#definitely in my top tier of fall out boy albums
vinylvacancy · 2 years
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vinyls from my collection ( in no particular order ) 21 / banging doldrums
infinity on high ( 2007 ) by fall out boy
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standing-hollow · 2 years
top 5 albums?
this is pretty hard actually. this fluctuates a lot because i go back and forth between a lot of genres. list is under the cut!
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5. three dollar bill, y'all - limp bizkit
may the lord forgive me for being a limp bizkit fan but this album is so raw and sexy. i love albums that are so. how do i put it. authentic... less-produced... this is definitely an album that encapsulates that. not to mention the album art.. it fits perfectly to what the chaos of early limp bizkit was.
4. punk statik paranoia - orgy
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honestly this album sticks out a lot to me in particular compared to the rest of orgy's discography. when i read the song titles i can hear the songs in my head. the lyrics are dynamic. the instrumentals fit perfectly. everything about this album is outstanding
3. burn out at the hydrogen bar - chemlab
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i do not even know what to say about this one. chemlab is my favorite industrial band and their songs are so catchy and dark and everything an industrial band should be. im also a silly little chemistry nerd and i LOVE their chemistry references in their lyrics, especially in this album. absolutely stellar.
2. three cheers for sweet revenge - my chemical romance
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this one is pretty sentimental to me. it got me through middle school throughout my absolute prime of being majorly fucked up. its so authentic and raw and every time i hear it i want to scream until my throat ruptures. gerards lyrics send me to an alternate plane of existence. again, instrumentals are top fucking tier. amazing. i cant wait to hear some of these songs live.
1. folie à deux - fall out boy
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what more is there to say? everything about this album is perfect. there isn't a single flaw besides brendon urie within this absolute masterpiece. every time i hear a song transition this album gets a little better. the theme of this album is so fun and exciting and grim and heavyhearted. the lyrics "oh baby, when they made me they broke the mold" always get me no matter what. what a catch donnie gets me misty eyed each time. i couldn't ask for anything more from this album.
infinity on high - fall out boy
its gay. like way too gay. i love it.
i brought you my bullets, you brought me your love - my chemical romance
too raw for me not to love. instrumentals and vocals are heavenly.
follow the leader - korn
korn is god 🤷‍♂️ lyrics hit so hard. especially in dead bodies everywhere
welt - ohgr
that strong, pure industrial slay that ohgr does gets me sooo hard. they grab me by the penis and swing me around like an animal.
as cruel as school children - gym class heroes
travie mccoy is hot and this entire album is genius..!!!
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crispy-chan · 2 years
ooh 13, 16 and 19 for the ask game! <3
sorry for my late reply T_T absolute floppage on my part </3
13. First kpop song you heard?
gangam style and gentleman 😎 we loved that shit back in grade school lmfao. other than that, probs DNA or boy with luv by bts
16. Favorite soloist?
exposing myself here but i don't really stan any soloists T_T like I definitely have some songs in my playlists but I can't think of anything from the top of my head </3 if group solos count then definitely han or changbin </3 their solos have such a grip on my and I'm praying for that skz record album for this shit to be on spotify...
19. All time favorite mv?
this is hard - i'm in love with the gods menu mv but also blueprint >>> ngl, winter falls makes me cry, Christmas evel is hilarious and I also really enjoyed maniac. in conclusion, skz mvs are top tier.
shout out to young forever by bts and i need you!! also great mvs!
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emometalhead · 2 years
@glamourizedcocaine Here are my personalized Fall Out Boy recommendations for you!
My dude, I intended to give you much more in depth recommendations. Unfortunately, lately I've been very busy and very mentally ill. I hope this will suffice. Happy listening! Let me know what you think! Though this didn't work out as smoothly as I hoped, I am still more than willing to talk about the band/music.
Evening Out With Your Girlfriend (2003)
I think you'll appreciate the rough, "garage band" aspects of this album.
Song recommendations:
Growing Up - Probably the most widely known song on the album. I think you'll enjoy the theme of it.
Short, Fast, and Loud - It's a short song with punchy instrumentals. Very punk. Based on what I know of your taste, I think you'll enjoy it.
Take This To Your Grave (2003)
TTTYG is their technical debut! Still very clearly punk roots, but it's more polished.
Song recommendations:
Tell Mick That He Just Made My List Of Things To Do Today
Calm Before The Storm
From Under The Cork Tree (2005)
I think you'll like Pete Wentz's vocal parts that are often described as "emo slam poetry".
Song recommendations:
7 Minutes In Heaven (Atavan Halen)
Get Busy Living Or Get Busy Dying (Do Your Part To Save The Scene And Stop Going To Shows)
Infinity On High (2007)
I'm here to make you sad, and convert you into a Petekey.
Song recommendations:
"The Take Over, The Breaks Over"
Bang The Doldrums (!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
Folie à Deux (2009)
My favorite album! Honestly just listen to the whole thing in order. You will thank me later.
Song recommendations:
I Don't Care
Headfirst Slide Into Cooperstown On A Bad Bet
Save Rock And Roll (2013)
The (Shipped) Gold Standard
For the full experience, watch The Young Blood Chronicles on YouTube. FOB made connecting videos for each song. Watch in order!!
Song recommendations:
Where Did The Party Go
Miss Missing You (If you don't already know this song, you'll definitely still recognize some lyrics.)
Rat A Tat (Courtney Love is on this one!! My highest rec from the album for you in terms of song and video!!)
American Beauty/American Psycho (2015)
Very upbeat sonically. This is the party and fight album.
The Kids Aren't Alright
Fourth Of July (I WILL make you a Petekey.)
Mania (2018)
Easily their most experimental. If you are looking for heavy, guitar driven music, this isn't your album. I still really love it though!!
Stay Frosty Royal Milk Tea (Heaviest on the album.)
Church (Top tier vocals. Putting you in your feels.)
Young And Menace (Nikki Sixx reference for the win.)
That concludes my FOB references!! Please let me know if you want more, and I promise I'll get back to you in a more timely manner!! Hope you enjoy!!
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dehydratedpool · 3 years
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hello again!! it’s the beginning of a new month, meaning a new fic rec post!! here are some fics that i read this month that are just... exquisite and deserve all the love and attention <3 
there aren’t as many as last time unfortunately, since i was quite busy this past month, but i promise next month won’t fall short! ((fics that i’ve reread this month are indicated with a **))
Foolishly Laying Our Hearts On The Table [11k] by runaway_train @runaway-train-works 
“You think Harry wants that?”
“Dunno. Maybe. Wanna make him happy.” Harry takes advantage of the red light he’s pulled up to turn and look properly at Louis’ face. He’s not even looking in Harry’s direction though, focused instead on something out of his side window, head drooped, mindlessly playing with the string of his hoodie between his fingers, lost in his own world somewhere. For some reason, it makes Harry’s spine straighten.
“Because he’s your best mate?” Harry questions carefully.
“He’s my boyfriend.”
He couldn’t have heard him right. “What?”
Louis releases a deep breath, still not turning around. Harry wonders who he thinks he’s talking to right now. “He’s so pretty. Want to kiss him all day long. And buy him a big house and give him presents and marry him.”
Or; The one where Harry is in love with his best friend Louis but doesn't think he stands a chance until some wisdom teeth and a rather unusual confession might just change his mind.
--> this is a new comfort fic for me tbh. i got rec’d this after louis tweeted about getting his wisdom teeth removed, and i’m so SO glad i decided to give it a read. it’s so precious and lovely and personally, i found it to be a quick read. it’s the kind of fic that makes me both warm and fuzzy inside but also highly upset that i’m single and will surely be alone forever
Just Let Me [14k] by HelloAmHere 
The party was going well. So well, Niall had already sworn undying love to one multi-tiered chocolate cake, two friendly corgi-poodle mixes, Zayn’s hair, and the entire population of Los Angeles. So well, Zayn had only laughed and ruffled Niall’s hair and not even twitched towards a cigarette. So well, nearly everyone had spilled far past the boundaries of the night’s original plans, extracting bottles of vodka from the cabinets and losing a lot of clothes. Harry had proclaimed that he was finally going to throw a small and very grownup dinner party and of course here they were three hours later, fifty people half-naked in the pool. Soon to be full-naked, if Louis had to guess. Everybody in LA loved a heated pool. Everybody loved Harry.
--> ok LISTEN. as some of you know, i just recently got into reading a/b/o fics and this one is definitely at the top of my fave a/b/o fics out there. it’s an interesting take on the trope, almost a bit more realistic in my opinion, and to quote the author’s note, “’what if a/b/o but less biological determinism?’”. i believe i found this one through a masterpost of “touch-deprivation fics”, so if that’s your thing, give this one a chance!
my ugly mouth kept running [4k] by theankletattoo @hadestyles
Another seed, another try except they know what caused the first wilt. They will be careful, they will be kind and together they will nurture it to life.
sometimes second chances are more important than the first.
--> rori, the author, never fails to disappoint when it comes to all of her works. i’ve said it once and i’ll say it again, she’s so incredibly fucking talented it’s unreal. her imagery is so vivid and real it leaves simultaneously everything and nothing to the imagination. as usual, h and l’s dynamic in this is an addicting portion to this fic that has you anticipating how their dynamic will shift and grow up until the end. if you’ve yet to read any of rori’s work, i suggest you add that to your to-do list for the month, and get a head start to her collection with this one!
**As Wicked As Anything Could Be [21k] by whoknows @crazyupsetter
It starts when Louis decides that he wants to lose his cherry and announces that he thinks the best way to do that is by going to a gay club. Naturally, Harry can’t let him go alone, so he tags along and spends the night rating guys with Louis until someone finally catches Louis’s eye.
Harry shoves him out to dance with the guy, and he can already tell that it’s going to be a quick and dirty hook up, so he’s not surprised that Louis and the guy disappear into the bathroom ten minutes later.
It is a surprise when Louis comes out not even two minutes later, pale and clammy, grabs Harry by the hand and drags him right out the door.
Somehow Harry comes to the decision that it would be a good idea for him to be in the room with Louis while Louis gets laid.
It’s a stupid fucking decision.
--> i discovered this fic a while ago on a whim and i have zero regrets. this is absolutely on my top ten fave fics list (that has yet to exist but perhaps i’ll post it one day). whoknows is a well known author within the fandom, so i’m sure i don’t have to say much about their immense talent, but SERIOUSLY, their plot progression, even their use of dialogue is wonderful in every way. as a writer, i envy them lmao. this fic takes me on a rollercoaster every time i read it, it’s yet another comfort fic of mine and never fails to disappoint every time i pick it up again. please, do yourselves a favor this april and read this.
Keeping The Flame Alive [19k] by whoknows @crazyupsetter 
Recording with One Direction never felt like this. There’s a couple reasons for that, Harry thinks. One is that they did most of their recording on the road, rushed and in busses and hotel rooms, never in one place long enough to really get an argument going. The other, larger and more important one, is that back then he had the sweetest, meanest little omega around to distract him from all of that frustration.
The first time around, when he’d been recording his debut solo album, it hit him pretty hard. He likes to think he’s better adjusted to it now, but frustration is warring under his skin nonetheless. He doesn’t want to be told what to do most of the time, and he especially doesn’t want to be told what to do when it comes to his music.
What he does want right now is that sweet, mean little omega right in front of him with his mouth on Harry’s cock. Unfortunately, the best he’s got is his own hand and a shared toilet. So. That’s really not going to work.
--> yes, for the first time in dehydratedpoolfics history of fic recs even tho i’ve only been doing this for a month i am rec’ing the same author twice, but seriously, how could i not??? this fic took me on a literal journey like... wtf. i have no words. seriously, i have none, i’m just that blown away, go read it for yourself .
**a trail of honey through it all [27k] by bruisedhoney @yvesaintlourent 
The boy in front of him, well really, the man in front of him, was like something out of a confusing wet dream. Built, tall, tan and muscular, his skin glistened with sweat after a long day of working outdoors with his hands. He was wearing a cut up old American football shirt, the bottom hem was torn and the sleeves were cut off to the point where the t-shirt was really just a loose tank top. The shorts he had on had clearly been full length jeans at one point, and were now just crudely cut off above the knee. His white socks were pulled up too high on his calves, and the brown work boots he had on were old as fuck, the leather peeling along the edges of the soles. Curly brown hair stuck out from the edges of his backwards snapback, and there was a smudge of grease wiped along his brow bone. The smattering of hair along his jaw proved that he hadn’t shaved in a week or two, the hair growing in thicker across his upper lip and around his chin. His sinfully bowed mouth was pink and plump, and Louis was suddenly hyper-focused on the way that he chewed at the toothpick stuck between his lips. He looked like he needed a shower. Louis wanted to lick him.
Or, the TPH fic we’ve all been waiting for.
--> okay look. i may or may not have a slight obsession with this fic. i reread it constantly, mostly for the iconic line, “are we fuckin’ or fightin’?”, because how can i not scream over that?? ((also patiently waiting for the sequel)) this is a literary masterpiece, one that defines an entire generation of this fandom i stg. but in all seriousness, hayley, the author, does such a wonderful job of giving the reader a vivid look into “nowhere, georgia”, and as a southern gal myself, i absolutely adore the itty bitty pieces of southern culture embedded into this, the tiny quirks that make this fic authentic. i could probably go on forever on why this fic is so iconic, but perhaps you should read it for yourself instead *wink* *wink*
SO. that’s all for this month!! if you read any of these, first of all, be sure to read the tags and author’s note (if any) before starting, AND please don’t forget to leave a quick kudos or comment, it means more than you may ever know <3
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mini-moongi · 4 years
Notification [REVAMPED] || 1
Taehyung x Reader
Genre: Fluff
Story prompt: What if you got an alert on your phone every time someone thought of you? They tell you their thoughts in the form of text messages.
Summary: Alert!AU, School!AU; A mysterious app appeared on your phone and you can’t get rid of it?? It texts you people’s thoughts. One day, you accidentally send the star basketball player, Min Yoongi, to the nurse’s office.
A/N: I got the sudden urge to revamp this old fic of mine bc it has SO MUCH POTENTIAL I just sucked at writing :,)) Anyways it’s been a good few years since my last written fanfic so--
Chapters: 1 || 2 || 3 || 4 || 5 coming soon!
series masterlist
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
You tapped tirelessly on your phone; your eyes so dry you can hear yourself blink. It’s 3 am and you have school tomorrow, but you just have to download this new album you found whilst “studying.” After it finishes loading into your playlist, a notification popped up. You thought that maybe your years of illegally downloading music has finally caught up with you.
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“ALERT: Unauthorized app: E C H O downloaded. [ERROR_606_RESET] LOG DELETED.”
You panicked, what if it’s a virus?? Going onto your home screen, you find an app called E C H O. Nothing else was out of the ordinary, except for the cryptid new app. After that fateful night, you’ve learned that it texts you the thoughts that people have about you. You couldn’t delete it, no matter how hard you tried, and you tried for weeks. Not many people think of you anyways, so it’s no biggie.
Thinking that was your first mistake.
Your friend, Byeol, was chasing you down the hallway with a dead roach she found on the floor. “Ew look, it’s guts are oozing out!!” She’s never been afraid of icky things, and will not hesitate in poking a dead organism with her bare hands. She’s a madman, and she knows you’re about to gag when she squeezes the guts of the roach between her fingers.
You’re running away from the horrifically explicit roach Byeol is holding, and as you turn your head to spew out an insult, you crash into another body. It sends you tumbling on top of them with no support to stop the fall. He lets out a deep guttural groan from the impact, and a loud “Fuck!” escapes the stranger’s lips.
Bumping into him was your second mistake.
You don’t even look at them, too scared to make eye contact as you blurt out,” I’m so sorry!!” You hastily try to recollect yourself and offer your hand to the poor victim. When you finally glance at him, you almost freeze up. You just whammed yourself into the school’s best basketball player, Min Yoongi™.
Min Yoongi is one of the seven guys at the top of the High School tier class. Some fan club even started the name, “Bangtan Boys” to address the seven handsome guys. He’s an excellent pianist, a fantastic composer, a basketball star, and unmistakably a bad boy. Guys and girls swoon over him, but he’s given them all the the cold shoulder. You recalled a friend of yours who said that his glare was so piercing, you literally feel your body tense and freeze up. You also happen to remember that he had to sit out on the last basketball game because he sprained his ankle. Ouch.
You look back over your shoulder, and of course, Byeol was pretending not to know who you were. She picked up conversation with a nearby stranger, hoping that they didn’t see the cause of this destruction. You didn’t blame her though, no one wants to get on Yoongi’s bad side. You were sure your phone had a ton of messages from ECHO, even though you’ve put it on “Do Not Disturb.”
Your guilt sinks in and it weighs heavy on your shoulders at the thought of you being the reason he’s in pain. “..Are you alright? Here, let me take you to the nurse.” You help him up and wrap his arm around your shoulder. “You can lean on me, it’s okay.” On the inside, it was definitely not okay. He accepted your offer, but he hasn’t said a single word to you this whole time. The air was thick and the silence was fueling your uneasiness.
You check him into the nurse’s office and explain the incident. Good thing it’s your lunch period, or your teacher would’ve chewed you out for being late. You check ECHO while the lady logs Yoongi into the records.
[11:37pm] Woah!! Did that girl just slam into Min Yoongi? She’s got balls..
[11:37pm] Should I pretend I don’t know her? Y/n will forgive me, right?
[11:38pm] What the fuck was that??? Why am I on the floor? And in pain??
[11:45pm] ...now what am I going to do? Who is she?
The nurse lady sets him up on one of those bed thingies, and you take this opportunity to apologize again. “I’m so sorry Yoongi, I should’ve been paying attention. If there’s anything I can do to make it up to you, just let me know.” The desperation must’ve been obvious in your voice.
“...What’s your name?” Yoongi stares at you. His eyes don’t waver when you look at him in surprise. He stays unmoving, waiting for your answer.
“My name? Oh, uhm... it’s Y/n. L/n Y/n,” You were not expecting a response from him, since he seemed uninterested when you tried conversing earlier. Yoongi asking for someone’s name is considered to be something really honorable; people would pay anything to have him say that to them. But then again, they would also pay Yoongi to step on them...
“I have a request for you then, Y/n.” He lulls his head to the side, thinking his decision over. “I want you to...” He looks at you with a gaze that you just can’t shake. Your breath is caught in your throat at his stare. What is he going to say? “Be my substitute.”
“Like a substitute teacher? I’m sorry but--” You try to quickly intervene. Does he think you’re an old hag?? You didn’t think you looked that old.. or maybe he means something else? “Or did you mean a substitute as in like for your basketball game because I don’t even know how to play basketball I just--”
“No, calm your tits. I meant you’ll act as my replacement for school and go where I usually go. I need you to be my eyes and ears while I’m stuck here and at home.” He draws out a long sigh,” You just need to collect my assignments and give them to me everyday after school until I get better. If you can, fill me in on what that day was like. It’s not that hard to do, right?”
You let out a sigh of relief. Just then, you hear a knock at the door. Three boys shuffle into the clinic, giving a casual greeting to the nursing staff. Your eyes widen, how could you forget? Of course the other Bangtan Boys would come check up on him. Kim Taehyung, Park jimin, and Jung Hoseok smile to acknowledge you and turn their eyes to Yoongi.
“Are you alright?” Hoseok asks him. He’s bubbling with energy as he speaks. “We were wondering where you went. I almost had a heart attack when they said you were here!!” Hoseok grabs at his chest like he’s in more pain than Yoongi.
Jung Hoseok is known for his positive energy and “legendary” hip work. He’s a street dancer who knows everybody, and everybody knows him. He’s also in medical class for vets, and he does charities in his free time. He’s super sweet and will sometimes send flowers to the fan club.
“Are you still eating lunch with us?” Jimin pipes up. He’s leaning on the nursing bed as he drapes himself dramatically across Yoongi’s shoulders. He whines,”What will we do without you? Please tell me you’re eating with us today..”
Park Jimin is also a dancer, but he does contemporary work. When he dances, he’s graceful, like a mythical creature. He’s shy and shorter than the rest of the guys, which makes people want to dote on him. If he dances with Hoseok though, he flips like a coin. He’ll act like a playboy and tease his audience when given the chance.
“Yah, You know I can’t.” Yoongi gestures to his ankle, and his inability to move due to the immense pain. “The nurse said I should stay in here for at least an hour or two.”
You don’t know if you should leave or stay. You were about to excuse yourself because your conversation with Yoongi ended a while ago. You shouldn’t expect them to talk to you when they don’t know who you are or why you’re there. You pick up your bag and sling it over your shoulder.
Taehyung mentions you, stopping you from escaping so easily. “Who is that?” He points to you. Leave it to Taehyung to point out the elephant in the room...
He’s popular for his charming personality and ethereal looks. Taehyung is in agriculture, and he often helps Hoseok out with the animals. He plays the saxophone, which combined with theatre class, drives the fans nuts. Taehyung also seems to be super observant, and he will point out small details other people seem to miss. If he was doing a police report, he’d probably be able to tell you the exact time the incident happened and what colored crocs the perpetrator was wearing. 
As if Yoongi just remembered that you were still here, he makes another request.” Oh, as the new Yoongi, can you also keep an eye on these guys? They’ll cause chaos if I’m not there.” 
“New Yoongi?” Jimin looks incredulously at you. “What do you mean--”
Yoongi retorts,” She’s my stand in, my understudy, my alternative, my stunt double, ecetera. Need I say more?” His cold demeanor doesn’t hesitate with the response. He talks as if it was a natural request, but what part of this is natural?
"How would I...” You trail off. You find yourself stammering, unable to voice your concerns. All of the guys, attractive ones at that, were staring at you.”..How would I even do that?”
“Isn’t it obvious? For starters, we all have the same lunch period, so just eat lunch with them or something.” Yoongi shrugs his shoulders,” Do I need to plan everything out for you?”
You’re quick to object,” No!! I’m.. I’m fine. It’s okay.” It’s bad enough that he’s injured, so you shouldn’t worry Yoongi anymore.
Taehyung’s eyes light up. He speaks as if he had a eureka moment. “We have the same forensics class, don’t we? No wonder I recognized you..” You were really hoping he wouldn’t have remembered that. If people see you hanging around these guys, they’ll get the wrong idea. 
“Well I guess that settles it. I’ll sit next to you in class, and we can be partners for that new project he’s assigning.” He takes you by the hand. His touch was so sudden and warm that it takes you a minute to realize you’re in the cafeteria already. He looks down at you and smiles. “This is our spot.”
Only when you part from him to grab your bag that you realize he held your hand this entire time. You start to miss his warmth, but you shake out any of those thoughts from your head. What were you thinking? Your heart pounds in your chest, and your cheeks grow hot. You breathe out a shaky breath, trying to calm down. Anyone would feel this way if they were you. You go from being an average joe to suddenly sitting next the the Bangtan Boys? It’s almost like you’re in a fanfiction. You shouldn’t fall in love with one of them, that would be too cliché and very, very dangerous.
You finished settling down your things and find that Taehyung was still waiting for you. Hoseok already rushed to the pizza line, and Jimin was swarmed by girls who made him bento boxes. He smiles politely to them all, unsure of how to decline. His eyes glance at you like a plead for help, but a girl starts to scold him so he looks away.
“What did you want to eat? Noodles?” It was pretty loud in the cafeteria, so Taehyung walked closer. He leaned down and whispered in your ear. “..Or do you want to eat me?” His hot breath tickled your ear. It was a deep and husky voice, one that sent shivers down your spine.
Shocked at his words, you jumped back. “W..What?” You never thought Taehyung was so bold. You’ve heard of him being flirty, but this was cutting it close. It was like dirty talking, but you’ve barely met him!!
He tried to suppress his laugh as he looked at you. “I said: Or do you want to eat meat?” He raises an eyebrow at you. He knows you’re flustered, and feigns innocence. “There’s a rice with two meat deal today. What did you think I said?”
You could’ve sworn he said “me” and not “meat,” but maybe you were thinking into it too much. You decided which one you wanted and Taehyung walks to the line with you. Whilst waiting for your turn, you check ECHO.
It was what you expected. Many of them were like:
[12:03pm] Wtf??? Who is that girl?
[12:03pm] Is she their girlfriend? No-- it has to be a cousin, right? But she’s so plain looking...
[12:04pm] Why is she holding Kim Taehyung’s hand? Don’t tell me--
[12:05pm] Y/n?? What did that girl do now.. ((((゜д゜;))))
Oh yeah, you should probably tell Byeol that you kind of have to sit with Bangtan during lunch now. Good to know that everyone is gawking at you now, I guess. There are hundreds of messages screaming about “who is that girl!1!1!!!!” so you scroll past most of them. One however, catches your eye.
[12:10pm] She’s so cute lol
You don’t think ECHO has ever sent you a compliment like this before. Someone thinks you’re cute? The thought warms your heart. This is the first time you’ve had an admirer.
“Hey, what are you looking at on your phone?” Taehyung rips you to reality. “How do you have so many messages?” He starts to lean over your shoulder to get a glimpse.
Antsy, you turn off your phone and press your hand to his chest to give some distance. “It’s.. It’s my online friends! They wanted to play the new game with me.” 
He stands back up, no longer breathing on your neck. “Oh? The one that was released just last week? What was it called...” He ponders for a minute,” Animal Crossing?” 
You nod. Conversation starts from there, and you let out that breath you’ve been holding in. You both pay for your meals and head over to the table. You could see Hoseok stuffing his face with pizza and sprite while he scribbles down answers to a worksheet. Jimin is desperately trying to get him to eat some of the bento boxes, but all of his attempts were futile. 
“...So I know you’re the New Yoongi or whatever, but what’s your real name?” Hoseok asks you. “If you don’t know me already, I’m Jung Hoseok, but you can call me Hobi!” 
Jimin and Taehyung look at each other. You hadn’t even thought to introduce yourself earlier, how much more embarrassing can this day be? Quick, be cool!!
“I’m L/n Y/n, but just Y/n is fine.”
“You probably know us already, but you can call me Tae or any various nickname you can conjure up,” He laughs,” The more creative the better.”
Jimin nudges his shoulder,” Like Spoiled Yogurt Kid?” It’s hard for the smaller one to contain his laughter.
“It was one time!!” Taehyung playfully shoves him away, clearly embarrassed. “It’s not my fault my sleep paralysis demon told me to eat the 3 month old yogurt at like 2 am.” He grumbled,”Ugh, it’s not like I tell everyone about your weird impulses..”
You couldn’t help but stifle a laugh. Hobi notices and adds fuel to the fire,”Yeah, get a load of this guy. He’s blaming all of his mistakes on his sleep paralysis demon. Poor demon, honestly.”
Jimin continues to mock Taehyung teasingly, getting him worked up.“You know what??” Taehyung growls as he whips his head around to face you. His soft brown hair falls over his eyes, and his jaw is clenched as he looks at you with an emotion you can’t quite read. His face is flushed, but he tilts his head up in a cool manner. If you didn’t know any better, you’d say he was serving up some bedroom eyes. 
He runs his fingers through his hair and speaks with a voice that oozes sex appeal without meaning to,“If you don’t know what to call me, just say Oppa.” Taehyung’s eyes widen as if he realized what came out of his mouth. He covers his lips with the palm of his hand and instinctively looked at how you’d react.
 It was your turn to flush from embarrassment. Before your brain could process what just happened, the words croak out,”..o..okay?” 
Hobi is choking on his sprite,”Damn, what the--” He continues to try and suppress his coughs,” Who the hell taught you that? Namjoon? Jin?” Hoseok shakes his head in disappointment. You thought it was because he ruined his drink, but then he said,” Ah, I told them to stop doing stuff like that.. If Yoongi were here he probably wouldn’t even know how to scold you.”
Jimin’s mouth is agape in shock. He suddenly doubles over the table, unable to contain the fit of laughter inside of him. “Wha- that was so smooth!” He’s holding onto his stomach for dear life, and his shoulders shake up and down. He gives suggestive eyebrows to Taehyung, whose ears are scorching red. “I didn’t know Taehyung was such a player.”
Taehyung is trying to hide himself with the sleeves of his hoodie. He’s silent at first, but eventually he speaks barely above a whisper. “...I don’t know what came over me..” His words tremble and tread lighter than a feather so scared it might step on another bomb.
"Was it your sleep paralysis demon?” You make a witty remark despite the blush dusted across your face. 
Tae sinks farther into his chair,” Oh my god...” He can’t help but laugh a little at your joke. “..Please forget about what I said today.” 
Jimin’s laughter dies down as he looks at you. His smile is soft and reassuring. “Don’t worry, Y/n. He’s usually not like this. I swear, we’re all gentlemen.” The bell suddenly rings, signaling that lunch was over. Jimin starts to clean up his spot, stuffing the unfinished bentos into his bag for later. “Ah, Taehyung, you’re saved by the bell this time, but next time you have got to show me some moves.” He winks before leaving for his next class.
Hoseok waves to you and Taehyung,” I’d walk with you two if I could, but my next class is across campus. I gotta dash, but good luck with Forensics!”
You’d almost forgotten about Forensics with Taehyung. Unfortunately, Tae seems to stay unmoving from his spot. You would be like that too if you were him, but you really can’t be late for class. It’s better if you approach him now rather than later, so it’s not as awkward during class. 
“Hey...” You start out. He doesn’t respond as his head is till buried in his arms. You hesitate at first, but you put your hand on his shoulder. “...Taehyung Oppa?” 
Immediately he shoots up, his eyes are wide and he’s as stiff as a board. He brushes your hand softly away and grabs his bag. He avoids your gaze as he packs up, but he returned his gaze when you started walking in the hallway. His eye’s remain forward, but he speaks to you,“...I didn’t think you’d actually call me that.” He chuckles. 
He rubs his hand across his face and he licks his lips,” Yeah, that.” He sneaks a glance at you, but since you were already looking at him, he turns his face away. 
─── · 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
oof it’s been AGES since my last bts fic. If y’all are following me bc of my text au, I’m going to try and update that soon too! I... did not expect to have such a flirtatious Taehyung,, but honestly I’m kinda into it. (  ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
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kayliemusing · 3 years
flower crown: when did you last sing to yourself? - I think a few hours ago lol
fairy lights: if a crystal ball could tell you the truth about anything, what would you want to know? - how does it everything work out in the end
daisies: what is the greatest accomplishment of your life? - i don't really have one yet
1975: what is the first happy memory that comes to mind, recent or otherwise? - When I was 8, my family and I were driving home from the christmas eve service. It was snowing big fluffy snowflakes and i was in a sparkly dress in the backseat. rascal flatts was playing 'god bless the broken road' on the radio and we were all sitting in this really nice content silence.
matte: if you knew that in one year you would die suddenly, would you change anything about the way you are now living? - I think I'd try to do more, go out more, experience more, write more.
black nail polish: do you have a bucket list? if so, what are the top three things? - Write a novel(s) / write successful novels - Fall in love - finally go to a taylor swift concert lol
pantone: describe a person close to your life in detail. - My mom is someone I super close to. She has these vibrant blue eyes that literally carry an ocean of good things. She has a warm soul and she always uses her energy to lift other people up or just to hold their hand when life is rocky.
moodboard: do you feel you had a happy childhood? - Yes
stars: when did you last cry in front of another person? - I don't remember. A while ago I think. Maybe like last september-ish and I only remember that because my job did a really not cool thing to me and I cried when I told my mom and then cried when I told my best friend lol
plants: pick a person to stargaze with you and explain why you picked them. - My mom because we could talk about life while stargazing.
converse: would you ever have a deep conversation with a stranger and open up to them? - maybe. if i felt super comfortable with them and it was the right time for it, then probably.
lace: when was your last 3am conversation with someone, and who were they to you? - I don't know, actually. Probably not since high school or roughly around then bc i'm always asleep by 10 pm lol. it was probably with one of my friends.
handwriting: if you were about to die, and you could only say one more sentence to one person, what would you say and to whom? - I'd probably tell my mom thank you for everything she's done and had to sacrifice for me/our family, and i'd tell her i loved her.
cactus: what is your opinion on brown eyes? - Beautiful! Bright! Lovely! God tier! Wow!
sunrise: pick a quote and describe what it means to you personally. - "I couldn't get the boy to kill me but I wore his jacket for the longest time" by Richard Siken. First of all, this quote makes me like !!!!! just exclamation marks!!!! I think I just love the poetry and the subtext in this quote, because it's kind of like being haunted by this boy was in itself its own kind of death. So like yeah you didn't kill me, but you haunt me instead.
oil paints: what would you title the autobiography of your life so far? - What The Hell Is This: a memoir by me
overalls: what would you do with one billion dollars? - Buy a house and move to a different city, invest a lot of it, buy a car, buy another cat, send money to charity, quit my job.
combat boots: are you a very forgiving person? do you like being this way? - I'm a forgiving person when I feel like someone is worth forgiving, which I kind of don't like about myself because I don't know if that's necessarily the right thing. I don't like that I feel like people have to earn forgiveness, but if I'm hurt by someone or someone has hurt someone I love, I tend to hold grudges and I will especially hold grudges if the hurt or offense is never addressed. But if someone were to apologize and I felt like they were sincere and they gave me a good explanation for the actions, I'm definitely forgiving then.
winged eyeliner: write a hundred word letter to your twelve year old self. - n/a
pastel: would you describe yourself as more punk or pastel? - pastel
tattoos: how do you feel about tattoos and piercings? explain. - I don't mind some tattoos and piercings, but I don't like tons of piercings and I definitely don't like tattoo sleeves or anything like that lol. You do you, but I could never lol.
piercings: do you wear a lot of makeup? why/why not? - Generally, yeah. It depends on my mood that day. Sometimes I'll wear a full face, other times I'll do bare minimum or nothing at all. Makeup makes me feel nice and it can really make your features pop.
bands: talk about a song/band/lyric that has affected your life in some way. - Taylor Swift baby. Taylor has been such an inspiration to me as a writer and a human being. I think she sees the world very vividly and very romantically, and I love that about her. I love that she's kind-natured, even when the world tries to put a masochistic spin on her, she's simply just good. I love her honestly and vulnerability in her story-telling, and I love the work-ethic and careful creativity that's in her work. On a more personal note, her music feels like contentment and joy, and sometimes nostalgia. I started listening to her music in the fifth/sixth grade but I remember when Speak Now came out and at that time I was starting to get into writing and I could really see that she was a writer too so I clung to her, and then Red was released while my dad was fighting cancer and that album was just something I really pressed into as a means of comfort and escape and I'm so glad that I had her music lean on.
messy bun: the world is listening. pick one sentence you would tell them. - *mind goes blank*
cry baby: list the concerts you have been to and talk about how they make you feel. - I haven't actually been to a concert that's really impacted me meaningfully because I've never gone to anyone I legitimately wanted to see lol. When I was 10, I went to a Jonas Brothers concert with my sister who was a bigger fan of them than I was and I do remember it being a good time. Then when I was 15, my best friend took me to marianas trench because our other friend baled so she had a spare ticket. It was a really good show and it actually made me get into their music more than I had been before which was awesome.
grunge: who in the world would you most like to receive a letter from and what would you want it to say? - I would love it if taylor swift wrote me a letter and I honestly wouldn't care what she wrote in it as long as it was something nice lol
space: do you have a desk/workspace and how is it organised/not organised? - I used to have a work space in my room but I moved the desk upstairs to our office. Now I just write in my room and that for me looks like a made up bed, a nightstand with a candle, and a vanilla-scented lamp to create a warm cozy atmosphere.
white bed sheets: what is your night time routine? - I usually write in the evening and then maybe I'll watch youtube or I'll listen to music or scroll through tiktok lol. Then I put on my pj's, skincare routine, brush teeth, and I go to bed (where I end up reading for half the night but whatevs)
old books: what’s one thing you don’t want your parents to know? - I'm pretty open with my mom so I don't think there's anything she doesn't know about me lol.
beaches: if you had to dye your hair how would you dye/style it and why? - I wouldn't mind dying my tips pink or blue just because I think that's a universally cute look. As for styling it, probably what I do now, maybe curl it a little more.
eyes: pick five people to go on an excursion with you. who would you pick and where would you go/what would you do? - I don't think I even know five people (that i'm close to) yikes
11:11: name three wishes and why you wish for them. - I wish for success, because I always feel like a failure or inadequate in someway - I wish to fall in love, because I'd like to know it at least once - I wish to be able to write again in a way that makes me happy, because I feel like I keep disappointing myself and I just want that creative freedom again
painting: what is the best halloween costume you have ever put together? if none, make one up. - I've never done anything super creative lol but one year I dressed like a bumble bee and I loved that costume because it was a little frilly dress with wings.
lightning: what’s the worst thing you’ve ever done while drunk or high? - fun fact I've never been drunk or high
thunder: what’s one thing you would never do for one million dollars? - Anything that involves killing or spiders
storms: you can only listen to one song for the rest of your life, or only see one person for the rest of your life. which and why? - All too well by taylor swift baby
love: have you ever fallen in love? describe what it feels like to realise you’re in love. - I have not fallen in love before but I imagine it feels like contentment and coming home.
clouds: if you’re a boy, would you ever rock black nail polish? if you’re a girl, would you ever rock really really short hair? - I wouldn't do really short hair, but my favourite hair cuts on me was a short bob.
coffee: what’s your starbucks order, and who would you trust to order for you, if anyone? - Just your standard white hot chocolate, and i'd trust anyone to order it for me bc it's not that difficult lol
marble: what is the most important thing to you in your life right now? - My writing / my career I think
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kim-lexie · 4 years
october & november favorites.
another month late rewind. oh well...2020 is what it is...
'shine together' by SF9. y'all the nostalgia for some reason, rings so strong in this track. as soon as i listened i was like, oh my goodness it takes me back to easier times. i just love their vocals and the progression of the song.
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nct 2020. y’all. this comeback was NO JOKE. it was brilliantly executed. i loved every moment. i loved the album. the various types of genres they tackled. BRILLIANTLY. i am excited to get the pt.2 soon in the mail. this has it’s own review because there were too many feelings to be had. and when they release the final video i’ll have an updated one with the new tracks. --and updated ‘make a wish’ is a bop, and it owns the replay button.
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ost tracks from 'record of youth', ‘do do sol sol la la sol’ and 'more than friends'. i must say ost tracks tend to rule my life, especially when i find a gem in a beloved drama. some of these include: ‘go’ by seungkwan, ‘what if’ by kim jae-hwan, ‘so hard for me’ by jeebanoff, ‘falling in love’ by april, ‘late regret’ by ong seong wu, ‘serendipity’ by ha sung-woon, and ‘highlight’ by ra.L
'energetic' by wannaone. this one always manages to come back and DOMINATE my playlists.
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'love killa' by monstax. seriously, can they not. their concepts and songs always go so hard. i love it and this is no exception.
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'breath' by got7. this ONE. THIS FREAKING SONG. is soooooo good. 10 out of 10 would recommend. it's great, the mv is great, the vocals, the choreo. i love this comeback.
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minisode1 by TXT. my children are talented precious beans, and this ep was beautiful. i love these tracks, the vibes of each song are incredible. and they are seriously the most previous children in the mv for ‘blue hour’. seriously every comeback they slay. 
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'i can't stop me' by twice. okay i must say that i can not make an opinion on a twice song because it never gets me in the first listen. however, it always manages to creep up and own the replay button. it’s a bop and i love it! 
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'your light' by TXT. this is an ost track from ‘live on’, a currently airing drama. and as soon as i heard this track i added it to my playlist. it’s great. 
dramas & movies. *spoiler alert*
count your lucky stars. c-drama. this was a decent one. as always, well at least the chinese dramas i have seen all have a similar progression and this one didn't deter from that mold. i enjoyed this concept. and i love the lead actress, the reason i was drawn to this one. but i wish she was more confident like she was at the start of the drama. there were cute moments, and i loved their relationship. but he was mean. and i know he had the tragic back story but still no need to be rude to those around you, especially someone you care for deeply. i rate this is a 7 out of 10.
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when i was most beautiful. k-drama. this one. i hyped up. like this was meant to be ji-soo's time to SHINE. boy, i thought my man was going to be the main lead. going to show up and finally get the girl. oh man was i in for some tragic nonsense. it was all a mess. because if only they had waited a few more years. both grew some more, maybe then it would have been perfect timing, but their timing was soooo wrong. and his brother was sooooo wrong. i still don't understand his logic, and complete disregard for his brother. i was an interesting one. and if you're looking for tragedy, and soapy drama this is one for you. i give it a 6 out of 10
romance, talk. webdrama. this was another webdrama from my main leading man, choi kyung-hoon. as i write this after a month and a half, i recall enjoying it and kind of predicting the ending, of it being the one kid in class.
school nurse files. miniseries. this was an interesting watch. unexpected and i enjoyed it, for how weird it was. definitely not something i would typically watch, but thank you to nam joo-hyuk. it follows a new school nurse eun-young who has the ability to see jelly monsters that stem from human desires. she has the power to eradicate them because sometimes they can overwhelm people/places. nam joo-hyuk's character, in-pyo, has a special power that protects him from the influence of these jellies. they have to work together to protect the school. and it's really good. the animation was great, and i loved the characters we got to see. i rate it a 8.5 out of 10.
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a-teen. webdrama. this was a cute one. i loved the characters, and i finally understand the context of the instagram snippets i see. it was cute, and fun. i loved the little cameos. and i especially loved the seventeen ost tracks.
record of youth. k-drama. bro. this drama was top tier, as to be expected from my park bo-gummy. i rate it a 10 out of 10, and this one already has a review, because it was too much to contain in one rewind.
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do do sol sol la la sol. k-drama. this one will have it's own review. it follows the story of our tragic ra-ra who is currently in a mess, when her fiance runs from the alter and her father unexpectedly passes away, she is scammed out of her money and finds herself in eunpo, a town full of lovely characters who come to surround her. as well as our man jun, who is ra-ra's knight in shining armor. i love it. it's great. their story funny and lighthearted. i would rate it a 10 out of 10; however, that finale had me balling my eyes out and then i felt oh so betrayed, sooooo i am still processing. 
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lonelyreputation · 3 years
cruel summer, lover, i think he knows, MA&THP, paper rings, cornelia street, london boy, death by a thousand cuts, false god, afterglow, its nice to have a friend & daylight are all topnotch. taylor's storytelling makes me feel like i'm watching a romcom play in my head for each song every time i listen to lover. love that album so much i honestly don't skip a song on that album i dont love ME! but i dont hate it either its like stay stay stay for me
LITERALLY all of the songs you said just made me go 💖💥💞✨💗💫💖💥💞✨💗💫💖💥💞✨💗💫💖💥💞✨💗💫💖💥💞✨💗💫 bc they are all TOP TIER!!!!! Lover is definitely the “if a romcom was an album” album lsdjfkl The songs feel so light, airy, and falling in love!!! Which is just !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Honestly, I slept on Lover when it first came out…Like I love pop Taylor, but when I first listened to the album I only liked a few songs 🥴 But I recently listened to it front to back and I am just so !!!! WHAT was my mind THINKING!!! There are SO MANY good songs on it 
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wingsofkpop · 4 years
Thank youu. I think I might be getting into (stanning/staning?) Got7. I've been watching funny videos of them (which is how I start getting into any group) and I'm starting to fall in love lol. Do you have any songs you recommend I listen to of theirs first? It's completely okay if you don't or don't want to! I understand! Thank you for talking to me and having a lovely blog 💛
You’re so sweet🥺☺️ It’s not problem at all!! I’m always happy to help, especially a new Ahgase💚
Oh boy, Got7’s music is literal god tier... They have done so many different concepts and explored tons of genres! You’ll definitely find something you like~
To start, if you haven’t already, go check out their music videos! A good first would be Just Right or Never Ever, but just go for whichever ones look interesting to you!
As for album recommendations, my absolute favorite album is 7 for 7 (all the songs are just *chefs kiss*). Flight Log: Turbulence and Spinning Top are amazing too!
Just for fun, here’s a couple of my favorite tracks from them:
I hope this helps! Welcome to the fandom, love!💕💕
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fmdxsujiarchive · 4 years
top hits playlist. you’re all lying to yourselves if you don’t admit that fuse has some of the best b-sides in the world. it was almost impossible for me to come up with this playlist because they just have so many good songs. the first part is a top 7 fuse list (title + bsides included). at the bottom is a top 5 for suji’s solo songs! ( word count: 1,094 words excluding titles )
1. somethin kinda crazy
this song still remains one of suji’s favorite fuse songs ever. it’s simple, but it contains everything that she could like in a fuse song. it sounds almost dreamy with its composition, and its melody and lyrics builds the song into a fairytale. it’s one of those songs that she thinks would be her theme song in life or repeat in her mind when she falls in love.  
2. oh boy
the main reason she enjoys this song is because it’s very vocally powerful. she always enjoys getting the chance to show off her vocal skills. while a lot of title tracks only do that through belting or extravagant runs, oh boy pretty much requires vocal power throughout the whole song. it’s a song that she sees fans throw out whenever people want to accuse fuse of being vocally untalented, and she feels proud whenever they perform it at concerts and stuff.
3. kingdom come
suji really doesn’t have any controversial opinions when it comes to fuse’s music. kingdom come was quickly dubbed a fan favorite as soon as it was released, and she understands why. it’s a beautiful song in composition and in melody, and the vocals in the song are so rich. she absolutely loves how the girls were allowed to harmonize throughout pretty much the whole song. it’s a song that should definitely be taken apart so the harmonies can stand on their own and fill up the entire track.
4. first time
another song that simply suits suji’s usual musical style. she’s a big fan of emotional ballads in general, and first time is a song that fits that genre. there’s also a lot of harmonization among her members which was prominent throughout this whole album (she quite enjoys this whole album despite one of these nights not doing as well for that reason), and it once again allows fuse to show off their vocal dynamic and colors. 
5. peekaboo
now peekaboo would definitely be considered suji’s favorite title track of all time. though it was released during a personal slump for her, she can’t deny that it’s musically everything she ever wanted in a title track. since she knows fuse can’t release the typical ballad sound that she enjoys the most, she finds herself compromising with whatever dance songs that they do come out with. peekaboo was composed extremely well, and it’s a song that she thinks doesn’t seem to age.
6. red flavor
while she wouldn’t call this her favorite comeback musically, it’s still a simple song that everybody could sing along to. it’s also the song that helped fuse get seen as a more top tier girl group despite steadily growing into popularity. suji thinks it’s not a lie to say that summer of 2017 was saved with this comeback, and she can’t help but smile whenever she sees it rise back up on charts during the summer. it also gets played a lot in variety shows when anything red appears. a smart move on gold star, for sure.
7. some love
a tropical sounding song that stole suji’s heart the first moment she heard it. it’s no secret that she likes soft bops, and some love would definitely be categorized as sort of soft but fun at the same time. it’s perfect for the summer time, and it’s just easy on the ears. she thinks it’s a song that’s hard to dislike. 
1. in love with someone else
this song just holds a special place in suji’s heart since it was fully written and composed by her, and it was her very first solo song. it was written when she was going through a difficult time and trying to find herself once more. while a lot of people assumed it was about some past lover—she even got some messages about how the song seemed to promote cheating—she had clarified during interviews that it’s all about finding oneself. she had no control over how the music video turned out, but it really is about coming to love a newer, better version of yourself. it’ll be hard to knock this song out of its first place.
2. to my youth ft. youngjoo
though this song wasn’t fully her work, she really thinks the lyrics to this piece are some of the best lyrics she’s ever written. it’s not a typical love song like some of her other pieces suggest but rather something so directly out of her diary. people always have thoughts about having to be better, being pressured by the people around them, and wanting to be the best. it’s a song that allows those who feel that way to take a step back and tell themselves that they’re already doing well without all the stress and pressure. it’s almost like a free therapy session via song, and it’s one that suji goes back to often herself whenever she needs the reassurance. as cocky as that sounds.
3. square (2017)
one of the newest pieces when it comes to release date, but as the title suggests, this song was also written in 2017. 2017 was also the year when suji was just personally going through a lot. she was overwhelmed by her schedules and the number of comebacks fuse had to have. she was just physically exhausted which then affected how she performed and how she felt. the song almost acts like a gift to herself about how she wants to be able to relax, and how she needs those words of comfort from others. it was released as a sixth year anniversary gift for her fans, and she hopes that others could get the same amount of comfort she could get from the lyrics. 
4. little wildflower
also new to her discography, and it isn’t even officially released yet. however, the composition for this track was made back when suji was preparing for her first album. that’s why it shares a familiar sound. going back to work on it reminded suji of the initial thoughts she had when she began writing music, and the sound that she wanted to show the public. not as fuse’s suji but as baek suji, the musician. a song that almost pulls her back to her roots. it’s simple as is almost all her music, but she thinks it does a good job of representing who she is as a musician.
5. falling crazy in love
suji didn’t actually touch a lot of this song. all she wrote were the lyrics to the chorus, but the song has a delicate and soft sound that she enjoys. she was thankful that the song was given to her, and it sort of acted as a stepping stone to the other lyrics she managed to write, and so it ended up on the list.
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seven-oomen · 4 years
(1)Yay for getting more clues to what happened! Also, I'm feeling inspired, and have some thoughts/headcanons/etc about our 90s kids (not at all influenced by my own vague and hazy memories of the early 90s...) that I would really like to share with someone else that might (I hope) appreciate them. So buckle up, here we go (hope none get lost): First off I stand by my previous statement that Noah was totally grunge. He was 100% that shaggy haired kid in ratty flannel, ripped acid wash, and Docs
(2) hanging out at the mall arcade and totally owning everyone at Mortal Kombat (I cannot help myself.) Chris was a little more minimalist punk; faded black jeans and black band t-shirts,ducking into Hot Topic to pick up a studded belt and look longingly at the frilly Goth shirts that he knew Gerard would kill him for buying. He kept his hair comparatively short for hunter reasons, but let grow out on top as a tiny act of defiance. Peter I feel would have leaned a little more towards casual
(3) chic; sort of grunge/punk influenced, but more designer labels. Totally rockin' that Young Hercules hair, too. (I really need to see that show someday, it looks like a fantastic trainwreck.) He would be the one who'd walk into Spencer's and head right for the "adult" section with no shame whatsoever (they're a novelty/band merch/random weird crap type shop, they're still around and have a website if you don't know what I'm talking about.) He'd also be the one getting them thrown out of
(4) said store for inappropriate behavior in the back section where the blacklight posters were displayed (he just really wanted to see if it made the purple in Noah's eyes brighter and to check Chris's clothes for "mystery stains", okay?) Melissa would be absolutely owning the high ponytail/poufy bangs/scrunchie look, hoop earrings jingling, cropped sweater and perfectly fitting mom jeans catching envious looks as she dragged Claudia into Suncoast to buy the newest Selena album. Claudia I see
(5) having a more hippie-inspired grunge look; flannel shirts and tiered skirts, or plaid babydoll dresses layered over long sleeve tees, both with butterfly clips and brightly colored, mismatched Chucks. Natalie (because why not throw a few more adults in here?) would have been floral babydoll dresses (not entirely unlike her daughter), or pastel short suits over colorful tights when she wanted to impress, hitting up Claire's for butterfly clips and Alice bands. Rafael would have been more
(6) your traditional preppy type; brightly-colored polo shirts and pleated chinos, working as the manager at the mall theater, constantly having to send poor, hapless usher/clerk Fins took (probably casual jeans and t-shirts jock when not in work uniform) to chase the group out for trying to theater hop, or some combo of Chris/Noah/Peter for inappropriate behavior (I feel that would be a theme for those three.) I also still stand by my feelings on a Triskele 3-way friendship necklace set.
(7) I mean, it would break into "revenge" spirals, how perfect is that for Peter? Maybe a Tree of Life/Nemeton style one for Noah and Claudia, and a bullet style set for Chris and Melissa? Also still believe that Peter totally got them Official Hale Pack Members leather jackets at some point. (Or for more feels, maybe John or Talia gifted them?) Uh...I think that was everything? Or at least, all I can recall right now, I'm sure there was more, but, well hamster brain... Anyway...enjoy?...
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All I can say to all of this is yes, basically XD. I think I was mostly thinking in the same lines for what Peter, Noah, and Chris would have dressed like. Hadn’t really considered the others, but now I definitely want to write a prequel to Once upon a time that is just the boys getting together and having shenanigans with their friends in the 90s. Because the nostalgia is real. I only consciously got the fashion near the end of the 90s, since I was born in ‘91. But man, those were wild days and I long back for the days of wallet chains, those weird but really comfy baggy jeans and overalls. Those were some times.
(And I am so watching Young Hercules now, I’ve found it online and it’s apparently a movie with Ian in it, so yeah, done.) XD
But yeah here’s what I have on the boys’ fashion right now (at least in the outfits they’re introduced in):
Faded black jeans with a studded belt and combat boots, a green day shirt, dog tags, and a biker jacket. Paired with a short hairdo that’s short on the sides but kinda longer on top that gives him an untamed mess kinda vibe.
Paint-splattered black ripped jeans, white shirt, black doc martens with yellow laces, and a red plaid flannel shirt that he ties around his middle. His curly blond hair is always shaggy and he’s constantly tucking it to the sides because it has a tendency to fall in front of his eyes. 
Black tight designer jeans paired with a chain and black leather designer boots with a  white shirt that has a black howling wolf on it with the words ‘hungry like the wolf’ written in white in the creature and a wolf tooth necklace around his neck that’s definitely one of his own canines that he found in the woods after a run. And of course, a designer leather jacket that has a small triskelion engraved in the collar. Because Peter is very extra, thank you. He’s got longer locks that fall just past his ears and kinda curl at the last few inches.
I’ve definitely written down the idea for the Triskelion necklace and the Hale jackets. I fucking loved that idea so much when you first suggested it and I haven’t been able to let it go. So yeah, that’ll definitely show up in the story at some point because man, I am living for it. I love when you start rambling tbh because you say the best things and I can’t help but just go: 
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flwrcrwnbncr · 5 years
Best Non-Studio Hanson Tracks
(In no particular order)
Troublemaker - Billboard’s Mashup Mondays Sessions // This is definitely a favorite. It sounds nothing like the original and I think that’s a good thing? I like the original, don’t get me wrong, but this is like a whole different song and I love that fact so much. Go in with an open mind, there are some... interesting, I think is a good word. Interesting lyric changes, but it’s not enough to ruin the song.
Kiss Me When You Come Home - Tay’s Music Exchange // This song was one of my favorites already, but this version is so much closer to the way I remember hearing the song at the Stand Up, Stand Up EP recording. It’s a little bit more calming than the studio version, but doesn’t sacrifice the wonderful piano solo in the process of stripping it down.
Hey - Underneath Acoustic // Why is this not on YouTube????? This is far superior to the album version, even if you only base it off that bit with the jump to a higher note near the end that ISN’T INCLUDED IN THE STUDIO VERSION, WHAT WERE YOU THINKING HANSON?????
Strong Enough To Break - Strong Enough To Break // This one took some thought, I almost equally love the Underneath Acoustic version. The deciding factor was that this version showcases their voices just that much more. There’s something about the more stripped down sound it has, as well as the abrupt ending, that resonates with me in a way other versions of this song don’t.
Runaway Run - Chicago, IL 10-13-2013 // I’m so bummed that I didn’t have the chance to experience this one in person, but thanks to some amazing fans, it’s available to listen to on YouTube. This is the best version of this song, in my opinion. It’s got all the beauty of the Underneath Acoustic Live version, but somehow it’s better? I’m a sucker for songs that showcase Tay’s piano playing and this is an amazing example of why.
Gimme Some Lovin’/Shake A Tail Feather - Live From Albertane // Hanson are the kings of good opening songs, and this is a top tier example. The way they manage to amp up the crowd, the adlibs, and the way they manage to make the two songs work so well together, get me every time. Also, I challenge any fan to listen and not say the “It is great to be here in Seattle” bit along with Taylor.
Rock ‘n’ Roll Razorblade - The Best Of Hanson: Live & Electric // I’m still bummed this song never made it onto one of their main studio albums but this version makes up for a lot. The piano breakdown is something I didn’t know I needed until I heard it, and Taylor whining his way through the adlibs gives me a very specific brand of life.
Something Going Round - Anthem: Live In New York // Okay I love every single live version of this song I’ve ever heard but this is a standout. Not only are the boys completely on point (Zac’s drumming makes me so hyped up I want to take on world hunger by myself), the audience gives 110% when it’s their turn to sing. I blast this song in the car and hope people hear it and wonder “Who is this band that has such a cool fanbase?”
Thinking Of You - 5 Of 5 // This song has stood the test of time, and this version just shows how their voices dropping was the exact opposite of the problem critics were predicting way back when. This one shows that you don’t need to change a song to make it just as good 13 years after release.
Me Myself And I - String Theory // This song was amazing to begin with (if you don’t believe me, @changecanbebittersweet has talked about it already), but this version is even better. First of all, the fact that they re-recorded the vocals so it’s split between all three brothers, adds depth I wasn’t expecting. Additionally, the song’s pacing is better. While I loved it originally, having the same vocalist sing so many verses made it feel longer; this version just *feels* like a perfect length. Secondly, this song feels like it was written to have the orchestra and somehow it was released as a demo by mistake on Shout It Out. The strings are just so flawlessly integrated it makes you wonder why you didn’t realize it needed strings in the first place.
On The Rocks - The Walk Acoustic Live // I had a discussion once about this song, and without my prompting, the other person made the comment of this being the superior version. I had been nagging people about that opinion for a long time prior to that conversation and I’m still thrilled someone else gets the perfection of this track. There’s just something about how Zac sings “We’re gonna fight” that gives me chills every single time I hear it.
Use Me Up - Stand Up, Stand Up EP // I’ve had so many conversations about why I only listen to this version and they all boil down to two things: 1) the simplicity makes the song and 2) there’s one tiny little lyric change that ended up happening in the Shout It Out version that changed how the song hits and I refuse to give up this version.
Dirrty - Underneath Acoustic 2003 Tour // I don’t have anything to say about this except that it’s fucking hot and I would pay so much money to hear a full version of it.
Thinking ‘bout Somethin’ - ABC Greatest Hits // This one is perfect ‘cause Echosmith brought something to the table that I didn’t even realize was needed until I heard it. Also the video is adorable, Sydney of Echosmith just seems so happy to be playing with Hanson and I love it.
Hold On I’m Coming - National Post Music // While I’m sad that Zac wasn’t able to sing as much for this performance, the other boys doing his parts ended up sounding amazing. Also, I’m a sucker for the little interaction between Zac and Tay when Tay hits that high note.
Summertime Blues - Japan // This is amazing but I think I’d rather use this space to talk about how funny I find it that they sang this (very American, omg the lyrics are about the struggle of American teenagers) song for something recorded in Japan????? Why, Hanson?????
Lost Without You - Anthem: Live In New York // This song puts me in a very indescribable mindset, and I think part of what I love about this version is that the ending pulls me back to reality in the best way possible. The “I could be the one that you’re holding on to” outro just makes this version for me.
Where’s The Love - String Theory // Holy harmonies, Batman. As @tragic---love said, this song got the best glow up of all the songs from this album. I also think this falls into the same category as Thinking Of You for “songs that have stood the test of time”; this version takes a song that’s still amazing, and somehow makes it BETTER.
Waiting For This - Stand Up, Stand Up EP // I’m not sure why I prefer this version to the Shout It Out version, but I do. Maybe it’s the energy? I think this one feels more positive than the studio version? I’m not sure but I listen to this one almost exclusively. I also say the “You can’t deny it until you try it” bit every time I hear any version of it, you can pry those lyrics from my cold, dead hands.
Cecilia - Albany, NY 10-16-2009 // Even with almost the entire tour being sick with the flu, this performance was amazing. I had the good fortune of being at this show (the linked video is my footage), and I still listen to this one a lot. I’m realizing as I read this back to edit it, I’m Team Hanson Singing Older Folk Songs.
Teach Your Children - Underneath Acoustic Live // There’s something about the harmonies in the second verse that gives me chills every single time I hear this song. There’s also the added personal bit where this is the song that turned my mother into a fan.
Underneath - Underneath Acoustic // WHY DID THEY DITCH THE HARMONICA ON THE STUDIO VERSION?????????????? I literally can’t stand the studio version, but this version is one of my favorite Hanson songs of all time. I also need to draw attention to how amazing they sound when they sing “something missing”, it’s like I’m in the horrible relationship, they sing it with so much emotion.
Rip It Up - Underneath Acoustic Live // I need more Ike singing old school rock ‘n’ roll more often, this song is a blessing and I’m grateful for it on the daily.
Breaktown - Leaked Demo // I have talked about this before, but I’ll forever be bitter that this wasn’t released with Underneath, Taylor’s voice was absolutely perfect for it at that point and I can’t tell you how many times I’ve listened to this one over the years.
Madeline - Middle Of Nowhere Acoustic // There’s a place in my heart reserved only for the ending “woah”s of this song, and getting to hear them in the stripped down, more mature, version made me so happy. This song was so well written to begin with, and they make it even better when they play it acoustically, and this performance is the best example of that fact.
Save Me - Anthem: Live In New York // I love the piano driven sound of this track, and this performance just emphasized that part of it. I also love the “yeah” that Tay adds after the second “yes I’m wrong” for some reason, catch me singing it passionately alone in my room at 3 am.
Crazy Beautiful - Underneath Acoustic Live // #BringBackThisVersionOfCrazyBeautifulNextTour
Good Lovin’ - Jack Frost Soundtrack // I have heard other bands cover this song and every time it pales in comparison to this performance. It’s short but it never feels short? And I end up in such a good mood after listening to it.
Magic Carpet Ride - At The Fillmore // I remember coming across more recent performances of them doing this song and I’m forever disappointed ‘cause this recording just had something about it that they haven’t recaptured on recent tours. If you watch the video, there’s a girl in a white tank top, going balls-to-the-wall throughout the whole song, and I just relate so much.
With You In Your Dreams - 5 Of 5 // When Taylor talked about how they pictured this song with a choir, I was skeptical at first but holy crap the audience vocals just make it that much better. I also get chills when Zac yells “Like you mean it!” every damn time.
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floofsta-x · 6 years
Monsta X Tag
So hey, I was tagged in this by @rainbowonho, thank you dear ❤︎ I think I’ve done something like this before, but it was a long time ago and I know some of my answers have changed since then, haha! 
Who is your current monsta x bias? I double bias Shownu and Jooheon. It took me a while to realize (and accept, lmao) that I loved our leader and papabear as much as Heonie, but eventually I came around. c: I’m well-fed right now with the comeback vlive,,,,ahh
Who was your first monsta x bias? Jooheon! My first m/v was the Hero special clip, and I remember thinking to myself, ‘who’s that cute/cool red-haired rapper?’ Of course I learned who all of them were after that, and Heonie stood out to me even then :)
Favorite monsta x song? I literally can’t choose,,,they have so many good tracks. It’s criminal to have to pick one. I can say with relative certainty though that top ten on my list right now are Dramarama, Steal Your Heart, Lost in the Dream, Beautiful, Queen, Hero, Crazy in Love, Deja Vu, Destroyer, and Jealousy.
Who is your monsta x bias wrecker? That would be the one and only Chae Hyungwon. He’s killing me with that pink hair, man. And the contacts? and oh yeah, his lips. 
What is your favorite monsta x mv? I really don’t concentrate on m/vs all that much, but I adore the self-cams. Need U and Rollercoaster’s come to mind. In the way of official m/vs, Spotlight, Beautiful, Shine Forever, and Dramarama are top tier. Jealousy is growing on me, haha.
What were your thoughts when you watched no.mercy? I watched it very objectively, actually. At the time, I simply wanted to know where the boys came from--their background and what they went through to be the group they are today. I think that’s so much more important than feeling angry or upset with what happened on that show--like, how depressing and unfair the whole thing was, and tossing Changkyun into the mix in the third to last episode. I’m not totally heartless though! I still cried, especially when Wonho was telling the story of coming home to see his mom sitting in front of the refrigerator and red tags on the furniture. 
Favourite monsta x meme? Of course the one of Hyungwon putting down the mic and sipping his coffee is legendary, but I also love the photoshop edits people did of his split leg jump...anyone remember that? lol I died when those came out 
How long have you been a monbebe? Since November 2016, so like mid-Fighter era. 
What’s your favourite monsta x album? Definitely The Code! Like, The Clan Pt. 2--Guilty and Trespass are really good, too, and The Clan Pt. 2.5--Beautiful will always have a place in my heart as the first album I saw released as a fan, but every song on The Code is so good. Each track has memories for me. I hope to build a similar affinity for The Connect, eventually.
If you could befriend one member of monsta x who would it be? Changkyun! He’s only about eight months or so older than me, and seems like the coolest person. I think we’d get along pretty well, we’re both kinda dorky and like to laugh. :)
If you could marry one member of monsta x who would it be? Shownu...He’s such bf material :’’’) and happens to be my ideal type, too. There are soooo many fics in my drafts that involve husband!Hyunwoo or boyfriend!Hyunwoo, it’s almost terrible haha. I would love him, squeeze him, make him breakfast, lunch, and dinner, and carry his children, gladly.
How did you fall in love with monsta x? Well, as mentioned before my first exposure was the Hero special clip! I found it because I clicked on a random ‘top 40 sexiest kpop boy band m/vs’ video on youtube,,,it was like no. thirty-something. The song caught my ear straight away, and stuck in my head. A couple weeks later, I started to look at their other stuff, and that was when I really fell for them. Since then, it's just been love, love, love. They are my kind of artists--I relate to them all on a very spiritual level, and their music is kickass.
Favorite monsta x ship? I don’t really have a favorite, and I’ve written the majority of the pairings so I can’t gauge on that, but I really like Joohyuk, Jookyun, Hyungkyun, Hyungheon, and Showho.
Um, let’s see, I tag @monst-rex, @babeminhyuk, @dragon-dust, @catwalkninja, @shownuubear, and @dirtyretrowrites! Of course, as always, if you don’t want to do the tag or have already, you don’t have to.
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furiouskingdomqueen · 3 years
My BTS Story.
1. I have always been a casual Kpop listener since 2010 after discovering Gee by SNSD. I support songs from different idols, but none has managed to turn me into a fan, except for BTS (this is not me comparing anybody to BTS, more like BTS is what I have been looking for in the music industry). I also listen to all types of music, admire a lot of great artists from around the world, but still, I only stan BTS. I first heard of BTS through an article, they said something about the song War of Hormones. I was bored with Kpop by that time because it was getting kind of repetitive, predictable and unoriginal, a couple of concepts recycled over and over again. Anyway, I decided to give this BTS group a chance, listened to War of Hormones, didn’t care about it. One day when I was scrolling through Youtube, I came across Dope and fell in love with the song and Jungkook, so I decided to check out their other songs and loved everything, yet still, I was not a fan. A couple of months later, Blood Sweat and Tears came out, and it blew my mind. I had never seen such a well-thought-out music video; the music and lyrics are artistic and intellectual, with a lot of literature references. Afterward, I decided to take a deeper look at their songs, learn more about them and their music, and found out that the members are highly involved in the production of their songs, I was so impressed. To me, these boys are really something else, something different. When BTS won their first Daesangs, there was a petition against their wins, claiming that Bighit bought the awards (because apparently coming from a small company was a crime and didn’t deserve the recognition). I remembered thinking to myself that with music like this, BTS deserves even a Grammy not just a Daesang. Of course, I didn’t expect that one day Grammy will actually nominate a BTS’s album, but I have always considered them to be one of the greatest artists I have ever seen in my life. Spring day is the song that made me an Army, along with The truth untold, So far away and RM’s Mono playlist (and pretty much every side tracks and mixtapes of theirs). I fall deeper in love with them the more I get to know them. Their music is just… special, so much emotion, so much artistry, so much love, and compassion. They comfort me in ways no other has. That is the thing about BTS’s music, they are comforting. I love that they don’t give you all the positive yet empty words of encouragement. They just simply tell you their story, reassure you that it is ok to be vulnerable and insecure, to be lost or living without a dream, or whatever problems you are facing. So my love for them is never ending.💙
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2. Now we are here to talk about the duo(because I hate saying ship) that was top tier to me. From the beginning they were the ones that caught my eye really fast. I don't know about you, but I love it when Vmin act crazy with eachother like they're so similar in how weird they can be and I love it. I love the say they hug each other its so beautiful dude like the hugs are filled with so much affection, you can just tell! Their strong bond with eachother is so visible through moments like these.❤️ The way they bicker is so funny to me because they remind me so much of an old married couple like they're literal goals. And what great duo doesn't bicker like an old married couple, am I right? I also love how they seem to laugh together no matter what. This is definitely one of my favorite reasons to love Vmin. I love how compatible their sense of humours are and how they always make eachother smile. They're adorable together. The way they support each other.. Do you all remember when Tae said that Jimin was the one he speaks to when he wants to talk about his problems, as well? The way they care for eachother and help eachother back up when they get down is, for me, what makes them such a beautiful duo. Now we are gona get into why loved them "romantically" for me it wasn't the skinship. It was the way Tae always looked at JM. How much he declared his love for his "Soulmate" no matter what JM came first. It's the way JM takes care of Tae.. always making sure he was OK.. Their bond to me is priceless. Nobody could tell me anything about Vmin, they were together and in love.😭 But now that I look back on it.. it was always a platonic friendship.. that I know they cherish dearly. Vmin will always hold a special place in my heart.
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Now on to the duo I use to ignore because of Vmin.(please don't hate me). I definitely will be the one to admit I always looked over JM and JK's bond because of my own stupidity. I just want to say before I get started GCFT is what did it for me!! Rosebowl was the cherry on top.😭 those moments are pure indication of love.(Now back to my regular program)😅. I actually went back since the fetus days of Jikook to get a real insight of their bond. And WOW! to say I was blown away is an understatement. From all the early yr interviews JM was all about JK, the way he was always showing his love for JK.. I just can't get over it. I don't like using fetus Jikook as an example because they were babies.. but the way JK looked at JM in some of those their logs, it's like woah can you blink?😂I didnt forget about JM either! He stares at Jk like he wants to eat him. Years later ans its like the stares still hold the same value LOVE.. No matter what they are doing.. it just seems we are always intruding on something private. I don't like comparing Vmin/Jikook.. but im going to anyway! Looking at Jikook they are together 25/8! No matter of its in front Of the camera behind the scenes or even off camera. And that made me think Vmin are close but I haven't seen them go out togther as much as Jikook.. JK going out with JM and his friends in London was a telling moment also. Why just bring JK? Please don't get me started on the fact Tae has said on two vlives that Jikook were together. And that made me think.. if Vmin are together why would JM and JK be hanging out late at night all the time? It's the way thier voices get so soft you can barely here them talking to each other. They can be loud.. and I'm happy when they do that.. but I love their subtle/small moments that ppl don't really talk about. JM is JK's support person and vice versa. All in all it's the consistency of the things they do together or for one another.. Thats the wonderful thing that makes me love them even more. I could go on and on about why I support Jikook now.. I just want ppl to know Jikook are VERY close.. arguably the closest in BTS. Their bond is phenomenal and nobody can tell me differently now. I'm glad I took the time to see thier bond for what it is.. Jikook are truly special.
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Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk.😘
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June 2018
June is the beginning of summer in the Northern hemisphere. American artists traditionally begin touring around this time with many of them even kicking off their world tours with a new album to promote because it just makes marketing sense. Initially I was going to write only about the G.O.O.D Music releases and how interesting this 7-song album every week for 5 weeks concept is, but “Conspiracy Theory” Dom could not ignore the spice brought in by The Carters, or the instant classic by AKA. June produced a definite shift in the way albums are released with many of the bigger artists opting for fewer songs. Select artists are also shying from promoting runaway bubblegum singles and then putting them on their albums in the name of sales; a more cohesive amount of plays-per-song is being favoured, proving artistry beyond the ability to make radio bangers bringing Tyler the Creator and Mashayabuqe to mind.
Starting on the 25th of May with Pusha T’s – Daytona. The G.O.O.D music President who has crafted a respectable roster, most recently signing Valee and 070 Shake who both released their debut tapes under G.O.O.D Music earlier this year, titled GOOD Job You Found Me and Glitter respectively. 070 Shake features on “Santaira”, singing the chorus, which is almost haunting. Push has built a career off his dark braggadocio cocaine inspired raps, almost every song is layered with references to or stories about cocaine, he also happens to be a top-tier lyricist with a respectable stash of flows. Daytona saw him stay very much in his lane on top of crisp Kanye produced beats, definitely falling in the top half of his discography, yet really left me wondering what King Push would’ve sounded like? “What Would Meek Do” is a highlight as well as “Hard Piano”, but it’s “Infrared” that landed the Drake publicity assist. He was baited, causing him to release the “Duppy Freestyle” where he attacked Kanye and Push’s fiancé, “The Story Of Adidon” in response held no punches. It is said Drake recorded a career ending reply, which he was advised to not release, it was then hinted the song would be released on Scorpion, but we never got it; a disappointing end to entertaining beef.
Same day as Daytona, New York’s favourite son and leader of the A$AP Mob, A$AP Rocky released his released third official album titled Testing. In my mind’s eye it’s less of Rocky trying new sounds and exploring the boundaries of rap, and more of him putting in an honest effort and staying true to the sounds of Harlem. A$AP Rocky is a rapper’s rapper who dabbles in fashion and takes on the fulltime gig of being his New York based mob’s front man. His influence pool has grown expanding his signature style. He’s been forced to grow up over the past few years, on “Changes” he speaks about exes moving on, getting married and having kids and on the album addresses sexual harassment which various mob members have been accused of. Anyone who’s been paying attention must have noticed that Rocky really gets along with OF frontmen Tyler and Frank, and of late him and Frank Ocean have collaborating quite a bit with “Purity” as a fitting addition to their growing joint catalogue. “Praise Da Lord” is the albums highlight, following the trend of featuring Skepta -as if the UK has no other fire rappers- Rocky crafts a banger that’s well worth the listen.
June 1st saw Kanye West his release his 8th solo album. Starting with the haunting “I Thought of Killing You”, the song/album is in line with his experimental journey with Hip-Hop and his influence, a journey which has seen him gain and lose millions of fans in waves. The ebbs and flows of public acceptance every changing, in his most recent efforts however has without doubt been the most controversial and most irreversible with millions vowing to boycott Ye after his slavery statement on TMZ. The album is filled with what seems to be snapshots of Kanye’s life in 2018 much like TLOP did in ’16. It is the snapshot of a rebellious boy with white in his beard, three kids, a supermodel wife, and a company destined to be worth $1bn dollars (in his own words). Kanye is no longer the weird beat making kid who wanted a chance, he has grown into an attention grabbing, outspoken erratic who is learning to apologise for his mistakes. “Violent Crimes”, one of the most talked about songs on the album is just a father trying to give his daughter a relevant song in 2018 that hides none of the truths. This made Ye come off as questionable, wishing his daughter has a terrible figure so niggers won’t ogle her. Ye is the story of Spider Man, except he never listened when uncle Ben told him “With great power, comes great responsibility”, he’s had to learn that for himself the hard way. Now at 41 years old, the artist seems to be settling into his place in the world, but is it too late for the black guy who shares dragon energy with Donald Trump? TLOP’s most underrated song was “Highlights”, here too the beautiful “Butterfly” goes almost unnoticed.
One week later on the 8th of June, every G.O.O.D Music fans most impossible dream came true. Most of the original dream team and a plethora of others came together for an unforgettable classic where they also addressed mental health issues. Laying confidently on top of obscure samples and Kanye’s over the top production is a project with simple lyrics but a strong message. Kid Cudi sees his return to G.O.O.D Music, of course he has appeared on every Kanye album since the 808 album, but this is more. The Kudi Sees Ghosts album, in typical Ye fashion was a credit mess, no doubt a law suit or two will spring from the 2018 G.O.O.D Fridays after wave. Mos Def features in the title song and gives a striking verse which is very relevant in the African context; “Civilisation without society” is a dream many Africans have, but would never dare to say out loud.
On this side of the pond, Potchefstroom based creative collective, The Faculty dropped their debut tape What Do We Call This released exclusively on Soundcloud June 8th. Find them on Youtube and Soundcloud @TheFacultyWorldWide.
Future released his soundtrack for the movie Superfly. This project highlights his talent beyond making songs, it saw him craft a playlist where you can almost imagine the movie even if you hadn’t seen the trailer.
June 15 was heavy with releases starting with the North’s favourite son, uBaba kaKairo released his 4th and final album Touch My Blood an interesting take on long projects. AKA gave us 16 enjoyable songs. The Supa Mega’s biggest irk is his need to place outdated runaway singles on his albums in the name of sales, to his credit the rest of the songs on this particular album were not mere fillers, they bang. “Fela in Versace” is a definite highlight. “Jika” will eventually find it’s place in the South African Wedding Song Hall of Fame alongside legends like “Marry Me”, sidenote on how AKA is actually fixated on making songs for this strange demographic. It’d be nice to hear what Touch My Blood would’ve been without “Caiphus Song” and “The World is Yours”. In true bitch with long nails fashion, AKA dragged and mocked his enemies the whole way through his project. Relief came in the form of his many features, picking and choosing from the elite few from home and giving us his now to be expected Nigerian fire feature from Kiddominant; anyone remember Burna Boy’s big local break? I must also note that L-Tido was better than decent on “Amen”, it wasn’t earth moving or anything, just didn’t dislike it. Stogie T is a solid rapper, but he failed to show it in the “Star Signs” music video, it kind of makes the song hard to like now since the video was ruined by his awkward visuals.
The spirit of the youth going independent and doing things their own way is best embodied by The Wrecking Crew Collective. A Reece brought it and 2 of his friends for L3 (Long Lost Letters), with his Wrecking Crew mates Ecco and Wordz, they deliver a compact project, filled with jabs at exes and haters. B T P H a graphic ode to P**y,[NDW1]  is so smooth and sees the rappers trade lines almost like a freestyle session. A-Reece takes time out to throw jabs at Nasty C, and we’ll absolutely see them returned on Friday the 6th of July when he releases his album. “Better Daze” is a stand out track for it’s message, it’s really just a group of friends who are happy their Youtube page hit 1 million views, a relatable goal currently being pursued by many African youths in the hopes that Youtube will give them the income the job market so clearly won’t
Jay Rock released his 3rd album, titled Redemption saw the TDE artist who is currently on tour with his label mates release a Kendrick assisted album. As usual Kendrick handed him his single with a bow tied, and even a memorable Future feature in the form of “Kings Dead”. This album is filled with enjoyable tracks though, the title song sees SZA and Kendrick come through while the clever “OSOM” features J Cole. But “WIN” takes the cake, the track is infectious and easy to remember but doesn’t come off as a pop single. The album is well structured paying homage to the traditional album layout, but it is carried by Rocks talent and the Kendrick assists.
Nasir had one job. Be better than 4:44, that’s all. In many ways Nas achieved this goal, the production was tailored to let him shine and his lyrics were well thought out, if at times a bit conspiracy theory-ish, somebody can somebody say not for radio? Nas has refreshed himself, we are given a similar message but we do not get bogged down in the typical patterns of his previous works. The disappointing release of this album reflects how men with abuse allegations are treated in current times, showing quite fairly that women are no longer sitting on the side lines and that abuse in the music industry can no longer be tolerated. The album didn’t do so well in the first week but the core fan base came through allowing many of the artists in this category enjoy Gold and Platinum status for their latest releases, it seems we can only be outraged and boycott when the hashtag agrees not when it actually matters.
My favourite by far in the pettiness series is from House Carter, directly from King Beyonce when she said “HOVA, BEYZUS. WATCH THE THRONE”, I shouldn’t have to explain how petty this line is. These jabs saw The Carters rain on Kanye’s G.O.O.D Fridays roll-out and Nas’ album by releasing their project on Saturday the 16th of June, the day after Nasir was released. Some sort of pleasure was found in the fact that their album with all its drama was still not able to secure the Number 1 spot that week. Everything is Love is the final chapter of a ‘true’ story we all lived out with The Carters as they threw stones in their glass house. If Lemonade opened the can of worms, 4:44 let us know that Jay was owning his situation; Everything is Love is their victory lap around Tidal subscribers and ticket purchaser’s cheque books. I mean, releasing a joint album while already on tour, they could potentially redo venues with a different show. Talk about the dream team. “I want you to come inside right now, so you know just how I feel”, B always uses lyrics that her more innocent listeners can sing along to in oblivious abandon, but on this album,  she also finds time to make Jay-z a bitch not just at that cringe worthy moment on “Love Happy”, the rest of the song more than makes up for it, but still. In terms of delivery, her rap game is fire. On “Nice”, the Jay-Z verse is him at his usual braggadocio self, it’s the pleasant feature from Pharrell that tells on how his voice has improved over the years, it’s only that high note that separated them; where Beyoncé took it in her stride. Skateboard P had to bring in the autotune; she managed to out rap Jay and to no one’s surprise, out sing Pharrell, on one song. Jigga Boo is upset that the faceless award givers now consider him too old for consideration, perhaps it’s time for him to join their ranks. I mean, how many Grammy’s is enough Grammy’s? He’s also tired of being famous which also gets him sued, Hov is so tired infact, that he shows up now to court without a suit, that’s when he does show up to court.
Keep That Same Energy, a line seemingly borrowed from Ye’s Wouldn’t Leave, really showed what the team at G.O.O.D Music had to go through to finish the series off strong, after Kanye took it upon himself to bite off more than they could collectively chew. Mike Dean, Ye’s producer of choice went on a drip after KTSE was released, exhaustion we’ll assume. Teyana’s album was the one I feared for most, having never heard an album from her before, but loving all of her contributions since joining G.O.O.D, notably the songs she appeared on for Cruel Winter; I was ready for Kanye to be tired and bring out a less than great album, and at first listen I thought I was right. The 7-song structure was bumped up to 9, and the songs themselves are generally quite low energy. BUT boy was I wrong, KTSE is RnB, it manages to house tracks with interesting messages like “No Manners” and “Hold On” while sexually inspired ballades like “3 Ways” ft Ty Dollar $ign make one reminisce on old RnB. It’s a fitting coming out party for the mother of one and wife of Iman, the 2 characters who feature quite prominently in her work, it’s almost as if she made the songs for them. I don’t know her personally, but I feel like Teyana has a lot of faith in Kanye, waiting all these years to bring out her album, I’d say it was worth it. As she herself says on “Young Love”, she isn’t just a musician, and I mean come on; who hasn’t enjoyed watching her dance? The album stays true to Kanye’s theme of Love, “Self-Love” focuses more on telling people that you have to love yourself first.  
Like G.O.O.D Fridays all grown up, but this is experimental Kanye, one who changes his entire album the week before release because he upset every black person, he tweaks tracks just before release and changes track names after release. Kanye West, formerly but still Yeezy, now Ye did his best to surround his releases with the theme of love but in true Kanye fashion he made a complete mess of things. From his affiliation with Donald Trump to the headline grabbing slavery comments, his version of the press-run before the album did not go well, nor did the actual album roll-outs. The game has been hinting at this faster roll out strategy for years now. Music culture has been speeding up and becoming more exciting, but what does this mean for the longevity of the art? Also, can an album reach classic status anymore in a time when they have only one month to live, where the first week basically decides the albums fate.
On the 29th of June, Drizzy Drake released his 5th studio album titled Scorpion. It has his face featured prominently on the cover, so an emotional album is to be expected. His brave attempt to give us two albums paid off, Disc 1 is for his rap fans and it is laden with good songs, “8 Out Of 10” is first to mind. Disc 2 is for his singing fans, and they received what they had been waiting for in spades. Drake shares his love for putting break away singles on his albums with AKA and here no fewer than 3 of those songs appear, the truth is anyone listening to the album must skip “God’s Plan” and “Nice For What” because at this stage there is no need to play these songs in your own company. “Talk Up” see’s his pettiness feature Jay z so the 2 of them can send subliminal shots at the G.O.O.D Music crew, Jay z manages to give one of his most disappointing verses this year on a song he really didn’t need to rap on. “Don’t Matter To Me” signals where Drake is in his career, the top of the rap game, he’s figured out longevity and now he’s fulfilled his obligations according to his Cash Money contract; the Michael Jackson feature is a flex. Scorpion is an addition to Drakes catalogue and stays true to the playlist format of his previous album, it plays like a rap playlist from him and then an RnB one, there is no true cohesion or album theme other than his trademark complaining and emotional whining. BUT what does it matter what I think? His Editors Note on Apple Music mocked, silenced and uppercut the critics and haters before they could say anything. The man is an obvious legend who will go down as one of Hip Hops greatest, even if he never releases another album or chooses to never rap again, his place in the history books is cemented.
S/O Ty Dollar $ign and Jeremih for taking the baton from The Dream and running with it. Such artists are often under valued for their independent projects, but the value they have collectively added to a plethora of other artists albums this year cannot be understated. These 2 artists have contributed in a massive way and it wil culminate in a joint album later this year.
S/O  the artists Nasty C – Stings and Bling, Zakwe – Cebisa and Future – Beast Mode 2 all released on Friday the 6th of July.
Also, who knew Jay z could cook?
Love Dom
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