#day after Thanksgiving
floridaboiler · 7 months
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warmglowofsurvival · 7 months
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rabbitcruiser · 2 years
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Native American Heritage Day
National Native American Heritage Day is observed on November 26, a day after Thanksgiving. American Indians are accorded special honor on this day, and their rich cultures, accomplishments, contributions, and heritage are celebrated. The history of America begins with Native Americans, and the bald eagle on the U.S. shield is an Iroquois symbol. On this day, we can enjoy displays of their cultural fashion and unique recipes and speak out against the grave injustices they have experienced.
History of Native American Heritage Day
Dr. Arthur C. Parker of the Seneca nation first protested for National Native American Heritage Day between 1912 and 1915. At first, he was fighting for an “American Indian Day” to be recognized within the Boy Scouts of America. In 1990, President George H. W. Bush signed into law the legislation introduced by Congressman Joe Baca, to designate the day after Thanksgiving as American Indian Heritage Day. The law was established on November 28 as a day to pay respects to the Native Americans for their numerous contributions to the United States. The American Indian Heritage Day was supported by the National Indian Gaming Association (NIGA) and 184 federally recognized tribes.
The Native American Heritage Day encourages Americans of all backgrounds to appreciate the indigenous cultures appropriately, with ceremonies and activities. Schools are also encouraged to enhance their students’ awareness of Native Americans by providing classroom activities focused on their history, contributions, and achievements.
The United States House of Representatives initially passed the Native American Heritage Day Act of 2009, with technical adjustments made by a collective consent in the United States Senate. The House of Representatives unanimously voted to pass the legislation again, including the Senate’s adjustments. The legislation was then signed into public law by President Barack Obama on October 30, 2009.
Native American Heritage Day and Month is a huge platform for Indigenous people to educate society about their communities. On this day, more than ever, they lead the discourse on culture, celebrate their heritage by donning traditional footwear (“rocking the moccasin”), and shed some light on the diverse tribal communities.
Native American Heritage Day timeline
12,000 B.C. The Native American Origin
Archaeologists believe Native Americans might have crossed into America from Asia at about 12,000 B.C.
1912 American Indian Day
Dr. Arthur C. Parker of the Seneca nation begins his fight for the Boy Scouts of America to recognize an “American Indian Day.”
1924 Native American Citizenship
After Congress enacts the Indian Citizenship Act, Native Americans are finally granted citizenship in their indigenous country.
1976 Native American Awareness Week
President Gerald R. Ford declares the first national, week-long observance for American Indians.
1990 National American Indian Heritage Day
President George H. W. Bush signs a resolution establishing the national holiday.
2009 National Native American Heritage Month
President Barack Obama declares the month of November as National Native American Heritage Month.
2018 Elected Native American Women
Sharice Davids and Deb Haaland are the first Native American women elected to Congress.
2019 Native American Census
The population of Indigenous People in the United States is 6.9 million, 2.09% of the country’s population.
Native American Heritage Day FAQs
What is the more appropriate term to use, American Indian or Native American?
Both terms are appropriate.
Do American Indians pay taxes?
Yes, they do. Both tribes and individual American Indians pay taxes, except those who work on a reservation.
How are tribes organized?
Tribes have innate rights to govern under their own systems of government. Tribal governments have various structures, and several of them have adopted constitutions, while others retain traditional methods of rulership. The governor of a tribe is commonly called the tribal chairperson, chief, governor, or president.
How to Observe Native American Heritage Day
Know the facts
Be socially active
Cook like a true Native American
Watch documentaries or read books that properly represent Native American history and culture. Take a tour of a Native American museum or heritage center near you.
Participate on social media or in online events observing Native American Heritage Day. TikTok’s #NativeFamily is a famous Native American Heritage community.
Choose a Native American meal to make. Try Three Sisters Soup, Pemmican, or simple Buffalo Stew. Native American meals are famously delightful, so try out some of their decadent recipes.
5 Facts About Native Americans
Their median age is 31
Few Native Americans hold a professional degree
They own over 24,000 businesses
There are hundreds of Indian tribes
The sequoia tree has a namesake
Native Americans consider the age of 31 as middle age.
8% of Native Americans over 25 have a graduate or professional degree.
American Indians and Alaska Natives own about 24,503 businesses in the U.S.
As of 2020, the number of federally recognized Indian tribes equals 574.
The giant redwood tree is named after the Cherokee leader Sequoyah, who helped develop the Cherokee alphabet.
Why Native American Heritage Day is Important
To accord rightful respect
For appropriate involvement in their culture
We learn and educate others
It is a day to honor and recognize the indigenous people’s contributions to the United States. An official holiday enlightens people on how to do this right.
We take part in the rich and diverse art, culture, and tradition of the Native people. This particular day allows us to bask in the beauty and uniqueness of their heritage, experiencing its multifaceted nature.
We learn and are inspired by how tribal citizens have synergized to conquer these challenges, and we hear these stories from the Natives themselves. It is the perfect chance to educate the public, to raise awareness about the unique challenges Native people have faced, past and present.
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jepergola · 7 months
New story today: "Post-Thanksgiving Lethargy"
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oatsdays · 7 months
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Pumpkin spice oats! Nadee Akka adapted a New York Times recipe for this - pumpkin puree, milk, pumpkin spices, old fashioned oats, and perhaps other things I've forgotten.
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airebooted · 2 years
MERY CHRISTMAS (fucking dies)
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artist-block-alley · 7 months
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That's right... We're going back in time to stop the rabbids.
Happy Thanksgiving everyone! I hope you have a blessed day and enjoy time for rest, time with family, or however you'll be spending your day :3 also watch Free Birds it's really good.
Here's the ref pic btw:
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destiel-news-channel · 6 months
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@the-autumnal-void okay :) you heard it guys (gn)! lets make Destiel Wedding Anniversary (Valentine's Day) trend next!
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[Image ID: The first image shows a screenshot of tags on tumblr by the-autumnal-void reading '#lmao how many holidays are we gonna make trend 😭 #hehe <3 #thanksgiving #valentines #? #can we add valentines next'. The second image shows the Destiel confession meme edited so that Dean answers 'It's our Wedding Anniversary!!!' to Cas' 'I love you'. /End ID]
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sorrcha · 7 months
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my lovely gourami, mango
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gothamcity-official · 7 months
Annual Wayne Enterprises Thanksgiving Dinner
Tomorrow is Thanksgiving and we hope you all have a fantastic one.
Tonight, Wayne Enterprises is holding a Thanksgiving dinner for those who are unable to have their own tomorrow. Like usual, Nightwing is patrolling the event so there aren't interruptions.
Even if you do not celebrate Thanksgiving, free food is free food.
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puppyeared · 9 months
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Xin doodlies
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rabbitcruiser · 2 years
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Sinkie Day
Sinkie Day — or Dine Over Your Kitchen Sink Day — is the day after Thanksgiving, which is November 25 this year, and it is especially for those of us to whom leftovers taste much better when eaten over the sink. Imagine that after spending hours cleaning up the house, you want to give yourself a treat, a juicy or crunchy bite that will get crumbs everywhere. Taking it out of the kitchen may not be wise unless you love cleaning. One of the best places to eat that yummy but messy treat is over the sink. And some of us are natural sinkies; it’s just in us. Yes, sinkies are a thing. A ‘sinkie’ is someone who dines over the kitchen sink, grabs a quick bite in the car, drinks milk straight from the carton, or snacks right out of the refrigerator.
History of Sinkie Day
Sinkie Day was founded in 1991 by the International Association of People Who Dine Over the Kitchen Sink (IAPWDOTKS). The aim is to celebrate the tradition of saving precious time by eating while standing over the kitchen sink and donating revenues to charities that help combat world hunger. Norm Hankoff came up with the idea while chowing down some tuna salad over his kitchen sink using potato chips as a spoon. Hankoff’s idea enthralled him so much that he asked everyone around him to join. In March 1994, when Hillary Clinton was looking for an American chef, Hankoff sent a letter suggesting that the Clintons try this alternative dining style. He got a favorable reply letter from the White House, and Sinkie Day kicked off. The IAPWDOTKS motto is: “Everybody does it. Sinkies proudly admit it.”
Being a sinkie isn’t something to be ashamed of. The sinkie attitude is about de-stressing and having fun with food without worrying about the mess it’ll make. As a sinkie, you don’t have to go through the tiring routine of getting a table set and ready. It makes so much sense that Sinkie Day is a day after Thanksgiving because there are always leftovers of food, snacks, and desserts from Thanksgiving dinner. We understand how much work gets put into Thanksgiving Day, so we observe this holiday designated for snacking over the kitchen sink right after it. All we truly need is the kitchen sink to lean over and chow down while crumbs and food juices fall in the sink for effortless cleanup.
Sinkie Day coincides with Black Friday and the rush to get the best deals on items we’ve had our eyes on for months. In a rush, we may forget to eat or deliberately skip meals for later. Sinkie Day is the perfect excuse to indulge in thanksgiving leftovers or fresh treats. We don’t need to explain why we’re eating over the sink, or drinking out of the carton, on this particular day. The Day after Thanksgiving is for munching anything, anytime, anywhere, with no plate.
Sinkie Day timeline
1991 Sinkie Day is Founded
The International Association of People Who Dine Over the Kitchen Sink establishes Sinkie Day.
1994 The Official Sinkies Don't Cook Book
Norm Hankoff publishes a book for sinkies called “The Official Sinkies Don't Cook Book.”
1994 The White House Approval
Norm Hankoff receives a letter from the White House approving the holiday.
2021 Sinkie Day is 30
The IAPWDOTKS celebrates 30 years of Sinkie Day today!
Sinkie Day FAQs
What kind of kitchen sink is easiest to keep clean?
Porcelain and ceramic sinks are non-porous, and they have a high gloss finish that makes them resistant to stain. Compared to other sink options, they are easier to keep clean using everyday cleaning products.
Should I leave food in the sink?
While eating over the sink, once your food or snack falls into it, it is time to throw it away. Eating food that has touched the sink can cause food poisoning as even the cleanest sink may have some bacteria.
What do you eat when you're lazy?
Stir fry is always a winner when you don’t want to put too much effort into meal preparation. It is quick and easy to make and works well with leftovers as ingredients.
How To Celebrate Sinkie Day
Eat like a true sinkie
Experiment with Thanksgiving leftovers
Discover other sinkies
Enjoy those over-the-sink treats like a legit sinkie. Eat food, fruits, cookies, anything covered in sauce. Start with a jam donut for breakfast while hurrying out the door, a desk lunch of snacks and soda from the office vending machine, then grab takeout dinner to eat over your dashboard on your way back home, and end it all with a midnight slurp of carton milk in front of the open fridge. Follow this itinerary, and you’ll be a certified sinkie by nightfall.
Sinkie Day might just be an excellent opportunity for your inner chef to get creative with leftovers and produce a brand new dish. Share your creation with family and friends, and maybe your recipe could get famous.
Are there other sinkies among you? Maybe your friends love the on-the-go sinkie lifestyle, or some family member chows breakfast down during that morning rush. Sinkie Day is a day to help them realize their identity, appreciate them, and for them to truly enjoy the lifestyle without feeling guilty.
5 Jaw-dropping Facts About Eating Over The Sink
Sinkie is an acronym
It saves time
Calories are burned
It is a dish-free affair
It is waste-free
Sinkie stands for ‘Standing In Nutritious Kitchens Investigating Everything.’
The technique of standing over the kitchen sink to eat your meals saves a lot of time.
Eating while standing or walking may burn calories.
No need to set the table or do the dishes after eating with this lifestyle.
We are less likely to waste food, but instead, tend to bite and suck every little bit of it when it's over the sink.
Why We Love National Sinkie Day
It's a special day for our leftovers
We have an excuse to eat carefreely
Varieties of yummy food to choose from
This special day is for those laidback conversations in the family kitchen we all wish we could have more of, munching leftover meals with our loved ones. It’s a good opportunity to strengthen family bonds while putting leftovers to good use.
On Sinkie Day, indulging in creamy, sloppy, or crunchy foods is encouraged. We get to pack on the calories, slurp, suck and nibble our food without judgment.
With a yummy selection of food from the fridge, Sinkie Day is just the best day to have fun eating. So have fun eating!
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dailydegurechaff · 7 months
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Today's Daily Degurechaff is… Huevember 2023 - Day 24
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magolandandfriends · 7 months
What are you guys gonna do for thanksgiving. Will it be chaotic.
⋆。 ゚☁︎。 ⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。 ⋆ ⋆。 ゚☁︎。 ⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。 ⋆ ⋆。 ゚☁︎。 ⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。 ⋆
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Magolor: I can’t speak for what Susie and Taranza are doing, but it should be less chaotic with me and Marx today, but when we all get together I bet it’s gonna be insanely chaotic.
(I’m gonna post more because I’m on break! *doesn’t post* *doesn’t post* *doesn’t post* *doesn’t post* *doesn’t post* *doesn’t post* *doesn’t post* *doesn’t post* *doesn’t post* *doe-)
(Bro I wanted to do more for this but I don’t think I have the energy to draw rn- I need to add a follow up drawing to the list of things I have to do- ok listen in my defense I was working on a comic for an ask then I just stopped working on everything why I don’t know and I haven’t worked on my animation for my class bruh I’m sLACKING-)
(Ok no more of me yapping happy (late) turkey day :D I don’t really celebrate it but if you do I hope you had a good time- if you don’t I hope you still had a good day 🗣️🗣️🗣️‼️‼️‼️‼️ I apologize for getting- nothing out- even though I said I was gonna be more productive with answering asks but my break went by even quicker than I expected- you know what if I’m lucky I can get more asks answered over the weekend but I have no clue if it’ll happen!!! D: I’m just gonna try my best and focus on my school work (animation project) over the next few days)
(But lemme talk about the AU quickly- trivia for you guys Marx and Magolor are watching DHMIS (both TV show and YT series) Marx loves the puppets and wants to show Magolor the spooky puppet show (Marx is info dumping on every 3 minutes- they’re both enjoying it)- I don’t know much about Pirika I didn’t read the novel she was from but she looks super cute and based off the images from the novel I think Pirika and Taranza would be friends)
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2cupids · 2 years
you didn’t plan on spending your thanksgiving like this. sitting on the kitchen counter having a messy make out session with haechan, your legs wrapped his waist, while he pulled down the thin straps of your nightgown. your friend, haechan, had came over earlier than you expected and between keeping the food warm, getting the drinks ready, and setting out plates and utensils, you didn’t have time to change out of your sleepwear. which was why you opened the door for haechan with your silk slip nightgown still on. and despite thinking his mind was playing tricks on him, he wasted no time in taking it all in; the way the pretty golden color of the gown perfectly complemented your brown skin, how the plunging neckline was trimmed with lace and how it was so short that it didn’t leave much to the imagination. and you didn’t mind the way he looked at you, with eyes full of lust. one thing led to another and that’s why you’re currently on top of the kitchen counter, head thrown back, leaning back on one hand while your other hand is tangled in your friend’s hair while he sucks your nipple.
he lets go of your tit to come up and kiss you again and you mumble against his lips that there’s no need for more foreplay, you’re wet enough and how everyone else will be here in less than an hour. but haechan is hardheaded, he goes back to playing with your nipples, but this time he dips his hand inside panties just to see if you’re really as wet as you say you are, but he doesn’t get the chance. you unwrap your legs from around his waist, pushing him so he’ll step back a little. he watches as you lean back on one hand again, spreading your legs wide and moving your hand down to your panties, pulling them to the side to show him your glistening cunt. asking him if he want it or not and showing him what he could miss out on if he keeps fucking around. and with that, he wastes no time in picking you up off the counter and carrying you to your bedroom to get a taste of what he’s been yearning for.
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thelastharbinger · 2 years
Look what I saw leaving the AMC Magic Johnson theater in Harlem after my sixth viewing of BP:WF!
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Located on W 124th St on Lenox Ave and Malcolm X Boulevard
[Edit: The mural is no longer there :((((((. It was probably only temporary. But damn, was it ever beautiful.]
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