#dead mom stuff
dykonradish · 9 months
Really thinking about death and aging today because it’s my mom’s birthday but she died when she was 53 so its only me who is recognizing her birthday and only me who is aging. Really unfortunate that she was barely here for my brain being fully formed years and won’t be here for the best years of my life. But it is what it is.
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alaydbug · 6 months
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i've missed them all terribly so
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0hlilith · 16 days
I have more, Fellas… Hear me out,
What if… after the events of “The naked and the dead” Scout discovers that Spy is his dad, AND that Sniper knew that too? And way before him? He's mad of course! But... … who else can he tell it too? His Ma' is thousands of miles away! And his brothers no where to be found! and besides Sniper… with who could he talk to? What if the rest team knew too?
What if they just didn't bother to tell him? What if they just see him as just a team-mate And not a friend? Or not an actual member of the team? Just a person that they're Gonna work with for just a few years? What if they have to pick a side and they choose Spy over him? What is he gonna do? Cry about It? He’s 27 for god’s sake! He’s tough! He’s not gonna cry about that his own Team that watched him on his best and worse moments, that watched him slowly get better as a merc and person that he himself almost considered them as a Family, choose the cranky old Spy of him! He’s better than that!… … Right?
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niko-sasaki-dbd · 4 months
Queue Interview with the Dead Boy Detectives Cast 👻🔎
This is going to be a long post! (These are my favourite parts from the interview!)
George Rexstrew as Edwin Payne
Acting Inspiration
Oh, gosh. Well there are so many. Meryl Streep, obviously. Viola Davis, obviously. More recently, I was blown away by Enzo Vogrincic in Society of the Snow. And Eden Dambrine in Close.
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Cast Camaraderie
I loved working with all my co-stars. I’m practically related to Jayden [Revri] and Kassius [Nelson] at this point. Yuyu [Kitamura] is a dream. Jenn [Lyon] is mother hen. Bri[ana Cuoco] is the cool older sister. Josh[ua Colley] is the cheeky cousin. Ruth [Connell] is the godmother who gives you a card and £20 for your birthday. It really is one big happy dysfunctional family. I’m grateful for all of them, on and off camera.
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Jayden Revri as Charles Rowland
Dressing The Part
These heads of departments, and Monique and Kelli, [they’re] unbelievable. They were so collaborative. We went through different hairstyles and different things we could do with the makeup. We added a bit of eyeliner for [Charles] just to make it feel more 80s. And then Kelli, I mean, it was like she did her research on me. She added badges to the jacket which kind of represented me as Jayden, before I even got there. It wasn’t until I got the haircut, put the makeup on, put the costume on, and I was like, Okay, this is Charles.
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Cast Camaraderie.
The vibe was just incredible. Me and George, we really wanted to set the tone for the series and make sure that everyone’s having fun and it’s an environment where we could all talk about how we’re feeling. We were just such a big support blanket for each other. If there was ever a time that somebody needed space, or they wanted to prep themselves for a certain scene they were going to film, we all respected that and we were each other’s cheerleaders the whole entire time. And it’s still the same to this day now. I think it really shows when you watch the series that we all knew what we were making and we wanted to make something that we would want to watch, which we’ve all done. I cannot shout out my castmates enough. Forever grateful.
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Kassius Nelson as Crystal Palace
Acting Inspiration
I watched a lot of animation. I used to watch the Addams Family, the black-and-white one, because I didn’t have Disney Channel or anything. Monk, Murder She Wrote, I was watching those things, so maybe I was actually destined to play a detective, now that I’m thinking about it. I watched a lot of cartoons and animations. I just liked the idea that I could be engrossed in another world. And I always wanted to know what happened next, or when the film finished, I would be like, “Okay, but then what? What happens after that?” And now I get to be part of that question or that answer (...).
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Dressing the Part
We have a fantastic costume designer, Kelli Dunsmore. I always say that she literally wove the story into the fabric of the clothes, because there are things that she foreshadowed in the clothing that happened episodes later. Or, if characters start to get in some sort of relationship with each other, that will be reflected in the clothes that they wear or the colors that they have. Or, if they’re feeling any type of emotion, (...)l. Crystal wears these massive platform boots that must be about four or five inches. They’re huge, very heavy, but it’s funny because they change the way that you walk. (...) She’s not very light, which makes sense with the things that she’s going through and the experiences that she’s having. Practically, it helped, because Jayden and George are like six-foot-something. So, if I film a scene and I’m at the bottom of the lens and they’re up there, that helped. I’ve got a good couple inches on my feet.
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Yuyu Kitamura as Niko Sasaki
Acting Inspiration
Sandra Oh is a woman that I will forever be indebted to because who she was on Grey’s Anatomy was so formative for me. The most interesting thing about her character was not that she was Asian, but that she was such a fully fleshed person with flaws and amazing qualities. And her work ever since I think has been iconic, so she’s a woman that I deeply look up to.
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Landing the role in Dead Boy Detectives
I auditioned from Hong Kong and my dad was my reader because all of my acting friends were in New York. My dad was able to carve out time and be an amazing reader. And in that audition side, it’s the scene where Niko gets to see the “Dead Boys” for the first time, and there’s a line in there that was something along the lines of me talking to Edwin and asking, “Do you two make out with each other?” And my dad stopped the tape and he was like, “What are you reading for?” And I was like, “Don’t give me notes, it’s fine!” And so that was the audition process! I think within a month I found out I got the part and it’s been an absolute dream ever since.
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Dressing the Part
(...) I think on paper Niko can seem like a certain type of character, but even in the choice of every costume we did, every color that she wears, every meticulous little piece about everything from her nails to her room, it’s so well curated and thought out. Through her journey, we also find that she’s a woman that wears what she feels. On the surface, she might seem like the most joyful, young, optimistic girl, but it’s the inner confidence and bravery where we find that she’s layered, and she is very much a young woman coming of age.
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thetimelordbatgirl · 2 months
According to Rise of Red, defintion of girl power is uh, shaming a girl, aka Chloe Charming, for uh...being a princess??? For being kind??? For being a rule obeyer??? For not liking getting dirty when there's literally nothing wrong with characters who don't like getting dirty- Seriously, this movie's odd love for shaming a female character can kinda go up there with D1's whole Mal shames Audrey scene to cheer up Evie....and maybe overtake it as worst time Descendants did this because at least that was one scene, this was a whole ass sub plot in Rise of Red for some reason.
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disposablepapercup · 10 months
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I've cracked it
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roderickstrongs · 2 years
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Ronen Rubinstein as TK “Flabbergasted” Strand in 9-1-1: Lone Star (2020—)
+ bonus:
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beanghostprincess · 4 months
Now I know why this scene seemed so familiar when I watched it for the first time and it's because it's exactly Lusan/Sanji behavior™
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the-meme-monarch · 6 months
ok sorry i didn’t go insane over emesis blue like i thought I would but it is making me scared irl now. i can’t turn over in bed bc what if there’s a severed head positioned like it’s peaking around the doorframe. what if i look over and The Butcher is there
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kerryweaverlesbian · 29 days
Jack au where he's a psychic who can commune with ghosts. Almost every major character from Supernatural is a ghost. Including Sam Dean and Cas. This would serve these major tennants of his relationships:
Isolated. The people Jack spends the majority of his time with are NOT part of the normal world. Sam, Dean, Cas and Mary live in a bunker and don't know how to be people. The AU hunters are literally from another world. His mom is dead. Kaia is split between realms. The only Real people he knows well are his young adult nerd friends and arguably Harper. You don't want 1/4 of your tie to reality to be a witch who wants to be Cheryl Blossom from Riverdale as her life's aspiration. That's no way to live!
Intangible. Because of Jack's immense power, he is, in a sense, untouchable. He is stopped when people hug him or push him or shoot him because he chooses to stop. There is a veil between him and them. There is also a scarcity of common ground. There is nothing else out there like him. Dean might stomp and bark and howl but, ultimately, what can he do to Jack physically? Nothing. The only power the ghosts have is emotional and social. Imagine being outcasted by the ghosts who can only see you and each other. Ouch!
Fleeting. Everyone he cares for is doomed to die. This happens even before he's born with Cas and Kelly and Mary, but also throughout his life. He both has long strings of tragedy in short periods AND he's immortal and worries about it. Loss and loniness are inevitable for him on a massive scale. Cas might claim that he'll be there with him but he dies like twice a year at least. Picture ghost!Cas midway through a reassuring speech that he's always going to be there with him fading out into the veil mid-sentence.
Guilt-ridden. Life is wasted on the living, isn't it? Youth is wasted on the young. He's got dozens of ghosts needing him to live in the way they want him to so they can feel alive again, and he's not capable of being that (literal) lifeline. He needs to learn how to say no and stick to it. He needs to learn how to live with the fact that he has to disappoint people to live well sometimes. He has to engage with the living, because the dead are going to kill him if he hangs on to them too long.
So if someone could write this devestating yet beautiful 25k+ fic for me that'd be really swell.
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wickjump · 2 months
gnawing on the bones of the passage of time rn brb
lowkey i miss all the amino ads/spondorships now lmao, at some point it just felt like amino sponsered every single undertale content creator jshsjs/positive
it had it's issues no doubt but fuckkkk, it feels like the atmospheres then and now are so different it doesn't even feel like the same fandom anymore if that makes sense? 
ngl i kinda miss the sans fangirls? they were such a staple part of the community back then grahhhh (help i still remember when almost everyone was laughing at the fangirls that, just in general, new/young artists got dragged in too? ugh i dunno, i never really watched those 'cring comps' but i wasn't a fan lmao /lighthearted)
it felt like such a community, it *was* a community
when did everything get so divided
can we all just rp 2016 ut fandom for the rest of our lives
ugh now that i see another person talk about it, my brain just opened the floodgates and im speedrunning the grieving process JHSHSJHS 
"it'll never be the same anymore" okay and sure i could be graceful about it but also what if someone has to drag me kicking and screaming
THANK YOU!!!! i will forever speak my truth thank you anon
things got divided and genuinely it doesn’t feel like the same fandom at all. the fandom on twitter feels nothing like the fandom on tiktok or on tumblr. and because so many people don’t have tumblr now, despite how tumblr is the utmv fandom’s medium, it’s difficult to get the people together like they used to. someone could be famous on tumblr, everyone knows their name and their ocs, but on twitter nobody knows who they are. tiktok has plenty of tumblr reposts but theyre also in the dark a lot of the time. it’s disconnected.
the community would be a lot better if we just. migrated back to tumblr again and stopped the callout posts, because honestly i don’t care what someone said that was mildly rude to someone else or anything of that silly nature. it’s not that serious!!!! it’s driving us apart!!!!!!!! we can’t be together if we don’t make an effort!!!!!
i want people to start being communal again. i want rp sessions. i want a new loveball. i want roleplay blogs and silly cringe and especially edgy ask blogs. i want the same level of cringe 2016 had. i want it so goddamn bad. but in order for that to happen, people need to put in an effort, and to do it, and enough people need to do that. which feels like it just won’t happen, im not that influential to make that happen, and as previously mentioned, so many communities don’t know i exist either, nor so many tumblr figures!!!!!! the real ones are the people that have accounts on all platforms and post the same things on each 🙏 thank you for being a rare link
honestly we’re hated enough as is. I mean i literally just scrolled past a yt video called “undertale and it’s FOUL community”. people outside it ain’t doin us any favors, trying to say “we’re good now” ain’t doin shit!!!!!! let’s just have fun and go back to enjoying ourselves instead of trying to be “better”. because im not having as much fun as i know i wouldve years ago as a content creator and i want to have that fun!!!!! and my goal at this point is to let people know they can have that fun. im going to spread this like the gospel mark my words
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daenysthedreamer101 · 2 months
Seeing Vermithor in all his glory is doing so much for my creative juices! BRB gonna go and write a dragon-riding sequence!
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sarellathesphinx · 5 months
Hey did you guys know Reeve is the one who had to tell Elmyra and Marlene that Aerith died in the original game. I think about this constantly
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gilbertgoosey · 2 months
hey i need to say something people (this is directed, if you dont get this i'm not talking to you. and no, i'm not gonna call anyone out because that would be terribly disrespectful)
uhh i get that theres a lot of stuff happening in palestine and gaza and ukraine and a ton of other unfourtunate places but PLEASE, please for the love of god, please stop asking me to donate to or promote your gofundme. i truly, DEEPLY am very sorry and guilty for saying this but I really am only 13 years old and genocide isn't exactly what I want to think about. please. this is very stressful for me. i get that your situation is way more stressful than my stupid school life and anxiety, but please. i'm just a 13 year old on tumblr trying to look at funny robot fanart :,(
i wish you the best of luck if anyone who see's this happens to be going through a genocide or tough time. (just leave me alone please)
edit: not to mention a lot of these things end up being scams. i couldnt care less personally and i'd still help anyway if it being a scam is unknown but i seriously just CAN'T.
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lover-of-skellies · 7 months
Me: Damn, I can't believe people would be super loud while mom's sleeping >:/ talk about rude
Also me, at 1:17am: [clanks around glass plates, drops phone on kitchen floor, blows up a stick of butter in the microwave] fuck fuck fuck shit damnit shit FUCK—
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theoverboardgaygirl · 7 months
the slipper slap on its way
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