#demons story
whumpinthepot · 11 months
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@figuwhump day 22 - Demon again!
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Name Meanings: Multiple Perspective Characters
Inspired by this.
Jonas, Ronan and Zinnia from my Experiment Story; Jamie-Leigh from my Demons Story; Kiri and Charlotte 'Lotty' from my Mediums Story; Princess Michelle 'Chelle' Zoya Ivanov and Guard Ross Edwin from my Pirates Story; Campbell 'Cammie' Morgan and Joseph 'Seph' Florence from my Haunted Maze Story.
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Demons Story Introduction
University was meant to be one big adventure for Jamie-Leigh and best friend Tony; a stepping stone on the way to adulthood that school had made such a big thing about. It was a chance to explore somewhere new, to learn some life lessons with the partial buffer of being students before they fully released themselves into the world. What neither of them had expected to face, however, was murder. Murder that calls into question every person they come across, and uncovers truths they never could have imagined about the world around them.
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s0fter-sin · 2 months
people are acting like we’re saying creators shouldn’t be paid for their work; they absolutely should. and watcher already is. they have a patreon, they get sponsors, their videos regularly get millions of views which gives them ad revenue, they sell merch; they are getting paid. feeling indignant and disappointed that they’re asking us to pay for content we were already getting for free isn’t entitlement, it’s expected. ​they wanted to make bigger produced shows and now their budget can’t sustain it, that’s not on the viewer to make up for
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prokopetz · 2 months
My knowledge of superhero comics isn't deep so much as it is frustratingly eclectic. Like, I might well completely fail to recognise a character who's been a regular member of the X-Men for thirty years, but if you need somebody to explain from unprompted memory the complete plot of Spanner's Galaxy, I'm your guy.
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matt-w-blogging · 1 year
Broke: Good Omens isn't a gay love story because Crowley and Aziraphale aren't in love
Woke: Good Omens is a gay love story because Crowley and Aziraphale are in love
Bespoke: Whether Good Omens is a gay love story or not is debatable; it is, however, undeniably a story of the love between Crowley and Aziraphale (whatever type of love that may be)
Neil Gaiman: Good Omens isn't a gay love story because while Crowley and Aziraphale are in love, they are not human males, they are an angel and a demon
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colourstreakgryffin · 4 months
Hiiiii can you do a jealous Alastor but not of anyone but his own shadows bc his wifey takes a liking on one of his shadows.
Oooh! I like this quite a lot! It’s very interesting and unique! Once again, beloved hubby Alastor! Another one I want to explore hubby of is Blitz. I think Blitz would make a good hubby
Alastor- Picking Favourites
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Alastor’s furious, steaming from his deer-like ears so hot that it’s basically boiling him… did somebody hurt his ego? No. Did Angel Dust sexually advance on him again? No. Did his breakfast get interrupted by the Hotel Manager? NO. Nothing has inconvenienced him but something awful has been happening, day by day, that he can barely keep his composure
Hitting your laughter directed at something else feels like a hit that would form a bruise, but knowing your laughter is directed at his mere sentient shadow basically gutted him in the stomach with a sharp butcher knife. You’re his wife, his lady, his realm, the woman he has been fawning over for so long and you’re hitting it up with his sentient silent shadow, and not him?!
Of course, Alastor’s fascinating lively shadow is just being nice to it’s master’s recently wedded wife, and is trying to get you accustom to being around so much Voodoo magic and the weirdness that is Alastor himself so it’s being all caring and leading you around, showing you items and reaching you Alastor’s favourite foods
But that doesn’t mean Alastor isn’t jealous… because he is, he’s really jealous
Whilst he reads through a interesting crime fiction novel, Alastor’s tall fluffy deer-like ears flick up at the sound of your voice. He can’t sense his voodoo-magic induced shadow, meaning that it’s wondered off to you and as he suspected, you enter your husband’s soothingly silent fireplace-warmed accompanied by Alastor’s sentient shadow. It cant really talk but it makes all kinds of humming and echoey noises. It almost seems like you understand it…
Alastor’s patience, throughout every time he hears this, has finally shattered to pieces as his claws dig into the book in his hand, snapping his fingers. The shadow directly mirroring your husband’s look, fades away into thin air as if it was a big fire and a bucket of water was dumped on the top of it, rising up into streams of smoke. It’s gone and you’re confused on why it disappeared
“Darling. Why are you getting so handsy with my friend?”
Alastor almost growls out with his deep scowl… this is possibly the first ever time you and Hell will ever see Alastor frown and frown so deeply he is… it’s kinda unnatural to look at but when Alastor willingly frowns and can’t pull himself to smile, it means he is more than pissed off… you didn’t think just being polite and going along with your husband’s voodoo magic shadow being would ever cause a problem
It’s just that Alastor’s love for you is so strong that it causes jealousy to concur and even jealousy over just some magic creating a shadowy being. Something that is sentient but mainly tied to it’s owner, to Alastor and he is jealous of his own creation
Approaching your beloved husband, the Radio Demon, you lean over, pushing back his somewhat messy crimson red bangs and kisses directly over the pale red almost bullet-sized ‘x’ on the flesh of his forehead. That ‘x’ is the biggest weak spot on Alastor, a symbol of his shame and where his pride can be hurt the most but he doesn’t mind showing off all his weaknesses and vulnerabilities to you… he had already told you about his human life
What’s one little kiss on that ‘x’ going to do?
Pulling back. It’s almost like the single kiss had melted away all his anger and Alastor is now just a soft innocent fluffy little fawn with his crimson red eyes almost sparkling at the affection. He didn’t suspect that, he suspected this’d turn into some big fight but you’re not going to argue, you’re going to explain yourself
“Alastor… Al, my love. I wasn’t replacing you with your shadow buddy. He was just trying to help me get accustom to being your wife. I’ve never been married before and being married to the Radio Demon… it’s. It requires a lot of adjusting so he was just trying to help”
Alastor couldn’t help but feel a bit bad about his half temper tantrum. Of course, why would his shadow even care about having a spouse of its own? It doesn’t, it cares about you being the best wife for its master so it’s trying to help and get you more comfortable. Yes, he is still jealous that you didn’t come to him and go to a shadow… but he does really appreciate all the effort and the wish to not rely on him in order to impress him
After taking a deep breath whilst placing his bigger clawed hand on the smaller clawed hand of yours over his cheek, gently fondling the soft skin over his face. Alastor rhythmically brushes his own fingers over the smooth skin of your hand briefly. Controlling himself, controlling his emotions and then finally saying whilst opening his eyes again to meet yours
Just… such beautiful eyes
“My dear… I appreciate the efforts but please, don’t think you can’t come to me to learn. We’re husband and wife, we work together. You don’t need to go to my friends for that advice”
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nerdpoe · 9 months
Tim gives Bernard an old puzzle box with a morbid history and ties to a few conspiracy theories as a birthday present.
Naturally he calls in a favor or two to make sure that it isn't cursed or anything before he gives it to his boyfriend.
Bernard is in love with the thing, and when he's not working or spending time with Tim he's trying to crack open the box.
That's fine, all well and good; until Bernard actually manages to open the thing.
Inside is a glowing, crystalline sphere that radiates cold.
Bernard loves it.
Tim's freaked out by it.
Bernard starts to...get weirdly obsessed with it. Treating it like it's a baby or something.
Buying a crib for it and onesies and toys and stuff.
Tim's convinced he accidentally cursed his boyfriend with some horrible demon or something that'll kill Bernard the second Tim lets his guard down or leaves him alone with it.
Then he has to leave Bernard alone with the sphere to deal with an Arkham breakout
When he come back...
The sphere is gone.
That's a baby in Bernard's arms, wearing one of the pun-onsies he'd bought for the sphere.
Or: Danny, ages ago and many dimensions away, got seriously hurt and reverted to his Core form. The damage was so severe that Clockwork warned Jazz and his friends that even once he came out of his Core form, he would most likely be a child. So Sam, Tucker, and Jazz designed a box with the help of Clockwork that would protect him until he was with people who would keep him safe. Time passed, and the box exchanged many hands, until it came into the possession of one Bernard Dowd. The One Who Proved Himself Worthy.
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weirdlookindog · 3 months
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Virgil Finlay - Burn, Witch, Burn!
(Famous Fantastic Mysteries - June 1942)
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keferon · 5 months
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………..OKAY listen I know this looks and sounds a bit weird but..like…just imagine ummm fantasy and medieval aesthetic but with robots? And like…there’s some kingdoms and wars….and knights, who’s supposed to fight evil.
And robo-demons and robo-dragons and robo-magic. You got the idea.
And in all this - Blurr is a knight who loves messing with questionable magic so one day he summons a demon. I mean. On purpose. To serve him and help him fight and stuff. He’s pretty good at forbidden dark magic and knows all he need to know to control this demon.
The thing he doesn’t know though - the creature he summoned was once a knight too. And much much more knowledgeable in dark magic than him~
Next ->
Tasty art
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whumpinthepot · 11 months
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@figuwhump 6, 7, 8 and 10!!
None of those imps are Clarence btw
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Demons Story Introduction
University was meant to be one big adventure for Jamie-Leigh and best friend Tony; a stepping stone on the way to adulthood that school had made such a big thing about. It was a chance to explore somewhere new, to learn some life lessons with the partial buffer of being students before they fully released themselves into the world. What neither of them had expected to face, however, was murder. Murder that calls into question every person they come across, and uncovers truths they never could have imagined about the world around them.
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Demons Story Perspective Character Introduction: Jamie-Leigh Zhang
Name: Jamie-Leigh Zhang
Nickname(s): Jaim
Birthday: 14th of May
Age: 18 years old
Height: 160cm / 5’2’’
Dominant Hand: Left
Occupation: University Student
Species: Human
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captainjoongki · 7 months
the fall 2023 kdrama slate be like
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magicicephoenix · 6 months
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portable son!
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umeji-imeji · 2 months
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So.......... I might have become obsessed with MDZS too I redrew my favorite book illustration, and added the color (original artwork by Marina Privalova)
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