revelstein · 7 months
Małoletni katodżihadyści
Z pewnym rozbawieniem, ale jednak i niepokojem przeczytałem informację, że we Wrocławiu powstaje pierwsza w Polsce wspólnota… Młodych Wojowników Maryi. Nieletnich, precyzyjniej rzecz ujmując. Za projektem stoi niejaki ksiądz Dominik Chmielewski, ojciec chrzestny i założyciel założyciel męskiej wspólnoty Wojowników Maryi, czyli wszelkiego rodzaju dorosłych byków, osiłków i popierdoleńców,…
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captainjonnitkessler · 2 months
The second you start talking about some mysterious "they" that are controlling society in some fashion, you are engaging in dangerous conspiratorial thinking even if you're being woke about it. "They" did not institute the 40 hour work week specifically so you would be too tired to revolt. "They" did not invent the sleek minimalist aesthetic in order to crush the spirit of art in the common people. "They" are not pushing mediocre media into the mainstream in order to poison people's critical thinking skills.
Your best case scenario after that is you talk to someone who actually knows what the fuck they're talking about and you get embarrassed because you can't answer basic questions about your own ideology because you never learned anything past "the ruling class/capitalists/politicians are making things bad and if we got rid of them the bad things would all go away!"
Your worst case scenario is obviously the woo-to-fascist pipeline and you end up believing Jews are poisoning American food supplies with GMOs in order to turn us all into beta cucks, so like . . . maybe just stop blaming "them" before you fall down that route.
Obligatory round of disclaimers: Yes, sometimes people do bad things. Be specific about exactly who is doing what instead of ascribing it to some vague group of shadowy elites. Yes, sometimes things in society are bad. Learn to identify the root causes of complex social issues instead of assuming that they're actually extremely simple to fix and we're just not doing it because of some vague group of shadowy elites. Yes, minimalism isn't for everyone. Learn that some people don't share your tastes and get the fuck over it for the love of god.
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evercelle · 19 hours
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i think yjh should've had a turn in the kdj humiliation qipao </3
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rhoselacksthorns · 1 month
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tumblr spirits are telling me to look into "human domestication guide"
I'ma trust them because doing so is normally funny
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my-midlife-crisis · 2 months
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radicalfemimist · 2 months
“don’t generalize men” they scream, in the comments of a video talking about recent news in which two teenage boys (aged 14 and 16), one of which turned out to have a concealed weapon, robbed and intimidated a 7-year-old girl running a lemonade stand.
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separatismus · 3 months
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Killing leftist men should be legal if women do it actually.
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blackkatdraws2 · 6 months
Baby I'm Home [Blank Scripts AU]
[Song: Baby I'm Home - ODETARI (feat. Kanii & 9lives)]
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tron · 10 months
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The US did.
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binomech · 24 days
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As someone who loves trans Kim as a headcanon, it bothers me a little when people use this as basis for that reading.
I think that when discussing Kim's sexuality or his gender the intersection between them and his race is crucial. Deciding to ignoring how this exchange is about having a blatantly Seolite name is not as exciting a choice as many people think it is.
Him resenting his heritage, which his body and name betray, as a direct link to the racist violence he experiences, the death of his parents during the Revolution and what hopes they put in him when they named him, doomed to never know and to always potentially disappoint just by being who he is (a gay man, a tool for Moralintern policy, a vacholière) and that very name being also a presentation card that immediately generates expectations in the white people around him...
All the things that could be different: If I had been born in Seol, would I still be gay? How would my life be? With a different name, here, perhaps? And my parents, would they have loved me? Would I have failed them? Would I have joined the RCM? Could the commune have succeeded?
Harry is haunted by all the expectations carried by his name, he wants "one he hasn't ruined yet". This is Kim saying, yes, my name also haunts me, but it's mine like my mistakes are mine; the only way not to drive yourself insane is simply accept that you can't imagine a life you haven't lived.
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valtortumblingvaltor · 3 months
Haiii! held for about three hours and probably 4 liters of water maybe! this sweet little puppy just couldn't hold it anymore and needed to relieve herself outside on the patio! naughty naughty :3 definitely gonna have to do it again <3 maybe even more desperation
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lobotomizemen · 2 months
A 17 year old male attacked and murdered at a Taylor Swift themed dance workshop for 6-11 year olds. The motive is currently unknown to the police, but it doesn’t take a genius to put two and two together. He knew exactly the demographic of people that would be at that sort of event. The child victims were 6-10 years old. 2 little girls confirmed dead. This is a hate crime. The pattern is always male.
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radykalny-feminizm · 5 months
I had the dubious pleasure of learning about the most insane and disgusting person I've heard about in a long time, and I don't want to be alone with this knowledge, so.
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This is Christian Weston Chandler (aka Christine aka Chris Chan)
He's an internet personality who was once popular in certain online circles because of his absolutely unhinged behavior and susceptibility to being trolled.
A handful of facts:
He's an extreme incel who, for most of his life, desperately tried to find a partner while claiming that he only needs a woman for sex
At one point he paid a woman so he could rape her
He created and published sexually explicit drawings of female bodies on the internet, including those of women he knew in real life who, of course, did not consent to such things
In addition to being a misogynist, he's also a racist and homophobe. In his own words: if I could have it my way, I'd make it illegal and forbidden to have homo men; women are safe
Surprise, one day he started identifying as a woman and an ally of the LGBT community. He assumed a new identity solely because he thought it would give him sexual access to lesbians. But hey, TRAs keep saying that such things don't happen, so we're good
He thought he was able to magically grow a vagina and showed off his infected taint gash as his new vagina
If you think that's already pretty bad, the worst was yet to come. In 2021 he was arrested for raping his 79-year-old dementia-ridden mother. That's right. If you've ever wondered about the embodiment of evil and degeneration, here it fucking is. The justice system didn't buy into his bullshit identity and treated him as a male. Unfortunately, he was released from jail in March 2023, and in August the same year his incest charge was dismissed as a result of his lawyer having filed for an autism disorder deferred disposition. Which is fucking outrageous and bullshit because hello?? Autism doesn't make you want to rape your own elderly mother??
I don't even have a proper conclusion to all of this. No words in any language can express my absolute contempt and disgust for this moid.
And for TRAs who don't understand why women don't want "trans women" in their spaces - this is why.
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biggiesnails · 3 months
Suggestive content below… skip this is you don’t like that shit aaaaaa
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ink-the-artist · 1 month
truly not trying to detract from the very russian art of the generational trauma wolves, and i know the colors are from the ussr + russia flags, but it also spoke to me as a hispanic person. especially w respect to misogyny and how machismo tears families apart, and how trauma that comes from outside the family units gets repeated/expressed within the family unit. idk.
absolutely it applies to more than just russians, im glad it speaks to other ppl :)
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problemnyatic · 4 months
You gotta make peace with the crudeness inherent to the human condition or you are doomed to be a puppet of sensless disgust and scandal over that which comes naturally and harms no one
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