#comander bly
kaya-w-art · 3 months
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Mi first time using this app... I love this ship so I hope you all like it.
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warsamongthestars · 4 months
Since we could always use more Clone stuffs, how bout I go through some clone names and we can all find (or have a nice review) of who got what name and what it means.
COMMANDER CODY The first named clone trooper, and the first unique clone onscreen as of Revenge of the Sith. So its only fitting we start with him. The name "Cody" originated as O'Cuidightheach, a gaelic name, and effectively, it means "Helpful" or "Helpful Person" Cody, out of universe, got his name based on old movies of Commando Cody--of which, Lucas was a fan of. In the extended Star Wars universe, Cody is a Republicized variant of the Mando'a word "Kote", which means Glory.
CAPTAIN REX Rex's name means "King" in latin. It can also refer to the Dinosaur, the Tyrannosaurus Rex. And it is also a common name for pet Dogs. Take that as you will.
LIEUTENANT JESSE Another shockingly ordinary name, and a Hebrew derived name. Coming from Ancient Greek of "Iessei", and then from Hebrew itself "Yishai". It means "Gift of God" or "God Exists" But more than likely, given that such historic-terminology does not exist in Star Wars. LT Jesse's name is more likely derived from the idiom "Give someone a Jesse"... Which means to give them a scolding or a beating.
KIX I've discussed Kix before, but I might as well do it again for posterity. Kix, is derived from Kex, the archaic english term for the plant "Hemlock". TBB fans, go wild.
HARDCASE You might assume this means that this someone who is hard-nosed and a hard nut to crack, but that isn't the case for our Hardcase. Hardcase is derived from New Zealand Slang, as An "amusing, funny, witty, or possibly strange person."
DENAL There is no specific case that I can make for Rex's early command squadmate, save that Denal is probably meant to be Denial.
BOIL While we can make jokes about the skin abrasion, it probably refers to his temper. A Boiling point, as it were.
WAXER It could be referring to someone who waxes... But, it could also refer to the term "Waxing", as it the growth of something. Given his "Glass half full" personality, perhaps its "Glass half waxing".
COMMANDER BLY The Commander of Aayla Secura's legion, and whom fired upon her during Revenge of the Sith. The term bly, a dialetcic english term, means "Likeness" or "resemblance". Means Bly literally got his name for resembling another person (Wow, no Shit). Whoever named him, basically called him the clone variant of Manny, beacuse He Man.
COMMANDER GREE Introduced in Revenge fo the Sith, as being decapitated by Yoda. While in the extended universe, he's named after animals... The term "Gree", English Obsolete, refers to either "One of a flight of steps" or "one of a stage of ranks". Dude literally got the name "Rank".
COMMANDER BACARA Introduced in Revenge of the Sith, for firing upon Kit-Mun-Di. Bacara is Romanian for Baccara, which in turn refers to Baccarat, a card game. Absolutely nobody knows where the word came from originally.
COMMANDER PONDS Retroactively intorduced in Attack of the Clones, as the Clone Commander who greets General Windu. It... It just means Pond, but pural. It probably refers to the fact that Kamino is an Ocean, and the earth's oceans are sometimes refered to as ponds in slang.
COMMANDER NEYO Revenge of the Sith. It probably is meant to mean "Neo", which means New or Young, in Ancient Greek.
COMMANDER APPO Revenge of the Sith; Marched on the Temple. Does not, in fact, outrank Rex despite himself. Appo is an obsolete english Prepostion, referring to an object as "Before", "After", "Behind" or "nearby". It derives from Latin, "Apud", which means "in the presence of" or "among" (AMOGUS?)
COMMANDER THORN Named after Thor, from Marvel. There's even an old english letter called Thorn.
COMMANDO GREGOR The name Gregor, means "Watchful" or "alert". Which, given his character, is quite ironic.
CAPTAIN HOWZER I am unable to find that name specifically, but I theorize its based off of "Howitzer", which is a firearm cannon There is a lot more clones, and I can't make a post of every one of them. But lemme know if you want me to find anyone else.
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cupcake-hearts · 2 years
Not to be weird, but why are clones always just assumed to be good in bed? I know for a fact the kaminoans didn't care to teach them about sex ed, and most have never talked to a female, let alone human girl.
I'm not saying they would never be good in bed, but where are the fics of them trying to figure it out. I feel like they would know less about a woman's anatomy than most men.
Like I get it. It's not sexy, but do you really expect a guy with no experience to just be great?
What I'm saying is, I want them to suck. I want a fic where a clone is absolutely horrible in bed but the person they're with is like, "No, its ok. You actually did good for your first time."
It would be more fluff than smut, but damn it, I want it!
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totes-tubulardude · 1 year
First Trial
Part two of the size shifter trooper au!
One of the most important lessons any clone learned from growing up was how to survive.
The long necks were always watching them for a moment where they’d slip up, to show a sign that they were in the slightest bit defective and needed to be decommissioned to ensure perfection for their buyers. The Mandalorian trainers were less predictable. Some seemed to like the clones a lot, seeing them as actual people instead of products. Others saw them as the latter. CC-1010 and his brothers learned to watch out for those ones. 
They especially learned to watch out for those ones when their specific genetic mutation began to show. 
He and his batchmates spent many days strapped to tables as the kaminoans ran tests and injected them with strange substances that made his limbs burn. 
It had all started one day during a particularly nasty storm swell. The wind was howling loud enough that they could hear it through the walls of Tipoca City and the rain pelted down hard enough that CC-1010 thought there would be dents in the wells afterward. He’d been followed Alpha-17 through the halls, his brothers in a single-file line behind him as they made their way to the training rooms. They always preferred the days that the alphas trained them. 
Sure they were scary and sure they pushed them so hard that CC-5052 had thrown up on Alpha-17’s feet after a conditioning day, but they did it in a way that was unlike the Mandalorian trainers. They treated the younger clones like family, aliit, because at the end of the day, they were clones too. 
They’d been right by the windows when there’d been a particularly bright flash of lightning, likely redirected right off the roof of the building, followed by a clap of thunder loud enough to shake the building. CC-1010 hadn’t been able to stop his jerk reaction to jump and duck, hearing similar shouts from behind him. 
There was also the strange sound of ripping fabric that came from somewhere near him but he wasn’t sure where. 
When the shaking finally stopped CC-1010 quickly straightened back up and immediately realized that something was wrong. The floor was further away than it had been, his body ached like he’d been pulled in every direction, and he was now eye to eye with Alpha-17. The older clone looked about as surprised as he was upon this realization considering that just a moment earlier he’d only been about hip height. 
“What the-?” CC-1010 stumbled backward, tripping over too-small boots.
He looked down at himself to realize that the sound from earlier was from his own clothing. His cadet uniform now hung in tatters from where his body had outgrown them. He glanced around to see the rest of his batch staring up at him in shock. 
He tripped over himself again and landed on his butt. The air was knocked out of him and suddenly he felt a strange tingling sensation over his whole body. His head spun and CC-1010 closed his eyes to fight off a wave of nausea. 
When he opened them again, his batchmates and Alpha-17 were kneeling on the floor around him. He could see a few Kaminoan’s heading their way as well while others tried to usher other groups of clone cadets out of the way.
“You alright 1010?” Alpha asked cautiously, placing a large hand on his once again narrow shoulder.
CC-1010 opened his mouth to answer before his eyes rolled back into his skull and he passed out.
CC-1010 -> Fox; CC-5052 -> Bly
Mando'a: aliit: family
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clover-hoe · 21 days
I need to work on any of my other wip's but burnouts a bitch so here is a little au for ya! (long post!)
This is a mainly rex's POV story, starting when they are about 7(rex) and 8(CC's)
7567 looked up in horror as the CC held his hand out. He had heard story's of his fellow CT's, ones that lost these specific sparing match's. His batch was chosen to partake in one, with a CC batch no less. He took the others hand, one who was about half a year older than himself.
"I'm 2224. But my name-" he dropped his voice- "is Cody. You did real good there, vod. You got a number?" 2224/Cody finished in his cheery voice as he ignored 7567's tag for the time. -The blonde- looked up at him with awe as he was pulled up. One of the other CC's -CC-3636, by the identification tag- the one fighting 7562, came over with a sour expression.
"What where you thinking vod? Want to get us all killed?" 3636 said, glaring at 7567.
"No! I think there is something different bout this one. He fights better than the rest. I want to train him- but I don't know is the kaminise will let me." The door slid open as 2224/Cody spoke, and all of the CC's went in line with Cody and his batch went in line with 7560. He, however, was pulled in line with Cody, making him seem like, with just a glance, a CC.
"Batch 7560 to 7569, please follow me." Koi-Ren stated in a slow and cold voice, and his brothers marched out with her. he tried to aslwell, but 2224's grip remained firm.
"Miss Ren, I would like to take-" 2224' looked down at his tag; "CT-7567 in for personal training. He lasted longer than the others, and it would be benifitial for the comander class to have a regular trooper with us, to see how they react to our techniques." The other CC's looked at 2224 in a mix of awe from -Bly- and 1010, horror from 3636 and annoyance from 6454.
Koi-Ren's face fell downwards as she considered it. "Very well." She said after a moment. "But you must come with them, CC-2224. I will need your help training this batch. They are- particularly hard to train." She -seethed- at them, before her face went to stone and she motioned for -Cody-. He secretly patted 7567 on the back, before taking off after the kaminoan.
The next time 7567 saw 2224 was when the gorup of CC's and himself where ushered into a room with eight Kaminoians.
"Test run is about to begin. First run of model sixteen, beginning." A voice on the loudspeaker said, while a cadet-sized table lifted, with 2224 strapped to it. He wasn't moving -was he already dead, did the long necks kill him, CODY- as one of the kaminoians pressed a button, bright bolts of electricity running to the cap 2224 wore.
(Eventually, the kaminoans would have a simpler process- put the closes together in a room, and allow the current to roam in the room.)
2224 jerked for a moment, before another of the kaminoans pulled a lever and the current stopped. Three more went into the room, and another checked a small screen on them. The five clones looked on in terror as the last kaminoian announced-
"His vitals are strong. You did it, Doctor. You have perfected the Recommissioning machine."
"Very well done, Lein- Ki. I am glad we can stop wasting such valuable product on this little project of yours." Lama-Su said, eyes full of joy. Rex looked at the CC's who where all fixated on -Cody-. He was being taken out of the machine, woozy for a moment before falling into perfect attention stance. One of the -long necks- said something, and he marched out of the room.
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mourningmoon2 · 3 years
Hi yes I'd just like to say that the clones have 100% sang this song before with each other
(111) The Greatest Showman Cast - This Is Me (Official Lyric Video) - YouTube
and that's the tea
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mrfandomwars · 4 years
Story Summaries:
Quinlan tells his boyfriend brothers to tone it down on the notifications, unknowingly setting off a series of events that save the galaxy.
I hope that you like it!
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stefiniaqueen · 4 years
Star Wars ChatFic Chapter Three
Froggo: also, I saw Fox earlier. Is he okay?
Foxy Foxy: I have never been better. Iam abdilutily Fine;;;;;;;;;
Bly Bly Butterfly: he’s not okay is he?
T-Rex: hes not okay.
 Kote changed Foxy Foxy to Yoda Impersonator
 Yoda Impersonator: HEy whu di tou do thay?
T-Rex: how much have you had to drink Fox?
Yoda Impersonator: AN ALCOHOLIC, I AM NOT
Bly Bly Butterfly: first off, no one said that
Bly Bly Butterly: secondly. Yes, yes you are Fox
T-Rex: right that’s it. Im coming over. DO. NOT. MOVE!
Yoda Impersonator: okay, fine L
Yoda Impersonator:
Yoda Impersonator: .
Froggo: uh, okay…?
 REXtra: I need to make a visit to see Fox.
REXtra: please behave. If you cant behave be careful and for the love of the maker don’t get caught doing anything you shouldn’t be doing
Tupperware: yes sir
CaptainObvious: cool. Question, does that apply to the general and the commander to?
REXtra: yes it does
PartyPooper: sir yes sir
SQUIRRLE: we can do anything we want if we don’t get caught
REXtra: im going to pretend I didn’t see that Hardcase
Rex’s Favourite: good luck sir
parSNIPS: is there any reason in particular that youre going to see Fox?
parSNIPS: anything I can help with?
Dumbass: yeah, sure. Then you can go out for a few drinks together, get drunk and confess your undying love for each other
parSNIPS: …
REXtra: I would never do something like its against regs and the jedi code and it would put both of us in trouble if we where caught not that its to say I don’t like Ahsoka I do shes  kind and funny and beautiful and smart and strong and beautiful and shes got really soft beautiful skin and shes beautiful and
REXtra: im leaving now
parSNIPS: um…okay…thank you?
SQUIRRLE: hey, since the captains gone. Do you guys wanna play truth or dare
PartyPooper: absolutely not
Skyguy: yep, im down for that!
Skyguy: this is gonna be sooooooooooo fun
Rex’s Favourite: so immature. But do you know what, im feeling dangerous today. I’ll play
Dumbass: count me IN
CaptainObvious: heck yeah!
Tupperware: um… okay. I guess I’ll play too…
PumpedUpKix: ah, what the hell. Might as well
Skyguy: Snips?
Skyguy: are you playing?
Skyguy: @parSNIPS ?
parSNIPS: ugh, fine I’ll play
Skyguy: yay! I’ll go first
Skyguy: Hardcase. Truth or dare
Skyguy: I dare you to go up to the jedi temple, find Obi-Wan and pester him about Cody
  SQUIRRLE: that was easy
Skyguy: what did he do?
SQUIRRLE: his face went red and he kept walking away from me
SQUIRRLE: eventually I got bored and left
SQUIRRLE: Jesse. Truth or dare
CaptainObvious: truth
SQUIRRLE: is it true that when we were cadets you used spend almost every night in the bed as Kix because you were afraid of the dark
CaptainObvious: you know the answer to that, you were there!
SQUIRRLE: I know, but I want everyone else to know too
CaptainObvious: yes, okay. Its true, whatever.
CaptainObvious: general, truth or dare
Skyguy: dare
CaptainObvious: I dare you to shave your hair
Skyguy: okay. Consider it done
Skyguy: Fives truth or dare
Dumbass: dare
Skyguy: I dare you to break into the wolfpacks barracks and steel Wolffe’s spare eye
Dumbass: weird but I’ll do it
Rex’s Favourite: youre gonna die if you get caught
Skyguy: oh, and paint ‘woof woof’ on the wall above his bed in that blue paint you use to decorate your armour with
PumpedUpKix: great now we’re all gonna die
SQUIRRLE: death by wolfpack hahahhahhahaha
PartyPooper: I don’t know why you’re laughing, you’re going to die as well dumbass
 CaptainObvious changed SQUIRRLE to Dumbass2
 Skyguy: so…
Skyguy: are you gonna do it?
Dumbass: might as well
Dumbass: it’ll be fun
PumpedUpKix: if he beats you, I will not patch you up. I will not even let you anywhere near the things you need to patch yourself up.
Dumbass: Fair
Rex’s Favourite: fair
Tupperware: fair
Skyguy: fair
Dumbass2: fair
CaptainObvious: Fair
parSNIPS: fair
The Ferrell One: REX!
The Ferrell One: the next time I see your men, they’re dead!
Froggo: what did they do this time?
The Ferrell One: they stole my spare eye and painted ‘woof woof’ a wall in my room
Bly Bly Butterfly: hahahahhahahah they got you good
Bly Bly Butterfly: one of you remind me I have to congratulate them when I next see them
Froggo: @T-Rex @Yoda Impersonator
Froggo: you guys still alive?
Yoda Impersonator: yish. Fine is we
Bly Bly Butterfly: you were supposed to stop him, not join him you di’kut
T-Rex: oh well
The Ferrell One: your men are so childish
T-Rex: a( not new NEWws, 2( why did they do this Time?
Froggo: read the chat Rex’ika
T-Rex: oh, thry ifd that huh
T-Rex: fair enough
 Dumbass: I did it!
REXtra: Woofle said he gonna die you with his pew pew thingy
Dumbass: uh, captain.
Dumbass: are okay?
REXtra: went yo StOP.
REXtra: foxy dwinking bad tings
CaptainObvious: that explains a lot
REXtra: anD I THOUght I Tolf YOU NOt to get caught
Dumbass: eh oh well
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Star Wars Clone Wars meets Hollow Knight
I think I’ll call this AU... ... No Vod to Cry Suffering.
Vod is mando for Brother (Or sister, or comrade, or close friend-- Point is, its Brother here).
The line? ... Well, that’s from Hollow Knight. You know the one.
ID time: - Blue dude is Rex (Anakin’s Captain) - Orange dude is Cody (Kenobi’s Commander) - Red is Fox (Senate Guard. Yes. That one.) - First yellow is Gregor (you can tell by the blasted off horn) - Gray dude is Wolffe (Koon’s Comander) - Other Yellow Dude is Bly (He’s Aayla Secura’s Commander. Y’know, the one who shot her in the movie.) - Brown in the back is Ponds (Windu’s Commander) - Green is Gree (The dude who’s claim to fame is that he got decapitated by Yoda) - Waaaay in the back, Maroon, that’s Bacara (Also in the film; He blew Ki-Adi-Mundi or Tall Forehead Jedi Master man, away).
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kaya-w-art · 2 months
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It's been a long time since I brought Bly and Aayla, I really wanted to draw them again, they are my favorite ship 🫶🏼
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cupcake-hearts · 2 years
Are we sure that clone force 99 is younger than the other clones?
Hear me out.
Let's say Boba was the first clone. No alterations. Then Omega. I'm assuming they just removed the Y chromosome. (Why? Idk. See Bad Batch season 2.)
Then came the bad batchers; the first 100 clones, most with purposely altered genes. Most didn't survive the incubation process. These clones included; 99, Hunter, Wrecker, Tech, and Crosshair. Most would be sent to maintenance, with the exception of Clone Force 99, who went into some form to cryogenic hibernation after proving too hard to handle. (They were stored in Nala Se's lab, which is where Omega would have seen them.)
Next came the Alpha/ Null Arc Troopers (depending on the media). They would be a combination of what Clone Force 99 already was. They would include; Alpha 17, Fordo (Ordo), Mereel, Spar, ect.
After them were the commandos. And then the commanders and other officers. And finally all the regs.
Towards the end of the Clone Wars, the Republic realized they were extremely low on commandos. (They lost almost half of them in the first battle.) So the asked the Kaminoans for more. Unable to supply them with more on such short notice, they decided to unfreeze Clone Force 99.
(Also, I have this headcanon that the Kaminoans didn't like the clones having Mandalorian sounding names, so they added subtle changes to the documents they gave the jedi. Ordo would be Fordo. Kote would be Cody. I feel like Alpha 17 also had a Mandalorian name but he refused to be called by a name the Kaminoans gave him so he went back to Alpha 17.)
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cupcake-hearts · 2 years
Ok, just imagine this... Clone simps in the Star Wars universe.
It starts out small, just someone making a comment on Space-tagram, wondering what the troopers look like without helmets.
This is followed up by the op with a picture of one of the Corrie Guards without his helmet on, and a comment reading "oh no he's hot!"
(Yes star wars has their version of sponge bob.)
The picture floats around the internet and soon there's a few fan accounts dedicated to finding out more about this mysterious, and good-looking army of men, who showed up basically out of nowhere. (You know, for the fans people)
Months go by, and people start to figure out their names and numbers.
Commanders and commandos are usually the favorites, but Captains Rex, Howzer, and Keeli have become quite popular, as well as some of the arc troopers.
The Jedi council and senate are aware of what's going on but they see it as harmless.
In fact its the only positive publicity that the clones get thats not from the government.
-and then shit gets crazy.
Someone manages to get a picture of Aayla and Bly standing a little to close to one another.
"R they dating?!" "No! Bly is mine!😠" & "They make such a cute couple" are just a few of the comments.
Another person gets a photo of Plo Koon talking to the wolf pack and posts it with the following caption-
"Oh my force! He's such a good dad. Go Wolf Pack🐺"
There's also a five second video of Cody handing Obi-Wan his lightsaber.
The clone simps loose their minds over this. You'd think that he handed him a wedding ring from the way they go on about it.
Part 2 cause I couldn't resist.
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cupcake-hearts · 2 years
Clone Simps in the Star Wars Universe Part 2
I'm glad people liked the first one so I decided to add to it. Yes the simps in this galaxy are much like the simps in our galaxy, but where's the fun if the clones don't know about it?
The council tries to keep the whole 'clone simps' on the down-low (typical government).
But the clones eventually do find out, but each battalion finds out in a different way.
Shock Troopers
Thire is tackled to the ground, and what they thought was an act of assault actually turned out to be a girl unable to express her love in a healthy way.
She even managed to yell "take me, daddy" at the guard restraining her.
Needless to say the Corrie Guards won't ever forget her.
501st (& Anakin & Ahsoka)
The 501st found out because two civilian men somehow managed to get clone trooper uniforms and sneak into their ranks.
They were being complete dumb asses at the time so Rex almost didn't notice them.
They would have gotten away with it, expect one of them sneezed and took off his helmet to clean it out.
After they were found out, they were questioned by Anakin.
Anakin is use to women fawning over him, but having two fan boys telling him how cool he is, is almost too much.
...almost too much.
After an hour of "interrogations" (most of the questions came from the fan boys) Ahsoka has to intervene.
Expect for "IT'S AHSOKA TANO!"
This goes on for a few more hours with various clone troopers coming and going.
When the day ends, they are released and told not to do it again. Because-
"How can we punish such caring and supportive citizens?"
Shipping is a thing and Cody and Obi-Wan are the last to know about it.
The rumors fly around the Negotiator.
No one knows who started them or who found out first, but they are everywhere now...
"Did you hear about the commander and the general?" "Is that allowed?" "Is it even true?"
And with little else to talk about (they have little to no social life away from eachother) the rumors only grow.
"You know, they do stand awfully close to each other." "Did you hear how he told the commander to 'take care'?" "I thought jedi couldn't be in relationships." "I heard someone say they saw Cody coming from the general's quarters the other night." "No, you're making that up." "I'm serious. I over heard it in the cafeteria."
"Well, I'm happy for them." "Yeah, I think they make a good couple." -seemed to be the final thoughts about it.
Of course, no one thought to ask either of them if it were true.
They're not dating, but Cody is a little more than mortified that his secret crush got out, and is currently all over the internet. Last time he tells Rex anything in confidence.
Obi-Wan has a completely different reaction when he comes across the ship.
"You're real name is 'Kote'?"
"Yes, sir."
"Huh. Interesting."
Any clone in steel grey is automatically howled at.
Anyone not part of the wolf pack is confused as hell.
But Commander Wolffe doesn't realize how popular he is until he gets fan mail.
He was going to throw it away, but Plo Koon stops him.
"I think you should write her back," the jedi says when he finds out the sender is only 12.
Wolffe complies but immediately regrets it when-
"Oh my force! Wolffe replies to fan mail!"
"Remember, you did the right thing, and that young lady will always look up to you," his general tells him.
Still Wolffe wishes he didn't have a 1000+ letters to respond to.
Luckily he doesn't have to answer them alone since over half of them are addressed to the Wolf Pack as a whole.
There's fanart of Aayla pegging Bly. (No, I'm dead serious. Its real and on Twitter somewhere.)
Bly spends most of his day worrying that one of his men, or worse his general, will see it.
He tells himself that if anyone sees it, he'll just deny its actually him
"We're clones. That could be anybody."
Little does he know, Aayla's already seen it.
No, she didn't screenshot it. She did.
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stefiniaqueen · 4 years
Star Wars ChatFic Chapter Two
Not Rex’s Favourite: I’m baaaaack!
SQUIRRLE: that sounded so gay in my head
SQUIRRLE: not that theres anything wrong with gay Fives
SQUIRRLE: yay! Youre still alive!
Rex’s Favourite: He nearly wasn’t tho. Captain had to practically pry Dogma off him. It was a sight to behold.
Not Rex’s Favourite: you also didn’t say I couldn’t
REXtra: I would get down there if I were you Fives. I have no control over him when he’s like this
Not Rex’s Favourite: yes sir. On my way
 REXtra changed Not Rex’s Favourite to Dumbass
 Dumbass: hey, what was that for?
REXtra: are you in the med bay yet Fives?
Dumbass: no…
REXtra: then what are you waiting you then. Get moving
    Tupperware: wow
Tupperware: I-I just I have nothing
SQUIRRLE: Tup’ika!!!!!!!!!!
Tupperware: ori’vod!!!!!!!
SQUIRRLE: can I ask you a question?
Cog: you just did ask a question vod
SQUIRRLE: I don’t like you any more Jesse
Cog: I was just saying…
 SQUIRRLE changed Cog to CaptainObvious
 CaptainObvious: HARDCASE!
Tupperware: Hardcase, what did you want to ask me?
SQUIRRLE: pwease may I do something with your hair…
SQUIRRLE: its really soft and fluffy and nice to touch and I don’t know I just really wanna braid it or brush it or something…
Tupperware: I would like that…
SQUIRRLE: I love you Tup’ika
Tupperware: love you too ori’vod
 CC-2224 created a group chat
CC-2224 changed the group chat name to Batch Plus Rex
CC-2224 added CC-3636, CC-5052, CC-1010, CC-6454, CT-7567
 CC-1010: what is the meaning of this?
CC-3636: I have no idea
CT-7567: why are you not asleep?
CC-1010: coz the chancellor cant be asked to do his own paper work. I have been trying to forge his signature for the 38 hours
CC-3636: you haven’t slept in nearly two days?
CC-1010: your one to talk, your up too
CC-3636: it’s the middle of the day where I am. Whats your excuse Rex?
CT-7567: Fives is refusing to go to the med bay and im currently distracting Jesse from attacking from attacking Hardcase while he’s braiding Tup’s hair
CC-6454: Does anyone find it ironic that Cody made this chat and he hasn’t even been on it yet
CC-6454: also can you all change your names the numbers are hurting my eyes.
CC-1010: you do it. Im busy. Surprise me
CC-36363: what he said
CC-6454: welp. You asked for it
 CC-6454 changed CC-1010 to Foxy Foxy
CC-6454 changed CC-3636 to The Ferrell One
CC-6454 changed CT-7567 to T-rex
CC-6454 changed CC-5052 to Bly Bly Butterfly
CC-6454 changed CC-2224 to Kote
Kote changed CC-6454 to Froggo
 Froggo: Hey!
The Ferrell One: that was one time
Foxy Foxy: mmmmm. You took a chunk out of a trainers arm when we were three because you didn’t want to go to sleep. You spent two hours chasing Ponds around our barracks trying to claw his eyes out because he took your “Blankie”. You kicked Cody off of your TOP bunk because he wanted to cuddle after he had a nightmare. You also bit Rex after Cody kidnapped him and you claimed it was because he needed “to be initiated” into our group. There is also that rumour going around that you bite any shiny that looks at you the wrong way.
T-Rex: so that’s what that mark was…
Bly Bly Butterfly: you don’t remember that?
Bly Bly Butterfly: you cried about it for days
Bly Bly Butterfly: you made Wolffe cry too, he was so upset at the fact that he thought he hurt you.
The Ferrell One: No fair, everyone else cried too. Sad Rex’ika is upsetting to see even now. Im like 90% sure we would ALL cry if we witnessed Rex’ika crying.
Froggo: are we gonna ignore the fact that the only activity Cody has had on this chat was to change my name to insult me?
Kote: yes, yes they are
 Dumbass: does anyone know why the captain is laughing so hard his eyes are leaking?
Dumbass: its really starting to freak me out
Rex’s Favourite: Whatever it is, Fives. Its clearly none of your business otherwise he would have told you.
General Skywalker: that’s true, but I want to know too. It is rather creepy. Ive never seen him laugh so much
Commander Tano: let him be guys. Hes as relaxed as relaxed as hes been in a while
Cog: ooooooooohhhhh
Dumbass: and you would know that how Commander?
SQUIRRLE: rexsoka?
Dumbass: yes, my vod. Rexsoka indeed
General Skywalker: Snips? Whats that?
Commander Tano: I have absolutely no idea
 General Skywalker changed Commander Tano to parSNIPS
ParSNIPS changed General Skywalker to Skyguy
 Skyguy: @REXtra are you okay over there?
parSNIPS: youre literally sitting across the room from him. Why do you need to message on here.
REXtra: yes, sir. Im okay
Skyguy: you sure. You sound like you’re dying over there
parSNIPS: rex?
ParSNIPS: Rexter, you still alive over there?
Skyguy: we wont be hearing from Rex for a while. Kix had to take him away.
Skyguy: he fell on the floor laughing and couldn’t get up because he was having trouble breathing.
Cog: okay. Now I really want to know what was so funny
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