#deadwardian period
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Philip :3
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nero-neptune · 1 year
wait, is this philip guy the emporer
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sepublic · 1 year
The Owl House Timeline
-Millennia Ago; The Archivists encounter the Demon Realm and send the Collector to play with the young Titans; The Collector meets the Titan known as the Boiling Isles, and comes across King’s egg; The Archivists commence a war against the Titans, who resist their attempts to turn every living thing into scrolls; Due to Titan magic countering their own, the Archivists enlist the help of the local demons, Bill among them, and create the Titan Trappers; An Archivist transforms the Owl Beast into a scroll, only to lose it in the ocean; The Boiling Isles Titan hides King on a remote island, shielded from the view of Archivists, and appoints Jean-Luc as the guardian. 
-The Collector is imprisoned in the in-between by the Boiling Isles, who is the last Titan alive; Hooty comes into existence after this during a hunt; The Archivists disappear from the isles; The Titan blows out Bill’s eardrums in a final battle against the Titan Trappers; The Titan escapes to the other side of the planet and ‘dies’, but due to her heart still beating, lingers as a ghost watching from the in-between; Bill communicates with the Collector using one of the moon discs, worshipping them as the Grand Huntsman, only to lose contact when the disc is broken; The Titan Trappers find the Boiling Isles, but are unable to locate King’s egg to free the Collector; Bill’s generation eventually dies out until he is the only one left, leading new generations of wannabe Titan Trappers; Hooty leaves the Boiling Isles’ eye.
-Hecktaceous Period; A Stonesleeper is transported to the Titan’s skull and placed as guardian; Luz Noceda briefly visits through a time pool.
-Witches and demons evolve from the Titan’s corpse; They initially learn glyphs by communicating with the Titan’s spirit on her knee, but eventually rely on their bile sacs instead.
-Thousands of Years Ago; The Bat Queen is carved and abandoned by her owner, a giant, after being wounded; She begins looking after other mistreated palismen in solidarity.
-Circa 1600s; The Deadwardian Era begins.
-1613; Young orphans Philip and Caleb Wittebane arrive in Old Gravesfield.
-Evelyn Clawthorne and Flapjack enter the human realm using an archway powered by Titan’s blood, and befriend a teenage Caleb; Evelyn and Caleb communicate using hidden rebuses, and a vial of Titan’s blood is buried outside the archway in Gravesfield.
-As an adult, Caleb moves to the Boiling Isles’ right arm with Evelyn permanently, marrying her. Philip enters the Boiling Isles through Eclipse Lake, emerging at the Knee, and discovers the Ice glyph.
-Circa May 21st, 16XX; Philip begins writing a journal documenting his journey in the Demon Realm.
-Five years after his arrival, Philip returns to Eclipse Lake and retrieves Titan’s Blood to build a Portal back home, emerging the only survivor; Philip absorbs Palismen essence to gain an advantage over witches, beginning his curse and slowing his aging; Philip reunites with Caleb, killing him and being chased off by a pregnant Evelyn; Philip discovers the Plant and Fire glyphs.
-1635; New Gravesfield is founded, replacing the town’s older layout.
-1660-70; Years after entering the Demon Realm, Philip Wittebane encounters Luz Noceda and Lilith Clawthorne, who travel from the future to meet him; Luz teaches Philip the last glyph, Light; Philip meets the Collector, and encounters the Stonesleeper he will use to create his first Grimwalker of Caleb; A Portal is made using the Titan’s eye that leads to Philip and Caleb’s childhood home, but ends up buried next to Evelyn’s archway.
-1693; “Witches eating babies” -Eda
-Philip creates his first Grimwalker of Caleb; Philip assumes the identity of Belos and claims to speak on behalf of the Titan, espousing the coven system; Belos and his Grimwalkers stage false flag attacks in order to scare the populace into believing them; A city on the Knee is abandoned as a result of one of these incidents. 
-A teenage Hieronymous Bump destroys a rival school resembling Glandus with his fellow students; Hexside is built atop the ruins.
-Circa 1972; Belos becomes Emperor of the Boiling Isles.
-1970-75; Caleb and Evelyn’s descendant Lilith Clawthorne is born; Two years later, her younger sister Edalyn Clawthorne is born.
-Eda, Lilith, Alador, Odalia, Darius Deamonne, and Perry Porter attend Hexside, with Principal Faust in charge; Despite or because of his role in Hexside’s founding, Bump is Vice Principal; Faust breaks up with Terra Snapdragon, who takes their home, forcing Faust to live at Hexside.
-1990s; Cosmic Frontier is published.
-Circa 1992; Eda meets Raine Whispers and Terra at IFWOT; Raine transfers to Hexside; Bump replaces Faust as Principal of Hexside; Eda is cursed by Lilith using the Archivist’s Owl Beast scroll; Lilith joins the Emperor’s Coven, and Eda discovers the Portal, emerging in the Wittebane house at Gravesfield; Eda watches Dragonclaw Z in the human world; Petrifications ‘officially’ end as a means of capital punishment.
-Darius is mentored by the Golden Guard; Darius has a falling out with Alador and Odalia; Alador wins the Bonesborough Brawl; Coven sigils are introduced and mandated; Raine and Eda break up; Raine joins the Bard Coven, only to realize the system’s corruption, and begins a campaign against it from within; The Golden Guard dies, and Lilith is appointed as the Head Witch of the Emperor’s Coven when Belos realizes she will travel to the past to meet him; Alador and Odalia marry and found Blight Industries together.
-Circa 2006; Emira and Edric Blight are born.
-Circa 2007; Skara is born, followed by Willow Park; Vee is the fifth basilisk to be cloned by Belos.
-Circa 2008; Luz Noceda and Amity Blight are born.
-Circa 2010; Augustus Porter is born.
-King Clawthorne finally hatches from his egg.
-Circa 2014; King is found and adopted by Eda.
-The Nocedas move to Gravesfield.
-August 22nd, 20XX; Manny Noceda succumbs to his illness and dies, leaving Luz the first book in The Good Witch Azura series.
-Luz becomes obsessed with The Good Witch Azura.
-Amity is forced to sever ties with Willow during her birthday.
-Circa 2017; Alador has his last weekend off before Odalia forces him to work overtime.
-Willow meets and befriends Augustus Porter.
-Circa 2021; Tibbles finds The Good Witch Azura books washed ashore the Boiling Isles, and sells them to the Book Nook; Amity is the only one who buys them and becomes obsessed.
-Eda begins selling human garbage at Bonesborough as a side gig.
-Amity leaves the Hexside Banshees, quitting Grudgby entirely; Vee and Numbers Three and Four escape the Conformatorium.
-Summer 2022; Luz Noceda enters the Boiling Isles, while Vee enters the human world.
-Mason is promoted to Head Witch of the Construction Coven after the yearly Covention, in time for Luz to attend her first day at Hexside.
-Hunter is appointed the new Golden Guard by Belos.
-Scooter Crane retires; Raine Whispers is appointed as the new Head Witch of the Bard Coven; Tarak sees King’s video while visiting the Boiling Isles and mistakes him for another Titan Trapper’s estranged son, dropping off an invitation letter.
-Luz and Lilith travel through a time pool and encounter Philip Wittebane in the year 1660-70.
-August 22nd, 2022; Reaching Out takes place.
-The Day of Unity occurs; The Collector is freed by King and stops the draining spell; Luz and her friends (and Belos) are stranded in Gravesfield after the Portal is destroyed; The Collector turns the population into puppets, and builds a palace out of the Titan’s skull.
-October 29th, 2022; The Hexsquad discovers the rebus left behind by Caleb.
-October 30th, 2022; The Hexsquad locates Evelyn’s vial of Titan’s Blood; Belos infects Hunter’s body.
-October 31st, 2022; Belos kills Flapjack, and Luz and her friends return to the Boiling Isles.
-November 1st, 2022; For the Future takes place.
-November 2nd, 2022; Luz befriends the Collector and destroys Belos once and for all; The Titan passes on.
-2026; Luz graduates from high school and has her 18th birthday.
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ask-machi-the-mewtwo · 9 months
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My Toh oc’s Ancestor (no name yet 😔)
Deadwardian period :3
Mmm deer person
Has abomination goop arm because was born with only one arm- because her twin sis ate it ADHKJ
Uses She/her pronouns :D
EDIT: +her twin sister
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Also Deadwardian Period :3
Also uses she/her Pronouns
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queerplatonic s/o hcs ; lilith
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requested by ; anonymous (17/05/23)
fandom(s) ; the owl house
fandom masterlist(s) ; here
character(s) ; lilith clawthorne
outline ; “Hiiii
This is for UCS!
May I request a Lilith x Queerplatonic partner! Reader? Gn reader is fine!”
warning(s) ; none, just fluff!
the closest thing you have to date nights are saturdays, where you’ll alternate on a weekly basis who gets to infodump and present about their new interest
she very rarely uses your name on its own unless she’s annoyed — usually calling you something related to an inside joke or ‘(name) dear’
you are her co-author for her research papers about the deadwardian period and probably have an extensive knowledge about it just from how much of her stuff you got to read
you are the only person who gets to mess with her hair when she’s growing it out as she trusts you with things like hair hair, product use and styling
whilst she’s rebuilding the isles and the school, you’re there with a cup of her favourite drink and plenty of encouragement and recommendations
hooty is your permanent third wheel and you love him dearly
she’s an early riser and if she has the time she’ll make you breakfast in bed (but if you spill it’s 100% on you to clean up)
you didn’t have the specific terminology to describe the nature of your relationship before luz started to run a brief class on human lgbtq+ language and history
and your immediate response to seeing ‘queerplatonic relationships’ on screen with its definition was to point and say something along the lines of ‘literally us’
she rants to you about things that frustrate her, which is usually accompanied by her laying on your lap with a cup of her favourite hot drink held in a very dodgy way whilst she gestures wildly and gets incredibly expressive and into whatever she’s saying
she’s definitely a big planner when it comes to celebrations and for presents she has a whole list of ideas that she needs to hide in addition to her gifts for you
related to the above but she’s terrible at keeping secrets when she’s excited about the outcome and will usually end up blurting it out to you
if you share a bed then she’s a massive hugger and a very deep sleeper, like anything short of an earthquake is unlikely to rouse her from a deep rest
when you go out to eat you use childish games to decide who gets to pick the place (think: boiling isles version of rock, paper, scissors)
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lampmanliveblogs · 2 years
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Hunter, you big softie! You did not just tell Flapjack you love him right in front of your worst enemy/best friend.
So Luz asked some of the questions I’ve been asking. How come there are seemingly two inner Beloses? Eda’s reply is that there shouldn’t be, but that she’s heard about strong emotion manifesting. So the purple child could be some important memory from Philip’s past manifesting itself. Since it was crying, I’m gonna go ahead and guess it was not a happy memory.
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When you speak of the trolls, there he is, the purple child. That’s a pretty bad nickname, I should give him a better one. Child Philip? The Child? The Ghost of Philip’s Past? I like the last one, but The Child is easier to write, so I’m going with that.
The Child appears and is scared by Inner Belos roaring, seeking safety by Luz.
I keep pausing every time the shot changes even slightly to see if I can get a better look at the paintings. I saw one partial painting that looked like Philip and his brother going out for a walk, maybe exploring the woods or something.
More important is the painting in this shot. Someone is conjuring a purple flame in their hand. Philip’s brother is walking towards the person, curious, while Philip looks far more cautious. As loathe as I am to consider anything said by Jacob Hopkins as even potentially being true, he did mention that two brothers were abducted by an evil witch and brought to another realm. So the person whose hand is holding the flame in this painting is by all likelihood that ”evil witch.”
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The way Darius just shoves Raine aside when he hears Hooty mentioning Hunter is just… It’s making me feel things. He really does care, huh?
Eda is working frantically to put together some way to reverse the effects of Raine, Darius & Eberwolf’s spell. And when you speak of the trolls, Raine, Darius and Eberwolf followed Eda, King & Flapjack back to The Owl House and are now trying to figure out what to do.
Raine was temped to follow Eda, but Darius held them back… until he heard Hunter was trapped too. Darius, you big softie!
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Raine, this is no time to be funny.
Oh, and so much for keeping Eda safe and not getting her involved.
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Meanwhile, back in the mindscape… The Child, Luz and Hunter find themselves in one of Belos’ old memories. This is clearly some time back during the Deadwardian Era in the 1600s, the same time period that Luz and Lilith visited on their time travel excursion. Several of the people in this small crowd were seen in that time period. It can’t be too long after Luz & Lulu’s visit either, since the little kid is still a little kid. Some time has clearly passed though, since Philip’s hair has changed (and he shaved), as well as his voice.
Back in Elsewhere and Elsewhen, we saw a white cape in Philip’s cape, so he was clearly already putting together his Belos costume. Here he also has a prototype for his magic staff, which I don’t recall seeing in that episode.
This is back in the day when Belos was still a nobody, trying to convince people he could communicate with the Titan. Which people were understandably skeptical about. But hey, this is exactly what I was asking for before, to see exactly how he managed to sell that lie to the people of the Boiling Isles.
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dooodle-bug · 2 years
so inchresting that the there were indeed eras and periods before belos' time, but they are grossly summarized and reduced to being simply known as the "savage ages", even if the ages differ individually (ex. the deadwardian era).
This kind of censorship is extremely interesting to me, as it shows belos having an extremely strong grip on the media and information published in order to maintain a good image for himself, such as referring to the past as "savage" to make him seem to be the Enlightened one to bring them out of chaos of sorts. Preventing questioning of authority or just learning properly about history in order to learn better for the future. Furthermore, "savage", is an extremely strong adjective and inaccurate; we see the era being relatively peaceful, with an established societal system.
I REALLY appreciate this level of realism and detail to the writing, especially considering how we can find similar real world examples of this, such as referral to the americas as the "new world" despite it already existing way before european exploration and having well established societies (and other examples but thats the first one to come to mind-)
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animationadventures · 2 years
@therivergirl‘s Bleeding Hearts Day fic included a possible legend that started the holiday, so I decided to try my hand at crafting the holiday lore.
Around the time of the Deadwardian Era, the time period the Wittebane brothers showed up, every year was a feeding frenzy for the vampires. Everybody did their best to board up and shield their homes to protect their loved ones from becoming victims of the vampires’ blood drainage.
With the frenzies becoming more uncontrollable, it was the ancestor of the Healing Coven head witch Hettie Cutburn that came up with the solution.
Hettie’s ancestor, Knifeona Cutburn, managed to organize the very first blood drive in the hopes that voluntarily donated blood would prevent another frenzy. After that first blood drive was a success, the Boiling Isles proceeded to hold one every year to continue preventing a frenzy.
A few years into the tradition, the island discovered that a frenzy would happen if there was a significant lack in blood donations as for the first time in ten years, a feeding frenzy occurred.
So from then onward, couples began using the day to celebrate being together, knowing that there was a possibility a frenzy could happen and their loved ones could be a victim of the vampires’ feeding that year.
If a year had some big catastrophe, or small multiple ones, like the Day of Unity or the Collector’s extended playtime, people would be too shaken up to donate and a frenzy would remind them why they needed to donate in the first place.
Children started out being able to donate, but after too many children were hospitalized one year due to their young bodies being unable to withstand the amount of blood being drained when Gwen and Dell’s generation were teenagers, a law was passed that only adults could donate from then onward.
In the fifty years of Belos’s regime, only five frenzies occurred eight to ten years apart from each other. Due to the DOU and the Collector’s playtime, Luz’s first Bleeding Hearts Day is a frenzy year.
What do you think of my Bleeding Hearts Day lore?
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rhpsdys · 2 years
some further thoughts about the coven system as a whole...
with belos only being in power for fifty years (something i continue to take issue with, but for now let’s accept it at face value), there are plenty of witches still alive who would remember life before the coven system. belos actually started working on the coven system as far back as the deadwardian era, as seen in hollow mind, but it wasn’t perfected yet. 
we know that gwendolyn clawthorne only joined the beast keeping coven after eda was cursed. of course, this could mean that she switched covens, but what if it actually meant that she just hadn’t joined one yet? we also know that raine didn’t join the bard coven right out of school — or at least, that’s my interpretation of it. they definitely looked significantly older than school age when they broke up with eda.
so what does this all tell us? well, belos definitely couldn’t enforce the coven system until he became emperor, but if the covens themselves existed for hundreds of years prior, it helps to explain why they’re so engrained in society. my guess? joining a coven wasn’t that common back then — only witches who wanted to hone && focus their magic joined. then, when belos rose to power, the law was gradually implemented. any witch born before he assumed power was initially exempt from mandatory induction. there was also a grace period for a while, where witches were allowed a few years after they finished school to make a decision about which coven to join. but as the day of unity drew closer && belos was able to finalize his plans, coven membership became fully mandatory && enforced across the isles.
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sporesgalaxy · 2 years
You know what else is fun? The name Deadwardian Era COULD imply the existence of a King Deadward on the Boiling Isles during that time period. But also, it's the Boiling Isles, so maybe they named an era after Mr. Deadward for completely different nonmonarchical reasons like I dunno being kickass or something. But the previous existence of a Monarch would sure explain the apparent relative ease of adjustment to Belos.
Check out this quote from that book King was reading in opener of the season finale of s1:
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Belos "gained prominence as a crusader for unity" before becoming Emperor, and people were only willing to follow him because of how much devistation witchkind experienced during the "Savage Ages," which we know Belos was probably completely responsible for.
I'm being rhetorical, but food for thought: do you guys think Belos committed regicide, framed "wild witches," secretly sowed chaos to make everyone as desperate as possible, and then filled the power vacuum himself when he "declared the Boiling Isles an Empire" 50 years ago? Or would it be more fucked up if there was an entirely different system of government on the Boiling Isles until Belos made people desperate enough to submit to monarchy? What kinds of sociopolitical issues might have existed before Belos started having a major impact I wonder
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cottagedreamy · 2 years
Stupid small theory but here we go
If the Wittebro is actually Phillip/Belos honorary brother?
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"HAHAHAHA wait what do you mean you stupid crazy lil guy" is that what you're saying, right? But is that what i think! And i'll show you why
Do you remember the episode "Yesterday's Lie" where Jacob tells the story about 2 brothers from Gravesfield? He recounts that "Gravesfield was a peaceful colony until tragedy struck. Two brothers were lured into an evil realm by a real witch and were never seen again." And obviously, he was talking about the Wittebane brothers whose story is being told in the pictures we saw in Hollow Mind! Take a look.
Gravesfield was founded in 1600, and precisely the same period as the Deadwardian era. In the story told in the paintings, it shows that Phillip and Wittebro were very close and liked to play witches vs witch hunters, and that they were probably influenced by the conflicts of the time. Possibly his village was witch hunters (which may have influenced the fact that Belos is also a witch hunter). BUT the Wittebro seems to have dabbled in magic and especially a witch, which notably displeased Phillip, who felt betrayed by his brother, as they both grew up with those witch hunter mannerisms and customs. I believe that the conflict that Gravesfield was something related about witches, as if I remember correctly, at the beginning of The Owl House Eda said that "a little bit of Bonesborough passes into the Human Realm", which can be deduced that the worlds have been connected before, but they lived in constant conflict.
"Okay, but what about Phillip and Wittebro not being blood brothers?"
And here we go! If I remember correctly, Jacob portrays Phillip and Wittebro as brothers (and they really are alike). But in Hollow Mind, you see they were VERY different. Hair color and structure, eye color, size (and possibly age)... Everything! But still, they were pretty close. It makes me think that initially, they were good friends, but that due to the closeness they ended up developing and sharing a common interest (Living to hunt witches), they decided to become brothers, honorably.
This would even explain why Belos, when Luz asks what a Grimwalker is, he replies that "It's a better version of an old friend of mine", as if he was disregarding the whole history of brotherhood they cultivated after that betrayal. And also by the pictures, you can see how much Wittebro LOVED Belos, even though he was a son of a bitch who eats palismans and even trying to kill him, Wittebro was hesitant, because the one in front of him wasn't just his friend with whom grew up together, but his brother.
Maybe I'm crazy, maybe I'm right but who knows! I'm obsessed with stories of brothers with sad endings and the idea of ​​them being friends, then brothers, and then enemies made my head spin.
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Used a real boiling isles background 😭 AGSNDHDHF
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aroacemisha · 2 years
So, ‘Elsewhere and Elsewhen’ demonstrated to us that the Boiling Isles was actually quite a nice place, even in the Deadwardian era, around 400 years ago. The people Luz and Lilith encountered were polite, and the two guys bullying Philip turned out to be justified in doing so, because he’s at fault for their brother’s death.
This would seemingly debunk the idea that the Isles was much worse before Belos came to power... However, I’d argue it only proves that it wasn’t always the case.
Remember the Unauthorized Boiling Isles History? Here’s a quote from that book:
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“Nevertheless, the Savage Ages caused such devastation that many people proved willing to follow him”
What’s interesting here is that, along with being called “unauthorized”, this book also doesn’t exactly portray Belos in a positive light. In the sentence right before that quote, he’s stated to rule “by fear and an iron fist”, and at a different point in the book the following is also said, which King reads out loud:
“...so he created the Coven system, and there our knowledge was restricted and our potential sealed away”
His claims of speaking to the Titan are also only stated as claims, saying that he “declared” that he could speak to the Titan, rather than saying something like “a mysterious witch appeared who could speak to the Titan”
Whoever wrote this book is not a fan of Belos and doesn’t believe everything he says, thus they don’t have a reason to repeat any lies he tells about the past, unless they don’t know the truth. But the part about the Savage Ages being “devastating” is stated confidently, without any caveats, and treated as a fact.
And we also have two of Belos’s memories in one of the promo screenshots:
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With the flames in the background of the first one, it does appear like there was some kind of devastation, and that he’s leading people away from it.
So I think one of two things happened:
1) Things naturally got worse on the Isles, and Belos took advantage of it to rise to power; or 2) he had a hand in worsening the conditions on the Isles, so he could then use the chaos and devastation to rise to power.
Either way, the Isles was generally a nice place, but there was a chaotic and devastating period in its history that Belos took advantage of to become Emperor and implement the Coven System. And afterwards, he claimed the Isles had always been awful until he came to power and fixed it, following the Titan’s orders.
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sepublic · 2 years
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So on his Twitter, JBO just released this in-universe poem to the Titan, which he claims will be displayed alongside other art pieces at the gallery nucleus for TOH this Saturday... I’ll add a transcript at the end, but first, let me TRY to analyze...?
Okay, that bit at the beginning mentions bathyspheres, or rather bathysFEARS, because Boiling Isles puns. Love them, truly. The mention of an early version of Apple Blood is interesting, and at first made me consider that Evelyn wrote this; But we know this was discovered DURING the late Deadwardian era. Of course, an entire era is a wide range of time, and this was late into it; So while we know Evelyn was alive during Deadwardian times, it’s possible she did write it, and eventually by the end of her era, her poem was rediscovered.
If this is Evelyn’s work, then the jab towards humans at the end, musing that if they did originate from the Titan, it’d be from its butt, is interesting; Suggesting that Evelyn may have had a prejudice towards humans at first, but then changed her mind with Caleb. Or most tragically, loved Caleb, but after Philip ruined everything, developed a soured feeling for the rest of her husband’s species. However, the intro does mention it’s the EARLIEST poetry of the isles, so Evelyn probably isn’t the writer; But maybe her ancestor is?
The prose was... SOMETHING, but from what I can discern, the narrator is asking King’s dad (who of course doesn’t respond) where witches and demons came from, if they were born of his flesh, descended from the parasites and scavengers that ate it, etc. I think the narrator is suggesting that witches and demons were born of the eyes in particular? I need a dictionary for this... I wonder if this is a hint that we’ll get info on this in S3, perhaps by whoever wrote the Unauthorized History of the Boiling Isles?
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Still, the speculation and invoking of the Titan’s brain is interesting; If witches DID first arise from the eye sockets of the Titan, then perhaps the first civilization of the Boiling Isles (circa the Hecktaceous period?) lived within the skull... And thus, the first witches may have created the lair where the Collector’s disc was later found by Philip, Luz, and Lilith.
The first generation may have honored the Titan’s wishes by constructing this prison for his enemy, the Grand Huntsman; And the mention of eyes (of which they are two) and the fact that there are two confirmed Collector discs, makes me wonder if the discs were fashioned from the Titan’s eyes... Regardless, early witches must’ve then migrated out of the skull through the eyes (leaving behind a prehistoric Stonesleeper), and reverence for the Titan and/or memories of this area as a birthplace for their kind led them to deem it sacred ground.
The narrator also speculates, I believe, that the Titan’s ‘nodes’ are still active in some form, perhaps alluding to the idea that King’s dad IS still conscious to some extent and influencing things, such as who sees Glyphs or not; Hence why looking at his face from the Knee is necessary. All this mention of dreaming also reminds me of the final episode’s title, Watching and Dreaming, which makes me wonder if King will get his dad’s consciousness and memories involved for the series finale; Or if it’ll be his own utilized, as he discovers an ability to create life from himself? Does this connect to Jean-Luc’s species?
(Also, if witches did originate from the eye sockets/skull of the Titan, inheriting the power of sapience from his brain to become a civilization; Did the Titan Trappers arise from other Titans, and aren’t aware of/don’t care about this?)
As for a transcript (under the cut);
Discovered during the Late Deadwardian Era on a bathysfearic expedition, the Titansong Trove is a cache of the earliest extant poetry of the Boiling Isles. The Trove is comprised of eleven complete poems addressed to the Titan, along with dozens of scraps. Nothing is known the author, except that the parchments are saturated with aepleoffal, an early precursor to Apple Blood.
From what rot-region did we rise, Ruler
of all abiding in ageless aeons,
longlost, lore-scant?
(Ruler? As like that
hemmed-in horizons were thine heritage--
Or, born beastly and then badgered 
unto a dreary doom, down-falling into 
scalding seas with stones side-slashing.
Yet lordly and low alike, on death leak
putrid pus, parasite-packed, potent, smearing 
sickly-sheened stains, sights at which 
strong witches wobble and warworn demons
void appleblood-vaults all over, everywhere.
O, O, O, they say, O, O.
*A morbid misstep sends corpsejuice mouthward*
O, no, O, no. O, it got in my mouth.)
Digression done. Now digestion:
For torpid time turned torrid
thy formidable folds. And formerly 
enmarbled muscles melted to mire.
Battered bones broke; then, with boldness,
miniscule motes made a flesh-feast.
Such wondrous waste did they somewhen sup,
little by little old limits were lost,
till they were then: We. That is how
marvelously magilicious 
was thy tumescent Titanglut.
So. Where didst we wax? Where now are owed
our odes of awe?
...Okay, honestly?
Tis less to laud, and really more like:
Damn it, divulge, dude. Just tell us!
Not even poeming here. We just want to know where we came from
and why and everything else. Secrets. Answers. Everything.
Anything! Please. Come on. Hello? Hello? Hello?
So suspected: silence supreme.
Maw motionless, mind sense-mined,
eyes ember-empty. Empty sockets...
As if... eaten all away.
Well, then:
Could we not claim, conceivably, 
eye-rot excrescence our earliest eaves?
Think of them: those wriggling strings 
that float the fluids, forever fitful,
even with eyes closed, ever-lingering,
...Bombarded by outer beauty,
wilded by brainwaves, darkling dreamwoven....
Would not these nodes, when “ever” ended,
oscillate on? And as thine orbs’
juice turned jelly, clouding with junk, 
vital vitreal echoes prevail?
Resonant, reminding those remnants that
beyond filthbogged bariers, a
beaming beacons of new beauty.
Movement-making, masticating,
upwards we urged. Up, up, out-eating. 
To surface. Silence. Skimming the slime,
doused in dreamdew, our own day dawned.
Well? What say you? Were we thus born?
...Of course. Onlysilence. Well... one
thing is totally true at least for sure:
If Humans were hewn also from thine hide, 
‘twas thy butt begat those bozos. Ha.
Haha. Haha.
Aaahaha. Ahhhhh.
Got ‘em.
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ricearoniaddict · 2 years
I’ve been thinking about something
So Luz and Lilith went back to the deadwardian period which I’m assuming correlates to the Edwardian period. That took place in the late 1800’s.
But some of the photo memories that we see in Hollow Mind show a more 1600-1700 hundreds landscape. And one of them gives off Salem Whitch trial vibes which happened in the late 1600’s.
So either Belos was on the boiling isles for at least 100 years before first meeting Luz (in the Deadwardian period) OR the boiling isles are 100-200 years ahead of the human realm.
Or I could be looking too far into things
But I find this interesting
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sleepingdeath-light · 2 years
Of the owl house cast, who do you think would and wouldn't tolerate a polyamorous partner?
Having a Polyamorous Partner | The Owl House Cast
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thanks for the question anon!
i laid out my thoughts below - this list includes all of the characters i write for as organised alphabetically
note : these are only my headcanons so feel free to interpret otherwise or let me know your thoughts on the topic - i’d love to hear them!
[i’m also polyamorous so please don’t take this as an attack on poly people - this is just what vibe i get from each character]
Adrian Graye Vernworth
would be neutral ; would be alright with casual non-monogamy on your part and his, but probably wouldn’t be the happiest about having any metamours or thirds in your relationship - but could be convinced.
Alador Blight
would be fine with a polyamorous partner ; i feel like alador is probably monogamous but would be fine with you having other relationships - just don’t expect to have a shared third with him, he’s committed to you not someone else.
Amity Blight
would be fine with a polyamorous partner ; this would probably be a case of you being part of a triad with her and luz, so expect to have her as a metamour at least - she’d probably be okay with you branching out beyond that but prefers a closed poly relationship over anything else.
wouldn’t be okay with having an open relationship ; is probably fine with a closed unit and having a metamour or two (though she probably wouldn’t play nice with them), but prefers monogamy for the most part - would only consider a poly dynamic if she really liked you.
would be perfectly fine with a polyamorous partner ; doesn’t expect you to be 100% romantically committed to them and doesn’t mind having any metamours so long as they can get along (and play with them) - just let them know what you want and they’ll accommodate you.
Darius Deamonne
neutral on the topic ; darius seems like someone who would be comfortable in a monogamous or polyamorous dynamic, so having a poly partner wouldn’t be much of an issue for him so long as everyone cleans up after themselves that is - 50/50 whether he’d have any other partners, though.
Edalyn Clawthorne
would tolerate a polyamorous relationship ; you’d probably end up being metamours with raine anyway if you’re with eda as they’re kind of a package deal, so she’d be more than up for dating a poly person.
Edric Blight
would be fine with a polyamorous partner ; it would take an adjustment period for him to get used to the dynamic, but ed would definitely branch out himself and have other relationships and casual flings of his own volition - may not reach out to his metamours, it depends on whether they’d ever actually meet in person.
Emira Blight
would accept a polyamorous partner ; em may very well have a slight polyamorous-lean to her and would comfortably settle into a closed triad dynamic, but would also accept a complete open relationship if that was what you wanted (though would probably only have one serious relationship outside of yours) - would probably make an effort with metamours to make things easier for you.
confused but mostly supportive ; hunter grew up completely isolated from relationship things, so he probably wouldn’t give polyamory much thought until it was actively brought up - and even then, he’d likely be okay with you branching out but likely wouldn’t do very much himself (not just because he’s hopeless when it comes to flirting)
Lilith Clawthorne
happy to have a polyamorous partner ; just wants to see you happy, so while she’ll remain relatively monogamous she’s also happy to meet and get to know her metamours and help you plan things with them (especially if they’re as excited about the deadwardian era as she is).
Luz Noceda
probably also polyamorous herself ; you can’t be with luz without being somewhat close with amity as well, so having a poly partner would be ideal for luz - she’d also be the type to reach out to and befriend her metamours.
wouldn’t want a polyamorous relationship ; mattholomule probably wouldn’t be the happiest with sharing a lover with others or having other partners at all - so being with a poly person either wouldn’t happen at all or would only happen if he was very very interested in the person and willing to accept that part of them.
Odalia Blight
wouldn’t particularly care ; isn’t the most committed person romantically and wouldn’t care if you had other relationships so long as she was your nesting/anchor partner - but she won’t make nice with her metamours unless it would benefit you both.
Philip Wittebane / Emperor Belos
wouldn’t tolerate a polyamorous relationship ; this man is a puritan christian so he would probably be limited to strict monogamy, potentially being incredibly possessive over his partner - so polyamory is off the table with him.
Raine Whispers
would tolerate a polyamorous relationship ; raine is one of the most supportive people ever and would probably lean towards a closed poly relationship with eda and any metamours they’d have through you - so bring it up and they’d be open.
neutral on the idea ; steve is probably completely monogamous but wouldn’t expect you to change yourself for him - would also probably reach out to his metamours to plan surprises and gifts for you and things like that (pretty chill).
Terra Snapdragon
neutral on the topic ; wouldn’t mind you being polyamorous/having others but isn’t romantically poly herself - might have a few flings here and there but don’t expect to have metamours on her end.
Willow Park
neutral on the topic ; whilst i feel like willow is probably more monogamous-leaning, she likely wouldn’t be too bothered about having a poly partner and may even be happy to help you plan dates or get to know your other partners to some extent (would bring plants as a peace offering).
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