#death mention tw
aftonsparv-bugzz · 3 days
where do we draw the line at whos queer and who isnt. that trans hetero person is queer ? "but theyre not queer enough, theyre not gay !!" wouldnt make sense cause theyre trans, right ? that gay man ? "but hes cis, thats not queer enough !!" wouldnt make sense at all, would it ? so where is the logic in drawing fine barriers at what is and isnt queer. queerness isnt just for one person, queerness is the joy, sadness, anger, fear, and all emotions for us to experience and share together as a community. remember, the government doesnt care whether or not "polyamory is queer" or "kink is queer", because queer people are DYING EITHER WAY.
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capricorn-0mnikorn · 1 month
I have ~Thoughts~ on the Harry Potter Phenomenon that was
(Courtesy of memories prompted by this Tumblr Poll)
Back when I was a senior in college (back in the mid-to-late 1980s), I actually wrote a fantasy novel for kids aged ~8 - ~11 (in a self-designed course for a single credit, under the guidance of my Literature advisor), inspired by a series of dreams and recurring characters that showed up in them.
My advisor encouraged me to try and get it published. And so, I arranged with teachers from my old school to have a class of 30 or so 10 year-olds beta read it, and give me feedback for revisions. The kids also encouraged me to try and publish it.
So I did.
Now, back then, there was no "Self Publishing." The closest thing was "Vanity Publishing," where you would pay 100% of the publishing cost of your book, which would be printed in hard copy, for the benefit of having 500 -1,000 books shipped to your personal address, which you were then responsible for storing and selling out of the trunk of your car in a parking lot, somewhere. And if word got out that you were trying to claim credit for being a "published author" because of a Vanity Press book, actual publishers wouldn't touch you with a 40-foot pole.
If you wanted to get published, you had to buy that year's copy of Writer's Market: a listing of magazine and book publishers, and agents, with a brief description of what material they published, and what they wouldn't touch.
Guess what genre no agent or publisher was interested in handling?
That's right, Gentle Readers: Fantasy for children aged 8 - 11. I would have happily sent out a dozen queries for each story I wrote, if there were publishers and agents willing to look at them. But for three to four years of trying, in directories of two-columns of tiny print, and several [hundred]* pages long, I'd be lucky to find two or three outlets even willing to look at fantasy for kids.
The general consensus, across the publishing business, was that fantasy was a dead and obsolete genre. If it was for kids old enough to read chapter books and novels, it must also be firmly grounded in realism and actual history, because everyone knows the only people buying books for kids that age were teachers, who wanted stories with practical applications in the classroom.
After 3 - 4 years of trying, while I was in grad school, I finally got a rejection from the one agent who agreed to read my novel. A few days later, I received news that my mother had died from the breast cancer she'd been fighting, and my heart just went out of the project altogether.
A few years later, the first Harry Potter book was published. And it became a worldwide phenomenon. And it was the kids, themselves, who were driving the sales.
See, I think the real reason the books were such a success, even though they were never really very well written, was because they were in a genre the audience was hungry for -- a genre they'd been denied access to for all of their young lives.
Someone who is starving will think even moldy bread is delicious.
*Gosh, what a word to leave out via typo; the Writers Market rivaled the Manhattan Yellow Pages in length.
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charlie-artlie · 6 months
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I think the death weirdos should hang out
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miniar · 11 months
The blue lagoon in Iceland is currently closed (for a week) due to a high risk of a volcanic eruption within a kilometer (0.8 miles) of the popular tourist location.
When the gathering magma breaks the earth's crust, anyone visiting the blue lagoon will have (best case scenario) approximately 20 minutes to make it to safety.
If there are people sleeping in the adjacent hotel or gods forbid in the lagoon itself, the worst case scenario is the magma breaking surface beneath the lagoon.
The only truly realistic way to avoid serious casualties here is for the resort, hotel, and lagoon yo remain completely closed until the danger passes.
There are currently icelandic people calling for a 2/1 deal (or cheaper) on blue lagoon tickets for Icelandic people on twitter.
Do Not Go To The Blue Lagoon Until The Danger Has Passed!!
It's a lovely experience but it's absolutely not worth boiling alive or burning to death.
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retquits · 10 months
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my grandfather passed last night.
i miss him more than i can express with words, so i painted my favorite photo of us instead.
thanks for teaching me so much. i hope there's good music where you are.💛
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henwilsons · 1 year
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kyuhudraws · 7 months
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Strong bird prince!
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lilybug-02 · 5 months
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Weird Route...
Spoilers for CT Weird Route below.
Please check tags for anything triggering ❤️
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This is not cannon, as the weird route is finished and it will not be added upon. But.......I often find myself wanting to draw for it. So here you are...
The weird route ends abruptly and without art for a reason. I wanted to make it painfully obvious that as YOU continue the route/story YOU stop getting anything out of it. You're only hurting the characters, and by the end, there's nothing left to do except start over.
I had thought of Asriel discovering Chara...well, dead. But I think that would have been too much for the scene. I didn't want to get any more depressing than it already was.
tbh I only hope that I can make an ending even half as good as this one. I still think about it often and I'm proud of the amount of work I put into it.
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j0celynh0rr0r · 5 months
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Death Magic 🩸🔪
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cactle · 15 days
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Let death be kinder than a man
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xan-izme · 1 year
Crybaby (Sully fam X daughter!reader)
Summary: Reader has always been a crybaby. Sensitive and had a soft spot for all living life. Jake disliked how sensitive you always were, he sent you out on your own for a month and came back a cold-blooded killer.
Warnings: Death, gore, mentions of death, mentally unstable reader, violence, Trauma
You were kind, sweet. Always looked on the bright side, you were on the same path as Kiri, training to become Tsahik. But it was clear you weren't as good as Kiri, which you were quick to admit.
That lead to Jake placing you with your brothers, training to become warriors. He wanted to tough you up, Jake loves how much you cherished love, he loved seeing the world through your optimistic eyes.
But ever since the sky people came back, he just needed his eldest daughter to be strong. Be there just in case he would leave this world a little too early.
"How many times do I have to tell you? Y/n, I need you to keep your balance! keep tripping like that you'll get killed." Jake's words hurt you, but you remember how upset he was the last time you nearly cried.
You inhaled sharply "Yes father." You stood up from the ground and faced your twin, Neteyam. He gave you a knowing look that wanted to know if they should stop, you shook your head lightly, not wanting to seem more of a wimp to your father then you already are.
You were an average hunter, your skills in fighting weren't that bad either.
But that wasn't enough for Jake. He needed to know that you were as skilled as Neteyam, as skilled as your mother was. So, it was always.
"Be faster"
"Hit stronger"
"Not good enough, try again!"
You would push your limit. Till you couldn't keep your eyes open. Your father would say words of gratitude here and there. Like small nods and a "Good work"
Your brothers sometimes feel like that's not enough for how much he makes you do. But just the smallest amount of approval from Jake made you feel like you were on cloud nine, causing you to do more, work harder.
Then one day, you were having a hard week, you were getting frustrated at the simplest things. Even your fathers nagging was annoying you.
When it came to training, you slipped up and made multiple mistakes that Jake just could not take it.
"Y/n, come now." Jake spoke calmly. You and your twin glanced at each other. You stood up with the help of Neteyam and followed your father.
The two of you walked through the woods.
"Baby, you know why I push you and your siblings so much, right?"
You nod your head, feeling a little nervous even if Jake was using his usual soft tone. "Then you understand--" Jake held you by your shoulders "--That this family, this clan is our fortress. And protecting this family is everything"
His words were deep to you, it was clear this was important to him. "And I need you to be strong. And training here hasn't been helping. So, Im sending you off. Away from here, so you can improve more on your own" Jake saw how your expression dropped "don't worry! It'll only be for a month. Ill check in every few weeks." He tried to reassure you. It didn't really calm your nerves down, but seeing how desperate he was to make sure you and the family was safe?
there was no way you could say no.
So, you left, you were on your own. The first few days were hard. And there were multiple times when you got seriously hurt and cried. God, you cried so much. All that crying made you hate yourself.
Hate every flaw you had. You even hated the soft part of you. Scolding yourself, knowing that kindness and your crying will not protect the clan, your family.
Jake did try to visit you. But you never stayed in one place. The two of you talked a little over the inner coms when you two would be miles apart. But those convocations didn't last.
You were training harder than ever. Perfecting every little thing down to the bone. In all honesty, you did go a little off from the safe zone, where you ran into a few sky people. You made it our alive, as for those sky people?
Well, you only let one live, still having that small kindness and mercy in you. Which was a big mistake.
You received a message from Norm and Max when they wanted to check on you, that a sky person bombed up a small part of the safe zone close to the high camp. No one was killed, but a lot were majorly injured.
Gaining all the details of the incident, you realize that it was the sky person you let live.
Cursing yourself and beating yourself for being so foolish, so naive for thinking nothing of what that sky demon after setting it free. So, you vowed to not give your enemy's any type of mercy, to kill all those evil demons, to protect you clan, your family.
Because this family was your fortress. And you were determined to be theirs.
Your month was over, and you were just so excited to go home. To hug and smother your siblings with kisses. To show your dear parents how strong and skilled you've become. To make your father proud of you. To officially be seen as enough to help protect everyone.
Norm gave you an inner com that was connected to your family, being told that your parents and dear twin brother were on patrol at the moment.
You decided to fly your Ikran to where you were told you parents and twin would be at. But when you were a few clicks away from them, you heard Lo'ak's voice. Saying he has gained sight of intruders. Ones who were carrying guns.
You spoke into your inner coms.
"I'm closest to their location. I'll engage."
"Y/n-- wait, no! Y/n you better not!" Jake shouted.
"Y/n te i'tri Mo'ata Sully. Stay down! that's an--"
You turned your intercoms off. The safety of your baby siblings was the only thing you had in mind. It was almost eclipse, and telling by how the winds picks up and the clouds, it was to rain soon.
Your Ikran felt the panic and determination you were feeling and speed up to get to the location faster.
You made it before your parents and twin could. You killed off every single dreamwalker. And that demon who took your mother's home away, who took Kiri's mother away.
The demon who caused so much harm to your clan.
"Any last words Demon?" you say, tilting your head as you held the sharp dagger to Quritche's throat. The Demon growled and spat in your face.
You weren't very pleased with that; you turned your head towards your siblings who were huddled against a tree.
The small human boy flinched by the way your voice sounded.
"Close your eyes." You said with a small fond smile. But it felt nothing like that. Kiri quickly brought Spider close to her and covered his eyes.
You looked back at Quaritche. The moment you slit his throat and began to detach his head from his body, was the moment Jake and Neytiri entered the scene.
Neytiri was quick to go by her younger children's side. Your ears perk and notice Jake. Once you laid eyes on him. Your face lit up.
"Father!" Youran to him and hugged him. Jake was in utter shock at the scene in front of him. He slowly hugged you tight. You pulled away, smiling, unphased by the amount of blood that was on you.
"I did it. I saved them. Look!" you pulled Jake to where Quaritche's dead body was and grabbed the head of the demon.
"I have killed him. I did it!"
Neteyam slowly entered and looked over what you had done.
"Mommy!" Tuk whined and was quickly embraced by Neytiri.
You were smiling, happy that you've finally rid your father of the nightmare that had burdened your family.
But when you began to see the look Jake had. You started to notice that was not the look of approval you hoped for.
"Y/n . . .What have you done?"
Your smile dropped, being replaced with confution
"Wha-. . .what? what's wrong? what did I do wrong!?" You didn't understand. Did you not put them down fast enough? Should you have taken out the leader before the others? What was it that was wrong??
"Y/n, baby. This--" He was pointing out to the bloody battle around them "--Is wrong. You tampered with their body's. Some of them are still bleeding out!"
"N-no! it's okay you see! I made it for them to not move at all and suffer their punishment." You tried to defend yourself. Tried to make your dear father know that it was okay. And that you did a good job.
Neytiri hurried the children to exit this part of the forest fast, including Spider. Neytiri didn't like Spider, but the boy didn't deserve to see all of this. None of her children did.
"That is not our way!" Jake yelled. Frustrated, worried and scared for his daughter in front of them.
Your ears pinned back. Feelings of sadness, betrayal and anger infecting your heart.
"Well, your way didn't work for me. You said so yourself! Why can't you just be happy!?" Your nose scrunched up in anger.
"I did this for the clan, for our family-- For you!" You were getting upset. All you wanted was the feeling of being called a Sully, worthy of the tittle as Toruk Makto's daughter.
"You can't do this. Your way will bring unbalance to the clan. And if you can't do that. . . then I'll have to strip your tittle as a warrior of this clan." Jake's words caused everyone to stop.
"Ma jake." Neytiri spoke, her eyes glancing between her mate and child.
You felt your bottom lip quivering. But your eyes refused to release the tears. You slowly backed away from Jake, nodding your head a little. Your eyes found its way to Spider who kept tripping, his legs still shaking from what he witnessed.
"Spider." You spoke up. The boy forced himself to look at you.
"Keep tripping like that. . . . . and you'll get killed."
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lostmf · 1 year
“Parents aren’t supposed to bury their kids “
I tell myself
But then parents aren’t supposed to do a lot of things to their children
So I guess it won’t matter if they did this one more thing
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the-force-awakens · 8 months
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And we were killed upon waking, killed upon waking to the life we weren't prepared to live.
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pluto-is-a-planettt · 2 months
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ID in alt text
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henwilsons · 6 months
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THE BEAR 1.08 ✗ 2.09
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