celluloidrainbow · 1 year
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सुनगाभा | SOONGAVA (2012) dir. Subarna Thapa Independent and strong-willed Diya, now 22 years of age, is training to be a traditional Nepalese dancer. She forms a deep escalating friendship with another dance pupil, Kiran. Her feelings clearly border on physical desire, and she is desolate when her parents find a suitable man for her to marry. Meanwhile, her closeness to Kiran becomes passionate and they become lovers. Diya breaks off her engagement. The two young women decide to live together, but the open avowal of their relationship exposes them to ridicule and alienation. (link in title)
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rajeevpradhan · 1 year
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akultalkies · 1 year
Deeya Dey, Rudolfo Rajeev Hubert, Rohit Pareek, Nishtha Sharma, Nishtha Sharma, Sheeraj Sharma, Shiv Sharma
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deeyaacademia · 4 months
june 07, 2024. | 03/100 days of productivity.
my legs have been so dead because of the gym I HATE IT SO MUCH but i will have to push through and will not stop (please send help)
i've been trying to eat healthy, sleep enough, find time for reading and working on my novel and maintain my jounal and i'm feeling so burnt out. i can hardly keep up with the ca classes and catching up on the backlog that i have zero time for any hobbies and if you know anything about me, is that I LOVE MY HOBBIES SO MUCH!!
yes, well that is making me upset but i just need to manage my time better and focus on one thing at a time (it's very hard).
never mind, today was okay-ish as i did all my classes, went to the gym (in pain) and even watched two old lectures of accounts and made notes for law!! YES FINALLY GETTING BACK ON TRACK.
hopefully i'll start stats from tomorrow because i've been hearing it's quite hard and i'm scared to begin 😭
also, i am watching bojack horseman currently and i've never felt so seen in my life. he is me, i am him. i also love diane <3
with love,
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gunlolita · 5 months
some reposts from my twitter account for today's strike.
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Deeya's story below
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sepptember · 4 months
there's a post about Pro-Palestine small businesses on instagram by @.counseling4allseasons and i wanted to share that post here.
mentioning businesses that aren't on this post are encouraged!! I'll reblog them to my account or add them to the post. If any of the links don’t work, please let me know.
note that all of the businesses in the insta post might not be included because I struggled to find the link, and some links may lead to an instagram account instead of a website.
Chérine Caftans - Moroccan traditional wear
Hirbawi - Kufiya factory in Palestine
HULM Kicks - Palestinian-owned shoe store
Watan Worldwide - Cultural clothing/merchandise store
Ayan Resources - Palestinian-owned clothing brand
herababyco - Baby clothes
Modestveencouture - Palestinian-owned boutique with wedding, prom, and engagement dresses
Zaytoonas Stitches - Palestinian-owned embroidery store
Dignitii - modest active wear
Nöl Collective - Palestinian-owned traditional wear
RUUQ - Hijab body suits
Dar Collective - Cultural merchandise
Shopdehma - Modest clothing brand
Nayabhijabs - Hijabs
House of amiri - Children's clothing
this business is currently not stocking their inventory because they are working on broadening their brand. support by following them is still highly encouraged.
Yemen Wear - cultural Yemen apparel
Pali Power - Palestinian athletic apparel
Le dressing de moon - Palestinian thobes
La Farrah Boutique - Palestinian thobes
Farsalicare - Skincare brand
Yaskinnatural - Skincare brand
Dyfbeauty - Makeup brushes
Mora Cosmetics - Muslim-owned clean makeup
Kadi perfumes - high-quality perfumes and fragrances
Alwafa Shop - Natural skincare
Abumiskperfumes - oil-based fragrances
Dr. Sebaa Co. - Muslim-owned skincare brand
Savana Goat - Natural and artisanal goat soaps
Lerenu - Scalp & haircare
Inika Organics - Organic makeup
Tuesday in Love - Wudhu-friendly nail polish
Home Goods:
Inspire me home decor - Interior design/home decor
The Little Bulbul - Islamic puzzles/mugs/prints
Olive & Heart - Palestinian owned candle shop
Candlescape & Co. - Palestinian owned candle shop
Create & Crescent - event kits and crafts
Kilim Design Store - carpet and flooring.
With a Spin - Home decor
Feyre Creations - events merchandise
Khair Designs - Interior design
Soul Detox - Palestinian-owned black seed oil mix and health capsules
Sophologynic - Palestinian-owned wellness-kits and organic honey
Creations By Sal - Custom wedding products and gifts
Crescent Moon Bookstore - Palestinian-owned children’s bookstore
Little Muslim Craft Store - Crafts for Muslim children store
Modefa - Home decor
Sitti soap - Natural soaps and more.
Vidamin Wellness - Organic vitamins
Mysalah Mat - Interactive prayer mat
The Happy Bakers - Egyptian-owned cookies
Little Busy Hands - Customized themed sensory bins
Shahrin Azim Henna & Jagua Artist - Henna Services, New York/NJ
Oroboros Watches - Egyptian-owned watch store
Kiro - Egyptian Jewelry Brand
Elegant Bijoux Jewelry - Lebanese-owned jewelry
Canava Handmade - Luxury Arab handbags States NYC
Deeya Jewellery - Luxury gold plated bridal/formal jewelry
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kccinstitutes · 8 months
Placement Success Stories at KCC Institutes
Placement Success Stories at KCC Institutes
Congratulations to Anmol Arora, Deeya Kaushik and Kunal Chauhan from BBA for getting placed in SalaryBox as a Business Consultant.
Congratulations on this achievement.
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coffeeandmusk · 2 months
The Messenger of Allah (sallAllahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) said to Mu'adh (ibn Jabal - radiyAllahu ‘anhu):
"Shall I not teach you a dua that you may call upon (Allah) with,
and if you owed a debt the size of Mount 'Uhud (or Mount Sabr of Yemen)
Allah would pay it off for you...
Say, O Mu'adh:
اللَّهمَّ مالِكَ الملْكِ
تُؤتي الملكَ من تشاءُ
وتنزِعُ الملكَ ممَّن تشاءُ
وتُعِزُّ من تشاءُ
وتُذِلُّ من تشاءُ
بيدِك الخيرُ
إنَّك على كلِّ شيءٍ قديرٌ
رَحْمٰنَ الدُّنْيَا والآخِرَةِ ورَحيمَهُمَا تُعْطِيهُما مَنْ تَشَاءُ وتَمْنَعُ مِنهُما مَنْ تَشاءُ اِرْحَمْنِي رَحْمَةً تُغْنِيْنِي بِهَا عَنْ رَحْمَةِ مَنْ سِوَاك
"O Allah, Owner of Sovereignty (Kingdom),
You give sovereignty (Kingdom) to whom
You will and You take (snatch) sovereignty away from whom You will.
You (alone) grant honour to whomever You wish
and You (alone) disgrace (humble, humiliate) whomever You wish and
only in Your Hands is all goodness.
Verily, You have power over everything.
O’ One who shows a lot of mercy in the world and the hereafter! (or The Most Merciful One of both worlds, the here and the hereafter)
You (alone) grant both (the bounties of the dunya and the hereafter) to whomever You wish
and You (alone) prevent both (the bounties of the
world and hereafter) from whomever You wish.
Shower Your Special Mercy upon me
a mercy which enriches me (from poverty) and frees me (makes me independent) of (ever) needing the mercy (or help) of anyone else but You (alone).
[Taken from al-Tabarani (rahimahullah) in Mu’jam as-Sagheer 558, and ad-Deeya (rahimahullah) in al-Ahadith al-Mukhtaarah, 2633, and Sahih at-Targheeb, 1821 and 3/55 and a slightly different version in Jami’ as-Sunan al-Masaaneed of Ibn Kathir (rahimahullah), 7/469, no. 9545, Maktabah Shamela version of Dar al-Khidr Publishing (narrated below)]
The version from Jami’ as-Sunan of Ibn al-Kathir (rahimahullah):
اللَّهمَّ مالِكَ الملْكِ
تُؤتي الملكَ من تشاءُ
وتنزِعُ الملكَ ممَّن تشاءُ
وتُعِزُّ من تشاءُ
وتُذِلُّ من تشاءُ
بيدِك الخيرُ
إنَّك على كلِّ شيءٍ قديرٌ
تُولِجُ اللَّيْلَ فِي النَّهَارِ
وَتُولِجُ النَّهَارَ فِي اللَّيْلِ
وَتُخْرِجُ الْحَيَّ مِنَ الْمَيِّتِ
وَتُخْرِجُ الْمَيِّتَ مِنَ الْحَيِّ
وَتَرْزُقُ مَن تَشَاءُ بِغَيْرِ حِسَابٍ
ارحَمني رحمَة تقيني بها من رحمة من سواك
"O Allah, Owner of Sovereignty (Kingdom),
You give sovereignty (Kingdom) to whom
You will and You take (snatch) sovereignty away from whom You will.
You (alone) grant honour to whomever You wish
and You (alone) disgrace (humble, humiliate) whomever You wish and
only in Your Hands is all goodness.
Verily, You have power over everything. You cause the night to enter the day, and You cause the day to enter the night; and You bring the living out of the dead, and You bring the dead out of the living.
And You give provision to whom You will
without account.
Have mercy on me with a mercy that protects (strengthens, safeguards me) from (ever) needing the mercy (or help) of anyone besides You.
[Jami’ as-Sunan al-Masaaneed of Ibn Kathir (rahimahullah), 7/469, no. 9545, Maktabah Shamela version of Dar al-Khidr Publishing]
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musingsofmaisie · 1 year
Thought for the day
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I love Edinburgh Crowley so much. David really lets his freak flag fly all over this one. He pulls out *all* the accents ( I was never sure if NG was trolling him or not). The huge grins, almost winking at the audience everytime he has a clever line. And this one in particular kills me.
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There are at least 100 different versions, too. Proper ones and posh ones, Edinburgh vs Glaswegian, Orkney vs Highlander, and on and on. Sgt Shadwell's. Some of them are unintelligible to anyone outside the clan. Many contain vocabularies of their very own.
"An' prithee which'un o'deh Scottish accen's deeya wan'a'muh tae doo, laddie?" Is how I'm sure David answered that question.
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llatimeria · 3 months
moms making caysee deeyas for dinner
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syn4k · 1 year
where is my fucking chicken casey deeya
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asherasgayagenda · 1 year
do you guys say "deeya" or "daiya" when pronouncing "dia" I want to know. for research purposes
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rajeevpradhan · 1 year
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Hi tumble heads
what’s up uhh I don’t post as much as I said I would because yeah I don’t got an excuse but uhh whatever! Well uhh imma just rant about my favorite stuff at the moment to fill in the gap of content
best traumadyout there uhh I actually don’t know if it’s the only traumady out there be a I have a good feeling there’s a bunch more but uhh I can’t remember grahhhhhhhhh! Well besides that I like it, I’m 100% too dumb to understand the deep meaning behind it but i can tell it’s there somewhere so yeah READ NOW AND FOLLOW @\BATSHAPED ON TWITTER here’s a comics wait they have a tumblier woah Im so fucking fumb 😭 y’all prolly know it already fuck me grashggggg des sddrbjtgth
ok next
and finally
jelly car worlds
I’ve been playing it recently and it’s fun haha it’s cool game I played jelly truck when I was younger and had fun with it and yeah I had extra money and asked some discord people for for a random game and yeah someone recommended me it. It’s cool lol but it if you have money I guess uhh yeah I just realized this is kinda an ad but whatever lol
Ok bye that was my filler tumbler post bye see y’a on 672 months, if you see this reply please I like I wanna talk to y’all siliys lol deeya
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deeyaacademia · 4 months
june 05, 2024. | 01/100 days of productivity.
i have online classes from 8 am in the morning till 3 pm. so, i attended all of three 2 hour long lectures and made notes. i have 2 months-ish worth of backlog because i started the classes this week, while the batch started way back in april lol.
after a little lunch break, i revised for a hour and then went to the gym. i got back after two hours and then i spent the evening studying business law’s chapter and bank reconciliation statement in accounts. my head was hurting like crazy and it’s only day one so i’m stressed how i’ll get through this. i also watched like 3 episodes of suits lol.
at night i wanted to study for another hour but instead i spent making content for my writersgram and writing my novel while listening to music.
i’d say i was productive and had a good satisfactory day xx
with love,
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deeyaaa04 · 1 year
How do you justify the blood on your hands when there is no cut on your body. It doesn't dry out when you set your palms ablaze and it doesn't rinse off when you scrub it till it hurts. You wonder if they see it too while you dance with your hands swaying in the air. Its dripping from your fingers but your shirt doesn't smear when you button it. Your mother's sheer terror as she watches you scream at your bare hands. The blood is a souvenir only explicit to your gaze. A reminder of all the killings of your own soul. How you clipped your own wings everytime you wanted to fly. Crumpled notes to self lie on your untouched desk. Hoarding was never your feat but the torn papers cling to the lone piece of your soul like you clung to your pet's lifeless form.
A chilling shriek escapes your mouth at the late awakening. The waking doesn't liberate you. It binds you to the stain, a silver threaded cage and the shredded papers, elegies to your dead selves.
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