#death death death
There’s no “I never had a bunk bed” or “we would sleep on the floor” getting out of it here. Take a hard stance and stick to it. I want people fighting to the death in the tags. Life is short and we don’t have time to not die on hills lads.
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The Ride of the Rohirrim 4k
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heebiebeebies · 6 months
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A necromancer that looks like death 💀
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This is all I wanted damnit!!
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Round 1
YEAH, I KNOW. You guys are going to read about how I died in agony, and you’re going be like, “Wow! That sounds cool, Magnus! Can I die in agony too?”
-The Sword of Summer, Rick Riordan
I seem to have trouble dying.
-The Book of Negroes, Lawrence Hill
Let me tell you how I died five times in one day.
-The Captain, Will Wight
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nevertem · 2 days
She’s just going to cackle as she dodges and blocks his attacks, her only counter attack being gentle blasts of warm air to help dry him off.
“You’re going to end me, darling? You’re going to have to catch me first!”
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The absolute murderous intent. The absolute betrayal.
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doyouknowhowtowaltz · 6 months
If the wardens had to wield an actual weapon what would they choose? I’ve kinda assumed that Enoch would get a scythe or pitchfork due to his connection with death and farming and stuff. I also like the imagery of the beast using an axe, a tree wielding a tool made to kill its own brethren, only to turn it against its enemies. I kinda wanna draw beast with some huge unwieldy axe that look far too heavy for him to wield ngl.
I have no idea what the others would have, maybe the queen could have a bow but idk
Enoch gets a shovel the Beast gets a hoe and the Queen of the Clouds gets the scythe and you may read into that anyway you please.
As for the rest, probably assorted blades and what not. Nets for Lady Midnight and Madame Summer, perhaps.
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aturinfortheworse · 1 year
me 9pm: man I'm pretty tired from having 9 migraines in a row, which is probably contributing to getting migraines. I will take a sleeping pill tonight.
me: gets woken up repeatedly during the night by a migraine
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I loved your breakdown of the con ☺️ So glad you had an amazing time and something to hold onto from the boys! I know you got inspired, but it gave me a little inspo too. Soooo here you go:
Your lungs were screaming with the unpleasant burning of exhaustion. The sensation felt like it occupied physical space and limited the air you were desperately gulping and gasping down. But running as fast as your tired legs would carry you would do that.
Arms pumping, muscles aching, heart pounding, blood rushing in your ears-- everything in you rebelled against the idea of continuing on. All your body wanted was to stop. Fall to the ground and relax into the damp earth beneath you bare feet. Sleep like the dead that occupied the space under the gravestones dotted around you. 
But you couldn't– wouldn't stop. Not while you were being chased down, hunted by two psychos in masks. Good thing you hadn't skipped dinner otherwise this surprise cardio session would have ended well before you made it to the city graveyard.
It was a Friday night and you blessedly had the place to yourself. Parents gone for a week on a vacation to Tahoe. You'd declined tagging along the moment you heard the words rekindle the flame. There was absolutely no way you were hanging around if that was what they had planned. You had absolutely no desire to be any more scarred for life from their antics.
If they wanted a week of fucking, they could have it in peace far far away from you. 
So you'd slammed some pizza, alone, watching horror movies to pass the time. You could have called someone to hang, but you hadn't been feeling it. Horror movies sounded more like the company, or lack of, you'd wanted.
They weren't anything new though. You'd seen all the little video store had to offer– Billy and Stu would have been so far up your ass if you hadn't. And not in a pleasant way.
At some point your energy was supposed to come down and you'd pass out. It seemed like your brain lost the memo. Restlessness was the only thing weighing on you.
When it was two am and you still haven't been able to find any sleep frustration creeped in. You'd just wanted a relaxing night with 7 or 8 hours of sleep. Instead, it was Restlessness and a masked face peering through your window reflecting from the blackened TV screen.
It took a moment to register what you were seeing, a calm that settled the antsy energy you'd had all night before you freaked out. Jumped up from the couch and ran.
----part 1 so the ask isn't ungodly long 👻🔪
Oh, I am putting them right here, let's go!
Part 2:
Slamming the back door open and barreling out had your shoulder slam into another tall imposing cloaked figure with the same ghostly screaming mask.
Momentum drove the figure back with a grunt and a stumble. Enough space for you to work with now that the stairway down wasn't blocked. You'd jetted through the back gate, down the road and kept going aimlessly. Destination wasn't at the forefront of your mind, only the need to get away.
That'd been at least an hour ago. Maybe longer? You weren't sure. There wasn't really a way to discern an accurate passing of time except for your own internal clock. And that clock had alarms going off that said, it's way past three am and time to chill the fuck out. It was laughable that sleep wanted to come now. When it was the last thing you wanted to do.
Your solace was a dense mistake hanging in the early autumn air. It provided some much needed relief to your flushed and overheating body. If only you could get a straw and suck the moisture out of it. You'd kill for water, soda, something right now. Rolling your eyes as the thought struck you as ironic. They wanted to kill you and here you were thinking of murdering for a drink. Sighing as you paused for a moment– if you ended up dying tonight, you hoped their reasoning was better than thirst.
How they were able to keep up with you in the pitch dark was a mystery. They were certainly still behind you if the tinny sound of metal dragging against stone was anything to go by. The snickering every so often all but confirmed they were some kind of darkvision utilizing demons.
Your body was giving out. You really couldn't go for much longer. But you'd be damned if you were about to roll over for them. Look around, you weighed your options. The graveyard broke off into a forest not much further away. You could continue this cat and mouse game there…but your muscles screamed against the idea of moving and your stamina was already nearing it's max.
The other option would be to stay here. Hide and hope they called it quits soon or just hold out as long as you could. There were enough gravestones, trees, and mausoleums that one of them had to have somewhere for you to hide…
Shifting your weight from foot to foot, the decision to stay was an easy one. Find somewhere to hunker down and wait it out. Shaking your head to clear the doubt creeping in– there wasn't time for second guessing. It was either action or death.
And you chose action by quickly running towards the closest mausoleum. It was similar to the others in the area, but lady luck seemed to smile on you because 4 stone flower pot vases lined the corner of the structure.
Moving around towards the back for more cover before shambling up the stone vase. It was sturdy enough and you were able to lean forward to grip the edge of the stone roof.
It was risky, sure, but you'd take your chances. Praying your upper body strength would hold so you could hoist yourself up. If you fell, well…you were out of ideas and would probably just lay there until one of them found you.
Clenching your jaw you sucked in a calming breath before springing off the vase. Your stomach slammed into the corner of the roofing and it dug in. A grunt left your lips as the wind was knocked from your lungs. But it was enough purchase for your fingers to dig into the little groves of the stone. Adrenaline doing the rest and provided just want you needed to be able to pull yourself up and over the roof.
-I realize now I should have just made this a post and put a link, but this is fun and whats done is done. Part three next 👻🔪
Part 3 👻🔪:
Stomach and cheek pressing into the stone had its chill penetrating through your clothes. It felt heavenly against your overheated sticky body. Clouds passed and moonlight flitted between dark and darker. It refracted against the mist making the area almost sparkle. If your breath wasn't already stolen, the sight might have.
In the illuminated mist you could see a shadow, two shadows moving around the landscape. A quiet snicker of your own escaped you. Even if they found you now at least you'd have ample warning of their approach.
So you stayed, watched, and waited. Seconds turned to minutes, minutes began to pile up. Maybe it was half an hour or more but at some point you'd began to doze with the loss of constant adrenaline. Enough that the hand circling your ankle and yanking was a complete shock to your sluggish mind.
The screech that left you could have woke the dead in the coffins below, but it was cut short by another strong yank and this time it had your tired body slipping off the edge. Panic shot through you, scrambling to hold onto the surface, but the small groves your fingers dug into wouldn't hold you when another yank, this time on your thighs, pulled you over the side.
Stomach dropping fast, but the falling sensation was cut short when two firm arms wrapped around you, "Finally found you, princess." Your panic calmed just a little without the threat of broken bones. He was still in the cloak and mask, but from the way he held you, you know which one it was, "Jesus Christ, Billy! Are you trying to give me a heart attack?" His answering chuckle said maybe a little.
Relaxing your grip as you took a deep breath, "That's the game then?" He lowered you back down to the ground, bare feet firm on the stone, but he didn't release you yet, "You lasted almost 3 hours. Your best time so far." Three hours? It seemed long, but not that long. But that was probably right. Knowing Billy he had a stopwatch or something on him.
Now that you weren't playing the part of their prey, annoyance was settling in, "Did you guys have to wait until 2am to start?" He kept one hand on your side while the other pulled off his mask, "Thought it'd be fun to chase a sleepy stumbling final girl around." You shook your head, "such an ass."
He squeezed your side firmly, more of a threat than a caress, "Don't be a brat now. Stu and I were thinking of letting you be our pillow princess if you did well." He leaned down breath tickling your ear, "I can always tell him to edge you instead."
Billy was ruthless when he got into edging moods. And as much fun as you had during those sessions, it wasn't something you could handle in your current state. Blurting out an apology quicker than you'd like had him chuckle again. Pressing a kiss to your temple he squeezed your side before patting it, "You did a good job. Proud of you." And that had you melting. Praise from Billy was rare which made it hit just a little harder.
"Let's find Stu before I decide bending you over a headstone is good enough."
- uhhh yeah. I could add more, but that's it for now. Hope you liked what you inspired 😌 💕 love you 💕(sorry to anyone who I just forced to scroll past a crazy long ask post...)
Oh. My fucking. God. Dude. Jesus fucking Christ DUUUUDE! This is fucking amazing, insane, I WISH! This is THE dream, the act fucking dream, I have no words! Like a big long cat and mouse game, a big chase and it ending with a good hardcore fuck sesh because I was just sooooo good! Harley, you've killed me! I am DEAD!
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sexybabystevie · 2 years
the hard thing about a slow burn is that. i write for myself. besties if you read a slow burn i write i'm struggling right there with you. quite possibly even more so because i have the ideas and they're SO good i'm going insane but we. are like at LEAST 20 chapters from that
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invader-bean · 2 years
KILLING myself the store is out of spiral ham
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died my hair green & just realized it's almost halloween n everyone is gonna think im trying to be the fuckin joker
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piggiebonez · 2 years
PEOPLE OF TUMBLR its my borfday I WAS FINALLY BORN. i am now 20 years old. this is AWFUL
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mudboyman · 4 months
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Light answers a tough question
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foolfortune · 27 days
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current mantra
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cacklingskeleton · 9 months
Death Note AU where hbomberguy makes a five hour long video about youtuber Light Yagami that's initially completely unrelated to the murders (Light would probably plagiarize or have really unhinged right-wing political takes if he was on youtube)
but halfway through he reveals that while researching he stumbled upon evidence that Light might be behind the Kira murders, and then spends like fourty minutes explaining the concept of a shinigami, an hour explaining how he thinks Light used one to commit murders, and then another hour explaining Light's ideology and why the concept of criminals being inherently evil is flawed
He finishes the video by addressing Light directly and telling him that he (Hbomberguy) had his name legally changed before uploading the video, to something that only he knows, making it impossible for Light to kill him
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