#demo polls
demoisverysexy · 1 year
Ok Im going to try something here.
Ok cast your votes I am indecisive.
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cookinguptales · 2 years
the funniest thing to me about this whole tumblr sexyman debate is that it's being presented as like "tumblr veterans" who love cecil vs. these new young interlopers who love sans when like
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girls, girls. you're both elderly.
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Probably should've posted this earlier but whatever I'm thinking of it now
(Pyro was, as far as I can tell, not wearing a costume in this comic and as such they have been omitted)
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[ID: A collage of eight of the tf2 mercs, minus Pyro, and Miss Pauling as they appear in the comic Gargoyles and Gravel, each wearing the costumes described above. Scout is in a chicken suit with a red vest, Soldier is a robot made of cardboard, Demo is a werewolf, Heavy is Frankenstein's monster with stitching on his arms and head and bolts on his neck, Engie is a fly in a black turtleneck sweater with wings on the back, Medic is a mad scientist in a bow tie and a puffy white wig, Sniper is a vampire hunter with wooden stakes strapped to his vest, Spy is the Invisible Man with bandages wrapped around his head, and Pauling is wearing a purple trench coat, a green blouse, a black tie, and a Ghastly Gibus. End ID]
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aeroargonic · 2 months
I'm going to bed. Vote in this poll for me while I sleep.
If you love me, please vote DemoSpy
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lenny-link · 19 days
working on some demo x sniper x scout doodles and i couldn’t choose which ship name sounds best among these 3
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thebarontheabyss · 2 months
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The Abyss has a gift for you!
I have another TBOTA 2.0 update news! This time, it's about another feature coming with the update: your Spirit Gift.
On your first morning at the bar, the Abyss itself will grant you an artefact based on your strongest stat.
Use this gift for special spirit abilities, to fight, charm or discover hidden secrets 👀
Sword of Damocles (Physique): A blue-flame sword that grants you an innate mastery of its use. For a warrior-bartender, use it to participate in various fight scenes along the game!
Ring of Houdini (Finesse): A black ring that grants you incredibly agile and fast hands, use it for bartending… or pickpocketing.
Dorian's Necklace (Charm): A silvery necklace that makes you alluring to all beholders. Use it to convince and enchant patrons, or calming a army of ghostly warriors to stand down.
Goggles of Da Vinci (Creativity): Leather goggles that reveal patterns and possibilities invisible to others. Use it to find unique solutions to problems, for example—in the realm of Memoriam.
Pythia's Bracelet (Insight): A bracelet that lets you feel people's true intentions. Usable as a passive voice in your head, guiding you along the way.
Hatshepsut's Brooch (Logics): A brooch that enhances your thinking and problem-solving abilities. Use it to figure out things before anyone else or to bypass riddles.
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kris-mage-fics · 4 months
FMK: Shepherds of Haven
Here's the wheel of spinning!
Note 1: I didn't include Mimir or Neon since they're both aroace and it felt wrong to me to put them in the running when "fuck" is an option. Yes, not all aces are sex repulsed, but since I don't know their stance on it, I decided to error on the side of caution.
Note 2: If you land on "A Faceless Lord", you get to pick which one! (Pretend this is me being magnanimous instead of getting tired and not wanting to look up how to spell all their names to add them individually, lol!)
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basil-from-omori · 1 year
another tf2 autism poll
this is NOT meant to be your fave character!!!! just the character who’s autism is most similar to yours!!!!! however, feel free to interpret this however you’d like.
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devilish-parrot · 7 months
each option includes every version of it, eg: miracle musical includes hawaii part ii, hawaii partii, variations on a cloud etc
reblog for bigger sample size :3
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Cutting Room Throwdown - Series Prelim - Pokemon
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Propaganda/Additional info below:
Rinrin: Rinrin (And by extent it's evolution Berunrun) were some very cute Pokémon, and had no reason to be cut from the games other than overcrowding the dex. It would be another dark type cat, yes, but who would be mad at that? Rinrin needs justice!
Sugomori-Style recreations done by Rachel Briggs. (https://www.deviantart.com/racieb)
The top 2 will advance to the proper tournament alongside Kotora/Raitora.
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doyouknowthisanime · 19 days
Do You Know This Anime?
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demoisverysexy · 1 year
Question for my followers
Very curious to get your takes on my takes
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embersofhope-if · 11 months
i have bad news
BUT i also have good news
demo is coming friday its just going to be a lot shorter than i wanted☹️
longer explanation under the cut for those who are curious🫶🫶
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firstly, im so sorry for disappearing. i didn't realize how long I've been gone until I saw just now that the last thing I've posted was on October 17th
But i am back now, and that's all that matters (please agree). Demo is coming Friday, November 17th, but like i said before, it's going to be far shorter than i wanted. I had originally planned to post the first two or three chapters as a little treat since this blog hit 1k followers but last night my laptop decided to refuse to accept my password forcing me to hard reset and wipe it and i lost ALL of the work i had on both embers of hope and shadows of the gun☹️(i was in genuine tears im ngl)
So! The demo will only be the prologue, but i assure you i am working to get back to where i was before. I'll stop myself here before i start rambling. Anyways, I love you and have missed you guys. Feel free to send in any ask if you have any questions or thoughts (or just say hi. ive missed talking to you guys)💞💞
I've also maybe written the start of that shadowhunter/vampire game i was talking about a while ago, and i may or may not be making a blog for it rn. if anyone is interested im 100% willing to answer any questions abt it too🤭
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theoperativeif · 2 months
Feel free to let me know why! <3
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redspringstudio · 1 year
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dragonedged-if · 1 year
Chapter 1 launch.
Heyo, just dropping to say that the Chapter 1 has dropped and you can play it here.
So what to expect?
A semi-clunky complete stat bar(still in the works) with a detailed explanation of the stats and scenario examples in them.
Ride through the forest, picking who will you accompany.
Pick your weapon and gain a little boost on two stats(Don't worry there will more time in the future to train)
And more.
Also I want to thank @apollo-gate for helping me code my story, you should check their story, the RO's a plenty and each single one of them are wonderful. My advice date the one with huge and multiple red flags in them ;)
If you found bugs or errors SC them and I will try my best to fix it ASAP. Plus send me an ask if you have one :)
Word count with codes included: 124820
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