#deaf eraserhead
metablood · 2 years
OK but what about... Deaf Eraserhead? (En/Fr)
In English
Deaf Present Mic is a popular fanon character, but what about deaf Eraserhead ?
Middle School is terrible, he was bullied about his hearing aids, so he let his hair grow just before highschool so he could hide them. He decided to just pretend not to being deaf and never talking about it again.
He lies on his UA application, he's supposed to disclose any "disability or special needs" but simply leaves the line blank. Hearing aids are good quality nowadays, most of the time he pretends that he hears perfectly anyway.
When he finally manages to enter the Heroe Course, the first person he hears is Yamada Hizashi. The guy is loud, sure. But he also has a perfect enunciation, he speaks as if he was on stage all the time. For most people, Hizashi is simply too loud, but for Shouta's ears, he talks just at the right volume. It's like a voice tailored for his needs !
Eventually, Aizawa needs to let his teachers now about his hearing aids, so the support course makes him compatible headset. When Oboro and Hizashi find out, Shouta is terrified. Hizashi simply doesn't understand why he would hide his hearing aids: "they look so cool ! It's like an early Bose intra-ear design from the 2020's !" Oboro immediatly understand that something bad must have happened in middle school.
En Français
Present Mic sourd est un personnage populaire du fandom, mais essayons Eraserhead sourd...
Le collège, c'est nul, on le harcèle à cause de ses aides auditives, alors il se laisse pousser les cheveux avant le lycée pour pouvoir les cacher. Il décide de dissimuler sa surdité et de ne plus jamais en parler.
Il ment sur son formulaire d'inscription à UA, où il était censé indiquer tout "handicap où aménagements nécessaires", mais il laisse juste un espace blanc. Les aides auditives sont de bonnes qualité de nos jours, la plupart du temps il fait déjà semblant de bien entendre.
Quand il finit par entrer en filière héroïque, la première personne qu'il entend est Hizashi Yamada. Ce mec est parle fort, bien sûr. Mais il a aussi une énonciation impeccable, comme s'il était sur scène. Pour la plupart des gens, Hizashi est simplement trop bruyant, mais pour Shouta, c'est le volume idéal. C'est comme si sa voix avait été conçue sur mesure juste pour lui !
Aizawa finit par devoir informer ses profs pour que la filière assistance lui fasse un micro-casque adapté. Quand Oboro et Hizashi le découvrent, Shouta est terrifié. Hizashi ne comprend simplement pas pourquoi il cacherait ses aides auditives : "elles sont trop cools ! On dirait le design des intra-auriculaire Bose des années 2020 !" Oboro comprend immédiatement que quelque chose a du arriver au collège.
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nyx3927 · 1 year
I was thinking and literally one of the most intimate things for me with my hearing aids is letting someone else handle them.
Like these are thousands of dollar worth of medical equipment, that would take at least a month to replace and that I need in order to function in society. They are ridiculously easy to break because of what they are and how they are made, and to lose because they are small (I know someone whose hearing aids are smaller than the size of the first knuckle of their pinky).
So to let someone else hold them, take them out of ears, to change the batteries, put them into the charging port, etc.?
It Speaks volumes to both how close the two people are as well as how much the deaf person trusts the other.
Anyways I was thinking about this with either deaf!Yamada Hizashi and Aizawa or deaf!Bakugo and someone else.
Imagine the fluff potential. Especially with teen aizawa who is all prickly and doesn’t like anyone but is slowly growing to like and trust Yamada, Kayama, and Shirokumo. Imagine the relationship being solidified when Yamada is busy finishing up a paper when his hearing aids die and he just gives them to Aizawa to go and charge for the night. Imagine Aizawa pulling away and refusing to accept the hearing aids after Shirokumo dies because he has convinced himself that everyone he grows close to will be hurt and die, and the hearing aids are a physical sign of how close they are. Imagine Aizawa slowly accepting the hearing aids again, first just to hold briefly while Yamada fixes his headphones, then to restart them when Yamada’s carrying too much stuff when they start acting up, and slowly accepting them for more and more things. Imagine a villain with a Quirk that fucks with sound waves dropping Yamada who is screaming in painbecause that Quirk hurts like hell when his hearing aids are in, and Aizawa just bolting through the rubble to pull the hearing aids out so that Yamada stops hurting.
Imagine Aizawa starting to go deaf, because that’s what happens in battlefields when humans are constantly exposed to extreme sound, they lose hearing. Imagine him not knowing what to do and struggling to adjust to the hearing aids and Yamada just standing there, a guide and helper to get Aizawa through the transition period.
The sheer intimacy and trust that everything involved requires is just amazing
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ramblebramblefun · 1 month
Katsuki didn't start all this crap to get back at Deku or something, so don't get it fucking twisted. He's doing this for Deku's own damn good and that's that.
Don't you get it? Deku wants to be a fucking hero.
If Deku becomes a fucking hero, he'll die.
That's the long and fucking short of it. Even Deku's precious Eraserhead, if he really exists, has got a quirk to fall back on even if he fights quirkless most of the time. Allegedly.
Deku ain't got nothing. He's fucking quirkless. Quirkless, useless, stupid, vulnerable.
He can't be a fucking hero.
Katsuki can, because Katsuki's got the goddamned quirk for it, but Deku-
How was Katsuki supposed to know? He was like, three when he got his quirk, ahead of the pack right from the start. He'd thought that Deku's quirk would come in at four like everyone else's did. A whole year of dreaming.
Course, then Deku had to ruin it. That fucker.
Katsuki can feel those bug-eyes burning... Right about... There!
"Quit following me!" He screams, because he's beginning to suspect that Deku's deaf as well as stupid.
Stupid fucking- A quirkless wonder can't be a hero. No amount of following Katsuki around scribbling in little stalker notebooks is going to change that.
"Yeah!" Fingers yells. "Quit following us!"
Fingers is a fucking sheep. Baa baa baa, all fucking day, saying everything Katsuki says one beat behind.
Katsuki doesn't know why he keeps him around. Deku would be more interesting, but he can't let Deku follow him because then the little fuck will follow him right into U-fucking-A, and Katsuki can't- He won't-
It's not fucking happening.
Deku creeps out from behind the bush with his head tucked right down into his collar, like some kind of turtle, and if he had a turtle quirk then at least he'd have some kind of armour to protect him but he doesn't because he's fucking quirkless.
And he wants to be a hero.
Can't forget that. Not until Katsuki beats it out of him at least.
He has to.
If he doesn't do it now, someone else, a villain most likely, will teach Deku the real fucking hard way and Katsuki can't-
"Deku." He growls, popping off explosions.
Deku meeps at him, honest to god. Little fucking-
Katsuki lunges, and Deku shrieks but doesn't fucking run, because he's an idiot that only ever stands his ground at the worst fucking times and if he actually lets Katsuki catch him with these hands then Katsuki might actually kill him himself and save the world the trouble.
Katsuki will make it quick. Way quicker than a villain, at any rate.
And then Katsuki will go to jail and not be able to be a hero and it will be entirely Deku's fault and-
Fortunately for himself and Katsuki's future career, Deku throws himself backwards at the last fucking second. Katsuki's hands slap nothing but air.
"Yeah, you better run." He hisses, despite Deku not really doing any such thing.
He's just standing there, really. Looking at Katsuki with those big bug-eyes, clutching his notebook to his chest.
"Sorry, Kacchan! I didn't mean-"
"Go away, Deku." Katsuki snarls. He raises a crackling palm demonstratively.
"Take a fucking hint."
He's standing close enough now that he could actually land a hit, and Deku fucking knows it, the way he's watching Katsuki's hands.
"Right." Deku mutters to himself.
He starts muttering some other things too, but Katsuki is not fucking listening. He strides away while Deku's distracted, shoving at Fingers and What's-his-face to get them moving too.
They immediately begin warbling about how Katsuki 'sure showed him', or something equally obnoxious and not worth the time to process. Where can he go that Deku won't think to follow?
Nowhere, the fucking stalker knows everything about him.
Okay, new plan.
"Alright, extras," he says sweetly. "I'm letting you decide where we're going next."
This prompts a chorus of bleating, sheep being terrible at making their own decisions. What's-his-face eventually coughs something out, and Katsuki shoves him to the front.
The extra fucking hesitates.
Katsuki pops his palms meaningfully.
The sheep startles, and scurries, and Katsuki follows after like a herding dog, because that's the only way he deigns to follow anyone.
He's in charge of this circus, make no mistake.
That does not, however, mean that he wants to go to the fucking circus. The things he does for that little-
Whatever. Forget him. Katsuki's going to enjoy the rest of this day Deku-free.
Or else.
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ace-touya · 9 months
Present Mic Headcanons!
Starting with a popular one - he’s deaf and wears hearing aids due to his quirk
His parents went through a really messy divorce when he was in middle school, and eventually his mum got custody and they moved away
This is when he met Oboro
He didn’t meet Aizawa until UA - I headcanon that Shouta actually started in the general studies course and got moved into the hero course through work studies, like Shinso planned to do
He’s the youngest child, and has older twin sisters
Absolutely loves Christmas, he starts playing music as soon as November starts, and covers the house in tacky decor
Shouta hates this and the only thing that keeps him going during the Christmas period is the Christmas sweaters Hizashi puts the cats in
Adores the Bakusquad, they’re his favourite students in all of his years of teaching
When he first saw Tenya he thought Tensei got hit with a de-ageing quirk and panicked
He starts pillow fights with Eri and Shinso
Makes Aizawa breakfast in bed, but he can’t cook, so it’s usually just cereal or toast
He drives because Aizawa would fall asleep at the wheel
There are YouTube compilations that are like ‘Present Mic talking about EraserHead for half an hour’ ‘Every time Present Mic has mentioned his husband this year’
He was in a band when he was at UA
He’s the one that the kids go to for dating advice
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kywaslost · 2 years
Hi there! This is my first request here and uh.. I really like your stuff... 👉👈..
I was wondering if it would be okay to ask for your interpretation or a story thing on erasermic (accidentally) adopting a very shy, and light self harming/deprecating deaf kid?
If it's not too much to ask!! I don't know how to do this I don't wish to over step ^^'''
Thank you ^^
You’ll Fit Right In - EraserMic
A/N: Man I am such a sucker for erasermic comfort!! So, hello! I’m really glad you like my writings! And I’m so glad you requested this because I love writing for erasermic but I basically trauma dump in every erasermic fic I post (including the one I’ve been working on in my free time…). I hope you really like this one!
Warnings: bad childhood, sh, self-deprecation
Aizawa and Hizashi weren't planning on adopting another child. They already had Shinsou, afterall, and Eraserhead was listed as one of Eri’s guardians, so she was around from time to time. But they couldn’t resist bringing you into their home.
You had a past much like Eri’s, except instead of being experimented on by a group of villains, you had been experimented on by the Commission. They wanted to try and create the perfect hero, but in the end they only messed up your quirk and caused you to go deaf. Hizashi and Aizawa were on the team that was sent in to rescue you. If you were honest, the only reason you went with them was because Hizashi knew JSl, and he was able to communicate with you way better than the Commission ever could.
When the two heroes found out you had no remaining relatives, they immediately asked for adoption papers. You tried to tell them that they didn’t have to keep you around, but they wouldn’t have it. They explained that they didn’t want to throw you to some foster home who didn’t know how to care for you, and that they already had experience handling situations like this.
So here you were, living with Eraserhead, Present Mic, and Shinsou, with the occasional visit from Eri. As expected, there were some bumps and setbacks. You were very shy, and meeting so many new people at once stressed you out. You went from living in a small, sectioned off room the size of a storage closet to a house with your own giant bed room that you could decorate any way you wanted. You sat down every meal with your new family, and eventually you had to get to know them.
Aizawa was the first one to notice your scars. You were sitting next to him on the couch as he graded papers. You had a cat in your lap, petting it gently as you read a book. Some would say Aizawa looked over at the wrong time, but he’d argue otherwise. The cat in your lap was pushing up the hem of your sleeve, and the teacher beside you could see thin, angry, red lines along your arm.
It startled him at first, and then it didn’t. He should have figured you would result in something like this. He tried so hard to make sure Eri didn’t harm herself, but he never thought to talk to you about this unhealthy coping mechanism. Shouta gently took your hand with his, turning it ever so slightly to get a better look at your wounds.
His touch caught your attention, and when you looked up at him, he looked at you with something between worry and distress. That’s when you realized that he had seen your arm. Tears immediately welled up in your eyes.
‘Y/N,’ Aizawa signed to you. ‘Let me help you. Tell me what’s wrong.’
You sniffled, then wiped your eyes with your other sleeve. ‘I’m not worth your time.’
You could have sworn Aizawa’s eyes glowed red for a split second. Now he’s angry with you, you thought to yourself. You’ve surely done it now. You wanted to look away but Aizawa began signing again. ‘That’s not true, Y/N. You are worth our time. We want you here.” His thumb lightly grazed your cuts again. ‘Please, let me know when you feel like doing this.” Shouta’s hand stalled for a moment. ‘I struggled with it too, when I was in high school and I lost someone very close to me. I know how to help you, you just have to let me.’
You may be very shy, but so is Aizawa. And you may be a bit self deprecating but so was Shinsou, and Aizawa and Hizashi could help with that. And for your unhealthy coping mechanisms, all three of them had dealt with. You just need to let them in, let them help you, and you’ll be alright in the end :)
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ao3feed-dadzawa · 10 days
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Pairing: Aizawa x Black!Catgirl!Reader
Synopsis: In which you find yourself in the weirdest predicament after you’re scooped up and taken to a cat cafe after you decide to take the streets to fight some crime, and you’re adopted by your very anti-social and hot coworker Aizawa aka Eraserhead.
Story Warnings: Smutty Smut, 18+ (MINORS GET AWAY), Swearing, Adult!Reader, Ear and Tail Stroking, Light Degradation, Spanking, Exhibitionism, Multiple Positions, Creampie, Unprotected PIV Sex, Facial, Scent Play, Collaring, Deepthroat, Cunnlingus, Begging, Edgeplay, Power Play, Rope Play/Shibari, Master Kink, Some Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Some Action
Disclaimer: I own none of the characters mentioned in this fic. However, as this is my writing, I do not give permission for my work to be reposted on any other sites that are not from my own accounts. Thank you!
Writer’s Note: Thank you all so, so, soooo much for the love on this story & all my other works! Stay safe! -Jazz
Read on AO3 here!
Other Chapters: One. Two. Three. Four. Five. Six. Seven. Eight. Nine. Ten. Eleven. Twelve. Thirteen. Fourteen. Fifteen. Sixteen. Seventeen. Eighteen. Nineteen. Twenty. Twenty-One. Twenty-Two. Twenty-Three. Twenty-Four. Twenty-Five.
You’ve never been so happy to hear the lunch bell ring. That allowed you to finally get this perverted, little grape out of your office and chow down on your ramen. 
You plaster a kind smile on your face as you stare Minoru Mineta and his lecherous eyes from across your desk. The kid is so tiny that he has to sit on two of your textbooks–one is on how to deal with children with behavioral problems and the other on the history of UA High. 
“Looks like we’re out of time, Minoru,” you announce sweetly. “I hope our talk helped you in some way. Just remember what I said.” You sit back in your chair, patiently waiting for him to regurgitate your advice. 
“Even though turning me into a human football isn’t permitted at school if I look at a girl’s breasts, it’s her right to defend herself for my inappropriate acts,” he recites to you. “Oh! And no more trying to crash girls’ study nights pretending to be a new girl on campus.”
He sighs, looking saddened at the loss. “That wig cost me $20,” he mutters. 
You smile, happy with this progress. “That’s right. Thank you, Minoru!” You wait until he jumps out of the chair and bounces out the door to your office to finally let your smile drop.
“Jesus,” you sigh, yawning and stretching your arms high over your cat ears.
It’s been a long day and it’s only mid-afternoon. You know your day is not over yet, and it won’t be for a while, so you decide to head to lunch early without Nemuri. 
As you gather your lunch from your mini fridge behind your along with your bottle of Kombucha, you shoot a quick text to Nemuri saying you’ll be waiting in the break room for her and Mic to arrive. Several minutes you get a text back: 
Muri: Hey hon! Gonna show up to lunch a little late today. Mic ran into some trouble training some of the kids & now I’m pretty sure half of them are deaf 
*Read at 1:05 PM* 
You giggle despite the seriousness of the situation, knowing it was only a matter of time until Mic caused the destruction of dozens of students’ ears. 
You: No worries! I’ll save y’all a seat in the break room 
*Read at 1:07 PM* 
After Nemuri shoots a heart emoji back to you, you lock up your office and venture down the hallway to the break room which is empty when you arrive.
You decide to sit on the cozy-looking yellow couch in the back by the window that overlooks the UA campus and the blooming cherry blossom trees that line the windows and walkways outside. You can’t believe that April is already here! You swear that March was just a week ago. 
Once you’re finished setting up your lunch, you get up to eat your plastic bowl of ramen in the microwave near the coffee machine. As you do, you hear the sound of boots thudding across the floor and into the breakroom.
You turn to greet whoever it is being the nice person you are, but your words lodge in your throat when you find Aizawa standing there. When his eyes lock with yours, everything in the room seems to disappear and all logic flies out the window.
No matter how many times you see him, you can’t help the way your heart pounds and your pussy throbs at the sight of his muscular body under his tracksuit and those alluring, tired eyes. 
It’s stupid, really, especially now since the two of you are on better terms now since you ran into each other at the gym. You can’t believe that was a month ago.
You still can’t even believe he asked for your number. You were all smiles and your tail stood straight up the whole day. Since then, the most he’s texted you are reminders about staff meetings and telling you to make it back to your dorm safely after every day you clock out. 
Though you yearn for more, especially after learning he has a thing for you too, you don’t push it since you know Aizawa isn’t exactly the “people” type. Socializing just isn’t his thing. And you certainly don’t block the blessing you have with texting him, to begin with. You know that all of this could be taken from you in an instant if he were to ever find out your secrets. 
You have hope that you’re good with your vigilante secret. You haven’t seen much of Aizawa in the late night hours when you take the streets as Night Claw. Though it disappoints you, you also know that he’s a busy guy and he doesn’t owe you the time that he should be giving to his job and his daughter. That isn’t even what you’re most worried about. 
Over the past month since March, you’ve been visiting Aizawa and Eri at their dorm every night in your cat form and sneaking out before morning. You make sure to leave before Aizawa heads home after work so you’re waiting for him at his door, meowing and purring for him. You have come to love his touches and Eri’s joyful laughter as she plays with you.
Though you know it’s all because they think you’re a normal, four-legged animal, you still allow yourself to feel that little piece of joy every time you sit in Aziawa’s lap while Eri is curled into his side, a movie playing on the TV on a regular night before bedtime. 
You’ve made this your routine and new job, so you’ve taken extra precautions to make sure no one finds out about your nightly visits, especially Nemuri and Mic. You send both of them texts every night now that you’re going out, ensuring that they only know about Night Claw and nothing about you pretending to be Aizawa’s adopted pet. 
Though it is taking its toll on you physically to the point where your sleep schedule is fucked up and you’ve had to sleep as soon as you get back to your dorm before your shifts (that’s why you love the weekends; you can sleep for days), you take all of it gladly, just wanting to see Aizawa and Eri smile.
You feel like it’s your duty to make them happy, especially Aizawa. You’ve grown accustomed to his smile, hooked on the comfort he feels around you. You want it every day, all the time.
And you don’t plan on stopping this anytime soon…until someone finds out. But no one will. You’re sure of that. 
Realizing you’ve been staring at the man for too long, you flush and plaster on a smile. “Hey, Aiz– uh, Shouta,” you greet him.
You’re still getting used to calling him by his first name now that you’re…friends? Acquaintances? Friendly coworkers? You’re not quite sure, but you refuse to put a label on it. You’re just glad you’re closer than you were a month ago. 
Aizawa gives you a nod as he walks into the room. He stands next to you at the coffee machine and begins to move in silence as he prepares his coffee. He’s so close that you can smell his cologne, and it’s doing things to you.
You can feel heat radiating off of him in waves along with his dizzying scent of eucalyptus and mint. Your pussy throbs in need and you have to clench your thighs together as you stiffly stand there, waiting for your ramen to finish heating up. 
The air in the room shifts with him near, turning into something that is tense with heat. Could it be desire? You wouldn’t put it past you. Aizawa is the damn definition of desire with his rugged, handsome face and capable hands that haunt your dreams.
“How’d the talk go with Mineta?” he suddenly asks, his gruff and deep voice filling your ears. 
You glance at him questionably, wondering how he knew this. He smirks down at you as he pops a dark roast coffee pod into the top of the coffee machine and presses a button. “He came from my class for starin’ at Yaoyorozu’s chest and got the boot from Ashidou. I sent him down to you.” 
You nod understandably. You knew someone had to have sent Mineta to your office today since he never would’ve come willingly. “It, uh…went,” you carefully answer.
Aizawa raises a brow. “He’s never been in my office before, but I’ve heard the kid has a thing for the girls and their body parts. Guess you see that a lot in boys these days.” 
You sigh tiredly as the microwave finally beeps and you take your piping hot ramen out. Aizawa’s coffee finishes too, filling the air with the scent of roasted coffee beans. “He looks like he was a handful. I can practically see the exhaustion in you.”
His dark eyes roam down your form. Despite the modest white blouse and pencil skirt you’re wearing, you still can’t help but feel naked under his intense stare. 
You flush, biting back a goofy smile with a smirk. “You look like you could use a nap yourself,” you giggle. “Classes beatin’ you up?” 
Anyone who is anyone will be able to see the dark shadows under Aizawa’s eyes which are more intense than usual. He sighs into his mug, leaning against the counter as you proceed to take a seat on the couch. You’d ask for him to join, but you’re unsure if that is too much. 
“It’s Eri,” he admits tiredly. “I tried to get her to go to sleep last night and that didn’t happen until 1 AM. She kept wantin’ to play with her new cat even though she’d be right back with us tomorrow.” 
Your ears twitch excitedly at the sound of Eri and the mention of her cat. You quickly hide your immense excitement with a questionable stare. “Back with you tomorrow?” you question curiously. “What do you mean? Where the hell does she go if she’s a housecat?” 
Aizawa chuckles to himself, still leaning against the counter. He looks so relaxed despite still being in a school setting. It’s a nice change. “She’s more of an indoor/outdoor cat, I’ve realized. I found that out when she jumped from my dorm window the morning after I brought her home.”
Your eyes widen in shock, playing the part, and he snorts. “No lie; she bolted across campus and almost gave me a heart attack. Eri cried like I’d never seen her cry, but the cat ended up coming back. I think she just likes the outdoors.” 
Hearing him sound so baffled by your behavior in your cat form makes you want to scream with laughter, but you hold back. “Totally understandable,” you reply as you twin a heaping amount of ramen around your plastic spoon. You can’t keep an independent, single city girl like her cooped up in a room.” You finally slurp up the noodles and broth. 
But as soon as the ramen is in your mouth, you immediately spit it into a napkin, alarming Aizawa. “Ugh!” you shout in utter disgust, pushing the bowl away. “That’s disgusting!” 
“What is?” he curiously asks, a cute little scowl on his face. You motion towards the ramen you bought a day ago from the vegan supermarket Nemuri told you about. “This trash they have the nerve to call ‘ramen’. I should’ve never let Nemuri talk me into trying the substitute noodles. Supposedly, they’re better than egg noodles because they’re made with tofu.” 
Aizawa snorts at your angered rant. “Rule number one: never let Nemuri talk you into trying anything she likes. Her tastes are…”
He trails off, searching for a word. “Deplorable?”
you scoff. He cracks a smile. “Eccentric,” he decides before sipping his coffee. 
You exhale exhaustively as you stare down at your shit ramen. You weren’t planning on spending money today that you need for grocery shopping and paying utilities next week, but you suppose you could spare something for a good lunch from the sandwich shop across the way.
You pick up the ramen bowl and dump it before packing up the rest of your lunch. “Guess I’m headin’ out for takeout again,” you sigh. 
Aizawa silently watches you, his expression unreadable. You feel slightly scrutinized under his gaze, but maybe that’s because of how awkward you feel right now under the intensity of his eyes. Does he do it on purpose? Does he like seeing you squirm? 
Biting the inside of your cheek, you weigh the outcomes of your next question before finally blurting, “Do you…wanna come with? If you’re hungry, that is. I’m just goin’ to that sandwich shop across the way.”
You can already taste the mayo and sweet yellow onion on your favorite sandwich, making your stomach rumble. The thought of walking with Aizawa and sitting down with him for lunch, alone without Eri being a filler, also makes your tummy flip. 
Aizawa doesn’t look like he was expecting this question. “Uh…” The word drifts from his lips as he stares at you, making you feel even more awkward. He scratches at his chin, looking sheepishly suddenly. “I’d definitely like to, but I’ve got some tests to grade.” 
Disappointment makes your tail droop, but you ignore it. You have no right to feel this way. You two aren’t even dating! You’re not even sure you’re friends yet. You plaster on an understanding smile. “That’s okay; I get it. Those kids need your expertise.”
Aizawa nods, still giving you that unreadable stare. “Yeah.” 
“I’ll see you later?” you ask as you hook your lunch bag over your arm. Once again, Aizawa nods. “Yeah.” 
The air suddenly becomes awkward and tense again, all of the easiness before gone. When one of the janitors comes in to whip himself up some iced tea, Aizawa leaves and you finally feel like you can breathe. When you head out to pick up your lunch, you let the warm sun and spring air wash over you, caressing your hurt feelings. 
You feel greedy and desperate, trying to push Aizawa into something he may not be ready for. You haven’t exactly hinted that you want something more with him either or that you even feel the same way.
But how can you? He’s not only a pro hero and a professor, but he’s also a father. How can you be so sure this would work or that you wouldn’t be just a booty call for him? 
‘You’re lying if you say you wouldn’t like that,’ a sly voice in your head hisses.
You groan inwardly, staring up at the clear, blue sky for answers to your dilemma. Because the truth is that you’d come running to Aizawa if he ever wanted a piece of your pussy.
Since the night you caught him masturbating in the privacy of his bedroom, your dreams have been haunted by his dick and the way he said your name. You want him in your bed or to be in his, trapped under his body, his lips on yours and his cock filling you to the brim. 
But with your secret habits looming over you, you know this could never be. Even if you were to date Aizwawa, you know that eventually, you’d have to tell him the truth about everything. You just can’t face that. Call yourself selfish, but you just can’t let this go. You can’t let him or Eri go. 
You shut your intrusive thoughts off for the remainder of your break when you finally pick up your sandwich and head back to the school in time before your shift starts again. When you walk into the breakroom, you’re shocked to see Aizawa there again, standing by the sink.
“Oh, back again?” you ask, attempting to sound like you’re not hurting on the inside. “Did you forget something?”
You look for his mug that perhaps he’s cleaning out, but you see nothing. What else could he be in here for? You notice how tense he looks and your ears perk up in alarm, reacting to the tension radiating off of him. “No,” he huffs. “I-I mean, yes. Shit.” He sighs and looks down at the floor, shoving a hand in his pocket. 
You blink at him, wondering what’s gotten into him. You’ve never seen him like this: so insecure and nervous. It is quite the contrast to his usual confident and intimidating aura. “Listen, what are you doing later?” he asks softly. “After work, I mean.” 
You blink dumbly at him again, your heart picking up speed. Is he…? He couldn’t possibly be… “U-um, just goin’ home to do laundry for this week. Why?” Stupid hope blooms in your chest, making your tail swish excitedly behind you. Aizawa doesn’t notice, his eyes still on the ground. 
“I mean…if you’re still up for some good ramen instead of that crap you had earlier, I know this really good ramen shop downtown that’s owned by a friend of mine. If you want, we could go together…” His suggestion turns into a mumble at the end as redness grows in his cheeks, causing him to hide behind his scarves in embarrassment. 
You’ve never wanted to suck his dick more. “F-For dinner?” you softly stutter. “Like…as a date?”
Aizawa ticks his eyes up to you then and the entire room falls away, leaving you only with him. “If you want it to be,” he softly answers. 
You know that if he asked you to take a trip to space, you’d say yes. You’d say yes to anything he wanted. A smile stretches across your lips, happiness exploding within you. The realization that this could be real is almost overwhelming; your secrets be damned. You want him. You want all of him.
“Sure, I’d really like that,” you giggle. “I can meet you there. Is seven an okay time?” 
Aizawa’s shoulders droop as he sighs in relief. Did he think you’d say no? “It’s perfect,” he replies, his own smile stretching across his handsome face. “I’ll, uh…I’ll see you later then?” That shyness returns, making him look almost like a little schoolboy. 
You nod excitedly and move out of the way for him to leave the breakroom. When you sit back down on the couch, you’re smiling from ear to ear and feeling like the world is one big, shiny place where nothing bad exists. 
“Oh, hello, Shouta!” Nemuri’s sweet voice fills the air as her heels click toward the door. She sways her hips into the breakroom, smiling at you.
“Hey, you!” she greets you as she plops down next to you on the couch, opening her bent box. “Sorry I’m late. Luckily, the kids weren’t deaf. I had to use my quirk on a few that were afraid to get checked out by Power Girl, but…” 
She suddenly stops and takes one look at you before her red lips curl into a knowing smile. “Ooooh…what’s with that face, hon?” 
You turn to her, fearful of her reaction. “What?” you ask. She giggles, poking at you. “You look like you just got stuck in your cute little tail by Cupid’s arrow. Did Aizawa talk to you?” 
You can’t help the dreamy, dopey grin that curls onto your face again. “He did more than that: I think he just asked me out on a date.” Nemuri’s eyes widen as big as saucers and she practically jumps from her seat.
“Seriously?!” she shouts, earning a harsh shush from you. “What did he say? When are you going?” Her questions are like rapid fire, excited by this new information. You have no doubt she’ll be telling Mic too. 
"Tonight at 7,” you proudly say. “We’re gonna meet up for dinner.” Already you can feel those nervous butterflies swarming your tummy. What will you wear? What will you talk about? 
“Then before your date, you’re coming right over to my dorm so I can help you pick out an outfit,” Nemuri says with conviction. You go to protest, but she presses a finger to your lips. “No buts! We need this man so uncomfortable with how hot you look that he has no choice but to take you back here and love you down.” She winks at you suggestively. 
Your mind drifts back to Aizawa’s hand wrapped around his wet cock, the moonlight hitting his face screwed in ecstasy. “You’re ridiculous,” you mutter to your friend, turning away to allow yourself to calm your horny ass down.  
“And a seasoned hot girl,” Nemuri giggles. “Now onto more important things!” She nudges her hip with yours, looking at you in all seriousness. “You’ve got condoms?”
Half an hour before your date with Aizawa, you sit in your bedroom with your stomach feeling like it’s about to push up your lunch right out of your mouth. 
You’ve spent the afternoon since you got home primping for tonight after Nemuri did your makeup. She went for a soft glam look that makes your lips look plumper in the peachy Fenty Beauty gloss she applied to them and your face looks like a glazed donut.
That was the most you allowed her to do, refusing to step into one of her sexy little numbers for your first date with Aizawa. 
Instead, you settled for a simple bodysuit that slims out your body and accentuates your curves, hip-hugging jeans, and flats to make catching the bus easier. You aren’t due to catch it for another twelve minutes, but your feet are itching to get moving as if you’re keeping Aizawa waiting.
But you can’t even bring your body to stand up and check your hair or spritz more perfume on your collarbone. 
You’re so utterly nervous. You thought taking a shot of Moscato and a sniff of your stash of catnip would’ve to help curb the nervous butterflies in your stomach, but nothing has helped. If anything, you feel even more paranoid.
You’ve had to keep your phone charging in your bathroom just to keep it out of sight so you’re not constantly waiting for Aizawa to call. He said he’d be there, so why are you so apprehensive? 
Maybe it’s because you still can’t believe he asked you out. Maybe it’s because it’s been so long since you’ve been on an actual date and you’re afraid you’ll fuck it up. Or maybe because of the possibility it could end in a one-night stand. You don’t want anything to do with that, no matter how hot Aizawa makes you. 
“Ugh!” you groan, dragging your painted nails through your hair. This couldn’t have been the worst time to start having a breakdown. “Get it together,” you hiss to yourself before standing, planning to walk to the end of the block to catch your bus a little early. 
But as you do, your ringtone begins to blast from your bathroom. With your heart lurching into your throat, you hurry to the bathroom to grab it.
Disappointment floods you when you realize it isn’t Aizawa. However, that disappointment is soon replaced with concern. On your screen, the news app is open and an alert is flashing of a hostile situation taking place downtown. 
WARNING: There has been a report of a robbery where several suspects wielding firearms are currently holding the overnight bank staff hostage. The police are currently working to defuse the situation and to find a way inside of the bank which the suspects have forcibly locked. All citizens living near the Bank of Musutafu are highly advised to stay clear of the bank’s premises and the surrounding area. Please stay in your homes if possible or leave the area IMMEDIATELY. 
You gently place your phone down and look in the mirror. Above you is your clock which clearly shows that your bus will be here in ten minutes. How long were you sitting on your bed?
You have no time to ponder that as you look from the news alert to your reflection. The girl with the cat ears, glossed lips, and lashes thick with mascara to frame her brown eyes stares back at you, silently asking you what will you do. 
What will you do? To miss your first date with Aizawa, the very man you’ve been crushing on since you started working at UA, just to play hero would haunt your nights.
But the thought of at least not trying to help those poor bank workers and the police when you have the ability to do so makes you sick. How selfish would you be to not be Night Claw tonight just because of a date with Aizawa? How is tonight any different? Crime doesn’t stop just because you’re desperate for dick. 
Adrenaline begins to pump through your body, making your heart pound and your tail swish rapidly behind you. You can feel yourself being pulled in two different directions, each half of your subconscious screaming at you: 
‘Just leave it alone!’ one side hisses. “Those people don’t need you! You’re not even a real hero. Imagine if this chance with Shouta never comes around again!’ 
‘No,’ another side firmly says. ‘You have a duty to the public. This is your city; your home. You need to protect it.’ 
‘What you need to do is finish getting ready for your date! Shouta will hate you if you show him up. He’ll never talk to you again.’ 
But the other part of you, the one that has values and morals, stands firm in her opinion, hitting you with encouragement and motivation to do what is right.
‘If Shouta admires you and your passion as a counselor, he’ll admire your passion as a vigilante. You have lives you need to save! Otherwise, why’d you never start this night job in the first place?’ 
You grip the sink counter. Tears begin to prick your eyes, threatening to ruin the mascara and light eyeshadow that Nemuri did a fantastic job on.
‘You haven’t even told him the truth yet. How can you date him and you’re still lying to him?’ 
Your eyes flick up to the clock. One minute left. The bus probably has left by now knowing how this shitty public transportation system works. “Shit,” you mutter.
Then, again, louder, “Shit!” as you slam your hands down onto the counter. Your claws suddenly protrude from your fingers, wanting desperately to claw at something to release your frustrations. Especially when you know what you must do. 
With a lamented sigh, you take your phone off of the charger and click on Aizawa’s name from your contacts. When you put your ear to the phone, one lone, stubborn tear drips down your face. You quickly wipe it away, willing yourself to cut the bullshit and be a grown woman. This is the right thing to do. 
“Please leave a message after the beep,” the automated voice says before a beep rings out in your ear, signaling the beginning of your sorry-ass voicemail.  
“Hey, Shouta,” you sigh defeatedly. “It’s me. I’m so sorry! I lost track of the time!” You walk out of your bathroom and into the bedroom, kicking off your shoes as you do. “Listen…we might have to take a rain check on tonight.” 
You stare at the open window where your curtains billow in the spring breeze teeming with nightlife and adventure. “Something came up."
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direraven21 · 10 months
MHA tropes I love
(Tags and tropes I look for in fics)
Protective Bakugou Katsuki
Confident Midoriya Izuku/Midoriya Izuku finding confidence
Izuku doesn't have a quirk/Izuku doesn't have all for one
Calling out All Might
Shouta Aizawa as a father figure to class 1-A
Hitoshi Shinsou is Eraserhead and Present Mic's kid
Transmasc Katsuki Bakugou
Emotionally repressed Katsuki Bakugou
Endeavor is a shit dad
Deaf/HoH Bakugou
Bakusquad learning Sign to talk with Bakugou
Katsuki Bakugou/Eijiro Kirishima relationship
Eraserhead/Present Mic relationship
Izuku Midoriya/Shoto Todoroki relationship
Izuku Midoriya/Hitoshi Shinsou relationship
Hiroshima Shinsou/Denki Kaminari relationship
Bakugou & Midoriya friendship
Mina and Kirishima friendship
Bakusquad as a QPP (Queer Platonic Polycule)
Shoto and Momo as sugar parents to the rest of 1-A
Hurt/comfort with minor angst
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ao3feed-hawks · 4 months
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lovelywongie · 1 year
The worst punshimentents that you could get from bnha yanderes.
Probably something like binding you to the heater for a few hours and not letting you go, depending on what you have done, If you would fight she would just use her quirk on you.
Present mic
Screaming to the point that you would go deaf, he knows the sign language so he can help you learn it, you only need to depend on him and him. You would need to do something really bad tho.
Silent treatment, but not only that he would make you beg for the smallest things like food, he probably wouldn't buy it because of your argument and he doesn't care about cuz he can eat something when he is working or just outside but you can't leave the house :).
Tumblr media
Writing streak: 5
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ao3feed-bakusquad · 2 months
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ao3feed-kiribaku · 2 months
Traveled to the Past (Time Traveled)
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/QOXjW83 by myang3llov3r As we fell, there were multiple hole on the walls all around us. One of them had Katsuki at a press conference. But, he looked much older. He also had his hero costume on. I laughed as I saw he had a undercut. I then fell even more. As I kept looking at all of the holes against the wall, they all had like a different type of each of us. like it was either from the past or the future. Looked like there’s also an inverted version of all of us. I chuckled at the thought but yelled out as the falling became rougher and faster. Then, my face was met with the floor. I grunted as I rubbed my face. That really hurt. I looked around and saw the others getting up, stretching their arms, legs, and everything else. Words: 2385, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia (Anime & Manga) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Major Character Death Categories: M/M Characters: Bakugou Katsuki, Bakugou Mitsuki, Bakugou Masaru, Bakugou Katsuki's Parents, Kirishima Eijirou, Jirou Kyouka, Yaoyorozu Momo, Kaminari Denki, Shinsou Hitoshi, Midoriya Izuku, Uraraka Ochako, Todoroki Shouto, Todoroki Natsuo, Todoroki Fuyumi, Todoroki Rei, Todoroki Enji | Endeavor, Dabi | Todoroki Touya, Todoroki Family (My Hero Academia), Midoriya Inko, Ashido Mina, Sero Hanta, Class 1-A (My Hero Academia), Class 1-B (My Hero Academia), Bakugo Katsuki & the Bakusquad - Character Relationships: Bakugou Katsuki/Kirishima Eijirou, Jirou Kyouka/Yaoyorozu Momo, Midoriya Izuku/Uraraka Ochako, Kaminari Denki/Shinsou Hitoshi, Bakugou Katsuki & Bakugou Masaru & Bakugou Mitsuki, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead & Bakugou Katsuki, Bakugou Katsuki & Class 1-A Additional Tags: Time traveling to the past, Fluff and Angst, Sad, Happy Ending, Character Death, Villain Quirk, Hurt Bakugou Katsuki, Bakugou Katsuki Needs a Hug, a lot of swearing, Soft Bakugou Katsuki, Bakugou Katsuki Angst, One-Sided Bakugou Katsuki/Midoriya Izuku, Kirishima Eijirou Has Two Moms, Kirishima Eijirou grieving, Class 1-A Friendship (My Hero Academia), Class 1-A Shenanigans (My Hero Academia), Class 1-A as Family (My Hero Academia), Protective Class 1-A (My Hero Academia), Worried Class 1-A (My Hero Academia), Bakusquad (My Hero Academia), Jirou Kyouka is in the Bakusquad, Past Class 1-A (My Hero Academia), Past First year Class 1-A (My Hero Academia), Second Year Class 1-A (My Hero Academia), Partially Deaf Second Year Bakugo Katsuki, Protective Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Past Pro Hero’s (My Hero Academia), Pro Hero’s (My Hero Academia), League of Villains (My Hero Academia) - Freeform read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/QOXjW83
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yourlunarspice · 2 years
"Will You Divorce Me?"
Shouta wasn't sure how he got into this situation.
In only a few short days, he found himself married and helping move his new husband's belongings into his meager apartment.
He knew that relationships didn't normally work like this.
For example, most people who got married actually loved each other.
But Shouta didn't love his new husband.
Inspired by this post by @punkpresentmic!
Written as part of a Valentine's Fic Exchange between myself and @persona4fantasy! When you finish this fic, be sure you go check his out, titled Speed Dating Sucks!
Married Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead/Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic
Hurt Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead
Tired Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead
Protective Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic
Deaf Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic
Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic is a Dork
Fake/Pretend Relationship
Fake Marriage
Valentine's Day Fic Exchange
Friends to Lovers
Mild Hurt/Comfort
Literal Sleeping Together
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kirk-doodle · 1 year
Kirk's headcanons on EraserCloudMic
Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic:
All Pronouns, primarily He/They but will wear a pretty dress. Will die in a Good way if Oboro calls him "girlfriend"/"baby girl". AMAB. Biracial Japanese/White blonde is his natural hair color. Heterochromia one red and one sap green eye. Was in foster care. Multiple foster homes didnt want to deal with his voice quirk or mental stuff. ADHD & Autism & deaf/hard of hearing. Eating Disorder. Bisexual & Demiromantic. Speaks English, Japanese, German, French, and Spanish fluently. Knows JSL and ASL. Pillow Princess & a switch/verse
Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead:
He/Xe/They pronouns. Prefers students & others to call him Mx. Aizawa rather than Mister. Genderqueer. Will kill Oboro and Hizashi if they call him "baby girl" or anything feminine. Sugar Kitten, Grumpy Kitten, and Kitten are acceptable. AFAB. PTSD & Autism & genaric anxiety disorder. Eating Disorder. Was kicked out of the house when he was 15 because he got r*ped by a hero/student at UA and wanted to keep the parasite (hitoshi) eventually stopped calling it a parasite because Hizashi told him to. (But listen. It's called the miracle of life because our immune systems do actively try to attack invading cells because our bodies see these things as parasites) psrents are Japanese-American & Norwegian/German American Shouta has only ever lived in Japan. Hair color is a desaturated violet/purple and dyed black. Paints his nails black. Didn't speak until he was 6 years old. Mother taught him ASL and learned JSL in school. Only speaks Japanese fluently. Knows swear words in English and like 1 Norwegian word. Aro/ace spec sex positive?, but also Hyper sexual from trauma. In a bad headspace sees sexual acts as punishment for... well a variety of things including Oboro's death. Chronic pain & fatigue. Everyone thinks he is a bottom he thinks he is a service top.
Shirakumo Oboro | Kurogiri:
He/Him cismale. Loves to tease Shouta and loves being called "baby girl". Hispanic & Philippino. Has 2 moms who are amazing. Speaks fluent Spanish, English, and Japanese. ADHD & Autism. As Kurogiri he has dissociative Amnesia, PTSD, chronic migraines. Verse. Bisexual
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keikuri · 1 year
The living always remember.
“Hey, do you think this cape works with my hero costume?” Izuku spoke, but the words fell upon deaf ears.
Toshinori was just staring. Remembering. He didn’t want to remember. Not her, of all people. 
Nana was looking out on a rooftop with All Might. That was his new hero name. Nana had approved. The two one for all holders watched as the sun sunk below the horizon, dinner in both of their hands and the wind blowing Nana’s cape into her face. They both laughed, and nana opened her mouth to say something-
“Toshinori?” All might was thrust back into the present, a slight frown on his face as izuku looked at him, concerned.
“Are you okay?”
“The cape looks great, my boy.”
Aizawa watched Shinsou play video games with Eri. She had discovered a calm one that he couldn’t remember the name of. Stardrop forest? Whatever. Azawa happily bought her the game once he saw how much she wanted it.
Denki burst through the door, the air suddenly crackling with static. He held snacks in both hands, and wore a grin that was painfully familliar, even if aizawa couldn’t quite figure out why.
The blonde joined Shinsou and Eri on the couch, and Eri immediately grabbed a pack of oreos from Denki’s hand. It wasn’t long before he and Shinsou began bickering about something, and Aizawa finally figured out why they were so familliar.
“Sonic is not better than Zelda, Mic!” Shirakumo was in a shouting match with Yamada. Over what, Aizawa didn’t know or care. 
“Shota, back me up here!” Aizawa ignored the two.
“Aizawa!” Eraserhead swallowed his coffee too fast, and he coughed. He turned his head in the direction he thought he heard his name being called and frowned.
“So which of us is right?” All three of them looked at Aizawa expectantly.
“I..” they all leaned in closer.
“Don’t care.” Various groans of disappointment were heard, and he thought that denki said ‘aw come on’. He just smiled and took another sip of his coffee.
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ao3feed-dadzawa · 3 months
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