#deff looks a little off but oh well
ra-archives · 11 months
Hey @breannasfluff Little late to the party, but I heard it was your birthday and that you wanted Ravioli, so here I am with some dumb gay birds :D
TBH had other plans for this but I'm terrible with time management and I underestimate projects, so expect a random belated birthday gift within the next week to 2 months lmao
Happy Birthday!
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0anonnymouslyours0 · 8 months
Hi!!! I’m having a weird day and I was wondering if you could write something for Spencer comforting reader who was having a great day but something menial set her off and ruined her day so she ends up crying a lot. I just need the comfort a lot right now. I hope you have a good day (or at least better than mine xD) 💕💕💕
hi angel- i hope your feeling better, and your day has improved! i can deff do this, and posting this quickly <3
you'd been having a relatively good day. i mean as good as it could get. you'd finished the reports you were supposed to do, and nothing had gone wrong. still, you felt a little on edge.
you walk over to the kitchen, busying yourself in making an afternoon coffee, a daily ritual. spencer is in the bau kitchen too, and you smile.
"hows your day been?" you ask, looking at him as he leans against the counter, watching you make your coffee.
"standard. what about you?" he asks, looking at you enquiringly.
"oh, yeah nothing much- just doing some reports and such." you say.
you've finished making your coffee, taking a gentle sip of it. its hot. spencers talking still, and your paying attention, watching him as you place your mug down and reach for the fridge to grab some milk. somehow, in the most unlucky fashion, your mug was not placed properly, and it falls with a crash to the ground, splashing scolding hot coffee all over you.
"ouch!" you cry, as the coffee burns your skin. you feel it then, the tears well in your eyes. you've been just a small incident away from tears all day, and here it was.
"are you okay?" spencer says quickly, hes in front of you, offering you a tea towel.
your overwhelmed, and you look up at him, tears running down your face. you feel slightly embarrassed, and you look down quickly, accepting the tea towel. spencer looks at you, a softness to his expression.
"hey.. its alright-" he says, reaching to place a hand on your shoulder and moves his thumb soothingly.
"god- this is such a mess." you say, patting yourself before giving up with a sigh.
"no, your good. its all fine." he whispers, and guides you towards him. he doesn't seem to mind your half covered in coffee, as he wraps his arms around you and holds you closely.
you sniffle as he hugs you, perhaps just a little in need of affection in this moment. he squeezes you a little, and you allow yourself to relax, slowing down your breathing.
"its fine, dont worry. i've got a spare shirt?" he says, hand still tracing soft patterns on your shoulder.
"thank you." you whisper, into spencers chest. your not quite ready for him to let go of you, and he seems to know that, holding you tight, until your feeling better.
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shimkongzlove · 9 months
Ryouhei x reader
A/N - loved windbreaker but I couldn't find many fics related to it so I decided to write one on my own . It is terribly written with a bunch of spelling mistakes and a basic plot. Read at your own risk ❌️❌️
Warning- mention of blood , violence , a bit of angst , sexual themes ( ig that's it )
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You were working as an intern in the xyz hospital ( choose any name u like ) for your winter break . U loved working there , the staff was sweet and u received a good pay . But there were a lot of things which dint particularly suit your liking ,first and foremost it was situated in a rather shady area , the patients who came there during ur night shift were let's just say interesting .
Night shifts were something that u did not enjoy even hated to a certain level . They were tiring, boring and deprived you off of sleep . Yet what was important had to be done
4:30 am
A cold gush of winds welcomed u as u exited the hospital . The walk home was rather quite until u heard grunting from a nearby alley . Normally u would have ignored it but today u were feeling rather curious
U peeked into the alley way only to find a man surrounded by blood , lying on the cold floor . U stood there Debating whether to help the man or not and atlast ur heart won over ur mind .
U made your way to him cursing yourself for even stopping in the first place . Kneeling down next to him u observed his features . He was handsome no he was hot as fuck , the scar running down his face Made it 100 times better maybe it wasn't that bad of a decision to stop
While u were in your little dream land the man in question had regained his consciousness, his instinct led his hand to your wrist breaking u away from your thoughts .
The panic started to set in 'fuck he's awake man I hate my self for this ' , " who are you " said the stranger in question not letting go of your wrist which was starting to hurt " you're hurting me let go , please " ur plee fell on deff ears " I'm a doctor ur bleeding profusely if we don't sto-" ur words were cut short by the man pulling u closer "I asked who the fuck are you " he asked once again ignoring ur words . His deep voice sent shivers down ur body , ur face was just inches away frm his " si-sir I'm y/n , I can help you , your wounds look deep we have to stop the bleeding "
"I'm fine " he said letting go of your wrist " don't need help frm a complete stranger " "sir pls these wounds look serious I promise I mean no harm " as much as u hated the man's attitude u were still a doctor by profession it was your duty to help those in need
"My house is just 5 minutes away from here I can help stop ur bleeding and then we can both go our separate ways forgetting this ever happened deal " before he could argue his body gave up and he fell right into your arms
'Fuck he's heavy ' u somehow managed to drag him to your apartment . U laid his body down on your bed and started collecting all the medical supplys needed for the treatment .
Ryouhei's pov - 'man does my head hurt ' regaing back his consciousness he started to realize that he was not in an alley fighting people but rather he was lying on a bed one that was not his , his vision was still quite blurry from the hit he had taken , realizing he could not do much in his state he layed there accepting his faith
"Oh, ur awake I was just collecting the medical supplies needed for your treatment " "where am i" he said once again ignoring u " ur at my house, I promised I won't harm u so rest assured" u said walking closer to him " I dint quite catch ur name " " ryouhei " he said In an uninterested tone " well ryouhei-san you'll need to take of your um... clothes for me to help you..." u said as blood creeped up to your cheeks
He adhered to your request without any further question . He had a well toned body with a few cuts and scratches here and there . U caught urself staring a little more then needed, face as red as a tomato "take a pic it'll last longer " were the words that broke ur train of thoughts u felt an ache between ur legs ' this is so unprofessional, but man he's so hot ' "so-sorry, ehh anyways I'll start your treatment it's gonna sting a little so try not to move that much k?"
Sitting next to him on your bed u started your treatment , u felt him shiver under your touch "why are u doing this " he asked " I'm a doctor, it's my duty to help those in need " ur words sounded sincere to him " I'm a bad guy ukw that right " " I'm just here for the intern ship , i dont know the dirty business that goes around here " u said eyes still on his wounds , somehow u dint feel scared by his declaration , his hands went to your waist pulling ur body even more closer to his , stopping ur movements " everyone here knows who I am , many are scared to even approach I could do anything to you and ppl won't even bat an eye "
"U could have harmed me the moment you woke up yet here we are , so ik u won't do anything to me , atleast that's what I'd like to believe " " tch, ur way too confident " u decided not to reply , the time after that passed by silently
After about 15 or 20 minutes u were done putting bandages on his chest, arms and shoulders there were still a few cuts and scratches on his back so u asked him to turn around . He was now laying on his back
The spots were hard to treat because of the position u both were In , the only best possible way for u to reach them was to sit on his back "ryouhei-san ...the wounds on your back are kind of hard to reach so I'll need to change my position to treat them " " do whatever u want"
So u did what u had to , your theigs were now on either side of his body ( u were wearing shorts) touching his bare back.
Ryouheis pov
He was going crazy , the feeling of your theigs deff caused him to get a hard on not only that ,since the moment he met u . He was doomed. U were so pretty ,ur skin shining in the moon light, ur sweet voice, ur scent everything about u was intoxicating he couldn't take it much longer
He turned around causing u to yelp and hold on to his shoulders for support u were now basically straddling him " ur driving me nuts " "what did I d-" before u could finish , u felt smth poking ur inner thigh "oh" " yea feel that , that's what u did , you gotta help me now babe "
The end
( this is sooo poorly written 👎 but I had to to justice to my man ryouhei , there are barely any fics about him 😭😭 lemme know if yall want a pt2 )
( ps- this is the first fic iv ever written so please go easy on me and I hope yall enjoyed it)
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hexologh · 2 years
┏━━━✦❘༻SWEET SWEET BAKER༺❘✦━━━┓
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Let us repeat, We believe in Y/n Supreme fr. 🛐🛐
Ty @sleeplessdreamer14 for requesting
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Mk was just walking around minding his own business but then he'd smell this heavenly aroma., That would lead him to You of course.
You two would talk for a while and you would make him the BEST sweets and BREAD 🍞., And you treat him so kindly, he would start going more often.
The way you just smile at him w/ those beautiful eyes looking at him., Would bring him to his knees bro.
Like mk believes in Y/n supreme fr 😩
My boy is IN LOVE, Like after he finished his mission or his Training he would bolt away from what he's doing., Running to you.
Your just you amazing, cute, beautiful., Good at baking the list goes on.
If Wukong ever finds out, he would tease the HELL out of Mk and he would just take it, I mean he is his mentor.
Tbh he was just going to get Peach chips, nothing more but then he thought about that cool bakery Mk and his friends where talking about, he decided to check it out.
Once he opened the door he immediately smelled the beautiful scent, which is you lmao you welcomed him and acting like he's just a person and deffs not a monkey.
He'd be surprised but amused, so he kept going to your bakery., The more he got to know you the more in love he was, but he doesn't know that. 😏
You actually treated him like he was just a normal person an not the “GrEat SaGe eQuaL tO hEaven” I mean he likes the title but he's tired of fighting demons, maybe for you he'll beat up a million more just to keep you safe.
He'd tell you story's and you'd listen w/ open ears., He'd be a little flustered by you staring right at him...W/ your.. Beautiful face..CURSE YOUR BEAUTIFUL FACE, YOU!
One day he was just eating your amazingly baked cake but doesn't notice there was frosting on his cheek but you know who did notice? You., You stopped what you were doing as your soft hands touched his face making him confused and flustered, your finger swiping off the frosting before licking it off your finger.
You smiled at him, “Its better not to waste anything, right?” you asked, Monkey king is literally deceased.
Macaque was just wondering off using the shadows but then he sees this bakery and tells himself, why not because you totally get to see a monkey walking by everyday.
He opens the door but bumps into someone, you! You'd welcome him slowly leading him to a table., He'd be confused but follows
Once he tried your sweets and how you smiled at him one word was just pops on his mind when he saw you, Adorable, YOU ARE ADORABLE. alright that settles it your never getting rid of him.
Be prepared because my dude will pop out of no where from the shadows, Sometimes just sits in the shadows and watches you., Which..Is kinda creepy 💀💀💀
But he doesn't care now does he? But one day he was in the shadows of your bakery ready to spook you, you suddenly turned around... Staring .. Right At HIM. Now that's flippin CREEPY, WHERE DID HIS ADORABLE Y/N GO!? My man would be scared like shiver me timbers but then you stopped.
You smiled, “oh, its just you Macaque., Glad it wasn't a demon.” Well Y/n....About that— Macaque then walks out of the shadows sweat dropping off his cheek, you raised your hand before petting the monkey he would practically pur bro, forgetting what happened.
Give this man some more love. 💀
Redson would fall hardly on your floor after he got punched by Wukong, when he opened his eyes someone looked straight back at him.
“...You want cake.” you'd ask, Redson blinks, “Huh.”
You'd convince him to stay as he lets you put some bandages on his hand, “You got peppers for this?” Redson asked, “That's cake.” you reply. “I know what I said.”, “What the fu—”
When he meets eyes with you he knew,. There’s something about you that was.., special, He doesn't know why but once he left and got back to his home, he couldn't take his mind of you., Your smile, your voice ect.
So he'd come back once in a while talking to you as you'd listen to him, we fr need more people like you. 😔
One day you just say to him flatly, “Your a very beautiful man, Redson” NOW LETS SEE THAT PENI—
He blinks trying to process what you just said, “Of..COurse! I am!!” his voice broke out he cursed himself for doing that, before hearing you chuckle, he looked up at you before a blush slowly covered his face you looked at him smirking, please fuck him where the sun don't shine Y/n. 🛐
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jinx-420 · 1 year
Good ol’ scary movie (2)
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Warnings- Ellie x fem reader, Abby being readers shitty ex (I’m making an Abby fanfic soon to make up for this 😩) face sitting, scissoring, mentions of Ellie’s strap at the end :p
A/N - glad y’all liked the first part and this ones is deff a bit rushed but hope y’all like it anyways 😘🙏
Part one
To say you were speechless was an understatement. Abby Anderson was here ? As in your ex Abby Anderson ? This may turn out to be a disaster.
“Why the hell would I invite her?!” you say with your hands on your head,“why should I know?” Ellie says with a hint of panic in her tone. “Ok whatever, let’s just see what she wants okay?” She says trying to calm you both down. “No other choice I guess, not like she gives up easy.” You say as you recall your relationship with Abby, being stood up regularly and countless excuses for letting you down again and again. However you didn’t end your relationship with her because of that, you ended it because she got mad at you every time she found you crying on Ellie because of her. Even after you blatantly explained to her why you needed to end things, she still somehow thought she could just refuse you doing so. Another knock on the door snapped you back into reality and you took a deep breath before opening the door to see her standing there pitifully.
She opens her mouth to say something which you figure is another apology, but her gaze catches on your puffy and dark lips and disheveled tank top. “oh” she says quietly and her gaze turns to Ellie who’s eyebrows were raised at the ongoing scene. “Why are you here Abby ?” You say with a hand on your hip waiting for an answer. “Baby I’m sorry for everything, I stopped doing all that shit you know ? Cmon trust me let’s get out of here and I’ll show you how much I missed you” she says stepping forwards a bit to you, as she does so, Ellie comes up and presses her front against your back as her arms snake around your waist. “Don’t tell me you’re screwing around with her..” Abby says looking at both of you. “You gatta be fucking with me right” her eyes widen in disbelief and you scoff a bit at her. “Not my fault you were a shitty girlfriend man” Ellie says yawning. “Oh fuck off” Abby says getting more frustrated by the second. “I bet you can’t even make her cum” Abby says feeling much less confident when you and Ellie start laughing together, “you wanna tell her what you were doing before she interrupted baby?” Ellie says before starting to kiss down your neck. You couldn’t help the blush on your cheeks as Abby watched you both with a slight blush on her cheeks as well. “I think you should go Abby” you say finally and shut the door on her face.
“Her face when you said that was priceless !” You and Ellie had been laughing together until your bellies hurt while getting ready for bed. “Ohmygod and you could literally see her doubting herself when she said I couldn’t make you cum” Ellie said as you both got under the blankets “we never really found out you know” you said with your eyebrows raised and your body facing Ellie. She looked at you with a dark look in her eye and you could tell she was waiting for you to say something about earlier. “well seeing as you were about to cum with your clothes on in under three minutes, I think we both know the answer baby” she says with a raspy voice which made you throb.
She looked you up and down before she attached your lips together and climbed on top of you. You needed Ellie so bad you couldn’t even function properly so when you desperately tried to take off her tank top she let out a little chuckle before taking it off for you, leaving her chest completely bare. you immediately sat up with her still on your lap and took her nipple in your mouth as you had your arms wrapped around her pulling her in further to you. She let out whimpers so hot you could listen to them all fucking day. “I need to see your body baby, please.” Ellie said between whimpers trying to lift your tank top. You pulled your mouth away from her tits with a pop and before you even finished getting your tank top over your head Ellie was sucking one tit and massaging the other with her hand. “You don’t know how long I have imagined doing this to you” Ellie said looking at your from your tits. “Oh yeah?” You said before moaning when her teeth grazed your nipple. “Think about fucking you all day everyday but especially at night with my hands down my pants” Ellie says in between kisses trailing down your stomach. You needed her to touch you now or you think you might fucking explode. “Els please.. fuck me.. please?” You said as polite as you could whimpering from her kissing below your belly button. “How could I say no to you, princess ?” She says pulling your pants and underwear down. “Ohmygod your this wet for me?” Ellie says staring at the string of wetness that came from your pussy to your underwear. “How could I no-“ you tried to explain yourself but Ellie’s face burying straight into your pussy interrupted you. She was so deep in your pussy and her mouth was so fast your legs started to shake. “You taste so fucking good baby but I need more.. sit on my face yea ?” Ellie said while already laying herself down and grabbing your hand. “You want me to sit on your face?” You ask absolutely shocked “please Angel ? You’d be doing me a favor, I promise I’ll make you feel good” she said practically begging. You climb over her face and hover her mouth before she pulls you down onto her and immediately starts groaning on your pussy as she eats you out. It felt so good you couldn’t say anything but her name as she devoured you. You looked below you to see her eyes already on yours and the dirty sight alone made you 10x closer than you already were. She sucked on your clit before going back to licking up and down your hole. “Els.. m’ganna cum” you managed to say before your legs started to shake and you came on her face. As you pulled yourself off her she immediately kissed you and she looked so pussy drunk you were kind of proud.
“Fuck Ellie where’d you learn how to do that huh?” You both laughed a little and she simply stated “well honesty I was just enjoying myself” you rolled your eyes a bit before she attached your lips once again. You smiled into the kiss as you took off her pants and boxers eager for whatever happens next. She put one leg over yours and pulled away from the kiss as your pussies pressed together. You both let out a whimper and the explicit wet sounds of both of your slick made the pleasure so much more intense. Ellie started to rub herself onto you and you swear you could be dreaming right now. You stare into her eyes as you move a hand down to feel her abs then up to her tits. After a couple minutes of a steady pace Ellie and you both started to get faster and more desperate grinds to chase your highs. “You want to cum at the same time baby ?” Ellie said a whimpering mess. All you reply with was a nod of your head and a “mhm” as you both made your last few grinds on each other you both came and slowly started to come down from your highs. “So, was Abby right?” Ellie said with a breathless laugh, “well you were alright I guess” you said sarcastically and pulled her down to kiss you.
“Guess you’ll just have to meet my strap tomorrow then huh ?”
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safyresky · 10 days
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Scrimbly Jacqueline 37/52: Diteline Donniline family portrait!
BOOM BABY! DITELINE KIDS! AKA DONNILINE KIDS! Because when Jacqueline and Dite have their kiddos, Dite has had her whole arc and goes by her true name, Hedone! (Which I know I have said a bunch of times already lol but since this is THE Donnieline fam post, it's here for posterity).
This one was by FAR my most intensive scrimble YET. Joy's wings nearly took me OUT. I have NO IDEA how to alt ID this as of yet, oh my GOD. The sketch was finished Friday, the lines Saturday, and the colours took all day Sunday on and off between Year 9 edits (and then drafting this post took most of my evening between episodes of Face Off lol :)
In terms of designs, Milfline is in her usual fit, Milfdone is in a casual fit based on this dress here. And as for the kids...well. I think it's time we officially meet them, shall we? I'll go oldest to youngest!
Meet Joy! She's the oldest of the bunch! Is about 8 (hundred) in this scrimble :) (on the right (our right), with the wings)
Was "born" on accident due to the HUGE amount of joy Jacqueline and Dite felt after being reunited when Venus did some BULLSHIT
(Including, but not limited to, misnaming Hedone for THOUSANDS of years, cursing Jacqueline into an eternal sleep and casting her into the underworld, and setting Hedone on the same journey Psyche went on for Cupid just before Dite was born)
She is the literal embodiment of Joy. Literally.
She has ALL the celestial/god powers!
She can do a little bit of fire and a bit of frost but not as much as her mom, her mom's fam, or her siblings
So she can conjure some flame and some snow/frost but that's about it sprite wise!
Is as talented a weapons master as her Mater
Has 0 (zero) castor magic abilities
Is the Cupid after Donnie (The Third Cupid. Cupid the Third).
Has butterfly wings like Psyche, her grandma!
They start small and grow with her. I based the pattern on monarch patterns and the shape on this clip art lol
The tips are vaguely heart shaped lmao (emphasis on VAGUELY)
In terms of wing pattern itself, it's not final? But the vibe/idea I was going for was a snowflake-esque motif for the top wings, and a combo of hearts and sparks/stars for the bottom wings! Also not sure about colours—I'm deffs gonna use her wings as like, a blank canvas every time!
Joy is just a bundle of Joy. She's an absolute sweetheart. Not a SINGLE PERSON dislikes her, she's just so sweet it's so hard to DISlike her
Seems kind of like a bit of an airhead because she's so full of joy and whimsy and such but she knows when to smarten up and is ALWAYS looking out for her siblings (despite what Bianca thinks)
Her heart pochette was so last minute but I LOVED IT SO MUCH!!
Hair I've always pictured strawberry blonde, but I think it's more orangey thanks to her summer sprite relatives!
Has Jacqueline's eyes!
Hair is fairly curly! Turns out when you constantly freeze your hair into curls, the curls become genetic ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Meet Bianca! She's the middlest, and is about 7 (hundred) in this scrimble :) (on the left, with the C: face)
Joy really wanted a sibling and so, for funsies, Dite and Jacquie are like "Oh? What would they be like?" and build a snowman with her, to her specifications lol
They have a very fun time together but then things get...weird
The snowman seems to have a mind of its own. It moves around on them. It doesn't melt. Joy claims it talks to her.
It starts to look more little girl like. Knowing how sprites were originally made, Jacqueline's like hmm...
She talks to MN, who tells her to go to this very sacred section of the Springs and she does and she gets a life light and goes DAMN. OKAY. GUESS WE'VE GOT KID NUMBER TWO ON THE WAY!
She gets home that day, and finds the snowman, and gives it the light life and POOF! Suddenly, Bianca!
She's named after Winter's bio Mom :)
Bianca is FULL Winter sprite; she has 0 god things going on.
She CAN do some castor stuff! Dips into warlock lineage but I'm not sure she has a staff—she Blaises it: wandless magic FTW babieeeeee!
Is the Jack Frost after Jacqueline (The Third Jack Frost. Jack Frost the Third. As you can see I am workshopping how they refer to the latter Legendary Figures lmao)
She has this really cool talent where she can pull the most GORGEOUS colours out of the snow and ice
When she freeze dries, it is more icy looking like her Uncle Jack and she is CONSTANTLY changing the shades. Blues! Pinks! Purples! Sometimes she gets some ORANGE going! She's like YEAH BABY! FUCKIN. COLOURS!
She is a bookworm; of the 3 Donniline kids deffs the more sensible/down to earth/serious one
Which is saying something as she and Robyn do all sorts of shenanigans together lol. Wait until you see the VDay oneshot >:)
When THAWED, her hair is as dark as Jacqueline's and she tends to also put lil colourful streaks in that lol. I keep picturing it as a bit of a poofball? Idk where she got the poofball gene from. Humidity is her enemy lol
Has Dite's eyes!
She likes sweater vests a normal amount, she swears
It's ROBYN! They are the youngest, most hyper active, and the future governor of Crystal Springs (I am not joking. I am so serious. He is the person who finally defeats Blaise in an election)
They are about 6 (hundred) here and are smack dab in the middle of the scrimble
He was gonna give Joy bunny ears but then she got too excited and started hovering and now he's trying to save it with a wave lol
Robyn is genderfluid! Usually goes by he/they but has been known to have some she/her days and has dabbled in neopronouns, I'm sure
Robyn has the most chaotic birth story, because of COURSE he does
Gods started bragging one day and somehow. SOMEHOW Donnie got into it with Jupiter about how HE birthed Minerva from his HEAD, to which Donnie replied "YOU ATE HER MOM AND THEN ASKED VULCAN TO SMASH YOU WITH A HAMMER BECAUSE OF THE HEADACHE SHE GAVE YOU AND BOOM. AUNT MINERVA. THAT'S NOT THE SAME AS GIVING BIRTH. I'LL PROVE IT!"
And then she does. Well, sorta! She doesn't. Y'know. Eat Jacqueline after fucking her or anything like that, and I don't think they conceive traditionally. There's DEFFS some god magic involved.
But anyway, they have a spot of fun, and Dite takes care of the "pregnancy" bit, and Robyn bursts out of her BICEP nine months later lol.
He's always like FULLY FORMED AND READY TO SLAY and then Bianca goes NO YOU WERE A BABY. BABY SHAPED. I WAS THERE AND SAW to which they reply YOU WERE TWO (hundred), FUCK OFF
And then fisticuffs happen as Joy yells about the swear jar
It's deffs still a wip lol but tl;dr: Robyn comes out of Dite's bicep :)
He is full Summer sprite! Loves them some arson and fire. ALSO fully warlockian! Can cast like nobody's bizz! Has his Uncle Fino AND Grunkle Pyros AND Gramps AND Uncle Jack teaching him
Needless to say, he's a force to be reckoned with
Either wears a blazer or denim vest COVERED in buttons and pins. Depends on the plans they've got for the day! Business, or party?
Would probably wear the vest OVER the blazer if they felt so inclined lol
His satchel is bottomless. Got it from B-Man :) It is great for tomfoolery, shenanigans, snacks, and storage!
Has a trans bestie and I think the pair of them accidentally bring back PRE MONARCHY fae. It gets weird.
Was born with fully white hair; he looks full winter sprite but is a summer sprite
When his hair on fire it stays white. Very cool >:)
Also playing with the idea of his flames being blue and white or one or the other! Still thinking about it lol
I tried to see how I liked him with the summer sprite eyes and decided I don't!! So he'll also have the Jacqueline eyes :) Make people assume he's a winter sprite SO FAST until he sets something on fire with their bare hands
He is very proud that he is an enigma ALL OVER THE DAMN PLACE lol
And I think that about covers it for these goobers, for now! Bianca's hair is DEFFS very different in my head so I will DEFFS have to do proper doodles of them all to give you guys the full vibe. These guys have been CARTWHEELING in my head, let me tell you. I love them dearly. Have a snippet of their shenanigans:
“How do I look?” “Stunning, jaw-dropping, gorgeous—ready to kick ass, even!” “Oh, stop it,” Donnie said, playfully waving a hand. “Never.” Jacqueline fell back, her head hitting the pillow. “Check on the kids on your way out? Bianca was still awake when I got in.” “Still?!” “One more chapter, she said. You know. Like a liar,” Jacqueline huffed, snuggling into the covers. “Oh, boo! It’s already cold.” Donnie laughed, clipping her charm bracelet onto her wrist. “It’ll warm up. And if not, we’ll make short work of that later.” Donnie did not need to turn around to know that her wife had turned very red. The squeak that came out of the blankets was enough of a tell. Laughing quietly to herself she left the room, keeping the door slightly ajar. Across the hall, another door opened. “Did someone say they needed some WARM?!” Robyn asked, popping out of their room. He wore a throw blanket over his head, clasping it around their neck like a cape. “You know how your Mom is.” Donnie swooped over, giving Robyn a big old hug. “The moment I leave the bed she freezes.” “DUTY CALLS!” Robyn saluted, rushing across the hall and bursting through the door. “CHARGE!” “AH!” There was a poof, pillows hitting the ground as both Jacqueline and Robyn laughed. “Get over here you, I’m fucking freezing.” “MOM! SWEAR JAR!” The door beside Robyn’s burst open, Joy’s head popping out with a small frown. “PUT IT ON MY TAB!” Joy huffed, the stray hairs on her forehead briefly lifting. Donnie tilted her head. She frowned. “Joy.” “Mmmmyes?” “Are you dressed for work?” “Oh, this old thing?” she popped out of her room fully, clothed in Donnie’s old chiton from her Legate days. “YES. Absolutely I am! You said so yourself! Duty calls!” her eyes were wide, with a big old smile to match. She clasped her hands together excitedly, hovering off the ground, her wings fluttering rapidly. “I was just thinking, you know, it being THE day and all, that we’d better be ready to help you however we need!” “SHE DOESN’T SPEAK FOR ME!” Robyn shouted, Jacqueline laughing loudly. “Well, Bianca and I will—” “NO!”
There was a clatter from the room beside the main. Something fell with a hefty thunk; there was a scramble as Bianca’s door burst open. “FIRST of all, I don’t do the Cupid thing! I do the Jack Frost thing! SECONDLY, I’m not going ANYWHERE this morning cuz I’m almost done my book, and it’s a slow burn, and they only JUST admitted their love and I am like. Only one fifty pages in!! THERE’S STILL ONE HUNDRED MORE PAGES! So I’m booked today. Literally.” “Bianca! You should have been asleep hours ago.” “Okay, one more chapter, Mater, then I’ll sleep." “YOU SAID THAT AN HOUR AGO,” Jacqueline shouted from the bedroom. “I’M A SLOW READER,” Bianca shouted back. “THE FUCK YOU ARE!” “SWEAR JAR!” Joy shouted. “I saw her tank that really thick romance last week in like, an hour. It was fascinating,” Robyn continued unabashed, volume as normal as it got with the kids (which was still pretty loud). “It was really good! I was HOOKED! Their magic system was stupid but I couldn’t stop reading. I was like, enthralled with how unreal the mechanics are—HOLD UP. ROBYN.” “WHAT.” “DID YOU START A CUDDLE PUDDLE AND NOT TELL ME?” “…” “YOU BITCH!” "SWEAR JAR!"
From the Valentine's Day Donniline Special, Bedtime Stories, coming to a platform near you in February!
This is 4/5 of the @kscribbs suggestions! It was a simple prompt: a family portrait of Jacquie, Donnie and the kiddos. Did I go overboard? (squints at colours, bios, birth stories, AND the oneshot snippet) very much yes. But hey! Now's a good time as any to show you the lil' guys!!! AND I AM FINALLY CAUGHT UP ON THE SCRIMBLES! AH!
This week's scrimble will be ANOTHER cute one (I TOLD YA I'd have cute to compensate for the angst of #36) and then the week AFTER is an EVEN CUTER ONE I've been DYING to do—topical since that'll be my BIRTHDAY WEEK! YEAH!
Right! I think I've uh. Said enough. Too much, even. Oy vey. These tags are gonna be WILDIN. See y'all with the next scrimble Friday, and Frostmas Y9 before that! :D
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Trevor's Blowup
By: PumpkinPatchChronicles
Trevor always wanted to be a powerhouse and did everything in his power to get there. Crazy hours at the gym, extreme diets, anything that'd help him get massive. He'd been going at it for close to two years now, but wasn't seeing the progress he wanted in his growth. One day while at the gym he met a new member who'd just started about a week prior. They mainly stayed out of each other's way (not out of rudeness or anything like that) unit it was time for Trevor to work on his pecs.
Trevor: "Hey, mind if I squeeze in a few reps?"
Newcomer: "Not at all man."
Trevor and the newcomer got about three sets in before the newcomer noticed that Trevor had a disappointed look on his face. Little did Trevor know that soon the conversation to pursue that notice would change his life forever.
Newcomer: "Hey, I noticed you look a bit down. Anything you wanna talk about?"
Trevor: "Oh, nah. It's just I've been working out for close to two years now and thought I'd see more results than this."
Newcomer: "No worries my guy, it takes time to get bulked regardless of what you do."
Trevor: "Yeah I know. It's just...I wish there was a way I could kinda - ya know...skip a few steps."
Trevor smiled nervously thinking he'd made a fool of himself, yet to the newcomer it was a ripe opportunity.
Newcomer: "Well, if you're serious about trying to get gains faster I might be able to help."
Trevor: "Nah man, I'm not looking to shoot up or anything like that."
Newcomer: "No no no no no no, it's not anything like that. Here, take a look at this and see if it peaks your interest."
Trevor was then handed a bottle that had a small label on it filled with a pink powder that vaguely smelled like Pepto. He looked at it puzzlingly and then began to inquire about what was just handed to him.
Trevor: "Sooo... is this like a protein powder or something?"
Newcomer: "Nah, nothing like you'd find over counter."
Trevor: "Is it dangerous, cause I'm not about that shi."
Newcomer: "It's not dangerous at all. Having said that, it does have some...unusual side effects."
Trevor: "Bruh, you just said this wasn't dangerous."
Newcomer: "It's not bro, I swear. It's just that sometimes the side effects catch people off guard. Sometimes people like it, sometimes they don't."
Trevor: "That sounds 100 sus, what do you mean "Sometimes people like it?!" How does anyone "like" a side effect??"
Newcomer: "Look man, you'll just have to try it our yourself or don't. You seemed super interested in getting results quicker, this will most deff guarantee that."
Still unsure Trevor examined the bottle some more, ultimately giving into his desire to be massive.
Trevor: "Ok man, so how much is this stuff anyway?"
Newcomer: "Don't worry about it, you take it and see if you like it. If you do and want more I'll give you a fair price on it, if you don't then you haven't lost anything."
Trevor took another hard look at the bottle in his hands, ultimately agreeing to try it out that night when he got home.
Newcomer: "Awesome man, and I promise you'll see instant results like you're wanting. Just don't overdo it."
With that both Trevor and the newcomer finished their workouts and headed their separate ways. Unbeknownst to Trevor, the newcomer hid around the corner and watched him drive off with the bottle, then smirked to himself and went his way assured he'd gotten Trevor to do exactly what was expected.
When Trevor got back to his apartment he set his gym bag on the ground and took the bottle he'd taken to the kitchen sink. He read the instructions to see exactly what he needed to do to make sure he'd see the results he wanted.
Trevor: "Lets see...take two scoops with water to see results within the first 72 hours. Do not take more than two scoops at any given time or side effects may occur."
With that he looked for what those side effects would be, but found no other information to go off of.
Trevor: "Ppft, what a load a shit!"
As Trevor scooped the powder into a glass he let his thoughts get the best of him. *If I'm gonna do this I may as well go ham.* He threw the scoop into the sink and poured roughly a fifth of the bottle into the glass and mixed in the water. The amount he put in made it the consistency of a smoothie or shake, but he didn't care. He was already use to weird tastes due to his wild diets, so something with a smoothy consistency wouldn't be a big deal. As he downed the entire glass, he stood in the kitchen waiting for something to happen. After five minutes he scoffed and went to microwave a dinner.
Trevor: "Man I can't believe I let that guy work me up, and for nothing! Quick results my a-"
Without warning Trevor was hit with a sensation of numbness in his head and neck. He teetered from side to side a bit, but then stabilized himself. After waiting a couple of minutes he figured it wasn't a big deal, probably just over did it at the gym. With that he got his meal ready and went to sit in the living room. As he turned on the TV and got ready to take the first bite of his food, the sensation came back again. Fortunately he was sitting now, but it didn't go away like last time. As he sat, the numbness in his neck got worse and worse while his head felt like he was on a roller coaster. Within moments he was out like a light, and some time passed before he regained contentiousness.
That Night:
Trevor: "Fuck man, what was that all about?"
He groggily woke up to his head laying down on the couch with the TV still on. He hadn't any idea how long he'd been out, he just knew he went out like a light. In no quick hurry to get up he looked around and saw that his dinner he'd sat on the table was gone. He assumed he'd just eaten it and put things away. As soon as he was ready to get up he was startled by a sound coming from the kitchen.
Trevor: "Y-yo...is someone there?"
There came no response, yet he could still hear clattering in the kitchen just beyond where he was.
Trevor: "Hey man, whoever the hell you are get out!! I'll kick your ass up and down the hallway!!!"
Despite his threats, there was still no answer from the kitchen. With that Trevor immediately tried to get up, ready to throw down with whoever had the balls to mess with him. To Trevor's worry he found that he couldn't get up, in fact his body felt weird. He could still kinda make out the feelings in his body, but for whatever reason he couldn't move it of his own will or feel a major sensation in anything say his neck. In moments there was another clatter and the sound of footsteps coming from the kitchen into the living room, Trevor becoming increasingly frightened given his current state.
Trevor: "H-hey, I mean it! I'll-I'll mess you up!!!"
With each passing moment the sounds got closer and closer, yet at the same time Trevor could feel more and more of his body again, yet he couldn't get it to do anything he wanted. Then in that moment, there in the dark, a super hairy muscular jacked guy stumbled into frame. Trevor made out that he was white with grey gym shorts, white tank top, and white ankle socks, the same type of clothing he'd worn to the gym, but this guy was STACKED. Trevor could see that this dude's legs, arms, chest, everything was thicc thick, nothing like Trevor's appearance.
Trevor immediately got frightened and tried with all his might to get off the couch to run, fight, he didn't know, but for whatever reason even though he felt his body almost completely now he couldn't will it to move the way he wanted. As Trevor was getting ready to yell again the mystery man walked into full frame. Eyes wide, jaw dropped and silent Trevor looked on at the massive physique of the man who was in his apartment, wearing the same clothes he'd worn earlier, the same wrist bracelet on his left arm, and no head to be found in sight.
Trevor: "W-w-what the actual FUCK man!!!!"
Trevor to his surprise was now looking at his body, a body which had experienced a massive muscle growth spurt, a body that was headless and stumbling around trying to find where it was. Trevor felt everything now, his massive arms reaching out trying to find where he was, his thick legs fidgeting with each step as to not fall over, his voluptuous chest being held in place by his now tight tank top, all struggling to find where they were and what had happened.
Trevor: "Damn...this must be that stupid side effect that can happen. What the hell am I gonna do like this?!"
As Trevor contemplated his situation, he reacted to each bump his body made in trying to find any reference point of familiarity.
Trevor: "Bro-BRO! I'm on the couch!"
To his dismay, his body didn't react.
Trevor: "I guess coaxing you here isn't gonna work..."
For fifteen minutes Trevor watched his now massive unit of a body stumble around until (by pure luck) it made it's way to the couch.
Trevor: "Oh bro, thank God. Just a little closer and you got me bro."
Trevor's massive arms began to feel along the couch in every direction until his left hand brushed up against his neck. In a split moment Trevor's body shifted it's torso to face it's head, as if it was looking directly at him. Trevor's body then placed it's right hand to keep track of where it's head was as it sat carefully down on the couch. Firmly planted, it took Trevor into it's embrace, setting it snug between his newly thick right bicep and forearm and his bloated right pec.
Trevor: "Holy shit dude, we're stacked AF NOW!!"
Trevor couldn't help but ogle at his new body. Despite not being attached to it or having control over it anymore he could still feel it in all it's splendor.
Trevor: "Bro, wait until the others check you ou-...aw fuck man..."
Trevor soon realized that he wouldn't be going anywhere far if he couldn't control his body. Feeling it is nice and all, but still doesn't do much if you can't control it. As Trevor contemplated his new question to find a solution, his body now in possession of it's head began to react to having it in the area it was holding onto it. In moments Trevor's body began slowly shifting the position of it's former head closer to it's nipple.
Trevor: "Br-BRO, what are you even doing right now?!"
It was futile, with no body to control Trevor couldn't escape his own massive muscular captive. Within seconds Trevor's mouth was pressed against his right nipple, his tongue and mouth taking in all his new hairy pec. Trevor tried to fight it, but soon became enamored in what he was feeling. It felt good to have his newly bazooka pec suckled on, and he could feel the rest of his body falling in usual fashion to what Trevor did when he felt aroused.
Trevor: "This is straight up a bad idea...but damn does this feel good."
Soon Trevor took his whole nipple willingly and began to tease and suckle on his uncontrolled beef God teet. As he nursed his nipple, he couldn't help but feel that his cock, which had grown in size as well begin to peek out of his pant's leg, his balls drooping and making their way down the other. In moments Trevor was lost in his own body pleasuring it's nipple while it's cock grew more and more erect. Out of nowhere, Trevor's body moved it's former head from it's nipple to it's now flexed bicep, to which Trevor began licking, kissing and praising his body's new mass.
Trevor: "Bro, you taste so good. Yeah, flex that shit. Mmmnnn, let me lick your gains all over bro."
The attention to his hairy veined bicep didn't halt his body's erection in any way, and by the time his body had shifted his perspective again, his neck stump sat on top of his new tree trunk of a leg, the muscles, hair and sweat making him more and more eager to take the now raging mast that was his cock into his mouth. Trevor could feel every twitch of his new log, the glans alone looking to be the size of an average apple. As he prepped his mouth to take himself in, he looked over to see that his now pendulous balls, equally covered in a soft peach fuzz hung out of his shorts and graized the back of his thick hairy left calf muscle.
Trevor: "Uuuuhhh, yeah bro, bring that log in. Let me get all of that up in here."
Trevor soon felt the sweet release of his senses as his now runny glans entered his mouth. His eyes closed in comfort as he began to tease and massage his throbbing helmet, warm salty jizz running like water down his neck stump onto his right leg. His arms soon took their turn squeezing his hairy pecs and flexing their massive biceps in pleasure of what it's head was doing to it. Trevor's body willingly squeezing it's new low hanging kiwis into it's hairy under quad with it's equally soft calf. As Trevor began to bite down softly on the end of his glans where his shaft began his body squeezed it's pecs harder and flexed it's legs to the max as it could. Trevor could feel it, his body was about to erupt.
Trevor: "That's it bro..., just a bit more..., do it bro, do it BRO, DO IT BROUGH!!"
Before he could get out another encouragement to his body, it heaved and released it's entire load into Trevor's mouth. The force and amount was too much, and what didn't go into Trevor's mouth and throat blasted past his face onto part of his leg, the coffee table, the floor, even the entrance way to the kitchen wasn't spared. What did make it into his mouth quickly traveled through his sinuses and throat, causing cum to gush from his mouth, throat opening, nostrils and even up into what felt like his brain. His body arched in ecstasy as it squeezed it's pecs with it's hands and it's balls with it's left leg.
After five minutes of release, Trevor's body leaned back into heavy breath and exhaustion. Trevor's head was now over 90% covered in his own milk, his right leg, the table and floor equally soaked. With what little strength it could muster, Trevor's body reached down and pulled up it's still low hanging sack and began massaging it, pressing it into it's left flexing quad, causing runoff to flood Trevor's nursing mouth even more. Never in his life had Trevor felt such a rush of lust, or had felt his body in the way he had until then. As night grew, Trevor nursing on his softening cock head, he could only dream of what else he could do to service his new beefy temple.
*Two days later.
Eventually one of Trevor's friends did come to see him (and reasonably freaked when they saw the state Trevor was in), and within a short time Trevor had his body under "somewhat" control. Trevor still can't outright control it in any way, but with one of his friends as a handler it's manageable. Subsequently one of Trevor's friends (who is also openly gay) has taken to rooming with him now, helping Trevor out in exchange for wild explosive muscle and cock worship sessions. When Trevor returned to the gym, he ran into the newcomer who gave him the bottle.
Trevor: "Bro, how can I every repay you for this. I'm straight up living in heaven right now!"
The newcomer put Trevor's body's arm around his head and shoulder, kissing his body's hairy pit.
Newcomer: "I'm sure we can work something out."
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With a grin from the two of them, Trevor's body was lead to the free weights to do chest exercises, Trevor's head with his gay friend talking about what they were going to try new this time, the newcomer starring down at Trevor's body, contemplating if he could get away with some alone time in the gym showers.
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spock-smokes-weed · 1 year
hi! hello! :3
I absolutely love seeing people post about thier experience with one piece it just warms my heart to see we've corrupted another one lmao
and I wanna know what are your thoughts on op so far? what's your favorite arc? favorite strawhat?
Awe thanks!!! I got into it because of the LA and I started the manga pretty soon after I finished it!! I’ve always wanted to get into one piece but the size of it always scared me off, so I was really hoping the show would be good so it could be an easier gateway. And it was!!!
Over all thoughts? It’s very different from a lot of other manga I’ve read in the past!! It’s very old school anime and at first it took some getting used to. I was a little frustrated that it doesn’t jump right into the plot and story, but I’ve really come to appreciate how it’s all about the journey. One piece is first and foremost about these unlikely friends going on adventures and im charmed by that.
Favorite arc? Probably Arlong Park and Skypia (so far). Arlong Park was deff the moment where I was like “okay one piece fans, I understand you”. Nami’s story was so well done and the fights were super fun, and I feel like all of the characters got great moments to shine. And with Skypia it’s similar in the sense of like “oh yea THIS is what I’ve come to one piece for” an island mystery, a hunt for gold, and straw hats coming closer as teammates!! A true pirate adventure!!!
Favorite Straw Hat? Oh this is a hard one because I love all of them, and because Zoro and Sanji are locked in tie for my favorite. I think I like Zoro just a little bit more because he’s just SOOOOO cool and his mind set and grit really inspire me. Also just look at my icon I clearly have some bias about loving Zoro lmao.
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areislol · 2 years
Hii! This is my first time requesting, really. So I wanna request in your streamer au of what the boys reaction will be of reader having a VTuber?
streamer! xiao, kazuha, zhongli x reader
ft — xiao, kazuha, zhongli warnings — them being absolutely smitten for you!! romantic love, not platonic. a bit suggestive? a/n — reader being a VTuber? that's something new!! Thank you for request love <3 and enjoy this!! the event will be coming out very soon :) and i think you meant reader being a VTuber - if that's correct then im glad because if not then... i dont know honestly. hope all of you guys have a great day!!
recommend listening to: sway - michael buble
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streamer! xiao x online friend! reader
you can not tell me that you wouldn't put a little xiao mask on the side of your head :(
xiao's so intrigued and is honestly amazed that you're a VTuber!
he knows how expensive it is and how much hard work you put into making it and it really paid off!!
compliments your model.. like all the time..
you also have, like i said before, xiao's mask - people know that xiao has this mask which he calls the "yaksha mask"
when you was making your model you thought to yourself "why not put xiao's "yaksha mask" on your model? it would be so cute!"
and so you did and when you showed your final product to xiao he was in amazement! your model looked so pretty and it looked exactly like you!
you also showed the other model, you could call it your "persona" but it looked.. a bit like xiao
xiao as a girl*
you still had your hair colour and style but you had some teal-ish highlights, your eyes were just like his but you still changed the shape somehow
xiao's so excited and is in joy when he sees your 2nd model :(
"that looks really good y/n! how long did it take for you to make them?" "like 1 week." "oh.. well at least it paid off" "true!"
watches your streams all the time, it's like a routine for him
promotes your channel without you even knowing <3
"you guys should check out y/n's account!! the user is ___, make sure to sub.. that's if you want of course"
"xiao... where are all these subs coming from?" "dont know..?" "..."
xiao deff watches those "y/n being y/n for 5 minutes straight" type of videos
he enjoys watching you scream like you've never screamed before, your facial expressions always makes his day <3
may or may not make his own model so he could match w/ you
you know those VTubers where they place them besides or behind the other VTuber? that's what xiao would do if he was a VTuber too
he can watch edits of you all day, will never get bored.
xiao would also give you small ideas on what to add on your model!!
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streamer! kazuha x online friend! reader
if your model has big boobs, kazuha would be distracted all day, watching videos of you all day and just looking at your model everyday
that was off topic, sorry.
kazuha would be such a simp if you ever revealed your model to him, he'll never show it though.
if you ever add little details on your model that kazuha has on him his heart would warm up so much :(
would send you edits of you to you.
just like xiao - kazuha compliments your model "y/n i know i've already said this millions of times before but your model is so pretty, i can't get over it. but you're prettier ofc <3"
"aw kazu :( you're too sweet im crying rn" "dont cry baby gorilla ;(" "kazu."
makes his own model!! so you and him could collab, and so he could also play around with your model LOL
he'd put himself RIGHT beside you and scooch closer towards you really slowly
"kazu i can see what you're doing." "whaaaatt?? no you can't.." ".."
if he could, he'd add flowers on your model - and put them on top of your head - flower crown i guess..?
promotes your channel and reblogs/shows you fanart of your model!!
he'd commission someone to make matching pfps for you and him
if kazuha DID make his own model he'd try to make his model look like yours a bit <3 twins who?
"hi, i was thinking if i could commission you a matching pfp? here are the pictures"
once the pfps are done he thanks them and sends them to you, you match with each other on every platform, twitch, insta, discord, yt, spotify - LITERALLY EVERYWHERE.
definenetly shows you off, and shows your model to everyone duh
"guys look at y/n, she's so pretty right?" "guys y/n's model is so gorgeous, and dont say anything."
kazuha gets a little bit jealous when other guys talk about your model, and gets a bit annoyed when they're talking about your full model(your body)
blocks them because?? no reason
he'd blow up your phone with memes of you and many videos circulating around you
"y/n!! i know you're sleeping right now but look at this video i found about you" "go to sleep kazu. its 5 in the morning.." "you're awake." "shut your hole" "for you <3"
honestly kazu never acts this way but once he's alone with you he's absolutely mad
watches those "y/n and kazuha being a power couple for 5 mins" and "y/n and kazuha being chaotic as ever" type of videos
he enjoys them as it brings back many memories :)
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streamer! zhongli x online friend! reader
intrigued and amazed #2
finds it quite fascinating that you did this all by yourself, and is amazed!! you really did that all my yourself? without any help either yt tutorials? and you used your money on it? you need to get recognized!!
compliments your model #3 - "your model looks beautiful y/n, just like you :)" "AWWWW ZHONGLI :(" "it's true, is it not?" yes, yes you had a cute lil seizure
will help you with things you dont understand <3
"zhongliiiiiiiii i dont know how to do this :(" "no worries, what layer are you doing it on?"
deff asks you if you could put some yellow-ish/bronze highlights in your model because.. i think you know why
zhongli hesitates to ask you at first but builds up the courage and does so and you said yes!! his heart is now completely full, full of you <3
when you ask zhongli for advice/things you need to add or improve on zhongli keeps it simple, he doesn't want to hurt your feelings or make you feel embarrassed because you didn't do something right
just like the others he watches those "y/n and zhongli acting like a couple" type of videos - he may look like he doesn't watch those type of videos but trust me, once in love, always in love and so that's why zhongli loves watching them
adds them in his "favourite <3" playlist
watches yt tutorials to help you with your model!!
will be very stubborn about helping you setting up everything.
"zhongli im really fine.." "what if your model glitches and your.. clothes disappear???" "well i didnt add nipples on my model did i?" ".... shush"
is a bit too over-protective when you're wearing something that's a bit.. revealing(DEPENDING WHAT RELIGION/CULTURE YOU'RE IN!!)
sends you fanart of you!!!
"this one looks pretty, just like you" "zhongli you say that everyday. but i agree, it does look pretty!! :)"
might make his own model, depending on if he has enough money(??? zhongli you make thousands a day..)
if he does, he'll toy around with your accessories and put them in the wrong places <3
might lean in closer to give you a quick peck without you knowing
many are cute edits of you <3 he enjoys watching your cute expressions when you get happy or excited
absolutely smitten.
(pls tell me your secret, i beg of you)
did i mention how zhongli promotes your channel too? no? okay well he'll literally go into his stream and tell everyone to go watch your videos!!
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note: if you would like to be added to the genshin taglist pls just ask me!! dont be shy <3
taglist: @tomansimp @one-offmind @miitchiji liking + following + reblogs are very much appreciated!! another note: this is a bit short :( i kind of ran out of ideas so sorry! im so happy that i did this in a few hours, im a bit tired and there's uni tmr noooo :(
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ddejavvu · 2 years
I'm so happy you watched bullet trainnnnnn!!!!!!.
Tangerine is amazing, the mustache is great and has the same effect on me rooster has from top gun.
Anyways some thoughts about tangerine. He dresses well and has a ton of money so I'm a firm believer on sugardaddy tangerine that lives to dress you (and undress you) in designer.
Also that man has a compulsive stealing problem so he's stealing your underwear he just is. Not necessarily in a pervy secretive way like you deff know but before he goes on a mission he needs something of yours cus he's gonna miss you.
Also not particularly dirty but the thoughts it provokes deff are.... the rings.
Wanna ride that man's thigh while he's wearing the 3 piece suit, he's so put together and calm an dim a mess (slightly pathetic desperate mess) on his thigh.
Does he then tsk as he sees the wet spot left on his nice and expensive trousers leg?. Well that's honestly my business.
this post is 18+, minors dni.
no same!! i didn't know i liked mustaches like that until those two came around, they've truly changed my life
SUGAR DADDY TANGERINEEEE SCRUMPTIOUS D: he takes you out to fancy little boutiques and makes a big deal about how gorgeous you look in whatever you choose and holds all of the clothes you pick out while you shop :')
the night before he leaves you have sex and he snatches them right off of you and stores them away in the pocket of his suit jacket for the next day!!
barking. the rings.
KSNGSFNSF crying screaming creaming throbbing he'd be so indifferent maybe he'd be smoking and you're just an incoherent babbling mess you drool on his shoulder and it soaks into the fabric and he chides you for being so messy but you don't care and the stain on his pants oh my god he looks down and there's a lil mark on his thigh :') he brushes his thumb over it and licks his thumb while lecturing you on how wet n messy you got for him :'))
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hakkais-hoe · 3 years
bonten (separate! ran rindou sanzu koko and kakucho) and their fem s/o wasnt introduced to their 'work' but understands and doesnt rlly mind. then one day reader somehow just stumbles upon them killing someone (or like a bunch of ppl lmfao) and the boys are like OMG THIS ISNT WHAT IT SEEMS PLS LET ME EXPLAIN Y/N and y/n, totally matching their energy is like angry and shocked and deadpans like YES EXPLAIN ITS FUCKING COLD WHYRE U SHIRTLESS >:C crack and fluff <3 tysm and take care :D
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Warnings: swearing, blood, murder, sanzu, fighting, knife+gun mention, could be other stuff, lightly ditzy reader.
Characters: Ran, Rindou, Sanzu
Spending time with Ran was always your favourite time, sadly it didn’t happen often seen as he works so much and spends most of his time with his brother and friends.
For the first time in three months you’ve both finally managed to get a night off for date night, but you’ve been stood in the same fucking place for 2 hours waiting for the lanky cunt. Instead of going home you decide to walk around with the thought of maybe finding him leaving a store or something, with the cold setting in even more you finally fish out your phone to ring your man.
With the phone calling ringing out your continue your walk, when you saunter past a dark alleyway you can hear the distinct ringtone that he put on your contact info on his phone the blaring of “Sexy Back” blasts through the dark tunnelling alley. You know you shouldn’t go down the shady back alley but hey if Rans there he’ll look after you won’t he?
“Baby?? Rannn you down here?? OH MY GOD IS THIS BLOOD?!”
“Shit doll what- oh fuck it’s not what you think it is! Uh well actually it is but I can explain.” Rans new suit and shirt are both ripped open exposing his chiselled chest and tattoos to you not to mention the blood all over him too.
“Babyyy I stepped in ittt… it’s on my red bottoms these are new… and baby get this, you’re new shirts completely ruined you’re going to freeze baby!” You wine about yous shoes at first but you quickly end up just thinking about how cold your man must be. A sexy smirk takes over Rans pretty face when he lifts one hand to push his now messed up hair back out of his face, blood and sweat helping in the place of gel.
“You look marvellous my little doll~ Take a step back so I can get a better look at ya darlin. So prettyyy… Oh shit love we’re gonna be late for our table let’s go shall we.” Ran struts towards you while wiping his hands on his pocket handkerchief and stepping on all the men he’s definitely just beat the ever loving shit out of.
“There’s a shop with Armani in it around the corner if you want to change baby, we have 10 minutes I rang up and changed the booking a while ago… Oh my also did you know that Taiju Shiba owns the restaurant we’re going to! We have to say Hi if he’s there I miss his ugly face.” You witter on in his ear and dangle off his arm as he texts away on the walk to the shop you were talking about.
“Oh yeh that’s great baby… uh-huh how do you feel about blue diamonds? Or do you want amethysts? Wait why do you know Shiba? Let’s hurry up I’m hungry that exercise took it all outa me baby.” You know he hardly listened to you but that’s okay cos you stupidly love him.
“Hmm amethysts pleaseee you know baby I only like them so much because the remind me of your eyes. Let me wipe that blood off for you or you’ll get it on another suit… I think we’ll have to throw this one away.” You pull a pack of wet wipes out of your bag to help remove the blood off his face and hands. The clerk at the front of shop looks absolutely terrified but you both ignore him and walk further to the back.
He didn’t call.
You waited in your usual restaurant for over and hour and he didn’t fucking call you. Not even a text message, you were on the verge of tears in the middle of this 5 star restaurant.
‘How could he stand you up on your anniversary!’
What a little shit, you’re deffo gonna make him buy you some new shoes as an apology for standing you up. Instead of eating longer for him you walk out of the restaurant, leaving a a wad of cash on the table in a huff while you stomp out of the door.
Phone in one hand, ringing unceremoniously, bag in the other you mutter insults at the voice message when it rings through. Saying how pissed off you are and how he owes you a whole day of his time, you break into a light jog when he doesn’t answer the fifth call you’re about half a mile away from one of the businesses that you know he owns with his brother.
Before you actually reach the building you hear grunts and cries of pain mixed with laughter coming from a back alley next to the building. Without thinking you decide to take a detour and walk straight down the dark alley.
In front of you is your beloved boyfriend and future brother-in-law beating the shit out of a group of buffed up men, Rin is currently snapping a mans arm with his bare hands casually with a cocky grin plastered to his face.
“Rindo motherfucking Haitani! How dare you stand me up! I waited for an hour for you, you shut head of a man.” You snap while stepping over unconscious men thrown on the ground, Rin stops mid snap and just gawks at you aggressively approaching him.
“Oh shit you’re so screwed little bro~” Ran muses with his baton raised above his head.
“Uh look Y/n I can explain… So um they were tryna steal Rans baton…” He’s still practically slack jawed while scrambling for excuses, you continue to get closer forcing him to drop the limp man in his grasp. Hands raised in surrender you grip the lapels of his suit.
“This is a band new suit you moron if a man! And to add onto that I fucking chose it… how could you get blood on it alreadyyy Rinnnnn and look, look I’ve got blood on my new shoes nowww you’ll have to get me a new pair!! Rannn tell him.” You wine obnoxiously while reaching to it your bag for something to clean up your man with.
“Well we’re done here so you should get your s/o some new shoes n head home little bro. I’ll have someone come sort this out later.” Ran speaks up while also taking off his gloves and whipping down his face. He waves as he walks out the alley leaving the two of you alone, well alone with about a dozen unconscious men.
“Okay okay let’s go get you shoes n head home that okay with you baby? Or do you still want to go out?” Rindou lifts an arm up to rest on your shoulder the other pushes his purple mullet out of his eyes gently as he guides you out of the quickly darkening alley.
“Mhm I wanna get shoes n go home! Ohhh can we order takeout if we’re going home??” You chirp up at him grinning for the first time that night. Rim looks down at you with a grin matching yours.
“Of course my love. God you’re so pretty m sorry for not showing up.” With that he leans down to press a quick kiss to the crown of your head.
“Where the fuck are you?! I’m getting awkward stares, Haru… Can you just hurry up I know you’re probably caught up at work but you could at least call. Anyway I’m hanging up now bye, call me.” You mutter into your phone, Sanzu may only be half an hour late but the staff at you twos usual restaurant are starting to give you pitying smiles like they think he’s not coming.
After another 20 minutes you leave money for your drink and a tip on the table and leave to go find your dick of a boyfriend. You know he’s probably got tied up with paperwork or something but your his s/o and he should tell you at least what’s happening.
You catch a taxi to his building where they know you as Haruchiyos s/o, you quickly pay for the taxi and run straight into the still bustling building despite it being nearly 10 pm. You stalk up towards the front desk where you catch the eye of the now growing nervous receptionist, her eyes flicker from you to the security then back again.
“Uh Ma’am/Sir how can I help you?” She quickly asks secretly hoping she doesn’t have to actually call up to Sanzu, you already know that half the staff are scared of your boyfriend it’s nothing new to you.
“Yes where is he?” You have no time to waste on chatting politely to her no matter how nice she is.
“Um I believe he’s on floor zero, I hear there’s stock down there that needed checking… I can find the code for you if you need? He should be with Mr. Kokonoi though.” You wave her on wanting the code quickly so you can go tell him exactly where to shove it.
With the code in your head you enter the elevator and type it in after selecting floor zero.
The doors beep open and I front of you is a long dark grey corridor with creepy flickering lights above you, at the end of the corridor is a single set of heavy looking doors with another keypad which you type the second code you were given in.
You push the doors informer of you open dramatically and come face to face with a massacre, blood and pieces of clothes are littered across the floor and walls.
Your loud pink haired boyfriend stands in front of a bloody corpse with a knife in hand and his head thrown back laughing, his usual purple suit and now a deep burgundy and any white of his shirt is now scarlet. Kokonoi in stood silently in a corner far from the gore lent against the wall with an impassive expression on his pretty face.
“Excuse me? Haru is that my goddamn necklace!? That was a gift from Rindou for my birthday how could you wear it in this dirty room!” You’re shocked that he could wear something so expensive to torture a man, sure you’re not going to question that part it would take so much time and you actually don’t want to know what’s happening so you go with getting mad about your necklace.
“Oh my! Hello there baby, whatcha doing here babydoll?? Did ya come to see you’re loving boyfriend?? That’s so sweettt my pretty baby came to see me~ Look Koko they came to see me aren’t you jealous?!” His loud voice and laughter bounces off the once white walls, Sanzu struts towards you with his blood soaked arms attached out wide going of course for a hug, you quickly side step his open arms.
“No nope no no thank you mister you’re dirty and this is a new top, my love. You should get cleaned up and then, hey, maybe we could go for that meal that we were supposed to go to nearly two hours ago.” You may be smiling at him but you’re so fucking fuming, he stood you up to torture some guy, what a fucking catch.
“Oh oh ohh sorry babyyy I’ll make it upto ya promise yeh? I’m done here Koko can get it cleaned up and I’ll go get changed okay? Wait for me in my office pretty one ♡” Sanzu ruffles your hair with and grin, effectively getting blood in your hair like the gem that he is, you know he’s done it so that you also have to take a shower at work with him.
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Reading stories with a oblivious reader will never not be fun for me. LOOK there is just something so nice and strangely heavy? To readers in fanfics after they have connected the dots and found out they are borderline dating a pro- every time they have spoken or been alone together has to be re-analyzed. Why? CAUSE OMG THERE WAS A PROHERO IN YOUR HOME???? WTF
Like I think izuku would be the easiest to mistake for an average joe-everyone in the Mha world is different and unique- and after he goes pro obvi ppl like copying their number 1 hero. It would be so easy to just meet izuku out in a clothing store I think, maybe you both happen to find that ✨one✨ limited edition hero clothing item and you just start gushing abt the hero it’s based off of, and he’s info dumping (and you are creeping closer to the item and just, Yoink- bye bitch) and like fight me on this-he WOULD most def try to buy it off you-at this point your looking at the money and your like 😧 bestie just take it. And maybe after you guys wanna continue your convo-cause you both are hero nerds-so you keep meeting up and when you find out-hold the freak up that’s DeKu?! Your excuse is “yes I hyperfixate on hero’s sometimes but deku just didn’t catch my attention he’s kinda lame 🤷🏽‍♀️” like yes he did bestie you almost made out with him last Tuesday 💀
Bakugou would have a slightly more difficult time- entirely his fault tho cause ain’t no way youre gunna ✨not✨ know that’s bakugou if he’s yelling in a store with every swear under the sun okay? Speaking of stores- I think you could meet him at one🖐🏽 it’s cute and domestic shut up. I think maybe you guys live near each other and he’s always pretty good of keeping on the low; after seeing you shop for a sec it’s obvi you don’t know what you’re doing- he’s damn is this pity? He’s noticed you like to cook? Maybe, but all your ingredients are shit. He will most def say something like “ that brand sucks get this” and just dumps like a whole basket of things in your cart🙂- and your like damn stranger you cute and so sure of yourself so I guess I will try this- and surprise surprise this dish is def not garbage anymore. This goes on for a sec eventually u invite him over to try a dish and obvi he’s not gunna be all covered up and low key AKA you have the oh shit moment- that’s pro hero Dynamite.
Shouto would be the most difficult-besides his distinct appearance something about him is just slightly off? Like this guy deff has the vibes of 10$ for one banana is normal-it’s just the rich boy vibes are too potent😭 I don’t think there’s anyway ANYONE could come across shouto and not know it’s him. So this is how it’s gunna go you’re taking your daily little commute past a park on your way to work right? Well today you have noticed that the man who always sits at the same bench always reading has left his book-you, the Good Samaritan decide to return it the next day. You do and what do you realize omg it’s pro hero shouto-but he looks like a deer in the head lights as you approach- he clearly looks like he’s trying to blend in (even though bi-colored hair is poking out of his hat and the sunglasses barley cover his poor job at concealer on that scar) so you pretend for his sake-instead you just hand him his book back as casually as possible and maybe your a fan of it so you kinda go on a little info dump and as this happens he relaxes -mission accomplished- except he forgets his book the next day and the day after and the day after that and after that and after that eventually you guys have grown super close and you two find yourselves alone one day and he comes clean “I can’t build this relationship on lies” so dramatic and he ‘reveals’ himself and you’re like “omg omg it’s prohero shouto I can’t believe it” 🤓 would you ever tell him you knew all along or would you spare his feelings?
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doughma · 2 years
twst- idk reaction to sugar scrubs and maybe skin care routines? their s/o and or crush using or showing them their scrubs? who would be interested in sugar scrubs and who wouldnt care? idk implied fem reader for a few parts i just got the idea when i was bathing one day 💀
♡[Savanaclaw] ♡[Octavinelle] ♡[Scarabia] ♡[Pomefiore] ♡[Ignihyde] ♡[Diasomnia]
♡Ace: Would deff not care. Ace seems like the type that also wouldn't care to use lotion so I doubt he would be interested in anything else other than basic dollar bar soaps. I could almost see him teasing you over it because the idea of rubbing sugar on your body is just funny to him. And if you tried getting him to use some on his scaly ass body he would make a fuss, and say it smells too sweet for him. 0/10 stinky axe™️ smelling ass, try to get him to use men's lotion now in a darker colour for men first before you try anything else
♡Deuce: A little better than Ace, but not so much. He does more for his skin kinda, but in the three in one shampoo face and body wash kinda way. Would get embarrassed if you brought up your bathing habits tho, like chill my friend. It’s just body scrub. Would get even more embarrassed when you pass him the sugar scrub and explain to tell him this is what makes your skin so soft and smooth and here Deuce, touch me! See??? You make him awkwardly rub your arm. Has more of a 'Ahaha, that's neat' reaction, a bit embarrassed at first but indifferent to the idea of it really. Could probs get him to use some, but would forget about it most of the time. He feels like a fast shower kinda dude. Would deff forget to use lotion after, and become dry like Ace, when he uses it. Would probably be more interested in smelling them. Deuce feels like the kinda guy that would want to smell every candle in the store. 5/10 he at least, would try
♡Cater: Knows what they are, knows what they do, and when you tell him you like to use them and that's why your skin is soft he's just like 'Oh, that makes sense' and that's it really. You ask him if he would like to use them too or try any out, and he's quick to say no before walking off with his nose in his phone. How odd. ???/10 you don't know how to feel about this
♡Trey:  Would show interest in your body regimen as he has his own with his teeth. Before dating, showing him this is what makes your skin so soft and supple and let him have a little feel for himself…. It would make him slightly more attracted to you, and make him start to notice and take note of the little things you do for yourself and body. After dating I can see him getting a lil excited when he hears you in the bath or plan to take one, and can't help himself but touch you a lot more when you're fresh from the bath and put all your products on. Likes how soft and plush you feel and wants to enjoy it as much as he can. Would deff start to use it after you've shown him. 9/10 one point taken off because you end up sharing products, and sometimes you get in the bath before realizing you barely have any scrub left. oops, he forgot to remind you to get more
♡Riddle: idk, I just feel like no matter what scenario, he wouldn't care. Like, he doesn't hate it but he just doesn't care? No opinion? It's just another step in your routine in his mind, like whatever makes you happy. The only way to get him to comment positively I think, you would have to show him one that is rose scent and shove it in his face to smell. Riddle feels like he would obviously be used to and enjoy the smell of roses, so it would be the only way to get him to approve and comment on it. Tho, if you were to change up your whole routine and scents to only be rose scented products he would start commenting how good you smell on the daily. Esp right after bathing and you swing by so the smells are still stuck on ya, and it’s to the point the rest of the Heartslabyul take notice and tease him over it. You unintentionally got Ace collared for a week, oh well. He may, or may not use it. Maybe if he's not in a rush, and it's the weekend he might use some of yours and relax a bit. Does remember to use lotion after, won't catch him looking dry or scaly. 4/10 has the potential to become more tho
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a-lonely-dunedain · 2 years
heyas friend! would you be interested in taking about ethedis a little bit? she seems pretty cool from what I've seen so far, and I'm kinda curious about her :D
oh! well sure I'd love to! provided I can get my thoughts into a half-coherent state. I haven't really written anything about her publicly, mostly because I don't really write much of anything publicly. or privately, for that matter. it all just floats around in my head like some kinda thought-soup. or smoothie. so it will probably be helpful to write some of this down anyway lol
ahem! so Ethedis was my first character, so the early parts of her story pretty closely follow the elf-intro quests. main difference being that she wasn't there when the Refuge of Edhelion fell. according to the game it was attacked like 600 years ago, and I think she's waaaay younger than that. I wanna say like 300-something? yeah she's baby. I mean still an adult by elven standards but like, in spirit, she is baby.
but yea she ends up there just as an apprentice Loremaster who's traveling with the sons of Elrond, both to help in any way she can and because this was a good opportunity to study some recent-ish history. also even tho she's from Rivendell she's probably been to the Blue Mountains a couple times. she's actually fascinated by dwarven architecture and culture, so she jumped at the opportunity to join Elladan and Elrohir's party. she wasn't even initially gonna be allowed to come, but she gave Elrond good enough puppy-eyes 🥺 he was like "fine FINE you can go just stop looking at me like that".
Also, I'd been toying around with the idea that in her travels to and from Ered Luin in the past she might've met Amdir and became friends with him, so that just makes everything in Bree So Much Worse for her. because now not only is she experiencing the loss of a mortal friend for the first time, But she's the one who has to help put him down. (not to mention the guilt of "could I have prevented this if I made it to Bree sooner?") it takes her awhile to fully understand that he's like, gone gone, on account of her being so young and like This Has Never Happened Before. anyway yeah, fun stuff :)
good news is that she bounces back from that pretty quickly! I mean kinda. She's just putting her strong emotions to a more productive use, that being hunting down whatever bitchass Nazgul was responsible for her friend's death! she has no idea what she's getting into :)
as far as her personality goes, she's bright, cheerful, and a bit of an airhead (surprising for a Loremaster I know). she's not exactly stupid or anything (I just play it up for comedic effect sometimes lol) but she is young and therefore less experienced and wise than most other elves you would meet in the 3rd age. the benefit of that is that she's not nearly as Tired™ as many other 3rd age elves either, and can handle a lot of emotional distress without losing her sunshiny demeanor. good thing too! Corunir definitely could use a sunshiny friend, considering all he's been through.
OH! right, speaking of Corunir and Ethedis!
When I met Corunir in Aughaire I was just like "oh this poor guy. Ethedis, go /hug him he needs it" and their dynamic just kinda escalated from there. Ethedis the Sunshine Elf™️ just goes "sad ranger??? NOT on my watch!". Ethedis provides much needed emotional support, and Corunir keeps her from walking off cliffs or into pools of death-water. mutually beneficial relationship 😊
In my headcannon, after Ethe masters the watching stones she's able to get close enough to one to damage its heart so Corunir has a path through Rammas Deluon, and they do the rest of the Eriador epic line together. Corunir deff wouldn't have wanted to leave Ethedis to east Angmar on her own, he finally got a friend gosh darn it he's gotta make sure nothing happens to her!
also they hold hands sometimes 😳 maybe even cuddle,,,, 👉👈
gah I'm bad at talking about this, what I'm trying to say is that they're adorable together. I personally headcannon Corunir as demiromantic ace, and Ethe probably is too, so their relationship isn't romantic for like a long time (what can I say? my demiro ace self likes to project onto my blorbos). I'm not sure when they develop romantic feelings for one another. I think there isn't one point I can point to and say "that! there's when they fall in love!", it's more of a gradual thing that just always felt natural to them. they don't notice their relationship changing from platonic to romantic, whatever state it's in is just what feels right. it's like, they don't fall in love, they just kinda end up there at some point. I don't know if I'm making any sense lol. point is, yes I ship my OC who has a personality *vaguely* based on my own with my favorite ranger, what of it? what is life without at least one shamelessly self-indulgent ship? I think everyone should get at least one, as a treat :) also:
*gently slides this image of Corunir and Eth over bc my friend did a rly good job on it and I need u to Look At Them*
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anyway uh, yeah! that's some stuff about Ethedis :) my lil elf who's head is full of sunshine instead of braincells. I don't know how to end this post.
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t0shii · 4 years
Hi!! I really Iike your Haikyuu writing and I saw your request were open. I was wondering if I could request one the boys reacting to reader having bruises for X reason (( your choice or no choice. Whatever you feel most comfortable with)) with Sugawara, Tanaka or Nishinoya. You can add more of the boys if you wish too! I do apologize if you are uncomfortable with my request, don’t feel pressure to write it if you don’t feel like it! 💖💖
% reacting to a bruise
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.! timeskip! sugawara, tanaka, nishinoya (sep) x gn!r
.! fluff/ mention of injury, mention of medicine in noya's, not proofread
.! ur request deff didnt make me uncomfortable, dw!
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you were minding your business just scrolling through your phone when he walked up to to you, taking your arm in his hands and inspecting it thoroughly with his eyebrows together and lip in a thin line. "what are you doing?" you go to look at the spot he was inspecting so closely, eyes met with a bruise.
"what happened here?" he looks up at you waiting patiently for your response. "oh i bumped the door yesterday. why, does it look bad?" "you should've told me, it needed ice and now your arm is injured." he frowns at you rubbing the spot with his thumb, "does it hurt too bad?"
"hmm not really. i didn't tell you because i didn't think it was a big deal." he looks offended at your words, "it's important to me." he pouts and sticks out his bottom lip. you chuckle, "okay big baby next time i hit my arm on the door i'll let you know." he nods his head presses a kiss to your cheek, "okay good."
you had just happened to walk past him and immediately he had your arm in his hand, "what'd you do here?" he looks up at you an eyebrow raised. "oh, oh my gosh okay so i was minding my own business- on my phone walking to the bedroom- when i hit my arm on the shelf! ryuu it hurt so bad!" you explain dramatically, becoming quite emotional and annoyed at the reminder of yesterdays injury.
he gasps to your story, "baby what the hell? you shoulda told me!" quickly he presses a kiss to your bruise resulting in a laugh from you and speeds away towards your shared bedroom you trail closely behind your boyfriend "ryuu where are you going?" "the book shelf"
as soon as you get to shelf in question he's taking the stuff off the shelves, "babe, what are you doing, you're making a mess-" "well i have to move the shelf." he groans dramatically, like it was obvious he HAD to move it. "what- ryuu, but it's fine where it is." you place your hand on his shoulder causing him to rise from his previous crouched position. "nuh uh- it hurt you babe, it has to go."
you had been laying together on the couch, his head resting on your tummy, shirt slightly raised bc he "needed to be closer" when he noticed the little round bruise that had begun forming just above your hip. "babe, what happened here?" he pokes it lightly, looking up when you wince and grumble an "owe, yuu", "oh sorry" quickly he kisses it, "all better?"
you giggle a 'yeah' and he smiles contently, "so what happened?" "i ran into the corner of the table earlier, it's just a little sore." he nods at your explanation, "yeah i've done that too... actually a lot of times, maybe we should move the table." he laughs running his thumb gently over the sore spot.
"sore huh? do you want some medicine?" "i dont think that necessary yuu, besides your kiss made it feel a little better. you say, hoping he'll get the hint and kiss it again. his eyes light up and his lips upturn into a wide grin, "really? only a little?" "mhm, only a little" "maybe it needs more kisses then?."
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safyresky · 8 months
Happy January 13th on the 15th Monday! Frostmas: Year One is now LIVE on ao3
Give Year One a read on ao3 HERE!
Year One
Jack becomes Santa; Jacqueline becomes Jack Frost. Then the trouble really begins.
And a Frostmas Summary for you as well, in case you missed it:
The Twelve Years of Frostmas
Nobody but he and I knew the truth. Jack wasn't supposed to be Santa; I wasn't supposed to be Jack Frost. He thought being Santa would fix everything. He was horribly, horribly mistaken. [My take on Jack's reign as Santa during the Escape Clause. MAJOR OC involvement AND First Person POV from said OC. Finally cross posting THIS behemoth! Enjoy!]
Take her from the top (Prologue) HERE (ao3) or HERE (ff dot net)
So my thing this year is crossposting Frostmas every 13th of the month bc I like symbolism, lol, and the vibe is very unlucky days haha.
I meant to have this up Saturday but had yet to read through the final scene, and also. The bigger thing. Went to a friend's bday party on the town and had a LOT of drinks and did Karaoke and it was LOTS of fun and I deffs needed it but this led to me spending the 13th on the couch half asleep most of the day, only moving for food and grabbing my joycons for some Stardew Valley 😅😅😅
(finally got the community centre DONE! FOR THE FIRST TIME EVER! My poor neglected desktop saves, lol)
ANYWAY. Year One is very short; it always has been. Jacqueline will tell us about Jack's official first Christmas out in Year Two, so hang tight for that! For now, check out Year One HERE on ao3...and I suppose HERE on blue site, though this ain't about her!!!
NOW THEN! Back I go to Finishing up CS, and off you go to click "read more" and get a fun little preview of Y2 of the Twelve Years of Frostmas below!
“Bernard, truly. I was devastated. It took so much courage to do what I did next, with the, the grief I felt! What I had to do next, mind you.”
“Hmm, let me guess! Take Santa’s jacket since nobody else was around to do so?”
“Exactly! It was for the greater good, Bernie! The greater good!”
Reaching the top of the steps, Bernard stopped by the cookies, looking down at Jack as he ran up the stairs to catch up.
“Oh, don’t give me that look, Bernard! The greater good? Have you not been listening? I’m more than happy to tell you my tale of, of woe once more—”
“Something about this is not right.”
Jack paled, watching Bernard turn abruptly on his heel and cross the top landing, heading towards the doors to Santa’s quarters. “No, this is all as it should be! Would you slow down there, Bernard? I can’t keep up with all you elves.” Bernard ignored him. Pushing open the doors, he burst into Santa’s living space, eyes sharp as he looked around at the massive amounts of toys and knick-knacks littering the space. Jack flew in shortly after. “What are you doing?!” "There are so many things wrong with this picture. Right here. This one," Bernard said, stopping his rummaging and framing his view of Jack with his index finger and thumb. A frosty sprite pouted, the red jacket five sizes too big, hanging off of his lanky frame. “No there’s not!” Jack answered a bit too fast. Clearing his throat, he composed himself. “This is all just as it should be. I mean, who better to be the next Santa than me? Why, I herald the season! It makes perfect sense." “No, it does not.” He rummaged through he drawers on Santa’s desk. “This isn't right. A Legendary can't take another Legendary Figure's place!” There was a jingle as Bernard pulled something out of the desk drawer, kicking it shut as he glared at Jack. A small bell sat in his hands, the silver glinting in the light. “I'm calling an emergency Council meeting right this second.” Jack scoffed. “Like that’ll do anything.” Making his way around Bernard, he took a seat at the desk, leaning back and throwing up his feet. “Real confident for someone in your position to say, Jack.” “You mean Santa. I have the jacket now, Bernie! I’m Santa.” “No! Absolutely not! This isn’t right. This can’t be right. The council will know what to do,” he thought out loud, hopping that this wasn’t happening, that this couldn’t be happening, and ringing the bell.
Think Bernard's right? Think the Council can do something about this? Is Jack gonna get away with it? Check out Year One HERE on ao3 to find out!
We'll see you February 13th for Year Two >:)
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