hypfden · 1 month
I binged watched and read the entirety of delicious in dungeon in two nights. I cant wait to finally draw
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warsamongthestars · 1 month
Since we could always use more Clone stuffs, how bout I go through some clone names and we can all find (or have a nice review) of who got what name and what it means.
COMMANDER CODY The first named clone trooper, and the first unique clone onscreen as of Revenge of the Sith. So its only fitting we start with him. The name "Cody" originated as O'Cuidightheach, a gaelic name, and effectively, it means "Helpful" or "Helpful Person" Cody, out of universe, got his name based on old movies of Commando Cody--of which, Lucas was a fan of. In the extended Star Wars universe, Cody is a Republicized variant of the Mando'a word "Kote", which means Glory.
CAPTAIN REX Rex's name means "King" in latin. It can also refer to the Dinosaur, the Tyrannosaurus Rex. And it is also a common name for pet Dogs. Take that as you will.
LIEUTENANT JESSE Another shockingly ordinary name, and a Hebrew derived name. Coming from Ancient Greek of "Iessei", and then from Hebrew itself "Yishai". It means "Gift of God" or "God Exists" But more than likely, given that such historic-terminology does not exist in Star Wars. LT Jesse's name is more likely derived from the idiom "Give someone a Jesse"... Which means to give them a scolding or a beating.
KIX I've discussed Kix before, but I might as well do it again for posterity. Kix, is derived from Kex, the archaic english term for the plant "Hemlock". TBB fans, go wild.
HARDCASE You might assume this means that this someone who is hard-nosed and a hard nut to crack, but that isn't the case for our Hardcase. Hardcase is derived from New Zealand Slang, as An "amusing, funny, witty, or possibly strange person."
DENAL There is no specific case that I can make for Rex's early command squadmate, save that Denal is probably meant to be Denial.
BOIL While we can make jokes about the skin abrasion, it probably refers to his temper. A Boiling point, as it were.
WAXER It could be referring to someone who waxes... But, it could also refer to the term "Waxing", as it the growth of something. Given his "Glass half full" personality, perhaps its "Glass half waxing".
COMMANDER BLY The Commander of Aayla Secura's legion, and whom fired upon her during Revenge of the Sith. The term bly, a dialetcic english term, means "Likeness" or "resemblance". Means Bly literally got his name for resembling another person (Wow, no Shit). Whoever named him, basically called him the clone variant of Manny, beacuse He Man.
COMMANDER GREE Introduced in Revenge fo the Sith, as being decapitated by Yoda. While in the extended universe, he's named after animals... The term "Gree", English Obsolete, refers to either "One of a flight of steps" or "one of a stage of ranks". Dude literally got the name "Rank".
COMMANDER BACARA Introduced in Revenge of the Sith, for firing upon Kit-Mun-Di. Bacara is Romanian for Baccara, which in turn refers to Baccarat, a card game. Absolutely nobody knows where the word came from originally.
COMMANDER PONDS Retroactively intorduced in Attack of the Clones, as the Clone Commander who greets General Windu. It... It just means Pond, but pural. It probably refers to the fact that Kamino is an Ocean, and the earth's oceans are sometimes refered to as ponds in slang.
COMMANDER NEYO Revenge of the Sith. It probably is meant to mean "Neo", which means New or Young, in Ancient Greek.
COMMANDER APPO Revenge of the Sith; Marched on the Temple. Does not, in fact, outrank Rex despite himself. Appo is an obsolete english Prepostion, referring to an object as "Before", "After", "Behind" or "nearby". It derives from Latin, "Apud", which means "in the presence of" or "among" (AMOGUS?)
COMMANDER THORN Named after Thor, from Marvel. There's even an old english letter called Thorn.
COMMANDO GREGOR The name Gregor, means "Watchful" or "alert". Which, given his character, is quite ironic.
CAPTAIN HOWZER I am unable to find that name specifically, but I theorize its based off of "Howitzer", which is a firearm cannon There is a lot more clones, and I can't make a post of every one of them. But lemme know if you want me to find anyone else.
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Rex: As ARC troopers I expect both of you to be good role models for Torrent Squad.
Echo: Psh. Torrent is nothing like us .
Tup: Walks past with a suspicious amount of hollow droid poppers and glitter
Fives: Okay that’s on me.
Jesse to Hardcase: Someone stole your kaf ration, make them regret it.
Fives: In my defense, kaff is life.
Echo: Well clearly they got nothing from me!
Denal: Echo, hypothetically, let’s say you needed to dispose of...incriminating data from The Senate database, how would you do it without notifying Corrie Guards
Rex: quirks eyebrow at Echo and Fives 
Echo: We’ve created monsters
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moxie-girl · 1 month
501st(+extra) Mando'a names! (Rex + Appo are here)
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same as the last one, green names are canon from the Mando'a dictionary, yellow could probably be canon, orange is a little messy and red is mostly made-up combinations that are a little so-so
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and like last time, I'm taking suggestions for better names if y'all have any!
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mwolf0epsilon · 10 months
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zealfruity · 5 months
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So anyone remember when I drew faces for the clones we don’t know the faces of?
Gave Hound the Wolverine Hair and some neat piercings. I have specific reasons for a lot of the design choices here so if you want details, ask :))
Anyway I remade them because I’ve improved a lot and the designs have changed. They’re all so girliepop. Added Corrie!Dogma and my own headcanons relating to that (basically:
He was supposed to be reconditioned since he was a model soldier beforehand but it didnt work perfectly, which is why he has more than just the temple scars. the only thing he can remember about his name is that theres "dog" in it and he has the self hating belief that hes just a dog of the republic not worth much just smth to be pointed at so he can bite so hes like "oh of course thats my name" and he cant remember Umbara super well but he can remember that he betrayed brothers and that he betrayed the republic by killing a jedi and he doesnt know why he did any of it. he doesnt know why hes so lonely even though now he has a bunch of Corrie vode around (hes missing his bff twin bro Tup). "Dog" is part of Hound's team so he gets to work with the dog creatures. Yes this is silly. Yes Hound is absolutely delighted. Yes most of the rest of the k9 arf trooper unit ARE named canine related names and yes they know their unit name is also silly. Dogma in s3 when??
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hetalianskywalker · 2 months
Mermay 2024 Masterlist
Hello! Welcome to my Star Wars Clones (and their Prime) x Reader Mermaid AU!
So over the past few years, the clone troopers, in all shapes and forms, have meant a lot to me. I started writing on tumblr about half a year ago now and I just got into a graduate program. So I’m probably gonna drop off the face of the earth in a few months.
I wanted to take part in one of these month long fandom events before I left so Mermay seemed like a good fit to me. I went around tumblr and found prompts that inspired me and I thought went with each character.
Thank you for reading!
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Day 1: The Courtyard - Mer Rex x Harpy Reader
Day 2: The Bakery - Mer Jesse x Reader
Day 3: Black Pearls - Siren Kix x Reader
Day 4: The Lobster- Mer Hardcase x Reader
Day 5: Two Siren Songs - Siren Fives x Siren Reader
Day 6: Sown Together - Selkie Echo x Mer Reader
Day 7: Scavenged - Mer Denal x Reader
Day 8: Choosing to Help- Mer Vaughn x Jedi Reader
Day 9: A Heart Fish- Mer Cody x Reader
Day 10: My Dream- Mer Gregor x Pirate Reader
Day 11: To Swim With A Siren- Siren Waxer x Pirate Reader
Day 12: Hold On- Mer Boil x Reader
Day 13: Hasn’t Changed - Mer Wolffe x Reader
Day 14: Trapped in the Lake - Mer Boost x Reader
Day 15: Stuck - Mer Sinker x Reader
Day 16: The Forgetful Selkie- Selkie Fox x Fae Queen Reader
Day 17: Here - Siren Thorn x Pirate Reader
Day 18: Just the Beginning - Selkie Thire x Reader
Day 19: Excitement - Mer Stone x Thief Reader
Day 20: Stargazing - Mer Hound x Nightsister Reader
Day 21: Get On With It - Siren Hunter x Doctor Reader
Day 22: Fishing for a Merman - Mer Howzer x Twi’lek Reader
Day 23: Understatement - Mer Mayday x Ice Dragon Reader
Day 24: Stories- Mer Slip x Mer Reader
Day 25: Sea Caves - Siren Fireball x Reader
Day 26: Sea Glass - Mer Nemec x Reader
Day 27: Actions- Selkie Samson x Jedi Reader
Day 28: The Sea Alor - Sea Alor Mer Jango x Harpy Reader
Day 29: The Heir - Mer Boba Fett x Kiffar Reader
Day 30: The Wait - Mer Fordo x Goddess Reader
Day 31: The Bet - Mer Alpha 17 x Sea Dragon Reader
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I brought my box of action figures home from my parents’ house this week.
My sweet wife then got out her little Christmas trees.
What happened next is entirely on her.
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anstarwar · 1 year
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Unexpected survivors Denal and Koho returning (late) after escaping (last minute) from Cad Bane’s ship in “Cargo of Doom.” A little beat up from their fight with Cad and that pesky ship explosion, but they got spirit, and didn’t die turns out!
Also Koho took a trophy in the form of Cad Bane’s hat, he thought Denal should wear it
Rare clone request from @shadowlight17
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clonememesfrikyeah · 1 year
The supply list Rex keeps in the barracks for anyone to write on:
Ration bar type #A8
Coffee grounds
Black pepper
12 Kilos of bananas
Whipped burrata cheese (please Rex we’re tired of granola bars it’s been months, pretty please! :( ~Fives)
Respirator masks
All bug away bug spray
Antiseptic cream
Bunion cream (there’s been an outbreak of athletes foot again thanks to Hardcase showering without flip flops)
Ratchet straps (you know who These are for you son of a bitch you’ve been dodging your physical for a month now)
Bacta spray
Toilet paper
Forceps (Hardcase keeps getting foreign objects lodged in him)
An ass load of anesthesia (Hardcase doesn’t stay asleep or keep still during surgery)
50lbs of C4
Spark plugs
Bath bombs
Turbine fan (I swear this is all for explosive technicians I’m not doing anything suspicious this time)
Drain fluid
Gender fluid
Wiper fluid
Spinal fluid
Denal was here
Little water fountain that plays soothing music and glows (for Dogmas anxiety ;) )
Hair ties
Shaving cream
Monistat 7
Stickey notes
Crystal meth
Peach tea mix
Strawberry jam
1,000,000 dollars
Canned baked beans
Giant orbeez
Hair gel
Shoe inserts
Tomato plants
Feather duster
100 50,000 thread count satin blankets
Shoe oder powder
Pink dye
Space Rachel Ray’s cook book
Potato chips
Metamorphic rocks
A big ass junk yard magnet
Carbon fiber weave cables
Heat treatable silver clay
Grade C gas cartridges
.16 mil washers
Blaster cleaner spray
Wine coolers
Margarita mix
Neon fluorescent 18’ light bulbs
Copper wire
Type #2125 breaker board
R2 circuit boards
Deep freeze refrigerator
Fire extinguisher foam refills
Shower caps
Back scratchers
Mouth guards
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hypfden · 3 months
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Hypf.den here, :3
Welcome, please refer to me as either den or h-dawg. (Any pronouns)
I am an artist and still academically studying !!there will be droughts of content but fear not I somehow always return to voltron.
Boundries———— below !
Any questions just ask me and I’ll answer in like…2 days
- ask me to draw things, share any ideas or anything about anything voltron related (or art related) since this is mostly a voltron centered blog.
I WILL BRANCH OUT INTO MORE FANDOMS ( ex: ATLA, Witch Hat Atelier, MHA?, inuyahsa…)
-you can use any art here that i post as inspiration as long as you tag me in it (so i can see it and read it ) this also goes for using my art as a profile pics just refer to me (i like being credited :3
-share headcannons plz im unoriginal!!!
- rebloging is essential and i like seeing the tags yall use its so funny and cute
Dont’s :
- plz do not be creepy. Dont like try to find me irl or something. By this point we should know not to do that
-no ship wars . This blog is just a dump for my voltron art collection; mostly klance
- i dont draw nsfw, dont expect it. Dont ask for it either. Ill make a separate blog for it IF i get the chance to. Im fine with insinuating but not outright *BLAM* yk. I have enough class to put it separately okay… yall get the fluff, angst, and dirty not the raunchy.
- i do not do commissions unless stated so but i do take requests. Dont pay me. I live free and in the wild
Commission status: none
Requests status: taking and reading fanfics
Boundries : complete (ish)
Good day. Kick ig.
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warsamongthestars · 1 month
No cap, how many folks know who Denal was?
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Early Clone Wars clone-trooper, Denal was one of the few we saw on screen that had unique paint and wasn't an officer.
In fact, we could definitely say that he was apart of Captain Rex's personal squad (which would later have Jesse, Kix and Hardcase), as he kept showing up in scenes primarily containing Rex, and was often the only CT with paint (indicating a sense of either importance, or to draw the audience's attention.)
Denal had a hair-trigger finger, could fight in zero gravity, and only died when he had the misfortune of running into Cad Bane.
I don't see much of Denal around the fanbase so--hey, here's a trooper worth looking into.
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aldrendaux · 7 months
Chapters: 25/25 Fandom: Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008) - All Media Types, Star Wars Prequel Trilogy Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Kix/Keeping everyone safe Characters: CT-6116 | Kix, Denal (Star Wars), CT-21-0408 | Echo, CT-27-5555 | Fives | ARC-5555, Hardcase (Star Wars), CT-7567 | Rex, Ahsoka Tano, CC-1119 | Appo, CT-5385 | Tup, Chopper of Kamino, Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Clone Troopers (Star Wars), CT-5597 | Jesse Additional Tags: Fake Medicine, Fake Science, Fluff, Team as Family, CT-6116 | Kix is So Done, BAMF Clone Troopers (Star Wars), Clone Trooper Culture (Star Wars), Clone Troopers Deserve Better (Star Wars), Clone Troopers Speak Mando'a (Star Wars), Minor Injuries, Kix Just Wants to Take Care of His Idiot Brothers, Bacta Fixes Everything, Seriously Fake Medicine, More About Mental Health, CT-6116 | Kix is a Good Bro Series: Part 1 of Medic's Honor Summary:
Clone medic Kix takes his job very seriously. Too bad no one else does. Series of lightly connected one-shots about poor Kix trying to help his brothers. Fake medicine galore. A couple of chapters might be a little intense for people who are very squeamish, but I'll try to give warnings before any of those. Weekly updates! (Cross-posted on ffn.net and Tumblr)
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lifeofclonewars · 5 months
Things my phone has tried to change Denal to:
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mwolf0epsilon · 1 month
Flat Frogma Friday - 67
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More 501st (and 332nd Company) Froggies!
I admit the Frog-O-First was a little incomplete without these four background froggies, so have Appo the Blue Poison Dart Frog, Denal the Amazon Milk Frog, Nax the Argentine Horned Frog and Vaughn the Harlequin Frog!
— ☕️ Ko-fi | 🧡Commissions
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wanderinginksplot · 11 months
Now Boarding
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A series of interconnected fics pairing the reader with different members of the 501st! This was written as a celebration of my awesome readers! Enjoy!
Now Boarding Intro - No warnings
Artist’s Eye (Count + Denal) - Warnings for teasing and mild harassment
A Bug in the System (Bug + Hardcase) - Warnings for mild injury, blood, and medical treatment
Pain Patch (Patch + Kix) - Warnings for mild injuries, blood, medical treatment, and arguments
You Catch More Fives with Honey than Vinegar (Honey + Fives) - Warnings for flirtation, medical treatment, and light angst
A Helping Hand (Helper + Jesse) - Warnings for mentions of blood, mild bullying, light angst, and alcohol use
Hunger (Greens + Tup) - Warnings for unrealistic medical treatment, mild bullying, and mentions of PTSD and nightmares
An Echo Through the Ages (Eon + Echo) - Warnings for light stalking, description of a canon-typical violent situation (includes a crowd and a near crushing), spoilers for TCW S1:E5 - Rookies
Chasing a Shadow (Shadow + Rex) - Warnings for awkwardness, mentions of blood, and discussions of stress
Now Boarding Epilogue - Warnings for vague mentions of PTSD, threats, and implied sexual relationships
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