#clone trooper names
warsamongthestars · 4 months
Since we could always use more Clone stuffs, how bout I go through some clone names and we can all find (or have a nice review) of who got what name and what it means.
COMMANDER CODY The first named clone trooper, and the first unique clone onscreen as of Revenge of the Sith. So its only fitting we start with him. The name "Cody" originated as O'Cuidightheach, a gaelic name, and effectively, it means "Helpful" or "Helpful Person" Cody, out of universe, got his name based on old movies of Commando Cody--of which, Lucas was a fan of. In the extended Star Wars universe, Cody is a Republicized variant of the Mando'a word "Kote", which means Glory.
CAPTAIN REX Rex's name means "King" in latin. It can also refer to the Dinosaur, the Tyrannosaurus Rex. And it is also a common name for pet Dogs. Take that as you will.
LIEUTENANT JESSE Another shockingly ordinary name, and a Hebrew derived name. Coming from Ancient Greek of "Iessei", and then from Hebrew itself "Yishai". It means "Gift of God" or "God Exists" But more than likely, given that such historic-terminology does not exist in Star Wars. LT Jesse's name is more likely derived from the idiom "Give someone a Jesse"... Which means to give them a scolding or a beating.
KIX I've discussed Kix before, but I might as well do it again for posterity. Kix, is derived from Kex, the archaic english term for the plant "Hemlock". TBB fans, go wild.
HARDCASE You might assume this means that this someone who is hard-nosed and a hard nut to crack, but that isn't the case for our Hardcase. Hardcase is derived from New Zealand Slang, as An "amusing, funny, witty, or possibly strange person."
DENAL There is no specific case that I can make for Rex's early command squadmate, save that Denal is probably meant to be Denial.
BOIL While we can make jokes about the skin abrasion, it probably refers to his temper. A Boiling point, as it were.
WAXER It could be referring to someone who waxes... But, it could also refer to the term "Waxing", as it the growth of something. Given his "Glass half full" personality, perhaps its "Glass half waxing".
COMMANDER BLY The Commander of Aayla Secura's legion, and whom fired upon her during Revenge of the Sith. The term bly, a dialetcic english term, means "Likeness" or "resemblance". Means Bly literally got his name for resembling another person (Wow, no Shit). Whoever named him, basically called him the clone variant of Manny, beacuse He Man.
COMMANDER GREE Introduced in Revenge fo the Sith, as being decapitated by Yoda. While in the extended universe, he's named after animals... The term "Gree", English Obsolete, refers to either "One of a flight of steps" or "one of a stage of ranks". Dude literally got the name "Rank".
COMMANDER BACARA Introduced in Revenge of the Sith, for firing upon Kit-Mun-Di. Bacara is Romanian for Baccara, which in turn refers to Baccarat, a card game. Absolutely nobody knows where the word came from originally.
COMMANDER PONDS Retroactively intorduced in Attack of the Clones, as the Clone Commander who greets General Windu. It... It just means Pond, but pural. It probably refers to the fact that Kamino is an Ocean, and the earth's oceans are sometimes refered to as ponds in slang.
COMMANDER NEYO Revenge of the Sith. It probably is meant to mean "Neo", which means New or Young, in Ancient Greek.
COMMANDER APPO Revenge of the Sith; Marched on the Temple. Does not, in fact, outrank Rex despite himself. Appo is an obsolete english Prepostion, referring to an object as "Before", "After", "Behind" or "nearby". It derives from Latin, "Apud", which means "in the presence of" or "among" (AMOGUS?)
COMMANDER THORN Named after Thor, from Marvel. There's even an old english letter called Thorn.
COMMANDO GREGOR The name Gregor, means "Watchful" or "alert". Which, given his character, is quite ironic.
CAPTAIN HOWZER I am unable to find that name specifically, but I theorize its based off of "Howitzer", which is a firearm cannon There is a lot more clones, and I can't make a post of every one of them. But lemme know if you want me to find anyone else.
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somestorythoughts · 1 year
Clone Names as True Names Idea:
Thinking about the clones as growing up in a place where they're not supposed to have individuality and thinking of a slightly shifted take on their names, where they treat them kinda like how fantasy can treat true names.
I have no idea how common that element is so for anyone who doesn't know, a True Name is a name everybody/everything has and if you know the true name of a person/thing it gives you power over them. So people practically never share their true names, to do so is an immense sign of trust. Books that use it are Earthsea, Eragon, and probably others.
For this, the clones' names don't have the same power, knowing Cody is Cody and Wolffe is Wolffe doesn't give you any way of controlling them, though there could be an AU there. But the way the clones treat their names is kind of similiar - as in they're VERY selective about who they share them with even among other clones. In this clones calling each other by their numbers, or nicknames based on numbers/traits (Fives and maybe Echo was one of a handful that took their nicknames and went 'actually I'm making this my Name'), is standard. Clones might share their names with their best friends, but they aren't going to spread it around to the other troopers. Basically, imagine all of them figured out they'd be punished for having names and decided the best way to never let the trainers/Kaminoans onto it was to tell as few people as possible. It wasn't necessarily that consciously planned out, but that's the idea.
So even clones who know each other's names don't use those names in public if there's anyone around who doesn't know that particular trooper's name, and you never use someone's name without being given permission. Which means that if you overhear a name you haven't been given, no you didn't (what's less consistent is whether troopers use other clones' names around clones that don't know, some groups do some don't and this has led to fighting when the two interact and one doesn't realize that the other sees it as 'never use my name unless it's just the 2 of us' instead of 'around close brothers who don't know is alright' - regardless none of those brothers will use someone's name without it being explicitly given). They don't insist that their names be used, because that's been dangerous for so long, but they also very much have names.
There were probably a few that sort of panicked and gave their names to their jedi or a random natborn who asked "what's your name?" just because they were so shocked. The Kaminoans and trainers use "number/designation" and as part of the "names are intensely personal" thing, the clones themselves never ask for each other's name. It's something you're given, not something you request. Instead, they say "what should I call you?" or something similar. It allows them to chose between designation and nickname, many give both. So being flat out asked "what's your name?" was so shocking that the ones that didn't freeze/stutter in shock blurted out their names.
Once the war starts the meaning of "what do I call you?" expands slightly to include "what's your rank?" So if Cody wasn't using his name he'd answer something like "Marshal Commander Twenty-Four." I'd say this doesn't help make them look like people to the skeptics in the galaxy but honestly fandom's covered discrimination despite names pretty well so I honestly doubt it'd make a significant difference. When the war ends - if we go the order 66 failed route - this question becomes part of their general culture. Regardless of whether the clones in general start sharing their names more freely or pass on the "true names and nicknames" thing to the next generation, "what do I call you?" continues to be the default question when meeting a new person.
I like to think that the Jedi are kinda weirded out by the insistence on numbers till they realize they're being given nicknames and they're like "okay I guess I can work with this" and then someone finds out that the clones do have names they keep secret and immediately tells the rest of the Temple "GUYS THEY DO HAVE NAMES THEY PUT A LOT OF THOOUGHT INTO THEIR NAMES BUT SHARING THEM IS VERY PERSONAL AND THEY KEEP THEIR NAMES VERY SECRET CAUSE KAMINO" and the Jedi are simultaneously relieved and in need of mediation to not raze Tipoca City.
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c-m-li · 2 years
Honestly one of the best things about modern AUs of star wars is seeing the increasingly desperate ways to justify the clones' weird names.
My faves so far are:
Fieval for Fives.
And Dakota for Cody bc the author just has to do something with the one normal name in the entirety of the clone troopers.
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secretly-a-trekkie · 1 month
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theyre scheming probably
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phantom-of-the-keurig · 8 months
Two clone commanders from different battalions meeting up to plan a joint operation but neither can remember the others name
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kingtuna · 4 months
a CANONICAL trans clone
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also this ties beautifully back to my post about the clones and gender
Sister's vode accepting her without a thought and the jedi encouraging her
this is so important
how come I didn't know this sooner?
this is such a huge thing, to have her canonically exist
I don't have the words
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yukipri · 1 year
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May the 4th Be With You!!!
Celebrating Clones✨
for 2023!
Can you name them all?
(from The Clone Wars, The Bad Batch, Republic Commando, Live Action, More✨)
PLEASE DO NOT REPOST, EDIT, TRANSLATE, OR OTHERWISE USE MY ART. To share, please reblog! Reblogs and comments greatly appreciated!!!
❀ You can see the rest of my art through the Masterpost pinned to the top of my blog!
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muyru-iru · 2 months
Commander Fox: I had five troopers calling themselves 'Fives' because of a supposed ARC-Trooper they look up to...and now you accuse me I should have known your Fives...please, don't you see the problem here? Captain Rex: His CT number is CT-5555 though, you wouldn't mix that up >:( Commander Fox: And? How would you know? I've got CT-0550, CT-555 the fifth, CT-555.55 etc. somewhere in some cramped backroom of a rundown space shuttle, sits CT-5555: humiliating this is...getting kidnapped. Commander Grizzer: woof
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chiliger · 6 months
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Do you think he kept anything?
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brittandbiscuits · 9 months
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C0mmissi0n for the lovely @renton6echo, first time drawing Echo in his arc armor and I had so much fun!
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varpusvaras · 9 months
Clone concept: tubie names.
It's the first name the clones get as tubies, other than their number. Most of the time it is some sort of nickname made up from their numbers, as they are too long to say. Some might keep them (like maybe Fives), most take or get another name at some point.
Tubie names are the names that only your closest brothers use as a form of endearement. Fox gets called Tennie when his brothers want to either annoy him or the situation requires emotional vulnerability.
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paperback-rascal · 4 months
Please give someone to hug Mercy? He needs a hug…
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Surprisingly enough, and utterly counterintuitively, Mercy gets more physical interaction during Clone Wars than he ever did in the Jedi Order pre-war as clone troopers wear their armors (especially helmets on which have built-in filtration/rebreathing systems) most of the time which makes Mercy less hell-bent on keeping his distance.
I assume the ask is in relation to this post of mine -> [LINK]<-
See more posts about 347th regiment here -> [LINK] <-
My fanart masterlist -> [LINK] <-
STAR WARS: The Clone Wars © George Lucas/ Dave Filoni/ LucasFilm/ Disney
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sanshinexx · 1 year
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Shenanigans with the Domino twins
(They cannot be trusted with cooking privileges)
[Prequel to this fucking disaster]
[Even more of these here]
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itzshrike · 6 months
Okay okay we already got tales of the Jedi and are getting tales of the empire but are we forgetting something? 🤨
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moriaarts · 1 month
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Alright alright I’ll give - Happy Waxer and Boil with a lil Numa bc they both got to live happily ever after and the worst they had to deal with was Numa’s teen years
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neyswxrld · 2 months
the tramp stamp
this is my prize from @isthereanechoinhere96's 400 follower celebration! i had the idea for the story, but the comic is done by her! go check her out!
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hello! i still don't know what to say! i won the customized wrecker and customized pictures at her celebration and i'm still so happy and excited about it! if you want to see more lego comics, fanart or screenshot edits, or read some amazing (echo) fics, you definitely should go and check her out!
i also have some words for you personally: i actually don't know how often i said that already, but i'm so impressed by your work with the minifigures. i always thought they were twice their size, and already was so amazed by them. but when i actually saw my wrecker, and his size, it amazed me even more! it was so nice to work with you on that, and it's so cool how you could bring my ideas to life. i can't say it often enough, but i'm so grateful for this and the whole experience, aaaah! 🥰🫶🏻
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@isthereanechoinhere96 @trixie2023 @freesia-writes
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