#dead space remake ending
softdadleon · 2 years
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“It’s a surprise, sweetie. But I think you’re gonna like it.”
10.4 hours later and this painting is done! Holy fuck bruh this was a journey! But I’m super fuckin’ proud, so enjoy :)
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girlbob-boypants · 1 month
Anyway the reason why you shouldn't pre order Veilguard isn't because of some moral protest about the layoffs. It's because deceptive marketing and releasing unfinished products are the current standard in the AAA space and a few pieces of mediocre fashion do NOT warrant spending 60+ usd now for a game that might not even run later.
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cyrsed · 1 year
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pomellon · 1 year
-Vibrates- Yes YES this Dead Space au is good shit! We bein fed! Way later when all six are surviving together and split up, we get some Drunz? Dream venting about he's ready to just eradicate all Unitologists and Punz, having just been involved in this for like a few hours, already on board with it. Like 'Mhm yeah fuck those guys, let's take em out.' Lol. Dream's been dealing with this the longest he deserves a small murder spree. As a treat.
Dream absolutely deserves to go a lil ape shit, and he will def get the chance uwu (I think he would avoid killing humans tho because that’s just gonna aid the necromorph outbreaks, but there are people in Unitology uniforms that have turned necro and he will def feel a lil bit more satisfaction stomping on those >u>)
Punz definitely has some feelings about Unitology too. He’s not too involved with it but Foolish is! He’s a Unitologist but more due to the fact that his family are part of the church rather than believing in most of the teaching himself. He does like the message of unity, and an afterlife and rebirth don’t sound too bad. That is until Foolish is used by the church to help trigger the Sprawl outbreak and realize what “rebirth” actually means, and Punz doesn't take too kindly to his best friend (maybe-sort-of-kind-of-boyfriend) being used like that either.
There will definitely be some Drunz tho! All six of them will end up with bonding time but I am still planning out when and where. Some of them might have to get to know each other when they’re off the Sprawl and on the run/in hiding, and I think Drunz will be one of these pairs. I can see the two of them really growing closer talking about the Markers and eventually start plotting to track potential others down to destroy them. The perfect dates uvu
For now I know I want Karlnap to happen in this second part, due to them bonding over both being easily influenced by the Marker and maybe even sharing delusions. Idk if I would call it Kunz right away but I do want Karl and Punz to be partnered up long enough for Karl to stab one of Punz’s eyes out (he was trying to help okay, the evil alien rock is telling him things!), and that’s sure hell of a way to start a relationship.
I am also tempted to have Punznap partner up for the Tormentor scene (this is a two min clip from the second game, so do keep in mind it’s a horror/action scene with some blood and gore, and it’s a bit hectic) because it’s like my fave sequence of the game and I like to think that both them hate being out in space! So this would be a nice traumatic moment for them to bond over (including everything else that happened in those two minutes like jfc) :D It would however make more sense to have Foolish with either Dream, Sapnap, or Karl in this scene since it’s in the Unitology part of the game, so I’ll see! 
I’ll probably end up writing a proper timeline for both the Ishimura and the Sprawl parts of this au, since they pretty much just follow the in-game events with some tweaks. The third part when they’re all on the run will be for more of the actual shippy stuff and everyone working through their trauma and getting together <3
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Thoughts on Dead Space Remake.
From the Evil Assholes (EA) that brought you (closing a famous and renowned studio) and Star Wars Battlefront 2s PR nightmare, EA has produced a stellar remake of its beloved horror Dead Space, without any unnecessary multiplayer or micro transactions tacked on, (As of writing this 22/2/23), which I now publish five months later.
Dead Space looks amazing, with an updated engine, and textures to match the powerhouse units of 2023, the USG Ishimura has never looked better, and never been more traumatizing to stay alive in. Isaac has also received a facelift, modelled to look like his voice actor Gunner Wright. Several roles have also been recast, Hammond and Daniels, with the new actors smashing their roles out of obit.
The story still follows the originals faithfully, albeit with several characters more fleshed out, several new side quests which give more time for side characters to shine. Isaac also drops his strong silent act, and instead comments on the scenario that he finds himself in, making the game feel a lot more natural, for instance Issac swears if he runs out of ammo, or if the player decides to spam the stomp button repeatedly. Neat!
The game is a technical masterpiece, the player can travel around the ship, and backtrack at their leisure, something the original did not allow, when I returned to previous areas, I found Necromorphs who I had killed, lying in the same position from hours before, next to ammo or pieces of the environment I used to kill them.
The games lighting and sound is something to be cheered about, I haven’t felt a more tense atmosphere in a horror game as of late. Hearing Nercomorphs in the walls, and far off in the distance creates a stellar atmosphere dripping with fear of what’s outside the range of my flashlight. Taking away that lighting and leaving the areas in pitch darkness, with the player only being able to use their torchlight to see, is another added mechanic that is a chef’s kiss.
Frustrating elements have been removed, such a transporting a huge spoiler through an area, instead, the player must survive a gauntlet before moving on to the next story beat. As well as the old gravity moving mechanic, instead of having to aim and jump spot to spot, Isaac can use his rocket jets in Zero G, a mechanic that feels fun to use, and could have been a disaster if the programmers didn’t get it right.
All in all, Dead Space 2023 is a game that should delight new players, and make old players rejoice. Gameplay feels fresh, and fun. A fresh face lift has brought this game back to life much like the Necromorphs in the game, it’s a solid horror, with fantastic action thrown in. I have high hopes for a Dead Space 2 Remake. If you are a fan of sci fi horror, this game is highly recommended.
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patricksteel · 2 years
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Dead Spaces Remake 2k Hard Difficulty let's Play Final Boss is Stutter and Lag. Cool Reshade in the Last Part Screenshots:
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crisicsgames · 7 months
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capnsaltsquid · 8 months
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As we get closer to the end of MD season 1, I've been thinking more about what the Solver's endgame might be. While her plans and motivations are still mysterious, we do have some clues. The first comes from the Solver, referring to herself as "the void" and "the exponential end". I believe her use of the word "exponential" refers to the growth of her power as she accrues more matter.
When she's only inhabiting one drone in a particular area, her power is relatively limited, as we see when she briefly controls Uzi:
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She can create a NULL instance big enough to put a hole in the wall, and that's about it. But when she has a whole dump worth of discarded drones at her disposal, her power goes up by a couple orders of magnitude:
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Now think back to Solver's orders as relayed to J: clear drop zone of life and construct spires at locations all over the planet.
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The DD's weren't just building spires of dead drones to have a base of operations, they were creating fuel stores for the Solver. The drones in those spires were improperly deactivated and, given the number of drones involved, the Solver is guaranteed to be able to find hosts she can reboot and corrupt. And what will happen when she has matter collection points all over the planet? Well...
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We already know the answer to that one.
So what's her endgame? Tessa told us when she revealed the truth to N: "I'll need you to choose the universe over one little drone". The word she uses isn't planet or even galaxy, but universe.
We already know that humans have invented faster-than-light travel. There's no other way they could be mining extra-solar planets. That means that the Solver knows how to use FTL travel as well, since she has access to all of humanity's knowledge.
So imagine if will, a cluster of artificial black holes traveling between star systems at a speed that makes light look sluggish, eating, meeting, and merging as the lights of the galaxy flicker and die, until there's only a galaxy-sized sentient black hole remaining.
Then... onto the next galaxy. And the next, and the next, until all the matter in existence is concentrated in an unimaginably dense ball of matter that warps time and space into a pretzel. It takes millions of years, but the Solver is ageless and patient. And then one day it explodes, a whole universe full of matter expanding into the void at incredible velocity, forming new stars and galaxies as the Solver remakes reality in her own image.
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johnwickb1tsch · 6 months
The Girl Next Door ~ 2
A Constantine x Reader fic based on this imagine. Part 1
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Summary: John Constantine has a crush on you. He wasn’t going to do anything about it though, until you strong arm him into coming over for dinner. Little do you know, this paints a target on your back for the local vampire coven… Rating: Explicit, NSFW, but no dead doves...😮 Note: I got Constantine on my brain, y'all! 😆 I write about vampire hunters all the time, but never from the vampire perspective. This was new. I hope you enjoy!🧡
2. whoever drinks my blood has eternal life
In the end, he was too late.
Oh, he killed them all, wiping out the entire coven with his magical holy shotgun, and a handy spell that basically burned the remaining undead to a crisp around you.
But you were already half dead, drained and forced to drink their blood in kind.
You were well on your way to becoming one of the Damned.
John knew this, as he cradled your cold body in his arms, carrying you like a bride to the cab outside the warehouse. He knew it as he held you close in the backseat, reciting ancient prayers over your fevered brow, hoping just this once God might grant him a good miracle, and not forsake one of his children just because of an unlucky twist of fate.
Your only crime, as far as he knew, had been extending the mercy of your kindness towards him, and that should not have earned you this.
He barely thanked Chas for a job well done, carrying you bridal style up the stairs of your apartment building. Rather than return you to your bed, he brings you to his. He doesn’t know if the vampire who you must have inadvertently invited into your home died that night, and all his holy weapons are at hand in his own space.
He lays you down in his bed, wishing he’d washed his sheets more recently for you. He wishes a lot of things, in the interim hours that follow.
He can tell that his incantations are not touching the dark magic that is taking hold of you, and he knows that he should just put an end to it here and now. You are damned, and there’s no going back, and who knows what chaos you will reap with your new thirst when you wake?
He can’t bring himself to do it.
Looking down at you, huddled in a ball, trembling as your body is dying and remaking itself anew—he falls to his knees to talk to God, though his words aren’t exactly a prayer. “Our father, who art in heaven…fuck you. I hope you're happy, asshole. Another innocent who you should have protected, fucked over by your stupid games. Why? Why is it always the good ones? I hate you. Amen.”
He takes your hand in his, and only because you are practically unconscious in the fever-pitch of your transformation, does he let his eyes fill with silent tears.
One more soul he was too late to save.
One more weight upon his conscience.
He cries for you. For himself. For the impossible odds God and the Devil pit against humans, then punish them when they're just not up to the task. Flesh is weak, but They made you this way. None of it is fair.
Constantine has never actually been present at a Turning. He doesn’t know how long it will take, or how you’ll act when you come out of it. He has crosses and holy water to keep you in line if he has to…or maybe you’ll rip out his throat, and he will absolutely deserve it after what he let happen to you.
He wonders how the vampires knew about you. Did they watch through the window from some impossible perch, as you made love? Maybe he would never admit it out loud, but that was what that merciful night together had felt like, with you.
This was a hell of a reminder, as to why he couldn’t ever let anyone get close.
It never ended well.
Fully clothed, shoes and all, he spoons your smaller body with his arm around your waist, and waits.
When at last you wake, the first thing you are aware of is a heartbeat, right next to you. Behind you. Pressed against you. You hear it like a drum, thundering in your ears. There is a grinding pain in your belly. You are so hungry.
You do not recognize your surroundings, or the bed you lay in. A heavy arm is draped over your waist. You study the large hand upon the sheets, long fingered, veiny. Maybe you know that hand.
Slowly you turn, to find John Constantine beside you. He looks up at your through hooded dark eyes. He was dozing, but no longer.
You take a deep breath, and the smells that hit you: his aftershave, sweat, deodorant, dirty sheets, scotch whisky in the kitchen. Old Chinese food. But most of all, you can smell his blood, and it is the sweetest thing you’ve ever smelled.
You lean towards him, mouth open, hands reaching.
You don’t know that your incisors have lengthened to deadly little points.
Casually, John holds up a little crucifix between you. You feel it like a hand pressing back against you, and instinctively you flinch.
What is going on with you?
You feel something long brush your lip, and you reach up to touch your teeth, finding the sharp points. Your eyes go half-dollar round as you nearly cut yourself with the tip of one.
“What happened to me?”
He sighs, and there is so much weight and sorrow in that one exhalation of air.
“I’m sorry, y/n.”
“John?” The panic in your voice starts to rise.
“Shh. Don’t get excited. It won’t be good.”
A rampaging new vampire was the last thing he needed on his hands.
“Those things took me,” you whisper, your hand covering your mouth. You start to remember what happened, those creeps who snatched you from your apartment, the impossible things you saw. They were monsters. Vampires. Things you only thought existed in folklore, books, bad B movies. And they’d told you a little about John Constantine too. That he was some sort of demon hunter, crazy as that fucking sounded, who clearly they wished to do harm to.
“They took me,” you repeat with emphasis, still trying to understand.  
A longer pause, pregnant with lots of words you sense he doesn’t quite know how to say.
Again, he settles for, “Yeah.” 
“I guess…they thought that you mean something to me.” 
After everything that happened, this hits you like a knife between the ribs, a long sharp blade aimed right for your heart.
“Do I not?” 
“Come on, I didn't mean it like that.” 
Yes he did, and you realize... that maybe he's just like all the others. 
At least he'd warned you. 
You just...had hoped, anyway, like the stupid little romantic you are. 
You look down, unable to meet his eyes. 
You kind of want to cry, but you're not even sure you can anymore. 
“I came for you as soon as I knew,” he says quietly, not liking this at all.
You nod, your lip quivering.
“What's going to happen to me?” 
The haunted way he looks at you rends your heart in two.
“We'll…figure it out.” 
“I'm hungry...I think.”
He nods gravely. 
“I was afraid of that.”
“What am I going to do?” 
“I'll...try to help you.”
Your eyes go to his throat again. The thought should be gross, but...you just feel hunger pangs, instead—and a confusing wave of desire.
He notices the focus of your attention, and looks uneasy about it. Your eyes have started to glow.
“Why don't we start with the wrist?” he deadpans, not enthused about your untried razor-sharp fangs in his throat.
You nod shakily, tears in your eyes. “I'm sorry,” you say. 
There's a flicker in John's soulful brown eyes, and though he says nothing, you feel his guilt as though it's your own. You feel it crawling over your skin, and it scares you. 
What is happening to you? 
“Come on,” he says gruffly. “Let's get this over with.” 
You've seen the movies, and you’re not a total idiot. But the thought of actually...biting him? And drinking his blood? It freaks you out, ok, even if every cell in your body is singing out for you to swallow him down. The smell of him. You'd thought it was intoxicating before. Aftershave, spice, and cigarette smoke. The smoke was good only because it ticked some deep buried memory box in your subconscious. But now...it’s like you can sense the strength of his very soul, in the smell of his blood, and you know he will nourish you. 
These thoughts come to you unbidden, and you don't even really know what they mean. Just... that they are unequivocally true.
You take his wrist, the blue veins there seeming to dance for your new improved vampire vision, as though you can see the blood pumping within them.
This is so fucking weird.
“You’re going to be really strong now,” he cautions you. Then, the corner of his mouth ticks. “So be gentle with me.”
Your eyebrows raise at the thought that you could actually hurt him. This big, strong man who threw you around not so long ago like you were just a doll. You’d loved that, truth be told. The memory is so sweet that it almost makes you want to cry again.
“I don’t know if I can do this.”
“You should do it now,” he says. “Because you’re just going to get hungrier, and young vampires when they’re hungry are at their most dangerous. I’d hate to have to—”
He cuts himself off before finishing that thought. Your eyes drift to his nightstand, the holy water, crucifixes, and a broom handle piece that has been sharpened into a nice neat stake. Just in case he has to shove it through your heart.
“Could you do that to me?” you ask quietly before you can stop yourself, still staring at the stake.
“I don’t want to find out,” he deflects. “So come on. Pull up your big girl panties.”
You glare at him, taking his wrist again. “I think I have a right to be freaked out about this.”
“Sure, but it is what it is,” he fires back unkindly. “You’re a vampire now. You have to drink blood to survive, and you’re Damned. Welcome to the club.”
You frown at him, your eyes flashing dangerously. You notice him tense, his attention flicking over to the stake on the bedside.
“You’re afraid of me now,” you marvel. 
“A little, yeah.”
“And I should be afraid of you? They told me what you are.”
“Let’s agree to have a healthy respect of one another, alright?”
You sit quietly, contemplating him. With his wrist in your grasp you can feel the thump thump of his pulse through your entire body, like bumping bass out of a speaker. It is distracting, and as you think about what you must do a warmth rises in you, a tingling rush of power that spreads from your fingers into his arm. It makes him shudder, his pupils suddenly blown wide with desire.
This feels good. Better than the fear, although you’re ashamed to admit, that had been delicious too.
You don’t know how you’re doing any of this. It’s just happening, and you let your new instinct take you, straddling his narrow hips to find his burgeoning erection straining against his slacks. You are still wearing the sundress those creatures took you in, and nothing but the thin cotton of your panties barricades the space between you and him.
He is so handsome, and strong. His blood smells so strong, and it fills you with an aching desire, wetness flooding between your legs. Suddenly the desire to bite him while he is inside you grips you like an iron fist, some ancient knowledge of arcane pleasure pulsing through your veins. You blink, the urge receding only slightly, and you do not know it but your eyes glow like coals. It’s strange, how your body feels cold, except where your skin is touching his. Your points of contact are almost searing, in comparison.
“What?” you taunt him. “You don’t want me now that I’m a monster?”
You can still hardly believe this is really happening to you.
“I think you can feel that’s not the case.”
Again, you sense his fear, cloyingly sweet upon your tongue. You like it, and that is the thing that brings you back to yourself. Wanting anyone to be afraid of you is so opposite your true nature that it shocks you.
“Fuck. I’m sorry,” you apologize again, squeezing your eyes closed.
“It’s alright,” he says in that deep voice of his.
It’s not. It’s really not.
“Just…can we get this over with, please?”
“Jesus Christ.”
“He’s not going to help you now, believe me. Just…go slow, ok? Don’t bite me too hard. I need use of my hand still, if you don’t mind.”
You let out a shuddering breath. It feels weird, and you realize…you don’t need to breathe? Taking in air is a reflex, but there’s no effect of your body processing oxygen.
Jesus fucking Christ.
“Okay. I’m going to do it.”
“Any day now.”
“Shut up.”
This is the thing that actually makes him smile, that slight curl of lips that is like a full-on grin for most people. Maybe it’s stupid—but it gives you courage.
You graze his skin with your new sharp teeth, and like a beachcomber searching for treasure with a metal detector, you just sense the sweet spot. You move as carefully as you can, pressing down into his flesh to make two neat little holes.
The spill of blood is divine, and you don’t have time to think that it’s gross. It fills your mouth and it is good, and you are so hungry, and you can’t get enough. The magic in this bloodletting rises like a tide, desire crashing over the both of you in a tingling, intoxicating rush. You feel everything, and there is no extricating the sexual pleasure from the gustatory. They are one and the same with this man, his delicious, powerful blood filling your mouth, his strapping body beneath yours, his hips bucking against you.
You feel his hand slide up your thigh, his thumb seeking the molten center of you. When he makes himself stop just short of your panty line you whine in protest, straining for his touch, but he resists your goading, his fingertips digging into your soft flesh. Perhaps you should be grateful, that he is strong enough to resist the pull of this magic between you, trying not to debauch you while you feed for the first time and everything is new and you have no idea what is happening. And yet, you can hardly think past how wonderful it would be to have his teeming erection buried inside you to the hilt while you drink him down.
You would tell him all this, but you can’t bring yourself to separate your mouth from the font of his delectable lifeblood. In fact, you don’t know how you’re going to stop, period.
It’s just so good.
John watches you through heavy lidded eyes, seemingly enjoying this as much as you are. Yet he has more sense of the situation as well, and when he tells you, “That’s enough, y/n,” an inhuman keening of protest escapes from deep in your throat.
“Y/n…” he warns again, his words thick with desire. “You have to stop.”
You close your eyes, telling yourself just one last mouthful.
That was two long sucking draughts ago.
Suddenly you feel a searing heat very near your face. Startled, your eyes fly open to find the crucifix there before you, and you hiss in answer, scrabbling back on the bed away from the holy item. With John Constantine’s blood on your lips you cower, shielding your eyes with a hand.
With a shuddering sigh he lowers the cross, sitting back against the headboard of his bed. He presses a tissue against his wrist, and your eyes are drawn to the crimson stains flowering on the wad of paper beneath his fingers.
What a waste, you think, before shaking the thought away.
Then the horror of what could have happened dawns on you.
You could have drank him dry, and in the heat of the moment you would have done it gladly.
Oh God. What have you become?
“I’m sorry,” you apologize again. “Are you ok?”
He actually has the gall to smirk at you, as though any of this could be funny. “Yeah. Not the first time I’ve lost a little blood.”
There’s some inside joke in that statement you don’t understand, though you sense the darkness of self-deprecation in it.
Somehow, you feel simultaneously sated, and horrible. With a whimper you curl up at the foot of his bed, closing your eyes against the world. You can feel everything. You sense the people in the building, the fragile sound of their juicy little hearts beating. Even outside, the life on the street, men and women going about their lives with no idea what lurks in the shadows, wanting to eat them up…
But most distracting of all, the sheets beneath you smell like John, and the lust in your blood has yet to abate, even if the feeding is over. You feel it marching across your skin like red-hot ants. The desire to crawl up the bed and press your bloody lips to his is real, and you fight it with everything you have, because you don’t imagine he’d appreciate that very much after what he’s done for you. The sour expression on his face did not match the size of the tent in his pants, that is for sure.  
You wonder, is it going to be like this every time you eat from now on? The thought does not thrill you.
“Hey,” he goads softly, and your eyes fly open to regard him. Again, your irises shine like lanterns, fueled by the roil of emotions warring in your heart. “Come here.” He holds out one of those beautiful hands to you. Hands that you had so relished upon your body, on your flesh, in your hair…hands with such thick, beautiful blue veins…
You’re not sure how he knows that you want to be held, but now you fear it too. You fear what you are, and your ability to control yourself around him. Because the truth is you still want him very much, and he’d basically told you point blank that you mean nothing to him. The thought weighs on your heart now like a thousand stinging needles, and you feel your eyes fill with moisture of some kind.
So, vampires can cry after all.
You touch a finger to the corner of your eye, and see it comes away tinted red.
You kind of want to throw up.
“Maybe…I should go,” you say sadly, sitting up. You’re certain you look as disheveled as you feel. Your hair is a bird’s nest. Your once pretty floral sundress is dirty and torn. No wonder he doesn’t want you.
“If…you want.” Why does he sound sad about it? Shouldn’t he be glad to see the backside of you? Constantine the Demon Hunter? If you’d been nothing but a one-night fuck as a human, he certainly didn’t want to spend time with you now.
 “You know you’re going to need a dark place to rest for the day?”
Is he actually worried about where you’re going to sleep?
“Okay.” You think you can manage that, in your apartment next door. Or maybe…you’ll see what happens, if you watch the sun rise. Maybe it would just be better that way. Are vampire suicides double damned? You’ve never really been a religious person, but he’d said it like it was A Thing.
It reminds you of what John had said earlier. “What did you mean before? When you said join the club?”
He sighs, reaching for a pack of cigarettes on the night stand. “I’ll tell you some other time.”
Feeling like you’ve now been dismissed, you slide from the bed, standing on bare feet. You should be sore, but your movements are lithe, liquid as a cat’s.
Something else to get used to.
You can feel Constantine’s eyes glued to you, and you dare to take one last look back, waiting to turn to a pillar of salt. He’s so handsome it hurts, even in his rumpled state, his cuffs rolled up his forearms and his tie loose around his neck. How do his soulful dark eyes seem to hold all the sorrow of the world right now?
“Bye, John.”
He just nods, and you let yourself out.
Much to your surprise, ten minutes before dawn, you hear a knock on your door. You know it's John. You can tell by the sound of his breathing, the sound of his heart beat. You can smell him, and it is a heady thing in your nostrils. When you do not answer he just lets himself in, the cheeky bastard. 
He finds you sitting in one of your thrift store chairs by the window, one of the only ones not broken in the mess the vampires who took you left behind. He does not like this, you can tell, by his hairline frown. 
“Hate to tell you, but you're going to have to find a new way to get your vitamin D.”
“Ha ha,” you say, turning back to the window. A few people are out and about below. This city never really sleeps. 
“Hey,” he says again, crouching down by your chair. “I know this is a lot...”
The look you pay him is not exactly kind. He plows forward anyway.
“But take it from someone who's been there. Hell isn't a place you should be in a hurry to go.” 
You blink at that. He says it like it's so black and white, not a hint of uncertainty. Not faith. Fact. Once upon a time, you might have questioned his sanity. Not anymore. 
“Sounds like you've been.” 
“For about two minutes. It was enough.” 
“What was it like?” you whisper. 
“Pure agony.” 
Your eyes go wide at hearing that. 
“So...want to show me your bolt hole?” he asks.
Once upon a time you would have capitalized on the opportunity for inuendo with such comedic gold just handed to you for free, but you’re not in the mood. You just stare at him.
“John...You're a demon hunter. Why do you care?”
He tries to meet your eyes, but in the end can only look away. “Come on, y/n. Just…don’t give up yet, ok?”
He just feels guilty, you tell yourself, and you pry yourself from your chair with a sigh. You’re not sure what the point of anything will be, anymore. But maybe you’ll make an effort to go on, because he asked you to.
Sometimes, that’s all it takes.
You figure the closet will be the darkest place in the apartment for you to hide.
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star wars but I've never watched it
I'm flirting with death (the star wars fandom) and it's about to succumb. I mean, be seduced. I promise when I flirt the intended result is not succumbing (usually). Here, have this, I know you maggots have missed my summaries they're so comprehensive and well-researched. Two cups of black coffee down. LET'S GO, MAGGOTS.
It is not Star Trek, and if I mix them up, both fandoms will tear me limb from limb, but mainly Star Trek because they're less popular?
No, that was not intended to be inflammatory, it's just what I was warned when I first got kidnapped. Don't blame the student, blame the system.
Except that's actually a misquote, it's No, I am your father. Mad trivia game. Huge star wars fan, me (why do I sound like Crowley).
It's set in outer space.
Are daleks stormtroopers?
Yoda pulls sentences in half like Crowley pulls Aziraphale's legs apart while they're not talking, and then tries interesting positions.
Leia has space-buns and makes out with Luke.
Luke is Leia's brother.
Anakin, whom I thought was some sexy babygirl side character, is apparently Darth Vader.
I am certain some people still find him a sexy babygirl. I just hope if he has a sister, she doesn't.
Is incest hereditary? Besides the obvious, I mean.
Small and green, Yoda is.
Daleks or not, there are storm-troopers, and they wear white plastic but not in a kinky way. Mostly. I remember one video a maggot showed me of a dustbin and--anyway.
They have bad aim.
There is a Death Star, and there is also a Death Star in Star Trek, but this is the more obvious one.
It has machinery specially engineered so if you shoot at that one place, the entire spaceship explodes or shuts down, which is a convenient feature.
A baby Yoda, they made. To make merchandise in time, Disney failed. Money, they lost.
There's something called the Force which everyone irl uses to try and get their remote to fly to them while sitting on the couch watching TV. They squint and reach out their hand while doing this. It rarely works.
There are a lot of unnecessary sequels and prequels. People are not happy.
A lot of Star Wars has inspiration drawn from ancient Indian philosophy and Hindu mythology. Just fun trivia, since I'm such a huge Star Wars fan.
R2D2? Robot go beep beep.
Han Solo and Leia get together.
Who is Han Solo? The guy who witnessed Leia making out with her brother. Whatever gets you off, king.
Dead, Yoda might be. Not sure, I am.
Rogue 1?
Return of the... Empire? No, wait, Jedi.
Empire Strikes Back!
Jedi exist. Because uh, it was in the title. They'd better exist.
Luke's daddy cuts off his hand. Not in a sexual way. But you never know with this family.
End (Not. Disney is going to milk this cash cow till they run out of ideas because of underpaid writers, and then they'll do a remake, probably).
Welcome, you are. Comprehensive, all-inclusive, this summary is.
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blackblooms · 1 month
Irredeamable developpement retrospective Part 2: Ascending the Godlands For this one, we leave the confines of space and return to a smaller, more fantastical world, with a small tinge of cosmic horror. It all began millions of years ago, when the great progenitor came to nest upon a barren world.
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The great beast is now long dead, but life flowed from its corpse, forming the world as it is now known.
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So as you can see, this next concept focuses on a layered world, with multiple biomes stacked on top of each other. I was particularly fond of how one of the biomes was a giant inverted forest of roots, located under a jungle where everything from the plants to the bugs and beasts are gigantic.
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We also have the melting pot, a large steampunk city built within a lake of honey where the succubus/goblins live. They have a bit of this service worker look, fitting their role as a species that feed from the joy of other living beings. Then, above it all, a frozen wasteland occupied with the slumbering corpses of ancient metal monsters. and, at the very bottom, a sea of newborn creatures, swarming around the corpses that started it all. But, then, i kept on working and reworking the world, giving it more of a distinct shape, while preserving the layer idea.
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This one being built around a couple of massive trees, expanding the forest of giants into a whole realm to explore.
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This one where civilization flourished within the footprint of a giant.
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These two where the world is a group of islands, pierced by a massive sword with its tip plunging into the sun.
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We even got this one i call the "xenoblade ripoff" where the world is built upon the body the great titan itself. You may even notice from the very top area being water-based that our good old squid friends the centaurians made their return for this one.
With each iterations, another concept has begun to add itself to this setting, a group of highly powerful giants that ruled over the current world. The titans.
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These would have served as the game bosses, each representing one of the races/areas and holding dominion over it.
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Through as can be seen here, the downfall of this whole era was that i could never stick to one idea for long. I would keep making and remaking the world and mythology, without really investing into any of them. But i wouldnt consider any of this a waste as it left me with tons of concepts i would be able to use and expand in the future. You may already start to recognize how some of the races and locations may have made their way into the actual made i made in some way. Still, i maintain what i said in the first part. Do feel free to use any of the idea here if they inspire you. Just make sure to actually commit to them so you actually end up with a game instead of a couple dozen maps for worlds that were never brought to life. Aniway, that s it for today, but do be sure to tune in to the next part for the next major stage where i try to shove every single idea i had into a single setting.
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See you in Part 3: The fountain
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wisp-wandering · 2 months
Alright folks! Hold onto your socks because I’m introducing the;
You are allowed to ask ANY AU of mine! That’s right! ANY AU of mine! And questions will be answered within reason.
Please note that the asks themselves aren’t canon to the storyline, but the character’s opinion or answer will be canon to an extent.
Have fun asking!
AU List:
- Classic [any Object Show]
- Crowned [II] (you may ask any arc that’s available, or after story.)
- Null [II]
- Alternative Realities [One]
- Reality [Bfb/bfdi]
- Salvation [Tpot] (N/A AU)
- InanimateRonpa Rewind [II] (…)
- Swap [Any Object show]
- Mocking Jay’s Whisper [II x Hunger Games]
- K!Classic (||Kidnapped||) [II]
- K!Swap [II]
- Science Breakthrough, Science Breakdown, Science Meltdown, Science Build Up, Science Knock Down [II]
- Project 0 [II]
- Ask hotel OJ
- Liars Liars and more Liars [II]
- Distant Past [II (Looseleaf backstory)]
- Nobody But Me [II]
- Death on the Horizon [II]
- Shut up or Die [II x Silent Place]
- Abandoned [II]
- Don’t Forget Me [II]
- Without Us [II]
- Left to Die [II]
- Out of Lives [II]
- __No Name__ [II]
- “A Dream for Peace, is a Nightmare Away” [II]
- IITale [II x Undertale]
- Daycare OJ [II]
- Meeple High [II]
- Playtime is Over [II BACKSTORY]
- Shattered [II stay awhile sub AU]
- Please Dont Leave [II Stay Awhile Remake]
- Blinded [II x Bird Box]
- [Nimona x II]
- “Perfection” [II]
- Unlikely Love [II]
- Found [II]
- Back Home [II Found sub AU]
- Unanswerable Questions [II x Gravity Falls]
- One Step Forward [II]
- Nifty as a Nickel [II]
- Alternate Winner [II]
- Shift!AU [II]
- What Lies in the Depths of Meeple, No Rest for the Wicked, This is The End [II]
- Trail and Error [II]
- Stalemate [One]
- Alone [One]
- Stone [There is only ONE Stone.]
- White Lies [One]
- OneRonpa (Not a serious AU) [One]
- Catch Ablaze [Bfdi]
- Uprising [Bfdi]
- Hidden World [Bfdi]
- Dead Silent [Bfdi]
- Better Left Forgotten [Bfdi]
- Rogue!Characters [Any Character that’s lost their AU]
- The Withered [Any Lost AU]
- Nowhere Space [The Void between the universes]
- Collapsing Multiverse [Pibby x Objectverse hypothetical]
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cyrsed · 1 year
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i don't think i'm going to finish this bc it started out as literally just her face, and i kept expanding the canvas to add more, but that ended up making the posing stiff so i might just start over? the idea was to draw ellie as a slasher, and it ended up evolving into this mid-infection thing (and the green bar is a plasma cutter projectile). everything needs to be a lot more dynamic and less cramped but i still like how her face turned out
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srhunt · 1 month
Resident Evil 4: Who is the Merchant?
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One of my favorite characters in Resident Evil 4 is the Merchant. From his shady design to him asking “what’re ya buyin?”, he’s just a fun and interesting character. He’s not very fleshed out, we hardly know anything about him. But seeing that blue/purple flame is always a comfort knowing that the Merchant will offer me a safe space to catch my breath.
As with any character shrouded in mystery, lots of people like to theorize about who the Merchant is. Some of these theories are better than others, so I wanna do a quick speed run of a few I’ve heard and then offer my own.
He’s Luis’ Grandfather: Probably the most outlandish one I’ve heard. No matter which version of RE4 you look at, both state that Luis’ grandfather is dead. Unless y’all are suggesting that he’s the ghost of Luis’ grandfather which would explain how he moves so quickly from spot to spot.
He’s a Ganado: This one I sort of believe a bit more than the first one. Evidence that he might be a Ganado is that at different points of OG RE4, his eyes randomly start glowing red. It’s really creepy if you don’t expect it. At night, the Ganados eyes also glow red. But I feel like the remake disproves this idea with the use of the blue flames. The blue flames have the power to freeze plaga, as seen with the Armadura (the Knights). The Merchant has always had a blue flame near him. The remake changes his main flames to purple, but he still has a blue flame lantern on his table. I feel like he uses that as protection from las Plagas.
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Now onto my own theory;
The Merchant is a rebel against Los Illuminados.
Not in the sense that he’s gonna sneak in to kill Saddler himself, but in the sense that he only deals weapons to people who are also against the Illuminados.
The Merchant, though very knowledgeable on weapons, is not much of a fighter. If you bring any enemies near him, he will throw his hands up in a defensive position and won’t talk to you until they’re gone. Why doesn’t he pull out one of his various guns to help Leon? Because that’s not how he rolls. He’s more like the Q to Leon’s Bond.
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The remake doesn’t offer a ton of new info on the Merchant, but it does give us some insight on how he feels about the Illuminados through his requests.
In his request fliers, he describes Los Illuminados as “religious lunatics”, an “evil” and “blasted cult”. He calls the blue medallions “wretched things” and wants them gone. He deems anyone who joins the cult as “traitors”.
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More evidence that he’s against the Illuminados comes from something he says right before you fight the final boss.
“I can hardly contain myself! You're really gonna do it, stranger!”
He’s giddy over the fact you’re about to go kill Saddler and destroy the cult once and for all.
Even going back to the original, his shooting gallery featured Ganados as targets. It’s not that strong of evidence, but it’s worth noting.
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He specifically has a hatred for Ramón, the one who single handedly ruined the efforts of generations of Salazars to keep las Plagas sealed underground. In his request called “The Disgrace of the Salazar Family”, he calls Ramón “detestable” and wants the portrait of him in the throne room defaced. You can’t damage this portrait with any weapons, so you chuck an egg at it. It’s a very small act of petty revenge, but it’s one that hits Ramón where it hurts. Ramón has a very fragile ego, getting violent towards anyone who mocks him. So someone coming in and smashing an egg onto his portrait is bound to make him furious. This hatred is even present in the original game as the Merchant has a target of Ramón in his shooting gallery, and you get the most points for destroying it.
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Some people say that the Merchant is only looking out for himself and will sell to anyone, hinting that he might’ve sold the Illuminados RPGs and other weapons towards the end of the game. But I think it’s safe to say that based on how he talks about them in his requests that he would not do business with anyone associated with the Illuminados. (It’s probably why we never see him do business with Luis. Even though he no longer works for the Illuminados, he did at one point and the Merchant can’t trust him.)
In fact, I believe that they didn’t get the weapons from him, but that he got the weapons from them. What better way to fight the Illuminados than to steal their weapons and sell them to people willing to use those weapons against them?
“Why doesn’t he just give you the weapons for free then?” He’s still a merchant. Man’s gotta make a living. When 99% of the folks around you work for the enemy, it doesn’t leave a ton of people to do business with. Leon and Ada are probably the only sane customers he’s seen in a long time.
Another thing we can pick up on is that the Merchant might not be working alone. A few of his lines include the words, “we” and “our”.
"We've been saving that one for the right customer!"
"We're starting to get an idea of your tastes, friend."
“You've exhausted our normal range of services for this weapon.”
I don’t believe he’s using it in the royal way, because he uses those words sparingly. He still uses “I” and “me” when talking about himself. So it’s possible that he does have other people working with him. Maybe they’re the ones who take the weapons from the Illuminados. If the Merchant isn’t much of a fighter, he’d be the wrong person to send into the lion’s den to steal weapons. What if he got caught? So it’s possible that he has a network of spies who confiscate weapons from the Illuminados and bring them back to the Merchant to sell to other rebels.
In the Grave Robber request, the Merchant calls the twins “traitors” for joining the cult. Is it possible that these twins were once part of the Merchant’s network of rebels but then either got caught and infected with the plaga or converted of their own free will?
Another piece of evidence that the Merchant isn’t working alone comes from Resident Evil Village. The Duke, the merchant of that game, quotes the RE4 Merchant;
“What're ya buyin?—Haha, just something an old friend of mine used to say."
An “old friend”, he says. Could it be that the Duke and the Merchant worked together to undermine the Illuminados, eventually parting ways after Saddler’s defeat?
So the TL;DR is that I believe the Merchant is a part of a resistance against Los Illuminados. He has a burning hatred for the cult and anyone associated with it. He is not much of a fighter, so he does what he’s best at; BUSINESS!! He gets his wares from allies who steal from the Illuminados’ supply, which is how he met the Duke. Once he has the merchandise, he sells them to people who are also against the Illuminados. He even sets up a free shooting gallery so that his customers can practice their aim. What good is it to sell guns to folks with terrible aim, right? After Saddler’s defeat, the resistance disbanded, and the Merchant returns home.
But hey, that’s just a theory. 😉
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jadeazora · 2 years
XY had such a conceptually cool character cast with its more important characters, and it kills me they never got the opportunity to really do more with them within the games themselves.
We got a immortal 3000yr old king wandering around, the inventor of a machine that could bring the dead back to life (albeit at the cost of the lives of many other Pokemon), and later, converted it into a weapon so strong, that when fired to put an end to a war, it literally tore the fabric of space-time. I want more on this. I need more on this. Give me Legends: Kalos.
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The main villain is a descendant of the ancient king's brother, but we don't see them taking AZ into custody or really any interactions between AZ and Lysandre. (I mean, I presume AZ was begging Lys to not go thru with it, that he'll only come to regret it just like AZ has, but it'd be interesting to see them interact.)
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The Professor and main villain are implied to be good friends, but they only get one on-screen interaction and that's Sycamore playing off a clearly suspicious rant. (Literally a 3sec scene in Evolutions gives us a better interaction between the two.)
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One of the E4 was a mole for the villain team, and pulls double duty for them in censoring the news since she works as a newscaster. We only find this out in the post game. She kept the Kalosian populace up to its strongest Trainers in the dark until it was almost too late. (Also, where in the fuck was Diantha when all that was going down?)
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Team Flare is basically a genocidal secret police and we don't talk about that nearly as much as we should as a fandom. (Always see them getting shit when they could have been easily one of the scariest villain teams, like they have a lot of paranoia-inducing traits like their eavesdropping on Holocaster calls and some implied plainclothes agents that make them super interesting, but the games dropped the ball with them by not really playing those aspects up. They're so underrated.)
Honestly, if I'm still a Pokemon fan when it's time for XY remakes and it gets the BDSP treatment, I will be so fucking mad.
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milesluna · 9 months
My Favorite Games of 2023.
Hi. Hello. Thanks ever so much for clicking on this page. Happy to have you.
First thing's first: I'm a little freak when it comes to video games. I don't feel the need to beat most games I play. From Software is one of my favorite studios in the industry and I've never finished a single one of their games. This means, fortunately, that I get to play a LOT more games than the average bear.
I've written up some blurbs about my top ten favorite games from 2023, but before that here's the list of every game I remember playing this year that left any sort of lasting impact on me (in no particular order):
Dead Space Remake Resident Evil 4 Remake F-Zero 99 Humanity Dredge Metroid Prime Remastered Anemoiaplois Alan Wake 2 Baldur’s Gate 3 LoZ Tears of the Kingdom Counter Strike 2 Hunt Showdown El Paso Elsewhere Jusant Slay the Princess| Remnant II The Finals Street FIghter 6 Lethal Company BattleBit Remastered Don’t Scream Homebody The Murder of Sonic the Hedgehog Pizza Tower World of Horror Super Mario Wonder Mr. Sun’s Hatbox Fifa 23 Sea of Stars (Demo) Half-Life (25th Anniversary Update)
And the games I played that were NOT released in 2023:
Unpacking Persona 4 Golden Picross 7 The Order 1886 Shovel Knight Dig Lost Planet: Extreme Condition Spider-Man: Miles Morales Pac-Man Championship Edition DX Project Zomboid Quake LoZ The Minish Cap Drill Dozer Wario Land 4 Pokemon Pinball Resident Evil Revelations Summer of ‘58 Trackmania TwinCop We Were Here Visage Cursed Halo CE Half-Life 2 (I probably play this once per year) Witch Hunt Red Dead Redemption 2 Cyberpunk 2077 Borderlands 3 Brutal Legend Cultic Slay the Spire PUBG Rez Infinite Batman Arkham City Alan Wake Alan Wake: American Nightmare Max Payne LoZ: Majora’s Mask 3DS Metroid Prime Metroid Prime 2 Tunic Everhood Final Fantasy VII Final Fantasy VII Remake GOODBYE WORLD Yakuza: Like a Dragon Critters for Sale Dome Keeper Phasmophobia Hades Nintendo Switch Sports
Now that you understand the kind of freak you're dealing with…
Let's dive into my top ten favorite games from this objectively fucked up year.
10. El Paso Elsewhere Developed by Texas indie studio Strange Scaffold, El Paso Elsewhere is a Max Payne-clone with vampires, an opinionated narrator, and lots and lots of bullet time. As a small studio punching well above their weight class, Strange Scaffold leans into abstract, PlayStation 1 minimalism when it comes to visuals and pairs them with a soundtrack that will make your hands sweat. The vibes are here and they're ready for the end of the world. I'm personally also a big fan of everything this studio stands for.
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9. Mr. Sun's Hatbox I want you to imagine Metal Gear Solid V. Now I want you to imagine that game as a 2D, level-based, slapstick platformer you can play with up to three friends. If you think that sounds stupid, you'd be right. And it's beautiful. As you build up a secret army of soldiers with various skills (and disorders), you'll start to develop *favorites*. This game constantly asks if you're willing to send those favorites on a harrowing mission and risk losing them forever… or if you'd rather send an idiot you recently captured who blinks constantly and can't kill anyone without fainting.
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8. Dredge Every year I feel like I find one game that falls into the “just one more round” category, and baby… Dredge was it for 2023. As a weary fisherman in strange waters, you'll make the most out of your 12 measly hours of sunlight only for your daily voyages to inevitably pull you into the darkness of night, and night is when things get weird. Rocks emerge from the fog that you swear weren't there before, your equipment malfunctions, and you're pretty sure you just saw something in the water… something big. Despite only containing a small collection of islands, the world of Dredge manages to feel vast - perhaps vast enough to swallow you whole.
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7. Resident Evil 4 Remake I was curious to see what sort of changes would be made to the timeless classic and father of modern 3rd person shooters, Resident Evil 4. I wasn't let down. RE4 Remake takes all the things that didn't age well about the original, tossed them out, and replaced them with only good things. And MORE things! It's campy, fun, and better than a game of bingo.
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6. Jusant I really feel like this one didn't get the recognition it deserves. Jusant is a rock climbing game that combines the quiet contemplation of Journey with the mechanical specificity of Death Stranding. Unlike Death Standing, though, there is very little story to interrupt your flow. There are plenty of collectible bits to find for those curious to learn more about what happened before the events of the game, but the environmental storytelling does most of the heavy lifting. For me, the joy of the game comes from how it feels. Right trigger controls your right hand grip, and left trigger controls left hand grip. Plan your route, manage your stamina, and climb high above the clouds in search of answers.
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5. F-Zero 99 This. Shit. Slaps. I've never been a big F-Zero guy, but this MADE me one. The “battle royale”, 99 player format is the perfect fit for the ruthless, high octane world of the game. Races last about three minutes, and friend, they are the most intense, white-knuckled three minutes of your life. The decision to make your boost meter the same as your health meter started in F-Zero 64 (I believe), and it is so much more HARROWING in this game when another player could side-swipe you mere meters from the finish line and blow you to bits. Sadly it's only playable via Switch Online, but it made me cheer, laugh, and scream enough this year to earn a spot in my top 5.
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4. Alan Wake 2 Remedy makes weird games that also manage to exist in the AAA space and for that I will forever love them. Although Alan Wake 2 resembles a 3rd person shooter survival horror, I'd honestly say it's more of a narrative game than anything else. There's sidequests, there's puzzles, there's upgradeable skills, but at the end of the day the characters, world, and story are what kept me playing. If you haven't checked them out recently, you should definitely watch a story recap of the original games before diving into this sequel, but the wild swings for the fences this game takes are well worth that small price of admission. There's a god damn musical number, for Christ's sake.
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3. The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom I've really got nothing to say about this game that most people don't already know. It's incredible. The fact that Nintendo made a game that redefined an entire genre and then made a SEQUEL to it that ups the ante is remarkable. To be honest, I've only cleared the Rito, Zora, and Goron cities. I got a bit tired of exploring the depths and guiding Koroks to their friends, but I can't deny the sheer level of complexity and polish on display here. I saw someone on TikTok build a functioning Mecha Godzilla in this game. Good God. I've heard that the ending of this game is one of the best in the franchise, and if I'd seen it this year then it may have wound up higher on my list, but for the time being I'll continue picking up this masterpiece from time to time, chipping away at it until the day comes that I can finally smack the tits off thicc Ganondorf.
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2. Half-Life (25th Anniversary Update) I know I'm gonna get shit for this, but I don't care. This year was the 25th anniversary of Half-Life and Valve released an update that made playing it (and it's online Death Match) much more accessible. I threw it on my Steam Deck out of curiosity, expecting to play for 20 minutes. I could not put it down. It is unbelievable how modern this game still feels. I simply had so much fun sprinting through the corridors of Black Mesa with a dozen weapons strapped to my back, blasting aliens and military Spec-Op chumps as a 24(?!) year old theoretical physicist.
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1. Baldur's Gate III This game is fucked up, man. The sheer amount of writing in this game scares me. We can all talk about how BIG this game is, it deserves it, but the thing BG3 does better than any other role playing game I have ever experienced is actually encourage roleplaying. I've played through Act I four times now, with four different groups of friends, and it has felt fresh every time. I have seen the same events play out in so many different ways that it boggles the mind, but in every one of those play sessions I see players asking themselves “What would my lil guy do here?” rather than "what is the best thing to do here?" The game rewards players constantly for just trying shit and the D&D 5e rule set means playing like the character you said you were from the start leads to frequent Points of Inspiration. Maybe one day I'll see the end of this story (probably not), but I don't have to in order to feel a connection with BG3's world, characters, and most impressively, the characters I made myself.
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Honorable Mentions for 2023
5. Dave the Diver 4. Homebody 3. Sea of Stars 2. Humanity 1. Super Mario Wonder
Top 5 Favorites NOT from 2023
5. Metroid Prime 4. Final Fantasy VII Remake 3. Cursed Halo (Halo CE Mod) 2. Red Dead Redemption 2 1. Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask (3DS)
Games I didn't have a chance to play from 2023 but still want to when I find more time...
Viewfinder Venba Chants of Sennaar Thirsty Suitors Hi-Fi Rush Moonring Armored Core VI Laika Aged Through Blood Bomb Rush Cyberfunk
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