#delia deetz headcanons
meangirlsx · 5 years
Lydia calls Barbara and Delia “Mom” for the first time headcanons
When Lydia calls Barbara “Mom” for the first time, she doesn’t really think about it
She’s just calling to Barbara in another room and it slips out
“Hey, Mom?” instead of “Hey, Barbara?”
The same way you accidentally call a teacher “Mom,” or something along those lines
But as soon as she realizes what has come out of her mouth, she freezes
She has no idea what to expect
And she almost can’t believe she’s really said it
Adam is standing with Barbara
(Which figures, since the two of them always seem to be together)
They just start tapping each other
They can’t believe it, either
They walk into the room Lydia is in still tapping each other
Now it’s closer to gently hitting each other
Then they set eyes on Lydia and just stop
Barbara and Lydia lock eyes
Lydia starts to blur because Barbara’s eyes are filling with tears
(Can ghosts cry? They can now.)
But Lydia can’t see the tears and she’s just embarrassed
She starts to apologize
But Barbara is having none of that
She just rushes over to Lydia and wraps her up in her arms
Lydia thinks it’s the tightest hug she’s ever been part of
And she’s okay with that
She hugs back just as tightly
And she starts to cry, too
“You really are like a mom to me,” Lydia tells her
“I think that’s the highest honor anyone’s ever given me,” Barbara replies
Then she glances back at Adam, who’s also in tears and not trying to hide it at all, then back to Lydia with a smile
“You’re like a daughter to us.”
And she pulls Lydia into another hug
Then she whispers in Lydia’s ear, “You’re better than I could have even dreamed of.”
After another minute, Lydia says, “Our family isn’t normal. It’s messy, and it’s weird. But it’s ours, and I love it. And I never want to lose it. I never want to lose you.”
“Well, I’m dead, so you’re super stuck with me.”
And Adam just gasps and cheers, complete with fist pump, because Barbara finally made a Dad joke
After that, Barbara takes any opportunity she can to sort of up her Mom factor
Lydia needs some motherly advice? She’s on it
Lydia’s not feeling great? She will take care of her like no other
Lydia needs help with her homework? She and Adam tagteam and do the best they can
Lydia just wants to break something? Great, they have a whole attic of old hobbies and projects just waiting to be destroyed
Lydia won’t admit it often, but she really likes that she can call on Barbara for all these different things
Sometimes Barbara will just sit and watch while Lydia does homework in the living room
Lydia usually doesn’t mind because she really does like having Barbara around
Occasionally, though, she’ll get a little annoyed and say something
But also occasionally, she’ll have her mind totally in a book or worksheet and won’t think and she’ll just groan, “Mom!”
And Barbara’s heart just swells because even when Lydia is annoyed, she still views Barbara as a mom
When Lydia calls Delia “Mom” for the first time, it’s a little different
Lydia’s on the phone talking to a classmate to arrange working on a project together
“Well, I was going to hang out with my mom tonight. Could we do it tomorrow instead?”
She hangs up and comes back into the living room where she and Delia have been setting up for what’s become their regular movie night
(It was Delia’s idea, but Lydia was actually pretty excited about it)
(They rotate between showing each other movies they want to introduce each other to and agreeing on a movie)
Delia is just staring at her with her mouth hanging open and in a partial, shocked smile
“You’d rather hang out with me than your friend?” she asks
“I mean, we were going to be doing homework, anyway...but yeah. I love our movie nights.”
Then Lydia gets all quiet
And she adds, “I’ve been looking forward to this all week.”
Delia’s heart is already melting
Then she replays Lydia’s phone call in her head
And she realizes that Lydia said her mom instead of her stepmom
She gasps
Lydia looks at her with big, confused eyes
“If we lived anywhere else, I’d say you look like you’ve seen a ghost. What’s wrong?”
“You called me your mom!”
“Not your stepmom. Your mom.”
Lydia lets out a quick breath, almost like a single laugh
“Yeah, I guess I did.”
Delia makes some comment about how her life coaching must have worked
Or how the little sayings got through to her
(Actually now that I think about it, maybe she doesn’t use them anymore because they’re from Otho and she hates Otho, now?)
And Lydia immediately tells her that it wasn’t her life coaching, it was just her
She cared and she tried even when it was hard
She never gave up on Lydia or wrote her off as not worth it or too weird
And that means the world to her
Delia basically tackles Lydia in a hug
And of course she cries, too
They manage to sit themselves down on the couch as Delia cries, still hugging Lydia
When Delia has stopped crying enough to speak, she says, “I always wanted a daughter.”
Lydia smiles, and Delia continues
“You are nothing like the daughter I always imagined. And I couldn’t be more grateful for that. You’re—”
Before she can fill in the adjective she wanted to say, which was going to be “perfect,” she starts crying again
When she can speak again, she says, “You’re so weird, and that makes you so special and so strong. I could not be more proud to be your stepmom.”
Delia sniffles, then really looks deeply into Lydia’s eyes
“I was supposed to be the life coach, but you inspire me.”
Lydia had told herself she wouldn’t cry, but that breaks her
This time it’s her pulling Delia back into the hug
(Delia will tell Charles all about it later, and he’ll just sob as she tells him, then go find Lydia and hug her without any explanation until he’s released her)
After that, Delia relishes every moment she gets to put her life coaching to use with Lydia, but now she happily calls it “momming”
Lydia thinks it’s kind of stupid but it makes her laugh
These ladies would literally die (again, in Barbara’s case) for Lydia
They are true ride or dies in mom form
They love her with their whole hearts
Barbara and Adam love to talk about Lydia when she’s not there
They talk about how proud they are of her
They’re proud of how she’s doing in school
They’re proud of her photography
They think she’s really blossoming socially
They like to discuss the people Lydia talks about from school
They also like to theorize about who Lydia might be crushing on or what it will be like when she starts dating
They, along with Beetlejuice, love to help her set up the best haunted house anyone has ever seen every Halloween
Delia takes to getting involved at Lydia’s school
She’s great at helping run events and she makes friends with other moms which makes her so happy
They all love to talk about their children, of course
Delia won’t tell the other moms, but she thinks she and Lydia are closer than any of the other moms are to their kids and she’s really proud of that
And she’ll take any and every excuse to talk about her to anyone
She also 100% does follow through with her promise from the show timeline and helps Lydia build a darkroom
They don’t build it in the attic because that’s where the Maitlands reside
But with their new home being on a large piece of land, Delia asks Charles if they can build an extension off the house to turn into Lydia’s darkroom and Charles is more than happy to accommodate it
Tag list: @sophiascaruso, @mars-bars-stars, @reader-ships, @anxiousankylosaurus, @msmith74, @broadwaymusicaltrash, @you-thinks-wrong-romeo, @theatricalwriter, @be-more-heidi-hansen, @peachy-jolly, @g1ngersp1ce, @trumancheerleadermaui, @dancewyou, @percabeth15, @coral-cat-iris, @madameboxhead, @elaineygrace, @theolwebshooter, @ohsomightykeyboard, @vampireamango
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awooga-awoogaa · 2 years
Some Beetlejuice the Musical headcannons
Beetlejuice likes “cats” and calls it the “horny cat musical” when he refers to it in conversation
Barbara and Adam cant watch movies with dogs in them without crying
Beetlejuice has ADHD
Adam has Autism
Beetlejuice listens to Will Wood and The Tapeworms
Adam does all the cooking, Barbara can only make sandwiches
Lydia teaches Bj to ride a bike, since Juno never taught him
Lydia makes people birthday cakes for their birthdays
Adam and Charles are the ones to teach Lydia how to drive
Furthermore, Barbara is afraid of driving
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yourdeepestfathoms · 3 years
So, I don’t know that much about The Owl House, but y’all know that whole plot point of Vee taking Luz’s spot? Well, consider: something like that with Lydia and the Jockey.
In some way or another, maybe when down in the Netherworld, Lydia and the Jockey swap places. Somehow the Jockey can disguise herself as Lydia and goes with Charles to the mortal world, while Lydia is left behind, though she doesn’t notice immediately.
At first, the Deetz-Maitland family is none the wiser. The Jockey is able to relive her life in the body of another girl. Nobody suspects her at all.
But then they notice a few changes. Like how Lydia is more shy, much more well-mannered, and fidgets constantly, filled with anxious tension. Bonus that when the Jockey gets too overwhelmed or stressed out, her disguise begins to die off. The pain of her death registers back in, as the disguise negates them, and she starts to feel her injuries again.
( “Lydia…are you alright?”
“Yes, why?”
“Your face…”
She lifts a hand and touches a warm trail of blood trickling down her face. Her mouth begins to taste very metallic.)
Meanwhile in the Netherworld, Lydia realizes that she’s stuck down there and her father is gone. She seeks the help of Miss Argentina and several of the other Dead to get free.
When the truth finally comes out, it’s one person in the family finding out at first. The disguise wears off and the Jockey is back in her old body, bloody and hurt. The pain filters in, but the fear is more overpowering. The person has her cornered in a room, and she bursts into tears, instantly giving in. She starts sobbing, apologizing for tricking them. She says she was gonna tell everyone the truth, but then they started being so gentle with her and so loving and she just wanted to be loved again and it got out of hand and she’s so sorry, please don’t hurt me, I didn’t mean it, I’m so sorry—
But yes, the truth is revealed and the real Lydia comes home. Maybe the Deetz-Maitland’s end up taking in the Jockey after, too? 👀
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chrisrambles · 4 years
Beetlejuice fam playing Among Us
It’s true, I play as well, and here’s how I think the beetle-fam would play!
New game for Family Game Night!! :D
Barbra- scarily good at being the impostor.  She wins almost every time she’s the impostor.
Adam- Prefers being a ghost, he likes the mini-games without fear of being killed.  He’s ok at imposter, but hates lying and can’t get himself out of being accused for the after life of him. He just kinda goes “... yeah it’s me-” and votes for himself
Beetlejuice- Love being the impostor but sucks at it. He almost always get caught killing/venting.  On the chance he doesn’t though, he is very good at convincing the other’s it wasn’t him
Lydia- Is too good at the game it’s not even funny.  She can almost always tell if someone is or is not the impostor.  She’s also an incredible impostor, herself.
(When her and BJ are impostors together, they are unstoppable. They share a brain-cell more like lydia holds onto it but shh so they don’t even have to speak to be on the same page)
Delia- Never skips. She votes who she feels has bad vibes, even if the one she accuses has no evidence against them yet.  She’s usually right. But she sucks at lying/being the impostor :v
Charles- Doesn’t understand what the hell’s going on, but joins so he can be closer with Lydia and her interest. what a good dad ;u;
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dojan-dog · 5 years
I love the dynamic between Lydia and Beetlejuice because technically speaking, they’re both smart (yes, even Beetlejuice) but they haven’t a single ounce of logic between the two of them. It’s gut instincts only in this house baby, Lydia could be like “hey BJ my teacher at school lost my assignment and now I have a C in that class, what should I do” and the two of them will sit there for hours thinking and only come up with one solution:
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armpit-of-orion · 4 years
Charles and Beetlejuice bonding headcanons!
I was thinking about Charles trying to figure out how to interact with Beetlejuice
he is just so. perplexed. by the demon boy
Beetlejuice is like. lowkey obsessed with Charles and Charles can’t figure it out?
like when Charles gets home from work Beetlejuice greets him at the door and talks nonstop about his day for a solid twenty minutes (at least). he will follow Charles around the house until he’s done
eventually Charles realizes that BJ’s just looking for like. validation?
(it’s absolutely validation. BJ never had a parental figure who praised him or really gave him any positive attention (cough-we-hate-juno-here-cough) and because he spends so much time with Lydia, Charles’s defining character traits have kind of been reduced to “dad.” so Beetlejuice just soaks up whatever he can get from Charles to make up for what he didn’t get from his mom when he was young.)
like Beetlejuice is always so excited to tell Charles whenever he does something new
when Lydia buys him a pair of green socks, BJ immediately runs to show Charles after putting them on
and Charles goes “good job, buddy” and Beetlejuice is THRILLED
okay also Barbara introduces BJ to coloring books, and they color together a lot
(I hc that Barbara was a preschool or kindergarten teacher when she was alive, and she starts doing coloring books with Beej because she knows that they’re calming and helpful in developing fine motor skills.) (I hc that he doesn’t have the best fine motor skills.) (am I starting to project here?) (haha no way)
anyway the first time Beetlejuice finishes a page that he’s proud of, he immediately takes the book and goes to show Charles because look! almost all of his coloring is within the lines!
and Charles asks if it’s okay if he takes the picture out of the book
that freaks Beetlejuice out a bit, because why? what’s wrong with it?
and Charles assures him that there’s nothing wrong with it! he just wants to put it on the refrigerator
and BJ is just
over the moon!!
pretty soon the fridge fills up with pictures of cartoon bugs that Beetlejuice has colored in (as well as some original drawings of Big Sandy)
(did I take a break from writing this to impulse-buy an insect coloring book? you bet!)
one time Charles refers to both Lydia and Beetlejuice as his children, and he was mostly joking around, but Beej is so excited and touched that Charles starts doing it all the time
they have some hiccups. like sometimes Charles works from home, and he can’t have Beetlejuice running in and out of the office all the time while he’s trying to work, or sometimes Charles just needs some time to relax on his own. it takes some time to explain this to BJ, who has a hard time understanding that it doesn’t mean that Charles hates him just because he doesn’t want to be disturbed every now and then! but after some talking— with the help of Delia, who’s started training to become an actual counselor— they clear things up! so whenever Charles has his office door open BJ is welcome to come in, but if the door is closed BJ shouldn’t come in unless it’s an emergency
(it takes some time for Beetlejuice to figure out what counts as an emergency.) (“no, Beetlejuice, being unable to find your purple marker is not an emergency.” “maYbE nOT To yOU!!!”)
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thebeetleb0y · 4 years
Beetlejuice and Delia headcanons(SFW)
So there’s not a lot of beej and delia content out there and I desperately want more of it so here ya go
First off let’s just get this out of the way, Delia smokes pot. And uses psychedelics occasionally too. When Beej finds out about this he immediately becomes 100x more interested in hanging out with her.
Beej goes to her to learn about healthy communication and boundaries
She definitely doesn’t totally mother the shit out of him(she does)
After having crystals explained to him by Delia Beej will randomly bring her rocks to try and help grow her collection(one time it was just a piece of gravel but she keeps all the rocks anyway even if they don’t have properties)
Lydia and Beej like to scare Delia all the time bc the way she screams is funny
Anyway that’s all and I’m sorry if they aren’t very good I just am currently obsessed with the musical and have so much bouncing around in my head
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lagombraofficial · 5 years
Delia: Never break someone’s heart, they only have one.
Lydia: Break their bones instead, they have 206 of them.
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Another Segment of Headcanons I have
but don’t have an explanation for
1) Lydia is the kind of person that plays favorites of her animal crossing villagers but if she doesn’t like one she will hit them with an axe and wait for them to want to leave
2) She will pronounce certain words slightly incorrect just to annoy people...just as a power move
3) While Barbara is often associated with “traditional hobbies” (and you can pry the fact that Barbara has a garden from my cold-dead hands) she also has osme really strange hobbies...idk what the specific vibe I’m getting is, I’m thinking something like archery 
4) Lydia has blamed lost (not done) homework assignments on Beetlejuice MANY times
5) Lydia is allergic to penicillin. Idk why, I don’t know, but she is
6) Adam took Latin in high school, encouraged Lydia to as well because she thought she would like all the connections to the “strange and unusual”, Lydia was crushed when her school didn’t offer latin, so Adam got her Duolingo
7) Lydia fears the Duolingo owl
8) Delia and Charles do couples yoga
9)  Silence in the house is a BAD SIGN
10) Lydia is good at math and science, but she isn’t a fan of medical science (or anything to do with dissections) she loves Chemistry. It started out as her being fascinated with the chemistry behind photography
11) Her first camera she can remember is long broken but she still has it in her room, it was a birthday present from her mom
12) Charles started referring to Beetlejuice as his son by accident at first, he was on the phone and mentioned how “the kids” were playing monopoly at the table. beetlejuice almost cried
13) Lydia has a habit of almost getting herself into fights at school because she has a take no shit attitude and a “square up” mentality despite being 5′0 tall
14)  Charles and Adam both get gifts for fathers day
15) the same goes for Barbara and Delia on Mother’s day
16) Some of Lydia’s friends can see the Maitlands and Beetlejuice, sometimes right away, sometimes after hanging out with her for a while. It just becomes an accepted fact in the town  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ nobody really mentions it but outsiders are very confused and  think it’s an elaborate lie
17) One of Lydia’s Halloween costumes as a kid was a plague doctor. 
18) While Adam has a favorite historical war, Lydia has a favorite historical plauge
19) Lydia’s favorite poet is Emily Dickinson 
20) Emily Deetz has a dual degree in botany and English. I feel like her “job-job” was working at a university (idk why) and her side job was illustrating children’s books. She had several for Lydia
21) and of course Lydia Deetz loves Capri suns
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thinks about delia and charles being beejs parents and cries a little
have some plotless hcs in exchange for that galaxy brain ask!
ok so delia is literally like full mom mode whenever it comes to beej. like, he constantly has to remind her that he is a grown...man? demon? creature?
he still secretly absolutely loves being babied by her though
charles likes to keep his Stoic Dad persona, but he shows his affection in other ways
he’s a major history buff, so a lot of times he’ll try to get beej talking about historical events he lived through and what they were like
beej very obviously embellishes the stories a lot (and sometimes just outright lies), but charles mostly lets it slide
“mostly” being the operative word here (“no, lawrence, you did not see a t-rex during the Black Plague”)
delia’s actually surprisingly chill about beej’s sensory issues! she buys him stim toys online and takes him with her when she goes shopping so he can pick out the clothing fabrics
as much as he may try to hide it, charles is absolutely a worrier when it comes to his kids. whenever they go out, charles always checks a thousand times to make sure that beej has noise-cancelling headphones and stim toys. beej finds it hella embarsssing but he secretly likes that charles cares that much
eventually, charles and delia realize that because lydia lost a lot of her childhood to emily’s cancer and beej just never really got a childhood, they both missed out on things like laser tag and building sandcastles
so, the summer after beej returns, they make a bucket list of everything they need to try. it goes....well?
lydia turns out to be weirdly good at bowling, delia is a laser tag fiend, they all have to stop charles from taking over sandcastle building at the beach (“structural integrity doesn’t matter, charles! it’s a sandcastle!”)
beej almost gets them kicked out of everywhere, but charles and delia are more than fine turning a blind eye
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meangirlsx · 4 years
Beetlejuice Hanukkah Headcanons
NOTE: I tried to base characters being Jewish off of the actors while still making it my own story and exploring both perspectives. I wanted to clarify that, so you understand why I’m writing some characters as Jewish when there hasn’t been anything necessarily established in canon or fanon (as far as I know).
Additionally, I did my best to try to make it generic, specific, and universal all at the same time. There are a lot of Orthodox Jews in my extended family who we celebrate with most years, but my immediate family isn’t very religious, so I did what I could from my own experience and experiences of friends. If you come across anything that seems glaringly wrong or accidentally offensive, please feel free to let me know. That was definitely not my intent.
Finally, to go with this, here is a drawing by the wonderful @alotofbooksalittletime​ of Beetlejuice and Lydia at the menorah!
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She heard the call for Beetlejuice Hanukkah content and very kindly answered and also DELIVERED. Here is the original post of her drawing on its own, if you would like to help me spread it.
Happy Hanukkah, friends!!!
As the holidays approach, the group realizes they haven’t discussed how or what they’re going to celebrate
It starts with Charles, Delia, and Lydia starting to talk about it in the living room
And pretty soon, everyone else has joined in
Beetlejuice is Jewish
Barbara is Christian and Adam is Jewish, and they’ve done their best to celebrate both sets of holidays since they got together
Charles was raised in a Jewish household but he grew less religious as he got older
Emily wasn’t Jewish, but she hadn’t been very religious, either
So they celebrated major holidays with each side of the family
And they kept that going when Lydia was born, but they hadn’t really raised her in any religious practice
Delia also grew up in a Jewish family but wanted to learn about and try to experience other religions once she moved out
She especially liked Hinduism, but nothing stuck for a variety of reasons
She reconnected with Judaism after learning so many of her new family members were Jewish, and now she loves it and feels like it’s another place she belongs besides the family
So the group agrees to celebrate both Christmas and Hanukkah
They’re all really excited
Hanukkah is up first, but the holidays crossover this year, so they decorate the house in a mix of decorations
The tree set up in the living room has Christmas ornaments as well as Hanukkah ones they found when they went shopping
The fireplace mantel holds a menorah, a few individual candles, a stocking for each member of the family, gold tinsel wrapped around the menorah and candles, and a garland draped above the stockings
They have a lot of fun buying and cooking food
Barbara and Adam tell the group about a local bakery that they think makes the best challah bread
And Charles gets his mother’s potato latke recipe that Lydia loved as a kid
On the first night, they start by gathering around the menorah
They agreed that it was probably best to not give everyone their own menorah
Adam lights the shamash candle, then the one candle on the far right side of the menorah using the shamash, and leads everyone in the blessings
Charles and Delia find themselves reciting the words as if they’d never really forgotten
Lydia doesn’t know the blessings, but she thinks they sound beautiful
Barbara and Adam translate and explain the blessings as they sit down for dinner
Over dinner, Barbara and Adam also explain why Hanukkah is celebrated
Beetlejuice even chimes in, he’s so excited
Charles knows the story, but not well, anymore
Delia has recently relearned it, but she loves hearing it told again
And Lydia doesn’t remember much of it from when she was younger
They all enjoy hearing the story retold with so much animation
Lydia really takes to the story of the Maccabees
She finds herself connecting to the concept of a group of underdogs fighting for what they believe in even when the odds are against them
She tries not to get emotional over it, but she does, just a little bit
Naturally, as soon as the others notice, they get emotional, too
The idea of the oil in the menorah in the temple lasting eight days instead of its estimated one also seems to bring them all hope and inspiration
After dinner, they prepare to play dreidel
Before they start the game, they all have a lot of fun just spinning their dreidels
Barbara and Adam see how long they can keep theirs spinning
Beetlejuice definitely uses his powers to keep his spinning longer than possible and even spins it on his finger like a basketball at one point
Charles and Delia haven’t played with a dreidel in a long time, but they get back in the swing very quickly
Lydia has never played with one before, so it takes her a minute to get the hang of spinning her dreidel
Once she does, she and Beetlejuice try to spin their dreidels to knock each other’s over
Eventually, they go over the rules of the game and pass out dried pinto beans to use in place of money
They end up playing for a long time
Beetlejuice and Lydia suggest continuing to play with real money
The adults insist on sticking with the beans
Barbara says that while she doesn’t really enjoy making pottery, she kind of wants to try making a dreidel
(By the following week, she’ll have made one for every single one of them)
This of course prompts Adam to start singing the dreidel song
Barbara joins him, and so does Beetlejuice
Delia ends up joining and encouraging Charles to, as well
Lydia finds it very amusing
Charles doesn’t say it, but he hasn’t sung the song since he was a boy, and singing it with this new-found family makes him emotional all over again
After a few phrases, everyone is ready to stop, except for Beetlejuice and Adam
Barbara breaks out the chocolate gelt to shut them up
But of course the song is stuck in everyone’s heads for the rest of the night
And much of the next day
They had all agreed beforehand that they would exchange most of their presents at Christmas
But they exchange one gift each
When everyone has opened their presents, Beetlejuice says he has a present for everyone and disappears into the kitchen
He returns a moment later, holding a guitar
He begins to strum the guitar relatively aggressively
And he breaks out in “The Hanukkah Song” by Adam Sandler
He doesn’t get very far before everyone stops him
They can’t help cracking up, though
He’ll never admit it, but he never actually intended to sing the whole song
He just wanted to see their reactions and end the night in laughter
Tag list: @mars-bars-stars​, @reader-ships​, @anxiousankylosaurus​, @msmith74​, @broadwaymusicaltrash​, @you-thinks-wrong-romeo​, @theatricalwriter​, @be-more-heidi-hansen​, @peachy-jolly​, @g1ngersp1ce​, @trumancheerleadermaui​, @dancewyou​, @percabeth15​, @coral-cat-iris​, @madameboxhead​, @elaineygrace​, @theolwebshooter​, @dontgotothenetherworld​, @ohsomightykeyboard​, @vampireamango​
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jesusslimpdick · 4 years
Delia Deetz-Schwimmer
Delia’s maiden name is schwimmer, which she hyphenated and added to her name after marrying Charles
She carries around a little baggy of confetti and glitter in case of good events. This bag was once mistaken for cocaine and she was arrested for 30 minutes before the officer opened the bag and let her go. (Lydia mocks her relentlessly for this).
She is a little bit of a domme in the bedroom, however she is soft and not very strict
Delia has a special sauce that she uses on salads and steaks, which she refers to as “Delia Sauce”. It’s contents are unknown but there is cilantro steeped and used as the base of it
[TW; Miscarriage] Delia had 2 miscarriages, one with her ex husband and one with Charles. she never told Charles she was pregnant in the first place, since she was afraid of losing her child again like the first time
She periodically adds the phrase “as you do” to things that shouldn’t have them. Ex: “My husband turned out to be gay, and I found out after he abandoned me and sailed to Rome. So I adopted six cats, as you do.”
Delia cannot tell the difference between bees and wasps, but thinks that bees are adorable. She has been stung several times
Delia has Lydia saved in her phone as “Lydia Dydia Deetz”, and her ring tone for her is “Firework” by Katy Perry
She is afraid of unicorns
her general ringtone is a marimba remix of nyan cat theme song
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yourdeepestfathoms · 3 years
On top of your owl house HC what if Lydia goes to like a party or something that she’s not allowed to go to,so she gets the jockey to pretend to be her cause they’re almost the same size and bj notices right away, but he lets the jockey feel normal for once and keeps up the charade until the deetz and Maitlands find out
I feel like BJ can sniff out that ghost disguise like a blood hound, but he’s chill, so he helps cover with the Jockey. He does, however, enjoy messing with the Jockey about knowing at first. Like, she’ll just be in her disguise, pretending to be Lydia, all calm, and then BJ whips out something like, “So, Lyds, are you gonna finish that story you were telling me earlier? The one from sixth grade?” And the Jockey in internally panicking because she has No Idea what he’s talking about.
But yeah, he helps cover with her, especially when she gets all awkward around interactions. Not that he makes things any better because his excuses are So Bad.
Meanwhile, Lydia is rocking out at a party
Plot twist: the Deetz-Maitland’s knew the whole time, but they found it too amusing to stop
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daydreaming-jessi · 4 years
Can we have some more charactet headcannons from the musical??? I loved them
Vddfhbvf, thank🖤🖤🖤 hmm, let’s see if I have any....
I love the idea of Delia actually pursing a career in mental health after realizing that Otho was lying to her. After the musical, she goes back to college and is studies hard to become a counselor or therapist, and eventually when she does become one her office is just covered in crystals and new age posters. People are always uncertain about her at first but then they get to work and they realize Delia actually knows her shit and can be pretty down to earth at times when her ‘one with the universe’ attitude isn’t needed for a session.
Charles is just as weird as Emily was, he just hides it behind a normal facade because he has a job with normal people. If he were ever free to let himself go, he’d be reciting Hamlet in a graveyard so he could get the proper authentic experience of the scene. He is also pretty socially awkward, but has learned how to hide it pretty well. It was a miracle that he managed to woo Delia, it’s a good thing her bubbly personality brings him out of his shell a little.
Adam and Barbara are high school sweethearts. Their friends were the ones to push them together, because they’d been too shy to ask the other out. Barbara is the more outspoken of the two, Adam is a bit more quiet at times, but they both are pretty quiet around strangers (anxiety does that to you) when they’re alone, they both feel free to let loose and act as weird as they want around each other. They both make each other feel braver, so when together they act a bit more like themselves around strangers.
Lydia loves going thrift shopping. She loves finding old books, keepsakes, and mathoms, all worn around the edges and carrying signs of their previous owner with them. Thrift shops also carry the widest arrange of clothes which is perfect for a goth girl like her. She has a new haul almost every week from thrift shops, and her room is decorated with a lot of weird old stuff that all are equally cursed.
Beetlejuice surprisingly loves animals. They don’t yell at him like people do. Unfortunately animals don’t love him as much. Animals get spooked pretty bad by ghosts, and Beej is no exception. He longs for the day he’ll find a dog that will let him pet it. The only animals that don’t seem scared by him are insects. So he loves to let them crawl around on his hands and just watch them vibe for hours. He knows a lot about insects and actually has a good few as companions. So if he were to ever stay with the Deetz and Maitlands again, they’d have to pretty quickly establish the rule that he can’t let his bugs free roam the house, he has to keep them in a cage. Beej doesn’t appreciate this rule, he doesn’t like trapping his bugs. The compromise is a couple hours where he can let the bugs hang out freely on his person.
Since miss Argentina and Delia are both played by Leslie kritzer, I have this fun idea that maybe they’re distantly related, like maybe Argentina is a great aunt or something. So when Lyds and charles went to the netherworld they were both like ‘this woman is oddly familiar’ when they saw Argentina lmao.
The Jockey and Exploded Guy are best friends since meeting in the Netherworld, and I have nothing to back me up on that other than I think it’d be neat. (Also maybe I think they’re both non-binary maybe)
I think Juno could have a job in an even more powerful position in the netherworld, but she just likes her current job too much to try for a better one. She enjoys seeing all the freaked out newly deads too much to leave
Okie that’s all I have for now. But it’s fun!! Feel free to send more asks, y’all, I don’t bite :D
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ghostparents · 4 years
queer beetlejuice the musical headcanons bc it’s pride and i love to overthink about everything :’)
(also mentions of shitty parents & queerphobia keep yallselves safe okay)
adam is bi, obvs (and maybe demiromantic?). he’s had a few boyfriends & girlfriends before he met barb, but none of them were like Serious relationships. he didn’t have like super accepting parents but they slowly became more tolerant (a part of him thinks that’s because he eventually married a woman tho but he like tries not to think about it). he’s always been very upfront about his sexuality with barbara and she might’ve have had to like reexamine some internal biases on her own time but she has NEVER let adam see any of that and has never been less than proud & loving of every part of him ;-; she’s also maybe punched a few people who were being biphobic to him (he would never want anyone to hurt anyone but also barb has fists and she WILL throw them if need be). adam very casually came out to the deetzes bc honestly he’s been around people who Know that he’d kinda forgotten that it could be like? a thing? obviously no one cares (luckily, bc barb would’ve killed them) but beej is upset for like 10 seconds bc HE wanted to be the one who made adam realise he liked dudes >:(
lydia: this isn’t about you
beej: ??? everything is about me
lydia’s an ace lesbian, and she takes a while to come out. not because she doesn’t think she’ll be accepted, but because she’s just like really upset that she never got to come out to her mother?? emily deetz was very openly bi, and lydia’s upset that she never got to like share that with her. also she’s kinda worried about beej’s reaction (she’s not super sure he’d get asexuality). but eventually she does come out and everyone is really psyched for her and of course delia bakes her a rainbow cake (it’s really really awful. lydia loves it) and beej DOES need some explaining (it turns out that he does understand asexuality he’d just never heard that actual word before!!) and he wears an ‘i love my ace sister’ shirt for like 2 weeks straight (until charles p much threatens not to let him into the house unless he puts on a clean shirt).
barbara had parents that were uh,,kinda a lil more disapproving than adam’s (& adam never came out to them because of it) but she’s been dismantling all the biases she grew up with. and then lydia comes out. and obviously barbara is very happy and proud and supporting!!!! but then like later when it’s just her & her husband she’s like ‘ok but how can she know she’s gay if she hasn’t had a gf tho’ and adam’s like ‘,,,,,,,,,you don’t have to have had a relationship to know you’re gay? it’s like how i knew i was bi even though i’d only dated guys at that point? if you know then like you know & you don’t need proof??’ and barb is like ‘,,,,,,,,,,,understandable. on an unrelated note i need to go have an existential crisis’. she’d been thinking of herself as straight because even though she DID like girls she never dated one, and she just figured that it didn’t count. it’s taking her a while to work through all her internalised biphobia but she is getting there!! she’s a lil annoyed that she didn’t figure this out while she was alive though
beej: i mean if you’re upset you missed out on lady loving then you can join me in staring at delia’s ass while she’s doing yoga
barbara: isn’t she like your mom??
beej: well fuck you now you’ve made it weird for me
beetlejuice is pan and agender!! lydia went through loads of terms with him because a lot of them didn’t exist last time he was in the living world, and those are the two he likes the best. juno didn’t give a shit about who he dated (except to make some shitty remarks about ‘no one will ever love u they’re just using u bc they know ur needy & pathetic’ but it’s fine it’s fine he’s fine he’s working through it) but she DID give a shit about how he dressed, and pretty much pressured him into always wearing super masculine clothes. he likes his suit he does but he also would love to wear some feminine things sometimes? one of his first lil rebellions against juno was painting his nails, and now delia does his makeup with him :’)  (except for lipstick bc he just eats it). lydia bought him his first ever dress and he loves it so much okay. he gets overwhelmed in shops a lot but he still tags along on shopping trips sometimes w delia & lydia and they love picking out things for him that he never thought he’d be ‘allowed’ to wear. he’s ending up sticking with he/him bc he likes it and doesn’t mind as long as everyone understands that he is not a man tyvm. also he doesn’t mind being called mister bc it’s still the funniest thing ever when charles calls him mr juice (delia called him ms juice once and beej was like :O!!!!! so now they all mix a lot with titles & terms. beej loves it)
delia is pan!!! she doesn’t talk about it unless she knows she’s with ppl who don’t care (she’d be the first person to punch a bigot if they said something about someone else but also like she wouldn’t stand up to her ‘friends’ or partners if they said smth bc she’d kinda think she deserved it?? but she’s unlearning that shit don’t worry). now that she knows that the deetzes & maitlands are Good People she is VERY open and happy about who she is!! also obviously no one was surprised bc like that woman RADIATES gay energy. lydia & beej had actually had a bet on how long it was gonna take for her to come out to them. lydia won :). her and beej especially bond over being pan (& also they get high and commiserate over shitty parents who don’t accept them bc yeah that woman has never had a good parental figure in her life lbr).
after delia comes out beej is like [divebombs charles] TOKEN HET and he’s like mr juice. i am bi. and that’s that tbh
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any hcs for beej just being an absolute gremlin? like a complete goblin boy? i love hcs where he just drives the family crazy by causing so much chaos (your writing is absolutely amazing btw!)
of course! sorry for answering so late, i don’t really check my inbox too often because i don’t expect people to actually be asking me things, plus i just came back from my little break oops
(also thank you so much! you’re so kind 🥺🥺)
ok just getting this out the way, he eats bugs
well not as much as he used to, they were kinda like a last resort because he never got proper food and, although he didn’t need to eat, sometimes he got random cravings and just wanted something to eat
sometimes he’d just dig through the trash and find some leftovers
in the musical he was like ‘and you eat when your sad’ so i assume he only really ate anything when he was, yknow, sad
anyway back to the point
whenever he does eat, he makes an absolute mess
of course he’s gotten better because the maitlands taught him basic manners but when he first joined the family he’d leave the table with food everywhere
like he leaves so many plates at the table at this point they only have like one spare plate in the cupboard
and the maitlands are white as fuck and you know they were collecting those pretty looking plates so to see all of them just gone in a day is weird but unsurprising when it comes to beej
remember how i mentioned april fools day in one of my headcanons? i forgot which one but it was one of them
yeah that happened
god was it a nightmare too
i’m not gonna go into too much detail because that can be a post on its own but here’s it summarised
beej turned the house upside down with the shit he did
no literally
he turned the fucking house upside down
from the outside it looked normal but from the inside oops your on the ceiling which used to be the floor
he switched out everything with other objects too, and broke everything a teeny bit so when you used it it just fell apart
everyone was pissed at him but he was just like ‘nah man idk what you’re on about’ while delia was scared to jump because she thought she’d fall into the actual ceiling
i think by goblin boy you mean more gross kinds of things and that wasn’t really,,,gross but it is chaotic sõ
he’d worn that suit for who knows how long now and the family were getting tired of him dragging that smell along EVERYWHERE
so ofc they got him new clothes but then they got bad because he would change for weeks on end as he wasn’t used to it
obligatory ‘Normal Forces Rat To Shower’ thing
barbara has a small flower garden in the garden, but sometimes beej would try to find bugs in there to either show to lydia or eat
the flower boxes would become absolute messes and barbara wouldn’t get angry or anything, just really sad and would slowly clean it up
beej felt a bit bad, and would sometimes offer to help clean it up
lydia is most likely fasinated by bugs and beej always brings her new ones to look at
sometimes she recognises them and tells him a fact about it she learnt from animal crossing
this doesn’t happen often though. she knows blathers doesn’t like bugs so she doesn’t ask about them too often
they usually keep most of the bugs but beej likes to crush them because he likes the crunch sound
okay so
i know this wasn’t too gross or anything more just,,chaotic and stupid but i tried my best
i’m not too good at writing gross things
thanks for sending me this ask anyway! you’re always the one sending me them, and i really do appreciate it! please keep sending me them, you’re basically the only one doing so and the only person giving me motivation to keep writing
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