#decided to post a fic :D
giggly-squiggily · 1 year
Good morninggg! I'm so glad that your request are opennnn :3. Can you write lee atsumu with ler kageyama? I feel like "lee atsumu" is super underated :*(
Good morning/afternoon/evening to you, anon! :D As of posting this, requests are still closed! (I've been getting a few requests lately so I figured I'd mention that here) Of course I can! Man- I miss Haikyuu! I need to rewatch it. :D One Lee!Atsumu fic coming right up!
Cloud Nine (Taglist Peeps)
@myreygn, @thatbigbisexual29, @duckymcdoorknob,
“Hey, King. Don’t tell me you ditched your cape and scepter already?”
Ignore him, Kageyama willed himself, keeping his attention on the tips of his outstretched toes. He knew the moment Atsumu Miya approached him it was gonna be a long training camp.
Atsumu seemed to think the same thing, currently hovering over Kageyama’s stretched form with that stupid smirk he never seemed to be without. Oh, how he wanted to wipe that smirk off, to get under his skin for a change.
Unfortunately, all his previous attempts proved useless. Really- they just encouraged the other boy to keep on pestering him.
Focus. Breathe slowly. Reach your toes.
“Ah, I get it now. You must have left them with your men, yeah?” Atsumu swatted beside him cheekily, eyes dancing. “Shared your toys with the others to play leader until you get back, huh? Careful- one wrong move and they just might stop pretending.”
Ignore. Ignore. Ignore-
“Aww, what a good little goody two-shoes you are, King. Sharing with the little people-”
“Would you shut the hell up?” His temper snapped like a wire as Kageyama whirled on the grinning player. Screw stretching and ignoring him; this jerk was gonna die. “One more word out of you and I’m gonna shove my foot up your-”
“Now now; you heard coach. No fighting~” Atsumu cooed sweetly, further enraging the younger player. “Though I do like seeing the Old King rise from his ashes.”
“Now you’ve done it!” Kageyama reached forward, grabbing Atsumu’s shirt with a white-knuckled fist. Standing abruptly, he dragged Atsumu with him, making the other boy’s eyes widen. “If I’m a King, then I’m ordering your execution!”
“Wow, Caesar- good line.” Atsumu recovered, rolling his eyes as he chuckled softly to himself. “You really think that’s gonna make me crack? I’ve heard better comebacks from a popsicle stick.”
“Cracks you want, eh? Fine.” Kageyama winded his arm back, fist clutching. “I’ll give you a good one!!”
Now Atsumu did seem panicked. He raised a hand to his face just as Kageyama’s fist came flying at him. The gesture blocked his vision, but at least that would be saved from the blow.
At least- if such a blow were to come.
Instead, the hand shooting at him grabbed his waist, fingers flying against it.
Slowly, Atsumu lowered his hand, blinking down at the vengeful fingers squeezing his waist. “Uh…what happened to hitting me?”
“Hitting you? No, I’m gonna make you….crack up.” Kageyama blinked, realizing his current attack was doing nothing. “What the hell? Everyone’s ticklish here!”
“Are they?” Atsumu blinked, starting to smile again. “Wait, you’re trying to tickle me?”
“That’s the plan-ah!” Kageyama all but yelped when Atsumu grabbed his own waist, squeezing rapidly. “Nohohoho! Gehehehet ohohohohohff, you ahahhahahass!” He squirmed away, arms against his sides and cheeks red as he glared.
“Aww, the Crow King is ticklish~” Atsumu cooed, slowly approaching with wiggling fingers. “How adorable! Come here so I can properly exact my revenge!”
“What? No- I’m supposed to be tickling you!” Kageyama dodged a grab, keeping the other at arm's length. “Where are you ticklish?”
“Fool! As if I’d ever tell you that!” Atsumu laughed when he landed a prod, making the brunette arch with a squeak. “If you wanna know, you better get over here!”
He was right, much to Kageyama’s annoyance. He wouldn’t learn anything from way over here. Deciding to tempt fate, he sprinted forward, tacking the other around the waist. Much to his satisfaction, Atsumu’s legs gave out almost immediately, sending them both to the floor.
“W-Whoa! Where’d that come from?” Atsumu cackled, delighted in the turn of events. His hands made short work of Kageyama’s torso, squeezing and pinching all the spots there with expert fingers. “Looks like I've gotcha now! Hehehe!”
It took everything in Kageyama to not immediately curl up against the other’s attack. Laughing breathlessly, his hands flew all over the place, searching desperately for a tickle spot. Stomach? Nope. Sides? Barely a giggle. Armpits? Promising, but Atsumu barely slowed. He tried for the neck, but that only earned a condescending snort from the other.
“Nice try, King! I’m not tickl-IISH!” His tease was cut off by the squeal ripping out of his throat, eyes widening when Kageyama squeezed his hips.
“Fohound it!” The crow wasted no time.
“AH! Ahehahhaahahhaha! Whahahhahait, whahahhahait- fihhihine you win! Yohoohohu wihiihiihihn!” Atsumu screeched when Kageyama drilled his thumbs into his hips, pressing like he was playing a video game and had to button mash. His other fingers scratched along the surrounding skin, unfazed by the clothing protecting the spot. “Kahahhahahahahgeehehehhyahhahahamahahhaha!”
“Oo, finally said my name, have we? Too late, fool. I’ve found your weakness!” Kageyama snickered, keeping up his playful attack on the older boy. Feeling curious, he returned one hand to Atsumu’s stomach, wiggling softly.
The older boy all but spasmed, arching up so much you’d think Kageyama was exorcizing him.
“Wow.” Kageyama grinned, giggling openly now. “You’re so ticklish!”
“Stahahhahap! Stahhhahahap, plehahhahahhahase! I ca-HAAAAGHN’T!” The sound he let out sounded like a deep pig growl, making the setter above him lose it. Falling to his side, Kageyama cackled like a child, curling in on himself as Atsumu wheezed for air.
“Ohohoho my god! Ohohoho god- that was amazing!” Kageyama gasped, rolling on his back with little kicks as Atsumu sat up to glare. “Yohoohohu sounded like a dehehehemon!”
“Shut up! I so did not! That was only because those grubby little fingers of yours poked my belly button!” When Kageyama blinked out tears, he couldn’t help but grin. “That’s where all the demons are stored.”
Kageyama howled in mirth, not bothering to cover his face as he laughed and laughed. Soon Atsumu was laughing just as much, unable to hold onto his mock anger upon such a sight. Before long, the two were side by side, giggling breathlessly.
Suddenly, training camp seemed a lot less exhausting.
Thanks for reading!
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initforthelolzz · 8 days
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back from the dead
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thousand-sunnies · 4 months
To the surprise of no one who knows my writing habits and favourite tropes, I wrote a Corazon Lives fic! Complete with a bunch of Heart Pirates shenanigans, Law having a mild panic attack, and general good vibes.
The Benefits of Drinking with Strangers on AO3, just under 14k words. Go read it if this sounds interesting to you, I’m pretty happy with how it turned out!
“I don’t know what you heard,” Rosinante says in a half-whisper. “I don’t know where you heard it, I– no, of course I know where you heard it, but whatever Doffy told you–”
“Don’t finish that sentence,” Penguin suggests, because he might still be floundering a little, but he’s not going to take that kind of slander. “If you imply that we’ve taken anything Doflamingo has said to heart, I’ll take it as a serious insult to our intelligence.”
“And character,” Shachi adds.
“And captain,” Bepo says, because he may be a pushover sometimes – okay, often – and he may still be blinking at Rosinante like he’s seeing a ghost – fair enough – but Penguin has never known him to be anything but unwaveringly ride-or-die for Law.
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fizzytoo · 10 months
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zoe holiday. seattle, wa. survivor
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hwaitham · 2 months
if the smut i write is not poetic n full of sugary purple prose then what is the point . if i cannot make u understand n feel the pains n joys of loving this character as much as i do thru m words then what is the point . . ꒰ ྀི𓏼´ ᵔ `𓏼 ᥩ ꒱
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blackjackkent · 4 months
Suggestion for your fic prompt request :)
Jaheira and Karlach - "stories around the campfire" - Karlach is full of questions about the old days, and Jaheira tells her a story she may not have expected.
TYSM for this prompt! This one made me smile a lot. (I really love writing both Jaheira and Karlach, so writing both of them bonding is, as Karlach would say, aces. :D ) I really hope you enjoy it!
Comrades and Lost Children
Pairing: Jaheira & Karlach Characters: Jaheira, Karlach Rating: G Warnings: None Word Count: 2.3k Setting: Several hours after the death of Ketheric Thorm Summary: Jaheira and Karlach share memories during a late night after the fall of Moonrise Towers. other bg3 one-shots | send me fic requests!
A shadow among shadows, the black panther pads through the twisted forest outside Moonrise.
The curse is already beginning to fade with Ketheric’s death. The land is hardly yet safe, but the silent creature can step without pain in the milder patches of darkness. And it seems joyous in that freedom; a low purr rumbles in its throat as it darts repeatedly from the path to climb a gnarled tree trunk or roll in a struggling patch of grass, scenting out the places where nature’s strength is starting to recover within the broken landscape.
It’s a short journey north to Last Light, but the panther’s meandering route takes it past the moonlight-bathed building. Instead, it makes for the small camp where Hector and his companions have been lodging since their arrival in the shadowlands. Unsurprisingly, given it is nearly two in the morning, the camp is still and silent; only a lone tiefling figure sits up keeping guard by the slowly dying fire.
So softly does the huge cat move that Karlach does not at first notice its approach. It is almost within the circle of firelight before she registers it - but when she does, she moves fast, leaping to her feet with a startled cry and bringing her sword to bear on the beast. “Holy shit--”
For a moment the two of them stare at each other, unmoving. Then the panther's body begins to shift, magical energy flowing off it like a surge of dark water. Jaheira's lithe form uncurls within the burst of power into a standing position from the hunch in which the wildshape left her. “Is there a problem, Karlach?” she says, looking calmly into the point of the sword drawn on her.
“Oh, thank fuck,” Karlach says. She slumps with relief and lets the weapon drop to her side; a nervous smile bursts onto her face at once as she recognizes the other woman. “You scared the piss out of me.” 
Read More on AO3
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ddeongies · 20 days
quiet afternoon crush (ch 6) - confident strokes
ryeji college au, idiots in love, slow burn, fluff & smut, yeji falls first ryujin falls harder | word count: 17.6k/????
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Yeji swipes through to the next image and feels her heart stutter. Because there she is, rendered in Ryujin’s confident strokes. There are a few different sketches. One of her profile, gaze cast downward. Another of her in the middle of running fingers through her hair. One more of her leaning a cheek on her hand and looking forward, eyes wide, lips in an almost smile. Yeji isn’t dumb. She knows that Ryujin barely knew who she was at that point. These drawings don’t come from a place of emotion, but her heart still clenches looking at the way her own face was captured with such care. Maybe it means even more like this. Ryujin drew her simply because she wanted to. No obligation, no relationship, she really did just think Yeji has a “pretty unique face.” One worth studying. Yeji closes out of Instagram, and puts on her favorite IU album. She drifts off to thoughts of flowers, coffee shops, and Shin Ryujin’s smile. 
⚽️ Keep Reading
🎨 Master Post
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chenziee · 11 months
A Comprehensive list of my outsider POVs or; a list of people who have Suffered™
NAMI - Good friends (don't) kiss + Revelations (we could do without)
PENGUIN - A Burst of colour (happy birthday)
SMOKER - Just a quick supply run
NPC - Boyfriends (do) kiss, "Woman trouble" Open or Business (gen, Black Maria)
LAW - See no evil (zosan)
BEPO - This is my BDSM dungeon
COBY - Not so bad
USOPP - The (s)we(e)t taste of revenge (lawlu, zosan)
KID - At the bottom of the sea
CAESAR - Minding his own evil business
SHACHI - Please don't ask + The Power of the revolutionary army top executive
PEDRO - Bringing dawn
SANJI - Princess Monster
YAMATO - Drastic Measures
BIG NEWS MORGANS - World Economic Journal: Grand Line Edition
ONIGIRI - Hopeless
ACE & SABO - Menace
KOTATSU - The Plight of the (not) house cat
NDA, WIP, planned:
Honorable mention: not in his POV but SENGOKU suffered the most hands down - Take out as in on a date, right?
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user1286 · 1 year
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A a lil poopoo bc I fucking love this last chapter of @din-skywalker’s Ghost of Sparta fic
T the scene I did (except I started this out at as a silly sketch and then wanted to play around with color more🤫) :
With a grin, Atreus rushes past Father and up to Ghost.
He grins up at Ghost, taking the Spartan by surprise at the brightness and ferocity of it. "You get to meet my friends!" he exclaims, hopping from foot to foot. Ghost watches him curiously, his eyes intense and focused as they're locked on his movements. The corners of his lips seem to twitch upwards, but Atreus could have been imagining it. "They're great- though I have no idea if you'll like them.'
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scarlet-traveler · 11 months
If you asked anybody who knew Bakugou Katsuki, they would say with absolute confidence that he hated the rain.
They would say that he hated how cold it made him feel. They’d comment on how he disliked how it diluted his sweat when his hands got wet, making his quirk less effective. A few that were particularly close to him would even say that Bakugou thinks the rain is a mood-killer for the day, that your to-do list would be a lot more enjoyable if dreary, overcast skies didn’t hang over your head.
Nobody took that last point to heart; Bakugou wasn’t exactly the sappy, poetic type.
But they were all true. Rain was inefficient in Bakugou’s eyes. It was depressing, gross, annoying. He hated it with every fiber of his being.
Or at least, he did.
Before when he thought of rain, he thought of the miserable day ahead.
Now he thinks of hot chocolate with a dash of cinnamon and a warmed blanket waiting for him after he has to trudge through a downpour.
He thinks of warm, calloused hands pulling him from his shelter from the storm, grip wet but tight, the concrete slick under their feet but the arm around his waist steady, and he hears the laughter that bubbles out of his throat as they twirl, which matches the laughter oh so close to him, breathing life into him like his own personal ball of sunshine.
He thinks of clouds parting as the last few drops fall from the sky, the sun’s rays shining through the tiny droplets and casting a vibrant rainbow across the horizon. He thinks of a wide, sharp-toothed smile, red eyes glimmering equally from the gaps of sunshine and awe as they take in the view, and Bakugou wishes he felt the same, he really did, but the sight before him is even more striking than anything nature could ever create.
If you asked anybody who knew Bakugou Katsuki, they would say with absolute confidence that he hated the rain.
If you asked Bakugou Katsuki, he would say that rain was his absolute favorite thing in the world.
Fic written for @krbkevents KRBK Month 2023 Day 2: Rain! Also on AO3!
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markcampbells · 7 months
Vash keeps his eyes shut and doesn't answer. It makes no difference if he does or doesn't; he hears him, feels him, whether or not he acknowledges him.
On a homestead far from everything, Vash lets himself imagine he isn't in bed alone.
A post-TriMax angst/hurt no comfort ficlet for Vashwood because... oh boy do I have feelings.
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caramelmochacrow · 4 months
um. *taps mic* hello other yukaeso fans... uhhhh im planning a yukaeso week and i kind of need help with what sounds good and planning things (please help me...)
(put a cut bc im talking a lot and dont want to disturb people)
i originally wanted it to go from when peaky stormy story began (stormy link) and the event went from september 17 to 26. problem is the 17th is in the middle of the week. i could make it start from the 15th to the 21st or the 22nd to the 28th but they only stay in the event's runthrough for only five days.
another thing i could do (similar to naru//mitsu or sayo//tsugu) is use yuka and esora's full names with numeric substitution so i can figure out the first day of the week (here we go--)
9 in japan is sometimes pronounced as 'kyu' so it can make up the 'yu' of yuka. 5 in japan is pronounced as 'go' or 'ka' sometimes as well so yuka's name would be '95' or 'kyu-ka'. for her last name, it would be 335 or 'sa-sa-go'.
the english transliteration of 8 in japanese is 'eito', the closest thing i can get to 'eso'. 6 covers the other part of esora since it can also be read as ra. so her first name would be 86 or 'eito-ra'. (<- im stretching this i think) for her last name it would be 43 or 'shi-mittsu'. (shimizu)
so with all of these facts, the week can start at 9/8 (kyu-eito or yu[ka]eso) or 8/9 (eito-kyu or esoyu[ka]) if you want to go for their first names. for their last names (i think going for this is a bad idea to be honest with you) it would start at '3/4' (sa[sa]-shi), 4/5 (shi-go) or 3/3 (sa[sa]-mittsu).
the only dates that go on sunday is 9/8 and 3/3. if you want to go for monday, it would be 3/4 only. so, to me, it would be best to start at one of the sunday ones.
another fact i'd like to tell is the fact that esora's birthday is 9/9 so one of the prompts could be 'birthday'. (problem tho is that idk what to prompt i would pair it with)
also, speaking of prompts, ive already decided a 2 prompt pairs. (haven't decided what days they'll be or if theyre good)
summer and winter (summer bc of how summer-y these two are and winter bc of christmas being the important day of peaky)
ao to natsu and fuwafuwa time (solo covers about love, the first one being someone deciding to seek out the love they want while the other is them not knowing how to go about getting their love)
im not sure what. uh. stuff to pair up and also what would be good prompts (im not good at that....) so. yeah. that's all ive got.
the last day, i know, is gonna be a free day. so. i p much dont know what to do. im stuck. pls help.
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midgardian-witch · 1 year
Hey so if I had a Robbie Paulson/Reader fanfic that's about a bit less than 2.5k words long with voice kink, hypnosis kink, praise and humiliation kink with a dominant gn!reader...
Would anyone want to read that? 👀
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Asking for a friend.
It's me. I am friend.
(edit: I did it.)
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dollsome-does-tumblr · 10 months
today my good omens fic was like, "you thought you were done but you're not done, here's a bunch of changes to make and here's two additional scenes to write as appendix material."
and i'm like, "............ okay"
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taegularities · 1 year
Maybe for the cmi birthday we could get that whiny koo Drabble?👀👀☺️☺️☺️
OH UHM, you're not wrong actually?!!? and what if... what if we combined oc's birthday and whiny koo...? >:O
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smallblueandloud · 1 year
fell off the wagon for a few days, but i wrote a bit tonight! just enough to push me over 6k for the month of january :D not bad for someone who's trying to claw my way back to writing.
“Sophie -- Charlotte -- is my stepmother.”
For one moment, Sterling’s face is caught in perfect, full surprise. “Oh.” He recovers with remarkable swiftness, his face returning to a carefully neutral expression. “Ah.”
Astrid can’t help a nervous laugh. “You weren’t expecting that, then, sir?”
“Not exactly,” says Sterling. “Around when was this?”
“More than twenty years ago,” she says. “I was young. She married my father. She was very-- very kind to me. Then one day, she disappeared. My father was never the same.”
“She’s why you joined Interpol,” Sterling says. Not a question -- a realization. Methodically fitting the new pieces she’s handed him into a bigger picture.
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