#leftist men
separatismus · 3 months
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Killing leftist men should be legal if women do it actually.
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dykeulous · 2 months
sometimes they can be a dangerous misogynist in disguise, wearing a red mantle. to many they are well-hidden.
given that the previous socialist countries never dismantled misogyny or misogynist practices, it is no surprise that so many marxist males today seem to have no consciousness of misogyny. they might be working-class, but that doesn’t outdate the visible and blazing male privileges they possess. some of them truly do aim to use it for the good, but the rest ignore & completely walk over the female proletariat. a lot of them even go out of their way to indicate that only the male proletariat should revolt, and that the female proletariat’s liberation lays in going home, cleaning & getting pregnant. their leftist views tend to cover their inner, and often outspoken & outward sexism.
“he’s a marxist, he cannot be misogynistic!”– can he really not be, if he refuses to talk about the numerous ways capitalism hurts women specifically, about female unpaid & underpaid labor, or about the abortion crisis? right-wing males see women as private property, whereas left-wing males see women as public property. some of them do just need guidance & education, but we aren’t on their disposal to do that for them 24/7. if they truly cared about women & oppressed groups of society, they would educate themselves, especially given that so many marxist feminist scholars’ work is available & easily reachable to them. men are not dumb. marxist men even less so. they can educate themselves if they want to. if your leftist boyfriend spews misogynistic bs, calls women slurs & watches porn– i would, please, ask you to stop calling him “one of the good ones”. he cares about oppressed classes only when he is also a part of them, while he participates in the further oppression of the marginalized groups he’s not part of. women weren’t made to explain everything to men. we shouldn’t always run after them & explain to them why calling a woman a bitch is a bad thing.
if he can educate himself on class struggle, he can also educate himself on class struggle of women. if he chooses not to, then that’s all you really need to know. the rest of us also read marxist feminist scholars. we didn’t go out of our way asking others to explain it to us. we also have to work on unlearning our own, internalized misogyny. we have always been expected to explain feminism to males in simpler, and less bitter forms. why are we expected to explain a movement full of bloodshed with a smile imprinted on our faces? how are we supposed to explain a movement that causes pain & gets you killed in “simpler” forms, especially to a highly intelligent male who just refuses to take you seriously & won’t even after you’re done explaining it to him? the burden of educating males is not on us, it is on them themselves, and if they want to, they will. i will not “debate” my basic human rights with a man who just wants to stress me out & covers it with a “oh but i just want to learn” or a “i just want to be a better ally”. i have no problem trying to explain it once, but do NOT expect me to be kind, sweet, or calm about it. we have always been taught to stop doing whatever we were doing so we can calmly, with a bright smile, explain in “simple” forms to misogynist males what misogyny & feminism are.
i can count the numerous times i have seen leftist men tell women how they can be better feminists. they are just telling us how to make our feminism more palatable to them. they want us to dumb our feminism down & make our girls feel comfortable in the asphyxiant arms of the capitalist-patriarchy. i’m so exhausted of having “feminazi” or “terf” or whatever new anti-feminist term of the day is popular shouted at me, having to tell men how no, i actually do not want to execute them all, even though they know damn well i don’t want to do that. they keep on treating feminism as an accessory. it’s like a crystal necklace to them they can wear to make themselves more appealing to women to get laid. they will pick & choose when to be allies in order to gain validation & attention of the women they want to possess, but when they are alone in a room with their male friends, they will show their true colors.
it’s beyond exhausting constantly having to watch men who claim to be our allies be violently misogynistic to right-wing women. they truly want socialism for each other & the patriarchy for us. there is no political standpoint, no worldview, no ideology that is free of misogyny. you cannot look at a leftist male who keeps a flag of the soviet union on his wall & says “proletarians of all countries, unite!” and with safety say he isn’t misogynistic. misogyny isn’t a big deal to them, although it is one of the oldest forms of oppression. we are angry for a reason. we are angry, and we are not going to sugarcoat our feminism just to “prevent them from hating feminists”. they will hate us regardless. feminism isn’t supposed to be comfortable, it isn’t supposed to make you feel good.
once again– the burden of educating males is not on us, it is on the males themselves.
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liberashen · 2 years
“Individual heterosexual women came to the movement from relationships where men were cruel, unkind, violent, unfaithful. Many of these men were radical thinkers who participated in movements for social justice, speaking out on behalf of the workers, the poor, speaking out on behalf of racial justice. However when it came to the issue of gender they were as sexist as their conservative cohorts.”
— bell hooks
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houseofpinkboombox · 2 years
Leftist men will say some of the most deeply unhinged shit about women they disagree with. Because they're also just deeply misogynistic.
Just because it's in woke speak doesn't make violent fucking shit against women okay.
Girlie pop it's only a matter of time until they disagree with you too.
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thottyvirginmary · 11 days
I’m about as far left as you can get without getting into stupid asshole territory but one thing that endlessly irritates me and also cracks me the fuck up are white Americans tankies who are always like “death to the USA!!!” And actively shitting on the country and every marginalized person trying to make a better life here, speaking over immigrants and women and trying to convince us that yes, America sucks and making choices that will turn this place into a theocratic hellhole (abstaining from voting so Orange Orban gets elected) is somehow the only True and Righteous Choice because communism and fall of the west or some tankie buzzwords. Also, if the west and AmeriKKKa were to fall, you know these little bitch boy Marxists would be crying and wailing and e-begging on the web to be saved from the cataclysmic downfall. They act like they hate this place but they actually have the money and resources to leave the country…but they never do. Why? Because they benefit from the entrenched wealth their lying, theiving, murderous ass families have made on American land, and they would NEVER give that up for any sort of other revolutionary “paradise” country abroad.
Fall of the West my ass, bitch you ARE the west. You are not a revolutionary or a hero or a radical. You are a white millennial who attended private schools with tuitions higher than most people’s life savings. If you’re so leftist and Marxist and righteous, why aren’t you giving up some of your family’s wealth hmmmm? Why aren’t you flying your ass out to every warzone in the world and taking up arms with [insert revolutionaries of choice here]. Bitch you’re fake, a loser, and you make leftist organizing your entire personality because otherwise you’re just a boring white man in a world where boring white men are increasingly having to not be mediocre sacks of shit for once in their lives. You don’t do any actual organizing to achieve socialist or communist goals, you just screech on the internet and yell at POC and woman voting for Kamala as if our rights weren’t on the line, as if abstaining to prove some martyrdom complex in some sick Olympics of who gets to be the most righteous of them all. If you lived in your Stalinist Marxist Trokstyust paradise, your privileged rich ass would be the first in line to the gulag, and you fucking know it. That’s why you’re insecure, a bitch, racist, and mediocre in the bed as well.
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fashiun-killa · 2 years
leftist men will only speak to women to flex on their leftism and act shocked when said women fall victims of society
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whereserpentswalk · 21 days
Bigotry agaisnt trans men is spreading so I want to send some love to the transmasc community.
I love you trans men.
Love you trans men who don't pass.
Love you trans men who will never pass.
Love you trans men who don't want to pass.
Love you poc trans men.
Love you gay trans men.
Love you lesbian trans men.
Love you straight trans men.
Love you bi trans men.
Love you ace trans men.
Love you Jewish trans men.
Love you atheist trans men.
Love you pagan trans men.
Love you trans men with breasts.
Love you trans men who aren't on T yet.
Love you trans men who'll never be on T.
Love you mentally in trans men.
Love you unmedicated mentally ill trans men.
Love you trans men who self harm.
Love you trans men who've thought about ending their lives.
Love you trans men with cringe interests.
Love you trans men who dress in ways people consider cringe.
Love you trans men who'll never have sex.
Love you trans men who have a lot of sex.
Love you trans men who are sex workers.
Love you trans men who've had abortions.
Love you feminine trans men.
Love you butch trans men.
Love you trans men who still consider themselves cute and pretty.
Love you trans men who aren't physically attractive.
Love you trans men who hate being called cute or pretty.
I love you. I love you. I love you. You are valid. You are a man. You deserve to be seen as a man. You deserve to be loved and cherished as a man. You deserve to be happy. You aren't made worse by your transition, you aren't a burden on the community, we're happy you're here, we're happy you're men, we love you.
Reblog this to send love to your transmasc followers.
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queeraliensposts · 10 months
I've seen people calling Aiden Thomas a transmed author (mostly cause some transmeds like to claim his books), but if you followed Aiden Thomas on social media you'll see this not the case, also I think the reason why a lot of white transmeds resonate with his novels like Cemetery Boys and The Sunbearer Trials, has nothing to do with Aiden Thomas's writing and more to do with the fact that Aiden Thomas writes stories about LATINO trans men, and for a lot of white transmascs the message went way over their head.
In my own personal experience as a latino trans guy I relate much more to Aiden Thomas's work then to most other transmasc authors, because Aiden knows that it's a lot easier for us to internalize those toxic ideas of gender. Toxic masculinity is prevalent in latine culture it has it's own damm name "machismo". Therefore it's a lot harder for us to come to the realization that there's nothing wrong with our bodies and the problem stems from the way society views them. To add to that just as toxic masculinity is so over enforced in latine culture so is toxic feminity, so many of us feel the need to present very femininely before we finally decide to start presenting as ourselves. So once we actually come out and start presenting as male we try to compensate for that. On top of that growing up latine and afab means you and your body gets sexualized a lot more often. Mostly by the white supremacist stereotype of the curvy spicy Latina.
With all of that I can easily explain why when I read The Witch King, a novel about a white trans guy, when Wyatt said that he doesn't have a problem with his body and it was the way that people saw him as female, I personally couldn't relate.
But now going on the the actual content of Aiden Thomas's work (I will only be touching on Cemetery Boys because I haven't finished the Sunbearer Trials 😅).
Yadriel starts the novel with a lot of internalized transphobia which he's not even aware of. This is because at this point, he is the only queer person he knows, and he's surrounded by people who see him as different for who he is. It's not until he meets Julian, another queer person who has interacted with many other queer people. It's not until Yadriel starts talking to Julian and his friends that he starts realizing that everything he was taught about what it means to be a man is bullshit by the end of the book while I'm sure Yadriel hasn't 100% gotten over his internalized transphobia, he set on a path to unlearn it.
Aiden Thomas isn't a transmed author he just writes about the trans experience from a perspective that is often overlooked.
Closing off I would like to set the record cause as a latino trans author that's currently working on a novel about a latino trans boy mc. For any transmeds who wanna claim my work, it's not for you.
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icarusxxrising · 22 days
The solutions to transandrophobia, transmisogyny, etc. Aren't going to come from getting rid of or separating yourselves from the other half of the trans community. The solutions rely on co-operation, on solidarity, on inter-community support. Trans men need Trans women, trans women need trans men, we need nonbinary people and intersex people and we need every single trans group there is. We need to hold each other accountable, to share our experiences, to love being trans TOGETHER.
Our enemy is not each other, and anyone who says otherwise is sewing division in an already vulnerable community. Our enemies are the systems of domination like white supremacy, colonialism, capitalism, the patriarchy, bioessentialism, etc. Our enemies are systems of oppression, not each other.
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usarmytrooper · 1 year
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scum-man-of-pesto · 4 months
Okay I found out that the band I posted about before dropped a new song a couple months ago that's one half andrea dworkin speech and one half like hardcore punk about killing rapists and how aileen wuornos did nothing wrong but my reblog about it didn't get much attention so I'm just posting this one myself. This shit rips and I'm so glad that the gash rock thing is picking up traction now bc I'm so tired of liberal-ass riot grrrl. Start a rad ass band today!! It's never too late
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ziptie-bouquet · 2 months
You all would live better lives if you stopped having parasocial relationships with rich middle aged men
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spitblaze · 3 months
gnc and butch women (cis AND trans) and transmascs are punished for performing masculinity past certain thresholds of arbitrary attractiveness because people that cishet society categorizes or clocks as 'women' are not supposed to perform masculinity. hope this helps 👍
#spitblaze says things#this is the last thing im ever gonna fuckin say on the topic. im purging this stupidity from my brain once and for all with this post#there is an intersection of transphobia and misogyny here and idc what you wanna call it but to deny its existence is weird to me#transfems' hypervisibility means they have a lot of recognition but its absolutely not a privilege#transmascs' invisibility means they can stealth and fly under the radar easier which is better but not by a lot#and the assertion that nb people have to 'pick a side' so we can decide how to treat them is fucking ludicrous#there are absolutely differences in our treatment and our needs but a lot of it boils down to the same shit.#we are women when they want to deny us agency. we are men when they want to deny us support. this is true for everyone under the umbrella#and it's MEASURABLY worse when you're not white#anyway. im kinda over leftist groups who spend all their effort arguing about theory instead of doing anything in practice#so the next person who claims butch lesbians have 'masc privilege' or that transmascs dont actually face any sort of unique oppression#is getting smacked with a heavily vandalized copy of abigail schrier's Irreparable Damage#like again idgaf what you call it. you can just call it 'transphobia and misogyny' if you want im not a cop#ive just seen too many people who claim that it doesnt exist at all and im done with letting this take up brainspace#so im hanging up this sign and leaving. goodbye#i saw us go through the exact same shit with bisexuals and asexuals and gay men and frankly im not thrilled that its at my doorstep again#we go through a lot of the same shit but different populations do in fact need different kinds of support. thats it
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germiyahu · 7 months
I think we shouldn't talk about Aaron Bushnell from here on out. I know everyone has their own hot takes about it, and there are plenty of posts that entice one to debate, many such cases of bait...
But don't give him what he wants. Let his name fade into obscurity.
Already the antizionist "activists" are hailing him as a martyr and a prominent leader of the "movement." People are going to remember his name over any individual Palestinian names. The Palestinians who've died will just be a lump sum, whereas Aaron Bushnell will always have a face and a name and a story. They're going to have him represent the ~victims of Zionist fascist genocidal Apartheid terror~ equally if not more so than Palestinians, who will be a nameless statistic beyond a few exceptions. The hashtag "restinpower" was trending when he was confirmed dead.
Do you know how disrespectful and disgusting that is? A white American man who worked for the United States military, an organization that has killed orders of magnitude more civilians in the Middle East, made himself the star of Palestinian Liberation. And he probably was aware that this could happen. But he wanted to be seen as a martyr, he wanted to be absolved of his sins. Nobody will ever dare criticize his career in the military now. No one will mention his hypocrisy as a settler on stolen native land who actively helped propagate the imperial hegemony of the United States.
He gets to be a "hero" to the Palestinians even though he's helped zero of them. What allyship had he worked toward in his life? He gets to be placed along side them as a fellow victim of the Jews Zionists. And they will use his face, name, and memory as a rallying cry.
Maybe someone on their side will make a similar point, not to get too carried away making a white man the face of "resistance" against the West and Israel and capitalism and all that. But I doubt it'll gain traction.
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cripple-woe · 1 year
Don’t let Rishi Sunaks current agenda fool you. While he is blaming transgender people for things that aren’t even problems (fun fact: more MP’s have been reported assaulting people in the bathroom than transgender people) you need to be aware of what he is doing.
The price of oil has surged 30% since June,
They are trying to ban protest and free speech,
4.2 Million children (29% of children in the uk) are living in poverty,
The inflation rate is 6.7+.
While people are starving, while kids are going to school with broken shoes and empty bellies, this man is ignoring it and complaining about how he doesn’t like transgender people. He will continue to ignore real issues and harass transgender people so that you don’t notice all of the things going wrong.
He’s banned people from hospital wards that match their gender identity, meaning many trans people may avoid being hospitalised when they need to because they will be put on the wrong ward, which may mean people don’t get the healthcare they need and may even DIE.
In the past five years, hate crimes against transgender people have gone up 186%.
Over 300 transgender people have been murdered in the last year.
Trans people are 770% more likely to commit suicide, mostly because of this cruel persecution from the government and society.
Taking away the rights and ruthlessly persecuting and attacking a group of people who only make up 0.5% of the population is fucking ridiculous. Trans people have done nothing wrong.
Rishon Sunak is a fucking fascist, the whole Tory party are fucking fascists, and if you vote for them you’re also a fascist.
Oh, and by the way, because I’m a very intense leftist, this could be sent to my college and they can send me to a radicalisation/terrorism course for expressing my political views about you know… not wanting to be killed by the governments cruel policies. Yes, you heard that right. If you are communist, anarchist or even just too intensely left for their liking, they can shove you into a radicalisation programme and forcefully influence your views. This country is going to hell and we can’t keep ignoring it.
They are also freezing income and National insurance tax meaning most people will be getting pushed up into a higher tax bracket that they just cannot afford, the rise in tax will be unpredictable and most likely more than the current tax, on this monetary note, our knife crime has risen 80% no doubt because of inflation and cost of living creating a higher general crime rate and therefore increasing this crime alongside it.
This section is directed to the Americans: please help spread this word. Many of us in the UK are reblogging and raising the alarm for you. Please, do the same for us. We are quickly falling into parallel situations, and people seem to have no clue what’s happening in the UK despite the fact it’s no secret.
~ Thank you.
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tomatolandsca · 5 months
Everyone: yeah the professor and magneto hate each other
Every scene that they talk about their relationship: Ah yes my good friend, how I long for the time we spent together. I miss his wisdom, his kind smile, I will always carry his love for me...
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