happen. Afterall, they’ve endured it all. What if there’s more though? Something worse? What could be worse than death in a form of recycled torture? 
She didn’t know. 
She wanted to take the risk, but at the same time, she felt hesitant. The last time she went into something without a plan, she had led her and her friends' parents to vanish. Her memories were foggy. She couldn’t remember much of that day, but she did remember that she was the reason the entity took them. She remembered the distraught and regret she felt once she exited that lab, but not with her parents. She remembered the spiral of obsession she went through trying to find them, all of it leading to where she is now. 
Into the unknown.
This plan, if gone through, could end badly. And she wasn’t sure if she could endure another incident like that again. Her once obsessed mind was now beginning to heal after all those years of guilt. Could she really go through it all again? Squeezing the fork in her hand, the woman shook her head. She couldn’t.
As though reading her thoughts, Felix reached out his arm from across the table, and squeezed his friend’s hand. Instantly, Élodie was brought out of her thoughts and gazed over at Felix with wide eyes. 
“I know what you’re thinking, and I promise we will be careful. You don’t have to help if you don’t want to, but I know your strengths and I know you could help us plan this out.” Giving the top of her hand one last squeeze, the male sent her a wink and a small smile. “Afterall, The Pariahs are smart and fearless, remember?”
Reminding her of their childhood friend group name, the woman instantly regained her confidence. She chuckled and shook her head, “Alright. Alright. I get it.” Pushing his hand away, Élodie went back to eating her now cold food. “Fine, I’m in.”
Brushing back his blond hair, the male grinned at his friend. “Good.”
Looking around for a bit, Felix watched as most of the survivors dispersed after their meals. One after the other, they all walked their separate ways until finally Dwight, Feng Min, Yun-Jin, Zarina, and Adam joined Felix and Élodie at their table.
Once the group was together, Felix spoke to the group.
“Élodie says she’s in.”
“That’s great! The more the merrier.” Zarina exclaimed, then clasped her hands together before gazing upon the group. “So, how’s this going to work?” 
“Well, we should figure out if this plan has the possibility of even working.” Adam interjected, “We don’t want to be too hopeful. We could be unintentionally screwing ourselves over by feeding the entity if we do so.”
“Mm, good point.” Min hummed, “Does that mean we shouldn’t tell the others?”
“Probably not.” Dwight muttered, and pushed his glasses up to the bridge of his nose. “We don’t want to give false hope to the others and as Adam said, feed the entity. So let’s try keeping this to ourselves.”
“Okay, so don’t tell the others and don’t be too hopeful. What else?” Min quirked an eyebrow, looking at the group that turned to Dwight and Felix.
Dwight cleared his throat, “Well, since Élodie‘s agreed to help us, we can review what we do and don’t know.” His gaze then went over to Yun-Jin who was sitting at the far end of the table. “Especially since we have a newcomer in the realm.”
All eyes went to Yun-Jin, who brushed back her hair to hide her discomfort.
Élodie nodded, “Right. Sorry, I never introduced myself.” She then sent Yun-Jin a brief smile and a curt wave of her hand, “Élodie Rakoto, occult investigator.”
“Oh!” Yun-Jin’s eyes widened at this new piece of information. That explains why the others were so adamant on scheduling another group meeting but with Élodie involved. “So you’re familiar with all this stuff?”
“Yes. Both Felix and I have a bit of knowledge on the realm since we both grew up together, me a little more since I decided to make a career out of it.”
“Wait, you two knew each other outside the realm?”
Élodie snickered, “Yes, our parents were part of the same group called Imperiatti.” She then rubbed her temple in thought. Her eyes screwed shut as she tried to recall any of her memories, but as always, came back with nothing but static.
“Honestly I wish I could tell you guys what they did, but as most of you guys know, neither Felix or I have any memories of our lives that involve the entity or its servant. We just know that our parents were part of some sketchy ancient council that had something to do with the entity.”
“It wasn’t like worship, right?” Yun-Jin cut in, eyes wide as she stared at Élodie. She didn’t mean to sound judgmental, but from her perspective, if the two grew up worshiping the entity, she knew she could not trust them. “You guys weren’t part of a cult, were you?”
Élodie turned to her with a frown, “No. Well, we weren’t at least. I can’t speak for our parents, but I highly doubt it. When our parents were taken, I remember how scared they were for us. They fought off the entity. I just don’t remember what they did, but they ward it away long enough for us to escape.” 
Min groaned, “So we don’t know anything other than the basics from the journal. Great.”
“Journal?” Yun-Jin repeated, just as Felix raised up the book for her view. A dark leather bound book with yellow tinted pages was in full display as he placed the book in the middle of the table.
“It’s a journal written by a past survivor named Benedict Baker.”
Yun-Jin’s breath hitched in her throat, “Wait, what do you mean past survivor? There were others before us?” She then focused her eyes on Dwight, “People were here before you? I thought you, Meg, and the others showed up here alone?”
“We were alone.” Dwight confirmed, “When the four of us— me, Claudette, Meg, and Jake, when we arrived here, we were here alone. No other survivors. Just us at the campfire with the servant to greet us.”
Yun-Jin brought her hands to cover her mouth, “Oh my god. So there is a way to escape? Right? If there were others here before, where did they go?”
The group looked amongst themselves. 
“We don’t know.” Zarina interjected, her voice soft as she gazed down at the journal. “The journal just stops after ten entries. He claimed that it was becoming too much. His sanity was slipping and his hope shattered, so he left the journal behind. He apparently wrote more, but pages have been torn out.” 
Yun-Jin ran her fingers through her hair. Just as soon as she felt the sense of justified hope, it all came crashing down. “So we don’t know what happened to them?” She whispered.
More silence ensued.
“Well, from what Benedict wrote, with each "death" we become weaker. Little pieces of our souls get consumed by the entity. By that alone, we can only assume that— well...” Adam struggled to find his words. His leg bounced from under the table as his mind jumbled as to what happened to those past survivors. 
Fortunately, Adam didn’t have to finish his sentence as Feng mumbled under her breath what they were all thinking.
“They were devoured.”
Yun-Jin wanted to cry. She wanted to scream and throw a tantrum. She thought that there was no possible way to escape, but apparently there was, but it wasn’t as good as their own predicament. 
“…what happens if you’re devoured?” She asked, her voice hushed as she glanced at the group with red teary eyes.
Élodie sighed, “We don’t know…we could be met with peace— no longer feeling pain or joy since we would seize to exist, or we could be sentient and still feel every single pain of every life force the entity has consumed. But from my own studies on dark magic, I would place my money on the latter.”
“Oh god, what if we get devoured by going through this plan?!” Yun-Jin shouted, her eyes glanced at the group in alarm.
“Keep your voice down!” Min hissed, “We don’t want you-know-who to hear.”
“How do we know they’re not listening right now?” Yun-Jin scoffed.
“I’ve already checked with them and they’re preparing for the next trial with the killers.” Dwight answered, “So we have nothing to worry about.”
Yun-Jin frowned, “How do you know? I thought they were like— I don’t know, otherworldly? How are you sure they aren’t eavesdropping right now?”
“They may be a cosmic being, but they are far weaker than the entity, so they do have their limits.” Élodie reassured, “We’ve since learned that their omnipotent abilities aren’t as vast as we had once thought. My guess is that they can hear and see all, but they don’t truly hear and see everything. Like when looking at a picture for a moment, do you truly see all of the details in the work? Every paint stroke and sponge mark? Or when you are in a crowd in a city, you can hear bits of every sound, but not every conversation to its fullest extent. Since being in this realm, that is at least the conclusion me and a few others have come up with for their abilities.”
“I guess that makes sense.” Yun-Jin frowned, “Well, okay then, what if we get devoured, huh?” Yun-Jin snapped in frustration. “I thought you guys said that there was nothing to lose.”
“There is nothing to lose,” Min commented, sitting up straight and crossing her arms over her chest. “We get devoured if we go through with another escape plan or not. Might as well take the risk.”
“And we don’t know if those past survivors were devoured or not. For all we know, they may have escaped.” Zarina pointed out, easing the tension of the others.
Yun-Jin slowly nodded. Although she was still overwhelmed with all this new information, she at least could feel her worries ease as she was reminded that her survival was probable, she just needed the others to help.
“Fine then. What now?”
All eyes turned to Dwight. 
Said leader felt his face flush in embarrassment, but he covered it up by coughing into his fist. “Right. Well, now that we got most of the basics covered we should see if there is even a slim chance of the servant caving into an emotional connection.” His eyes then ventured to Élodie. “Is there a chance for them to rebel against the entity? Or at the very least, help us out?”
Élodie pursed her lips in thought, “Honestly? Yes, but a very slim chance. Back when I was collecting artifacts for my employer, he let me read up on ancient manuscripts, some of which described ancient gods called The Elder Ones. They were different forms of gods, some of which created the very concept of life and death. World eaters and realm creators. These gods would often create various sub species to play different roles.”
”One example of this being this really grotesque monster race that were built to be mountains of sorts, kinda like a living castle but with multiple mouths on its body. It was tanky, and at the very center of its core was where some of The Elder Ones would reserve their life force. They were usually seen as lower beings, and, well, they eventually gained consciousness and rebelled against The Elder Ones because of their lack of respect. Now it’s said that they peacefully reside as illusions of mountains and feed upon anything that stumbles across their backs.”
Élodie nodded to herself. Having read many manuscripts of different religions and tales, she often thought that maybe some of them were simply made up. However, being placed in the realm of the entity, having spoken to other survivors that come from vastly different times and worlds, she could undoubtedly say that it’s a possibility that some of those manuscripts told real lore of otherworldly places.
She just wasn’t sure how they could have possibly traveled from one realm to another.
“That’s just one example of the servant defying its role. There are many of these stories of creatures that would turn on their creators because they’ve either found a new purpose or were tired of the mistreatment.” Élodie bit her lower lip, “However, these creatures were always shown to be more…expressive than what we’re currently dealing with, so that’s why I think this theory can work to a certain degree.”
She then gazed up at the group, her eyes meeting Felix’s warm grey eyes.
“So you’re saying there is a chance?” He asked, eyeing his friend with a growing smile.
Élodie looked upon the group, all of them staring at her to give the final judgment. 
“Well, if there’s nothing to lose, I say let’s see if we can get a little expression on them.” She then grinned, the thought of this theory working actually sounded more and more real the further she thought on it. “If we can sway them enough, see if they have the capability to feel or even think to themselves, I think we have a pretty good shot.”
Looking at one another, the group found themselves feeling a wave of an emotion they haven’t truly felt in such a long time. It was a surreal feeling, and one that they all knew to be dangerous, yet they latched onto the feeling with an iron hold, refusing to let the emotion slip away into the entity’s grasp. 
They were going to get close to you. They had to.
The next trial was approaching, and so far, you hadn’t seen or heard from the killer who was supposed to be next to hunt.
Standing by the empty campfire, your dull [eye color] eyes watched as the flames of the fire pit flicker and dance. The crackling noise of the campfire burned as time went on, but it never once lost its flame. It continued to burn. Emitting a heat that you knew was nice for the mortals, but for yourself?
You took a step forward, your hand barely reached out to touch the flames.
It burned at your skin, but you couldn’t feel that. Instead, you watched as the fire engulfed your hand, not burning it and not causing it pain. Your fingers merely touched the flames, as though it was touching open air.
You couldn’t feel it. 
Suddenly, you put your hand down. Barely audible, you could hear breathing. Soft and scarcely present, but you could still make it out. It approached from the darkness of the forest. Despite knowing the intentions of the killer, you didn’t bother to move. Instead, you kept your eyes focused on the flames, awaiting the killer’s next move.
As quick as a shuddered breath, you could feel a presence loom behind you. One arm wrapped around your torso, and another holding out a knife in hand over your face.
The presence didn’t speak, but you didn’t need to see who they were to know who was behind you.
Your eyes glanced at the shining silver blade. A mirror image of yourself was present, along with the masked killer with a ghoulish appearance.
It was Ghostface.
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its-me-im-coraline · 3 years
Little Puppet // Ethan Torchio, Damiano David
words // 4261, i have never written this much in one go my whole life, holy shit
warnings // smut, degradation, sub!reader, name calling (ya know, slut and stuff like that), threesome, oral, no explicit mention of protection, but obvi that's not how it should go in real life, anyways.... thats all i can think right now. has not been proofread
pairing // Ethan Torchio x F!Reader x Damiano David (leaning more to Ethan)
author's note // if you want to be on the tag list let me know. im going with female reader cause that's how it was requested. here's the smut playlist, def listen to it when you get to the smut part, or the whole time, whatever you want. thanks to anyone who adds songs to the playlist 💘
i feel like i cpupve made it kinkier but at 1 am and with over 4000 words i was a little tired to do that.
request // yes, here
summary // Ethan can not stop thinking of sharing his fwb with his bandmate, Damiano. A thought sparked from a random drunk conversation he had with his best friend will end up with them both pleasing Reader to tears
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Experimenting in the bedroom was nothing unusual for Ethan and Y/N. The two had known each other for quite a while, overtaken by attraction but neither was ready for a relationship. Instead the pair opted for a slightly different compromise, one that had no name, no label, for now. While neither had the intention of an actual romantic partnership, it never stopped them from being loving and affectionate towards each other. Neither would ever have to leave before the morning comes.
Thus, as the light shone through his bedroom window, Ethan opened up his eyes, looking at the person laying by his side. Such a beauty, the shy rays of sun laying over the features Ethan so many times observed. It was common to do this in the morning, it would calm him down, especially on the very busy days.
“Anything particular you are thinking of while staring at me, Ethan?” There was no hesitation, no grogginess coming from Y/N’s voice, Ethan realised how he was not the only one awake previously.
“Well, I am, but I am not sure you could handle it,” he responded, smirking down at the laying figure, leaving a few kisses before finishing his reply, “plus, it is too early in the morning for such sinful thoughts.”
“Mhm, as if our endeavours last night were holy,” Y/N laughed, kissing Ethan back, as his lips crushed into hers.
“Well, you were certainly calling god if I recall correctly, cucciola, no?”
Maybe what made this situation not be awkward was exactly the fact that the two were friends. They thrived from the friendly banter, never missed an opportunity to mess with each other. It was just how they were and it worked perfectly to their benefit.
“I can tell it is troubling you, Edgar. You want to tell me what’s going on?”
"It's nothing amore let's just get ready. I'm quite hungry if you must know," he mumbled on her neck, trailing kisses all the way to her lips before abandoning the bed.
“Come on,” he called, ushering the girl to follow him.
Their feet were bare, no clothing no nothing -at least until Y/N pulled a few pieces of clothing for them both to wear- as they walked into the bathroom to start their day. They stood right next to each other as they washed their teeth, washed their faces, fixed their hair and so on and so forth.
“Isn’t that shirt too small for you, dolcezza,” commented Ethan, laughing at his own joke and poking Y/N’s side.
“Eh, well, I can take it off,” she suggested, pulling at the hem of his shirt that she was wearing. That only resulted in a laugh from the tall man, him shuffling her hair and walking out of the bathroom, putting distance between him and Y/N’s complaining about messing up her hair.
After that everything moved quite quickly. Y/N left the cosy home and went to her own house, leaving Ethan with his bandmates to work on their upcoming stuff. She knew how much it meant to him, but she also knew how stressful this career was to him. She always had something small to do to make his days even a little bit more relaxing, of course one of them being their nocturnal activities.
By the time night got around the drummer was sitting at the side of the pool, next to a small table, a beer in his hand as music played in the background. Everyone was doing their own thing: Victoria was swimming, Thomas was preoccupied with a cigarette and his phone and Damiano was sitting on the other side of the previously mentioned table having a conversation with Ethan. It started with speaking about small things before the subject turned more serious.
“You really like her, don’t you?” Damiano had, very early on, caught on his friend’s emotion, he was not very sure that Ethan was aware of his own feelings. It had become a little stupid in the frontman’s mind.
“I am not sure, Dami. She’s great, she is, and we are really close friends but… I don’t know…” Clueless as ever, thought the older man.
“Well, if anything at least you guys have a fucking amazing sex life, everyone can hear,” he laughed out, semi teasing his friend but kind of revaling a piece of information no one had had the heart to tell the tall man.
It caught him by surprise. He was never shy about his sex life, and truth be told he and Y/N never hid their predicament… He simply never thought they were being that loud; maybe that’s exactly the reason he had not understood the others could hear, the reason as to why they were so loud. “Mhm, didn't think you could,” he responded and took a drag of his cigarette.
Damiano copied his action, inhaling his own smoke and releasing it before he decided to say exactly what he was thinking. “Don’t worry about it. I personally don’t mind it, it’s kind of… entertaining.”
If Ethan was surprised before then now he was shocked and blushing. Of course, it was not in his nature to show it, and make this feeling obvious, but he surely had thoughts running through his head now. “So, what? You jack off to us having sex, though about a threesome? What is it?”
“Maybe a bit of both,” said Damiano, looking down at his beer. He was a bit ashamed but at the same time he could not keep his mouth shut, the alcohol overtaking his proper ability to keep some thoughts to himself. “I have to be honest, the noises she makes, they kill me, man.”
Everyone could see the gears in Ethan’s mind turn. On the one hand contemplating his friend’s confession and on the other thinking of all the ways he could punish Y/N for being as loud as she was.“So, if I asked you to join, you’d be in?”
Now it was the frontman’s turn to get shocked and blush, but he certainly could not lie. He would be more than into it, considering the many times he has thought of that, each and every one of them leading to him either taking a cold shower or taking care of himself hoping that it’d be Y/N instead. “Yes, I suppose I would…”
The conversation stayed at that, neither of the two men knowing exactly what to say or do at the time being. Instead they opted to wait it out, see when the proper time comes to bring it up again before deciding on what to do. And that day came soon, sooner than either anticipated.
Y/N had been especially bratty -just maybe two days after the conversation occurred- pushing Ethan to his limit with the teasing, the innuendos and the clothes she was wearing. It was the perfect occasion. A little punishment was in store and the tall man knew exactly how to execute it.
“What the fuck was that?” Ethan’s voice was stern, not nearly close to a yell but authoritative nonetheless, the stoic expression on his face never failing to let Y/N know exactly what he was thinking of: she was going to be fucked, both literally and figuratively, but she was surely into that.
“Such a little slut,” he voiced, pulling the girl to his body, their faces almost touching and their breaths mixing together. A whine left her lips but Ethan was quick to shut it with his words, “you were not complaining when you acted like one, cucciola. In front of everybody as well. Did you see how Dami was looking at you? I’m sure you flashed him at least once all night.”
The girl shivered at what her friend was suggesting, a tingling feeling was taking over her pussy, legs already ready to fail her.
“Maybe he could help me punish you.” These words almost send Y/N in a frenzy. Her eyes widened and her lips parted, an obvious gasp escaping her lips, causing a deep laugh from Ethan.
“You like that idea, don’t you?” She simply nodded her head, mind racing to all the possible outcomes of tonight.
“I need your words, dolcezza. I need your explicit consent to this,” he whispered, holding Y/N’s face in his hands, leaving a kiss just next to her lips.
She softly responded with a yes, voice trembling and low, unable to come out properly. She had gotten probably a little too excited.
“Be a doll and just sit there, yeah. I’m going to go call Damiano. I’m sure he is dying to see how desperate you are to have both of us.” With that the man left the room, presumably going to call his friend over.
When Damiano walked into the room Y/N was violently taken out of her thoughts, the man’s energy overtaking the whole room, his temperament easing any possible worry the girl could have for this situation.
“I’m here dolcezza,” called Damiano, sitting next to her on the bed with the biggest shit eating grin he could possibly have.
“Don’t be so eager, Dami. She’ll be cocky within minutes, we don’t want that.” Always the stern dom he is, Ethan asserted himself over both people in the people. He did not need many words or strong actions to show them who is in charge, a look and his tone were enough to let that be known.
Damiano looked down, in a similar fashion from a few days prior, only this time he was not really shy, more like a puppy that just got yelled at.
“Why don’t you get undressed Damiano, our little puppet over here can not wait to see what you have to offer.” The man mentioned smirked, his confidence reappearing in a second before obliging to his friend’s request.
He decided to play it dirty, going slow, surely attempting to give the little puppet a show. His hands moved slowly, pulling his shirt up and over his head before traveling from his chest to his waist in a seductive way, stopping for just a moment, making sure Y/N’s eyes were right on his own before removing his belt and opening up his pants. In the meanwhile, Ethan had moved Y/N to be sitting on her knees on the floor, in front of the undressing man, eye level with his pants’ zipper.
“Help Damiano, amore. It seems he’s struggling with his pants and you are right where you need to.” She shivered at his words but followed the orders, slowly unbuttoning his pants, her face having moved a little too close -not that it was not welcome- pulling them down and simply gawking at the view in front of her.
She went to move, to please, but her dominating best friend seemed to have other plans.”Not yet, puppet. Come on. This is supposed to be a punishment for you, but we all know how much a cock shucking slut you are. You’ll get his dick but you have more work to do.”
Damiano opposed his friend, already feeling desperate to get whatever he could from the girl below him, dying to feel her lips around his cock, oh and her tongue, oh that tongue he had seen plenty of times devouring ice cream cones in the most pornographic way possible. Sometimes he wished she was in one.
“I think it’s a good start to a punishment, Ethan. She can suck my cocka and then just simply not get it fucking her, yet.” His plan had some practicality to it, knowing very well how much she’d be dying to have a dick buried deep inside her after getting a feel in her mouth.
“I’ll allow it,” said Ethan, starting the process of undressing himself, and looking around the room for anything that could bring more pleasure to everyone involved.
“Well, what are you waiting for, cucciola. Go on, show him how well you blow whistles.” With that the girl wasted no time, pulling Damiano’s boxers down, taking them off him with his help and getting to work. It started off simple, a few pumps at first to get him even harder than he already was (he’d really bet that any man could get hard in seconds seeing her on her knees in front of him, it was a divine view). Her hand was going slowly, her focus on the man’s face, looking up at him all innocently, making sure that his own eyes were on her.
“I am looking at you, dolcezza, don’t worry,” confirmed the man, as if reading her mind.
So, she continued, entirely encouraged to show her best self, to be a good girl for the two men in front of her. Moving on, her hand stayed pumping the man’s cock for a second before her tongue came onto the mix, licking all the way up the curve, a very thick vein getting special attention and then the head. It was already leaking pre-cum, the girl’s antiques driving Damiano insane by the second -and she had not even started blowing him yet. With a push to her head by the singer Y/N really took his cock into her mouth, starting with the head, sucking and bobbing her head a bit, still moving her skilled fingers up and down, with every bob taking more and more of the length reaching a point where she had taken it all. She paused in that place for a second, relaxing her throat, Damiano’s cock resting deep inside her mouth, before she moved in need of breath. The same pattern repeated itself a few more times before the pace got quicker, following the music that was now playing from Ethan’s speaker.
It did not take long for the older man to cum, unexpectedly, in Y/N’s mouth, some delicious sounds leaving her lips and sending vibrations all through his cock, intensifying his orgasm.
“I could have never thought she’s that good, Ethan. Why have you been hoarding her this whole time?” He laughed, all in one breath and blown completely out of his mind.
“Exactly because I know how good she is. But tonight she has been plenty bad, although she’s trying to act all innocent now.”
“I’m a good girl daddy, see?” She questioned, tongue out, showing evidence of her swallowing predicaments, “I took all of it.”
Ethan smiled, looking down to his friend, his big hand holding her jaw and spitting in her mouth as it stayed open. Swallowing that down as well Y/N showed it to the two men, waiting impatiently for the next orders.
No orders came for the time being, Ethan sitting himself on the bed, back resting on the bed frame, opening his legs and motioning for her to sit between them. She clearly obliged, knowing very well that her punishment was already going to be overwhelming but oh so pleasurable and she wanted nothing more.
In all honesty the drummer was played to her needs every time, the punishments being always the outcome she hoped for (except few occasions when she had gotten Ethan so much she ended up edged on for over a week as a punishment, and although the orgasm was spectacular, the wait was torture). Ethan knew it and he was not opposed to it, instead working with the girl’s deviousness.
As she sat between his thighs, back on his chest and palms resting right on his thighs, Ethan used his calves and feet to keep Y/N’s legs spread open, thankful she was wearing a dress and panties that he could easily replace any time he wanted. He prompted Damiano to move between both their legs, face aligned with her pussy, the frontman practically salivating at the sight in front of him.
She had anticipated this night, having bought a cheap but utterly sexy lingerie set online, wearing said lingerie in an attempt to drive Ethan crazy. It was black, with little orange flowers here and there, some lace with mesh material surrounding her pussy, back piece doing little to cover her ass cheeks. Damiano was currently dying at the, almost, disappearance of the fabric due to the wetness leaving absolutely nothing hidden -not that the material could hide much anyway. He moved up, face just a hair’s distance from the wetness, just about to leave a kiss but the other man had different plans.
“Don’t be so eager, Dami, you’ll get what you want in a bit,” he said, palms massaging the girl’s boobs, kisses being left on her neck. “I think she’s overdressed.”
Damiano agreed to the statement, sharing just one simple look with Ethan, reaping the panties apart, her pussy now fully exposed. The singer looked up to his friend once again, a nod of approval being more than enough to shoot the man into action.
His lips swiftly found her clit, not much effort for the skilled man, sucking and kissing the sensitive bud, tongue lapping the juices of her pussy taking advantage of the wetness to stimulate her clit. Y/N’s head fell back, on the drummer’s shoulder, the man taking advantage of the angle and leaving kisses and marks on her neck, one hand always on her chest, the other currently choking her. She moaned so beautifully in his ear, making him harder than he thought he could get, surprised at how well he held himself together.
Damiano kept eating the girl out, fingers starting to dive into her pussy one at a time. He got up to four, said pussy taking them in wonderfully, practically swallowing them within the velvety confines. “I’ve experienced nothing hotter in my life, dolcezza. This pussy is scrumptious, could eat it for days,” he, himself thrusting on the bed, already having gotten hard again, craving some friction. His mouth was leaving wet kisses to her thigh and his fingers were deep inside her, going in and out, Ethan adding his own fingers, playing with her clit edging her closer and closer to the edge.
All the telltales were there: the shaking, the loudness, the closed eyes… She was ready to cum, but it was not something Ethan could allow yet. He stopped his actions, placing a hand on his band mate’s head, said man getting the memo and pausing as well. “You really thought you’d come this easy, amore? Oh no! You have been acting like a desperate slut all day, flashing Damiano and now letting him taste you, knowing it drives me crazy. You have been very naughty,” he explained before shuffling her off his body, moving to stand up.
Y/N could not help but whine, the sound only enabling the two men. “I think she’s been naughty again. Didn’t you say you’d be a good girl, puppet?” She simply nodded head looking down, but not before seeing the look on Damiano’s face. “I think some spanking would put our puppet in place.”
Ethan nodded in agreement, already moving Y/N to bend over the bed, her legs wobbly from her previously denied orgasm. “Count for Damiano, dolcezza,” said the man, leaving a kiss on her back and then starting his actions.
Although her words were what was asked of her Damiano was not satisfied, giving her one of his own and speaking up. “Say thank you, puppy, don’t be rude.”
Another spank, “three, thank you,” she followed the orders, jumping forward with every slap on her skin.
As she reached ten it got harder to count. Damiano had started fingering her again, opting to pause his actions after every few thrusts, slamming his palms on her ass cheeks or pussy. It’d be a lie if Y/N said this wasn’t enjoyable-after all she could not stop moaning loudly, but the redness of her ass would disagree.
“Why don’t you keep quiet, puppy? These noises of yours are what got you here. You can’t hide how much you like this, can you, slut?”
For the second time that night, Y/N was on the verge of cumming all over Damiano’s fingers, unable to speak yet again.
“Use,” spank, “your,” spank, “words,” spank.
“I can’t hide, daddy,” she responded, this time leaving an almost screaming moan, eyes rolling all the way to the back of her head, once again almost falling apart.
Before she had the chance Damiano stopped, hands retracting from the girl and into his mouth, tasting her on his lips.
“I think you can take at least one more, puppet. Can you?” Ethan, had been quite distanced this whole time, deciding to let his friend get a taste of his sex partner, but deciding this was the best moment to do his thing.
Y/N nodded in confirmation, letting out a simple “green,” to let Ethan know she was not stopping just yet.
“Beautiful, puppy! You have been doing so good for us, taking your punishment so well, but we are not done yet.” A buzz sound is what concerned the girl, eyes widening at the toy.
It was a small remote virator, imitating sucking on the clit. The drummer placed the girl over his knees, stuffing the toy between his leg and her clit, shocking the sensitive bud. “I think you can take a few more spanks,” said the man, landing one at the expanse of her thigh, the skin giggling at the contact.
“Damiano, count,” ordered the assertive man, seeing his friend kneel in front of Y/N, kissing her and then doing as he was told.
“I think we were left on twenty-three. Twenty four,” he began, counting all the way to forty before the ordeal was over.
The whole time Y/N was shaking, just about to fall off the edge, asking for permission to cum but her wishes were not granted just yet. She was exhausted, overstimulated, frustrated, and now unable to move on her own. But, oh man did she need more. The two men were more than willing to assist her.
“You are doing so well, dolcezza,” praised Damiano, thinking of what to do next.
“Why don’t you get up, puppet. I think it’s time you get what you want.”
At that, her head perked up, already jumping from Ethan’s lap (almost falling while doing so) eager to be fucked and to finally orgasm. “I want you on all fours. You suck me off, Dami can fuck your pussy. I’m sure you’d love that.” She nodded, moving to be in all fours as Ethan stood on his knees on top of the bed, Damiano following suit and placing himself behind Y/N.
“Agh,” he groaned, “sei così bagnata, bambina,” he commented, collecting all the wetness on his cock before pushing inside her.
The action and the moans it emitted caused vibrations to Ethan, making him groan in pleasure, Y/N’s talent to shuck not wavering now. “You like this a lot, puppet, don’t you? Being fucked by my best friend while sucking my cock, huh? You like that?”
She could only hum in response, holes being filled to the brim so pleasurably. It was all better than she expected, more overwhelming, so she could not keep it anymore. She released Ethan’s cock, screaming loudly as her release finally overtook her, Damiano groaning in contentment. He pulled out of her afterwards, jacking himself off a bit before coating her back in his own cum.
Now the only one left unsatisfied was Ethan. His pleasure was cut short for the girl’s release, and although he was not mad, he certainly wanted to feel her.
“Can you handle one more for me, cucciola? You did such a good job so far but I need to feel you.” Y/N nodded and changed her position, this time her legs were in the air, soon to be wrapped around the drummer, eyes half closed in bliss.
“Such a good girl for me,” Ethan praised one more time before he started his rhythm slamming into her. This time it did not take long for both of them to reach their highs, the man riding out both of them and after taking a second to breathe he pulled out, falling right next to her.
“Are you ok?” This time the concerned man was Damiano, a bottle of water already in his hands and ready to give it to the girl.
“Mhm… Thank you,” she mumbled, voice almost a whisper but the smile was hard to miss.
“I think I should leave,” said the front man and he went to get dressed, abandoning the room, leaving only Ethan and Y/N in it.
Ethan got up quickly, looking around for a cloth as he got to the bathroom and wet it with some warm water. Coming back, he used it to clean Y/N up; her back from Damiano’s cum, her face from the cum and her dried up juices and her pussy from the left over wetness, a pair of underwear and a t-shirt in his other hand.
“Come one, dolcezza, you did so good. You’ll go to sleep in just a second. Come one, help me get you dressed,” he voiced and started leaving kisses on her face.
“You took both of us wonderfully, thank you.” Another hum as a response.
Ethan realized how at this point she had fallen asleep, fucked out and exhausted, he did not expect her to stay awake.
“I only wish I could tell you this when you’re awake… I think I’m in love with you."
tag list: @bieberhoodforever @tabi-toast @ginny-lily @moriro-da-regina @the-killer-queenie @makapaka11
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passivenovember · 3 years
Dawn's got a boyfriend. 
A stupid, dorky, lanky boyfriend who decorates his nails and pairs platform jelly crocs with unbelievably tight jeans.
Dawn paints things on the pockets. 
The ass pockets, much to Billy's sniveling, sneering disapproval. Little pictures of toaster ovens and broken light bulbs, industrial and punk and. 
Just like her.
Billy doesn't understand what she see's in the guy.
His family moves in the summer before sophomore year and everything changes. Billy's got a fourth blanket in the hamper next to Dawns for movie night, all of a sudden, and he's being dragged to double dates with the kid's freaky artistic parents. Steve's inviting them to dinner because I like them, Bills.
Then the boy's sleeping over in their living room.
Every weekend. 
Probably kissing Billy's fifteen year old daughter at three in the morning and eating Billy's favorite pop tarts, just. 
All of a sudden.
Out of nowhere, like. An alien invasion gone horribly, terribly wrong. 
Billy feels like he should've seen it coming. 
It's Friday night. The first in years that's just them, just.
Steve and Billy and Dawn.
Cooking after a shit week. Cracking jokes and dancing around the kitchen to Joy Division. The first Friday in months without the boy and his golden-retriever ass blocking access to the record player. Doing nothing. Eating cherry tomatoes and laughing too loudly at everything Billy says.
It's just them. 
The three musketeers. 
Billy's over the moon excited to spend it with his husband. Burning their vegan lasagna and sneaking kisses on the couch while Dawn tells them to knock it off. Watching horror films, bickering over what flavor of ice cream to have delivered, and. 
Hugging Steve and Dawn to his chest when the nightmares come.
Billy knows, alright, he.
Feels it.
There aren't too many of these left.
He'll take what he can get.
So it's Friday night and Dawn isn't in her movie night onesie, she's.
Tromping around the house in the docs Billy got her for Christmas last year. Still wearing her knock-off Susie Sioux war paint and homemade skirt, the one that's covered in functional patches. Billy smiles, flooded with warmth, when he sees the newest addition tacked right above the tear in her knee.
A butterfly. The one they painted together.
"Nice," He says, chopping up cucumbers for the salad. "'S a little girly, though. Fuck Nazi's should come next if balance is to be restored."
"I think we should save that one. Stick it somewhere special, on something that'll last." Dawn meanders slowly around the kitchen. Running her fingertips along the cutting board, kissing Steve on the cheek and kicking Billy on the shin. Her usual form of hello.
Billy rifles through what he knows of her wardrobe. "You only have special shit. Staple pieces."
"True, but something, like." Dawn sneaks a slice of cucumber, crunching loudly next to Billy's ear. "Super special. A jacket, perhaps."
Steve coos like a bird, suddenly checked into the conversation. "A leather one?"
Dawn shakes her head. "Nah, something lighter."
Steve grins, clapping his oven mitts together. "Staples, leather, can't blame a guy for trying."
"Something more versatile." Dawn tries. "Light blue. Loved and lost by generations of Hargrove's before me."
Billy empties his cucumber slices into a bowl, not liking where this is headed.
Dawn wraps her arm around his shoulders.
"Of the denim variety?"
Billy shrugs her arm away, moving to put the casserole in the oven because. Steve does pottery for a living but he's still scared of the oven. 
Dawn follows closely behind. "Just picture it. A gorgeous, vintage denim jacket covered in studs."
Billy sighs. "Metal Heads don't need all that shit to feel cool."
But Dawn just keeps talking. "And a patch of the most excellent quality tacked right above something artistic, like. A lipstick smear--
"You're not getting my jacket." Billy concludes, doing his best to put some bass in it.
Assert some of that dominance he was known for in high school, but.
It doesn't work.
Dawn waggles her eyebrows because once you let a little girl paint your toenails she stops being afraid of you. "It could be a love letter." She says. "A little 'kiss my ass,'  to every skinhead in Hawkins."
Steve makes a noise from his place on the counter, checking in once more. "Since when are there skinheads in Hawkins?"
"Since always." Billy says to his husband. And then, to his daughter; "The jacket is written into our will."
She snorts. "Are you serious?"
Before Billy can say anything, snarky or otherwise, the doorbell rings. 
"I'll get it," Dawn says, voice going high and airy in the way it only does when--
"Does Peter like casserole?" 
Billy wishes Steve had a single rude bone in his body. 
Dawn's cheeks go bright red. "Who said Peter's here?"
And then she's gone. Opening the front door and greeting him. 
Like he's the second coming or some shit.
"Oh, maybe because he's always here." Billy grumbles. "Eating my poptarts and forgetting to put more toilet paper in the bathroom--"
"Bills." Steve says. 
"What? Just stating facts."
"Thought you wanted her to make friends her own age?" Steve says easily, planting a delicate, sweet kiss on the curve of Billy's neck. 
Down the hall things are quiet.
Too quiet.
"Peter isn't a friend, he's a goddamn turd." Billy scrubs roughly at the counter top, trying to work out a seven year old Kool-Aid stain. "Flirty little turd trying to flirt with our kid, That's what--"
"Dawn and Peter don't flirt." 
And Billy wishes Steve had a single thought in his pretty little head.
Billy throws the towel down on the countertop, hands on hips. "Are you fuckin' serious?"
But before Steve can say anything Turd Boy is rounding the corner in a denim vest and a flowery skirt, a giggling Dawn stumbling over the floor behind him. Since Billy saw him last, Peter's nose grew a ring of metal and his hair has turned pink. 
Bright pink.
Pastel pink, clashing and melding with a shirt Billy remembers from Dawn's fifth grade yearbook. 
Kid looks cool. 
Really gnarly, like Sid Vicious and David Bowie rolled into one, and Billy instantly hates it when Dawn says that they're going to a fucking football game. 
Billy puts on his dad hat.
The responsible one that makes him feel like a dweeb, and asks all the right questions. Who will be there, when are they coming home, does she need money or a pair of brass knuckles to intimidate the skinheads--
Steve asks if he should get a head start on the pillow fort, and.
Peter laughs.
Dawn holds out her hand, like, "That might be cool."
Billy tenses when Steve's arms find his waist. "The knuckles or the fort?"
She thinks about it. Then; "Both."
So Billy digs around for his wallet. And hands over his pocket-knuckles. And tries not to vomit when Dawn makes big, disgusting goo-goo eyes at the boyfriend that could, all things considered, be a lot fucking worse. 
Steve tells them to call if they need anything and Peter promises to look have Dawn home by ten thirty. Swears to look out for her and use the knuckles if he's gotta, so.
Billy believes the kid.
Hates him because he has to, believes him because Steve does. 
And then they're gone. 
Billy stares after them long after the front door has slammed shut, trying not to feel disappointed that they'll be empty nesters until their kids stumble home from a night of normalcy.
Steve hasn't said a word.
"Guess it's just us, tonight," Billy whispers to the front door. Steve kisses the back of his neck. "I found some rolling papers in Dawn's room if you wanna--"
"Should we be letting her date?"
"Since when have we let Dawn do anything?"
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concussed-to-pieces · 4 years
The Mettle Of A Man; Part Fifteen
Fandom: Fallout (4)
Pairing: Eventual Paladin Danse/Female Sole Survivor
Rating: Holy shit M.
AN: Enjoy!
Part One: ArcJet
Part Two: The Prydwen
Part Three: Orders
Part Four: Finding Brandis
Part Five: Weston Water And Oberland
Part Six: Meeting Preston And Matthew
Part Seven: Radstag And Radstorm
Part Eight: The Return To Sanctuary Hills
Part Nine: Domestic Ruminations
Part Ten: Institutionalized
Part Eleven: Two Weeks, Three Days
Part Twelve: Haylen’s Warning And The Glowing Sea
Part Thirteen: Under Fire
Part Fourteen: Dichotomy
[!TRIGGER WARNING!: This installment contains allusions to torture and prolonged, vivid depictions of assault. Stay safe!]
"Call tags?" The scribe droned, not even looking up from the terminal.
  Danse only hesitated for a second. "D, N, dash, four zero seven P." 
  The scribe punched in the letters and numbers, and Danse saw the young man visibly jerk in surprise. Rheumy brown eyes stared up at the towering suit of X-01 armor and the scribe's voice squeaked when he hissed, " Danse? "
  The armored man nodded.
  "Are you insane?! Danse--er, Paladin Danse, the elder has been on the warpath ever since you went...sir, he says you're a synth, a traitor to the Brotherhood. You're supposed to be dead! I knew there was something fishy about those reports!" The scribe whispered shakily. He looked incredibly nervous. "Most of us think he's off his rocker, but you try finding a soldier with the balls to tell him that point-blank!"
  "It's comforting that you all have such faith in me." Danse said, meaning every word. "I'm afraid the announcement of my death was a bit...premature."
  The scribe blinked. "Sir, after everything that...the amount of us that would stand by you through anything is the vast majority, I promise. Elder Maxson has locked up Paladin Brandis and-"
  "Tell me he hasn't harmed Brandis." Danse cut him off, relieved when the scribe shook his head hastily. 
  "I think even the elder knows better than to assault one of the most beloved officers in our chapter." The scribe exhaled a long breath, then looked back up at Danse. "Sir, you should know that...well, it may be a bit disappointing to hear, but even if you are a synth, we're still with you, sir." The scribe gave him a salute. 
  Danse's eyes pricked with tears. He couldn't believe that he had the power to inspire such unwavering loyalty. "At ease, soldier. With any luck, this will be a diplomatic engagement. I'll take Knight Vega and be on my way."
  "I...I am unsure if it will be so simple." The scribe admitted. "Ex-Knight Vega has also been confined to the brig since you went AWOL."
  " Ex -knight?"
  "Maxson stripped of her rank, sir. Accused her of conspiring against the Brotherhood. On her end, she maintains her innocence." The scribe shrugged. "I don't understand why he doesn't just exile her or have her stand trial, but he's been dragging his feet the whole-"
  " Bait ." Danse realized. "He's been waiting for me to come back for her, of course . She's our only way into the Institute. Either that or he just wants the satisfaction of killing me himself." He moved past the checkpoint without another word, leaving the scribe to sputter. Danse hoped he wasn't being too self-absorbed when he surmised that the report of his 'death' was no doubt being utilized as a thumbscrew on Elizabeth. Maxson obviously needed a confession; hell, he might even suspect Vega of being the one that tipped Danse off in the first place. 
  No one paid him much mind as he strode across the compound. Though he did intercept a few curious glances, Danse chalked them up to the distinctive armor he was wearing instead of outright suspicion. 
  "Where is the elder?" He gruffed at a crowd of aspirants, counting on the staticky speakers of his helmet to disguise his voice. One of them grimaced.
  "In a mood." She joked, the group of aspirants nodding and laughing amongst themselves. "But if you mean location, he's been hanging around the build site a lot. Watching the progress on Big Lib, you know."
  Danse inclined his head and turned on his heel, making a beeline for the previously-mentioned location while he guiltily recalled the time that he had threatened Vega with an upbraiding for her own quips about Maxson. As he thundered back across the courtyard, he could hear the muttering start up. People were beginning to notice him. His window of opportunity was shrinking; he needed to find Maxson fast . Danse picked up his pace, half-jogging.
  Catching sight of Maxson at the very top of Prime's gantry made Danse feel minute, an insignificant David at the feet of a giant. He swallowed hard, shaking off the unsettling sensation and cueing up his helmet's speakers.
  At the whine of feedback, Ingram glanced up from her console beneath the shelter across the dusty tarmac. "Hey!" She said sharply. "Whoever you are, you don't have clearance to-"
  " Elder Maxson! " Danse roared, ignoring the red-headed proctor in favor of tilting his whole body back to project his voice upwards. " You know why I'm here! "
  " Abomination! " Maxson shouted, sounding almost gleeful . He bolted for the lift, as if he expected Danse to flee. The paladin stood his ground though, patiently waiting for the elder to arrive at the lower level.
  "Danse? You…" Ingram trailed off, scrambling across the square. "Is it really you in there, Danse?"
  "Yes, Proctor." 
  There was so much more he wanted to say, so much more to explain , but Maxson's arrival on the ground effectively cut off Danse's conversation. "I knew you would return, you traitor ." He asserted smugly as he marched over to Danse. "How kind of you to give me the privilege of ending you myself ."
  Danse held up his hands peaceably. "I am unarmed, Maxson. I'm not here for a fight. I am simply here to request the amicable release of...of General Vega." He used the Minutemen title on a whim, watching Arthur's nostrils flare in irritation.
  "Oh General Vega , is it? The Minutemen send a machine to do their dirty work? Or have you already infiltrated their ranks with more of your kind?" Maxson spat. 
  Danse shook his head. "This may come as a shock to you, Elder Maxson, but I had no idea I was a synth." He heard Ingram gasp behind him. Even Maxson looked momentarily startled at his admission and Danse seized the opening to reason, "through the entirety of my career I've done nothing to betray your trust, Arthur. And I never will. Please," Danse implored, "we need General Vega if we hope to eradicate the Institute."
  "You expect me to believe that you wish to eradicate the Institute? You were born of it!" Arthur spat venomously. "You even standing here is an affront to nature, you scum . The Brotherhood does not negotiate with-"
  "Elder Maxson, wait!" Ingram interrupted him sharply. "He's telling the truth. Vega is instrumental to gaining entry to the Institute. Our whole reason for being in the Commonwealth is to destroy the Institute. If we lose this chance-"
  "I will not be spoken down to by my own troops, Proctor!" Maxson raged. 
  "Arthur, listen to me . You and Danse having a pissing match should be the least of our concerns." Ingram raised an eyebrow. "If he meant us harm, I feel like he would have come with a battalion or two. Danse might be a little dense , but he's never lacked battlefield intelligence."
  "This thing isn't Danse, so stop referring to it as such!" 
  "Until proven otherwise, yes, he is . His DNA matched that Institute crap. It's him, Maxson. It's always been him. Sure, you might find it easier to think that the Institute grabbed the real Danse while he was out and about, but I don't think he would be reported as a missing asset if he was supposed to be here." Proctor Ingram theorized as she crossed her arms, her armor frame creaking. 
  "Just give me Elizabeth, Maxson." Danse pleaded. "This isn't a fight you want."
  "Oh, on the contrary. This is the fight I want." Maxson seethed. "A chance to prove Brotherhood superiority once and for all! We will settle this as it is written in the Litany!"
  "You sincerely wish to have a live-fire trial?" Danse asked incredulously, "a Litany trial, Arthur? As I recall, you stated before that you were above such practices."
  "We live in unprecedented times, traitor." Maxson drew himself up to his full height. "My authority has been brought into question again and again. It seems only right that I battle my chief dissenter."
  Danse was at a loss for words. Maxson's behavior was so irrational, he was almost tempted to consider whether the elder himself had been replaced by a synth. But no, voicing that fear would no doubt send Maxson into an even worse froth.
  "When I defeat you, it will finally affirm the truth of the Brotherhood: that we were meant to stand tall atop the corpses of abominations, meant to triumph! " Maxson's eyes were wild as he turned to Ingram. "Proctor, you will bear witness to our Litany agreement. And now, abomination , issue your challenge." The elder demanded.
  " Issue it or be slagged where you stand! " Maxson screamed, spittle flying from his mouth.
  Danse had never personally engaged in a Litany trial. His memory of the terminology was hazy at best, but he still made an attempt. "As a Brotherhood of Steel paladin," he began haltingly, saluting and then extending his hand to Maxson. "I am issuing a formal challenge against your authority as elder of this chapter. Through your actions and your deeds, you have proved yourself unfit to lead in my eyes. We will engage in combat under your terms, and should I emerge victorious, I ask that you relinquish General Vega to me."
  "And when I emerge victorious, I will kill you." Maxson stated confidently. 
  "So be it." Danse knew he had very little agency in this matter. Maxson wanted to fight him, and Maxson always got his way. "Your terms, Elder?"
  "No weapons or armor. We fight with nothing but the skills we possess. The first one pushed out of the circle loses." Maxson smirked. "You might be a synth, but a bullet in your head puts you down just as easily as any feral."
  "You give me your word as Elder that you will turn Vega over to the custody of the Minutemen if I win?" Danse insisted, his heart slamming in his chest. Oh God, he would have to fight Maxson. Worse still, he would have to beat him. Arthur's prowess in combat was almost fabled , that story about the deathclaw part of this chapter's mythos.
  "I will give you nothing, creature , and it will be far more than you deserve. But certainly, if you manage to beat me, I'll see to it that your co-conspirator is relinquished to your care." Maxson sneered. "Proctor, send out the announcement that we will have entertainment shortly."
  "Sure thing, Elder." Ingram muttered, sidestepping away as Danse removed his helmet. 
  "I want everyone down here and watching, Ingram!" Arthur called as she departed. "Make sure that traitor Vega is escorted to the combat area." He then chuckled in a self-satisfied manner, no doubt taking note of Danse's stern expression. "Oh don't worry, synth . We showed your precious general all the courtesies that the Brotherhood has to offer while we interrogated her."
  Danse knew that Arthur trying to rile him up was technically a good sign. It meant that the other man was attempting to disperse some of his own nerves. However, it was difficult for him to capitalize upon with the worry of Vega possibly being injured getting added onto the pile of Danse's concerns. The growl erupted from him unintentionally, burring in his chest like a hacksaw. "Maxson, if you-"
  "Do not speak to me, freak ." Arthur hissed.
  Danse stewed as a crowd began to form. At least now they would have an audience. Hundreds of eyes watching his every move, but also watching Maxson's. Danse hoped that the scribe at the gate hadn't just been spouting optimistic nonsense. 
  The paladin emerged from his armor, standing at attention beside the frame as a vertibird whirred by overhead, descending from the Prydwen. Upon their first sight of him, the troops began talking amongst themselves. Danse reasoned that it must be quite the shock for most of them, to see him alive and well. 
  Please be alright, Vega , the paladin begged mentally. Please , Elizabeth .
  He heard her coming long before he saw her, watching the crowd part for a lone knight in power armor. "You're a fuckin' piezashet , y'know that? Just a fuckin' asshole! " Backhand roared, struggling and straining against the iron grip of the knight that was dragging her along. "Let me go , y' fuckin' cockass'n sunuva' fuck! "
  Danse blinked, a bit impressed with the vitriol the general was spitting considering her appearance. She looked like a stretch of bad road, gaunt, both of her eyes ringed yellow-green from faded bruising and her glasses absent. The whole left side of her face bore the distinct grate marks of the Prydwen's catwalks, indicating that she had been slammed against the floor. Her Vault suit was in shambles, half-ribboned and hanging off of her shoulder at a rakish angle, and her hair was a tangled, greasy mess.
  Danse catalogued it all and swiftly tucked it away for later. Compartmentalize . She's alive and ambulatory. Priority is Maxson , he instructed himself sternly. Focus . You can't afford to be distracted right now. You face the elder of the Brotherhood of Steel .
  All of that flew out the window the moment he heard Elizabeth's voice crack. "D... Danse? " She asked tremulously, "Danse, you're alive? "
  Danse nodded, not looking at her. "For better or for worse, I am."
  "I…" Backhand paused. "What's going on, Danse? I-I thought that...I thought you were…"
  Her obvious distress gave Danse an odd rush of guilty comfort. She would have missed him. Had she mourned him when she thought he was dead?
  To hell with it . 
  Danse turned to Elizabeth, carefully tipped her chin up and pressed a corner of the bandanna around his neck to her lips. "For luck." He murmured with a thin smile, cupping the right side of her face so he didn't hurt her. She just stared up at him, those eyes bright with pent-up emotions. The knight securing her coughed awkwardly and Danse stepped back, feeling Vega's gaze on him even as he moved to face Maxson.
  Ingram cleared her throat and announced above the rising hubbub, "this is a Litany trial! The conditions are no weapons or armor, strictly empty-handed combat. If Paladin Danse manages to remove our elder from the circle, the Brotherhood has agreed to release the former Knight Vega into Minutemen custody. If our elder removes the paladin from the circle, Paladin Danse has agreed to allow the elder to pass swift judgement upon him."
  "Say it how he said it, Proctor!" Danse barked, his deep voice carrying well. "He plans to kill me if he wins, don't shy away from it!" He heard Vega swear before the crowd of knights, aspirants and squires around him voiced their mixture of dismay and apprehension. "Elder Maxson has deemed me a threat to the Brotherhood and has forced my hand. So now we engage in a combat trial as it is written in the Litany."
  "Trying to turn my troops against me, abomination?" Maxson huffed as he discarded his heavy battle coat and began rolling up his sleeves. "I can't say I'm surprised, but I am disappointed. I had hoped you would meet your end with some shred of dignity."
  Danse shrugged, Backhand's lucky bandanna brushing his chin when he raised his head. "You haven't won yet, Maxson." He reminded the younger man with a sad smile.
  Arthur lunged at him suddenly, dust flying with the speed of his approach. Danse barely managed to sidestep, latching on to Arthur's wrist and shoulder. The paladin used the other man's momentum against him, redirecting him around his body and kicking his legs out from beneath him.
  "Are we beginning now, Arthur?" He asked sharply, that tactical portion of his brain considering the merits of stomping down on Maxson's groin with all his might.
  But no, no, he couldn't--Maxson was the elder -
  Arthur flailed on the ground, his face red with fury as he clawed at Danse's hands on him. The paladin released him and stepped back, not overly eager to stay within striking distance of the formidable elder. Unfortunately, Maxson didn't leave him much of a choice in the matter. The younger man darted forward again, too low for Danse to redirect him. The paladin took the brunt of Arthur's shoulder to his midsection, gasping out a pained breath even as he tried to brace his footing. 
  Arthur's shoulder drove deeper into his stomach and the younger man grappled Danse's legs, heaving him backwards off the ground . Danse frantically grabbed at Maxson's back before the younger man pinned him bodily, the two of them hitting the gravel with a bone-jarring impact. 
  Danse still hadn't been able to catch his breath and he barely got his arms up in time as Arthur cocked back for his first punch.
  Maxson tended to machine-gun when it came to his blows, pummeling his target to a pulp within the first flurry. Danse had watched him fight enough to know that this was possibly the worst position for him to be in. Here, Maxson could just rain attacks down onto him until his damn arms broke, beat him into submission without even having to get him outside the boundaries. "You will die. In the dirt . Like the dog you are!" Maxson screamed as he struck Danse. 
  He's the elder. He's the elder. But...
  Danse gritted his teeth. No . If Maxson was doing to kill him, he was going to work for it. Danse wouldn't hand him his fragile existence on a silver platter. Not anymore. Never again . Every assault, every misguided order, every time his admiration or willingness to help had been taken advantage of…
  Danse sucked in a breath and shoved Maxson in the chest with all his might, knocking the other man off of him. " Fuck you Arthur! " He spat, suddenly red-hot angry . He got to his feet and loomed over the elder of the Brotherhood, smoldering with rage.
  Maxson seemed confused, like he couldn't believe Danse was actually fighting back . He scrambled back to an upright position, the two of them circling each other much more warily now. 
  "You should have just laid down and died like a good soldier!" Maxson taunted, feinting a few jabs on the left before he swung in from the right. His fist caught Danse in the jaw, snapping the older man's head to the side as he continued, "should have just let me break you, Danse!"
  Danse, reeling from the hit, staggered back a step and dropped to one knee. No, get up . Don't let him do this to you . He forced himself back up, glancing the next punishing blow off his shoulder and then landing a check of his own that sent Maxson sprawling on his back. 
  "Get up, Arthur!" Danse shouted, his fists clenched. " Get the fuck up and fight me! "
  So fast Danse almost missed it, Arthur whipped his combat knife out of his boot sheath and rushed him with it, holding the blade low in an effort to conceal the weapon.
  The blade that killed the deathclaw . 
  The point barely grazed Danse's arm as he flinched back, razor-sharp steel easily parting the flannel and skin beneath it. 
  He was in trouble now. Maxson unarmed was bad enough, but Maxson using a weapon he was intimately familiar with absolutely spelled certain death for Danse. Never mind that they had agreed on no weapons. Danse doubted anyone was exactly refereeing a Litany trial. As long as they stayed within the circle, he was under the impression that he was on his own.
  Arthur slashed wildly at him, no longer bothering for subtlety as he openly attacked Danse with the knife. Maxson had this hideous, leering smirk on his face the whole time; he was playing with his food. 
  Danse felt like an idiot for even thinking that he had a chance at winning when Maxson buried the blade in his shoulder.
  But what else could he do? Die in the dirt , like Arthur had screamed at him?
  " You're a cheating sunuvabitch, Arthur! " Vega's voice rang out loud and clear like the crack of a whip. Danse saw her out of the corner of his eye, the woman struggling vainly against the armored vambrace that encircled her waist. " Coward! " She yelled indignantly.
  Danse smiled thinly through the pain, gripping Maxson's wrist on the knife with enough force to make Arthur grunt. His free hand clamped down on the crook of Maxson's elbow, keeping the younger man locked in that position. Maxson headbutted him to try and make some space and Danse slammed their heads together harder, baring his teeth and snarling in Arthur's face. 
  Between the two of them, Arthur would always be smarter and quicker than Danse. 
  But Danse was stronger . Danse thrived in the trenches and on the front lines. Maxson may have called him a dog as an insult, yet there was truth in his words. Danse was a bulldog , boots on the ground, chewing for the jugular until the day he died. This wasn't his first time fighting for his life against insurmountable odds and he was finally refusing to roll over for Arthur.
  Something flashed in Maxson's eyes for a split-second and Danse latched onto it. "You're afraid of me, aren't you Maxson?" He panted, maintaining his death grip as Arthur began to struggle to free himself. "Of what I could do to your leadership, your elder status-"
  " Shut the fuck up!" Maxson seethed, the palm of his free hand crashing into Danse's throat. The paladin stumbled back and dropped to the ground, his lungs screaming for air as the blade tore loose. Maxson, instead of just finishing him off, began to pontificate, watching Danse writhe and hack for air in the dirt. "You know Danse, I saw what you had with Cutler and I envied it. I searched for years , trying to find something like it. I failed, naturally. So the only solution was to get Cutler out of the picture. But you were stubborn . You longed for a dead man, entirely ignoring the needs of your leader!" Maxson hissed, grinding the heel of his boot against the wound on Danse's shoulder. "And if I couldn't have you wholly, I would break you."
  Danse knew on a technical level that the wound should hurt. His face automatically winced. But all he could focus on was Arthur's words, his confession . The heel of the elder's boot, already sticky with blood, crushed down on the side of Danse's head next. 
  "Why so quiet now, Danse? Do I behave like a man who fears you, freak? " Maxson mocked him, delivering one last kick before backing away.
  Danse laid there in the gravel, bruised, bleeding; dazed not just by pain but by the knowledge that Maxson had sent Cutler away on purpose. Maxson had sent Cutler to his death. Sent Brandis to his death. Sent Danse to his death.
  " Well , synth? For being so confident, you are remarkably silent!" Arthur needled. "Where's all that righteous wrath you threatened me with? I wanted a fight! "
  Danse noticed dimly that the crowd was entirely still around them. It was eerie, like everyone else had vanished and it was just he and Arthur.
  Danse raised his left arm, the whole limb shaking violently, and he curled his fingers to flip Maxson off.
  The crowd's judgemental silence dissolved into laughter and rowdy shouts, both for and against the paladin. He vaguely picked up Vega yelling, " Attaboy! "
  Arthur sputtered with fury. He leaped at Danse, no doubt enraged enough to slit his throat. All Danse could think to do was hike his knees up, planting them firmly in Maxson's pelvis and then catapulting the smaller man up and over his body. Maxson landed several feet away on his back, giving a pained grunt as the wind was knocked out of him by the impact. 
  The knife clattered and skidded through the dirt and gravel, out of reach for the moment. Danse floundered to roll over, trying to keep the distance between himself and Arthur while the dust settled. When it did, though, he realized something. 
  Arthur's entire body was outside the circle. 
  Danse blinked, eyes wide as he realized that not only did that mean he had won, that meant Arthur had lost. In front of everyone .
  " Freak! " Maxson shrieked, staggering back to his feet and pointing an accusatory finger at the wounded paladin. "At least Cutler had the good sense to get himself killed , unlike you and fucking Brandis! " The elder screamed, blood and saliva flying from his mouth. "You two are like goddamn radroaches! "
  "Elder Maxson?" Rhys . He sounded so hesitant, so unlike himself. "Sir, did you...did you send our squad out here purposely? "
  "It is not your place to question me, Knight! And don't act like Danse didn't tell you as much, I'm certain he wasted no time vilifying me upon your arrival to the Commonwealth!" Maxson spat ruthlessly. "Traitorous liar! "
  "I'm afraid the paladin may have been too preoccupied with keeping his squadron alive to convey any personal irritation regarding you , sir." Haylen said dryly. "Perhaps you can fill us in on what we might have missed?"
  Maxson, instead of answering, threw himself back at Danse. 
  Danse hit the ground with Maxson on top of him and Backhand screamed something abusive that was extremely unflattering to the elder's lineage.
  Arthur grabbed Danse by the collar of his worn shirt and slammed the back of his head against the ground, the elder appearing to snap as he howled with rage and punched Danse again and again and again -
  Vega's fists clenched in her binds and she struggled futilely against the knight holding her, willing Danse to fight back, to do something , don't die on me!
  Suddenly a huge gauntlet was seizing Maxson by the seat of his pants, tossing the young man off to the side. 
  "That is enough ." Brandis, Brandis , how had he even gotten there?! Backhand had last seen him in the bowels of the Prydwen as she was being led out from the cell! The elderly paladin stood tall over the two bedraggled men in the dirt, cracking his knuckles in his gauntlets. "What is the meaning of this, Maxson?" He asked furiously, tone sharp through the speakers of his helmet. "You would disgrace trial by combat in such a manner? How dare you! You bring shame upon the Litany!"
  "Stay out of my way, you meddling old fool!" Maxson ordered, getting shakily to his feet.
  "Or what, you'll beat me to a pulp as well?" Brandis retorted. "You've turned against your troops, Arthur, the men and women you swore to lead with integrity. You've freely admitted to sending soldiers to their deaths because it suited you , not the needs of the Brotherhood. You've brought nothing but disgrace to our chapter, Arthur! Look around you! " Brandis exclaimed, gesturing at the crowd. "You're a tyrant , Maxson! Not one amongst the ranks would stand up to you, not one would shake you back to reality, and those that tried are now lying in the damn dirt ."
  "Be quiet! "
  "You cannot silence me, Maxson." The old paladin said calmly. "You've tried and failed before."
  "What would you have me do, Brandis? He's a synth ." 
  "Perhaps." Brandis allowed. "But all I see is a man who obeyed your stipulations and threw you out of your circle, Maxson. According to our tenets and the Litany, his requests must be met. Release Vega to his custody."
  Maxson snarled futilely. "You will regret crossing me, Brandis!" He warned. "Stand down now! "
  "I have no squadron left for you to kill, Elder ." The older paladin scoffed a little. "What will you hold over my head? Retirement?" He tipped his helmet towards the knight who had Vega. "I said, release her ."
  The knight who had been holding Backhand let her go with a mumbled apology, and without any hesitation she took off at a dead run for Danse. Her whole body ached from the heavy-handed treatment Maxson had inflicted on her, but in the light of getting Danse back it was an easy burden to bear.
  She tumbled to her knees, her hands still bound in front of her as she called his name. He groaned in reply, grimacing when she touched his arm. "Danse, holy shit ." Backhand breathed. 
  The paladin exhaled a broken laugh, barely opening his eyes. "Did I win?" He asked blearily. "Everything is spinning."
  Backhand couldn't help the sob that escaped her as Danse pawed blindly at her bound hands, the young woman opening her mouth to say something. 
  There was a commotion behind her, Brandis shouting " no Maxson! " and then a gunshot. Backhand froze as a plume of dirt kicked up bare inches from Danse's head, the paladin jerking away from the impact. 
  She pitched herself forward, bridging Danse's form with her own by propping her weight up on her elbows. "Don't move, Danse." She whispered, "I've got you, okay? If he wants to shoot you he's gonna' have to get through me ."
  "Don't try to--Vega, I order you to get out of the way! How dare you defy me!" Maxson struggled against Brandis' attempts to take the service pistol from him, waving the gun wildly in the air. " Traitors! Let the synth meet its fate!"
  "Vega, you need to... Elizabeth , he'll shoot you, please -" Danse begged, weakly shoving at her side. "The Brotherhood needs-"
  " Fuck the Brotherhood, Danse!" Backhand yelled at him. "If this is how they treat you , someone who's spent his entire career fighting for their cause, then I don't want shit to do with them!"
  The report of the service pistol cut through the air once more, and Backhand's body collapsed on top of Danse.
Part Sixteen
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pinky and the brain: s1e7 - tv or not tv
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y’all do NOT understand how many times i have tried to post this. tumblr just will not stop eating it. this was supposed to be out last wednesday LMAO i am doing my best.
episode summary: brain engineers a pair of Mouse Dentures that give him a charming smile. anyone hypnotised by these dentures Suddenly Adores Him For No Good Reason. unfortunately, he’s also a bit of a shut in, so nobody is actually going to see his charming smile-- unless he gets himself a sitcom.
....or something.
the rundown:
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we open on brain talking about the “weird and magical power” of celebrity. he has defaced several women, and is sticking his ass out. as you do. what is he doing to CINDY! and her ilk?? he must be stopped.
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“those who have it weild tremendous influence. few can avoid the enchantment of its’ spell.”
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“do you know what gives them this power?”
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holy shit. he just stabbed CINDY!.
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pinky absolutely does not care for CINDY!’s fate. “haha. narf. hey, paddlefoot, do you know what they call a quarter pounder in france?”
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of course, sirius black was not in pulp fiction, and neither, as far as i can tell, was he in france. brain silences him with “enough gay banter”, like he wasn’t just sticking his ass out in his general direction, like, two minutes ago.
(this was the 90s, y’all. gay definitely meant gay back then. this is not the faraway tree.)
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“pinky! behold the key to the power of attraction!”
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“no, pinky.”
apparently the key to attraction is a
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“winning smile”, as brain points out, tapping on CINDY!’s poor mutilated face for emphasis.
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“and a nice healthy gum!”
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“and... a nice healthy gum.”
it turns out that brain has “taken this idea of the influential smile to a new level - a level no less than world domination“, which is bold words for Mr Tumble Dryer. to achieve this, he has invented
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(okay. so it’s a bit bigger than that. he shows pinky the plans for,
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and then a prototype of, a whole machine built specifically to engineer him little mousie dentures. a lot of work went into this one. shame, really.
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“when did you have time to build that?”
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“while you were engrossed in your mr belvedere reruns.”
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“oh, i miss him. ):” )
anyway so. brain puts his teeth in.
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there he is.
pinky describes this as
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“enchanting (’:”
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and brain affirms that it’s supposed to be. apparently the “reflective vibrations” (okay) of his smile stimulates the medula oblongata,
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“causing the viewer to adore me for no good reason!”
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“zort! i’m adoring you for no good reason!”
(he does point out, while brain is admiring his reflection in a nearby bunsen burner, “what if they’re wearing sunglasses?”
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brain’s response is “we’ll work nights.”)
still, brain can’t just sit around in the lab twiddling his thumbs and expect the general public to Adore Him For No Reason. he needs exposure! and as pinky ponders “what would mr belvedere do,” brain asserts that he would “eat some butter”.
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“i’m afraid, my friend, that you’ve seen far too much of mr belvede--”
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more like mr belvIDEA lol. sorry i’ll see myself out.
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“pinky, are you pondering what i’m pondering?”
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“i think so, brain, bur it’s a miracle that this one grew back. ):”
thankfully, the plan is not, in fact, to amputate pinky’s leg. again???? instead, brain intends to use a weapon of “great stealth, power, and corruption.”
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meanwhile, at the wb studio, we meet jerry kilmer. mr kilmer is currently being harassed by some dudes who also really, really want their own sitcom. for far less nefarious purposes, presumably.
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“so there’s this guy, right?”
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“and get this! he designs--”
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“TINY LITTLE BIKINIS. OKAY okay okay okay so here’s the hook.”
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it does not appear to be what mr kilmer is looking for.
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(meanwhile, the mice are spying on the acme labs janitor. he seems like a cool dude! but the mice are not here for friendship.
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they sneak into his jacket pocket!
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and...... steal his.... car keys? “YES. to the television station!”
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this isn’t even the first vehicle he’s stolen. hopefully he’ll have this one back by curfew as well.)
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they do get pulled over by the police, but i don’t want to go into that. unless you guys reaaaallly want me to. instead, they park outside the studio and harass some poor receptionist.
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“excuse me. we’re here to-- pitch. as they say. a sitcóm. my dear.”
i don’t know why brain says words like that.
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“oh, i’m sure you can--”
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“work us in.” says brain. he is sticking his ass out for no reason. all the appeal is in his sparkly dentures, so.... there’s really no need for that, my dude.
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“you’re next! for no good reason!”
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these dudes are still here. “wait!” yells our budding comedian, “wait! check out this idea. it’s about a guy!”
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“who always sticks his foot in his mouth!!”
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clever. unfortunately, his demonstration goes wrong, and he ends up kicking mr kilmer in the face.
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gives him a nasty black eye to boot. ouch.
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“ugh. can’t i ever just see someone normal?”
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good thing these very normal individuals have just shown up, huh? nothing shady about these guys. “ugh, thank goodness,” says mr kilmer. they introduce themselves politely as jonathan michael charles (left) and jamal spelling (right).
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“you guys have quite a look.”
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“thank you.”
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“alright then. what do you got for me?”
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“egad, brain.”
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“he’s not adoring you for no good reason!!”
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“well. we’re young hip adults--”
“and hijinks ensue!”
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“who sit on a big fat couch and whine--”
“with disaaaasterous results!!”
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“and have lots of generation x friends who trade zippy, sarcastic banter.”
“and i have a monkey.”
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a very original concept.
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at least, mr kilmer sems to think so. “hmmm. fresh. but tell me! what really brings you here. what are jamal and jonathan all about.”
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“actually,  we are two lab mice involved in a broad and sweeping plan to take over the world.”
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mr kilmer thinks this is hilarious, apparently.
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these guys do not. but they’re not important, for the moment.
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the long and short of it, anyway, is that kilmer can’t give them a sitcom because nobody knows who they are, quote unquote. “the day i see your face on the cover of peeple magazine is the day you get a sitcom.”
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irritated, jamal and jonathan make their exit.
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and mr kilmer laughs so hard at the idea of lab mice trying to take over the world, that he falls out of his chair.
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this will become relevant later.
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meanwhile -- i just had to screencap this, okay, because of brain’s face. pinky suggests that he get on the cover of peeple by marrying prince charles. and brain thinks this is a horrible idea.
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he’s much more interested in princess diana. but no, pinky, the path he must follow is “the same one followed by the leading sitcom stars of the day.”
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“so hey, how about those mitochondria? do they have enough cilia or what?”
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“hey, why don’t you tell a joke you know!”
this may be harder than brain thought. undeterred, though, he presses on.
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“do you ever notice how when you’re looking in the mirror of a quadrant electrometre, your forehead seems large?? why is that??”
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“i just flew in from cleveland! and boy are my upper extremeties fatigued by a buildup of lactic acid!”
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“booooooooooooooo!” says our guy on the left.
“go back to your troll village, squirt!” says his friend on the right. “what do you say to that?”
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“i find you repugnant.”
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(well. that made them laugh, at least.)
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“your stupidity is matched only by the ill-slipped caterpillar, that chews off its’ own wings after emerging from its’ cucoon!!!”
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“in fact! all of you! are just a gaggle of pathetically misguided root diggers!!”
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“why don’t you all stand under a stalactite and bellow the resonate frequency, causing it to plummet onto your cranium!!”
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“you’re all repugnant i say!!! repugnant!!!”
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and with that little mousie tantrum out of his system, brain trundles off to sulk.
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pinky claps him on the way out.
“egad brain! narf! they love you!”
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so then he goes on tv, i guess.
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“our comedy challenger is the master of insults! the prince of putdowns! jamal spelling!”
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“you’re all a bunch of crevulating nitwits with peat moss for a cortex. repugnant!”
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i don’t envy that guy third from the right. he doesn’t look like he’s having a very good time. he’s sensitive about his peat moss cranium, okay? don’t make fun of him.
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“so, uh, jamal spelling. what kind of stupid name is that? cmon? what’s your real name?”
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this would be racist if jamal spelling was a human man comedian and not like, a lab mouse. thankfully, this is not the case.
“my real name is the brain.” says brain, helpfully enunciating the “the”. “and you, my unwashed friend, are repugnant.”
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“oh, you’re hot, baby.”
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but we’re, uh. we’re not going to think about that, and we’re going to go look at the david letterman show instead.
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“uh, my next guest-- paul, do you know who our next guest is?”
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“daaaaave, i know he’s a beautiful kind of-- nutty cat who just got us all a-wow.”
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“here he is, ladies and gentlemen! for your comedy dollar, jamal spelling!!”
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jamal spelling appears to be naked.
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but he’s funny, so nobody minds.
“somebody here smells like a coagulated agar slant growing in a petri dish. repugnant!”
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see! he’s just too comedy for clothes.
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(meanwhile, we take a short trip to the office of janet mekko. “welcome, mr kilmer,” she says.
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“my... secretary sent me here-- actually, i feel kind of stupid.”
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“oh, honey. that’s a good thing! if there weren’t any stupid people, i wouldn’t have any business.”
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“now. ya got some paaaaaiiiiiiiiiiiiiin.”
(in the distance, dan reynolds - at the tender age of eight - mumbles “you made me a, you made me a believer” in his sleep.)
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“yeah.” says mr kilmer, completely unaware of this. “i fell out of my chair.”
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“i’m gonna hypnotise you, so relax.”
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“this’ll make you sleepy.”
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“what is it?”
“a kenny g album.”
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“okay. you’re in a trance. i’m gonna give you a random word. if you feel pain, say that word, you’ll feel good.”
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“but careful! cause if you say it when you’re feeling good, the pain will come back! bad.”
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“and your random word is--”
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there is, of course, absolutely no way this can go wrong.)
let us turn our view to happier pastures. namely, the mice are watching tv.
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pinky is elated! “egad, brain! circus of the stars! narf! you’ve really made it!”
pinky wants to be on circus of the stars, don’t you know. unfortunately, as he dutifully informs brain in pretty much the same breath, he hasn’t quite made it into peeple magazine yet.
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“hm. it’s time to use plan b, pinky.”
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“there was an a?? poit.”
ouch. jesus, pinky.
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undeterred, brain marches his merry little ass over to the old timey corded phone.
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“yes, connect me with buckinham palace, please.”
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“egad! you did it brain! the cover of peeple!”
rule britannia is playing in the background of this scene. let’s... not think too hard about how this works, and agree that, yes, pauly shore, enough.
no more pauly shore, please.
jerry keeps his word, and, upon learning that jamal spelling is now legally married to princess diana (a fact which would certainly not lead to a warrant for his arrest in a couple of years) he asks him for a demo tape.
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for such small hands, jamal sure does have very neat handwriting.
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“make me laugh, jamal, and you got yourself a sitcom.”
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“why don’t you all stand under a stalactite and bellow the resonate frequency, causing it to plummet onto your cranium!!”
he seems to like it! kilmer makes a little hee hee noise, unprepared for where this is undoubtedly going.
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“you’re repungnant!”
there it is.
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“i say repugnant!”
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repugnant repugnant repugnant repugnant
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and with that, jerry kilmer falls out of the window.
as he does, he yells “i’ll get you, jamal spelling” which personally i think is unfair. jamal couldn’t have known, surely? don’t be mean to jamal. he’s got a lot on his mind, what with that restraining order against howie turn.
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meanwhile, in the lab, the mice debate a good pitch for a pilot (i’ve got it, brain! it’s a show about nothing!) when jamal spelling gets a call.
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“hi jamal! this is nina from the tv station. could you come down for a meeting?”
“mm hmmm.”
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it’s the WB.
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as nina types away, jamal and jonathan enter casually, like this is their house, or something. “are you pleased to see us?” asks jamal, in a cocky, egomaniac labmouse sort of way.”
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“yes i am!”
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(nina somehow doesn’t notice.)
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anyway then these guys find the dentures and pitch the first idea that comes into their heads.
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“hey cortex! what do you wanna do tonight?”
don’t ask why mouse dentures fit a human man. we suspend our disbelief here.
(also there was no way this was brain’s fault. he couldn’t have known. outside influence it is. a shame, really.)
brain: 7 pinky: 7 outside influence: 14
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thanks for the fun meme, @shuunthenonbeliever​ !
21 notes · View notes
nachohypno · 4 years
Nate and Dave Ch. 8
Dave’s POV
“So, let me get this straight,” Leslie started, before taking another spoonful of ice cream. I always liked having a video call with her, she was a nice friend, even when we broke up just a few days ago. “You and Nate went to the forest together, and you both got worried about having to take separate ways after graduation?”
Alright, this is what happened today.
After our little date at the forest, we went back to my car and I drove to Nate’s house. I wanted to spend the night with him, but he told me that I should go back to my own house.
I reluctantly agreed, I knew it was because he didn’t want to worry my parents (Nate is always so thoughtful about other people’s feelings, he’s so amazing!) but they were alright with me spending a few nights with him. They knew I wanted to protect and love him and accepted that!
But, if my love wanted me to stay in my own house, I’m more than happy to comply. I loved obeying Nate, it made me feel like a good puppy boy, and I liked to think that I made him proud of me!
“Yeah, kinda. I did, at least. I always have a hard time trying to know what he’s thinking ‘bout, know what I mean?” I told her, placing my phone on the desk and sitting on the desk chair. I filled her in with the details, skipping the werewolf part of course. She already knew I have a crush on Nate ever since we’ve met, but that’s it.
She snorted “Dude, you’re talking with your ex-girlfriend. You know how difficult it is to know what you’re thinking about half of the time?” I frowned, but she continued “You’re like ‘Hey, bruhs let’s play some football and kick some asses’ and the next few minutes you’re like ‘Broooo, look at that nerd, let’s bug him for a while until he cries’”
She finished, trying to imitate my deep voice, but only coming off as some weird comedic try. I rolled my eyes, barely caring about what she pointed out. We were talking about my lovely Nate and she changed the topic to my alpha attitude!
“But you loved to see me assert my superiority with those little dweebs” I said with a suggestive tone.
Lee dropped the spoon in his ice cream bowl and blushed. “I-it was wrong, no matter how you look at it-” I kept looking at her, making funny faces to fully get what I wanted. “Okay, could you stop?” She said, after a while.
“You definitely loved when I acted like an alpha”
“Asshole” She said, in a mocking tone, before taking another spoonful of ice cream. “besides, my new boyfriend is much more sweet than you” She said, pointing to the bowl full of vanilla ice cream in front of her.
“Yeah, I’d like to see him fucking ya like I did” Her eyes opened up, and she seemed ready to yell at me for ‘being childish and inappropriate as fuck’ “Just kiddin’ just kiddin’!” I said, hoping that it would calm down the beast.
“I honestly wonder how we reached that when we were talking about your date” Leslie replied, and I couldn’t tell if she was offended by my comment or not. “But now that you brought it up, I do wonder if you two made the devil’s tango… If I may ask, of course!”
I stared at her, confused. “What the hell are you talking about?” Devil’s tango? What was that? Was she now a Satanist?
“Oh my god, David. I’m talking about sex, it’s not that difficult to follow the trail of the conversation!” I was pretty confused, to be honest. Why do chicks have to talk in Morse code?
That’s another thing I like about dating Nate (Even when we’re not really dating because he rejected me when I asked to be his boyfriend), it’s just like hanging out with a fellow bro, but he makes me feel warm and loved at every moment we spend together.
I shook my head “He said that he’s not ready for sex so… nothing really happened” I preferred to avoid telling her that I gave him a blowjob. I… I would like to avoid bragging about that. I dunno why, since I loved pleasuring my bro, but still feels weird to think about it. Having sex with another guy, I mean.
It’s okay to do it because it’s Nate. I love Nate with all my heart.
“Wait… does that mean…” She covered her mouth, feigning surprise. “David Walker, you’re doing sexual abstinence?!” It’s like she couldn’t really believe it. That’s kinda my fault, I think. I’m a real god when it comes to fucking. Got a nice size, a lot of experience ‘cause it’s been a few years since I’ve lost my virginity.
“Kinda? Is that wrong? Been trying to jerk off to make up for the lost time but it just doesn’t feel that good” I preferred an ass or a pussy rather than a hand. Maybe I should get a toy? Never been the guy to use those kinds of things, but I’m not going to force Nate into doing something he doesn’t want to. I’d hate myself if I made my soulmate uncomfortable.
She shook her head “Oh no! It’s not wrong. I mean, I’m not an expert or anything and you seem to be taking it pretty well so… It’s surprising, not gonna lie. You used to get pretty mad when I didn’t want to have sex with you. But this change is a nice one, and I’ve heard you also apologized to Liam a few days ago”
I looked away from the phone, mildly embarrassed. I didn’t want to be seen as a weakling or anything like that, but I did sorta like being noticed as something better than an asshole.
Fucking high school. You can’t try to do something in secret without everyone noticing. The corridor wasn’t as crowded as it usually is when I apologized to Liam, so the little shit- the nerd, he must have told somebody.
…And there’s nothing I can do about it. Nate wouldn’t like it. And what Nate liked was much more important than my hate for the nerds.
“And I think that’s really awesome” She continued, with a warm smile “And if Nate is the one that inspired these changes on you, then I think that he’s awesome too”
“He really is, isn’t he?” I mumbled, blushing at the thought of my lovely soulmate.
“Hopefully, I’ll get to meet him sometime!” Wait, what?
“Uh… sure! Definitely! I think he’ll really like you” I answered, not knowing what to say. I just hoped that I didn’t fuck up again. The football team thing went kinda well, at the cafeteria. My bros had lunch with Nate as a favor for me, and they were pretty comprehensive after he walked away.
They aren’t as bad as they seem. Most of them just want to play football and their reputation gets dirty from me and my closer bros doings.
“Leslie?” Someone said outside of Lee’s room, and she opened her eyes up in surprise. She grabbed the phone and threw it over to his bed, and my view of my ex’s bedroom went black as the phone fell on the bed. His parents were really conservative douches and wouldn’t let her chat with “troublemaker guys”. Fuck them.
“Come in!” She said, and sound paper sheets could be heard before the door opened “Just eating some ice cream and chatting with Martha”
“Hmmhm…” The grunt sounded male-like, so I assumed it was his father the one who entered the room. That was confirmed after Leslie’s father said “Well, say hi to Martha for me and don’t eat all the ice cream before dinner is ready”
“Yes sir!” Lee answered, in a funny voice. I covered my mouth to avoid chuckling and giving away the lie, as some footsteps were heard and the door was closed again. Leslie got up from her desk chair and walked towards the phone on her bed, picking it up and going back to his desk “Sorry for that”
At that moment, I couldn’t hold on any longer and just bursted in laughter. “At least, they knock the door or say something now instead of just going in when they think I’ve been isolated for too long” She pointed out, giving a little sigh of embarrassment.
“It’s- It’s okay,” I managed to say, after recovering my breath. “It ain’t like we were sex chatting or anything, unless you’d like to see my-”
“You know what, I have to go and see if mom needs any help. See you tomorrow! And go to sleep early, remember that the guys have that plan for before class!” She interrupted me with a smile and ended the call.
I shook my head. I shouldn’t have said that. It’s not good to try and pretend I still love her, she’s like my best friend. But I love Nate now, and he was the most important thing in the world for me. If it were for me, I would have ended the call as soon as I started it, but I dunno what crossed my mind.
Nice to hear that she thinks good of Nate, though. One step closer to letting this secret out of the fuckin’ closet.
I checked my messages, wanting to see if Nate had answered me already. And he did!
[I’ll return your varsity jacket tomorrow, promise!] He said on his text.
I smiled, a feeling of warmness taking over my body as I texted back [Lol, u can keep it as long as u want, bro]
After our date, the forest started to get colder and colder, so I gave Nate my varsity jacket since I was in werewolf form, and after a few minutes of arguing to not return it to me, he accepted the defeat and took the jacket with him at home.
Now I was back in my human form, and I still felt warm, just thinking about my bro.
[Nah, it looks cuter on you, puppy boy]
[I’ll make sure to wear it + often, then!] I texted, before putting down the phone and remembering. It was time for a little workout!
My soulmate said that he liked my big muscles. It wasn’t a hard job to keep them that way, but I couldn’t take any risks when it came to the stuff my love liked. I decided to work out even more than what I did normally, hitting heavier weights at the gym and doing a few exercises at home.
I dropped to the floor and started with some push-ups, before grabbing the dumbbells from under my bed and doing some curls. I could feel my strong muscles burning already, and it felt amazing. Mix that with the feeling I have when I make my love proud and you have a pretty amazing feeling!
After my curls were done, I grabbed the phone again and opened Nate’s chat.
[You don’t have to do stuff just to make me happy, okay puppy boy?] He said.
Look at him, always wanting to make me feel better. I couldn’t wait for tomorrow so we could sneak into the janitor’s closet and make out again. I wanted to make him feel loved like he deserved. He was truly an amazing bro…
I shook my head. Right, workout time!
[Its okay, babe. I like it 2! Bsides, it’s not like u ordered me 2 do so 😘]
After that, I did a few sets of crunches. My abs had to be in perfect shape.
I took off my shirt and placed the bowser collar around my neck, before walking to my bathroom and getting in front of the mirror. I opened the camera and snapped a pic flexing my arm, tensing my abs and with my tongue lolling out like the good puppy boy I was.
I sent the pic to Nate after I decided it was good enough. I waited a few minutes and he sent me a [Look at that puppy boy! He looks so cute!]
I smiled and walked out of the bathroom, then jumped to my bed. My soulmate just called me cute! He was amazing!
I took off the dog collar after I heard my pops shout “DAAAAAAAVE! DINNER’S READY!” 
And then mom yelled at him “DON’T YELL LIKE THAT IN THE HOUSE, WE’RE NOT ANIMALS!”
“I’M COMING!” I shouted to them, putting on my shirt again before walking out of my room. I typed a quick text for Nate before arriving at the dining room.
[Got 2 have dinner, ttyl my love😍]
Nate sent me a [Lul bon appetit, big guy], and I smiled as I put the phone down 
After dinner, Nate seemed pretty tired, so we didn’t talk much. I did send him another shirtless pic, and then a dickpic. I felt very horny when he told me “how cute” I looked, and it was a nice feeling to know that I was making my soulmate happy. He even told me I have cute blue eyes!
And then, he wished me a good night and turned off his phone. I didn’t feel any need to stay up for longer, knowing that I would get to see and spend more time with my lovely soulmate tomorrow again. So, I went directly to bed.
Next morning, I had a nice hot shower, tidied myself and had a quick breakfast (With my mom questioning what was my hurry, but I just managed to mumble a few quick things before leaving the house with my school bag. Though I’m pretty damn sure I saw pops smiling before I left).
I didn’t want to waste any second, because I wanted to surprise Nate by picking him up with my car at his house.
I drove over to Nate’s house, and found him on the bus stop. He was wearing my varsity jacket, and it looked cute on him. Probably because it was a few sizes bigger than him, but he still managed to look amazing in it.
“Need a ride?” I asked him, unlocking the door as he walked closer after noticing me.
“Uh, sure thing. Wasn’t expecting you to be here” Nate said, scratching the back of his head. My soulmate entered the car and I leaned in to kiss his cheek. He scratched the back of my ears and I smiled as the amazing feeling returned to my body.
I was a good puppy boy for my bro!
He stopped scratching and gave me a quick kiss on the cheek, before sitting back. “C’mon puppy boy, we don’t want to be late”
He was right, we don’t want to be late!
I nodded and placed my hands on the steering wheel. We would have time for kissing later, now I had to take the love of my life to class. And also go to class myself, shouldn’t forget about that.
I started driving to the school pretty calmly. I knew we still had a good while before we had to enter our first class, but I didn’t care. If my love wanted to go to school, I would blissfully comply.
A few minutes later, I parker at the school’s parking lot and we grabbed our bags from the back seat. “Oh, almost forgot” Nate started, taking off my varsity jacket and passing it to me “Here, looks way better on you”
I could feel myself blushing as I grabbed the jacket and putted it on. I wanted to kiss him so badly, but we were at school now, so I had to play by the ‘secret relationship rules’ or whatever.
After that, Nate walked out of the car and went inside the building. I waited there for a few minutes, before it was safe to come out. This was my idea, since Nate wanted us to be secretive about our thing together. Haven’t told him about it because I was sure he wouldn’t like to treat me like he was embarrassed of me or something.
It was alright, because I would do anything for my soulmate.
I got out of the car a few minutes later, and looked around. Sunny day, seems perfect for an amazing football practice after school.
I walked to the school and waited there, as I noticed a few of my bros starting to arrive. We slapped hands as soon as we saw each other, my bros seemed as excited as I was for the football practice. We had an important game coming up soon, so it was usual for us to be excited.
We also had a little thing planned, so as soon as we stepped inside the school, we started going crazy.
Students turned to see us coming as we ran through the corridor and they left enough space for us to go. (Truth is, it was mostly for their own safety since we were pretty capable of bumping into someone and leaving them on the ground).
A few guys and girls joined us with our howling, including the cheerleaders, too! It’s our job to keep the school’s spirit as high as possible, isn’t it? Then we’re doing a hell of a good job.
I did notice Nate just staring at the whole scene without getting involved, his hand going inside his locker like we caught him on the middle of grabbing his books.
I walked over to his side and said “Hey, bro! Are you excited for the upcoming football game?”, placing my arm around his shoulder.
“Uh… y-yes?” He mumbled, his little stutter making me smile. Then he noticed a few of my mates looking at us expectantly. “I-I mean… Hell yeah! Go Rottweilers! Ahr-wooo…?!” His howl was pathet- could use some work, but other than that, it was great.
My teammates continued their little party on the corridor, until a professor appeared and said “C’mon guys, let’s save up some energy for learning before the principal kicks us all out!”
Some started boo-ing, but the professor just laughed and entered his respective classroom. He was right, though. As much as the principal loved our team, we should stop before things escalate to a higher level of chaos, much to our dismay.
My bros kept laughing and howling between them, bumping chests and heading to our usual spot before classes start. I remained around Nate a bit more.
“Nice words, bro” I told him, ruffling his hair a bit. “Pretty sure the guys loved your attitude”
He gave me a little smirk. “Glad to hear that, would appreciate if you’d give me a warning beforehand so I can control my stutter” He closed his lockers, books on his arm.
“Lemme carry those, we have literature with Mr. Gomez, right?” I asked, reaching out and grabbing his books as he nodded. “and yeah, just thought that you’d be better not trying to plan things beforehand and just… acting on your instincts? Like I normally do, bruh”
“I don’t know if that has anything to do with, you know, your thing” Nate whispered, looking around to check out if it was safe to talk “But I assure you, I’m way better at planning stuff before it happens rather than acting on the spot. It’s like a fact by now!”
I rolled my eyes, and just carried his books to our classroom.
I decided to take the initiative today, and instead of sitting on the back of the classroom with my bros, I waited for Nate to sit down, gave them a bro nod and left Nate’s books on his desk, before sitting at the desk next to him.
Nate just gave me a little smile and blushed, looking down to his hand again. He looked so cute when he blushed. I looked behind me, wondering if my bros were watching the whole ‘carrying books’ thing.
My bros seemed mildly confused, but they just gave me thumbs up and a wink. My bros are great (Except for Lucas and Butch who are constantly looking for trouble with the nerds and fags… just like I was before) they are just chilled and want to get out of this shitty school as soon as possible.
Some don’t turn down an invitation to bother a nerd or a fag, if there’s a reason to it (Like Liam not wanting to do our essays a few days ago. That was a football team emergency), but since I started hanging out with Nate… they just knew it.
Something was going on, and even if I didn’t explain them my relationship with my soulmate, they were suspecting stuff already.
I looked over at Nate and noticed he was taking his stuff out of his bag, not paying attention to me. It was alright, I… I should do the same. I wanted to be a better student too, so I didn’t rely on the nerds. I should act like one and starting taking-notes-in-classes. That’s how you say it, right?
Our desks were separated by a few inches, and I guess I should have waited until a class at the laboratory classroom instead of a normal one. But it’s alright, I was still close to the love of my life.
As the professor entered, Nate’s eyes turned to him. I did the same, and tried to pay attention. This guy was a jerk, he liked to mock students who were barely passing. Luckily, due to the nerds doin’ our essays, it was an easy grade.
The man started writing stuff at the blackboard pretty quickly. I was barely catching a word but I noticed Nate was writing like crazy.
I tried to lean over a bit to see what he was doing, and saw the nerd- my lovely soulmate writing words with symbols in between, like when you text to a friend over the phone, probably to try and summarize what the man was explaining.
Oooooh, so that’s how you take-notes!
I mimicked Nate’s action with my own personal touch. I tried to concentrate on the professor’s voice, basically putting my mind into predator mode. Focusing on my prey (The professor), I could hear any sound he made. Even his heartbeats, if I concentrated enough. One move and I could jump over to him with ease, but that wasn’t necessary.
I carefully paid attention to every sound he made, and tried to write down as fast as I could, trying to separate what seemed like useful information with chatter. Even if I didn’t understand it at first, I could give it a read later or ask my love for help.
“Worldview is the way of the author to speak about his vision of the universe, the way it works and-” bla bla bla. Nothing he said stuck on my brain, but I still tried my best and mimicked Nate’s actions to take notes.
Hell, this was going to be a long day.
After what seemed to be an eternal literature class, the bell finally rang and the professor stopped his endless speaking. I looked down at my paper.
Hey! I actually did something!
I grabbed it and passed it over to Nate, whispering a “Is this alright, bro?”
He looked at me, confused. I don’t know if he got what I meant, but he started reading the papers and after a bit, he answered “Uh… Yeah, I think so? You paraphrased everything the prof was saying, so it must be right. You should try to summarize it if you plan to… Oh my god” He realized what I was doing, and grinned.
Nate opened his mouth to speak, but remained silent. Then, he grabbed his phone and started typing something. My own phone buzzed and I reached out to it, wondering what did Nate sent me.
[See what you did there! So proud of you, puppy boy!]
He waited to see my reaction, and I wanted to kiss him so much and thank him for his support. I am a good puppy boy, after all!
My soulmate was really the best guy in the whole universe. But still, we had to remain secretive, so I just extended my fist, and he bumped it.
I was proud of myself, I had made my soulmate proud of my actions! Honestly, that’s a relief. I need to get smarter if I want to go to a good university with my soulmate. I can’t slow him down and would never forgive myself if we couldn’t study together because I didn’t try my hardest to have good grades!
Nate gave me one last smile before leaving the classroom. I started putting my stuff back into my bag and left the room, going after my teammates.
Nothing interesting happened throughout the rest of the day, because Nate and I had different classes for today. We did have lunch together, and I asked him to meet me behind the bleachers again after football practice, but he told me that he would let me know.
Apparently, he had to help Sammy with his presidential stuff (That’s my soulmate! Always helping out everyone, he’s really amazing!) so I just nodded and said “Say no more, just call me if you need some muscle to help ya out, a’ight?”
The love of my life looked at me with his beautiful eyes and said “Will do, also going to let you know if the meeting ends sooner than I expect to meet up together. Would you like that big guy?”
‘He’s truly perfect.’ I thought, getting lost on his amazing smell. I shook my head and answered a “More than anything in the world, bro!”
Nate seemed happy today, and I was happy to see that. I ultimately left him to have his lunch in peace and returned to my teammates’ table. It was going to be a long day if I couldn’t be with the guy I loved. I could still message him in class, though!
After my drama class was over (Don’t judge me, I joined it because it would be an easy grade. Also, chicks LOVE guys ‘interested’ in arts), I had my football practice coming up. I was already on my armor and jersey, so it was a matter of time until we actually started!
There was a game coming up and I felt ON FIRE!
I walked into the field and waited for the others to arrive so we could begin with it, but coach seemed to be finishing a reunion with the principal. Maybe it would take a while until the practice actually started. Hmph.
Football is a great way of spending some energy and clear your mind. Trying to coordinate with the team, the strength of the shots, evading the rival assholes and winning against their shitty teams. I loved it!
I took a deep breath of the fresh air and started doing some warm up exercises. Football games always get my puppy side outta me. My wolf side, I mean, yeah. My puppy side only appears when I’m with my lovely soulmate.
Another deep breath, and I closed my eyes to concentrate.
“—And you know the worst part? The faggot might have made Dave break up with his chick with some faggot voodoo or something” I suddenly heard. My ears seem to be ringing!
I looked around, and tried to concentrate on the source of that voice. God bless my werewolf heightened senses, the voice was coming from Butch, a few meters away as he spoke with Nolan, and luckily Nolan seemed to want him to go away.
“What did ya just said?” I walked towards them and looked at Butch. The coward asshole apparently wasn’t expecting me to hear him.
He just turned to me and started to throw excuses. “What? I ain’t talking about you”. But I wasn’t buying any of his shit. That’s a good thing of having heightened hearing.
“I said,” I took a step closer to him, to build up the threat “What did you just say, bro?” I put some emphasis on the ‘bro’ part, trying to sound more menacing. I don’t care if this moron is one of my teammates, he was playing like shit lately anyways.
He took a step away from me, but started frowning. “A’ight, wanna hear it? I was telling my bro—”
“I’m not your bro” Nolan tried to say, but Butch never stopped speaking 
“-that I could have never guessed that fagginess was contagious. I mean, how come that you stop us from beating up the lil’ fag one day and then he’s your new best bro? Have you sucked his dick already?” Huh, now the dork could speak by himself?
He pushed me. If it wasn’t because I was trying to be less aggressive for my bro… because I wanted to be a better guy for him… He would have died already.
“What? Not answering? The alpha is sucking off the local faggot?” He walked way too close towards me, and I pushed him away. It was just a push, right? There’s no problem with that, right? “Oh, so that’s how it’s gonna be, right?” But when I opened my mouth to reply and tell him to fuck off, he threw a punch at me.
And of course, even if my werewolf reflexes helped to see it coming and prepare myself, I couldn’t avoid it in time. The punch went directly to my face, and as soon as I regained my coolness, I charged towards him.
It was a good thing that my teammates grabbed him to ‘stop punching me’, because now I was going to fucking kill him.
I jumped on top of him as the others took a step back to avoid me, and started punching his face like a boxing bag. The other guys tried to take me off him, but just managed to make me loss balance so Butch could escape from my grasp.
My former bro wasn’t going to give up so easily, he wanted to beat me. Probably take my title as the alpha for himself. ‘Not gonna happen’ I thought, while avoiding another fist. Then I got punched again, but it wasn’t Butch this time.
It was fucking Lucas.
My teammates stopped trying to stop us, probably because they wouldn’t be able to stop us all and it was getting pretty violent already. Instead, some were just silently staring while a few dorks yelled “FIGHT, FIGHT, FIGHT!”
Two vs one, nothing I can’t handle.
I waited for them to do the first move, and Lucas did it. I moved to the side, avoiding his fist and grabbing his arm. I could easily break it with my super strength, but that would make things difficult for the team, besides causing legal issues for me.
Nate’s face appeared on my mind, like reminding me to try to be a better guy. And that meant not acting like a fucking beast, I guess. ‘Alright. For you, bro…’ I thought, deciding to just try and avoid their attacks, pushing them away at every chance I’d get.
I pushed Lucas away, before Butch charged towards me and I managed to kick him away too. I could feel my head hurting a lot, and I wouldn’t be surprised if I were bleeding. I can heal pretty fast, but the injuries are still there before they heal.
As they tried to get up and charge towards me again, and I got in a defensive stance to beat their asses again, the coach appeared.
“WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON HERE?! WHY ARE YOU THREE FIGHTING, YOU…” he seemed about to lose his composure and insult three students, but luckily, he got himself back in line before anybody could threaten him about losing his job. His face was still red, though and the vein on the side of his head was pulsing like crazy.
“You three…” Woah, Butch and Lucas were fucked. Not only physically, even when I made sure of punching hard enough each time before I decided to stop attacking, since I couldn’t do that to the team. If I hurt them too much, they wouldn’t play at the next game, and I knew a recruiter was going to be there.
The coach was trying to take big and deep breaths to calm himself down. “Clean yourselves, then meet me at my office. I’m getting to the fu… To the goddarn bottom of this. Understood?”
“Yes, coach” The two guys in front of me said reluctantly, while getting up from the ground. They headed to the locker rooms to get cleaned up, and by this point, I doubted we would have a regular practice today and we’ll probably have some “team bonding exercises” instead.
“Didn’t you hear me, Walker? Go clean yourself up” The coach said, sounding a bit more chilled than a moment ago.
I gave him a nod, but didn’t head to the locker rooms. I headed to the other direction, back to the main building. If the assholes tried to beat me in the bathroom, I could easily overpower them but that would cause me more trouble.
Nobody said anything as I left the football field, and the coach made my fellow teammates run a few laps around the field, probably to do something instead of just sitting there while we arrived.
I entered the main building, walking through the corridor towards the bathroom. Needless to say, I was pretty pissed. Who the hell do those fuckers think they are? I should have punched them harder, to remind them who’s the one in charge.
A nice smell came to my nose when I was about to enter the bathroom, a familiar and warming smell, and I wanted to follow it. I made sure it wasn’t the bathroom’s smell, by walking a few steps away.
Yep, there was definitely a smell in here. I started following it, walking around the corridor still in my football uniform. Honestly, the armor felt nice over my shoulders. The weight helped a lot to calm myself down, and the smell was so good too…
I mindlessly entered one of the meeting rooms, following that amazing smell. I could hear voices inside, stopping as I opened up the door. “I’ve been discussing with my teamies and we’ve written up a list of possible themes you guys could check out—” A female voice said as I went in.
I found Sammy there, along with Dick the dick, Hannah (the captain of the cheerleaders, probably on representation of her team). And then, the love of my life, who seemed to be playing with his phone. My own phone buzzed before he seemed to put his own phone down.
That explained the smell, it was my soulmate! I knew he was still at school, but I didn’t know these… grey rooms were for these meetings. Always thought they were for… I dunno, parental interrogation?
“Dave? What the hell happened to you? You’re bleeding!” Hannah said, and I just noticed I had a goofy smile as I looked at Nate, but he didn’t return the smile. He seemed actually shocked to see me, and I noticed I haven’t looked at myself after the fight.
I grabbed my phone from my pocket and noticed Nate had sent me a [R U still at practice?] that I haven’t noticed before. I thought about setting a special ringtone for him, to know when I get a text or call from him.
I looked at myself with the front camera, wondering if I really looked that bad.
“Holy shit” I said to myself. I looked way beaten up than how I felt. My werewolf nature helped me heal at a faster rate so that’s a nice thing, but that doesn’t wash up the little blood that dripped from my nose and the dirt and bruises over my face.
‘I look awesome!’ I thought, but I could get the shock coming from them. A random football player enters on the middle of whatever that is happening and appears to be beaten up.
“Go see the nurse, dude. You don’t look well—” Dick started, but was quickly interrupted by my bro Nate.
“I’ll go with him, you guys can keep discussing about the prom night without me” He said, getting up. I noticed Sammy frowned at him, but Nate just threw him a pleading look, like saying ‘I’ll make it up to you later’.
“Hey bro, got your text” I greeted him as soon as he grabbed my hand. We walked outside of the meeting room and I could hear Dick inside saying ‘Well, that just happened’.
“Hey… Should I ask how this happened or would you rather go to the nursery?” He seemed worried, and nervous, just like he always was. I’m glad I managed to find him today, he made my evening ten times better.
“Uh… I don’t think we should go to the nursery. I heal fast, remember? I just need to wash my face and I’ll be ready to go, bruh” I explained, as he nodded and guided me to the nearby boys’ bathroom.
School should be empty by now, only populated by the guys doing their extracurricular activities. We entered the bathroom and stood beside one of the sinks.
I tried to lean in and kiss him, but he pushed me away. I felt hurt by that, but before I could say something, he said “First, clean up. Then, whatever comes next”
Fair enough, I nodded and leaned my face towards the sink, opening the cold water and proceeding to wash my face up.
It felt good. Doing what Nate told me to do was amazing, I loved him so much and would do anything for him. Even if “anything” meant just cleaning up the dirt and blood from my face, I could be his servant if he wanted me to, and wouldn’t complain about it.
He grabbed a bit of paper from the wall and came closer to me, then slowly started to further clean up my face. “So… what happened?” He asked, the worry look on his face still was there, but I could tell he was relieved to see none of my injuries seemed serious.
“Butch and Lucas. Butch tried to provoke me, then we started fighting. Lucas joined Butch’s side, and I took them down like it was nothing before the coach appeared” I explained, proud of myself.
It felt good to tell the truth to my bro. I would probably lie if I had to tell my parents or a professor, even though Butch was the jerk who started.
He finished cleaning up my face and threw the papers to the nearby bin. “There, good as new” I raised my eyebrow, not sure what he meant by that. I looked at myself on the mirror and noticed that there was merely any trace of me being in a fight.
My werewolf healing factor was amazing for times like this. I could easily be a professional boxer because my wounds heal pretty fast so I could stay on my feet during a looong time at a match.
“So…” Nate was looking around, and I stood at attention, ready to do whatever he wanted me to. “Who threw the first punch? And be honest, Dave”
I didn’t hesitate to answer. He wanted me to be honest, and I wouldn’t disobey him. “Butch did, bro. He started talking shit to me, then he pushed me for a bit, I pushed him back and that’s when the first attack happened” That sorta summarized it up.
My love looked at me as I smiled at him, waiting for his reaction, but he just sighed in what seemed to be relief. “Glad to hear you were defending yourself, I guess” Then he came closer and wrapped his arms around me.
“I would normally order you- No, ask you, to avoid being so hot-headed” He continued, as I wrapped my arms around the smaller guy, listening to what he had to say. I knew I was hot-headed, and never got a problem with that. People respect you more if they know it. “But you were just defending yourself, right?”
I nodded “Nothing but the truth for you, my love”. I think I did a good job, because I’ve been trying to not bully anyone ever since I apologized to Liam (Nate didn’t really order me to stop, but I did the math. If he wanted me to apologize to the guy I bullied to make my essays, then he wouldn’t like if I bullied anyone else).
I wanted to be a good guy for him, so I’m trying to change my asshole-ish self to make him feel more comfortable around me. Maybe he would accept to date me someday, if I went with that route. I would do anything for Nate’s approval.
He started holding me tighter, which wasn’t really a big thing since I was still way bigger than him. “Would you… Would you like to go to the nursery or you’re really feeling fine?”
I grinned, and bumped my head a few times with my fist. “Strong as a rock and healthy as a chicken breast, no need to worry about me, bro!” Again, I leaned in to kiss him. He accepted this time, and kissed me back.
We stood there for a few more minutes, taking little breaks from our making out session before resuming. I made sure to take deep breaths to further enjoy his beautiful scent. I think it was the soulmate thing, but I really didn’t care.
I enjoyed every fucking moment I spent with him, he was truly an amazing bro.
And then, he gently broke the kiss. “You should…” He nervously pointed at the door, with a little smile. He was blushing “The coach may be worried about you”
“No, he’s not. He just likes me because of my ‘amazing football skills’, he really doesn’t care about me or the team” He wanted me to be honest before, and that’s what I thought.
“That’s the usual thing with coaches, as far as I’ve seen online but… still, he’ll get angry if you don’t come back to the field after what happened” he placed his hand behind my ear and start to scratch my hair.
That was my sweet spot, I loved when he treated me like his puppy boy. I loved being Nate’s puppy boy. And it also felt really good…
After he stopped scratching, the funny feeling disappeared as he gave me one last kiss on the cheek. “I should go back to that meeting before Sam gets mad about it. Be careful, alright Dave?”
I gave him one last reassuring nod, “I’ll stay out of trouble, bro. You can count on me!” I felt like a little child saying that, but he was right. If I wanted to be better, I couldn’t get on fights anymore, right?
This was self-defense, so it wasn’t as bad as it could have been and I’m glad Nate wasn’t mad with me about it. Those two assholes could have ruined my attempts to befriend him when we met and now they were charging against me, but I’m not having any of their shit. The only two morons of the football team who seem to be having a problem with me and Nate being around.
Nate smiled and left the bathroom, probably heading back to that grey awful room. I sighed and left the bathroom too, getting away from his amazing smell as I headed to the coach’s office. The coach would probably ask what took so long, but I had thought of an excuse already.
I went to the nurse’s office but didn’t found anybody there, so I just waited a few minutes until I thought it was time to return. That could do the trick, yeah.
This was going to be a long evening, apparently. Can’t wait to go back to being with Nate.
Chapter 9 is already available in my Patreon!  And by pledging you also get access to other stories before they go public!
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tortoisesshells · 4 years
Buying Time (2/6, probably, who knows, ~2,800 words, some salty language and more ways to not deal with grief)
Customs and Duties, but make it a modern!fake-dating AU with a severe lack of fake dating and more historical minutiae than any self-respecting modern AU should have; Part the Second, in which neither party has any luck with antique clocks, despite planned and unplanned meetings.
He never did see that coat again. Either someone had taken it, or maybe it had somehow found its way into the water that seemed omnipresent in that place – tidal creeks and ponds, the little river, the sea itself. One of life’s mysteries. There were others, from that day in January, but it was easier to think about the coat he’d lost.
Or why that particular shop: there was a bookstore nearby, and frankly that seemed a better place to finish sobering up before driving on to New York – where he would, in all likelihood, end up maudlin drunk on Andy Gillette’s couch, but at least get the thin satisfaction of someone worrying about him. At any road, he’d looked at the sign for S. J. Treat & E. C. Treat, Antiques – quaint, with a little hour-glass carved next to the names, and found himself inside – where he’d proceeded to make a complete ass of himself before the proprietor, who, contrary to what a sensible person would have done, sat him in a (modern) chair behind the counter and poured coffee from a thermos that might have actually have been an antique, listened to him ramble about Decatur and Barron because he’d been thinking that maybe his ancestors had been onto something, with their elaborate and ritualized pretenses for beating the shit out of each other over “honor” – and, after she was satisfied he was safe to drive, Mrs. Treat made sure he had  his keys, wallet, phone, and a water bottle before wishing him well. 
When he returned to Boston, he penned a note of thanks, knowing that it was wholly inadequate. Then, after his series of stilted emails with Elizabeth over the disposition of the apartment and everything in it, he’d had the idea.
Mrs. Treat politely insisted he pick the restaurant , since he was paying, and he insisted that she pick the restaurant, as she knew the area better than him. They probably would have stood there in the square batting courtesies back and forth like a deranged game of shuttlecock, before he made a tentative suggestion – which, contrary to her earlier assertions that she wasn’t picky – Mrs. Treat scoffed at as both too trendy and too loud, and steered them off in the direction of an unassuming shingle-sided tavern he hadn’t looked twice at on his initial and inebriated visit.
“It’ll be reasonably quiet,” she said, “And there’s a decent chance they’ve got the Franklin stove going.”
With that ringing endorsement, she ushered him into the bar, waved to the bartender, and pointed to a table that was, indeed, right next to an ancient woodstove – and sat in the chair closest to it.”
“I hope you don’t mind,” Mrs. Treat said, by way of an apology, “I get cold easily.”
“Not at all,” he replied, looking around the low-ceilinged room. “The decoration is …”
“A little idiosyncratic?”
He nodded.
“It’s what the tourists expect, I think.”
“They expect harpoons?”
“They’re not used,” Mrs. Treat said, with an expression that was very nearly a smile, “You’d be able to tell if they were. There’s a lot to be said about common misconceptions regarding 18th and 19th century maritime activity in this neck of the woods – or the coast, as the case may be – but that’s not what we came here to talk about.”
James privately wondered how you went about telling how a harpoon had been used, but missed his chance to ask: Mrs. Treat briskly arranged the tablet, folders, and notepads on the table, pausing only for the waitress to take their lunch order. Mrs. Treat recommended the scallops, and a local brewery with atrociously punned names, but he noted she only ordered a sandwich for herself. He thought of reminding her that he had asked her to find a clock that might very well cost more than a car and he wasn’t going to begrudge her a pint, but just as quickly scrapped the idea as horrifyingly bad-mannered.  She might not drink, after all. Or hate seafood.
“I’ll start with the bad news: the sum total of it is, I haven’t found your Williams shelf clock.”
“I assumed so.”
“I would get in touch right away if I had, absolutely. But I haven’t.”
Watching her twist her wedding band, he cleared his throat and asked: “Any good news?”
Mrs. Treat stopped her fidgeting and laughed. “The good news is that I can probably teach a specialist course on clock manufacture to 1850? I found more information on the Boston concern that Williams tended to purchase his clock-faces from, the history of brass rolling mills in New England – mostly Connecticut, by the way, none of your Hub nonsense here – though I don’t know for sure if Williams bought from Abel Porter and Co. or imported from England. You said your clock was early 18-teens, which makes trade with Britain a tad unlikely. There’s more information on the mahogany trade in there, as well. Book review for a monograph creatively titled Mahogany, by a Dr. Anderson – I suppose that’s part of the commodities trend where every other book was titled Cod or Pepper or whatever have you – in case you’re interested. Oh, and did you know that Williams once rented shop-room that had previously been occupied by a silversmith named Zenas Fearing?” She pushed a full manila folder across the table to him.
“If you want it,” she said, quickly, “I have all this in scans and pdfs as well, I can just email it to you. But I prefer hard copies.”
He took the folder and leafed through the pages, her annotations in red standing out against the page. “At this rate, Mrs. Treat, I’ll be able to construct it myself.”
“You might consider it. Shelf clocks are more common by the Federal period, but they’re still rare. If you could find a good source for Honduran mahogany you’d be able to make a pretty close replica to an original. Or just 3D print it, I guess.”
She sat back in her chair and swirled the ice around her glass with an apologetic smile. “I want to be clear, Mr. Norrington. I do believe that David Williams likely made multiple clocks of the type you’re describing, and I do believe that several have survived the last two centuries, and will come up for sale if they’re not already – these things can get misidentified. My failure isn’t an indication that it doesn’t exist, only – hmm. I say this as a professional: I appreciate your business and the trust you’ve put in me, but I’d be remiss if I didn’t at least tell you to consider going through a specialist. I don’t know clocks as well as I do desks and highboys.”
When he said he had consulted a specialist, Mrs. Treat cocked her head, and frowned. “Well. That’s good.”
He wasn’t sure what to say to that – she didn’t seem upset or offended, more puzzled than anything. He hadn’t meant it as an insult to her professional abilities; the dealers he had consulted spoke highly of her, tempered by the recent loss of her husband, who had been the founder of the business. Still, she looked at him cautiously – like she suspected something was afoot. “You care a great deal about this clock, I see.”
“One needs goals in life.”
“A lawyer’s answer,” she shot back. “But I understand, I think. And that really is all I have for you – there’s copies of correspondences with a few auction houses about Williams’ clocks – mostly tall clocks that have come up in the last half-century, some research from Newport Historical Society I called in a favor for – mostly about Williams and his contemporaries. Shockingly, most everyone wants to hear about William Claggett, so this is a bit thin – but if you ever get to Newport – the antiques show really is something! – you really should see the Claggett clock in the Redwood Library; it makes the to-do about him and his workshop seem very, very justified. There’s some auction results for the last few times one of his has come up, too. Just for comparison. Close to the back, yellow tab.”
Well. That was a number of zeroes.
“I appreciate your diligence,” he replied, closing the folder and pushing it to the side, to make way for the two plates the waitress was sweeping up with, and was very grateful for it, because he wasn’t sure what else there was for her or him to say. At least Mrs. Treat seemed to think one shouldn’t talk during the first few bites of a meal, efficiently clearing away half of her turkey club before setting the rest aside, and pushing her chips around her plate, which seemed an oblique signal that she’d welcome conversation, or still had something to say.
He didn’t say anything – a lawyer’s habit, maybe, though God knew it’d never helped him outside of the courtroom; or maybe he was still feeling a little foolish for letting the blind grief and very old scotch go to his head that day, and wasn’t entirely sure who Mrs. Treat was, even after doing some due diligence of his own: she seemed personable, dedicated, and honest – too honest for her own good, if she was encouraging him to look elsewhere. The glasses she wore on a chain gave her the air of a librarian, or slightly eccentric aunt – appropriate enough for her occupation. Still, it was rude to be too quiet for too long, and Mrs. Treat really had done an admirable job given the conditions.
“Will you permit a question, Mrs. Treat?”
“Of course.”
“You needn’t have given me all this information – or anything else that you’ve sent along. I would have been satisfied with an email that was some variant on ‘Not yet.’ Why all this?”
“It’s the slow season for me. Almost no foot traffic between the holidays and Memorial Day weekend – a spike around Valentine’s Day and St. Pat’s, because of the road race – but all in all, winter into early spring’s my designated vacation time. I liked the challenge – and I spent a lot of summers in Newport, when I was a teenager.” She paused, before looking at him curiously. “Will you permit a question?”
He nodded.
“I’ve been assuming you’re looking for a Williams clock because there was one passed down in your family – how did your family come to acquire the original? I’ve had to get very good at family genealogies over the years, but I wouldn’t have to have done so to know you’re not from a Newport family.”
“An antecedent married a woman from Newport; it came with her to the marriage.” If there had been an implicit question in why he did not have that original clock, he ignored it – better leave it as some question or quibbling over inheritance. Old families were fairly notorious for that. His cousins still weren’t speaking, even after fifteen years had passed, over the disposition some porringers. God alone knew what Hell would break loose when Grandmother passed away, and left the Burt silver tea service to one her descendants.
“Good provenance,” was all the reply that Mrs. Treat made on that score – all the reply she could make, because her phone began to ring and, apologetically, she checked the ID before blanching. “It’s my daughter’s school – if you’ll – just a moment – I’ll be right back!”
And she was – dashing back to the table looking like she was either about to break something or cry. “I am sorry, Mr. Norrington – I have to cut this short – my daughter’s been in a fight at school – she bit someone, actually – no blood, thank Christ – and, well –”
“I understand,” he said, rising to his feet belatedly, because he felt he ought to.
“Bless you! Do you want the folder with all the copies? Yes? Great. I’ll be in touch in June. Enjoy the spring up in Boston!”
Mrs. Treat rushed out the door, and he sat back down with the folder. If nothing else, it’d be more interesting that his current caseload.
In his inbox, not a few hours later, was a painstakingly polite email containing more than one apology and several thanks for understanding as he had:  Just in case (she wrote) I’ve set up a DropBox with all the info in the folder, find it at this link, I am profoundly sorry for my unprofessional behavior, Best Regards, Elinor Treat.
He replied immediately that there really was no need for her apologies: though personally unable to relate to the experience of managing children alone, his sister’s children were enough of a handful, and – came the sobering thought – they hadn’t just lost their father the year before.
Biting, though. He wanted to ask, but that would be rude.
And as May rolled through into June, Theo reminded him that it had been six months, and there was no time like summer to at least try to start dating again. This struck him as profoundly collegiate, and he said so, which led to a completely fruitless argument over whether or not either of them had dated in college, and why or why not, and how that at all had any bearing on the subject at hand – the only thing worse than arguing with a lawyer, he supposed, was being one yourself and doing it anyway. Like being an electrician and still sticking a fork in a wall socket.
He won a one-month moratorium on the topic, but that seemed pretty pyrrhic, all told. Weatherby Swann still couldn’t look him full in the face – and he didn’t anticipate that starting to date again would at all endear him the senior partner turned Gubenatorial hopeful. Or maybe it would? Swann could breathe a sigh of relief that it hadn’t been so serious as it seemed at first – no broken hearts, no resentment. Just two people who weren’t quite meant to make it.
He was out of his office before he knew it, saying something vague about getting lunch to Ned Jarsdel and he’d be back shortly, etc. etc. – and didn’t even notice he had a shadow until Theo Groves jumped into the elevator behind him with an obviously innocent expression.
“Someone’s got to make sure you eat your greens,” Theo said, airily.
“I’m not six years old,” James replied. He said it petulantly enough that it sounded like he was, and his junior snorted. Decades of incredibly expensive education, and that was the best he could do.
“You eat like you are.”
“And you know many first-graders who survive on scotch and bagels?”
“More in the sense of, ‘You can’t be trusted to eat a nutritionally balanced meal on your own account,’” Theo corrected, following him into the noisy lobby, “Honestly, it’s a marvel you haven’t developed scurvy by now.”
James tried to think of concrete proof he’d eaten something with vitamin C in the last week, but came up short, and settled for sniping that Theo had a job and caseload of his own – which, somehow, turned into another bout of unproductive bickering that lasted  up State Street, and James pretended he didn’t notice he was being herded towards Sweetgreen (or however it was spelled). With the vaguest glimmer of self-knowledge, he knew he was bristling from the shame of being seen to be incompetent; it didn’t stop him bristling, but at least he let himself be chivvied along through the crowds and the late-spring sunshine.
This was, of course, the moment he encountered Elinor Treat again.
“Mrs. Treat?”
She was standing on the edge of a group of children, clustered around a tricornered guide at the Old State House – and whirled around at being hailed with a puzzled look, until she spotted him and waved. With a word to another woman, she broke away and jogged over. “Mr. Norrington, hello! Forgive me – I’m here with my daughter’s class – end of year field trip, you know. I hope you’re well?”
Very aware that Theo was suddenly Interested in the proceedings, James was as dry as possible in introducing the two: Theodore Groves, a junior associate; Elinor Treat, antique dealer.
“Allegedly,” she said, with a sort of chagrinned cheerfulness, “I’m afraid I haven’t been very helpful yet.”
Mrs. Treat looked at him rather than answering Theo’s question outright; he supposed he appreciated her discretion. “She’s investigating a family heirloom for me,” he replied, which was at least partially true.
“An interesting line of work,” said Theo.
“It has its moments. It does put a target on my back for chaperoning these kinds of trips, though – and we’ve still got to make to Charlestown.” She glanced over her shoulder at the school group, anxiously, “I don’t mean to be rude, but I’ve got to get back. Responsibilities aside, my daughter’s a firecracker and even the Massacre won’t be enough to keep her occupied long. Goodbye! I’ll be in touch!”
Blessedly, Theo said nothing until after they’d gotten their lunches, and sat out in the sun. “So. She seems nice.”
“You have another two weeks before you’re allowed anything on the topic,” James replied, stabbing at his under-dressed spinach bad-temperedly.
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Could we ever see a concept from you on how OUAT could have been a better show?
alright, fair warning, I haven’t actually watched the show in a while so my memory might be a little spotty, but off the top of my head-
Don’t kill Neal. He was at the heart of the plot, which started to unravel the second he was gone. Don’t sacrifice a clear plot line you had planned just because the fans really like Captain Hook oh my GOD
Stop having everyone discredit Regina being Henry’s mother just because they don’t like her. OR, have them do that but have Henry defend her. Their relationship was too back and forth and we never had anything to tell us she was a bad mom to him before he found out about the curse...like, if you found out your Nice and Normal Mom was allegedly an evil witch, wouldn’t you...I don’t know....defend her a little? So either commit to having her be a shitty mom and then she has to make up for that, or have Henry fully torn between both sides of his family. NOT the mess we got on the show where she had to earn his trust back because of things she did like 30 years before he was even born
Stop dropping plotlines. I understand they had an issue of actors getting jobs in other franchises, like Sebastian Stan and the guy who ended up in 50 Shades, but either stipulate something in the contract that they need to make time for a certain amount of episodes when you sign them, or just recast the actors. Don’t wait three years before Little Red Riding Hood can pop back up for an arc. Oh my God.
The Peter Pan arc happened way too soon- Neal needed time to build relationships with everyone else, specifically with Henry, his father, and Emma. Think about how it could’ve been if he’d patched things up with Emma quicker and they got in the groove of parenting Henry, only for Regina to still have her reservations about him because of her history with Rumple- only for Henry to then be kidnapped and the three of them have to become and Iconic Parent Trio to get him back. Hello. 
Henry should’ve learned magic way before he became the Author. He is a True Love Baby who’s also related to three extremely powerful magic users and making him the damsel in distress every single season finale got old very fast. How about- after the Peter Pan arc, Rumple starts teaching him magic behind his parents back, because 1) he isn’t sure how they’d feel about it since Tensions 2) with all the shit in this universe Henry definitely needs to know how to defend himself, and 3) AFTER SEEING HIS FATHER ALMOST STEAL HIS GRANDSON THE SAME WAY HE STOLE HIS SON I FEEL LIKE THAT MIGHT HAVE AN EFFECT ON HIM EMOTIONALLY???? They never bothered to develop a real relationship with Henry and Rumple, every now and then he’d be like ‘oh yeah that’s my grandson’ and like...that was it. it was WACK
It also could’ve lead to some low-level comedy drama with David fretting about not being the ‘cool’ grandpa anymore lmao
The whole thing where Emma and Henry got their memories erased for a year while the others got sent back to the Forrest....it literally didn’t make sense for Neal not to go with them I’m still screaming. They literally said the only reason Emma and Henry could escape was because they weren’t effected by the first curse....literally neither was Neal??? Oh my God
So you could’ve had it like...they patched things up faster, and they weren’t back together but they weren’t Not back together, and they had definitely gotten a decent co-parent situation down, so he chooses to stay with them because he doesn’t want to abandon Emma again and he doesn’t want Henry to grow up without his father like he did. The dramatic goodbyes are for their parents and Regina. A year later, Hook choses to warn them about whatevers happening on his own free will, beginning a redemption arc that is NOT tied to Emma. He’s trying to protect the family to make up for what he did to Neal in Neverland
idk how I truly felt about the whole dead/resurrected Rumple situation but if we keep with it, BELLE is the one who resurrects him- and NOT with a spell that will kill her, but with DR. FRAKENSTIEN WHO FUCKING EXISTS ON THE SHOW AND THEY ONLY MENTION HIM ONCE IN A BLUE MOON ARE YOU KIDDING ME THEY DIDN’T USE HIM FOR A RESSURECTION STORY ARC
The whole Frozen arc shouldn’t have happened- I didn’t hate it, Emma and Elsa were sweet, but overall Elsa, Anna, Kristoff and Hans felt very shoehorned in and didn’t really mesh well with the rest of the story. 
I DID however like the whole bit with the Ice Queen trying to adopt Emma when she was younger, and I think they could’ve used that to build onto the dark Emma storyline- the Ice Queen’s prophecy or whatever could’ve been referring to her, Emma and Zelena. That way it’s not Ice Queen trying to convince two powerful light magic users to go dark (and also not two ice power types and one Whatever The Fuck Type Emma Is)- it’s two powerful dark magic users trying to sway one woman who’s still trying to get a grasp on magic. Rather than the whole Dark One nonsense. Henry saves the day using his magic to subdue Ice Queen and Zelena the best he can, and convincing Emma she’s a good person, similar to how Regina chose to stop being dark for Henry. She snaps out of the hold the other two have on her and kicks ass. Hello.
The whole Author plotline was a hot mess but I’m still down for Henry taking over the position, it made sense for the story.
If they absolutely needed to do a new dark one plotline...NEAL. COME THE FUCK ON,
Maleficent’s Daughter Lily should’ve...stayed on???? Fully mended her friendship with Emma??? Iconic girl team??? Hello??? 
Belle gets to be an actual character instead of a character so underused that it becomes a running joke on the show that she asserts she’s cable of defending herself and then Doesn’t. Someone please teach this bitch to swordfight or something
It can be part of Hook’s Not-Emma-Related redemption arc maybe- instead of him using and threatening her. Or Neal can do it so they can bond. Or David or Snow decides to be nice it doesn’t actually matter please just make her a capable person I’m screaming
Henry should’ve kept in touch with friends he made in (Tallahassee) Boston for the year he lived there to uhhhh give the kid some concept of a normal reality and experience talking to people his own age. Also it could’ve been a super funny running gag to have a friend face time him and ask him what’s up and Henry’s trying to hide a dragon and magic spells off screen like ‘uh nothing just some family drama’
They needed to stop being so inconsistent about magic- first it was ‘magic can’t work outside of storybrooke’ but then Zelena was like ‘I’m going to magically transform into a different person in the middle of New York’ and ‘Wendy’s Brothers won’t age even though they aren’t in storybrooke’ and then it was like ‘magic can raise Robin and Hook and Rumple from the dead but it absolutely can do nothing for Neal, sorry’ like what the hell...please just some consistency 
Make Snow like....35% less annoying 
Don’t let Emma get lost in the story so much like at some point she really stopped being the main character and it was annoying as hell
that whole thing in one episode where David and Snow saw through a portal to young Emma and David wanted to go through to her but Snow was like ‘no we can’t change her past’ was some PRIME BULLSHIT. We already brought time travel into a fairytale show! nothing matters anymore bitch! let him hug his daughter!
Really thought they could’ve been like...they weren’t allowed to permanently change the past but they could’ve gotten a letter or some shit through to her...come on
alright this is all I got right now but like....genuinely a lot of their mistakes were so easily avoidable. it’s still truly baffling that the show went so downhill. rip
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templarhalo · 5 years
Templarhalo reviews Birds of Prey. (It’s pretty fantabulous)
Ok without this movie, I would have not been a Cassandra Cain fan.  I would have not four, yes four ongoing fics with her as the main character.  I would not be emotionally and financially invested in the DC cinematic universe or the comics side of things. 
Which baffles me because this movie is perfect in almost every aspect,...   Except how they treated Cassandra Cain.   Which  is a fucking shame because her actress is perfect, her chemistry and relationship with Harley is perfect, and the idea of Cass growing up as this pickpocket foster kid, taken in by Harley is unconventional, but I fucking love it. 
Here’s a brief summary. After breaking up with the Joker  Harley Quinn has to make her own way as the strong, badass, indepent woman we all know she is, while dealing with the fact that without Mistah J’s  fell reputation as his significant other to shield her, a lot of people want her raped, tortured, killed and left for the crows…  Not necessarily in that order.    
To get these people off her back and save her own skin, from one of them, the infamous Black Mask. Harley agrees to recover the Bertinelli Diamond, a diamond encoded with the info for a source of 30 million dollars, Black Mask needs to fiance his take over of Gotham. Which was pickpocketed from one of his associates by our Lady and savior Cass.   
The problem is, Cass kind of ate it( (I shit you not) and Black Mask’s guys would rather cut it out of her than wait for the poor kid to take a dump   Not to mention Detective tReene Montoya (played by her Gotham Actress, which would have been a nice bit of world building if Gotham was actually in the movie continuity) building a case against Black Mask, with the aid of Black Canary   Plus Huntress is indirectly gunning for him and Harley in her own quest for revenge.   All these plot points converge into  a very satisfying climax and fight scene with a somewhat  emotionally satisfying ending. 
From  a technical standpoint this film is a spectacle.   Gotham in the day is colorful but rundown, with markets, suave evil bad guy clubs, dilapidated Chinese restaurants and abandoned amusement parks.   The fight scenes are AMAZING  with a wonderful tension and energy that makes them incredibly visualising satisfying.  Everything flows, the ladies move with an enthralling  grace that makes them breaking bones, crushing legs,and tearing through people visceral and heartstopping.  (And arousing. Like goddamn Jurnee Smollett-Bell could kill me with her legs and I’d thank her)
The problem, is none of this applies to  Cass, and this is the films major flaw besides how short it is. (One hour and forty five minutes).  If you had problems with how Harley was handled in Suicide Squad, the movie fixes it.  Black Canary gets a short but satisfying emotional arc that feels natural. She goes from a cynical, lethargic woman, content to be Black Masks “Little Bird”; A singer at his club, driver and symbol of his power/dominance over other women until her own conscience kicks in at Harley and Cass’ predicament.  Huntress also has a short but satisfying arc in which she gets her vengeance on the people who murdered her family and clearly finds a new one to fill the hole in her life, in the form of the Birds.  Reene and her portrayal is a love letter to the 80s cop/hard boiled detectives, a pure, simultaneously complicated/uncomplicated woman seeking to do good for Gotham.       
But Cass… Doesn’t feel like Cass and is criminally underutilized except as a walking mcguffin by dint of eating the Mcguffin.   She’s introduced to us a snarky tween, stuck in a cycle of shitty foster homes and a pickpocket to get by.  And that’s it.  T
here are moments where you think she'll get a cool fight scene.  Moments where you think she’ll have an emotional heart to heart with Harley,   moments where you think…she’ll do something besides run from the bad guys and get saved by the Birds of Prey/Her four moms. 
 In the end she drives into the sunset with Harley and Bruce the Hyena, but it doesn’t feel earned, satisfying as the scene is.  There is nothing implying or hinting she’s the daughter of two of the deadliest assassins in the DC universe, nothing about her running away from David Cain, nothing on her learning disabilities/selective mutism  and NOTHING, setting her up to be adopted by Batman and become Batgirl 
And this is a fucking shame, because Ella Jay Basco has a real chemistry with Margert and the rest of the cast.  She’s adorable, funny, snarky and wonderful as Cass. She brings energy and spunk and I would cut off my left hand, to see her act as Cassandra Cain, not this  generic punk kid with the name.
And I feel like this is  a HUGE problem because the movie sets up this Mother/daughter relationship, with Cass being Harley’s motivation to be a better person.  She goes from willing to hand her over to Black Mask to taking the kid under her wing.   Cass is the glue that bands the Birds of Prey together.   These lovely, dangerous, women coming together to keep a little girl safe,  doesn’t feel as emotionally satisfying as it should because Cass isn’t Cass.
While I will praise the movie for Harley’s arc of seeking her own emancipation and agency outside her abusive relationships and life of crime,  I feel like Harley’s arc should have been a question of redemption.    Cassandra’s motivation to become Batgirl was her refusal to kill again.  (Hey WB remember how in Batman Begins Bruce refused to kill a man because “I will not be an executioner.”)  
Here Cass is fine with killing. She chucks a bomb at some goons chasing her and  she kills Black Mask with a grenade in the end.
Yeah… Cass “I refuse to kill because my dad made me kill an innocent man at eight years old and killing is wrong” kills people.  
*head meet desk*
Sucide Squad, set up Harley and the squad, for an unconventional redemption arc, spite motivated it may be, yet Harley despite her line to Cass “You make me want to  be a less terrible person”  isn’t seeking to make amends for what she did as the Joker’s henchman.  (Like being an accomplice to Jason Todd’s murder).   
.Cass pickpots and steals to survive, because she’s a kid with no family passed from foster home to foster home, Harley steals because she can, steal a truck to blow up a chemical plant because she can.  Kills because she can.   (granted she does use an M79 grenade launcher with bean bag shells for one scene but besides that.) 
I like the idea of Harley taking Cass under her wing, its an unconventional but fresh idea, but it doesn’t feel entirely satisfying, and Cass not being Cass, not having an arc beyond “Go along with Harley as her apprentice” really undermines the excellent themes and message the movie is trying to convey.
Now maybe in the Suicide Squad reboot with James Gunn or a future DC film , Cass is going to leave Harley because that life of crime and killing doesn’t suit her and she realizes she’s trying to be something she’s not and I’m just being overly critical, but I still feel like “Harley and Cass seeking redemption and moving past their abusers together”  should have been where this movie left off, and it baffles me that it doesn’t from a narrative perspective.
Anway the overall themes and message of Birds of Prey are represented in Evan Mcregor’s Black Mask, a walking talking example of repressive toxic masculinity and misogyny.   A flamboyant, all but stated to  be a repressed Bi, crime lord seeking to take control of Gotham, Black Mask moves with confidence in his loud suits, and charming quirkiness,   He’s cruel, sadistic and repulsive  His mannerisms ooz terror,and insanity. He moves like a love child between Heath Ledger and Joaquin Phoenix’s take on the Joker, Gaston from Beauty and the Beast and Joffery Baratheon from Game of Thrones.   He’s a control freak, trying to  be a badass. 
 One minute he’s the Godfather, the next he’s a brat.  He views Harley as nothing without the Joker, telling her that she needs him to protect her.   He enjoys asserting his dominance over Harley during her brief capture by having his men beat her while he eats popcorn.  He objectifies Black Canary for her singing voice and beauty..   
Black Mask asserts his power and authority over the underworld by  his control over women.  In one  frightening scene, he believes one of the women at his club is laughing at him for his failure to capture Cass, so he orders her  to stand on a table, then for her boyfriend to rip open her dress with a knife because he finds it ugly.
In summary he represents the patriarchy.  He represents sexist, abusive men.   He’s a representation of social norms and ideals that are repressive and disgusting, and rob women of their agency, and self-worth. He represents the use of violence, not for noble reasons, but as a means to control women and lash out at those that defy him and supposedly wronged him .
Furthering this line of thought are  the costumes. Black Canary’s costumes represent the amount of control, Black Mask has in her life.  When we first see her, Dinah is wearing a long black netted evening gown that accents her legs as she sings “It’s a Man’s Man’s World”. Later she wears  a blue tank top and gold, tightfitting pants clearly meant to draw our gaze to her ass and thighs. When she’s Black Mask’s driver, she’s wearing a Bra/crop top that bares her midriff under a short blue blaze, but when she decides she’s going to defy him, she wears a yellow tank top and jeans with  a gold belt.
Harley’s costumes are as eclectic as she is, with her DIY caution tape shawl, stamped tops and cut up shorts.  Huntress’s outfits are all black leather and punkish athletic wear, utilitarian and elegant in their simplicity while Reene wears  a  “I shave my balls for this” t-shirt reflecting her uncouth, blunt demeanor, as well as button down  dress shirts and slacks for the climactic asskicking montage .  
Cass is a kid,who clearly doesn’t have the funds for super nice clothes. She;s running around in ratty shorts and a worn out hoody with  a red windbreaker, with an orange bandanna askew on her head.  At the end, when she rides off with Harley, she copying Harley’s style.
Speaking of costumes, one thing I appreciate is that instead of the male gaze and sexualisation, we get what I like to call “passive fan service”  What I mean is that instead of tracking shots on Harley’s ass or boob shoots, like in Suicide Squad  the camera just lets these women’s beauty do the talking. 
 Huntress is wearing a sports bra and tactical pants for the climax, but the camera doesn’t linger on her boobs.  A primary example of this is a lot of Padme’s scenes in Episodes II and III of Star Wars.  Lucas knows Natalie Portman is a gorgeous woman and he doesn’t need to remind us by deliberate camera shots.  He lets Natalie herself and Trisha Biggar’s excellent costumes do it for us. 
Also one thing I really… really liked was how in the big penultimate fight, Harley actually passes Dinah a hair tie so she can get her hair out of the way. So for like a minute, she’s beating the ever loving fuck out of goons with her legs as she ties up her hair.  A very nice case of reality ensures.
In conclusion Birds of Prey is another notch in the belt for the DC cinematic universe, a solid, fun film with  an excellent cast with clear chemistry, hampered by character derailment that undermines its sorely needed themes and message it's trying to convey.   The plot is  fast paced, but doesn't feel rushed even though it’s only a little over an hour long.  It’s uncompromisingly  bold, bloody and hilarious. The lack of a proper post credits scene is somewhat annoying and I'm very disappointed how Cass was handled , but this is by no means a terrible film. 
Overall I give it a 8.9 out of 10.  Highly recommend you go see it. Drag your friends, smuggle in as much candy and drinks as you can.  Buy it when it comes out on DVD.   If you’re a Cass fan, reread the Puckett run or pick up her new graphic novel Shadow of the Batgirl to wash out the bittersweet taste this will give you.  Speaking of Kelley Puckett, he was actually listed in the “Special thanks to…”  in the credits, which i’m sure many will appreciate.
These following posts and thoughts on the film I recommend.
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isthisthingeven0n · 6 years
assertion : z.h
a request from last week I believe - I’m almost all caught up (for once) and to make it even better it’s zane - who I think I’ve only ever written for once before? idek but that is mad.  hope you enjoy!
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His hand rests on my lower back when we walk in, and already there are more people than either of us anticipated coming. 
When David asked us to come round for drinks with a few people I shrugged my shoulders. Thought it would make a change from my usual Friday night in watching Netflix or old reruns. But I didn’t expect to not be able to see the back door kind of drinks. 
Looking up at Zane he lets out a small sigh. “David knows people who know people.” He says before guiding both of us further through the crowds and towards the few friends we can recognise amongst everyone. 
As we walk towards Carly and Bruce I feel a bit relieved knowing a few people here at least. “Can’t say I expected this,” I laugh nervously as Carly hugs me. 
“Yeah neither, but I think I saw Todd and some girl with purple hair already making out.” She mutters and I look around with no avail of seeing the sight. “Where’s Zane?” 
I go to turn and see he’s gone. “Well,” I pause as I turn on the spot. He never normally disappears without at least saying something. I didn’t even notice his hand was gone from my back. “he was just here. But he probably saw someone.” Shrugging my shoulders I excuse myself as I wander off to find the drinks and ease myself into this night and whatever it’ll hold. 
As I manoeuvre through the groups of people talking and dancing in any space they can find I rest my hand down on the table, pulling the rest of my body through so I can relax. Standing against it I look at all of the options available, after all, it was a bring your own bottle, and everyone here definitely supplied something. 
Picking up a cup I opt for some rosé - easy to drink, quick to get drunk on. Or, at least loosen up to a degree if I am on my own amongst everyone here. 
“Huh, a classy lady I see.” Someone besides me comments as I sip at the cup. 
I turn to look up at the guy stood next to me who smiles sweetly and I place the cup down, keeping a hold of it. “Erm, it’s just cheap wine.” I joke. “Not the most classy option here.” I take another sip, hoping he’ll leave the conversation at that. 
“You know, if you want something really good I have a few suggestions,” He says as he looks me up and down. “if you know what I mean.” 
A shiver spirals down my spine as he whispers the last part in my ear. I move away until I’m leaning against the pool table and he remains in front of me, trapping me here. “Yeah, I’m good with the rosé, thanks.” I state and look around the room, but this guy isn’t getting the message. 
“Oh come on, I know you want to. A girl all alone at the party, drowning her sorrows. I’m the kind of guy who would make a girl like you.” His words are now more forceful as he presses against me. 
Without a second thought, I throw my drink into his face, causing him to yell out. “You bitch!” He yells close to my mouth, and I remain silent. 
Less than thirty seconds later Zane rushes over, standing in front of me with wide eyes. “Are you okay?” He asks as his hands rest on my upper arms gently. 
I weakly nod. “Yeah,” I breathe. “he’s just a creep trying it on me.” I mutter and look away, but when I feel Zane’s hands off of me and him take a deep breath I can anticipate this not ending well. 
“Hey, you piece of shit.” Zane calls out as he shoves the guy, causing him to almost fall over as a few people make space for him to do so. 
The guy turns around and stands tall as he looks at Zane blankly. “Dude she seriously isn’t worth it.” The stranger tells Zane, motioning to me behind him. 
Looking down I can see Zane’s fists clenching and before he does something he’ll regret I take a hold of his hand, loosening his clenched fist. “Zane, he’s not worth it.” I mutter to him before guiding him away. 
“Yeah, that’s right mate. Do what she tells you like a little bitch.” The guy calls out as the crowd make way for us to leave. 
But now we’re stood still. “I’ll be right back.” I tell Zane before turning around and walking over to the guy. 
Smiling at him he doesn’t even expect me to kick him in the balls as he topples over instantly. As he clutches his ballsack I pour a bottle of rosé over his head. “Guess I am classy after all.” I mumble before turning around and walking back over to Zane. 
“Oh baby,” He quietly laughs before we join our friends who remain slightly stunned. “remind me to never get on the wrong side of you.” 
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If you're still doing asks, what about Taranee?
I mean, I’m not not still doing asks... how about we just say that, until I actually decide to stop or until I reblog a new ask game, I’m still accepting asks from this game I reblogged over two months ago? Keep ‘em coming!
Taranee’s answers under the cut! ...That doesn’t actually seem to be working...
EDIT: Finally fixed!
• favorite thing about them: While not as prevalent as Irma’s, she does have some pretty fun zingers in the cartoon. But overall, I love how comics Taranee, even after multiple story arcs, always seems to maintain the “unexpected badass” feel. As early as issue #4 (when she flat-out burns shit down), we know she’s not as afraid and uncertain as she initially comes off to be, but I’m still pleasantly surprised and proud when she’s the one who stands resolute against the Oracle and speaks her mind, or decides that fire beats water and sets a squid creature disguised as a lighthouse ablaze while completely underwater, or literally becomes a girl on fire because she is fire. 
• least favorite thing about them: Fear is an exaggerated personality trait for cartoon Taranee in the early days, so I’m not a fan of that. Also, because it came to mind while I was answering another question, she needed to be held accountable for her role in her comics breakup with Nigel (in the respect that she was blowing him off for her dance friends—not even introducing them to him—when Nigel purposely took her out for a date), but the narrative painted her solely as the victim.
• favorite line: I think it’s incredibly badass that she was the one who finally got to call out Kandrakar for their treatment of the Guardians, on a few different occasions, so let’s go with those. But for an actual line, there’s always something that makes me laugh about her comment regarding Hay Lin while skiing in “Divide and Conquer”: “I admire Hay Lin. She doesn’t care about boys, or what people think of her…” [Hay Lin zooms by, screaming] “… Or if she ever walks again.” There’s just something about the complete nonchalance in her delivery that just kills me every time. 
• brOTP: The other Guardians and Orube, obviously, and then Peter because best siblings. 
• OTP: Hrm. I’m not really sure I’ve had one for her? Was never truly into Taranee/Nigel (but I like them better in the cartoon than the comic), and for a hot second I wanted her to get with Luke from her dance school, but that didn’t really last. Can I just go with a properly-handled version of T/N, which isn’t so hung up on Judge Cook forbidding their relationship or reminding us that Nigel was a Bad BoyTM at first (even though he was always clearly uncomfortable to be going along with Uriah’s schemes or his brother’s, but was too passive to really do something about it until later on) or suddenly deciding to make Nigel live up to that archetype and be aggressive for the sole purpose of their breakup scene (when he has, again, always been a very passive character)?
• nOTP: That’s a no-go on T/N after they start having issues when Taranee starts dancing again. I’ve discussed it before and acknowledged that they’re both at fault for their breakup—even if the narrative downplays Taranee’s part to exaggerate Nigel’s—but wildly OOC Nigel, the unusually assertive/angry and ultimatum-giving guy, still rubs me the wrong way.
• random headcanon: Each W.i.t.c.h. girl has a particular preference when it comes to toasting marshmallows (Irma is definitely the one who likes them charred beyond recognition as an edible item). Taranee is the only person who knows how to get the marshmallows to the exact specification for each of her friends, regardless of whether or not she’s actually controlling the flame.
• unpopular opinion: This one might actually count as an unpopular opinion! I actually like that Taranee rediscovered her passion in dancing and started taking lessons again. Official material claimed that basketball was her favorite sport, but if we ever saw her playing in the comics proper (which I don’t actually recall) it was never in the same capacity as, say, Will swimming or Cornelia skating. And even her photography was much more understated by comparison to Hay Lin’s craftiness. So in a lot of ways, although we were told that Taranee enjoys these things, she was really missing the same energy about her interests that the other girls exuded. When the dance academy plotline came up, I felt like we’d finally hit the mark, to the point where Taranee’s passion was almost palpable to me.
Do I feel it could have been handled better? Absolutely. I don’t appreciate that dancing proved to be a wedge in Taranee’s existing relationships (looking at you, tragically OOC Nigel), and there does eventually come a point where it becomes a little too overbearing as her main character trait. And as much as I have a special place in my heart for the W.i.t.c.h. On Stage special, enrolling the other girls in the academy was a bad idea. That’d be like deciding to have them all join the swim team, or learn to skate—it’s horning in on one of the girls’ true passions, which scratches out its uniqueness.
• song i associate with them: Would it be too cliché to say “Uptown Funk”? I mean, if anything, the Guardian of Fire is going to be too hot (hot damn!). 
But in seriousness, I think I’m going to go with “Life on the Moon” by David Cook. I adore this song in general, but in reviewing the lyrics I feel like this really sums up Taranee’s walkout from Guardianship in the third arc. It truly radiates with the isolation she faces with this choice, with her friends still off on missions at a time when she could really use their support (“The life that I knew, it’s through/And I’m gonna need you more than ever/I’m alone in this crowded room/It’s like life on the moon”). But at the same time, she knows their roles in this situation are something they all have to do—Taranee knows it’s best for her to leave (“Here are my terms, have some faith in me”), but also knows that the others, at this point, still feel the need to serve their duties to Kandrakar (“And I’ll let you be who you need to be”).
…Goodness, this really is an unusually apt song for this storyline.
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ramblingshit · 5 years
Fright Night - 2011 - 2/5
we start , very, very high. its ominous to begin, the dreamworks opening dark and spooky and slow. scrawled font glides across dark stormy clouds and we're over a small square, isolated suburb. a house is on sale. that's the Charmed font.
oh my god what is that david tennant what the fuck was not expecting that.okay so this is a modern Fright Night.  and david tennant sis peter vincent. okay what a jump scare just happened the dog is scared, and this girl is dead and he's covered in blood and holy shit its the senator. wow the bed was bloody where his dad was scrambling for the gun hidden beneath the mattress that the boy finds. oh his dads body is sliding away and what the fuck is that im scared what the hell holy shit. ohh cool title card. nice symmetry in the birds eye. just a happy, normal small neighbourhood, everyone is diverse and happy and the kids are playing outside. holy shit its that dead guy poor ol mate.oh its hereditary mum.  they got a chill equal relationship just chatting like friends more than parent adn child. and the mum's intelligent and assertive and smart and a real estate agent. this is very very different from the original fright night. is it really the same movie? is it oh its the girl from 28 weeks later nice she's hot and eyy pumped up kicks is playing damn. I'm pretty sure they're both like 25 and playing as  oh holy shit its like zac efron's brother. trumping all over stereotype. what the hell its the weird super bad creepy guy comedian dude 'Brewster' it's the weird cackling kid. they've got relationship issues they're both geeks but brewster got hot and with the hot girl and rose through the 'social ranks' and they had to stop being friends. weird kid is threatening to show all his new friends embarrassing stuff from the past. oh my fucking god oh my god colin farrell. holy shit. oh my god. and damn she is Amy I'm forgetting everything cause its so different. he's charming and fucking hot and buff with like a paled face.being all charming and neighbourly. wife beater and silver necklace and damn the way he bit that apple. what are they doing here crawling through the doggy door who's adam. outta nowhere weird kid tells him jerry's a vampire, like a 'by the way' situation where are they going why does he have a cross and stake? they just added a stock door opening noise. they're telling the realisations of hm being a vampire without actually showing any of it and the weirdo kid is the one interested and telling brewster that jerrys a vampire like what first he's not even met him he hasn't been involved or around him at all and now he's adamantly trying to argue that he is a vampire?? in the original brewster was obsessed and found out quick to the start all by himself and half the trouble was trying to convince everyone else too. now one of his friends is trying to convince him?? what?? and they're mentioning Twilight and weird kid is saying how he's not broody or whatever like show us what his personality is like why are you saying this it's like this long ass dialogue chunk in the middle of a completely irrelevant situation, all about Jerry. fucking weird man what the fuck. we've seen the guy once. he's got evidence? why are they in this house? why is this happening? this was the Charley show - his journey from fear to sorting Jerry out and his tension with the guy the weird kid was basically comedic effect now he's premature exposition guy? and he's the one who thought of peter vincent cause it showed him watching him all the time but now its the weird kid convincing him and now they're having relationship problems and brewster fkn pushed him damn son use your words wow he's a fucking asshole like die dude the fuck. oh damn what the fuck the bully just grabbed him off his bike fr riding down his street like its his turf what the hell there's like four streets in this suburb and now they're fighting who wrote this why bother calling it fright night its a whole nother (fkn messy shit) story he's literally chasing him over the fence like he wants to kill him damn this isn't bullying  fuck. what is this movie? oooooh jerry is hottttt i love me a murdererous manly man. weird kid is in big trouble. oh my god. oh my god did they get him to play fake grindelwald because of his role in this. damn he's turning weird kid and the cross falls dramatically from his hand. ohh he's a fuckin dick to his friend and now he's feelin all guilty and worried and reminiscing about the time he wasn't an asshole to his friend. wow we're not even half an hour in and half the original movie is gone and replaced by whatever high school drama movie this is.he walked into weird kid's room and didn't turn the light on? yeah alright. what the fuck. why is peter vincent fkn that 'sexy' emo magician man who was popular -Chris Angel Mindfreak. he found a laptop with evidence that jerry's a vampire videos on it. and here's Jerry and what's happening ahaha he's not gonna invite him in and its physically uncomfortable standing at the door he's literally stuck at the door and it's really really obvious.  damn that was cool though passing the beer through the doorway and the communication in their eyes and now he's perving on his mum is this acting intentional? like he looked really unsure what to do with himself was that in character or?? he's looking around all paranoid he's perving on all the girls he's threatening him really obviously i can't tell if i like it more than the smooth suave chilling conversation that was driving charley mad at the start of the other one. jerry telling him to 'manage' the women in his life cause its his job to keep them safe. now they're doing the distracted disinterested in Amy play and she's the one coming onto him strong  and what are we gonna see this. this is literally worse acting than the screaming kid in the first one it's like halfhearted. now the movie's settling in for like a spookier, much darker version of the  nah nevermind its like a padded retelling. there's no billy in this one, just Jerry - who's gonna cover him during the day? original was a squad effort movie - bunch of kids and an old man going up against a vampire. not anymore its just this obviously mid 20s guy sneaking around in a dark house to quiet, eerie music. wait he's in Jerry's house? oh cause Jerry drove off. ooh Jerry's got awesome creepy office with spooky drawings on the walls why is this place so dark goddamn turn on the lightswitch. he's got costumes for hunting damn that's cool. and here he returns uh oh run charley run. try escape the vampire now that you're in his lair. a secret door to like a jail block in the wall? what he's letting himself be close in? what is he doing how did Jerry whip this up?jumpscare lol lame it's Doris. you telling me he's gonna lockpick the lock okay he's never done it before but okay. god he's hot. the swooning blond in the arms of a vampire. it's like hella horrific oh my god she just shushed Charley where he hid in the other room. drinks from her all orgasmic and tosses her back in the room. damn he looks good with a bloodstained mouth lickinn his lips and shit. good luck picking with a bobby pin you're hilarious holy fuck she's tiny, like a limp ragdoll. ew why is he watching skanky girls on TV. tryna tell me he's watching the TV so loud that he can't hear they panting and crying. yeah he can he's outta the chair - there's no reflection and he's like crying damn this is tense. such a nice house. strutting around, drinking beer, vaguely amused at everything. he just caught an apple. it's like he knows something amusing no one else does.  but does he actually kno-- oh my god yeah he does that's awesome. oh holy fucking shit holy shit holy fucking shit she was a vampire she fucking exploded in the sunlight. his jumper s covered in her ash that's messed, Jerry stood inside listening and laughing to himself as he bit into the apple. now he's out here being the one looking up peter vincent - that entire start was completely pointless they should've cut out all of the weird kid stuff. now he's snubbing his girlfriend too this is how it should have all begun here comes david tennant. what the hell he's pulling a secret swipe identity thing to try get in to see vincent and vincent is a gross slimeball of a david tennant why are all these men slimy he's pretending to be a reporter she's walking around in a bra, vincent is an expert on vampires and the lot - not just using what he learned from doing his show and now she's using 'little girl' as a derogatory term for vincent. okay not the most attractive bod and i hate tattoos tbh at this point its true. god this whole thing is so edgy and wow okay here we go his hair is so much betterokay damn holy shit. it was the hair the hair was fucking me up okay holy damn all his facial hair is fake. and thank god his eyebrow piercing - wait nevermind all that 'expert' stuff was bulll? or is he mucking around? okay no its bull he isn't an expert. i can't believe how much hair affects someone. oh and his tattoo are right as well. damn he sounds schizo and vincent is fkn cold and that is some bad cgi and trying to be so dramatic its just a filter over the shot. oh and here's  zac efrons brother and eternal grunge guy.  ohh he's got creepy long nails and oh damn eating them and there's the blood oh fuck why is that hot im so disturbed. he's shaving stakes and its mum who confronts him and he's awwkard about it and now they've referenced 'Dark Shadows' as well as Twilight. these highschoolers are so serious and mature tryna talk to each other and here's Jerry at the door.this is a game to him but she's sticking up for her son and Jerry thinks its awesome or is it just oh damn he's coming back with a shovel and a power saw?? what's he doing??? where's he going oh my god what's he doing the girls are slowly realising that he might be right what is he digging up.flinging huge chunks of earth around. oh uh oh oh FUCK  THAT:s  GAS HOLY SHIT are you serious Jerry no holy daaaaaaamn he's blowing up their house I love it ahahaha 'dont need an invitation if there's no house' that is hilarious oh my god as if they're going to get out with what really he's gonna  oh wait he''s gonna take the dirt bike what the fuck he just threw the bike at them what is happening is this Michael bay. and now he's ramming them fuck he really wants them dead damn oh ahahah they have a tank of a car driving getting hit by a bike, smashing through a vampire and his big ass car. is he-- he's under the car that's amazing yeah okay like they survived that too oh he just lifted up the car oh what the fuck he looks like that shark guy from batman oh no why does he look like that who made him look like a shark he's eating that guy blood squirting, he's very animalistic like twitchy and shit too  black eyes eats a guy, morphs into something evil blood stained mouth cars all fucked up and he turns around 'hey' he greeted jovially, the girls run away - the mum just leaves her son to face off a vampire? yeah, okay. - and he calls 'catch you later!' damn some of this is gold and other bits are trash but so far they're evening each other out. he's oh damn he grabbed the cross and it lit on fire and he's got charley and was gonna stake him but mum popped up and shanked him through the shoulder with one of her real estate signs that's so lame, but he's screeching and flinging himself around making growling noises and now mum's fainted and hit her head and jerry's twitching out with a oh okay he hit him with his car again. jerry's all kinds of fucked but he heals up fine soon enough. vincent isn't charming; there's too much sex and money and cynical and assholey and its grotesque compared to the teenageriness of the original. and now mum's out for the count at the hospital lol  what's happening. he's shitting on the idea to call the police that's hilarious he wouldn't stop calling them in the first. i dunno i keep comparing them because these are the bits i 100% liked better in the other one. now he's talking about weird kid who disappeared ages ago. he's a loser - she likes him cause he's different; she's the popular girl who didn't want an ass bully to date. vincent's a drunk on top of everything. but he does know his stuff about vampires. there's different species different breeds - Jerry's a tribal snacker who keeps his victims alive for days and oh damn its weird kid he's a black eyed vampire and he's mad Jerry got him Vincents in his panic room the bra girl is dead weird kids arms off and now Jerry's coming and weird kid's twitching out and he looks like a wolf shark and they're being vulgar again he's hunting them down this is a serious relationship drama issue. if they're strong enough to like bend metal how did grabbing him hard around the neck not immediately crush it. they're fighting - like what; charley just took a deep clawing across the chest they're blocking and slashing and every ones smashing stuff and he just got weird kid at the neck and uh oh she's in trouble but she's got a gun but he's barely flinching oh what. how did she know that was holy water the cup was up too high for her to see there was even any water in it. dude they're strong when its plot convenient - how do these guys know how to fight with weapons he's just so chill with that slash across the chest. ahaha what the fuck she's like urging him to kill him aha he stabbed him all drama and she's in survivor mode like fuck outta the way everyone oh good he's pretty again. i'm disappointed no jerry/amy stuff though tbh she's spicy, he thinks this is a great time. he's just hunting them and its nightclub time are they gonna do the jerry amy thing no he grabbed her by the throat oh damn oh okay no that was pretty hot he's got a slash on his chest and the bouncers just grabbing it and he doesn't react fuck sake 0 that was pretty cool if not exactly what i wanted - he properly vampired her: blood on his lips he kissed her and it drugged her enough to take her neck in the middle of the club. and now a vampire killed vincent's parents and that's why he's a drunk but how'd he become a magician what's that got to do with anything. damn highschooler dropping moral truthbombs that immediately make adults change their mind immediately and wanna help him. how does that car still drive. this is so gay like he is overreacting he's dressed to go to war - i forgot he burned their house down he's got a fucking crossbow and he's dressed in like military shit and he's swinging the crossbow around like he's in the military, did they tell him to take this serious or like he shoulda been an awkward stumbling kid oh what the damn they'res a secret like basement damn he just broke a hip how is all of this under his house didn't just move in???he switched on the first light in the whole movie and it barely lit anything up so lame. so extra oh damn that tiddy damn nice just dodged an arrow oh fo real really is he the vampire who killed vincent's parents are you serious that's so lame. and now Amy's  what the fuck why is there like an entire institution beneath this house what is this. oh its the tribe?? they live in the dirt whoop her eyes are black but vincent's got a dramatic black leather jacket and a stake gun that just fucked up and he's just gonna stake her straight up they barely gave her time for her scary wide face he just stabbed her and ran and now she's eating her own blood and whoop vincent's being eatenoh really how did he know there was sunlight up there aren't we in the base meant isn't this place made of cement. damn he's hot with his shirt open. he just hissed at the beam of sunlight. even his fingernail burns oh that's cool he's in teh shadow and charleys in the sun beams as he taunts him about Amy and vincent's turning ahaha  and they're gonna wait til the sun goes down and in the meantime he's gonna like fuck amy in front of charley ahaha nice drinking bloods like sex. oh yeah okay what he's gonna what he's expecting to go up in flames what the fuck he'd oh no okay what the fuck as if. as the fuck if. first of all, charley is human and a crazed vampire is not and are you joking me that charley could survive being thrown around plus he's fucking on fire that should have destroyed him by now fucking burned to a crisp oh im so disappointed and okay yea being a vampire was just dark spirits? and now everyones free to die of their wounds aha jesus. his clothes would have seared into his skin, his goggles would have melted but no, completely unscathed. so lame. oh that was such a slow awkward dialogue. weird like one liner jokes throughout are we in vegas? oh nice they're fucking i really don't care i don't wanna see these 25 year olds why do we care what happens now Jerry's dead. jesus that was bad. please im so upset. oh well sometimes 1980s camp horror is better than cheap rushed or at least badly edited modern ones. disappointing man.
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comicteaparty · 5 years
June 29th-July 5th, 2019 Creator Babble Archive
The archive for the Creator Babble chat that occurred from June 29th, 2019 to July 5th, 2019.  The chat focused on the following question:
Whether intentional or not, what would you say is the central theme of your comic?
The central theme of Super Galaxy Knights Deluxe R http://sgkdr.thecomicseries.com/comics/ is, to put it in a word, acceptance. Accepting that you can't change the past, accepting that you can't control everything that happens in your life, accepting that other people come from different walks of life and experience different hardships from you, accepting that you can't change other people's hearts, and learning to accept yourself even when others don't accept you.
Attila Polyák
The story of Tales of Midgard https://talesofmidgard.com/comic/book-1-cover-page/ does have a central theme, but most of the story mostly follows events that allow the exploration of the world. That said... If you look at it closely you'll notice that the story does involve themes about free will and the results and consequences of an actions taken.
Kinda hit me just now that the central theme of Galebound (http://www.galebound.com/) might be "real change comes from a place of love, not hate". Basically, even if you have "good" goals, trying to achieve those goals from a position of hatred will just destroy everything around you, while doing something because of love elevates everything. Also row row fight the power(edited)
Jonny Aleksey
The Undefeatable J-Man ( http://jonnyalekseydrawscomics.com/thelatestpage ) So when I starting writing up the series years ago the idea was always going to be about the relationship between J-Man and his father. J-Man having idolized his officer dad when he was little but growing more distance after he becomes a hero and does his own "cases" (like a kid trying to be grown up). The inclusion of sidekick Sleepy Bear evolved from a fun silly idea into being a sort of little brother to J-Man, forcing him into a guardian role before he's really ready. I guess in short the theme has become maturity and hero worship.(edited)
ErinPtah (Leif & Thorn | BICP)
If Leif & Thorn (http://leifandthorn.com/) has a main theme, it's "communication." Partly because the characters don't share a first language -- and even as Thorn gets better at speaking Leif's, there are huge cultural differences that they need to figure out and talk through.
On top of that, if you dig down far enough, a ton of the problem-of-the-week type conflicts can be traced back to miscommunication! Someone hasn't explained themselves, or tried but didn't get it across very well, or explained it clearly but the other person didn't want to listen...
(The other problems are pretty much all about financial exploitation. Something goes wrong, it's either miscommunication or capitalism. Or both!)
But I'm A Cat Person (http://bicatperson.com/) is about broke recent college grads living on their own for the first time, but still making new connections and getting by with help from their friends. Also, immortal shapeshifters who need to be bonded to a human Master and will literally run down like a rusting machine if they don't get regular orders. There was a point when I figured the theme was "independence," but it's really more "interdependence."
...It's very political, but it takes place in 2010-2011, so the in-universe references have to be specific to that era. If they didn't, I'd be saying "stronger together" a lot more.
Heart of Keol (https://heartofkeol.com/) is about being let down by the one person you trusted, when you needed them the most. The feeling of "I'd thought they would care, but I guess that was too much to expect........" It's also about how you change (which hopefully includes healing -- though that isn't the case every time...) after such an experience. How that relationship changes afterward, and how it affects your other relationships.
The Angel with Black Wings http://blackwings.mharz.com/ main central theme is "forgiveness" whether it's towards others or towards yourself. We've all been hurt before and sometimes depending on how tough it is, it can sometimes be so hard to forgive anyone even yourself. Some had so many tragedies happened to them that they had formed hatred towards the world that they just want to see it burn. Many of us formed self-loathing because we haven't achieve this kind of status we wanted for ourselves, or maybe we have blamed ourselves for something bad that has happened in the past. Forgiveness or lack thereof can greatly affect someone's mental health... and it doesn't just affect ourselves, but the people around us. CHAMPS http://champs.mharz.com/ aside from the slow-burn lesbian romance that's going on is about which victories are more important? The main characters, being athletes they'd want to win any match they can... but winning doesn't necessarily mean a satisfying victory. Sometimes you need to make a choice.
What is this theme? Is it, according to that one guy from the Game of Thrones show, something for eighth grade book reports? Everyone knows storytelling is all about random shit happening to keep people in their seats, regardless of why.
I think NeilKapit was making a joke about themes in general
Not sure but my guess is he was sarcastically mimicking those who uh, don't "believe in themes"
oh I thought it was pertaining to mine... becos my message was before theirs
I'm like did I say something wrong?
Nah, you're fine
Ty keiiii
It’s a joke based on a quote by David Benoit (sp?), one of the game of thrones showrunners, about how he approaches storytelling
It explains a lot about why the show went south so hard and so fast once they ran out of book material to adapt
Sorry if it sounded like I was dissing you or anyone here, I wasn’t
Thank you for clarifying
it's good, bud. : D
In all seriousness, the theme behind my comic We Are the Wyrecats (wyrecats.com) is coming of age in the worst possible way, with the protagonist having spent ages 18-22 in a coma, and awakening to a world where all the common sense heroism she and her friends tried to do ended up receiving a vicious backlash from the powers that be, where her friends have had to morally compromise in the name of survival, and where she realizes that people only allow you to do good on their terms
And what to make of things upon learning all of that
Nutty (Court of Roses)
In Court of Roses http://courtofroses.thecomicseries.com/ I'm trying to show the love, beauty, and power in self-expression, especially of the artistic kind and how versatile it can truly be. My bards will have a lot of challenges thrown at them to be solved uniquely with their talents!(edited)
Nutty (Court of Roses)
I wanna expand on that once they all start traveling together, as well as showing the importance of being able to seek help and comfort from others when you need it most.
Capitania do Azar
Haha central theme of my comic (www.sarilho.net/en/) is cooperation and this was super intentional because themes are super important and that's is why I spend so much time dealing with characters engaging in battle (edited)
MJ Massey
Not sure if this counts, but Black Ball (http://welcometoblackball.com/) is a deconstruction of the Great Gatsby and other 1920s literature which involves a lot of ironic tragedy. Emily is the common sense friend you wish all those characters had, because she has no time for that nonsense, and inadvertently comes in and makes people face their problems and, through that, become stronger, better people. While this is going on, she doesn't even realize that she's having an impact on people. Emily starts as sort of a passive doormat, being dragged around where her parents or the plot take her, but by the end she will find her own confidence and will become a more assertive person
The main themes for OIYD! (http://oiydcomic.com/) is a combination of Fantasy vs. Reality, Truth and Lies, the scope of love, and the sacrifices or consquences made from those choices. Escapism, fantasies, and delusions often infer how we precieve our reality. And sometimes reality structures how these mindscapes are dictated. I want to explore such things under a romance between a dreamer and her dream, implications of trying to please your family and yourself, and what to do when your dreams can turn into concrete existence.(edited)
Okay, so after some thinking, I think one of the main themes in Ingress Adventuring Company (https://ingress-comic.com/) is that healing isn't linear, and it can take a long time. That goes tied with the theme that sometimes there's more to people than what they show you. These aren't, like... SUPER obvious as themes yet, especially because most of the comic right now is a pretty light-hearted adventure story, but I think i'll get around to it.
Millennium's (http://millennium.thecomicseries.com/) main theme is really all about love, and overcoming great struggle through it. It's about healing and growth and finding your own family!(edited)
In it's core Home is a Distant Wish (https://tapas.io/series/hiadw) is about healing and finding one's own place in the world. It is about home but not just as a physical place but home as a feeling of belonging and safety, and most importantly about the right people. It is in many ways about people disconnected trying to connect again. There are more underlying themes that are a bit darker but I do like to think that the more hopeful themes are the dominant ones.
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seriouslyhooked · 6 years
Scoring Your Love (Part 7/?)
Modern AU where Killian is a world famous soccer star who has hit rock bottom and been sentenced to the place where ‘football’ legends go to die – America. While here he crosses paths with Emma, an up and coming musician and film scorer who challenges everything he thought he knew and makes him want more than the game he’s always loved. Will be filled with fluff for days, and eventually rated M.
Part One, Part Two, Part Three, Part Four, Part Five, Part Six. Story also on FF here and AO3 here.
A/N: Hey everyone! So another chapter is here and it’s the night of the first date! However, where I originally planned to have Killian and Emma’s POV in one chapter, I ended up writing something long enough that it feels right to split it in two. I know, I know, I can hear some of you cursing my name from here, but not to worry, the next chapter is already written and I will be posting it next week so the wait will not be too long! Anyway, before the date, Killian has a bit of a rough patch to get through, but rest assured we will end firmly in a fluffy place. I hope you all enjoy and thank you so much for reading!
“So tonight’s the big night, huh?”
The question from David at the end of the day’s practice poked at the already present sense of awareness and apprehension that Killian had been grappling with since Emma accepted his invitation for a date this morning. David had held off on the interrogation during practice, despite the fact that Killian had clearly been distracted by planning and getting all of the details of his intended evening secured. It was a tricky task, but Killian was up to the challenge, and if he had to answer some questions from a well-meaning friend for a few minutes before heading out, that wasn’t the worst thing. Maybe it would save him a few minutes of pacing his apartment as he waited the acceptable amount of time before he could go get Emma.
“It is.”
“And you managed to get it all to work? The dinner and the castle and everything?”
“It’s not a castle, mate,” Killian replied before thinking of how to describe the huge estate that they’d be going to tonight. “And even if it were, that’s not the part that matters.”
“Of course not. Because why just woo a woman with a castle when you can also include some long cherished childhood memory?” David teased and Killian sighed. “But seriously though, you need any help or anything?”
“I think I know how to plan a date, Nolan,” Killian answered.
“Right but this isn’t just a date. It’s the date,” David asserted. “This one has to be right, man. Because if it all goes like I’m hoping mine will go with Mary Margaret, it could very well be the last first date you ever have.”
Killian didn’t have the ability to respond to David’s words. On the one hand they were cheesy and ridiculous, but there was a part of Killian that had been thinking the exact same thing. If things could already feel this right with Emma when they’d barely progressed at all, what was to say this relationship wasn’t heading in a direction Killian had never considered before? Chemistry like this didn’t just happen, and this sense of rightness didn’t come with every new fling. Killian knew that it made Emma special, that it made her more important than all the women who he’d known before her, but luckily he was saved from having to give a verbal response to his friend when a snort sounded from across the locker room.
“Shit, Dave, you really think that way, don’t you? Like life is some kind of fairytale or something.” Will’s words dripped with skepticism as he shook his head furiously. “That’s just bollucks! All of it is rubbish. Jones is going to go out, charm the girl, show her a few moves, and get her out of his system. At least he will if he has any damn sense at all in that thick skull of his.”
Killian’s hand flexed into a fist at the insinuation that he was using Emma somehow, but he bit back the instinct to bark at a man who, despite the comment, had proven himself to be mostly good. Killian took a steadying breath, reminding himself of something Graham had told him when he first arrived weeks ago. Once upon a time Will Scarlet had been the kind of man to believe in such happy endings and perfect matches, but the woman who he’d chosen to build those hopes with hadn’t chosen him back. As a result Will was about as anti-love and anti-romance as a man could be, and that was saying something given all the notorious players and commitment-phobes Killian had met in this sport.
“Is that the plan, Jones?” A female voice asked from behind him. Killian turned to the doorway where Regina Mills now stood and tried not to grimace. Their team owner was completely unfazed by the fact that this was a men’s area and that a number of them were in varying stages of undress, but then again Regina saw herself as a Queen and the others all seemed to grant her such allowances. “Are you dating this Miss Swan to ‘get her out of your system?’”
“Can’t see how my plans are anyone’s business,” Killian grumbled, holding his ground but it only made Regina grin wickedly as she flicked her wrist in a dismissive motion for the others.
“We need the room. Chop, chop.”
Despite how badly Killian didn’t want that one on one interaction, the others all obeyed the order, hustling out as she’d told them to. The only man who delayed at all in his leaving was Robin. He and Regina shared a look, and Killian was glad for what it said. His coach was warning Regina to watch herself, but Regina just shrugged and murmured some less than convincing promise not to make this too painful. Killian bit back a laugh at the thought – with Regina there were few kinds of interactions that didn’t end in at least mild discomfort.
“Now then, as I was saying,” Regina continued when the space was cleared. “You and this Swan girl – how serious is this?”
“Serious enough,” Killian responded. He was not willing to discuss this further with a woman he barely knew and who fancied that she had him on some kind of leash. Maybe the power rested more securely on her side of this dynamic, but Killian wasn’t interested in taking her crap to the extent that the rest of the team was. He’d resist as best he could while still preserving some kind of alliance between them.
“That’s what I figured,” Regina said, pulling a file from her purse as she did. She handed it his way, confusing him in the process but she went on to explain herself. “That’s everything there is to know about Emma no-middle-name Swan.”
“You’re kidding,” Killian said, truly thinking it was some kind of joke at first, and then he saw her face. “Are you mad?! You ran a background check? Why in the bloody hell did you do that?!”
“Isn’t that obvious?” Regina asked with a forced laugh. “I looked into her because you care about her, and since you are my team’s most valuable asset, I have to take precautions. We don’t want you falling into bed with the wrong kind of people, do we Killian?”
The rage that Killian felt in this moment was undeniable and impossible to tamper down. He could feel it boiling over, and biting his tongue would not do. The only hope he had was to quell it somehow, to choose a cold but cutting tactic instead of screaming in the face of the woman who owned his last chance at the career he had worked so hard for.
“I’m only going to say this once, Regina, so listen well: whatever usual play you have, whatever manipulation you’re hoping to wield, it will not work. What Emma and I have is private, it’s ours, and it’s not up for debate. I don’t want whatever dirt you believe that you’ve dug up. I will not be reporting aspects of my personal life to you in any capacity. And most importantly, I will not listen to you belittle Emma. Am I clear?”
“Crystal,” Regina said with a feigned sweetness. “Besides, we all have a past. And I’d say Miss Swan has done a good job of overcoming hers. I mean an Academy Award nomination at her age? That’s not easily done.”
“Excuse me?” Killian asked, not following Regina in the slightest.
“You didn’t know?” Regina asked, actually shocked. “Oh well, surprise! Seems your Swan is a prodigy of sorts and this year she got a little credit for it. Of course movie scoring doesn’t really mean that much in a town like this but statues are statues right?”
Killian didn’t bother responding, not knowing what to even say to these little morsels of Hollywood speak, and finally Regina seemed pleased enough with herself and her information dump to leave.  Killian meanwhile was reeling, not because of the discovery of Emma’s talents and distinction, but because of the way he’d found out. It felt important to him that when it came to Emma he leave the flow of things to her. For that reason he had resisted the urge to google her or look into her past, even when she’d told him of her work as a music designer. He’d been tempted all week to learn more about her, but Emma was a cautious person by nature, guarded and clearly hurting from some things in her past, and it felt unfair for him to know things she hadn’t told him yet. Trust had to be earned, and Killian was hell bent on earning all things from Emma.
Truth be told, however, his frustration with Regina, as strong as it might be, couldn’t stifle the immense surge of pride that came rushing into his heart for Emma. This happiness for her that bubbled up in his chest couldn’t be denied, and nor could the smile that appeared at his lips. Killian hadn’t known Emma very long but he knew she had to be gifted at her work. The way she’d talked about it and the way she was focused and driven and always pushing forward made it clear that this was something she had true passion for. That being said, Killian could only imagine her at the Oscars, dressed up, looking absolutely breathtaking but not truly being interested in any of it. Emma Swan might define beauty itself, but she was real in a way that would make an award show like that distasteful to her. Killian only wished he could have been there to see her in a state like that and support her in those hours of need.
“Bloody hell,” he said aloud then, having some things finally click into place. “That was her other engagement.”
Well now he felt even more like an arse than he had previously at his behavior. No wonder Emma hadn’t been bending over backwards to give up her plans and have dinner with him: the Academy Awards were more important than a first date with a practical stranger could ever be. He didn’t know whether to laugh or berate himself for it either, but either way it did no good to stay stuck in the past. All that he could do was be in the now, and ensure that this evening went as well as he was hoping. As such, he gathered the rest of his gear and headed out with only a few quick goodbyes to his teammates.
Though he’d only asked Emma out today, Killian had actually been planning this evening for some time. Two nights ago he stumbled upon the idea of a perfect first date with Emma but he stayed patient, looking for the right time to ask her. Thank God she’d said yes to tonight because Killian didn’t know how much longer he could wait. A week without physically seeing Emma had been hard, even with the phone calls and the texts lighting up each day. It was crazy, but he missed her when they were apart, even though they knew each other so little. But Killian had long ago abandoned any attempt at the ‘rational’ when it came to Emma. There was no trackable logic behind the emotions he already had, and in the end he had to do what David was always suggesting. He had to follow his heart in the hope that it would lead him where he so deeply desired to be.
Thoughts of Emma and of the upcoming evening consumed Killian as he got ready at home and then drove the span of road from his place to hers. Those thoughts were simultaneously good but also nerve wracking. Not since his year eight winter formal had Killian ever suffered such a bought of nerves over a girl. Even then, the fear had been sparked by the newness of interactions with the female sex and not the girl herself. But tonight, as he made his way through the streets of LA, Killian was beset with a showing of butterflies befitting a teenager.
Killian knew the stakes at play tonight and he felt the need for things to go well. It felt heavy, as if the weight of the future rested on his shoulders, but in the moments where it almost felt too much, he’d think of something Emma had said or the sound of her laugh, which he’d become more acquainted with during their phone calls the past few days. Those moments had a way of clearing out the uncertainty, and by the time he was at her front door he was clinging to hope even as he felt riddled with the energy of a momentous first date. He knocked immediately, not thinking of force or the number of knocks, only knowing that the sooner he saw Emma, the happier he would be.
Blessedly Emma appeared in seconds, opening the door and granting him a sense of peace in as she did, but no sooner had he calmed at seeing her then his heart beat skipped, his pulse went up, and his mind flooded with the vision that stood before him. Emma Swan was an undeniable beauty, perhaps the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen, but tonight she had forsaken her usual comfortable clothes for a look so scintillating he nearly forgot to breathe. With her hair cascading over her shoulder in golden waves, and a red dress made of lace that wasn’t too short or cut too deep, but fit her to perfection, Emma would give any model or actress in this city a run for their money. Her green eyes were brilliant, looking at him with the same kind of hunger he was feeling, and then she bit her lush red lips before whispering her greeting.
“Hey, you made it.”
Killian didn’t have words in this moment. Hell, he didn’t have much in the way of coherent thought except to think that she was exquisite, but then he was moving towards her, guided only by instinct and need. Emma looked surprised for a second as his hands encircled her and his lips descended down upon hers, but as soon as they made contact Emma’s mouth yielded to his and the taste of her filled Killian up completely. He was consumed by Emma, and never wanted this to end. A kiss like this stoked the best kind of flame. It breathed life into a man, made him wonder if there was anything better the world over, and then assured him there wasn’t. It was soul searing and so sweetly sublime he hated to pull back, but then a voice in the back of his mind reminded Killian that this was not how things were supposed to be. You didn’t kiss the girl first thing. You had to convince her of your merit, show her the date you’d prepared, and then maybe she’d allow you such a luxury when the evening was over.
When reason returned to the forefront of his mind once more Killian stepped back. He tried to compose himself but stumbled with the words in his mind. By the time they left his mouth, Killian felt almost bashful, like a boy instead of the grown man he was. 
“Apologies, love. I lost my head for a second at seeing you. I’m sor-,”
Killian didn’t get the chance to finish that statement as Emma pulled him down by the collar of his jacket, filling the space between them again and taking command of her own kiss. This one, though not as intense as the first, packed an even more powerful punch. For Emma told him with this brush of their lips that she was in this too, and that she didn’t fault him in anyway for going on instinct instead of sticking the course.
“I couldn’t let you apologize for a kiss like that,” Emma said when they finally broke apart. Her eyes were watching him, and something she saw in his face or expression made her smile. She was already glowing, already this radiant creature he could barely behold, but with this warm smile, and with the sensually lingering lust coloring the jade of her eyes, she was nothing short of perfection. “Honestly I should be thanking you.”
“Thanking me?” Killian asked with a gruff laugh. “Are my kissing abilities so undeniable they deserve gratitude, Swan?”
Emma rolled her eyes and shook her head as she ran her hand over his chest lightly, but Killian knew from the faint blush on her cheeks that she had given his ‘talent’ quite a bit of thought.
“I was thanking you for not making us wait,” Emma clarified. “I know I said we should take things slowly, but… well it’s been a long week of wondering, and now I know.”
“Aye, love,” Killian replied, not needing her to elaborate as his hand came to cup her cheek. He understood her meaning. It had been a given in his heart that Emma would be spectacular, and any kind of intimacy with her would live up to those heights, but still – to feel it was something else. He felt categorically changed by what had just happened, and yet he also had complete and utter faith that it would not be their last kiss, only the first of many. “Now we know, and there’s no going back. Only forward, together.”
With that final promise, Killian offered his hand to this woman who enchanted him, waiting only a brief moment before Emma slipped hers in his grasp. Then, without further ado, he led her to an evening that Killian knew would forever change him and start the path to a whole new life he’d never actually dreamed could be real. His only hope was that Emma would feel the change too, and that she’d find herself falling just as swiftly and surely as he was already falling for her.
Post-Note: Okay, okay! I know that I said the date was coming this week, and I realize that I have conveniently not shown a bulk of the date – but I hope you will all be satisfied with the very healthy dose of fluff I provided you all. I have written so many CS love stories at this point, almost all of them including a first date, but I always love the ones where Emma and Killian don’t want to wait for the end to share a kiss. For this story it just felt right to me that we have that, and I hope you all will agree and that you have enjoyed the chapter. As always, I am so grateful that you’re all reading and commenting and messaging me your thoughts. It’s so fun writing a new story and interacting with all of you about it and I hope you’ll all continue with me as the story progresses. As I said, next week I will be back with the second half of the date, and in the meantime I hope you have a lovely rest of your weekend!
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sage-nebula · 7 years
What are things you love about Ducktales 2017 and things you are looking forward to? :3 ~
Oooh, there are a lot of things to love about it! Keep in mind that while I did watch some Ducktales way back in the ‘90s, I wasn’t a mega fan, and so my memories of it are kind of spotty. I of course recognize all the main characters, as well as the theme song (although the updated theme song is so much better), but it wasn’t one of my childhood fandoms, per se, and so I don’t have as much nostalgia associated with it as some others might. Therefore, a lot of my thoughts / opinions are coming from a “newer” fan, someone who is just watching and likes this show as it is.
That said? In no particular order:
The animation, obviously. At least one of the animation directors also worked on Gravity Falls, and trust me, it shows. The use of color, lighting, and shading in DuckTales is top-notch when it comes to setting the mood, and the animation is all very fluid and very pleasing to watch. Also, despite the majority of the characters being ducks, there isn’t any limit to how expressive they are, even though duck faces are (understandably) generally not as expressive as human faces. (And yet, the ducks never stop looking like ducks. It’s all very well done.)
The voice acting!! I mean, listen: I already knew that this show was going to have some real talent when I saw that Danny Pudi and Ben Schwartz were on the cast, because I’ve seen them in other things (Community and Parks and Recreation, respectively), and they were fantastic. But the minute, the second I saw that David Tennant was voicing Scrooge? Ghdsfldsjgldsfjdsa It went from “you have my attention” to “you have my interest” in pretty much .01 seconds. I’ve loved David since Doctor Who, and trust me, he never disappoints. And the rest of the actors and actresses are all fantastic as well. Everyone is doing such a good job. Even Donald’s actor, whoever he is, is doing a good job, even if I can’t understand him 25% of the time, and even if his voice makes me a little uncomfortable at times. (TL;DR: My biological mother used to do Donald Duck impressions, and she was rather good at them. Those were always during “nice” moments, so it’s not as if I have a bad memory per se attached to that voice, it’s just that . . . well, it makes me think about her, which is a little uncomfortable. But it’s not bad enough so that I can’t watch. I usually just get reminded, and then push it out of my mind so I can focus on the rest of the episode.)
The characterization for the triplets! They’re all distinct, individual characters for once, my god! And not just in the way they dress (although I like the fact that the way they dress reflects their personality, e.g. Louie wears a hoodie because he’s more laid back), but in how they act. I might not have been a super fan way back when, but I do remember that I could never tell the triplets apart. Even now, it wasn’t until I started actually watching the series that I came to remember which was which, and it’s because they’re all fully, fleshed out characters. And speaking of which . . .
The characters are all so varied. There was a lot of talk once it was discovered that animators from Gravity Falls were working on DuckTales about the characters from Gravity Falls being carried over (especially once we saw how much the animation and art really do resemble Gravity Falls), and while there are some similarities, the characters really are still themselves. Like, for instance:
Huey does wear a hat like Dipper, and he does carry around a journal that he relies on like Dipper (the Junior Woodchuck Guidebook instead of Journal 3), and he’s even got some anxiety like Dipper does. However, unlike Dipper, Huey does not at all believe in anything that is not either a.) science-based, or b.) he has witnessed himself. Whereas Dipper immediately believed that everything in Journal 3 was real, Huey refused to believe Wendy’s assertions about the Terrafirmians because they couldn’t be proven by science. Additionally, Huey’s anxiety manifests in actual fear of the unknown that freezes him in place, whereas Dipper’s manifests in flailing and panicking and throwing himself at situations to try and resolve them. Huey seems to have a love of learning for the sake of it, whereas Dipper wants to learn things so that he can either use them for himself and give himself an advantage. Huey also seems to have more of a code of honor than Dipper, and doesn’t want to get ruthless in the same way that Dipper will if necessary.
Webby and Mabel are both girly-girls who have some tomboyish aspects (mainly in that they like things like adventure and grappling hooks). They’re both very energetic, a little socially awkward, and they really want to fit in and be liked. These are things they have in common, however, they also have a lot of distinct differences. For instance, while Mabel does like some mysteries and adventures, she also grouses at Dipper’s need to chase conspiracy theories, and his inability to give them up. Webby, on the other hand, LOVES conspiracy theories, and is actually the one compiling her own Journal (a la Journal 3!) to document all the strange happenings around Duckberg. Mabel is a bit awkward, but she’s still socially conscious and outgoing, and outside of rare occurrences like with Pacifica, tends to make friends wherever she goes. Webby, on the other hand, has been isolated for a long time, and as a result it is very hard for her to easily interact with others, because she so easily goes over the top. Mabel loves romance; aside from wanting to get a boyfriend for herself, she also wants to get one for anyone else she can find. Webby, on the other hand, showed just as much open distaste at the idea that Donald and Ms. Beakly might kiss as the triplets did, and so on and so forth.
It seemed like Lena might be the new Wendy, given that she seems to be a slightly older female character who is very cool, likes hanging out with the younger ones, et cetera. However, she and Wendy are so different. Wendy is straight up heroic, whereas Lena is a definite antihero. Wendy’s family stresses her out, but for the most part they get along. Lena doesn’t seem to have a family. Wendy doesn’t take shit from anyone, but Lena is pretty clearly being manipulated by an evil spirit in her pendant, and so on and so forth. Anyone who would compare these two and call them the same has no idea what they’re talking about.And so on and so forth. The characters might have traits here or there in common with characters from Gravity Falls, but on the whole they stand on their own, and it makes me so happy, because it’s clear that while the two shows have similar tones (overarcing myth arc, adventurous plots), they’re still clearly two unique shows, and that makes watching DuckTales a fresh experience. (I mean, don’t get me wrong, I LOVE Gravity Falls, but I want DuckTales to be its own thing!)
The humor! The humor is really on-point! There’s something to at least smile at every episode, and they haven’t had to resort to any toilet humor or anything like that (that I can remember, anyway). The jokes are witty and clever, and because the voice cast is such gold, the delivery is always on-point as well.
The myth arc!! The standalone episodes are interesting, of course, and they’re all really well done---but I love what little bits we’ve seen of the myth arc so far. The mystery surrounding Della Duck and the Spear of Selene is really interesting, particularly since the first episode implied that Donald is holding a grudge against Scrooge because of it. But then there’s everything with Lena, too; I love how the writers keep swinging the pendulum back and forth, where at first we’re led to believe that she’s a shady delinquent who won’t care what happens to Webby (and instead just wants to use her to get into a party), but then she seems to have Webby’s back and truly care about her, but then she seems to abandon her, but then she comes back, but then she has that pendant and those dark powers she’s accepting . . . and so on and so forth. They’re showing a lot of variance in Lena’s character---a lot of depth. It’s not just that she’s a cool kid, it’s not just that she’s a possible antagonist---she’s all of these things. And we’ve already seen reasons why she can be sympathetic, too. She doesn’t have a family, the idea that someone like Ms. Beakley would dismiss her as a “bad kid” hurts her, she’s never had anyone be there for her, she already wants to save others, she’s very obviously being manipulated . . . although I have a feeling that there are bad things to come in Lena’s future, I can also tell that they’re already setting up for her redemption arc, and I have a feeling that when the bad things come, she’s going to try to stop them before they happen, only for it to be too late (and for her to be horrified while the others wonder how she could possibly betray them, et cetera, until that all gets resolved). I’m really excited to see how this all plays out, especially if Lena’s story and whatever happened to Della end up being intertwined somehow.
So yeah, there’s a lot to like and be excited for where DuckTales is concerned! Every episode has been great so far, and I can’t recommend it enough to others. It’s a good show. ^^
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sheikah · 7 years
7.01 Thoughts
Watching the premiere last night was so much fun, you guys! I loved it and don’t have any complaints to make. So far it seems like 1. the leaks are probably real and 2. they did not do the season justice. I think this is going to be an epic story, maybe our best season yet! I have a lot to say so I’m putting it under the cut.
So from the outset I absolutely loved the opener with Arya and the Freys. It was really clever how there were small hints of it really being Arya in his overall demeanor and the way David Bradley approached the scene. And the “proper wine for proper lords” line reminded me of when Arya insisted to Tywin Lannister that her parents taught her to “talk proper.” 
The big reveal and her declaration that “The North remembers, and Winter came for House Frey” gave me instant chills and I LOVED it. It does worry me a tiny bit though, if I’m honest. At Con of Thrones I sat on a panel about the women in Westeros and when one of the speakers asked the audience if Arya is “too far gone,” almost everyone raised their hand in agreement. I was LIVID and scandalized and couldn’t have disagreed more. But we are starting to see a more ruthless side to her. 
Don’t get me wrong--revenge narratives are my absolute favorite thing in the world and I was CHEERING when those Freys died. And from what Arya said to them, they all played an actual role in the RW and aren’t innocent. But at the same time, when she came upon those Lannister soldiers she was looking at their weapons and seemingly planning a way to kill them at first. And that makes me sad. I want her to be in a place where she can trust again. She deserves it, and seeing her laugh with them was one of my favorite moments in the episode. 
Speaking of those Lannister soldiers, what an unexpected treat! Starting with BotB last year, I really feel like the show is doing a better job of reflecting the harsh realities of war, and one of those realities is that not everyone on the opposing side is evil. War is full of all kinds of people and the way it destroys so many lives, even those of good people, is part of what makes it so awful. 
Sure, Ed Sheeran’s derpy face out of nowhere was funny for a second, but this scene was moving (at least to me) and clearly it moved Arya, too, who we can assume was finding common ground with these men, especially the one who mentioned love between a father and daughter. As sweet and wholesome (who would have thought I’d be using those adjectives in a GoT recap?!) as this scene was, I do think it hints at a darker future for these men. We might see them dead on the battlefield against Dany’s army in the very near future, and I dread that.
We didn’t get much from Bran and Meera but I was glad to at least see them. I got a chuckle out of Edd asking for proof that Bran is truly a Stark, and instead of providing real proof he just says some cryptic and broody stuff about Winter and Edd is like, “Yep. Kin of Jon Snow for sure.”
Speaking of Jon, I loved the scenes in Winterfell. They were surprisingly tense but also offered moments of humor and warmth. The Jon and Sansa face-off was interesting because I can see both sides of the argument. 
But I found it odd that she brought up Robb, who took the opposite approach to Jon’s when it comes to handling Karstark treachery by beheading their lord. So by contrast I think Jon’s level-headedness is smart and fitting in this scenario. 
If there weren’t ice zombies marching South then perhaps the Starks could afford to hold their allies at arm’s length or hurt some feelings by punishing the Karstarks and Umbers. But as things stand they need a united North to face the WW and Jon made the right call. I feel like this was confirmed when Ned Umber was revealed to be a small child younger than Rickon. Rendering him homeless in the middle of Winter isn’t justice. 
I also really like that Jon is making it a point to have the women train for the war as well. Women need to be able to defend themselves just as much as men, and of course I loved how this moment gave Lyanna a chance to shine. It was my understanding that Mormont women already trained in fighting to some extent but I’m excited to see what Jon’s new policies mean for the future. And when Lyanna was setting Lord Glover straight, Brienne looked SO PROUD of that fiery little future warrior woman and I was LIVING. 
Anyway, overall I enjoyed getting a glimpse of Jon’s ruling strategy which so far seems really solid. And KING Jon is the sexiest thing that I have ever seen in my life. The maester calling Jon “Your Grace” almost killed me. Things are only going to get better from here :)
Also in Winterfell I loved seeing Sansa sass Littlefinger into silence, which I didn’t even know was possible. It was hilarious and savage and I love her spirit and snark so much. It’s good to see that even though D&D are trying to trick us into thinking that dark!Sansa or Stark Bowl is happening, the reality is that Sansa is not even remotely fooled by LF and is only arguing with Jon to voice her opinion--as she should. 
The Brienne and Tormund shippy moment was hilarious and a good way to break the tension of the previous scene. It was cute how Brienne was just training with Pod calmly and normally until Tormund arrived and then since she can’t handle feelings she just turned it up to eleven and basically beat the hell out of poor Pod hahaha. It seems some scenes with them were cut but I am excited to see where it goes from here, even though in my heart I ship Jaime x Brienne.
Speaking of Jaime his conversation with Cersei was deliciously awkward. I loved when she asked him if he was afraid of her and he responded, “Should I be?” That’s the question on all our minds, Jaime. Well actually I want to know if SHE should be afraid of YOU, Mr. Valonqar ;) 
This scene was very interesting to me as someone who is looking forward to the Jon/Dany pairing because Cersei emphasizing that she and Jaime are the last Lannisters who are poised to start a dynasty parallels how Jon and Dany, the last Targaryens, will soon be in a similar position. But while one pairing represents fear and oppression the other represents hope for a better and more progressive future for the realm. 
I also think that that conversation revealed how far Cersei has slipped in terms of her sanity. She called her son a traitor for killing himself. Not good. Not good at all. But at the same time this conversation also foreshadows Cersei’s potential pregnancy with another heir. If that plays out, it will be interesting to see how it effects her schemes and Jaime’s perception of her. 
Their meeting with Euron was much funnier and more interesting than I expected. First and foremost I just want to establish that I really enjoyed Euron’s sexy trash pirate outfit haha. He looked great. And the humor he brought to his villainy was reminiscent of Ramsay, who I will honestly miss on the show. So I’m glad to see that he will be as scene-stealing and maniacal as I’d hoped. Also, “two good hands” is the new pickup line for the ages lol. 
The scenes of the Brotherhood were surprisingly emotional and it absolutely wrecked me to see Sandor so visibly affected by the deaths of that farmer and his daughter. I also pitied him a lot when he was looking into the fire and seemed absolutely SHOOK at what he saw there. I think of The Hound as a simple man who DID NOT sign up for a zombie war. 
While there was a lot of humor in his relentless roasting of Thoros (lmao @ the “top knot” comment) the grave-digging scene showed us Sandor’s depth and continued redemption, and also hinted at a possible friendship between him and Thoros later on :)
Sam’s plot was the least interesting to me but I understand that we need to establish what his life is like at the Citadel and get some more low key scenes of him and Gilly researching to set up the big! reveals! they will give us later in the season. 
The poop montage was absolutely revolting but really well done and I liked how they contrasted the shit with the soup and showed how they sort of became one and the same to poor Sam. But as gross as that was, the most disturbing part for me was Jorah reaching through the bars. For them to only show his arm, he must be looking very bad right now so I hope they hurry up and show his cure soon. The fact that even in his current plight, he is still eager for news of Dany is honestly really touching as much as I don’t ship Jorah and Dany. 
Oh! and Jim Broadbent was perfect as the arch maester! I love him so much and got lots of Harry Potter feels from his voice + Sam sneaking into the restricted section of the library haha.
And of course, the last and most important plot line from this episode--Dany! I love her so very much and have waited so many years for Dany to be in Westeros. I had company over to watch the episode but still couldn’t hold back the tears when she arrived. Emilia’s face in this scene was just so intense and filled with longing and relief. I LOVE IT SO MUCH YOU GUYS OH MY GOOOODDD. 
Dany in Westeros really is a game-changing event and I can’t believe we’re this blessed. 
So Dragonstone itself looks beautiful and I’m glad we’re getting to see more of it than we did with Stannis. I also enjoyed the way they decided to play this scene with no dialogue. No witty quips from Tyrion or surly observations from Grey Worm, just letting the scenery and the actors’ body language carry the weight. 
My favorite moment was Dany walking up to the throne, the throne of Aegon I himself, something she’s been dreaming about for years, and WALKING RIGHT BY IT, instead focusing her attention on the sort of council chamber where she and her companions will work together as a TEAM. Because as much as people try to tear her down, at heart Dany is a team player who is growing and changing and I am so excited to see where her story goes from here. 
Lastly, as a Jonerys shipper, I think this bolder, more assertive Jon is someone who Dany will be instantly intrigued by. I also think that the peek at the next episode and the line delivered to Jon about not trusting Targaryens is going to set up an interesting dynamic for their relationship. Because Jon isn’t going to listen to that person and automatically distrust Dany based on her Targaryen heritage. His actions this episode should be final proof that he isn’t going to judge someone for the sins of their father. 
But I do think that both of them having such strong ideals and ideas of how to approach repairing the realm at this moment in the narrative, when Dany probably hasn’t even heard of WW, is going to cause some friction. They will challenge one another at first. But as the season progresses I think they’re going to find like-minded allies in each other and it’s going to be a beautiful partnership to watch :’) Overall I loved this episode so, so much and can’t wait for next week, and of course episode three. A Jonerys meeting!
If you’ve read this far, thanks for caring about my thoughts haha. What did you think about this episode and what do you hope to see moving forward?
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