#day 3: cross faction/same faction
terraxart · 2 years
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@tf2rarepairweek Day Three: Cross Fraction
Enemies to annoyance to lovers
This song is pretty much their dynamic to me
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tf2rarepairevents · 2 years
Welcome to day three of the event!
Today's theme is Same/Cross Faction!
I loved seeing everyone's work yesterday and hope to see more today! Is there any ships you still hope to see? Ships you hope to make something for? I hope everyone enjoys the day!
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greyias · 9 months
SWTOR-Tumblr Annual Holiday Party
SWTOR Holiday Party - Star Forge Server
Saturday, December 30th -  4:00 PM ET / 3:00 PM CT  / 1:00 PM PT / 9:00 PM GMT
Countdown // Translate to your timezone
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Come on out this Saturday for some cross-faction fun! For the fifth(!) year in a row, we’ll be throwing snowballs at each other on scenic, but chilly, Ilum. Grab your snowballs/snowball cannons/tinsel bombs for a little holiday get-together!
We’ll be meeting up on Ilum on the Eastern Ice Shelf at the twin frozen lakes, which is south of the Imperial Base Camp, and east of the Republic Way Station.
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Type /cjoin TumblrChat to shout at people long distance, or you can whisper me on the name “Greyias” if you need some help finding where we’re at. (Whispers will only work on Pubside unfortunately, only because of cross-faction restrictions)
Need to grab some snowballs? Head over to the Master of Ceremonies on your respective faction’s fleet and purchase the snowball item.
Come on out, we’d love to see you!
And now, look under the cut for some of our really silly, 100% optional, party traditions we sometimes indulge in:
Ugly Life Day swtor Sweater Challenge
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A lot of the lowbie chest pieces on the starter planets (like the Nerfherder tunic), also dye really well. Truly the potential in-game are practically endless.
White Bantha Gift Exchange
Find or bring some random in-game object to exchange with some unwitting bystander another partygoer! The more useless, unique, or hilarious the item, the better!
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Use the in-game trade function to exchange the “gift” to someone live! Alternately you can mail it to your recipient of choice, the but it can sometimes take up to an hour for it to be delivered.
The only catch with this activity that I can tell is that you have to be on the same faction in order to trade with or mail another player. Because apparently rival factions must be at war, or something lame like that. Like the name of the game is Star Wars or something. 
Again, both of these are 100% optional (so is the snowball fight for that matter), you can just come and hang out with us if that’s all you want to do! The goal is for us to have fun and hang out with each other in-game as a community, so as long as you have fun, that’s all that matters! ♥
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sgiandubh · 1 year
Instead of hijacking @wildfernflower's excellent reblog of this post (https://www.tumblr.com/bat-cat-reader/728749633773404160/cait-looks-hot-happy-and-content-both-her?source=share), I decided to write my own.
But first, I have to quote @wildfernflower, because she is damn right:
'There is a lot of time in his life, far away from his socials, filled with stuff we'll never know about. People read his post one day, learn what he's currently doing or where he currently is (or rather where he wants people to think he is), they're impatiently waiting for the next post that comes e.g. in 2 or 3 days, and have an illusion nothing happened in between. They put these posts one after another on a fictious Sam’s timeline they create in their minds. In reality, these 2-3 days in between is a significant time gap, yet it miraculously disappears.'
You might find me insolent, but: this whereabouts obsession is one of the original sins of this fandom. Where are they right now? And with whom? Alone? Together? When did he/she went online last time, in which time zone and to do exactly what?
Let's face it: we wouldn't do that with our best friends IRL, perhaps and I would not do that with SO or my child(ren) if I had that privilege, which I don't. I remember my mother calling me at 7AM on a Sunday with that question and I also remember my very insolent answer - she understood very quickly it was not a good idea and never tried it again. So while I can see why this online timelines game was cute at the start, I can't, for the life of me, understand why it still apparently is a big deal and why some keep on playing it on behalf of two strangers? Especially when they know, by now, everything he posts is either a) advertising of his own projects and b) latergrams and also that she was never an enthusiastic poster (oh, yes: the banter - that is, I am afraid, long over, now).
This is the surest way to feed a never ending obsessive cycle and this is way above and beyond fandom behavior. This is also why I think timelines always have an agenda, especially when they pretend to explain a context in all its complexity, to a very thirsty and easily bored audience.
Take for example what Miss Marple called The Zanzibar Saga. At least fifty pages of multimedia content, with an almost frame-by-frame découpage and the proper identification of about 20% of the people on that damn boat. All of this in order to cover events that probably unfolded in the space of eight to ten hours tops of a single day.
In which world is this normal and in which legal system is this not stalking? Why is this happening: to feed the Fandom Beast or to further discredit a B-list actor, allowing all sorts of innuendoes, among which the a) high-functioning alcoholic, b) cheap womanizer and c) closeted gay are all 'possible', depending on each faction's (not fraction, Geachte mevrouw: that's algebra) POV? How is that evidence of anything else than an inordinate, obsessive and somewhat worrisome interest for that person?
This is OL. Not The Truman Show:
PS: In case you wonder, I will always stand up if what I consider to be red lines are being crossed, no matter who the person (cast or blogger) is. Yesterday/early morning today (timezones) it happened again and while I admit my reaction was uncharacteristically strong, so was the troll's message.
Next time, it could be anyone of us. Think about it. And next time, I will stand up again in solidarity, no matter who you are or what your shipper/believer take on SC is. And no, I do not expect anyone to do the same for me. It's not how these things work.
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ggomos-maribat · 1 year
The Consequences of Her Visit
Part 3 of Heirs Apparent | AO3
Danny dragged his feet to the kitchen to fetch himself a glass of water. This time, he wasn't deprived of any sleep; he'd snored his way through the entire afternoon after a particularly long morning of attending to kingly duties.
He threaded his fingers through his hair. The day marked four months since he had last heard from his mother. Her last letter had informed him about the situation of the League: the members had split into two main factions, one in support of a new leader and one in support of Talia and Nyssa's current rule. Talia never made her letters lengthy or personal, but Danny found comfort in receiving them. It told him that his mother was at least alive. 
The hairs on the back of his head abruptly stood on end when he sensed a presence by the kitchen table. 
"Dani, I told you to tell me first before you suddenly drop by," he sighed. 
But when he was met with no snark, no reply, he whipped around to see an unexpected guest. "Amira? What are you doing here?" 
Marinette gave him a gentle smile. "Sorry, I just . . . I needed to see you. It's been four months." 
"Since the letters." Danny moved around the kitchen to prepare hot drinks for the both of them. 
"Yeah." Marinette cast her gaze down. "I can't really visit Damian without compromising our identities so I thought I should come to you." 
Danny shared her sentiments. He already had half the mind to fly to Paris or Gotham out of paranoia but held back, thinking of it as a reckless move. But he was more than relieved to have his sister visit. 
He repeated the words from the last letter. "The League is split into two factions. She's probably occupied with that, right?" 
"I imagine she's taking precautions so the other faction cannot trace us." 
Excuses to reassure themselves. Danny had already known the fact that death was inevitable for any of them—they were a family of assassins after all. But he didn't know if he'd be able to accept it when it did happen. He swallowed down the bitter lump in his throat. Cross the bridge when you get there. Don't think about that right now. 
He took the steaming mugs of coffee, handing Marinette one much to her delight. He wasn't unfamiliar with her addiction to caffeine but he had the same tendencies so he was happy to indulge her. 
"Are you sure it's okay for me to stay here?" Marinette shot a wary look at the stairs leading up to the bedrooms. 
"Don't worry, Mom and Dad can't be woken up even if there's a ghost and Jazz just pulled an all nighter so she's knocked out," Danny explained and Marinette hummed in reply. 
He often wondered if she felt any different shifting into a new family. In his first days with the Fentons, there was a strange feeling accompanied by being the youngest as a transition from being one of a set of triplets. 
"Is there anything bothering you?" asked Marinette, sipping on her drink. Translation: has anyone targeted you? 
"Nothing really. The usual," he shrugged. "Ember, Technus, Fright Knight. They're minor inconveniences at this point. What about you?"  
"Hawkmoth's still Hawkmoth," said Marinette. "But, um, my partner and I are handling things better. We're together now." 
Danny made a mental note to arrange a shovel talk later on when he saw a pink blush dusting her cheeks.  
"I'm worried about you," he confessed, "I was thinking . . . Rogues will always be in Gotham and ghosts won't cease to exist here but you—you can defeat the villain in your city. There's an end to his reign. If we can help out in uncovering his identity, Paris will be at peace again." 
"It's too dangerous. I'm sorry, akhi." 
Danny took a sip from his cup. Just like that, his help was turned down. 
With his luck, footsteps sounded from the staircase. He scrambled to get Marinette into a hiding place but she was faster, effortlessly slipping inside a cabinet. Danny had just enough time to push back her chair and bring her mug next to his when Jack entered the kitchen. 
"Whatcha you doing up, son?" Jack asked. Danny pretended not to notice that his adoptive father was all geared up. 
"Can't sleep." Danny forced out a faux smile. "It's nothing bad." 
"Why do you have two cups of coffee?" 
"Uhmmm, I like to have an extra just in case." He pulled the other mug closer to his. 
Thankfully, Jack didn't seem to think twice about it. "Well, your mom and I are driving over to Springfield. One of our ghost sensors went off there and we're gonna test our newest invention!" 
"You're going right now? At this hour?" Another ghost-hunting trip. What did he expect? 
"Yup!" As if on cue, more footsteps padded down the stairs. Most likely it was Maddie, who was loading their equipment into the truck. "Who knows, we might be able to catch that sneaky Phantom!" 
A chill passed over Danny's spine. The fact that Marinette was hearing how obsessed the two were about hunting down Phantom wasn't good. He drummed his fingers nervously on the table. "Doesn't he stay in Amity Park though?" 
"You never know." Jack dug into his pocket and handed him a few bills. "Here's a lil' something for you. Get yourself something nice while we're out." 
Danny looked down at the allowance left for them. It was barely enough to buy them groceries to last a whole weekend. Jack, as usual, didn't seem to realize this and only ruffled his hair before heading out the front door. In less than a minute, the RV was speeding down the street. 
And Marinette was out from her hiding spot. 
"Danny, what was that?" He couldn't meet her eyes as she asked the dreaded question. 
"What was what?" 
"Are your parents always like that?" Her tone was firmer, voice louder. 
He didn't answer. Marinette moved closer to him and he knew—he knew—she was analyzing him, watching his every move to read the answer from him. "Danny. Danyal." She clutched the edge of the table. "What was that?" 
He had told his siblings about how he came to be a Halfa, but he only mentioned in passing that his parents were hunters. He chose to omit their neglect, and preferred to just live with it. "Jack and Maddie care about catching ghosts more than us," he told his sister quietly, "But they're good people, amira." 
"But what he said about Phantom." Venom laced her words. "How can they be so reckless? What about you? You're a good person, don't they see that?" 
Danny opened his mouth and clamped it shut. Ancients, what am I supposed to say? 'We're used to it'? He braved a look at her eyes and found them flowing with emotion, perhaps even more than what she could show back in Paris. 
"They don't know you're . . ." 
"No, they don't." 
"But Jazz knows, right?" She took a seat, accepting her cup again. 
"Yes, and she's been taking care of me ever since." He reached across to squeeze her hand. "It's okay, we're okay right now. As soon as Jazz finishes college and saves up enough money, we'll be out of this house." 
"Why didn't you tell us you've been living like this?" Her face was red, her irises were watery and her fingers shook. Marinette was good at concealing her emotions, but she was better at expressing them at the right times.  
"The same reason why we lie about our past," Danny answered solemnly. "You understand that, don't you?" 
A harsh glare was directed at him. "Yes, we lie to other people but that doesn't mean you lie to us. No matter what you think of the situation, it's dangerous for you. And don't say you didn't want to worry me and akhi, because we're always worried." 
His shoulders sagged. He did want to tell them but only when he had settled on a new life. "I'm sorry." 
Marinette heaved out a sigh, and it that second Danny felt like he was the youngest, fresh out of a scolding. She sipped on her coffee to calm herself down, rubbing away the tears from her eyes. "You know akhi will skin you alive, right?" 
His lips quirked up into a smile. "It's not like I'm not already half-dead." 
"I know, I know." His smile stretched wider. "Are you going to tell him?" 
Marinette huffed. "I should." 
"I'll tell him myself. Later today." He downed the last of his coffee, savoring the sweet taste. 
"You said it's difficult to visit Damian, but it's less risky if it's me. I'll drop by Gotham, check on him, and ask if he's heard anything from the League or Mother," he vowed. "Then I'll come clean." 
Marinette's lips curled. ". . . Are you sure?" 
"Yeah, I'll make it quick and give you an update after." Plus, I can always overshadow akhi if it doesn't go well. Or disappear right away. 
Danny didn't find his brother in manor, so he opted to track his location to the Botanical Gardens where he saw Damian with Titus. He swiftly checked if he was truly alone before jotting down a coded message on a broad leaf. He dropped the leaf on the page Damian was sketching on, and the latter quickly deemed the coast clear. 
"Hey, akhi." Danny carefully sat down beside his brother. The setup and timing were too perfect. 
It was almost as if Damian was expecting him. 
"Amira told you, didn't she?" Danny said with a wince. 
"She concisely summarized what transpired during her visit." Damian paused his sketching, patting Titus' head who seemed to be interested in Danny's presence. "Now explain." 
Of course she'd snitch on me, Danny grumbled to himself. But then again, I promised to tell Damian. "It's exactly how it is. My adoptive parents . . . aren't the best parents. Ghost hunting has always been the topmost priority for them and Jazz has been the one taking care of me for as long as I remember." 
"Why were you keeping this from us?" 
Danny's leg bounced up and down. From their childhood, it was always Damian who asserted his elder position among the three, despite being born only three minutes before Danny. Danny always thought his brother was subconsciously pressured to be the one in charge, along with the obligation of being the League's heir. 
"Because . . . it's too messy to deal with it. I don't want court cases linked to us or CPS knocking at our door," Danny replied. "And it's better this way. They don't care too much if I'm out late or missing for a few days. At least Jazz and I have the freedom to deal with our lives, especially ghost-fighting." 
Danny looked at his brother. He hadn't torn his gaze away from the page, continuing to draw the pink hydrangeas in front of them. Danny leaned back. "There's also the Guys In White." 
"Guys in White?" 
"A secret government organization dedicated to eliminating ghosts." The awful memories filled his head one by one. "If Jack and Maddie are out of the picture, they might come for me and Jazz or confiscate their hunting equipment. I don't need more ghosts falling into their hands." 
Danny laughed humorlessly. "So I guess our parents' neglect is a double-edged sword in that way." 
He felt his eyes shifting in color as he imagined what the GIW could do to them and his subjects. Damian clearly sensed his anxiety as he didn't pry any further about the organization (though Danny knew his akhi would be doing a lot of incognito research later on). 
". . . I see," Damian finally uttered after moments in silence. 
Danny cocked an eyebrow. "That's it? 'I see'? You're not going to skin me?" 
"Tt. I trust that you and Jasmine know what you're doing and I see no need to interfere . . . yet." A scowl flashed on his face. "Also, I refuse to be a victim of your possession again." 
Danny blinked. He anticipated blood. A bruise or two at least. But a calm Damian was more terrifying; he took it as a promise that his brother will retaliate if ever anything happens to him under the care of his adoptive parents. 
Nonetheless, he was glad he could finally confide in his siblings about his situation and give them more clarity on his double life as a Halfa. 
"Overshadowing," Danny corrected, snorting. "That was one time! I didn't know where to hide." 
"You made a fool out of me in front of Kent." 
"Come on, he totally bought it!"  
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lunareclipse39 · 8 days
The Princes' Whore (Pt. 6)
Sameria has an affair with Darron, officially taking him as a lover. Aemond is upset at discovering Aly's plan of becoming a Septa, but also relieved? Emotions are confusing. Daemon's pride and ego grow more with his faction's victories, and after the Battle of Rook's Rest, which culminates in victory for the Greens, Aemond is filled with the same pride and arrogance as his uncle, and a newfound vigor for his wife. Too bad she does not return the vigor. (Long chapter)
Parts 1 2 3 4 5
Warning: Smut (a lot of it), violence, domestic abuse, swearing
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It's been a while since I've visited Aly in her chambers, and gods, how I have missed her. She won't defy me, nor give me the cold shoulder like Sameria has, but truth be told I have been an utter imbecile to her, if only because I am confused regarding my feelings towards her. Sameria is without a doubt beautiful, and kind, but she's also very defiant and rebellious, two things that make me like her all the more, but also give me this insatiable need and want to make her submit to me. I have conquered the most powerful dragon to live, yet I can't seem to conquer my wife. I want her to want me, to submit herself to me. Aly has submitted herself to me, but strangely I don't desire her submission, nor her devotion. She already loves me, but Sameria doesn't, and she has to. Not to worry, she will, in time, learn.
"Aemond, you shouldn't be here." Aly spoke, her voice sleepy.
"I miss you." I muttered.
"So do I, but you are my brother, and we cannot continue like we did before." Aly yawned.
"And we won't dearest, as you said, I am married now." I said, sighing.
"Yes, so you should go back to your wife." Aly said softly.
"And I will, but she has been cold to me lately, and I miss your warmth." I admitted.
Aly sat up, stretching her arms, her hair cascading around her shoulders. "You have not exactly been warm yourself, brother."
"I know, but I just don't know how to approach her. She's so defiant, and it kills me. She pushes me away, then defies me." I crossed my arms.
"She has been cooking for you, has she not?" Aly frowned.
"Yes, but only because I asked, or more like demanded she did." I looked down.
"Because she is my wife. Wives are supposed to submit to their husbands." I huffed.
"Yes, but husbands are also supposed to be affectionate and loving to their wives. To care for them, and not just economically." Aly crossed her arms.
I clenched my fists. Aly was right, but how can I be affectionate towards someone who keeps pushing me away and is so defiant? Sameria is difficult.
"You know, sister, you'd make the perfect wife. You are subservient, good, and virtuous." I bit my lip. "I dread the day I'll see you married to another man."
"You won't see me marry another man." Aly looked away.
"Yes I will. You are a Targaryen princess. Eventually duty will call to you."
"Not if I become a Septa I won't." Aly muttered.
I widened my eyes. "Please tell me you're joking."
"I am not, brother. I want to be a Septa. I feel it has been my calling since I was very small." Aly nodded.
I nodded, still in disbelief at what I was hearing. I hate not being Aly's husband, and if she becomes a Septa I will lose the opportunity to make her my wife forever, but at the same time I enjoy being married to Sameria. She fills me with thrills and excitement I hadn't felt in a while, not since I claimed Vhagar. Sameria was a challenge of her own, a challenge I was determined to take on, and win. Perhaps it is best Aly does become a Septa. I at least won't have to endure seeing her marry another man.
"Why do you even want to become a Septa, dearest?" I sat on her bed.
"Ever since watching aunt Lyssa Hightower die on the childbed I cannot shake off the immense fear childbirth brings to me. There's also the story of father that haunts me, how before he married mother, he ordered his first wife, Aemma Arryn, to be cut up like a pig in a butcher, just to bring the son he always wanted to this world, only for said son to die days later. Aemma died for nothing, murdered by her own husband. Why marry when you can't even trust your own husband?" Aly whispered, tears welling in her eyes.
I pulled her into a hug, kissing her head. "Your fears are valid, sweetling, and I am glad I won't have to see you marry another man. I think you will be a wonderful Septa." I pulled away and smiled.
Aly smiled, and I suddenly felt exhaustion wash over me. A huge yawn escaped my lips. "We should sleep, brother. It's been a long day."
I only nodded, dozing off on Aly's bed. Every night I feel full with exhaustion, but it's probably due to the constant strategizing, politicking, and scheming.
I rid myself of my nightgown, replacing it with my most revealing clothes. I wore a red brassiere, with a matching, flowing, silken skirt. I brushed my hair, applied rouge on my lips, and spritzed blood orange mist all over my body. I adorned my neck with a gold necklace, the same one I wore the other day, with the sun charm. I slid my feet into my gold sandals, wrapped a red, sheer cloak over me, and made haste for the secret passage. If my husband insists I am a whore, then that is what I shall be.
Alyonna should be keeping him entertained all night, or maybe not, since I laced his nightly tea with lavender daze, as I have been since I started cooking all of his meals. Why am I doing this you may ask? To avoid consummating a loveless marriage and to give myself moments of peace, which I can only obtain at night. So far the herb has worked. Aemond returns to his chambers and falls asleep almost immediately. I do not mind cooking for Aemond, for the activity provides much distraction, as does reading.
I have not discovered anything of value, but I have learned more about dragons and their care, which is interesting. Tears stung my eyes as I moved through the tunnels until reaching the clearing. I walked down the steps and made my way to the city, wiping my tears away. I am not ashamed to admit I crave love and affection, from Aemond or from anyone else. Clearly my husband won't provide it, so I must look for it elsewhere, and I was.
I reached the market stalls, and pulled my hood over my face even more. I had not yet been seen by most of the common folk, despite being married to Aemond for a month, because of war and there was no event or opportunity nor a reason to create one to introduce me. No matter. I prefer it this way. I started looking for Darron, and finally found him outside a tavern drinking merrily and chatting with a friend. I hope he isn't drunk.
His friend noticed me first, and whistled. "What do we have here?"
"Sameria?" Darron wondered, and started to smile.
"Yes." I nodded.
'Sorry mate, but I will have to leave you for this woman." Darron smirked.
"And I do not blame you. Have fun." The friend winked.
I grinned, and Darron looked me up and down. "You are a vision tonight."
"Just tonight?" I teased.
"No, but especially tonight." Darron winked.
This was the fourth time we'd met, and I wanted to return to the little makeshift theatre we went to last time. "I want to go see another play." I gushed.
"Right this way." Darron grabbed my hand.
He led me back further down the streets, passing many taverns, market stalls, and shops. We finally reached the makeshift theatre, and people had started to gather around. Looks like we got here just in time for a play to start. The last play was about Aegon's Conquest. It was brilliant. The same man in a jester costume from last time took to the stage, clearing his throat.
"Good evening, everyone! Tonight we bring you the Doom of the Valyrian Freehold!" He announced.
Cheers went around, and I grinned widely. Oh, this will be good. The common folk, given their very limited resources, still manage to display an array of incredible talents, from acting to singing to dancing to painting, etc. this little group of actors have decent costumes and scenery, which is amazing to see.
The jester disappeared and a scenery of tall towers with glittering jewels came into view, cardboard dragons flying in the distance in a bright blue sky, homes and temples visible beneath the looming presence of the towers. The jester came back out, and spoke, "we all know the story of Valyria, a once great and powerful empire that fell overnight in a series of catastrophic events that destroyed the entire freehold. Volcanoes known as the Fourteen Flames erupted, though nobody knows why." The bright blue sky was replaced with a fiery red one, and the cardboard dragons started falling. The jester continued, "some speculate that the greed of the Valyrians and their ceaseless mining of the volcanoes for gold and other riches caused the Doom, others think it was the Faceless Men. We will never truly know."
The towers collapsed, and specks of fire fell from the sky, that really were tiny streams of paper. "Before the Doom though, Daenys the Dreamer, from the Targaryen family, predicted the Doom twelve years prior. Her family believed her, sold their properties, and fled to Westeros, to Dragonstone." The jester paused, as an actress dressed as Daenys took the stage, waking up from a nightmare, scared, and running off to tell her father.
"Other families survived the Doom as well, including the Velaryon family, and the Celtigar family. Bastard children of the Valyrians roam the streets of the Free Cities still, former colonies of the freehold." The jester stopped narrating and the actors portrayed a scene of the Targaryens, Velaryons, and Celtigars fleeing, and of the presumed bastard children roaming the streets of the Free Cities, all sporting the silvery white hair of the Valyrian race.
"There are rumors though, that a fourth Valyrian family survived, and one of the most powerful ones." The jester spoke. "House Belaerys, its words unknown, its sigil unknown, hardly anything is known about them, only that Jaenera Belaerys was an adventurer known for riding her dragon Terrax around the world, but specifically over the continent of Sothoryos. It is rumored Jaenera survived the doom, having been out riding her dragon when the Doom occurred, all of her family having died, except for her brother Daeneron, who was a known tradesman in the Free Cities and happened to be there when the Doom happened." The jester stopped.
Well, this is certainly interesting. If my father is right and we do have Valyrian descent, I wonder which family from. "Nothing else is known about the Belaerys siblings, where they ended up, if they continued their bloodline, or if they died in the aftermath of the Doom." The jester resumed, actors acting out what he narrated.
The play came to an end, and we all broke out into applause. That was wonderful. The actors came out and bowed. Darron and I left, holding hands, going to a more secluded place. We have kissed, once, and it was time for me to tell him the truth, but not all of it. I certainly won't mention I am a princess, much less that I am married to Aemond Targaryen.
"Darron." I started. "I must confess something."
"Alright." He tightened.
"I am married, but my husband is in Dorne, and I kind of ran away from him. I have no father, no family, which is why I married, and have been living on the road this whole time." I lied.
Darron widened his eyes, but then his expression softened. "Gods... you really do have quite the story."
"I know, and I am sorry, but my husband was abusive, so I ran." I looked down.
Darron lifted my chin and made me look at him. "Sameria, I do not care that you are married, alright? That you had to run away from an abusive husband. I understand. I myself have had to run from nasty situations, and divorced my lady wife a while ago, when I discovered she had been unfaithful." Darron said bitterly.
Tears welled in my eyes, a weak smile on my lips. "My husband was cheating on me too, but would not let me have a lover of my own, neglected me, never showed me an ounce of affection. He did want me to submit though, and serve him." That part was not exactly a lie.
Darron grabbed my waist and pulled me closer to him. "I understand, Sameria. Marriage doesn't turn out loving for some, and we were unfortunate ones."
We kissed, and continued kissing, our kiss turning more and more fervent. We pulled away and smiled, as Darron led me further down to a deserted alleyway, and pressed me against the wall. I wrapped my legs around his waist as we continued to kiss. His strong hands roamed all over my body, pinching my breasts gently, eliciting a moan out of my lips. Darron trailed kisses all over my neck, undoing my sheer cloak, exposing my chest. He trailed kisses all over my collarbone, biting gently, making me moan even more.
"I will give you everything your husband did not." He whispered.
I smiled, and whimpered at him pressing his thumb to my core, still covered by the fabric of my skirt. He suddenly put me down, crouching down and burying himself underneath my skirt. "What are you doing?" I nearly screeched.
"Shh! Just relax." Darron cooed, removing my undergarments and making me whimper at the sudden sensation of his hot breath on my core. I gripped the walls behind me at his tongue drawing circles around my clit, starting to suck.
"Oh gods..." I widened my eyes at how good this felt.
Darron continued to devour me, until I heard distant footsteps. "D-Darron!" I screeched.
He came out from underneath my skirt as it fell down, covering my legs. "Someone's coming." I warned.
We hastily brushed ourselves up, and pretended nothing happened. I turned to Darron. "I must go. I have a friend here in King's Landing who is ill and needs to be taken care of. I must be there for her." I lied.
"Will I see you again tomorrow night?" Darron asked.
"Maybe." I smiled.
We kissed and I ran back to the Keep, passing through the secret passageway and making it into my room.
My wife did not sleep in my chambers again, but I decided to not scold her for it. I suppose she really does miss me and doesn't sleep in my chambers if I am not there. I freshened myself up, and knocked on Sameria's door. To my surprise, it was unlocked. I stepped inside quietly, and found my wife sound asleep in her bed, snoring lightly. I decided to let her sleep. I can do one day without her otherworldly cooking, and actually, I will have yet another dress made for her.
I was on my way down to the kitchens when Cole intercepted me. "My Prince, you are needed in the small council."
I sighed, nodding and following him. My brother was there, and I sat down.
"We are moving against Rhaenyra." My brother spoke.
"How?" I asked.
"We have devised a plan. We will lay a trap for the blacks at Rook's Rest. Cole here will march with as many men as we can muster, sack Duskendale on the way, make Rhaenyra's allies there submit to me. The point is to lure any of the blacks towards Rook's Rest, and then we lay down the trap." Aegon grinned malevolently.
"Which is?" I asked.
"You and I on dragonback, ambushing the blacks." Aegon smiled.
I nodded. "Sounds like a solid plan."
"We move in two hours, so Cole, Aemond, gather as many men as you can. I will raven Lords Rosby and Stokeworth, commanding them to prove their loyalty to me by sending whatever men they can to aid us." Aegon said.
I woke up later than usual. Fuck. I hastily got dressed, noticing a water stain on my sheets due to the fact I bathed last night and didn't dry myself properly. I slid on one of the dresses Aemond had made for me, and didn't bother with jewelry. I simply brushed my hair and let it down, leaving my chambers hurriedly, only to bump into my husband.
"Aemond! Gods, sorry." I rushed out.
He smiled softly. "I can survive a day without your godly cooking, wife. It's alright." He grabbed me by the waist and pulled me to him.
"It is with great regret that I must go to battle right now." He announced.
I widened my eyes. "Oh."
He kissed me tenderly, taking me by surprise. "When I return we shall consummate." He smiled, caressing my cheek.
"You are in an awfully good mood today, my Prince." I observed.
"I am. I am finally going into battle, but I regret having to be away from you." He looked down.
"May the Seven bless you, husband, and may the Warrior bless you with his skill, and protect you from death." I mumbled.
Aemond scoffed, kissed me again, and walked away. I'd believe this newfound change in him of loving me if I hadn't caught him with his sister. I do not want him to die, but I am very happy at having a whole day to myself. I had breakfast and said goodbye to Aly, not letting her know of my newfound resentment for her, keeping my expression barely emotional.
"I will miss you, Sameria, but my new life begins." She smiled, hugging me.
"I will miss you too." I sort of lied. "I will miss reading with you."
"I know, but Oldtown sounds exciting. By the way, I have something for you." Aly fished around her pocket, pulling out a key.
"What's this?" I wondered.
"Shh! Don't let anyone see it, and don't tell anyone I gave it to you. It is the key to the forbidden section in the library, the one only the maesters have access to." Aly gushed.
I widened my eyes. "Aly... this is crazy."
"I know, but you want to find out more about Valyria, and your possibly ancestry." She smiled.
"Thank you." I smiled.
We hugged one last time before she mounted Raindrop and descended into the sky, soldiers accompanying her on horseback. Dowager Queen Alicent broke down crying, comforted by her father, Otto. I excused myself, going back to the Keep and making haste towards the library. I am now intrigued by this Belaerys family, since watching the play last night. This is information my father will appreciate, and speaking of, I did send a letter telling him of Prince Jaehaerys' murder, and how I nearly killed one of his assassins. He responded expressing his pride in me.
I should send more letters to Nerissa and Aliandra. I reached the library and grabbed one of the many quills and inkwells lying alone on the desks, as well as parchment, and made sure the coast was clear so I could sneak into the forbidden section. I cannot stay mad for long at Aly.
I am going to be sick. I heard of the sack of Duskendale, and the leading battle at Rook's Rest. How someone, or people in this case, can hurt and kill so many others without remorse is beyond me. What's worse is my husband is one of them, but I guess it isn't surprising. King Aegon was injured, badly, and Princess Rhaenys, the Queen Who Never Was, was slain along with her dragon. Only my husband emerged unscathed.
I stood with the rest of the noble lords and ladies of King's Landing in the throne room, when Criston Cole, who is Dornish also mind you, entered the room, with my husband behind him. Thunder rolled in the sky, followed by rain. My husband looked like a menacing threat as he walked down, hands behind his back, a smirk on his lips. A chill went down my spine. He stood in front of the Iron Throne, and Cole spoke, "My lords and ladies of King's Landing, his Grace the King has been badly injured after fighting bravely at Rook's Rest, but the enemy has been slain, and victory is ours."
Cheers went around, except from me. I met my husband's gaze, and he was eyeing me like a predator eyes its prey, not a shred of the soft, nearly loving man from earlier today. I gulped. "Prince Aemond Targaryen, third in line to the throne, shall rule in his Grace's stead as Prince Regent." Cole announced.
Oh dear... the lords and ladies proceeded to bow before my husband, and I hesitantly did. Fear washed over me like a crashing wave, and my hands started to tremble. After the lords and ladies finished greeting my husband as their Prince Regent, the room soon emptied, but of course, I was held back.
"Wife." Aemond rasped.
"Yes, my Prince?" I approached tentatively.
"We shall consummate tonight." He grinned.
Without warning, he scooped me into his arms and carried me out of the throne room, up into his chambers. He put me down and locked the door, snaking his arms around my waist, kissing the back of my neck. I gasped, his lips wet and warm, as he proceeded to undress me. My dress fell to the floor around my ankles, and he turned me around to face him, commanding me to undress him. I did, rather quickly, revealing his sculpted and slightly muscular pale chest. I pressed kisses to his chest, making him moan, as he carried me to the bed and set me down, our naked bodies tangling together.
"I have wanted you for a while, wife." Aemond breathed as he kissed a trail down my chest, abdomen, and thighs, making me gasp.
"You certainly didn't show it." I retorted.
"But now I am. I realize what an imbecile I've been. I didn't realize I had a glittering jewel before me." Aemond rasped, his nose brushing up against my core, making me whimper. I grasped the bed covers tightly as I felt his tongue lick a clean stripe upwards, then downwards, making me moan loudly. I couldn't snap back because of how good his tongue felt, devouring me like a starved beast.
"Gods... A-Aemond!" I cried out.
I got a low growl of satisfaction in response, as he finished devouring me. He wiped his mouth, a dangerous glint in his eye. He flipped me over, making me yelp, his calloused hands running down my back, sending a chill down my spine. I rested my chin on a decorative pillow, and decided to bite. "I'd believe you about wanting me if I hadn't caught you entering Aly's chambers last night."
Silence for a moment, when Aemond yanked me back by my hair violently, making me cry out in pain, my head resting against his chest. "Nothing happened, understood? She spoke sense into me about appreciating you, which I am." He growled.
"Why should I believe you?" I rasped.
"I am a lot of things, dear wife, but a liar isn't one of them." Aemond smirked, throwing me back down and spreading my legs, feeling the tip of his cock on my ass.
"You have been defying me long enough, wife, and you no longer will. You will learn to submit to me, to love me..." He grunted, thrusting himself into me, making me cry out.
"L-Love isn't learned, it is earned." I croaked out as he thrust in and out of me.
"You will learn to love me, wife, as I have you." He panted.
"You have a funny way of showing it." I groaned out, my hands grasping the headrest tightly.
"You are so ungrateful. I have dresses made for you, and jewels, from the capital's finest, yet you can't even afford to tend to me enthusiastically, other than your cooking. Yn ao shall gūrēñagon." He growled in High Valyrian. (But you shall learn)
I smirked. "Ao jāhor dōrī jorrāelagon issa, valzȳrys. Nyke daorun yn nykeā toy syt ao naejot tymagon rūsīr ēva ao pryjagon. Ao enjoy humiliating issa se verdagon issa feel inferior. Ziry iksos ry bē power." I spat. (You will never love me, husband. I am nothing but a toy for you to play with until you break. You enjoy humiliating me and making me feel inferior. It's all about power.)
There was silence. After a while, Aemond flipped me over again, my back feeling the bed covers while my defiant gaze held his surprised one.
"You speak High Valyrian?"
"And Dothraki." I hissed.
A dangerous smile played at Aemond's lips, and he responded by kissing me roughly. "You conniving little minx." He murmured into my mouth, forcing it open, his hot tongue exploring inch of mine. I moaned, and he pulled away to let me breathe. He trailed more kisses down my abdomen, the tip of his cock now at my core.
"Say it." He rasped.
"Say what?" I panted.
"Say you're mine."
"I-I'm yours." I whispered.
"Good girl. You learn quickly." He gave me a brazen smile as he entered me.
"You will never defy me again, understood? You are to submit to me, obey me, and please me. In turn I will take care of you, dear wife. You are no longer unbowed, unbent, or unbroken." He mocked, thrusting more into me.
"Inbred, mandia-fucking orvorta." I spat. (Inbred, sister-fucking cunt)
Aemond slapped me harshly, making me whimper in pain, the sting of his slap resonating in my cheek. "Ziry would vestragon ao enjoy being punished, ābrazȳrys. Sȳz. Nyke shall oblige. Hae nyke vestretan, nyke jāhor gūrogon care hen ao, se ry aōha jorrāelagon se wants." (It would seem you enjoy being punished, wife. Fine. I shall oblige. As I said, I will take care of you, and all your needs and wants.)
I was fucked into oblivion. Aemond did not hold back, fucking my core with his cock and his fingers, blood staining the bed covers. I have to escape him. I can't do this anymore.
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specialinterestshows · 9 months
It’s judgment time for the Judgment Day’s tag-team champions in this final chapter of my Damian Priest x Finn Balor fic, Tryst Of Fate.
Warnings for this section: Guilt, hickeys, sex mention
Tryst Of Fate (Part 3/3): Judgment
Liberation, redemption, awakening /
Doubt, punishment, destruction
It was having to keep her team focused in the face of anything - that had to be the most difficult part of being a main player in the most dominant faction in the WWE.
Keeping a group of ambitious, hotheaded wrestlers from turning on each other was a thankless job, but someone had to do it - and Rhea did it well.
She sat on the bed of her hotel room with her Latino heat one evening, deep in thought - his head rested on her lap as she ran her fingers through the longer part of his soft, dark mullet. Despite the fact that Dominik was completely relaxed, Rhea just couldn’t seem to let herself do the same.
“Dom-Dom?” she asked, still gently stroking his hair.
“Hmm?” he replied sleepily, keeping his eyes closed.
“Does The Judgment Day seem… off to you?”
“… Damian’s been weird,” Dom mumbled after a moment’s thought, “Dunno why.”
“Finn too,” Rhea muttered, “Maybe there’s still tension between them because of JD…” She let out a heavy sigh before reaching her conclusion.
“I’ll just have to talk to them.”
“Where are they?” Rhea paced back and forth in the locker room the next day. The show started in less than an hour, but Finn and Damian were nowhere to be found. Looking at her phone for what must have been the tenth time in the last five minutes, she groaned at the sight of her last few unanswered calls.
Only a moment later, the locker room door opened and in “snuck” Finn - at least, that was what he seemed to think he was doing, until he locked eyes with Rhea.
“Fucking finally,” she greeted the guilty-looking man, walking over to where he now stood.
Taking in his nervous stance and the sweat that shone on his brow and bare chest, Rhea scoffed, “Fuck’s sake, I don’t see why you insist on running yourself ragged before AND after shows, but-“
And that’s when she saw it. A rather large, red hickey on his shoulder, with a bit of purple blooming up. The pieces fell into place all at once: the strange behavior, the long hours spent “training” - and the size of that bruise.
Rhea moved past a confused Finn and strode down the hall, not slowing for a second until she had the door to the gym in her sights.
Almost the moment she turned the corner, the door swung open, revealing Damian - also glistening with sweat and tightening his belt. The sight of Rhea made him freeze.
“Looks like you had fun,” she said, crossing her arms as she walked steadily closer.
“What do you-“ he tried to put on his most convincing confused face, but Rhea’s glare grew in intensity and he gave up with a sigh.
“How long have you two been sneaking around?” she asked, trying to keep an even tone.
“Mira, we weren’t trying to-“ Damian began to apologize before being cut off.
“How. Long.”
“A few weeks? …Maybe a month?” Damian replied quietly.
Rhea’s distinct lack of reaction for a few seconds clearly unnerved him; even when she finally smirked, he never let his guard down.
Bringing one arm around swiftly, Rhea watched Damian flinch before slowing the momentum on her punch to his shoulder. The blow landed solidly, but without much force.
Surprised, Damian relaxed a bit and opened his eyes to see the Eradicator beaming at him.
“You’ve been fucking before and after every show for a month?” Rhea let out the delighted laugh she had been holding in, “It’ll take a while before you beat mine and Dom’s record, but well done! Can’t say the Judgment Day doesn’t have stamina, huh?”
Damian allowed himself a chuckle as Rhea playfully elbowed him.
“You’re not mad?” he checked.
“Why would I be?” she asked.
“I… dunno,” Damian admitted, looking embarrassed.
“Come on, hot shot,” Rhea waved him over as she turned back in the direction of the locker room, “Let’s hope I brought enough makeup to cover that hickey you left on your boyfriend.”
[end part three of three]
Tag List (thank you!)
@domripley , @falloutboy-lover , @aut0luminescence
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just-mebs · 2 years
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Look ma I finally made something for my own event 😭
Day 3: Cross Faction / Same Faction
Edit: Remade it
221 notes · View notes
Chapter 3 - Starstruck
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story: The Lieutenant's Shadow - Simon 'Ghost' Riley x Reader
cw: fem!reader, ghost's pov, violence, fighting, blood, mentions of scars, mentions of death, cursing
word count: 5,412
chapter summary: Ghost's mind has been unable to think of something else since you've arrived at the safehouse.
read this chapter on ao3
Ghost's most important duty at that moment was trying to get you off his mind.
You had his attention from the moment you stepped out of the helicopter. An unfamiliar feeling came over him when he had first laid his eyes on you outside of the safehouse this afternoon, and it hadn't left him since. He couldn't quite place it, but he knew that he didn't like it. It was distracting him. 
Ghost had noticed you staring at him for a while when Soap was showing you around the outside. You were wearing a mask, just like him. That caught his attention. You were hiding something, what could it be? What were you withholding from the world to see?
He scolded himself for his curiosity. Ghost never cared about a new recruit assisting the Task Force since it was always temporary, always just for one mission. He's had female teammates in the past, but he never let the thought cross his mind of making the relationship with them more than platonic. Besides, Ghost didn't give a shit if someone had a cock or a vagina. Take their gender away, and everyone is the same. Most of them will only care about themselves anyway.
Ghost tried ignoring your presence, but his eyes were glued to you from the start. When he caught his blatant staring at you again this afternoon, he got up from the army crate and left the armoury to try and get his mind occupied on other things. 
Why did he feel like this? Hell, he didn't even know what he was feeling. Ghost didn't feel, not like this. All he knew was that he really didn't want anyone to mess with his feelings when one of the most important missions of his life waited around the corner. 
Ghost had spent the rest of the day planning a scoping mission in a separate room of the safehouse. While trying to mark specific points of interest on the map of Al Mazrah he had spread out in front of him, his mind kept crawling back to you and he had no idea why. He hadn't even talked to you or seen your face, all he had seen was your body from a distance. Was this his dick talking?
It wasn't the fact that he hadn't seen a woman in a while. It was the fact that he knew he had to partner up with you. Ghost didn't need a partner in the first place, he always worked better alone. Price insisted on hiring one for killing Hassan. When his captain told him that he would be partnering up with a Shadow, Ghost felt insulted. He couldn't understand why Price felt the need to partner him up with a Tier One soldier. As if he wasn't good enough. He had made sure to let Price know that he wasn't pleased when the captain told him his plans a couple of days ago.
"Do you think I can't do it?" Ghost asks his captain.
Price gives him a look that screams 'are you shitting me?'.
"I'm sure you can blow the bloke's face off from miles away. But so can she, Simon."
Ghost slightly freezes for a second. She? He always thought the Shadow Company was an all-male faction.
"You need another pair of eyes and ears for this. We can't risk Hassan getting away. The man screams danger, and we can only guarantee safety when he is looking up at the grass. This mission can't fail."
"I never fail," Ghost tells Price, staring at him while slightly irritated. "My eyes and ears have always come from the privates we hire for missions, so I don't see your point here."
Price rubs his sideburns before grabbing a cigar from the tin box that was situated on the planning table. He lights it and takes a big hit.
"They aren't specifically trained with a sniper rifle. They can assist you on the ground, sure, but once it comes down to taking out Hassan, it'll be just you who can do the job. AQ is too dangerous for that, they'll do anything for their leader. You've seen what they did to the children in Taraq village. They have no mercy. I can't have you dead, Simon." 
Ghost stares at his captain for a while, before ever so slightly nodding his head. He knows that arguing about this is pointless. Once Price has made a decision, there is no chance of changing his mind.
"Fine. But I'm not babysitting her."
Price huffs out a laugh.
"Trust me, Simon. She doesn't need to be."
Ghost recalled the conversation of a couple of days ago when he was talking to Soap in the common room later that day. Soap had asked him if he was looking forward to working together with you, 'the new girl', as he called you. There was no need for Soap to call you that since Ghost already had made sure to study your file intently before you joined, but that he didn't say. He knew who you were. He knew your skills. He just didn't know what you looked like. Just like with his file, there was no picture attached to yours. He thought that was odd at first, but when he saw you wearing a mask on arrival, it all fell into place. You liked your anonymity, and so did he. 
Therefore, it came as a big surprise to see you walk into the common room without your mask. Ghost was about to answer Soap when his eyes shot in your direction, immediately taking in your uncovered features. His mouth slightly fell open under his mask: you were absolutely beautiful.
Soap noticed the frozen state of his lieutenant and turned around with a frown. When he noticed you, he immediately walked towards you, grabbing two MREs on the way. Ghost was left by himself, still looking at you in awe. When he caught himself staring again, he quickly turned around, his back facing your way.
He fumbled with his water bottle as he tried visualizing your face in his head, going over every single detail he had observed when you came in. He had noticed your striking eyes before, but little did he know that that wasn't the only beautiful thing about you. Your cheeks were tinted with a crimson colour, probably from the nervousness of walking into a room full of unknown men. Your hair looked rough, which wasn't surprising given the mask you had worn before. He was all too familiar with that. It still looked good somehow, your (h/c) locks framing your face gracefully. 
Ghost's eyebrows furrowed as he remembered seeing something across your face. Not sure what it was, he glances over at you to get one more look at it. He tries doing so as quickly and subtly as possible. When his eyes land on your face for a brief moment, they widen. 
A big light-pink scar marked your face. It looked like something had slashed across it. Ghost started wondering how you gained it. Was it in battle? Was it something that happened before the army? It made you look incredibly badass, yet so fragile at the same time. His thoughts went over the placement of the scar again. It started above your right eyebrow and stopped just above the corner of your lip. He couldn't help but notice how plump- 
Ghost shook his head. Get a fucking grip, Simon.
"Assassinating targets to 2500 feet away with one bullet to the head."
Ghost's ears perk up at your comment as your voice shakes him out of his dazed state. 2500 feet? Impressive. 
He glances to his left to see that some men are looking towards the conversation happening in the middle of the room, which makes his head turn around almost simultaneously as well. There you are, seated at a table with Soap, Gaz and another private. 
"Yeah right, and I can stop a bullet with my bare hands." The sound of Henderson's degrading voice makes Ghost's ears hurt. Ghost hadn't been able to see eye to eye with the man for a while. Henderson always thought he knew better than everyone else, even though he was just a stupid private that had nothing on him. He notices Henderson's intimidating look towards you, making Ghost fully aware of the altercation happening a few feet away from him.
"Wow, good for you," you tell Henderson, sarcasm lingering in your voice. Ghost suppresses a pleased grin underneath his mask. However, that grin soon disappears when Henderson decides to open his mouth again.
"Is that how you got that thing on your face? Guess you missed one of those so-called far-away targets?" The remark made Ghost's fist clench around the water bottle, the plastic making a crackling sound as he does so. 
"Man, shut up," he hears Soap say. Ghost watches you slowly putting down your fork as you try to keep calm. He is quite surprised at how you're handling this, he would've ripped the man's head off his torso if it was him. Your calm state doesn't last long, as Ghost hears you let out a loud huff before yerking her head towards Henderson, a furious look on your face.
"Listen here, you little shi-"
Ghost leans away from the counter to step in, but refrains from doing so when he sees Captain Price walk in. He towers over Henderson from behind before speaking up.
"Viper doesn't miss far-away targets, Henderson. That's why she's been hired to kill Hassan, and not you." 
Tell him, Captain.
Ghost watches Henderson's expression change into an annoyed one. The private glares at you before he gets up to walk away. Ghost's eyes followed Henderson as he walked out, frustration building up inside him. He feels incredibly agitated, and it didn't even happen to him. Henderson should have tried acting like that towards him: he wouldn't be able to tell the tale. An unusual thought creeps into Ghost's mind. 
Should he go after him and teach him a lesson?
Ghost glances over at you. As if you could feel his gaze on you, you turn your head almost immediately, accidentally staring straight into his eyes. There is a brief moment of eye contact, causing a burning feeling to erupt in Ghost's chest. You look away from him just as quickly as you met his gaze, leaving Ghost to reminisce his previous thought. He's been wanting to put this asshole in place for a long time, he just never had a valid reason to rightfully do so. 
Until now.
A fist collides with Henderson's ribs. He yelps in pain, causing Ghost to put his gloved hand over his mouth to muffle the sounds coming from the helpless man slumped in front of him.
Ghost had caught Henderson when he was smoking a cigarette outside, a couple of hours after the altercation with you in the common room. He knew that Henderson liked to light one up just before he went to hit the sack. He had to find the right time to confront him without anyone noticing, so he decided to strike when most of the team was already sleeping. 
Ghost at first had resolved to confront the man only with words. However, Henderson didn't show remorse for his earlier remarks against you. He instead loudly laughed in Ghost's face, asking him why he cared so much anyway. When he had stepped closer towards Henderson, the guy pushed hard against his shoulder, sending Ghost over the edge. 
His first punch made contact with Henderson's cheek, causing his head to jolt back. Before the man could realise what just happened, Ghost had already pushed the man against the wall of the safehouse. Henderson didn't budge, a nasty smile spreading across his face. That was probably the concussion talking because there was no way in hell that someone would laugh like that after one of Ghost's punches. Ghost grew more and more irritated by the man's demeanour, making his fist collide with his face once more. Henderson slumped against the wall.
He tried refraining from punching the man in the face too much so that it wouldn't be too obvious that Henderson had taken a beating. Obviously, that failed. The first punch had already left quite a discolouration on his cheek. Besides, Henderson had a face that just begged to be punched.
Ghost was now towering over the man, his breathing unsteady from anger. Anyone in his right mind would try not to challenge Ghost in this state, but not Henderson. Instead, the beat-up soldier gargled and seconds later, spat in his superiors' face. 
Ghost stood there for a couple of seconds, trying to hold himself back from twisting the guy's neck on the spot. Alternatively, he took a deep breath before punching his sternum with full force. Henderson slouched forward on the ground, gasping for air. Ghost could've sworn that he felt something crack underneath his knuckles, but he didn't care. He deserved it.
It felt so good to mutilate the man that's been getting on his nerves for weeks. Ghost had a lot of anger issues, but almost never took them out on other people. Someone really had to enrage him to push him into this current state. Henderson had been doing a great job at annoying him for weeks, but tonight's altercation between him and you had sent Ghost over the edge. He had no right to talk to you like that.
 "Get the fuck up off the floor," Ghost said through gritted teeth. He yanked Henderson off the ground by his arm, making the man shriek in pain. He pushed him against the wall again, putting his hand around the man's throat to keep him in place.
"In my team, you treat everyone with the utmost respect. You are nothing more than an incompetent, selfish piece of shit who will never reach our level. Don't think for a second that you can strike that tone against my people again, understand?"
Henderson didn't answer, his injured state making him incapable to do so. Ghost grabbed his chin with force, causing the private to look up at him with droopy eyes. 
"I said, do you understand?"
The man quickly nodded, giving Ghost the satisfaction he wanted. He dropped his hand from Henderson's neck, causing him to stumble forwards and put his hands on his knees. Ghost recognized that stance from when Henderson was challenging you in the common room. The man now didn't look so confident about his actions as he did before. How the tables have turned. 
Ghost raised his finger in front of Henderson's face. The man's eyes widened as he slowly looked up at his lieutenant. His breathing wheezed after each inhalation, making him sound like an exhausted dog. Ghost gave him a death stare.
"If I hear you talking to anyone about this I will fuck you up so badly that you will have to shit in a bag for the rest of your life. If you even are alive, that is. Now, fuck off."
An hour after he beat the shit out of Henderson, Ghost had gone inside the safehouse with the plan of trying to get some shut-eye. However, the moment he entered the sleeping area, a wave of restlessness washed over him. He felt on guard, uneasy even. He had no reason to since everyone was asleep and there were no direct threats around him. Not anymore at least. He glanced over towards Henderson's bed, finding him sound asleep. The beating he took probably knocked him out quite literally.
Ghost reached his bed quickly since it was the closest to the door. He stood next to it, staring at the neatly folded covers. He wasn't tired, but he wasn't anywhere near energized either. His left hand began pulling at the fingers of his right-hand glove, preparing to take it off. He stopped when he noticed blood splattered across the white skeleton print. Even though his hand was hurting, the blood on his glove wasn't his. Ghost smirked when he recalled his fist colliding with Henderson's face. Still got it.
He took off his gloves while looking up to oversee the room. That's when something, or rather someone, caught his attention. The light from the corridor that peeked through the crack in the door illuminated your beautiful shiny hair that spread across your pillow. Your back was turned towards him, your head almost disappearing from how deep it was buried in your pillow. Your breathing was so slow and steady that it started to ease his restless state.
Ghost stood there blatantly staring at you, for the umpteenth time today. He wasn't scared to get caught at this hour, since everyone was fast asleep, including you. It almost made him forget how creepy he must've been looking if anyone were to wake up right now. But he didn't care. He felt something when looking at you, something that made his eyes glued to you. 
But what did he feel? Why did he even feel anything? He didn't know. For the first time in years, Ghost genuinely didn't know what he was feeling. He always knew what he felt because there were so few feelings to acknowledge. He had felt so little these past months, years even, but now it was like a bomb full of feelings had gone off inside of him. 
Ghost shook his head, throwing his gloves on his pillow. He needed to get these thoughts out of his head. He couldn't do that if he was in the same room as you. Ghost turned around and made his way back outside, where he would finally be able to take off his mask and feel some fresh air on his now-flushed skin. 
Ghost had been outside for almost two and a half hours. He was alone most of the time, with only a private instructed to change watch with his colleague coming outside. The guy didn't expect to see his lieutenant there, and he most definitely didn't expect his superior to tell him that he himself would take watch for the rest of the night. When the private tried explaining that he really didn't mind, Ghost kindly told him to fuck off.
He was caught up in his thoughts most of the time. Overthinking came easy to him when he was by himself. Ghost had learned to live with it, but normally his thoughts were either army-related or about his past. With your arrival, a woman suddenly took over his mind. A woman who he didn't know and hadn't even spoken to. It was your first day here for Christ's sake. You could be a massive bitch for all he knew. How is he supposed to work together with you if he couldn't even think straight? 
And why did he feel such a need to beat up someone who talked shit about you? Okay, Henderson did deserve a beating anyway, but still. Ghost felt like he just couldn't let the fucker go unpunished. But why now? Why with you? People had talked shit about his teammates in the past, and then he didn't so much as verbally abuse them. Why did he feel the need to protect you?
Ghost sighed as he rested his head against the wall. He tried clearing his mind by focusing on the cool desert wind blowing against his face. It was a nice feeling after having his face covered by his mask all day. He closed his eyes for a while, breathing in deeply. He liked the nocturnal silence. At this time of night, no one would bother him or ask him any questions. Or so he thought.
His seemingly everlasting alone time was soon interrupted by the sound of a door creaking open. Ghost quickly put his mask back on, adjusting it just as fast to look towards the source of the sound to his right. He squinted his eyes a little, trying to get a detailed picture of the person pushing open the door. He was stunned when he saw you walking out. 
You were completely oblivious to Ghost hiding in the darkness a few feet away from you. Ghost looked at you, unsure of what to do. You had closed your eyes for a brief moment, just like he had seconds ago, to take in the cool gusts of wind that blew your hair out of your face. His eyes travelled towards your hand resting on the door, for the first noticing time how small it actually was. He couldn't imagine how small hands like that could handle a heavy sniper rifle with such ease and grace as everyone was saying. The thought of what other things your small hands could do started to come up, but he quickly stopped that thought from getting too nestled in his brain. 
Ghost turned his head back and continued to stare into the distance in front of him. Without further thinking, he decided to announce his presence by speaking up.
"You shouldn't be out here."
He immediately regretted saying that. He was kind of glad you were out here, with him. He just didn't want your first time speaking to one another to be at four in the morning, just hours after he beat the crap out of the guy who spoke shit about you.
You had jumped at the sudden sound of his voice. In the corner of his eye, he saw you frantically looking around in the dark. When your eyes finally landed on him, he could hear your breath hitch in your throat.
"Lieutenant, you almost gave me a heart attack." Your soft voice spoke. The sound of it rang in his ears like a siren's song. Hearing you speak directly to him for the first time made his heart flutter, but it also suddenly made him incredibly aware of the situation. Here he was, alone with the sergeant that he couldn't get out of his head since this afternoon. All his senses were on edge, but he couldn't make you aware of that. Instead, he returned to his trusted impassive demeanour.
"At least it'll be a natural cause and not a bullet to your head."
He could almost hear your face scrunch up as you thought over that comment.
"What?" Your angelic voice spoke again every so slightly.
"As I said, you shouldn't be out here. Especially by yourself."
Ghost didn't want to act like a prick towards you, but he felt like he had to in order to keep his feelings from getting the better of him. He saw your mood change in the corner of his eye.
"Well, I am not by myself now, am I?"
Your comment made him turn his head towards you. He took in your appearance. You were wearing nothing more than a white long sleeved shirt and joggers, with no tactical gear or guns on you, making you look incredibly vulnerable yet so simply beautiful.
Ghost wasn't used to people talking back to him, especially not in a sassy way. The fact that that feisty remark came from you surprised him, but also ever so slightly turned him on. Your hard nipples shining through your shirt really didn't help. When he felt his pants tighten around his crotch, he tried switching off all emotions, despite really not wanting to. He simply couldn't feel this for his subordinate.
A small moment of silence passed before you spoke up again.
"I don't think I've properly introduced myself yet. I'm Viper," you tell Ghost, extending your hand.
As if he didn't know who you were. You didn't need an introduction. You had been stuck in his head all day.
Ghost wanted to take your small hand in his, shake it as gently as possible, and feel how soft it was. But he'd get hard. He was already so close to getting hard. Even though you wouldn't have seen it in the dark, he refused to let his dick take over his mind. Instead, he just looked at your extended hand and refused to shake it.
"I know who you are." He simply tells you while returning his gaze forward. Ghost tried so hard to keep himself composed, to not let his interest in you show through in any way. Your presence so close to him made it incredibly difficult to do so. It annoyed him that you were influencing his mind so easily. He had years of practice with switching off his thoughts, but here he was, unable to switch them off at all.
Ghost sees you dropping your hand in the corner of his eye. You didn't look too pleased with his behaviour.
"Alright then. And you are?" you ask him, clearly annoyed.
Should he answer as a normal person would? You're just being nice for Christ's sake. Instead, Ghost again opted for his most trusted way of speaking. With no emotion and zero fucks.
"You just called me your lieutenant, so I think you are very much aware of that."
"Well, if it's not safe to be out here then why are you here?"
"That's classified."
Ghost hears an odd sound coming from your direction, one that makes his head turn towards you. Did you just snort? If anything, the last thing he tried to be is funny.
"Well, if you say so. Don't you need sleep?"
Why are you being so nice? He doesn't want you to be nice. Despite his behaviour, you still want to talk to him. He just wants you to leave him alone, for his own sake. On the other hand, he also really doesn't want you to go anywhere. Your presence calms him for some stupid reason, yet his heart is racing like a horse. Then what the fuck do you want, Simon?
"I don't sleep."
"Then how are you alive?"
"I barely am."
Ghost's comment made you silent. Your eyebrows furrowed as you thought of what to say to that. What he said wasn't true, but it also wasn't completely false either. He was alive, but he didn't feel alive. He hadn't felt alive for years. He was damn good at his job, but it also made him a cold-hearted son of a bitch. Killing came as easy to him as brushing his teeth. It made him emotionless, but now he was feeling a thousand emotions at once.
You were silent for a hot minute, making him think that you finally had enough of him. When you opened your mouth to speak again, Ghost closed his eyes in defeat.
"What is your-"
"Why are you asking me so many bloody questions?"
Again, he regretted saying that. He secretly enjoyed your interest in him. There was no need for him to be so rude, but it was the only way he could get you to despise him so you wouldn't come too close. Self-protection was one of the first things he thought of in situations like this.
"Why are you being so rude?"
Because I can't fucking feel this for you, Ghost thinks. He pushes himself off the wall, slowly making his way over to you. With every step he takes, he can feel his heartbeat accelerate. He breathes out heavily, trying to suppress the roaring feeling in his chest.
Ghost stops a few feet away from you, his physique towering over you. He is completely engulfing your small body with his shadow, making you invisible to anyone behind him. You look up at him with big eyes, unsure of what he's going to do. Your beautiful eyes amaze him the second he stares into them, making him hold his breath for a couple of seconds before speaking up.
"I'm straight to the point, not rude. Get used to it."
You give Ghost a challenging look while crossing your arms in front of your chest. You're not showing any sign of fear, which is something he's used to when he towers over people. You look confident, staring at him like this. It makes him feel less like an authority.
"Any other things I need to get used to?"
Your sudden comment snaps him out of his fixed gaze on you.
"Oh, don't apologize. As your new partner, are there any other things I should be aware of while working with you? Or is that classified too?"
Jesus Christ.
You're sarcastic too. Could you possibly get any better? Or could it possibly get any worse for him? A small smirk appears under his mask, one you can't see. He tries to shake off the slight amusement your comment gave him.
"I didn't need a partner in the first place."
"Yeah, me neither. But it seems like we're stuck with each other until Hassan has a bullet in his skull. Then I can fuck off back to America and you can continue your harsh ways as you please."
Ghost's face softens when he hears those words fall from your mouth. He knows that the new soldiers joining the Task Force won't be around forever, but for some reason, he feels a slight dismay at the thought of you leaving when the mission is completed. How am I supposed to get to know you in such a short amount of time?
Ghost instantly tells the little besotted devil on his shoulder to shut the fuck up for the millionth time today. 
"So, grumpy because working together with me. Noted." 
You're still talking to him. The fact that you're doing so without any signs of fear or shakiness in your voice makes him feel some type of way. He's not used to having normal conversations with new people without them stuttering or looking away from him. But no, not you. You are staring right back at him, challenging him even. Making him feel like he isn't the one in charge here.
"Listen, just follow orders and don't annoy me. Right now, you're starting to do a pretty good job at the latter already." 
That wasn't entirely true, and he knew that all too well. You didn't annoy him at all. Ghost liked your attention, your interest in him. What annoyed him was how his once self-contained mind was betraying him. He had been able to completely ignore all the feelings of affection for years. Years. And here he was, losing all of this ability in a matter of hours.
He turns around and takes his stance back against the wall, lifting his right foot to rest on it while crossing his arms. You huffed, letting out an irritated laugh.
"Christ, ever heard of sarcasm?"
I know it's sarcasm dear, but I can't give in to it.
"Sarcasm or not, it's still annoying. It's interrupting my duties."
He didn't have any duties at this hour. Not any physical ones at least. The moment of confused silence after he said that indicated that you noticed that too. 
"Well, good thing you don't have any right now then."
"Who says I don't? Just because you don't see them doesn't mean I don't have them."
That was a stupid thing to say. Someone who thinks twice about that comment can easily detect what he means by that. Ghost is slightly relieved when you don't question him about it further, giving him the perfect opportunity to end the conversation. As much as he doesn't want to stop talking to you, he has to. To protect his own arse.
"You're playing with your own safety by being out here. Go back inside. That's an order."
Ghost refrained from looking at you while he said that, afraid that he wouldn't be able to keep his eyes off of you. He continued to stare ahead, silently praying that you just would just walk away without saying another word. But of course, that's not who you are. Instead, Ghost sees you positioning your hand against your temple in the corner of his eye. Seconds later, you salute him, a bitter smirk on your face.
"Aye, aye, captain, I mean, lieutenant."
His eyes slightly widen as he turns his head towards you again. You've finally turned around to walk away, giving him the perfect opportunity to comprehend what just happened. 
You weren't scared to talk to him. You didn't have any fear in your eyes when you looked at him. You challenged him. You even mocked him. But most importantly, you were interested in him. Why the hell were you interested in him? 
He simultaneously loved and hated everything about that conversation. About you. The way your voice sounded. The way your mouth moved. The way you spoke back to him. The way his rank fell so gracefully from your lips. The way your eyes hinted at him as if you begged to be-
The loud slamming of the door snapped him out of his thoughts. It wasn't until that moment that he felt that the incredibly tight sensation in his pants had returned. He looked at his crotch. He was hard. Rock hard.
Fucking hell, Simon. Pull yourself together.
a/n: Another chapter, it's been a while! This is also a bit of a filler chapter, but I really wanted to write how Ghost experienced his first meeting with Viper so that his feelings are more clear :) Sorry for the long wait in between chapters guys, my schedule's hectic and I was dealing with a bit of writer's block for the past week :/ It is gone now (I think lol), so I hope to be able to write and upload more chapters soon! Thanks so much for reading, I really appreciate it <3taglist: @beezerbug @sweetybuzz25 @liueskii @pasta-m1lk
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noeggets · 4 months
I wrote a whole thing about Sal but i had a lot of what i was thinking was true debunked because the battle network wiki is incomplete and somebody really needs to go and put all the information about the Anime in it cause it’s missing a lot of information.
I was under the impression that Sal who is a “Net Agent” which apparently is a third body group from being a NetSaver/NetPolice which is a second body group from SciLab???
it’s probably explained in the anime but there is 0 information about these things on the wiki because someone needs to write it up there cause i can’t be trusted to put up information like this cause im not intelligent enough + im not the person who edits wiki so this is what i thought
Originally i was under the impression that Sal who is a NetAgent was part of SciLab’s group of NetSavers but they were a secret faction, her Miyu and Masa THAT IS NOT THE CASE. What im understanding by reading what is on the wiki is Sal is a NetAgent and a NetAgent is a third body group like i said earlier it’s a independent group that deals with Netcrime so im assuming they don’t or do have permits? i don’t know.
A NetSaver/NetPolice works with the cops under  Commissioner Keifer and Superintendent Manuela it says.
"SciLab also cooperates with Officials in dealing with netcrime and other catastrophes related to network society."
"NetPolice are headed by Commissioner Keifer and Superintendent Manuela, who recruit Lan Hikari and Chaud Blaze as “NetSavers”, specially deputized citizens who can cross fuse and tackle situations that normal police officers can’t. "
this is 3 groups of people potentially more.
My original writing of this post was just me talking about Sal but it’s gone deeper then that.
i was under the impression that SciLab was somehow the police force/scientific research facility at the same time but that is not the case, i was going to argue that SciLab hired children because they were better at net battling but all this got debunked when i was going over things in the wiki trying to understand.
Now that everything is figured out now i can talk about Sal
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"She is the owner of a boxed lunch stand near the Government Complex to earn money for nature conservation activities with her Navi. As she is 13 years old, she only works during after school hours and on holidays. Although it seems she is keeping this job a secret from her school. She also assists Megaman with training."
with anime logic i can see a 13 year old hiding all of that but it also says
"In Mega Man Battle Network 4, it shows she's the leader of a 1,500 person environmental protection organization."
again, anime logic i can see it but it makes more sense to me if she was older and doing these things so i vibe closer with the Sal being 17 idea. I wanna say they tried to hire her as a Netsaver but she’s got so much under her belt she would rather not be a official and instead be a secret agent
“in the anime she was revealed to be a NetAgent that goes by the name Black Rose. The Net Agents are a group from the anime, they are secret agents who act like everyday people while fighting criminal organizations.”
but eventually she is hired by the official’s to be a real Netsaver like Lan and Chaud. (because i want her to crossfusion and she can’t do that legally if she’s not working with them because only SciLab has the synchro chips)
Working here she learns about how most people these days are hiring children like Chaud and Lan, iTcould go on about how there could be group(s) in this world not wanting them to hire basically child soldiers because the stuff Lan and Chaud deal with is like adult level missions. Lan got electrocuted several times and put into situations where if this was an adult it would be a lot less dangerous but im not talking about that, im talking about Sal
Im going to say she was made a offer when she was 13 and if she took it she would have been the first children they allowed to join which isn't very right but kids in this world are just better at net battling then adults tell me im wrong with all the times lan outdid ACTUAL ADULT PEOPLE IN A NET BATTLE. im assuming since they couldn’t hire Sal they thought it ok to hire Chaud instead but they were probably in contact with his father and his father is ok with this as long as it doesn't get in the way of their business idk i need to remember the lore more to talk about Chaud
Thanks for coming to my tedtalk
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alixennial · 1 year
Ishgard & The Coerthas Highlands (1/3)
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The Nail, Coerthas Central Highlands
As is described in the Enchiridion, to ensure the realm of man did not drift apart from the firmament, Halone struck the Nail through both, ever binding the two. And though assailed on all sides by great metal shards fallen from the lesser moon Dalamud's crust, the ancient peak remained standing, a testament to the land's life force.
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The Observatorium, Coerthas Central Highlands
Three hundred years ago, Ishgardian astrologian Adaunel the Younger convinced the Holy See that he could predict the comings and goings of the Dravanian Horde by studying the movements of the heavens, and thus secured funding for the construction of the First Dicasterial Observatorium of Aetherial and Astrological Phenomena and its grand astroscope.
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The Frozen Fang, Coerthas Central Highlands
In years past, the hot alpine summers would have seen this fallen Dravanian outflyer blown with maggots and reduced to bones in a matter of days. Now, in the endless winter wrought by the Calamity, the carcass rests in the permafrost under a thin blanket of snow, perfectly preserved since the day he was pierced through the heart by a ballista.
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The Holy See of Ishgard, View from Coerthas Central Highlands
For the past thousand years, Ishgard has waged a bloody war with the dragons of Dravania. To fend off the enemy horde, a complex web of defenses, magical and corporeal, have been added piecemeal to the city proper's outer walls, transforming her into an impenetrable bastion, while at the same time, isolating her and her people from the outside world.
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Boulder Downs, Coerthas Central Highlands
Before the Calamity, Boulder Downs was a vast sloped lea littered with moraine deposited by realm-swallowing glaciers long receded. The rain of debris that accompanied the fall of Dalamud, however, transformed the landscape into a frozen wasteland pocked with gaping impact craters and peculiar dark matter formations.
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The Fury's Gaze, Coerthas Central Highlands
A place holy to all Ishgardians, it is believed that when a man stands within this hidden grotto, the Fury Herself will reach deep into the darkest recesses of his soul and lay out his sins before him, allowing the man to repent those failings. The Monument Tower nearby was built to protect this hallowed ground from the taint of dragons and heretics.
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Snowcloak, Coerthas Central Highlands
The bitter cold which swept over the Coerthas highlands following the Calamity did not only blanket the region in snow and ice, but transformed the water of Twinpools and the Swiftrun into a mountainous flow of ice—a flow which has slowly crept through western Coerthas highlands and now has completely engulfed Gargoyle Crossing, preventing passage.
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Camp Dragonhead, Coerthas Central Highlands
Its name taken from a rocky outcropping said to be the head of a Dravanian king turned to stone by the almighty hand of Halone, this outpost acts as the Coerthas central highlands' southernmost line of defense for the Holy See, tasked with fending off Ixali raids from Natalan, incursions by heretic factions, and the occasional yeti scare.
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The Steel Vigil, Coerthas Central Highlands
One of four citadel watchtowers built along the Sea of Clouds, the Steel Vigil warned the Holy See of aerial attacks for centuries before being razed and gutted by the Dravanian Horde and their vile commander, Svara. Now, only the outer walls remain, leaving a bitter reminder of the dragons' destructive power.
Indie's Sightseeing Log
Limsa Lominsa & La Noscea (1/3) Limsa Lominsa & La Noscea (2/3) Limsa Lominsa & La Noscea (3/3)
Gridania & The Black Shroud (1/3) Gridania & The Black Shroud (2/3) Gridania & The Black Shroud (3/3)
Ul'dah & Thanalan (1/3) Ul'dah & Thanalan (2/3) Ul'dah & Thanalan (3/3)
Mor Dhona (1/1)
Ishgard & The Coerthas Highlands (1/3) Ishgard & The Coerthas Highlands (2/3) Ishgard & The Coerthas Highlands (3/3)
Dravania (1/4) Dravania (2/4) Dravania (3/4) Dravania (4/4)
Abalathia's Spine (1/3) Abalathia's Spine (2/3) Abalathia's Spine (3/3)
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redwiddershins · 2 years
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Day 3 - Cross-Faction / Same-Faction
I absolutely had to draw these three for this week!
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pencil-amateur · 2 years
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tf2 rarepair week 2022! day 3: cross faction/same faction
red is a nice color on you ❤
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starshinedragon · 1 year
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-> SSO Rewritten is how I would write the main story. The posts will complete the whole main storyline. -> Opening ALL the areas in the horse part of Jorvik (Harvestlands, Winterdale, Springvalley, Summerplains and Jorcrater) -> Story from arriving to Jorvik to defeating Garnok. -> You can find the story related posts with the tag "sso rewritten".
So saddle up and get ready for an adventure!
In this post: Characters Harvestlands: Phase 1-2-3 Winterdale: Phase 4-5-6 Springvalley: Phase 7-8-9 Summerplains: Phase 10-11-12 Final Battle: Phase 13-14-15
PHASE 7 – Opening Springvalley
PART 1: Resurrection -> Helping Pandoria, cleanse it from Garnok's corruption, unlock the faction and the dailies.
PART 2: The Violet Fog -> Fog falls, ppl and SRs disappear, MC looking for them. Riding to the Secret Stone circle, dispelling the fog, meeting Elise.
PART 3: Opening Springvalley -> The new opponent is Elise, goes to the Springvalley to wreak havoc there. Springdale druids arrive at the Secret Stone Circle asking for help, darkness is attacking their valley. -> Going to Springvalley: initially we want to take the seaside road through Anvil Woods. Opening the gate, but there is a Dark Core base there. They use explosives to blow a chunk of the mountains off, it blocks the road. They turn back, have to go through the Wolf-pass now. The direwolves attack immediately, team is trapped in the valley. They notice a sign of Garnok’s corruption and go to dispel it. We manage to cleanse the Wolf-pass, they stop attacking. -> The team crosses the Winter Mountains and arrive in Rockville.
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PHASE 8- Jessica and Elise
PART 1: The Jet Syndicate and Von Blyssens -> The team goes to the place, where the druids wanted to meet, the windmill in the middle of Seabreeze meadows, but noone is there. We find hoofprints leading to the little wooded area to the north and meet the Highmarsh station’s rangers. They tell us they’ve seen the druids ride back to the Everspring plateau. Following the prints again, meeting the Cliffside station’s rangers. The path going to the druid���s village is blocked by corrupted thorns and bushes. We can’t do anything yet and we turn back, meeting up in Rockville.
-> Jet Syndicate: In Rockville Jordan greets you in Springvalley and invites you to take part in the dressage competitions in Shoreline Equestrian. You go to Rockville, Bayridge and Beauvista and learn the dressage routines. The Jet Syndicate’s riders, while they have a rivalry with the Von Blyssen riders, and would like to win the great dressage trophy, that has been in the possession of the VBs for decades, are very sportsmanlike. Even though they usually lose against them (not always), they don’t get bitter, congratulate the winner, and are happy that they took part even if just for the experience. Same for the VB riders when they lose, they remain friends.
-> Von Blyssen ((VB) manor: The Soul Riders are waiting for you in Rockville. They call you, that Anne is ready to go to her family’s manor and MC meets them in Rockville. You ride to the VB manor and meet her family: her mom used to be a soul rider. Training and reputation dailies in VB manor. You are sent to check out the Shoreline Equestrian, where the great dressage competitions of Springvalley are held. It is solely a competition center, like the Baroness’ racetrack. The main dreassage arena is the upgraded version of the arena where you do dressage at the end of the Spring Rider game.
-> Unlocking the VB gardens: just like the Silverglade manor’s gardens. You meet Anne’s mom in Silverglade manor, she tells you she likes what the gardeners did there. She sends you to invite them to VB manor. They take a day to prepare and pack up their equipment. Next day you have to give one of them a lift on horseback to the VB gardens, while the other takes the car with the driver, the Baroness and Anne’s mom. There they (and MC ofc) start to clean the gardens and train the VB gardener (new character).
-> Jessica appears: the first time you take part in the big competition between the Jet Syndicate and VB manor in Shoreline Equestrian. You compete in the place of Anne for the VBs, because Concorde is still too inexperienced to take part. MC is tasked to win the grand trophy for the VBs. You go through three rounds of dressage and seem to win, but the last rider is Jess and she and Erebos absolutely destroy you. MC and Anne witness the victory ceremony as the great dressage trophy - that has been in the possession of the VBs for decades- is given to Jessica Jet. MC and SRs are shocked, just like Jordan. While Jess passes her, she says: „Well, mother? Aren’t you proud of me? I’ve defeated the VB bastards for you!” MC and SRs speak to Jordan in Rockville. The trophy is ominously sitting in the great hall there. Jordan tells you she had a daughter who disappeared long ago and she didn’t know Jess was back, even that she was alive and what she has become. She just dropped the trophy here and left again without a word, destroying the good friendship between the Jet Syndicate and the VBs. Lisa says this logic of sowing discord smells like Elise’s plan. Jordan asks you to try and repair the relationship between them and the VB riders.
-> Anne’s comeback: Her plan is to train and get Concorde good enough to win the trophy back. Jess now competes in dressage against Anne. Even though both the VBs and Jordan knows what she’s become, they can’t stop her from taking part in the competitions. She has been training with her dark horse Erebos for a long time, and Anne is having a hard time. Concorde is still young and magically aged up, she still has a lot to learn is dressage. Also, Anne has just gotten her back, and is afraid, that Jessica is going to hurt Concorde to win if they manage to be better, than Jess. Helping Anne’s training quests: Concorde’s Dressage Knowledge appears as a rep bar and you have to complete it for Anne to have a chance against Jess at Shoreline. The daily you get changes every day: one day you complete a dressage course, while Concorde and Anne watch, the next you go on a trail ride race with them.
-> The Competition: Once you max the bar, the day of the competition comes. You meet up in Shoreline Equestrian. The first day Anne and Concorde arrive and settle in the stables. You are tasked to help Concorde get comfortable: bring her food, give her a bath, etc. Jess and Elise are also there, and you have to make sure they don’t get to sabotage Anne (for example they switched the good apples for Concorde for rotten ones, made the horse shampoo disappear, made the water dirty, hid Anne’s stuff all over the place, etc.) The second day the actual competition happens. They stopped making mischief, but are now using evil magic and runes to sabotage Anne. While Anne is riding against Jess, you „fight” against Elise: she will run around drawing dark runes, that harm Anne and Concorde, you have to follow her unseen and dispel them. You succeed and Anne wins back the trophy, which Jordan is happy to hand over to her. Jess and Elise angrily ride away, promising this is not over.
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PART 2: West- Everspring valley -> Going to the Everspring plateau: the next day a Cliffside station ranger sends you a message, that they have an injured druid who came from the west. MC goes there. Linda and Lisa are already there, trying to heal him. You are sent to gather some herbs, and manage to heal him enough that he wakes up. He tells you Elise attacked them and completely closed off the plateau and the village, you have to find a way there and help. How? Maybe by boat, there is a port at Shark point. -> The Plan: going to the Shoreline fishing village to take a boat to Shark point. There has been an unusual storm going on in Seabreeze bay for some days now. Alex’s magic can’t affect it, so we have no choice but to go through it. Convincing a badass fisherman to take us to Shark Point: going through the storm, MC has to help with the ship (ropes and stuff), and we get there. ->Landing in shark point: the whole plateau is covered in the strange violet mist Elise used before. We ride through it, while being chased by shadow seekers and get to Everspring village, but by the time we get there, the SRs are gone again. In the village the druids are protecting the Spark of Aideen that keeps them safe. Elise made the mist trying to steal it. -> We know now how to find the SRs (since we ’ve done it before): MC rides out in the mist to find the wisp (in the north forest), the moonlight (south forest), the aurora (at Pegasus spring) and the place where lightning strikes (the highest peak). MC uses her magic to dispel each and races back to the village, where they are safe. Once all 5 are there, you use your magic and the Spark of Aideen to dispel the mist. -> Exploring the Everspring plateau. You help the druids dispel the Garnok effect from the woods and mountains and open the path to Central Springvalley. Reputation dailies with the druids.
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PART 3: The Sun Queen -> Discovering the corruption: the gardeners call you, that something is wrong with a tree and they don’t know what, but you (MC) know a lot about the „weird stuff” of Jorvik, you should take a look. Investigate the tree in the VB gardens: it was attacked by corruption coming from the cursed forest in the northeast. The VB gardener tells you the same corruption (looking a bit like Garnok’s) attacked the vineyard and the whole eastern part of Springvalley, that’s why you couldn’t go there before. MC realizes the tree is a Life Warden.
-> Going to the druids to find out if there is a way to save the tree. Historically, LWs who fell to the darkness were cut down, but Anne’s mom wants you to save it (it makes the manor, gardens and vineyards bloom with life). The Everspring druids tell you about the ritual that could be used to save it. They give you a part of the Spark of Aideen, a druid escort and also require the SRs to go with you to the manor to stop the DRs (who can sense it) from getting their hands on the power.
-> Race to the manor: Riding from Everspring valley to the manor. Halfway there, Elise and Jessica ambush you. Anne stops to fight Jessica and the others also stay there. MC and the druid ride on: race to the manor, Elise chases you. Cutscene after you cross the finish line before the manor: Anne’s mom covered the walls in protective runes, so Elise can’t come in. She decides if she can’t have the spark then noone shall: shoots dark energy at you to destroy it and you. The druid rider jumps in front of the spell to protect you and is crystallized, just like Elisabeth was (but as a figure on a rearing horse). You reach the manor and Elise leaves, defeated.
-> The SRs also arrive and you perform the cleansing ritual on the Life Warden tree. For a second it looks like it failed, but then the light gets stronger, and burns away the corruption. The tree is cleansed and tells you her name is Sun Queen. She thanks you for saving her from the suffocating darkness and tells you that the source of this darkness is the great castle up in the mountains in the cursed forest. She will now use her powers to cleanse the land around her from this darkness, but you will need to aid her.
-> MC returns the spark of Aideen’s magic to the Everspring druids. Then going back to the VB gardens, where you meet Anne’s mom under the tree. She agrees to open the gate to the vineyard and sends you to dispel the corruption. MC goes over the bridge to the other side of the Suncrown river and into the vineyards. You have unlocked the Cursed Forest Area.
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PHASE 9- The Vala and Morrinweald
PART 1: East- The cursed forest -> Helping the Von Blyssen vineyard: you and the SRs cleanse it from the grasping vines, corrupted thornbushes and other aggressive plantlife. They look like the Garnok-corrupted evil plants in Pandoria, but now Earth’s plants got infested with dark magic. Clear out the whole vineyard, get production started again and unlock the vineyard race. -> Explore the rest of the eastern valley: meet the druids and rangers trying to keep the corruption in the forest. First you meet the Morrinweald station rangers and unlock the bridge below the Old Morass – shortcut to Highmarsh station. Then the MW rangers tell you, the druids’ village is deep in the forest, and it is dangerous to go there, it is usually the rangers who take them the supplies they request. But now, noone heard about the druids for weeks. MC is invited on the mission to go into Morrinweald, to Thistlebranch village and see if the druids are okay. -> Slowly and sneakily the group goes through the dark forest, avoiding all signs of the Vala. You arrive in TB village and find everyone okay, but the whole place is asleep. A strange pollen cloud covers the village, coming from exotic looking, vibrant flowers. Before you too fall asleep, you have to ride through the village and stomp all the flowers with your horse. The village wakes up. -> You are introduced to the village and the archdruid there, unlock the dailies to help them and a race, where you run over the sleepy flowers. In the last quest, the Archdruid thanks you for the help in from of the whole village, when Sive, matron of the Vala Witches appears. She says „This is our forest. You are not welcome here! Leave, or face the consequences!”.
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PART 2: Enemy of my enemy -> The SRs suggest we should try negotiating with Sive. Going to Moonland and Goldenhills to invite Mrs Holdsworth and Pi to come help us against the bad witches. -> The next day going to the forest trying to meet the Vala: MC, SRs and the good witches. Elise and Jess ambush us, but the Vala attack. They try to kill both the good and bad guys, we have to work together to escape the forest. -> Agreeing on a truce: working together with the bad guys for a short time. We both want to get to Caer Cailleach to get certain artifacts so we agreed on a truce. Our goal is to try and find a way to cleanse the forest, stop the corruption from spreading. The gods only know what the DRs are planning to do in the witches’ castle. -> Fighting off the corruption together. Slowly cutting and cleansing our way to Caer Cailleach. Each day, we clear another part of the path leading there. Finally reaching the castle, but the gates are closed and there are valas patrolling all over the walls. Sneaking in missions to explore the castle, like when we were sneaking through the DC platform. MC discovers the source of the darkness: a corrupted Life Warden tree, the Twilight Oak. In a cutscene, we witness Sive performing a ritual, where all the witches draw power from the tree.
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PART 3: Saving the Vala -> The next some days we work with Mrs Holdsworth and go to the Fort Maria library to learn more about the castle, the witches and how to defeat them. Learning a lot about the magics on Jorvik. The next day meeting with Elise and Jess in front of the gates, hiding from the vala guards. The DRs have a plan to exterminate the vala, but we don’t trust them anymore. MC and SRs have been learning about the history of the witches and realized they were corrupted by garnok, but they are now uncontrollable. We decide to help them.
-> The plan: there is a ritual, the same one we used to cleanse the Sun Queen (Life Warden tree in VB manor). We have to get to Caer Cailleach and use it on the sacred source of the Vala’s power- (the Twilight Oak). We borrow the spark of Aideen from Everspring village once again.
-> Secret SR mission into Caer Cailleach where MC has to help all four of them to sneak into the Throne room, where the tree is. Elise and Jess are also coming to destroy the tree and the Vala. They bring the gates down with their Shadow and Darkness powers combined and incapacitate the witches. MC, Anne and Alex run down to the courtyard to fight them. Tin-can, Concorde and MC’s horse run in, we mount up and small bossfight happens. In the meantime, Linda and Lisa start the cleansing ritual.
-> Jess surrounds them with a shield and summons a dozen shadow seekers that circle around them, while Elise is casting a spell to gaincontrol over the corruption affecting the tree and the witches and therefore, control them. We have to dispel the shadow seekers and Jess’ shield to stop Elise from finishing the spell. We succeed and race them through the castle to the throne room. Stalemate, as neither the DRs or SRs are willing to give up their position, attacking or guarding the tree. We can’t do the ritual and hold off the DRs at the same time.
-> Mrs Holdsworth and Pi arrive, flying to the castle using flying brooms. They cast a shield and hold of fElise and Jess while we perform the ritual and cleanse the Vala and the tree. The magic wave that happens then dispels the shield. Elise is about to kill Pi and Holdsworth, but Sive saves them, uses her magic to teleport them away from the castle. Cutscene: they fall into the ocean with the island in sight and start to swim back.
-> We talk with Sive. She thanks us for saving her people and her forest from the Garnok effect. Unlocking the Vala reputation quests. Once we are max rep, Sive gives us the quest to look for a legendary horse of the forest. This is the 3rd free horse grind: you are tasked to go into the Morrinweald to look for the horse, find hoofprints, find their favourite place, gather special grasses they eat, etc. Once you complete the rep, you get a free horse: Nightshade, a slender black horse with magic runes and vala symbols all over them.
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SSO Rewritten 1st Part: Winterdale https://www.tumblr.com/starshinedragon/736955792328146944/sso-winterdale-fan-written-main-storyline?source=share
SSO Rewritten 3rd Part: Summerplains https://www.tumblr.com/starshinedragon/726343248992419840/sso-rewritten-full-story-series-summerplains?source=share
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soundcrusher · 2 years
The Struggles of a Young Leader
Hey, pssssst, @ut-girl666 and @cleverthylacine, there's a Part 2 to "How Hot Rod accidentally took over the Decepticons and became Rodimus" now.
Enjoy! :3
It was one of those days for Rodimus again. One where, after coming back from one of his meetings with Optimus, he simply looked for a quiet place and collapsed there. Not caring about who could or could not see him, because the fight on board the Ark left the young speedster exhausted more than anything else.
There was a fist fight after the meeting was over. And while Ironhide started it, Rodimus found himself joining in, after Blaster attacked Soundwave. And then it escalated quickly, although not everyone joined. Starscream was off on the side, talking to a big shuttle Rodimus had never seen, and Deadlock, after the speedster assured him that he would be fine, sneaked off to meet a certain red and white medic. Only returning after the fight was already over, with some paint that wasn’t his own on his plating.
Not that Rodimus, or anyone else, mentioned that. With peace time on the horizon, there were some from both factions that slowly started to meet old friends, family and, in some cases, lovers. It wouldn’t surprise the young leader if Deadlock was seeing a lover he was separated from because of the war. The fact that his new best friend had an Autobot lover though was something that made him very curious.
Either way, that was only the start of Rodimus’ exhaustion, because after the fight was over, there was another meeting where they all sat around and talked about useless things. Things, Rodimus grew quickly tired of, because it was always the same fragging topic over and over again. And it was always the same mech who kept bringing them up.
It took them the rest of the day to finally be done, and as Rodimus and his entourage finally were able to leave the Ark, the red speedster was quick to transform and take off. Ignoring Soundwave’s worried calls or Starscream’s mocking shouts as he put the medal to the pedal and raced back to the Nemesis. With Deadlock hot on his tail, but somehow, he managed to shake his body guard and that’s how Rodimus found himself somewhere lying alone on the floor.
Sleeping without a care in the world, because, at this moment, Rodimus could care less about anyone trying to kill him. Facing and fighting his old comrades took enough energy out of the usual energised speedster. Leaving him exhausted beyond anything he’s ever experienced. So much so, that he didn’t even notice when Deadlock finally found him curled up as best as he could, while softly snoring.
At least Deadlock didn’t try to move him, Rodimus’ sleep schedule was already messed up beyond repair, the young leader always had to take naps as soon as he could. Or whenever Deadlock or Soundwave noticed that their leader was barely keeping his optics online.
That’s also why Deadlock simply pulled out a blanket from his sup-space and draped it over his sleeping leader, before sitting down next to him. Resting one servo on Rodimus’ helm, as he stared up at the ceiling of the ship. Smiling as the memory of finally seeing his sweetspark again and sharing a wonderful moment crossed his mind, while also thinking about the things he could do when the peace treaty was finally over. Maybe then, he’ll finally know what peace truly feels like and find a place he belongs to.
But before Deadlock could truly start to dream about a new life after the war, his musing was interrupted by the heavy stomps of a particular Phase Sixer. And Deadlock found himself reaching for his gun as soon as Overlord rounded the corner. Pointing it at the sadistic mech, in a silent threat to leave their young leader alone.
“My, my, so much hostility towards a comrade doesn’t become you, Deadlock.” Said the taller mech, as he loomed over the sleeping and sitting mechs. “And here I thought that we could have a civilised conversation like two grown mechs, but apparently that isn’t something you would like to do.”
“Said one killer to the other. We both know how this conversation is going to end, so maybe you should walk along, before I stick this gun up your exhaust pipe and fire.” Growled Deadlock, as he got up and in between their still sleeping leader and Overlord. Bearing his teeth in a threatening way, that only got him a booming laugh from the other.
“What’s so funny?”
“That you think you could win in a fight against me, when we both know that the only ones who ever could stand a chance against me are Megatron and the sleeping mech behind you.” There was a cruel smile forming on Overlord’s face, as he slowly reached for Deadlock’s gun. Crushing it as soon as it was in his servo. “But if it’s a fight you want, I would be willing to accept the challenge. I do need the practice for when our esteemed leader finally fights me.”
“As if-” Started Deadlock, but before he could say more, a loud shout from the now awake speedster stopped him.
“Both of you, SHUT UP! Can’t you take your petty fighting to somewhere else? Preferred far away from me?” Growled Rodimus, as he got up from the floor, blanket wrapped snugly around his frame, before glaring at Deadlock and Overlord respectively.
“Now, Rodimus, I was simply trying to have a nice chat with Deadlock here and-”
“Don’t believe him, Rodimus! He was trying to-”
“What was I trying to do, Deadlock? I was doing nothing but walking along, and then you jumped up and threatened me as if I was a villain.”
“Only because you-”
A single glare coming from Rodimus made Deadlock shut his mouth. And as Overlord started to laugh, the same glare shut him also up. Not that the Phase Sixer would ever admit that a singly small speedster could intimidate him enough to stop talking though.
“Bullshit and you both know it.” Muttered the still tired mech, as he pointed first at Deadlock, “Stop threatening others, whenever you want”, and then at Overlord “And you. Don’t think I don’t know what you’re trying to do. Agitating my bodyguard and friend is not getting you that rematch you want. I told you, I’ll fight you again when the timer is done. Not sooner, because I have more important things to worry about.”
Overlord didn’t look impressed by Rodimus’ words, if the way he put his servos on his hips and leaned down to be right up in the speedsters face was any indication. He was trying to look threatening, but considering how often the Phase Sixer has done this over the few years Rodimus has spent as new leader of the Decepticons, he didn’t find himself backing down or getting scared. On the contrary, Rodimus simply crossed his arms over his chestplate, meeting Overlord’s threatening smile with a sweet smile of his own.
“Very well, but I hope that you won’t forget your promise then, Rodimus. You owe me a re-match. Not only because you took away the chance of fighting Megatron, but also because of our first fight.”
“And, as I said, you will have your re-match. I promise on my beating spark that, as soon as the timer is done, you’ll be the first one who gets to fight me. Until then, I hope this will quell your thirst for combat.” Said Rodimus, as he pulled out a data-pad from his sup-space. Handing it over to Overlord and watching the taller mech as he read through it. With the Phase Sixer’s optics slowly widening, as he got to the good part.
“You… got it through?” He asked in disbelief, to which Rodimus only nodded with a triumphant smirk. “It was a fight,” admitted the young leader, “ but I managed to convince Optimus to re-open the gladiatorial pits. Of course, I had to re-work the rules and you won’t get to kill anyone, but the fighting part is still there. There will also be a new system implanted where mechs can only fight mechs that are in the same league as them, but that only means that your fights will be a lot more exciting for you. I mean, fighting smaller mechs must have gotten boring at one point. Where’s the fun? Where’s the excitement? Where’s the thrill of going up against someone, where you don’t know how the fight will turn out!?”
With each word, Rodimus grew more and more excited, until he was flapping his hands from sheer excitement while looking up at Overlord with one of his one hundred watt smiles. Although, he was quick to calm himself down again, as soon as he saw Deadlock’s confused and Overlord’s slightly amused look. “A-ah… what I mean is, yea, we will reopen the arena. After giving it a big overhaul though. So, you must wait a little while longer, before you get to fight again. You know? We have to wrap up the peace treaty first, and then we have to rebuild some things, and then there are the other things we have to take care of, you can thank Optimus for that, and then… yea… If things go well, we should be able to have our re-match in the arena…”
“You want our re-match to be in the arena?” Asked Overlord doubtfully, before a smirk made its way onto his lips. “Do you want your defeat to be witnessed by so many optics, little flame?”
“No, I just want to give your performance the stage it deserves. And if it means our fight has to be in an arena where over thousands can witness our show of strength, then so be it.” And with these words, Rodimus dipped his head slowly in a small bow, before turning around and quickly making his way down the hall. Putting as much distance between himself and a stunned Phase Sixer as he could.
Only when Rodimus reached his hidden layer and sat down on his bean bag chair, the blanket still around his body, did he allow his frame to start shaking.
He just told Overlord off. THE Overlord, who’s known by many for his… his… Primus! How stupid was Rodimus for talking to HIM like THAT?! Surely, Overlord was already planning his demise, he was sure of it.
Stupid, stupid, stupid! He should have let Deadlock handle this, or called Soundwave, or asked someone for a favour to distract the Phase Sixer, while he escaped. Instead, he got into a verbal spat and revealed his hand too soon. And to add oil to the fire, he also promised Overlord that stupid re-match! Okay, he still had time until he actually had to fight him, but still. Kup was right, Rodimus should have learned to shut up and or watch his mouth, otherwise he wouldn’t be in this situation now.
While the young leader was wallowing in his own misery, he didn’t notice as Deadlock entered the room. Only when the mech sat down in the opposite bean bag chair ( also courtesy of Soundwave) and fixated him with a glare worse than any Kup has ever given him, did Rodimus stop and look up. And Primus, it made him feel even worse than before.
“You’re stupid.” Said Deadlock after a moment of silence. “You’re truly stupid!”
“I know!”
“You just gave Overlord the one thing he always wanted!”
“I know!”
“Do you know what that means!?”
“I… I do?”
“Do you now, Rodimus?”
“C-come on Lock… it was a hard day, scratch that, it was a hard week. I haven’t recharged correctly for three months and I just… I just couldn’t keep it in, okay?” Rodimus buried his face in his servos and let out one quiet scream, before it turned into quiet sobs. “This slag is harder to do than you think. I’m exhausted, I’m tired, my former comrades don’t want to talk with me, I’m scrutinised the second I step even near the Ark or Autobot City and I… I can’t… I just want to go back. You know? Back to where I came from and live my life there. But I can’t. My home is gone and all I have is this, but I can’t even have this, because there are still so many who hate me. And I just want it to stop, Lock. I want it to stop and just… just…”
Rodimus' silent sobs only grew louder and louder, until the young leader was crying uncontrollably. And Deadlock found himself speechless, for he came here to lecture his leader, but seeing Rodimus this broken just made him realise how young the mech before him still was.
So, he stood up and walked around the coffee table. Sitting down next to Rodimus on the bean bag chair and hugging his young leader and friend. Rubbing soothing circles right between the speedster’s spoiler wings, as said speedster buried his face into Deadlock’s neck. Hiccuping and crying, while muttering quietly to himself.
And that’s how they stayed until Rodimus had no more tears left to shed. Still clinging to Deadlock as if his life depended on it, but the Decepticon couldn’t bring himself to peel the speedster off of his frame. Not when he fell asleep mid crying and was gripping as if his life depended on it.
“Don’t worry Roddy,” Whispered Deadlock quietly, as to not disturb his sleeping leader. “I’ll always be there for you. And whoever decides to harm you, will have to go through me first.”
“I swear it.”
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nenoname · 1 year
3 Hopes’ Timelines
“Timelines without a calendar system and with only occasional mentions of time passing in cutscenes? How do you figure this out?” The age sections in the profiles. Obviously. Because most players obsessively check the profiles of every character every chapter.
Be prepared for many “???” dates and honestly probably tons of typos cos numbers hard to look at.
3Hope's war generally takes around two years, placing the characters pretty close to their 3H ages by the end
The latter bounds of the dates I'm giving are from upcoming birthdays that haven’t occurred yet and in some instances of early shared events, I cross referenced other routes.
Shared events that I’m assuming have similar timeframes in all routes are; the prologue/pre-war section, the war being declared at the end of 1181 (aka March), the Empire crossing the bridge of Myrrdin, the Garreg Mach attack, Rhea fleeing to the kingdom, Lonato’s attack, Adrestia’s attack on Leicester (done by either Ferdinand or Count Bergliez) and Cornelia’s coup. Events like the Arianrhod map, Maccas pact and the TWSITD Hrym attack are out of sync.
Also check out the datamine for the shadow library book about calendars for more lore
Chapter 1 (Meeting the lords): 20/4 1180
Assuming that this event takes place on the same day as Three House’s version did
Chapter 2 (Monica rescue): Takes place between 30/4 - 8/5
Ferdinand’s birthday took place while Annette’s hasn’t yet
Stated to be two weeks after Shez joins a class
Chapter 3:
Empire coup: ? - 3/6 Kingdom revolt 9/5 - 4/6
Annette 17 (9/5)
Stated to be several days after the Empire coup
Alliance defense - 18/5 - 12/6
Raphael 18 (18/5)
Scarlet Blaze Part 1
Chapter 4 (Garreg Mach Attack): 15/3 1181 - 16/4 1182
Edelgard 19, Hubert 21, Ferdinand 19, Linhardt 18, Caspar 18, Bernadetta 19,  Dorothea 20, Petra 17, Monica 20, Jeritza 23
Assuming that this take place after GW’s ch 4, where Ignatz already had his birthday
Chapter 5 (Lonato defense): 17/4 - 29/4
Hubert 22 (17/4)
Chapter 6 (Leicester bridge attack): 30/4 - ?
Ferdinand 20 (30/4)
Chapter 7 (Count rescue): ? - 12/6
Chapter 8 (Arianrhod attack): 13/6 - 21/6
Lorenz 21 (13/6)
Chapter 9 (Assassination attempt): 9/7 - 6/9
Edelgard 20 (22/6), Caspar 19 (1/7), Balthus 29 (9/7)
Scarlet Blaze Part 2
Chapter 10 (Western Faerghus and Jeralt attack): 28/2 - 3/3
Linhardt 19, Bernadetta 20,  Dorothea 21, Petra 18, Ashe 19, Lysithea 18 (28/2), Marianne 20, Hapi 23
Narration states it to be 5 months after the previous chapter and is the end of 1182
Chapter 11 (Fight with the western lords): 4/3 - 13/3
Monica 21, Jeritza 24 (4/3)
Chapter 12 (Hrym and Ordelia TWSITD attack): 14/3 - 19/3
Ignatz 20 (14/3)
Chapter 13 (Duke Aegir rebellion): 30/4 1183 - 12/6
Hubert 23 (17/4) Ferdinand 21 (30/4), Constance 21 (20/3)
Happy patricide birthday Ferdinand!!
Chapter 14 (Ailell fight with main factions): 9/7 - ?/7
Edelgard 21 (22/6), Caspar 20 (1/7), Lorenz 22 (13/6), Balthus 30 (9/7)
Secret Chapters
Didn’t record for this route rip
Final Chapter: ?/7
End narration states it to be Blue Sea Moon (aka July)
Azure Gleam Part 1
Chapter 4 (Rhea escort quest): 16/3 1181 - ?
Dimitri 19, Dedue 20, Felix 19, Ashe 18, Sylvain 21, Mercedes 24, Annette 18, Ingrid 19, Rodrigue 45
Takes place after SB’s Garreg Mach attack
Chapter 5 (Lonato attack): ? - 8/5 1182
If you assume it takes place at the same time as SB’s version then it’s 17/4 - 29/4
Chapter 6 (Arundel territory attack): 9/5 - 26/5
Annette 19 (9/5)
Chapter 7 (Cornelia coup): 5/6 - ?
Mercedes 25 (27/5), Sylvain 22 (5/6)
Chapter 8 (Cornelia and Western lords attack): ???
Rodrigue 46
Chapter 9 (Arianrhod defense): ….Around July
Since this is stated to be 5 months before the next chapter, this is as accurate as we’re gonna get
Azure Gleam Part 2
Chapter 10 (Saving civilians): ? - 11/12
Dedue 21, Ashe 19, Dorothea 21, Petra 18
Chapter 11 (Fighting western Adrestian nobles): 4/1 - 14/1
Dimitri 20 (20/12), , Ingrid 20 (4/1), Bernadetta 20 (12/12)
stated that its Guardian Moon aka January
Chapter 12 (Randolph and Jeralt attack): 15/1 - 19/2
Hapi 23 (15/1)
Happy (maybe) dead dad almost-birthday Felix!
Chapter 13 (Ailell Adrestia fight): 20/2 - 13/3
Felix 20 (20/2)
Chapter 14 (Chasing Duke Aegir): 14/3 - 19/3
Ignatz 20 (14/3)
Secret Chapters: 20/3 - 26/3
Constance 21 (20/3)
Yeah, this took me off guard too
Final Chapter: 27/3 - ?/4 1183
Shamir 28 (27/3)
It’s stated to be Great Tree Moon (aka April) so happy ‘war ended while you got fridged offscreen’ birthday Hubert and Ferdinand!
Golden Wildfire Part 1
Chapter 4 (Bridge defense): 14/3 1181 - ?
Claude 19, Lorenz 20, Hilda 20, Raphael 19, Ignatz 19, Lysithea 17, Marianne 19, Leonie 21, Shamir 27
Chapter 5 (Derdriu defense): ? - 17/5 1182
After Rhea’s escape in AG
Chapter 6 (Chasing Ferdinand): 18/5 - 12/6
Raphael 20 (18/5)
Chapter 7 (Gronder attack): 13/6 - 23/7
Lorenz 21 (13/6), Holst 29
* missing Balthus on this run
Chapter 8 (Fodlan’s Throat defense): 24/7 - 20/8
Claude 20 (24/7)
Happy “gotta kill my brother :/” birthday Claude!!!
Narration says it’s 6 months after the war started
Golden Wildfire Part 2
Chapter 9 (Church and Adrestia skirmish): 23/11 - 2/2
Marianne 20 (23/11) , Leonie 22, Petra 18
4 months after last chapter
Chapter 10 (Assassination attempt): 3/2 - 27/2
Hilda 21 (3/2)
Chapter 11 (Fraldarius territory attack): 27/3 - ?
Ignatz 20 (14/3), Lysithea 18 (28/2), Shamir 28 (27/3)
Chapter 12 (Fhridiad attack): ? - 17/5 1183
Chapter 13 (Hrym and Ordelia TWSITD attack): 18/5 - 12/6
Raphael 21 (18/5)
Chapter 14 (Garreg Mach Defense): 13/6 - 23/7
Lorenz 22 (13/6), Holst 30
Secret Chapters:
Didn’t check
Final Chapter: 12/8 - ?
Claude 21 (24/7), Yuri 23 (12/8)
Narration states it’s Blue Sea Moon despite Yuri’s age?
We also have approximate birthdays for the new retainers!
Monica’s between 29/2 - 3/3, Rodrigue’s birthday is…. uh, between 6/6 and 29/8 and Holst’s is between 19/5 - 12/6
And here’s a general timeline/comparison of events in SB/AG/GW part 1 and SB/GW part 2
Meeting the lords: 20/4 1180 Monica rescue: 30/4 - 8/5 Enbarr coup: ? - 3/6 Kingdom revolt: 9/5 - 4/6 Alliance defense: 18/5 - 12/6 Bridge crossing: 14/3 1181 - ? Garreg Mach attack: 15/3 1181 - 16/4 1182 Rhea escort: 16/3 1181 - ? Lonato mission
SB: 17/4 - 29/4
AG: ? - 8/5 1182
Derdriu defense and Ferdinand’s escape (GW): After GM attack, 18/5 - 12/6 Rescuing Count Bergliez (SB): 30/4 - 12/6 Cornelia’s coup and defeat: 5/6 - ? Arianrhod fight
SB: 13/6 - 21/6
AG: ….Around July
Shahid’s attack: 24/7 - 20/8 Enbarr assassination: 9/7 - 6/9
SB (may be a while before since separate from the mission): 28/2 - 3/3
GW (after chapter start): 23/11 - 2/2
Hrym and Ordelia TWSITD attack
SB: 14/3 - 19/3
GW: 18/5 - 12/6
SB Duke Aegir rebellion: 30/4 1183 - 12/6 GW Garreg Mach Defense: 13/6 - 23/7 SB Ailell fight with main factions: 9/7 - ?/7 SB ending: ?/7 GW ending: 12/8 - ?
Anyway if you can understand this/narrow down the dates even more/tell me when Balthus ages in GW, then good for you!!!
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