#delano smut
nothanksehh · 4 months
The Rooms - A 5 Part Series
Hi all! I have been wanting to do more writing lately and I got an idea for a short series of absolute smut. Hardly any plot. Many big o's. These pairings are with my four favorites from my favorite books, these groups answer the question, "If you could put four people in a room and do whatever you wanted with them who would you pick?"
A Trial of Lust- Rhysand, Azriel, Cassian, Lucien X Reader
You find yourself wandering the streets of Velaris at night on your way to Rita’s. You never expected to run into the inner circle, let alone find them on their free night.
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A Banquet of Lakes- Rowan, Dorian, Manon, Fenrys X Reader
It's a beautiful time of year in Terrasin, you can't help but want to find a lake to take a swim in. It becomes an even more beautiful day when you are found by those who want to picnic near your lake.
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A Game of Kings- Ruhn, Ithan, Aidas, Tharion X Reader
Playing card games in small towns has always made you happy. When a card game goes wrong, what will you do to distract your opponents?
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A Lesson in Riding- Xaden, Sawyer, Liam, Dain X Reader
You had always heard that Dragon Riders know how to ride well. You couldn't help but want to venture out of the Healers Quadrant and experience it for yourself.
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A Taste of Obedience- Casteel, Kieran, Delano, Reaver X Reader
You knew that being good was something you were not good at. One day your friends decide they have finally had enough and decide to give you a taste of the good life.
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artificialqueens · 1 year
Rock Hudson’s Parties, Chapter 2 (Jadore/Biadore) - Imafuckinglibra
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Summary: A fresh faced young man gets off a bus in New York to move in with an estranged college friend, now a broadway star. Old flames flare up again but are potentially derailed when an older man’s temptations threaten to come between them.
Fair Warning : There is actually smut in this one yay! Including a little illustration to go with it but tbh it's pretty sfw - no bits or anything.  Brief mentions of death & that's about it me thinks.
A week. A whole week Danny had been in New York already and he still hadn’t adjusted. He still didn’t feel any more in control of his life than he did in Azusa.
“Dammit.” He winced when his razor nicked a bit of skin below his lip. He stared at it, watching where the tiny bubble of blood came up.
Right below where he felt Roy’s lips brush past before he walked off into the night. As if absolutely nothing had happened.
‘Nothing did happen. If you don’t think about him he doesn’t exist,’ he scolded himself. Repeating the same mantra he did every time he walked past Roy’s apartment building as if he was the boogeyman. ‘Focus.’
He drew his attention back to his reflection in the mirror. What he thought was his reflection at least.
He looked somewhat unrecognizable to himself. He couldn’t pinpoint what it was, but it reminded him of a saying his mother used to throw around.
‘I can't put my finger on it, but if I could - I’d have to wash my hands!’
Maybe it was just nerves, some lingering stress from being the new kid on the block at work that made him uneasy. The alienation he felt was palpable. Between you and me though, it was most likely the fact that it was Monday morning before the sun had even come up and his head was still buzzing from the ‘quick’ cocktail party he’d attended with Jinkx the previous night. Was it the previous night?
He swore they left the apartment on Saturday night, yet he didn’t remember coming home till just a few hours ago, when he fell into his bed at long last. Drowning happily in a flurry of warm blankets and Jinkx's limbs sprawled over him where she had passed out, too drunk and too lazy to go find her own bedroom.
He settled on the pang in his stomach and his throbbing head being the cause of the discomfort he felt, and made his way to the kitchen for relief.
Coffee, that’s what would fix him. Coffee and the absolutely glorious spread of greasy breakfast foods Jinkx had made - bacon, sausages, eggs - butter smothered on everything, even the poor pan-seared potatoes Jinkx placed next to him as she sat down finally.
“You know,” Jinkx lulled, twirling a loose strand of hair from Danny’s forehead between her fingers. Unraveling all the hard work he’d done to finesse his unruly hair flat despite him swatting at her hand, “Shangie might’ve been right the other night. You’d make a gorgeous girl. Absolutely adorable.”
“Yeah? You think?” Danny gulped. “What does that mean? Is it something I do or, or how I sit?”
He slurped down another gulp of orange juice, the only unbuttered item on the menu. Not that he’d put it past Jinkx to experiment with that type of thing.
Although she was a great cook, every now and then she’d slip something in that she whipped up all by herself without the help of ladies’ magazines or cookbooks.
He wasn’t much better though. Outside the usual toast or bowl of cereal he made himself, he never had gotten the hang of cooking.
Not for lack of trying. His first morning there he had tried earning his keep by assisting with breakfast, assuming Jinkx would be far too sloshed to be any good, but she had very quickly put him in his place. She reminded him that as the lady of the house, she’d be taking up the housework and meal preparation before going to rehearsals; all he had to do was bring home a (not fat but at least plump) paycheck.
And maybe screw her brains out when she so politely asked him of course, like a proper friend should.
“Of course not, dear. It’s perfectly natural to want to play in girls’ clothes once in a while, didn’t Fred Mertz even dress up for an episode of I Love Lucy about some club thing?”
“That was different.” He scrunched his top lip. “And I’ll have you know it was the Ricky Asks For a Raise episode and they ALL dressed up.”
She shook her head, unamused. “You watch too much television; it’s gonna rot your brain one of these days.”
“It’s gonna rot your mep mep mep,” Danny sarcastically mimicked her disapproval with his hand, making her laugh as he did most mornings.
“You suuuuuure you never dabbled? Never played in your mother’s makeup or put on her shoes? Not even a brassiere?” she kept teasing, "You've always had such a fondness for breasts, I assumed you'd have some complex, dear.”
“No. Never.” Danny laughed uncomfortably, blushing at the implication. “I told you my father would’ve, well. I mean, he was in both wars, you know those guys. They can’t help it, different generations.”
He didn’t really want to think of his father too much. He didn’t openly hate him or anything, he was just sort of scared of him. He’d have violent fits of rage if the coffee had been burnt, if Danny flunked a test or even if a dog barked too loud.
It’s difficult for a child to bond with a man like that, or any parent for that matter, always tip-toeing around any small confrontation where even praise could be taken negatively. Suspicious you were out to get him at every word.
His brothers weren’t like that though. They were kind and gentle souls, till enlistment day. When a naïve 9 year old Danny watched them all join the service, dutifully joining their father fighting in the Pacific.
Don’t get me wrong, he admired them, idolized them for their bravery and their ability to come back and still see the good in humanity. However, he envied them. He’d never dare say it out loud though, especially considering how one of them, Charlie, never made it back.
Still, he saw the way they got a pat on the shoulder from every neighbor when they came home, or the praise and attention he’d always longed for from their parents - he couldn’t help but feel jealous.
Fine. Maybe there were some issues there, but he’d deal with them his own way. ‘Eventually,’ he lied to himself, like we all do.
He’d gotten so lost in his thoughts, he hadn’t even noticed at first how Jinkx’s eyes had glazed over. As if she was still there, just perhaps not as present. Even so, she kept her chipper smile, taking a big bite of runny eggs on toast.
“You know? Uh, the way those military men are?” he repeated.  
She snorted, “That I do.”
“Say here. How is your family? Folks doing alright?” he asked, trying to make polite conversation rather than openly intrude. “I can only imagine how excited your mother must be to have a daughter.”
“Must have been strange for you, I’m sure to, to…am I stepping on some toes?”
“Oh heavens no, I just haven’t talked about it in ages. I wasn’t ready yet.” She shook her ginger hair to lay perfectly against her shoulders, sat up straight with her hands folded in front of her, and smiled her best attempt at a pageant smile. “Go ahead, ask me again.”
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Danny quickly swept his hair flat with his palms and mimicked her straight back demeanor, going at it again but this time as if he was asking a colleague about the weekend. “Okay. How is your family, dear?”
“I don’t know.” Her eyes flicked around aimlessly before back at him. Probably trying to avoid thinking too hard. “I haven’t spoken to them in over 4 years.”
Uh oh, she was curt.
“Oh. I just always assumed your mother would be understanding.”
He wasn’t quite sure if he should keep pressing the issue, but Jinkx was casually eating her breakfast with the same vigor and gleeful energy as she had before the conversation shifted, so he assumed she was okay with it. Besides, he’d known her long enough. At least, when he used to know her ‘before Jinkx,’ he’d known her well enough that she’d never hide anything from him.
Could it really be that maybe he missed something? Maybe she was struggling all those years he’d pushed her away and he never saw past himself to reach out. He assumed she’d be strong enough to handle anything without him, it never even occurred to him to stop and just ask. Just check in at least once.
“She was.”
Without missing a beat, she stood up to put the tin coffee pot on the stove and flick the burners on.
“I sent my parents a letter and a photograph, of me, obviously. You know. I explained everything. My mother called me first. She told me that she didn’t quite understand it yet but that she loved me regardless.”
Danny studied her face, on the edge of his seat as her eyes hinted at a tearful glimmer. Her face turned back to stone before he could even register it happening.
“Later that night my father called me. He’d shot her dead.”
Danny’s heart sank. He instinctively reached for his shirt buttons, fiddling with them, twisting them - anything he could do to keep himself distracted from processing the horror of it just yet.
She swallowed, then went on. “And, he was planning on shooting himself too because he couldn’t get to me. One of us had to go, he said, but they arrested him before he had the nerve to go through with it. Worthless coward. Coffee?”
“How-“ He knew she wouldn’t want sympathy or a show of weakness, at least the old Jinkx wouldn’t, so instead he followed her lead and swallowed his pity. “Absolutely, I’d love some.”
The room had stalled quiet after her revelation, except for the noise of water bubbling in the pot, the traffic outside the window gearing up as people left their home to start the day, and a gentle hum from the neighbor’s radio.
Danny watched Jinkx prepare another cup of coffee for each of them, wondering what was going through her head as she tapped her long beige claws rhythmically against the countertop. Like she was tapping herself a little beat.
He felt a very heavy knot of guilt in the pit of his stomach. Like he should’ve known better, not just about inquiring so much but about the way he abandoned her for so many years after college. Never even a letter or anything.
As usual, someone else had to make the move for him before he’d finally pull himself together. He knew which letter she was referring to; he’d gotten a similar one 2 and a half years after ‘she’ dropped out of college.
He didn’t recognize the name on the envelope at first, but he knew the handwriting anywhere, he’d spent enough time studying it while copying notes she’d taken in their shared classes.
He understood what her mother meant; he didn’t understand it either. He couldn’t process it for weeks, couldn’t decide what to do. He’d spend hours and hours after class just staring at her photo.
All he could remember thinking was, ‘Look at how happy she is.’
One day, he got brave enough to call her like she’d asked, and it was amazing. It was like he’d blinked and she’d blossomed, not just the noticeable things. Her laugh - even her energy seemed happier, vibrant and alive.
It didn’t feel like talking to his college roommate, it felt like a whole new person. Never putting the two of them together in his mind, maybe he didn’t want to, maybe he wanted to keep them separated just enough he wouldn’t have to deal with the consequences of his feelings.
Maybe he just wanted to enjoy having her and what she brought into his life as a ‘new’ friend. Including the butterflies you get seeing them laugh for the first time. The little smile you get thinking back on a joke they’d told you just knew would become a lifelong memory.
Even learning new details about her he never knew before - she liked white chocolates more than milk, she liked red wine more than white, she preferred coffee over tea but only on rehearsal days, she liked when your hand would caress the back of her neck but not her thigh.
Fine, yes. He may have explored more than just her mind after so many outings together, where they’d met in San Francisco one night. He couldn’t tell you how it happened the first time, and to be honest neither could I.
These things never have a beginning, it’s the way it goes when two friends finally get brave enough to acknowledge what they’ve both been feeling.
‘Besides,’ Danny had told himself. ‘I’ve done it with girlfriends in the past, she’s a girl and my friend. Why not? Would this really be that different?’
‘Oh god.’ He realized he had spiraled down a tangent. The knot in his stomach turning tighter as it hit him that never once during their letters, calls, dates, what have you - never once did he ask her about her parents.  
They’d never discussed their families much before so it never hit him till now that she was unusually vague about them. He assumed that well, so was he during that time so what gave him the right to push her on the matter.
“Say, I…I really am so sorry, I didn’t mean -“
“Oh no. I’m fine, mean it.” She dropped herself back into her seat and resumed eating some bacon. “See, people complain about how the poor dear family must weep for losing their son or daughter. Why must they suffer so having lost ONE family member? Nobody stops to think maybe the son or daughter has to grieve too, not just for themselves but, but for their family. Even the supportive ones.”
Danny found himself remembering a very different Jinkx, who’d made a very similarly grand speech to keep themselves from crying in school when they’d been caught cheating on a math test.
‘Why must we quarrel so over x = y or 2 + 2 doesn’t equal 3 when there are STILL children in this country starved. Not just for food, neigh, for nourishment of the mind, of the heart and soul. Not…algebra. After all, time goes by…so slowly…'
It made him happy thinking of those days, right when they’d met as college freshmen, and more importantly, before Jinkx dropped out to move away and change her life, leaving him behind. Back when it was just them, best friends daydreaming together in their own world.
“For what it’s worth,” he finally began, breaking the awkward sounds of a lonely knife and fork sliding over the plate. “I am very, very grateful I didn’t lose you.”
He stared up from his own plate to see Jinkx watching in shock at the sudden display of affection. The corners of her mouth twisting into a sincere smile, her brow furrowing as if she was holding back too many emotions to think about right now. And just as suddenly as you could say blink, she was back to herself.
“Thank you, dear. Now finish up; the bus won’t wait for you and if you miss another day what will they think?”
“You’re right.” He beamed, happy to see the color return to her cheeks.
He downed the last quick cup of coffee she made, despite the stinging burn it caused down his throat, and reached for the coat and hat combo that she’d purchased for him, so he’d look more professional. He foraged around some bills and newspaper clippings she’d left on the small desk by the door, trying to locate the briefcase he’d forgotten there on Friday.
“Does it bother you?”
“You kiddin’, not at all. I like reading your reviews between breaks. It gives me something to look forward to in meetings. Makes me feel like Lucy Ricardo if I’m honest with you.”
“Daniel,” she spoke seriously. Halting his movements with a firm grip on his wrist so he’d look at her while she stayed seated in the old, painted blue dining chair. “Does it bother you? Me?”
“Oh.” He finally caught on. “Why no. Why would it?”
“It’s just that since you’ve gotten here, every time we fuck...You seem…distant. I know we’re not exactly going steady or anything, but I’d like it if you were a little more attentive once in a while when you made love to me. Properly.”
“You mean…” Danny inhaled hard, fixing his tie.
He couldn’t particularly say why this bothered him so much, but suddenly this talk felt like something he shouldn’t be a part of. It terrified the shit out of him. Maybe he’d made a romantic gesture that he’d missed sooner.
“I mean, if you’re so unbothered, would you mind looking at me, or touching me, or kissing me? Not that I don’t enjoy getting straight to it. Maybe we could just…try it?“
“Oh.” He nodded, considering her sincere words. Not just thinking about them but really, really taking in what she was asking of him. Intimacy. A connection, anything. Not a proposal, just some comfort. It certainly wasn’t unreasonable; it was realistic.
She eventually dropped her head and her hand, clearly fed up with him taking so long to answer. “You’re right. Forget what I said, old friend.”
Shit. The last time Jinkx made an effort towards a deeper connection, he chickened out. He didn’t want to make the same mistake, he had to be more reasonable now.
“Dollface," he tried salvaging the situation, dropping to his knees in front of her so he could look at her face. “What time does your rehearsal end tonight, huh? I’ll try to pick you up and we’ll go out, make a night of it. Nice place to eat, maybe dance a little and then we can come home and, and I’ll - I’ll do whatever makes you happy? Okay?”
Jinkx’s frown began twitching back into a smile without her intending to, unable to keep a straight face at the big hazel eyes staring up at her with such empty promises and well intentions.
“Sure. I’ll call you at work.” She rolled her eyes. “Now go before you miss the bus.”
“Swell.” He jumped up, planting a big wet kiss on her forehead before he rushed out the front door and down the hall to the elevator.
He was sure she’d see through his façade, but he’d managed to pull it off and keep his cool under the pressure. Once he got on his bus though, he couldn’t help but drop his head in his hands as that knot of guilt dug itself deeper into his soul. His miserable, pathetic, black soul, he punished himself.
Thinking about her parents, which made him think about his own dead brother. Thinking about Jinkx and how she must’ve felt. Reaching out for the one thing we all want, a connection. It wasn’t all lies though—he did love Jinkx, but merely as a friend. Maybe. He couldn’t tell anymore.
Sure it’s swell having someone looking after you, cooking and cleaning for you, sucking your dick for you. Once or twice, they’d even come home drunk from the club together and he’d fucked her, which was enjoyable, make no mistake. Something had changed since their stolen moments together before moving to New York, and he couldn’t quite get his heart or his head to be as eager about it anymore.
He blamed Courtney and the Pink Flamingo Club. And Roy. And Morgan that…stupid emcee with the big muscles and even bigger breasts who’d walk around in slacks one night and a skirt the next. And Raja with their deep voice, short, fringed dresses and non-existent breasts that still somehow aroused him.
‘I’ll be damned, she's right, I do have a complex,” he groaned internally.
“Penny for your thoughts?” He heard a, strangely familiar, rough voice next to him.
“No. I’m scum, and I’m broke. I’m broke scum,” he whined, rubbing his eyes furiously with the back of his knuckles before he sat up. His mother would scold him for talking to strangers like this if she could but so be it, he deserved it.
“I’ve seen scummier,” Roy cackled from his chest next to him, clearly amused by his childishness. Wait, Roy?
“Roy!” he recognized, face draining white in a panic. “Oh...Roy. I- I-“ He began to stutter, his breathing picking up.
Roy darted his eyes around to see if the people around them had noticed, then quickly leaned in, pretending to lift his coat tail out from under him as he whispered, “Shh, it’s fine. Not here.”
Danny knew what he meant. Not in public, not this open. This wasn’t the time to regret curious questions in a bar or a kiss with a man you don’t even know past a first name.
He took Roy’s lead and turned it around, grabbing his hand with both of his for a vigorous, masculine shake. “Good t-to see you again, chum, how’s the mi- I mean how’s it going?”
He could tell despite the stern expression at first Roy was hiding a small smile behind it. The dimples in his cheeks noticeably deepening when their hands touched. 
A touch Danny dropped as soon as possible, unsure how long was the appropriate time for acting natural and cool.
‘Shit. Has he been waiting for me? Is he mad? Should I say something?’
His panic began bubbling to the surface again. His hands reaching up to nervously fix his tie, his collar, fiddle with the buttons on his shirt - anything.
“I started a new job,” he blurted out, “at the bank.”
Roy nodded along with him, clearly unsure of where this was going at first too. “And you’ve been too busy to call or stop by the bar at the club or…walk down the street and wave at me?”
“Yeah.” He smiled his best ‘get out of jail’ grin. “Something like that.”
“Meaning, you and I are okay then?”
“Yes?” Danny swallowed. Unsure what he meant by ‘okay’ but he didn’t want to risk pushing the issue any further and explaining why he couldn’t wave to him or dare see him at the club.
His very presence haunting his sober brain with images of their inebriated kiss replaying in his mind over and over.
Roy coughed, maybe not so subtly, to get his attention back from his momentary daydreaming. Smoothing his thick black hair under his hat. “Now, it’s not the ‘bank’ getting you down, is it?”
Danny shook his head no.
“Then what’s got you so blue?”
“Girl troubles, roommate troubles. Both I suppose.”
Roy leaned back in his seat, nostrils flared, scraping some lint from his pants. “I see. I didn’t realize you and Jinkx were going steady.”
“No, we’re not. I don’t think we are. I mean, I - see, why do women have to be so damn complicated!” he huffed, crossing his arms like a rotten child. “You know a girl over eight years, she insists that all she wants is to stay your friend. Promises you nothing will come out of it and then bam!” He smacked his hands together. ”Suddenly she wants flowers and dinners and rings.” Hyperbole of course, but Roy didn’t know that.
“Sounds like you need a drink,” he tried sympathetically suggesting. Drumming his fingers on his knee while he waited for Danny to deny his request, but when neither could think of a good reason not to they settled it.
Roy stood up and pulled on the lever, asking the driver to stop the bus, directing Danny to come with him.
Danny was a bit hesitant about missing another day of work, but Roy reasoned with him that as long as he called them from the phone both outside the club and claimed he had a terrible cold, what could they do? It’s not like all of New York would come to a standstill because one bank teller had to miss a day’s work.
Besides, it was easy, he realized, mimicking Roy’s speech to his own employer, the same woeful little cough and clogged nose bit that a school boy would try with their mother.
“I thought you made costumes for movies?” Danny asked, confused when they finally made their way inside a depressing little dive bar tucked between two restaurants.
Roy hadn’t called a company or studio like he anticipated; he called the owner of the Pink Flamingo Club, pathetically promising to work every opening and closing shift for the rest of the week.
“That’s just Jinkx being facetious. Most of the time, I work behind the bar at the Pink Flamingo. A friend of mine who works in pictures calls me up to do jobs when something comes up that’s up my alley. Then I go back to the bar, so I can earn enough to last me till the next picture, rent a new closet to live in and sling drinks to keep from being broke. Or bored to death in some godforsaken office job.”
“Wow.” Danny gasped, amazed either way by how much more impressive his job description sounded than his own. As if every job didn’t sound more impressive than his own. “You’re like a superhero with a double life.”
Roy’s face completely broke at the seriousness in his compliment, making Danny click just how absurd what he said sounded. It was nice though, seeing him so happy, it made you feel at ease with the lightheartedness.
“I’m no Clark Kent, kid.” He kept cackling loudly even when the bartender slid their drinks over. “I just like to work while I can, you know. And be grateful for it.”
“I guess…” he sighed.
The shift in his attitude must’ve been a lot more noticeable than he believed as suddenly Roy’s tone softened. Guiding him to go sit in the back corner of the bar where they were hidden in the shadows, free to discuss all his woes with their 8am liquor.
First, he was a bit reluctant to share, so he asked Roy some questions about his own life, and where he came from. Roy told him about immigrating from Cuba, to which Danny had to bite his tongue to stop himself from asking like Desi.
However, Roy obviously either got that question regularly, or knew Danny well enough at that point, and acknowledged it before he could with a snippy, “Not like Desi. We were poor and Papi didn’t own half the fucking country…but I do like their rum.”
He talked about the few movies he’d worked on, talked about the actresses and actors he got to meet that made Danny swoon. He even mentioned how he'd been a veteran of the war, stationed in France during the invasion and then Australia - Danny made a note to ask him if he knew Courtney's elusive serviceman at a later date.
Eventually, as Danny grew more comfortable, it was more give than take. He began rattling off every single life event since his first day in kindergarten, when a little boy kicked sand onto his apple, but Roy listened and gave his input on everything. Praising his honesty, encouraging him to open up more.
He’d reached a boiling point he didn’t know he had and once he let it all out, he let it ALL out. For hours, he nursed the same 2 Irish coffees, too busy talking to even take a drink anyway. It was remarkable, the conversation flowing between them as freely and naturally as lifelong friends.
He told Roy about how he rushed home the day his father and brothers returned from war, how excited he was to finally tell them about everything they’d missed, how he wanted to hug them, kiss them - anything. Something he assumed Roy’s own loved ones must have been feeling.
Instead all they did that day was plan Charlie’s funeral. All the things he wanted to share about his budding adolescent firsts seemed so small and inconsequential as he watched his mother stoically browse through caskets.
“How did they find him?” Roy asked solemnly, his warm hand hovering over Danny’s knuckles hidden beneath the table, soothing him softly, carefully.
Danny took a sip from the dismal remains of his coffee, pulling a face at the bitter bland taste before he acknowledged the question. The fact that Roy wasn’t just listening but openly and patiently inquiring into what he was saying finally gave him the courage to say the words out loud.
“He managed to make it through 3 years of fighting in the Pacific, just to crash the truck he was driving back to the base. Isn’t that just like life sometimes?” He chuckled halfheartedly to keep his voice from breaking. He couldn’t help himself from clutching at the hand still holding his, desperate for a bit of human warmth. His eyes locking with Roy’s. “Just when you think you’re gonna be okay, something knocks you down.”
Maybe it was the poor ventilation in the bar, or the alcohol he’d sipped on without eating anything besides breakfast that day, but suddenly Danny felt his head go dizzy. Everything around him was almost standing still in a fog as he watched Roy’s lips.
Pondering how he got to this moment in his life, where the only thing he wanted was for him to kiss it all better.
“I’m very sorry for your loss.” Roy broke the silence, making Danny quickly fall back into his seat, frantically rubbing his face and smoothing out his hair as if he’d just woken up from a bad dream.
“What time is it?” He flailed around, looking for the watch he’d forgotten to put on this morning when he spotted a familiar blond man standing in front of the club at the bus stop.
“What? What is it?” Roy tried asking.
“That’s Willam, shit, he’s a coworker. If he sees me here, he’ll think I’m…I’m -”
Roy’s eyes narrowed. “Think you’re what?”
“You know!” Danny exclaimed, throwing up his hands in exasperation. “He’ll think I’m…like you!”
“Like me, eh?” Roy retorted, sitting back in his seat with an unreadable expression, shooting back the last of his own drink before taking out a cigarette.
Danny was frozen; he didn’t know whether to run or hide. He didn’t want Willam to see him skipping out on work and report him, but without ever having to say the word out loud he knew what he meant, and he knew he couldn’t escape it this time.
“I thought that tur-” Roy started, taking a deep breath to calm himself. Looking around at the other four people in the bar. “I thought you were implying something different.”
“I - I never implied anything.”
“Yes you did and you know it.” He gritted his teeth as if he was holding something back. “I guess I was wrong about you though, huh? Or did you just get off on the idea of messing with me? Having a nice laugh at me giving you my number.”
“Oh, so I wasn’t wrong then? You liked it?”
They’d once again met at that pond, lost deep, deep in some repressed memories Danny held where their eyes met, predator and prey. Kicking himself for letting this happen again.
“Hold on." He approached the subject slowly, taking a deep breath. Palms defensibly held out by his hips. “Yes. I had a momentary lapse of judgment but I’m-I’m pretty sure, I’m not like, you know,” he swallowed, “that.”
Either it worked, or Roy had gotten too good at putting on a face as he seemed to return to his usual composed self. His expression, however, still felt as if he knew more than he was letting on, like he was 10 steps ahead in a game Danny didn’t even know how to play. “Okay.”
“Okay,” he repeated, taking a long drag from his cigarette as he stood up, throwing some cash on the table. “If you say so. I’ll be at the club tonight though if you want to not talk about it some more.”
“I can’t, I’m taking Jinkx out…”
“Sure you are.” He patted Danny’s chest one last time and left. Leaving him there on his own, unsure of what to do.
Luckily, he managed to sneak home just in time to avoid being caught for his little day off escapades. But when he crossed the threshold, he suddenly had the urge to wash off something dirty from his soul and immediately hopped into the small shower.
Scrubbing for ages to try and cleanse something tainted from his hair, his skin, his very spirit maybe. The water turned cold by the time he realized how shriveled his fingers and toes had grown.
“Hey!” He heard Jinkx running into the living room, followed by shoes being kicked off, a coat thrown haphazardly onto something making it rustle, and then she reached his bedroom.
He’d been standing in front of the bed with his clothes all spread out, wondering what to wear but too lost in thoughts of what Roy had said. His spirit still dirty despite the raw skin.
“Well hell-o,” she teased by digging a finger into his brief’s waistband, not so subtly looking down at his ass.
“Hello to you too.” He feigned a sense of normalcy, reaching around to give her a quick cheek peck and a big fat hug. Her boundless enthusiasm was too much for him to contain, however, as she ran out before he could fully close his arms.
Heading towards her bedroom to change into an evening dress, he gathered, by the big closet door’s signature hinge squeak.
“Listen. I know you were so sweet to promise a date for tonight but I have a show business thing I have to do.”
‘Thank god.’
“You can come though! I need to meet the new director and go over some things with him, so I suggested we meet at the club.”
“Actually, I would just feel like I’m in your way, dollface. Why don’t you go alone?” he tried to argue, leaning against the doorway, forgetting he was still in his underwear.
“Nonsense! I’ll buy you a drink and you can talk to the band boys about that audition. It’ll be great. Once you get dressed. Hop to it.” She snapped her fingers.
“Great for who?” he mumbled, almost certain she heard it.
By the time they’d met up with the director at the club, Danny’s heart felt like it was going to fall out of his ass. It was beating violently, making him nauseous, knowing Roy would take this as a win.
He tried fighting Jinkx on the matter but she seemed so insistent he come along that he couldn’t say no.
Fine, he didn’t fight that hard. He barely fought at all; he wanted to see Roy. Despite what he said, he still wanted to see him. He couldn’t stop seeing him every time he closed his eyes and he needed the real thing.
“Thank god,” he praised under his breath when they walked in and Roy was nowhere to be seen. He could relax. Coming to terms with this being some joke the older man had tried playing on him meant soon enough he could breathe normally again.
The rest of the night went great. They chatted, danced a few numbers, had a great meal and again, more than a fair share of drinks.
He felt so at ease, so affirmed in his role as the straight-laced man of the house his parents had expected of him. Jinkx was in her element, flattering the director with grace and elegance, buttering him up with invitations to dinners at their apartment as she lazily played with the button on his sleeve all night.
He finally felt like things might be all right. Ish. As always though, when things were going a little too great, he came back from the bathroom to see who but Roy and that night’s singer, Trinity, at their table.
Roy positioned, coincidentally of course, in the seat next to his acting as if he hadn’t seen him in ages. Shaking his hand and dropping a phony, “Daniel right?”
A name he knew good and goddamn well from their discussions that day that only 2 people called him - Jinkx and his mother.
Trying to keep his composure, Danny politely nodded, shaking his hand before he sat back down. Unable to follow the rest of the conversation that took place about singers, back up dancers and even costuming.
His only contribution being when Trinity asked what he did and if he was also in show business. He didn’t hear her at first due to Roy’s leg pressing against his, causing a momentary brain lapse.
“Banker.” He coughed. “Well, bank - um bank teller.”
“Oh please.” Jinkx cackled, patting his hand. “That’s just temporary, he's the best singer around here, besides myself and Miss Bonet of course.”
“Is that so?” Trinity inquired, shooting Roy a brief glance.
“Of course!” His drunk roommate interrupted again, making Danny purse his lips into a forced smile. “He also plays three instruments AND writes his own songs. I keep telling him he should audition for the band here but he’s a little shy.”
“That’s enough, dear.” He tried to play it cool through his blushing, struggling to tell her to shut up without using so many words.
“Why didn’t you say so? I got this little thing her first gig here, I can get you one,” Roy nonchalantly commented from next to him.
‘Oh sure,’ he thought, but the rest of the table began encouraging him to go for it. Words of affirmation made it too embarrassing to reject the offer so he agreed and followed Roy out to the back of the stage where, allegedly, the club owner liked to work alone.
“Bunny?” Roy knocked on the big red door before he pushed it open, examining the empty office space. “Guess she’s not here.”
Even if he tried, Danny couldn’t tell you what came over him, he grabbed Roy by the perfectly starched collar and slammed him against a wall. “What the hell do you think you’re doing?”
“You can get me a gig, really? And that leg thing, what's wrong with you?”
“What?” Roy asked, seeming genuinely taken aback. “I thought I was helping you? I thought we were friendly? What leg thing?”
“…oh.” Danny tried pulling away, suddenly feeling very silly, but his head was too clouded by the realization that he still had Roy pinned beneath him. Worse, that he had Roy pinned beneath him with a growing erection.
Roy had obviously noticed the bulge pressed against his thigh, as anyone would, and smirked with a slight glint in his eyes. “Not like me, huh?”
“It doesn’t mean anything.” He quickly let go, shooting to the other side of the small room like a frightened deer with his hands desperately covering his crotch.
“I’m sure it doesn’t,” Roy teased, scratching his chin awkwardly pretending to look away. “But, the offer still-uh, still stands. About Bunny, not the debauchery, or the number, as you’ve pointed out.”
“I wanted to call, um, but -” Danny tried defending but it felt pointless. He felt tired, unsure of what to do or say. Instead he just shook his head and buttoned his jacket back up to hide his embarrassment.
“I don’t understand you?” Roy crossed his arms, turning further away from him, this time with his whole body.
“You asked me those things at the bar which, I’ll admit I took the wrong way. Clearly…” He tilted his head in Danny’s direction but kept his eyes on the wall. ”But you sat with me all day, I mean, I genuinely thought maybe you liked me.”
“Oh,” he repeated. He hadn’t considered that. Hadn’t taken Roy’s feelings into account, instead trying to think how he could still win this fight.
“Why are you hiding now though?”
“I’m not.” He was. Talking about your parents all day will have that effect on you, bringing that recognizable self-loathing back in a person. Even making him a little sheepish at that moment. "I don't want to talk about it."
"Fine. Better get back to the table then,” Roy exhaled, holding the door open for him.
He nodded, leaving Roy alone in the office.
As he made his way back to the table, defeated, he was intercepted by Jinkx going towards the bathroom, the two of them colliding into each other with a thud. Danny managed to grab hold of her by the shoulders and steady them both.
“Sorry, Doll, I didn't think to check where I was going.”
“I see that. Blood rushed somewhere else maybe?” she joked, eyeing between them where the bigger than usual bulge was still poking through.
“I guess it just…really likes running into you,” Danny quickly recovered, trying to save face before she asked too many questions.
Jinkx smiled a big grin and leaned into his ear with a husky tone, “Didn’t know you were such a romantic, why don’t I take care of that for you before we go back?”
Her whispers sent shivers up and down his back and straight to his groin, making his underwear painfully tight and his head painfully cluttered. How could he say no though? He needed to forget this day, he needed someone safe and familiar to hold onto till his world stopped spinning.
They rushed out the back door where he’d witnessed the spectacle with Courtney and a certain set of lovers, checking first this time that they were in fact alone.
They wasted no time, crashing into one another the second they established they were out of sight. Frantic kisses landing on exposed necks, lips, ears, wherever they could.
Danny’s hands cupping her face aggressively to pull her in for a passionate open-mouthed kiss. Hearing her moan, her cheeks and neck growing hot against his lips as he finally gave her the attention she’d asked for. Even if he knew it wasn’t for her, his mind could barely keep track of who it was picturing, Roy flashing into it every so often as he fought against his temptations.
“My my,” Jinkx moaned, dropping to her knees to wrestle his belt off. “Poor baby, you look like you’re fit to burst.”
“Maybe you’re just - aaah, that amazing,” he cried out when she took his thick cock into her mouth. Biting into his knuckles when the sensation overwhelmed him.
She didn’t seem to notice, or react if she did. Her red hair jostled wildly as she moved her head. Enveloping him fully, causing the thick vein on the side of his cock to pulse and his legs turn to jelly.
He held onto the wall behind them, bare palms flattened against it for support as his hips bucked wildly into her mouth. Groaning and cursing so loud and without care, he didn’t hear the door next to them open.
Barely enough for the light to poke through but enough that once he noticed, he caught Roy’s eyes watching them. His mouth opened as if he was about to say something before he saw them. An unreadable expression plastered across his sculpted face.
‘Dammit to hell,’ he cursed mentally, wishing Roy would be more animated like Jinkx with her heart on her sleeve. It’s tough enough trying to figure out what’s going on in your head let alone someone else’s.
Regardless, his own mind told him to stop, to immediately pull out and pretend nothing happened, maybe even confront Roy. Call him a bastard, a pervert, anything. He couldn’t.
He grabbed Jinkx and quickly spun her around, unable to contain himself any longer, spitting a good glob of saliva into his hand and onto his cock while she lifted her many skirt layers, reading his overzealous intentions all too well. Giggling like a lovesick schoolgirl, eager to please on prom night.
“Don’t bother being gentle,” she growled against the wall, arching her back to let him slide in and push her chest further into the bricks.
Trying to get on his tippy toes for easier access, he cursed her high heels vehemently before he grabbed onto her hips finally and dropped his forehead against the nape of her neck. Success! Sweet, sweet success.
Jinkx moaned loudly, unabashedly enjoying the moment. Distracting him briefly from the onlooker who caused this peep show to begin with.
His face tilted to the left where he could keep an eye on Roy, Jinkx pushed her hips back further with another loud wail, his own lips parting into a silent scream as her tight asshole stretched over his cock.
“That’s it. Like that,” she praised when his hips resumed their furious humping, hooking her fingers with his, unaware that while she was moaning out his name he was too busy saying silent prayers to Roy to even register.
His teeth gritted, eyes straining against the poor light so he could watch Roy for just a little longer. Studying the way his dark eyes sparkled in the softest bit of glow coming through. He’d pressed his lips into an acknowledging smile and started moving back towards the noise of the club when Danny shook his head no.
‘This is wrong.’
He knew it was. But his body craved the familiar, that human warmth again. His tipsy, confused mess of a mind however wanted the thrill of it.
He wanted Roy to see that his cock might’ve been inside Jinkx at that minute but not his mind. His mind was his to play with, to live in, not hers.
He couldn’t hold it any more, too filled with lust to care if he couldn’t last long enough, he furrowed his brows and tilted his head down as he grunted one last time. Slamming his hip bones flat against Jinkx’s round ass cheeks as he came.
Dropping his heels back down onto the ground with his twitching, limp dick sliding back out of her. His body felt as spent and tired as his soul, saying one last prayer to whoever would listen. Even if it was Roy or Jinkx. Anyone willing to hear.
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“Sorry.” He whispered tentatively into her back, not just for what a mess he’d made between her legs but well, you know.
He didn’t have to say it, he didn’t have it in him yet.
“It’s okay, baby,” she reassured with a gentle lilt, taking the handkerchief he’d handed her to wipe them both clean. “You know I love it when you don’t hold back.” She turned to face him, adding, “So animalistic.”
He wondered if he should laugh at her dirty little comment but some shame still hung heavy on his shoulders. “Did you, um, should I?”
“No dear, you did good. You did very very goooood,” she praised seductively, planting a barrage of kisses on his face. Smothering him with the compliments he needed to soothe his ego.
Danny felt that pang of guilt again. Lavishing in the giddy affection he was receiving from her despite knowing that mere moments ago he pushed her aside, no pun intended, so he could focus on his fantasies again. Worried that if she ever found out, she’d think this was some sick joke he was playing on her.
When they went back inside, the director and Trinity were still chatting at the bar, presumably none the wiser of what had just occurred. No one knew, it seemed. Except Roy. Roy was sitting down in his chair with the most smug, shit eating grin plastered on his face as Danny sat down next to him.
“Where’s your little friend?” he asked, lighting two cigarettes between his teeth.
“She’s powdering her nose,” he responded, trying to avoid eye contact.
More lies. He was getting good at this, what would his mother say if she saw him?
‘When are you gonna man up and take responsibility?’
“Of course she is.” Roy leaned over to place one of the cigarettes he just lit into his mouth before the others returned. “Saw everything at Rock Hudson’s parties huh?”
“Yeah,” he winced, taking a big puff, still keeping his eyes straight ahead rather than acknowledging him.
“Don’t tell anyone,” Danny whimpered like a scared child, unexpectedly reaching his hand over, desperately gripping Roy’s hand before the others came back. Just a small act of comradery to assure him they were still okay.
“I…won’t.” Roy shifted uncomfortably in his seat briefly before snapping back to his laid back persona again. Patting Danny on the shoulder reassuringly, instructing him to follow suit. “Just act normal…”
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archiveofdorothea · 2 years
I Hate To Love You, Chapter 1-Happy Fucking Holidays (Biadore)
A/N: So this started out as a mindless drabble and at some point turned into a whole oneshot. It’s a little different to what I usually write but I love how it turned out. Hope you enjoy!
Summary: College senior Bianca finds a freshman Adore intrinsically annoying, if only she wasn't so damn charming. At a Christmas party, Adore formulates a plan to get Bianca's attention, and it works a little too well.
Click here to read on AO3 or after the ‘Keep Reading’ to read on Tumblr.
It was Christmas Eve and snow was settling on the garden. It was cold, and Bianca would have much rather been cuddled up on the sofa drinking a hot chocolate. House parties weren’t exactly Bianca’s idea of fun at the best of times, much less at Christmas. Normally even the cast parties were a little too much for her, but she’d been dragged there by her friend and surprisingly she was actually having a really good time. Nearly done with rehearsals for her final project and her holiday theory work, she needed an excuse to let her hair down and actually have some fun. She’d been working so hard. She’d earned this.
So there she was, half way to drunk in the frat house of a guy she’d never met or heard of more than hearing his name from Courtney, with a bunch more people she’d never met. It wasn’t terrible though. At least Adore wasn’t there. Adore. Bianca didn’t know what it was about her or why she hated Adore so much. She was just irritating, to say the least. Regardless, she was pretty sure the frat guys wouldn’t let in a freshman anyway.
Adore was ridiculously charismatic and weirdly captivating with her long dark hair and piercing eyes. The only problem was she was just a fucking nightmare. She lacked any sense of professionalism, always turning up late to rehearsals or eating in the studio, and whilst her vocals were probably the strongest of all the first year students, her acting and in particular her dancing needed an insane amount of work. She found the most basic choreo a challenge and with the final project being directing her own show, it had become Bianca’s problem. Bianca, lacking in patience and tact, found herself frustrated at having to teach the same thing over and over again when they should be so much further ahead in the script by this point. The Christmas break came as only a relief, but she wasn’t looking forward to January.
Bianca sat with Courtney in the kitchen, pouring another shot of vodka into a glass. She got even bitchier when she was tipsy and all the shots were really starting to go to her head.
“She’s just so fucking annoying, and what’s with that blonde bitch? Are they dating? She’s not a theatre kid, that’s for sure.” Bianca observed.
“The Russian? Katya?”
“Yeah, is that her name?” She downed the shot and immediately poured another from one of the giant bottles lined up on the side.
“I don’t know, maybe? Why, you jealous?”
Courtney had been Bianca’s best friend since they started college three years ago. They’d been roommates in their first year and they’d surprisingly bonded. Bianca didn’t necessarily expect to get along with someone like her, blonde and perpetually perky, but she’d surprised her. She trusted her more than anyone else, and she was probably the only person who knew everything about her, able to read her better than Bianca could read herself.
Bianca scoffed at the audacity “Of course not.”
She wasn’t quite drunk enough to talk about her undeniable attraction to Adore yet.
Dani. ‘Adore’, she went by. Who did she think she was anyway?
Adore walked into the house, looking divine in a black bodysuit and fishnets, a red oversized tee thrown over the top. She’d pre-drank, so she was already pretty tipsy as she headed into the dining room, which was currently functioning as a makeshift dance floor. Adore knew Bianca would be there, and she was hoping the slutty outfit would entice her. She’d seen how she looked at her during rehearsals. That little glint in her eye that hid behind the annoyance and the glaring. She might be loud-mouthed and at times, a total cunt, but she was still hot. She held herself with a certain amount of confidence and grace, and it made her utterly irresistible. Adore wasn’t above admitting she wanted her.
“Of course not.” Courtney mimicked her, her little giggle more high pitched than ever. “I’m not convinced that’s true Bea, you seem to hate her a little too much.”
Bianca shoved her playfully. They were both pretty drunk now, Courtney staggering backwards despite barely being pushed. She cackled and extended a hand to her friend.
“I’m gonna go pee.” Bianca said. “You coming?”
“I wanna talk to Brody, find me in a bit?”
Bianca rolled her eyes. There’s no way Brody was good for her. “Sure. But be careful.”
“You worry too much.”
Bianca headed down the hall. “Someone has to.” She shouted back. It was no secret that she was the sensible one of the duo. Sure, she had wild moments, but she knew how to carry herself better than Courtney did. Regardless, at least she had some time to kill, able to pee in peace and grab some water.
She was just about to walk up the stairs when someone crashed into her, nearly falling and taking Bianca down with her. Bianca half caught her, the frame and flash of dark hair strangely familiar even in dim lighting. As she pulled herself back, the realisation set in.
It was Adore. Because, of course it was.
She giggled, the sound alone making Bianca grit her teeth. Her eyes narrowed. What was it about Adore that had so much power over her? Her eyelashes fluttered as she played the game.
“Isn’t that dress a little slutty for a senior?” Her smirk was dangerous. Challenging even.
Before Bianca even knew what she was doing, she had Adore pushed up against the wall. Her body pushed against her, fingers wrapped around her wrists, pinning her down.
Adore squared up against her, pushing her shoulders forward as much as possible to hide how worried she was. Bianca was far stronger than she looked, that petite body packing a surprising amount of strength, and she didn’t know whether Bianca wanted to kiss her or punch her. Bianca wasn’t exactly sure herself.
“Go fuck yourself.” Bianca spat.
“Why don’t you do it for me?” She came back, a knee flying between her thighs instantly. She pressed it up against Bianca’s cunt, grinding it against her.
Adore grinned as Bianca gasped in shock. She couldn’t help but feel a sizzling arousal below the surface. Bianca couldn’t help but want to fuck her senseless until that smile fell right off her face.
Adore only pressed her knee further up, Bianca slapped it away, digging her nails into a soft thigh. She took her hand roughly, dragging her wordlessly into the upstairs bathroom and locking the door. She pushed Adore up against it before sighing heavily, resting her head against the door whilst rubbing the bridge of her nose.
“What about Katya?”
“What about Katya?” Her brow furrowed in confusion. What did Katya have to do with any of this? She was too aroused by the whole situation to think straight.
“You guys aren’t dating?” Her surprise was genuine.
“She’s just a friend.” Adore confirmed. “God Bianca, you’re such a fucking idiot.”
Bianca didn’t seem to like that. She pulled at the other woman’s hair, hard. Adore yelped, trying to keep her head up, trying to maintain dominance, but she was fighting a losing battle.
“I’m smarter than you, darling.” She whispered against her lips before they crashed together.
Adore felt red hot all over as Bianca kissed down from her lips to her neck. She bit down hard, making Adore yelp. The line between pain and pleasure was a blur as Bianca sucked at the teeth marks she’d left. That was definitely going to bruise. She alternated between wet, open mouthed kisses and sucking more hickeys on to her. Adore couldn’t believe how worked up she was before she’d even stripped her of her clothes. She had to do something, refusing to let Bianca win, she pulled hard at her hair, forcing her to look up.
The surprise made Bianca accidentally loosen her grip on Adore, who took advantage of the situation. She pulled herself off the door, spinning around to pin Bianca up against the wall by the shower. Bianca struggled but Adore had height on her side and despite the fact that she was stronger, she couldn’t quite manage to push Adore off of her from this position.
“I- Adore.”
Having the usually loud-mouthed, outspoken Bianca pinned up against a wall was more than enough of a victory for Adore, but her losing her words was a huge triumph. Bianca always had a comeback for everything, but it turns out there was a way to shut her up after all.
There was a lot of tugging as Bianca tried to pull Adore’s shirt off. She threw it aside, sliding the straps of her bodysuit down her shoulders slowly.
“No bra? You’re an even bigger whore than I thought.”
She watched intently as Adore’s breast spilled out from under the bodysuit. They were small but so pretty, tanned skin framed with dusky pink nipples. She took one into her mouth, running her teeth over it roughly.
Adore prayed to a god she didn’t believe in that Bianca couldn’t hear her tiny whimpers. Bianca’s smirk against her skin however told her that she heard her loud and clear. That made her mad, dropping a hand down the front of Bianca’s shirt, annoyed when she had to push lace aside to pinch at her skin.
“Didn’t exactly come dressed for the occasion.” She taunted. Winding her up was just far too much fun.
“Well, I didn’t exactly expect to be fucking anyone in the bathroom when I got ready, did I? Especially not you.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” She scoffed.
Bianca raised one eyebrow as she looked up at her. “Bitch, please.”
Those long legs were plaguing her and she hadn’t even gotten to see what laid between them yet. She couldn’t help but imagine how they’d look wrapped around her waist. There was really no point in denying herself, the pride starting to fall away to the purest form of desire.
She roughly carried a half-dressed Adore to the sink, leaning her against the countertop. She was grateful for the spacious counter space in there. She certainly wasn’t about to put her back out for this fucking brat.
The marble counter was cold against Adore’s bare ass, fishnets doing absolutely nothing to protect her skin. She fidgeted slightly as she leaned back instinctively to let Bianca pull the bodysuit down her legs, raising her hips slightly with her feet up against the edge of the sinktop, legs spread enticingly. She hesitated when Bianca reached for her underwear, her bodysuit immediately discarded to the floor.
“Wait!” She said, holding Bianca’s hand in place just as her fingers ran under the waistband of her thong. “Bianca, is this really a good idea?”
Bianca rolled her eyes. Her face deadpanned “No.”
Adore’s eyebrow furrowed as she looked at her in confusion. Bianca shook her head. “No?”
“No, it’s not a good idea. In fact, it’s actively a terrible idea. Now, do you want to get fucked or not?”
The frankness was weirdly attractive, but Adore was so flustered she wondered if she’d find anything attractive right now. I mean, she was in this scenario in the first place. Really? She questioned herself. Bianca Del fucking Rio? You should really know better.
“Make a decision or I’m leaving.” Bianca sighed. That tone was so similar to the one she often heard in rehearsals, and it renewed Adore’s passion.
“Fuck me.” She affirmed, nodding her head as if her words weren’t clear enough already.
As soon as her words left her mouth, Bianca yanked her panties down her toned legs, tossing them on the floor with the rest of her clothes.
“Be quick. I don’t need Courtney to come looking for me.” Bianca said, diving straight in to lick up the length of her folds.
“Fuck.” Adore muttered under her breath.
“Something to say, darling?” Bianca mocked her relentlessly. She couldn’t believe how soaked Adore was, how wound up she’d gotten before Bianca had barely even touched her.
Fingers spread her apart, lips closing around her clit. Bianca was talented with her mouth, knowing exactly how to pull a woman to the brink and back. She sucked at the sensitive bud, pausing every few seconds to lick, flicking her tongue up and down for variety.
It was working well, Adore coming undone underneath her made her feel smug. Adore coming undone because of her. There was no denying the evidence as her hips writhed, desperately trying to hump Bianca’s face. She leant an arm over them, pushing her further into the counter.
She ran her fingers around her hole, pressing two in roughly after a slap. It wasn’t hard, but Adore groaned regardless, half in arousal and half at the audacity. She started pumping the fingers in and out, searching for that spot inside her that would have Adore seeing stars.
The moan she let out was guttural, taunts falling away to gasps and moans. She couldn’t trust herself to talk. Bianca was just so good, and she was certain she knew it too as she radiated in cockiness. It was unlike anything she’d ever experienced, pushing her to the edge embarrassingly quickly.
“Bianca, please!” Adore begged, her head thrown back as she approached her orgasm. Having this beauty beg underneath her was intoxicating, and she wanted more from her, to push her to the absolute limit.
“Stop whining.” Bianca barked, punctuating her words with each thrust of her fingers inside of her. “Are you gonna come for me or what?”
Adore shook her head but they both knew it was a lie. Adore could feel the best building in her stomach and Bianca could feel her cunt twitch around her fingers. Bianca shoved her other hand over her mouth as she came hard. Her body fell limp, but Bianca didn’t stop.
She’d forgotten this was supposed to be quick as she pounded into her with even more force. She just had to hear those pathetic moans again.
“Bianca, what are you doing?”
“What does it look like? You know it really is a good job you picked theatre school, you never would have gotten into a real college.”
The way she managed to keep her fingers moving in time and not miss a beat was honestly a skill. She rubbed relentlessly at her g-spot and her thumb joined the action to rub her clit. Her arm burnt, but she was almost certain Adore was getting close again.  
“Fuck you.” She bit back, but it was hard to maintain an insult whilst she pushed her hips impossibly closer to Bianca’s hand.
“That’s kinda what we’re doing.”
“Then shut up and get on with it.” She rolled her eyes, pulling her leg up over Bianca’s shoulder.
“Judging by your reactions I think I’m doing more than a good enough job. Or were all of those moans just for some other reason?”
Bianca had got her there, and she could feel another orgasm starting to build. How quickly Bianca could push her to the edge was honestly becoming a bit of a problem. She desperately wanted to hold off, prove to Bianca that she wasn’t as good as she thought she was, but as her tongue was added back into the mix she had no chance. Her hips twitched as she came again, her body falling limp against the back of the counter as Bianca helped her ride out the aftershocks.
She withdrew her fingers, immediately wiping Adore’s juices off of her hand and pulling her dress straps back up. She’d smudged her lip gloss beyond repair, so she just blotted it off with a piece of tissue and hoped no-one would notice. It was dark enough.
“Wait, what time is it?” Adore asked as Bianca did one last check over in the mirror. She was still in a post-orgasmic haze, moving from the counter seeming like a chore. She hopped down, finding her clothes from various corners of the bathroom.
“12:30.” Bianca said after a quick glance at her phone.
“Merry Christmas.” Adore said, leaning in to kiss the older girl with that stupid grin plastered on her face.  
Bianca backed away with a smirk, rolling her eyes at the younger girl. “Merry fucking Christmas to me. Wait a second so it’s not suspicious will you?” She closed the door behind her.
Adore pulled her shirt over her head with a sigh. She really was going to have her work cut out for her if she wanted to capture Bianca Del Rio’s heart.
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starrypawz · 2 years
For anyone keeping track there's three new fills to the gerry/nemo smut alphabet im still working through if you want your not always very regular dose of queer goths doing bedroom stuff
I bring you today
J for Jerk Off
K for King Sized
L for Lace
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🚀✨ Hey there, fellow storyteller! On the hunt for a roleplay partner? Look no further. Together, we can dive into fresh plots and breathe life into some rad characters. 🌛🌠
Let's break the ice: I'm a 34-year-old female roleplay enthusiast from the CET/CEST timezone, with 15 years of roleplaying under my belt. My sweet spot is MxM storylines, though I'm open to FxF and sometimes MxF – provided we're challenging the usual norms.
To me, roleplay is like an open world video game. We've got the freedom to weave intricate plots, build characters from the ground up, and sculpt backstories that make our hearts race. My focus lies in creating multifaceted narratives and delving deep into our characters' worlds. Real life situations, character development, emotional depth, darkness, and even NSFW elements (that's right, no-holds-barred smut) – are all fair game. If your thing is authentic, gritty relationships rather than sugary fluff, then we're a match!
The stage for our stories? Well, that's entirely up to us. Cyberpunk cityscapes, high-fantasy kingdoms, adrenaline-fueled pirate voyages, intricate historical dramas, expansive sci-fi universes – anything's possible. I'm also down for tales of the apocalypse, disasters, and even some good old Western action.
My fandom interests are varied, including Harry Potter, Game of Thrones, Titanic, Stranger Things, American Horror Story, Mass Effect, Dragon Age, Interview with a Vampire, and Lord of the Rings. I've played a range of characters over the years:
Thranduil & Boromir, Lord of the Rings
Sirius Black, Lucius Malfoy, Fred Weasley, & Rita Skeeter, Harry Potter
Cinna, Hunger Games
Adore Delano (as a character, not the real person), RuPaul's Drag Race
Cersei Lannister & Jon Snow, Game of Thrones
Recently, I've been really keen on exploring Billy from Stranger Things. While I have a repertoire of preferred characters, I'm flexible and more than ready to venture into new territories, whether that's different fandoms, original settings, or uncharted characters.
Outside of roleplay, I appreciate a good chat about our characters, storyline, or even our latest Netflix obsessions. No rush, though. I'm a relaxed responder (both OOC and IC) and hope for the same laid-back vibes from you.
As an active part of the LGBTIAQ+ community, I'm all in for crafting diverse narratives and characters. If you're on the same wavelength, hit the like button or slide into my Tumblr DMs. Let's create something awesome!
If 'what if' scenarios – like 'What if the French Revolution happened in England?' – get your gears turning, I'm here for it. I'm all about exploring various themes and genres, especially those that delve into darker and more mature content, including some dead dove. Once I'm invested, I dig deep and savour exploring every facet of our story, big or small. I can write both on Discord and Tumblr dash.
So, what's the verdict? Ready to start this roleplay journey? Give me a shout! Your next adventure is just one message away! 🌌🚀✨
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duckprintspress · 2 years
Creator’s Spotlight: Recent Works Created by Duck Prints Press Contributors!
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Our monthly “created works round-ups” are Duck Prints Press’s opportunity to spotlight some of the amazing work that people working with us have done that ISN’T linked to their work with Duck Prints Press. We include fanworks, outside publications, and anything else that creators feel like sharing with y’all! Inclusion is voluntary and includes anything that they decided “hey, I want to put this on the created work’s round-up!”
Check out what they’ve shared with us this month…
Contention & Strife by FuziPenguin
fiction || alice in borderland tv/manga || f/f, f/m || chishiya shuntaro/original female character || explicit || graphic depictions of violence || 203,787 || complete
summary: Heddie is an American veterinarian visiting a former classmate in Tokyo. Only three hours after landing in the country, she finds herself in an alternate version of Tokyo. In a warped game of Tag, she meets several people whose lives will become entwined with hers in the months to come.
other tags: AU-Canon divergence, Original Character as Main character, Asexual Main Character, Medical Procedures, Blood and Injury, Slow Build/Burn, BDSM
On Leaving and Returning by unforth/Nina Waters
fiction || ultimate note/daomu biji || m/m || wang pangzi/wu xie/zhang qiling || teen & up || no major warnings apply || 709 || complete
summary: Wu Xie wishes Xiaoge could remember.
other tags: Post canon, fluff
Masters of the Scene by Veronica Sanders
fiction || rupaul’s drag race rpf || platonic or familial, f/f || bianca del rio/courtney act, bianca del rio & adore delano (parent/child), courtney act & adore delano (parent/child), bianca del rio/miss fame || explicit || no major warnings apply || 89,738 || ongoing series
summary: A queer, lesbian, genderfuck version of The Parent Trap. Bianca (a womanizing fashion designer) and Courtney (a trans youtuber and philanthropist) have been estranged for years after an acrimonious divorce. But they still want their twins, Adore and Danny, to get along, so they send them to a performing arts summer camp to bond, and end up with a lot more than they bargained for.
other tags: trans main character, parent trap au, inspired by a true story, family fic, gender swap, comedy, fluff, angst, story is mostly okay for general readers, but does contain some smut in clearly marked chapters, tw for some transphobia
Who We Are: Duck Prints Press LLC is an independent publisher based in New York State. Our founding vision is to help fanfiction authors navigate the complex process of bringing their original works from first draft to print, culminating in publishing their work under our imprint. We are particularly dedicated to working with queer authors and publishing stories featuring characters from across the LGBTQIA+ spectrum. Love what we do? Sign up for our monthly newsletter and get previews, behind-the-scenes information, coupons, and more!
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littlebodybi7heart · 4 years
ngl i love her regardless of the fingers being pointed
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artificialqueens · 1 year
Rock Hudson’s Parties, Chapter 1 (Jadore / Biadore) - Imafuckinglibra
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Summary: A fresh faced young man gets off a bus in New York to move in with an estranged college friend, now a broadway star. Old flames flare up again but are potentially derailed when an older man’s temptations threaten to come between them.
Fair Warning : There is no smut technically in this chapter, there will be in the next chapters buuuuuut there is a pretty descriptive scene & matching slightly nsfw image (if your brightness is turned down enough you won’t see any bits, pinky promise). 
“Good afternoon folks, it is currently a beautiful 76 degrees in New York City. We welcome all travelers to exit towards your left - ”
Danny drowned the rest out as mere drabble as he stared in awe of the massive bus terminal he’d climbed out at. His eyes wide and spirits high as the big skyscrapers came into view over the horizon. 
“Wow.” He exhaled under his breath. “What a nice cock.”
“I beg -“
“Where’d you buy it? I’d love to get one for my new roommate.” The young man cheerfully smiled, gesturing to the ceramic rooster this new stranger next to him held under his arm.
“Oh this old thing, just over there on the corner.” The man smiled back, flicking his hat up with his index finger so he’d get a better look. “My wife saw a similar one on Father Knows Best last week and wanted one for herself.”
“The new episode? The one where Bud’s nominated the head of the decorating committee for homecoming week? Gosh that was a good one huh.” 
“Well I don’t much like it myself,” It was probably obvious to anyone in the nearby vicinity that this polite man was just trying to wait for his bus in peace but our lovable protagonist just couldn’t curb his enthusiasm. “But the wife and kids love it, you know.”
“Oh, I see.” He nodded.
 He reminded himself of the lectures his mother had given him, asking him not to let his naivety get the better of him while he was in New York. Her fault if you ask me for smothering him so long but he’d never admit it. 
‘Remember you’ll be your own grown man now, you need to start acting it.’
‘She’s right.’ He scolded himself, standing up a little taller and finally letting the man alone at peace. 
Of course old habits die a bit harder and he found himself subconsciously still swaying left to right in anticipation for the new bus arrivals. The woosh of the subway under his feet and the many, MANY names of cities and times being called out making it impossible for him to stand still. His excitement at his new life bubbling to the surface.
“Are you waiting for someone?” The stranger initiated the conversation, clearly sensing the tangible excitement coming from his right. 
“Oh yes! My friend is supposed to come meet me here, see I just got in town. I’m from California, and I’ve never been to New York before but my friend, old girlfriend I suppose. Well she lives here. And she invited me to stay with her so I could try to find a job, either on Broadway or a nightclub, really anything simple would work you know. I mean I have a job but it’s - ”
“Danny!” He heard from behind. 
“Please be his friend.” The man chuckled under his breath, clearly both amused and annoyed by his jittery rambles. 
“Daniel,” She laughed. “over here!” 
“Jinkx!” He finally spun around in the right direction to see his dear old friend running towards him. Looking livelier than he’d ever seen her, rosy cheeks and red hair full of color. Her bustline filled out and hips to die for.  
“You made it! Welcome!” She cheered when they at last reached each other. 
The pair excitedly embraced one another in a warm hug like only friends who hadn’t reunited in forever could. Unbothered by the crowd of people trying to push past them towards their own loved ones, including the stranger’s wife who’d joined him and his painted chicken by now. 
“I say!” He teased pulling her back by the shoulders so he could get a good look. “You look phenomenal.”
“Don’t judge dear. I’ve had a long night.” She blushed, pressing the back of her fingers against her own cheek to feel how badly her temperature was rising.
 “I bet.” Danny teased taking one of her hands to press his lips against them. Lovingly staring into her eyes for a minute as if years of separation had been washed away. Their bond strengthens again simply at the sight of one another. “You do look swell though, my god. Have you aged a day?”
“Many. And before you ask how many, don’t forget who’s letting you stay with them.”
“Yes ma’am.” The pair giggled amongst themselves hugging tightly once more.
The much, much better acquainted with schedules and subway numbers, Jinkx, tried to explain as best she could step by step for Danny how he was supposed to get around. More specifically, how to get to Greenwich Village where their now shared apartment awaited them. 
She explained he’d find the way rather easily as their type of free spirited artists regularly crowded the streets, and would always lend a helping hand to a lost soul. However, Danny was far too enchanted by the smell of hotdogs and pretzels coming from various corners of the street. 
So instead, they settled on taking a cab, partially because it was easier than trying to lug the hungry boy across a city he had no knowledge of. Mainly though because said hungry boy had promised if Jinkx paid for said cab he’d splurge on whatever lavish meal she wanted. 
Or at least that was originally the deal, by the time they’d gotten home, unpacked his luggage and Jinkx had changed into a gorgeous evening dress, Danny was exhausted. 
His hunger and the adrenaline of the day had worn him down to a listless wet cloth. Spread out on the living room’s couch in front of the radio with a cigarette dangerously close to falling out his fingertips and onto the meticulously vacuumed carpet. 
“Say doll, what if -“
“Nooooo-uh!” Jinkx whined out, dropping her hand with the extravagant pearl earrings to her side. 
“Let me finish.” He took both her hand and the earrings. “What if we go grab something at the drug store and stay in tonight hey? At 7.30 they’re airing I Love Lucy reruns. We could eat ourselves silly on popcorn and pretend it’s the pictures.”
He tried his best to keep a boyish glee on his face as she stared him down with resentment, towering over him in her high heels and arms crossed in a scolding posture. 
“No. Let me finish.”  She started forward, lifting her skirt up just enough to allow her easier mobility as she straddled his lap. Removing the cigarette from his hand and taking a long deep puff while she let his fingers glide from her ankle to her thighs, the thin stretch of nylon stockings the only barrier between them. 
The sting of an open palm radiated through Danny’s hands making him swiftly retreat them from her body.  “You are going to take me to the club. I want a drink, a hot meal and a show all in that order. You got it!”
 “Push-y.” He dragged out as she climbed off him, readjusting her ruffly blue dress to fall perfectly below the knee again. “Fine, let me go shave. I’ll be with you in a minute.”
Reluctantly he came out a new man. His stubbly chin trimmed down smoothly to a fresh clean face, side swept hair combed and pomaded back into his neat sailor cut. The pair looked positively hot to trot as they made their way out the building in a perfectly picked ensemble.
Jinkx in her new navy blue evening dress with black lace decorating her chest, not unlike one Lucille Ball had worn in a promotional shoot for her show when it was still on air as Danny had so politely remarked. 
Him wearing a slightly darker blue, slightly mismatched if you look closely, suit and coat. A brown tie, the only one he could find to his dismay, and a white handkerchief tucked into his breast. 
He felt perfectly grown up. Like a star in his own sitcom. 
“Say, Roy! When’s that film coming out again?” Jinkx shouted out of the blue when they crossed the street towards another apartment building about half the size of theirs.
“December 4th at Radio City. Goddamn it if it isn’t my best work yet!”
Danny looked up to where the reply had come from, it was a lean hispanic looking man hanging out of the window of his 3rd story rental. A cigarette in one hand, glass in another with a magazine spread open on the ledge. His thick collared and smoothly ironed white shirt buttoned high to the neck with a green tie poking out. Suspenders hooked over his shoulders and onto his black pants showing off his sophisticated old fashion look made Danny think back to the Arrow Collar ads his father had shown him back in the day. 
He flashed Danny a coy smile as he took another puff, trapping him in a stare down. “Who’s that?”
“That’s Roy. He helps sew costumes for companies. You hear of that book Auntie Mame they turned into a picture?”
“He helped make and ship the costumes. Knew a guy who knew the director and he said he HAD to be the one doing those gowns and drapes.”
“Wow.” Danny blushed finally returning the smile from the man. Amazed to be in the presence, ish, of someone who worked so close to the stars.
“You coming down to the club later?“
“Maybe. Call me from the lounge will yah!” He sent them a final wink and blew them a kiss before retreating back into his building, presumably to get ready Jinkx noted. 
Danny was dumbfounded though, how could he look so damn near perfectly put together and still need to get ready? Where were they going? The president’s lounge?
Not quite, obviously. They’d instead end up in a loud jazz club hidden behind some stairs leading underground. Like a final barrier you had to cross before the doors swung open into magic.
Well, magic covered in a lot of suede. The club was divided into two sections, the dining hall up some steps to your left. Where you could sit more quietly, enjoying the music and some food rather than participating in the show.  Then the lounge if you kept going straight past the entrance. It had a decently sized, wooden stage at the far end of the room, big enough for a full band of tubas, saxophones, bass players, big drum sets - you name it. 
Chairs and tables lined up past an imaginary line in front of the stage for guests to sit and drink during the performances and of course, the pièce de résistance, a full bar lining the wall on the right. 
His eyes lit up with wonder and awe as a dangerously tall woman with tanned brown skin and silver hair took his coat off. Her long slender fingertips sliding over his shoulders, smoothing any crinkles in his suit jacket. 
Jinkx quickly guided him down to a table near the middle, she claimed it would give them the best view while keeping a close enough spot to the bar that they wouldn’t have to wait long for drinks. 
Danny however assumed it was because there was already a gaggle of guys and girls hanging around it gushing over her when she rushed in. 
They hugged and kissed her left and right, praising her performances the week before at rehearsals and complimented her dress choice for the evening. Ooh’s and Aah’s galore as she twirled her hips side to side to make the length of the dress dance and sway beneath her. 
Danny waited patiently with his hat in his hands for someone to acknowledge him when a short blonde woman in a skin tight pink sheath dress walked over. Her hair perfectly coiffed up in short curls and delicate, light make up made her look as though she’d just walked off the set of a picture in Hollywood.
“Well well, what did the cat drag in?”
“Good evening.” Danny politely smirked at her when she held her dainty hand out for him to kiss. She had an intriguing air about her, as if she knew you wanted her despite her being forever out of your reach.
She eyed him like he was the last glass of water in a dessert, casually leaning onto his shoulder as if they’d been friends for ages. “Where you from young one?”
“California, ma’am. Azusa.” 
“My, you are far from home.” She cooed tilting her head inwards.
“You’re one to talk.” He quipped right back. “Long way yourself, what’s a pretty Australian girl doing in a dive like this?”
“Maybe a cute serviceman brought me to see the wonders of the big city.” 
She swayed around him effervescently as if to signal she might be done with the conversation for now, but that she definitely wasn’t done with him just yet. 
“They got too busy to send you back.” He teased allowing her to keep his gaze captivated just a tad longer. 
Her long, pointed nails pinching his cheek before she glided away. “Too distracted.”
‘I bet.’ He sighed to himself unable to look away from her hypnotic swaying rear desperately pushing the fabric of her dress to the limits.
As if it had been nothing but an illusion, when he turned his gaze away finally Jinkx had been introducing him, clearly unaware of the little cat and mouse act he’d just taken part in.
He courteously greeted everyone, shaking their hands or planting a kiss here or there on a cheek, whichever was appropriate, and sat down for the drink, dinner and a show he’d promised.
He hadn’t realized people could blather so much until the drinks began pouring, the quick meal of a small serving of steak and greens not nearly filling his belly as much as the bourbon, gin, vermouth and rum did. 
Not that he minded, in fact, Jinkx had been right. Once he got into the swing of it his low energy from earlier had disappeared and instead been replaced with his usual charismatic loud self. 
Freely laughing and dancing with whoever would occupy him at that moment, swinging around the dance floor with Jinkx’s co-star Dela. An equally tall, equally full built woman who tittered and swung her frilled dress as they danced up a storm to every fast paced tune till they couldn’t stand any longer.
“You know you’d make an awfully pretty girl.” Shangela, a lady who’d been singing when they got there but since joined the crowd at their table, teased when he came back to fall into his seat. Her thumb’s fingernail dragging down his full cheekbone. 
He had to take a minute to think of a response as he sat with a confused grin on his sweaty face making their compatriots chuckle. 
“You never play dress up? Not even your momma’s girdle?” She continued teasing.
He finally took a sip of his drink and leaned back casually throwing an arm around Jinkx’s chair; content in his masculinity yet again. “No ma’am. My dad fought in the wars, what would he think?” 
“Well I don’t know about him, but nobody seemed to mind when I did it.” Raja, the tall smoldering hot woman who took his coat, remarked as she walked past the table.
Thrown by the comment Danny sprang upright in his seat, coughing up the cloud of smoke he inhaled causing an uproar of cackling from the table yet again. The wonders of alcohol. 
“There there, sweetheart.” Jinkx soothed with a pat in his thigh between her own chuckling. “I told you this crowd wasn’t for the faint of heart - shoot! I forgot to call Roy!”
She rushed up towards the big phone box hanging by the entrance to the lounge and to ring up the man they’d spoken to, shouted to, on their way in. Confirming whether or not he’d still be joining them for a few rounds of drinks before closing time.
“Don’t worry, I made it.” Someone’s hand grabbed her, keeping her from going too far. “Say what’s a nice kid like you doing with this tramp anyway?” 
Danny looked up behind him to see where that familiar deep voice had come from and found a short man impeccably dressed behind him. His coat slung over his shoulder in a cool, relaxed sort of way with a bright perfect toothed smile spread between two dimples deep enough you could get lost in them.
“Hopefully some unspeakable things if I play my cards right.” He slurred. 
“In your dreams!” Jinkx slapped him, making the table erupt in a raucous laughter yet again when she sat down. “Why I was just about to call you.”
They were caught right in that sweet spot of heavy drinking where you still believe you’re sober enough even though you’re barely speaking more than a babble. 
Riding that high of alcohol and a head rush from too much smoke inhalation in a small, contained room that made even the most mundane of jokes sound like the funniest punchline you’d ever heard. Making Danny a little more rude than usual as he ignored Roy speaking. 
 “Ah give us a kiss, my little apple.” He jeered as he grabbed her face with both hands to pull her in for even the smallest of pecks. 
“Never mind that I assumed you’d been…occupied.” The man averted his eyes as if hiding from something, his big nose scrunched up towards Raja who’d come to take his coat finally. Gliding away with it leaving only a wink and a quick pat on the tush as a sign of her presence.
Finally he turned back, exhaled sharply and slapped Danny square and hard on the flat of his back making him jump. “Girls like her don’t give free kisses in the big apple, son.”
Jinkx seemed to ignore him and pouted her lips in Danny’s direction anyway. “For you, I’ll make an exemption any day, my sweet.” 
“Woo wee! Say a guy can get used to this life!” Danny cheered, pretending to loosen his tie like an over exaggerated cartoon wolf. Interrupting himself by swinging his body towards the band. “Boy these guys are great!”
“Maybe you should audition.” 
“Oh I can’t do that!”
“Danny?” Jinkx smiled at her innocent friend. “New York isn’t like Hollywood. Here the pictures are just another step away from the little people sure but, Broadway is where you want to be.”
“Where does that land the band then?” He asked, confused.
“These guys aren’t big shots. They’re the little people, the nobodies, the first step in the door. Everyone has to start with them.”
“You sure?”
“Of course I’m sure! How’d you think I got spotted for my role?”
“On your knees mostly.” He snarked looking around if Roy had caught his rude little joke but the man had already left their table to go mingle by the bar, presumably feeling unwelcome. 
‘Pity. I’ll catch up later I guess.’ He thought watching his real life Arrow Man elegantly stroll to go hug some friends. 
Between the dancing, smoking and endless supply of drinks flowing freely Danny had become quite inebriated without what seemed like much effort. He didn’t realize it himself until he finally went to stand still long enough at the cigarette machine, waiting for a new pack. His head had gone fuzzy and his mouth dry, scratchy from all the tobacco he’d inhaled, or from the screaming over jazz riffs. Who knows.
“I - I - I need a - hey! I -“
“Aye yay yay!” His compatriots mocked him, too incoherent in their own drunken stupor to notice just how desperately he’d begun searching for a bathroom in the unfamiliar setting. Practically hopping about at this point.
He gave up and figured the hell with it, rushing out to go pee on either the sidewalk or the alley, whichever he found behind the door closest to him.
“Oh thank god.” He sighed just in time for the flood of piss to miss his pants. 
He steadied himself against the wall with one hand and tried taking deep breaths. Using this minute out in the cold autumn air to clear his head just enough to feel like himself again.
“Oh baby…right there. Don’t move.” He heard moaned behind him.
“Wha -“ He tried turning his head slowly over his shoulder, curiosity getting the better of him but self preservation telling him to stay blended into the dark just in case.
“I said don’t move!” The voice moaned a little more authoritatively. 
“Sorry baby, it just feels so good. It’s him, he’s not doing his part of the holding.”
“Fuck.” Danny gasped when his eyes focused on the bundle of moaning bodies in the corner of the club’s alley.
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Tucked between a strapping set of young boys, Courtney, the blonde who teased him so earlier, was blissfully moaning with her eyes pointed past him. When he realized this his blood went cold, waiting for her to notice and shout something at him or charge her lovers at him.
“Oh…good boys.” She purred, kissing up one of their ears with a devilish grin while the other in turn bit into her nape.
Her leg & dress hooked over one man’s forearm, giving him an excellent view of her pretty pink pussy being pounded. 
The one at her back perfectly on time with the hum of the band’s music, slamming into her with deep strokes. 
Her painted eyes framed by beautiful blonde curls flowing down her sweaty forehead, emphasizing her allure like a panther watching a deer caught in her crossfire, as if she was inviting him to stay longer. 
Danny wasn’t sure what to do, a guilty little twinge of arousal tugging in his slacks. Perhaps he should say something?
“Nice night for it ey?”
‘No, idiot, no! Shit.’
“I swear I didn’t see anything!”
‘That’s even dumber! Just get out of here!’  He scolded himself. Pulling his gaze away from the trio so he could rush back inside before anyone went looking for him.
“There you are! I was just looking for you!” Jinkx exclaimed when he crashed into her behind the door.  Too late. 
“I was um, outside, looking for the bathroom. You know me and directions.” He tried laughing it off. Simultaneously trying to shut the door behind him and keep her deterred from peeping through it.
“Why didn’t you say so silly.” She teased dragging him by the collar to another door. “It’s right here.”
“Um.” He gulped as he realized she was pushing herself through the door with him, managing to easily pin him against the single stall door with lust in her eyes.
‘What they put in the water here?’ He panicked.
“Unspeakable things huh?” Jinkx cooed against his lips, crashing their bodies together for a manic make out session. Maybe on another night Danny would’ve discouraged this behavior, no he wouldn’t.
Who’s he kidding, this is great.
He feverishly returned the kissing, their lips parting just enough for inhaling fresh air between desperate moans. If he had the right sense he’d probably rip that gorgeous dress off her right then and there but he couldn’t, too many layers and too many people on the other side of that door persuaded the rational part of his mind better.
Jinkx ignored this simple line of thinking and reached for his hand, guiding it slowly to her undercoat, up her thighs and between her legs.
“Oh god.” Danny whispered, feeling unable to tear himself away from the heavy petting. Logic and rationale leaving his body momentarily as he fought to stay calm and more importantly, discreet.
His mind rushed with previous images of Courtney stuck between her lovers, her breasts heaving into the tight vested chest of the blonde boy holding her up.
His muscle toned forearm pulling her up into himself with force - strong, masculine force.
“No. When we get home.” He pulled himself off and away when his fantasies had drifted too far. “Later.”
Jinkx moaned one last time as he bit onto her smudged swollen lip. Agreeing to contain herself for one more dance number before they’d call it a night.
Danny quickly helped her fix her makeup with a wet piece of toilet paper in the small cracked mirror hanging near them. Ready to resume their drunken partying as if absolutely nothing had changed except the confirmation about their intentions.
“Heeeey. You get your drink?” Roy inquired, grabbing Danny by the arm when he tried walking out the bathroom.
“Uh…no, sir.”
Thinking on his feet he managed to maneuver them both using an equally tipsy Roy’s body weight against himself, redirecting them away from the slightly less than disheveled Jinkx, who was still hiding in the bathroom waiting for the coast to clear. 
“Well let’s fix that.”
“They’re gonna start cleaning soon so this is more a last call deal, got it?” Roy grumbled as he struggled to pull the cork off a bottle of cheap looking whiskey. Sighing defeatedly when he remembered the bottle was in fact a twist cap, an authoritative wave of his index finger shushing the snickering younger man.
Danny pretended to zip his lips, mulling it over while Roy poured the drinks. His lips kept shut, pinched between his thumb and index finger before he caved, letting his thoughts out aloud. “Lemme ask you a question, Mr Designer.”
Roy looked the boy up and down, examining him with an imaginary magnifying glass before he stood taller, ready for the kill. Slugging one of the whiskey shots back before he answered. “Those pants are horrible. They don’t fit yah and the jacket is even worse, ugh. Stop by my place next week. I’ll tailor the shit out of it for you.”
“Why you - I ought - you know, you’re an asshole.” Danny huffed.
Did he take the insult a little too personally, perhaps. Maybe it was just thanks to the liquid courage still flowing through him. Or the stress. Or the travel fatigue. Who knows. Who cares? He’d gotten under his skin.
“Careful.” Roy grinned. “Language like that can get you arrested.”
“Wha-huh?” The younger’s face dropped like a school boy who’d just been scolded.
“I’m kidding!” He laughed. “Say whatever the FUCK, you want around here. Nobody cares, they’re all degenerates.”
“Now seriously. What was so pressing?” Roy assured him, handing his glass of whiskey over to him. Their fingertips barely touched as if Danny imagined it. It could’ve been just his watch strap, he told himself, probably was but he couldn’t tell.
Shaking off this feeling of butterflies in his stomach Danny blurted out. “Is it true what they say about men who wear matching ties and pocket squares.“
“Let’s say it is.” Roy answered hushed, his voice low, barely an echo. Suspicion in his eyes he casually tucked the green fabric in his breast pocket away and out of sight.
“Oh I wasn’t going to say nothing, I just meant. You see a lot of those in, in Hollywood you know.”
“That so?”
“Yeah. I knew a friend who said their cousin worked for one of the guests’ at Rock Hudson’s parties. He saw everything.”
“And how did you feel about what your friend’s cousin’s employer saw?”
It felt by his tone as if they were both testing the water, slowly leaning down into each other’s gaze like a predator and his prey observing one another across a pond. Taking a slow drink from the rim of his glass as if it could be the last before disaster might strike. The air disappears, evaporating into thick tension.
“I felt,” He gulped. “Like, maybe, New York might not be all that different.”
“It’s not.”
Roy continued observing him, the tension between them rising as if someone had suddenly turned up the thermostat to 100. “Come to my room with me, I might show you.”
“Okay.” He gulped again, loosening the tie around his collar to get some much needed air as soon as Roy turned away from the bar towards some men in overalls. 
“Y’all are late. If the Lady herself sees this she’ll throw a fit, and then all three our asses on the street.”“Who’s the lady?” Danny asked Dela who’d walked up behind him with his hat and coat. 
“The club owner, you’ll meet her eventually when you audition.” 
‘Right’, he thought. He’d never even stopped to consider he’d be auditioning for more than just the few band members they saw earlier. This wasn’t like the high school kid ensemble he played for, this was the real deal, the thing he’d come here to do. He had to actually DO it.
“You.” Jinkx smiled tapping Danny on the shoulder, shaking him out of his thoughts. “Have my car keys.”
“Nope. I definitely don’t.”
“Well damn, then it’s true.” She whined. “We do really have to walk home.”
“Yes we do.” He smiled sympathetically. 
He knew she might feel better from walking home in the cold air and maybe a cup of coffee or two but realistically, in the morning, she’d be royally fucked. 
While he was getting his things in order - button up the top button of his shirt again, make sure his belt wasn’t too loose, put on his hat etc. Courtney had returned, boyless. He blushed at first when he saw her and pretended to fiddle with his coat buttons instead, doing and undoing the same one as if it was stuck.
She however, wanted to be seen, she went up to him and with a simple little tug and pull managed to do all his buttons and readjust his tie for him. 
With the lights on again Danny could suddenly make out something about the boy whose fingers were inside the blonde not 5 minutes ago, he’d come to the bar to collect his tips for the night except he, was a she.
His eyes flicked rapidly between Courtney and the emcee, trying to glance at the fake mustache painted on her face and the massive set of tits hanging out her now open vest. How he’d missed it earlier stumped him. Then again, he was focused on better views.
“We live just down the street that way, a skip and a jump really, you wouldn’t mind being a responsible young lad walking us ladies home would you?” Courtney tempted him once more, their gaze simultaneously tracking towards each other off of the woman. 
“Of course not.” He twitched a smile, catching Roy gesturing to him out of the corner of his eye. 
“You ready? Just have to grab my coat.”
“Oh.” Danny panicked, quickly grabbing him by the suspenders as if he was fixing them but rather he was using it to lean a bit closer for privacy. “Listen. She’s not so peachy right now, and they, Courtney and - and Dela, they need a chaperone. Do you think we can walk them home and call it another day?”
“Absolutely.” Roy smiled unfeigned by this rejection.
Danny’s head was spinning again and he couldn’t tell if it was still the alcohol or because of all the back and forth he had to do. Maybe it was just trying to keep track of all his ducks who’d fallen out of row but he’d had enough. If this is what New York’s like, maybe he’s made a huge mistake.
“Mh hm.” His voice squeaked nervously but nevertheless he pressed on.
The group managed to occupy themselves on the, supposedly, short walk by singing show tunes and reminiscing about their own first nights in the big city. Making Danny feel a little less like a fish out of water and more normal.
Normal enough until Jinkx cracked a joke about how lucky the ladies were to each have a man on their arm. Except for Courtney of course, but she quipped back with a wink about having enough of her fill making Danny blush all over.
By no means had he been a prude, in fact he’d always considered himself rather free minded, open, a regular partaker if you will. He’d had his fair share of girls even in high school, in college he had some of the other boys’ share too. Never two people at the same time though he thought, and another man. Oh god. Another man. 
Roy was right there, he’d forgotten about the conversation they had earlier and now that he’d sobered up what he’d agreed to suddenly sounded so much scarier…but almost, sexier.
His mind began filling with images of what Roy could look like under that suit while they waited for the girls to finish saying their goodnights. 
The older man fueled his fantasies when he leaned close to him, lighting his own cigarette with Danny’s lighter before the younger could catch on. 
‘God his lips.’ He licked his own. As if he could taste them. ‘Just look at how they wrap-‘
“She’s incontinent, Dela…but shh I’ll tell you about it tomorrow. Righty boys.” Jinkx snapped him back with a cheer as she took each man by a different arm and began walking them back in the opposite direction to their buildings.
 A quip about feeling like Gene Kelly and Donald O’Connor set Jinkx off into singing tunes again. The boys were unable to control her as she merrily kept them entertained, pulling Danny free from their little trio so she could try to serenade him. 
Leaving poor Roy to straggle along behind them alone all the way to his building next to theirs. Danny managed to turn back and wave goodbye just in time to see him disappear behind glass doors and kicked himself a little for being so rude. 
If he could he’d kick Jinkx too but she was a little too busy occupying those legs for something else. 
“All clean?” She purred, running her long red nails up and down his thighs as they stood in the shower together. 
“Mh.” He sighed content. 
“You should get out before you wrinkle.” 
“What about you?” Danny cupped her face gently with one hand and wiped a cloth at the cum dripping off her chin with the other. 
“Don’t worry about me dear.” She lulled standing back up from her knees. “You just go get ready for bed I’ll be done in a jiffy.”
He left her to her own devices and decided to rather robe up and go make another cup of tea before bed. He felt so lost at that point he didn’t know if he’d ever get to sleep. He no longer had that tight knot in his stomach from everything he witnessed at the club, that’s for sure. Jinkx made quick work of that from when she first noticed it while walking home to when they finally made it through the door. 
“Where’s your sugar?” 
“In the cabinet above the bread!” 
Knock Knock
Danny halted his movements, waiting for another knock first or at least a reply from Jinkx. Maybe she had another guest on their way that he didn’t know about, or worse. Maybe this was the scary muggers he’d been warned about. Hoodlums out to rob them right in their own home. 
“Dammit to hell,” he mustered, tying up his loose night gown tassels. “I’m a man aren’t I, I can defend this homestead.”
He flung open the door bravely as if he’d been ready for whatever awaited him, and yet, he nearly jumped out his skin when he realized it was Roy.
“Didn’t get to say goodnight.” He smiled.
He gave a quick peek around them and rushed towards the door, grabbing Danny by the neck to pull him in for an unexpected kiss. The younger didn’t even have time to feign futile resistance, his body betrayed him as his eyes rolled back into his head. Lavishing every second of this forbidden moment.
Roy was the first to move, pulling away from Danny with a snarky, “Goodnight.”
“Goodnight.” Danny echoed. His voice hushed and his brain blown into a million tiny pieces trying to puzzle together what had just happened.
If it wasn’t for the cool breeze flowing in from the corridor he would’ve forgotten he was still standing by the doorway. He quickly closed it and readjusted his nightgown to cover up his cold skin, suddenly aware of the little brown notepad paper stuffed into his hand. 
“Oh Daniel…” Jinkx cooed from the doorway of the bathroom in nothing but her brassiere and girdle haphazardly put back on. “Come back to momma, please?”
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He stood stiff for a minute, clearing his throat and wiping at his mouth with his palm as if he needed to expel any lingering traces of Roy before shuffling the note back into his gown’s pocket. 
Tapping it one last time before scurrying into the bedroom after his old flame for just one more affair. Maybe. 
‘Not today,’ he thought, closing the bedroom door as Jinkx let him towards the bed. ‘Not today.’
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fortheloveofpearlet · 7 years
idk if ur taking any more prompts, but daddy kink biadore (if ur comfortable w it[!]) w danny sub
I don’t want to alarm anyone, but I appear to have written a drabble! 😵
Thank you darling, sorry this took so long! Currently not taking requestsI’m not entirely comfortable writing daddy kink but here is some rough sex, Roy dom/Danny sub. Hope that’s ok 😘 no story just smut.
Danny was naked on the bed, the handcuffs at his wrists that pinned him to headboard were digging into his flesh and the gag in his mouth was hurting his jaw. He was on his front, on his hands and knees. He couldn’t see Roy but he could hear the distinct sound of leather hitting the wood of the base board of the bed. He knew what it was; a whip. He had no idea what had come over Roy, he was never quite like this in the bedroom. To be honest, Danny would say their sex life had started to become a little stale. They’d been together years, he supposed that was maybe to be expected. But when he’d come home from work this evening Roy had been waiting for him in the bedroom, naked and hard. It hadn’t been long before Roy had stripped Danny of his clothes and then he’d ended up like this. Honestly Danny wasn’t about to complain. It may be out of character for Roy but Danny didn’t need to question that now. Roy hadn’t even touched him and he was sure he was harder than he’d ever been.‘So this is how you like it?’ Roy finally spoke from the end of the bed. Danny tried to reply, forgetting about the gag but his voice was just a muffled sound. 'You really should delete your internet history if you didn’t want me to know.’The whip slapped the wooden base board again and Danny whimpered, the sound startling him. So that’s what this was about. Danny had forgotten to erase his browsing history and Roy had found the sordid porn videos he’d been jacking off to recently. Danny had no idea where the fascination had come from but he’d found himself increasingly interested in the world of BDSM. The handcuffs. The whips. The rough sex. Jacking off to those videos had led to some of the best orgasms of his life. And Roy had found them. Danny felt the weight of the mattress shift and he assumed Roy had climbed onto the bed. His suspicions were confirmed when he felt the cool leather tracing his spine. He hissed, knowing full well what came next. He held his breath and sure enough it came to a stop at the bottom of his spine and then the whip cracked across his ass cheek. He screamed a little at the pain but once again it was muffled. Roy slapped his ass over and over with the whip, each time the pain seemed to heighten. By the time he was done Danny’s ass was throbbing, he knew it would leave welts and it would hurt for weeks. Roy came closer to him and pushed his erection into one of Danny’s throbbing cheeks. The whip trailed back up his spine and down again and held his breath once more ready for the pain. The pain didn’t come though. Roy moved away from him and the next thing Danny knew he felt the cuffs around his arms loosening. Roy freed him from his restraints and quickly flipped Danny onto his back. Danny stared up at him, Roy had a darkness to his eyes and a dangerous smirk on his lips. Danny had never seen him like this before. As he just stared on he didn’t realise his hands were being cuffed to the headboard above his head once more until it was too late. He whimpered and tried to pull his arms free but the metal of his restraints just dug into his skin. Roy straddled him and sat over the younger mans chest. Roy’s hand reached for his own dick and started slowly pumping himself.'We’re going to play a little game.’ He smirked, using his free hand to grab Danny’s chin. 'I’m going to do whatever I want to you and you can’t come until I say so.’ He stroked his dick a few more times before letting go of it completely. 'And if you do come before I say you can…’ Roy’s eyes got darker. 'I will punish you.’Danny swallowed as Roy moved lower down his body. He knelt on the bed and parted Danny’s legs. Danny was trembling at this point, turned on to the point he already felt like he could blow his load and Roy hadn’t done anything yet. He had no idea how he was supposed to hold off. Roy bowed his head and ran his tongue up the underside of Danny’s shaft and over his head that was already leaking with pre come. Roy chuckled to himself knowing how hard this was going to be for his boyfriend but that was the point. He wanted to give Danny the best fucking orgasm of his life. He wanted to push the younger man right to the brink only to pull him back again. By the time he was ready to let Danny come he was going to be a mess. His head got lower and Danny trembled again knowing where Roy was going. Seconds later he felt Roy’s wet tongue pressed against his hole.'Remember Danny, you can’t come until I say you can.’ He spoke at Danny’s entrance sending a wave of vibrations through his whole body. Danny whimpered again just as Roy’s tongue plunged inside of him. Danny moaned around his gag but the noise was once again muffled. Roy’s tongue worked his hole with a new found ferocity that Danny hadn’t experienced before. One of Roy’s hands was on Danny’s thigh, his nails digging down into his flesh. His other hand wandered to Danny’s erection and started pumping him, slowly at first. His tongue was exploring Danny’s hole like it was the first time and Danny continued to moan around his gag. His balls already felt like they could explode, he wasn’t sure how he was supposed to hold off. Roy’s hand picked up its pace a little and Danny’s eyes rolled back in his head. Roy smirked as he continued to explore Danny’s ring of muscles with his tongue, gliding in and out. Danny was panting, Roy watched his small chest as it heaved up and down. There’s more where that come from, Roy smiled to himself. Suddenly he let go of Danny’s dick and his tongue disappeared from his hole. Danny whimpered a little at the lack of contact but a part of him was relieved, he needed a little breather or he was surely going to blow his load. Roy climbed up the bed and took hold of Danny’s chin. Their eyes met and Danny saw the darkness behind Roy’s.'Close?’ Roy smirked giving Danny’s face a squeeze. 'Don’t forget the rules Danny.’ Roy let go of his face and chuckled a little before he straddled Danny’s chest. He wrapped his hand around his own dick and pumped himself a few more times. Danny was too mesmerised watching this that he didn’t see Roy’s other hand reach up and unlock the cuffs. Danny’s hands fell to his side and he breathed a sigh of a relief. He started circulating his wrists to try and get the blood pumping again as Roy got back up. Danny found himself being flipped back on to his front and his wrists being pinned behind his back this time. The cuffs were slapped around his wrists once more holding him in place. Roy pulled him up onto his hands and knees and Danny just went along with it; he couldn’t exactly do anything else. Soon he felt the unmistakeable feeling of leather trailing down his spine.'Are you close Danny?’ Roy repeated in a murmur, his voice low. Danny grunted and shook his head although they both knew it was a lie. Roy smirked.'Good boy. Think you’re ready for my cock?’Danny whimpered a little. Roy wasn’t usually one for dirty talk and it made Danny’s balls throb. He’d never been so turned on in his life. He knew having Roy’s dick fill him up would be incredible but at the same time it would no doubt push him over the edge. But Danny couldn’t answer even if he wanted to. He heard Roy reach over to the bedside draw to where the stash of condoms was. Danny heard the packet ripping and he closed his eyes and took deep breaths to try and compose himself.'Remember the rules Danny,’ Roy’s voice was low and breathy. 'No coming until I say.’ He rolled the condom over his erection. Soon Danny felt Roy pressing the head of his cock outside his hole. Danny felt weak at this point. Roy was succeeding in winding the younger boy up and he knew it.‘Want me?’ Roy held his hips tightly, teasing him with his cock. Danny growled around his gag. What a stupid question. Soon Danny felt the head of his cock slowly pushing inside him. But once he had the tip in, he thrust the rest of his length inside Danny and he hit his prostate hard causing Danny to emit a muffled scream. Roy clearly liked this reaction as he kept doing it, thrusting really hard, slamming into the younger man, hitting him in all the right places.‘Jesus you’re tight.’ Roy grunted, a sheen of sweat forming across his forehead. He felt close to the edge himself. Roy’s hand snaked around Danny’s waist and took hold of his shaft and he immediately felt his pre come leaking out as he started roughly pumping him. Danny’s head was hazy. He was a complete mess, writhing and panting under Roy. Roy had reduced Danny to jelly. No one had ever done that before. Danny’s head was leaking and his balls hurt he needed to come so badly. Roy clearly sensed this. He stopped pumping him and brought his hand to his lips. Danny knew without seeing him that he was licking his come off his hand. Danny felt Roy’s hand at the back of his head and suddenly the gag came lose and Danny’s spat it out on the bed. He panted a little.‘Roy I really think I’m going to come.’ It was killing him not to. Roy smirked a little.‘Did I say you could?’ He thrust really hard and actually that one hurt Danny a little but it soon felt amazing again. He would pull almost all the way out of him, just leaving his head inside and then slam back in with all his force. He was pumping Danny’s cock again although his strokes were getting a little lazy now but Danny was kind of thankful for that.‘I really don’t think I can last any longer.’ Danny was panting, his balls in agony. Roy shrugged.‘See what happens if you do.’ He smirked in that dangerous way, Danny could hear it in his voice, and that paired with his grip around Danny’s dick and the feeling of him slamming his prostate was his lot. Danny couldn’t stop, there was no way he could hold out any longer without his balls exploding. Danny came with such force it hurt. He had never come so hard before and he covered the bed and Roy’s hand with his load.‘Danny, Danny, Danny.’ He tutted, shaking his head, thrusting each time he said his name. Unexpectedly he pulled out of him then and was quickly getting out of the condom. He flipped Danny over making him frown. Roy moved so he was kneeling over his chest. He started stroking his cock as he looked down on his boyfriend.‘What did I say?’ he shook his head. Pathetically Danny bit his lip. Roy threw his head back as his own orgasm washed over him. His cock twitched in his hand and then he covered Danny with streak after streak of his salty come. His chest. His arms. Even some on his face. He was panting and grinning when he looked back at Danny. There was a drop of his come on Danny’s lip and he licked it off making Roy hiss.'That was hot.’ Roy smirked. 'Well I’ve got places to be.’ He got up from the bed and started throwing his clothes back on. Danny frowned as he just laid there, his arms still cuffed behind his back.'What? Where?’ Danny asked incredulous. Roy just shrugged but didn’t reply. He got dressed and headed for the bedroom door.'Roy you can’t leave me like this! Un-cuff me!’ He heard Roy chuckled in reply but then the door swung open and closed behind him. Danny stared at the door in shock and confusion. Roy couldn’t just leave him like that could he? Panic started to set in and he started to realise his arms were hurting. Just as his panic was about to hit fever pitch the door swung back open and Roy strolled in. He came over to the bed and sat down.'As if I’d just leave you baby.’ He smiled softly and placed a gentle kiss on Danny’s lips. He untied him and helped clean him up. Afterwards they crawled into bed together and Roy held him tight.'How do you feel?’ He spoke into Danny’s messy hair.'A little sore but it was totally worth it. That was amazing.’Roy laughed a little a placed a kiss on Danny’s crown.'I’m glad you enjoyed it baby. It was incredible.’'Roy?’ Danny asked softly and turned in the older mans arms so he could look at him.'Yes Danny?’'Are you…’ Danny bit his lip. 'Are you going to punish me for coming?’Roy’s eyes went dark again and a smirk appeared on his lips.'Oh you better believe it. But we’ll save that for another time.’ He kissed Danny’s lips and Danny settled back onto Roy’s chest. Roy’s words went straight to Danny’s dick and he felt himself getting hard again. He liked the idea of that way too much and he couldn’t wait for Roy to punish him like he deserved.
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dazed--xx · 3 years
Hello, I Love You(1)
Request: hello! I saw that your requests were open so i really wanted to rq a namjoon x reader one! i'm not sure if you do light yandere but if you don't, it's alright i have two possible ones! 1. namjoon is a therapist, with y/n deciding to try therapy again as she does have some daddy issues. He's really attracted to her and uses the information and insecurities she tells him to use it against her. she does fall for him too, with him always there 4 her. happy ending, smut too? thanks!! 2. Bodyguard, buff!joon who is a huge simp for reader. He's literally always beside her and protects her from everything. Being so tall, muscular, handsome, and kind really attracts her to him. He occasionally flirts with her, and she does it too. However, they both thought the other didnt like each other that way, just platonically. they somehow get together in the end though! idiots to lovers, smut and angst please!! thank you sm!
Member: Soft Yandere! Namjoon x Reader
Genre: Angst, slow burn,  
Word Count: 2,010
Trigger Warning: mentions of suicide, self-harm, therapy, negligent parents, bribery, age gap, crossing professional boundaries, forceful hug,  
A/N: so, I decided to actually make the reader from “The Lies Your Eyes Tell” so this is kinda like a series continuation of that with how the reader processes Jin’s death, how she comes to terms with it and how she moves on from it. I love that this requester gave this long detailed request for one of 2 stories and as much as I liked the bodyguard idea there are just so many bodyguard au's and I don’t see a lot of therapist ones so I wanted to do something different. Now you don’t need to read TLYET to understand this story but it would be a good idea to read it so you can understand who the reader was before the incident in this fic, this whole fic was inspired by Hello, I Love You by Adore Delano, but this chapter was inspired by Toy by Block B. anyway REQUESTS ARE OPEN BUYMEACOFFEE’S ARE ALWAYS WRITTEN FIRST AND POSTED THE DAY OF THE REQUEST.  
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(Not my gif)
Life has not been kind to you, the days passing after Seokjin shot himself you’ve become silent. The memory of the shouting match that drove him over the edge on repeat in your head. His funeral was attended by the whole town, excluding you. The Kim’s were a wealthy bunch, the most influential family in your little town; you’ve always heard the rumors of them being a troubled bunch and only after Jin’s passing you could try to understand why he was so desperate for you to love him back. His mother was a ruthless debutante, she ruled her family with an iron fist. You can remember how she walked into your house as you sat on your couch in shock after the police had arrived  
“J-Jin p-please put the gun down” you cry shakily. He shakes his head forcefully “you don’t care about me Y/n, you don’t love me”  
“Yes, I do, I love you Jin please” he shakes his head in denial “you hate me I'm a psycho remember, you want me to leave you alone right y/n” your eyes widen as he approaches you “RIGHT Y/N! ANSWER ME YOU WANT ME TO LEAVE YOU ALONE, RIGHT?! RIGHT!?” “YES, PLEASE FUCK LEAVE ME ALONE JIN I CAN'T BREATHE I CAN'T DO IT ANYMORE GO AWAY”  
It all happens so fast before you can even process it you can hear a loud BANG and feel a warm liquid splatter onto your face as you let out a loud scream as you see Jins lifeless body drop on the floor in front of you. The screams continuously releasing themselves from your throat, as you stared at his lifeless figure on the floor your voice dulls. A warmth spreading through you as you stare down at your shaky blood-spattered hands.  
a small sinister smile spreads across your lips.  
The strong metallic smell burning at your nose, bile rising in your throat as you scramble for your discarded phone. Quickly dialing 911  
“911 where is your emergency?” the operator states. You stare back at Jin’s body, your hands shaking; voice lost
“Hello?” the operator calls out softly. You stutter out your address. “h-he I-I'm I-” you gasp out. “t-there’s blo-od ev-everywhe-re I-I h-he-he wouldn’t put it down I-I th-think h-he's”  
“Okay I need you to take a breath what happened?” the operator asks calmly. You slowly explain as the operator reassures a patrol officer has been dispatched to your location, you sit frozen across the room staring at Jin’s body lying in the middle of the floor.  
“I need you to open the door the officer is there, okay?” the operator calls out. You slowly crawl over to the door.  
Time passing in slow motion, you at in shock staring out your front window a thin figure obscuring your view. Wide eyed and in shock your eyes trail over the lanky woman. An envelope extended from her hand; you stare at her confused.  
“I apologize for my son inconveniencing you, I will pay to have your clothes and house cleaned. This (she gestures to the envelope) is for your discretion” She states sternly. A bored glare on her face as you send her another confused stare. “We do not need to disclose to anyone that my failure of a son shot himself, that would not reflect well on our family nor our business. Take this and let me be rid of another headache Seokjin has caused me” She snaps dropping the assumed check in your lap as she stomps off.  
“Always leaving a mess wherever you go Seokjin, even in death you ruin everything” she spits toward his body being carted off by the coroner. The sudden need to say something to him over takes you as you dash toward his body, “c-can I-I say something to him?” I ask the coroner. “P-please?” I beg. They nod softly, you notice the confusion on their face.  
You let your hand caress his cheek softly “I-I’m sorry” your finger feeling the entrance wound, you suppress a cry. “I-I did-didn’t w-want you to die.” you say with finality.
That day haunting your mind every day. You spend hours seated in the same spot staring at what used to be stained with Jin’s blood. So much so your negligent parents finally putting a stop to it on your 18th birthday, 4 months after the incident. Your mother discovering the cuts you began placing on your arms in the past few weeks. With her reputation at risk, she quickly called her therapists office, getting you set up with your first appointment within a couple of hours; due to her status.  
So here you sat, in the waiting room, staring at the door that read KIM NAMJOON. Your leg shaking rapidly, your lip cemented between your teeth. Your mother quickly elbowing your side “stop shaking so much, and take your lip from between your teeth he’s going to think you have no manners.” you nod quickly looking toward the ground.  
“Y/F/N” You hear as the door in front of you creaks open. You and your mother slowly stand up. “Ms. L/N I'm sorry but this is a private session and I do see in Y/N’s file you filled out she turned 18 last week so unfortunately you will have to stay out here” The therapist states, as your eyes slowly trail from his shoes to his face. Your heart racing as his beauty entrances you.  
You walk past him as he closes the door behind you. He walks toward the desk, taking a seat in the large chair behind it as he grabs a file opening it and types on his computer. You stand frozen by the door. “You can take a seat” he states curtly gesturing to the chairs placed front of the desk. You nod and slowly make your way into a seat. “So, Y/N I see you recently witnessed a friend’s suicide, my condolences” His eyes trail over you as you nod, he begins typing something into the computer as you answer.
“Do you know why you’re here today?” his voice is soft, almost concerned, again you nod. This time you lift your long sleeves showing him the intricate lines you’ve made in your flesh. He nods curtly “do you talk?” you shake your head no. “Well, that’s okay we can just sit here in silence if that’s what you would prefer.” He says with a soft smile. You give him a confused look “everyone processes grief differently, some become exceptionally outspoken, some go mute, some deny, some become obsessed with death” answering your unasked question.  
For the rest of your time, you sat and looked all over the office, eventually he provided you with a book “sorry it’s the only one I have but it's better than doing nothing especially when we have another hour” you smile softly and began reading. Every so often your mind would go from the pages in front of you to the male behind the desk. He sure was handsome, the intense focus he had as he worked on the computer in front of him; the plumpness of his lips. Your eyes trailing to his hands as he typed. His fingers long, and smooth.  
If this were a different time you would have flirted, played coy acted shy; like you did with Jin a voice whispered in your head. But times change people change, and you acting like that brought Jin to his knees. Soon your first session was over.  
Each week brought you another hour and a half with Namjoon by week 9 you’ve grown comfortable with your time with Namjoon. He’d always inquire about your progress and has even convinced you to actually answer your prescreening questionnaire through writing your answers to his questions to him. He never pushes you to talk. Recently you’ve also noticed how he’s been asking questions that show genuine interest in your wellbeing. You learn he is 27, graduated top of his class; and has traveled.  
You feel wrong as you have developed quite the crush on him, the many times you have wished he weren't your therapist, or you hadn’t sworn off dating; due to his suggestion to help you fully understand yourself as Namjoon had once said. You’ve spent your days taking part in a new job on his suggestion and you can feel your life genuinely changing for the better. You’re slowly working on moving out of your parents' house as it was “the location for your trauma” as Namjoon put it. You’ve found yourself opening up again, still never saying a word in your sessions but your silence never felt judged.  
You feel excited as you sit in the familiar seat. “So, Y/n how was this week?” Namjoon asked sliding a pen and paper over to you. You smile and slide it back to him “it went well I put a deposit on an apartment” you state. Namjoon’s eyes are wide as he stares at you mouth agape. “u-uh” he swallows quickly. “s-sorry y-you talked!” he exclaimed excitedly. “O-oh y-yeah I-I can talk” you state awkwardly staring down at your hands. “No, it's not that I mean- you never- well it's just I wasn’t expecting you to have such a beautiful voice” He mutters. “I'm sorry let me start over” He blushes embarrassed. “The apartment, when do you move in”  
“Next month! I have been taking extra shifts. You were right, honestly, my mother and the memory of Jin was draining me, every time I saw that spot when I walked in the house I would be sucked right back into that day” you say softly. “I think you know me better than I know myself” you didn’t know it but Namjoon's heart swelled in his chest. How he’s longed to hear your voice. Your words just igniting a fire within him, he’s always thought you were beautiful. The many nights he’s pleasured himself to the thought of you were countless. He started having you as his last appointments for the day due to the amount of sexual release he needed after having you in his office.  
He wanted to take you on the desk, have you pleading and begging him to cum. He knew it was wrong not only ethically, but morally as well, you were almost 10 years younger than him. He could lose his job, and honestly as he heard your soft melodic voice, he felt it would be worth it. To make you his, he’s dreamt of this moment where he could hear the song of your voice. He needs you beside him, these hour and a half sessions not long enough anymore. He needed you at all times, he needed to be the reason you smiled the way you do. The way your eyes shine as you begin explaining your love for your job, things your coworkers do. He’d imagine it would be in his apartment, you coming in after a shift to lay comfortably in his lap.  
You allowing him to press soft kisses into your hair as you ranted about your day. Namjoon knew he would love you from the moment he saw you and now that you’ve spoken, he knows you love him too.  
It's only a matter of time until you can be together. His heart swelling at the prospect as you make your way out as the session comes to an end. He couldn’t help himself as he walks you to the door, his hand slowly wrapping around your wrist, you slowly turn around toward him confusion in your eyes. He pulls your small frame into his lanky one and breathes in your scent hugging you firm but fondly. Your heart races as he holds you in place a blush creeping on your face as he breaks from the embrace. “I'll see you next week beautiful” the nickname sliding out before he could catch it. He notices the blush on your face as you nod quickly placing your bottom lip between your teeth,  
“Until next time” you stately shyly.  
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kingandfireheart · 3 years
TCOGB thoughts
These are all unfiltered brain dump thoughts after spending some time processing what I read
I was terrified the next three books were going to heartmate trials and I am so glad that that isn't the case
Usually, I get bored with established couples after the first few scenes by I absolutely adore PoppyCas, their dynamic evolves a lot and doesn't feel tiresome (like Feysand in ACOFAS)
Smut was smutty but it was meaningful and advanced the plot so I am happy
the smell of Lilacs means more than just the blood memories and I need to know why JLA chose Lilacs for PoppyCas and also for the weird faceless creatures
MISS WILLA wow I want more of her in every book always
also JLA is sneaky with her teasers! changing things up and moving around names!
Kieran is just part of the PoppyCas relationship and I’m okay with that - joining or no joining, he LOVES them both, them all cleaning up after the attack, the HUG, it was all lovely
Kieran touching Poppy’s cheek and hair just ended me, like it was so casual and so caring and a huge difference from "I don't think you would consider us friends" in AKOFAF (may write a Poppy Kieran post)
Also Kieran being like "fuck okay let's ascend her" like DUDE that is bro energy
Also all of the wolven and Poppy with their little brain conversations - that will come in handy!
Poppy telling their crew to call her Poppy but calling her mother in law to call her Penellaphe was savage
Delano and Perry FOREVER (seriously we had less than 5 lines of this ship but I ship it )
am I shipping Netta and Emil based off of like two lines? HELL YEAH
I kinda love Valyn even though he’s a little extreme at times, just being like "you're family" "we're lucky to have you" really got to me
Honestly would do anything for any of the 5 Contou family members, Kihra, Zaddy Jasper, Netta, Kieran, the new baby
Actually on second thought, can Jasper and Kihra just adopt me?
I'm glad Tawny is alive but I don't want a Kieran Tawny Ship,
Also RIP Ian you tried to flirt with Netta and provided a vague hint that's the only reason I liked you
Also RIP Lyra we stan you and your sex positive attitude and you did not deserve to die
Casteel being surprised when poppy said ily killed me and Kieran being surprised when they made him advisor also killed me
Casteel just stole my fucking heart time and time again between his love confession, getting poppy to come back to herself, supporting her every which way, literally threatening his father, like ily king (also considering a longer post about this)
I KNEW the cave cat was important and I need to know more, like what color are his EYE? (update, they are "vibrant green eyes. Intelligent eyes. Knowing ones." thank you @moonlitdreamer for that! )
I also knew Casteel was going to get captured again but I did not expect Malik to be involved dear gods I am upset
I was expecting the devastation of Malik being found and not knowing them, but this was next level - he was fully lucid
I really started to like Eloana but she fucked up big time and I hope she realizes that and she atones
Poppy is still upset about not being a changeling but if her dad can shape shift maybe she can too?
Is Isbeth really Poppy's mom? I'm not 1000% on this but am stalking the facebook group to see if JLA confirms (update: JLA confirmed)
I am Ready for Nyktos and Nektas and Sera and Jadis in ASITE
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divinerivals · 2 years
What’s your favorite moment/ part in TWOTQ?
Also if you’ve read ASITE what’s your favorite moment/part?
I didn't realize how hard this was to answer until I started thinking about. Tbh, there's not many parts I didn't like. And I have so many for different reasons.
Like for TWOTQ Poppy's silent scream. It was a such a raw emotional moment that I can't help but call it fave. And all the Reaver scenes were some of my faves. Casteel ready to rip out Malik's throat over Poppy. Poppy and Kieran helping each other through the pain of losing Cas. The fight scenes. DELANO. Just Delano in general lmao. Cas coming to after drinking from Poppy and realizing Poppy is there and the filth that followed. All the smut scenes. Reaver. Kieran. Netta. Daddy Nektas at the end. But I think my favorite, favorite moment was our bad ass Atlantian Queen absolutely destroying Isbeth. Yes girl.
And with Asite, again so many good ones. That makeout session in the first couple chapters is just 🥵. Sera going off to lowtown I think it is, to fuck that guy up and save the little boy. That's when I fell in love with her. When she healed the wolf and brought Marisol back to life. THE LAKE SCENE. Pretty much everything after she goes to the Shadowlands Court. Rain and Ector calling Nyktos Daddy. Speaking of daddies, Nektas. BELE. I love when they all find out about Sera and what her plans were. That angst and the hurt/betrayal Nyktos is feeling is so, so good. That battle at end was amazing. I guess I have thing for these women being ruthless , my favorite moment. The one I always think about and go wow what a woman is the moment Tavius has her whipped. You know when Nyktos "finally shows" up for his consort. She kills Tavius. Good. Gooood shit.
I miss them.
What are your fave moments nonnie?
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littlebodybi7heart · 6 years
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Some recent things from my camera roll, as well emotions
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conjuringgifs · 3 years
by clicking the source link, you will find 347 gifs gifs of the amazing and talented adore delano from ex on the beach: peak of love. each gif is 268x150. all these were made by me. do not repost, claim as your own, edit in any way, or include in gif hunts. this includes taking my gifs and making your own gif sets. do not use these for real people, taboo or smut rps. were these useful to you? give this post a like or a reblog please. this was a true labor of love project so please don’t disrespect adore while using these gifs.
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artificialqueens · 1 year
Part of Your World, Ch. 4 (Raja x Adore) for Dartmouth420 - Grinder
AN: Apologies for uploading this so late! I haven’t forgotten about it. And, this chapter has smut, thank god (although it was written by me and, like, I’m not amazing at this kind of stuff but I hope yall like it anyway.)
Fishing went exactly how Raja expected — judgement…judgement from Bianca.
“So you want to turn her into a human,” the witch had said, tossing a spear into the waters before her.
Raja didn’t want this — a discussion. She hadn’t been to the beach in so long. This could have been time to soak it all in. But Bianca just couldn’t help but…well, be Bianca.
“I mean, yes, I want to turn her human. But I won’t be the one carrying the spell out,” Raja tossed her speer too. “Raven will do the dirty work. Thank’s for the information.”
Bianca chose to ignore the remark and refrained from calling Raja out on the fact that she gave that information against her will. Instead, she only said, “You’re kinda obsessed with your mermaid.”
The dark witch spared Bianca a glance, the two going to fetch their weapons again. “I’m not obsessed. I’m in love.” She pulled the spear from the water, finding nothing on the bottom. “We’re tethered, Bianca.”
“I know - I know.”
And Raja glanced at her again. “You sound…disappointed.”
Bianca didn’t answer immediately, searching her brain for a spell that would make the fishing less taxing. But with shit on her mind, she couldn’t think. “I just…I wish there was another way.”
Raja whirled around to look at her best friend, her dress treading the water. “Another way?”
Bianca held her hands up in defence, signalling she would say no more. Raja wanted to press her for a real response, but at the same time, she knew deep down this conversation was already exhausting.
Nothing else Adore-related was said until they returned to the camp two hours later, having managed to catch five fish.
That’s when they saw the whole camp of witches gathered around Raja’s hut.
“The fuck?” The dark witch said, dropping her bag of fish to the ground and rushing towards her home. Her heart was pounding now. Did something happen to Adore while they were gone?
“Move, bitches!” Bianca yelled as both witches shoved past the crowd.
“Sorry, Raja,” Farrah said, allowing the two to pass through.
Once inside, they could see how they all gathered around the now filled tub, Adore leisuring to her heart’s content, fins flapping slightly, signalling her delight. The last time Raja had seen the mermaid, she was deep in sleep, hydrating her body.
Now everyone was gathered around, babbling to her about all sorts of things.
“I got another one,” the enigmatic Katya was sitting on the ground beside the tub, Adore’s attention solely on her, “What do you call two witches who live together? Broom-mates!”
Not one laugh was given.
Adore just stared blankly.
“Oh, come on. That’s a classic! It’s stupid as fuck!” Katya pled with everyone around her.
“Sorry, sweety. Just give up and accept defeat,” Trixie rubbed the jokester’s shoulder.
“What’s going on?” Raja rushed to the tub, Adore reaching for her hand to kiss it.
“We just…heard singing…” Courtney explained, “Coming from here. We think she drew us in.”
Adore smiled sheepishly. “I honestly did not know we could do that.”
“An incredible ability to hold,” Sasha said in admiration.
“Okay, I don’t want to sound rude, but can you all get out?” Raja’s eyes glared at the crowd.
They whined in frustration, but when Bianca barked at them, the witches began to file out.
Now only Adore, Raja, Bianca and Courtney remained. The pregnant witch approached the tub before going to leave herself. “Do you want to come mingle with me later?”
There was a hint of something on her face, almost like excitement.
“Yes. I would love that, Courtney,” Adore shared the light witch’s expression.
“Great.” Courtney then took Bianca’s hand, leading her out of Raja’s hut, “Come on you. We have shit to discuss.”
Once they were gone, Raja sat on the ground where Katya had before, her hand still in Adore’s. “So, you can sing, I’m guessing.”
The mermaid blushed. “I always thought I sounded good. But…never that good,” she glanced at the door where all the witches had disappeared. “Do you want to hear a song?”
Raja never shook her head so fast. “As much as I would love that, it’s probably not a good idea.”
Adore’s face dropped, and Raja felt like a dick. 
“Look, I promise, I’d love to hear you sing, but it’s not safe,” the witch said quietly, “there's…” she gulped, “We’re not alone in this forest, Adore. Of course, there’s the warlock camp, it’s not far at all, and they’re all lovely. But… we’re not the only witches.”
“You have other sisters?” Adore’s eyes squinted.
“Oh, Adore. They are not my sisters.” Raja’s thumb stroked the back of the mermaid’s hand, “They're…Well, let’s just say they aren’t very nice. We’ve feuded with them in the past many a time. You know, sometimes even going to war. It’s been going on for centuries. Even the witches who came before me had to deal with them.”
“That’s awful,” Adore practically whispered. “I don’t understand. You’re all witches, all the same, so why the feud? I mean, back home, all merpeople… we’re one and the same, and all we share is love.”
God, this woman was too pure… Raja’s heart was melting again. She brought Adore’s damp knuckle to her lips, kissing each one sweetly. “I wish that’s how things were for us." 
"Maybe someday,” Adore shrugged.
Raja’s smile turned sad. “I wouldn’t count on it.”
The mermaid lowered her face, “I’m sorry for singing.”
“Oh, Adore. Don’t feel bad.” Raja lifted the mermaid’s chin, “you didn’t know. Fuck, I should have told you before.”
And Adore laughed through her nose, “I probably wouldn’t have understood a word.”
“Oh. Well, true,” Raja giggled.
Courtney didn’t explain what she was doing, let alone why she was doing this.
But Adore just let her put whatever this weird stuff was on her face. 
At first, it felt weird, and that weirdness made the mermaid uneasy. But the way Courtney delicately smeared crushed beetroot over Adore’s lips made her feel safe.
“This stuff will stain your lips; give them a nice bit of colour.” Courtney finished painting Adores lips before wiping the beetroot mush from her finger on a cloth.
Adore nodded in understanding. “So, this is what land girls use to…as you say, make themselves look pretty?”
“Yes. I mean, in the towns and cities, ladies wear real makeup. But being out here, all we have is the nature around us. So we make do with what we got.” Courtney explained as she began crushing up rose petals. “Honestly, though, I prefer the natural way. Better for the skin, and even more so for our powers.”
“I don’t think you need makeup.” Adore shrugged.
“Aw, thank you, Adore. Keep talking, please.”
“I don’t think you need makeup. I think you’re beautiful, and Bianca is very lucky to - -”
Courtney raised a hand to silence the babbling mermaid. “Don’t worry, it’s just an expression.”
“Oh. Gosh, human language confuses me.”
“This isn’t ‘human language’ you’re speaking. It’s wican.” Courtney explained, taking a brush and dabbing it into the rose petals, crushed up so much they were now dust.
Adore let Courtney dab the pink powder on her cheeks, and her eyes were stuck on the small bump.
“You know what’s in there, right?” Courtney asked, knowing full well Adore was staring.
“A baby?” Adore answered.
“Yep.” Courtney swept a hand across her belly. “I’m only four months in, so they’re not that big yet.”
The mermaid let out a laugh through a breath before confusion took over. “So, it’s possible for…for two women to make a baby on the land.”
“Oh, no. That’s not what Bianca and I did.” Courtney laughed even more. “We have a mating season with the warlocks, kind of like a pact that’s been going on since before I was even born. They’re nice boys over in that camp.”
“They sound nice.”
“Yeah. I think I chose the right man too. He seemed nice. I’d like to think that if the baby was a boy, and he’d be taken over there, he’d have a great father.” Courtney’s eyes drifted off, fantasising about this future to come.
“And, what if it is a boy?” Adore asked.
Courtney looked back at her, “Honestly, I don’t even think I give a shit about gender. Boy, girl, anything… I’m keeping my baby. And I’ll love them no matter who they are.”
A warm smile found its way to Adore’s face, her green eyes trailing back down to Courtney’s bump.
“Do you want to touch it?” Courtney already took the nodding mermaid’s hand. 
Placing it on Courtney’s belly, Adore felt it, the tiny heart inside beating.
“I mean, there’s not much going on in there right now, but….” Courtney said.
Adore placed an ear up to the bump. “Wow.”
“What? What is it?” The light witch said with intrigue.
And Adore peered up at Courtney again. “I can hear her heartbeat.”
Courtney’s eyes widened. “Her?”
The mermaid nodded.
“Adore, you are fucking incredible.”
“Bianca, what is the meaning of this?!” Raja shouted as her best friend shoved her out of her own home.
“You’ll fucking see! Fuck, patience is a virtue, you know,” Bianca shoved the witch again.
“Alright! I’m fucking moving, God!”
For the last two hours, Bianca had been a pest — insisting Raja skip dinner, weaving silk through the dark witch’s hair, forcing her into a beautiful yet uncomfortable dress. And for every question Raja hurled at her, her friend refused to answer.
And now, here Bianca was, pushing her around, literally.
Almost every witch was outside now, jumping around with excitement and yelling out into the night sky. Even Willam was out — odd for the daylight witch. As soon as she lowered the sun and Blair raised the moon, Willam would be long gone, hitting the hay before anyone could beg for her attention. Yet, there she was, whooping with joy, Alaska carrying her on her back.
“What the fuck is going on?!” Raja exclaimed.
Bianca groaned, taking her friend by the hand and dragging her to their destination instead, “We’re all going over to the warlock camp for a good old time.”
“We’re going to get some dick!” Willam cheered.
“B-But,” Raja couldn’t keep up with this shit anymore, “the mating season is over.”
“Oh, fuck the rules, Raj’,” Katya brushed past, hand in hand with Trixie. “We made them so we can fucking break them whenever we want.” And she carried on with her partner.
“Bianca, what about Adore?” Raja questioned. “I know the men are nice, but…I don’t think it’s safe for her to be out there.”
“And that’s why you’re both going to be staying here,” Bianca glanced over her shoulder with a teasing smile.
Finally reaching the end of the camp, the witches rounded the last hut there.
“B’, I swear to God, whatever you bitches have going on here, I’ll - -”
“Shut up already!” Bianca then gestured to what was in front of them, “Look! We did this for you two.”
In the middle of the green was a small table fit for two, a red candle burning in the middle. A bottle of red wine stood next to the candle, most likely made by one of the witches. And then there were the two plates, the fish Raja and Bianca had caught earlier in the day cooked to perfection.
“You did this,” Raja said, the words sounding more like a question.
“Well, it was Courtney’s idea. She roped me into it.” Bianca put a hand on Raja’s shoulder and the other on her hip. God, she was proud of herself. “Just thought it would be nice for you to have alone time with your mermaid.”
“Okay, you can stop calling her my mermaid. One — she has a name. Two — Adore is her own person. And three — Bianca, Adore and I do have alone time.”
“Yes, but now, you’ll both be even more alone.”
“God, you really are childish,” Raja swept a hand through her hair.
“Oh, wow. You know, that’s a lovely thank you for the fish we cooked and all the work we put into making this shit,” Bianca held a hand out to the display. “Fuck, Nina made that table from scratch!”
Raja looked at said table and back to Bianca, “Bullshit.”
“It’s not bullshit.”
“Come on. That’s probably just a fucking spare table.”
Bianca tsked. “Well, believe whatever you want.”
“What are you two bickering about now?” Courtney’s fed-up voice sounded as she stepped up to the two.
“Nothing amazing,” Bianca rolled her eyes. “Where’s Adore?”
“Oh, she’s just coming now,” the light witch glanced over her shoulder before turning her attention to Raja, “So, do you like it?”
Raja peered at the set table again, “Yes. I love it, Courtney.”
Bianca’s eyes widened. “What the fuck? What did I do to you to make you not nice to me tonight?”
Raja chuckled. “Nothing. Maybe I just like pissing you off,” she playfully shoved Bianca on the shoulder.
“Oh, I know you do. So, what about you, Court’? Ready to go over to the warlock camp?” Bianca swung an arm around her tethered.
“Can’t lie; I’m excited to meet the baby’s father again.” Courtney kissed Bianca softly. 
“Who knows? Maybe I could meet a man, give the kid a sibling,” Bianca teased.
“Oh, come on, honey. We can’t be thinking about that so soon.”
“I know. I’m just joking.” Bianca kissed Courtney’s head.
Raja wasn’t paying much attention to the two anymore. 
For Adore just rounded the corner of the end hut, and the dark witch couldn’t take her eyes away.
The mermaid’s hair was now separated into two messy braids that lay on her shoulders, a crown of dark red roses dawning her head. Her lips may have been a deep blood colour, but her eyes stood out the most, shades of red and orange surrounding those green orbs, making them pop.
The dress came to her ankles, with burgundy lace and black roses lined along the waistline. The sleeves came to her elbows, hanging down to her knees in drapey lace.
She looked…just like a witch.
And, fuck…she was so so beautiful.
“Hello,” Adore waved nervously, approaching Raja.
Courtney and Bianca were also now watching, the light witch smiling proudly. 
“Um…hi,” Raja’s nerves kicked in. “Y-You look beautiful.”
Adore cocked her head, “Even without makeup?”
“What? Of course.” Raja took the mermaid in her arms, “No matter what you look like. Just, right now…you look…fuck, like a goddess.”
The red on Adore’s cheeks intensified. But she didn’t hide it. She took Raja’s face in her hands, pulling her into a heated kiss.
Bianca glanced at Courtney, her eyes telling them they should leave.
“Alright,” Courtney clapped her hands together once, “I guess that’s our cue.”
“Absolutely,” Bianca nodded, taking her tethered partner’s hand and aiming for the forest where the other witches were headed.
When they were alone, Raja pulled out of the kiss, “They made us food.”
Adore only now sniffed the air, her eyes moving towards the table. “Oh, pretty.”
“I know, right?” Raja led Adore towards the table. “And it’s fish. So I think you’ll like it.”
“Ugh, it smells so angelic,” was the only word Adore could think to describe it. She took her seat, ready to dig into the meal. Never had she had fish like this. 
“You know, what’s interesting is that being a witch, we usually give a blessing before we eat, but that tradition only comes into play when there’s a Mother Witch present. But, we haven’t had one in so long,” Raja already picked up her knife and fork, carving into the cooked fish. “Fun fact, it’s supposed to be me, but I - -” She paused, watching Adore pick the fish up with her hands, biting into the tender meat. “D-Doesn’t that… Isn’t it hot?”
Adore shook her head, her smile wide.
“You amaze me,” Raja lifted the bottle of wine, pouring the deep red liquid into both glasses.
“You witches amaze me,” Adore said with wide eyes and a full mouth. Swallowing, she continued, “Do you know, earlier, I saw Jinkx. She was outside her house, and she was breathing fire.”
The dark witch raised a brow, sealing the bottle and putting it back. “Oh really?”
“Yes. She was…” Adore paused, returning the fish to the plate as if trying to make sense of her thoughts, “She was sucking on this little stick, and just…smoke…smoke came from her mouth. Is she a dragon?”
That was enough to make Raja chuckle. Ah yes, Jinkx with her cigarettes. She was the only witch on sight who could grow tobacco plants, and the others adored her for it.
“Oh, I see what you’re talking about. Yeah, it’s pretty cool.” The dark witch took a sip of the wine, and Adore did the same, “I love how amazed our world is to you, yet so…normal to me.”
The mermaid grimaced, coughing some as she put the glass down. “W-What is that?!”
“It’s wine.” Raja suppressed a giggle. “It comes from the grapes.”
And Adore took another sip, swallowing with ease now. “I-I think I’ll adjust to it.”
“Don’t drink too much. I’m guessing this is the first alcohol you’ve ever tried.”
“Oh? And what’s alcohol?”
“Alcohol is amazing. But too much, you’ll start to feel… light-headed, I guess? Maybe lose control of your own actions.” Raja explained. “Between you and me, one time Bianca drank too much wine and thought her shadow was a demon latched onto her soul. It was a wild night.”
“…Alright, but that just makes me want to drink as much as I can,” Adore admitted, her eyes wide with intrigue.
“Well, good thing we have just this one bottle,” Raja held it up as if the mermaid couldn’t already see it.
“I love this place,” Adore let her eyes wander around the camp. “It feels like… every day I’m learning something new that just…blows my mind.”
And the dark witch felt all sorts of excitement brewing from within. If only the mermaid knew she could have the chance to stay here for the rest of her life. As much as Raja hated Raven, she hoped the bitch would come through with her promise. The thought of Adore not being here…it was enough to make her heart ache.
“I’m so glad you’re here, Adore.” Raja reached a hand across the table, taking Adore’s. 
They both seemed to forget about the fish now, preferring to sit and talk for a while.
“You know that day in the cave?” Raja asked.
“The day we met?” Adore smiled fondly.
“Of course. Do you go there often? I mean…what are the chances of us meeting that day?” The dark witch stroked her thumb over the back of Adore’s hand.
The mermaid looked at Raja’s hand, her stomach stirring, just feeling that spark between them both. “I usually go there, just for alone time. My realm isn’t too far away, and sometimes I need a break from everyone else. I have a lot of suitors looking for my hand in marriage, you know?” She teased with a raised brow and coy smile. “I have to meet with at least five a day. It’s exhausting.”
“Five?” Raja exclaimed. “God, I think the King does that with his daughter,” and with that thought, “Wait, are you a princess? Like…soon to be the queen of the ocean?”
And the mermaid laughed, pressing her hand to her sealed lips as she took another bit of wine. “Do I look like royalty to you?”
“I love you. But no. I am not a princess. Although my father is a noble merman. He works as one of the King’s many advisors.” Adore explained. “So, I’m kind of a big deal.”
“You and me both,” Raja said. 
“So yes, I just like to be alone for a while. Just to…sing and swim around and make new friends with the clown fish,” Adore reminisced. “And that day, I just…saw you looking down at me. And I had never ever met a human before. I heard tales that they were dangerous creatures. But, just looking at you…I thought…how is that even possible?”
Raja lowered her now red-stained cheeks. “Well, I am kind of dangerous, being a dark witch and all. But, I only ever hurt those who hurt my family or me.”
“As I would do the same for mine." 
At the mention of Adore’s family, Raja gulped, lifting her wine and taking another sip. Best to change the subject. "I’m sorry I made you cry that day.”
“It's…ugh, it’s fine. I’m sorry. Sometimes I can’t control my emotions.” Adore looked away as if pained by the memory. “I just…you know, meeting with all those other merpeople coming to ask for my hand in marriage, when I met you, and when I kissed you…I just felt it. We were supposed to be together.” She looked back at Raja.
The dark witch let out a wavered breath. “Oh, Adore. We’re tethered, that’s why. It’s strange. I thought that was just a witch thing. I mean, I’ve never heard of any other species tethering.” Then she shrugged, “Then again, I don’t meet a lot of other people.” She laughed pitifully, gesturing to the world around her.
“Funny thing is, I don’t think I’ve ever heard of tethering before.” Adore pointed out. 
“Well, maybe…maybe you have a bit of witch in you. Probably explains why you can grow legs when you’re dry.” Raja suggested.
“Nah, mermaids can do that anyway.”
“Oh. I see." Damn.
"Gosh, I’m stuffed.” Adore declared, having barely touched her food.
Raja was just the same, “Oh, me too. Come on.”
Sitting before the lit fire in the centre of camp, the two sipped their wine, talking some more.
“I meant it, by the way, when I said you’re beautiful every day,” Raja stated, holding Adore close.
“I know.” Adore smirked, “I can’t lie, though. I think I look beautiful times ten now,” the mermaid stared into the flames. “I’m pretty like Courtney now.”
“Well, between you and me, you’re prettier than Courtney.” Raja kissed Adore on the cheek.
“Oh, come on.” The mermaid moved out of Raja’s grasp, sitting in front of her now. “Courtney’s one of the most beautiful people I’ve ever seen. Besides you, of course. At first, I thought she was another mermaid. One I’d never met before.”
“Well, I can assure you Courtney is a full-blood witch. I remember the day she was born. Bianca and I were only five.” And the dark witch looked at the flames next, remembering that day. “It was so cute. Bianca just…reached out her tiny hand and held Courtney’s.” God, her heart was melting, “Bianca’s mother, Valentina, she just…she knew. She knew by Bianca’s face and how Courtney woke up that they would be together.”
Adore sighed, almost dreamily. “I love hearing you talk about this stuff. Even when I couldn’t understand you.”
Raja giggled. “I just…I don’t know. If it weren’t for those two, I wouldn’t believe in tethering.” She shrugged, “I’m more inclined to believe not all tethered relationships work out. Fun fact; Bianca and I were a thing for a long time.”
Adore nodded. “A…thing?”
“Yeah, like… we’d see each other, you know? We’d kiss, hold each other…fuck sometimes. I don’t know, I just thought maybe she was the one I wanted to be with,” Raja tried her hardest to explain. “But, we both realised that we were better as friends.”
The whole time Adore was suppressing her laughs. But eventually, she couldn’t hold it in any longer. “You and Bianca?!”
“Yes. Why?” Raja squinted her eyes.
“It’s just…I don’t see it, but I can see it at the same time. Yesterday, Katya was saying you two were like…like…God, what was that phrase?” The mermaid tried her hardest to remember.
“Chalk and cheese?”
“Yes! Chalk and cheese! I may not know what that means exactly, but I have an idea.”
“Well, judging by what you’re saying, you’re probably right. Bianca’s my bestfriend. And Courtney is lucky to have her as her tethered one.” Raja stated. “They just…reassure me that there’s someone for everyone.”
Adore’s smile turned warm. “And what about us? Does our connection make you believe in tethering?” The mermaid was leaning close to the witch now.
And Raja reciprocated. “Oh, absolutely.”
Their foreheads connect, Adore lifting a hand and stroking Raja’s cheek.
The witch couldn’t tell if it was the warmth from the fire or the heat pooling in her stomach, but her body was warm now. All sorts of feelings stirred within, and she dared herself to say, “Adore…Do you ever think we could - -”
Marry. That’s what Raja wanted to say. Just to get it out of the way. The hardest part of it all.
But she stopped when Adore flinched, hearing the howling from the forest. “What was that?”
“Oh, God,” Raja groaned. Fuck these bitches for ruining the moment, “Don’t worry. It’s just the warlocks. I guess they decided to move the party over here.”
And true to her statement, the men began to pour out of the trees, invading the witch camp. A specific group of them howled at the moon, witches running behind them, thirsty for skin on skin. Another group worked their magic, sending blasts off into the sky, loud explosions painting the night with bright colours.
At first, Adore flinched again, but…this was pretty. Nothing like she had ever seen before. “What is it?”
“I can’t remember the exact name. I think the boys call them fireworks,” Raja also stared up at the exploding colours. “It’s incredible, right?”
The mermaid didn’t have the words to describe it. The loud banging was harsh on her ears, but the…fuck, just taking it all in, it was breathtaking.
“Guess who’s getting dicked down tonight?!” Willam hollered, riding the back of one of the men, rushing to the witch’s hut.
“Me! I am! Me!” Laila was just excited, leading her man for the night away.
They weren’t the only ones. While some witches and warlocks danced around the flames of the fire as they played music with what instruments they had, the others rushed to their homes, ready for a long night of fucking.
“Everyone’s so excited,” the mermaid observed, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.
“Yep. Most of these witches rarely get the chance to meet up with a man,” Raja explained, “mating season is once a year.”
“But tonight,” Adore turned her attention back to her love, “fuck the rules?”
“Fuck the rules,” Raja clarified, drawing Adore into another kiss.
Maybe it was the mixed feelings of love and lust in the air, but Raja was thriving on it all. This was how she wanted it to be forever — just sitting here with Adore, kissing passionately in front of this fire, not a care in the world.
The mermaid’s hand crept along Raja’s leg, making the butterflies in the witch’s belly go wild.
Adore yelped as soon as her lips parted from Raja’s.
A warlock ran off, cackling wickedly as he rushed for Tatianna, holding her arms open, hungry for a kiss.
“Hey, fuck off!” Raja yelled after the stupid warlock. But when the mermaid’s fear turned to amusement, giggles leaving her lips, the witch relaxed.
“Come on!” Adore stood, taking Raja by the wrist and leading her away.
They were running now, Raja having no idea where she was being led to. As long as it was with Adore, she didn’t care.
Reaching Raja’s hut, they both stood in the doorway, Adore giggling as she leaned back against the bookcase. Raja also laughed, standing opposite Adore.
They just stood there for a moment, eyes shifting between the shenanigans going on outside and then back to each other, just laughing. Why was this amusing?
Maybe just the sheer joy of being here together.
When Adore’s chest stopped heaving, she stepped forward, kissing Raja again.
So many times they had done this already…So many times they kissed.
Yet Raja knew where this was going. 
Fiery flames engulfed her insides, coursing through her body as she allowed Adore to pull her closer. The witch’s hands found their way around the mermaid’s waist, her fingers trailing the line of roses.
Adore pulled away briefly, “Don’t let go of me,” she whispered in Raja’s ear.
“I won’t, Raja smiled, tilting her head and allowing the mermaid to nip at her neck. "Why would I do such a thing?”
No response from the mermaid as she kissed Raja’s mouth again, her body curving against the witch’s. She lured her back, Raja didn’t know where, but she trusted Adore. She trusted Adore with her life.
They found the bed, and Adore pulled away, guiding Raja down. She then climbed the length of the witch, like she had done this many times.
But was this actually happening? Did Adore even know how this worked?
“Adore, do you….” But Raja couldn’t bring herself to finish the statement as the mermaid sucked on her neck some more.
“Hm?” Adore sounded against the witch’s skin.
Her lips were so hot, sucking Raja’s soon-to-be bruised skin. The witch gasped, her hand finding the back of Adore’s head. “Nevermind.”
Adore had to know what she was doing now that her fingers were undoing the black ribbon that bound Raja’s corset. Not like they hadn’t seen each other naked before, but…
This was different. They both knew that. 
And they wanted it.
When the lace was gone, the corset was pulled away from her. Raja sat up, quickly pulling her dress up over her head. Adore giggled, Raja unable to tell if it was because of nerves or excitement.
As soon as the dress was tossed to the side, Adore took it all in – the sight of her tethered partner, like it was the first time seeing her like this again. “I can't…I can’t believe this is real,” Adore’s delicate fingers trailed from Raja’s chest all the way down to her thigh.
“My body?” Raja chuckled, skin tingling as Adore touched her.
The mermaid smiled coyly before correcting her lover, “The fact that we’re together.” She traced the side of Raja’s face.
And the witch sat up again, a hand stroking Adore’s side, the other caressing her cheek.
Adore reached around, untying the threads of her own corset, dropping it from the side of the bed while Raja reached for the bottom of the expertly made dress, lifting it up and over the mermaid’s head. 
As soon as it was removed, Adore didn’t allow Raja to look at her just yet, capturing her lover’s lips with her own again.
The hot sensation of skin on skin, the mixture of their energies tingling between them…This was to be the perfect moment.
Raja grabbed Adore’s hips, momentarily stroking her skin as she lowered the mermaid onto the bed. Pulling out of the kiss, Raja let her thumb trail Adore’s cheek and then her lips. She stared into Adore’s green eyes, the mermaid staring right back.
Fuck, how it made her stomach twist…but in a longing way…almost as if insecurity was taking over but only connected them further. 
They hadn’t even barely started yet. But it was already so intense.
“You’re driving me insane.” Raja kissed her sweetly before moving these kisses down towards Adore’s breasts.
Adore whimpered sighs, music to Raja’s ears. The rise and fall of the mermaid’s chest was a heavenly sight, riling Raja up even more. She teased Adore’s right nipple with her tongue, the right with her thumb. 
Adore arched her back, gasping when Raja’s mouth enveloped her nipple, her thumb flicking the other back and forth. The mermaid squeezed her knees together, mewling with pleasure.
Raja could have done just this all night, anything to hear Adore gasp the way she did, anything to prove her love for Adore. But when she teased her breasts enough, Raja kissed Adore’s nipple again, her lashes fluttering as she looked up at the mermaid. “I love you,” she whispered.
“I love you too, Raja,” Adore smiled slightly, letting her fingers get tangled in Raja’s hair. God, she wanted more. She had never experienced something so…special…this need to be pressed against each other…the need for Raja to kiss her places she had never been kissed before.
Raja’s hands were wandering again, stroking Adore’s thighs, along her stomach and back up to her breasts. She savoured this all – the heat of Adore’s skin against hers. She knew the mermaid was ready for her…to take this further.
“Do you want to keep going?” Raja asked, just to be sure.
“Yes,” Adore said breathlessly. “God, yes.”
Fire coursed through Raja as her kisses lowered. “Is this your first time?” She whispered against Adore’s stomach.
The mermaid closed her eyes. She may not have known fully what that meant, but she knew she wanted this – Raja’s lips all over her body. “Yes.”
“Okay. I’ll go easy on you,” Raja kissed Adore’s belly button before trailing her lips further down her body.
Even though the mermaid didn’t necessarily want easy, her stomach quivered as she allowed Raja to part her legs. Something inside her fluttered as the cool air hit her between her legs. This was so unfamiliar but so so delicious.
Raja kissed Adore’s knee, then the inside of her thigh. She glanced up once more at the riled-up mermaid before her tongue flicked over Adore’s clit.
Adore moaned, eyes rolling to the back of her head as she arched her back again. She was crumbling just under Raja’s mouth. This was…something.
Raja’s tongue circled Adore’s clit while her eyes flickered upwards, enjoying the reactions from the mermaid. 
“Fuck…fuck,” Adore writhed, tightening her hold on Raja’s hair. Her legs spread wider, her left knee brought up into a bend which Raja caressed. 
“You’re beautiful, Adore. You’re so beautiful.” Raja sucked Adore’s clit.
“It’s s-so hot,” Adore murmured, her torso arching as hew mewls of pleasure turned pathetic.
Raja knew Adore was close, the witch’s tongue lapping up her lover’s wetness whilst her finger rubbed against the sensitive clit. “Come for me, baby.”
Her chest still heaving, nails gripping the blanket, Adore glanced down at Raja. Her eyes were wild yet slightly confused.
Placing a sweet kiss against Adore’s core, Raja murmured, “That hot feeling inside,” she rubbed harder at the mermaid’s clit, “Just let it go, Adore.”
“I…I want to….” Adore quivered. “Oh God, I need to.”
“Come for me, Adore. Please,” Raja whispered, her hot breath teasing.
And Adore just couldn’t take it anymore. A lightning-hot course of electricity shocked her whole being, her head rolling back against the pillows as she cried out in pure ecstasy.
Raja sat up again, licking the fluids from her fingers as she watched Adore whine.
“F-Fuck,” Adore’s skin glistened with sweat, her eyes half hooded.
The definition of perfection.
Raja wiped her mouth, sweeping her black hair out of her face as she leaned down to kiss her lover. 
Adore wrapped her trembling arms around Raja, her kisses hungry.
They weren’t done. Now, it was Adore’s turn.
She kept her lips over Raja’s as she flipped the witch onto her back, still panting.
“Did you…” Raja gasped when Adore kissed her neck again, “Did you like that?”
“Of course,” Adore smiled against Raja’s skin, letting her hand slowly creep its way down Raja’s chest, past her flat belly, all the way down to between the witch’s legs.
Raja parted her knees, only now realising there was more to come. She was never the one on the receiving end. But she couldn’t resist Adore’s touch. She moaned as soon as the mermaid delicately brushed the tip of her finger over her clit. Just the simplest touch…it was torture.
“Adore, fuck…” Raja’s fingers tangled in Adore’s hair.
Adore brushed Raja’s clit again, teasing her with no mercy. “You want more?” She brushed her lips against Raja’s ear.
“Please.” Raja squeezed her eyes shut, already soaking wet.
“How much?” Adore giggled mischievously, nipping Raja’s earlobe with her teeth as she pressed harder on Raja’s clit and rubbed it in hypnotic circles. “How much do you want this?”
“God, so much. Please, just…fuck.”
“Are you begging?”
“I don’t think you are, Raja.”
Fuck, this mermaid was driving her insane. Who knew someone so…mystified by the world…so amazed by all the things she didn’t know…so adorable…Who knew she could be so cruel in the sheets.
“Please, Adore,” Raja whined, wrapping her legs around Adore’s waist. “I want you so bad. I need you.”
This must have satisfied Adore, “Good girl,” she murmured as she slid two fingers inside Raja.
The witch gasped, tightening her hold on Adore, her vision blurring.
Adore slid her fingers in and out, sucking Raja’s neck, leaving behind a pretty red mark. The smell of Raja’s hair and skin only increased her hunger for this intensity. The ecstasy was building within her again, bringing her to rock her bare hips against the bed. The blanket rubbed against her clit, the feeling not as sensational as Raja’s tongue. But this was heaven.
“I love you,” Raja’s hips began to ride against Adore’s fingers, pressing a kiss against Adore’s blush-covered cheek.
Adore pumped harder, biting down on Raja’s neck. “You’re so…fucking…beautiful…”
Raja couldn’t take it anymore. She sat up, Adore’s fingers still deep inside of her. She continued to rock her hips against the mermaid’s hand, wrapping her sun-kissed arm around Adore’s waist.
Again, they stared into each other’s eyes, Adore’s gaze intense, whilst Raja’s was half closed. Their lips brushed against each other, almost like threatening each other with a kiss.
Adore’s free hand trailed along Raja’s arm, up her shoulder and wrapped around Raja’s throat. 
A pitiful crying sound left Raja’s parted lips as Adore squeezed the sides of her neck and continued to bury her fingers inside of her. Her body was now covered in a film of sweat, and her skin was on fire.
“Adore…Adore, fuck!” Raja gasped, her whole being completely surrendered to her lover.
“I love you. I swear to God, Raja. I fucking love you.” Adore’s forehead met Raja’s. She wanted this to last all night but knew it was impossible. For soon, she would start to dehydrate again and need to rejuvenate in the tub. But for now, she would prove how much she loved Raja.
Raja’s whines were now loud moans, matching those of which sounded from outside her home. She was getting close, especially now that Adore had added another finger and was clawing at the witch’s back.
“Come for me, Raja,” Adore whispered, just as Raja had. She ground her hips against the bed sheets more, close to releasing herself. “Come with me.”
And Raja threw her head back, her body trembling as she released against Adore’s hand.
The mermaid did just the same, her free arm now wrapped around Raja’s body as she held them both tightly together. They were both sweaty messes of pure euphoria.
Raja panted, kissing Adore’s cheek before flopping down onto the bed. Now they were done.
Adore pressed a kiss to Raja’s thigh, her stomach, her chest, and her lips before she relaxed her body against the witch’s. 
Raja was still catching her breath, playing with Adore’s blonde hair as her body relaxed.
“You made white blood,” Adore closed her eyes, fingers dancing delicately along Raja’s abdomen.
Raja chuckled. “That’s the come, Adore. That’s why we tell the person we love to come for them.”
“Oh. Humans are so bizarre sometimes.” Adore smiled.
“Yeah. We can be,” Raja looked down at Adore, trailing a finger along the mermaid’s brow. “I want to know though…what you just did to me…how did you know how to do that?”
Adore shrugged slightly. “I don’t know. I just wanted to touch you there. I just…knew I wanted to.”
“I see.” Raja nodded before a thought crossed her mind. “So, like, how do merpeople make love?” Her nails moved to Adore’s back, relishing in this moonlight that seeped in from the roof.
Adore giggled, “Maybe I’ll tell you another day. Let’s just enjoy this.” She kissed Raja’s breast. “While it lasts.”
And Raja’s smile wavered. “I wish I could just hold you all night.”
“You can always get in the tub with me,” Adore hinted. “Not like we haven’t done that before.”
“But I’ll let you sleep in your own bed tonight. Maybe some other time,” Adore’s fingers stroked delicately along Raja’s belly now, the witch shivering. “God, they all sound in pain.”
Raja noted the sounds of pure ecstasy coming from outside, witches and warlocks fucking like it was their first time. “Yeah, it’s kind of noisy, I guess. But they’re having fun.”
“I had fun,” Adore giggled, lashes tickling Raja’s chest. “I want to do that again.”
“Oh my God, you’re hilarious.” Raja chuckled, her fingers now in Adore’s snow-like hair. “There’s nothing stopping us.”
“We can’t,” Adore groaned, however, “I’m starting to dry out again.”
“Oh.” Raja panicked internally, sitting up. “You need to go in the tub?”
“Yes. But I can do it myself,” Adore also sat up, getting off the bed.
Making her way to the still-filled tub, Raja still lay there in her bed, taking in the sight of the mermaid’s naked form. Just looking at her skin, she could still feel the softness of it under her fingertips. And it was pure heaven. 
The mermaid was pure heaven.
Before getting in the tub, Adore looked over her shoulder, “Would you come sit with me? Until I sleep, at least?”
Of course, Raja couldn’t say no. She stood by the tub, watching Adore’s legs seal together, forming her long shimmering tail. When the transformation was finished, she sat down.
And that’s when Adore asked, “Which part of me do you like the best?”
“What? Like, body part?” Raja asked.
“No. I mean, do you like me human or mermaid?” Adore raised a brow.
And Raja gulped. “I…I like you no matter what.” It wasn’t a lie. The witch adored every bit of her tethered one. But, deep down, she wanted the human version because that meant they had a future. And, fuck, she wanted that so bad.
Adore seemed satisfied with the answer, reaching her hand out of the tub.
The witch took it in her own, leaning her head against the cold tub.
“Goodnight, Raja,” Adore said breathlessly. “I love you.”
Raja’s heart pounded, cheeks staining red. “I love you too.”
And with that, the mermaid let go of Raja’s hand, letting her body slide down, the water now submerging her.
And that was it. All Raja could do now was get up and drag her tired ass to bed. 
But she simply couldn’t move. 
Just…sitting there beside the tub, knowing Adore was still in there…she couldn’t bring herself not to be away from the mermaid.
Not after what they had just shared. Part of her mind couldn’t grasp any of it, how this was even possible. Of all the other witches she had fucked in her lifetime, nothing compared to what happened with Adore. Her skin could have lit itself on fire when Adore pressed her body to hers. That tethered feeling, the electric light flowing through them both, it reached its peak the moment Adore kissed Raja’s skin. 
Fuck, it was almost as if she was high, the buzz beneath her skin making her see bursts of colour behind her closed eyes.
Yes…A feeling the witch had never experienced in her life.
A throaty moan from somewhere outside brought Raja back to reality. And when she was aware of her surroundings again, she felt it. 
Like she was being watched.
Looking around, the dark witch knew her instinct was correct. Looking towards the door, there was Raven — just standing there, her arms folded, shadows covering most of her.
“Can I help you?” Raja could tell; there was something about the way Raven looked at her, almost like…she was disappointed. But the dark witch paid no heed, finally standing up, uncaring of her nakedness.
“I thought I heard some sort of commotion.” Raven cocked her head.
Raja cringed, “Yeah, sorry we kept you awake.” She finally reached for her night dress.
“It’s fine. It wasn’t just you. I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but there are a lot of riled-up witches out there tonight.” Raven glanced outside, the sounds of ecstasy still echoing in the night air, “And I was also awake anyway. Just thought I’d let you know I’ve finished preparations for the spell.”
Raja’s breath caught in her throat, eyes widening. “Oh. R-Really?”
“Oh. Good.” Raja nodded, now fidgeting with her hands.
Raven cocked her head to the other side now. “What’s wrong, Mother Witch?”
"Answer the question.”
Raja scoffed, looking away. “Nothing is wrong.”
“Oh, really?” Raven’s hands were now on her hips. “How odd. I could have sworn I heard a bit of hesitation just now.”
And Raja shook her head. “No. No, I didn’t hesitate.”
“Hmm. Having second thoughts?" 
To this, all Raven did was blink. And, fuck, Raja could have punched her in the throat.
"I see,” Raven nodded. She turned and slowly inched her way back to the door. Before leaving, however, she looked over her shoulder. “Well? Aren’t you coming?”
Raja’s brows knit together. “Where?”
“My place. I need a hand carrying the equipment.” Raven answered, her voice suggesting it should have been a given.
Raja then fidgeted with the knot tied around her waist. “We're… We’re doing it now?”
And Raven was silent for a moment. “Are you sure you’re not having doubts, my love?”
“Raven.” Raja’s voice raised. “No. I am not having doubts.”
“Huh. Alright.” Raven nodded a head to the cold night outside the hut. “Well, let’s go.”
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